Spread the Truth



➡ The text discusses the concept of “exiting the matrix,” which is a metaphor for breaking free from societal programming and becoming more self-aware. It suggests that we are like antennas, receiving signals and responding accordingly. The text also talks about a “resurrection,” or a rebirth, which is compared to the sun’s cycle of death and rebirth. It suggests that we are currently in a period of awakening and cleansing, where our DNA is being activated and upgraded, and we are starting to break free from the “matrix.” The text also discusses the idea of survival, using the example of a bacteria that invades the stomach to survive, and compares this to how we are trying to survive and thrive in our own lives.
➡ The text discusses the idea of personal growth and change, comparing it to a journey of survival and resurrection. It suggests that we all have the power to improve our lives by making better choices and thinking more positively. The text also explores the idea that our interactions with nature and the world around us might change as we grow and evolve. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing and taking responsibility for our own actions and decisions, rather than blaming others or external factors.
➡ Ola, a popular figure known for her readings and podcasts, is often booked months in advance due to her popularity. Despite being busy, she tries to accommodate urgent requests. She’s planning an all-inclusive event in Norway next year, which is expected to be a small, intimate gathering. However, the number of attendees may be adjusted depending on the situation.
➡ This text talks about how our life experiences and reactions are influenced by our “code” or personal traits, which can be understood through astrology. It suggests that we often feel broken or inadequate due to negative experiences, but these feelings are part of the illusion or “matrix” we live in. The text encourages us to realize that we are not broken, but rather, we need to understand our code and not let it control our reactions. It also emphasizes the importance of self-love, self-respect, and not self-sabotaging, and suggests that understanding our astrological chart can help us manage our energy and reactions better.
➡ The text discusses the interpretation of astrological charts and how they can reveal a person’s potential. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s own chart, rather than following the paths set by others, such as parents. The text also talks about the need to control reactions to external influences, suggesting that this control can lead to personal growth and self-realization. Finally, it mentions the process of ‘deprogramming’ from societal and parental expectations, which is seen as a crucial part of personal development.
➡ The text discusses a complex interpretation of Ola’s astrological chart. It suggests that Ola’s energy is mostly in the ‘underworld’ due to her birth time, and she is destined to be a sage, sharing her wisdom. Her chart also indicates she is meant to change people’s perspectives through her voice. The text also suggests that Ola’s role is to balance scales and bring about change, using her attractiveness as a tool to draw people in and then enlighten them with her knowledge.
➡ This text talks about the role of Venus in astrology and how it influences a person’s life. It explains that Venus, which is often invisible due to its proximity to the sun, is associated with the underworld in Babylonian astrology. The text also discusses the placement of Venus in Virgo, which some see as negative, but the author argues that it’s not necessarily bad. The author believes that Venus in Virgo can be seen as a symbol of perfection and balance, and that it can help people to improve their lives.
➡ This text talks about a person’s astrological chart and how it influences their personality and life. It mentions the person’s moon position, their birth card, and how these elements relate to their intelligence, social circles, and ability to balance the world stage. The text also discusses the person’s ability to generate new ideas and their knack for communication and creation. Lastly, it touches on the person’s encounters with dominant men and how they’ve learned to handle such situations.
➡ This text talks about astrology and how it can reveal aspects of a person’s life and personality. It discusses how the sun, earth, and other planets interact and influence our lives. It also explains how a person’s astrological sign, in this case Aquarius, can indicate their interests, such as a fascination with the occult, and their potential future, like possibly starting an occult mystery school. Lastly, it mentions how certain astrological aspects can affect a person’s appearance and personality traits, using the example of the Leo sign and the Maga Nakshatra.
➡ This text talks about how astrology can reveal a lot about a person’s life and purpose. It suggests that the speaker’s astrological signs point towards a strong focus on career and leaving a legacy, rather than on relationships. The speaker’s astrological chart also suggests they need a lot of independence and space, and any potential partner would need to be unconventional and understanding of their need for freedom. The text also discusses how understanding astrology can help in relationships by allowing people to better understand each other’s needs and personalities.
➡ The text discusses the complexities of relationships, self-understanding, and astrology. It suggests that understanding your own “code” or personality traits can help you navigate life more easily. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of balancing personal time with social interactions. Lastly, they discuss how astrology can provide insights into one’s life path and purpose, and how this knowledge can be empowering and liberating.


Wax is literally returning back to yourself, removing the shackles of the matrix. It is a little bit more to explain. That’s why I talk about it for 4 hours at my webinar. But the process itself is really clear. This is the one of the ways to get out of the matrix. What is that net? It’s the programming. It is the way that we are responsive. It is that compatibility of the signal being sent and you taking an action in accordance to that signal.

Right. So the fact that this is working, you have like an antenna, you have a receiver. So very Much BAsed on that illusion of what we BUy into of what we beLieve. Yeah. So resurrection key POint. Yeah. I like the things you were talking about, how there’s this feminine aspect to get you out this dance, this dance of Shiva and Shakti, if you will. And a lot of you that are listening here have been through dark nights of the soul or baptisms of fire, whatever you want to call these kinds of things.

And I think this is the cleansing process. These are cleansing processes for you to get out of this NET. I MEAN, the egyptian book of the dead has a lot of variances in it. Talking ABOut the net, the net that surrounds the world, so to speak. And this resurrection part about it, when you look at it from a solar point of view, a celestial point of view, just you go to Christmas, and in the tropic of cancer, the sun appears to go down below the zero degree line, and then it dies.

And then its resurrection is when it starts to move one degree above the ecliptic. My great friend, SANTOS PERANCI, he’s talked ABout this, done so many lectures on this. And so this is the death of the sun. The sun dies, and then it’s reborn again. And if you take that same story of the sun’s decline down into the wintry days of December, January, this is the sun’s death, this is the dark age from a celestial point of view.

And the resurrection from the tomb is moving Outside of that. And the ecliptic obviously, would be in correlation to this Kaliyuga in a certain way to where you’re now. Okay, well, it’s time to play a different game. And now it’s time to climb out of the cellar. It’s time to be. Time to get resurrected. And I personally don’t think it’s going to be an overnight thing. It’s a gradual pull.

And we’re starting to see that now, ladies and gentlemen. We’re starting to see that. This exiting the matrix topic, it’s starting to get more clear like this podcast, and it’s been a while since I watched our last one, but this one definitely has some really good content so far, right? I think it’s going to get people’s attention where they’re going to ponder this information and like, okay, that kind of makes sense.

This sounds kind of interesting because we’re now having, I think, DNA activation upgrades. This is like I’ve been doing tarot readings on my podcast for the months, and the message from the cards have been really the same across the boards. And that is DNA activation upgrades. That’s what I have coming in for the interpretations of the cards. DNA activation upgrade. Well, what does that look like? Well, which is perfectly aligned to the agenda that they are trying to deliver, right? Which is they are going after our DNA.

What is activating the DNA right now, which is what you’re referring to, this influx of energy, because if it’s coming from the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the womb of this galaxy. So these are the original codes of creation coming in. These are the light codes, right? So the light codes are direct, impacting the DNA, activating it. I mean, come on, we don’t have any junk DNA in us, right? These are just inactive strands that are going to be activated that are slowly, slowly sort of waking up.

So what’s the agenda? Right? What’s the antidote from their side? Oh, let’s use injections that are directly aiming at the DNA, right? These are DNA altering injections. To do what? Well, probably to stop that process, to probably cause certain changes to that DNA. So that when this energy, this influx comes in, and it has been going on for years, but there is a certain sort of level of culmination here, your DNA is unable to literally sort of act upon it, right? Because it has been tampered with.

How very know, this is probably too much information. Let me kind of sidebar this thing here. Just recently when I went back to the US for a trip, I had some tests done. So I’ve had digestion issues for a very long time, and it’s been really challenging for me. So, long story short, I found out that I have what’s called H. Pylori infection. It’s a bacteria. It’s called H.

Pylori. And when I started to research, this started to make sense for me. And what is H. Pylori? It’s a bacteria and it’s a gram negative bacteria. And what it does is it invades the stomach, it invades your intestines. So to see your stomach and your duodenum and the digestion area, and it can cause gastric ulcers, peptic ulcers, holes in the stomach. And when you look at this organism, you realize that it’s not much different than us.

Like it wants to survive. How does it survive? Well, it can’t survive in the acid of the stomach, so it has to burrow into the gel like structure below the stomach layer into this protective barrier, and then it starts to feed off of and compete for the nutrients that your body is trying to absorb. And as it grows, your immune system tries to go after and attack it because it’s a foreign invader.

And if it can’t do that, then you imagine, like, if you had the police after you all the time, like your immune system is the police and this organism, the organism is the criminal. But in the sense, the organism is not a criminal, it’s just trying to survive. It doesn’t want to die. Like no one here wants to know. Steve Jobs says everybody wants to go to heaven.

No one wants to die to get there. Kind of funny, right? No one really wants to die. This is the fear of death, the ego, where the ego doesn’t want to die. But anyway, this H. Pylori bacteria in the belly of the beast, it doesn’t want to die. And so then it has this constant pressure of the immune system trying to eliminate it. And then there are consequences for that, because this H.

Pylori bacteria goes into its own fight or flight, and then it starts to release and toxins and all these responses to the pressure of the immune system trying to eliminate it. And this completely just blew my mind when I was reading about how this whole thing works. And then the consequences of what it can do to your stomach. I didn’t even know this. It’s the third leading cause of cancer in its respected place in medicine, in the human body.

Right? It’s pretty interesting. But again, the whole point is, like, what created the H. Pylori? Did the devil create the bacteria? That’s silly nonsense. That’s silly to think that a devil created the bacteria to take you down, because that’s just one. There’s tons of parasites and bacterias and the job is to take you down to eliminate you. But the only thing that it wants is survival, just like you.

So why I’m telling you all this? Like, what is Logan talking? Because you’re in the belly of the beast, you’re in the yuga stage, you’re in the dark age, and you have all these archetypes that just want to survive. They don’t want to die. They don’t want to lose their power and control over you. Because the matrix is an archetype in a sense, just like the h. Pylori.

But you have the immune system coming in and saying, well, you know what? You can’t live here anymore. And this is what’s happening on the world stage. You’re having people incarnate now or at least wake up with these dna activation upgrades and you become part of the police where your job is not to attack the invaders. Just don’t pay attention to them anymore and let the natural evolution of this process of awakening happen.

And the cleansing of the earth, the cleansing of the body. Because I think that the whole reality that we live in is like an anthromorphic being, like the cosmos is an anthromorphic being and it has a death itself spirit into matter. The matter is death. And then it realizes, wait a second, I’m pretty sick here. I have stage four cancer or I have this terminal disease and I better get some help.

And you go and you start to cleanse the body. And now the cleansing process is happening. And I think that’s what’s happening. And this is the whole exiting the matrix part because it’s being dismantled, right? These parasites, these bacterias that don’t want to die, they’re doing whatever it takes to hold on. And so they’re throwing out all this and we’re seeing it. It’s just like the craziness on the world stage now.

It’s so ludicrous. It’s laughable now at what’s being done. And I don’t think it’s done yet. I think we’re starting to see this perhaps wave come our way. And this is the last ditch efforts to hold on to the survival of what it means to be these archetypes. And the resurrection of you as a human being is like, I have a terminal illness. I better get some help.

And you finally get some help and you finally start to eat better and you finally start to think better. And next thing you know, you no longer need to pay attention to those things that need your attention to stay alive because now you’re being resurrected and you’re being pulled out of the pit, so to speak. And I think it’s just such a beautiful thing. And people like you that come along and you’re this tour guide and you’re able to share your mindsets.

And again, you and I don’t share the same mindsets in everything but our intentions and what our goal is. Is exactly in line. And I don’t think there’s one way to salvation using that terminology. I think there’s branches of it. But inevitably, if I asked you, what’s your agenda? It’s the same as mine. It’s the same as a lot of you viewers. Your intentions and agenda is the same.

You want to go towards the same places that Ola and I want to go towards, which is freedom, which is purity, which is bliss, which is mean. Living a life of enchantment, being around leprechauns, seeing them run around, talking to, hanging out with them, hanging out with animals that you may not been able to hang out with because animals are scared. Here in Mexico, you see these lizards a lot, especially the lizards I walk down the street.

As soon as they see you, they’re like bathing in the sun. They just hightail out of there. Just by seeing you walk by, it’s like it’s such an instant fight or flight for that animal. Right. It’s so interesting with nature. Do you think nature is going to change, ola? Like, as we move out of and move into this resurrected state of being, do you think nature is going to think.

I just want to make a comment on what you said. Yeah, I said a lot. So go ahead. Very important point on the nature. Do I think the nature is going to change? I think there will be a bit of a change, not as probably visible as we would maybe expect, but I think that some of the behaviors, some of the sort of animals and the nature, some of the ways the rules of the game, I think, are going to change a little bit.

I think that some of the nature kingdom is also infected in a way by those low vibrational energies with sort of animals that perhaps don’t have to kill each other are doing that. And I know the whole story about survivals and instincts and all the good stuff, but still, even the ancient texts specifically say that, for example, the eagles, the eagles sometimes attack certain other birds or animals, which is not really necessary.

And that is a bit of a heritage from certain manipulation done to them by this king race, which is what we see in the ancient Egypt, the kind of the bird like looking kind of human and the bird peak type of. So I think that some of those behaviors would have been corrected. But back to what you said, because that’s a very interesting point, that they want to survive just as much as we want to survive.

Right. It’s just that there is a parasitic type of relationship, but what we tend to, I think, forget and perhaps this is interesting to draw the attention to kind of zoom in on that, is that I don’t necessarily look at it in a sense of who is playing what role. They have a role and everybody is important. I’m looking at it more in a sense that when you became infected or sick and that bacteria was at the root cause, there is something that goes on here, which is that bacteria didn’t come from just anywhere.

I mean, it did kind of come from just anywhere. But the point being is I didn’t get it and your friend or neighbor next door didn’t get it. So there is something that made you susceptible or in some way receptive. Right. Something was in your system that was perhaps already compromised or something wasn’t really prepared to deal with that kind of invasion. Right. That made you sick. But it didn’t make me sick.

It didn’t make your neighbor sick. Just in the same way, I think we can draw that parallel, that we demonize them. The whole evil is them. But what they’ve done, they sort of pulled certain very cunny tricks, and we led them and we bought into it, and we believed that we stepped away from whatever it is. And I know that we can obviously have the discussion of, well, this is a manipulation, et cetera.

But hey, here we go. Probably most of us who are watching this right now, you know what’s going on. So you’re not the ones manipulated, yet you let that right? Yet it’s happening. So I don’t think it’s that simple. And absolutely, I’m on it with you, that it is not sort of to ostracize them to death. And this is not so much about they are guilty and we are the victims.

We allowed certain things to happen. And when we allowed, we also allowed to continue. I think there is that element of stepping back into our power and seeing, okay, where did I become receptive to this? Where did I allow this? Where did I allow this control? Or where did I allow this manipulation to actually affect me and for me to step into and start playing this game? Because this is how it happened.

Wouldn’t have happened without your permission. Wouldn’t have happened without you letting to be pulled in, letting yourself to be pulled in. Right. Sure. So here we are, I think, at a place where, okay, we now know what’s going on. Time to take a step back. Stop being susceptible, stop playing their game, stop being triggered, stop being reactive, stop paying attention. Stop watching. Stop getting angry on Facebook. Guilty.

We’re all guilty of that. We can probably now move into. Unless you got something more? I don’t want to interrupt you. You could kind of treat something. So the astrology, last time we talked about this topic, let’s exit the matrix, you had talked about, and I totally agree with that, the celestials, the Stargate, the portal. Personally, I have a big decode coming out from my patreons. It’ll be on the beast.

And the beast to me is going to be the Stargate above it, which is. You had kind of alluded to that, where astrology can definitely pinpoint your weaknesses and your strengths. And then you had mentioned something to the fact that the way to kind of have the best experience, I’m not going to use the word win the game, but have the best experiences in life, is noticing the trigger points, as you said, getting triggered or having emotional responses.

When I do readings with somebody, I tell them, your Mars is here, and this may happen. What do you do when you’re consciously aware of these positions of these celestials in your specific chart? And then all of a sudden I feel like these planetary positions, they’re hungry. Like Mars is hungry and Mars is like, okay, I need some food from Logan today. I think I’m going to inject somebody into his life and I’m going to see if he’ll react and get pissed off and pull his Mars card out.

As I like to say, you had touched on this in our previous discussion on let’s talk about the Matrix and this whole celestial aspect. Do you want to elaborate on that a little bit more and how maybe this is going to be kind of going away a little bit as we move into the ascension process? So you see the way I see it in terms of exactly what is this astrology? What is our chart, our code? I think I would be tempted to say that your chart, your code is a little bit like a passport, as in when you come in here, into this Realm, right? When you are kind of about to incarnate, whether you are going through this incarnation circle cycle from inside of the sort of under the dome or whether you are coming from the outside.

Whoever, the matrix controllers, however we call them, they kind of want to know who they are dealing with. So I don’t believe that everything in our astrology or numerology is purely to do with the Matrix. Like, everything is negative and it’s only the matrix. I believe it’s a bit of a blend. So I believe that they sort of run a check on you or sort of check you if you want to come into our game.

We want to know who we’re dealing with, right? So they need to have that data captured about you. This is why we also have some good things in our chart, right? Some talent or whatever, some positive. So including probably our mission, which is a threat, directly a threat to them. Why are you coming here? Oh, Logan is coming to do some decals. Ola is coming to talk about how to exit this matrix.

Obama, it’s going to be a problem. Dangerous, right? A threat. So what we’re going to do, since they want to come here, we didn’t call them here, we didn’t tell them to come here. They want to come here, they want to come in. Okay, so this is our game here. You’re going to get other parts of your chart which are going to be directly working to stop you from realizing those talents, connecting to those, whatever positive parts of your chart, connecting to your mission, believing in yourself, trusting your intuition, connecting to that soul.

We’re going to layer you with all that stuff, which is what that becomes later our trauma, right? That becomes later our difficult childhood and all the experiences around it that becomes the whole programming which we buy into. And we believe the illusion as if it was reality. So we come in here, we are born, and literally we start realizing this code. So if I have, I don’t know, Chiron in this house or that house, I’m going to have experiences in my life starting from childhood that are going to deliver against that chart scenario.

Exactly. To embed into me exactly the feeling of inadequacy or always seeking for acceptance or being a perfectionist, et cetera, et cetera, whatever, right? Just giving examples. So that is going to be in my quote, and that is going to be showing up at different points in my life, kind of preventing me from fully stepping into things, fully shining, fully making that leap, it’s going to be kind of like all the time.

All the time there. And I think there is an interesting take on what does it mean to heal or do we need to heal? And this is where this whole idea of, okay, so we come here and we are broken, right? We need to develop, we need to heal. And I say, no, none of us is broken. None of us is broken, okay? And bear with me because if I don’t explain it correctly, it’s going to be crap.

So we come in here as that soul, and on that soul level, we are actually fine. The matrix adds to our code those negative things, which is what I just said. And we believe that. We believe this illusion to be the reality. So later, as we go through life, okay, this must be something wrong with me. Something wrong with me. I’m broken, I’m traumatized, I’m, whatever. The point here is to understand there is nothing wrong with you as the one coming in.

There is nothing wrong with you. What you have to, the work to do is to realize that all that negative stuff, that’s your code, that’s an illusion. Do not buy into that. Do not get triggered, do not respond. And I totally understand this example that you gave that Mars wants to eat. So he’s going to send the person, he’s going to piss me off. I get that. But when you know what’s going on here, it’s like you are getting the script to this game finally into your hands.

You know exactly what’s going on. Then you at least know, okay, this is how it works. This is what goes on here. I’m not going to participate in this anymore. I’m not going to give that energy. Because you see, very often giving of that energy comes from the fact that somewhere at the back of your head you are pissed off. You are pissed off that something must be wrong with you.

I get angry with this, I get angry with that, I get sad with this, I get stuck with that. There’s something wrong with me because it always happens to me. But a reading, astrology, numerology can show you, well, it’s actually not something wrong with you. This is what you have in your code. This is how you’re going to be triggered. This is how they’re going to come after you.

This is exactly what’s going to happen and it’s going to happen over and over. So pretending that you’re doing your work, going to therapy and la, la, la, maybe is not going to really stop that event from reoccurring. The only thing it can do at best is stop you from participating and playing the game, right. And reacting and responding and getting triggered, getting mad or whatever the emotion associated with it.

This is my take on it and in my readings, this is how I approach it. So I specifically show people in what way they have been captured into the net of lack of belief in yourself, lack of self love, lack of self respect, perfectionism and all the others kind of self sabotaging behaviors that prevent you up until very often late in your life from having the courage to really maybe not even the courage, maybe just impatience to say, oh, bugger off with that, I’m just going to do it anyway.

Yeah, I love it because that’s how I roll when I do my readings as well I show people like, okay, this is what possibly could happen on an average, the generalization of your code, your specific code, and there’s no one like you, ladies and gentlemen, you are it, man. You’re the star of the movie. Are you acting like that? And then you said it. And that word re, that word reaction, redo reincarnation, it means to do it again.

And we all are guilty of this. We do things through habit and then we conform to the habit, and next thing you know, we don’t even realize we’re doing a habit. Like, all of you probably buy the same products. If you’re a side sleeper, you’re a side sleeper. If you’re someone who sleeps on your back, it’s a habit. You brush your teeth exactly the same way every single night.

I’m sure of it. You floss your teeth, you probably use the same flossing methodology that you’ve been using. You probably eat the same foods, you probably go to the same restaurants. Like you’re a creature of habit. We’ve all heard this word. And so when you really take a step back and you look at your consciousness from this layer, you can start to make some adjustments. Like, I had brought this up before.

I started to get erosion on the top right hand side of my gums. And that’s because the very first placement of the toothbrush in my mouth was on the top, right. So of course all the pressure starts there, and then I ease up as I move around. I had to consciously be aware of that through the erosion of my gums. And I’m like, okay, well, that’s not a smart, I’m going to start going on top of the teeth where there’s not going to be an erosion of the gums.

This is becoming consciously aware of your code through just simple little habits that we do as human beings. You extend upon that as in astrology, you get someone who knows how to interpret charts, and then you say, okay, well, when somebody comes into your life, like, if you have Mars and Aries, that’s a classic connection of like, you probably get angry. It’s, that’s just the way you’re as, I don’t know how you see it, but Mars and Aries, you want to get it off your chest, you’re going to have that.

I just want to get it out there. So that’s just how you’re coded, right? But when you become, take a step back and you start to be more of an observer, if somebody pisses you off, you’re like, you could say oh, Mars. I see. Okay. Yeah, you just want to get some, huh? I’m not going to do that this time around. I’m going to become. And this is where I’ve alluded to the fact where people say, logan, what’s your sign? And now I’m all twelve.

What do you mean? Well, I got twelve. Astrology. I have twelve signs. I’m all twelve. I don’t have all celestials and all the houses, but I’m all twelve. I have a bare house. So what? I still have the zodiac sign there. And I think when you become all twelve and realize that you’re this combination of this beautiful energy that wants your attention, you can manage it a little bit easier.

As you ascend out through and get into this resurrection. You can manage the energy more. And I know you feel the same way. It’s like that when you do a reading. You’re helping people manage their energy. You’re helping them see what they’re good at, what they’re not good at. And this is the beautiful part about astrology. And remember, ladies and gentlemen, as practitioners, Ola and I, we’re measuring astrology.

Let’s just know we’re coming out of the dark age. This is the astrology we’re measuring. You’re measuring tools that are like, mars is in the dark age, the sun is in the dark age, Saturn’s in the dark age. What would the astrology wheel look like for you if you’re now in the golden age? Well, you would probably allude to the fact that you would have these planets operating at a very high level, and they’re not having more of the asset, of the liability.

They’re operating more on an asset level. Whereas when you’re in Kaliyuga, you’re dealing with the separation of source, and you’re dealing more about a classic yinyang position here of asset and liability. And I would even probably allude to saying that there’s more liability in the Kaliyuga than there is asset because that’s the bottom of the barrel. So to. And do you have anything further to add? Because I want to now move into the charts and kind of show people a little bit about your charts, and I want to get your take on what you think your chart means.

Oh, no. Yeah, of course I’m going to say, okay, because I got your chart up that you sent me, and I’ve struggled just a little bit looking at the icons they use. It’s really busy, but I know you see it really good, and I’m going to use the visuals. I’m going to share my screen and use the visuals so people can get a sense of like, this is how I do my readings, my methodology.

But I want you to narrate what it means to be ola, the incarnation of you and what your position is on the world stage in a big way with your astrological map. So do you have anything further to add on to the feeding of the machine, so to speak, the feeding of the beast, not being reactory, but being more of an observer and then consciously making decisions versus unconsciously.

Absolutely. Just to sort of close that off. I would say that definitely in my readings, my focus is to find the voice of the soul. What is it that you’re bringing in on that sort of private level, on that own level, what is it that is really trying to shine here, trying to actualize itself here, trying to come to the forefront, but it is being blocked by those kind of other things.

So I explained that dynamic for the very reason that you are no longer a slave to certain patterns, to certain reactions, behaviors, et cetera. And I think one of the things that people seem to find very liberating is the fact or the realization that it’s really not like there is something wrong with them. It is a mechanism. It’s a mind control, because that’s how it operates. It operates on mind control.

Mind control as in that Mars in Aries that you mentioned. When he’s hungry, you’re getting literally a signal sent to your third eye or whatever the receiver is of certain scenario or a situation. And by that mind control, you are very likely to act upon it or find yourself within that scenario where it’s going to play out. Okay, if we cannot really control the fact that it’s being streamed at us, what we can control is that reaction.

Reaction, yeah, that’s the key point, right? It’s that liberation of, okay, this is not me. It is how they are trying to stop me from fully stepping into this great potential or just fully believing. It’s not even stepping into, you’re already in your potential, it’s believing because that illusion is keeping you from believing that you can literally do whatever it is in your chart on that sort of positive side and more.

But hey, we are a little bit constricted, but definitely not given to that kind of part of things. Yeah, well said. I think that’s the big takeaway out of our first podcast. We talked about that, and you really did a great job at describing not being reactory. And I resonated with it because when I do my readings. I tell people, if there’s a way to win this game, stop reacting.

You know, stop reacting because it wants food from you, like you’re being harvested for your energy. In. In a sense, however, that looks to you as a human being. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, how could a celestial operate from a golden age perspective when you’re in the dark age? How can an astrology chart operate from a golden age when you’re in the dark age? Right. There’s going to be this dichotomy, this separation of the dark age, of the golden age through the astrological lens as well.

So I think the ascension process, exiting the matrix, as we gradually move away, if this is how it’s going to work, we move back out of. We start to get more asset information versus liability. And I think that’s really a beautiful scenario to really kind of paint and then move into. Because when I do readings for people, I know you as well. I’m looking at charts, and I’m like, do you even realize what you got right here? Exactly.

Hello. Dude, you should be a philanthropist, man. Do you resonate with that? And some people, not everybody, but some people, you could see philanthropy, but they can’t see it, because it’s like, well, that takes a lot of money. Well, then go hang out with somebody who’s a philanthropist, and then they may rub off on you. But I’m like, do you realize the code that you have? It’s like, the potential you have here is mind blowing.

But, you see, when we get raised as children, we get raised by mom and dad. Usually, mom and dad raise us. Right? Well, if you compare their charts versus yours, it doesn’t look anything alike at all. Your mom and dad’s telling you, don’t do this, don’t do that. And they’re telling you from their code. You’re getting programmed from a code that’s not even your code. Exactly. And it gets kind of commingles, and now it becomes very muddied.

So the true happens when you find a guru, right? So no gurus. Yeah, you be the guru, but, I mean, the interpretation of the chart by somebody who knows how to interpret charts. Right. In that sense, will tell you, you’re a superstar, man. You’re a superstar, and that’s how you should be. But you got to own that space. That’s why I tell people, you realize what you got.

I can’t make you do it. But, man, if you’re just willing to own that and just alleviate the burden of all this programming from how you were raised and by these teachers and the indoctrinations of people that are trying to tell you, well, you shouldn’t be doing that. And I’m like, how many children, how many people right now listening to this are in a job or a career that their parents did? And your parents pushed you into that career field because that’s what they did.

But then if I look at your chart, it’s like, that’s not even your career field, right? But your parents wanted you to have what they had, so they did the best they could. And then a lot of kids, what they do is that as a reaction, they start to resent their parents. They get angry. I didn’t want to do that. My dad made me do it. As a child, you subordinate to your parents.

So there’s a lot of deprogramming that needs to take place as this resurrection happens, as this ascension process happens. And it’s beautiful. This is the greatest time to be alive, right? So without further ado, let me start sharing my screen here. And Ola, I want you to kind know, pitch in whenever you can here with this chart here, because I’m going to do my best. I got my little cursor here.

So over here to the left, ladies and gentlemen, we have the babylonian astrology system chart that Ola uses. And it’s got a lot going on here. She’s got around the orange line here is the ecliptic, the imaginary line that the twelve constellations classically follow. The sun, the moon, a whole nine yards. And then you’d have on the inside and outside, you’d have your nashaktras. And then over here to the right is, I use astroseek.

com. It has the Nashakras on the inside here. And then I have all my planets lined up here. This is how I do my readings for people because I like to use visuals. And what you have here, what makes you so special down here is this cluster of this gathering of celestials here. In this placement here, you have, let me put this out of the way. And you have your Pluto down here.

So we have this cluster of energy down here in the 14th and the know, because these are going to change, obviously, through the methodology that you do. You can extend these to people. You know, you have these people adding Ophiuchus. There’s these other rings you can add to, but nonetheless, this energy here, I want to talk about this, and I want to get your take on what you think this means here and Chitra.

In the definition of Chitra, the Nashaktra. Right? It being the 1414 being tied to time, 3. 14 PI. I’d like to take the tarot cards to get the picture of what this means. And Chitra becomes the temperance card here. And the temperance card. When you look at the temperance card, it’s just an angel balancing out how I feel. The yin yang, right, the two goblets. And this to me is the pulse of light, the diamagnetic pulse of light, and then the transverse electromagnetic wave chasing after that, which is the two goblets and the energy being exchanged and all the other symbology with the card that comes with it.

But this is the energy that Ola was given for her screenplay and the sun being a planet of expansion. And of course, keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, the majority of her energy would be considered in the underworld, right? Because you were born at 01:15 a. m. And the sun is below the ecliptic, the rising position here, flat Earth, globe. I’m not going to get into that. Who gives a shit about that? But the rising position, the sun moving towards you or moving up, is right around that 06:00 a.

m. Time frame. But here it’s 01:15 a. m. . Here. So it’s darkness. So she’s in the underworld. I thought that’s very fascinating. The majority of your energy is in the underworld, which is what you have talked about so much. The only separation is your chiron. You’re in your mid heaven position, and then your Rahu k two axis right here. And, ladies and gentlemen, the interesting part about Olas and I’s chart is I have exactly the same rahu k two position, except mine’s flipped.

So my rahu k two is exactly in the same zodiac signs, Gemini and Sagittarius. And of course, your k two, which is what you’re really good at, right, is knowledge, wisdom, Sagittarius energy, which is the hermit. So what you incarnated to be is a sage, that k two is like, what you’re good at, right? Like this, your fallback on, like, when in tough times, you’ll tend to fall back to k two because it’s comfortability, right? So it’s your strength.

But your liberation is taking all that knowledge and moving it through the actions of Rahu here in Gemini. And it’s so interesting because you have this. They’re in the 11th and fifth house here, and that’s the Aquarius Leo axis, which is seemingly what we’re moving into right now. So what is Gemini in the placement of Rahu here, telling the world about the wisdom that Ola incarnated with. She incarnated with this high level of wisdom, and she’s in the 20th in the chakra.

That’s judgment. Right? That’s a graduation to me. It’s number nine, which is the sage, the hermit. And she has to take this energy here to play the cards, right, so to speak. Move it through Rahu here and Ardra and six and carbon. And this is Virgo energy, if you go deep down. And of course, Gemini is communication. And your mercury. And where’s your mercury placement? It’s here in Virgo, right? Mercury ruling Gemini here.

And it’s in Virgo down here in the second house. Duality, et cetera, et cetera. People 13 tied to the death card. I see you classically here as like somebody who is completely here to change people’s paradigms through your voice with your mercury here in Virgo. Right? Because mercury rules Gemini. And I want to get your take on this because what do you feel about the Rahu k two axis, the dragon’s head here for you? No, absolutely.

The eleven five axis. I think one of the additional things about the fifth house that perhaps not that often gets talked about, and this is obviously everybody should apply that to themselves as well. In your charts, the fifth house, apart from being into all the kind of good stuff, the children, the creativity, the acting and all that kind of stuff and that sort of Leo type of traits, we also have, this is a house of the wisdom of the ancestors.

Yes. The Sagittarius sitting there kind of gives me that flavor of that old knowledge, ancient knowledge, philosophies, et cetera. But it’s sitting in a house which belongs to the wisdom of the ancestors. So this is why I very often go back and talk about the ancient text and the gnostics and the legends and the myths, et cetera. So I’m drawing upon the lore of the people of the past, right? Women of the past.

The witches were saying this, the Templars were saying that these are the ancestors. This is not exactly the 9th house because 9th house is the house of philosophy. So if I was just sitting in some kind of religions and philosophy specifically studying maybe something in the vedic lore, specifically the books and sort of getting into that, that would be more on the 9th house. I’m not really there.

I’m more on that wisdom of the past as it was delivered to whoever was using it at the time. And yes, to unpack that into the 11th house. So the 11th house is house of doing something for the collective, right? Social circles. Social circles. But on that higher level, this is someone who’s coming to advance the kind of the collective, the society, in some way. This is contribution.

This is service. Not the piscion, not the twelveth house service, but this is the 11th house. This is the Aquarian. So this is that kind of illumination, bringing something for the collective to develop, to perhaps find out something. But this is overall, that service to the collective, service to other people, service to networks or whatever. Collaboration as well, working with other people, being on an equal sort of footing.

So this is not a guru style of me coming and trying to tell you how it is. If you came with me for an event, I am playing on the same level with you. There is no teaching, it’s sharing. It’s me trying to remind you. So this is very important because the Leo, that kind of remnants on the fifth side, you have to sometimes tell me to behave, because it has that kind of tendency to go off a little bit right into a lecture.

It is more on that. I need to kind of step down and go and understand and just kind of network with people. And this Arudra Nakshatra in Gemini. Absolutely. As you say, it is the dissemination of knowledge. But Arudra itself, the flavor here, if you look into the vedic astrology, Arudra is a very interesting nakshatra because it is symbolized by a thunder or by a teardrop. So it depends which tradition you kind of look into.

So there is an element of literally sweeping the old and bringing in the new. These are the kind of people that if you were told that forget about something or you’re going to lose this thing, you have to now live without. These are the people that need to find themselves in that situation. And this is kind of their natural playing field. So the thunder, or it’s like the flood comes in and it literally removes whatever was there.

And now you have to build something new. So there is that element of me literally probably taking down some paradigms and some old ways. Not even probably, for sure. I mean, ladies and gentlemen, September 11. Everybody remember that event? Rahu was right here. Now, obviously, you can’t correlate that event with what Ola is doing, because it’s the complete opposite. But the energy that she has at her disposal is super powerful.

That is why Rahu was here on September 11, obviously, Gemini representing the two twins, the twin towers, et cetera, et cetera. I feel like Gemini is the prison bars. So I feel as Ola’s Gemini the prison bar is in social circles in Aquarius. Aquarius, her Aquarius is over here in the 7th house, which is Libra. Her libra is down here at all. The cluster, majority of your energy is down here.

And this is this Venus, Saturn, sun, Pluto and all this in the 14th. Nashatra and temperance and balancing. So your job, I can clearly see like Leo rising here. You’re born to be in the spotlight. Obviously you got good looks, you were gifted with good looks, you have beauty. So this is a tool like a carpenter uses a saw or a hammer. I tell people all the time, like if you’re pretty or you’re good looking, you’re handsome, why would you sit behind and not do anything with it? That’s like a tool, right? But of course you can get prideful.

This is the pride in Leo and being ruled by the sun. So clearly you’re like this light, right? Leo being ruled by the sun. And this is what you were given as a tool. So you use that and people say, oh, Ola is attractive, right? But then when you meet you, when you get to meet Ola, you’re like, well, damn, this woman knows what the hell she’s talking about.

And there’s more substance here, right? And so it’s a tool to use. And that’s why you have this axis of Aquarius, Leo here. But remembering that your Aquarius, which is where your rahu is located at, is in your 7th house, so you’re clearly here to balance the scales out. I mean, you have so much Libra energy. I mean, in tropical, if you look at your tropical, you have five planets in, you know, you have a lot of Libra energy.

And Libra of course, is being ruled by Venus and your Venus is in Libra, right? So I mean, you’re at home there. And let’s talk about this. What is your take on the Venus being the symbol of the ankh and then sharing space with the sun, Saturn and Pluto here, what’s your take on that for yourself? So this Venus, if you sort of zoom into it, Venus starts that stellium.

So Venus is actually kind of coming in from the Virgo side. It’s chitra, but it’s coming from the Virgil Virgo. Yeah, of course, if you kind of look into the sky, this whole stellium is really happening at the very end of Virgo. But of course, in the matrix astrology, they are using the equal signs and the twelve sign system, not 13. This is why I also use twelve signs, not 13, because the 13 is actually not a matrix number, it is a spiral.

It is how we exit sort of the matrix. So the matrix is twelve. So this is why we use twelve. And that Venus, it doesn’t sort of show very clearly here, but that Venus is invisible. So invisible because obviously of the proximity to the sun, invisible Venus. Back from, for example, babylonian astrology, is Venus in the underworld. So here I am again, banging on the underworld everywhere, right? And drawing and sort of, this is my playground.

Another thing which that stellium, the placement of that stellium is on the star spiker. If anybody sort of remembers that the spica spiker is brightest star in Virgo, right? Yeah, it’s a beautiful star. And by the ancients, this star is connected to Isis, Mary Magdalena, Inanna. So this is that star linked to spirituality, but that kind of feminine path, if you like. So if anybody is wondering where is this whole alchemy talking and all that kind of context coming from, it is partially coming from that position.

And of course, the sort of mainstream astrology looks at the Venus position in Virgo as the detriment. So this is a, let’s say, negative position. However, if we look from the angle of vedic astrology, there are certain yogas that are present in my chart. And one of those yogas, one of the yogas are, it is basically about the sort of position of Venus compared to another planet, which is also in the same sign.

And this is actually specifically mercury, which is kind of lifting that Venus from debilitation, so that Venus is invisible, but she is not necessarily debilitated, because that mercury pulls her out of that debilitation. So that Venus is not sort of negative. And anyway, to be honest, I think that this is one of the matrix lies around where the debilitation point is. Because specifically the debilitation here is the 27th degree of Virgo.

Well, that is pretty much right on Spiker. Almost right on Spiker. And how can the spiker, the star that is so linked, linked to Virgo, linked to the feminine, like Venus, how can that be debilitation? So everything is flipped. Yeah, I’m with you. I think anything can have debilitation to it. I just think these celestials have been hanging out for so long, they figured it out. Personally, I don’t feel that Venus is debilitated in Virgo.

Personally, I feel if anything, it would be exalted because Venus, representing love and the ankh and eternal life, comes in Virgo. And Virgo is like in Judeo Christianity number six. Virgo is the last day of creation. So to me, the 6th house is the house of legacy and masterpiece. And so for you, obviously, you have Taurus playing in the background right here. And this is all about structure.

And so you’re like, you’re reestablishing structure here. And Venus, of course, does a great job in Taurus, right? Venus is like exalted in Taurus. So you have it in the second house which Taurus owns. But Virgo comes in here. So I look at it as a very beautiful expression of who you are. And Venus, I feel, you know, you’re here to balance things out with Chitra here. You’re here to balance it out.

And yeah, mercury is your voice. And the way you kind of see personally, I mean, I know you’re kind of a perfectionist. I know you’re looking to perfect things. I mean, that’s what Virgo really is all about, is perfection. The last day of creation, perfection, legacy, masterpiece. And you’re doing it through the layers of Taurus. And I mean, your Taurus energy is up here in your 10th house, which is your service to the world, your career.

And Chiron, if we shift into this right? So Chiron is typically known as the wound. It’s your wound. However, I don’t know how you feel. I want to get your take on this because I know a lot of people be like, okay, this may be a different spin on it, Chiron, classically being as your wound. But what if your wound will be like a catalyst and people’s wounds will work through you, and you will attract people and their wounds to work through you and the way you see things and your authoritative voice and then saying, oh, shit, ola knows what she’s talking about here because clearly Taurus is a very structured energy.

Ten being the wheel of fortune, your finances and all that stuff. And it’s like when you move this wheel of fortune up here in your 10th house, it’s like spinning the wheel to determine your fate. You got your wound here. I mean, is this what you’re really putting people on is a new wheel or taking them off the samsara wheel here and having this placement here? Because clearly the 10th house for you and the second house are tied together because Taurus runs the second house.

So I really feel like this is a beautiful area of your expressions here. The Venus, like, being very balanced again in tropical over here, you have a lot of Libra energy. And Libra is like, when you look at it from a physical standpoint, there is this aspect of like, what do we look like from a physical standpoint? Well, a lot of it has to do with the solar position.

And your solar is in Libra and Libra is the most beautiful one. Right. And then we go right back to your physical traits. Yeah, well, hey, I know you’re being humble, but I mean, I’m just telling you, I know a lot of guys are like, oh yeah, ola’s pretty this and that. But I mean, it’s a tool that you have. Right. I would like to actually mention something about the physical appearance because I think some people might find it interesting in terms of the interpretation.

Before I jump in, also, I think it’s a very interesting take on Chiron that you have. Obviously, I made this close because in that sort of traditional interpretation, it is that kind of original wound or at least one of the kind of things that probably holds us back the most. And obviously that Chiron position. For anybody else who maybe has in that same position in the 10th house or in Taurus, here we are dealing with a fear or kind of needing to be accepted.

So we are being afraid of not being seen or not being accepted. That’s the 10th house. And the Taurus is a bit of a fear of loss or kind of security like insecurity, right? Which in my case, if you look at the mid heaven being positioned, well, very close there definitely there are sort of a few things going on here. One of them because the mid heaven. So the Mc line, that is to do with your sort of public Persona, that contribution to the world.

So this is not exactly the same as Rahu K two, which is what we already discussed. It is more how I show up doing the Rahu K two, right? So here with that presence of Chiron, you see, some people might heard me speak about it before. Obviously, my background in terms of the kind of matrix logging is oil and gas. And I had a steady career. It went on for quite a long time.

It was very successful career until a sort of point came where I just got kicked out of the oil and gas matrix, right? And there was pretty much no reentry. And that was a big problem at the time for me, especially in the context of my family, because my family is kind of programmed to sort of believe in status. There’s a bit of that eastern european twang going on, right.

That you have to have a kind of good job and a prestige, et cetera. And here I am finding myself outside of that industry, kind of wanting to do this, what I’m doing now, which is absolutely unacceptable because what sort of nonsense is this? And where is the status. Where is the prestige? Right? So, big issue with this Chiron being so close to mid heaven, for me to actually dead, to unpack and step onto this path was for me to step outside of kind of wanting my mother to accept me, wanting my mother to tell me that it’s okay to do this.

So, you see that Chiron, for me, showed up very strongly in that, speaking of acceptance from my mother. So the parents here. Yeah. And you look at your moon position. It’s right there on your IC line, right? Which is direct opposite of that Chiron placement. And the moon obviously, has a lot of feminine qualities to it, so there’s a lot of merit to what you just said right there with that placement of Chiron.

And what is really interesting, I want to go back to this Rahu position, because Rahu in the 11th house, Aquarius, but it’s through Gemini, and Gemini is the third zodiac sign. And here’s your birth card. So, this is Astro Alchemy. And this is kind of one of my methodologies, but obviously, it’s got a big, fat three on it. This is Ola’s birth card, the three of clubs. And this is the game master card.

I don’t know if you knew that or not, Ola, but it’s the game master. And three, of course, is the epitome of the diamagnetic pulse of light and the transverse electromagnetic wave, which chases after that. And you have the complete trinity it, so to speak. And this is an air suit, right? So it’s a mind suit. It’s someone who’s very deep in thought, someone who’s very quick witted, someone who’s very intelligent.

But it sits here in your 11th house of social circles. And this card right here is the 16th card in the deck. And the word light equals 16. We had discussed this many times right through our tower card. It’s tied to the tower card and the major Arcana. But you’re here to make that massive change. This big explosion of light, the big bang, fits into here, right, is the tower card, the major arcana, fitting into this card, the three of wands, which is after the tower moment you now have.

Okay, I got to launch my long term plans. I have to move into action. I have to create this life as a human being. And you’re clearly in the house of social circles. Well, your Aquarius, again, is here in Libra, and your Libra is ruled by Venus. And your Venus is down here. So it’s just all retro. And you’re clearly here to balance the world stage out. And you do have a lot of energy down here in your house of Libra.

It’s in your third house. So I could bring your three of clubs down here and it would mesh up with this position of Libra here, having the sun here, the spirit, your spirit. And remember, this is the 16th card in the deck, and the word light equals 16. Well, the sun gives off a hell of a lot of light, as far as I can tell. So you have this really big layer here of light in Libra, lib ra being the sun God.

And you have Jupiter and you have the moon here. You’re almost at a full new moon, right? You’re probably a sliver. It’s still qualified, still qualifies as a new moon. I mean, I’m sure you have like a little sliver showing there. But I mean, this is like, new moons are new ideas, new things, something that is out of the ordinary, right? Like the people that you get called in, like, hey, ola, what kind of ideas you got in the think tank? Like, you’re that think person.

So you have all these great ideas, and this is why people should be paying attention and getting readings with someone like you, because you’re here, obviously, to expose the light through balance, through Libra energy, which is love. And since Venus and the sun are combust here, I mean, they’re conjunct, basically combust with Saturn here in Saturn, of course, you’re going to make sure you get it right, obviously.

Right. Your Saturn position, you’re not going to get it wrong. Right. So classically, Saturn comes in here in Libra in the third house. And obviously, this has a lot to do with how you communicate, how you create, which is beauty. That’s really what it’s all about here in the third house. What do you see on that? With your third house, you have a lot of energy here. We got Jupiter down here as well.

So let’s bring Jupiter in to get the visual here. A lot of energy to deal with down here in the underworld, the sun, Saturn, Pluto, Venus, conjunction in Chitra. Chitra. One additional thing about Chitra is that kind of form and shape, right? Because we are on the border between Virgo and Libra, so we have that kind of design and form plus that kind of beauty. So how does that come together? It is someone that basically has that kind of eye for structure or will be naturally drawn to create structure.

What does that mean? It means that the concepts, when I work with them, when I try to sort of explain certain things, I like to almost break it down into an engineering language. Right? So taking the spiritual concept into the engineering language. So this is. I would say it comes a little bit from that chitra. And then on the other side, we have the Vishaka. So number 16, again, the tyro, that’s the tower.

I have the moon and Jupiter. Well, kind of conjunction for the Greece apart, the moon in Vishaka. So the moon represents, as well, a little bit like k two. It is not such a zoom in like k two position, but it is that kind of background, that overall energy that I’m bringing with. So Vishaka is one of the nakshatras of the witches from the past. Right. This is that kind of energy that the witches would be working with here.

And that Vishaka perfectionism. It’s a determined Nakshatra. It’s a nakshatra of success. So here, probably sometimes I should really shift gears and sort of take it easy, and I probably push myself. But also, this is a demanding nakshatra. So that expectation kind of bleeds outside of me. So probably a bit of a pain in the ass to be around. Hey, to kind of burst the bubble here. One more thing back on that sun, Saturn.

You cannot probably see that here, but Saturn is in a position. It’s under 17 arc minutes from the sun, which is. We call that Kazimi. So the Saturn is in the babylonian astrology, we call it. It’s in the heart of the sun. My Saturn is, I think, only seven away. So it is in the heart of the sun, which means that if it was combusted, as in if it was not visible, but a little bit further from the sun, it would be a bit different situation.

But when Saturn is in this position, I am a little bit. So we’re dealing with alleviation of some of the negative outcomes of this position, because Saturn doesn’t really like to be combusted. I’m getting a little bit more access to that spiritual side of Saturn, that maybe more subtle side of Saturn, not just. You see, very often, Saturn is one of the planets that everybody is afraid of, and I’m very lucky because Saturn has never really kicked my ass properly.

So that’s probably the result of this position here. So that’s for everybody. Whenever you have Kazimi. So the sun conjuncts another planet within literally 17 minutes. This is Kazimi, and you’re kind of getting the benefit of those lighter energies, the more spiritual version of that planet. On another point, it is still a conjunction, and the Pluto is sitting there with that sun. So what tends to happen? And this is part of my know, I would be quite exposed to quite dominant men in my life.

Men who even. Even abusive, even men who try to be abusive in some one way or another at work, or they try to dominate. This is a kind of dominating energy. This is an energy that tries to kind of invade and is a little bit on an overly intense side. So what does that mean? For example, I’ve had that kind of encounter at work. I obviously had that encounter in a private life.

So this is something that I think it would help for other people to know that this is not like it’s something inherently wrong with you because you keep attracting something like that. No, you put in your code. And I know that I’m going to have that kind of type of encounter written, and it’s going to continue right now whenever somebody like that shows up and tries to in some way control me or kind of dominate me.

I know. Exactly. Okay, here it is. I’m playing the same game again. This is that kind of more ugly side of this conjunction. And, of course, the proximity with Pluto. Pluto being the planet of transformation and death and sun conjunct Pluto. Apart from the experiences, it also kind of gives certain twines to my personality, which is that plutonic personality. That’s quite an intense personality. Okay. This is someone that overall is going to, without even trying, probably trigger people.

So, hey, I don’t know if it’s so great to have that. No, for sure. Pluto comes from the greek word plutos, which means the riches of the underworld. The. You know, you talk so much about the underworld here. When I did in my decode on Prometheus, which is Hades, which is Pluto, has a contract with the sun above. I mean, the earth has a contract with the sun.

The sun provides the light, which provides photosynthesis. You have plants grow, the plants die, they fall back to the ground, and the ecosystem has its recycling process. This is classically a representation of that right here. You were talking about attracting men and all that stuff, and you were saying, like, this can be a little bit of a challenging area through sidereal astrology. In your 7th house, which is classically the house of marriage and partnerships, it’s Aquarius.

Right. And who rules Aquarius? Well, I mean, Saturn does classically, but Uranus moves into that when it was discovered in 1871. And your Uranus is right here in the sign of Scorpio. So this is clearly you’re going to attract people that are like minded of the occult. The whole plutonian energy of Scorpio here, right? I mean, you attract somebody who’s intelligent, you’re looking for somebody who’s intelligent, who has mindset of the occult and the esoteric knowledge that you have deep conversations.

It’s an air sign, so you need somebody who’s a deep thinker. And Uranus being tied to Scorpio, you come right back down to the fourth. And so for you, I see like a sanctuary, a home for you being tied to the occult mystery schools. I wouldn’t even be surprised if you have your own occult mystery school eventually here, establishing something like that down here, because clearly in your 6th house of legacy, you have Capricorn here, which is an earth sign.

So you’re definitely here to establish some kind of system here that’s rooted to the earth. And you go back to Saturn here, and you have Libra again, and the balancing of these systems. So you can clearly see, ladies and gentlemen, Ola, with all this energy of Jupiter, the expansion of Libra, Jupiter comes in here and it’s, you know, like you’re going to expand your layers of communications in your third house.

Your Gemini’s in your second house of Virgo. You’re going to get it perfect. You’re going to want to be that perfectionist. The material you’re coming out with is going to be really accurate. Your accuracy level is very high. I mean, again, you have a card of light. Your spirit card is the five of diamonds. This forms the 53. 53 is the one half of the im. 35 is simulation.

The fifth house is right here, which is where your k two is. So this card right here, by the way, if you’re a five of diamonds, it’s one of the cards for the game of life being card number 31. 31 being tied to PI, 3. 14. It’s the number from. If you add up all the digits in my date of birth, so that’s 31. You got a 31 life path.

Yeah. So your life path definitely can be here in the fourth house, which Uranus, you run us, you got Mars there as well. So you have a lot of drive towards the occult. Like Mars drives you towards the occult. It’s in the 18th nutshakra. Christ equals 18. So there’s purity of the drive of Mars through the lens of Scorpio. Scorpio having all the secrets, which is why. And you’re housing that and Uranus and you having in the 17th Nashakra.

This can be tied to the star card, you being the star of the movie in the occult. So you have such an amazing code. All the other cards you have, you got the nine of diamonds and the king of diamonds, king of diamonds being a boss, a CEO, the nine of diamonds being the star of the movie. So, ladies and gentlemen, this is what Ola has here. She has light for her birth card, she has the game of life for her spirit card, and then the karma cards.

She has being a boss, being authoritative voice, and then being the nine of diamonds, which Keanu Charles Reeves September 2 this is the nine of diamonds. Like being the neo character, this is the lineage of the cards that Ola has that she’s been given as no pun intended. This is the cards that she has to play her hand. She’s playing this. And these fit inside of astrology here.

And I tell you, you have such a powerful energy down in the underworld. I mean, it’s really mesmerizing. The majority of your energy is down in the lower sense, can be intense. I just wanted to, as maybe a bit of a trivia, just mentioned that Maga on the, know anybody with Leo on the ascendant, you might be sort of used know, where does she look like Leo? Where is the blonde hair and everything? Maga is a bit of an interesting twist on Leo.

So you see, I have a mane, which is, you have a face of a lionel lioness. Lionesse. Get it right. You’re female lioness going on. But Maga is a specific, very interesting part of Leo, which is, you see, Maga is ruled by Ketu. Ketu also rules mula and ashbini. So those three nakshatras and Maga, that ketu, Ketu obviously linked to the number seven. So this is that most mystical kind of esoteric occult type of planet here.

Or a point. So k two gives that Maga that natural darker look. It will be darker features. It will be darker hair. Maga can have those kind of reddish hair as well. But very often it is going to be sort of dark brown or even black. Even though you’re in Leo, Maga brings that twang to it. It is also dark features. So the eyes, the skin as well.

These are either people who could have a darker complexion or people who just love the sun and they will get a tan very easily, which is something that I would do all the time if I could. So Maga brings that kind of side of things. It is also that kind of mysterious. Maga also gives that bird like nose. You may not see that very well right now, but if you met me in person, there is a bit of a bird like nose going on.

Okay. That’s typical for Maga. Maga can be quite sarcastic, even a bit intimidating, and sometimes a little bit distant and cold. And this is the kind of energy that you may not, maybe it may not come across here, but in a person it is literally something in the energy field. So I hear that a lot that men are intimidated by me and I think I’m just so approachable.

So that is Maga, because Maga is that kind of Nakshatra linked to the kind of royal lineage. And there is a bit of that weird energy whereby the distance, even though you really don’t intend to have that, but somehow people feel that, sure, well, that’s maybe not a common information there. And of course, Maga, as the name suggests, maga magic, alchemy. So this is the Nakshatra of people naturally interested in the sort of mystery and the teachings, any ancient teachings, texts, et cetera, because it is also that kind of lineage back to the ancestors and the link back.

That’s typical maga. So, yeah, a little bit different side of Leo here. Yeah, that’s beautiful size. If you got Leo rising, especially if you get this, what Ola has, you have your ascendant in Maga, right? Know you’re going to have a connection to your aries because Aries by default runs this. Well, where’s her Aries? It’s up here in your 9th house, which is the house of wisdom philosophy.

So a large portion of what you’re going to get from her physically, you’ll have this beauty. But this is the magician card. The magician card is this area. So how does she create on the world stage? Through her physical presence. But you’re going to get a lot of philosophy and you’re going to get a lot of wisdom here through the 9th house. And of course, Jupiter rules the 9th house.

You would just come back down here and you have it in Libra, so they just coincide with one another. It’s really beautiful. The way I see a lot of the main piece for you here is to use your exterior, but then inside the exterior is Aries energy. And your job here obviously is to deliver your wisdom to the world stage by being a wizard, because the magician is Aries.

So it’s like you’re here to deliver your knowledge, you being a sage to the world, and you will draw people in with your exterior clearly. You could see that, right, with this rising sign of Leo. It’s really quite amazing, man. That’s why astrology is so damn mean. I love it how you can connect all those things together. Just one more sort of addition from babylonian astrology on the descendant.

The descendant is around five, six degree there in maga, that’s where you have the star Regulus. Regulus, that’s right, Regulus. One of the watchers. The regulator. Yeah, the four watchers. So Regulus linked. Well, this is the king because this is the royal Nakshatra. So naturally, this is the kind of Nakshatra linked to leadership and sort of management and those kind of pioneering, a little bit of pioneering element there as well.

Definitely doing things their own way, which is pretty much. I’m going against everything that is sort of mainstream alternative astrology. You got one hell of a code. I mean, your house of legacy, the 6th house, Capricorn, 10th house, Taurus. I mean, you got two earth signs in your house of legacy and career. So whatever it is that you’re here to do, man, you’re here to leave some kind of legacy behind for earth, for people of earth to take advantage of moving forward into the collective.

And I find that pretty amazing. Well, this is clearly telling that my job is here in that kind of arena, because surely it is not in relationships. Okay, if you look at the axis, 511, and we don’t actually have that other chart, but it doesn’t matter in a d ten dashamsa, it’s the karmic, so called karmic, or the life purpose chart. My rahu is in the first house.

So we have one seven axis and 511. What zodiac sign is in your first house of your d nine? Is that we talk about d nine or d ten. Oh, d ten. I’m sorry. D ten. What zodiac sign is in your d ten for the first house? I think it’s virgo or libra. Okay, that would make sense. It depends which ayanamsha you’re using. But you see the point that I’m making here.

It’s a bit of a sad story here, unfortunately. Is that 511. Okay, rahu in the 11th house, k two. In the fifth house, k two being the house of relationships, love affairs, children. And in the d ten, the shamsa. I’m on the axis. One seven being in the first house. Right, the first house. And again, k two, the past being in the relationships. While the first house is the house of sort of testing myself, I need to see how much I can sort of do.

I need to push myself. So this is that kind of house where you don’t get that much help, which those two together. Those two positions together are not the best recipe for a successful sort of love life and relationship life. So this is not exactly the chart supporting so much that which is pretty much, unfortunately, what I’ve delivered against. Yeah, well, I mean, just on the classic d one here, you’ve got Aquarius.

And aquariuses are very typically, Aquarius is like distance and aloof and in their heads a lot. It’s an air signs and the focus is on scientists kind of stuff, inventions, all that kind of stuff. And it seems like the study of Aquarius is more. Leans more towards independency and your career taking the forefront of your life, whatever that’s going to be like. And so therefore, this coincides with.

Let me just stop sharing this now. That kind of coincides with the chart there for you of your career maybe being tied to the love in your life, like it’s the focal point. Your Venus is there in Virgo. So there is this pull here towards having a family, though I’d have to look at your d nine. Do you know your Venus is in your d nine chart? I don’t remember.

You don’t remember? Okay, no big deal. We won’t get into your personal details about your love life. Yeah, no, but you see the kind of the matrix interpretation of that Venus in Virgo and of know me and you both agree that this is absolutely, this is all inverted, but this is how they try to imprint it right into this reality. So Venus in Virgo and on top of that, invisible, invisible Venus always gets a bad reputation.

But really, really the true meaning of that, this is more of a priestess, this is more of a service position. She’s in service. And Virgo is not in service to people, it is in service to the divine. So Virgo is that impersonal service. So that position also suggests that the focus is a little bit more like, I am here on the job, not in the sense of kind of hustle and grind, and I’m here to build a company, but I am here to literally do what we’ve been talking about.

Right. Do certain things. And the relationship kind of is a bit of a secondary thing based on my chart. Right. It is not that this is necessarily my choice, but I would say definitely that in case of sort of someone trying to stop me or trying to kind of take my attention or anything like that, there’s going to be a problem always, for sure. But that does not mean that I am sort of uninterested in that side of things.

It’s just that it is a bit of a challenge for that to work out even in a context of literally those Rahu’s in the first house and in the 11th house, they kind of suggest that if the rahu allows a relationship or allows a man to enter, that man needs to be really non standard. And please apply that to your chart as well. If anybody has Rahu in the first house and maybe their love life is not the best, now you understand why.

Okay, the 11th house, similar. So these are pretty much two axes to do exactly with relationships, marriage, et cetera. So I’m divorced. I was married for 15 minutes. Well, a little bit longer, but it was kind of in and out. So I’m pretty much unfortunately delivering against the code. And yet Rahu in the first house has already exhausted, has already been through all the relationships in the 7th house, k two.

So Rahu in the first house says, okay, you need to focus on sort of testing yourself, doing things on your own. So, yeah, this is story of my life when I have to fight only on myself, unfortunately. So that rahu in the first house, for everybody, that Rahu will allow a partner, if that partner is in some way non standard, so that you do not try to repeat the 7th house because that’s done.

This partner needs to be in some way unusual, whether that be big age gap up or down, whether that be different nationality, preferably even different continents, or whether that be, I don’t know, somebody covered in tattoos or something about them that’s just nonstop unconventional. Yeah, unconventional, then that will be kind of allowed, or at least allowed for some time. Yeah. I mean, just having Aquarius in your 7th house clearly says, like, you need independency.

So if you’re going to attract somebody, if a relationship would work for you, there has to be the boundary of, I need my time alone. I need my independency, I need my time for research. So you got to know that. And this is how astrology helps relationships, because you can start to look at your partner for what they are and then you could just say, okay, all right, well, so if I got to be with you, then I have to give you this space.

Well, you don’t have a choice. I mean, if you give me the space, you’re going to hear about it, right? This is how you get into debates and all that kind of stuff. So, yeah, clearly I see a lot of your energy being focused on you this time around, being able to have this space of being this leader on the world stage, being a voice, being someone who people pay attention to and say, okay, well, there’s something to this Ola lady.

And then if someone were to try to get close, they need to know that you need space. You need space for your work, you need space for your business. You need space to help the world because your rahu and your classic spread is in the 11th house of social circles. You’re going to have a lot of people around you. You’re going to need to be around a lot of people.

You get into a relationship these days. Most people, they’re whack jobs, man. They’ll get so jealous. Exactly. That jealousy for you and your chart, that just doesn’t work. Doesn’t work. No, that’s not going to work, man. You’re starting off on the wrong foot. Like, you need to be somebody weird, somebody of a chart, like yourself. You need to be non jealous, supportive of that person’s code, and realize that they’re very independent and they need a lot of free range not to get out there and play the field and be a user.

No, the main job for you, obviously, one of them, is to help the world create a different space and to ascend out of this and resurrect out of this kaliyuga. And this is what this whole topic has been about, escaping the matrix. But from a personal point of view, at this very end, man, I mean, the code that you have, that you can clearly see it, and that’s why I’m saying astrology is going to help people moving forward, because it’s going to allow you to see people for who they are instead of saying, well, I don’t like the way you do that.

Relationships, marriages, 53% of marriages end in divorce. So the statistics are not in your favor. I watched this amazing hour and a half interview with this divorce lawyer. I had no idea to watch it. It was about marriage and love. He’s a divorce lawyer. That was on the topic, and he had come in and he was so genius. And the guy was telling you, statistically, marriage is negligence.

It’s a negligent act to get married. Right? Because the statistics are not in your favor. And the way we go about doing it is classically, you look at someone, start like yourself. Doesn’t mean you can’t do that. But I’m saying it’s like knowing how Ola operates and then saying, I see you, and then it allows you to then step back and observe the beauty in your code versus saying, well, my code doesn’t operate that way, and you got to operate on my code.

Well, sorry, that doesn’t work, pal. And even with friendships, even with friendships with you. You have all this energy in social circles. So clearly Gemini energy is pretty heavy in your charts. Yeah. And I would say that this is the funny clash between the 11th house and the first house because the first house, I think the first house quite often gets interpreted as ego house or sort of self love and all this.

Not self love, but like narcissist. I hope I’m not on that spectrum. But the first house is pretty much about biggering things for yourself and having this time and space to things. And the 11th house is not exactly that. It’s almost a clash of agendas here, because on one hand, the 11th house is clearly what I’m doing right now with you. Right. So we’re talking. We’re going to have some more people, perhaps tune in and listen to some of this.

And of course I’m connecting with people via my events and consultations and all that. But it is extremely important for me to have the time just for myself and to be able to withdraw, go away, spend my time with the leprechauns, as you say it. That is the first house, Rahu. So this is sort of me doing, testing myself. How am I doing? Literally in action, which has nothing to do with other people.

So that’s the first house here. So it’s a bit of a kind of clash and it’s difficult to balance that a little bit. But if anybody has those houses going on, well, in your code and you don’t really understand what’s going on, then this is what’s going on. Yeah, no, I mean, that’s what I’m saying. So, ladies and gentlemen, what’s in your first house? You’re all twelve signs.

Inevitably, what’s in your first house will kind of dictate and aerate how you roll in this life. Where’s your vision going towards? A lot of it has to do with the first house because it is about I me. What’s the desires here? And clearly, in the classic sense, you have Leo, and Leo’s like you’re the lioness and the lioness is going to roar and you’re going to hear the lionesse and you’re going to see the mane and you’re going to see the beauty and then you’re going to use that as a tool, and then you incorporate all the other houses.

And now you have ola, right. So it’s such an honor to look at your chart. And this has been fun, man, doing this live. Maybe you’re going to get some guys knocking at your door and I’m like, oh, I see you. Okay. You would fit me. I’m sure you will. You’re going to get emails of guys hitting on you like, oh, okay, well, I’m this and I’m that.

Not that you are asking for that, but we can laugh because I’m sure it’s coming, right? I’m sure it’s coming, but just know a little inside scoop for people. Right? But all fun aside, a glorious code that you have. And obviously, what I love about what you’re doing is you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re doing what feels right to you, and you’re not letting anything get in the way.

And you’re learning as you go. And that’s the beautiful part about life, even if you never knew anything about astrology. And then we just dumped this on you right now and showing you it’s undeniable that this system is in place in your life, and it’s utilizing you as an instrument as it writes through life. This is the human body, the pen writing, like we said before. Right. Some of the things in that chart will be the things coming from the soul.

The soul trying to guide me into those things. And this is that voice of the heart, right? This is what gets me out of bed every morning. This is what makes me want to do those consultations and makes me love it. This is why me and you are connected, and we’re talking about those things. We’re talking about events and potentially organizing something. Right. This is what I love.

This is that Rahu Ketu plus maybe the Venus position, but those things that are kind of trying to undermine my sort of belief in those things or make me question things or sending me those controlling people, et cetera, my way. This is the part of the cult to do with literally trying to kind of stop you, right? It’s a mix of both, and it’s important to know what’s going on so that you can manage it.

Yeah. Well said. I think we’ve covered a lot of information. I think this is probably a good length of a podcast to kind of maybe cap it here, unless you want to discuss anything. Absolutely. I think it’s probably even an idea to cut it in two, right? Yeah, I could do that. I got to. See, I’m all about easy peasy, but maybe. How long have we been going for? I think it’s been like two and a half hours.

Wait a minute. We started it. Wow. Damn, woman. We went a long time. Holy schmoly. Okay, yeah, I probably will have to cut these in half, which will be cool because it’ll give people the anticipation of the second part. So maybe I will split them into two. So, ladies and gentlemen, this has been our version of let’s talk about exiting the matrix, part two. And to me, it’s a fun ride.

Enjoying the journey. You enjoy it more when you see your code. To me, anyway, and I know, ola, you feel the same way when you see your code, it becomes so much easier. It becomes more enjoyable, more pleasurable. Your sanity comes back. There’s no forcing anything. You can kind of surrender, just kick back and enjoy it more. But I think an important thing to that is the fact that I don’t think I’ve ever had a reading where when I start going into the Rahu keto, into that kind of the soul based, the heart based aspects of the chart, for somebody to say, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

No, I’m not connecting to that at all. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that. Very often, what happens is that you really have that voice somewhere at the back of your head, in your heart somewhere. But very often it is underpinned by fear, it is underpinned by doubt. This is not what I’m educated for. I don’t have a paper. I don’t have this. I don’t have that. So sometimes when you come to someone who absolutely knows nothing about you, and they start telling you and validating your feelings and telling you, this is your path, this is literally why you were born.

It can be so not only liberating, but it can be so inspiring for someone to really feel like, oh, my God, someone tells me, literally, based on some mathematics, that this is what I came here for. Very empowering possibility here. Totally. Look at it. Yeah. Well, you and I are on the same page in so many more ways than I can think of at this point. So it’s a great collaboration.

A beautiful collaboration. I greatly thank you. I know it’s late on your end, probably keeping you up past your bedtime. No, we’re good. Okay, cool. So, yeah, it’s been great. This has been a really fun ride today for me. I know this is going to get a lot of views as well. So I just. Big shout out to all of you that have supported my channel, Ola’s channel.

We’re sending out a lot of love to all of you. It’s really been an honor, really, to be able to voice our opinions and then share them with you in hopes that maybe something will click inside of you. You’ll get it. And you’ll have this DNA activation upgrade that we’re all getting at this stage of the game. And the fun part is this resurrection, this collective resurrection coming out of the cellar, coming, moving back towards source.

It’s just a beautiful ride to be on right now. So, ladies and gentlemen, that’s it. And yeah, I’ll probably break this into two. So I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but this will be part two. So if you made it this far, you already watched part one, this will be part two. And maybe we’re going to have to come back and do another one. Ola.

Who knows? Sooner than later. I’m always, always up for. Yeah. Yeah. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to get a reading by know, go to her website, selfmasteryquest. com and you can schedule yourself in. I know you’re booked out months in advance now because of your popularity, so if you can get to Ola at this point, if she’s offering readings, you might want to hop in. I’m open to readings here.

I’m kind of cutting back on mine because of other things starting to take place in my life. But irregardless, you have two options here. Whichever one, and go support all his work. She’s got a lot of podcasts that she’s done and you can find her on YouTube. You just type her name in and you’ll get my own channel? Yeah. You haven’t. Leo without her. Ola doesn’t have her YouTube channel yet.

I think that’s going to be my way. I am censored so terribly that I think that if I started my own channel, that would just be immediately closed down. So I think I’m just not even going to try that route. And by the way, my readings, it is not the popularity factor. I mean, of course I’m very grateful for everybody who signs up, but the fact that I also host those events, it is kind of blocking some of my availability.

So it is kind of unfortunately, getting pushed into the future. But if somebody has a dire, dire need, because sometimes that happens, and I’ve had that people contacting me because they absolutely feel it needs to be now. And then I look at the chart and I look at transit and I’m like, yeah, actually, it’s good that you came now and not in two months. Yeah, I can always accommodate.

Accommodate. That’s beautiful. Yeah, I’m the same way. That’s beautiful. And ladies and gentlemen, if the event for next year, tentatively set to go to the farthest northern points of where Ola is at in Norway, and it’s an all inclusive trip. If this is something that piques your interest, then reach out to self masteryquest and drop her a line. I know that gathering emails to send back material when you get it done as you close in on that date for next year, will be helpful.

Right. I definitely plan on being there next year because I just want to experience some leprechaun. Yeah, I want to meet some leprechauns, but I’m really looking forward to that. So if that interests you. Ladies and gentlemen, the event we talked about in the very beginning, reach out to Ola and request some more material. Get on her mailing list, whatever that’s. Look, whatever, however she’s doing it so you can be a part of going to.

Are you going to have a cut off with how many people you’re going to have at this event? I do have a cut off because, you see, I just have an accommodation instead of first come, first serve. Got it? Yeah. Okay, cool. All right. Well, there you go, ladies. Like you said, everything is covered in price. Everything is all inclusive. So unfortunately, there are some restrictions. Restrictions? Yeah.

So it’s going to be first come back. What is the limitation of people? Do you have a number in mind or you don’t? Well, right now, the limitation originally is 15 people. And of course, we will see how we do on that number. And there is a possibility that we might sort of change a little bit around the event, maybe make it a little bit smaller if the agenda starts rolling out towards some kind of lockdown.

So we will see. But I already have people who even book tickets, plane tickets, so. Very interested. But yeah, absolutely, if somebody else wants to join us. Yeah, well, I’m sure you won’t have any problems filling the seats up. I’m sure it’ll be a sold out event. Small, intimate, the Arctic in Norway. Beautiful time to be alive next year, 2024. So that’s a wrap, ladies and gentlemen, appreciate all of you supporting all this channel, my channel for being here, for listening to this entire two part episode of let’s talk about escaping the Matrix, part two.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure, Ola. Appreciate you coming on and joining forces, ladies and gentlemen. That’s it. It’s a wrap. My name is Logan. Decode your reality Ola. Selfmasteryquest. com. Till next time, ladies and gentlemen. We will see you later. Bye. .

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