➡ The text discusses the importance of aligning with one’s life path, as indicated by their astrological chart. The speaker believes that if someone feels stuck or unhappy, it’s because they’re not following their chart’s path. They also discuss the development of their website, which includes a unique system for calculating astrological charts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of simplicity and accuracy in their system, and mentions the potential for future improvements.
➡ The text discusses the inclusion of Ophiuchus, the 13th sign, in astrology. The speaker explains that Ophiuchus and Scorpio share the same part of the sky, and while mainstream astrology often ignores Ophiuchus, it’s an important constellation that can’t be overlooked. The speaker also describes Ophiuchus as a higher expression of Scorpio, symbolizing not just awareness of the deeper world, but a desire to work with it. The text also touches on the idea of embracing and integrating the ego, which is symbolized by the serpent in Ophiuchus.
➡ The text discusses the movement of the sun in relation to constellations, particularly its entry into the constellation Ophiuchus on December 7th and its exit on December 18th. It also talks about the significance of the sun aligning with the galactic center during the solstice, which is expected to happen in the future but not in our lifetime. The text also mentions the discovery of Uranus in 1781 and its association with revolution and innovation, as well as its current position in the constellation Taurus.
➡ The speaker discusses their journey in astrology, initially resisting but eventually embracing the Master in the Zodiac system. They appreciate its precision and how it corresponds to the actual stars. They also discuss the Vedic system, praising its accuracy and advising to use it as intended, particularly with Nakshatras and Potas. The speaker also acknowledges the value of the Tropical system, viewing it as a derivative that accurately represents the physical self and experiences. They encourage listeners to use the system that resonates with them, emphasizing there’s no need to force change if a system is already working for them.
➡ The speaker discusses their journey in astrology, focusing on the shift from tropical to true sidereal astrology. They explain how their astrological sign changed and how this change has influenced their personal growth and self-understanding. They also discuss the importance of precision in astrology and how their website, Mastering the Zodiac, helps others gain a deeper understanding of their own astrological signs. The speaker also touches on the connection between astrology and playing cards, highlighting their own unique combination of cards.
➡ The speaker discusses their approach to astrology, preferring to use standard or Western charts for simplicity, despite acknowledging the accuracy of Vedic charts. They mention their future plans for their astrology business, Mastering the Zodiac, which include creating an app to provide more accessible and digestible content. They also offer a discount on their full report. The speaker shares their journey into astrology, which started at a young age with an influential aunt and eventually became their profession after a positive response on YouTube.
➡ The text is about a person expressing gratitude and admiration for someone they’ve interacted with, possibly in a zodiac-related context. They mention a calculator that shows where everything was at the time of one’s birth, and offer a free report with more detailed information available upon request. The speaker highly appreciates the other person’s intelligence and contribution to the world.
I really am so grateful that you’ve allowed me to come on and share some space with you. So welcome out. I know my guests are excited to hear you speak, my friend. Thank you so much, Logan. It’s great to be on. Awesome. Awesome. So now we get the little intro out of the way. I just want to jump right into this because I know we only have a short period of time. At what point in your career? Well, actually, let me start with this. How did you get started in astrology? Well, I was actually never into.
I mean, I had an aunt that was into astrology, and I always found it very intriguing, but I was like, very left brain, you know, person, in a sense, very scientific. You had to really, you know, prove things to me with the five senses in order for me to validate it and really make it part of my perspective on life. But, you know, through personal development, luckily I was always into personal development. I had a lot of challenges early in life, and so to overcome those challenges, I, you know, practice things like good diet, working out, and obviously that eventually led to meditation, as that’s, you know, sort of on that path of personal development.
And at the time, I was living in a homestead just outside of Las Vegas in the desert, and, you know, really just spending so much time, you know, alone and turning inwards, meditating so much. I just came to what you could call a spiritual awakening, where I became very aware that there’s obviously so much more than the five senses and, you know, there’s so much more to life. And so from that moment on, I started to open my perspective to a lot more things and got into a lot of different spiritual sort of mediumships, you know, kind of tools.
And. But astrology was the one that stood out the most. And I think it’s because I come from a very, you know, again, kind of left brain perspective on things. And astrology really is one of the spiritual tools that is very physically verifiable. You know, you can go outside and literally look at the planets and make, you know, sort of interpretations of those. Those observations. So I think that’s why I gravitated towards. It’s really good for my personality, but it’s obviously extremely powerful and was a super big help for me and, you know, those close to me at the time.
So I just started doing it personally. I started a YouTube channel. And one thing that led to the next, and it just built more momentum. And here we are today, about 12 years later, doing astrology full time and really grateful, really grateful to be having found it and being able to do this publicly. Awesome. Did you now, yours obviously is based on Sidereal. Did you start with tropical? Yeah. So just like most astrologers. Yeah. So through the studies, I heard about Sidereal, and that’s a quite common thing. Like, if you ask a mainstream astrologer or tropical astrologer, they’re going to say they know about Sidereal.
But, you know, just like so many things in life, it doesn’t really hit you until it becomes part of some experience. And so I was doing tropical for a couple years and about a year actually, and then one day I was like, all right, let me go look at the sky for this full moon that was happening. It was supposed to be like a full moon in Gemini. So at the time, the smartphone apps just came out where you could, like, hold up the phone and see it visually with the planetarium and, you know, it’s supposed to be in Gemini.
So I got unchecked and, you know, sure enough, it’s like right in the middle of Taurus. And that’s when it really hit me, you know, is when really visually and experientially I noticed, like, wait a minute, something’s not right here. So from that moment on, I’ve been slowly, you know, for that, you know, few months, I started to incorporate true Sidereal. Luckily there was a software out there that allows you to use the actual constellations, because believe it or not, like, 99.5% of all astrology programs, all at like, 2, there’s no setting where you can actually use the visual sky.
So it’s just really, like, really difficult thing to do. But luckily that was there. And so I was able to jump right in and start doing readings using the truth. So, yeah, a lot of things had to come together. Part of it’s me, but part of it’s so much technology and so much as, you know, humanity. I think getting to a point now with pretty much in every industry, we’re all going back to a more natural state now in a more fundamental, healthy, balanced state after, I think, losing ourselves collectively and primitive technology, this new technology since the industrial revolution.
And yeah, it’s just one of the many things here that I’m just again, grateful to be a part of. And it’s simple, though. We’re just using the visible sky, but now we have technology that allows us to do that and put it in a chart form and all that, which is great. Yeah, I, I, you know, it’s, I was, I was chuckling when you were describing how you found Sidereal. And last this past year in, in June, I was on the beach and I was looking up at the moon and I saw it in, in Leo, in the body of Leo.
So I had my other United States phone with me. I opened it up to take, because I wanted to take an image, I wanted to take a picture. So I was able to get the moon with the stars and the body of Leo and then take a picture of the app with my phone. So I had two phones with me and I, I did a video on that and I showed people that tropical astrology fails miserably with the true placements of the celestials. And that was my proof that I needed, not just based upon. Because a lot of people have, you know, questions about these things being computer models, but just like you, I confirmed it with my own eyes and I thought it was just amazing when I saw that.
So, yeah, it really is. And I think that’s something that, you know, we just don’t have the luxury of anymore. You know, it’s with all these cities and noise pollution and living in these boxes, you know, it’s like we’ve completely separated ourselves from nature. But, you know, our ancestors, literally every night they’re sitting there with no light pollution, looking up at this freaking vast sky of stars and the Milky Way and all this stuff. And they’re just immersed in this stuff every night, you know, telling stories about these moving bodies and stuff. And so, yeah, I think it’s so important to go back to those roots.
Yep, yep. For sure. For sure. Well, I mean, your, your birthday is not too far from mine. And, you know, we share that sunny Capricorn, which is, which is. I, I mean, that says a lot about you. Do you, what, what do you kind of look towards when you do astrology readings? What things stand out to you? Do you get into the chart rulers, the admin karkarka, which Vedic astrology uses the highest degree? Do you use any of that kind of stuff? I use Some, I use some Vedic principles. So I am, you know, strictly a Western astrologer.
Practiced and, you know, learned from the Western background. But I do incorporate a lot of principles with, you know, from Vedic. But I go by lately I’ve been really using the nodes a lot. So Rahu and Ketu and Vedic astrology and yeah, the rulers associated with those. And really reading the whole chart from that sort of perspective, the more I do astrology now, the more I try to make it as practical as possible for people. So, you know, it’s nice to like go in and like hear your personality characteristics and things like this. And you know, I do have a printout of this which is like, you know, you know, 12 pages of like a report of describing all this stuff.
But when I do these one on one readings, I really like to get into, okay, how can we make your, you know, how can we align your life to your life path? Like, how, how can we align you to your life path? Because what I find is if we’re off of our path, I can’t tell you how many readings I’ve done. And you know, someone’s coming to me and they’re having problems, they’re having issues, they feel stuck in their life and it’s because they’re misaligned to their notes, they’re misaligned to their life path as it’s read in the chart.
And then those that are very fulfilling, it’s like, okay, they tell me about it. It’s like, all right, you’re obviously living, you know, and I can see in the chart you’re living in alignment to the path. So there’s a lot of this free will that, that is involved. Obviously, like again, coming from a more Western background, the west tends to give a lot more in terms of free will than like the east or Vedic astrology does. So that’s how I like to approach it, is, okay, let’s see how you are in alignment with your path. Tell me a little bit about your background, maybe what’s on your mind at the moment, what are you involved with? And let’s see how that fits with the life path.
Because I guarantee you, if you’re feeling stuck or uncertain in any way or really, you know, suffering in any way, it’s because, you know, you’re, you’re off of that path. And then the chart tells us very clearly how to align to it. And then that’s just amazing for me because, you know, it’s the most rewarding thing when someone, you know, goes to the reading they get that confirmation because everyone knows what their life path is deep down. It’s not like I’m telling anyone anything they don’t already know. But there’s so much noise in life, you know, external and internal.
Internal noise. And it’s so rewarding to have them get that confirmation and then. Then never needing me again. Like, my. My job is to give that one reading. And if I’ve done my job correctly, you know, you shouldn’t need any more readings after that, because it really is that simple, you know? Yeah, we are the whole zodiac. And. And I think in a spiritual level, it’s important to incorporate the whole zodiac. But in this physical incarnation, as. As the Vedic say, you know, this kind of resolving of karma, if you will, or living our Dharma, you know, aligning with our dharma, the chart’s very clear about this.
And. And that’s what I love the most. That’s how I like to work with the astrology, is how to align, you know, with the Dharma. Awesome. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am here with Athen and mastering the zodiac. And you know, what I love about your system the most is besides the true sizes of the constellations, I think you did a great job incorporating, like, Virgo. We know if you look at it, it’s much bigger than Cancer or Libra, right? So I think you did an amazing job with that. How long did it take you to get that website up and running and get a coder to do all that kind of stuff? Well, that was years.
Yeah, that was years in the making. I mean, at first, it just started with, you know, well, the. The, Like, I said that that program that makes all this possible, Prometheus is the name I would embed. I would embed the. You know, luckily the developer, Gavin, had a char calculator that I could embed on the website. So I was doing that for. For a while. Like, I don’t know, five years or something. And then slowly, we were able to start to incorporate, you know, the. The actual calculator we have now, which is more, let’s say, responsive.
But the whole boundaries. The boundaries were pretty quick. I mean, the boundaries are very simple. So all I did was. And this, unfortunately, was, you know, revolutionary. I mean, was the one in 2012 to do this, because, you know, I would have expected something like this to happen a lot sooner. But anyways, there was no one doing it. So I took the constellations, and there’s a beginning and ending star of each constellation. Right. So let’s say we’ll take the beginning Zodiac, you have the end of Pisces, the last star of Pisces. Then you have the first star of Aries.
And there’s always either a gap or the, or the two constellations will overlap. So I just take the two. I just took the two. I plotted them on the ecliptic. So I’m basically just using the longitudinal coordinates of those stars, plotted them on the, on the ecliptic, and just took the midpoint, the halfway points between the two and said, okay, this is the boundary. So I call it the. It’s just simply taking the halfway point between the last and first stars of the constellations. So, yeah, so that’s. That part was very simple and it’s extremely accurate because it’s, it’s how it appears visually.
Now, there was, you know, already some boundaries out there, and a lot of, maybe your listeners are aware, but the iau, or International Astronomical Union has their own set of boundaries. And that’s, you know, also uneven constellations, what they call the astronomical ones. But the issue with that is it doesn’t reference the ecliptic. And that’s why I had to do the midpoint system, because the Astronomical Union is not concerned with astrology. Right. They’re not trying to make the constellations relative to path of the planets, the ecliptic. So what we need with astrology is that path of the planets to reference that when we, when we make the boundaries.
And that’s why the IU boundaries can be off quite, sometimes quite off from the system I use. Because, to be honest, I don’t even know how they came up with these boxes. So they basically drew boxes around all. Not just the zodiac, but like all the constellations. And it seems arbitrary the way they decided to do it. It’s almost like just someone went in there and freehanded it. But. But anyways, yeah, so those boundaries are different. That’s why we had to create these. And yeah, it’s the midpoint system. I think it’s, it’s the best to be used visually.
But of course, you know, there’s going to be more in the future. And I, you know, recommend anyone else, you know, practice, use different ones. We’re thinking about using maybe the magnitude of the stars to determine more of the boundaries, you know, maybe using the distance from the ecliptic, also factoring it in. So there’s a lot of different ways that it can evolve. But right now it is very simple. But I think simple in a good way, that it’s. Like I said, it’s very accurate. To the visual sky. Yeah, yeah, no, no doubt about that. Well, I think you did a great job on it.
You said it’s called. The program is Prometheus. Is that. Did I get that right? Yeah, that’s the astrology software. Your. Your name in numerology is the same numerology as Prometheus. Prometheus. Oh, really? Neurology is 48, and that’s what your name is in Chaldean numerology. 48. Oh, wow. Yeah. That’s crazy. That’s amazing. So, of course, Prometheus stealing the fire. Astrology, one of them, the knowledge. That’s awesome. What. You know, the other thing I love about your. My probably my favorite thing because the sizes, they. Those are already a gimme in my book. But what I love about it is it’s color coded.
And I. I absolutely love that because when I’m doing reading for somebody and I got my cursor out, it’s so easy to show them and have them follow along with what’s in the house and where the zodiac sign is in the. The Lord of that house. It just makes it so much easier for the reader, for a practitioner of astrology to show people and have them follow along. I just love that feature. So kudos and great job on that. Well, how did you. What did you determine to do that? The color coding and all that? No, that was actually one of.
One of the preset options in Prometheus was rainbow. And I just like it too. I love it. But it’s basically just going through the, you know, so the infrared to ultraviolet spectrum, red to purple, overlaid on top of the zodiac. Yeah, but it, but it’s. It is. And this just proves the point that like, you know, astrology is. Is basically just the cycle of life. And this cycle of life is repeated everywhere. And like you just pointed out, it’s also repeated in the color spectrum. And you have the densest red, the heaviest or the chakra system.
Right. You got the. The red and then the ultraviolet. So this. These patterns are all repeated. And it’s just, you know, uncanny how you can always overlay a system on top of another like this. And it fits if it’s a system that is natural with nature. We just keep seeing those repeating patterns and it fits. And the color spectrum to the zodiac is one of them. Right, right. You know, the other thing too is. Is Ophiuchus. Including Ophiuchus in there, which it’s well deserved. I was just talking to my audience. I just did a decode presentation on Lionsgate and August 8th, and I was talking to them about how Ophiuchus deserves to be on that round table because of the foot.
And it’s 51 ofuki, as you know, that goes. Oh, because it’s like more most astrologers. Well, if it’s not on the ecliptic. Well, Ofuki has his foot going over and 51 Ophiuchi puts it over the ecliptic. Was that like already something you were going to include when you created this program? Well, I think you mean when I created the boundaries. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Were you. Were you just already intending to include Ophiuchus with the other 12? Yeah, yeah, it was. So I mean, it’s hard not to use a fucus when you’re using the visible sky, right? Because it’s a very obvious constellation.
So the only alternative is to, yeah, just. Just ignore it and expand Scorpio. But. But that is something that tropical does. Mainstream astrology does. But when you look at the stars, I mean, there is no confusion. I mean, Scorpio does wrap underneath. And what’s crazy is that they do share the exact same amount of space, right? So you have above Scorpios, a Fuchus and a Fucus takes up, you know, this amount of space and a Scorpio takes up almost exactly the same amount, and they’re just crossing the ecliptic at different times. So this is why I don’t use like say 13 houses.
Right, so. So houses your audience probably knows, but you know, houses in astrology just are basically taking the number of zodiac signs but saying, okay, we’re going to divide up the sky, not the constellations, but the actual sk. Starting with the eastern horizon by the same number of zodiac signs, which is traditionally 12. So a lot of people ask me, okay, well, if you’re using a fucus, which is the 13th sign, why aren’t you using 13 houses then? Well, the reason is, is because a Fuchus and Scorpio do share the same part of the sky. So they are the only dual sign that we used.
And I do again understand why it was removed because at the time, you know, mainstream the tropical, you know, so the Greeks basically and well, Babylonians, pre Babylonians, prior to, you know, they were really intending on making calendars and clocks. And it’s like, you know, imagine a clock, you know, with 13 hours. It doesn’t work. So so obviously, you know, to them it makes. And they were using a few because the pre Babylonians were using a few because we do have a lot of records of this same in Egypt as well, they were using a fucus.
But anyway, so, you know, they remove it and they just make it Scorpio. It makes sense because it shares the same part of the sky as Scorpio. But yeah, if you look at it visually, there’s a very, very clear part where Scorpio passes above the ecliptic from the bottom. Like you said, the leg of a fucus passes from the top down across the ecliptic action. So by definition, a zodiac sign is, is a, is the constellation that passes through the ecliptic. By definition, it’s there. And these are similar energies. They’re both about depth and transformation, but they are the, you know, what we would say is this again, evolution of life.
It is the next stage of evolution after Scorpio’s getting into the deeper world. A fuchus then works with that deeper world. And you can do this for any sign too. You know, the beginning of Leo is very different from the end of Leo. Right. But it’s a very clear difference when you’re dealing with, with these two. And not to mention too that the, the, a few, the, the Milky Way, the, the center of our galaxy. So right there, you know, that very thick Milky Way band, the center of our galaxy passes right through the end of a Fuchus.
And so when a planet passes over and finishes a few. Because at the end of a fucus is that final death transformation. And then Sagittarius, the free spirit, emerges out of that. So reading Scorpio without that very, I mean, deeper transformative part of the sky is a. Yeah, just not doing service to the, to this guy. Yep. And even that’s a great point with the Milky Way there because I, I, that’s, that’s like Vishnu’s area right there, like the, the belly. But I think it’s the belly button of Vishnu. Right. Is that area right there. Yeah, I’m not sure, but yeah, that would make sense.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it’s the belly button. But it is, that’s Vishnu’s domain is, is right there, which makes sense because of Ophiuchus and it’ll hold in that serpent and carrying that load and whatnot. So when you, when you do a reading and someone has a placement in Ophiuchus, are you describing that similar to the Scorpio energy characteristics? Well, no, I mean, so yeah, no, it’s a, it’s a step above that Scorpio. Right. So the Scorpio energy, I read it as, let’s say we’re talking about Sun Sign. So a sun in Scorpio would be someone who, who’s aware of the deeper world.
So they are into research, they’re into the occults, they’re into, you know, working with that deeper world psychology, whatever. And, but a focus is again the higher octave of. That’s the higher expression of that. So not only is a fucus aware of it, but a few. Chris wants to work with it. So when you’re dealing with like an efficacious son, you have someone who’s not only aware of the deeper world but actually starts to come up with insights and a perspective of like hey, how can we actually work with this deeper world? So that’s why, you know, it’s the archetype.
Well, it’s a serpent bearer. But it’s been, you know, the serpent in, in ancient history has been always associated with healing. So it really is that healer. And if we look at, you know, modern psychology, like Jungian psychology, we can very clearly see that, you know, if you want to heal, you have to really not only be aware of the deeper worlds, but you have to embrace it. And I think this is what a fuchus do and I think this is what’s symbolic in the constellation itself is that this isn’t a person fighting the serpent, right? This isn’t like western middle age Europe where we, we hear about the dragon and slaying the dragon.
This is, this is someone who’s actually. And, and the serpent has been synonymous with the ego or the physical aspects of the self or the physical body, which is all the same, right? The, the ego, the physical self and all this. And you can either fight that, you know, you can work, you know, you can resist it, you can overcome it. Sure, these are all empowering things. But Afuka shows us that actually the key is to embrace the serpent within us, right? To embrace the ego, to embrace those darker, hidden, exiled parts of ourselves that we’ve exiled and embrace that and accept that.
And that’s what I think Young, Young was talking about when he talked about integrating the ego and you know, becoming more whole. Because in our unconscious we have all these parts of ourselves that we’ve exiled, right? We said that’s not me. Because as soon as the ego comes in, says I’m this way, I like this identify with this. That’s basically implying that it’s not everything else. And all those, everything else is going to the unconscious. And I think that’s what the galactic center is. I think that’s what a fuchus is aware of and the opportunity now, not, not every efficacy will do this, but the great opportunity that a fuchus has is the ability and the opportunity to embrace these exiled parts of themselves.
But of life and of others, and then, you know, when they start doing it for others, that’s where you do start to see, you know, people getting into the medical field, people being psychologists, people being in the spiritual and the occult or sharing knowledge about this stuff. But that is that next stage. And I’m not saying Scorpios can’t do this, but Scorpios, you know, are much better at research and much better at uncovering that deeper world. And then you have. Have people like doctors or, you know, like I said, spiritual teachers and things like that that tend to have more efficus placements.
Right, right. It’s really interesting with the 13 because I don’t know, I’m sure you’ve connected this, but Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, the Last supper, there’s not 12 people at the table. There’s 13 people at the table. And you know, is Jesus the Christ? Was he. Was he initiated in that painting to be Ophiuchus? That’s the big question. The sun makes this boomerang ship. It makes a serpent shape as it moves through the. The con. The. The 12 months. And it actually has to be 13 months to make it a perfect boomerang. But, you know, it’s interesting because the, The Julian calendar, so history says, is when they move January and February in front of March, and March used to be month number one, but December seems to be like the, The.
The farthest away point. And this is, I think, where Christmas may come into play. And that’s in Sagittarius at that time. So it’s right around, I think, when would you say Ophiuchus? What do you have it pegged as the start day? Like it’s going to have what the, the. The 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th of December, when you actually would be an opus son. Well, so if you, if you do take that. So, so this is where we have an overlap with the midpoints. Right. So you want to take the nearest star to the ecliptic, the last one of Scorpio, and then you want to take the first one, which is the leg of a Fuchus, and then draw that midpoint.
So if you do that, then the sun enters a fucus on December 7th. Oh, 7th. And stays. Yeah, and stays there until the 18th. Until the 18th. And then the 18th, the sun has just passed the galactic center and then, you know, then is halfway Between a focus and Sagittarius and then starts to get closer to Sagittarius on December 19th. Right. But you bring up like an excellent point about the, you know, these sort of solstices. And this is that, you know, we are going through these ages and you know, I say pretty soon, but we’re talking still hundreds of years.
But in a humanity, humanity sense, you know, we’re going to have the solstice aligning with the galactic center. So in other words, when it is, let’s say Christmas, it is going to be. Or let’s say the solstice. When it is the solstice, it is going to be the sun in the galactic center in a fucus. So this is going to be obviously a change of ages. You know, we hear about the age of PI, her age of Aquarius that we’re in. But this is very significant once we do make that once, once we do make that transition, because there is the.
And this is why tropical is different from sidereal is that with tropical you stay fixed with the seasons. Right. And that’s why in tropical, you know, when you do get to the solstice, you know, dealing with Capricorn and you’re. And it stays this way indefinitely. Right. That’s why you have always on the spring equinox, it starts their Aries. But, but there’s that change, what’s called procession. And is the change the movement of the sun relative? Well, it’s all of us really, but the way we observe the sun relative to the constellations and this is changing. And so right now during the spring equinox, it’s actually Pisces, not Aries.
And like you said, during the solstice it’s Sagittarius and not Capricorn, but soon to be a Fuchus. And that’s going to be a very interesting time. Yeah. Do you have any calculate, like what, what do you. Have you looked that far, like into the future of when you think it’s going to hit Ophiuchus, the solstice. You know, I did the research and now I, I’ve. I just don’t have the, the information in front of me. So what I’ll do is after our call, I’ll send it to you and then maybe you can make an annotation or note on exactly when that will be.
But we’re still a ways away. Like it’s not going to happen in our lifetime or anything. Yeah, of course not. But I think it’s going to be very significant, like collectively, you know, when you, when you think about how the. The center of the Milky Way, literally the center of the Milky. Because we’re. We’re. Or, you know, in a way, not orbiting, but we’re rotating around the center of the Milky Way. And so the galactic center, this Milky Way band, is basically the galactic sun, you know, and we know how important the sun is. We’re rotating around the sun in the solar system, but, you know, we are all, including the sun, rotating around the center of the galaxy, this larger system.
And, and that’s. Yeah, that’s the fucus. That’s. That’s the galactic center, that is the star. That’s the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way that we’re all orbiting around. And it’s very transformative. Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, it’s. It’s in the head. What. Russell Hogg, is this. The head of Ophiuchus, which is, I think is pretty amazing. That whole. I kind of broke all that down before, and it’s. I tell you, it’s very eye opening when you, when you start to study the individual stars, especially again with 51, that number 51 is so magical.
I mean, the Great Pyramid of Giza has a 51 degree slope. Why does it have a 51 degree slope? Did they know something we didn’t know? What. I mean, is there any synchronicity with this 51 ofiyuki star that goes over the ecliptic, that makes Ophiuchus part of the, Part of the. The roundtable, if you will. I. I just. Very fascinating with the numbers. And you synchronize them. Yeah, now for sure. Yeah. I didn’t know that. Yeah, that’s. That’s wild. Yeah. I’ll pay more attention to 51. Yeah, yeah. Like you said, 13, that’s. That’s another huge one, right? Yeah, yeah.
And I mean, again, you know, one of the greatest things I’ve ever discovered is I found it online. Somebody had taken an image of the sun, right? Either rising or setting on the same day of every month. And when, when I put them all together, it made this boomerang shape. It made like the sun does the sidewinder, right? Which, of course, that’s what it does. It’s like a pendulum. And so you. But you can’t just go 12 months. You have to add on the same month that it started with, which is December. So in order to get this beautiful sidewinder pattern, it has to be 13 months.
And Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, the mastery of that painting and what it means just based upon the solar positions, matches up exactly with that, that 13 month calendar. And we also can take into the 13 month 28 day calendar as well. And when you do that, you have the month of Soul, which is kind of the, the highlight of the Tropic of Cancer because now you have the sun at its maximum position during the summertime, or at least the starting point of that. So yeah, interesting. Yeah, pretty awesome. But with 13 lunar months, that’s what you mean, right? So because there’s 13 months in the year, right? Yeah, yeah, yep.
You know, another, another thing that I found was where I, I love the, the whole app that you’re doing is, was the discovery of Uranus in 1781. And when I, when I did that, I looked at that, I was, I was comparing sidereal versus tropical and tropical failed miserably. Again, I’ve already told my audience that they have. That’s the discovery of Uranus all the way over at the end of Gemini. And when you read the journal of William Herschel who discovered it, he said specifically that I’m observing this thing near Zeta Tori, which is Taurus. Right.
And so when you look at that, you can see how the sidereal gives the true accuracy of the placement of what that was. And I just. Have you ever looked into any of the discoveries, Neptune and Uranus and all that? No. Well, you know, I know when they were discovered and you know, as an astrologer, we know that whatever was going on collectively at the time of a planet’s discovery tells you the most you can know about a planet, which is so valuable because there’s so much, you know, with these newer planets there’s no like ancient knowledge.
Like I can get tons of ancient knowledge on Saturn and everything before that. But then once we get to these modern planets, we really have to trust if we’re going to trust. But I say don’t trust, let’s verify. And so the way to really verify is, you know, what was going on collectively when this planet was discovered. And that’s going to tell us the most about that planet. So for example, like 1781 with Uranus, you know, the whole, well, the US was going through revolution and then the whole world started going through revolution, right? And there was innovation, there was technology is coming out of that age of enlightenment.
So this is all Uranus energy, right? And this is why Uranus is associated with revolution and slice, associated with innovation and all this collective stuff. And that’s the energy we need to be focused on. So when we have you know, Uranus doing something. And we’re all trying to understand what’s going to happen collectively. We really need to, you know, study history and see, okay, what happened during these times when you’re in this case, very modern times that Uranus did these things and we only have so much to work with. But yeah, the, the time of discovery is really important.
And, and you said that Uranus was in sidereal Taurus then when it was discovered, because I didn’t know that. So that, that means. And Uranus is in Taurus right now again. So. Right, that’s, that’s what we’re going to say. Yeah. So interesting because it’s like we’re having Uranus’s birth, birth year or whatever. Whenever exactly is. I’ll have to look into that. But yeah, and then that tells us even more about Uranus too, that like, you know, there’s something there about Taurus because, you know, Taurus is the Earth and we’re from Earth. Discovering Uranus. Uranus is revolutionizing the Earth.
There’s probably a lot of synchronicities we can associate with that. But that’s a really good point about where, what, what sign Taurus, Uranus was in when it was discovered. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I, and again, I mean, I, I just, I try to tell people I’m not trying to twist anybody’s arms or change their minds. I’m, I’m about precision. And that’s what I love about mastering the Zodiac. I gotta be honest, Athen I, I fought your website off, I had somebody bring it to me and I, I just wasn’t having it at first. And at this, I was, I was using tropical at the same time as I was using Sideria.
When I do readings. I was doing both charts side by side. And I just was so embedded in the sidereal. And I was really big into the Nashatras. So I really didn’t want to deviate away from that system at the time. So I fought it tooth and nail. And then finally one day I just, just realized, wait a minute, you know, Virgo. It was Virgo that did it for me. I’m like, wait a. Virgo’s so big. Like, it’s not the same size as, as Aries or Cancer, so how can that be accurate? And that’s what I really moved over into the Master in the Zodiac.
So once again, I’m just, I’m very grateful and I know my community that listens to, you know, what I’m suggesting. They’re very grateful for you as well, thank you. That means a lot. Yeah, yeah, I put a lot of work into this and very rewarding to hear when it pays back like that. Are you going to be adding the Nashaktras to your mastery in the zodiac or have you ever plan on doing that? Actually, you know, did a little bit of research on this. There’s people in the community that done some research, you know, to test it and everything.
And I don’t see any reason to, to be honest, because I think the Vedic have done an amazing job, obviously. Don’t even need to say that they’ve done an amazing job staying true to the sky. Now, obviously they’re using an even 30 degrees for all the signs. Okay. But I don’t really see a problem with that if you are going to be using the Nakshatras and the Potas, because once you drill into those Nakshatras and Potas, you’ll see that this, they’re, they’re corresponding to the actual stars of that part of the sky. So, you know, like, for example, like the late degrees of cancer in their system is actually leo.
Okay. So they’ll say something is cancer, but it’s actually leo, okay, According to the sign. But if you look at the Nakshatra, so if you look at that late part of, of cancer, you’ll see how much that actually describes that LEO quality. So I think the Vedic system is, is perfectly fine the way it is. Leave it intact. If, if you want to use Nakshatra is great, you know, but, but keep it within that system because there’s really no, there’s really no reason to change it because it already uses the stars and it’s already corresponding to the visual sky if you use it that far.
The only thing I would advocate is if you’re going to use Vedic, make sure you use the Nakshatras and potters, because of course, you know, you could simplify it and only look at the, the signs that are the 30 degrees each and you’ll miss out so much, obviously, because then you’re not using that true sidereal anymore. But, but with the Nakshatras and Potas, it is true sidereal and it stayed true to the sky. So I think every system should be used for what it’s intended for. And I think, you know, Hindu astrology is 100 accurate in what it’s intended to be used for.
Yeah. Let me ask you this question. Why do you think so many people stand by tropical and they feel it is accurate for them and they’ll, they’ll they’ll back that up with the definitions. And what, why do you think that is? For people with that use as well? Yeah, yeah, I still, I still think Tropical is accurate for its intended purpose. Right? So as you know, with astrology, I mean, we create charts of charts all the time. What I like to call derivative charts. Okay. So like the progressed chart, for example, is a derivative chart and it’s extremely accurate and I use it and almost every astrologer uses it.
And even though it’s not the sky when you were born and it’s not the sky today, which would be like the natal chart and transits, it’s still accurate. And it’s because, you know, there’s nothing wrong with, with taking the original chart and then if you want to look at something from that, from a particular perspective, you create that derivative. And that’s what I think tropical is. I think tropical is just a derivative. And again, not to bash it, I don’t mean derivative is bad. I just mean like, let’s be honest, like, okay, I think even a tropical astrologer would agree that the tropical zodiac was derived from the sky.
Okay? So we have the sky which is true sidereal and we have this derivative which is tropical. But that doesn’t mean it’s any less accurate. Okay? So it’s basically overlaid the zodiac on top of the seasons and it’s now using that, that cycle of life which is independent of astrology. It’s just the cycle of life. They’ve overlaid it on top of the seasons and they’ve created a system around that. So it’s still very accurate. It’s especially accurate for the sun sign. It’s especially accurate for the tropical ascendant, which tends to show very much the sort of Persona or masks we wear in the world.
But what it’s showing is it’s showing that very physical 3D part of the self. So that’s why I prefer to use true sidereal, because I see it as the fundamental self, but we have infinite selves. And the tropical self, I think is showing what maybe the Hindus might call a sort of karmic self or the self that’s here, let’s say, I don’t know what better word to use, I’m not trying to degrade tropical, but kind of stuck in this 3D world because again, tropical does not change, it is static. And like, even if the Earth was to cease existing, the tropical system would go on.
Right? It’s this man made system. It’s based on the seasons locked into that, that consistent seasonal thing that never changes and that is the, the karmic reality that we’re living in, so. Or the physical reality, you know, and so that’s what I think it shows. I think it does an exc job of showing the physical self and the physical experiences for like a yearly reading or horoscope or anything like that too. But we just have to be very clear of what we’re using it for. All right, so just know when you’re using tropical, there’s nothing wrong with this, but just when you’re doing it, you are looking at that more physical self.
And I think, you know, we’re all going through different stages of development. And I’m not trying to say it true, siderealists are more evolved than tropicalists or anything like that. But you know, there is a stage and I think at some points when everyone’s ready, the next stage is, I think, to go back to some sort of fundamental route. I’m not saying it’s my system, but I am saying it is the sky. I’m trying to get as close to the sky as possible. But you know, it’s important to, to learn about our physical cells. But if we want to grow, we’re going to have to start tearing down these layers and starting to go into the more non physical or let’s say essential self, which is the physical, I mean, which is the visible sky.
So tropical is great. You want to know more about your physical life, your physical self, your ego. It’s great at that and it’s extremely accurate at that. But if and when you’re ready, whoever’s listening, you know, if, don’t force it. That’s why I don’t preach this. I’m not trying to convert anybody, right? I just express what I feel like is, you know, the truth. And when it’s ready for someone, it’s there. And maybe for some of you listening right now, maybe you’re at that kind of transitional period. Check it out, check true sidereal. If it doesn’t resonate and you’re like, this is, you know, horse crap, I’m going to stick with tropical.
Then stick with tropical. I think at some point you will veer out into some form of sidereal at some point. But right now do your tropical. It’s accurate, it works, keep using it. You know, there’s no need to force anything or no need to convince anyone, no need to change anything if it’s already working for you. And trust me, there’s tons of value that we get from a Tropical chart and just simply learning more about yourself in any form, you know, is valuable. And I think tropical still does an excellent job. No, that’s a amazing explanation.
Is that a tropical. I’m pretty raw and visceral on my take on everything and that’s because, you know, like I mentioned earlier, I’m about precision. And this is why I gravitated over to your, your website and I think, you know, moving into the age of Aquarius, if we’re already there now, you know, it’s, I know thyself and the, the water being poured out. I think that you’re right. I think that we’re going to come back to a state of like, okay, what’s the foundation? What’s the origin? What’s, what’s the true layer of the beginning of how all this stuff works to the, to the map of the stars? And I think that’s why people are, I mean, I, I think your website really is, is, is a pivotal moment for, for me and so many other people because when you start to look at the true sidereal and you compare that to the tropical, as you said, tropical has its merit, it has its say in, in our reality.
But would you, are you looking for the precision? If you’re looking for the precision, then you come over to your website, mastering the Zodiac, and you look at the true sidereal and you’ll get this and you’ll get a contrast between what you’re used to and what may you kind of. And I had to adjust to this, you know, because my placements moved. You know, you had mentioned the physicality, the tropical show and the physicality. And I, I agree with that. But I also look at the side area with the physicality. And what is your rising sign? Athen and true side arrows.
Taurus, Taurus. So, yeah, so in true sidereal, it’s read totally differently. It’s, it’s red. It’s not what you’re born with, but who you’re destined to become. So I don’t have any planets in Taurus. I don’t think anyone would see that I’m a Taurus in any capacity. And you know, this is a great example of how the rising sign is so different. So the ancients would look when someone was born and based on what sign was rising when they were born, that was supposed to be what role they were going to play in society. So this is read totally different, like I said in the tropical, which is like, okay, this is your physical appearance.
This is how others see you. This is more of what life’s helping you develop. So when I was born I had no Taurus energy in my life. But as my life has developed my life has put me more and more into Taurus situations to become more self reliant, to become more resourceful, to you know, believe in myself more. These are things that through these experiences I am becoming more of a Taurus. But I’m sure you would agree and as well as anyone else who knows me, there’s. I’m not a Taurus but I’m learning to become a.
I’m becoming a Taurus and I will become a more steady grounded, resourceful person, a Taurus person as time goes by. But not because I was born with this energy but because life is helping me develop and helping me shape that. And that’s because it’s not a planet. It’s just the constellation rising. The planets like you said in true side dare the planets are physical even in true sidereal because we see them visually everything up to Saturn, very physical. But yeah, the rising sign is a great example of how it’s very different. Yeah. So you would be.
Are you. What’s your, what’s your rising in tropical then? Oh, Gemini, which you can see my hands and. Yeah, yeah. See so, so any like most people could see that I’m like appearing as a Gemini, you know, communicating, talking language, all this stuff and that’s why it’s still accurate. But I can tell you the Taurus thing is personally very meaningful, very important to me and I think everyone else who checks out their true sidereal rising sign. Now I can see that. I mean I can see the, the Gemini and then the Capricorn Sun. I can see the Earthy.
You know I, I can see all that kind of stuff in you. There’s, there’s a really good book called Face. What is it? Faces of the Zodiac. I think so Faces of the Zodiac and it goes through. And that guy uses tropical astrology to do, do his bidding on what people look like. Do you. I had a question for you. I lost my train of thought now just escaped my mind. I had a good question for you and I forgot what it was. Okay. Where’s your Venus at? So my Mars and Venus are in Aquarius. So that’s.
Then we’ll see. So the rise run into that. Yeah, yeah, you have Aquarius. So this also plays into the sidereal because Venus is ruling Taurus and Taurus. Your Venus is in Aquarius and you have the, you have the traits of Aquarius. I mean listen, I don’t know if you get into the playing cards, but every birthday has a playing card attached to it. And this is the January 29th playing card, by the way, you share the birthday of Anthony Robbins, Tony Robbins, which is a really big deal. This. This card right here is like the Swiss army knife of the entire deck.
It’s. It’s. I already know you’re a genius, and I know you know your, Your. One of your gifts is intelligence, because this is the knight. The knight on the chessboard, and they go into battle to do things. And it’s not just that card right there. You have your pair of cards. You have two jacks. You actually have a jack of diamonds. And the jack of diamonds is. Is tied to the eye in the sky, right? So this is the. Out of the. Out of the entire card system, which is tied right to astrology. This is the.
The strongest hand out of any birthday. So if you have a jack of clubs birthday, you have a jack of diamonds spirit card, as they call it, and that’s what you got. And when you told me that before we started and I looked it up, I said, oh, this totally makes sense of why you’ve revolutionized the astrology world with your master in the zodiac. So, again, I’m grateful. Yeah. That’s interesting. Yeah, I’ll check that out. So the jack of diamonds comes automatically with the jack of clubs. Yeah. It’s your spirit car. Yeah. So in the. In the Babylonian card system, you have the life spread and the spirit spread, and those go hand in hand.
And the majority of people have two different cards. And so your jack of clubs card is paired with the jack of diamonds. And there isn’t any other hand out there. Nobody has a pair of anything other than what you got. Right. And again, I mean, if I just look at Tony Robbins, look at what that guy’s done for the world, right? Tony Robbins. I mean, the guys, he fits this right here to the. To a T. The jack of diamonds being tied to the sun, the eye in the sky, and the jack of clubs is the knight that goes.
And it’s. This is a mental card. You. This is, I think, right. This is a. The club suit in the card system is an air suit. So it’s a lot of. You do a lot of thinking, obviously, right. And then you pair that with the astrological, and you place these cards over, and these sit. These sit in the house of Aquarius. So you have your Venus and Mars and Aquarius, well, tied to your rising sign with Taurus. Starts to make sense. I I mean, that fusion of masculine feminine energy paired with your cards, I mean, you’re.
You’re a gem. You’re a gem. I mean, if I was reading for you, man, I. I would be such. I would be like a kid in a candy store because I get this superstar. Because that’s what you are. Yeah. And this is the first time I’ve met you, so, I mean, I’m not blowing smoke. I just tell it like it is, man. Thanks, Logan. Yeah, you’re welcome. Do you have anything in Ophiuchus? No, but it’s my. It’s my setting. Right. So the part of Taurus that’s rising is setting a fucus. So, yeah, so the. The setting, you know, the descendant is, you know, where we come from.
So it’s not like our roots like the bottom of the chart, but it’s kind of like the experiences that we’ve kind of come from and who are moving from and then into. So I’m coming from that efficus world and moving into the Taurus, and that’s how I feel about it. It’s like we never want to uproot ourselves from our roots. You know, our roots are always very important, and I feel like I’ll always have that. Those roots in that deeper world. But in terms of my conscious intention, like, I am always moving it more into that physical.
And, like, even now, like, Spain, and for the first time in, like, so long, I have a garden. And I’m like the kid in the candy shop with this garden, man, because I just love the nature with. No, yeah, exactly. So. So, yeah, so I’ll always have my roots in that, obviously, with astrology and stuff like this. But I try to move it again, make it as practical and grounded as possible for people. And I think that’s how I approach the astrology, so. That’s awesome. Do you. Do you ever look at your. The D9 Navamshire. Do you fool around with the Vedic A little at the Navam chart? I have, but I don’t.
I. I don’t do it, you know, professionally at this point. Yeah. Because I find it gets overwhelming. Right. Like, there’s. That’s why I was saying, like, using the Vedic with the Vedic system in its system, you know, in intact with. With the way that it is seems the best way of working with it. I find the information I need from the standard charts or the Western charts, progress chart. There’s a lot of similarities, obviously, and a lot of overlap there. But, yeah, I just keep it simple, but not to say I don’t think that the divisional charts are not helpful or not accurate.
They absolutely are. It’s just, you know, again, sort of in that and do system. Yeah. I mean, there’s so many D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D60. I mean, there’s. There’s so many. It gets kind of ridiculous. So I concur with you on that. I do like the Navamshire chart, though. I think it’s pretty. Pretty awesome for the Rising in the second half of your life, as they describe it, partnerships and stuff like that. So that’s pretty cool. So what are your future plans for mastering the Zodiac from here on out? Do you plan on expanding it? I know you do the readings, so do you do teach classes? What’s your.
What’s your expansion looking like, if any? Yeah, so it’s pretty much maxed out in terms of mine, like my me as a product, let’s say. So I have my readings, I have my courses, all the videos. And then just the last year I’ve created, like I was saying, the reports. And for me, that’s. That’s a big achievement because now I’m able to start to, you know, produce this stuff on a larger scale because there’s only so many readings I can do in a day and only so much content I can make. So. So yeah, we’ve got the reports now, which is a printout of all the signs and true Sidereal.
And have you. You haven’t gotten yours right, Logan, so I’ll send you yours after today. Oh, thank you. Check yours out. Yeah, appreciate that. But anyways, 1212 pages. Got a mini report on it. It’s actually extremely accurate. Very helpful. So right now gonna probably start to pivot into a. I’m still deciding if I want to do a future report, which would be like the upcoming year report or to just go straight into an app. So I’m leaning more towards an app right now, which I think would be really cool. And I haven’t actually said anything, so your audience is the first to hear about this.
Thanks for telling me. Dropping the bomb. I love it. Yeah, so I think I’m going to pivot in that app direction because, you know, there’s. You’ll be able to see not only like the next year, but I plan on having it. So, like, you know, like most apps, you can see what’s happening in the week and all that, but of course it’ll be in true Sidereal. So of course I believe it’s going to be extremely helpful, extremely accurate. But of course, I have a lot of other ideas too, like incorporating a little chat system with a kind of maybe AI or something like this to produce, you know, more content in a way that’s digestible and understandable.
So, yeah, so I think that’s the direction I’m going to take next. But most recently I’ve got that report and I recommend everyone, you know, just go to the website and, and just type in your birth details and see if it resonates because there’s a free mini report there. You can see the sky when you were born. It’s all there visually too. I don’t know if you saw, but I’ve also just recently added like the visual sky where you can see the actual. Yeah, yeah. When you can scroll position across. Yeah, that’s awesome. Yeah, yeah. So that’s a big one for us.
But yeah, you can see it visually and get the mini report, see if it resonates, you know, and if it does, I can give your audience a discount, 50 discount on the full report. Just going to masteringthe zodiac.com forward slash report-discount. That’s report-discount. Oh, that’s nice of me. Thank you. Awesome. I appreciate that. That’s great. Well, it’s been so much fun. I have one last question for you. When I don’t think I asked you this and if I’m repeating and I apologize. When did you. When did you know that astrology was going to be something that was a part of your life? Like, do you, like, were you young? Were you in your.
In your mid? Jerk. Like, where were you at in life for you to kind of get involved with astrology or did something else set you in. In motion of it? It’s really weird because, like, in a way I could say, like, I’ve known about it since a young age, but again, like, astrology only crossed my path occasionally throughout my life up until, you know, like I said, my spiritual awakening. Like, so always really interested in with my aunts. My aunts always played a very synchronistic and very, I would say, spiritual, like, role in my life and how things came together and the interests.
And she taught me, like, drawing and all these things that I wasn’t exposed to. She kind of like, helped me, like, mold myself and learn more about my interests and things. So I could say as far back as, like, probably being introduced with my aunt with a book she had, like, this was. It was cool, man. I. I don’t even know if. I mean, I’m sure, the book exists somewhere, but it was like this really fat book. It wasn’t all just like textbook stuff. It was all visual with all the signs and like, it was like this many pages on each sign, all visual with all the planets and everything, with all the signs and everything.
But anyways, that was really cool as a kid and. Yeah, so, so into that. But what really hit me, I think when obviously I saw just the YouTube response and, you know, started doing it professionally and then I moved away from my other job and, you know, at that point I was like, all right, great. Like, I get to do something that I love now. And, you know, it’s hard work. I’ve been working, you know, way more than I would at my other job. But it’s rewarding. I love it. But it was really. When I, when I think it was really when I could make that leap financially and start supporting myself doing this, that I think it really is me.
That’s beautiful. So your aunt was. She was into astrology and the mystical arts and all that kind of stuff? Yeah, yeah. She was always into the occult and the esoteric. Ah. Interestingly too. Like, I, I never looked at her. Actually, I did look at her chart once. I have to see if I can find it. But yeah, she was. She’s a hairstylist. And so it’s now that I’m thinking about. I didn’t even make this association until just now, which is like, like that Taurus effucus kind of a thing, you know, she’s full on, grounded into style and into beauty.
She’s an hairstylist in you. In New York City even. And like. But then she’s also got all that deep Scorpio stuff too, with the astrology and the esoteric and all that. Yeah, well, right. They sit right across from one another. Right. This 28 axis is no joke. So that’s amazing. Well, my friend, I really. I want to be respectful of your time and I so am grateful for. Excuse me. For coming on here and sharing, you know, your, your. Your mindset and your intelligence. It’s. It’s really been a fun ride. I know we got into some really good stuff and I know my audience is going to appreciate this.
I hope we get to do this again. Maybe sometime soon, maybe we can discuss some charts together. That would be kind of cool if you’d. If you’d be willing to do that with, with the Master. Yeah, totally. That’d be kind of. Yeah, let me know. Love to be back on. And I’m grateful, too. You know, I’m really glad there’s people like you out there, and it feels like I’m part of a family. You know, we all get to share this and be a part of this, because I think collectively, that’s. That’s what’s happening. I think we’re transitioning and.
Yeah, it’s just really cool to be a part of it. I’m really grateful for people like you, too, sharing your perspective, which I really value, and I think it’s helping the world. Thank you. Thank you. So if anybody wants to get a reading from. From this amazing gentleman right here, it’s just. Go right. Go right to Mastering the Zodiac, right? And you can just click on readings. I think you have a category there. That’s what I thought. Yeah. So go back. Master in Zodiac. The calculator is there. Check it out. View it visually. It’s. It’s where everything was when you were born.
And then. Yeah, the free report. And then if you want the full run, I’ll. I’ll send that. I guess that link will be part of this video. Yep. Beautiful. Awesome. Well, dude, it’s been an honor and a pleasure, man. I. I mean, when I. When I get to join with somebody like that, man, it’s sweeter than you. Who, Man, I tell you, I gotta tell you, I did a reading for a gentleman not too long ago. The guy’s a gene. A genius, man. I mean, the Jack. The Jacks are just. You guys are geniuses. As you should be, right? Because that’s your.
You’re doing your part in the world. So I really, really appreciate your mind and your time. So thank you so very much. Nothing. I appreciate you. Thank you so much, Logan. All right, thank you. Much love. Take care.