Spread the Truth





➡ The speaker discusses a variety of spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, focusing on the Hindu deity Shiva and his role as the destroyer and cleanser of the world. They discuss how these concepts can intersect with other religious beliefs and systems, and how they tie into their personal perspective of reality.
➡ The text discusses numerology, with coincidental interpretations such as 66 equivalent to “sexual intercourse” and “Christ”; the Large Hadron collider equated to sexual intercourse with quantum mechanics and Greek mythology, suggesting that Saturn might have been a sun and all celestial bodies could have potential to be suns. There’s a significant focus on the deity Shiva, and human beings’ role in the cycle of creation and destruction. It implies a relationship between Shiva and the Phoenix, and refers to Neptune’s dominion over water, making it a great influencer in astrological definitions. The conversation is layered with various connections made amongst numbers, symbols, mythologies, and astrological elements.
➡ The given text discusses the concepts of alchemy and numerology, drawing connections between language, symbols, and religious and philosophical concepts. It posits that light (symbolically represented by phosphorus) is the source of creation and sin. It further explores the significance of iron in human blood and its symbolic preservation of life. The text portrays Shiva as the symbol of destruction and highlights the numerological connections of its Sanskrit name. The text also refers to the concept of the killing name linked to world wars, the iron dome, and the music of Slipknot, asserting the intricate mathematical connection in these symbols. Ultimately, the text emphasizes the alchemical relationship between creation, preservation, and destruction, suggesting that destruction also fosters new life.
➡ The text explores the symbolic connections between Shiva, the destroyer deity in Hinduism, the number three, and the cards in a tarot deck. It also links the COVID-19 pandemic to the pale horse of the apocalypse. Biblical references, namely to Revelation 6:8, are interwoven with interpretations of numbers in numerology and the tarot deck. Shiva’s role as a bringer of a new world is also touched upon.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of life as a movie where individuals are not entirely in control, drawing parallels to the resonance with the number 56. They encourage self-improvement and preaching peace over anger. Referencing ancient Egyptian beliefs, it’s suggested that ascension, or personal growth, requires a heart as light as a feather, an analogy for detachment and inner peace. The text also calls for more love and gratitude in life, suggesting that the world may be on the verge of a major reset and highlights the importance of service to others as a way to lighten one’s heart.
➡ The speaker discusses complex topics such as the creation of existence through light, potential global events in 2040, the issue with making predictions, the mathematical and astrological significance of the great pyramid of Khufu, the balance between love and neutrality, biblical references to light and darkness, and the role of numbers in decoding the world. The speaker encourages people to understand their own personal purpose and operating system in life.
➡ The speaker presents their belief that humans are divine incarnations, encouraging self-discovery through the study of astrology and numerology. They advocate for understanding oneself to better navigate life while discouraging negativity and promoting personal growth.
➡ The speaker encourages focusing on the present, not past mistakes, and embracing authenticity. He asserts that people shouldn’t let past convictions define or discredit them, emphasizes the importance of eliminating negative behaviors, and urges viewers to realize they’re living lives that are more scripted than they believe. He ends the talk suggesting a significant change is coming and urges personal transformation.


You. What’s going on, everybody? Thanks for waiting. A little bit of a delay there. How’s everybody, everybody doing on this great Saturn day, this Kronos day? Appreciate each and every one of you for joining in for this preview of let’s talk about Shiva. Excuse me. We got a lot of stuff to talk about. A lot of stuff to talk about. I’m going to try to catch some of your comments, maybe some questions, and how it kind of came to this with this whole Shiva thing.

I thought this was a pretty awesome rendition from AI right, to round this up. But before I do that, let me just make sure that you can hear me. Okay. The audio is playing good, and the ambient blade runner music in the background is not too loud. So let me get a couple of your comments here to let me know if my audio is coming through good and if the background music is not too loud, sound is good.

Okay, thank you. Okay. All right, so, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about Shiva. The chain of events that has happened in my life personally, what I’m being used for, the things that pop into my mind, they just always are perfectly in harmony with this reality. The last few decodes that I’ve come out with were big ones. We did the live 138, which is over on Patreon. Now, that was followed up by the pale horse, which is Shiva.

So this is why it’s so nonsensical to debate and argue about which religion has it right, which culture has it right, because the things that have been shown to me through this methodology that I was given by whatever supernatural God, whatever you want to call it, clearly shows that we live inside of a predestined reality, and it’s under the guise of a ponzi scheme, meaning that whatever created this reality owns everything.

There is no separation between good, bad, and ugly. It owns it all. And it may have some henchmen, if you will, dictating out some of the chores that need to get done. And this is where you’re going to get the Apollyon Abaddon in revelation. I have a part two coming out for leave the world behind. Thanks, everybody, for supporting me on Patreon. Big shout out to the Patreons.

Big shout out to all you that follow me here on YouTube. I have part two of let’s leave the world behind. And you know what that points to is Apollyon, which is Abaddon. And now you have the containment of the Old and New Testament, which is Shiva the destroyer. So it does not matter if you follow Christianity, Judaism, or you follow Hinduism or Buddhism, it all is under the guise of the supernatural.

So whatever you were raised in, that’s why it’s ridiculous. That’s why I posed a question to people. If you were raised over in India and you had no idea what Jesus was all about, how would you even correlate that to trying to debate with somebody on religion? How could you say Jesus is the only way when, if you’re raised in India, it would be Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, who’s got it right? Well, the answer, so that way we can unify everybody, has it right.

That’s the beautiful part about this. Everybody’s got it right. So that obviously alleviates a huge burden in our lives trying to be right, because I know that’s what the whole thing is. The context of mankind is, I’m right, you’re wrong. I lived that life for a long time, and it still presses at me. So let’s talk about Shiva. Okay? And then I’m going to get into some of your questions.

I’m going to show this. It’s not a very long presentation, but I’m going to show you some slides here. And obviously, the big takeaway is going to be the tower card. This is Shiva right here. This is also tied to Sirius. Sirius is 16 in numerology, just like Shiva tied to Lucifer. And if you take that and is Lucifer the same as Hale? Because in the only scripture in the Old Testament, Isaiah 14, verses twelve, that mentions Hale, that correlates, perhaps, Lucifer.

It says clearly in there that Lucifer was to weaken the. What? What weakens you? Desire. And then who gets to eliminate the desire? Shiva wipes the board clean. So whatever it is you do in your reality is irrelevant, because at the end of the day, the tower card is going to have its say. Shiva is going to have its say. You could even say, you know, in the New Testament, jesus said, bitch, I ain’t coming for peace, man.

He didn’t say that. But I just think it’d be funny if it was stated that way. Jesus clearly said in Matthew, I’m not coming with peace, I’m coming with a sword. And this is where you’re going to get the three of spades, which is the three of swords. Because ultimately, ladies and gentlemen, what it comes down to through the cards of illumination, typical deck of playing cards, is that Lucifer, Jesus, Shiva, the destroyer, whatever, Abaddon, Apollyon, they’re all going to play through the threes.

This is tied right to the Christ. And all of you have a hand on that. All these cards added up equals the number 90. And 90 is tied to the word great architect of the universe in numerology. So the three is the pulse of light and the diamagnetic electric wave that chases after it, or the transverse electromagnetic wave that chases after the photon. So when you turn a flashlight on, that is the Trinity.

That is light. And then the transverse electromagnetic wave that chases after it. And then you’re going to get the sine wave in there. And that’s how our reality works. And that’s what we’re in. We’re in the sine wave. The sin wave, you’re in it. And sin and sine. That’s all the number nine. And the number nine equals 16 in numerology. And you go right back to this. This is the sin wave.

It’s destruction. It will self implode through the narration of this scripted reality. So let’s take a few of your questions, then I’m gonna get into the presentation. What’s up, Deborah? Deborah Sorta asks, in this false matrix. Well, I’ll just stop right there. There cannot be a false matrix. Everything is contained in this reality is. See, we use these fancy words, good, bad, hot, cold. Those are adjectives to describe the in.

You can say we’re in the matrix. The matrix is Maya, the illusion. Whatever you want to call. You want to call it Maya, you want to call it the matrix. You want to call it Earth, whatever it is, you want to call it in the Bhagavad Gita, it’s the Maya, the illusion. But there is no such thing as false matrix. It’s just the matrix. How could it be false? If you want to go ahead and title it that, well, that’s totally cool, but you would be kind of pointing the finger towards the creator creates everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.

So if it’s false, does it mean it’s bad? That’s how you would correlate that, because you wouldn’t say the true is the false. True is good. False is bad. Well, we know that yinyang is contained in this system, so I’m not a fan of that. I don’t follow that stuff. It’s just the matrix. That’s it. There’s nothing false about it. It’s as real as it. Know, when you knock on walls and you touch it, I mean, this is not even physical, but yet it’s physical.

All right, let’s keep the questions towards Shiva, though, right? The destruction. Somebody says, I see a lot of 33. Well, 33 is tied to the destroyer. And, you know, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want to get off topic at the shiva. I had a huge day yesterday with decoding, and I have another topic coming out called the great red pill. It’s a great red spot, but then I got the line through it and it says pill.

And it’s tied to Jupiter, Zeus, because Zeus has the all seeing eye on it. And that all seeing eye is the Vesica Pisces. And that Vesica Pisces is the Christ, and that is the 33. And this is the reason why Jesus was crucified at 33. Red spot. If you just do the numerology of red spot, it equals 33. Just remove the word great. Great red spot is 48, but red spot is 33 and it’s red.

So the red pill. When you swallow the red pill, when neo. The matrix, of course, the matrix. Wachowskis, they wrote another movie called Jupiter ascending Jupiter. When you swallow the red pill, you go down through the great red spot and back into the matrix and have a human being experience. That’s how all this stuff’s starting to shape up. So the great red spot is the Vesica Pisces, and the Vesica Pisces is the Christ, which is the experience of this reality.

And it’s watching all of us. That is the all seeing eye tied to it. Just straight up. Okay, no, I won’t be connecting Cern to this, but CeRn is connected. The large Hadron Collider. If you watch my sex decoded, the Large Hadron collider in numerology equals 66, and that’s what sexual intercourse equals. And so the Large Hadron collider is digging into the quantum, having sex with the quantum, the latitude longitude of Jesus.

The Bethlehem, 631 35 is 66. 66 means the Christ. It means having a human being experience. Six plus six is twelve. One plus two is three. And now you’re going to get. We’re going to go back to the threes again. The Trinity, God, the Son, the Holy Spirit, if you want to bring that into it, that all fits in there. It’s so amazing. It’s all just all there for us to partake in.

So TJ said Saturn was once the sun. That’s a good, right? Like, I’ve talked about this, perhaps the old son. But what about Zeus? If Saturn, a celestial, was the sun, does that mean that Zeus? Does that mean mercury? Does that mean Venus? Does that mean neptune? Are any of these sons as well? Chris Topher says, do you subscribe to the fact that we are all Shiva. Well, essentially, everybody here is tied to Shiva because you are having a hand in the wiping out process, because the things you’re focusing on, the things you’re doing are creating an energy exchange.

So in order for Shiva to blow things up, in order for Shiva to eliminate, in order for Shiva to wipe the board clean, it needs things to wipe the board clean with. And that’s where human beings come into play. We create the things that Shiva destroys. It’s only temporary. That’s why you own nothing, rusty woodpecker. Would you say shiva is the same as the phoenix? Of course. Tied right to it, I would say, for sure.

And of could, you could tie shiva right to Pluto. So then you get into greek mythology and you study the trifecta, which was Zeus got the heavens. Poseidon, his Brother, got the water, which, as an astrology fan, when I look at people’s charts, my truth and my understanding is that Neptune really is the forefront of what’s running this reality inside this space that we live in. I know that you have Saturn there.

I know you have Kronos and the box of time and the timekeeper. I get all that stuff. But in greek mythology, you have Neptune running the waters and then Pluto running the underworld, and that’s what creates the destruction. But Neptune, Poseidon has a lot to say. You know, keep in mind that Poseidon has the trident, which is the pitchfork. That’s the devil’s pitchfork. Poseidon is ruling the house of Pisces.

And on top of that, it’s the 9th planet from the sun. Now, again, I’m not going to get into and talk about whether NASA is right or wrong. It’s there. It’s in the context of the story. And nine is the number that runs the sine wave. And since water is what waves come from and waves are what frequencies come from, there’s a lot of say about slash, Poseidon having a big hand in this entire reality.

A big, very big, very, very, very big. So we can’t leave Neptune out, Poseidon out being the sea monster, it’s called being the one that is the great mystic runs know, in the classical sense of astrology. And the big humdinger for Poseidon is Neptune. Neptune. Let me just take all of you on the journey here. When you look at the periodic table and you come down here to neptunium, there’s the pitchfork, there’s the devil’s pitchfork.

And you see the 93. How many miles away from the sun does NASA say we are? 93 million mile away. So was Neptune once the sun right there, 93. We can’t leave it out. We got to take everything into consideration here with these stories. So I got Neptune pegged as the one that runs your screenplay. So whatever your screenplay is, whatever your code is, Neptune has a big say in it.

You want to look to see where Neptune is in your chart and then what the landlord is of that house, and then if there’s a sub landlord, et cetera, et cetera, what’s across from it will have a big say in what’s going on with you. All right, so, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, are you guys ready to jump into the presentation here? Like I said, how many slides do I have? I have 2026.

Not too many, but let’s go into it. Here we go. Let me just make sure I have this. Hold on a second, folks. Hang on. Hold on a second. Here we go. I hope this is going to fit. Hang on, folks. Bear with me. Okay. It. All right, hold on, folks. I’m almost there. Give me 1 second. I should already have this adjusted. My apologies. Hang on. Hang on.

Be right back, folks. Okay. All right, here we go. Here’s the presentation. So I think this is a pretty badass graphic here. Obviously, everything below the horse is meant to be very smaller. And there’s the pale horse, because Shiva is the pale horse, make no mistake about it. That’s my opinion on this. But I’m going to start off really, and I’m just going to talk briefly about the trifecta here.

And this is, again, why, if you’re having discussions with people and they say, oh, no, that’s pagan, or it’s got to be the Bible, or it’s got to be the ancient shinto, you’re just boxing yourself in because it’s all a Ponzi scheme. So Brahma, Vishnu, shiva, the trifecta, creator, preserver, destroyer. You know, it’s really fascinating because let me get my cursor, too, because Vishnu ends up getting the same numerology output as the yodevahe.

Vishnu has the same numerology output as the word source. Vishnu has the same numerology output as Occult. And VIshnu sits in the middle, but you have the creator and the Destroyer. Notice that they’re both in SequeNce. 15 and 16 gives you the total of 57. 57 is tied to the Truman show. So this is kind of the Comedy, the Comedy of whatever’s running this reality. HeinZ 57 KeTchup, 57 varieties.

This is tied to nIckel, which is tied to Lucifer, and it’s also tied to the element lanthanum. And when you look at Lanthanum on the periodic table, you can see the Clue. Here it is. What do you think this is? It’s the all seeing eye looking at you. 57. It’s got the 138 there. Yes. So does the 56. It means to lie hidden. So how do you correlate this? Like, what does this mean? Do you think it may have anything to do with this? And now we can see.

I think it’s very irresponsible. I think it’s very foolish to say that this trifecta in Hinduism is wrong and it’s demonic or whatever the hell people say, these ridiculous things that people say. Stairway to heaven is 57, all in chaldean. So when we take a look at these three separately here, we do have the generate the word God. Generate, operate, destroy. 88, that’s going to be tied to Ra and radium, right? But that’s the creator, preserver, destroyer, that’s tied to Ra.

You see? Now you have the egyptian book of the dead, the egyptian sun God Ra, in there. But let’s break these three down through the tarot to show you how amazing the tarot is with these three. And this is what it looks like. Now, really put on your thinking caps here, and you can start to see how beautiful this is. Is that the creator is Brahma. Of course, this is tied to Lucifer as well, because 15 is the element phosphorus.

Now, if you go to phosphorus on the periodic table right here, I mean, what does that look like logo wise? How about the square encompass? Is that not the square encompass? I think it is. But this is one of the elements. It’s tied to Lucifer, straight up. It’s going to be isotope 31. Christianity equals 31 tied right to Lucifer. But, of course, people don’t want to accept that because they think means something else.

So what creates this reality? The devil? The demiurge, of course. Right? This is the trifecta here. This is your triangle. You have the pulse of light and the transverse electromagnetic wave that chases after the pulse of light. This is desire. And every single one of you desires shit. Otherwise you would do nothing. You would just sit in your house and twitter your thumbs. Desire is what runs this reality.

That’s why Rahu is the ultimate desire, which is tied to the asudas in that context. And then the opposite, Shiva. Since this is about Shiva, it’s the tower card. So the devil creates, Shiva destroys. And there’s a lot of stuff that says this is tied right to the christ, and in the middle is the preserver, Vishnu, and look how beautiful it is. I mean, you can’t get any more picture perfect than this.

It’s the four wands, and this means happy home. You can’t get any more perfect. To describe this trifecta here, you can’t get any more perfect than this. So this has just as much say than any of the other religions out there. Just figure out what it is you want to follow or how you want to break it down, but you can start to see. And then here’s the.

Now we get into alchemy. Now we get into alchemology, which is numerology tied with alchemy. And so you have phosphorus, the creator. The light, is what creates this reality, which is the devil. Light’s the devil. Go sit in a pitch bracket room with a whole bunch of your friends where you can’t see your hand in front of your face, and sit there for a couple of hours and let me know how much you can create.

Grab your pen and paper and start to draw. See how much you get done in pitch black. You need light to create, folks, which is where all the sin comes in, because light is tied to the sin wave, because when you turn on a flashlight, it creates a wave in the space of darkness. Okay. And this is the preserver. This is tied to Israel is Ra el. It’s just right here.

It’s all here. It’s so beautiful. So Ra being tied to the yodhevahe, being tied to Ensof, being tied to. It’s also tied to Jupiter as well. But this is tied to the iron dome. Iron is what’s in your blood. It’s an essential element for your blood. You need iron. If you don’t, you’ll get anemic. You can die. So you need it. It preserves you, and then the destruction is.

Sulfur is really going to get into Sodom and Gomorrah, raining fire and brimstone. Clear right here. You’re talking about marrying, integrating a completely different concept of Hinduism into a christian jewish religion. Perfect. Doesn’t get any more clear than this. So why fight? Why debate? Stay clear from that garbage. Because neutrality is what wins, and that’s what wins. Neutrality, Vishnu, the preserver, that’s what’s going to win the game of life, if there is such a thing.

So let’s now just hone right in on Shiva, since that’s what this whole presentation is about. And another great rendition. And I got the swords because this is where you’re going to get Jesus. Jesus says, I’m coming with a sword. Clearly, in Matthew says, I’m not playing games, man. I’m part of wiping things out. Which, again, in my opinion, is a big deal, because all the people that put all their faith into Christ, they are just ushering in the destruction.

Make no mistake about it, because it’s all about magic. And the Jesus character is not what people think. That’s why it’s used in all these high level religions. Right? It’s tied to shiva the destroyer. So what I decided to do is break down the word in Sanskrit and then do the numerology of it. Okay, let’s try to get to the original language. And here it is. It’s got two consonants and one vowel.

Three letters. Of course, three. Three is the trifecta. And then when you break down the numerology of them, which starts it off. Shah, shiva, shah. Its value is six in the international Alphabet of Sanskrit. Translation, six. So this is equaling six. Then we go to the vowel in the middle, and there’s no value to this. There’s no numerical value to this because it’s a vowel mark. So this gets a zero.

Then you get the last part, va shiva. And va equals the number eight. Equals the number eight. So this is what it looks like from a numerical perspective, from the original concept of where it came from. From the original Sanskrit language, of where it originated, 68. It could be 60, eight, but 68. And, ladies and gentlemen, just like that, we now have shiva the destroyer. You see, even when you do the english conversion of it, this is the english conversion of it.

When you say the word six and you say the word eight in Sanskrit. Sas asta. Look at what it equals. Boom, the destroyer. Okay, so 68, through the numerology of saying 68 in Sanskrit, of where it came from. From the numerical value of Shiva is not only 68, but it’s 16. It’s also subtly, it’s gold. Because, you see, when this thing happens, you have a flood of energy that gets released, and then the energy has to go somewhere.

And something’s collecting that energy. Ain’t mankind collecting it? That I can assure you. Okay, that is a no brainer. And it’s also tied to the band Slipknot, which I showed in my gamatria decoded. They have an album called all Hope is Gone in 2008. And there’s a song on there called Gamatria, the killing name. And there’s the 68. So think about what I’m showing you here. Now. Really put on your logical caps here, and you can see it’s a 68.

Shiva is a 68. So what do you think is the killing name? And then when you read the lyrics here, we will burn your cities down. America. It’s got 6066 for the total numerology of the lyrics of this song right here. Can you see it now, ladies and gentlemen, Shiva the destroyer is tied to Gamatria, the killing name, which is tied to the world wars. Because World War I and World War II, when you do the numerology, they’re both the number.

68 showed that in my world war decoded. So let’s bring in some mathematics now. We’re going to bring in the golden ratio, the measurement of nature, the golden spiral, and we’re going to go 68 digits into the string of the golden race. 68 is 68 digits and the total is three one nine. I’m going to go back here. And the total for the lyrics, the total words for this song, 391.

There’s the permutation of it. How perfect like you perfect tied right to the song. How do you get these outcomes like this? It’s hard enough writing lyrics and writing music, but to get it with 6066 digits numerology output and 391 words, you got to be the judge of what this is kind of leading to here. Shiva the destroyer, the killing name. Right. Then we bring in the prime on this.

337 is the 60 eigth prime number, 68th prime number, and we get the sine and cosine wave. Now hang on, when you look at the sine and cosine wave, do I even have the full. When do you get the total sine and cosine wave here? When you break these things down, you can do the total numerous, the total outcome of this, all these digits added up. Or you could just do the zero 7.

6 which is going to be tied to the wizard of Oz. Or we go two digits in zero 75 and zero 66. 75 is Lucifer, the original numerology. 66 is Christ, sine and cosine wave, the two brothers. When you add up 75 and 66, it’s 141. And it just so happens that when you go 26 digits into the string of the golden ratio, where that number 68 is found, that’s going to equal 141.

You see how mathematically like this is so mathematically precise, it’s just ridiculous of adding in mathematics and pride, sine and cosine wave as a secondary, the golden ratio, simple addition and then numerology, all connected. This is all by design, not by man. Supernatural. Supernatural. So then we have to look at the number 68 in the string of the golden ratio, 607 digits because of the fact that 2689 is where the 68 appears in the string of the golden ratio, 607 digits.

Why 607? Because the first two digits of the sine and cosine wave are six and seven. So when I go 607 digits in, look at what’s at the back end of it, the 68. So we not only have the 68 being tied to the three three seven through the primes, but then we add on the sine and cosine wave, and we go 607 digits, and the 68 is the two last digits at the end of that string of the golden ratio.

And when you add it up, you get 2689. And that’s a prime number. And remember what that 391 was. 391 words for the total amount in this song. Camatria the killing, named by the band Slipknot. Think about what I’m showing you here, folks. Do you know what goes into this to get this outcome like this? Insane. Insane outcomes. If you watched my contract with God, you would have known that this is tied to the prison.

This is obviously 3. 141 of the ways to look at PI. So these mathematical equations are so insane, then we can look at the word death. Thanados in Greek. This is off of revelation six, verses eight. Thanados, death. This is where you’re going to get thanos in the avengers. Thanatos, thanos. And that’s 28. And lucifer is 28 in chaldean. Architect is 28 in chaldean. Because destruction is an architect.

It brings new life as you wipe the board clean. So I’m going to go to solar spread 28. I’m going to look to where the 28th space is, and it’s the six of clubs, which is card 19. And there, just like you have it, you have a numerology output of a greek word, a numerology of an english word tied together with the cards of illumination, the 52 cards of the deck, 52 weeks of the year, four suits, four seasons.

It’s just a magical system. It’s a very, very magical system. This is tied right to the sun as well. The six of clubs, the 19th. Okay, so as we continue to move forward, you can see here that the destroyer shiva is tied to the number three. Three of clubs, three of hearts, three of diamonds, three of swords. Right? That’s why Shiva carries the sword. That’s why Jesus says, I’m coming with a sword, bitch.

I ain’t coming with peace. Forget your peace, okay? Because this is what’s going to happen. It’s already happening. The big thing that’s been going on, the c 19. That is tied to the pale horse, folks. You can bet your bottom dollar it is part of the transition. It is part of the pale horse. It is part of that, I would say that is probably going to take out more people than you can even put a number on when it’s all said and done.

Tied to shiva to destroy it. Tied to the pale horse. So let’s go to the solar spread number 68. Now, because since Shiva in Sanskrit is going to be the 68, and 68 is going to be the 16. So I’m going to go to solar spread number 68. I’m going to look at space number 1668 -52 is 16. This is Shiva the destroyer. So it is going to be placed in space number 16.

And what do we have here? The three of clubs. Card number 16. And the three of clubs is tied to the three of swords because they’re the threes, three of clubs being 53, the three of swords being the 53rd tarot card. You see how the threes, the Trinity, the trifecta, and the three is a broken eight in the way you look at symbols and numbers? This is the word shiva right here.

So simple to see this. And there’s your pale horse, right? This is revelation six, verses eight. Revelation six, verses eight. Revelation six, verses eight. Now, what do you think about revelation six, verses eight? Now that I’m showing you, a metal band is tied right to it, and it says, we’re coming for you. We’re going to burn. See, it says, we’re in you. But folks, what does that mean? The voice in your head, that’s what’s running you.

Okay? Three, three of spades, three of swords, three of clubs. This is the game master card. Now, in Borderland, this is Lucifer. Thomas John Ellis, the guy that casts to play Lucifer, this is his birth card right here. All right? It’s tied to the pale horse, man. There’s revelation six, verses eight, through the Chaldean, 53. 53 is tied to the three o’clocks. It’s tied to iodine. I am that I am.

It owns everything. And here’s the breakdown in the trusty calculator. Here’s the word shiva in Sanskrit, 68, 68 -52 this is the way you do this through the cards. You just subtract whatever number you get. If it’s higher than 52, 68 -52 is 16. And Shiva in Chaldean is 16. The 68th card in the tarot is the four of diamonds. And this is the rendition I had drawn up because this is what it means as the four of pentacles the four of diamonds is the four of pentacles.

And the four of pentacles is card number 68. When we go to the tarot and we look at the 60 eigth card, there it is, the four diamonds. Gamatria, the killing name. And you’re going to be one of these diamonds. Are we stuck inside here? Do we ever get out? That’s the question. The big question. But there it is, tied right to Shiva, and the killing name stuck inside the box with that.

68. And then if I take the six and eight and I add it up, you’re going to get 14, and you’re going to get the temperance card. And now everything that goes, the temperance, of course, is the balancing act. This is another trinity. You have the pulse of light, and then the transverse electromagnetic wave, the kundalini, and it being poured out into this bowl. And this bowl’s on fire.

And this is where Shiva’s domain is. This is where Pluto’s domain is the destroyer. Okay, six plus eight is 14. You’re either going to get. If you reduce it all the way down, you’re going to go to number five. And the number five in the tarot is obviously the hero, friend, the guru, and the five is the house of Leo. Leo’s the sun. So there’s a lot of say that goes and continues to go to the sun, to this.

The sun, and his bride, the groom, his bride, the moon, those two. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Shiva decoding. Okay, there you have it. So now you know. Now you know what’s coming. It’s been coming. Started in 2020. The pale horse is c 19, one of them. And it’s going to take a lot of people out. It’s what its job was. Ripple effect says trinity is not in the Bible.

Okay. But God, the son and the trifecta is there. It is there. So if we just eliminate Trinity, that’s totally fine. You’ll find it somewhere else. Stephen, what’s up, brother? Big shout out to the moderators. Pam and Stephen, always showing up with the wrenches. I got the best moderators. I got the Ian Yang man. I got the male female. Steven’s asking, could these gods have been elite? Going to.

I’m going to show you something. A big one. Let me show you one last thing. Let me just get this set up. Hold on. See if you guys can see it. You guys and gals can see this. Okay? You ready for this? So, I think this is about this graphic right here that I created is about four years old, five years old. And what I did was I took the periodic table, I flipped it, and I lined them all up the way I thought they would be.

And obviously I got to use the color coding and I created nine tiers. And let me tell you, this is like a bingo chart. This is like a bingo chart. And I got to tell you, it’s given me a lot of truth. I’ve shared this publicly several times. But what I wanted to point out is this right here. This because it sits in row six and row number eight.

Row six and row eight. And look at what’s right above it. Plutonium, the wizard of Osmium, the underworld, and then the 26, which is not only Yodevahe, but it’s source, it’s occult. But this is the big one. And remember what Shiva is. Six and 868. And it’s samarium. The abbreviation is SM Samarium. Now you go to this guy right here. See his name? Sam Samarium. Why am I showing you this connection? Because this guy is the one who directed leave the world behind.

And Mr. Robot, think about what I’m showing you here. This guy’s name is Sam, and this is Samarium. Samarium, which sits in space six and eight. It’s tied to Shiva. You see that connection? It’s tied right to Shiva, folks, right there in the original Sanskrit. And it sits in space number 68. And it’s samarium. And this guy is Sam Samarium. He creates two movies that are all about the transition of going from one state to the next.

And in my let’s leave the world behind, September 17. That’s nine one seven, which is a permutation of this scripture right here. In case you missed it. Ezekiel. Ah, look at this. I mean, the guy’s Muslim. 719, Ezekiel. His birthday is the nine one seven. He’s Muslim. He’s not even Jewish. And it says in seven one nine they will throw their silver into the streets and their gold will not deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath.

This guy has a birthday tied right to Ezekiel. 719. This guy writes a movie about the transition, physical into the virtual and leaving it behind. What? And his name is Sam, which is tied to the 68th space where samarium sits. What? Folks, this is insane. And this is something I created five years ago. Bam. How about that? How about, how do you like them apples? It’s crazy. I am not in control of my life, and there ain’t no supercomputer running me.

I don’t belong to any organization. It’s just me and the voice in my head that I trust and listen to, and it continues to guide me. It’s just hilarious, man. So TJ said, shiva is not good. What do you mean he’s not good, TJ? Shiva’s amazing. Because Shiva is going to deliver the new world. The concept of Shiva is going to bring in the new world. And if there is going to be a massive die off, if there’s going to be some kind of plasma event with the sun, or however that looks, if you’re one of the ones that gets to make it, then you were supposed to.

If you didn’t, well, then you’ll find out what happens after that. I’ve already made peace with it personally, myself. I mean, folks, check. Keep your eye on the caledine right here. Right. The law one is 56. 56 is tied to the 138 right here. This is already my preview here, but look it right there. 56 is tied to the 138, which is tied to the law one right there.

It’s right there. Can’t miss it. This is the movie. Lights, camera, action is 56. The law one is 56. Lights, camera, action, is 56. So if you’re someone who fancies raw, if you like the law one material, great. All it’s saying is the same thing as everything else is saying. You’re inside of a movie, you’re an actor, and you’re being watched, and you’re not in control of your life.

Now, I know that may rub some people the wrong way. I piss people off. I get minus subscribers. But my research, that I could take to a court of law, if I had to bring my research and present it to a jury or a court of law, I have so much material that would support what I’m saying, versus someone saying, no, I’m in control of my life. How are you going to prove that? Or, oh, no, it’s them.

They’re doing it. This organization, it’s the Jesuits, they ain’t doing a damn thing. They’re just following orders by the voice in their head. They’re not controlling anything. This should help you make peace with this reality instead of getting so bitter and angry at it. Like someone’s coming to get you. So funny, man. Thank you, Steven. The Hunger games. That’s right. The Hunger games equals 56. How much more do you need to see? So, if you want to chalk it up to Ra, if you want to chalk it up to that, you’re going to have to go all the way back to the ancient egyptian times, which you’re going to end up correlating.

Into a book called the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, which is where the Bible came from. Oh, I know that’s going to rub some people the wrong way. In the egyptian book of the Dead, it says very crystal clear that in order to ascend, your heart must be as light as a feather. Your heart must be light as a feather. What does that mean? Well, you got to do your own research on what you’re going to define that as.

But in my opinion, it’s what I’ve been saying, lukewarm. That means no attachments. That means being able to walk away from whatever you got and being cool with it. And there may be some other things in there that you’d have to correlate it to. It means you can’t be judging, you can’t be blaming. You can’t be getting angry and trying to go after with the sword with those other organizations.

You can’t be going out there fighting because that’s going to make you, your heart’s not going to be light as a feather. You now have anger inside of you. Anybody out there right now, and this is my opinion, anybody out there on the world stage, a voice to be heard. If they’re blaming, if they’re just like, really being evil in their own mindset, that’s not light as a feather.

If you’re cursing these organizations, your heart’s not light as a feather, not the way the context of that story is. And this is the egyptian book of the Dead is where you’re going to get the Bible from. Ladies and gentlemen, go study, please go read it and all the other great books. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it talks about the net, and the net is the flower of life.

And the flower of life is tied right to Kabbalah. And Kabbalah is tied right to Ensop, which is tied to the net, which is tied to the egyptian book of the Dead. All the same thing. And this is where you’re going to get Shiva because now the game needs to get reset. And I have no idea what it’s going to look like. We could have massive destruction. We may just have a little bit over here, a little bit over there.

Who knows? But your heart has to be as light as a feather. And if you’re out there blaming organizations, if you’re out there hammering them, if you’re out there swearing and cursing and slandering, your heart’s not light as a feather. It’s very heavy. And you’re just as bad as the people you’re blaming. And this is why I’m a fan of nihilism. Why nihilism? Because that’s how you get your heart.

As light as a feather. You eliminate everything and anything you’ve been programmed, taught. It doesn’t really fit into the. Yeah, sure. It’s all written in the story. You can see I have over 500 videos and breaking down people, places and things. You could see the script playing out, but you can see these organizations are tied to all the other organizations. It’s all a big Ponzi scheme. Ponzi scheme equals 53 in numerology.

That’s tied to iodine, which is one half of the IM tied to the pale horse. The pale horse is going to eliminate. The Ponzi scheme will be kaput. It’s like when you reboot. Like, your computer has a Trojan horse in it, and you can’t even access anything, and you have to wipe the computer clean. You ever have to do that? Or maybe you get a cell phone. You buy a cell phone, or you want to sell the cell phone.

You want to sell it. What do you normally do before you sell the cell phone? You do a factory reset. You do a factory white. And then now there’s nothing on it, and it’s light as a feather. Besides the operating system on there, there’s no, like, how many of you have a phone? And it’s full and it’s, like, bogged down and it’s moving slow. It’s not as fast as it once was.

That’s because the memory is all being used up. There’s no space on it. Same context with the earth. I’m not saying it’s overpopulated, but it’s that time where earth is going to be doing a factory reset. It’s that time. I don’t know if it’s going to be. Obviously, the 2040. Jason Bashirs is the one that says, that’s his opinion on there. There’s merit to it. I’m not going to say there’s not.

I did the breakdown on 138, which is tied to Shiva. But there could be events between now and then. Next year is the year of the dragon, 2024. That’s a big deal. That is a big deal. Two. Two four is tied to radium and Ra. So there are some requisites to transcend this game, if there is such a thing. Right. And that is like, if you like the law of one, what does the law of one say? Service to others.

Are you doing that? And then, of course, you’d be well served of stop blaming, stop cursing. It’s just going to weigh your heart down. You want your heart as light as a feather. Service to others. Love always wins, of course, because if evil did, then it would just get wiped out and there would be nothing left. Love is always going to win, always in the end, because the creation needs to continue to go on.

That’s it. Third eye code, is it? Do I have any good Mexicano smoke? Honestly, I don’t really use it anymore. I think in the past year, I probably have used cannabis maybe five times. I mean, I still love it. I used to love it, but I just haven’t been using it. Yes, the dance of Lord Shiva. That is the reset. Brian says nihilism doesn’t include love. I don’t agree, because when you eliminate everything that you’ve been programmed with, a lot of it’s bogging you down.

You become light as a feather, and service to others is slightly love. If you just look at the blood ph, which I’ve been talking about extensively over the course, many years now. The blood in your body is telling you how to win the game, if there is such a thing. The blood’s ph is 7. 3 to 7. 4. That’s right in the center. If we take the pH scale and we break it in half, instead of one through 14 and we go one through seven, the heart space is going to be pH balance.

7. 3 is going to be slightly on the service to others. But nihilism is you got to eliminate everything and be light as a feather. And when you eliminate everything, you could start to see what unconditional love really means. Because whatever created this reality is unconditional love. And that’s because everything is allowed in this reality. That’s why if you get mad at the things you don’t like and you cues and you get angry, you’re just blaming the creator.

And I know you don’t like to get blamed for shit, but that’s how I see it. That’s how I see the context of it. Deborah says, what is love? Isn’t light a better word? Yeah. I mean, think about it. You’re sitting in pitch black. You go into a pitch black room, you’re sitting in the pitch black room, and you got a bunch of friends in that pitch black room.

You can’t see your hand in front of your face. How are you going to create anything? Yeah, you can conjure up ideas, you can hear each other speak, but you’d be bouncing into each other, bumping into one another. There’s certain things you can do in the dark, but in order to really create you, you need light for that. And that’s where you get the photon and light and the big bang and all these stories is just light.

It’s the creation of things with light. D Habib is asking about the reset in 2040. I mean, I think that there’s going to be a lot of things that will happen between now and that 2040. And I don’t take anything away from Jason, and he’s super intelligent, but it’s a theory. The challenge he has is he discusses history, and a lot of that has been, as a lot of people know, has been fabricated.

So you’re creating a timeline of fabrication in a sense, not saying everything is. And then you go and look at the history of the world and you start looking at the events that happened in the world. And, I mean, he has it pegged 2040 because you go back to 138 years, and that’s 1902. Well, there was only 29,000 people that died in the volcano eruption. You go, you fast forward a couple more years into the future, and there was like 100,000 in an earthquake.

So it’s really tough. Predictions are so challenging, and if you get them wrong and you get crucified and I’ve gotten them wrong. So I just think in between now, I mean, you could just smell it, you can taste it, you can feel it. We’re heading into a crossover in life. I don’t think anybody needs to predict that. But predictions are really challenging. When you get them wrong, man, you lose credibility.

And that kind of buffers a lot of things. The great pyramid of Khufu is 138 meters tall. There you go. And I got to do this decode. I have probably one of the biggest decodes I will ever put out on the great pyramid of Khufu. And all the numbers and, like, the methodology that I use showing you. And there’s a very good possibility that that pyramid or that line of pyramids is a portal.

My research shows from the numbers, astrology, it’s a portal. And if those things were to be removed, I feel like our reality would change. Khufu is 27 tied to Jupiter, so there’s that. But the pyramids, man, the mathematical equations on it are insane. The latitude longitude is where you would start, 29 and 31. And it’s insane the synchronicities of that. It’s going to be 1661 when you add it up.

That’s going to be tied to Prometheus. And that’s kind of where you’re going to get Jesus talking about the father. I mean, if you go and study some of this context in Greek, where the origination of the Christ words came from, when you say my father in Greek, it’s 145 in numerology, which is the element prometheum. Prometheum in the greek mythology is said to have created man from clay.

Then you go into Ridley Scott’s movie Prometheus in 2012, and that’s you’re going to get the engineers. An engineer equals 31 in numerology, which is the latitude north of Bethlehem, the birth city of the Christ. Not an accident, not a coincidence. Yeah. The activist says, the pyramid is the math of the universe. What I found is it’s mind blowing. Why? It’s 51 degrees. The slope 51 is tied to antimony.

Antimony is the all seeing eye of Horace, the icon on the Royal Society of Chemistry, 51. And then all the numbers are 151-511-5151 which is the operating system and the tarot cards that are linked to it. And the mathematical equations through astrology just blow you away and you can see how they all fit just into the great pyramid of Giza. And it’s just mesmerizing, the whole breakdown of it.

Brian Donovan says, I get neutrality, but to me that’s like warm. When you lean towards love, you lean towards hope, towards positivity. True. Consider the fact, if you bring theology into this, consider that in revelation three, verses 16, God saying, because you are lukewarm, you’re not hot or cold, I will spit you out of thy mouth. It doesn’t say anything bad about it, just says, if you’re not hot or cold, if you’re not yin or yang, I will spit you out.

And to me, that’s the exit. Because then you correlate that to Isaiah 45, verses seven. And it’s God saying, again, I create peace and evil. That’s hot or cold. So you’re either going to be peace or evil. Which ones are going to be? I create the light and darkness. That’s the yinyang. That’s the hot and cold. It’s very simple. So then correlate it to the body and the ph of the body.

What’s the body’s blood? Ph 7. 3. That’s lukewarm. If you go too on the alkaline side, you’ll die. If you go too acidic, you’ll die. The body keeps the blood at 7. 37. 4. That is lukewarm. If you get hot or cold, it’s death, which essentially is this reality. You’re guaranteed to die when you incarnate into this reality. But I get what you’re saying. I’m a fan of nihilism and lukewarm, but being slightly loved, service to others, like, what do I do with my days? I’m feeding the animals.

Like today, I was at the park. I was feeding the pigeons. I had 50 pigeons by my feet. That’s what I was doing. You know what other people are doing? They’re watching the news. They’re bitching about this group doing that, or they’re complaining about this, or they’re accusing this, or they’re running fear of this. That’s not fun. That’s feeding the machine. Mateo, where in the Bible does God.

All right, show you. Right here, since you asked. Isaiah 45, verses seven. What does that say right there? I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do all these things. This is Isaiah 45, verses seven. And if you take 45 and seven, you bring it together, you’re going to get 457. And if you take the 457 and plug it into numbers, 457 is the 80 eigth prime number.

Okay? Then you go to numerology and you type in God, which is generate, operate, destroy 88. So 88 is tied to God, which is tied to 457, which is tied to the 88th prime number, which is tied to Isaiah 45, verses seven, where it says specifically that God creates both. Now, if you go to revelation three, verses 16, which I talked about, it’s the same thing. So, because you see, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, neither peace or evil, neither light or dark, knowing that you’re a blend of both, you’re lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Some of you don’t want to be here anymore. Some of you, I get it. I get it. But interpretation is one thing, and I love interpretations. But behind the interpretation is a set of letters, numbers and symbols, and I just showed them to you. That is what creates the final product, such as a book. The book is the final product of the letter number and symbols that are behind it, that run it, that created it.

So as a decoder, when you look at, especially like Shiva, shiva is an idea. But when you break it down to the letters, numbers and symbols, it becomes a code. And the code is what operates this system. That’s my final answer. Everything can be measured in numbers. More mathematical formulas. Everything can be measured in numbers. I can take this pen. I can weigh it. Number. I can measure it.

Number. I can say it with words, spell it out and put a number to it. Numbers. That’s why you have the golden ratio numbers, Fibonacci sequence numbers, sine and cosine wave numbers, prime numbers, composite numbers, sacred geometry numbers. That is the code that runs the final product that we say. Oh, that’s a cell phone. Yeah, but this cell phone, I can measure it, I can weigh it. And if you break it apart, it has an operating system which is letters, numbers and symbols.

That’s what creates it. So if you’re somebody who codes software, you know that you have letters, numbers and symbols and it has to be exact in order for the operating system to work right. In order for the software to work right. So we see the software in action, but behind that is the code and that is exactly the way this matrix works. Same way it’s just a fractal above.

That’s it really simple. Who made the code? Pick whatever it is that you want to name it. Pick whatever it is that you want to name it. I mean, it’s just all going to come down to an opinion of what you think it’s going to be. Rota Rose says. So now we know how this matrix is ran by code. Now what? Study who you are and why you’re here.

What did you incarnate for? What’s your default? What’s your owner’s manual? What’s your operating system? Yours? If you’re the star of the movie, which you are, well, then are you acting like the star or are you just an extra in somebody else’s movie? Most people are totally fine being an extra. They’re totally fine not being a superstar. Part of this journey of life is figuring out what your code is, which of course is why I personally feel the age of Pisces was designed to tell you you shouldn’t be looking at it because the church was deemed to be in control.

Don’t ask questions. Don’t study astrology. It’s bad. Don’t study cards. They’re bad. Well, that’s obviously nonsense. Now, we already scrapped that idea and now these mystical art platforms are coming back around because it’s letters, numbers and symbols that rule this reality, not a physical church that you go to or an idea. I see some God stuff coming. If you really want to alleviate burdens in your life, realize that in the Vedas it says, we are all incarnations of the God of God.

You know how special that makes you. And so if you create that as your foundation, because we got to create foundations. If you would agree that you are God in human form. It’s using you. Like Genesis six versus six, verses three clearly said, my spirit will not reside in man forever. Well, if you’re somebody who follows theology, it says right in there that the spirit of God’s inside of you.

That’s the voice in your head. And so if that’s your foundation, well, then you should just follow it and not follow anybody else trying to tell you, oh, you need to do this, or you need to do that and not react. Because if God is you, that means God is them, the bad people, the ones that you don’t like, because this game is unconditional love. Everything’s allowed. And, yeah, God.

Third eye code says God is the computer. There’s a lot of merit to that, that we live inside of a computer system. This is a computer system. Just last night, I was. I’m a fan of looking at movies and looking at the timestamps. And just, just last night, I went to watch the wizard of Oz just popped into my head, and I wanted to see when the wizard comes on the scene.

When the wizard first comes on the scene and the timestamp was 109, the total movie is 1 hour and 41 minutes. And 141 is tied to the prison. If you’re on my Patreon. And if you’re not, I have a video called contract with God, and it was one of the most revealing decodes I have ever done. And the 141, which is the total timestamp for this movie, is tied to the prison prasiodymium.

This is the first two letters that the word prison spells out. And this is going to be isotope 141. And this is the prison bars right here. And it’s so hilarious because it’s green. And this guy’s color is green. The colors are exactly the same. 1939. The word computer equals 39. It’s just so ridiculous how it’s all connected. And there’s no way that these directors and editors are doing this exactly to get these timestamps to come out the way that.

No way. I’ve done too many of them now. The Precision is not man made. No way. Not happening. So that’s my foundation. My foundation is mankind’s being used. Your mind’s not your own. And go find your code. Go study your code. That’s what our job is to figure out, like, well, yeah, what’s my code? When you look at those of you that have cars, right? Those of you that have cars, when you have a car, you have an owner’s manual.

If you reach in the glove box, you got one of these in there, and this thing tells you how the car operates. When you open the glove box, like, maybe your car breaks down and now you got to pull out the owner’s manual. Well, what’s your owner’s manual? Well, your owner’s manual is going to be tied to astrology and numerology. Astrology. This is your owner’s manual, and this is your owner’s manual.

Your name? Okay, so it’s time that maybe you start partaking in your owner’s manual. Start looking at how you’re built so you can stop bitching and complaining about what you don’t like in the world and start focusing more on what you do like about yourself, which is part of the whole Shiva experience. It’s all about the takedown of what is no longer useful in this reality. All right, so I think I’m going to end this transmission.

I appreciate each and every one of you for coming on here, and I want you to know that these are my opinions and truths. I’m not here to force anything on you. And when I speak, I’m not being, like, narcissistic. I’m just speaking my truth. But I will say transparently and authentically that this is my truth. It doesn’t have to be yours. I speak like it’s the truth, but it’s just my truth.

What I’m going to encourage all of you to do is do your own research. But don’t just dismiss what I’ve shown you. If you’ve never looked into decoding, oh, that’s just. No, don’t dismiss it. That’s very irresponsible to do. Go study it yourself. Be your own critic in life. And more importantly, if you don’t want to decode, go break down your life. Go start to study your charts.

Because the age of Aquarius is. I know thyself. That’s what it’s all about, knowing yourself. And who are you and why are you here? When I do readings for people, there’s no competition in your life. It’s just you against the mirror. When you look in the mirror, that’s it. That’s your competition. There’s no competition out there. You don’t have any. But you act like there’s so much competition out there, there isn’t any.

It’s just you against you. But the reason why you are trying to compete against other people is because you don’t know yourself. Once you know you’re a superstar, then you just own that, and you don’t have to defend it. You don’t have to try to be right all the time and prove of other people wrong. You just go. Do you? That’s it. Make the truth your own. Okay? That’s it.

So I appreciate each and everybody for showing up. I’m going to continue to keep pumping out videos. I got leave the world behind part two. I have the great red pill, which is going to be another Jupiter. I have the Zeus code already on my patreon, which is a mind blowing reveal. I’m going to continue to pump videos out. They’ll pump them out on here. But the big daddies are going on the Patreon because I’m looking for people that are real serious about this, like really want it.

And again, if it’s not for you, then that’s totally fine. It may not be your truth. My truth may just not resonate with you. Logan’s full of shit. He’s a dickhead. Whatever. That’s totally fine. I’m not for everybody. I get it. But I am doing my job and I will continue to do my job, just like you’re doing your job. I don’t need to defend it. I don’t care about how many subscribers I have.

I don’t care how many likes I get. The one thing I will not tolerate, though, is belligerent, just asshole kind of attitudes. So if you come at and leave a comment that’s just like that, it’s not going to make it on the timeline because I got the filter up. You see, some of the comments I get from people like miserable lives they must live. I’m just not a fan of that.

All these people out there making videos of other people, slandering other people. That’s what you’re spending your time on, slandering and putting down people. Wow, what a great life you must have. That’s truly a loving life to live out. Putting people down, slandering them, defaming them. No matter if you don’t like them or not, no matter what role they have on the world stage. You actually taking hours out of your day to make videos about people and do that about them, you must have a shitty life.

I’m so glad I don’t have your code, that’s for sure. That’s being me being loving too. That makes me grateful that I don’t live in your shoes because that’s a miserable life to live. I don’t resonate with that energy anymore. I haven’t for a very long time at all. So I hope by now you’re studying who you are. You’re studying your family members. You’re studying your children. This is for the kids.

This is for the children, the future of the world. Soon we’ll be gone. Every single one of us already has a ticket of death coming our way. It’s just a matter of when that’s going to happen. So if you break, start to decode yourself, you’re going to start to see Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in your life. Creator, preserver, destroyer. One day, each and every one of us will reach the final stage of Shiva, and Shiva will have and punch your ticket.

So what you do in between now and then, to me, is crucial, because you can live a life of misery and blaming and getting out there and debating people and trying to say I’m right and you’re wrong, can live that kind of life. Or you could just go, do you be a creator instead of a complainer? Most people are complainers. Just go out there and create and then eliminate all the cancer in your life.

I’m not associating with people like that. I got a lot of people asking me about other people. You see, I’m like a one man show here. I do associate myself with certain people, but I’m not going to engage on these ridiculous questions about other people. Like, what about this? And what about that person? What about it? If you have a problem with it, then you go address the problem.

I don’t have a problem with some of the stuff that you have a problem with. I don’t want to focus on problems in life, folks. I don’t want to sit there. Oh. Do you know what this person did 20 years ago? Oh, well, then don’t follow him anymore. Jeez. The only thing that matters, ladies and gentlemen, my final answer is right now. Not 20 years ago, not 100 years ago, not 500, not 1000.

Those days are gone. Right now, the time of Vishnu is the preserver. Right now, that’s all that matters. What’s going on in your life right now? Not yesterday. Yesterday’s gone. Now. I went to prison back in 2011. You’re going to hold that against me? You’re going to discredit all my information because I went to prison, which I’ve been very transparent about. You’re going to discredit all the stuff I put out onto YouTube and all the podcasts I’ve done, sharing and listening to others.

You’re going to just discredit me because I had a prison sentence. I’m not that guy that I was in 2011. I try to look at the good in people. All of you have good inside of you. And all of you have bad inside of you. Oh, I know. Except for some of you. You think you’re God’s gift. I don’t do. You’re all yin Yang. All of you just got to be authentic.

We’re not authentic human beings. We decide we got to bring authenticity back. Authenticity is. Love is allowing. Stop blaming, stop slandering, stop criticizing. Stop swearing and hammering people. Stop with that. Non, that’s not light as a feather. The heart that’s heavy, way down. Evil, darkness, energy. It’s so boring. Light is a feather, man. That’s nihilism. That’s the egyptian book of the Dead, which is where the Bible came from.

That’s my final answer, by the way. That’s just the way it is. It doesn’t discredit any book. It’s just, it’s all, I’m going to build a book here, then I’m going to pass it down, then we’re going to rewrite it. We’re going to change it. Where do you think some of these authors come up with their ideas of their books? Where do you think these musicians come up with, with some of their guitar solos.

They listen to a song, they get inspired by that other musician, and they use the bridges and the choruses to create their own song. So is it their own song? Yeah, but they use these concepts from things that were done in the past. Religion is no different. That’s why it has the word re in it. Re means to do it again, to do it again and again. Repeat, redo react means you act again the same way habitually.

All right, anyway, I’m going off on a tangent, folks. I’m going to pull one card from the cards of illumination to finalize this. Let’s talk about Shiva, see what this has to say. And I’m going to leave it at that. So I’ve been shuffling these for a while. We’re going to pull one card and kind of conclude this. Let’s talk about Shiva. Like, what’s the big overall message here from the cards of illumination? So just going to pull one random card out of the deck and it’s the four spades, which this kind of says it all.

This is the 43rd card in the deck. Tied to the number. 1443 is the 14 prime number. This is the changing of time. This is going to be tied to the. I mean, it’s just Zeus. My whole life for the past. I can’t even tell you how long. It’s just Zeus in my face, Jupiter. In my face. And it won’t leave me alone. It will not leave me alone.

I’m going to show you the correlation for this message because it’s the four swords. Four swords is tied to the. I am. So you can chalk it up anyway. Oh, Logan’s possessed. Yeah, I am. So are you. Let me show you how crazily scripted my reality is. Just you seeing it in real time right now. To summarize this, let’s talk about Shiva. Let me get the tarot card.

Hold on. Take you on a little journey. There it is. So this whole thing, I’m telling you, folks, this whole reset. Shiva, destroyer, tied to ten. Jupiter, 50. 50. Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, Jupiter. Zeus 5051-5253 card 54, which is tied to the four of spades. The four spades of the four swords. You see that right there? This is the Dreamer. This is card 54. 54, which is tied to the word Zeus in numerology.

Zeus in Greek is 54. So it keeps coming back to that. Keeps coming back to it. Keeps coming back to it. It just will not leave me alone, this Zeus thing. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The four of spades. Choose the four swords. Card 43, tied to the 14th prime. Card 54. 54. So let me show you the five of swords right here. It’s card 54.

We just pulled that one right from the card 43 is card 54. Four swords, that’s what we just pulled to finalize this. Zeus is 54. Then we go to the periodic table. We go to 54 and it’s xenon. And what does it mean, stranger? This is the flash of creation, the spirit of God inside of you, stranger. Of course, this is xenon. Keep your eyes down here in the chaldean, xenon is 27, just like the word Jupiter, just like the word heaven, just like the word thalamus, because the thalamus is your heavenly realm, because it’s tied to the all seeing eye side, your brain, which is the golden egg.

If you slice your brain in half, you’re going to get the all seeing eye. That’s the thalamus in there. I know you have the pineal gland, and those are important, but the thalamus is the golden egg. It’s two sided as well. And I just showed you thalamus 27. Currency is 27. That’s why in the movie, they live what was broadcasting the hypnotic trance. News station 54. And why is this saying here? Obey, consume.

Those people were asleep. Those people were asleep. And then you put the glasses on. And you’re like, whoa. Obey. Consume. Now you’re seeing it. See the concept moving into our reality. Now is. Now you’re seeing that you’re living inside of a scripted reality. That’s putting the glasses on. You’re living in a movie. That’s why in the matrix, they put the sunglasses on. Terminator put the sunglasses on. You’re in a movie.

Wake up. You’re in a movie. That’s what this card means. You’re inside of a movie. Just pulled it. Last card. I mean, they’re doing this stuff in real time. And it’s just so easy. It’s so ridiculous. It’s so easy. And the movie is about to change. It’s about to change. Make no mistake about it, it’s about to change. All right, ladies and gentlemen, I really sending you guys a ton of love.

I’m here in Colombia, having the time. My life. It’s beautiful weather. I’m in Baranquia, Colombia. Going to be going to Hania next week, taking a little time off. I will continue to pump out videos for you patreons. Don’t worry about it. I will have them lined up before I go. Not going to skip a beat because all of you are important. Appreciate all the memberships. It keeps this thing going, man.

And then back to Mexico next month. So it’s going to continue to pump this stuff out. Ladies and gentlemen, I really appreciate each and every one of you. Again, even if you don’t agree with everything I say, I don’t want you to. Please go be a skeptic. Go do your own research. Don’t just trust in what I’m telling you. Follow your insight, follow your instincts, but most importantly, decode yourself.

That’s the most important thing you can do. All right, well, ladies and gentlemen, I’m just going to let this play out for a little bit. You can keep chatting on here. No music because I always get copyrighted and stuff like that. And then commercials get stuck on some of these videos. And I don’t like to burden you with commercials. So in order to do that, I’m just going to keep it on this kind of ambient blade Runner music.

I’ll let it play for about five more minutes. You can keep texting amongst yourselves. Appreciate each and every one of you. Sending you guys tons of love here from Columbia. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan Ford. Decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you later. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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