Spread the Truth



➡ This text talks about how our minds and actions are often controlled by external factors, much like a pen being used to write. It suggests that we’re all part of a bigger system, like cells in a body, and we don’t always have a choice in what we do. The text also discusses the concept of love, suggesting it’s a trap that keeps us in this reality, and that we often defend our current state of being. It ends by saying that if we’re not in a romantic relationship, we often channel our love into other things, like hobbies or self-improvement.
➡ This text suggests that our reality might be a trap, where our thoughts and emotions, especially love, are not entirely our own. It proposes that we might be used by a higher power or a simulation to experience reality. The text also discusses the idea that our desires, like wanting a family or chasing wealth, might be programmed into us. Lastly, it questions whether we can break free from this perceived trap and if love might be a mechanism that keeps us locked in this reality.
➡ This text talks about how our lives are like a movie, and we’re all just characters playing our parts. It suggests that our emotions control us, and we often get trapped by things we love, like relationships or careers. The author encourages us to step back and examine our lives, to see what we’re addicted to and how it’s affecting us. They believe that by detaching from these things, we can better understand our reality and gain balance in our lives.
➡ This text talks about how our emotions, like love and fear, create energy similar to how our cells create energy. This energy is then used or “harvested” by something outside of us, possibly a higher power or entity. The author suggests that we are like cells in a larger system, giving off energy through our emotions. He also discusses the idea that our reality might be a cycle of reincarnation, and that our love and fear might be used to fuel this cycle.
➡ This text talks about how love and attachment can hold us back in life. It suggests that by letting go of our attachments, we can become more free. However, it also acknowledges that love and attachment are natural parts of life, whether it’s love for a pet, a person, or a job. The text concludes by suggesting that love can be a trap that keeps us grounded in reality, but it’s also a part of who we are.
➡ This text talks about the idea that love, especially parental love, can feel like a trap because it makes you do anything for your child. It also discusses the concept of life being like a scripted movie or a play, where we’re not really in control. The author suggests that we’re all living out a predestined script, and debates whether there’s a way to break free from this. He also touches on the idea that love can lead to sacrifices and debates, which can drain our energy.
➡ The speaker believes that we are all being used by the reality we live in, and that our passions and loves are what drive us. He suggests that we are all predestined to follow certain paths, and that our attachments, especially to love, can trap us in this reality. He encourages us to question our attachments and consider if we could walk away from them. He also suggests that our reality is coded and can be decoded, like he does, to understand how it works.
➡ This text talks about how love and relationships can lead to complications, like divorce and court battles, which can be emotionally draining. It suggests that our society’s norms, like marriage and having kids, are part of a system that feeds off our energy. The author believes that to find peace, we should detach from these societal expectations and learn to be content alone. They also discuss the idea that love is a trap that keeps us tied to this reality, and that true freedom might come from letting go of these attachments.
➡ This text talks about how we often hold onto things and habits that may not be necessary, like certain customs or beliefs. It suggests that we often argue and fight to be right, which can lead to negative energy. The author believes that we are all part of a bigger system that uses our energy, especially emotional energy. They suggest that instead of focusing on love or being right, we should focus on gratitude, as it doesn’t require strong emotional reactions and can lead to a more peaceful life.
➡ The speaker is discussing the concept of love and attachment, suggesting that people often become slaves to the things they love most. He encourages listeners to identify their top three loves and consider if they could walk away from them, promoting non-attachment. He also discusses the idea that many people are in love with negative aspects of their lives, such as toxicity or victimhood. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of being okay with being alone and letting go of attachments.


Your life’s at home, but you don’t own your mind, it’s not your own. Your heart sweats, your body shakes? Another kiss, it’s what it takes. You can’t sleep, no, you can’t eat, there’s no doubt you’re empty, your throat is tight, you can’t breathe, it’s all you need? Well, you like to think that you immune to the stuff? Oh, yeah, it’s closer to the truth? It seems, can’t get enough? You know you’re gonna have to face it, you addicted to life? You see the signs, but you can read? Running at a different speed? Your heartbeats in double time? Another kiss, and you’ll be mine? Well, take mine, you can be safe? If there’s some leftover, you, don’t mind if you do? Oh, you like to think that you immune to the stuff? Oh, yeah, it’s closer to the truth of the sea? Can’t get enough? You know you’re gonna have to face it, you addicted to love? Might as well face it, to? Addicted to love? Might as well face it, to? Addicted to love? Might as well face it, you addicted to love? Might as well face it, you addicted to love, your life alone, but you don’t know your will, it’s not your own, your heart sweats, it’s it crying? Another kiss, and you’ll be mine? Whoa, you like the thing that you need to the stuff? Oh, yeah, it’s closer to the truth, can’t get enough? You know you gonna have to face it, to addicted to life matters? Well, face it, you addicted to love? Might as well face it, you addicted to love, my ad as well face it, to you addicted to love? Might as well face it, you addicted to love? As well face it to you addicted to love? Might as well face it to you addicted to love? Might as well face it to you addicted to love? Might as well face it to you addicted to love? Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love.

That was a Robert Palmer remake off his album Riptide. And that song, classic song, in the lyrics of that song, in the very beginning, Robert Palmer sang that your mind is not your own. Is your mind your own? Well, I’m going to suggest to you that your mind is not your own. And you, like everybody else, is being used as an instrument. Just like when you grab onto a pen and you start writing with the pen.

This pen is your instrument, and it can’t make any decisions. It has to fulfill its obligation. When you pick it up and you decide to start writing, on a piece of paper with it. And I’m going to suggest that you and I, we become the pen and we are forced to do just like the cells in your body, they. They don’t have a choice. The job of the cells and the immune system, and they don’t have a choice.

They’re programmed to do what they do. They can’t talk back. They can’t tell you, I’m not gonna do that today. I’m gonna take a day off. No. And then it goes all the way up the chain and you get to the human being, experience this level and the situation. In my opinion, the research shows it’s no different. That’s why we have cells in the body and people go to prison with cells and all that kind of stuff.

So welcome out, ladies and gentlemen, to a very fun topic on the love trap. And I’m wearing the sunglasses not to look cool, but to remind you that you’re inside of a movie. This reality is a movie. It’s a video game. You’re being watched, you’re being played. Many movies, many songs have been continually telling us that is the situation. And the reason why I wanted to put. Let me take these off.

The reason why I wanted to put out this content is because of the fact that love, besides money, love is a big seller. I mean, when I was on the seminar circuit and it was about money, people want to increase their money. They want to learn how to fast track the process of making more money, earning more money. Well, the second best and biggest thing besides money is love.

And love is just another word for money because you can fit them in the save equation. I know that you would be able to separate the two. Well, no, romance is not. Yeah, but you can love money. And this is what I wanted to talk about here, amongst so many other things for this presentation on love is the love trap. Love is the trap. I have. I’ve been saying this now for a little bit.

I’m not the first person to say this, but I’m going to suggest many things to all of you during this broadcast. And all I’m going to ask you is to consider what I’m saying. I’m not going to say they’re going to be true for you. The little voice in your head which is talking right now is starting to maybe rebut against the things I’m saying because, you know, it’s your truth that all that matters is your truth.

So this may not line up with your truth. Those of you that have just fallen, some of you have just fallen in love. You went on your first date last night or last week, and you maybe got a kiss. Maybe you did a little nookie. You’re in that space. You will defend that space. You will defend the space you’re in to justify what you’re doing in your life.

That is, without exception, everybody does this. So, of course, if you take my life and you put it in the context of what I just said, I’m not going to defend my position here. I’m going to postulate some ideas for you to think about. But of course, yes, I’m single. I’ve been single since 2018. Just make. I make fun of it. I have fun with it. But I’ve been able to observe what I’ve done in the past.

I’ve been able to observe couples that I know and the things that they go through, and I get to take a sneak peek from that, from an. From an area of my life where I’m not being judgmental, I’m simply just observing. And I’m looking at how love works in this reality. And the current stage of my understanding is that love, which is, you know, obviously one of the greatest feelings in the world, is the trap that keeps you here in this reality.

Now, you don’t have to do anything with that. Again, just think about what I’m saying here. Don’t try to prove me wrong or say I’m full of shit or whatever. Just consider what I’m going to be saying to you tonight during this broadcast. Okay? That’s what I wanted to put out there. Today’s card. Today’s card for March 26 is the ten of wands, the ten of clubs, which is just so fascinating, because, again, I didn’t look at the calendar when I picked this date to do this broadcast, which just popped into my head a few days ago.

And I’m like, oh, I want to do this because that’s the stuff I’m decoding. And as fate would have it, the 26 march, which is today, is the ten of wands. And this card, not only is it the card of DNA, you can see the DNA spiral right on there, but this card can mean toiling and burdens and obligations. And, of course, we’re talking about the love trap.

Those of you that have fallen in love, been in love, fallen out of love, you know what I’m talking about, that this card is very realistic when it comes to love in relationships. Now, again, this is not a presentation on, you know, breaking heart. It’s not just about this, because as I said earlier, love can be found in everything that we do. Again. People love money. People love real estate.

People love cars. They buy a ten car garage, they fill the garage, they’re in love with their cars. People love antiques. People love pets. The love aspect is not just secluded in romance and the heart space, but if you’re going to be somebody who is not in love, that’s not focusing on the emotions of love. You’ll take your love and you will transmute or transform that energy into something else that you’re in love with.

Maybe it’s work, maybe you’re like, oh my God, I’ve been in these relationships. They just haven’t been working. I’m going to, I’m going to do some self love. I’m going to detox. I’m going to meditate. I’m going to go to the gym, get in shape. Maybe I let myself go, whatever. And you do the self love. So there’s the love again. And then when it’s maybe time for you to put yourself back out on the market, to go fall in love again or to be in love, that’s exactly how this whole process works with this reality.

But if you’re not willing to do that at this stage of the game, some of you have taken yourselves off the market. Whatever works for you. But you’re gonna take that energy that you normally spend on a relationship and you’re gonna put it into something else that you love. That’s what we do. So why I say love is the trap, because this entire reality that we live inside of, people call it a simulation, a prison, you know, it’s a trap, this reality.

And again, I’m not saying it’s true. I’m saying to consider what I’m telling you here before you get all a little crazy, just consider what I’m saying here from a philosophical perspective. I’m not gonna, I’m gonna ask you to leave your emotions away from this. At this point in time, just use your logic. Consider the philosophical aspect that this reality, and I’ve been saying this for a long time, and this is because the decodes that I’ve been doing over, you know, hot and heavy for the past decade continually show that this reality needs people in order to experience the reality through.

So, meaning that this, the voice in your head is that, that’s what owns you. You don’t own that. And you can’t pinpoint where these thoughts are coming from, but you have the thoughts and those of you that are going to be that asterisk and be the exception and say, well, I’m in control of my mind. There’s no way for you to prove that, but we can prove that you can’t shut off the mind.

The thoughts keep coming in. Sure, you can meditate, you can focus on your breath, but you’re thinking about focusing on your breathing. You cannot stop thinking. So the mind is using you. And a lot of you are slaves to the love in your life. We all are. I’m not going to be excluded from this because I could tell you exactly where my love is in my life. And of course, a big one is with this channel.

And building decodes your reality. That’s where the main focal point in my. This is where my love and my passion is going towards. So again, is. Is love going to get you recycled back into the game? That’s another big question a lot of people asked. A lot of people ask me this, like, because we’ve talked about children. If you have kids, you leave a seed bottom. The great Roland, a great.

Another friend, decoder, his name’s Roland, postulated an idea one time and he said, if you have children, you’re gonna guarantee to be reincarnated back into this reality. Now, that pissed a lot of people off when I said that, but again, I’m not saying it’s true. I’m saying is consider that because it is a possibility. There’s been so much about the music industry which I just played. Robert Palmer, addicted to love.

It was a remake of that. Again, your mind is not your own, okay? And there’s so many, especially Elvis. Elvis was a big proponent of love. Elvis was a huge proponent of love and sex and creating offspring. That’s what people do. They want to have kids, they want to have a family. Why do you want that? Well, I just. I just want to have them. And there’s many, a lot of you have many reasons why.

But no matter what the reason is, the point is, is that this reality needs people in order for it to experience its own reality through it. I’m saying that spirit, God, whatever you want to call it, angels, demons, whatever, it uses human beings to experience this reality through, because it can’t. That’s why the wizard of Oz and the Tin man. The Tin man, that’s all of you, all of us are the Tin man.

What was the Tin man? The Tin man was looking for his heart, because the Tin man didn’t know what it feels like to be in love. So it wants a heart so it can feel that and it’s made of metal. So the sidebar on this is, are we living inside of a computer system, as Tron and many of these other movies and shows I’ve talked about? And is it just the computer that creates this entire reality? A lot of people call it the simulation, and it wants to experience this reality.

And the only way that it can do that is it pumps out people by way of marketing to you. So that’s why sex is a big marketer. And of course, think about how the body is made. The orgasm. The orgasm, one of the greatest feelings in the world. That’s. Many of you chase that. Many of you are slaves to orgasms. You can’t control it. And if it’s not going to be orgasms and busting one, it’s going to be your love for something else.

Maybe you want to get that paycheck, and that’s your orgasm. Your love of the paycheck and being wealthy, that can be your love. It doesn’t have to be secluded to the heart of emotions when it and another person. It can be something in this reality that wants you to attend, attend to. And that’s what you’re gonna put your energy into. So that’s what I want to talk about here tonight.

Is. Is this loving and is it a trap? Is it a trap? Well, the first thing I’m gonna show you here, let me just get this open. I want to show you one slide about Elvis. I want to show you how. How this dude and this. What I’m about to show you, folks, is a scripted reality. And I’m. I’m going to confidently say to each and every one of you that not only is mankind being used, which, again, it’s not a bad thing.

It’s just the way it is. Not only is mankind being used as instruments, little players on the board, but we are all non player characters. And I know that may piss some of you off because you’ve been programmed with the regurgitation. All you’re doing is regurgitating what you heard about what an NPC is, a non player character. Well, I’m not that. Well, it’s my neighbor. That’s the NPC.

Well, how are you any different than your neighbor? Well, because that. That person’s asleep. Oh, I see. So you’re not asleep. You’re awake and they’re asleep. So that gives you the edge. You get to be somebody who’s a player. Well, I have decoded over 500 different videos, probably close to 600 now, showing that everybody and what the research is showing, we are all non player characters, meaning that you’re.

Yeah, you’re playing on the board, but you’re being used as an instrument, and you falling in love, and the things that happen to you falling in love, they’re part of the program, part of the screenplay. And the question now is, can we break free from that? Or some of you don’t want to be here anymore? That’s the research I’m interested in. Is. Is there a way to get out of this reality? Because, folks, if you think about love, man, the amount of time you spend, like, I’m just giving you the example of myself because I’ve been by myself since 2000.

At the end of 2018, I’ve been able to focus my attention on this great research, and I share it with the world. I would. If I’m in a relationship, and I’m not. Again, I’m not. I’m not gonna. I’m not gonna debilitate or poo poo or say, relationships are bad. Remember that. I’m just saying that if I had a relationship in my life, I would have to sacrifice, decode your reality.

And all the videos I pump out and all the information that I’m discovering that I’m supposed to show the world, I would have to take some of that time and devote it to a relationship, which I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m saying is that the. The sacrifice must be made, because your partner is gonna want you cuddling and hugging and kissing and having sex and going out on dates and sharing time.

I get all that. And then those of you that are in the relationships right now, and maybe at the beginning stages, you will defend it. And you, because I know you well, because it feels so good. And you will. Again, you will defend. You will stay in your position, stay in your lane without exception. You will defend against anything that goes inside your lane, because that’s how you’re programmed.

That’s how we’re programmed. So, anyway, let me. Let me show you this one slide. Not that one. This one right here. Okay, so let me get my cursor. I just want to show all of you here this. This. I don’t even need to show any more than just this one slide. Elvis Presley, one of the greatest rock icons from his error, he was a sex symbol. Some people think he was a clone that you can take.

You can bring that into perspective, that this guy was a clone. He was manufactured. We can bring that into this perspective as well. But if he was, he was. If he wasn’t, he wasn’t. He was born in Toledo, Mississippi. I’ve done all the decode on him. I’ve decoded him so many times. He was born on January 8. Okay, this is his birth card, the six of spades. And if you don’t think these cards have any bearing in our reality, I would ask you to go researching yourself on the cards, because they have everything to do with our reality case.

The six of spades. The word baby equals six. And the six of spades converts into the six of swords in the tarot. This is card 56, 55, 56. And lights, camera, action. All about the movie is tied to this card and its number. You can see the name he went by professionally. Look at the big other words that it matches, all in the same oldest numerology cipher in the world.

Chaldean numerology 4545-4545 so was Elvis’s Presley’s mind, not his own? See, Pandora’s box is love. That’s my final answer. Pandora’s box. Course, it has this rap of the evil and the nasty stuff comes out and. Yeah, of course. But there’s more to it than meets the eye of just that. But it means what it means. Pandora’s box is love is here. The box. You see how the word mind is 14, just like the word box.

Do you see how Pandora’s is 31, just like the word control. See, my truth is, is that your mind is being controlled, every single one of you, and you’re not. You’re a non player character. And again, you don’t have to do anything with that. Just consider this information when the next time you’re looking at your life. Why? What? Everything happens for a reason. Why all this is this stuff happening to you? Why, if you’re somebody who says, yeah, everything happens for a reason, have you ever really logically sat down and thought about what the hell that means? Everything happens for? We say these words, we regurgitate them.

We don’t give them any meaning, but we just say them. We blurred it out. Everything. Yeah, everything happens for a reason. Do you ever wonder why? Because you’re living in a screenplay, you’re in a movie, man. You’re trapped and limited in this movie. And I’m telling you, ladies and gentlemen, that probably the most challenging and most difficult thing is backing away from loving things in this reality, because then you can be.

Then a lot of you are gonna say, what do you. Oh, you’re suggesting that I become a cyborg or a robot? No, that’s not what I’m suggesting. What I’m saying is that your emotions, they own you. You don’t own your emotions. You. You get played by your emotions. And this is everybody, myself included. I. You got to catch yourself. Just the other day, I caught myself many times and I failed.

Is it when, if there is such a thing as failed, when then when the moon was coming out just a few days ago, Mars was directly across from the moon. And I didn’t even know because I wasn’t looking at the current chart and all that. I had a shit day, as they say. And it was hard. It’s. Well, you know, what’s going on during the days that you are, like, getting all frustrated and stuff like that.

The same thing happens when you’re falling in love and everything. Oh, it’s just so beautiful. And, you know, one week you’re taking your, your love over your life home to meet the parents, and two years later, you get in a restraining order. Why does this stuff happen? Because it’s a trap. Elvis said it in this, and it’s a song. We’re caught in a trap, but I can’t get out because I love you too much, baby.

Now, yeah, he was singing it to a girl. But you take the girl away. You take the romance away. And what you’re left with is. And this is a lot for some of you. You’re not in love. You’re not interested in love. You’re focusing on your career now. Your love is on your career. Is there any difference? Because your career is going to give you emotional reactions. It’s going to offer up to you pushing your buttons.

Your boss may piss you off, your employees may piss you off. You may have a challenging day because it doesn’t go your way. So what I’m suggesting is, is the trap of love is not just based around heart and romance. It’s based around everything that you fall in love with in this reality. And what I’m saying is, is that when you detach from that, you have the eyes to see this reality and how it works.

You haven’t. You have the eyes to see it much better. That’s what I’m suggesting. The word trap. Let’s take you on a little journey. The word trap. The word love is 21. Okay? Let me. Let me just show you how the beautiful, the tarot is. The word love in chaldean numerology is a 21. And then I’m just gonna go to the 21st card in the tarot, and I’m gonna show you what that looks like.

It’s the world card. Okay? This is what you’re in. This is what you’re in. And this, there’s the astrological signs. This is the card of Chronos, Saturn. There’s so many layers with this. But then the word trap equals the number 15. And now the devil comes in. This is why I have said, and a lot of people don’t get it. I say, be the best little devil you can be because you, that’s what you are.

You can’t help it. You’re either chained to the block or you’re sitting, hanging out with this dude, having dinner with him, and you become the devil. Now you, you want to get out of this game. Some of you want to get out of this game. What does that take? Balance. It takes balance. And most, most of you are not balanced. Most of you live in your lower shot.

Why do you think the color red is used for the heart and love? Because it’s the root chakra. It keeps you down in the lower chakras. Why do you think blood is red? And when it comes out, why do you think war? And it’s all postulating down towards the red, the root, Mars fire. A lot of you are stuck in your sacral chakra, which is orange, not much different.

That’s why fire is red, orange and yellow root, sacral, solar plexus. A lot of you are addicted to fire. Food. You love. For you, I’m a foodie. I love food. It’s a trap. Well, what. And then you’re gonna, well, you know what we say? What am I gonna do? Not eat? I get it. So if you’re willing to look at your life and back off of your life, really take some time out to look at your life and see what you’re addicted to, because every single one of you, including myself, we have addictions.

You don’t have to be addicted to drugs or alcohol to have addictions. Some of you have a sugar addiction. You’re in love with Oreo cookies, you’re in love with chocolate. And it’s taken you down. It’s killing you. This reality does not have any mercy if you haven’t figured that out yet, it has no mercy because it uses you to experience its own reality through. That’s, that’s how I, that’s how this, that’s what the research shows.

I got that big, the big decode coming out on the non player character, folks. The research is going to show that you and I are non player characters. And that’s going to really piss some of you off. I get it. I’m not. I don’t care. I’m here to present to you the information the best way that I can. And this is what my job is, as my friend Tiffany said.

Oh, you’re a tour guy. I’m a tour guide. That’s what my job is. And my chart, my astrological chart is set up in a way to where, you know, like my, my moon, which is the way you feel. The honeymoon. How come the hut. Why does the honeymoon stage last forever? And please, none of you. I know some of you say, oh, my honeymoon stage is the same.

No, it’s not. What? You. Why are you lying? It’s never the same. The first kiss, the first time you have sex, it’s. You can never duplicate it. It’s like chasing the dragon. Having one drink and then you. Oh, well, that doesn’t work. I gotta have two cups of coffee. The honeymoon stage is. You’ll never get it back unless you get into a brand new relationship. I know some of you, you’ll have love and you’ll be like, well, my love is matured.

And, and I, and I, and I get all that, but I’m saying is to see, then I’m gonna. Let’s use that meat and potatoes of this discussion. Some of you that, you know, you’re. You’re maybe. Well, my love is the best it’s ever been, mom. With the partner and the love of my life. You’re supposed to be. There are no accidents and mistakes in your reality, anybody’s reality.

You’re supposed to be exactly where you are. But, you see, if you have a partner, if you have a husband or wife and something happens to them, what happens to you? You freak out. You’re afraid they’re gonna die. You’re afraid they’re gonna do this, that they’re. They can’t see you’re. They’re driving. You’re afraid. Then you start to get anxiety in your life. You give off these emotional reactions as a human being.

Oh, my God, are they gonna make it? They’re not supposed to be driving. Are they gonna make it? You start freaking out. You do it with your children. You have no control of your kids. When you send them to school, you lose the control. Then you freak out to some degree. That’s that. That’s how this whole thing is. It works. This. I had a conversation. And I’ll tell all of you.

It’s very simple, this reality. I’m gonna give you the foundation of what I’ve discovered, what was shown to me, okay? Is that the inside your body. What creates energy, very simply, is when cells create what are called ATP. Your. The cells in your body, they create ATP, which is the energy for you to move and dance around and have sex and whatever you’re gonna do, they’re like little mini explosions, if you will, that your, that is energy you use to move around and navigate and create through your life.

Well, it doesn’t just stop right there, ladies and gentlemen. Every emotional reaction that you have, falling in love, first kiss, holding hands, having sex for the first time, whatever, that energy is no different than the cells creating inside your body with ATP. The emotions that you give off, love and fear, they create an explosion and that’s being harvested. The real this reality is not as pretty as you would think it is.

And I’m not. I’m not trying to give you a horror story. Life is amazing. Life is beautiful. So there’s always a contradiction. But I’m giving you the skinny on this, that this reality is a big harvesting machine. And love, whether it’s love of another person, whether it’s love of your pet, like you, you, some of you lost your pet. It’s a nightmare when you do that. Like the feeling that you got to go through to put the furry down or you, you, I lost my dog.

Or, and then you get all emotional and you can’t work and you lose money. It’s. It’s like, who wants to go through that? No, none of you do. You wouldn’t sign up for it. But I know a lot of you say, well, I wouldn’t trade it in. I get it. Because you’re going to look at the rewards of love and you’re going to look at the way it makes you feel and.

And you’ll justify the things that you don’t like about it. But what I’m suggesting to you folks is that you, is the. Is the reincarnation incarnation process, is that handled by love? Is it. Is it. Is it what? You leave a seed behind, you have a kid. Is that guaranteeing that you come back because you left the seed behind, you left a trace of your DNA behind? Is that how it works again? I don’t know.

But if you really start to look at how this reality operates, it uses your love and fear and it harvests it and something’s getting the energy. It ain’t you getting it. You give it off like the cells give off energy and you use it as fuel. You’re a cell inside this prison called life. It’s a beautiful one. And you give off energy through love. And fear and anxiety and depression and anger and sadness.

And that is being harvested by something outside of this real. You can call it God, angels, demons, whatever the hell you want to call it. We. We’ve talked. Robin and I talked about it. Let’s talk about the upside. Let’s talk about the upside down world. Robin has the gift of being able to see, you know, entities. They’re called feeders, and they feed off of you. It’s a thing.

Now, don’t just dismiss that or call somebody crazy because you can’t see it. Not everybody has the talent. I don’t. I can’t see that kind of stuff. But, folks, you feed off stuff. You’re. You’re a parasite. I’m a parasite. And if you don’t think you’re a parasite, just look at what you do in your life. If you. What? If you go to the bathroom and wipe your ass with toilet paper, you’re a parasite because you’re parasiting the earth from the trees that need to get cut down and shave down to make toilet paper.

It’s just that funny. I’ll get in for to a different topic, but I’m gonna suggest that, you know, you will. When I did the every breath you take, if you haven’t watched my latest decode on every breath you take, which was a highlight of the song by the police off their 1983 album synchronicity, decoded that. And it says, every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.

So he’s saying, I’ll be watching you. Robert Palmer, and addicted to love, says, your mind’s not your own. I mean, I could go on and on with how many songs tell you that you’re not in control of this reality, and then if you want to get into theology, well, go watch my every breath you take. If you’re a fan of theology, clearly it says that God’s spirit is controlling you.

But this. These were the two cards. These are the two cards that are tied to non player character. The one to your right is the six of pentacles, the six of diamonds, and that is the. The God or whatever, standing up, giving to you. Here you go. Here you go. Oh, you want to fall in love? Here you go. Oh, here you go. Here’s your fix. And then to the left is the.

Is the three. The three of spades, the three of swords. And it’s heartbreak. One of them gives you life, the other one takes life from you. And in the realm of the love trap, folks, the trap is this. Entity here, giving to you, falling in love. Oh, you want to feed your stomach. Oh, you have a food addiction. Oh, here you go. You have a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, of a dependence on this.

Some of you are codependent. Some of you can’t be alone. And you’re a slave to that. And I’m not going to belittle that, but I’m saying is, how can you, how can you turn around where you’re in control of that and it’s not in control of you? Is that even a possibility? And again, I’m coming from a space, folks, where, you know, like, I don’t have it all figured out.

I don’t have all the truth. Some of these things that I say are theoretical. Some, they’re philosophical. They’re things to think about. I’m not. I’m not going to say they’re factual. But the research and the discoveries that I’ve been shown through the methodology that I’ve been working with, with mathematics and numbers is that mankind’s being used. Everything’s happening for you, not to you. And you should go out there and, you know, play the game to the best of your ability, being used or not, but I’m simply giving you the machinations of this reality.

And I’m. The research shows that you and I are non player characters, and everything that happens to you is happening for you, and that includes love, relationships. So if you’re not gonna. If you’re somebody who says, well, I don’t want to play anymore, a lot, a lot of you that follow my research or the research that I’ve been given, you don’t want to play anymore, you’re done. You don’t want to do it anymore.

You don’t want to get into a relationship. You’re completely satisfied by being by yourself. You don’t want to get into heartbreak. You don’t want to feel that kind of stuff, right? You don’t really want to take any chances. You’re completely fine by yourself. You like your friends. That’s it. You don’t go any farther than that. And you, you’re ready to walk away like Jim Carrey did in the Truman show.

This, this, this is, this card right here is, is the card that represents getting spit out of thy mouth in revelation three, verses 16 in theology. If you’re a fan of theology, you don’t want to play anymore. You got to be lukewarm, and lukewarm is in the center piece right here, which means you got to, you got to dissim. You got to disintegrate the, the highs and lows in your life.

And that’s a very tall order, because for some of you, again, you’ve just met somebody and you have the butterflies, and, and you will justify your position, as you should, because, again, not everybody is going to lead to the same path as yours. There is no cookie cutter path to anything in this reality. There’s only your path. So if this information doesn’t resonate with you, it’s not for you.

It’s not for everybody. If you think I’m crazy, if you think I’m full of shit, this, it’s not for you. It’s totally, oh, fi, it’s totally fine if it’s not for you. Because some of you, again, are married. You got kids, and you, this, you got family, and you got obligations and responsibilities, and you will defend that. But what I’m merely saying to you is you’re trapped. You know, I just did a, did a reading for a gentleman, this amazing guy.

And he, he wants to travel. He really, really wants to just travel and experience the world, but he can’t. And the reason why he cannot do that is because he has a dog. And there’s a lot more to it than what I’m saying because I’m glad you say, well, just take the dog with you. It’s much more complicated than that for this gentleman. But again, because he loves the dog, he has to stop what he’s, he has to sacrifice what he wants, wants to do, and he’s got to put it into and staying in that position.

And it’s exactly the way it’s supposed to be for him. But I’m saying is once you get rid of attachment after attachment, after attachment, after attachment, after attachment, you get rid of your addictions. You’re free. Are you free completely? I’m not saying that’s going to be the case, but you’re free. You’re more free from a minimalistic perspective than a maximized perspective. Okay, so let’s jump into some of your, I’m going to jump into some of your comments and look at the comment.

I’m not going to go crazy long. I wanted to just talk a little bit about this topic. Fearless vic says, aren’t we here to experience everything? If you say so. I think everybody here, I would assume I could be wrong that everybody here has been in a relationship. Whether you’ve been in love or not, you’ve been in a relationship. But, you know, I’ve done countless readings now. Countless.

And when I look at an astrological chart. It’s a blueprint of what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you’re going to be harvested for, for energy. And if there is a way to get out of this reality, like, let’s say there’s a plan to get out of, like, some of you don’t want to be here anymore. You want to exit. You want to leave this reality. Is there a way to exit this reality and not have to come back? Well, I tell you what.

The research shows love and getting into a relationship and having a family and all stuff. You’re, you’re in the game. You got to get in. Sure. You got to do this. You got to do that. Yeah. So does that hold you down to this reality? Maybe. I’m not going to say 1000% because I could never do that. What I’m saying is that to get rid of as many things that you’re holding on to in your life, is that a requirement? Maybe.

But if you use logic or discernment, it seems plausible to think that, that you need to get rid of your attachments in your life. That’s what the research shows. But I’m telling you, folks, it’s like those of you, that if you have a dog, a cat, you got to take them to the vets, they’re going to die. Then you got to go through the anxiety of that. You have a child, the child gets into an accident, then the child dies, and you’re forever mourning that child’s death.

And it’s really impacted your life and it’s affected your life up till this day. Some of you are in that position. That doesn’t feel good. Why do you have to go through that? That’s love. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to love. And then you get the opposite aspect where you, you know, you fall in love. It’s like you look at each other for the first time and you have these eyes and the chemistry and you can’t hold back and you gotta make out and you gotta hold hands and you gotta have sex and.

And now it changes every. You go intimate, it changes everything. How it. Now you’ll do some crazy shit. Now you’ll do some crazy. Now you’re on the phone talking for two, 3 hours at night, whereas normally you were putting it into your business. Your business starts to take a toll. You got to sacrifice. Why? Because you’re in love now. But then that’s when the honeymoon stage, the honeymoon, the moon, when that emotion wears off, you’ll go back to your work.

You’ll go back to what you were doing. And you’ll find, really, what you love in your life. And you’ll start to see that there’s a variance. Not just with love and kissing and making out, holding hands and going on dates and humping and screwing and not just that. I’m talking about other things you do in your life that you fall in love with. And all that’s a trap.

This is a trap. High mind tornado says, animal love is the best. I think it’s a beautiful thing. I like animals more than I do people, because animals don’t really talk back these days. My joy is decoding and going outside and feeding the strays and, you know, watching the crocodiles or whatever I can do. I get out there and all that kind of. That’s what I do with my time.

Alabama Wyatt says, how? Married man, happy wife, happy life motto. So where’s my happiness? I know the like. I’m a big fan of Werner Erhard. And Werner Erhard says, you’ll never get happy. That’s what he says. You’re never gonna get happy. The pursuit of happiness is the guarantee against it. And it’s. How many times have you rode that wave? Meaning, like, you buy a new car, you. You go to the dealership, oh, my God, I love this car.

How many of you have said that? You don’t think, oh, my God, I love the color. There’s that word love. Oh, my God, I love the way this leather feels on my back. Oh, I love the air conditioned seats. Oh, I just love the stereo. We throw this word around, and we don’t pay any attention to how we’re using it, and you fall in love with the car at the dealership.

You do the paperwork, and off you drive. And now you have a new car, and you love it. How’s your new car? Oh, my God, I love it. It’s just so smooth. And then what? And then in one year, maybe the car broke down several times, maybe it was in the dealership a few times, and you’re like, oh, my God. Freaking car, man. There’s these set of circumstances.

Or maybe it was served you great, but then you don’t have that shiny new toy feeling anymore. You’ve fallen out of love with the car. You’re not in love with it like you used to be, and then you’re ready to trade it in. That’s why leases. I feel that’s why leases came in. So if it’s not a car, it’s gonna be a business. If it’s not a business, it’s gonna be a pet.

If it’s not a pet, it’s gonna be this. If it’s not that, it’s gonna be that. Love is what keeps you grounded in this reality. Love is the trap. It’s the devil. Because this reality is ruled by. This is why they say, oh, this is the devil’s. It’s God. What do you think God is, folks? It’s everything. It owns the whole thing. You just have. We’ve all been kind of with this.

Oh, there’s separation. There’s this. No, it owns it all. It all comes down to the eye. Would you say a lot of. Right. We say a lot of that. I am gonna go do this. I am that. I am this. It’s the I. That’s why in theology, in Exodus, God says, I am I. And it’s using you. That I is using you. It’s about the. It’s the eye, and it’s.

It’s masculine feminine, and it’s very deep, very philosophical. But it’s. But it’s. It’s the. You know, the. I would even say, like, the studies and research now says that the God, whatever created this, really. It’s androgynous. That I’m gonna say is my final answer. I got a big deco coming out on the movie pet detective, Ace Ventura. And it’s. And big shout out to truth modge for giving me the insight on.

Of the. The inspiration. But if you’ve seen Ace Ventura, it was Einhorn is Finkel. That’s it. Einhorn is Finkel. Finkel is Einhorn. That’s the v. See? Einhorn is Finkel. Finkel is Einhorn. Well, folks, what do women’s legs look like when they’re about to give birth? What position are they in? This is the leg position of women when they’re about to give birth. The V. V is the 22nd letter.

Just like the word penis in numerology equals 22 22nd letter. What goes into that? It’s all about the I and the v. And you bring them together, you get the y, which is the serpent’s tongue. Goes really deep with all this, folks. Got a look. So love is the trap. I love you too much, baby. I can’t walk out. Remove the romance. And now postulate that in your life of.

Well, I’m not doing love. I’m single. I’m by myself. I’m gonna take a year off. Okay, so what are you gonna do with your time that you would normally spend on a relationship? I’m gonna go work, and you go work. And you build up a bankroll. So you put all your energy into the work and you’re in your career and you get something out you. The payoff you get out of that is you get money in your bank account, you pay off credit card bills, whatever.

So the love and your energy of love goes into your career and money and your kids. I got kids. I love my kids. Of course you would love your kids. And if something happens to your kid, what will you do? Stop at nothing to go help your children? You’re a slave to your kids. That’s how it is in this reality. Love is the trap. You have a kid now.

You’re a slave to the kid. And that’s just how it is for a parent. It’s nothing bad about that. That’s just what it means to be a parent. You wouldn’t do anything differently? I’m not a father, but it. But I love kids. And I know what I would do if I was a father. I would do the same thing that most of you good parents would do. I would do everything and anything for that child.

But you’re a slave to the child. You’re actually. You’re living through this right here. This just today’s card. See the DNA spiral around there? You put. Take a DNA spiral, goes right over the top of that. And it’s the ten, the binary system, the one in the zero. It’s obligations that love is keeping human beings in this reality. So the big question now is, again, is there a way to get out? That’s the big question.

Is there a way to get out of this reality? And I, and I, and again, I don’t even know what the hell it would look like if you did. I’m telling you, ladies and gentlemen, if it’s not, you could, once you have the eyes to see it, it’s a beautiful construct. It’s magnificent. And it’s all just a movie, man. You’re just in a play. Why do you think.

Soap operas. The longest running soap opera, it was called Guiding Light. Guiding Light was the longest running soap opera. I think, out of the top five shows of all time, there’s like three or four soap operas in there. You’re in a soap opera, you’re in a reality show, you’re in a movie. You’re being watched. Your mind’s not your own. You’re not in control of your life. You’re a non player character.

Do we have any wiggle room? Are we going to see any kind of wiggle room? Are we going to be able to. To break our screenplay? Or is it just. If you find the way to salvation for you, you were supposed to find it again. Some of you will tune into what I’m saying. And you think Logan’s crazy. I don’t like this guy. I don’t like his background.

Whatever. There’s something about me you don’t like. I’m too loud. You think I think. I know it all. Well, I stand in my truth. You stand in your truth. But you don’t. Just something about me you don’t like. That’s totally fine. I don’t care. I don’t pay your bills. You don’t pay my bills. I’m a messenger. I’m here to tell you a message. I’m here to show you and tell you how the machinations of this reality works.

Whatever it is that you want to do with it, that’s completely up to you. I’m not gonna tell you how to go play the game. When I do readings for people, I’m like, this is your code, but I’m not gonna tell you how to go play it. It’s up to you to go do that. Listen to the voice in your head. Detach and listen to the voice in your head.

Eventually, you’re gonna end up facing a reality where it’s all about love, what you love to do. I love doing this. I love doing that. But, you know, when it comes to relationships, you would think, you know, you’d get into a relationship, and I can’t remember the guy’s name. James something. But he did an amazing video. He was a. He was a divorce attorney. If anybody has that, pop it into the shot water.

Let me see if I can find it. James. What the hell is his name? Let me see if I can find it, because this is a really good video that I think every single one of you should watch. There we go. Yeah. His name is James Sexton. Okay. James Sexton. And this guy right here, if you want to. What? Listen, I clicked on this one day. Just was.

It was maybe like six months ago, and it’s an hour long. I didn’t stop listening to the whole. I listened to the whole thing. The guy was so smart. He was a wizard. And he’s coming from a place of, you know, how he sees it and all that kind of stuff. And you know what he says? Marriage is a liability. It’s. It’s way more of a liability than anything else.

And so I’m not. I’m not here to tell you don’t get married. Because some of you are about to get married. So go do it, because it could be amazing. It could be beautiful. But what I am going to tell you is, if you’re gonna get married, you’re supposed to get married. All my. I’ve been married three times. They’re all. They’re all scripted. All of them. All the relationships I’ve ever been in, they’re all scripted.

I found the script in all of them. I can see the script and all my. It’s just. It’s. And it becomes funny to me. I don’t take life seriously anymore. To me, it’s just like, okay, you’re watching me. Fine, let’s do this. But I. But for me, I’ve been that guy to where I’m this. See that person? See those people in the background? They’re like. They throw their swords down and like, I’m.

I’m out. I’m done. I’m done. Not going to play. So there’s been movies and there’s Tron. If you want to go watch a good movie, go watch Tron Legacy. Jeff Bridges in that movie, which I broke down several times, he says, the way to win is not to play. The only way to win is not to play. Well, that’s very tall order, because a lot of you love your birthday parties, you love your Christmas trees, you love your Easter celebrations, you love going to church.

You love doing this, you love doing that. Telling you folks, love is the trap, man. And you end up getting this. And if you have a successful marriage in the aspect of like, oh, I’ve been married, you know, we’ve been married a long time. Yeah. Well, when your mate dies, guess what? You’re going to feel it’s inevitable. You can’t avoid that. Unless, of course, you pass away together.

So is a life for you designed to be in a love relationship and to. To have to go into it knowing you’re going to be harvested for your energy, knowing you got to sacrifice your life for that other person and you’re in it? Well, I looked at many, many charts, and I have seen a lot of people that are designed to be in relationships, and they will. They will fight tooth and nail.

They go off their left arm to have a mate again. How are you coded? It’s all going to come down to how you are scripted, encoded in your life. There are no accidents in your life. There are no mistakes in your life. There’s just your life. That’s it. So if you’re in a relationship and you got kids, you’re supposed to be in a relationship and have kids. You don’t like the relationship anymore, get out of the relationship.

See, if you can’t get out of the relationship, you’re a slave to the relationship, period. There is no room for negotiation on that. And you will justify it because of love. Some of you are love relationships, and you’re dependent on your husband or wife for the support, for the money, and you don’t have a career, so you got to rely on their money. And your love of your life is dependent on their bringing their money in.

And that is a factor in your reality, in your expectations. As you saw the quote, the way you love is through your expectations. This is all part of your screenplay. But again, what you’re gonna see, if you’re willing to decode your reality personally, what you’re gonna find is that you live in a predestined script and you’re just living out your screenplay. And this is why it’s so ridiculous to.

To debate people. That key, if anything, if there’s anything keeping you in your lower chakras, it’s arguing, debating. And you sacrifice love just to do that, just so you can be right. We do that in relationships. When you get into an argument with your loved one and you’re trying to say I’m right and you’re wrong, you’re sacrificing love. And there’s an energy exchange. It’s like ATP in the cells in your body.

It’s gets being harvested. So you don’t want to be harvested anymore. Stop debating. Stop arguing. Love is allowing. Do you want to be right or do you want to win? Most of you want to be right because there’s this factor of life’s about looking good. I’m a huge fan of landmark. We’re in Earhart. Life is about looking good. You don’t want to look bad. That’s why you never want to say, it’s not.

It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t do it. So what we say to our loved one, why didn’t. What do you mean? I didn’t do anything wrong. You’ll lie, cheat, steal, whatever, just so you don’t look bad, guilty. And we all do it. So when you don’t have any attachments going out, you sever the ties of your attachments. You’re free in many different ways. Many, many different ways. Lucy Rose says, we will justify anything in the name of love.

I totally agree. SBCA asks, Logan, what do you love? Well, I’m addicted to decoding. It’s using me to work through the amount of hours I sit on my ass and I stare at the computer and I get all the emfs. My passion for decoding is. Was what I love. And it’s used. I know it’s using me. Whatever created this reality is using me for this research. I already know it.

I’ve already admitted I don’t. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m not mad at it. There’s no way that I can control that. I’ve surrendered to it, because if you fight it, it’s just gonna. You’re gonna get anxiety and depression and all the other emotions. I’m not. I’m this. Why would I do that? Find out what you’re coded for and go live through that again. Some of you are coded to be in a marriage and have kids.

I’ve said this so many times before, and I’ll say it again. If you have kids, one of your kids may grow up and save the world one day. That’s not a bad position to be in. But I’m saying still, I’ll still stand by. Love is the trap. It’s keeping you here in this reality. You harvest your energy and it uses you. Vix says, I swear you’re an agent, a good one.

Oh, I’m not an agent. I don’t work for any organization. I bet I’ve been accused of that so many times. It’s all good, man. If you. If that’s something that you want to consider. You think I’m an agent? You think I’m working for some, then that’s on you. Folks. I’m an. I’m an. I’m an outlaw, man. I don’t want to be bothered. I don’t want to be part of any or.

I don’t need to be part of an organization to live my life. I just want to be free and clear and live my life and do my research and pump it out onto the world stage. So those of you that have. That are supposed to hear this information and digest it and take it on in your life and do what you got to do with it, is. Is what I’m all about.

I get. That’s. I get off on that. I love doing. I love helping people. So see how I’m addicted to love. I love helping people. I say it all the time. Yeah, your. Your kid could be your serial killer. Hermes, uh, thrice great. Says that. I. Look, I’ve done countless decodes now, and I will say it again. Those of you that are new, I’ll tell you, Ted Bundy, serial killer, didn’t have a choice was his destiny was to be a serial killer.

That’s my final answer. My, that’s my Muhammad Gandhi attorney. It was in his charts, destined to do that, destined to be, get. To get shot. It was in his chart. Martin Luther King in his chart for assassination, broke him down. All predestined, all scripted, and he did what he loved. Right. He got used up, just like you’re gonna get used up just like I’m gonna get used up.

Mister mayor asks, let’s keep this to love, folks. People are, people are getting out of the context here, but I’ll answer this question. How did you get the, how did you get the power to work for yourself? Just. It was part of my screenplay. Just like yours is part of your screenplay. So your kid could be a chucky. Yeah. So remember, folks, what, what love is. And you know, if you’re not a decoder, if you’re not somebody who analyzes life in a big way, then there are going to be a lot of missing pieces for you.

And I’m not saying that you’re wrong and I’m not saying that I’m above that, because I have this and I’m looking at this, but it’s the way I can describe decoding. Like using the tarot, using mathematics, sine and cosine waves, looking at the spoken word, especially PI and phi. The number, the numbering strings of the 1. 61 and the 3. 144. It’s, it’s so deep, this code. When you start to see it, it starts to show itself to you.

And then you can really start to see how this reality works. You can really start to see how this really reality works. And again, what you’re going to see is that you are an instrument in this reality and you’re being used now, if you think that you have free will, then go live that life. People ask me all the time, do you think we have free, free will? I’d like to think that we have a little bit, but the research continually shows that that’s not even the case.

Story of Christ is love. Yeah. And what did, what did Jesus tell you to do? Detach from everything. Detach from everything. Well, that means you detach from the holidays and celebrating your birthdays and going, doing customary and religious rituals and you know, and screwing and humping and procreating and stop doing all that. Clearly, the parable was, if you want to make it into the kingdom of heaven, it’s like passing a camel through the eye of a needle.

Impossible. Virtually impossible. Why? Because people are addicted to love. They’re addicted to love. What you love in this reality. Can you walk away from your reality right now? Can you walk away from the things in your reality right now? Well, if you have children, if I ask you, can you walk away from your kids? I know what the answer is going to be. No way. What if you had to? Can you, could you do it? I know it’s a tough question to ask, and I know it’s a, it’s a, it’s a hypothetical.

If you had to walk away from the place you were living at and all the part of the belongings you have that you love. I love my house. I love my walk in closet. I like all the clothes I have. I love all the jewelry I have. Could you walk away from all that? Some of you could not. Some of you are so attached to your materialistic possessions that you’re in love with that you couldn’t walk away.

So you’re in a trap. More so than anybody else. I mean, it’s okay. Obviously, it’s nice to have nice stuff. Yeah, of course. But attachment. Attachment. Big shout out to Pam and Steve, the moderators, for being here. Thank you guys very much. You guys and gals, I got the yin yang here, the jack and Jill, always here, majority of time, folks. I mean, the basic brass tacks on this is that you’re, you’re being used in this reality.

I mean, that’s what the research shows. Now, if you want to say, that’s a bad thing, if you want to say, well, Logan’s full of shit, some of you will go do the research. I see. The research that I have been shown is like trigonometry. If you’re. And you’re just learning. Three times three is nine. You’re, you’re fiddling around with your multiplication tables, and I’m studying trigonometry. How am I gonna show it to you? It’s like, if I went to the jet propulsion lab in Pasadena, California, where they built rockets, and they were to show me how, I wouldn’t have a freaking clue.

I could sit there and, yeah, yeah, that’s pretty cool. But the formulas and how all this shit works, I don’t have the firsthand thing, but what am I gonna say? Oh, you’re full of shit that doesn’t work. Or if you’re an engineer and you’re building something and you don’t have the foot, you have formulas. What am I gonna. I’m not an engineer. I didn’t get study. That might get.

Tell the engineer they’re full of shit. No, go study it. Well, I’ve been given the task to study the. How this reality works. That. That was a task of mine. I’ve done it, and that’s all I’ve been doing for a very long time. And now the results that I’ve been pumping out for the past, especially hard and heavy since 2018, shows that we live in a predestined scripted reality.

And you’re being harvested for your energy. And love is a big faith fact. Love is the biggest factor out of them all. You know, I talked about this with Joel Schaefer on his podcast last week, and I had given the idea of if you’ve ever been fortunate enough to go to court, that shit show. Well, you’re on the. You’re on the court. They call it a court. You’re on the court.

You’re playing on the court, and you have your attorney there, the scribe, and you’re presenting your case, and you got the defendant or plaintiff presenting their case. Maybe you’re in a child custody battle. What a nightmare that is. You want to talk about a duel of love, and your emotions get taxed, and you’re just depressed in anxiety. That’s not fun. All because you had a kid. I know.

It was fun in the beginning. Oh, let’s have a baby. Let’s have a kid. You had no idea that you’re gonna marry a freaking psycho, and now you have to pay it alimony and child support, and it’s like, it’s. It drains the hell out of you. And you age ten years in one year. But you didn’t know that that was love, but it was so mo. Since the romance.

Oh, my God, I do skirl. It was the best romance of my life. Yeah. And then you’re calling the cops two years later, restraining order, and you’re going through this and you’re having to go to the. Anyway, if you ever go every going to court, you’re on. You’re on the court and you’re playing on the court. Well, the judge is not on the court. The judge is above the bench.

Just like when you’re on a basketball court, I’ll go to the bench. And now you’re not in the court anymore. Now you’re on the bench, or you’re in the stands and you’re watching the court. See, that judge supposed to give a ruling based upon logic, with discernment, without any emotions, because sometimes there are really good actors and actresses that will use their emotions, crying and lying, whatever, and they’ll dupe the judge.

And the judge gets bamboozled by emotions because the judge is a human, and they’ll have to give out their mo, and they’ll judge based on their emotions, and they get the ruling wrong if there is such a thing. You see, if the judge is not using their emotions and they’re a good judge or if they’re trained good, they will be able to give the scales balance, and they will be able to give their judgment based upon no emotions because they’re not on the court.

You see, if you’re. If you got a family, if you got kids, you’re on the court. You would do anything for your kids. Yeah, I get it. But now you’re a slave to those children that you pumped out, and a lot of you don’t even have a partner anymore because your husband or wife, you got divorced. And now, what do you think that word divorce is all about? Division? That causes energy explosions, and it feeds this machine, this machine that we live in, called a simulation, called a computer system.

It feeds off of all of us. That’s how this thing works. So when you don’t want to play anymore, you disengage from the things that you love, you slowly chip away, chip away, chip away, chip away, chip away. Not interested in debating. Not interested in arguing. Don’t need to do that. I just want peace in my life. How do you get peace in your life? You chip away, chip away, chip away at the things you were attached to, and you get rid of them, and now you’re free.

And I don’t know what the requirements are from there, ladies, and I don’t. I’m just postulating ideas here. But the standard aspects of this reality is that love is the trap. It is. And when you consciously know that, it’s a game changer in so many different ways because you’ll think twice, maybe, about getting this or doing that, maybe getting into a relationship. I mean, I’ve met so many people opposite sex that they’re so programmed, like, I want to, I gotta have a kid.

Why? I just. I want a kid. I want. What is the. What the hell’s the reason why you want to have a kid? Why do you want to have a kid? And there’s gonna be a million different reasons. There’ll be a million different reasons why, or I just want to get. I want to get married. Well, that’s because it’s a programming. Put the wedding band on, which is the bands of Saturn, and now you’re a measurement of time with the wedding bands.

And now you have to go to the court and get a contract. Why do you need a contract to be with somebody, but you play along, oh, I want to get married. I thought, it’s so much fun. Let’s just go fill out the certificate and go get married. Now you have a contract. Now you have to deal with the court system. Now you got to play on the court just so you can be in love.

So funny. And you’re talking maritime law. Why maritime law? Because it starts with the letter m. What’s the opposite of the letter m? The letter W. M. And the letter w, which is man and woman. Man starts with the letter m and woman starts the letter w. The mirror of the letter m is the letter w. That is not by accident. This is all letters, shapes and symbols, and there’s a code that runs this reality behind the final product.

You say, oh, let’s get married, let’s fall in love, let’s have a family. And you don’t even think twice about, oh, shit, if I told you, hey, you know, you’re gonna have to get a restraining order two years from now. You’re not gonna get married, but you’re not gonna know that. That’s the beautiful aspect of life, is it’s like. It’s a game of chance. Because you don’t know it’s a game of chance, and it keeps it exciting.

Yes, but there’s a lot of nightmares. And again, the less you attach, the less nightmares you have. That’s also what the research shows. I mean, can you get into a relation? Can you get into a relationship with somebody and not screw? Can you get into a relationship with somebody and not have sex? Majority of you cannot, will fail. You cannot do it because you go out. You go out on your little dates.

You got the chemistry going on. Smells good, looks good, feels good. Holding hands. Now, what’s the next? It’s all programming. It’s all programming set up to make you fall in love, to get you to fall in love, to harvest your energies. That’s how this reality works. That’s what the research shows, folks. Don’t, don’t. You don’t have to kill the messenger here if you don’t like what I’m telling you.

I mean, again, how do you. How can you be around somebody that you like or have chemistry with and not end up moving towards intimacy so, you know, you don’t have the chemistry so you can be around somebody that’s called a friend? It’s my, that’s my friend. Sometimes it’s friend with benefits. Yeah. Well, then you start to behave differently. Once you get the benefit aspect going on. You start to get jealousy and insecurities and all this other kind of stuff that comes with it.

Again, more energy to feed the machine. Harvesting your energy to feed the machine. We live inside of a reality that’s a machine, and it’s harvesting energy, ladies and gentlemen. And love is the biggest trap of them all. That’s what the research shows. Drama. There you go. Truth. Love says more people in your life. More drama. Exactly. Can you be alone? Some of you are addicted to beat. You need, you can’t be alone.

You can’t be by yourself. You need to have people around. You feel like I. You’re. You’re in love with it. You can’t do it. I think part of the aspects of graduation, if there is such a thing, is you got to be cool by yourself. You got to be able to be cool by, you got to be able to be in love with being by yourself. You need to love yourself, and you’d be in love with being by yourself.

You don’t need to kiss and hug and cuddle and spoon and. But again, that, that feeling is like, that’s what drives a lot of you. You can’t, you can’t do without it. And then I know some of you will say, well, then you’re not being a human being. Okay? That’s. That’s gonna be your truth. I get it. I’m not here to go beyond the fought. The foundation of this reality is a trap, and it’s based on love, okay? It’s what you love to do.

That’s what the research shows. Now, you don’t have to agree with that, but that’s what the research shows. Glow green says God is love. Yeah, God is. God would have to be unconditional love, then. See, human. We’re not condit. We’re not unconditional. You love with conditions. We love with conditions which are called expectations. God is, would be the, the essence of that would be unconditional love. That’s why everything’s allowed to happen in this reality, because everything is God in this reality.

The good, the bad and the ugly. All is one. All is the God, if you want to bring that into the equation. Not human beings. Human beings are conditioned because you’re not a player, you’re a non player character. The research shows that every single human being on this planet, I don’t give a shit how they were created. They are a non player character. I mean, you got to think about it, ladies and gentlemen.

What if the requisite to get out of this reality is you got to stop loving your love is what attaches you to this reality? That’s a tall order. I mean, I’m just saying, I’m just giving you some ideas. Like, why don’t you start with the things that you can get rid of that you’re so attached to, the things you really don’t give any thought to see. Those of you that have kids, let’s, let’s hypothetically say that you got to cut the customs out.

Christmas, birthdays, the holidays, all that shit. You got to cut that shit out. Well, many of you have children. Are you gonna just, are you gonna tell your kids, I’m not doing that anymore? You’re not gonna, you know what? You love your kids too much. You will not do it. And you’ll justify and you’ll say, that’s not a requisite for this reality. That’s okay. I can do that.

That’s okay. And that’s how it is for you. So then we go to this whole, there’s no cookie cutter, there cannot be a cookie cutter way. There cannot be one path to salvation. I was laughing at this meme. I sent it to a lot of people that my family sent to me, and it was, it was, why do religions have different gods but the same satan? It’s a Ponzi scheme.

That’s why. Once you can wake up from that, you’ll, you’re not gonna do religion anymore. You’ll be like, what the hell’s the fuck? What’s the point? That show you chop that, that’s one thing you’ll detach from. And again, folks, if it’s scripted and you’re gonna do it, you’re supposed to do it. If you don’t find it during this incarnation, you weren’t supposed to find it. If you get pissed off at me for something I said, or you don’t like the way I look, or I’m talking too loud, or I got music playing in the background, you don’t like my backdrop, or there was something I said that rubbed you the wrong way, so.

Oh, that Logan. I’m never going to talk to him. I’m never going to listen to his shit again. He’s an asshole. Da da da da. Then that was your path. You were supposed to do that. I was supposed to trigger you. Not part of this journey. I don’t care. You just go. Do you? You’re going to be right anyway. You’re going to just, you’re going to say, well, he’s an idiot.

He’s. And I’ve been called way things worse than that. That’s totally fine. I’m not here for likes and subscriptions. I’m not here to amuse you. I’m not here to be dazzle you. I’m here to give you the discoveries of what I’ve been shown and what I’m supposed to be showing you. That’s it. You take it or leave it. Do whatever the hell it is you want to do with it.

Not trying to win points, not trying to be right here. I’m not trying to prove anybody wrong. I’m not trying to say this is false and this is that, and this is misconception and. And this person’s putting out information that’s not correct and that’s. You’re just playing the game. See, God, if you think God is unconditional love, then you should fall in the footsteps of that. But your love is not unconditional, it’s conditional.

That’s life, man. Love is the trap. You’re in this reality. You might as well make the most of it. Whether it doesn’t matter what I say, doesn’t matter what I say. And I. People, even with this topic, and I’ve talked about this so many times, people say what it. What if somebody came along and you got into relate? I surrendered to my code and it feels the most exhilarating I could ever tell you.

It’s given me a lot of peace, a lot knowing that I. That everything in this reality is owned by the same boss. So why would you go argue with somebody? Because you love being right. That’s why you love being right. You get off on it. That’s your orgasm. You get to be right and you get to say you are wrong. And that’s what you love doing. So you see how love is so broad.

You can love another person. You can love trying to prove people wrong, so you get the payoff of being right. You can fall in love with somebody so you can use that person to fall in love with and get the feelings of falling in love. That’s all we do anyway. We use each other. If you. You can’t have sex with yourself. Masturbation is a different thing. I’m saying is if you’re having sex, you need a partner for sex.

If you want to kiss somebody, you need a partner kiss. If you want to hold hands, you can hold hands with yourself, but you don’t get the same payoff. You use your partner and your partner uses you. You use your husband and your husband uses you. That’s just the way it is. That’s love, man. And you’ll do the stupidest, craziest things your entire life for just for love.

And it’s been. And the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, is you’re being harvested for your energy. So the next time your partner or you are looking at their life and they’re saying something to you and it’s irritating, you stop being irritated. See, if you can consciously be in that moment, that to me is a win. You can be consciously, no more say, holy shit, like, I’m getting irritated right now.

Why are you getting irritated? Cause you’re trying to be right and you’re trying to prove them wrong. And you just gotta be right. So you’ll sacrifice love, you can back away from that and you can just be present with the conscious moment of saying, I’m not gonna engage and I’m not gonna let you push my buttons, and I’m just gonna listen to what you gotta say and you’re gonna yell and scream and whatever, and it’s not gonna bother you.

That to me is a win. That’s how you win. But if you, a big fail is when you engage and try to go argue and debate with your loved ones, or anybody else for that matter, it’s a big fail in my book. And again, it’s all scripted, so if you’re doing it, you’re supposed to do it, maybe to push that person’s button. So you get your. Remember it’s all ATP start the study.

The body and the cells and how they give off energy, that’s exactly what you do. You become a massive cell in this battery that we live in. And every time you have an emotional reaction, you give off energy and you’re being harvested for that energy. And love is a big harvesting of energy. Huge. Just as much as fear. So what I’ll say it towards the tail end of this is that to me, the greatest emotion that you can give off, removing the scripted reality, removing that we’re being used, forget all that right now.

What I’m saying is, is that to me, the highest form of energy that you can have in this reality that can be the most neutral is gratitude. Gratitude doesn’t need love and goo goo gaga. It doesn’t need you to have an emotional reaction, a strong bond and time. Gratitude is just being grateful for the things in your life and giving credence to that, grateful for everything around you.

And then everything around you responds. That is how I live my life. That is what I suggest, and that is how a lot of you live your lives. I’m a gratitude junkie, Lucy Rosa. What’s love got to do with it? Yeah. This. If you. If you start to. A lot of you will start to see him. I bet a lot of you will probably hear a song that will play.

You know, I’ll give you a perfect example. I kid you not. I went to the gym today. I forgot about this. I went to the gym today, and I go to this small little gym here in Mexico, and they usually play music there, like most gyms. Well, I walk in today and. What’s the song playing? You give love a bad name by Bon Jovi. I kid you not.

That was the song that was playing when I walked into the gym prior to me coming and doing this a few hours ago. Now, how do you explain that? How does a gym. That is not part of my reality in the sense where I don’t own it. I’m not choosing the music. I’m not clicking on the YouTube, whatever they’re doing with their playlist. I’m not choosing that. How do I walk into a gym and this song comes on, and I’m doing a podcast later on about the love trap? How’s that even possible? Well, if you’re going to use logic with discernment, you’ll realize you’re inside of a machine, man.

This is a machine. It’s a construct, and it harvests our energy. And that’s just the way it is. And it doesn’t matter what you think or how you feel. It just uses the energy of how you think and how you feel. And that today was a perfect example. I could give you countless other ones. How my life is continually scripted. How my life continually is scripted day in and day out.

From the receipts, I look at all the receipts when I buy the numbers, always telling me a story. The things that I find with the. My research. I have. I have so much research going on, folks. I’m coming out of my ass. All this research, and I’m getting closer and closer to the machinations of how this reality works. And so far, what I’m telling you right now is my final answers.

So if you’re somebody who’s in love right now, maybe you just went on your first date last night. Maybe you had sex for the first time. You. This may not pertain to you because you’re gonna justify, well, I’m gonna go be in this relationship it feels too good. The orgasm was amazing. Last night was so good. Sex in the shower, yada, yada, yada, whatever. The date was great.

She kisses good, he kisses good. They got a great whatever. You’ll justify it, and I understand why you’ll do that. So the takeaway here or my deliverance here towards the tail end is all that matters, folks, is what you do in your real. It doesn’t. I’m just, I’m just somebody marketing to you, if you will. The silliness in this reality is I’m marketing to you information that’s being presented to me and I’m.

It’s not going to be for everybody. It’s going to be actually slim pickings for the majority of the people that are watching this live. And then the recorded. It’s gonna be very slim pickings. But I will tell you firmly and confidently, I’m not in this to get you to like me. I’m not in this for likes. I don’t care if you hit the like button. I don’t care if you like, I don’t care if you hit the thumbs down button.

I don’t care if you put a comment in there telling me is something about you, this and that, it all your opinion is meaningless in my reality. In my opinions, maybe meaningless in yours. Because everything and anything that’s happening in your reality is supposed to happen in your reality. And if everybody were to come to an agreement upon that, at least consider that notion, we would have less division in this reality.

But no, that’s the dirty laundry and the sexy, seductive aspect of trying to be right, trying to prove people wrong just so you can get, oh, it’s me, I’m authority. Because of that, folks, love will always get sacrificed and it will end feed into the ego, which is just a form of love anyway, because you’re gonna love the ego. Service to self, service to others. See a lot of people out there, service to themselves.

They think they’re doing service to others, but their service to themselves. Not saying it’s wrong, but that’s just how it is in this reality. It’s all gonna be a matter of the perspective of what you’re in love with. And that’s the question. I will leave all of you here. Is that what exactly are you in love with in life? What’s the bit like if you had to write a list out of the top three things in your life, I would encourage all of you to do this.

Write a list out after this broadcast of one of the top three things in your life that you love the most, that you can’t live without. And you, what you’ll find is you’re a slave to it. If you can’t walk away from it, you are a slave to it. See, like the decoding. Yes, I love it. Could I walk away from it? Yep, I could. I already have plan B and plan C.

If I. If the Internet went down and I couldn’t do that, I have plan b implants, plan C already, ready to go. Versatile, non attachment, ready to go. Will that ever happen? I don’t know. But I would encourage all of you to write out your top three things that you’re in love with in your life. And I would imagine if you’re in a relationship or you have a child or you have children, it’s going to be your kids and you.

I already know you’ll never walk away from them. I get that some of you have family members that you need to walk away from because they’re toxic and you’re toxic because they’re toxic and you’re hanging around, you’re hanging out together. Or maybe they’re toxic and you don’t want to be toxic anymore, but you’re afraid to walk away because you like living in the toxicity. You just won’t admit it because you’re in love with the toxicity.

A lot of you are in love with toxicity. A lot of you are in love with being a victim. A lot of you are in love with the, with bad things in your life. You just won’t admit them because they work for you. This reality, again, is harvesting your energy, folks. So it’s a matter of like, what do you love and what can you cut ties with? Can you walk away from everything? I mean, that’d be the big question.

That would be a really, really big question. Alright, so that’s gonna be a wrap for this discussion on the trap of love. The love trap. Let’s see what I want to play to end this. I’ll get a copyright for this, but let me see if I have it. Yeah, I do. Perfect song to play for the love trap. The great band kiss. This is the instrumental version. I was made for loving you and you were made for loving me see, that’s God talking to you.

That’s this reality talking to you. I was made for loving you and you were made for loving me that’s the 1111, by the way. The 1111 is the one observing itself. I was made for loving you and you were made for loving me looking in the mirror, you got to be okay with being alone, and you got to be okay with walking away from the attachments that you’re in love with.

And that’s a tall order. So, anyway, ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a lot of fun. I appreciate each and every one of you for showing up and, and, you know, considering some of these possibilities that I’ve been pumping out here. Big shout out to the moderators, Stephen and Pamela. I think I’ll be doing a what’s your question this weekend. So that’s a wrap for let’s talk about this love trap.

And I’ll leave all of you great decoders so you can chat away, but that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. Four decodes reality. Until next time. We will see you later. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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