Spread the Truth



➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics including a DAC remix of Billy Idol’s song, an analysis of Thanksgiving (which the speaker views as a celebration of duality), a Tarot card reading, and the idea of exorcism in a broader sense. He views everyone as possibly being “possessed” by the voice in their head, suggests that life is beautiful and should be appreciated daily, and gets into the interpretation of the ten of hearts (the founding date card of the Society of Jesus) and the five of swords (founder date card of Bavarian Illuminati).
➡ The speaker emphasizes on the idea of everyone being possessed or utilized by unseen entities, drawing theories from numerology to represent this concept. Additionally, they liken this ‘possession’ to having an implicit contract with God or the universe, further alluding to the principle that everyone’s reality and experiences are encoded in this intricate matrix. They also discuss the inevitable decay of systems over time, be it physical or societal, expressing a degree of disillusionment with established structures such as government.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal knowledge and being open-minded toward the differing views of others. He condemns the act of attacking others for their beliefs, stating that it drives division and negativity, advocating instead for collaboration, love, and understanding. He also encourages self-examination and asserts that arguing over personal beliefs is a fruitless endeavor.
➡ The message urges people to stop defending their truths or engaging in conflict over differing beliefs. Instead, it’s advised to focus their energy on creativity, harnessing the never-ending potential to build a better, more unified world. This creativity, combined with inner strength to endure challenges, is key to personal and collective growth. The text also suggests that life, though filled with hardships, is not permanent and a sense of humor can help cope with issues.
➡ The speaker uses surfing as a metaphor for life’s ups and downs, advising to ride the “waves” of joy and prosperity for as long as possible and to not focus on missteps and falls because nothing is permanent. Meanwhile, the speaker showcases appreciation for Great Danes, hints towards an upcoming show, and shares the planned closing song “Down in a Hole” by Alison Chains.
➡ The text illustrates a metaphor, comparing the decline of organizations and governments over time, due to decay and corruption, to a loaf of bread becoming moldy and unfit for consumption. It also discusses the role of numbers, specially ’38’, in theology, the concept of individuality versus collective consciousness and the perspective of life as a simulation or reality show where one is the main character, and others are extras in their personal narrative.
➡ The speaker addresses concepts of individuality, fate, perceptions of reality and the interpretation of mind as a separate entity. He debates against the notion that we’re all one, using examples from personal life and mythology to illustrate his belief in the uniqueness of individual experiences and predestination. He comments on differing human experiences, and likens the voice in our heads to a parasite needing a host, suggesting it’s more of an external influence than true self, all tied into his reading and interpretation of Tarot and numerology.
➡ The text discusses various interpretations of life and existence, suggesting that everyone has a unique perspective based on their individual experiences. The author speculates that life is a grand movie where we are merely used to experience life by a larger reality, likening life to a Tarot reading and proposing theories based on numerology.
➡ The text discusses the idea that humans are instruments used by a higher power or force to manifest thoughts and creations. It suggests that feelings of desire and pleasure are incentives for populating the world and continuing the cycle of life. It also explores the notion of the voice inside one’s head, a dualistic internal struggle between good and evil. The discussion leads to the importance of understanding oneself through various esoteric systems such as numerology and astrology as they may provide a personal owner’s manual to one’s life. The text emphasizes the necessity of finding one’s purpose in life and suggests that we are all involved in a cosmic movie, watched by unseen entities.
➡ The provided text encompasses numerous topics including: emphasizing individuality and personal journey, explaining spiritual connections with numbers and tarot cards, discussing the concept of life as a cycle and humans as parts of this cycle, mentions biblical references in connection with tarot card meanings, pondering on the notion of Earth’s metals and their mysterious origins and usage in modern technology, and hinting at the cyclical nature of ages and civilization based on astrological signs.
➡ The text discusses tarot cards and their possible connections to life’s purpose, cosmic codes, and intelligence. It references the symbolic recycling in tarot, related to high intelligence. The author involves numerology, scripted realities, time, history, and the significance of “now”. The conversation also touches on the concept of reality as a battery, being constantly charged and recycled. Some specific numbers and their meanings are asserted, such as 1111 symbolizing the battery of life.
➡ The author discusses the idea that numbers, symbols, and metaphors in life have coded meanings tied to one’s personal journey. These codes, seen through things such as dates, tarot cards, and even music, offer clues about personal purpose and potential, and serve as a reminder that everyday reality may be a sort of symbolic simulation. Decoding these elements can help individuals become the “stars” of their own lives and detach from mainstream distractions that can drain their energy.
➡ The speaker talks about the cyclical nature of life and human consumption as parasitic. He analyzes the significance of a personality’s numerology connecting it to the concept of ‘Pandora’s box’. He advises listeners to embrace differing realities when exploring deep truths, refusing any need for debate or character defamation.


It you do you like do you like to die? Oh, yeah hanging out for a body shop at night ain’t ashamed walking to feet all right oh, yeah oh, cold I’m experience oh, yeah face to face I like to back, you see and feel my sake I try rush for fantasy deep. We want home to see it’s after midnight. Why? Feeling all right? Even a neighbor door to door? Last question, operator.

Face face and back to back you see and be my sex flesh bless the fantasy we cry bless, bless to see you are home flesh fresh fantasy we want home flesh fresh fantasy you’re high now ash for fancy I do you like to dance? Nearly morning you want to risk a chance? Neighbor to neighbor, door to door the crime you do your time never been nothing before you gotta love that song right there, man.

That is the DAC remix of billy idol’s flesh for fantasy. And I guess that’s gonna probably be my theme for let’s talk tarot. I just love that song, that remix. Welcome out, everybody, to a random edition of let’s talk tarot. I’m not a big supporter and celebrator of holidays, so I was like, what better way to come on here? It was such a sunny, beautiful day. Went to the beach, to the ocean here in mexico.

It was an amazing day. I was like, yeah, let’s just kind of randomly pop on here and let’s talk some tarot with all of you great decoders historians, chronologists, cryptocurrency fans, just fans of life. So thanks, everybody, for showing up here tonight. Wherever you’re at in the world. I know we have everybody. There’s various places. Today being thanksgiving, you know what I’m thankful for? That life is here, right? Every day is a day of thanksgiving.

And I’ve decoded thanksgiving. I think I put it out like three years ago and what it meant. It means you’re celebrating duality. That’s what thanksgiving means. From all the research that I put into that decode, you are celebrating you being in duality. That’s what thanksgiving means. And if you had turkey today, you look to the medicine cards if you’re a fan of those cards. Turkey being the 31st card in the deck, which means to give away.

It gives itself away. The giveaway 31 being tied to the word absolute. 31 being the latitude north of the city of bethlehem, right? That whole story. Today being this card right here, the ten of hearts. Thanksgiving runs from the 22nd to the 20 eigth of november, give or take. Today being the 23rd. It’s the ten of hearts and the tarot card to get the picture because we are talking about tarot is the ten of cups.

See, it’s really kind of magical, right? Because this really displays so eloquently today’s day, maybe you’re spending it with family. Maybe you rushed off into the room, you like, you excused yourself. Maybe you’re with family and you kind of wanted to talk Tarot tonight. Or maybe you’re just by yourself, like me. I’m running solo, like I always do. Typically got my monitor over here. I’m going to be looking to my right.

So that’s why I’ll be viewing this occasionally here. And let’s talk Tarot, ladies and gentlemen. I have so many big decodes coming out. I have some big decodes coming out. I just been working on this one called Exorcism. When you say the word Exorcism, you typically would think of somebody getting some kind of demon sucked out of them, right? Possession. But you know what my research says every single one of you, every single one of you are possessed.

Except for you. I know, because you’re going to be like, no, not me, I’m not possessed. Yeah, the voice in your head, that’s possession. That’s what possesses you. And you can tailor it any way you want, but it’s jack stuck in the box. Exorcism is in numerology is the number 30. So we start there and then we branch it off into Alchemy and the Tarot. Since today’s Tarot, we’re going to talk about the 30th card in the deck, which is the eight of wands.

So if you really look at Exorcism, let’s start here, since I’m going to be bringing this decode out and it’s just so fascinating, right? So the whole technical aspect of Exorcism is where a priest or somebody holy, some shaman, pulls some kind of entity or parasite, whatever, out of you. And Exorcism being 30, here’s the 30th oops, here’s the 30th card in the deck. See what I’m saying? If you know what this card means, eight of wands, it means fast move.

This is like lightning in a bottle. This is the Exorcism sucking it out of you. But of course, ladies and gentlemen, the voice in your head is the parasite that uses you to do all its biding and then you can branch it off any way you want. That is my final answer, by the way. And we got to have fun with this. We got to not look at it doom and gloom.

Because if you’re somebody with intentions to build a utopia, well, then how would you correlate that to being something that is doom and gloom? It’s not. But is there an aspect of maybe you getting rid of? Is there a way to get rid of the parasite that’s using you, considering that that story is true? If you take that into consideration, then what would happen? What would happen to your life? Well, it’s like, how do you get rid of the voice in your head? See, you try to stop thinking and you’ll notice you can’t, that’s it using you.

What is it? You could call it God, you can call it Lord. You can get into these titles and we can use a Tarot card for any single one of those entities and show you what it looks like as a picture the word Jehovah is 30. An exorcism is 30, and it’s tied to this. So is the yodhevahe, is it the voice in your head using you? And you’re like, I don’t want to be used anymore.

How do you get rid of that raymi? It remains to be seen. But life’s amazing. I think life is pretty amazing. I don’t know about each and every one of you, but Jerry says there’s 365 ARCONs, one for every day. Jerry, I’d love for you to email me the list of the 365 ARCONs. I have never heard of that before. Not saying you’re wrong, but that 365 from my research, leads to the House of Abraxas.

That leads to Jupiter and Zeus and the king of the Olympians. So I would love to get your take on the 365 ARCONs. I’ve never heard of that before. Yeah, so you want to get informed the tell, okay, you want info on so this is the day today. This is for Thanksgiving, right? Now, you can’t get any more picture perfect than that, right? Like, this is the card of happy home, clearly.

The Rainbow Bridge, kids dancing in the background, the male and female yay. Life’s amazing, right? It’s a day to celebrate, but that should be every day. And celebrating in an aspect of gratitude. You should be a gratitude junkie. Grateful for everything around you, everything that’s happening to you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It teaches you something. But the ten of cup here’s, a lot of people would be like, oh, you have the wind taken out of your sails when I tell you that.

You know what this is? The card of the Society of Jesus. Uhoh, yeah, the Jesuits, this is their founding date card. September 27. It’s the ten of cups, the ten of hearts. Uhoh, those sneaky Jesuits, those sneaky Masons, those sneaky Society of Jesus people. Is every single one of those people in that organization, are they all just doom and gloom, bad people, evil people, all out to get you and try to pull the woolly over your eyes? Just not buying that nonsense.

There’s good, bad, and ugly at every organization, but there you go, the ten of hearts. And that card is the flip side to that in the tarot, because every Tarot card has a flip side to it, is the five of swords. Let me just pull this out so you could see you’re going to get the opposite now. Really? Let me just pull this sucker up. There it is, right here.

See that card’s like, I don’t want to play anymore. This card’s like, I want to play. See the opposite I want to play. And the other cards I don’t want to play anymore. I’m done. And of course, the card to your left is the birth card, founding date of the Illuminati Bavarian Illuminati, formed on May 1. It’s the five of spades, five of swords. So you have the bavarian Illuminati with the card of like, I don’t want to play anymore.

And the card to the right is the Society of Jesus. How do you have the founding dates of these two organizations when you have a lot of people saying, constantly badgering and hammering these organizations, and it’s just I get it, man. I get it. Like, you want somebody to blame so you can make yourself feel better because it’s not your fault life’s screwing you over, because it’s these organizations that are porking you over.

I get that. Okay, fine. Exactly. Troy troy says I have some good friends who are Masons. Exactly. There’s nice people in every organization. And of course, then there’s the opposite. There’s going to be people that are ugly in organizations. Everything incarnates into this reality for a purpose. For a purpose. Drop the sword and pick up a card. Yeah, exactly. Now, the word tarot, the word tarot in Chaldean.

Numerology. The oldest known Numerology cipher. Not Gamatria. Gamatria is when you code words into numbers or letters. We don’t do that. We use numerology because that is where you get the output of the word with a number, and then you move that into the archetypes of Numerology. I use numerology. I reference camatra because this is the way people are fascinated with this word. It’s numerology, folks. You got to know what numerology means, what the number means.

None of us sit there and consciously code a book with gamatri. We don’t do that. We decode to get the total outcome of the word, which becomes numerology much different. The word tarot. T-A-R-O-T in Chaldean. Numerous. Why Chaldean? Because Chaldean is the oldest Numerology cipher in the world. From all the ancient research, from all the research that I Chaldean is the oldest, tarot is 18. The Moon is said to have the secrets, right? To me, this is the great gig in the sky, pink Floyd.

This is the server in the sky. The Moon, however, that is, I’m not going to get into, oh, it’s fake. It’s not real. You can’t prove that. That’s your opinion. That’s totally fine. But the Moon is what holds the secret. I see it in the sky. I saw in the sky. It’s there. 18 tarot, the holder of the secrets. And then the Moon, of course, is ruled by ruling over Cancer.

Cancer is above capricorn. Capricorn is in the 10th house. And this Moon card is going to be tied to the Emperor, these two cards together. So Tarot is the moon and the emperor. The emperor is the Card of Cancer. The moon is the ruler of Cancer. And then you have the king on the chessboard. These two cards, that’s how they correlate into the tarot. I got some Tarot cards spread out here just to kind of go over some stuff.

It who else is stuffed? Not me. I ate light. Like I said, I’m not a practice. I don’t celebrate it. I don’t celebrate the holidays. Not really. Have done that. Have I participated in Thanksgiving? Sure, but when you run in hermit mode and you’re running solo, just another day. It was a beautiful day. Went to the beach today, got to the gym. Typical day for me. Right. And tomorrow will be typical for everybody else.

Unless you’re like, off. You don’t have to work tomorrow. Have I made a video on a breakaway civilization yet? No, I haven’t done that, Mike. And says Star Trek original series, return of the Archons episode. Yeah. You know what’s really fascinating about Star Trek, which I haven’t done a decode on it, but the very first episode aired, I believe I don’t know if this is absolute, but I believe the very first episode of Star Trek was on the salt sucker, and that was very telling.

Right. Gene Roddenberry, creator of that show, that episode was about a foreign invader on the Enterprise which disguised itself as a human, but it literally was this salt sucker monster. It would put its hands on your heads, and it would suck the salt out of you. And I think that they were trying to allude to the fact that since this temple is made of sodium salt saline, you’re being harvested for your energy.

I believe that’s what they were alluding to of that episode of Star Trek. Cool. So we got Steven and Pamela. Big shout out to the mods in here with the wrenches. So I’m working on this exorcism, folks. Oh, man. Wow. Is there see, like I said, I’m going to say it again. You’re possessed. I’m possessed. I know this may be a first for some of you, like no.

What’s possessing you? Voice in your head. Where do you think your ideas come from? You think you’re coming up with those ideas? Come on. You’re possessed. You’re being used. As I have been saying for years now, probably going on five years, I’ve been saying it. Now. Mankind’s being used. You’re possessed. So you create things, but you don’t get the credit for those. I mean, I know you’re going to take the credit for those, but whatever is using you, whatever’s possessing you is the creator of those things.

It uses you as the instrument. This possession, this exorcism man and I’m decoding Aminoville Horror, that where the murders happened. The address of Amneville in New York, by the way, they changed it to 108, but from the research, it’s 112. And if you the 112 is tied to Cadbium, which is tied to the number 48, which is tied to the Knight of Cups. Looking for love. Not everything incarnates into this reality for the good character.

Yeah, this exorcism. I’m telling you, folks, the methodology for this, it’s unlike anything else. But let me show you what it looks like. Let’s give you, in the tarot another indication of what it looks like. It let’s see if I can find the card. Now, it’s various cards, right? It’s not just stuck to one. There it is. So, you see, the word contract is a big word when it comes to exorcism, when it comes to what’s parasiting your mind.

There’s a contract that you have. I know you didn’t sign anything, but there’s a contract that you have, and you’re entitled to it. You’re endowed to it until you die, okay? Contract. And the word contract in numerology is 29. And that card in the cards of illumination is the three of diamond. There’s. That three, right? The three three always means trinity. It means spirit. And then the wave that the dielectric pulse of light, the photon of light, and then the wave that it leaves behind, the trail that it leaves behind that forms the tetrahedron, the triangle three.

So the word contract is the three of diamonds, the word voltage, it’s tied to the word voltage, like ohm’s, law. It’s a contract. And then the tarot card to represent and give you the picture is the three of pentacles. And this card right here, of course, this is Donald John Trump’s birth card. This is the card of the Apprentice. So this is spirit entering inside of you. Once you take that first breath out of your mother’s womb, and you become a human being, now you become The Apprentice, and now you have a contract with the God.

However you want to look at that, you got a contract. So this is tied to the word contract. Contract with God is 59. The game of life is 59. Forbidden fruit is 59. Okay? You have a contract. Each and every one of you have a contract. That’s why this whole selling your soul and all this these concepts kind of disappear when you look at the bigger picture and things, because every single one of you already have a contract in place.

The voice in your head is using you as, and you’re the instrument to create through, like a lot of people. Can you break free? Well, I mean, I’ve become a minimalist in my life, but yet my life continues to be coded. It doesn’t stop. I don’t know how you chalk it up any other way. Yeah, I mean, the word government so Chris says the word government is 46.

This is today’s card. You got to think about this, ladies and gentlemen. If you’re in the United States right now, think about going all the way back to 1776, supposedly when they created the Constitution and the Americas broke free from Britain, whatever, right? But they built that thing based on integrity and honesty. So it was in its infant stages. It was literally that apprentice card right here. The contract started off as The Apprentice, okay? It started off right here.

And then over time time is the devil, because what happens over time, you start to break down. You start to decay. When it comes to a corporation, an organization or a government like this, it doesn’t stay this way. So over time, the devil gets its hands on you, which is just decay and sinning. And then from here you go to the shit show. And now, as honesty and integrity, it becomes infiltrated, just like everything does.

Like, folks, go buy a loaf of bread. Go buy a loaf of bread and just leave it on your counter and see what happens to it. You don’t got to do anything to the loaf of bread. Have you ever observed this? Have you logically thought about, like, why does that happen? If you leave a loaf of bread out on your counter, what’s going to happen to it? It’ll get moldy.

Why? How’s it happening? There’s like, nobody pecking at it. There’s no bugs in your house. There’s no insect. How’s this bread breaking down? That’s the devil getting it. That’s this. The devil gets a hold of the bread. It gets moldy. It breaks down. It decays over time. Simple as that. And that happens with every organization. The governments, they’re like this. A brand new, fresh loaf of bread. Let’s break bread and give thanks.

This is the card of Thanksgiving today. And then if you leave that bread out, over time, it’s going to decay. It’s going to get moldy. You’re going to have to throw it away. You’re not going to eat moldy bread, right? So these governments are the same way. Organizations, companies. Over time, the devil gets involved, just time, and they start to decay. They start to break down. They start to lose their honesty and integrity, and they go from this to a shit show.

The loaf of bread on your counter that you left out is dying, and you need to replace it. So you go buy a new loaf of bread. How many times have you personally thrown out moldy bread? I’ve done it. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve done it. Same thing with the organizations, companies, governments. They get moldy. Got to throw them out, and we’re about ready to see that collapse happen.

Same thing as throwing a loaf of bread out. That’s all moldy. Same thing. So is the contract with Elion? I couldn’t answer that. I don’t know. That’s a title. That’s a title. But you see, even when you go into the aspects of the number 38, right, the number 38 is a big number because it’s tied to the God. Through through the mathematical equations and the methodology that I use, the eight and the three are big time numbers.

Big time numbers. And the 30 eigth card in the tarot using the fool twice is the two of cups. See, this is the card of contracts, the two of hearts. This is you and your doppelganger, you and the voice in your head creating a contract with that lion wing faced entity. You create a contract. You didn’t have a choice in the matter because you’re being used. You got to have fun with this, though.

You got to be this, right? I mean, if you study theology like I do a lot. Well, it says in Genesis six, verses three, I’ve said this so many times, God speaking, saying, my spirit shall not reside in man forever. Okay? Doesn’t say your spirit. Now, if you don’t believe in that book, great, throw it out the window. But then you’d have to really take into consideration the voice in your head.

What is that voice but the word in theology, the word spirit, where it came from in Hebrew, that broken down into the Hebrew numerology, is a 17. And that’s this. The spirit inside of you becomes the star of the show, not you. I mean, you’re just along for the ride. It’s a great ride, though, if you got a good code. Some people have good codes, but they throw it away because they’re too busy complaining and bitching, and it’s them.

It’s their fault because they don’t want to look bad. They just want to blame it on somebody else because it makes them feel better. They get to be the victim. It’s quite humorous, actually. The voice in our head is us. We are speaking reality into existence. You are me, and I am you. RM says, Well, I respect your opinion. I just wholeheartedly don’t agree with that. I don’t know how I can be you when I’m here.

I’m here, and I didn’t write what you wrote, so how can I be you? I’m me. I’m here, and you’re there. How can I be over there when I’m here? How can I say what I’m saying? How can you write what you’re writing when I didn’t write what you wrote? How can I be you? So I get with what the context of what you’re saying, but I don’t really resonate with that.

But again, all that matters is what you believe, right? I’m not here to say you’re wrong for sure. I just don’t agree with it. Like, a lot of people say, oh, we’re all one. I’ve said this, though. I’ve said, we’re all one. Hey, you were all working for the same boss, but I’m not you, and you’re not me. Like, you don’t pay my bills, I don’t pay yours.

You don’t have to live my life. You don’t have my position, I don’t have yours. So we can’t be one. We can’t be just all clumped together. No, we’re all individuals having an experience through life. We’re all being the star. But as I have been saying, like, you’re the star of the show, some people don’t act like it. Some people just pretend like they’re extras. They’re totally fine with those positions in life, but you want to be the star, rock star, movie star, decoder, historian, whatever.

And you being the star of the show, you have your entourage. The entourage is the cast of your show. Brother, sister, mother, father, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, siblings. That’s your entourage, that’s your cast. And then anybody else in this reality that you perceive as reality become extras. Like, I’m just an extra in your mean unless you hang out with me and we’re really close, and I’m just an extra in your movie.

Ash Bay says, the voice in my head is a comedian. Yeah, I mean, God’s a stand up comedian. It has to be. How do you perceive this? Just I know a lot of horrific things happen in life, but you know what, ladies and gentlemen? You know what I do with that? I don’t pay attention to that, or at least try not to. Why would you want to subject yourself to the ugliness in life when you could subject yourself to the glory in life, to the amazing things in life, and be this and shine bright like the sun.

The word spirit in Chaldean is 19. It’s this, the spirit soul. The word soul is 19. Spirit is 19. The word this is a battery. The word battery is 19. Why subject yourself to the ugliness in life? I know sometimes it’s not something you can avoid completely, but why would you want to purposely wake up and say, I’m going to go watch some negativity on the telly now, or, I’m going to go turn into some negativity on my phone.

Why? What’s the point of that? It’s not going to help you. This is how I feel. We’re all waking up, so to speak, is that we’re finally realizing, like, yeah, hey, you know, I don’t have to tune into that shit. Wow, why didn’t I think of that before? It’s just really funny. RM. Says we are all the same person. See, RM. I don’t agree with that. My friend.

We are not the same person. I am not you and you’re not me. If you came to my house right here, you’d have you and you’d have me. That’s not all the same. That is two separate people. Now, I do agree that there is this aspect of God using you. Yes, but you’re not me and I’m not you. And if you came to my house right now and you knocked on the door, I can’t knock on the own door and answer my door and then say, oh, hey, Logan, what’s going on? No, that’s you.

You’re separate from me. So the part of this we’re not the same people at all, that I don’t agree with this whole thing about illusion. Like, time is an illusion. Well, the next time when you pull up your phone and you see the digits move, that’s time. Time is not an illusion unless you say it’s an illusion. I get where people say it’s an illusion. Anything can be an illusion.

But am I really here right now? Are you really listening to my voice? Am I really being casted on the screen? Am I really holding up the star card right now? Is this an illusion? We could say it’s an illusion. But folks, where do we draw the line on what’s real then these are just fun concepts to think about. Like everything’s an illusion. How are you to narrate that then? What’s real to find real? If everything’s an illusion, then nothing’s real.

Then what’s the point? That’s why I think it’s just kind of silly to say things are like, I get the illusion part. How about the more of it’s like you’re in a reality show and you’re in a simulation. What does the simulation mean? Well, it’s being operated and run for a purpose, right? The government does do simulations. They do run simulations. What for? To run outcomes. Well, do you think maybe whatever is using mankind is running simulations to figure out what the outcomes would be? Maybe.

And there’s collateral damage that happened with those simulations. There’s people that are going to get hurt, people that are going to die, people that are going to be happy, people that are going to have sad outcomes. People are going to have fun outcomes. But there’s no way to prove that. There’s no way to prove that something supernatural is using you to run a simulation through. These are concepts to talk about.

But ladies and gentlemen, I am certainly not an illusion right now. Unless you say I’m an illusion. But then how would you support that when I can prove to you I’m talking right now? Because when this video is done, you’re going to see it plop onto my YouTube channel. Is that an illusion or is it really on my YouTube channel? Well, let’s be real here. It’s really on my YouTube channel.

Okay. So Troy says we can’t be the same. Everyone is unique, own personalities, like dislikes. Exactly, Troy. I totally agree with that. And again, if you think that everything’s an illusion and we’re all one, great. But I don’t agree with it at all. I’m firmly completely against that concept that this doesn’t make any sense. Because if everybody’s all one, then everybody would be stuck inside my house here in Mexico.

And that just ain’t happening. That’s how extreme you can get with that whole we’re all just one now. We’re all individuals having our own individual experiences and we got to have fun with this reality and be the star of the show. Be the star of the show. That’s what you want to do. Some people don’t want to do that though. I’m looking over your comments here. So Jason says you can even look back into mythologies and see that heroes were being manipulated by spirit through their stories.

Folks, that’s the only thing that makes sense logically. Just the voice in your head. Where’s that coming from? Please, somebody explain to me. I would love to ask every single one of you. Of course we don’t have the time to do that and we guys can’t reciprocate other through this week based text here, but where is the. Voice in your head coming from? It’s not coming from you, it’s coming through you.

That’s the parasite. It’s parasiting you, okay? It’s parasiting you, folks. That’s what’s going on and you got to have fun with it. Let me show you what parasite looks like. Parasite comes from the Greek word parasitos, which is a 51 in Greek numerology where it came from. The original. I went back as far as I could go. Parasites, 25 in Chaldean. Okay, I’m going to show you both in the Tarot.

parasitos is going to be tied to the number 51. 51. And that’s the queen of swords. If I can find the damn card. Queen of spades. Excuse me, the queen of spades. Of course I can’t find the card. There it is, right here. parasitos is the queen of swords. This is going to be card 63. And ladies and gentlemen, here we have the connecting point. You see? So parasitos, where parasite came from in the original numerology of where it came from, from etymology, is 51.

That just so happens to be the angle and slope of the great Pyramid of Giza. And how many times I have I said and again, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not trying to be the ego authority here. These are my opinions and truths. They don’t have to be your truths, but I have specifically said so many times, I firmly believe that those line of pyramids, if they were to be taken out and removed, our reality would change.

That’s what’s keeping this game moving and moving forward. Those pyramids, somehow, some way, it’s a machine and it works by keeping this reality moving. That’s why this 51 is a big deal. 51 is tied to the illuminati. 51 is the degrees of the slope, okay? 51 is tied to the word parasitos. And the 51st card in the cards of illumination, queen of spades, the queen bee. Spade is going to represent your spirit.

And you know what that ties into? The queen of swords right there? This is what it correlates into. parasitos is the queen bee. And the queen of swords is card 63. And that correlates into Genesis six, verses 363, where it says, God saying, my spirit shall not reside in man forever. Doesn’t say your spirit, but if you don’t believe in theology, great. But we still can’t relieve and take the aspect off of the parasite.

Still here you can start to see the synchronizations of this and it becomes like you’re putting it all together and you’re starting to see that everything is synchronizing altogether. And that 63. This one just so happens to be the average weight of the element copper. And you know what copper’s protons are 29. And 29 is tied to the word contract. And that 29 is tied to the three of pentacles, which is the apprentice.

This is what you’re being used for. Some people use it and have a grand life and they stop the blaming and they stop complaining, and they stop accusing, and they have a grandiose life, and their life gets better. Some people want to just stay victim, stay pointing the finger, stay the blame game and just have a miserable experience. That’s why I know we’re all not all one, because I ain’t having that experience.

I know that right now, someone’s having a very miserable experience right now. We ain’t all one because I ain’t having a miserable experience. Some people have sad experiences. Some people have emotional, mad, angry, sad, happy, glorious. We’re not all one, folks. We are all working for the same boss. Yes. RM says there is no parasite yet. RM. The parasite I’m talking about is your mind. The voice in your head is the parasite.

Parasite needs a host. You’re the host. That’s the parasite. I support that. I’m not just saying it as my opinion. I got 500 videos. This is my truth. Here the methodology I just showed you’re. Dropping cards everywhere. XR peaky Blinder says, what are we without the voice? That’s right. What are you without the voice? That voice in your head tells you what to do every single day, and you talk to it, and you have a conversation with it.

You have a full blown I mean, I do. I know most of you probably do, too. You’re probably like me crazy a little bit. You probably talk to yourself out loud all the time. Well, who are you talking to? Anybody around? Voice in your head, it never stops. Twilight says your mind is not a parasite. You have to discipline your mind, train it and give it certain tasks.

I’ve been doing that my whole life. And I studied personal development. I went through ten years of personal development. What do you think you’re doing? You go through your script like, did I choose the personal development, the seminars that I went to, or did they choose me? How many times you synchronize. You go to that seminar, right? Oh, I’m going to go sign up for this seminar. And you did it.

I know. You sign up for the seminar to discipline yourself to do I know the Law of Attraction, right? And then you go to that seminar and you meet somebody there, and you end up starting a relationship with them, and then you say, oh, my God. Then you have the story. How’d you guys meet? Well, I went to the seminar, and we met at this seminar. We’ve been together ever since.

Well, don’t you maybe think a possibility is that was part of your screenplay and you were supposed to sign up for the seminar? How do you discipline your mind then, when it’s all pre? See, personally, myself, as a practitioner, and this is my foundation, right? I have supported and I believe in predestination. So I don’t know how you would discipline your mind when you have a predestined reality.

Your screenplay wants to get disciplined, but again, these are my opinions and truths. You don’t have to agree. All that matters is what you believe, whoever’s here, right? Like, if you think that you’re the controller of your reality and you’re on your own and you can do this, great. I just don’t agree at all. I don’t know how many times something’s happened to me in my life. I’ve talked about this before.

I don’t want to get too much. I want to keep this on tarot, but how many times the simplest little things happen. I use the analogy of, like, you have people coming over, guests coming over, and you’re cooking dinner, right? And you go into the shower to get ready, and you forget about the food. The food burns, and now you don’t have any food for the guests that are coming over, and you ain’t got time to recook anything.

You don’t even have the ingredients. So you got to call out and you got to order food in, and you end up going to pick up the food, and you meet somebody when you go pick up the food. Is that fate or predestination? And then you would say, well, if it wasn’t for burning the food, I never would have met this person that changed the course of my life.

Where do you chalk that up? As, did you actually make the choice to burn your own food so you’d go meet this person? Or maybe you forgot about the food because you were supposed to forget about it because you needed to go out, meet the person when you order it out to order to get the food to bring back to your house. So many different examples of that.

So many different examples. I mean, the word doppelganger is 54. Doppelganger is 54. God is within you is 54. The word doppelganger is 54. God is within you is 54. 54th card in the tarot, it’s the four of swords, which is like, right here. It’s tied to doppelganger. So are you just connected to somebody who’s like I have a friend of mine, I haven’t met him. His name’s troy.

He’s got a very intriguing, interesting scenario. He says that he’s literally speaking about the Matrix, and you’re inside of a pod and you’re sleeping, and you’re just having this all as a dream, and you’d be doing this. This is tied to Doppelganger, though. It’s very interesting. Just, you know, ladies and gentlemen, it’s like I can’t even begin to tell you how many people email me or reach out to me on telegram, WhatsApp signal? And they tell me their story of how they think it works in this reality, you can’t even imagine.

Some are similar, but the majority of them are vastly different. And they all swear up and down, I’m telling you, Logan, this is how it works. Okay, well, that’s what he said. That’s what she said. That’s what she said. That’s what he said. The stories are countless and everybody has said, this is the way it works. And then you go on YouTube or you go to your favorite social, whatever, and you’re going to have all these people well, I had this out of body experience, and I saw this and that, and this is the way it works.

And that story. Now we have to bring that do you know how many stories there are about people saying how it works? And then yeah, then you’d even have my aspect of how it works, but you see the difference between and again, I’m not saying I’m right here, but I’m a decoder. So I take the examples of what we have. We break it down into numbers and alchemy, and we start to get a picture in Tarot.

We could start to get a picture, right, to rely on perhaps how this whole reality works. Some people say, oh, you decided to come here. Okay, that’s cool. I like all these stories, right? God put you here. You decided to come here. You chose your life. Like, I have people say, okay, does that mean serial killers chose their life on that scenario? Because then you get into the Westworld 19.

Westworld is like, you want to go to Westworld and shoot people? They’re not real. So there is that aspect, and there is this aspect of this being a reality show, this being a movie. It ain’t real. This is maybe a vacation spot for spirit. And our lives are empty and meaningless. They don’t have any meaning, our lives. And I thought about this over and over about personally, and maybe you’ve thought about this with your life.

Life is 17. This is the 17th cardi. You become the star of the movie. But, folks, think about it, man. What’s the purpose of your life in order to survive as a human being? You got to put things into your mouth. You got to drink water. This has to move through your body to stay hydrated. You got to eat food to get nutrients. And all you do is poop and pee it out.

So it goes in one side, and it comes out the other. As you move through life, you decay in the process. That’s how you age, by moving all the organs in the body, that’s how you decay. Every time you eat, you take time off of your life because you have to digest the food. And that puts miles on the organs, like putting miles on your car. Anyway, I get too off topic, but what’s the purpose of life? Oh, yeah, like when you die.

Oh, great. You made 50 films. Great. And then there’s going to be somebody that’s going to combine you that does 100. Oh, you built a whole community of homes. There’s gonna be somebody that’s gonna come into this world that’s gonna do twice that, three times that. Life’s empty. Like, to me, life is empty and meaningless. Like, I’m a big like Warren Earhardt fan from from Landmark. You’re being used, folks, you’re being used for something.

We don’t even know how this whole reality works. It’s not just on this ground floor level, it’s something much bigger than that. It looking at your comments. Shuffle all these cards. So this card right here, folks, even this one right here, this four of pentacles, this is the spirit of God inside of you. You have four blood types. Oabab, four of them. Four is the cube, jack stuck in the box.

This is Jack stuck in the box. See that character right there? That’s God holding on to you, not wanting to let you go. This is card 68. Whatever it is that’s using this reality is using all of us to experience life through. And it’s a big movie. Life can be great, life can suck. The four of pentacles. I mean, the four of the four is the blood types.

The word four, if you watch go watch the four decoded, right? The word four equals 23. The word blood equals 23. Four blood types. The word four in Chaldean numerology equals 23. The word blood in Chaldean numerology equals 23. The word history in Chaldean numerology equals 23. The word crown in Chaldean numerology equals 23. 23 is called the royal star of the lion. Four blood types. Four of pentacles is the jack in the box.

The four of die, four of pentacles is the four of diamonds. And this is card number 30. And the word demiurge equals 34 blood types. Jack stuck in the box. And if you’re a female, you’re going to be Jill. Jack. And Jilly says 286 is the eight known blood types with the negative and positive attached to them. You’re going to be one of those. Why eight? Why are there eight known blood types? O positive, O negative, A positive, A negative.

Why are there eight of them? Because of the number 1919, which is the two opposite ends of a battery. The one is the anode, the nine is the cathode, or the cathode is the nine and the anode is the one. The word battery equals 19 in numerology. The sun card is the 19th card in numerology, and 19 through mathematics is the 8th prime number. That’s why there’s eight known blood types, because to see the sun, a lot of this story says that spirit, which is 19, which is the sun, comes down to play the game.

Light, slowed down into physical matter, now becomes one of us, the avatars. And the 19 is the 8th prime number, you see. And that’s where you’re going to get into the beautiful aspect of the Tarot, showing you what happens when you become a human being as the number eight, as a player character, right? And the number eight is the house of Scorpio. And Scorpio is the house of sex power.

Why sex? Because the game needs players. That’s how you got here. Parents humped pretty simple. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here right now participating in the group chat, watching this broadcast right here through mathematics. There are the two tarot cards right there, the sun card and the strength card. 19 is the 8th prime number. 19 is the sun. Eight is strength. You see that woman right there? She’s taming the lion.

What is the lion? The sun. That’s why she’s got the infinity symbol over her head. 19 is the 8th prime number. Eight is the taurus field. Why do you think the sun makes that shape called the anilema, as does the moon, which form the number 88. The word sun and moon in numerology is 14 and 23. Just like the words eight. I’m just 14 and 23. Just like 14 and 23.

When you say them, that becomes the number 88. In numerology, 14 and 23. Eightyight. The sun and moon make the 88. Sun is 14, moon is 23. The bride and groom sun and moon are the bride and groom. Sun and moon, 14 and 23 in numerology. Bride and groom, 14 and 23 in numerology. Accident? No. Melinda said yeah. Everybody here. You’re born because your parents screwed. That’s it’s.

A duck. You called a duck. That’s just how it works. That’s how you got here, okay? That’s how you got here’s. XRP, Peaky Blinders. There seems to be something missing. If you are saying something is using us, but that voice is not your own, what are we, then? You’re an instrument. You’re an instrument of this reality. You’re entertainment for this reality. Is it a coincidence that the word entertainment in numerology equals the number 50? And the 50th element on the periodic table is called Tin? And the character in The Wizard of OD is called the Tin Man.

Why the Tin Man? What was the Tin Man all about? He was looking for his heart. What do you think you do? You’re looking for your heart, which means you’re going to look for love, to hump, to procreate. Why do you think you’re chasing ass all the time? Some of you have cut that back on that. But a lot of you still chase ass. That’s what you do.

You’re looking for the next big thing. Try chase after it. Like if you’re single and you want to be into a relationship because you want to get some, that’s it. Most of you, and there are exceptions, I get it. But the majority of you here, you’re chasing ass. And because you want to hump. Why? Because it’s the greatest feeling in the world. You’re now playing the game. Welcome to the game of life.

Now you’re playing the game at the highest level possible. Some of you hump tonight or today. Wherever you’re at, you’re already screwed already. Welcome to the world of playing the game. The game needs players, folks. That without you, that you’re an instrument to play the game. To create through spirit god uses spirit, God. Whatever supernatural uses you as an instrument to create through, like we say, oh, I have this idea.

Oh, my God, I have this great idea. No, you don’t have no idea. It has the idea, and then it uses you to render the thought, and then you take the credit for it. I’m not trying to take away your talents, your possibilities. That’s not what I’m here to do. But I’m using logic here for you to take something into consideration that it’s not you who’s having the thoughts.

Certainly you have thoughts, but it’s it or God or supernatural that uses you, provides you with the thoughts. Maybe a kick in the ass to go do whatever. Why do you think orgasms are one of the greatest feelings in the world? Because it entices you to go create another individual. Because the game needs players. It needs people, needs people, needs people, needs people. It needs boots on the ground.

As I’m doing this exorcism, decoded, right as I’ve been doing this, may I tell you this one? It hit me that the exorcism actually, it wasn’t about sucking something out of you. It’s what’s inside of you. That was the big humdinger of them all. And this is where you’re going to get the possession. You being possessed. And what are you being possessed by? The voice in your head.

Now, there’s not anybody in this chat that can say and be like, no, I don’t have a voice in my head. Every single one of you, one plus one equals two fact here is that every one of you here has a voice in your head. Every one of you that’s a one plus one equals two fact. Now you got to discern of where’s it coming from. And so this whole exorcism for me, when I was decoding, it, it was more about what’s inside of you.

The voice in your head, that’s the spirit inside of you. And then what is that? And then you can branch it off into the angel and the demon. You could start to branch that off. The word parasite is 25 in Chaldean numerology. The word demon is 25 in Chaldean numerology. But it’s very, very possible that you have a sliding scale which causes the negativity in your life and the positivity in your life.

You have the sliding scale of the good cop, bad cop inside of you. YinYang constantly moving. YinYang is 17 in numerology, which is the star card. It’s unavoidable, folks. That’s why it’s so like when you take numerology and you combine it with tarot to get the picture, you start to form a pattern that I mean, this is the stuff I would take to a court of law to support, to show the jury on this whole methodology, to show and support of how mankind is being used.

This is what I would bring anyway, right? This right here, this is the 17th card in the deck. The word life equals 17. The word story equals 17. The word matrix equals 17. The word yodhevahe equals 17. The word spirit in Hebrew equals 1717 is the 7th prime number. You have seven chakras, seven is the fourth prime number, and you have four blood types. See, this is how you synchronize it all, or at least how I do.

Many of you great decoders are doing it through mathematics, through trigonometry, sine and cosine waves, prime numbers, composite numbers, as many things as I can get my hands on. Golden ratio fibonacci sequence. Once you start to bring all these layers together and then to get the picture at the final result, you can start to see it’s like it’s totally undeniable. That your spirit inside of you. It’s not you.

You’re just along for the ride. So then you figure out, okay, well, then, now that we’ve maybe established that foundation, if you’re somebody who maybe take that into consideration, it’s not doom and gloom. This is something to be reveling in, say, okay, great. Now that I know I’m an instrument, now, what’s the next step? Decode yourself? Astrology, numerology, personality types, anagram, human design, mayan, astrology. As many layers as I can get my hands on, I want to get my hands on them to decode what the hell I’m doing here, because that’s my owner’s manual.

Like your car. I’ve used this many times. The car that you have, most of you have cars. Have you ever looked at the owner’s manual in the glove box? Probably never, unless the car breaks down. The first thing you’ll do typically when the car breaks down, let’s go look at the owner’s manual, right? Well, where’s your owner’s manual as a human being? It’s these it’s numerology, it’s trigonometry, it’sine and cosine waves.

It’s mathematical formulas. That’s the owner’s manual, and it’s specifically for you. That’s the value in these systems. That’s when you’re going to find the beauty in your life. We’ve talked a lot about at least I have, right? About mankind. You’re being parasited. Okay, great. But you’re being parasited for a very specific reason. And even if you take that off the table and say, I’m not being parasited. Okay, great.

What are you doing in your life? Let’s talk about that then. Let’s talk about something constructive. What do you do for a living? What are you doing to change the world? What are you doing to create a difference in this world? That’s the big question. What are you doing to be this? What are you doing to be the star of the movie? Some of you right now, you’re not behaving like a star in the movie.

And you know, you know that. And I get it, because life, it’s like a vampire, right? Life sucks you dry. It’ll suck you dry. It’ll spit you out because it uses you. You’re like collateral. Every single one of us are like collateral damage. Life is empty and meaningless. That’s my final answer. It doesn’t mean anything. Yes, we have purpose. Yes, we can define meaning. Yes, decoding yourself is one of the greatest things you could do, every single one of you here, because then at least you have a roadmap of where you should be strategically placing your life.

That’s why if you have kids, should be decoding your kids. Because then some of you here have kids that will grow up and save the freaking world one day, maybe win the Nobel prize. You’ll be a proud parent. That’s my kid up there. Maybe your whole incarnation was to pump a kid out so that kid goes and saves the world one day. It’s possible. It but, you know, ladies and gentlemen, I mean, there is this aspect I’ve talked about so many times.

You’re in a movie, the word movie equals 23. Blood is 23. You’re inside of a movie and you’re being watched. That’s why, folks, if you’re doing the cha cha cha, man, somebody’s watching you. You can close your blinds, you can turn the music on real loud so nobody hears you, but I can assure you, you’re being watched. There’s no getting around this. You’re being watched. 24/7. You don’t even have to have cameras.

No cameras in the room. You’re still being watched. So you might as well make it a good show. Might as well turn up the heat a little bit. You ashby says most people have no idea what movie they want to or could make. Exactly, folks, if that’s something that is pertaining in your life, like if you don’t know what your purpose is here in life, then wouldn’t you be well served to go figure that out? What are you doing here? Life’s short.

Before you know it, you’ll be gone. Before I know it, I’ll be gone. It just goes by. Bam. Just like that. Time goes by very fast. So I believe this is why we’re talking about these subjects and topics. These are big topics on YouTube, a lot of YouTubers, a lot of decoders, a lot of people that are in this whole mindset, what’s the purpose of life? What is the purpose of life? See, all that matters is what you believe.

See, if you can get that down as your foundation. What you believe is all that matters, and you become this. See, you don’t become this in my life, I’m the star. And then the same thing goes for you. If I show up in your life, you’re the star. I don’t get to be the star in your movie. You get to be the star. 17th card, 17th is the 7th prime number.

Seven chakras, seven colors of the rainbow. Human spirit slow down into physical matter. Seven becoming the fourth prime number, and four being tied to the blood types. O-A-B-A-B. You get to be the star of the movie. What is your movie? What does it look like? Or are you too busy paying attention to blaming and getting angry, and who cares about all the nonsense? I used to be that guy.

I used to be like, oh, I have an Alexa on my I don’t want to say it too loud, but I got one on my desk. It comes in handy with words. Or sometimes I want to have some music playing, whatever. And then I went to the stage in my life where, oh, you better be better unplug it, better be quiet. Who’s listening? You know what? I don’t give a shit.

Who’s listening? What are you listening to? What? Everything’s being monitored. Who gives a shit? See, stop worrying about that. I got nothing to hide. Unless, of course, you got something to hide. Well, it’s different. Became a minimalist. Nothing to hide. Don’t care. I’m in my own little bubble in my own world, turned off the mainstream. Not a star in that movie. Don’t get to be a star in that movie, man.

I don’t get to be a star in the mainstream, news in the mainstream, and politics, sports, all that shit. I don’t get to be a star in that, and neither do you. I know a lot of you watch football and you’re like, you spend, and it’s entertainment, right? But you’re giving your energy to the sports. People on television, they’re getting your energy. Maybe you’re totally cool with that.

I mean, I’ll watch, like, my dad’s a huge sports fan, so when I go home, of course it’s entertainment. It’s like watching a movie. But I used to be big into that. But I don’t get nothing from the teams. I got no stock. They don’t send me any money. I don’t get any nothing. It’s an energy vampire harvest. All your energy. It’s entertainment. It’s unavoidable. Shows, movies, they’re all energy.

It’s all archetypes. Aquarius, right? I mean, the age of Aquarius in Tarot, which if you bring theology into let’s talk about this. I’m going to show you what the scripture if you’re a fan of theology, as a practitioner of the Tarot, I take the Tarot and I form it to the verses and scriptures of the Bible. It’s really interesting when you do that. So let me show you what Revelation 21, verses one looks like through the Tarot.

The Satanic demonic Tarot cards, some people call it. Sure, about as Satanic as your book. You’re called the Bible? I’m just saying that with fun. Hold on. I got one so far. So the scripture, if you want to go look it up, revelation 21, verses one. Okay? If you don’t know it off the top of your head, it says, there will be a new heaven and new earth.

All right? That’s what it says. Well, the word Aquarius in Chaldean numerology equals the number 21. Okay? And what is the 21st card in the Tarot? The world card. So this matches Aquarius 21 and Revelation 21. Now, Revelation is a 39 in Chaldean, and the 39th. Card in the deck is the Three of Cups. You see what this is going on here? The revelation will be the unveiling.

The unveiling revelation is 39. 39. Look at that, three of Cups. Celebration. Celebrate good times. So the last book, the Unveiling Revelation, which has all this doom and gloom and the seals being open and abaddon coming out of the bottomless pit, it has the freaking celebration card. So revelation is this? Revelation, chapter 21. And now we have verses one. And here’s the trio. This is what the scripture looks like.

Through the tarot there’ll be a new heaven and a new earth. The world card, new heaven and a new earth. And the Magician card right there is going to create the new heaven and new earth. Because it’s the Magician, we’re using all the tools of the Tarot that are on the table. There it is, revelation. There you go. Revelation 21, verses one through the tarot right there. Bam.

See? New heaven and a new earth. Time to celebrate. Celebration. Everybody’s got their hands in the cookie jar, every single one of you have. And you’re participating in this whole process of moving into this new heaven and new earth. And even if you okay, well, I’m not into theology. Okay, cool. But, you know, we’re moving into a new age. You can smell it, you can feel it, you could taste it, you could touch it.

I talked about this and I want to talk about it again. Maybe you haven’t. Maybe this will be new for you. But during the thanks, everybody for supporting decoding the waters above archaics part two. Myself, Jordan and Jason from archaics. Jordan at waters above. Big. Shout out to them and their channels. Thanks everybody for supporting it. We had a very huge outcome for that. We had over 1000 people for the live and I think we’ve had for the video now we’ve had over 30,000 people just on mine alone, and all the copies and all that kind of stuff, it’s been pretty badass.

And that was audio only, right? But I had postulated the question to those two gentlemen and I had said, and I’m saying this again so you can kind of get an idea here, I had asked the question, all these metals in the Earth, right? How did they get there? How did all this metal get in the earth that we’re all digging up? We’re digging up rhodium, titanium. How did all this metal get into the Earth, inside the Earth, deep down in some of these mines? How the hell did this metal get here? Who put it there? And why are we digging it up and taking it and making things like cell phones, computers, automobiles, industrial machines, robots.

Why are we taking these metals that are in the Earth, bringing them to the surface and creating something that we can use as utility in our reality, right? Where do these metals come from? So I want to just throw this out there. Maybe some of you can shed some light on it. But you see, like, the Age of Aquarius may just be the age of the machines. So we dig this metal up in the Earth.

How did it get there? Well, let me throw this at you. The Age of Aquarius, the age of the machines, the age of technology. We take the metals from the Earth, we start to create things with it. And as we build this society through the Age of Aquarius, it gets destroyed in the Age of Capricorn. Capricorn, of course, being an Earth sign. And the machines get destroyed. They get buried under the Earth again, and the whole cycle and the whole process starts all over again.

And around the wheel we go age of Capricorn age of SAGITTARIUS age of Scorpio age of Libra It goes all the way around. You come back to the Age of Aquarius again after 25,000 years, if that is how it works. And we start digging up these these metals. I don’t know, when did man first start digging up these metals in the Earth? What age? How far back can we go? That’s my theory.

That’s how the metals got. And then the metals, it’s just a cycle. Round and around and around and around we go. And we just pull up so many metals from the Earth and then they get destroyed after a period of time. This is why I think that maybe we’re moving into this new heaven and a new Earth. The new Earth, especially Earth, is 17. This is the star card.

Earth is 17. In numerology, it’s the star card. The word heart is 17. Star card. The word life is 17. Star card. The word story is 17. Star card. The word matrix is 17. Star card. Spirit in Hebrew, 17 star card. 17 is the 7th prime number. As we move through these ages, folks, the metal in the Earth was put there somehow, some way, and it just seems like it gets recycled.

The word recycled equals 22. It’s the fool card. Recycle. It’s the fool recycle over its titanium. 22nd element on the periodic table is titanium. The word recycle is 22. It Titan titanium being 22, when you go read about it on the periodic table, it comes from the Titans, the sons and daughters of Earth. Recycle, recycle, recycle, recycle, recycle, recycle never ends, just a different movie, different age. I’m missing my fool, I guess.

There it is. Zero and 22. Recycle, recycle, recycle, recycle, recycle. The 22nd card in the cards of illumination tied to the word recycle. Nine of clubs, 22nd card in the deck. Recycle, recycle, recycle well, you bring that into the Tarot, and we know that the nine of clubs is the nine of wands. Recycle, recycle, recycle. Right. It’s the wounded warrior. So when you look at these Tarot cards and you start to get the picture of how this works starts to become magical.

It starts to become really beautiful. Recycle nine of clubs. If this is your birth card, folks, you know what? You were gifted. See, this is this search for the meaning of man. Woman. What is your purpose? It’s predestined. So then some of you say, well, what’s the point? The point is, folks, is that you’re supposed to find your cosmic code, predestined or not. Forget all that. Set it aside.

What’s your purpose? What is your position in this game of life? Well, if you have the nine of clubs, you were gifted with a high intelligence. Why? Because it’s number nine. Nine is the highest number there is. It’s endings and completions. This is tied to Recycle, and it’s tied to the Titans. Here’s the nine of wands. You see that? It’s the wounded warrior, this card. I have a big decode coming out on Khufu the pyramid.

This is the card that sits in the house of Capricorn. Through the context of this decode, Khufu the pyramids come down through the moon, down into Capricorn. Capricorn being tied to the Titans. Capricorn is tied to Saturn. Saturn has a moon called Titan. Recycle, recycle, recycle, recycle. That’s why, if you have this as your birth card, you are gifted with a high intelligence. Why? Because this energy has been recycled.

Recycled, recycled, recycled, recycled over and over. And you automatically and instantaneously were gifted with a high intelligence. Some of you don’t act like it, though. Like if you have a nine of clubs, they say, well, damn. I’m not saying you can’t have a high intelligence if you’re not a nine of clubs. But I’m saying is this is what one of your talents is with the nine of clubs.

That’s the power of the knowing of this code paradigm. Yeah, of course I do readings. I say that like you should know. Yeah, I do readings. Silver is tied to the silver screen. So the element on the periodic table, silver has 47 protons. Scripted reality equals 47. You’re inside of a movie, you’re in a scripted movie, folks. There’s so many bands, so many movies that continually show and support what I’m saying here.

I didn’t come up with this. I’m working on a decode from the band Rush. You know that song called Limelight? Living in the Limelight, the universal dream breaking down through their own video, their own music video of when Getty Lee says, Living in the LimeLife. When he first says it, breaking down the timestamp to show you those. There’s no way they sat down with the timestamps and the production of that song to get it exactly how I’m that’s not possible.

That song, Living in the Limelight, is tied to the number nine. Just like the words two Tickets to paradise by Eddie Money. When he first says, I’ve got two tickets to paradise, I decoded this. What line number is it in the lyrics? Line number nine. Nine is tied to the sine wave. The sin wave. That’s why Eve in Hebrew, Eve in the story of first taking on the Tree of Knowledge.

Eve is a number freaking nine. Nine because it has to do with recycle. Recycle. Recycle. Recycle. Recycle. Go watch the video by Iron Maiden called Writing on the Wall. At the very end of that video, I’m not saying they’re the Authority, but I think they got it right. The end of that music video says it all. The bomb blows up in the background, indicating the nuclear bomb, indicating the restart of the whole thing.

And then driving off in the car is a male, female, and they got an apple in their hand, and they take a bite of it. Recycle, Recycle. It’s tied to eve. You know, I did a decode on the father, and then you get the mother. And this is the story of the Fallen Angels, the male chasing the female. It’s all about sex, folks. Cosmically, physically, mentally. It’s about procreation.

And the male chases the female. That’s it. That’s the story of life. That’s why life is empty and meaningless. 100 years from now, you’re never going to be even remembered. Some of you may have a story in history where someone’s going to reference it and say, oh yeah, look at this, what this person did. But how much energy are you going to get? Not like the people that are in the now moment.

I’m not trying to belittle anybody here, but I want you to use logic here. 100 years from now, we’re gone. We’re lost in history, the space of history. We get no energy, really anymore. It’s what’s happening in the now moment that gets the energy. The superstars now, the stars in the movie right now, they get all the energy. The now moment is all that matters. Not 100 years ago, not 50 years ago, not 20 years ago.

Now is what matters. 20 years ago ain’t going to do nothing for you right now. Will, though. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle, folks, has a lot to do with the Nines. That’s why the Nines are very, very important in the Tarot, right? This card right here, the Nine of Cups. This is Pandora’s box. The Nine. Recycle Recycle. Fallen Angels is 45. This is the 45th card in the deck. This is the wishes, hopes and dreams being fulfilled.

I’ve got two tickets to paradise. It’s this card. Eddie Money. What do you think he was singing about? Won’t you pack your bags and leave tonight? Two tickets to paradise. This may be a vacation spot for spirit. This is the card of Pandora’s Box right here. Card 45. Fallen angel equals fallen angels equal 45. 197 is the 45th prime number. 197 is tied to the element gold. That’s one of its isotopes.

Pandora’s box. This reality is gold. It’s being harvested for gold. That’s an energy exchange. You’re being used for your energy over your comments here thanks, everybody, for being here. I don’t know how many people we got here. Doesn’t matter, right? So we got some AI comments coming in. Here I am, kairos is asking me about the 746. I’m sorry, my friend, that’s just way too deep a rabbit hole to even I don’t know what it means, what it pertains to you.

A lot of you have these questions like, I’m seeing this number in my life. What does it mean? I’d have to look at your we’d have to decode your entire life. It’s complicated. Why are you seeing that? A lot of you see the number 1111. Very, very common. Why is it so common and so popular? 1111. Well, you know what? The 1111 card is in the tarot. So let me just tell you right now, I just already talked about this.

I’m going to show it again to show you. Some of you will have jaws on the floor. Maybe we’ll see 1111. If you’ve been seeing that, see, these numbers are archetypes. So when you see a number and you see it repeatedly over and over, it’s getting your energy. Because you’re looking at the number. Anytime you look at a number and you’re like, oh shit, what the hell is that number? And you see it again and again and again, it’s getting your energy, right? Every time you look at something, it gets your energy.

1111. Is it a coincidence? Now, again, this reality is a battery, okay? The word battery equals 19 in numerology. 19 is the sun card in the tarot anode and cathode a battery, the one and the nine. Is it a coincidence that the word red is eleven and the word black is eleven? And if you open up your car hood and you look under that and you look at your battery, what color is the positive cable? Red.

What color is the negative cable? Black. Red is eleven. Black is eleven. 1111. So what does 1111 mean? Battery. You’re charging the battery. It’s the game of life. The November 11, the 1111 date, november 11. You know what card it is? It’s the recycle card, the wounded warrior, right here. Recycle, recycle. Recycle. Recycle. It’s the battery. The battery. Some batteries are rechargeable. Your car battery is rechargeable. It puts out it has six cells.

Each cell is about 2. 1 volt, for a total of 12. 6 volts. What’s 12. 6? 126. What’s 126 on alchemy iodine. It’s one half of the I am, folks. You’re charging a battery. When you see 1111, welcome to the 1111 Club. It’s to recycle. That’s what it means. You’re helping recycle this game called Life. That’s it. Now, if you’re talking about other numbers, like, somebody asked me about 746, I couldn’t tell you what that means.

I’d have to look at your life. We’d have to analyze your life. And I may not even be able to find the answer. But if you start to decode, you start to get these layers. You know the card like, I know I have the cards memorized, I have the periodic table. Well, not everything, but I have the majority of them memorized. Like when you start to see numbers, when you plug your phone in, everything is a code, folks.

When I plug my phone in at night and I see the battery percentage, then I look at the number. That’s a code for me. Like right now, 11:41 p. m. . What does the eleven and the 41 mean? That’s a code. Everything has a code to it. When you look at numbers and you repeatedly look at them, you got to figure out what those numbers mean. It’s a message specifically for you.

And of course for the collective, 1111 is a collective consciousness number. It means recycle. It means charging the battery. That’s what it means. 911 is the king of clubs card. 26. Yodevahe is 26 tied to the word source? Tied to the word occult? Occult and source are both 26. It’s the king of clubs card, which is the card tied to September 11. See as as somebody who you’re starting when you see certain things on certain dates, go find out what the day is.

Take the common year and the leap year. Every leap year, every four years, take the two and add them up. See what the total outcome is. As a fan of a decoder, as a fan of life, your life has way different meaning and purpose than mine does. It’s case specific for you. That’s why it’s so important for you to start looking at your life and figuring out what your purpose and code is.

Forget about predestination, set that aside for a minute. Forget all that because you’re not going to live through that. You’re going to wake up and life’s going to need your attention. Especially if you got kids or a family, life’s going to get in the way. So wannaley is asking about the 17th car. You may want to backtrack on this. Let’s talk about tarot, because I talked about this extensively.

The 17 was kind of the big highlight here for this. Let’s talk tarot. Four. This is the star card, which I can’t even find. Now 17, here it is right here. Remember the big words, right? This is tied to life. Life equals 17. Story equals 17. The word spirit in Hebrew equals 17 through the original Hebrew numerology. 17 is the 7th prime number. We have seven chakras through that system.

Seven colors of the rainbow, spirit into matter. You become a human 24 hours in the day. The element chromium on the periodic table is element 24. Chromium comes from the Greek word chroma, which means color. 24 hours in a day. How do you get 24 hours in a day? Sunlight. Light is spirit slowed down into physical matter. You want to bring mainstream into this, there’s a band called Tool.

They have an album called Fear inoculum and off of that album, the first song called Pneuma, which means spirit, right? In that song, he sings, maynard sings, we’re the sun becoming one spark sun becoming you become the spirit of God. You become the star of the movie. How do you not become a star of the movie? By freaking paying attention to things on the mainstream that suck your energy dry.

Don’t want to play that anymore? Great, turn it off. You don’t get anything from defending that, getting mad at it, getting angry, telling your neighbor, oh, my God, this freaking government. You get nothing. You get no rewards. You get no check in the mail. You don’t get bonus points. You don’t get flyer miles. You get nothing by talking about that movie. You get nothing. Nothing. But you get to be an extra in that movie.

You want to be the star in the movie. One of the requisites is you got to turn that garbage off to be this. One of the requisites, in my opinion, is you got to turn off the mainstream. That’s one of the requisites. And you get to enjoy life. The nine of hearts is the Pandora’s Box card. All the nine. If you’re a nine, any nine, nine of diamonds.

This is Keanu Charles Reeves birth card. Card 35. The word simulation equals 35. This is Keanu Charles Reeves, Matrix 35. 35 is tied to the simulation. 35th element on the periodic table, bromine 79. It has its weight. That’s gold. See, this reality is a simulation. What does the simulation mean? It’s being run through a simulation. The movie is the simulation. The movie is the simulation, folks. This is the star of the movie right here.

Nine of pentacles. All the nines. If you have a nine, any nine, any of you that have a nine, folks, you have a high degree of possibilities in your reality. Nine of spades tied to the game of life as well. Any of the nines, man if you have a nine life path, if you have a nine birthday, you’re gifted with some kind of high intelligence. Even if you say, I don’t know.

Not me. Well, then stop saying that. Maybe, just maybe, through the free will, a small amount of free will, I say, like, maybe stop speaking those magic spells. I was just thinking this today. I don’t know what? Alcoholics Anonymous, right? Never in a million years would I ever go to an AA meeting and say, I’m an alcoholic. That’s the worst thing to do. I used to be one.

Not anymore. That’s the magical spell that I would say. Going to that meeting right there. I’m not saying that they’re like, I’m not going to try to prove it wrong, but I’m saying it’s. The last thing you want to do is admit you’re something that you’re not anymore. If you want to continue to be that great, then go ahead and keep admitting it. That’s my take on it anyway.

I don’t want to get way off topic here. Margaret’s, still working on the course. I know I’m still working on it’s. A lot of our shit’s going to change coming up. Whatever is going to be coming down the pike, I think we have a major, major the Unveiling. I think what’s going to be unveiled is for a lot of us is it will be like, I never saw that coming.

All right, so I’m shuffling the cards. Let’s do a couple of card pulls for the collective here and we’ll just kind of end this transmission. I didn’t want to go too long tonight. Still got my watermelon juice to drink. I’ve been on this big watermelon kick for quite a while now. It’s been a game changer in my life. What do I mean by that? Yeah, I just buy watermelons almost every day.

I almost a big ass watermelon almost every day. The whole thing? Yeah, I just cut it in big ass slices, like this thick cut around the rind, throw it in the blender and just blend it up into a puree. And I just drink like about three of these a day of water, plus all my water of watermelon puree. It’s been amazing. And now I’m putting celery in there and I love it.

Watermelon and celery. Yeah, it’s amazing. Just blaring. You can send it. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for thinking of me. When you send this stuff, you can’t imagine how much stuff I get. It’s so hard to go through. And then some of you send these. I know you’re sending it and you may not be thinking how many other emails that we get, right? As YouTubers. I’m not the only one, but I get these people check this video and it’s like an hour and a half long.

It’s like, if I did that, I would never get anything done. So if you’re going to send me something, tell me the Cliff Notes or what? Fast forward to exactly here. Tell me what your thoughts are, and if I have the time and I’ll take a look at it, I’ll do my best to take a look at it. Ibn Carter what if your name, your birthday, the time you were born, the city you were born, and equate to six or nine.

Every time. I’d have to look at everything. You got your astrology, personality type, aniagram, human design, mayan, astrology. I mean, there’s going to be some massive play in there, so I doubt it’ll be a six or nine. But of course, what is six and what is nine? Six is the cosmic mother. Six is the last day of creation. Six is the first perfect number. Six is carbon. We’re made up of this carbon aspect.

It’s about 18, 19% carbon in the human body, something like that. Six plus twelve is 18. That’s the christ, the carbon. Six is the lover’s card. Then nine is repeater, six and nine, that’s why they’re the YinYang. It’s 69. That’s why YinYang is 69, because nine repeats the six. Six is the legacy, the masterpiece. It repeats, it repeats, it repeats, it repeats. When it gets used up again, it repeats again.

Some of you are right now ready to go buy new sneakers, new shoes, because the ones you have are destroyed. Maybe I’m reminding you of, like, oh, yeah, you know what? Logan’s right. I need to get new sneakers, and you’ll buy new ones, and then maybe next year those will get used up and you’ll go buy another one. It’s never ending, folks. We are freaking parasiting Earth. We’re being parasited by the voice in your head, and then you’re parasiting the Earth.

The Earth is our host. We parasite. We take from it. Take, take. It goes in us and it comes out us. Think about our lives as human beings. You drink, you eat, it comes out the other end. It just goes through you like a freaking boomerang. You take from the Earth, you use it and you waste, and you dispose of it, and then it goes back to the Earth again.

It’s a big harvesting machine. This whole entire reality. Jason’s asking me. Arthur ryder, wait. I’ll consider that. Yeah. Like, I looked at his actually, let me look and see. I don’t remember what his birthday was. Great. My thing stopped. Let me see. I already looked him up before, and I just didn’t find it too intriguing. 2 October. So he’s the seven of diamonds, the 33rd card in the deck.

The seven of diamonds being tied to Pandora’s Box. All right, everybody, thanks for tuning in. Let’s get a couple of cards, and we’re going to wrap this one up. This is edition number four. Let’s talk tarot four. I will be going on what’s your Question? On Saturday. I haven’t done one in a few weeks. Next week, I’m going to be traveling out of Mexico and be gone for a couple of months.

So I’ll be in a different part of the world. Doing what’s? Your questions, decodes, et cetera, et cetera. But I will not have any downtime. Let me see. October, 275, 276 I mean, you know, Jason, taking into consideration that Arthur Waite has the seven of diamonds, the only other card that’s tied to that through the cards of illumination is the nine of hearts, which is the Pandora’s Box card.

Seven of diamonds and nine of hearts. That’s saturn and Venus. Through the placement of the cards, Saturn and Venus own the seven of diamonds and nine of hearts. They switch every time the spreads move. So you have Pandora’s box tied to Venus, tied to Aphrodite. Aphrodite, in the original Greek numerology, is 102. Arthur Ryder waite. Was born on October 2. That’s the 102. 102 is the weight of the 45th element, which is Rhodium, and 45 is Pandora’s Box.

So I’m not surprised that Arthur Ryder weight is tied into the damn tarot card there at the bottom of the deck because he’s tied into Pandora’s box. There was a mini, little mini decode for you. He is the 102. His birthday is October 2. That can be written 10. 2102 is the weight of Rhodium. Rhodium is the 45th element. Pandora’s box is 45, and 45 is the nine of hearts, which complements the seven of diamonds, which is Arthur Ryder.

Waite’s, birth card. There you go. 33rd card in the deck in the number nine. That’s 42. 33 plus nine is 42. Life, the universe, everything, time. Saturn venus Humping screwing. That’s life, man. Screwing in time. There you go. That’s life. That’s my summarization of life. Screwing in time. That’s what it means to be a human being. It’s just a joke. That’s why I got what do you think I got? This.

I tattooed this on this not because it was the logo that I choose. It reminds me to tell myself that life’s a joke, not to take it so serious. Because I do. Because I’m a researcher, I’m a scientist, I’m a decoder. I look deep. And as most of you know, when you go deep down the rabbit hole, you realize not only is it very lonely down in that hole, because now you’re down there, and most people are way up at the top.

Oblivious, ignorant ignorance is sometimes it’s fun because at the top, when you don’t know what the hell’s going on, it’s like, oh, let’s just go have fun. Let’s go run around naked and get crazy. Then when you go down the rabbit hole and you get down there, you realize it’s like freaking, where is everybody? No one’s down here. Why? Because there’s every possibility you can imagine down under the rabbit hole, whereas up there at the top of the hole, there’s limited possibilities up there, but down at the bottom of the hole, unlimited.

And then you realize that that’s why I’m a nihilist nihilism. Because when you realize that everything is a possibility and you don’t want to become part of any of those possibilities anymore, you want to rise up and become nirvana, to realize that’s nihilism like, I don’t fit into the context of the box and everything. You can fit inside the cube, the square of the box. I don’t want to be in here anymore.

That’s nihilism. That’s where you get the word annihilate from nihilism being the number 23 in Numerology. Nihilism being tied to 23, being tied to the word blood, crown and history. You want to get rid of it. But yeah, I agree. If you want knowledge, you got to go deep down the rabbit hole. But again, when you go down the rabbit hole, when you get deep down into that hole, you’re going to realize, and it’s going to become very obvious that every possibility exists down there.

And this is why I’ve adopted and I preach that everybody’s right, because at the top, everybody. Thinks they’re right and everybody else is wrong. But when you go down the hole and you get down there and it’s infinite possibilities and it’s like a black hole, you realize everybody has to be right down there because everything exists down there. But up there, you’re limited. So this is where all the fighting is at the top when you’re ignorant and it’s their fault and it’s them, and it’s they, and they’re the ones who screwed me over, and they screwed my life over.

Your possibilities get limited up there in ignorance, right? But when you go down the rabbit hole, folks, you realize it’s like anything’s possible. That’s why I adopted this whole, like, everybody’s right. And it has helped me so much in my reality for me personally, that everybody’s right. Everybody. Because you think you’re right. At the end of the day, you’re going to be like, oh, Logan’s full of shit.

There’s you being trying to be right. Okay, great. You got it all figured out. Awesome. But you’re trying to be right. When you stop trying to be right. When you stop trying to be right and you realize you’re never going to stop. But when you stop trying to be right over everybody else, when you realize because if you’re a compassionate human being and you actually sit there and have a conversation with somebody, and you sit there with emotions and you actively get involved in a conversation and you listen to them and they start telling you what their truths and beliefs are, the voice in your head is going to anything outside of what you believe.

You’re going to see your voices and be like, you’re not going to say it to their face, but you’re going to be like, this person’s full of shit. But you wouldn’t say it to their face, but that’s what you’re thinking because that’s it using you and anything outside of it, that’s survival. Because that’s what this whole reality is based on, by the way. It’s survival. You’re just trying to survive, and your truth has to be the only truth that matters.

But when you realize it’s not even about the survival anymore, you realize it’s like, I’m just having a conversation. I’m just listening. And you can start to see, like, how can they be wrong? How can that person I’m listening to giving me their story, telling me exactly what’s going on in their life, telling me like I said earlier, I have so many people that come to me, telling me I got it.

Figured out. Or I’m the savior. Or I came to save the world. Or I had a dream, or I had a vision. Or my son or daughter had a vision. Okay, great. It’s true for you, but why does it have to be true for me? But I can appreciate I can appreciate your story and your truth. I find interest to it. It’s very intriguing. Okay, Margaret, thanks for the suggestion.

I don’t know who Ashiana Dean is, but if I remember, I’ll check it out before I pull some cards. I’m going to say this is kind of like if you get somebody debating or somebody arguing or someone trying to prove you wrong, they don’t know what’s going on in reality. That’s my final answer. When you have somebody trying to defend attack, you get really on the offense. Like they’re coming at you with a hatchet or a knife.

They literally would stab you with the knife if you were in per. Like they get that angry. If you have people like that, they don’t know what’s going on in this reality. That’s my final answer. In my opinion. You don’t need to do that. Your position in life is not to go out there and attack. And whoever’s not in sequence or in suit with your truth, you go attack them and defame their character.

Oh, they’re wrong. I saw some flat earth stuff. You’re not going to see me get involved in the flat earth stuff. Why? Because I don’t give a shit about it. If somebody came out with stuff and that’s like, okay, there’s other lands that could prove it. Different story. I may be, yeah, that’s cool. Okay, let’s go on an adventure. But it’s so angry and it’s such a lot of anger, and people are so pissed about it, especially when they first find out, like, there’s oh, my God, there’s no curve.

And it’s like, who gives a shit? It ain’t gonna do anything for my life. I didn’t get that code. Somebody mentioned Dave. Dave’s a nice guy. I’ve met him many times here in Puerto. I’ve done podcasts with him. He’s a big flat earth guy. That’s what he’s doing. His code doesn’t interest me. It’s like boring. Flirt of Earth is boring to me, super boring. But to other people, it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I’m not going to go tell them they’re wrong, just not interested in it. I mean, flat earth equals 33. Then you say, well, what does that mean? Oh, there it is, 33. That’s why you can’t just rely on numerology. It’s a dead end. Especially if you add multiple ciphers in it’s. Even more of a dead end. Way more of a dead end. But if you have anybody, this is my opinion now, right? I’m very clear.

When you see people attacking other people because they don’t believe what they believe, they clearly don’t have it. They clearly don’t know how this reality operates. They just don’t. You don’t need to go attack people because they don’t agree with your truth. It’s absurd. That is not how you bring unification. That is not how you eliminate racism and discrimination. Like, I’m bringing all this stuff up because that’s what creates the division all this stuff comes bolts on.

So anybody that’s sitting there attacking or like, defaming or just being a total knucklehead asshole with their words and just like they’re putting people down and I don’t condone that kind of behavior. I won’t do it. Anytime I see someone like that, I’m like, man, in my opinion, they have not a conscious clue how this reality works. It not a clue. So Dirk. Yeah. Dirk says people that that are attack are scared.

Well, yeah, I agree. I think they’re afraid to be wrong. They’re afraid to be wrong. Like when you own your shit, when you own it, when you go decode yourself and you figure out your astrological positions, vedic sidereal and Tropical, even Chinese and Mayan astrology, and then you go into human design and your personality, when you start to study yourself, that’s your snowflake. You don’t need to defend that.

Like if you’re a pull the top card, if you’re a king of clubs, right? You don’t need to go defend that. You own it. If you resonate with it, you own it. You don’t need to go defend and get angry at somebody who says you’re not a king of clubs. Dude, it’s attached to my birth freaking birthday. You’re not a king of clubs. What are you going to do? You’re going to sit there and argue with them? It’s a waste of your time.

This world needs more unification. It needs more love, needs more collaborations. We’re not getting that. So I really value Jason and Jordan and we all come together. I want to do more collaborations with people. Tommy and I mean, even we had me and Thomas and Paranormal and I got to do with J Dreamers. I had the first podcast I did with him that was awesome because I look at Jay Dreamer stuff, like I think he’s got valuable content, right? He’s a smart dude, right? He’s been at it for a while.

Do I agree with everything he says? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. We can sit down as adults, have a collaboration and we could just spin each information off. You got this, I got that. It’s like that’s collaboration. Not saying, yo, you’re an asshole. Oh, you’re wrong because you do this or you eat meat and this and you’re that, it’s like what, dude, just go do you, man, go be merry.

Life’s too short. Besides, every time you get angry and you go accuse it, you’re killing yourself even faster. Very painful way to die, man, is being negative and angry and bitter because everybody’s just screwing you over. Everybody’s wrong because you ain’t got the same truth as them. It’s just silly. That’s not how you bring a civilization to unification at all. All right, so let’s get a couple of tarot cards for the collective here and we’re going to end this transmission.

Thanks everybody for joining in. Appreciate each and every one of you for coming on here. I’ve created a new room. I thought we created I have a new room for what’s? Your question on Saturday if you want to join in saturday probably going to be at 08:00 P. m. Start time, Eastern Standard Time. What’s your question number? 69. So probably get a big one, right? Because people are fascinated by numbers.

So what’s your question? 69 will be this Saturday, the 25th, probably around 08:00 P. m. . Right. So if you want to join in, be great to have you. Okay, so let’s get a couple of tear guides, shuffle these a million times. So let’s get kind of like, what’s going on in our reality? What do we have to focus on in our reality as a collective? And these may or may not resonate with you, right? This is how a collective card reading goes.

It’s like, I could pull a card and say, okay, figure it out in your life, but you may not figure it out. But if it resonates with you, maybe you showed up here. The message is for you. Right? So we’re going to get the first card. We’ll pull a couple of cards here and see what this collective is all about. And I guess the generalized question here is, like, what’s going on in the world? What do we have to look forward to in the world, moving forward? What should we all be working on in the world? So maybe let’s start there.

Let’s start with a big question. I have never done this one. What’s the biggest thing that society needs to work on as a collective at this current moment in time? What’s the biggest marker in the Tarot that the collective, the entire world. That includes you and I. Maybe not it may not mean exactly this for you, but as a collective, what is the very main lesson or the main thing that we need to work on collectively throughout the world right now, through the Tarot? I’m just going to kind of tap on these.

We’re going to pull a card probably right from the middle here. And here’s the first answer we get, the Queen of Wands. So the question was, like, what’s the most important thing collectively, energetically, that we need to work on as a society moving forward here? Right? Queen of Wands. Now, the very first thing that I’ll start with here is what card number this is. And this is card number 35.

34 or 35, depending on how you look at it. Okay, 35. And of course, 35 is tied to simulation. But what does the Queen of Wands mean? Well, to me, she means knowledge. Knowledge. Figuring out the knowledge, the secrets, the knowledge. This card’s tied to the word graveyard because it’s tied to the Queen of Clubs card 25. The word graveyard equals 25. Black sun is 25. So it’s focusing on your knowledge in life.

So if I individualize this, what is it that you need to focus on collectively and individually? Your knowledge. Your knowledge, and realizing that you don’t need to defend your truth. If somebody engages in your life and they want to debate you. The answer should be not interested. It’s a waste. You don’t need to defend your truth. Watch. I’ll get one more card to summarize this knowledge, right? That was the first thing that came to my mind, because I know with the queen of wands represents a high amount of knowledge.

The queen bee, the wands representing fire. One more card to summarize that in the Tarot, the queen of wands, the summarization of that to complement that card will be the devil defending habitually, defending your knowledge. Are you in the habit of defending your knowledge? Are you in the habit of defending your truth and putting other people down when they’re not in line with your truth? Queen of wands representing your truth.

The devil representing habits. Are you in the habit of putting other people down that are not in line with your truth? No one’s looking. I’m not coming over tonight to have a discussion about this with you individually. I ain’t going to call you on the phone. This is you against you, folks. Scott Duffy says, look in the mirror. That’s your competition. Are you somebody right now that’s in the habit of defending your truth or putting other people down, other others down when they’re not in line with your truth? Like, it’s just so interesting.

I’ll go on social media occasionally, and I don’t like getting in the habit of going through the timelines because it’s so easy. Like, a half hour goes by, right? But you’ll see some of these people and you know what they do? You’ll see them, they’re like, oh, the skyline. Where’s the curve? I’m just having fun, right, with flat earth, right? Where’s the curve? They’ll put that out there.

You know why they put it out there? Because they’re waiting for somebody to say, you’re an idiot. What are you talking about? So they can engage. It’s like a freaking fish hook with a worm on it, waiting for the fish to bite. You see these people? That’s what they do. They’ll put something out, waiting for somebody so they can hammer them when they don’t agree with their context.

You don’t need to, folks, the biggest lesson here, are you in the habit of defending your truth? Are you in the habit of putting other people down when they’re not in line with your truth? Lesson number one. Okay, so let’s get the next message here from the Tarot. What is the most important thing moving forward that we need to focus on in life? Like, what’s coming down the pike for all of us right now? What’s going on right now that we can look forward to coming down the pike, moving forward into the future right now collectively? And then maybe we can move this into an individual basis for all of you.

The empress, it’s creation. I’m going to pull another card for this creation. The Empress is the queen on the chessboard. She wants to create this is a Mercurial. This is a Gemini, a mercurial card. Mercury rules this card. The empress. The empress sits in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is the caduceus. The caduceus is the two serpents. That’s the yin yang inside the Empress.

She wants to create shit. So the very important thing to focus on in life, right in your life now, collectively, we need to start to create things. But how do we create things? Consciously to help build? I would assume everybody here is wanting to build the Utopia, make the world a better place, equality, end all this division, this nonsense of trying to be right and everybody else be wrong.

I get it. I used to be that way. A lot still pulls at me to test me. You sure you don’t want to go down that road? So we have building, giving offspring, creating something, and to compliment that card to focus on for everybody. Right now we’re going to get one more card for the Tarot. Look at that. It’s the never ending Ace of Cups. So we have the message here is very crystal clear.

It’s never ending. See, your life is until you die. It’s never ending. It constantly wants to create that Ace of Cups. You see that card right there? If you’re a fan of Alchemy and you go to the periodic table, you go ahead and go to element number 10 two and you’re going to see that the Japanese ideograph that they have for the link for Nobelium, the Nobel Prize is going to be exactly the representation of that dove coming down into that cup.

This means limitless. It’s never ending. That cup never stops being full and overflows with energy. So it means you have the ability to create forever until you die. And it’s very, very clear that it wants you to create. And remember the message here to get rid of the habit of stop defending your truth. I had talked about for fun, right? It’s like police officers don’t go and start fights with the fire department because you’re not a cop.

Oh, you’re not a cop. I’m going to beat your ass because you’re a firefighter. Or you work at Circle K and you try to go beat up the guy that works at 711 because, hey, I’m at Circle K, man. It’s like, you don’t need to do that crap anymore. Get rid of the division. And then when you get rid of the division and stop defending your truth and trying to put other people down that are not in accordance with your truth, then you get to build from the never ending well of creativity.

See how beautiful that is? Very, very beautiful. And we might as well do the third one. The third message here for all of you. The third message we already kind of got rid of not having to defend your truth. And when you stop defending your truth, that’s going to give you more ammo or more emphasis on creating a never ending ebb and flow of your creating a reality.

And then the last question I’ll say here is what’s the most important thing that everybody collectively needs at this current moment of time? Collectively, what’s the most important thing that we need at this current moment of time? Collectively, what’s the most important thing people need right now in this current moment of time? Strength. Taming the spirit inside of you. Strength. Okay, so what do we need the most of willpower strength to endure all of this? This is spirit into matter.

So the messages are very crystal clear here. Stop defending your truth. If you’re in the habit of defending your truth, stop it. You don’t win anything by doing that. There’s nobody that’s going to send you prizes because you’re right and everybody’s wrong. Just go do you and then get rid of the habit of defending or attacking people that are not in line with your truth. And stop associating with people like that.

Just disappear from their lives. That is not going to bring unification. What will bring unification is alleviating your burdens from that. Being authentic with yourselves and then realizing that you have an infinite amount of potential to create through that will endorse, and it will give you more of this. And then what’s the most important thing that collectively people need right now? Strength. The strength to do it. The decision to say, you know what? I like this message, and yeah, maybe I’m in the habit a little too much of defending my truths, because people are like, I know, I get it.

People are going to push your button, but they’re pushing my buttons. Listen, folks, please get out of please stop saying you made me feel a certain way. That is such bullshit. Nobody can make you feel any emotional way. You got to do that to yourself. If you’re in the habit of, say, you made me feel the next time if you’re in a relationship, I get it. Some people say things to you and you react to them, but they certainly didn’t make you feel a certain way.

No, you got to do it to yourself. You may not like the way they say something. I get that. But they can’t make you feel a certain way. They can’t make you depressed. They can’t make you angry. They can’t make you upset. You got to do that. And when you have more strength, you will become the master of your domain. Okay? You’ll become the master of your domain.

Let’s get one card of illumination. We’re going to do one card for the cards of illumination, and we’ll end this transmission here. Thanks, everybody, for joining in. Appreciate each and every one of you. Seriously. Again, please don’t agree with everything on here. These are just suggestions. Here me being the messenger. I’m just a tour guide. Thank you, Tiffany. She kind of gave me that title. She’s like, oh, God.

Gave. Okay, fine. I’m just a guide, folks. I’m one of so many. If you’re a guide, great. Then you have value. Go out there and speak your message. Go tell your truths. But remember, folks, your truth is the only truth that matters. And if it doesn’t line up with somebody else’s truth, then just it doesn’t line up with anybody else. It doesn’t line up with their truths. Okay, next.

What’s next? Go find people that do line up with your truth. If you need to strengthen and empower yourself by joining with people that are going to say, oh, you’re right. Yeah, you’re right. Oh, yeah, you’re so right. And that makes you feel empowered, then go do that. But there’s strength in just owning your truth and saying, I see your truth. Okay, cool. I see your truth. All right, so we’re going to get one card for the card of illumination to kind of summarize all this energy right here.

One card of the 52 cards out of the deck, one card to kind of summarize all this. What will it be? What will it be? The joker. One card to summarize this message. Life’s a joke. Don’t take it so serious. If you’ve been depressed or angry, just go watch some stand up comedy. Life’s going to be it’s going to be okay. It’s not permanent. You know, if you’re in a shit position right now, if you’re about to lose your job, if you lost your job or you lost your girlfriend or boyfriend or you’re about to get a divorce, it’s not permanent.

It’ll pass. That’s the good news. The best news is the current city. If you’re on one of those waves that are down, going down, if you’re riding a wave up, ride that son of a bitch as long as you can, because they don’t last, ride that wave. Like the scenario I give, ladies and gentlemen, is a surfer. Maybe you’re somebody who surfs. What does a surfer do? They paddle out and they look for the best wave they can, and they ride the wave.

You don’t see surfers jumping halfway off. No, they ride the wave as long as they can. So if you’re on a good wave, if you’re on a wave that’s been delivering you some balance in your life, some joy, some happiness, some gifts, some fruits of your labor, if you’re riding one of those waves, ride that sucker as long as you can. Now, you may get on one bigger than that one and step it up and ride it and get it.

Maybe you’ll be on that one for a very long time. But if you took a big digger like you fell off that wave and you hit it hard and you maybe ate some sand, you maybe scraped your knee on the reef or you scraped it real bad, it’s not permanent, but focusing on it continually to focus on it. The overall message was life’s a joke. It’s the joker.

Don’t take life so seriously. When you’re not on a good one, just don’t take it seriously. Just remind yourself that it’s not permanent. Okay? Life’s not permanent. That’s the great part. Great Danes, that’s probably my favorite. Well, one of my favorites. I’m a Yorkie fan, but from all the big furries, man. Great Danes. Woo. Those furries are amazing. All right, so we’re we’re gonna look for a song here.

Let’s see what I want to play. So let’s end this with this band right here called Plush. This is going to be a cover song of the song down in a Hole by Alison Chains. One of my favorite songs. Down on a hole being 49 in numerology, 49 being tied to the word, tied to the father, I should say, as in father decoded, the tennis swords, et cetera, et cetera.

So, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for let’s talk tarot four. Thanks for joining me in on this Thanksgiving day. Make sure you join in on Saturday. What’s your question? Number? 69. We’re going to have a lot of fun with that. I don’t know how long I’m going to go, but it’s going to be a lot of fun. And I think that’s all I got, ladies and gentlemen.

So without further ado, I’m going to end this transmission. Thanks each and every one of you for joining in. Appreciate it. Till next time, ladies and gentlemen. We will see you later in the down in our world and I don’t know if I can be saved keep my mind decorated like a break don’t understand who it’s not I was a faith look at me now man who won’t let it down in the flow down home losing my job I like to cry when my defend I be in the storm I don’t have been burned out the day I have been guilty of taking myself in the dream.

I will speak no more of my baby today. Got it. I hope. Feeling home down in our home feelings of love down in our home out of control I like to die put my way to night. .

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1 thoughts on “LETS TALK TAROT 4

  1. Avatar Of Mark Sweeney
    Mark Sweeney says:

    You speak some bollocks. Jacob’s dog on a leash. I hear grandpa is 33. Did you get your tear drop ( illuminati) in jail. 4 horseman. Shall I give you date, wait your master provided you with that. You have trouble tieing your shoe laces. You have not got the intellegence to put together one video, drop out, straight to jail. Trust me when I say this, the last breath ( pun) you take you will reach another reality you did not choose. As 4 donut that guy has about as much personality as a wake. Out of 7 billion people your masters chose the mafia group as their agents, must of been pick a idiot week. I bet all you got at school was blackboard chalk thrown at your headfrom the special classes teacher. That should be your name SPECIAL CLASSES. I bet you come out in sweat when you think about school and doing the times tables. ” say after me 26+11 is 37.

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