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➡ This video by Logan, called “Mushroom Decoded,” explores the symbolism and deeper meanings behind mushrooms, using numerology and alchemy. He starts by referencing a quote from the Bhagavad Gita about death and destruction, which he connects to the Trinity nuclear test and the mushroom cloud it produced. Logan then delves into the numerology of the word “mushroom” and its connections to the periodic table and the concept of duality. He concludes by discussing the power symbol, which he relates to the energy contained within a mushroom and the release of that energy.
➡ This text talks about the symbolism of the letters ‘O’ and ‘Q’, and their connection to power and creation. The ‘O’ represents containment of power, while the ‘Q’, a broken ‘O’, signifies the release of power. The text also discusses the number 71, which is significant because it’s the 20th prime number and 20 is associated with birth and life. Lastly, it delves into the symbolism of the power button, which when rotated, resembles the letter ‘Q’, further emphasizing the concept of power activation and creation.
➡ The text discusses a complex code involving numbers, letters, and references to the Bhagavad Gita. The author believes that the number 43, which is mentioned in a video at the 43rd second, is significant and tied to the Bhagavad Gita’s chapter 11, verse 32. The author also connects the number 43 to the concept of time, destruction, and the cycle of life and death. Lastly, the author suggests that the number 5, derived from the number 14 (which is related to time), is also significant and can be seen in our everyday life, such as our five fingers, toes, and senses.
➡ This text talks about the complex connections between numerology, astrology, and reality. It suggests that numbers and symbols, like the number five and the letter ‘h’, have deep meanings tied to time and life. It also discusses the idea of reality being an illusion, but argues that it feels very real. Lastly, it explores the astrological map for the Trinity nuclear test in 1945, suggesting that the positions of planets and zodiac signs at that time had significant meanings.
➡ This text talks about how astrology, numerology, and tarot cards are all connected. It uses the example of the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, and the Trinity nuclear test on July 16, 1945, to show how these systems can predict or explain major events. The text also suggests that these systems are linked to the concept of creation and destruction, comparing an explosion to an orgasm. Finally, it encourages readers to see the patterns and connections in the world around them.


We knew the world would not be the same. Few people laughed. Few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the HiNdu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty and to impress him. Takes on his MuLtI armed form and says, now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. I suppose we all thought that one way or another.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is LOGAN, your tour guide. And this is decode, your reality. And today we’re gonna be breaking down and decoding the mushroom. This will be mushroom decoder. I have a lot going on here. Fans of psilocYbin, fans of DMT, whatever your flavor is, this is Gonna have that. Some of that sprinkled in there, but it’s not what you think.

I really get started with this decode by watching Oppenheimer, the movie, and I saw some things in the movie. I haven’t even got all the way through it. I saw some things in the movie. And so when I was pulling up information to decode this, this is the video that I got, which you saw in the beginning of this presentation. And this is the one that, you know, that.

That got me, because I. This thing pulled for me, and I’m going to show you what it is all about. And he was quoting from the Bhagavad Gita, which was chapter eleven, verses 32. And there’s many different interpretations of this, which is, I become death, I am mighty time, the source of destruction, to annihilate the worlds. So many different interpretations. And then you have the Trinity test, the nuclear test, which is what he was part of the Manhattan project, could go on and on and on.

I’m going to show you the astrological map of this. There. There’s so much more that I could have done with this. I could have decoded Kenneth, who is the man who was assigned to do this whole experiment and all that stuff, his life, being quoted, being born in the 27th, folks. It’s just so much. It’s just. There’s no way that I could ever get all of this together.

But I’m gonna do my best for this presentation. Mushroom decoded. So, as I often say, put on a pair of headphones, walk out the outside world. This one’s going to be another gem, I promise. So when you go read about the Trinity test and you see that it was 25 kilotons of tnt. 25. And 25 is tied to the black sun. Black sun is 25. 25 tied to the queen.

Queen be. We’re gonna get it to that. But 25 kilotons of tnt. TNT being a 13 in the chaldean numerology. Chaldean numerology exclusively being used for this presentation. Coming through once again to show you what its expressions are for the source code. The source code being the code that runs the final product that we end up labeling in, you know, this and that. But here it is, the 13 and its death, which is, you know, it’s interesting because he says, now I become death.

You watched it, now I become death. And it was 25 kilotons of TNT. The third. How big is that 13? It’s huge. Tied to the stargate above our heads, the great beast above the twelve disciples, and Jesus in the middle, the 13. That’s why Jesus is tied to ShivA and ShivA is tied to death. And if you’ve been paying attention, you’ve watched the Mandelbrot set and you would have seen, and of course, the black sun decoded.

It was the w at the bottom and its mirror opposite the m at the top. And the m is the 13th letter. So the final expression of the atomic explosion from this w, it goes up, and you now have the mushroom cloud. And even then, the. What is the word? Mushroom? Start off with the letter m, and it’s the mirror of the wood. The w is the 23rd letter.

The m is the 13th letter. You just switch the one to the two. Is there any significance that. Absolutely there is. Again, this is tied to the black sun. The aix is Jason Brashears from archaics calls it. That’s what it’s linked to. So now I become death. And what does it mean to have a nuclear explosion on the world stage? Well, it’s just, there’s fractals to this and this creates life.

And I’m gonna, I’m gonna show you all that. So mushroom decoded, ladies and gentlemen, and I want to start off with some numerology and alchemy. We call this alchemology. This is one layer of it. And how coincidental is this that the word mushroom is 38 and the 38th element on the periodic table has a picture, a freaking mushroom cloud coincidence? Or maybe, just maybe, the chaldean numerology once again shines through as the top dog cipher because you can clearly can.

Now, is it the only cipher that you can connect to alchemy? No, but clearly this is a humdinger right here. This is a huge humdinger. Notice that it’s 87. 62. And the Trinity test, as I’m decoding this happened 78 years ago, which is a mirror of the 87. How about that? Coincidence? No, see, I’m into this code is in tune with me. I’m in tune with the code and so are you as you’re watching this.

And what is this? 38. Well, remember the eighties and the three represent the I am. The three is a broken eight. And if you’ve been paying attention, the I am through the alchemical elements iodine and americium 53 and 95. Those digits in the string of the golden ratio can be found at digit number the. Sorry. The 53rd digit is eight and 95th digit is three. If you’re paying attention to this stuff here.

So what does this whole thing mean? While a fractal down in the biology of the body is sex, it’s the orgasm. That’s how every single one of you listening to this presentation got here. Your dad, your father had an orgasm, maybe your mom did too. But it was essential that your father have an orgasm. And of course, that looks like a phallus, does it not? Of course it does.

This is how ridiculously, comically induced this whole reality is. And when the orgasm happened, the sperm fertilized the egg and you have a birthday 280 or so days later, and now you’re a product of duality. See, all this stuff works. It’s just so fascinating. And this is what it looks like. And, you know, when we extend upon numerology and get into alchemy, alchemology, taking numerology and bringing into alchemy, you can see how it shines through to tell us a deeper meaning of this reality.

The source code playing out the 20th element on the periodic table is called calcium. And calcium. This is its most abundant isotope. It has five stable isotopes. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. But it’s isotope 40. And now, just like that, we can go right back to numerology and you could see where Kristoff and the Truman show, at the very end of the Truman show movie. You’re on television.

That’s right. Because once you are born into this world, you are being watched. And your birthday turns into duality. And your duality turns into a skeletal structure, 99%. The calcium is found in the bones and teeth. And just like that, we have a skeletal structure now we become a character on the playing board. It’s so very fascinating. The mushroom tied to the phallus, the penis and the orgasm.

And you pop out as a child of duality and you have a birthday, and now you’re on television. That’s how all this stuff looks and like, it’s all about power. That’s what we’re going to get into here. We’re going to get into power, because that’s what this whole thing starts with, is the O, the zero. If you’re into numbers, it’s going to be the zero. If you’re into letters, it’s going to be the letter O, power, which is one of the five vowels.

Aeiou. Five vowels, five fingers, five toes, five senses. The O is what we start with, and then we break the O, you see? And now we have the power button. You will find this button on many electronics, maybe on your computer primarily, or one of your electronic gadgets, because the O has to be broken. See, inside this o is all the energy. That’s why the egg and the.

The orgasm and the testes. It’s all round. Everything’s inside here, the cell. And then you have to break it. And then the power gets released. And, of course, this would represent the phallus, or the energy at least being expressed and being released. So it would look like this right here. And I’ve got it moved about a 100 and 8145 degrees, or 100. I can’t remember how many degrees it was to form the letter Q.

This is where you’re going to get the Q movement. The Q movement will fit in here, of course, which I don’t follow. But why the letter Q? And the O ends up becoming the Q in its fullest expression without it being tampered with. And how is this tied to the mushroom claw? Because it’s tied to power. And the Trinity test in the nuclear explosion. Power. So the O in Chaldean is the 7th number, and the Q becomes the number one because there’s the number one right there.

It’s a broken o. It’s a broken o. That’s what the Q is. And when you bring these together, you have the number 71. And 71 is the 20th prime number. And 20 is where five. You’re gonna get the orgasm, where you get a birthday after you’re born into duality and you’re on television. You see how all this stuff works? So this is the containment of the power. This is the release of the power.

You push the button on your computer and what happens? Your computer, your electronic device, receives power. And now it’s running. Now it works the operating system. And now it becomes the number one. The number. The word one equals 17. Q is the 17th letter, but it’s the 71. And 71 is the 20th prime number. See how magical this is. So the o and the broken o, the q, become the 71, and they become the 20 tied to the prime numbers.

And 20 is tied to you having an orgasm and birth. Well, not you, but your father having an orgasm and delivering itself the sperm to fertilize the egg, which in this case, you end up having a birthday through duality when you pop out into this world. And now, just like that, you’re a bag of bones and you’re on television. See how amazing this is? And it’s all derived from this.

Oh. So we’re going to go deeper into this o, and I’m going to show you how it’s tied into the nuclear explosion and Oppenheimer and the nuclear testing and the Trinity test and the whole shebang. So when we go to the English, a through z, to give you another layer of this and how it looks, one is a, two is b, all the way to z. Being 26, the o is the 15th letter, and the Q, the broken o, is just two digits past that.

It’s the 17th letter. And I just will remind you that the. The number one is the 17th letter. I mean, I’m sorry, the number one is the number 17, just to remind you. Okay, so that’s what that looks like and why I showed you that, because of this. See in Chaldean, how strong Chaldean is. The one is 17. And then the 17th letter is the letter Q. So we get the 15 and we get the 17.

We get the full containment of the power, and then we get the deliverance of power as we break the full containment of power. And it’s the 15 and 17. And we’ll bring the tarot in to get the picture. This is how amazing it looks. We then now bring in the devil card. So the devil. This is why they say, like, oh, the devil. Satan. This is Satan’s world.

Well, it’s God. Because, you see, the desire is all inside this o, the perfect circle, which even represents Earth. Everything’s inside here, but you got to release it. So in order to release it, you got to have an orgasm, and you got to press the button for the power to be delivered to your computer. So you can start looking at your computer or turn your phone on, the power button on your phone, you see? And now the devil’s released.

And when the devil gets released, the star is born. You see? The star is born. This is the 17th card in the deck. And the letter q is the 17th letter. How about that? It’s so fascinating. And when you bring the number 15 and 17. Together you get 32, and now you get the game master. So the game master, through this expression is the devil and the star, which is why I’ve been saying, be the best little devil you can be, because you are the star.

You are being manifested through power from the origins of power itself. That’s why origin starts with the letter o. An orgasm. You have an orgasm, you end up having sperm released, which fertilizes the egg. And when it fertilizes the egg, out pops the star. And now you’re a player on the board, and you are now expressing power. This would be. And this is the I. The I am.

That’s how deep this code goes. You just got to have the eyes to see the symbols. We can even say this is the letter c and the letter I, which is going to be 39. And we could go into different, different topics. The word computer equals 39, which is what I think we live in anyway. But the game master, 32. Okay, so this is what this looks like.

And you see, the funny part about all of this is this really interesting word called ejaculation. And all of you more than likely have experienced ejaculation. The word ejaculation starts with the letter e, and e is the number five. And the number five is five fingers, five toes, five senses. This origin, the letter e, goes all the way back to symbols, which will end up representing a human figure.

It will represent a stick figure. If you go research this all the way back, as far as you can go, the letter e is a stick figure which represents man or woman, the five. Okay? Egypt. And that’s how you got here. You and I all got here because your dad ejaculated. Okay? Let’s just be real honest and transparent here. Ejaculation is how you got here is the very reason why you’re watching this presentation.

And this is the connecting point. And how amazing this methodology is, is that ejaculation is 37. And chlorine, one of the stable isotopes of chlorine is 37, and its protons is 17, which is the star card. And we go right back to the origin and the letter Q, which is the breaking point of the power. It breaks open the o or the zero, and now it becomes star.

The 17 is the star card. Do you see how all. How magical this is? All because your dad busted a nut, okay? That’s how this. We just need to be funny about this because that’s just. I’m being funny, but at the same time, I’m being absolutely transparent and raw with all of this, because that’s what this whole thing looks like. And I will remind you that the word queen starts with the letter Q, because this reality is based on the feminine principle.

The queen, not the king, the queen. You women, I can’t procreate as a dude. You women can. You have all the power. And it is all servicing the queen. You see, the queen delivers the power. Just like women deliver the children, they deliver the stars. That’s how we all got here by our mothers. Who are the queens now? Yes. The male had to ejaculate inside the queen to impregnate her.

So out pops the star. Absolutely. But let’s make no mistake about it. The queen and the queen bee is what runs the hive, not the king and the masculine. But it is a necessary component for the expression of power. And this is all orgasm, folks. This is all representing the orgot. This represents the orgasm, okay? Right here, okay. That you females. So the earth and the female experience delivers to the world, the players on the world stage, including all of the trees and the leaves, that this is all feminine energy, not masculine.

Okay? All feminine energy, not masculine. So that’s how we started this thing off. So now we get into the actual trinity and Oppenheimer and the mushroom, of Course, again, the penis, the phallus looks like a mushroom. And you have the pressing of the power button, and boom. Have this explosion. The origin of the explosion is here, not, this is the final product of the explosion. And, you know, this right here is the Tesla symbol.

There’s so many symbols that you can look at that will be in this context. Lucifer Sigil will be in there. I could go on and on and on. So this is what it looks like. And how I found this, or how it found me is through the power button. And the power button. This is the typical power button, but all you have to do is turn it a certain amount of degrees and you move it.

And just like that, now we have the letter Q. And it’s. It’s really interesting because it’s right around the 05:00 position. The letter Q right around the 05:00 position. Remember what the number five is? Five fingers, five toes, five senses. This is how deep this code goes. So you get created by pressing the power button, by having an orgasm, by fertilizing the egg. And out you pop having a birthday on in duality.

And it’s the five. It’s the five. And I would just remind you that the word five is a 20 right here. 20, just like the word duality. 20. Okay. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. And this Q is right around the 05:00 marker right there. It’s not 06:00 it’s right around the 05:00 marker. Not by accident. Okay. This is how beautifully orchestrated this source code is. So I’m going to be using a different methodology here and introducing the capital letter cipher.

This is normally known as the Francis Bacon cipher, which is where you go to the capital letters from 27 to 52. So one through 26 are the lowercase. 27 through 52 are the uppercase. I like to call this the capital letter cipher to give it a very individualistic distinguishment here. So the Q is the 43rd letter in the capital letter cipher. So it’s going to be 17 in the lowercase, 43 in the upper case.

And it is the power button, folks. Make no mistake about it. Is we going to get the cube movement from. So where are we going to go with this 43? Right to the Trinity test. We’re going to start right here with the Trinity test. And we’re gonna go back to the beginning part of this presentation where you watch this short video, this one being 53 seconds from Robert Oppenheimer talking about the nuclear explosion and referencing the Bhagavad Gita, eleven versus 32.

And this video, again, found me. This is the one that I was. I was just online. I didn’t cherry pick this. It chose me. I found the interview, I started watching it, and then I started to break down the timelines like I have done so many times. And I circled right here exactly. When he opens up his mouth and starts to say, now I become death from this short little interview.

And it was at 43 seconds out of a total of 53 seconds when he says, now I become death. And I will leave this link in the description so you can go fact checked it for yourself, so you can see for yourself that this is exactly what I’m saying about these timestamps. And the 43, if you start to look a little bit deeper, will not only be tied to the, the Bhagavad Gita, the eleven chapter eleven, verses 32, where it talks about, I am time.

I am the great destroyer of worlds. There’s a many different references of this, but it becomes, now I become death. But, ladies and gentlemen, when you bring this and you add up the chapter and verse of the Bhagavad Gita of what he is referencing, you get the number 43. How about that? Now you, when you, when you got to be an observer of this code to look at as a decoder, because a lot of people will say, well, you just cherry picked this video.

Or, yeah, folks, this is the video that found me. And is it coincidental that he says, now I become death? And referencing eleven, verses 32 and that becomes the 43. And it was exactly a 43 seconds of this particular video that chose me to show you the source code. So where are we going to go with this 43? If you watch the black hole sun, you would have seen the tip.

43 is tied to technetium and it’s going to be tied to tungsten and the great w, the big W. Wolfram. That’s for a different story. You’ve been paying attention, but I will remind all of you now I become death. Because the explosion, the explosion of the Trinity test, this explosion was pressing the button, releasing the power, releasing it. Now I become death. See, all the power was in here.

And now the orgasm happens when you press that button and you release it. And the 43 was the marker when he says, now I become death, right there, the 43. And this is Bhagavad Gita, chapter eleven, verses 32, which equals the number 43, which is the 43rd letter in the capital letter cipher, which is the release of power, which can become death, which is what he says. And ladies and gentlemen, I’m just going to go deeper with this to cement this source code ruling over our world, using Oppenheimer as a tool, just like you.

43 is not just any number, it’s the 14th prime number and 14 is the word time. Look at this. The Godhead, the supreme personality of the godhead through the Bhagavad Gita time. I am time, the great destroyer of the worlds. That’s why Kronos is the timekeeper in this aspect. But there’s many more layers to it than just that. But you can see how significant this code is and how it is undoubted here.

Like, there’s no room for, like, well, maybe. No, folks, this is it. This is what the code wants to show you. These people, myself, you were all being used as instruments in this reality. And it ain’t a bad gig once you figure out what your code is and then own it instead of running away from it, okay? And you can see how time is God, okay, which, you know, 14 is a five.

Five fingers, five toes, five senses. How big is that? Five. When you go to that queue? 05:00. That’s how I see it. You may not see that. 05:00. I do. Five, five, five. The great destroyer of worlds, tied to Satan. Absolutely, because Satan is time. Over time you will make mist, you call mistakes. You will do what you call sinning. Oh, I missed that. I didn’t get that right.

Well, you weren’t supposed to. Or you’re gonna say, I want this. I want that. I am this. I am that. This is all desire and duality. And your birthday is tied to the orgasm. And the orgasm is tied to the Trinity test, which is a fractal above. And the explosion is in essence of the orgasm, which is how we all got here. And you become a little devil down here.

And that’s the way it is. And you become part of the godhead because you end up becoming the godhead. It’s your reality. You’re the star of the show. And you’re experiencing this reality because you’re supposed to be experiencing it as an instrument. Okay, so this is what the, the point I wanted to get across to all of you are, is God is the great timekeeper. This is why Kronos is seen as eating its children, because that’s what it does, in essence.

You get eaten, you get used, you get thrown away, you get chewed out and spit out. Okay? The great destroyer of worlds is time. That’s it. It’s the akashic records. It’s time. And you can see that it’s the Bhagavad Gita, chapter eleven, verses 32. And it’s the game master. Remember what the 32 was? It’s the o and the Q letter 15 and letter 17. It’s power and the release of power.

And you get the 32, which is the word capricorn, equals 32. The word California, like Hotel California, is a 32 game master, which is the six of diamonds card. Right. The game master card. And you’ll notice that these all reduce down to the number five. Five. Bhagavad Gita, chapter eleven, verses 32. It reduces down to a number five, five fingers, five toes, five senses. And this five is very, very big.

The precursor to the five or the predecessor to the five is the 14. And again, symbolically, what does this look like? Well, are you ready to have your mind blown? When you bring the one and the four together, it forms the letter h. See that? That’s, that’s how, that’s how precise this code is. And when you look at, you start to bring in reverse and mirror and you got to play around with it.

The code is doing this. I’m not doing it. I was shown to show you this. And it forms the letter h. The letter h is the 8th letter in the Alphabet a through z. There’s also the letter b here but how big is the letter h? When it comes to our vocabulary and the words that we use, like, you know, like house and home and heart and hell.

But you can see through the chaldean. The chaldean, once again, not the. You know why it’s such a special cipher? Because it not just works on the numbers, but on phonetics and the shape of the letters. And you can see how God, Satan and time all reduced down to the number five. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. And this number 14 comes together to form the letter h.

Absolutely magnificent, if you ask me. That’s my opinion. And we have these words like house always wins the house. Time always wins. You’ve heard of that expression, the house always wins if you’re a gambler. The house. House is 26, which is going to give you the eight. H is the 8th letter in the english Alphabet. Home is where the heart is. The heart, the heartland. This is a enneagram for earth, and you’re in hell.

It can be heaven. See all these words? How big are these? These. These adjut, these nouns, these subjects, they become very big in our reality. What word can you make with the letter h? Leave your comment down below if you have another word that you think stands out. But this h, this is why home is the h. And it’s very balanced. Well, because it’s from the numbers one and four.

One and four. Four is the four blood types. This is you as the I. I am. I am one of the four blood types. Even the four is a mirrored letter h. If I flip this upside down, it’s the letter h, the lowercase h. You can see how big this is. Folks, this is part of the letter h in the mirrored position. So I know this has a lot of merit in the code.

You just gotta be willing to look at this and consider what this is saying. And this is why the five is so big with these numerology expressions and why God is Satan. Because it’s time. That’s it. It runs time and it never stops. When people say time is an illusion, you could say this world’s an illusion. Yeah, but it’s pretty damn real to me. You’re watching something. Is it an illusion? You can say that, but you can hear me talking, or is it.

Is what you hearing? Is that an illusion? Is what you seeing? Is that an illusion? I just think that there’s more to it than just saying, oh, it’s an illusion, because it’s pretty real to me. We can say it’s an illusion if we want to regurgitate that. But I think there’s more to it than that. I think it’s pretty real, more than the illusion. So, moving along into this number 14, which is the letter h, which through the chaldean numerology is the number five.

And why chaldean, again, is so special. And ladies and gentlemen, when you take the dial pad of your phone, you not only get Pandora’s box and Saturn’s magic square, but you can see what sits right in the middle of that cross. The number five. Five fingers, five toes, five senses the home. This is where the heart would be. If you put the Jesus character over there. The five is going to represent the heart.

So it’s the 25846 with the zero at the bottom. Okay? When you add up those digits, two plus five plus eight plus four plus six, you’re going to get 25. And 25 is tied to the words black sun. Okay? But clearly, ladies and gentlemen, the five is the big takeaway because it’s tied to these words that we’ve already gone over. Capricorn, father time, Hotel California, you can check out any time you like.

Hotel California, hotel 555. You’re in time. You’re a child of time. Born by an orgasm, by the mushroom cloud, by an orgasm, which is a explosion. This is how cells in the body operate, by ATP, which causes energy, which causes you, which allows you to move around inside your car. In your pistons in the combustion chamber, there are orgasms going on every single time. The piston goes up and it merges with the air and the gas and the spark plug.

That is an orgasm. Your engine has an orgasm. You can find it in so many different layers in our reality. That’s why the five. If you have a five, birthday, if you have a five hearts, five diamonds, five of clubs, five of spades. If you have a life path, number five, you’re the busiest people there is, because five represents being someone who runs around in time. Five fingers, five toes, five senses.

It’s so magical, ladies and gentlemen. When you scrape away all the programming and you look at it from the source code being letters, numbers and symbols, it takes on a whole different meaning. So the 14 is the letter h, which becomes the five, which is the center point of that cross. There’s the, uh, sigil of Saturn. I know it’s going to be a little. Saturn’s magic square is going to be a little different, but it encompasses all of those nine letters.

And this is Pandora’s box because one plus two, plus three, all the way to plus nine is 45 and 45 tied to the words Pandora’s box, you’re in it, which is time, and you’re not getting out until you die physically, that is. And we don’t know what happens after that. Okay, so to kind of get to the tail end of this presentation, I’m now going to show you the Zodiac wheel, the astrological map for the Trinity test on July 16, 1945.

Now, I’m going to go back here, and I’m going to show you that it was done at 05:29 a. m. On July 16, 1945. Just so we in 1940, remember, 1945, at 45 is Pandora’s box. 45 is right here. One plus two, plus three all the way. And the five is in the middle. Okay. These very subtle layers, but a very, very important. And, you know, this is the astrological map at 05:29 a.

m. There are the celestial positions, and there are many, many big ones here to talk about. But I want to talk about the Pluto position first. Now, I have Pluto in both the 6th house and the second house. Now, Pluto is in the second house, or was. Why I have Pluto over here is because Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. Scorpio being in the 6th house. And there’s a reason why I’m showing that, because you see Pluto, and this.

This whole trinity test, when you read about it, was a plutonium bomb. Plutonium, okay. A plutonium bomb exploded on July 16. So there’s the plutonium in the second house, two representing duality. And it’s in the fourth zodiac sign of cancer. Also with these, this trio, you had the sun here. The sun was at zero degrees. Cancer, the sun, the spirit, the igniter, Pluto, the underworld, the destroyer of worlds, and Mercury, the messenger, all in the second house ruled being occupied by cancer, cancer being the fourth, a zodiac sign, and that is ruled by the moon.

So now what I’m gonna do here, I’m gonna load. Where’s cancer? Right here. Cancer is the operator of the fourth house. So now I’m just gonna backtrack two, and now I’m gonna look at what’s in the fourth house. Virgo, the 6th zodiac sign. Six, carbon, 666. Virgo is the largest constellation in the canopy. What do we have down here? Zeus, the mighty. Zeus, the largest planet in the canopy.

We have Chiron, the wound. We have his brother Neptune, or Poseidon here, and we have the moon here. Why am I showing the moon here? What’s the significance of the moon here? Well, the moon is in the 13th NaShaktra called Hosta, which is working with the hands. That’s what it means. It’s in the IC position, which this is going to be the IC, and this is going to be the MC, the midheaven, who gets all the energy as above, so below.

So the. So below is Zeus, Poseidon, and the moon with the. The chiron. With the wound of Chiron. And it’s going to blow up, and it’s going to come up here in the 12th zodiac sign of Pisces. We’re going to talk about that. But the moon’s the big takeaway, because the moon is in Hosta and the moon is going to represent death. The 13th card in Tarot is death.

Now I become death, says Oppenheimer. And the moon is the 18th card, and. And it was the Trinity test, which is 18. So the moon is tied to Trinity, the name of the test, and the moon is in the 13th shark chart, which is death. And he says, now I become death. Are these mere coincidences? Was Oppenheimer sitting down with all the other people that were involved in this and making sure that the numerology and the tarot cards and the astrological map come out exactly this way so I can decode it as a decoder to show you the expressions of what the coding looks like.

Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a. I don’t care if someone knows some of these things, they don’t know them all. That’s because they don’t need to know them all, because we live in a scripted reality. So, going further with this, the reason why I have Pluto over here is because Virgo is the operator of the 6th house. So now we go from the fourth house to the 6th house, and we have Pluto here.

So this is a system. Pluto is not here, but Pluto is the ruler of Mar of Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars. And Mars just so happens to be right across the way in the 12th house, which is ruled by Pisces, and Pisces, which is located where Pisces is at. It’s in the mid heaven position in the. As above, right here. That’s getting all the energy as this mushroom cloud, as this explosion starts at the bottom and it goes up and it fans out and it forms this t, which is why you have all this energy here.

You can see that the Mars, along with Venus, you have the masculine and feminine in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is the second zodiac sign. So I come back down to the second house, and we just started back over, and here’s cancer with Pluto. PluTo being plutonium. And that’s what this entire test was based on, a plutonium bomb. See how all this is in conjunction? We also have the expression of Rahu, the north node of the moon.

Considering that the moon was in the 13th nashaktra, which represents death, now I become death, Trinity being 18, the mood card being 18, the moon being in the 13th nashaktra, the 13th card is the death card. This Rahu position was exactly in the same position as September 11, 2001. Rahu during that time was exactly in this same position. Arjura, the 6th nashaktra in the sign of Gemini. That’s why the World Trade center, the twin towers, represented Gemini, which is why Rahu was designed to take them down through the desire of that.

And then you have your k two in the 20th Nashakta. Remember, the word orgasm equals 20. This is how tightly woven numerology is with astrology. The word orgasm is 20. So the orgasm was starting here with k two, the south node of the moon, the south node of the moon, and the explosion here and the desire to blow it up right here. And you have kronos here, right on the is line of the ascendant, right when the first rays of the sun.

The sun hasn’t even MaDE its entrance yet to the world. It’s below the horizon here. 05:30 a. m. But, of course, this is probably right. I would bet that you could probably see the sun. The sun was probably just coming up July 16 in New MeXico. You’re probably going to see some light there. So light was just beginning to come up, and boom, just like that, you have Kronos, which is the timekeeper.

Time, father time, with the desire of Rahu to blow it up in the sign of Gemini. Exactly the position that this was during the September 11, 2001, eventually, same exact Nashaktra. Arjura being the God of death, the God of destruction, the howling God of destruction. This is how all this stuff looks, ladies and gentlemen. And this mushroom cloud I’ve placed over here, again, the exact layers of astrology, pisces being the twelve sign.

And I will remind all of you that, you see, the trinity test was done on July 16. The 16th card in a tarot is the tower card. How about that? Tied to the word serious equals 16. So there’s a tie into that. But, folks, I mean, you couldn’t have picked it on a better day. Numerically tied to the tarot and the tower card, the explosion, the explosion here.

And let’s not forget that July 16 was the queen of clubs card. The Q. Remember what the Q was, right? The release of power. The O to the Q, the queen. And the queen of clubs is the 25th card in the deck, just like the word black sun. So the black sun is right down there. It’s the origin, the origin of anything, any explosion. If you light a stick of dynamite, the stick of dynamite is the queen.

Because when you. When the stick of dynamite blows up, it gives off an orgasm, it gives off offspring, it gives off an explosion of power. That’s why you got created by an orgasm, ladies and gentlemen. You see? And it’s the Q, the queen found from the o, which is the power button before it gets pressed. The black sun is the queen of clubs. And the queen of clubs, through this expression, is the card for July 16.

Now, on top of that, when we do the numerology of this Trinity test, July 16, 1945, you get the number 87. Seven plus 16, plus 19, plus 45. 87. This is going to give you the number six. Eight plus seven is 15, and it’s reduced down to the number six. I just go right back here. There it is. The desire of Rahu wanting to make this thing happen, right in the first house, the first house ruled by Mars.

Mars is in the 12th house. The 12th house is up here at the Midheaven position, which is where the final deliverance of that power is going to happen. And the 87, folks, you go right back to alchemy. And just like that, the only element on the periodic table which has a nuclear explosion, the mushroom cloud on it, is the 38th element called strontium. And it just so happens, coincidentally, of course, it’s always coincidentally, that the average isotope is 87.

62. Coincidentally. Right. Strontium. Strontium is 87. 6. 287 is going to be tied to francium. That’s going to be 223, which is the mirror of the three, two, two, which is tied to Lucifer. That’s for a different story. But it’s there. And the 38th card in the deck, it’s the queen of diamonds. So we have yet another queen. Another queen died to the 38. The queen of clubs tied to July 16.

Just let’s be really transparent. Here’s the cards of illumination, the typical boy on play chart. Here’s July. We’re to come down to the 16. There it is. The queen of clubs. Can’t miss it. Whoops. There it is, right there. July stairs is row 16. This is July. Just so we can be really sure, just so you know, I’m not playing around. So we have a queen here, and then we have a queen here found from the numerology of the total date of when this explosion happened.

Two queens. And remember what the queen is. It’s the broken o. The Q is the deliverance of the orgasm. And this is an orgasm. The detonation of any explosion. Nuclear. It’s an orgasm. When you have sex and you have an orgasm, you’re. This is exactly what you’re doing. You are a mini version of that. That’s why it feels so good. That’s why it can create an offspring. What do you think this does? There’s more to it than just meets the eye here, ladies and gentlemen.

So there you go. Ladies and gentlemen, mushroom decoded. Would love to hear what you saw during this presentation. Keep your comments coming. Just keep them cordial. You don’t have to agree with everything I say, but you could see the symbols are just so undeniable, and they’re so magical. Especially the O and the Q and it being tied to the game master and time and all that stuff right there.

So next time you do mushrooms, next time you take those magic mushrooms and you go into the sacred geometry world and you start to see shapes and patterns and. It’s a fractal. It’s a fractal. And the next time you have sex and you bust one, it’s a fractal. Okay, it’s a fractal. And just how this reality works. And the game needs players, so it’s encouraging you to bust the nut because it needs another player to enter into.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. For decode your reality until next time, we will see it. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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