➡ This text discusses the intriguing connections between radium, numerology, and astrology. It suggests that the discovery of radium and its properties were not coincidental, but rather tied to specific numbers and celestial events. The text also implies that the discoverers of radium were destined to make their discovery, as if it was written in their “screenplay” of life. Lastly, it encourages readers to explore these connections and find their own truths.
You can convert this into miles. But the radius is 696,340. Now, is it really that? I couldn’t tell you. I could never measure it. I don’t know. But what I can do is connect this to something. How do we connect it to raw? By using the periodic table. And I have it circled there. It’s in black and white there, ladies and gentlemen. Is that the clue is the melting point of radium and Celsius matches the radius in kilometers. Is this just something we should shrug off? Considering that this is about raw and raw is the Egyptian sun god.
How big this is. This is huge. 696 matching the radius measured in kilometers. Pretty big deal here. Right. But let’s keep going and let’s talk about now I have circled where radium got its name from. It’s a Latinized word, which comes from radii. Which is in all of us. This is why you hear like tool sings the song Numa. And he says, we’re the sun becoming we’re raw becoming. Because when we get to become a human being, we now have a bone in our bodies called the radius bone. It’s the bone in your forearm. And the reason why, as I have it circled there and highlighted, the radius is named so because the radius bone acts like the radius of a circle.
And now we can take of a circle. And we can bring that back into chemistry looking to your left. And we have radium. It’s most abundant isotope. Two hundred and twenty six. It’s got a half life of sixteen hundred years. I’ve shown that’s why the Washington D.C. The White House is sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue and Google the largest collector of artificial intelligence. Their headquarters is sixteen hundred amphitheater way and Mountain View. Sixteen hundred is the half life of radium two to six. But when you take the neutrons, protons and electrons and you add them all up, there’s where you get the circle because three one four is pie and pie is the perfect circle.
So there you go. Now we measure it back into mathematics. We go from the bone in the body. The definition of that into chemistry, into mathematics and then into a mathematical equation called pie. How about that? But wait, there’s more. There always is more here, ladies and gentlemen. So the circle is a big deal. So I covered this in my eye of Shalom Ra. That the word radius and the word circle and the word matrix all become the number 17. And how do you get the radius from the circle? And the vesicopoiesis, of course, is the matrix.
The wound is right there. But you need two circles to merge together. This would be cell division as well. But now you get the circle. And that’s why it says that the bone, the radius bone. So this is the raw becoming the becoming man or woman, the sun becoming right, the sun becoming. And this is why I believe the icon chosen for radium is a paintbrush because it represents raw being able to paint on the canvas of life, anything that it wants. Through the context of the story of raw and it’s tied to gold and sun and all that and pie.
But it’s also tied to what it means to be a human being. Okay, so let’s bring it into mathematics a little more and bring the three one four where we got the neutrons protons and electrons added up found Discovered from that with three one four by adding up the neutrons protons and electrons. Excuse me. Well, now we take the three one four and we bring it into the string of the one point six one golden ratio and the three one four occupies digit nine forty seven through nine forty nine. And the nine forty seven. How big of a deal is that? Well, it just goes right back to the golden ratio because nine forty seven is the one hundred and sixty first prime number.
See how big of a deal all this stuff is, especially with raw. The Egyptian sun god, raw. Which it just may be that the God of the Bible is raw. That’s why in Psalms eighty four verses eleven, God says the Lord God is a sun and shield. I would imagine the shield is the moon. So let’s get into some scripted reality now, shall we? Let’s talk about this woman right here, Marie Curie. She was the one who was the co-discoverer of radium. Right, along with her husband, Pierre. They both were credited. Here they are for discovering radium and polonium.
So let’s go to them. Let me show you how scripted their realities are. Pierre born on the 15th of May, Marie born on the 7th of November. If you bring the one, the five and the seven together, what do you get? One hundred and fifty seven. And what is one hundred and fifty seven? It’s tied to the number sixty four. Gattilinium has sixty four protons. Well, when you locate the three one four after the three one four, which is what the neutrons, protons and electrons add up to in radium. You find it here, you get this is a total of eighteen digits.
You add it up, you get sixty four. And it’s the G.D. element, otherwise known as the God element. So Ra’s attached to this. And of course, the you’re on television. These people, you’re on, these people were on television. You’re on television, ladies and gentlemen. And this is a, this, this is three and then the 17 digits after that. So there’s several ways to look at the mathematical equations of pi and five. One of them is adding them all up and then looking at just this right here. And if I take the sixty four and I subtract the three, you’re going to get sixty one.
That’s tied to Prometheus. So Prometheus is in here as well. Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire. Sun gave it to the humans, right? But seventeen digits and we go back to that circle and remember what that was. Seventeen is the radius, which is where radium got its name from. So I know that looking at the string of pi and phi and looking at it with the decimal, the number behind the decimal and without the decimal, by the number behind the decimal, you got to know how to look at this kind of stuff.
Sixty four possible codons in our DNA, sixty four squares in a chessboard. I mean, you’re in a movie, right? I mean, come on, their birthdays are one, five and seven. I mean, how much more do you need to see here? Well, let’s let’s show you a few more. Let’s go to their cards of illumination. Pierre’s got the four of diamonds born on May 15th, the 30th card in a deck. Maria’s got the 26th card in a deck, the king of clubs. Right. Yodhi Vahi is 26. Remember in Psalms 84, verses 11, the Lord God is a sun and shield.
Is the Yodhi Vahi just the sun? The burning bush, fire tied to the sun. I am that I am. The eye, the eye in the sky. She’s got the 26th card in a deck. And when you add up 30 and 26, you get 56. Lights, camera action equals 56. What creates the lights, the sun? What is the law? One raw. So these two people get credited for discovering radium and their birth cards add up to raw and the 56. These people didn’t have a choice in discovering polonium and radium. Well, how about their cards when they passed away? Pierre 19th of April, two of diamonds, Marie 4th of July, Jaka diamonds.
Notice that there’s three diamonds out of four here. And then when you add them all up, you’re going to get 121. 30 plus 26 plus 28 plus 37, 121. Now doing the rules of the cards, as I learned from Sharon, Sharon Jeffers, is if you get a number above 52, 52, meaning the total amount of cards in a deck, cause I want to be able to find out what card this is linked to. And you can do this with your birth card, your life and your spirit card, but you have to take the 121.
You need to subtract 52, the total amount of cards in the deck until you get to 52 or below, and you got to do it twice. It’s going to be 104 minus the 121. And what do you get? 17. What’s the 17? It’s the radius, which is the circle just tied to raw and tied to pie, which makes the circle through time as it moves through time. So, you know, you get it here with their two birth cards, and then you get it here with their birth and death cards here. Is this just a mere coincidence? Are these people trying to get one past you? Oh, they were being used to discover these elements.
They were big time on the world stage, big time. Cause they were pioneers in this, uh, in radio activity, raw DIO, pioneering research in raw DIO activity, raw it’s got God twice. Raw is the Egyptian sun, God, and DIO is the word, uh, God. Raw DIO. When you take all four cards and you do the numerology of them, you get the two, two, two, and what’s the two, two, two? Well, bringing that into the string of the golden ratio again, and where is the two, two, two, while it’s going to be on digit six.
But it makes up this three digit number called six nine six. So it’s digit two 22, 21, and two 22. What’s the six nine six, the melting point of radium again. So they’re not only do I get it from the, um, the circumference, the radius of the sun itself, but I get it from these two, that discovered radium and the numerology of their birth and death cards coincidence. No way. And the two, two, two is also tied to raw through a different format. Going back to the periodic table, we have raw dawn, raw dawn.
This element’s tied to Lucifer because Lucifer is known as the light bringer, the son of the morning. And what’s another word for the morning time, the dawn, raw dawn, the raw of the morning. Okay. So radium, perhaps as the, the, the, the midheaven position and raw dawn is the son of the morning, the son of the rising of the sun. So many clues with this. So many clues that neutrons 136 that’s tied to barium in the 56. I mean, there’s so many clues here, but ladies and gentlemen, you gotta be the judge of what you, what you want to adopt this truth here.
But for me, it’s very crystal clear with this 696 and 696 and the two, two, two tied to the raw dawn, instead of radium, you have the rod there in the dawn. See all this stuff works. It’s so magical and so beautiful. And the last slide here for this short presentation is the discovery date of radium, December 26, 1898 using side area, the true map of the stars. And then you have it in Sagittarius. You have the sun in Sagittarius. This is the winter solstice. See, if you go into tropical astrology, the sun’s going to be in Capricorn, but it can’t be in two places at one time.
Of course it can be in two charts at one time. But the sun is in Sagittarius on December 26th and it wasn’t just in Sagittarius. It was in the 19th in the shark show called Mula and Mula means foundation, the root or foundation, right? So they discovered radium on this time and 19 is tied to the sun. The sun is in the 19th in the shark show, which is the sun card in the taro. And it’s in the sign of Sagittarius because Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign, nine or 10, depending on how you look at it.
Rahus there, the desire to discover radium, the nodes of the moon, Mercury, the messenger to discover this element. And the card that sits there is the hermit card, right? The wise hermit card sitting here. And this Sagittarius zodiac sign is ruled by Jupiter. So we got to go back and where’s Jupiter at? Well, right here. And what’s what sign is Jupiter in? Libra. It’s in the eighth house here, but I don’t know of these. Actually, I would never redact that. I don’t know what time it was when they discovered it. So I just put this around like noontime or something like that.
This would have been a map of that day, no matter what, when they officially announced the discovery of it. So this would have been in place. But we would we know for sure the zodiac signs and where the celestials are. These are these are definites. The houses may have changed, but I don’t know when the announcement was made so that with the houses may fall out a little bit. But that doesn’t matter because Jupiter and Libra and the sun in Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter. These are big deals, ladies and gentlemen, like really big deals, especially the sun being here in Mula, which is in the 19th, the chaktra.
OK, so these people here. Amazing stars, but not having choices in this reality. They were destined to discover polonium and radium, and they were destined to be pioneers in radioactivity, raw, raw Dioactivity. They were that’s what their that’s what their screenplay called for. Just like yours, you have a screenplay. You don’t have a say in it. You’ve got to live through your screenplay. Discovering it is the most fun part. Because then you have your truth. All right, so they go short and sweet. Ross undecoded. Would love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments coming.
And even if you made it all the way to the end, put it in the comments. I made it all the way to the end and not, you know, a very small percentage of you do believe it or not. Even members of Patreon. Not everybody watches it all the way to the end. So but anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan for Decode reality. Until next time, we will see you. [tr:trw].