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➡ Logan, the speaker, shares his views on Robert Edward Grant, a highly respected individual known for his work on decoding pyramids and sacred geometry. Logan believes that despite Grant’s genius, he is not in control of his life, a conclusion he supports with various numerological and astrological analyses. He also discusses the significance of Grant’s birth card, the Three of Diamonds, and its connection to the latitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Logan concludes that we live in a mathematically precise construct, and humans are being used within it.
➡ The text discusses the connection between various elements, numbers, and locations, suggesting a predestined reality. It highlights the significance of the golden ratio, the speed of light, and the measurements of Earth. The text also links these concepts to the birth card of Robert Edward Grant, a researcher of pyramids, suggesting his work was destined. Lastly, it delves into the astrological chart of Grant, emphasizing the influence of Mars and Scorpio on his pursuit of knowledge.
➡ The text discusses a man who is destined to uncover deep truths and share them with the world, particularly in relation to ancient Egypt and the pyramids. His astrological signs and symbols, such as the new moon, Mars, and Mercury, suggest he is meant to be a leader in this field. The author expresses great respect for this man and hopes to meet him one day.



What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan and I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation, part of the scripted reality series of the amazing gentleman named Robert Edward Grant. Robert Edward Grant decoded and when I show you what I’m about to show you, there will be no doubt that this man, as much as I respect his work, here’s his website, you know about this guy, I mean this guy has got a zillion patents, extremely brilliant, talented, broken down the pyramids, sacred geometry, he’s got an expedition coming up, uses the numbers like I do and like you do, the golden ratio pi, but what I’m about to show you is that Robert Edward Grant is not in control of his life and I’m going to support that with the methodologies that I’ve been shown through the voice in my head, because I’m not in control of my reality and I’m going to show you how this amazing, talented man who’s, you know, got a genius mentality is being used like an instrument just like I am and there will be no doubt about it when I use the numbers and show you using the same things that he uses, so let’s begin and get into this and again I just want to digress, I have mad respect for this man and these are my opinions and truths but I’m going to support him right now, so it doesn’t take anything away from his genius mentality and everything he’s brought to the table, okay, I just want to make that very personally, I’m a huge fan of his work, I actually sent him an email many months ago, didn’t hear back on the findings of his life, I didn’t expect anything to come back and return but here we are, Scripted Reality Robert Edward Grant, here’s the expedition he has in 2025, right around the corner, the beginning of February, boy this would be an amazing trip to go on, maybe you’ll go on this, what I want to point out if you look at your bottom right hand corner of your screen is his birthday, Robert Edward Grant born on May 16th, 1969 in Wichita Falls, Texas, May 16th is the Three of Diamonds card, if you’re new to this, like every birthday has a playing card attached to it and the cards, there are 52 cards in a deck matching the 52 weeks of the year, there are four suits matching the four seasons, there are 13 cards per suit matching the 13 weeks per season, so these have a lot of precision to them and when you read about your card you’ll have your jaw on the floor if you’ve never read it because I guarantee it’ll be about 90-95% accurate because they’re embedded into nature, when we look at the boilerplate chart for the cards here it is, we have the 12 months running across the top horizontally and then vertically we have the 31 days and we just go to the month of May, there it is, let me just zoom in, there’s May right there and we come down to the 16th right there and there’s the Three of Diamonds, it’s called the Colorful Character according to Sharon Jeffers, the great card reader, Sharon Jeffers, this is the 29th card in the deck, go here, show you, here it is, the 29th card in the deck, okay, just so you know, so you can get a bird’s eye view here, this is what we’re going to be talking about and that’s really interesting because this is what I emailed him, I said did you know that your birth card, if you didn’t know you had a birth card, is the same number as the latitude north of the Great Pyramid of Giza? How about that? Amazing, I know, like okay, well that’s kind of cool, what else can you show me? Well I’m glad you asked, I’m going to show you more, so let’s keep going, he was born in Wichita Falls, Texas, born May 16th, 1969, when we take Wichita Falls and we do the numerology with Giza which is what he’s, you know, made well known over, the Great Pyramids of where? Giza, the Giza Plateau, it’s 51 which is so interesting because this element on the periodic table, antimony, which has got the freaking all-seeing eye right on it for the icon from the Royal Society of Chemistry, has 51 protons, huh, why would this be that way? Well consider on his website he has one of his posts on the ratio of the pyramid and we know commonly that the slope is 51 degrees right there, look at the approximation discovery date 1600 BC, the guy was born on the 16th, I know there’s two zeros after the end of that, but this is a big marker in his life because he’s living out of scripted reality, okay, but wait there’s more, there always is, look at this ridiculousness, so I decided to do the, I’ve done this so many times now, the distance between Wichita Falls, Texas and Giza, Egypt and this is what the computer spit out, right here 6,935 miles, 35.15 miles, so I just break them all down in numerology and what do we get? 20 freaking nine, which is not only his birth card but it’s the latitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza, convince it, like come on folks, how does a computer, how does this website which has nothing to do with Robert Edward Grant, it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with any of this, it’s just spitting out a distance in miles, now I know, I don’t have exact his location of his house but his city sits at a certain latitude longitude, it actually sits at 33 degrees north latitude, we live inside of a computer folks and we’re getting closer and closer to discover, more people are discovering this and this is what’s being spit out and these are undeniable connections, let’s keep showing what’s going on here, let’s do his numerology of his birthday, this is going to be his life path, which means he has a one life path, leadership and his first house is stacked in astrology, I’ll be showing that but it’s 109, what can I do with this, I’m going to go to mathematics, keep your eye over here, what is the 109, well it’s just the 29th prime number, that’s all, another coincidence, so you see this man has brought so much information out into the world stage of the pyramids and the numbers and and so have I, but there’s no denying when you look at the mystical arts and you look at the playing cards and astrology and mathematics and numerology, we live inside of a scripted construct, a mathematically precise construct and we are being used as human beings and this is my absolute support for it, one instance, two instances, this is ridiculous right here and again this is not the first time I’ve shown the distance between two people or a person in the location, not the first time I’ve done that, let’s keep going, how about his birth time, he was born at 603 a.m, there’s the 63, the zero means infinite potential but there’s the 63 and it’s the element copper which is most abundant isotope is 63, 63 is the protons and neutrons and it has 29 protons and there’s the 29 tied to this life path and what does it have for the icon right there, a pyramid stacked onto a reverse pyramid, another coincidence, so come on folks, see how tight this guy’s coat is, his birth time being the weight of copper and it has 29 as an isotope which matches the latitude north of the great pyramid of Giza which is the 109 and the 109 is his numerology for his life path, come on, this guy is so tightly woven into studying the great pyramid and kafri and kufu, okay, I’ve done two decodes, I’ve got kufu, I got three actually, kufu decoded, the secrets of kufu, stuff you’ve never seen before, now it’s not me doing it now, I want to be clear on that, it ain’t me showing you this stuff, I don’t take any credit for it, it’s just whatever is using me to show you, so this was part of that kufu decoded and this is right off of his website and he’s talking about the 3-4-5 divine triangle it’s called, right here in his mathematical equations and there it is in mathematics, 2333 is the 345th prime number and I got it by adding these numbers up right here, where do these come from? Well I’m glad you asked, they come from the mathematical equations of the great pyramid of Giza’s latitude longitude, tied right into chemistry and the golden ratio and the string of 3.144 pi, the true measurement of pi, so all I did was I take 29 for the latitude north and I matched it up with copper which is his birth card, Robert Edward Grant’s got the 29 for the birth card and this is the average isotope 63.546, that’s going to be isotope 64 and then I did the longitude 31, took it to gallium 31 and there’s the average 69.723, this is going to be isotope 70, so all I did was I went and took the number 64 from the 29th element and I located it in the string of the golden ratio, why the golden ratio? Because the latitude north is light, this is the speed of light, the golden ratio is the speed of light, it’s light entering the reality called the matrix and we get a total of 1371 for all these digits and then the string of pi is the perfect circle and the measurement of longitude going east to west, it’s the earth, the measurement of earth, the circumference of earth and there’s the number 70 and I got 962 for the total and when you add those two digits up you get 2333 which is right there, which is the 345th prime number which is the divine freaking triangle, I mean these numbers ladies and gentlemen are so accurate and so undeniable, it is ridiculous and it is so magical, absolutely magical because these elements obviously came way after the pyramids but yet here we are because all things in this reality are strung together on the timeline, branched off like a lightning bolt, all of it, okay, what about the 29? I’m just going to talk about the latitude north because this is Robert Edward Grant’s birth card, the 29th card in the deck, the three of diamonds, I mean there’s the pyramids right now, it’s got two, three octahedrons right on it, I bet there’s an octahedron, I bet there’s an octahedron on all three of these pyramids, the three pyramids, I bet there’s pyramids underneath there forming those, I bet and there’s the 29, 176 digits, there it is and it adds up to the golden ratio adds up to 821, that 29 is located at digit 175 and 176 and it adds up all these digits add up to 821, now remember it’s tied to his birth card, to the latitude north of the pyramid, what’s 821 in mathematics? It’s the 142nd prime number and we go right back to chemistry and there it is, ladies and gentlemen, bam it’s neodymium, there’s the pyramid right on there, eight circles surround it, eight sides to the great pyramid of Giza, the indentions gives it eight sides, this is its most abundant isotope and when you add up the latitude, longitude of the great pyramid of Giza, 29 and 31 you get the number 60, coincidence? Hell no, there’s no coincidence, chemistry involved with mathematics, involved with the golden ratio, involved with locations on a map, undeniable, located, connected to somebody’s birth card who studied the pyramids so much, the undeniably that Robert Atwood Grant was supposed to discover what he’s discovered on the pyramids, he’s supposed to do these expeditions, he’s supposed to do these sacred geometry calculations and all the things that he’s done, all the podcasts, everything he’s talked about, he’s supposed to do it because he’s living through a predestined reality, doesn’t have a choice, these are undeniable measurements here, how about the guy who discovered neodymium, Carl Welsbach or Welsbach, he also discovered praseodymium, the 59th element and Robert Atwood Grant equals 59 in numerology, connected to praseodymium, the guy who discovered Carl Welsbach who discovered neodymium, he was born on September 1st, 1858, is there any clues between him and Robert Atwood Grant? Of course there is, here’s another ridiculous one, how about this, he was born on the 16th and he was born on the 1st and what happens when you bring the 1 and 16 together? You get the freaking golden ratio of course, you get the golden ratio, so the guy who discovers neodymium which is tied to the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Latitude, Longitude and this guy talks all about it and he’s got the 16th birthday tied to his first birthday and you bring those numbers together and there’s the golden ratio, scripted reality folks, he didn’t have a final answer, I mean if you go and you type in golden ratio on his website you’re going to get a whole bunch of sacred geometry, I mean he’s a wizard at it, that’s what he’s designed to do, inventor, I’m going to show you why with his astrological map, how about this ridiculous, he talks a lot about the 432, 432 hertz, if you divide that by two you get 216, that’s the divine triangle, you divide 216 by two you get 108, that’s silver the movie and 108 divided by two is 54, 54 divided by two is 27, see 432 divided by 16 which is his birthday is 27 and just coincidentally Khufu, the Great Pyramid is 27, another coincidence, huh, another one, another mathematically precise coincidence here, now there’s no coincidences, the value of Chaldean goes through the numbers one through eight, the pyramid has eight sides, the value of Chaldean equals 27, if you type Chaldean in the Chaldean numerology cipher you’re going to get 27, that’s why it’s the top dog cipher, the best one to use to figure out how do you decode this matrix that we live in and then here’s the 27th card in the cards of illumination, the ace of diamonds, what do you see on there, how about a pyramid, what is the letter A, it’s a pyramid, this is an octahedron or two tetrahedrons brought together, it’s the pyramids folks, that’s how amazing the cards are tied to numerology, tied to the huge, tied to the divine triangle, two of them, 216 times two, so let’s break down, this is the last I think this is the last slide I got here, yeah this is the last slide I got and I’m going to talk about, I’m not going to do all of it here, I’m just going to briefly give you an overview of how ridiculous his astrological chart is and how much relevance this has in his reality and I want you to focus on two areas here, number one we’re going to talk about this area right here, his first house and I’m using the the true map of the stars by the way, this is called mastering the zodiac, taking the zodiac signs with their true sizes instead of just breaking them down into 30 degrees which gives you watered down results, this gives you the closest accuracy to what the canopy looks like, mastering the and when you look at his first house right here which you know that’s the rising sign, he’s got Ra there, his son is in the first house, this is the identity right here, he not only has his Ra there but he has the consort of the Ra, the moon Selene and he’s not only got just a moon, he’s got a new moon there because it’s sitting right next to it at the table and when you get a new moon inside of a house or hotel, it gives you the ability to come out with amazing new breakthroughs and ideas and it’s in his first house which is the magician card in the tarot, so of course he’s going to be a wizard at that, he’s got Ra in his first house, his ascendant is on Aries which is Mars, his first house is Mars, it’s in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus, what we all we have to do here folks, the big takeaway is what’s the ruler of, what’s the lord of the first house? Mars, so I’m gonna, here’s Mars right here, so I just locate Mars and what sign is it in? Scorpio, so what is this saying? So Scorpio and Mars are going to play out through this right here, so what is this telling us right here? This adds a dynamic and intense energy to the pursuit of knowledge because Scorpio represents esoteric and the occult and it brings it right into here because Mars rules this position, so this is going to enhance Robert, his individualism, his drive towards uncovering, uncovering secrets, that’s what it’s going to happen right here, this is uncovering secrets, the occult exploring transformative and esoteric realms, that’s what he’s all about, his rahu is in Pisces the mystic, his Venus the falling in love with this reality is in the mystical sign of Pisces, his spiritual on rahu is over here with Zeus the expansion of that in his legacy, in his Virgo, but the main takeaway here is this raw is in his first house and Mars owns that, so you bring Scorpio’s energy down here, Mars is exalted here because it owns Scorpio, you bring Mars and down back over here and it creates a fearless and determined approach to uncover hidden truths, that’s what this is all about, I mean this is all about metaphysics and psychology and alchemy and numbers and mathematics, this is really a relentless pursuit of deep and transformative knowledge, that’s what this guy’s all about, he’s got his Mercury here and why I have the high priestess here, it’s because the high priestess is card number two and Taurus is the second sign in the traditional lineup, so this high priestess is going to be inside his first house, this is the oracle, that’s what he’s tied to and he’s got a new moon, he’s got a new moon here man, new ideas, he’s got raw and a new moon and the desire to be a leader in these areas of uncovering through the oracle, uncovering through the esoteric and there’s so much more but I’m just going to leave it here, you can take a gander at this and you can see his palace, his Athena is in the house of Sagittarius which is wisdom, the house of wisdom, he’s got Athena there, the goddess of wisdom, I mean this guy was born to discover all this kind of stuff, born to do it, I mean there’s so much more, the Taurus field, Taurus is the Taurus field, it ties directly to the energetic geometry seen in structures like the great pyramid of Giza, I mean this is an earth sign, the pyramids sit on earth, I mean I could go on and on but the big takeaway folks is Helios, the son Ra sitting in his first house, this guy was his spirit, he was designed to go deep with the power of Mars and Scorpio, the deep hidden and uncovering these deep truths right here in his first house with this new moon and Mercury and let me say too, what’s Mercury? Thoth or Thoth which is tied right to the pyramids, Mercury has a huge tie to Thoth or Thoth, however you want to pronounce it, right there Mercury, he’s going to communicate to the world with Ra the sun which has everything to do with the pyramids and the new moon there, the consort of the sun, folks are you seeing this? This is undoubtable that this man was, this was his destiny, it is his destiny to uncover and be an oracle and tell the world about it and he’s not even done, he’s just getting warmed up, I bet his best years of his life are ahead of him, so I’ll let you take a good gander at this and go but that was the big takeaway, the Mars and Scorpio and Mars ruined the first house and Ra and the moon and Mercury Thoth here, undeniable, the ancient Egypt lineup here in this guy’s chart is is ridiculous, so there you go ladies and gentlemen Robert Edward Grant decoded part of the scripted reality series and if you saw something you know go ahead and leave your comment, just keep them cordial, it’s all about loving here, again I have mad respect for this guy, I hope I get to meet him someday, I hope I get to talk shop with him someday because of all the all the numbers that he drafts up, it’s amazing you know I’ve learned so much just by watching his videos and but anyway ladies and gentlemen love to hear what you saw, keep your comments coming, that’s all I got for today, my name is Logan decoded reality and until next time we will see you later

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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