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➡ The author, Logan, discusses his theory that the George Floyd incident in 2020 was a scripted reality. He uses numerology and astrology to analyze the event, focusing on the number on the police car and the birth certificate name of the convicted officer, Derek. Logan suggests that these numbers and their meanings could indicate a pre-planned event. However, he also acknowledges the complexity and numerous variables involved, questioning whether it’s possible for such an event to be consciously orchestrated.
➡ The text discusses astro-numerology, a method that links numbers to zodiac signs. It uses the example of Derek’s badge number, 1087, and George Floyd’s birth date, showing how they connect to the zodiac signs Scorpio and Gemini. The text suggests that these connections, along with other astrological elements, may have influenced the events surrounding George Floyd’s death. It also mentions the concept of ‘astronomerology’, a mathematical formula used to determine which zodiac sign a number fits into.
➡ This text discusses the significance of astrological signs, numbers, and their connections to real-life events. It uses the example of Derek’s badge number and its links to the zodiac wheel, suggesting that these elements may have deeper meanings. The author encourages readers to explore these connections and share their thoughts.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting they’re possibilities for you to consider in which you can then come up with your own logical conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide. And this is decode your reality. And today we’re doing another episode of Scripted Reality. This will be scripted reality part 19, getting up there with the numbers. This one is on the great city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Those of you that are in this area, well, maybe this will have some.

Some relevance to your life. But, ladies and gentlemen, the image to your right is the two policemen out of four that were involved in the George Floyd incident back in 2020. So we’re going to be revisiting that incident, and what we’re gonna be talking about are some of the components of this scripted reality. Now, the question is, did this incident really happen? Did this really, really happen to George Floyd? Die? Obviously, it says that Derek’s in prison, etc. Etc. And would these people be just actors? Paid actors? What can you believe as what’s real and what’s not real? Well, I’m going to show you the script in a massive way.

I’m going to bring out some new components for how to decode. So those of you that want to learn a little bit more about, you know, decoding your own reality, well, you’re going to want to pay attention to some of the stuff that we’re going to be putting out here. What I want to start out with is the number on the cop car. The number on the cop car, which is what they threw them in. The back of this one. The. The 323 2032 is tied to the word game master. This is very loose because 332 has so many words tied to it.

320 has a lot of words tied to it, if you get into the higher ciphers. But where do we go in mathematics to kind of narrow this down and talk about what this number means? Because, again, this is the car that they put him in Georgia in, and then he stay. Pulled him out, and then they put him on the. On the. On the tire below here on the right side. So this was the car that was. That is very much part of this. If this is a staged event, I don’t know. But, ladies and gentlemen, doesn’t matter.

It’s scripted no matter what. And we’re going to talk about this 320. So the 320, when we bring it into mathematics to get a deeper look, we can see that the 320 is not a prime number. It is a composite number. And the next prime number that we want to look at now to get the clue is the 331. Right? So now we’re going to circle this and you can see. So the third, just want you to know any number that you get that is not a prime number. It will be ruled over by the next prime number.

So 320 will be under the guise of then rulership of the 331. So we would start just so we know. I just have to spend time on this. 317 is the last prime number. So it will be digits 318, 319, 300, 2321, all the way up to 331. And that’s the 67th prime number. So all those numbers, all of these numbers right here. Okay. And I told you we’d be talking about a new way to decode, to look at what’s not really new. But some of you are looking to go deeper with your decoding. And this is one way to do it because we come up with a lot of numbers that are not prime numbers and we have to look at the next prime number in line.

So I want you to welcome out the 331 club. The 331 club is the prime number that is going to be the boss of all these numbers right here. 331, 300, 3329, all the way to the 318 because remember, the previous prime is 317. And there’s some big numbers in here. Here’s the cop car, 320. Okay, let me just get this open right here. So there is the 320. Okay. It’s in this lineage. This is another big number that you see right there, right? All being played out through the 331. Okay. A lot of big numbers in here.

There’s another big number right there. The 331 is a very big number. The 318 is the mirror of the 138 or the 183. All of these numbers can be jumbled around and they will end up linking to the same outcomes. But some big heavy hitters under the guise of this 331, it being the 67th prime number. Again, it’s the 320, which was that cop car that was highlighted for this incident. Okay, so this is the 331 Club, as I want to call it. You can do this with any prime number and get all the subordinate composite numbers underneath it.

So the 67 being the 331, the 331 being the 67. It’s very fascinating because here’s the guy who got convicted, who supposedly, you know, has got the murderer under his belt for kneeling on his neck for over nine minutes and his birth certificate name equals the number 67. How about that? So it’s under the guise of all those numbers, including the cop car that was there on the scene. Coincidence. Now, those of you that think that man is coding and scripting this, all of these components that I’m showing you would have to be thought out beforehand before actually having the incident take place.

That would mean that even Derek’s parents, who named him, would have to be in on the conspiracy. Unless he changed his name. I don’t know. But then what would be the point? So his 67 is tied to the 331 club, as well as the 320, that notorious 322, that notorious three three, et cetera, et cetera. There’s a lot of other heavy hitters in here as well. 318, 319. These are all big numbers when you know what to look for. And the 67 is a prime number. It’s the 19th prime number, and that’s tied to the sun card in the tarot.

And that number goes all the way down to the number eight because 19 is the 8th prime number. And I’m going to come back to this because that’s what the 67 ends up leading to. The 331 ends up leading to the number eight, which means all of these numbers right here are part of this 331 club. Okay? And the 67 being tied to his name. And this is the cop car he’s right next to. I mean, how uncanny is this? And again, if man’s actually consciously coding this, to get these outcomes like this, they would have to know all these components and they would have to actually have to sit down.

I’m going to show you the astrological map for this as well, to show you how many other moving parts they’d have to get. Right? Okay? So there’s a lot. There’s a lot that goes into this. How about this one right here? I can’t breathe. He was saying this when he was being thrown in the back of the cop car. Rewatched the video. So I can’t breathe. Is 38. And the incident happened on East 38th street on the corner of Chicago and East 38th street. You can do the numerology of those and get an extended layer. I’m gonna leave some of these for some of you, because you.

Some of you like to like a little puzzles. But again, ladies and gentlemen, how does this. I mean, again, so they like, okay, let’s stage an event and let’s. I can’t breathe. Is gonna be the main component of this, and it has to be on East 38th street now. Yeah, you could. We could definitely sit there and. And. And do this right. Consciously do that. But all the other moving parts that would have to go into this. I just don’t buy it. I just don’t buy they’ve caught. That’s now called Unity Foods. We used to be called cup Foods.

Cup Foods is 46, which matched the age at which George Floyd was when he was killed, 46. I mean, you have to bring cup Foods into it. The time the phone call came in. And then this big component right here, the astrological map for this incident on May 25, 2020. So it’s, this is, this is, this right here is 08:15 p.m. 08:15 p.m. And it went all the way down to like 08:27 p.m. So this is not going to change at all, no matter if you add on a few digits here. And I have a lot going on here, ladies and gentlemen.

But check how scripted this is from the astrological perspective. And the question remains, were these two guys actors? And if not, was this guy a manchurian candidate? Well, let the numbers tell you this. Now, first and foremost, I want you to focus your attention right up here in the 8th house of Scorpio. Now, why the 8th house and why Scorpio? Well, it has everything to do with Derek. Derek’s badge number, the 1087. The 1087, which is the badge number he wore, is going to link directly to the house of Scorpio and the 8th zodiac sign. Now, Scorpio is here in the first house at the rising sign position right around when this incident took place.

But the 8th house is stacked with a lot of energy in the sign of Gemini. And Gemini, of course, is the two twins. This rahu position here was exactly where Rahu was during 911 in the sign of Gemini. And Gemini represents the two twin towers. Minneapolis is known as the twin cities in the sign of Gemini, Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is just sitting right there hanging out with Rahu and the moon. So you have the north node of the moon and the moon. And this is all about the way you feel. This represents the desire, the drive, the desire of this incident, all in the 8th house of Gemini slash Scorpio.

Scorpio is the ruler of this house. So we have Scorpio and Gemini together, teaming up. And ladies and gentlemen, is it just a mere coincidence that George Floyd being born on October 14, he has the eight of clubs card and it’s got a big fat eight on it, and it sits in the 8th house where Gemini sits in Gemini is the two twins, and Minneapolis is known as the Twin Cities. This all mere coincidence. And again, this is what would have to go into planning and plotting this whole incident out. Now I’m going to digress and I’m going to talk about this badge number that Derek wore, the 1087.

It says no cop will ever wear it again. What is tied to the 1087, and how do I tie it to the house of Scorpio, the 8th Zodiac sign. Well, WHOOP. We’re gonna go right here, and I’m gonna show you a new. Well, this is not new, but for some of you, it will be very, very new. And I’m gonna show you how we get the 1087, which is the badge number that Derek wore, how we tie it to the 8th house of Scorpio. This is called astronomerology. You can take any number above 13, the larger numbers in the triple four digits, five digits, and you can do a mathematical equation to figure out what Zodiac sign it’s going to fit into.

So, let’s begin and show you how this works. Step number one is you take the number in question, the badge number of Derek, 1087, and you divide it by 13. Why 13? Because there’s twelve zodiac signs and the 13 sits in the middle. You do not want to leave out the number 13. This is why the 13 is so big. So here’s the mathematical formula for that. 1087 divided by 13, you’re going to get 83.61. Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. So the second step is, now we want to take the 83 and multiply it by 13.

Again, multiplying it by the 13 zodiac signs. Twelve in the one in the middle, 13 times 83, 1079. And the third and final step is you take the number that we started with, which is 1087, and you just simply subtract the 1079. And you can see that the outcome that we get is right here and Scorpio. So the badge number. The badge number worn by Derek is tied to the house of Scorpio. Now, it’s obviously tied here, but it’s also tied here because Gemini is occupying or sitting in or renting from Scorpio, because Scorpio is the ruler of the 8th house.

And George Floyd just so happens to have the ADA clubs card, which has got a big fat eight on it, a big fat eight on it. And the badge number that takes him out is an eight. It follows the guidelines of the number eight, and it takes him out. So this is the methodology for astro numerology. You can do it with any number. And I will tell all of you, ladies and gentlemen, that the cop, even the cop car, if you do the 320, guess where the 320 is going to end up becoming part of the house of Scorpio.

So the cop car that was highlighted for this whole incident, 320, is going to be. If you do the mathematical equations for the 320, it’s going to sit in the house number in the house of Scorpio, the number eight. And the badge number worn by Derek, the 1087, is also going to be tied to the house of Scorpio. So this is the big humdinger right here. Gemini sitting in the 8th house. So this, the 1087, the badge number would be sitting here. The cop car that was part of the whole incident would be sitting right here.

And Gemini is the two twins. Minneapolis is known as the twin cities. And you have Rahu, the massive desire of all this incident right there. Smack dab. And this is exactly where Rahu was during the September 11 collapse of the two trade centers. And you have mercury, the messenger, to fulfill the obligation of the way you think about the incident. And then you have the moon fulfilling the obligation about the way you feel about the incident. And there’s so many other layers to this. Obviously, the sun being in Taurus with Venus. Venus is the ruler of Taurus.

So there’s. We get some more emotions involved right here. There’s another big takeaway here, ladies and gentlemen. That is Derek being born on March 19. That’s another big humdinger, because March 19, otherwise known as the three one nine. I’m going to go back up to the 331 club, and you’re going to see there is Derek’s birthday, 319, born on March 19. The cop car was 320. These are all part of the 331 club, which are all being ruled over by that number, 67. And just coincidentally, again, maybe mom and dad is all part of this construct here, this big conspiracy.

Mom and dad birthing Derek into this world is the 67, or is this guy born and bred from cloning factory? We could postulate that. I don’t know. That’s just for thought. That’s just for thought, ladies and gentlemen. But I want to extend upon the March 19 and Derek’s birthday. So March 19 is the four of diamonds card. I want to be very transparent. Here’s the boy. The plate chart for the cards of illumination here is March. We come down to the 19th. There’s the four diamonds. If I want to go and look for Floyds birthday, we have October.

And we come down to the 14th. And there it is, the eight of clubs, just so you know, being very transparent on how these cards work. So we have the four of diamonds, and the four diamonds got a big fat four on it. So I’m going to look to the fourth house. And what do we have in the fourth house at this current. At this current moment when this incident went on, Mars, the God of war, sitting in the fourth house where the four of diamonds would sit. And it’s in the sign of Aquarius. And Aquarius is not only an air sign, but it is also an air is.

I can’t breathe. Aquarius is an air sign. I can’t breathe. The air waves, the neck, however that whole thing looked. I can’t breathe. Aquarius is an air sign, the God of war. And Derek’s card sits in this fourth house right here. Coincidence. Along with Poseidon. And the fourth house itself is going to be cancer. Cancer is up here in the 9th house. And it was said in the tabloids that he sat on his neck for over nine minutes. There’s the number nine right there. I know that’s a very subtle one, but it’s there nonetheless. And what’s ruled over by cancer? The moon.

So his four of diamonds card would satisfy this placement of Mars, the God of war, in the sign of Aquarius, which is an air sign. And air is I can’t breathe. And then you’d have the fourth zodiac sign, cancer being ruled by the moon. And the moon is right there with Rahu and Mercury. In the 8th house, he has the eight of clubs for his birth card. George Floyd. And it’s sitting in the sign of Gemini. And Gemini is the two twins. And that’s the two twin cities. This is the. The World Trade center, folks. Are you seeing this now? You’re seeing how this.

This is how astrology really is. It’s a team effort. This whole thing is a team effort. Really, really a team effort. We have k two, the south node of the moon in the 19th. Nashakta. He was born in the 19th. And these form a symbiotic relationship with each other. And it sits right on that. Right on that. Between the five and the six. Right in between. Smack dab in between both of them. So, yeah, that. 195 or 196. These are big markers. Big markers. And then stuff down here. Definitely don’t want to leave these out. We have the trifecta of some heavy hitters.

We have Zeus, we have Kronos, and we have Pluto, the. The destroyer of worlds. All in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn being the 10th sign. And how big this is? How big this. Excuse me, how big this really, really is right here with these. With these layers. Very, very, very significant. And there’s so much more to this. Obviously, we can continue to go and start to look at more of these layers and talk about more of these layers. But I thought the big takeaways were the fourth house and the 8th house, which is, of course, their birth cards right here.

And how stacked this was. Telling the story. Really, really telling the story. I mean, the Scorpio. The house of Scorpio is in the first house. Again, Scorpio is going to be the 8th zodiac sign. We know how the 187 is there. The eight of clubs is tied to the house of Scorpio. And across the way is Taurus, the bull. But the Scorpio house is right here with Aries. Aries is the ram, the God of war. You have Uranus right here, which is, you know, no limits. And we have the ruler of Aries, which is Mars. And we just go right back down here.

These are. I’m telling you, this all just jumps around. It’s a team effort. This is all team effort. And, ladies and gentlemen, I covered this in my beast decoded. If you’ve not seen this, please check it out. But when you do the alchemology of the zodiac wheel, when you. When you do. Actually, this is the Astro alchemy. When you do the Astro alchemy of the zodiac wheel, you take each zodiac sign, you place an element to match up with that zodiac sign, and then you use the trusty calculator. Add up all 13, you get that number, 187, which is the badge number that Derek wore, which is now retired.

Okay, what is the 187? Well, in California, the penal code is murder. Now, obviously, he’s got the 1087, but the 187 is there. And that’s what he got charged for in a roundabout way. 187, the penal code. It’s not it. Not for Minnesota, but it’s in the script. This is in the script. Okay. This is in the script. How about this? Continuing on the tabloids, the story. See this right here? All these numbers? They show up at 808. There’s the 813 or the 138 or the 183. All part of that 331 club. And then look at what time Derek shows up.

817, which is a permutation of the 187, which is a permutation of the 1087. So what’s going on here? What’s really going on here? And then you would have to bring in whoever wrote all of these layers here. Who wrote all this stuff? Well, this is. This is Wikipedia. And this is a multitude of people writing this stuff and citing this stuff. This is obviously, I would imagine this would be in the police report. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to be factual, but the numbers will always tell their side of the story. And I just find that this is not a coincidence that he shows up at 817.

This is what happened in a roundabout way. And he has that badge number, and that badge number sits in the 8th house. And this is where Floyd’s birth card is right here. I find that very, very fascinating. Keep in mind, he was October 14, which is tied to Scorpio through the tropical, right? So. And, you know, when you read the story, says they were working at the same place of employment, so there could be a tie in there. So scripted reality. Scripted reality. 19. So looking at this 1087, which is the badge that Derek wore, notice that it is a prime number.

So the primes are very, very important in all of this. It’s his own system, really. And the 181, you just keep following that down. The 181 is the 42nd prime number. So you just keep following these numbers down until you get to, you know, a non prime number and it wouldn’t be a composite number anymore. That’s what, that’s how you kind of do all this kind of stuff. And then you can take the 42 and you can divide that by the 13, and you can get your qualification, get your markers for there, for the, for the 42.

And you’re going to get the number 342. If you do the mathematical equations for this right here, and you divide it by 13, you’re going to have to go in three times. The outcome you’re gonna get is 39. You’re gonna subtract 42 and you’re gonna get three. So the 42 tied to this badge number will end up becoming house number three right here. Gemini sitting in the 8th house. So the third house sits in the 8th house. This is all about Scorpio. Scorpios ruled by Pluto and Mars. Pluto right here with Zeus and Kronos in the sign of Capricorn, which Kronos runs and rules in the third house at during this time incidents.

The third house is sitting right here in the 8th house, which is Pluto. Pluto is ruled by, which is Scorpio. Scorpio is co ruled by Mars. Mars is in the fourth house, which is. Which is where Derek’s card is, the four diamonds. Mars is the God of war. Aquarius is the air sign. I can’t breathe. Cutting off the air supply. That’s how I see this, folks. This is how deep it goes, but this is how, this is not generalized at all. But you could see how this thing is a beast, man. And this is why it’s called the beast.

That’s exactly what it is. And you got to know what you. How you’re being controlled, or you’d want to. I would assume so. Getting to the tail end of this, Derek’s name through the primes. You should do this with your name as well. Does your name add up to a prime number? Well, his does. Not just any number, but the 96 prime number, Chronos, in the full greek numerology is 96. That’s the Yin Yang. So many layers to this, the 96. So was this guy being role played? It’s just so crazy. Hand in pocket, just not a care in the world.

Don’t want to roll him on his side. You know, all that stuff is. Was it just all a big act, a big stage? Well, you’d have to make that determination, but you can see how the Zodiac sign has its say in it. But all the world’s a stage, and we are merely players. Was he just a manchurian candidate? Straight up. See, role play is 30, and Derek’s birth card on March 19 is the 30th card in the deck. His name, through numerology, is 67, which matches the four of pentacles, which is the card from the four of diamonds.

See how all this, how all tightly woven? This is under the guise of what’s called the demiurge. Jehovah is 30. Allah is 30. Same thing. Allah, demiurge, yode, vahe, all the same thing, all the same construct. And then how about Floyd? Was he being role played? Trying to get one past you? Well, consider that his birth card is the eight of clubs, which is the 21st card in the deck. And that converts into the eight of wands, which is the 30th card in the deck, which satisfies that were those words role play and demiurge. So there you have both of them, okay, being satisfied by the cards in the tarot, noticing that George has the eight of clubs, the 21st card in a deck.

Come right back up to the zodiac sign here. And you can see that. Look at the big three sitting here in the 21st. Nashaktra, Uttara Ashada, which means the undefeated one. It’s in the sign of Scorpio. Pluto the destroyer, the ruler of Scorpio. Scorpio. How big the Scorpio was in all of this presentation and him being murdered right up here. And this is George Floyd right here at its finest. I mean, there’s so many layers to this, ladies and gentlemen, that you can look at. This is the value in the Nashakters. Just all you have to do is just simply connect the dots.

That’s it. It. There’s no. There’s. It’s doesn’t. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to do that with this right here. So, ladies and gentlemen, what is it you saw for this presentation? Would love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments come. I’m just keeping cordial, you know, like, you don’t have to agree with everything I say, but if you saw something beyond that with the astrological map, put your comments down. I would love to hear. I love hearing other astrologers and their perspectives on this kind, on these kinds of things. And, you know, and what did you think about, you know, using this new astronomerology at kind of the first time time I’ve released the formula on how to do this, on how to get any number, the badge number of Derek, how to get it linked to assign through the zodiac wheel.

Some. Some of the numbers are going to sit right in the middle in the 13th position. So we’d love to hear your thoughts. Keep your comments coming. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. Four decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you..

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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