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➡ Logan, the speaker, is presenting his 24th scripted reality, focusing on the painting “The Fall of the Titans”. He discusses the painting’s connection to Greek mythology, specifically the Titans being overthrown by the Olympians. He also explores the painting’s artist, Cornelius, and his death date’s numerological significance. Lastly, he links the painting to the biblical Nephilim and the concept of Genesis, suggesting that mythology and theology might be interconnected.
➡ The text discusses the connection between numerology, mythology, and chemistry. It suggests that the number PI and the golden ratio are linked to matter and spirit respectively. It also explores the concept of the fall of the Titans, relating it to the transition from spiritual to physical realms. The text further connects these ideas to Jewish mysticism, the periodic table, and the decay chain in chemistry.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic connections between elements in the periodic table and mythological and religious concepts, particularly focusing on the element radon and its connection to Lucifer, the fallen angel. The author suggests that the decay chain from uranium to lead represents the fall of the titans or angels from heaven to earth. The number 86, associated with radon, is interpreted as a symbol of being banned or cast out, reflecting Lucifer’s expulsion from heaven. The author also connects these ideas to popular culture, such as the Netflix show “Lucifer” and the movie “John Wick 4”.
➡ The text discusses a painting from 1588, suggesting it’s filled with hidden meanings and connections to various concepts like chemistry, calendars, and mythology. The author believes the painting’s dimensions (239 cm tall, 307 cm wide) are linked to specific dates in a leap year (August 26 and November 2). They also connect these dates to the element Lorentzium and its 103 protons, which they relate to the fall of the Titans in mythology. The author insists that all these connections prove that everything is interconnected and predestined, even though some of these connections seem to be based on modern concepts that didn’t exist when the painting was created.
➡ The text discusses different paths in life, symbolized by the left and right hand paths, and their connections to sin and virtue. It also explores the symbolism in tarot cards and their relation to biblical stories, such as the fallen angels. The text further delves into the significance of numbers and elements, like nickel, in mythology and their ties to figures like Prometheus and Lucifer. Lastly, it suggests that these symbols and narratives are interconnected and can be found in various aspects of life and culture.
➡ The text discusses various stories and symbols from different cultures and religions, including Santa Claus, the snake in the Garden of Eden, and the fall of the Titans, suggesting they all relate to the concept of entering a ‘matrix’ or illusionary reality. It suggests that these stories warn against the dangers of being lured into this ‘matrix’, symbolized by the five of diamonds card and the silver screen of Hollywood. The text also proposes that these narratives are interconnected and tell a larger story about the spiritual consequences of choosing to engage in the ‘game of life’. The author encourages respectful discussion and interpretation of these ideas.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide. And this is decoder reality. And today we’re gonna be doing another scripted reality. This one is number 24, as in 24 hours in a day. And the imagery here, I’m trying to get the point across is some people follow, some men falling down. What’s that all about? Ladies and gentlemen, I have a gem filled, jam packed presentation for you.

I can assure you this one, once again, will completely leave you esoterically satisfied. So here we go. Scripted reality number 24. And I want to first start out by saying thank you to each and every one of you for being a part of this great research for all these years. And also thanking those of you that are donating members over on the Patreon. You are greatly appreciated. So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about this decode. And I originally was going to just call it this, but I. When I was decoding it, I couldn’t help but turn it into scripted reality because that’s exactly what this is all about.

But this. You ever see this painting before? It’s called the fall of the Titans. Ever seen this before? Well, that’s. This is what scripted reality 24 is going to be about, the fall of the Titans. Which is why I had, you know, this. These men falling down. Remember, 24 is a special number because it’s how many hours we have in a day. This is where light turns to dark and dark turns to light. This is what we have, the yin yang. This is what we have, duality. See, the. The fall of the Titans is all about them getting thrown out of heaven by the Olympians.

But you also have the sons of God there taking wives for themselves. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here. And, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to start here. Here’s the painting. This is how I got started on this thing. I don’t remember how I came to this. I was watching some documentary, I think, and then it mentioned this or something like that. I do a lot of greek mythology studies, and this was a painting by Cornelius, this dutch painter. So big shout out to all of you over there in the Netherlands. And, you know, it was Kronos and the Titans getting overthrown by the Olympians.

Okay? And they got thrown into Tartarus. Is that how we all got here? I’m going to show you how ridiculously scripted this painting is. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to put on your thinking hats. This painting was done as it says in it’s got two days here. The research that I got was it was completed in 1588, but they got it 1588 to 1590. But 1588 would be the starting point or the ending point. But that’s what I got for my research beyond what Wikipedia says. So here are the topics for this scripted reality.

Number 24, the fall of the titans. Number one, we have the nephilim. Number two, ra, dawn. And the third and final topic, sinner. Sinners. All right, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you this one was going to leave you satisfied. Here’s the very first topic, the nephilim. We’re referencing Genesis six, verses one, two, three and four. But I’m going to go right to the man who created the painting and how it’s tied to the nephilim. This will blow your mind. I’m telling you folks in it. And. And if you think that man’s doing this on purpose, why, how can this be anything other than organic coat? Well, I have circled to the right here.

The only date that I could get. I couldn’t find a birthday on Cornelius, so all I have is his death day, and he’s got the 1111 date. If we go by the gregorian month of November being the 11th month, and the 11 November card, gonna go right to the playing cards is the nine clubs card. Nine meaning repeat, repeat, repeat. Nine is tied to the diabolos, the devil. Diabolos being 27 slash nine. So we have a tie right to the devil. And this, of course, this card is the wounded warrior card. Netero. Right. This one right here.

So I will just go to the tarot cards. I didn’t have to include that. But there. There is the nine of wands, the wounded warrior. Think about it. If there is spirit energy stuck here, well, it’s been through many lives, many masters, many battles. Okay. Many lives, many masters, many battles. Where am I at here? There we go. And we can easily connect chemistry to this to give us a clue. So I want you to think logically here that this man does this painting called the fall of the titans, and he dies on a nine of clubs day, which is the cardinal 22 in the deck.

It’s the 22nd card in the deck. And in alchemy, it’s titanium. And titanium is the titans. So whoever created this, are they fudging this to get this outcome like this? Titanium, you’re gonna get this is Promethea. Prometheus. And the greek is 48. Tied to the titans, right? The sons of God being thrown out of heaven. Let’s keep going. Let’s add up the date in numerology 1111 1638. Those are the four Dayton Ford composite numbers we take and add up. November 11, 1638. It’s a 76 going to reduce all the way down to the number four, four blood types, the fall of the titans turning into matter, blood 76 reduces down to the 1313, reduces down to the number four.

It also is tied to the letter delta in the Greek and daleth in the Hebrew. And that’s the dream in the english dream, delta, sleep, daleth door coming down into earth matter. But, ladies and gentlemen, this 76 is really big right here, because in chemistry, to give us another clue, it’s tied to the moon. And we know that the moon, through many ancient texts, is the portal to get into this reality. In the Truman show, it was Christoph on the moon. Don’t leave, Truman. Selenium comes from the greek word selene, which is the moon. The moon being the womb, the fall of the titans.

So you mean to tell me this guy paints the fall of the titans? He has a death day of a numerology that not only matches up with the 22nd card in the deck, which is the 22nd element, which is the titans, which is what this painting is all about. But the numerology is tied to the moon, which is the womb, the Matrix, to get in this reality. And on top of that, ladies and gentlemen, how about this? Humdinger in Hebrew, the story of the sons of God. In Genesis 6123 and four, it’s the Nephilim. And there is the 76.

How about that? The Nephilim being tied to the Titans. So we have greek mythology mixed in with Judaism and theology. So is greek mythology really a myth? Because if we’re going to accept the fact that theology is real, well, I’m simply connecting mythology with theology. And now can we postulate that theology is mythology and mythology is theology when you see these connections. Well, we have to start really putting our thinking caps on here. The Nephilim. But wait, there’s more. We also have this word right here, which is the very first word in the Torah. It’s called bear shit.

I’ve already gone over this and my holy shit decoded. But in the beginning is the word bear shit in Hebrew, and it’s Genesis in the conversion to the english genesis, meaning the seed. What happens when you plant a seed in the ground? Out pops something else. We can easily tie that to the fall of the Titans. Right, the seed. And they. They come down to earth through the moon, through the portal, the womb. So we have Genesis and Nephilim be having the same exact numerology output. Remembering the root of 76 is four, and four is Daleth and delta and dream.

These all words are the letter D. Doorway guy. Very, very interesting. Starting this thing off with a bang right here. Cornelius and his death day, painting the fall of the Titans. Tied to the moon, tied to Genesis, tied to nephilim. No accidents there. And tied to the Titans. And alchemy with his death card. November 11 card, the 1111 card. You know, in football, NFL football, there’s eleven men on offense and eleven men on defense. I wonder why that is 1111. So let’s take this number, 76. Shall we ever pump gas at a 76 station? Well, anyway, let’s take this number, 76 and bring it into mathematics.

This Nephilim, this genesis bear shit, being the numerology of Cornelius’s death day. Who made the right the fall of the Titans? And we bring it into PI. Why do we bring it into the string of PI? Because PI is earth. This represents earth. Because PI means the circle, which is time. It’s the root. It’s the circle moving through time. 3.144 or 3.141, whichever way you observe PI. I like to observe the 3.144, but we go 86 digits to locate that number, 76. It’s going to be digit 85 and 86. This is including the three point. And we add them all up, we get the number 379.

So again, Nephilim, Genesis and the numerology, death day of Cornelius, who painted the fall of the Titans. Tied to the Nephilim. We go all the way to PI. And this is the fall of the titans. They fall down. This is where we’re in. We’re in PI. PI is the prison time. You only get so much time so we can measure anything against it to get the clue, because it’s part of the source code. So the total amount is 379, all 86 digits. And then I’m going to bring in the string of the golden ratio. Why the golden ratio? Because the golden ratio is tied to the sun, it’s tied to nature, it’s tied to light.

The golden ratio is light, and PI is matter. Okay? Spirit is the golden ratio. Matter is PI, okay? And I’m gonna do the same thing I did with the string of PI. But I’m. All I’m going to do is go 86 digits into the string of the golden ratio, and I’m going to, because I want to see. Okay, well, if the. If the fall of the titans was the sons of God getting thrown out, getting cast out, while they’re. They’re leaving spiritual realms or the spiritual realm, and they’re moving into matter. So I was. Well, I just want to know what the number is of where their origin is from.

And the 76 in pie to match the nephilim to match Genesis and bear shit. In the beginning, in the Torah, we have, instead of 76, we have the number 72. And just like that, we have a connecting point to the 72 angels and demons. 72 and 72 is 144 of the shem. So now we get more. And this is jewish mysticism now, 72, this is the element hafnium. And the total to add this up is 398. So now we’re gonna do some mathematics with this for the fall of the Titans. And the first thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna add up 398 and 379.

I thought I had the calculator here, and I don’t. 398 and 379. Get out your calculators. It’s gonna give you a total of 777. So what is this telling us? Well, it’s a jackpot. Seven plus seven plus seven is 21. 21 is the letter shin, or shalom in Hebrew, because the Titans in greek mythology moves from Hebrew into that, into Hebrew. And we have the sons of God and the 72 angels and demons here coming down into matter. And the 21st letter of Hebrew is shin, shalom and sin. And the jackpot in the jackpot, of course, is like wanting to come down to play this game, to be a puppy, an actor or actress here, to be able to have everything you want, money, girls, women, men, whatever, getting drunk, getting this, getting that.

But you’ll die when you do it. When you come down from spirit, it’s a matter. You will positively die, says the Old Testament. I’m not saying that’s true, but you’ll see it in the source code here in a little bit. That I promise you. And then we could simply just add up the 72 and the 76, and we get the number 148. And of course, that is going to add up to the number 13, which has a root of four. Right? So four is the big takeaway here. Four blood types, four corners of the earth, four seasons.

I mean, I could go on and on with the four. Four is delta, Daleth and D, and english dream and doorway. Okay? The 148 is a big deal, and I covered this in. My life is but a dream, this decode and the 148 was right here on this element called samarium. And samarium is Sam. And Sam are the three mother letters in Hebrew, shin, mem and aleph. Sam. And there’s the 148. And, ladies and gentlemen, you know this right here, you can spell some of these words out of the periodic table. Well, when you spell out I am, I am, that I am.

Well, iodine is 53 protons and americium is 95 and 53 and 95 is going to give you 148. So now we have a connection to the I am to the sons of God, the 72 angels and demons here now playing out down here in this reality of duality, tied to the nephilim, tied to Genesis, tied to bear shit, tied to, in the beginning, tied to the fall, the titans in greek mythology, okay? Becoming the I am wanting to come be a part of the matrix, being part of the story, having a life, being role played. Having a role in this.

The word angel equals the number 17. If I just go to this. See, the angel is the 17, and they match up with 148, folks. See the angel falls. Okay? The angel falls, the fall of the titans. Are we just having a dream? Is. Is the cosmos just. Is God just having a dream? Is this all just a dream? Is that why it’s all scripted the way it is? Big shout out to Jordan. I didn’t even see this. I. This is a screenshot. Waters above in the house. Life is but a dream. So let’s keep going here.

Let’s. Let’s move back into this number. 76 from the fall of the titans, tied to the nephilim, the sons of God, the giants, and the 379 being the total of all these 86 digits of PI. And now we have a huge connection here because 379 is the 75th prime number and 75 is the hebrew gematria of Lucifer. If you convert it from Hebrew to Latin, Latin converts it to the word Lucifer. This is the hebrew word. And they’re gonna throw in vowels, but I just simply say hell. They’re gonna say, like, halo, but how about just hell? Because that makes a lot of sense, right? That they got cast out of heaven and they had to go to hell, which is what we’re in, which is pie time.

You’re stuck in time and you don’t get out until you die. And we don’t know what happens after that. Okay? But this is. This is huge here. This connection, this right here is absolutely massive. Telling the story here. Now, Amy, if you’re new and you’ve never seen this. This methodology, well, I got hundreds of videos using this methodology. So this is not just the first time. So if you’re seeing it for the first time, I would encourage you to go watch more videos before you make a decision on how skeptical you’re gonna be about this. Alright, so let’s get into the next topic.

Now, ra dawn, which is another word for Lucifer or halo, because now I’m gonna focus on how many digits we had to go into the string of PI to find that number 76, which is tied to the fall of the titans. Remember, the Cornelius’s death day had a numerology of 76. So we have the nephilim here. Cornelius’s death day created the painting, the fall, the titans, and we have Lucifer here, and hell being tied to the fallen angels story, greek mythology, the titans. And now we go right back to chemistry to get a bridge. And now we have ra don and ra dawns.

Lucifer is known as the son of what? The morning time, the dawn time. Ra, dawn, dawn one. There’s the 86 protons. And this is the symbol for radon because it’s radioactive. It’s a killer. I mean, it makes sense because in Isaiah 14, verses twelve, it clearly says that Lucifer is going, or Halo is going to go down and weaken the nations. What is rate? What is. What does radioactivity do? What does, what does raid Radon do? I mean, their radon kills people in homes. It really does. People have to get me testing testers for it. It could kill you.

It does kill people. Make sense. It ties right into Isaiah 14, verses twelve, which is where this comes from. And the 86 digits match up with the 86 protons. And how much more clear do we need to be here? That we have Lucifer here from the prime right here, tied to the nephilim right here. And we have to go 86 digits in and we have ra, dawn. And Lucifer is known as the son of the morning. And dawn is another word for morning. I mean, how many more connections do we need to see? See? Well, if you want more, I got more for you.

So just stick with me here. So what I want to show you is chemistry because this whole entire reality is based on what you’re seeing here. Not, not just this right here, but this is the decay of the element uranium. This is called the decay chain in chemistry. And we start here in the top right? And uranium is. Remember, it’s Uranus. And Uranus is heaven. And Uranus is the primordial that mated with Gaia and gave birth to all the Titans. And then the Titans got thrown out by the Olympians, got cast down to tartarus, hel sheol, whatever, earth.

And all the stories of the sons of God mating with the women. All those fit into this. But it starts with uranium. Uranus. Uranus heaven. And then it goes to thorium and then protactinium goes back to uranium 234 and it down it goes. And now you can see it lands on how big is the 88th element? Radium. Ra, huge, because Ra is in this whole process, but it becomes in a subordinate position if you’re going to compare to Uranus, the primordial Uranus is the granddaddy of them all in this context, supersedes the Ra. Okay? And then you finally land at this element called.

I like to. I call it Ra dawn because it’s one of the connections to Lucifer being the light bringer, the son of the morning, the son of the dawn, and there is the 86. And then this. You know, I came out with a decode on Lucifer’s lead because in this decay chain, uranium 238, the starting point, and heaven, representing heaven, goes all the way down and lands at a stable isotope, meaning it never decays. It’s lead 206, which would represent hell, the final destination. So in the fallen angel story, in the fall of the titans, they start in heaven and they go all the way through this chain and they land at lead.

They become lead, they become matter. Plumbum, which is what we’re. What we’re all about. Matter bag of bones. Polonium is tied to the moon. See, the element right before lead is tied to the moon. Polonium. Go study polonium. It’s tied to the moon, the womb. Okay? And then this right here is a big humdinger because, you see, radon, or radon does not have any stable isotopes at all. That’s why it has this very big warning symbol here, because you. All of radon, they’re all radioactive. And there’s 39 of them. They’re all radioactive. And this is the big clue, is it’s in the word, right? Ra.

What is radioactive mean? Now, you’re talking about Lucifer now, right, the fall. Well, Ra is the sun. And Dio, what does Dio mean? Well, do is another word for God. You can. And when I have this squared out, because the numbers of Lucifer, according to Manly P. Hall, are 741. And there they are. Now, I’m not saying that Manley P. Hall is the authority, but I have come up with so many connections to this. 147-74-1417 they’ll make your head spin in hundreds of videos. So what does this say right here? It’s the sun God. Lucifer is known as the sun God.

And when you look at this element, this does not spell out Venus. Now, maybe Venus was the sun at one time. We could definitely postulate that. But the rising, the stuff, the light bringer, the morning star, that’s the sun, ladies and gentlemen, because this right here is the sun God. D o is another word for goddess. And these are the numbers of Lucifer. So you have the sun God of duality, because the word active is a number 20. And I just got to go here. And we type in the word duality. We could type in the word matter, spirit into matter, where you have a birthday.

Okay. Duality is the active sun God. Duality, the sun God of duality. That’s how I read this. And the 35 is tied to this word right here, the simulation. And how is the simulation created? Well, that’s going to come down to an opinion on how you’re going to perceive how this reality is created and run and operated. But that’s how I feel this works. And remember that radon is all radioactive. There are no stable isotopes. It’s all radioactive. Sun God of duality is tied to Lucifer. Right? And this is where you’re going to get the devil running this reality.

And the devil, course, is tied to Lucifer. Halil. That’s why it says in Isaiah 1412 what it says, that you weaken the nations because it represents your desires. Now, I’m not saying there’s anything bad about that. Everything just is. But that’s what all this stuff means. And the connecting points and the fall of the titans from heaven, from uranium, the starting point. You can even go up to neptunium and plutonium as well, plutonium being the 94th element, and you have an explosion, you get the big bang in here. That’s where all this stuff fits in. So when we look at this isotope of radon, the isotopes of radon, it has 39.

And we just go right back to numerology. And there is the numerology of Lucifer, halo, hell, whatever. Again, the full gematra is 75. It reduces down to the 39. This is the full Hebrew, the double digits of Hebrew. I mean, it’s right there. You can’t get any more obvious than this. And now, to me, there’s no doubt, there’s no question of what all this code means and how Lucifer’s tied to the son of the morning, which is Ra. Don, remember, I go back up here, and this comes after Ra. The law of one ra, dawn. Okay? It comes after the fall.

The fall of the sun down into duality, down into lead. That’s why I have the Lucifer’s lead decoded. I mean, it doesn’t get any more clear than that, ladies and gentlemen. It’s crystal clear. This now, the fall of the titans. Okay, so let’s. Let’s talk about this a little more and make some more connections. This. This number, 86, is huge because you ever heard this terminology? It’s a slang, especially in the United States. We ever get 86 from some, maybe some of you have. What it means is you don’t come back here, you get banned. So what does this mean in the context of Lucifer and the spirit and all that kind of stuff? It gets kicked out of heaven, right? That’s what this means.

And it, of course, we come here and it gets kicked out of the sun. And eventually, right here is the starting point. Ra don gets kicked out of heaven. Don’t come back. You’re 86th right there. That’s how all this stuff connects and how amazing it is. Like, it’s just mind melting amazingness here, getting the picture. A huge confirmation of how all this stuff works. And even if you watch the show Lucifer on Netflix, there’s many times Thomas John Ellis, who casted a play, Lucifer Morningstar reference, saying, dad, a dad kicked me out of heaven, put me in hell in that show.

It says that kind of stuff. Now, this supports that. I know it’s just a show, but this supports it with chemistry. And just a simple terminology that it’s widely used in the United States. Don’t come back here. You’re not welcome. You’re banned. This kid right here would be your. The sun. These angels are banned from heaven. Okay? Maybe even. Maybe even prisoners paying a penance. Okay? So I covered the radon in my two two decoded right here. I got a lot of views on this. The triple twos duality, right? And this is a scene from John Wick, four, and he’s in Paris, and he has to climb 222 stairs to get to the top to go.

To go face off. A duel here. This is it right here. And the big clue, ladies and gentlemen, the massive clue that they were trying to tell you is it was at 06:03 he had to get there by 06:03 a.m. and that’s because you see the sun right there. That’s not Venus, folks. That is our sun. That is Lucifer right there. That is the rising of the sun, the dawn. And he had to go face off and a duel. But he had to climb these stairs, 222 of them. And this even connects. This 86 even connects to the element Krypton.

If I go here, we go to chemistry, and we look at the 36th element. There’s 80. See the 86? They’re highlighting the 86, especially highlighting the isotope. 86. And it means hidden. Krypton is tied to Superman, which is tied to the sun. It ain’t tied to Venus. It is tied to the sun. Sol, invictus, helios. Okay? That’s what it’s tied to. Not Venus, the sun. The sun devil. So this was very clear. I made the point. And if you watched the movie, great movie, right? You’d see. You could see the clues. And there’s the color, or Raj, orange.

It’s got the word raw in it. And this is in the sign of Aries, the ram, the mars energy. The rising of the sun. The rising of the sun right here. The rising ra, dawn. The rising of the sun. The sons of God that got cast down. And it’s all nature, right? I mean, are there really angels here? Well, I mean, yeah, people. People conjure them up. They talk to them. They use them. So they’re here. How’d they get here? These are undeniable connections. I don’t think there’s any doubt about it at all. You can see 36 meters.

36 is Krypton, which got the 86. But this is the rising of the dawn. Dawn being the morning time. No brainers there. No brainerd. Okay? No brainer. So let’s get into the third and final topic of this scripted reality. Number 24, called sinner. Sinner what? And now this is where we get super scripted. I think I’m just gonna use this terminology for future scripted realities. This is your. What you’re gonna see is superscripted. Now, super scripted. This painting, I’ve got it in white right here. You can’t miss. It is measured at 239 cm wide and 307 centimeter.

I’m sorry, 239 meters tall, 307 cm wide. This represents the. As above. This is spirit coming down. Latitude. And then this is longitude. PI golden ratio. PI light into matter. Okay? We have the l here, as in Lucifer. I’m telling you, that’s why a gun is in the shape of the letter l. And they shoot lead bullets. And lead is tied to the fall of Lucifer. It’s all here, right? The fall of the titans. So I’m going to show you how this is super scripted, and I’m going to use the days on the calendar, and your mind will be absolutely blown.

So here are the dimensions. The 94 is plutonium. That’s tied right to Lucifer. But I’m not going to use the inches, because when they created this painting back in the 15 hundreds, they measured it in centimeters, because over in the western, the Netherlands, it was all centimeters, not in. It was the metric system. So I’m. That’s what I’m gonna yield to. And all I’m gonna do, folks, I’m gonna show you. Can I do this? Absolutely. This is how super scripted this painting is. All I’m gonna do is take the dimensions of the painting, and I’m gonna match it up with the gregorian calendar.

Now, I’m using leap years, because this painting, as I mentioned, is dated at 1588, which is a leap year. And what I research from this is the day or the year the painting was finished. I don’t know why it has the 1590 here, but I got 1588. So, this is either the starting or the finishing point, but it is the leap year, and that’s what I went with. So, here is the 239th day of the year in a leap year, August 26, to match the dimensions of the painting in its width, I mean, its height. And then the 307 measure, the width is tied to the leap year day of November 2.

We have August 26 and November 2. Okay, that’s what we got. And where do we go from here? Well, let me show you. First, we’re going to start with chemistry. I’m just simply gonna take these two days, and I’m gonna bring them together. 206. This is how superscripted this reality is, ladies and gentlemen. It’s this element right here called Lorentzium. Lorentzium. And you can see that here is the golden ratio spiral. The reason why they have this right there is because it’s was. It’s made in a size cyclotron. But this is the spiral to go down into this reality.

I’m telling you, that’s what this stuff means. I’m gonna support that. And I’m not just gonna say it. I’m gonna support it now, and I’m gonna go here to give you one layer of it to support what I’m saying of how superscripted this painting is in the dimensions. So, again, 239 by 307. August 26, November 2. 262 is the isotope of Lorentzium. It has 103 protons. Well, the 103 is the 27th prime number. And bringing the cards of the medicine deck into it, a completely off the wall deck that I don’t really use as much as I used to.

52 cards. These are native american cards. And the ridiculous superscriptedness of this reality is the great dragon got hurled down. So now you bring in the New Testament. Now we get the dragon being hurled down, tied to the fall of the titans. And, ladies and gentlemen, right there, you see what’s on the private parts of that dude right there? What does that look like to you? That’s a dragonfly. Oh, abso freaking lutely. It is a dragon fly. Now, these cards were not created in 1588, okay? These cards are rather new, but there it is right there.

Mariners, butterflies on here. That’s the 9th card in the medicine deck. Remember what that nine is? The nine of clubs tied to Cornelius’s death day. I started with that. I mean, I could have just continued on right here and all. Some of you may think, oh, you’re just stretching things. Well, that’s because you don’t understand this methodology. You haven’t been around and you haven’t looked at it enough. I would encourage you to look at more. I stand by this because this is how the source code works. Everything is interconnected, found from the damn days on the calendar.

That matches up with the dimensions of the freaking painting. Absolutely. But wait, there’s more. When we go to the abadon, decoded or this is off a lucifer’s lead, I brought in the word abyss. This is in the Greek, because this is New Testament. And this is Abaddon, a poly on, and it’s from the abyss. Well, I think about what I’m showing you here, okay? Think about what I’m showing you is that these two days link to this element right here, which has 103 protons. And this is about the fall of the titans. And what happens to the fall of the titans, they go down into the abyss.

And you can see right here, ladies and gentlemen, I mean, these are humdingers. The 103 being the 27th prime number. And the word devil in Greek, the word diabolos, is a freaking 27. This was from the origination of my hell decoded the 1134 code, which reduces down to the two and seven, which eventually will reduce down to the number nine. You see how super scripted this is? All found from the damn dimensions of the painting. Now, the question is, was Cornelius a fan of alchemy? See, this element wasn’t even discovered at this time. When I go to Lorentzium, ladies and gentlemen, and just to show you be very crystal clear, look at when this element was discovered.

1965. If you get out your calculators and you type in 1965 and you subtract 1588, it’s 377 years after the painting was done that. This element was created because it’s a synthetic element. But, of course, these are just bridges and clues. But, of course, we live in a scripted, predestined reality, and Cornelius clearly was not in control of his reality. He was supposed to paint this painting. And the days on the calendar are. This is super scripted with the dragonfly right there. I mean, come on. Really? The great dragon got hurled down. Yeah. The devil got hurled down.

Diabolos. Abaddon, the destroyer in the abyss, stuck in hell. The Titans getting thrown down to Tartarus. That’s hell, ladies and gentlemen. The fall of the Titans. Let’s keep going. You ought to. I know you’re dying for some more, so let’s measure this 262 right here. I’m gonna bring it into the string of the golden ratio. Remember, the string of the golden ratio represents spirit coming out. It represents light. It represents heaven. Okay? The golden ratio, the spiral. So, 262 in the string of the golden ratio, where does it appear? Including the one point. I got a typo.

Right. There should be 246. This doesn’t include the one point. That’s the reason why I. I have to adjust this. But 262 occupies digit 246, 247, and 248. We add that up using the trusty calculator, and bam. There’s the number of Lucifer again, right there. I mean, it’s right there. It’s exactly in the sequence that manly P. Hall says it is right there. This is off of chapter number 29 in the secret teachings of all ages. And there it is. Lucifer is represented by the number 741. I mean, you can’t. You can’t get any more apparent than this.

I mean, this is as direct as you’re going to get with source code. There isn’t anything more direct than this to show you all this with the dragon on there. Come on. The Titans. And then these people. That. These were Native Americans, that Jamie Samson company. They didn’t. They’re not sitting down with this and D and decoding this like this. No, no. That we. They don’t have to. There’s the 27. They don’t have to dec. It’s all scripted. I don’t. I’m just decoding it. I’m supposed to be doing it. But there’s the 262 tied to the fall.

The titans. And now we have a very clear aspect of what Lucifer is about. The fall of the Titan, the fall of Lucifer, the fall of the sun. Ra. Don. Okay. The sun God. Lucifer is Lucifer. Just the sun. Well, he’s known as the light bringer. Kind of makes sense, right? Ding, ding, ding, ding. Would think so. Well, ladies and gentlemen, consider this just using your calculator. Here are Lucifer’s numbers right there. And now we bring in Hebrew again. And now we have the left hand path. 369. That’s the right hand path. That’s this. This is the.

As above. Remember, you’re. If you’re the devil, you’re raising your right hand. It’s all right to left. In Hebrew, this is the letter shin or sin. It’s got the. The mark over the left. If you put it over the right, it’s Shalom. Well, this is the left hand path, which represents sin, which is this right here. So those of you that are left hand pathers, well, you’re representing sin. I’m not saying there’s anything bad with it. I’m just showing you what the code shows. That’s why, for me and many other people, I’m all about the middle path.

Neutrality. The two, five, eight. Okay? The right hand path. The left hand path. These are the devil versus the angel, the Jesus. And Jesus says in revelation three, verses 15, hey, you know, you got to choose either one or the other. Otherwise I got news. No use for you. You’re either gonna be on team sin or you’re gonna be on team, you know, angel, team shalom or team sin. Which is it gonna be? Otherwise you’re gonna get spit out of my mouth. Jesus being the devil in this case now. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. So there, there you have it.

There’s. There’s no denying this. Now, these are, these are clear with this connection, the ridiculous, the superscriptedness of this, just from the days on the calendar, from the dimensions of this freaking painting. So many connections here, folks, that are just undeniable now. So now, you know, the left hand path is the path of sin right here. Fire. Okay. The fallen. So we’re getting to the tail end of this. Now. Let me bring the cards into it. Right. Let’s. One of the cards have to say and the tarot to get the picture. Well, the 239th day in a leap year is August 26.

Well, it. The August 26 card is the king of hearts. I’m using this right here. August, come down to the 26th. There it is, the king of hearts in row 26. Okay. Just so you know, can be really crystal clear. And this is spirit now, right? Spirit, which were. I told you that the 239 is how tall the painting is when you go latitude, that’s going to be pointing to the heavens. That’s the fall, that spirit coming down. And this points to and tells the story of. These are the kings, the sons of God. Right. It’s the 13th card in the deck.

13 is tied to the word death. And of course, you will positively die if you go play that game. 13 is the death card in the major Arcana. But the king of hearts is the king of love, and of course, the sons of God. In Genesis six, verses two, that story talks about them looking at the women, and they were hot, they were attractive, so they wanted to go down and have sex with them. Love, baby. The king of cups. The king of love. This is card number 50. And 50 is tied to the element tin, the tin man and the wizard of Oz looking for its heart.

And then the width of the painting, day number 307 in the leap year, November 2. Now we get the five of diamonds going to the cards. November. There’s November 2 right there. Five of diamonds. Five of diamonds is card number 31. Now, if I go back to the major Arcana, ladies and gentlemen, remember I showed this in the beginning. There’s the 31. This is where we get spirit into matter. And now you have the wounded warrior, the many lives, many masters. Is this saying that the spirit is trapped here, it can’t get out once it comes down? Or is it just on vacation? Is this just a vacation place? Is it just a dream? And I mean, these are 13 and 31.

These are meat. These are palindrome. These are mirrors of one another. They both have a root of four. Remember what four is? The nephilim is a new root of four. And when it goes into. When spirit goes into matter, it now has to be playing out yin Yang, because the five of diamonds is the five of pentacles. And it’s. This is not just the five of pentacles. This is the 69th card in the deck right here. 69 is the Yin Yang, the word serpent. In Greek, Ophis, is 69. Okay, you now, the sons of God, the Nephilim, the fallen ones, they now have to play out a character on the world stage.

They are the fallen. And now it’s going to be hard times when this card usually shows up. Fives are very busy. Five fingers, five toes, five senses, spirit into matter. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how amazing this is. But let’s keep going. Let me show you the Venus magic square. And, you know, these are the two card charts that are the boilerplate charts. We have the spirit spread on the right, and we have spirit into matter, which is the life spread. And Venus is magic square. A seven by seven grid fits right over the top of that card system leaves the crown line on top open.

That’s for a different story. But all I have to do is locate on the spirit side because remember, this is the 239 cm tall. That painting representing spirit, it’s the king of cups. And what line is it sitting in? Well, the Venus line, which is what? Love spirit into matter. The circle represents spirit, the cross represents matter. And then it’s in the Uranus line as well, vertically. And Uranus is heaven. So we have heaven and love here, looking outside of heaven, looking for love, the king of cups. And, I mean, if I come over here and locate the same card, you have the nine of spades.

That’s the nightmare card. That’s how you look at these cards on the life spread. But now all I have to do is look where that five of diamonds is to match the 307 width of this painting once they finally land down in earth and they now are living out a longitude life because you’re not going latitude Lee anymore. And now on the life spread, there’s that five of diamonds. And what line is it sitting in? The Saturn line. Time PI. And it’s also in the vertical Neptune line. And there’s the devil’s pitchfork. And on top of that, ladies and gentlemen, Neptune got the water.

The water is what your body is primarily made up of. So it is water stuck in time, okay? And now you’re faced with death, you’re faced with hard times. And the story of the fallen angels looking for love, looking to marry, looking to have sex with the titans, getting thrown out. All this stuff fits into the same narrative, okay? And even when you look at the spaces of Venus’s magic square, just get out your calculators. 23 and 38 is going to give you a total of 61. And you know what that element is on the periodic table, ladies and gentlemen? It’s Prometheus.

Prometheus is the Titan who stole fire and gave it to humans. Prometheus, in greek numerology is a 48. Prometheus is tied to Lucifer. Straight up. Straight up. Okay. Directly. There’s no getting around art. Go watch my Pluto decoded. I’m Prometheus. I’ve already covered all this already. So many clues here, folks. So we’re getting to the tail end of this. And now all I have to do is instead of moving the numbers together, how about if we just add them up? August 26. November 2, 226 plus two is 28. And another thing, back to Lucifer again. How about that? Not a coincidence.

The fall. And now we have this element called nickel. And nickel is called devil’s copper. Huh. I wonder why they call it that. And nickel is where you get Nickelodeon from. There’s one here in Mexico for kids influencing the children. Nickelodeon, old Saint Nick, that’s Santa Claus. And this is why I have this here, because Santa Claus going down the chimney is the fall of the titans spirit into matter. I mean, I can go on and on with this, ladies and gentlemen, with this 28, I can show you that the word fire is 16, just like the word light is 16.

And when I say 16, it’s going to give us 28, which is Lucifer light. The light bringer. Right. The sun. The ross. The raw sun of duality. The sun. Ok. And this is going to be isotope number 60. And if you take 28 and you add the 60, you added the protons, neutrons and electrons. What’s 60 plus 28? 88. That’s Ra. Goes right back to the sun again. The sun going down to play the game, to follow the titans. And this 60 is huge because it’s tied to the head of the snake. One of my big decodes on the Patreon, head of the snake, decoded huge layers of it.

And right here I showed that the very first time the serpent shows up in Genesis is in Genesis three, verses one. There’s the 31, right. The first time the snake shows up is in Genesis three, verses one. Remember that the 31st card in the tarot is the nine of wands, which is the card Cornelius died at November 11, the fall of the titans. This whole story right here was enticing Eve and that to go down into the matrix. So I think it’s pretty crystal clear here, ladies and gentlemen, just with this head of the snake and where it’s first mentioned, and being tied to nickel, and nickel being tied to Santa Claus, going down the chimney, the snake telling Eve, you will positively not die, getting.

Enticing her to bite the apple, Adam’s apple, going down into the matrix, tied to the sons of God, the Nephilim, going down into the matrix, tied to the Titans, the fall of the Titans, getting kicked out of heaven, going down into Tartarus, which is the matrix. All these stories, stories fit into this. And the. The snake, the serpent is tied to the five of diamonds. The five of diamonds. Once again, you know, it’s the five of pentacles and it’s hard times. It’s the yin yang. It’s the 69th card in the deck. I don’t think I got that out of order.

Oh, I know why. Because Genesis, verses one, the very first time the serpent is mentioned. Well, this is the 31st card in the deck. The five of diamonds going back up here. The five of diamonds going back up here. The five of diamonds tied to the 307th day of the year. Tied to the 307 fall of titans. Dimensions with wise, which represents matter and longitude. See how all this is interconnected, ladies and gentlemen? And it tells amazing story there. It’s all here. So that 31 is huge right there. It’s tied to the serpent. It’s tied to the star of Bethlehem, tied to Jesus.

Absorb. All that stuff’s tied together. It’s tied to the word office, which is the word serpent in Greek. That’s 69 covered all that. So it really comes down to this, ladies and gentlemen, through this story. The fall of the titans, the sons of God, all this stuff. Part of this is chasing ass. I’ve talked about this before. How did. This is the trap. Love is the trap. See, if your spirit and you’re up in the heavenly realms and you’re looking down at this reality and be like. And this is where you get the sons of God and be like, damn, those women are hot, right? Oh, my God.

I want to go be a movie star. I’m gonna go play that game. And you can see how the comedy in this. Chasing ass. Chasing ass. The fall of Lucifer weakening the nations. Go with the chasing ass going down the chimney. See how all this stuff connects going, telling her, you’re not going to die. What are you talking about? It’s all about this. And it’s. This is tied to Genesis two. Two, verses 17, which. And this was the big clue. Now, ladies and gentlemen, save the best for last. I don’t. To me, this was the best one because right here is Genesis two, verses 17.

And this is. This is God speaking to Adam and Eve, saying, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it, because if you eat it, you will positively die. And you see, this is what throws things off is the good and evil. Forget all that. It’s the tree of knowledge. Here’s the word knowledge. The tree of knowledge is the movie. That’s what it means. If you want to go play the movie, you will die because then you become a human being. And now you’re tied to silver. And what is silver tied to this? It’s tied to the movie screen.

You ever heard the terminology in Hollywood? It’s called the silver screen. You’re on the silver screen. See, this is all about the sons of God chasing the women. And the fall of the Titans is part of this whole construct. So the greek mythology is tied right into Judaism, straight up. And the Shem and all this and the mysticism. You can see the sons of God is 47. Then it’s the eight of swords, the eight of spades. And when you want. If you. If you go down, if you bite the apple of the tree of knowledge, which it should say, if you bite the tree of the movie, if you want to go play the movie, if you take that pill, if you swallow that pill, this is what’s gonna happen to you.

You’re gonna get trapped. And if you want to go hump, if you want to go, you know, do all this kind of stuff, well, you’re gonna go live out a scripted reality on the silver screen, all this stuff. See how all of it’s connected. All of it. So this was the big takeaway, I feel, and I read the interpretation of this. Now, I know is that if you want to go play the game of life spirit, if that’s the way this works, well, if you go. If you go play, you’re gonna. You’re gonna die. Now, the question is, is there.

Is there energy trapped here? Can it. Can it get out? Is that what it means? Or you’ll just go and you’ll. You’ll have to pass on from a body. But this is all tied to the fallen angel story, tied to the fall of the titans. It just told in a different way with the mythology. But you got. I mean, how much more Lucifer and head of the snake and old Saint Nick do we need to see here? From the ridiculous superscriptedness of the dimensions was the big takeaway of this painting. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.

Scripted reality 24. I think this is probably the best one out of all the scripted realities I’ve done. Well, scripted reality 23 was really funny, but I think this was the most scripted I’ve ever seen anything, especially with the dimensions of that painting and how it’s tied right and how you can easily connect things to the calendar. It’s so ridiculous. So, anyway, we’d love to hear what you saw. And I’ll just remind you, just keep your comments cordial. If you’re new here and you don’t understand it, don’t just leave some lame ass negative comment, because I’ll just delete it.

Right. But I would love to hear what you saw, so keep your comments coming. And that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan for decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you later.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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biblical Nephilim and Genesis Cornelius artist fall of the Titans symbolism Greek mythology in art Jewish mysticism Logan's scripted reality matter and spirit connection mythology and theology interconnection numerological significance of death dates numerology and mythology PI number and golden ratio The Fall of the Titans painting transition from spiritual to physical realms

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