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➡ Logan, the speaker, believes that our reality is scripted, using the movie Avengers: Endgame as an example. He focuses on a pivotal scene where Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr., changes the course of the story. Logan uses numerology and tarot card readings to analyze this scene, suggesting that the movie mirrors theological concepts. He concludes that Iron Man represents a Jesus-like figure, fighting against evil.
➡ The text discusses the connections between biblical references, tarot cards, numerology, and popular culture, such as the Avengers movies. It suggests that these elements are all interconnected, with the author drawing parallels between characters like Iron Man and Jesus, and using numerology and tarot to support these connections. The author also discusses the significance of numbers and mathematical concepts like the golden ratio and pi in these narratives. The text concludes with the author expressing doubt that these complex connections could be created by humans, suggesting a divine or supernatural influence.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory that connects the Iron Man character from the Marvel Universe with numerology, astrology, and chemistry. The author suggests that the numbers and elements associated with Iron Man, such as the number 26 (which corresponds to iron on the periodic table), and the actor Robert Downey Jr.’s birth card, are not coincidental but part of a ‘scripted reality’. The author also links these findings to broader themes like the age of Aquarius and the concept of a ‘Phoenix card’ in tarot.



What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is decode your reality. Today we’re going to be doing another episode of scripted Reality. This is going to be number 26, and, oh, boy, do I have an in your face, clear as day, undeniable scripted reality. This one is going to be obviously on the movie Avengers. These two characters, Thanos and Iron Man, Josh Brolin and Robert Downey Jr.

This is going to be off of this movie right here. Classic. Like, I’ve watched it so many times. 3 plus hours event, the best one so far. Avengers end game. Have you seen this one? I hope so. If you haven’t seen it. Well, you know, we’re going to talk a little bit about it, but not giving it all away, but the ending is kind of what we’re going to be talking about. So if you haven’t watched this, you may want to go watch the movie first. If you don’t care. Well, buckle up, put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world.

I promise you, ladies and gentlemen, this just gets tighter and tighter to show we live in a scripted reality. I just don’t know how all these people could pull this off. So here we go. And this is really the scene here at the end, right towards the end. And Thanos has the glove on. He has the steel, the. The glove on with all the stones, right, all these infinity stones, which gives them all the power. But during this scene, Thanos, Robert Downey Junior’s trying to fight him to get the glove off. And Thanos easily pushes him off.

But what he doesn’t realize is that Robert Downey Jr. Pulls the stones off and he’s got them on his hand now. And I’m not going to go into the whole depth of the story. If you’ve seen this movie, you know what happens. But this scene was pivotal for the finale of this series. And this is. This is the ending scene. And this is what is scripted, folks. The entire movie, the whole thing, our entire reality is scripted. But if this does not pro. You know, I don’t like using the word proof. I just. I’m not a fan of using that.

So I use support. But I just, you know, if this doesn’t really prove to you that mankind, humankind are not in control of this reality, I don’t know what Else will do it for you. Right, so I’m going to go to the time stamps again. How many times have I done this? And I pressed pause exactly when Robert Downey Jr. Aka Iron man says, and I am Iron man and he snaps his fingers. And then I’m not going to go into the details of what happens. I paused it. It was at 2:30:31. Now this is the version that I have.

You can fact check this yourself. I would encourage you skeptics to do that. 2:30:31. So this is a big deal because this was the pivotal, pivotal moment at the end of the movie. So we’re going to measure that. We’re just going to simply add up the numbers. So here we go. That’s what we do as decoders. These numbers are the source code. And there are so many clues here. So this adds up to the number 63. Now remember what happens here as he snaps his fingers, he wipes out Thanos in this and company, right? 63 is the total addition of this time stamp of when he said, and I AM Iron Man.

63. So we’re going to measure this through the tarot. We’re going to start with the tarot. There are 78 cards in the tarot. So this is 63rd card in the tarot, which is the queen of Swords. The queen of swords. When you get this card in the tarot reading, I mean it’s the consort of the king of swords, which is the no nonsense king. Well, the queen does the same thing as the king. She just does in a little bit of a mild manner than the king does. But the queen is the simulation giver, literally. Robert Downey Jr.

Changes the simulation in such a big way during this movie 63. But this is just beginner stuff. This is not even impressive what I’m showing you. I’m going to continue to show you what’s impressive here. So this queen of swords comes from the 51st card in the cards of illumination, cards of destiny, cardamancy, the playing cards. The queen of spades. Okay, the queen of spades card 51. So we have the 63 to measure the time stamp of when he snaps his fingers and says, and I am Iron man. And all that stuff changes. And that converts into the 51st card, the Queen of spades.

So I’m gonna go right into the solar spreads right now. If you’re new to this. Well, these, these spreads, this is a system in itself. And these go all the way up to solar spread number 90. And then they repeat. And these cards, they move around. So this is an oracle in itself. And you can predict things for what’s going to happen with these cards because they’re embedded into nature. So right off the bat, I’m gonna. Why am I going to go to solar spread 25? Because Iron man is 25. And I’m going to locate that queen of swords.

There it is. And notice what I have highlighted here. You see, horizontally it sits in the Mars line. Vertically it sits in the Mars line. This is the Mars. Mars space, which there sits the queen of swords, the queen of spades. And what is Mars, folks? Mars is freaking iron. Okay? Iron. But wait, there’s more. We compare it with the master life spread, right? The 0.4 duality. We’re going to get into the spirit. But the master life spread, what’s sitting in that same spot? The six hearts card. Card number six. Element six called carbon. What is carbon matter? Iron Man.

The word Mars is 10. Man is 10. It’s Iron man with this. This is so amazing. But let’s keep going. I have more to show you. Now I’m going to digress and I’m going to talk about. If you have not watched this decode Killing in the Name, which featured Rage against the Machine. I covered this in my scripted reality, the very first one. I covered Killing in the name. And this right here is the mighty Jesus talking Matthew 10 verses. How does theology fit into a movie called the Avengers made by Marvel? Well, you see, this scripture right here is Jesus and he’s saying, I’m coming with a sword.

I’m not coming with peace. I’m coming to wipe you out. That’s exactly what happened during this scene. He wiped out all the evil. Okay? That’s what this is, what this whole thing about Jesus says. So they’re mimicking that in the movie Iron Man. Right? And now I’m going to do something called theo numerology. Theo meaning God, God, numerology. What do we do? Well, see, it’s 10 chapters. So we take all the verses from those 10 chapters and we’re just going to simply add them up using the trusty calculator. Now, this is not the first time I’ve done this.

I’ve done this with the Central Intelligence Agency. I’ve done it in several decodes. The Shiva decoded, we get a total of 307. Now, you ready for this, folks? What is 307 in mathematics? Oh, well, it’s just the 63rd prime number. And we go right Back here’s the modernized version of the Queen of Swords, 63rd card in a deck. And again I go back up here, he at the time freaking stamped that. He says, and I am Iron Man. And he wipes out Thanos and company freaking 63, which is the queen of swords, queen of spades, Iron Man.

You see how scripted this reality is? Theology, Jesus, what do you think Iron Man? What do you think Robert Downey Jr. Is playing here? He’s playing Jesus. Good cop, bad cop. Thanos was the bad cop, Iron man was the good cop. That’s what Iron man ended up doing right here. Killing in the name of what? Killing in the name of religion, gods, deities, the screenplay, the script. Okay, let’s keep going and show you some more. Now I’m going to go to solar spread 51 to match the queen of spades from the queen of swords. She’s card 51.

So I’m gonna go to solar spread 51 and I’m going to compare it against now the master spirit spread the boilerplate chart that does not move and anchors every other chart to it. And there’s the queen of spades right in the dead center of the Jupiter line, the Jupiter pillar. This is huge. This right here is massive. And what’s sitting in that same spot in solar spread 51? The 10 of sword, another sword. And here’s the modernized version of it. So if you think about this scene and he clips his fingers and he wipes out all the evil, okay, Wipes it all out, brings the sword in.

Now I’m showing you the word sword in Greek because this is from this. See, the New Testament was written, supposedly I’m regurgitating this. It was written in coin Greek, K, O, I, N, E. So it uses the modern Greek Alphabet. That doesn’t mean you can not. You don’t have to use the ancient Greek. I still, I’ve been using it like crazy. But it gives you the code, right? So the modern Greek, the word for sword, as in Jesus saying, I’m coming with a sword, is the 60 freaking three and it’s the queen of swords. So when somebody tells me, oh, the tarot’s from the devil, what do you think the Bible’s from? If I can measure this with words from the Bible, then this is not any more devilish than the Bible itself.

We have to use logic and common sense. And again, this is not a one hit wonder. I’ve been doing this for years and years and years. I’ve broken down so many biblical verses now I can’t even keep count anymore. So the cards and the tarot and numerology have everything to do with theology. Theology is a story just like the Avengers. The Bible is a movie just like the Avengers. And so the sword here, obviously the ten of swords is finished. This is somebody being impaled by ten swords. They’re done. It’s game over. This is what. That’s why it was called Avengers end game.

Because the sword came out And Robert Downey Jr. Was playing Jesus like so many other characters have in so many different movies. Okay, so many different movies. Let’s now go to solar spread 25. Solar spread 25 to match Iron Man’s 25. And I’m gonna look to find where’s that 10 of Swords? Right here. And I’m going to compare it against Solar Spread 63, since the Queen of Swords is card 63 in the tarot. And there’s the match again. So that queen of swords is tied right to that 10 of swords. And we now have massive confirmation that this is tied to Jesus.

Now the queen of swords is tied to the flower of life because flower of life equals 63 and 66. And three is nine. There’s your three, six, nine. And that is the shalom. That is the eye of shalom. That is good. That is the Christ Jesus. I’m bringing in the sword to wipe out. This is the immune system wiping out the bacteria and viruses in the body. Same situation, different scenario. Okay? That’s exactly how all this looks, right? That’s how all this stuff looks. So if we look at it in the writer weight card, it gives you a clear indication of what Iron man was doing.

What Jesus is going, this is all happening now, which I’ve talked about so many times. It’s all. Jesus is already back. It’s happening. It’s happened through the pandemic. That’s part of the sword. It’s happening in these drug induced cities. That’s part of the sword. Yada, yada, yada. That’s the return of Jesus, folks. Okay? That’s what it is. When you do the, the bingo chart, each. Now each of these spaces are numbered. So there’s that 10 of swords. Well, here it is one through 52. And we just have to go higher, we have to go the second tier.

And there’s the number 63. No matter if you start at number one here or number one here, it sits in the middle pillar. All these numbers will always remain the same. No matter if you go left to right or right to left, 63 sits in space. Number 11. And what is number 11? The age of Aquarius. Okay, the age of Aquarius is the age of Christ. That’s why he says in Luke 22 verses 10, follow me into the house with a man bearing a pitcher of water. That’s Aquarius. That’s the number 11. That’s the card. Justice in the major arcana, folks.

This is what’s got. This is what’s happening on the world stage. Trimming the fat, getting rid of the deadwood, getting rid of the bacteria and viruses. So the Marvel movie was a rendition of that story. That’s all it is. These are all stories from other stories from other stories. Scripted reality, ladies and gentlemen. All right, let’s get into some mathematics. If you weren’t impressed by that, maybe this will do it for you. I don’t know how else really you to measure this up and saying, this ain’t scripted. I’m going to now bring in mathematics. And this is the golden ratio.

The golden ratio is tied to the source code. The source code writes this reality. We just see it as the final product. Like, oh, that’s the Avengers movie. Behind the Avengers movie are numbers, letters and symbols. Code. Well, this is part of that code. So I. Here is 26 digits. Why 26? Because the element iron is 26. And what you’re seeing here is. This is Iron Man. See the man there? And these just so happen to be in succession with each other. Iron Man. This is called ferrum. Iron Man, Manganese. And I’m going to support what I’m showing you here just a little bit.

So because it’s Iron man and it’s 26, we’re going to go 26 digits and measure that in the string of the golden ratio, we get a total of 141. That is a permutation of PI. That is the square root of two that is proceeding, which is the prison, which is the 59. Which is the 59 rosary beads. I can go on and on with this, but here is what makes up Iron Man. Iron man is 6 and 8. The 25th digit is 6. The 26th digit is the number. 8. 68 is the number. And if you’ve been paying attention, it’s tied to the killing name.

In 2008, Slipknot came out with this album called All Hope is Gone. And their song was called their second song off the album Gamatria, the Killing Name. This is off my gematria decoded. There’s the 68. This is all about killing, folks. Killing in the name Of I’m coming with a sword. Iron man snapping his fingers and wiping out Thanos and company. You’re starting to see the trend here, right? It’s a movie that we’re living inside of. And then we make movies to copy the movie that was already built. That’s how it gets all scripted. This 68 is big because it’s tied to the two world wars, including the invasion of Ukraine, which just may be the official start date of world War iii.

If they’re going to retro all the way back and say, well, the invasion of Ukraine was on the SEC. 24 February, they’re going to measure it out there. They all have 68 as their numerology. Even if you get rid of the invasion of Ukraine, the Second World War and the First World War, they both have a numerology of 68. Not by accident. It’s the killing name. A lot of people die in wars. Well, this Avengers was a war good against evil, the immune system against the bacteria and viruses. Thanos and company. That’s what it was all about.

Okay, the 68. Well, now we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to bring PI into this now, right? Pie, the perfect circle, the earth that we live on. We’re going to measure 26 digits as well to match Iron Man. And we have the 25th digit, the number four, the 26th, the number three. 43 is the outcome. 97 is the total. 97 is the 25th prime number. There it is. And what is 25? Freaking Iron Man. Iron man is 25. 97 is the 25th prime Number. And 97 is the total for all 26 digits in the string of 3.144.

PI. I mean, are you freaking kidding me? There it is. You. It’s undeniable how amazing this code is. And on top of that, ladies and gentlemen, Robert Downey Jr. Born on April 4th. He’s got the 43rd card in the deck for his birthday. Why is this important? Because the 43 represents Iron man in the string of pie. So we’ve measured the mathematical formula for PI and the 26 digits to make up Iron Man. The 25th and 26th digits, we brought in alchemy and chemistry. We’ve brought in mathematics and prime numbers, We’ve brought in numerology. And then we bring in the final piece here to show how this system of the cards of alchemy, of science, of numbers, of mathematics and prime numbers and mathematics through PI and phi, how all this is connected.

And this is how I Feel there’s no way, especially with the time stamp of that specific place in that movie of when he snaps his fingers to have it come out like this. I just don’t buy it. I just don’t see mankind being able to pull this off. I just don’t. And on top of that, you gotta cast these people like were they sitting down and they needed a guy that had a four spades because it was the 43rd card in the deck. And Iron man right there, the 25 and 26 digit in the string of pie ended up being the 4 and 3.

I just, I don’t think. I think it’s absurd to think that this to me and this is why I have this series of scripted reality. I mean this is huge. The 25th Prime Iron man not 97 being the 25th prime number. And the total addition is 97. So we have the 141 from Phi with the 68, right? The total is 141 and the total here is 97. So when I bring those together, folks, here it is both of them. The 25th and 26th digit to make up Iron man is the 6 and 8 and the 4 and 3, right? It’s 141 and 97.

So now I’m just going to use math. I’m gonna do this 68. I could have come. I didn’t come. I had to come back to this. I’m gonna do the 60. I got that out of order. I’m going to do the 68 and the 43. That’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to come back to that. The 68 and 43. We’re going to add it up. What is the equal? 111. That’s very interesting because I can take the two elements that represent Iron Man. And what is 56 and 55, folks? Right here. One, one, one.

Do you see how magical this is to be able to cast a guy? Lock goes into casting. Never mind having to pick a guy who’s got a four spades birthday. And. And as his numerology of his April 4, 1965. And just so many different layers that I didn’t even bring into this are beyond, beyond the comprehension of man. Being able to code that this way. I just, I’m not buying it. This is a scripted reality. So here is what I wanted to Talk about. The 1, 141 and 97 going back up here, the 141 for the total of the 26 digits of the 1.61 and then 97 for the total of the 3.14.

26 digits. The Iron Man. We’re going to add those up now. We get the number 238. And what is the 238? It’s the freaking element uranium. And what does it have right on there? A big fat U. What is. This is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s image. I made this one up. But this is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s icon that now matches this, which matches the pie and phi sequence of the 26 digits. From right here. Do you see what would have to go into for this Royal Society of Chemistry to. To pick this? I just don’t buy it.

I just don’t. And now we have the 92 and uranium. Uranus. Uranus. And on top of that, ladies and gentlemen, the 238th day of the year to get to this number here. Look at what day it is. The common and leap year. It’s August 25th and 26th. To match that element, iron and manganese. Iron Man. It’s so scripted and so connected and so magical. I mean, it’s just so magical, right? So magical. So when you take all of these protons, neutrons and electrons, 26 plus 25 plus 56 plus 55, you’re going to get 162. That’s what you’ll get.

And we go into string of the golden ratio again. There’s the 162. And look at what it lands on. It occupies digit 236, 237 and 230. Freaking 8. 238. 238. August 25, 26. Iron Man. Scripted reality, folks. Scripted reality, man. It’s the queen of swords, the queen of spades. The queen is the Q. The 17 sitting at the top of the hierarchy, sitting in the Jupiter line as well. The Jupiter crown line on top of that, perhaps representing the Sun. Right. And the last thing I can show you here, folks, even with this right here, is the fact that March 3 and March 4, the common and leap year, 62 and 63.

63 and 64. The big takeaway is the 63 to match that 63rd card, the queen of swords. What do you see here? March 3rd and March 4th. Well, what is that, 34 or what? 43, which is. What is 43? It’s Robert Downey Jr’s birth card. 43, 34. It’s a number permutation. These dates on the calendar of Gregorian are insanely synced with numerology. Here’s the sword 63. The sword. It’s just all connected, folks. It’s all connected. So we’re going to go to Solar spread now, number 54. Why am I going to do solar spread 54? Because the Avengers end game came out in 2019, and Robert Downey Jr.

Was born in 1965. That means he was 54 years young here when they shot this scene. When they act. Well, I don’t know when they shot it, but when they put it out in 2019, he was 54. So I go to solar spread 54. Right? Here are the dates. And here’s his birth card right here, the four spades card. What line is it sitting in? Jupiter horizontally, Uranus vertically. And what is the 26 card representing? Iron. As in iron man. It sits in the Uranus horizontally. Jupiter vertically. Iron, the king of clubs. Right. So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to look at Jupiter and Uranus again.

They released this movie and he was 54. Solar spread 54. And here’s his birth card sitting in the Jupiter Uranus line. And then this card is the card that sits in the Uranus Jupiter line. Through, horizontal, vertically, this way. So these two spots represent Jupiter and Uranus. King of clubs 26 card. 26. Element is iron. Robert Downey Jr’s birth card. The 43rd card in the deck, the four of spades. So now we’re going to look at. And here’s the confirmation. I forgot I had this slide. There’s the king of clubs matching the element iron. Okay, Matching the element iron as I had stated.

And again, the big takeaway is his birth card for when he was 54, when they released this movie, was sitting in the Jupiter Uranus line. And what’s sitting in the Uranus Jupiter line here is the king clubs card. Now, ladies and gentlemen, the nail in the coffin here, if you’re a fan of the cards, is that this right here is Robert Downey Jr. S Phoenix card. The phoenix rising from the ashes. Him snapping his fingers and wiping out the dirty Thanos and company. We start here. This is card number one, two. We drop down to the second tier.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. This is the Phoenix card for Robert Downey Jr. When they released this movie. And it’s the 26 card sitting in there. And it’s the element iron. Folks, are you. I mean, are you seeing this? This is huge. And it sits in the Uranus Jupiter line. And what is Uranus? Remember, it’s the 238, right, Uranus. March 25th to March 26th, day number 238, that’s Uranus Uranium. Okay, so when we look at solar spread 54 a little bit deeper, you could see that not Only is Zeus 54 the king of the gods, and there was a lot of electricity that was going on through those hands as he put this, as he put the glove on.

Zeus, the king of the gods, gets the nod here. And then his grandfather Uranus, which represents heaven, is sitting in the space horizontally and vertically here. To match up with these two spaces, the numerology folks, of both of them in the Original Greek is 162. Do you remember what that 162 was? Do you remember what this was? When you take the neutrons, protons and electrons of Iron man, you get 162. Bam. That was well deserving. 162. This is how valuable the card system is. Him being 54 is. This is his Phoenix card. This is how you find your Phoenix card.

It’s just this. You have 13 cards every year and they go from right to left, top to bottom. And the king of clubs, the 26 card in the deck matches iron was Robert Downey Jr. S fear Phoenix card. And it doesn’t get any more scripted than this using the original language of these original ideas and where they came from. So there you go. There you go, folks. Iron man decoded, scripted reality decoded. And the big takeaway was the OG of the zodiac. It’s the primordial. It’s uranium. And just remember that uranium is the ruler of Aquarius.

And Aquarius is, is where you have the age of Jesus and cryptocurrency. And of course, yes, there’s going to be a purge, yes, there’s going to be a clearing of the board. Absolutely. Because it. This is the way the. The earth is sick. And now you have the primordial uranium coming in and doing what exactly what Tony Stark did. And Iron man wiping out the filth, the bacteria, the germs, Thanos and company. And it was Iron Man. That’s how valuable this is and how scripted our reality is, ladies and gentlemen. We live inside of a comic book.

We live inside of a comic book movie. Right? We live inside of a movie. And that’s my final answer. So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, scripted reality. 26:26 Matching iron. The Phoenix card for Robert Downey Jr. Was absolutely massive for this presentation. Would love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments coming. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan 4D culture reality. Until next time. We will see you later.

  •<a class="bp-suggestions-mention" href="" rel="nofollow">@DecodeYourReality</a>

    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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