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➡ Logan, the presenter, discusses Dr. Hillman’s research on opium and its historical use in Western civilization. He explores the addictive nature of opium, its impact on society, and its connection to various aspects of culture and religion. He also delves into the numerology and symbolism associated with opium, linking it to ancient civilizations and religious concepts. Lastly, he speculates on the possibility of reality being influenced by a higher power’s addiction to a metaphorical drug.
➡ The text discusses various connections between drugs, particularly opium, and various aspects of culture, mythology, and religion. It suggests that opium might have been used in biblical times, possibly even by Jesus. The text also explores the idea of predestination and the possibility that our reality is scripted. It delves into numerology, alchemy, and the symbolism of serpents, suggesting these elements are part of a complex code that underlies our reality.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory linking various elements, numbers, and symbols to Thomas John Ellis, the Flatiron building in New York City, and the concept of Lucifer. It suggests that the number 91, the 22-story height of the Flatiron building, and the element Lutetium are all significant in this theory. The text also connects the elements Titanium to Nickel with the concept of Lucifer, and suggests that the number 27 is tied to various concepts including Catholicism, sports, and currency. The text concludes by linking the element Barium to the tower card, Shiva, Lucifer, and Jesus.
➡ This text discusses the symbolic connections between numbers, tarot cards, and biblical references. It suggests that the number 16, associated with sulfur and fire, is linked to the devil and the concept of death. The text also explores the idea that certain historical figures and events are connected through numerology and symbolism. Lastly, it proposes that these symbols and numbers might have been influenced by drug-induced states of mind.
➡ Logan, from Decoder Reality, discusses a complex theory involving numbers, the sun, and a concept called the Taurus field. He suggests that these elements are interconnected and may influence the creation of human beings. He also links the sun to a figure named Lucifer. This was all part of a presentation he hopes viewers enjoyed.


Alright, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is decode, your reality. And today we’re gonna be breaking down and decoding some more of Doctor Hillman’s research. This will be on his book the Chemical Muse, drug use and the roots of western civilization. But kind of the topic behind that is, is opium. What you’re looking at here is a poppy plant. Right, the opium plant. So, you know. Yes, this is on the chemical muse, highlighting more of. Where did it go? Highlighting more of Doctor Hillman’s decode.

Thanks, everybody, for watching this, supporting this, providing your feedback. Mm hmm. And we’re just gonna extend upon that with the book. Now, when I did the decode on Hillman, I didn’t read the book. I still haven’t read the book. But I started to take a look at the book and it was just really funny because this is an excerpt from the book. Somebody sent me the book via email and told me, hey, you can listen to this on YouTube. There’s a person reading it. So I went there and I haven’t got into many minutes of it, but the very first beginning point of watching it, there it was.

And again, you know, when I did the decode on Hillman, when I did this decode, I mentioned opium. But of course I found it in a different way because I was researching drug addiction in America, all around the world and the zombieland, which, if you’re watching this after I’ve released the zombieland, decoded. Well, that was how I found the opium and heroin and all this stuff that I was researching, the Zombieland decoded. And then of course, this pops up after the fact. So I have the. The publisher here, their book, the book that he recommends. During my tenure as a doctoral student, I found an excellent book on the history of opium published by Thomas Dunn.

And of course, then he has the same publisher. No accident there. I mean, that’s what I would have done, right? You just go and get the same publisher since you’re on the same kind of page. But, you know, that’s what we’re going to talk about. That’s what we’re going to talk about. I mean, the publication date of both of those. We’re going to talk about that. Wait till I take you on this crazy ride. Get strapped in, get settled in. The ride I’m about to take you on, folks, is really, really crazy. So here are the three topics of conversation for this presentation.

The very first topic, opium. The second top, pip lutetium and the third topic, flat iron. The hell’s that all about? Well, you’re going to find out. I promise you this one will satisfy you just as much as the amen Hillman decoded. Promise you. I promise you it will. And I’m going to show a scripted reality. You’re going to see a lot of scripted reality pieces in here. So the first topic, let’s talk about opium, right? This has been around for a very long time. As far as back as I can research sumerian times 5000, 6000 years ago.

But of course, you know, I’m just regurgitating what I found. I’m sure he has it in his book. He has his pieces of it in his book. But is this the head of the snake? So I have a snake here, you know, it has the crown on it. And if you research that I did it, that the, the average spikes or pedals are ten to twelve and then you have the zodiac wheel there or the ten and the say ten. And you know that if you, and if you’re watching this after I came out with the head of the snake, well you gotta, you’re gonna start to see this same crossover.

But here’s the actual name of the plant. Papaver Sona ferrum. You know, it’s so interesting because it has the iron right there. Fe is ferum. It’s got the pharaoh on the back end. So now you get into the element iron, which is gonna get into the yode vaheh, which is going to get into the blood types because iron is in our blood and iron is going to give us the lights, camera, action. Since the isotope 56 is what iron is all about. It’s so interesting when you start studying the etymology, it just, it’s in the word and it’s papa.

Papa. So we have the 76. We know that’s osmium, the wizard of osmium. Of course, that’s a dead giveaway. But now let’s take a look at the numerology brought into the cards of illumination. This is papaver. This is the 31st card in the deck, the five of diamonds. And then the second word, somniferum is a 45 and that’s the nine of hearts. And what do we see there? We see the number 59. And you know, on the fly, I’m just going to go to numerology and you’re going to see that the game of life is 59.

Contract with God is 59, 59. And there they are in the cards and it’s the papa. And we do have iron in the back end here. But we do have, you know, pandora’s boxes 45. The 31 was embedded in the doctor Hillman decode. It was tied all the way to the word serpenthe, which is ophis in Greek. That numerology is 69. The 69th card turns into the 31st card. So they’re connected directly. They’re connected directly. The five of diamonds. You know, these snakes, man, they have their skin has diamonds on it. The diamondback, if you start to study serpents, and here’s what they look like in the tarot.

So when you ingest opium, it’s very addictive. Well, you could see that on one side of it, it’s the pleasure drug. That’s what it was known for, the happy, the pleasant. But on the flip side, it becomes this. The broken home. It becomes addictive. It becomes where you get so addicted that you. You lose everything. So, you know, I’ve watched enough people that are addicted to heroin, morphine, codeine. And the. The majority of those people say that when you first take it, it feels like your brain has like this warm, amazing sensation and you just chase that.

You don’t want to lose that. And it feels the best ever. Like the best feeling in the world. But eventually you give up your whole entire life to chase that dragon, as they say. No pun intended. But that’s what it is. And this is how amazing the tarot is. That’s combined with the english language through the Chaldean, the oldest numerology cipher, right? Going all the way back to ancient Babylon, perhaps, where Samaria kind of maybe passed off the baton. But there you go. The yin yang of opium is that you get the pleasure principle. This is Pandora’s box.

But you also get the yin yang that. The duality, the hard times. A lot of people go to the church when they get addicted to try to try to find salvation. Of course, that’s the way it’s set up, right? The church, he talks. Doctor Hillman’s all talking all about the church and there he’s saying it was a drug induced story. Maybe it was. Maybe. Maybe whatever created this reality is addicted to some kind of drug and it’s. It’s earth and it’s dreaming us up. I don’t know. So I get really kind of abstract with this stuff.

Here’s the reduction of opium, the plant. You get the four and the nine. How big these were, these numbers are. We did this on the scripted reality 23. It was on Viagra, sildenafil, citrate. And Viagra makes the snake get bigger, right? So now you get sex with drugs. That’s combined. And there’s the 49. And, you know, these two cards are the cards that are linked to Viagra. October 5 was the patent that got issued for Viagra. And March 27, the nine of clubs, was the day it was first released to the general public. And you could see the scripted reality, ladies and gentlemen, is you.

You have that 49 right there. I mean, you can’t miss it. So this is talking about Viagra. And. But this is all based on being used in this reality for drug addictions, getting high, religion, sports, anything that is related to euphoria, where you have the serotonin and the euphoria, and your brain gets enhanced. And now you’re on that ride, and it is tied to raw because the 94, or the mirror of that, the 49 sig, it sits at digit 15 and 16. And there’s the head of the snake. And these total digits in the string of the golden ratio, which I’ve shown countless times now it gives us a total of 88.

And now you have Ra being tied to the head of the snake. And remember, when. When you go, I’m gonna do this on a fly. When you go and you look at. When you look at Ra and you get an image of it, what do we see here? What’s on top of its head? Well, you get the falcon head, but you get the sun, obviously. And there’s the serpent. There it is. So there’s no denying that. That. That ra is tied to the serpent, and Ra is the law of one. And it’s the movie. And all of this is part of that.

Drugs included, alcohol, anything. But we have the head of the snake. This is 15 and 16. Digit 15 and 16. And now you have the eyes to see that. And then the head of the snake becomes the comedy, right? Put that. Put that. Put that snake back in your trousers. So, anyway, I was going through some more of the book, and even he has a chapter on Promethean Euphoria. Promethean being tied to Lucifer, being tied to Hades, being tied to the sun, being tied to the underworld. When the sun goes down into the underworld, now it’s taking its place with set.

This is where you’re gonna get horse and set. There it is, man. Page 88. See the connection, folks? Does all. This is all connected. So here’s the book, here’s the website where you can go listen to it, and I, or the person. And, you know, this is where I got this, you know, this connecting point from this slide taken from the breakdown and decode of Doctor Hillman itself. And, you know, again, I got the idea because I hadn’t read his book. I got the idea from decoding drug addicts and getting into the zombieland, which I, you’re probably going to see that’s out on the channel now.

But it’s opium. And opium is a big marker for drug addiction. It’s one of the biggest. Heroin addiction, opium, codeine, percocets, Vicodin. I mean, they’re. It’s just a huge epidemic. People are dying left and right now it’s getting laser fentanyl, but that’s for a different story. But this right here, according to doctor Hillman, is where Jesus was the perpetrator for giving Judas piece of bread dipped in something. That is unknown, but clearly there’s a big tie into a drug. Maybe it’s opium. He calls it the purple, but the sop, the SAP, that’s a. That’s a piece of bread dipped in something.

So I tried to get the image here so you can get an idea. And this, you know, alludes to the fact that Judas Iscariot didn’t have a choice, and neither did Jesus, because Jesus was destined to do it. So allegorical, fictional, nonfictional, if you believe it actually really happened. Well, then how would you. Well, how would you deny predestination? Because this is a story about predestination, clearly. Okay, that’s a st. Now we have a connecting point to the drugs, which, you know, Hillman really brought out to the forefront. I mean, I never saw that stuff. I mean, I really didn’t.

This. This whole thing just you just you don’t you. Now we have the eyes to see, because this is the time to see it. So you could see that, you know, in the Greek. In the ancient Greek, it’s opion, but it’s opus, the. The juice, the latex, the juice of the plant. And here. Here it is right here, you know, so could it be that Judas was given a bread filled with opium or something to that nature? Right? And here is the word opus, which is the SAP of the late, or the latex of the plant, perhaps opium, which has an exact match numerology of the word ophis, which is the word for serpent or snake in the Greek.

And you can clearly see there is the yin yang. I mean, if I come all the way back up here, here’s the 69th card tied to papa. Ver. Papa. Daddy. Perhaps Jesus, when he says, you are of your father the devil in John 844, I think it is. Right? So here’s the sumerian part that I found off chat GPT. I’ve doubled up on this just to ensure this was accurate. And again, I I’m, I’m just basing it on the research of a few different sources. But this, the Sumerians referred to opium as this. These two words, whole gill, which, which translates to the joy or the plan of happiness.

So the big takeaway is it gives you your euphoria. And again, the question is, is God on drugs? Like, if you look at it like we are create, if there is such thing as a creator. Mmm. Is it addicted to earth? Is it addicted to human being? Playing out the human being character is just sitting in front of a remote control and a television screen, whatever that looks like in the. As above. And it’s smoking opium. Huh? And then, you know, how does that look? Am I getting too abstract? Maybe I’m just trying to have fun with this.

As above, so below, right. But the euphoria is tied to the word simulation. The word simulation is a 35, which is the same as this right here. Gatola Neum 35. What’s gadolinium? It’s the 64th element on the periodic table. You’re on television. They used to make it for television screens. You come down here and it says it right here. The image reflects the past use of the element in television screens. See, you’re on television. That’s what this is alluding to. 64 codons on our DNA, 64 possible squares on a chessboard. This is the GD element. Euphoria simulation.

Starting to get the picture of this. And here is the numbers tied to Lucifer, according to Manly P. Hall. Manly P. Hall says the numbers of Lucifer are seven, four and one. And there they are. This is also the number of Ra 21. If I go to numerology, r is two, a is one. Whoops. Ra, two and one, three. So this name of the joy plant or the plan of happiness, again ties to the all seeing eye of Ra. The eye of shalom, Ra. If we’re going to look at it this way, if we’re going to break it down and decode it.

So let’s get into the second topic now, lutetium. You notice opium has the ium on the back end, just like lutetium. What’s lutetium? Well, we’re gonna get to that. And now I’m gonna get into the book, the publication date. And I’m going to compare that to the book that he mentions in the very beginning of his book, Thomas Dunn Publishing, written by Martin Booth. This is kind of, you know, he. I would assume this is why he went to Thomas Dun book. But you can see I’m gonna show you a scripted reality. Here it is. Here is January 1 when this book got published.

Opium history. And then Doctor Hillman’s book got published on July 22. That’s. That can be the 722. We know. 22 divided by seven is PI. We now big pie is Ra. The subtleties, 2000. 828 is lucifer. All these numbers are part of the source code. Once you have a memorized, then you don’t have to really look too hard. You could see them there. But we have card 52 and card 19. And what, what happens when you take 52 and 19 and add it up? You get the number 71. What’s the number 71 tied to? An alchemy.

Lutetium. As in Lou, suffer, Lou, see serpent. Just from the publication dates. So again, now we would postulate, is somebody really. Is the publishing company sitting down with being this anal about it to get it out this way? Or is it that, just that it’s a mere coincidence? Or is it a scripted reality and we’re living through predestination. I think people become aware of it. Well, you know, we’re here becoming aware of it. But people have lives to live, they have things to do. And to get it this way. Exactly this way. Over and over. How many, Pat? 500 plus videos showing this.

Now, the lutetium, right? And how about this? When you say the two cards, king of spades, six of clubs, that becomes a 91. The 91 is protactinium. There’s the serpent for the. The ideograph to represent protactinium comes from the greek word protos, which means the first. I already covered this in the breakdown of Doctor Hillman, his channel and comparing it to Thomas John Ellis. Remember this is Thomas Dunn Books. Thomas Dunn books. Have you seen my book decode on Thomas Thomas decoded. But anyway, there’s the 91 for these two cards of the book he references. And then he comes out with his book.

Doctor Hillman does. And when I compared Lady Babylon, his channel when he started in August 19, 2022, compared it to Thomas John Ellis. Well, you can see not only are they permutations of each other, they both have the three, the two and the 1 November 17. Thomas John Ellis. Thomas Thomas. But they both have that 231, the atomic mass of protecting him. Coincidence? No, because we solidify that with the full birth certificate name, including his mother’s maiden name, Thomas John Ellis Hooper. And we get the 91. So no, it’s not a coincidence. And this, you know, we would have to then partially I mentioned this is Hillman, like, buddies with Thomas John Ellis? Is Thomas John Ellis buddies with Thomas Dunn books? I mean, are they just.

Is this just all. Everybody in on the conspiracy? And what’s the point? Oh, this, to me is the source code as a coder, when they code out software. Well, there’s letters, numbers, and symbols that code that out. Okay, there’s letters, numbers, and symbols that code that out. In between the. The. August 19 and November 17 is a span of 91 days. Not an accident, ladies and gentlemen. So his name is 91. Protacting and meaning. The first, the serpents are right there in that circle. This is Thomas John Ellis birth card, the three of clubs. The 16th card in the deck, that’s sulfur.

That’s tied to the tower card, etc. Etc. Why am I missing that? But anyway, that’s the Thomas John Ellis connection. That’s the 91. And now there’s really no doubt about him. He’s got hail Satan here. There’s really no doubt about it. And you got to know what Satan means. So let’s get into the third topic now called Flatiron. And we’re gonna get into the building of where the headquarters are at in New York City for Thomas Dunn books. Thomas, which is Jesus’s twin brother. Now, I know a lot of scholars would say, oh, there’s no mention.

Well, it. But it’s in the context because people do mention it. So Thomas John Ellis, tied to Thomas Dunn Books, the publisher for the chemical muse and Opium, a history. And the headquarters is in the flat iron building in New York City. So you want to see some scripted reality. Here we go. So the Flatiron building, originally the fuller building. Look at the location. The address is 175 5th Avenue. See that big fat 175 on that 71st element called lutetium. So now everybody that’s involved building this thing, placing the address here, would have to be in on the conspiracy of chemistry, alchemy, all of it, to get one past you.

There’s so many clues just in this building. There’s a. There’s a tetrahedron here. You know, there’s a. It’s. There’s a lot of clues here. 22 stories, 285ft tall. 285 is the middle path. I’m going to show you the middle path. I’m going to show you the middle path. But 22 stories. So here it is, ladies and gentlemen. I told you that this was an important way to decode, and I’m going to show you more. We have the seven colors of the rainbow. Seven times seven times seven is 49. There’s the 49, 94 the 49. Remember the 49? The papaver, the four, and then the other word.

I don’t remember it off the top of my head. It’s a four and a nine. Seven times 777 is iridium. 77 is your eyes. You’re the little devil down here, 22 stories. So we see that the. This one right here sits in the fourth row in the dead center, the middle right. Remember, 280ft, 285ft tall. If you open up your calculator or dial pad, what sits on the left of 285-0147 what sits on the right? 369. So 28. 50 sits in the middle right. But 22 sits up here. 20. One’s right here. 22 is here. Now, these colors can be violet at the top, red at the bottom.

Depends how you want to look at it. It’s going to be both, because in the chakras in the system, the most popular system, it’s red at the bottom and violet at the top. So they’re interchangeable. But you can see how the total address is a 103. And when you go to mathematics, what is the 103? It’s a prime number, the 27th prime number. And 27 is tied to Catholic. Huh. It’s tied to vampire. Huh. It’s tied to religion, it’s tied to sports. So many connections with the 27, especially the word currency. That’s 27. 27 is going to sit right down here in the indigo spot.

Those of you that are the indigo childs, while you’re down here, or you would be up here. Pens. How you look at it, the perspective. So the address is the 103, which is tied to the 27th. And the 27 sits right here in the middle row. You see at the bottom, this is number 28. And there is Lucifer. So Lucifer sits in the middle path, the middle of three on the left, three on the right, with this 49 grid. This. I’m telling you, folks, this is magical. This thing. So many clues in here. But you see it reduces down to the number four.

One plus three is four. So this is the fourth row. So this row is really, really important, considering that it’s 22 stories tall. There’s the. There’s the 22. 22 is titanium. 22 is the. The total numbers. Total amount of a hebrew Alphabet, letters. 22. 22 is the letter v. There’s a v right here. Van vanadium. Right? And then when you add them up, 22 plus 23 plus 2425-2627. And 28, you get 175 again. You go right back to Lutetium. So you can see, ladies and gentlemen, as a decoder, I’m not stretching anything at all. Not trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

I’m not trying to do anything. This is. This is just seamless here. This is easy. So we get it here and then we get it right here. The address is 175. It’s 22 stories. 22 stories. And this row is. Has a total of 175. So it becomes lutetium again. You get Lucifer on the 28 in the bottom. It’s really easy to see this. Really, really easy to see this. So now I’m gonna take and synchronize the simple numbers 22 through 28. And I’m gonna connect it to alchemy. So we have titanium 22, vanadium 23, chromium 24, manganese 25, iron 26, cobalt 27 and nickel 28.

And I’ve given the isotopes, in their double digit fashion, rounding them up, giving you the isotopes, the most abundant isotopes. Look at what’s at the bottom. Nickel 60. Nickel 60 sits right here in space 28 and Lucifer’s 28. Nickel means devil’s copper. That’s what it means. Devil’s copper. Old Saint Nick, nickelodeon. Oh, yeah. Gets right into the children. Old Saint Nick. Those of you that love your Christmas. But these right here from titanium. The titans of the earth, the suns. That’s where we’re all that. This seemingly is the row of. And again, this is the middle path to see this tongue branches out.

Essentially, the tongue can branch out to the left and branch out to the right. If you go to how big this is, right? How big of a connection is this? When you take a look at the 49th element called indium and we know the 49 is tied to the plant. So I want to get. I want you to get this. I’m gonna go back here and we’re gonna look at the reduction. Whoops. Papaver is four. Some nephew is 949. Okay, 49 for the plant. For the opium plant, the poppy plant, all right. Of what he’s saying in the book chemical muse.

That’s where all the stories in the Bible come from. These people were on drugs. Okay, now what I’m gonna do is I’m going to come over here and we’re gonna look at the 49th element called indium. Look at what it means. Violet. Of course, when you come back here, the 49 sits at the very bottom, right? The whole bottom row. But, ladies and gentlemen, did you see it yet? Look at this icon. You see it right here? It’s like a tree. This thing’s like a tree. It branches off and this is the middle path, right hand path, left hand path.

This can be your brain right here. This is going to be the pineal gland, is the thalamus, the controllers of the ball of the brain, your cerebellar, right hand hemisphere and left hemisphere. These are the two pat, two pet. Left hand, right hand, if you want to extend it out. That’s how I think this works. All right, so then when we do the alchemy of all these, the molar mass in science is what it’s called. Four, eight, 5152-555-6596 381. You know what those numbers are, right? Tied to the phoenix, tied to the movie, because 138, when you say it, we are 138.

It’s lights, camera, action. It’s the movie. And everything goes down here in the movie, right here. But it’s barium, the ra, the ba and the cardinal, they were taking opium back in the egyptian days. The ra, the ba and the ka. And barium is 16, just like the word serpent in English. Just like the word serpent in Hebrew, 16. So it doesn’t matter what language came first. Who wrote the Bible. It’s a ponzi scheme. Notice that the isotope 138 ferbarium, look at the abundance of it. The clue. Look at the clue there. 71% see? So most people, you wouldn’t even look at that.

But because we have the eyes to see it, there it is. This is all part of the source code. 71%. There it is. 71. This is the middle path. Seeing this now, ladies and gentlemen, chemistry involved with the simple aspect of looking at the light spectrum, a seven by seven grid. Why would I stop at seven? Because seven is that magic number, seven chakras. So I’m going to go seven deep, seven wide. That’s what we’re going to do. And we get the barium, and barium is tied to the tower card, and the tower cards tied to Shiva, and Shiva is tied to Lucifer, and Lucifer is tied to Jesus.

That’s why Jesus says, I’m not come with peace, I’m coming with a sword. And sulfur is 16. I already showed you. Thomas John Ellis has the 16th card in the deck. Thomas John Ellis, Thomas Dunn books. You starting to see this, ladies and gentlemen? Sulfur is fire, hell is 16. Lucifer’s name in Isaiah 14, verses twelve is hell. It’s hell. That’s what it is. Shiva the destroyer. Here it is right there. This is death. We know this. You do you mind it, you subtract the 78 cards, this becomes the death card. It’s the tower and death, you positively will die over and over and over and over and over again.

This is his birth card. Thomas Jones’s birth card. This is the serpent, right? This is the snake. Snake is 16 in Hebrew and Chaldean English. There’s the snake body. So easy to see this now. And then we do the rules of the cards here, the three eight. We take the 381 from the molar mass of all seven of these elements to mash up with that middle path. We take the 381, we subtract 78 four times. We want. What we’re looking to get is a tarot card to give us the picture. So we got to take the 78, subtract it until we get to 78 or below.

I got to do that four times. What number do we get? 69. Which is what card? The five of pentacles, which is tied to the snake. See how that works in neurology? Now, the snake, the opus, which is the. Which is the juice from the opium plant. That’s what I think it means. Absolutely. Drug induced situations here. And whatever else went on during that time, I don’t know. But there’s the juice of the plant. Confirmation, if you ask me. There. There’s the 69th card. So you see, that’s why in 13, verses 27. John 13, verses 27, when Judas took the.

The SAP or the SOP that had whatever drug and it was on it, the drug was the opium, and the opium is the devil. That is what gives you the addiction. Now you’re under the influence. That’s what, that’s what this is saying, ladies and gentlemen, the tarot card for this tower. We know that now, the head of the snake is. This is all here. Now, folks, there’s no denying this. Now, the connections are so strong that now we have a very. And Satan entered into Judas. And Judas didn’t have a choice. Neither did Jesus. And now when you take that SAP or SoP, now you’re going to do your evil, wicked deeds, and you’re going to be punished for it.

That’s all this stuff is talking about. I mean, Judas Iscariot numerology equals 48. 48 is tied to Prometheus. Prometheus’s numerology. In Greek, numerology is 48. So Prometheus is tied to Judas Iscariot. And Judas Iscariot took the sapper sop, which probably had some opium attached to it that Jesus gave him. And now Satan entered into him, which, you know, whatever that means, right? So we’re getting to the tail end of this, you know, again, now I’ve laid them across so we have seven rows down, and we have the seven across to give us the picture. And it doesn’t matter if you put the red on the right or the red on the left.

The color green will always be in the center. And it’s the middle path. It’s the path number four. And it seems like this is how we become a bag of bones down here. How we become a player is that spirit comes down into the center and descends down the flash of creation. And now we become matter through the greenhouse, and we have a birthday. Duality is 20. This is all based upon that, right? That’s all based upon that specific pillar, which was tied to the Flatiron building. Right? So this guy right here, Daniel. Daniel Burnham, was the architect for the Flatiron building.

Do you want to see his scripted reality? Unless he’s in on the big conspiracy. He could be. I don’t know if you. If you’re somebody who thinks that there’s some big, massive conspiracy trying to people pork you, try to get one past you. I don’t know what for, but Daniel. Daniel Burnham. Daniel is 19. In numerology, 19 is tied to radon. Radon is the son of the morning, which is tied to Lucifer, which is a byproduct of radium. What is this? What is. What is. What is Daniel’s. Do I even have his. What is Daniel’s birthday? I didn’t grab this.

Let me just grab it. I don’t know why I forgot to. I’ll just do it on the fly for all of you. So here’s the Flatiron building. And we’re gonna go to Daniel Burnham and what is his birthday? What does that say right there, folks? September 4. Otherwise written, nine slash four, or four slash nine. Four slash nine or nine slash, four. There are 16 total digits. The head of the snake born on nine four. There’s nine four. Seeing the code now you see in it. Or the 49. The 49, September 4, is written in the european way, like that.

The four slash nine. This guy who designed the Flatiron building. Yeah, but he’s in on a big conspiracy. Try to mock people. Now you’re seeing it. Now you’re seeing it. And to get to the tail end of this, I’m almost done now. Then I looked at the building itself, and who owns it? It’s the sword Genti group from Italy. They own this building. And here’s the guy who is the major shareholder. Valterhe Minetti or main Nettie. So what is his birthday? October 28, 1947. Very interesting, because that’s Bill Gates’s birthday. Huh? Bill Gates looks like a snake.

His face does. No offense, Bill, but you kind of do. The 28 October and the 28th October card is the seven of hearts. And I think this is my last slide. So this seven of hearts is the card of the gods. Remote control. It’s a number. Again. It’s a seven. Right. We have seven chakras. How big the number seven is. And the head of the snake is 60. And in the string of the golden ratio, you got to go 70 digits. There’s the 60 digit 69, which is serpent. In Greek, ophis opus, which is the SAP of the opium.

69 and 70. And the total is 325. But the 60 from the head of the snake. When you do the rules of the cards, you subtract the total amount of cards in the deck. There are 52. You either there’s sixties, there’s not. There’s no 60th card. So we have to subtract the 52. What do we get? We get the number eight. Eight is the prison. Eight is the Taurus field. So it’s spirit going down into the Taurus field. And this is the connecting part of the eight of hearts. It’s the seven of hearts, which is the card that is the October 28 day.

So, like, if we go to here, just to show you, here’s the month of October, and we scroll down to the 28th. Here’s row 28 right here. And there’s the seven of hearts. Now if I come over here to the cards of illumination, the boilerplate chart, the seven of hearts is right here on the master life configuration. Your birth cards gonna be in here. Here it is. Sits in the venus Mercury line. And the card that is the ruler of that, the master spirit card, is the 8th hearts. So the head of the snake is tied to the eight of hearts.

And the eight of hearts, of course, sits here as well, which is the middle path. You see that the middle path is right here. This middle path is tied to the colors of the rainbow that I just showed you, this being the middle path. And you see that at the bottom is an eight and at the top is an eight, as in 88. When you add these cards up, you get 226, which is the element raw. It sits exclusively in the Jupiter line. Zeus. Yow. Yode. Now, you get into Nastasia, you get into the archons. But Jupiter, Zeus, which has the great red spot on it.

Zeus being 54. News station 54. And they live, broadcasting a hypnotic trance. That’s how deep this goes. But this dude right here has the seven of hearts birth card, which partners with the eight of hearts, which is tied to the head of the snake. Coincidence? No way. This is where you’re going to get your pentagrams. You’re upside down and you’re right side up. This is a ten sided polygonal called a decagon. Ten sided ten. Say ten right there. Okay, so there you go, ladies and gentlemen. Complete. And I hope that you enjoyed this kind of secondary part of Doctor Hillman’s decoded.

But you could see that. That his story of a drug induced society has its say, has its place and giving its truth. And maybe, just maybe, that’s exactly how all these books got written. Was people taking and ingesting drugs and or part of it anyway, and writing stories from it. Because I don’t know, I wasn’t back. That I didn’t live back then. But I’m a decoder. And when I see stuff like this, these are my tools. These are your tools. When I see these tools, there are no denying these tools. This, what is eight and 715? That’s the head.

See the head? 15. Eight and seven is 15. Eight times 756. Lights, camera, action. Right? So now you know. And the. The eight is the Taurus field, the prison, which is tied to the sun, which is tied to Ra. And the sun just may be having this dream and it becomes. That comes out and becomes human beings. I’ve got Lucifer pegged to the sun as well. The Lucifer is the son of the morning. So anyway, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. Complete. Hope you enjoyed this presentation. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan.

For decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you later.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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