– Today we’re going to be breaking down and decoding the redeemer. Why is Christ called Christ? Well, it has a little bit to do with reincarnation. Let’s go through the topics now.
– The Christ statue is 30 meters tall. There are nine layers to this, including the zero at the bottom tied to Thorium. When you multiply those more referencing points to Uranus, the father, 840 is the total outcome. And we’re being role played. You’re having the Jesus Christ Superstar experience.
– Latitude longitude equaling 66. How many books in the bible? 66. Two of the most two of the stable isotopes of zinc, 65 and 66. Matching the Rio de Janeiro coordinates. And matching the numerology of Demiurge roleplay.
– Paul Landowski is a French sculptor who created the Christ redeemer. His birth card matches Jesus and Christ. His death card matches March 31. How ridiculously scripted is this?
– Kabbalah decoded: This is what I feel Earth is. Paul Maximilian Landowski got the 80. There is no separation between the Vatican and Judaism. It’s one and the same.
– Logan: I’m now going to be bringing a lot of my major content to those that want to become members of the Decode G Reality family. If you want to support the patreon, I would greatly appreciate that. Become a member and you’re going to get exclusive content. Keep your comments coming.
Site: https://truthmafia.com : full summary text presention: the-redeemer-decoded-new
Welcome out, everyone, all of you great decoders around the world, male and female, wherever you’re at in this great, glorious place. My name is Logan Decode. Your reality, your tour guide. Today we’re going to be breaking down and decoding the redeemer. The redeemer decoded. Notice I have the word or the letters Re highlighted in green at the top. Why is Christ called the redeemer? Well, it has a little bit to do with reincarnation. Check out my reincarnation decoded. Re means to do it over again, to do it over again. This whole reality, folks, over and over, nonstop, et cetera, et cetera. And this is where you’re going to get into this eternal life. And this is part of the Reincarnation decoded. Check it out. Eternal life.
See, in the Greek, where this concept came from, eternal life, 56, which matches speed of light and lights, camera, action. You see, when you get reincarnated back into the game, back into the movie, you get to play a character, right? So this character right here comes on the scene to clean the board, to deliver to you a new game. That’s the whole point of reincarnation. Reincarnations. 42, crucifixions 42 in numerology, yada yada yada. So there you have it, folks. There’s my intro. Quick, easy, small, little decode. Decoding shorts. The redeemer decoded. Let’s go through the topics now.
Number one, father’s son. Number two, Paul. Maybe your name’s Paul. And then number three, gold Mountain.
All right, so here we go, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s get into the first topic called Father’s son. Father’s son. And someone tipped me off on this big shout out to you. I thought it was you, Roland. But Roland’s like no, it’s not me. So there’s another decoder that tipped me off on this, and I don’t know, just popped into my head and I’m like, okay, I’ll decode it. And there it was. Bam. 92ft. I’m going to show you the one in meters because that’s how they measured it over there in Brazil. But 92ft from left hand to right hand. And there we have the connecting point between Christianity and Judaism, because Jerusalem, which is where the Torah came from, which is one half of the Bible, is a 92. How about that?
And if you want to know who the father of the Son is, look no further to Alchemy. And it’s the uranium. Uranium is the father of the Christ. The christ would be the son. Uranium would be the father. No accident there. 92ft. All right, so let’s measure this out here in just a second. But check out my 92 decoded, very short one. I did ten minutes. 92 is 33. Here’s the father of the Christ. It’s Uranus. Uranus, which means heaven, goes all the way back to ancient Samaria and the God called ANU, tied to the eye in the sky in uranium. Okay, that’s the 92. But let’s measure these things out here through the meters. That’s what they used to build this thing 38 meters from top to bottom, and then 28 meters is 92ft from arm to arm. And then you just multiply those, right? We’re going to add them up, too. But 28 times 38, 1064. Where do you go with that? You go right to Alchemy, and just like that, we connect to ho, ho. It’s Santa Claus. What’s? Santa Claus tied to the Christ, of course, because December 25 is tied to Jesus Christ’s birthday. Whether or not he was born or whether he was real doesn’t matter. It’s part of the story. Santa Claus going down the chimney, coming down to play the game of life. Holmium is the most magnetic element on the periodic table, making this statue very magnetic. Where do you go with the homium? Well, it is the 67th element. And it just so happens 67 is the 19th prime number. Keeping your eyes right here, what’s the 19 tied to Bam? It’s the sun. That’s why the sun is the 19th card in the Tarot many references to Jesus being the sun. And then you have holmium. When you say it, it’s the number 30. So Santa says, Ho, ho ho. It’s kind of the comedy. That’s why God’s a stand-up comedian.
So when we look at the Father son through astrology, which I covered in my crypto kingdom, check out my crypto kingdom, part one and part two. These are very big decodes. Very, very big. Well, the kingdom of the Christ, he’s talking about the Age of Aquarius, aquarius being ruled by Uranus. And then the opposite is Leo ruled by the sun. There it is, the Father and the Son through the hourglass, right there the Father son, okay, that’s the combination. That’s what you’re talking about. That’s exactly what it means here.
So getting back to the statue and the measurements of the statue. So when you look at the Christ, the redeemer statue, and the whole breakdown of this, they measure it out where they exclude or separate the pedestal. They exclude the pedestal here, and they measure the Jesus statue from head to toe, right? But of course, I included the pedestal, and there’s nine layers to this, of course, including the zero at the bottom tied to Thorium. And it’s just so many ridiculous sinks to this thing. But it’s 30 meters, right? So it’s 38 with the base 30 meters, and then the 28 meters. And when you multiply those more referencing points to Uranus, the father, 840 is the total outcome. You just drop that zero. The orbital period of Uranus through astronomy is 84 years. But see what I mean, folks? It’s just right there all in your face, man. It’s always been there. And the guy that created this, I’m going to show you, did he know all this mathematics and all that stuff? Maybe, but to get all these things right, it’s kind of crazy. But anyways, getting more into this 30, right? So the statue is 30 meters tall. Santa Claus is 30. Ho ho homium. Right? Demiurge is 30. The new age named Jehovah is 30. There is no separation on this. It’s going to be tied to yaldaboth, all that stuff, folks. And we’re being role played, as I have been continuing to say. You’re on television. You’re being role played. You are the Christ. You’re having the Jesus Christ Superstar experience. Just enjoy the ride. That’s it. Instead of bitching, a lot of people just like to complain. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, how about the latitude longitude? X marks the spot. How big is latitude longitude? You should know where your birth city’s latitude longitude is where you live right now. The energies coming down, going across. So Rio de Janeiro, 22 degrees north or south, 43 degrees west. And when you add those up, you get the number 65. And it goes into this element, zinc. And what’s zinc’s, protons, 30. So it just matches right to demiurge, roleplay, Santa Claus, Jehovah, etc., etc. You see? So, like, did they choose that? Who chose to put it here? And were they sitting down coding this as I’m showing you the decode? I just don’t think so. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, if you add up the four digits, because there’s two digits on the left of the decimal, two digits on the right. So that’s what I did here. And it just moves it one digit up to 66. That’s why numbers encroach. You want to start looking at numbers in pairs. 65 and 66 go together. 66 and 67 go together. Why is the 66 so important? Well, because it’s tied to the books of the bible. How many books in the bible? 66. 66 books of the bible. You can go into the vulgate, you’ll get 80. And that’s tied to the tree of life. So it doesn’t really matter. It’s going to be the same outcome, just a different format. 66 books. 66 books, folks. Come on, think about it. Think about what I’m showing you. Here. The latitude longitude of Rio, 65 and 66. And the largest statue of the Christ sitting on top of that mountain. 710ft up we’re going to get into that matches the 66 books of the bible. I mean, mankind. Do you think they created the mountain that tall or do you? I mean, folks, there’s so many things that go into this. So many things. And zinc has several atomic masses. Two of its stable isotopes, 65 and 66. So you got to know what you’re looking for in alchemy. Two of the most two of the stable isotopes of zinc, 65 and 66. Matching the Rio de Janeiro coordinates. How about that? And matching theAll this stuff means right here. And the latitude longitude is so big, right? Latitude longitude equaling 66. The Bethlehem, the city of the Christ. When you add it up, equals 66. 31 and 35 is 66. 66 is disprosium, which means hard to get. 66 is one short of 666. You get latitude, longitude. You get latitude going north to south, longitude going east to west. That’s why the letter T is a perfect representation of latitude longitude. X marks the spot, x being the 24th letter. Jesus in the Greek is 24. It’s just so easy to see this stuff.
Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a scripted reality. We’re just along for the ride, getting into the next topic called Paul. Maybe your name’s paul. I have one of my best friends whose name is Paul. My dad’s name is Paul. Paul. Paul’s, the guy who made the statue, the architect. Where is he? Here he is. Paul Landowski. Here you go. French. French sculptor, right? Paul. You want to see how ridiculously scripted this guy’s life was? Now, maybe he’s trying to screw you over. It’s possible, right? He’s trying to mock you by doing all this kind of stuff to get all this stuff right. No, the guy’s a damn sculptor, man. Probably had no knowledge of doing this stuff. I know the birth cards. Like, look at the card he has for his birth, June 1. You know, waltz also has June 1. How about Frank Wepperman, who played the wizard of Oz in 1939? How about Morgan Freeman? June 1. June 1. June 1 was the movie called The Truman Show. That’s when it came out. That’s right. Think about what I’m showing you here using critical thinking. The Truman Show comes out on June 1. Frank, whopperman they cast it to play to wizard of Oz, June 1. And then Paul, the sculptor who creates the Christ redeemer is June 1. And here’s his card. Right. Three of spades. 42nd card in a deck. Come on, folks, really? This guy didn’t have a choice. Yes, he may have decided upon the measurements. Okay, great. But he didn’t get decide upon his freaking birth, man. He didn’t get to decide upon his birth or his death unless he took his own life. But, I mean, come on. The birth card. 42. Pretty easy to see. Life, the universe, everything, 42. Those of you that are fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And what about his death card? More ridiculousness. Five of clubs, March 31. Just so you we can be really transparent, here’s the boilerplate chart for the cards. Illumination. Those of you that are new here’s, march. You go all the way down to the 31st. There it is, the five of clubs. Okay, just so we could be really transparent. And then June 1. Three of spades. Okay, just so you know, I’m not trying to pull the woolly over your eyes. You get one past. You being really transparent. Well, it’s the 18th card in the deck. Just so happens to match Jesus and Christ. Coincidence? No, this guy didn’t have a choice, ladies and gentlemen, that’s he’s doing his job. He did his job as a sculptor. But wait, there’s more. What about when you take the cards together? 35 is simulation 53. The mirror of that is iodine, the I. Right, the iodine. And we have the Hebrew spelling. Those of you that are fans of the Torah, you say, oh, no, it’s not Jesus, it’s yeshua. Okay, whatever. You got me 53, right? Protons, matt’s, the i. One half of the I am. This guy’s death card is tied to that. Come on. 31. It’s so easy to see 31 stied to gallium and all stuff. But here it is. When you take his two birth, his birthday to death, day one and 31, you bring it together, you get 131, and that’s going to give you 54 protons. And that matches what the name of the statue is in Portuguese, which is where this statue is. And they speak Portuguese in Brazil. Crystal. Redentor crystal being 20, duality being 2034, being tied to the word tree. We’re going to get into that here. But this is what it looks like, folks. See xenon. If you checked out my Kabbalah decoded, this is what I feel Earth is. This is an actual movie bulb. It’s a Xenon movie bulb. Used to play movies in movie theaters. What do you think we’re in? We’re in a damn movie. Earth is an egg. I feel like this is the perfect representation of Earth. We live inside of a self contained system. And it’s all about the lights, camera, action, ladies and gentlemen.
And then what about his name in Numerology, right? Paul Maximilian Landowski got the 80. And there it is. This is the original constitution for the tree of life in Hebrew, where it came from. Judaism 80 tied to mercury. That’s why in the Vulgate, in the in the Vatican, there’s 80 books. They added on 14 to the 66. 80. 66 plus four plus 14 is 80. That’s why you get 80 books in the Vulgate, see? Because it’s tied to the tree of life. There is no separation between the Vatican and Judaism. It’s one and the same. It’s just packaged differently, that’s all it is. And there’s the tree. You see the tree, you go back up here. There it is, redeemer tree. Okay? That’s why you’re the Christ. You are this Jesus, Lucifer, actually, because it’s going to be good cop, bad cop. But anyway, ladies and gentlemen, paul Maximilianus, Lelandowski.
Let’s get into the last and final topic for this decode. The redeemer, it’s the gold mountain. The gold mountain, it’s this right here, corcordo, here’s the statue, here’s the mountain. I’m going to leave these links in the description of the video so you can click on these for yourself. But there’s so many ridiculous codes in here. 710 meters, 71 is Lucifer, okay? Jesus, Lucifer, playing out the roles. Anode cathode, it’s a battery. There’s so many sinks in this 3.8 kilometer road that they built, 540 passengers 54 xenon 20 minutes. Every 20 minutes, the rail takes a trip up there. 20 minutes is duality. Remember, Christo is 20. It takes 20 minutes. Come on, folks, how do you get this all like this? So many ridiculous sinks to this. 223 steps that’s tied to Lucifer. 223 is the flip of 322. I mean, folks, how much more do you want me to show you here? We live in a scripted reality. People can get some of this stuff right, consciously, but not everything. Just no way. So it’s corcovida or corcovido 40, and you’re on television, right? You’re on television. And the big standout, of course, is the 40s linked, which is big, right? This is a big number, 44. And the zero behind it, four means the box. Zero means eternal. Well, it’s zirconium. Zirconium comes from the Persian word zargun, which means gold colored. That’s right, because that’s what we’re being harvested for, our gold currency. I got a big decode coming out on the numbers zero through nine. But here’s zargun in Persian alphabet, in the Persian alphabet. Thanks everybody for helping me out. That did respond to this. Here are the single digits in the Persian alphabet where the zargon came from, from Zirconium. 1312, 24, 30, 29. You add them up, you get 108. What’s 108? Uranus in the Greek uranium. Okay, that’s what you’re looking at, folks. This is it, man. This is the source code. I got it coming out, but there you go. And what’s really big, I caught. This is the key isotopes. This was a humdinger for me personally. 90, 92, 94, the key isotopes, and I’m going to tell you right now, this is how I feel it is. This right here can go right to Hinduism because you get the creator Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Shiva 94Halo. It’s the 83 and the 38, the 1111. It’s the actor and actress. That’s what this whole thing’s all about, folks, being on television. And I got a really big decode, the biggest one for this topic.
And ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to introduce to you now my Patreon. I just released this, and I’m now going to be bringing a lot of my major content to those that want to become members of the Decode G Reality family. This will probably be the first release to start this thing off. So if you’re interested in supporting this channel ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been doing this now for over five years. All 400 plus.
Always been complimentary, complimentary. Well, now to keep this channel going to move on to bigger and better things, I got my Patreon. So go out, support, become a Patreon, and you’re going to get some content that’s not going to be on YouTube anymore. I’m not going to start breaking this stuff down, but this is going to be the first one here, and you’re not going to want to miss this one.
Telling you, it’s tied to all being on television, folks. Christ the redeemer Lucifer. The light bringer. The light of the world. The light bringer folks, you got to know what their characters are. Look at this coming out.
So if you want to support the Patreon, I would greatly appreciate that. Become a member and you’re going to get exclusive content, discounts off the merchandise, etc., etc.
Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, we’d love to hear what you saw for this presentation. I would love to hear keep your comments coming. Just keep them cordial. You don’t have to agree with everything. I mean, maybe this is not the channel for you. That’s okay. I don’t want everybody to agree with everything I say. Do your own critical thinking. Be skeptical. I’m the most skeptical person there is. But maybe this is not the channel for you, all right?
But nonetheless, keep your comments coming. Keep them cordial. It’s all about loving here, folks, the unification and unconditional love, man. That’s what this whole thing’s about. Keep your comments coming. Love to hear what you saw. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan for Decode Your Reality. Until next time, we will see you later.