➡ The text discusses a complex interpretation of tarot cards, numerology, and astrology, suggesting that these elements can predict future events. It mentions the ‘Nine of Swords’ card, indicating worry and anxiety, and the ‘Ten of Swords’ card, hinting at significant events in 2025. The text also refers to the Jewish calendar year 5784, associated with the ‘Queen of Cups’ card. Lastly, it discusses the birth charts of two individuals, Thomas Crooks and Donald Trump, and their connections to various cards and astrological signs.
➡ The text discusses astrological interpretations, focusing on the sun’s position in Gemini and its relation to Mercury, the ruler of Gemini. It also mentions the star Beetlejuice in Orion and its potential to go supernova. The text further explores the celestial activity during a specific incident, highlighting the presence of various celestial bodies like Helios (the sun), Aphrodite (Venus), Mercury, Zeus, and Uranus. It also discusses the influence of zodiac signs and their corresponding celestial bodies on events, using the example of Trump’s birth and a specific incident.
➡ The text discusses astrological and tarot card interpretations related to an incident involving Trump and an alleged shooter. It suggests that the positions of celestial bodies and the meanings of certain tarot cards at the time of the incident were not coincidental. The text also implies that these elements, along with human emotions, feed into a larger cosmic energy exchange. It concludes by stating that understanding these intricate connections can provide deeper insights into events.
➡ The speaker, Logan, suggests that life is like a movie, and we’re all playing our parts according to our unique scripts, influenced by things like astrology and numerology. He encourages us to understand our roles and live them out, rather than trying to control everything. He also advises us to stop giving energy to things we don’t want to watch or participate in. Lastly, he appreciates his audience and Patreon members for their support.
I think that is the truth that we’re living inside of a movie. So, ladies and gentlemen, I wasn’t even gonna do this. I got so much, so many requests for all of you great decoders. You’re gonna decode. Are you gonna decode? I haven’t even watched it because I just. I know it’s a movie. Now, whether or not the incident really happened and there were bullets that flown, it doesn’t matter because we’re being watched. We are entertainment for whatever created this reality. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here. And I’m going to break this down using the astrological charts, the card system.
I’m going to show you how we live in a scripted reality and mankind is not in control of this reality. Doesn’t matter how high up in the totem pole you get, you don’t get a hall pass. So, ladies and gentlemen, this is nothing new, right? These assassination. Here’s the one from 1981, the Reagan. And did this happen? Well, I don’t know. I wasn’t there. You probably were not there, but the incident really happened. I mean, when you turn on a movie, did it. Did it happen? Yeah. Right. So this happened here. And how about the one in the Vatican? Pope John Paul II, same year, assassination attempt, 1981.
So we have two of them in 1981. Did this really happen? Don’t know. Wasn’t there a. You know, we know that some of these events on the world stage are like a movie. They’re, they’re staged. It’s hard to tell. But ladies and gentlemen, what alleviates the burden of trying to tell is that, you see, we’re inside of a movie. This, this image here, I’m trying to. You’re. You’re looking down on us on a play. You’re. You’re the audience watching the movie. And essentially the movie’s watching you. So even this right here, this movie in 1962, Frank Sinatra and company, the manchurian candidate, which was about mind control and this was about an assassination attempt.
Did it really happen? Well, you would say, no, it’s a movie. Well, what do you think this is? You’re inside of a movie. This is all part of the movie of Earth. You don’t like the movie anymore, stop watching it. But some of you are so addicted to watching this stuff, and you think it’s really going to affect your life, and it’s really this and it’s really that. Turn it off. It’s one of the greatest things I ever did. So I feel like movies, when you turn on Netflix or Amazon prime or whatever it is that you fancy, turn on your favorite movies when you watch it, why do you get emotionally involved with them? Because you can’t tell what’s.
You don’t even distinguish between what’s real and what’s not because you’re literally under a trance of that movie. Well, a lot of people were to the trance of this, and there’s no way to tell. And even if it was real and it really happened and bullets really flew, well, it’s still a movie. You’re inside of a movie. And in this movie, in the manchurian candidate, there was really bullets that flew and there was really people acting out that they did. They got taken out. Mmm. Who tried to get taken out? So there’s no difference between this a movie and this we call real life.
But it’s just a movie. And I’m gonna support that as I go through this presentation. So, these images here, I want you to take a look. See, all the world’s a stage, and we are merely players. And even if you don’t know, you’re acting it out and you feel like you’re in control of the reality, you’re nothing. Mmm. Even when somebody is perhaps in the know that they’re staging an event, they’re being used to stage the event. Right. They’re being used, and they don’t even know they’re being used. They just think they’re using you to stage the event, but they’re not.
They’re being used. So I think these graphics did a great job on kind of describing this reality. And this is my final answer, folks. We live inside of a movie. Earth is a movie set. And. And the next time you get emotionally involved at a show or a movie that you watch, you may want to ask yourself why you’re doing that. The next time you watch something on the telly that you think is real, you may want to ask yourself why you’re getting emotionally involved with that. So let’s get into the breakdown of this incident on July 13, 2024.
Here are the dates written from the two styles on the calendar. We have July the 13th, we have the 713, and then we have the european model, the, or a lot of the european countries, you have the date before the month 713 and the 137 and instantly and automatically, you know, I saw the, the 137 and the 137 is a dead giveaway. As a decoder, you should know that it means the damn movie. You should know it automatically because you see, you go to the periodic table, like, why would I do that? Why would I look at the periodic table? Maybe you haven’t even never looked at the periodic table since you were in high school.
Well, these, in the decoding world, they are bridges, they are clues, they attach things in the decoding world. So if you don’t understand this information, the worst thing you could do is just dismiss it and say, oh, that’s just bullshit. Well, it is if you don’t understand it. But when you understand it, folks, it has a lot of merit. And you see, when I take chemistry and I look at the 56th element, which has that 137 atomic mass, and it’s correlated to the date on the calendar when this incident happened. And barium has the 56 protons and it matches the words lights, camera, action in the most in the oldest numerology cipher in the world, chaldean numerology.
Well, now you start to have your eyebrows get raised. Well, this is nothing new in the decoding world. A lot of us in the community know these numbers. So these just are common. And this is why the world’s a stage. But it’s, it’s beyond just that, folks. Now I’m going to add in a third layer or fourth layer. We have the mainstream date. We have chemistry, we have numerology. And now I’m going to add in the cards of illumination, a typical deck of playing cards. And now we have the spirit, the spirit running your ego, the little voice in your head that’s tied to your spirit card.
Well, the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks, he has the five of clubs as his spirit card. And Trump has the six of hearts for his spirit card. And what do you see there when you bring those two cards together? Don’t you see the 56? It’s right there. Yeah. You say, oh, well, it could be 65. It could be. But what makes more sense? And then you know what the 65 means tied to the movie. But that’s for a different story. But there it is. And I’m going to reference this back at the very end. So these are my final answers, folks.
We’re in a movie, man. You’re the action for the movie, and it’s the ba. And you go to ancient Egypt and you’re gonna get the RA and the Ba and the ka. And this is all spirit into matter. The spirit being the voice in your head, making you a non player character. I know a lot of you think you’re in control of your reality. How are you to prove that you can’t? Well, I’m gonna support that. These people are just non player characters and the voice in their head is guiding them. And it’s staging this entire reality.
And that’s why we live in a predestined reality, meaning you’re not in control of it. You’re not in control of the reality that you think. You’re just along for the ride. So let’s talk about this date and the date tied to the year when on the gregorian calendar we are in the year 2024, the year the Wood Dragon. And the 2024 card is the nine of spades. How we get that is a methodology that I learned from my friend Sharon Jeffers, the great card reader, where you take any number and you tie it to the typical deck of playing cards.
So there’s 52 cards in the deck matching the 52 weeks of the year. So you take whatever number you get, and if it’s above 52, you subtract 52 until you get to 52 or below. And 2024, when you take that number and you divide it by 52, you got to do it 38 times. And then you’ll find your answer and you’ll come to the number 48 and 40. Eight’s tied to this nine of swords right here, the nine of spades card. 48 is the nine of swords to give us the picture. And this is what we’re going to see on the world stage.
Is this a lot of worry? A lot of anxiety, depression, can’t sleep at night. Worry, fear. See, Sharon says, like, when this card shows up in your spread, well, shit’s about to happen. So get ready, right? Get ready cuz stuff’s gonna happen. There’s a lot of action that’s gonna happen. The precursor to the. The tennis swords, which is. Mmm. Which is the card of 2025. So when we hit 2025, we’re gonna be hitting the tennis swords and then we’re moving into the year of the snake. And the last time we, we had a big an event in the year the snake was in 2001.
You remember what happened during that? September 11, the year of the snake. Right. Well, now we’re moving into a ten of swords, a ten of spades, year of the snake for 2025. So if you think 2024 is going to be a little hairy, well, wait to see what happens in 2025. But let’s also talk about the jewish year right now. Even if you’re not somebody who follows the jewish calendar, it doesn’t matter. Well, he’s been to Israel many times. Well, the jewish calendar, we’re in the year 5784, about to hit the Rosh Hashanah on October 3.
We’re going to move into 5785. But this card right here, using the same methodology, 5784. We’re going to get the queen of Cups, the queen of hearts, and she’s card number twelve. This is card number 40, 48 or 49. And we’re gonna talk about this as we break down the astrological chart. Okay? We’re gonna talk about this as we break down the astrological chart. So let’s get into the cards of illumination, and we’re gonna talk about how all this correlates and leads to the astrological chart. And this is what we’re gonna. This is the main component here, besides this being one of the main components.
And what I have here, starting on the left, I have. I have the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks, and he was 20 years of age. And is these solar spreads, right? These all change every year for the most part. And they have a ruler, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Well, Poseidon is the ruler of solar spread 20. And then over here, Trump being 78, he’s being under the guise of Venus, Venus, Aphrodite, being the ruler of his chart. Interestingly enough, folks, I mean, is this just a mere coincidence that in the oldest numerology cipher in the world, chaldean crooks and Trump both equal 24.
Is that I just maybe a mere coincidence? Or is this, you think some people try to mock you now? They would have to mock you. With all these outcomes. I don’t know how you would ever, ever be able to support that to get all these things. And this is just me showing my decodes. There are countless other people showing their perceptions of how it worked. And it’s just too many moving parts to think that mankind could ever pull off a conspiracy like this, or even a real staged event, right? If this really happened, that mankind could never pull it off, too many moving parts, too many people involved, etc.
Etc. So in the middle. In the middle as the reference and the guide of the chart. It’s the spirit spread. I call this the handler spread. And going back up here, the spirit spread right here, crooks. A spirit card is the five of clubs. Trump’s is the six of hearts. Right? The spirit spread. And this is the unmovable chart, and it’s a reference point to check against whatever solar spread you’re looking at. Okay, so I have a lot of things boxed out here, and I’m gonna do my best to narrate this for each and every one of you.
And this is in no particular order. This is in no particular order, but what I want to start with here is the alleged shooter here, crooks. Him being born on September 20, he has the four of clubs. This is card number 17. His spirit card is the five of clubs charity showed. Right? But it’s here. It’s sitting in the Jupiter. Jupiter line for the age 20. Okay? So this is being utilized under the guise of Zeus, but it’s being ruled over by Poseidon. Zeus is his brother, who runs the waters of the earth. And the way to find that card is you start here, which becomes the sun card for Thomas.
And you just go from right to left. So you start here, and you just go, Mercury, Venus, Mars. Next row. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Poseidon, Neptune. Okay, so this two of clubs right here is a really big deal for this entire incident, is his Poseidon to a club’s card. And then trump, being 78, he’s being ruled by Venus. We’re going to do the same methodology. Here’s trump’s birth card, the three of diamonds. And we’re going to go Mercury. The next row, Venus. And there it is. And it’s not just his Venus card. This is trump’s spirit card.
Right? So this is a really big deal for this guy. This is a really big deal for this die. And just to show you how powerful this card system is now, I’m going to reference the spirit spread, and I’m going to look to where that six of hearts is occupying for Trump and the Venus position. What’s the sitting there? It’s Crooks’s Poseidon card. The two of clubs, which is the card of the futurist. Okay? The card of the futurist representing duality, representing beta, the binary system. But how convenient that his Poseidon card, which is his chart ruler, sits in the same spot as Trump’s chart ruler, Venus, which is.
Is his spirit cardinal. Okay? And this is how deep this oracle goes, this card system. As Sharon said, this is an oracle. We also have the day. This happened on the 13th. Right. And it was a four diamonds day. But because it’s the 13th in the month, we can also attach the king of hearts, the 13th card. And if we go and look at the 13 here, the king of hearts, we can see that it sits right in that bullseye, center of the Jupiter. Jupiter line. Jupiter running horizontally. Jupiter running vertically. And then we reference it over here.
And what do we have? We have the alleged shooter birth card there, right? So we have another tie in here to the day on the calendar. In the middle, we have the queen of clubs. In the spirit. This is card number 25 sitting in space. Number 25. Okay. And then the last piece here. And then I’m going to get into the astrological. Is the queen of hearts. The queen of hearts is the card that rules the jewish year 5784, which is what we’re under right now. And this queen of hearts in his chart, in his solar spread, matches up with the king of hearts, which is day number 13, when this incident happened.
And we come over to solar spread 78 for Trump. And what do we have here? The three of diamonds, which is Donald Trump’s birth cardinal. So you can see, folks, there’s a lot of moving parts just with these cards, let alone the dates and chemistry and bringing alchemy into all this and the whole shebang. All right. The whole shebang. So there’s a lot of moving parts to all this. But the big takeaway, obviously, is his Poseidon card matching up with it with the Venus card. And I’m going to show you now in the astrological position how this all plays out.
And I have. I’m gonna. I’m gonna reference the. Where am I going here? I’m gonna. I’m gonna use the photoshop here so I can drop and drag and show that kind of stuff. But I first want to start out with here. I first want to start out by showing you. This is Donald Trump’s birth chart. I’m using stellarium dash web.org. this is the true map of the stars, ladies and gentlemen. This is not tropical astrology. Tropical astrology pushes everything into the future. It is not the true map of the stars. This is the only true map of the stars.
And you can see, because a lot of people say, well, Trump’s a Gemini. Well, no, he’s not. He’s not a Gemini son. He’s a Taurus son. And when you look at his face, you can clearly see the remnants of a taurean energy. He’s very big and bulky, six foot one, he’s a big dude. He has a taurean face. He does not have a Gemini face. Okay, that’s number one. Now, a lot of people say, well, I know, but he’s got Gemini traits with the definition of the sun in Gemini. Yeah, that’s because. That’s because he has mercury in Gemini.
He has Saturn in Gemini. He’s got Venus in Gemini. And the definition of these celestials in Gemini will give you some examples of what the sun means in Gemini. So, of course, he thinks as like of a Gemini as Mercury. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, so it’s at home here for him and so on and so forth. You could see, ladies and gentlemen, that his son, during his birth time, is right across from the. The major star sign of Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice being in Orion the hunter. And I’m going to talk about this, this beetlejuice aspect.
So let’s go to the. The photoshop here, the ashel. And I’m going to be referencing. And in the background, I have the incident with the stellarium. And then I’m going to be using this zodiac wheel cut off of mastering the zodiac calm. I feel like that’s the. The more the most accurate chart you can reference because the zodiac signs, as you can see when you zoom into these, ladies and gentlemen, these zodiac signs, they’re not evenly spaced. They’re not 30 degrees each. Virgo is the largest, so it’s going to take up the most room. So even though this is computer generated, I feel like this is going to give you the closest you can get to the map of the stars.
Okay. And this is what it looked like. And I want to just let you know this happened at 1611. I mean, I’m sorry, 611 pm. That’s the golden ratio. Six one one is the 1.61 golden ratio. And if you know what that means, if you’re a decoder, you know, that’s a big deal. But what is it that in military time, 16 becomes 18 a 06:00 is 1800 hours. And what’s 18 plus eleven, ladies and gentlemen? What is 18 plus 1129? And what’s 29? It just so happens to be Trump’s birth cardinal. So the incident, they. Exactly.
The bullets fly at the same numbers that matches birth card. Coincidence. See, you add on the cards and it gets more detailed and more detailed and more detailed. So there’s just that right there. That’s a big humdinger. All right. And we’re gonna talk about as many things as I can talk about here. Clearly up in the 7th house during when this incident happened, we have a cluster of celestial activity. We have Taurus energy here. It’s in the 7th house of Lib raw, right? Rabbit, Libera, the 7th house. And Ra is tied to radium and radius, and that reduces all the way down to the number seven.
So this is a lib raw energy behind the taurian energy that’s occupying this house. Essentially, I look at these as hotels, hotels and Libra. This is Libra’s hotel. But then tourist takes up residence here. So now you add on the taurian energy to the Libra energy, and now you get relations. You got relationships and possessions here. These words I’ve used to, to define each house. So you have a little bit of a reference point. But this, all this energy here, look at what we have stacked during this incident. You have Helios, the sun. You have Aphrodite, Venus.
You have Mercury, the messenger. You have Zeus, the largest planet in the canopy. And then you have the only planet that’s not part of the olympian or Titan team. It’s the primordial called Uranus. You run us, and you have ra right in that word as well. Uranus representing heaven, going all the way back to greek mythology. And then the biggest standout is Beetlejuice. Remember I told you during Trump’s birth, there’s Beetlejuice right across from his son when he was born on June 14, 1946. Well, there’s the Beetlejuice on July 13. And look at what you have right across there.
A match. The sun matching up with beetlejuice, Mercury matching up with beetlejuice, Venus matching up with beetlejuice. Beetlejuice is said, according to science, about it’s going to be close to supernova. What does that mean? Maybe it’s, it’s going to explode and it’s going to give off a lot of energy. And it’s in its, it’s in its precursor stage to do that. Maybe it’s pissed off. We don’t know how this start, this stuff happens or what happens, but, ladies and gentlemen, these effects the so below. And Beetlejuice is known as a very malefic energy, right? It’s a malefic beetlejuice by Michael Keaton.
Remember that movie from the 1980s, Beetlejuice? Beetlejuice. Well, beetlejuice is about the supernova, and it’s, it’s affecting these energies right here. So this is what we’re going to talk about over here is that we have all this celestial activity. We have this, these, all these are Olympians. By the way, Helios, mercury, Zeus, aphrodite. Aphrodite, they’re all Olympians. The only non olympian is Uranus. He’s a primordial. And then you have the only titan down here, which is Kronos. Everybody’s an Olympian. Mars, Hades, Selene, they’re all Olympians. Ten out of the twelve zodiac signs are run by Olympians.
Factor that in there. Okay? So let’s take a look at and synchronize all this stuff, and let me show you how dialed in this scripted reality event was. First and foremost, and this is in no particular order, we have the 2024 card for the nine of spades, right? The nine of spades being the card ruler for 2024. This is the card of the anxiety nightmare, right? The. The storms coming out. Be wary, be cautious. Well, it’s got a big fat nine on it. And the 9th zodiac sign, Sagittarius, is sitting in house number two right there.
Sagittarius is ruled by what? Zeus? So now we come back up here and where Zeus clustered in with all this other energy, along with beetlejuice. This, ladies and gentlemen, the zodiac is the great beast above. It’s a harvester of energy. And these, this is a. This is all a team effort. It is not just one celestial placement that has, you know, the say so and all this. It’s a team effort here. And this nine of spades being card for the card number for the year 2024 sits in the second house because of Sagittarius being here. But it also sits and comes here because the Taurus house number two sits here in the 7th house.
So now this nine of spades is going to have its impact on this, because Taurus is the ruler of the second house, which is occupied by the 9th zodiac sign. And where that nine of spades is going to sit, we also can take the nine of spades and we can bring it up here to the 9th house. And now we have some energy given to the sign of Leo, ruled by the sun. Again, helios, and cancer, energy, ruled by Celine, the moon. And the way you feel about the situation. And we’re going to. We’re going to discuss that as we move more forward into this presentation.
And then we have the jewish new year, the jewish year 5784, the queen of hearts. The queens are tied to the number twelve. And what is the twelve zodiac sign? The sign of Pisces. And what do we have here in the sign of Pisces? Chiron, the wound. Rahu, the desire and Poseidon. The one that runs addictions. They’re all in the sign of Pisces. And Pisces represents the shadow side of you, the mysteries, the hidden things. The hidden things. This is where this. This card for the jewish year 5784 sits. And, folks, you know, when you look at the alleged shooter, Thomas, and we talked about his Poseidon card being the two of clubs, which is his chart ruler here.
Right here. Poseidon is the chart ruler for. For solar spread number 20. Well, it’s got a big fat two on it. So where would that two fit? Well, it can go here to the second house, which also is being occupied, which is also being influenced by that nine of spades in the gregorian 2024 card. So now Poseidon’s influencing the second house, and it’s also going to influence the 9th house, and it’s also going to influence the ruler of the 9th zodiac sign, which is Zeus. So now the two can also come up here. Now, what’s interesting, folks, is that what is Taurus, the second zodiac sign? So now, the lead shooter, his Poseidon card, the two of clubs, matches up with the second zodiac sign of Taurus.
And now all this energy here is utilizing that energy with the two of clubs. And remember that his poseidon is down here in the 12th zodiac sign, Pisces, which is going to be tapping into that jewish 5784 card, right? It’s all a big Ponzi scheme, ladies and gentlemen. Poseidon right here represents addictions, addicted to the shadow aspect and chiron, the wound, and rahu, the liberator. Rahu being the desiree, the desire to cause the wound and the addiction of the shadow self. Perhaps utilizing the shadow self of this person right here, right across the way, you have k two, the south node of the moon.
And this energy shoots across and plays out with Rahu in the sign of Pisces. It’s in the fifth zodiac sign. I mean, the fifth house. And the fifth house is ruled by Helios. So behind this, even though Helios is up here behind the scenes, Helios is still affecting its own domicile house. And the domicile house that it rules is up here. So now Helios is up here in the 10th house, because this is where Leo is. Leo occupying the 10th house and some of the 9th house. And remember where that nine is for the 2024 card, right here.
So helios gets a lot of this energy, okay? It gets a lot of this energy. And I’ve referenced the sun being the devil. I don’t know how many times the zodiac wheel above is tied to the Stargate. Essentially, it’s like the death Star, the Stargate above and the sun and the moon have their say in this. These are all tied to the Olympians. And you get into the archons. All that stuff comes into play. All of it comes into play. Okay. And then what about Trump’s birth cardinal? Let’s talk about Trump’s birth card. The three of diamonds.
Remember, the incident happened at 1800 hours and eleven minutes. That’s 29. This is Trump’s birth card. This is the 29th card in the deck. Coincidentally, the time in military time matches up with his birth card. Come on. And then you bring that over here. It fits just right there in the third house. And what’s in the third house? Pluto. Hades. Pluto is in Capricorn. And it will be in Capricorn until around the year 2040. So those of you that think that Pluto is in Aquarius, it can’t be in two places at one time. It is in Capricorn, and it will be there until 2039, 2040, and it’s doing its duty here.
And of course, Hades is the God of the underworld. It wants death, essentially, right? Because it feeds off of death. And it’s in the sign of Capricorn in this third house. And there’s that three of diamonds fitting right there. And the ruler of Capricorn is Corona. So we just come right over to the fourth house, and now we have the four of diamonds, which is the card for July 13, when this incident happened. It also is matching up with the four clubs, which is the alleged shooter’s birth card. He’s the four of clubs. So now you have a pocket, a pair of fours, and they’re tied to the fourth house, which is in Aquarius.
Aquarius, at this incident time, was inside the fourth house. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about this, because what is Aquarius? Aquarius is air. What do bullets do? They fly through the air. They fly through the air. And of course, where was trump? And where was this alleged shooter? They were at a social event. That’s because Aquarius is representing the social circles of your life. The social circles of your life. And you have kronos, the great judge, sitting here in the sign right at the tail end of Aquarius in the fourth house, all tied together with the incident card and the shooter’s birth card right there.
Not a coincidence. Not at all a coincidence. These fours as well, are going to be tied to the sign of cancer. So I can take the fours. I can bring them up here, and we can tie these to the sign of cancer. One here and one here. And just remember, ladies and gentlemen, that cancer is ruled by the moon. Cancer is in the 9th zodiac. 9th house, tied to the nine of spades, which is the card that rules the 2024 year. So you see how detailed this is when you have all these tools, all the possibilities are endless.
And there’s so much more that I’m showing you. There is so much more. But these layers that I’m showing you are really, really big deals. And this is properly how you take these cards and you institute them into the Zodiac, and you can see how they’re playing out. The moon being the ruler of cancer. Cancer being the fourth sign. The four of diamonds. July 13. The four of clubs. The alleged shooters. Birth card tied to the moon. What does the moon have to do with all of us? The moon is the way it makes you feel.
How did it make you feel? Some people get so crazy and so angry, and then they start to revolt and cause this and do that and say this and do that, and they spread the dirty laundry. And that’s exactly what this reality wants. This matrix wants dirty laundry spread around because it gets fed. That’s what this does. That’s what this whole zodiac, this whole zodiac wheel feeds off of. Energy exchange. The Greeks called it ambrosia. Human beings are being used for their ambrosia. What is Ambrosia? Your love and fear. When you realize that this is just a staged movie, whether or not it really happened, and they don’t realize it’s staged.
We are entertainment. They are. They’re not in control of their lives. I promise you, these people are being used just like you are. Just like I am being used to tell you this story. So you have the information. Right? So the moon, Celine, another olympian part of the archons, is here in the 10th house during this incident at the midheaven position. It’s in the sign of Leo. So Leo, of course, is ruled by Helios. So now you get the bride and the groom here. Okay. So now the 10th house is in cahoots with the 7th house, where all this activity was.
And the moon is directly across from Kronos. So this is a symbiotic relationship right here. And we know how big the fours are. The four sit in that fourth house. Right. The moon is the way it makes you feel. The love and fear, emotions that went off. That’s what the job of the moon, is, to harvest the feelings of things. And it’s in the 10th house. And the 10th house is down here. And capricorns down here, the ruler of the 10th house, which is in the third. I’m sorry, the. Yeah, then. And Capricorn’s in the third house.
And there’s trump’s birth card, the three of diamonds. Third house. Third house being occupied by the 10th zodiac sign. The 10th zodiac sign is up here, where the moon is being occupied by the fifth zodiac sign. We just come back down here. The fifth Zodiac house is being ruled as being occupied by the 12th zodiac sign. And it just goes around and around. And all you have to do is connect these dots and pull the cards in, and you’ll see that we. There’s. There’s so many moving parts to this that it’s. It would be impossibility for a man to get all this right.
To get all these things right, because my man is not in control this reality. Woman is not in control of this reality at all. How about the spirit card of crooks and trump? We already told you what the 56 is. Well, trump has the six of hearts, says it’s is in his Venus position as well. And, well, right here is the 6th house. What’s occupying the 6th house? The God of war. Mars. Mars, Aries. Mars is in its own domicile house, and it represents desire, lust. The desire and lust. And it’s a Virgo based house. So now we go back and look at.
Where’s Virgo? Virgo’s up here. And Virgo is occupying the 11th house and the 12th house, but it’s occupying the 11th house mostly, which is social circles. So the desire of Mars and the desire and lust of the attempt here was on the Virgo. And Virgo is what it means, another way to. Means to be a human being. And you have k two here, and k two shoots all the way across to Rahu. And now you go back to this aspect of the shadow self and the Poseidon, which is what his chart ruler was, the Chiron. And the wound of all that, the desire to play through the wound on the shadow self in the addiction of that with the Poseidon aspect right there.
And if you bring in his spirit card, Crooks’s spirit card, the five of clubs. Well, it sits right here, folks. So you see, this is the big deal for this kid is that his spirit card, which runs the mind, is sitting right here. And what’s his poseidon card, which is his ruler of his solar spread number 20, because he’s 20 right here. It’s in the fifth house. So he not only has his spirit card, which is the implant in your brain, your little voice in your head that’s talking right now that owns you, and that’s what’s telling you what to do.
And this is his spirit card right here. And it’s. There’s the fifth house paired with his poseidon card. I mean, it doesn’t get any more clearer than this, folks. You know how to read these cards. It doesn’t get any more clear than that. I mean, he also, his spirit card can sit up here, and it pairs with selene in the moon and, and the, the emotions and being ruled by helios. Helios being down here playing out with all these other celestials. This is a team effort, folks. And when you bring the cards into this, you, you have the eyes to, to see how all this is so intricate.
And remember that Beetlejuice was right across from this snapshot right here. Right there. Right there, playing with all these. And Beetlejuice is very, is known as being malefic. If you go research it, it’s known as, as, as being very malefic. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The breakdown, um, whoops. The breakdown of the alleged shooter and the recipient of that, just reminding you that the spirit cards for these two people involved in this incident, they lead to lights, camera, action. You’re, you’re inside of a movie, okay? If you don’t want to, you don’t want to watch the show anymore, stop tuning into it, stop sharing it with people.
Matter of fact, ladies and gentlemen, you know, like people are going to say, oh, aren’t you giving it energy, Logan? Yeah, of course, but I’m not going to tune into it. My energy and my participation is minimal. I’m trying to show you how this reality works. That’s my job, my responsibility. That’s what I’m coded to do. Whatever it is that you want to do with it, that’s up to you. But, ladies and gentlemen, you’re living in a predestined scripted reality. And it’s a show, it’s a movie, and you’re not in control of your reality. Just like everybody else.
We’re all, we all have our own screenplays. Figuring out what your screenplay is based upon, your astrological map, based upon your cards, based upon your numerology, is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing that you can do in your entire life. Because once you know it and you see it, you don’t have to defend it. You just go live it. Right? And that’s it. So just enjoy the show. So, ladies and gentlemen, that was my breakdown. And I appreciate each and every one of you for showing up. Big shout out to all the Patreon members.
That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. For decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you.