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➡ Logan, the speaker, shares his unique interpretation of the Tower of Ra, suggesting it could be linked to the game of chess, specifically the castles or rooks. He also explores the connections between various deities, including Ra, the God of the Bible, Lucifer, and Jesus, and suggests they might all be part of a larger scheme. He further connects these ideas to significant numbers and elements on the periodic table, implying a deeper, coded meaning to our reality.
➡ The text discusses the connections between various religious and celestial symbols, such as the sun, moon, Jesus, and Lucifer. It suggests that these symbols are intertwined and represent similar concepts, like light and control. The author also explores numerology and its significance in religious texts, particularly focusing on the number 88. Lastly, the text hints at a hidden code within the Book of Genesis, which the author plans to reveal in a future discussion.
➡ The text discusses the significance of numbers and letters in the Torah, specifically the 88th and 226th letters. It suggests these letters and their positions have deep, hidden meanings tied to elements on the periodic table and numerology. The author also connects these findings to real-world examples, such as the piano’s 88 keys and addresses of significant organizations. The text concludes by questioning whether these patterns are coincidental or part of a larger, hidden code.
➡ This text discusses the intriguing connections between actor Michael J. Fox’s birthday, his role in the movie “Back to the Future”, and the golden ratio. The author suggests that these links might not be coincidental, but rather part of a larger, scripted reality. The text also mentions other connections, like the number of keys on a piano and various symbols in tarot and numerology. The author invites readers to share their thoughts on these ideas.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, my name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is Decode, your reality. And today we’re going to be breaking down and decoding the Tower of Ra. The Tower of Raw Decoded. I thought this image came out amazing. You know, the Tower of Ra, ladies and gentlemen, what is this all about? And what I want to say to all of you here today, tonight, whenever you’re watching this, that what I’m presenting to all of you will be some groundbreaking material.

I don’t think that anyone has ever discovered this. And I want to be perfectly clear. It’s not me doing this. I am just the messenger. I am channeling this information. What’s the voice in my head? I’m. I’ve been given the role to show what this Tower of Ra is all about. So put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world. I’m. I’m assuming that this will probably be in some of your top three favorites decodes I’ve ever done. It’s not even a lot of material that I’m going to show you, but I promise you, this one will blow you away.

Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to start with this image right here. And you know the tower. Why is this called the Tower of Ra? Well, consider the fact that the tower card, the 16th card in the tarot, could just be the mighty Raw, the Egyptian sun God. And I think it’s beyond that. But the tower looks like the castles. Now, I know this one may have the queen’s crown on there, but I’m going to show you how I feel. It’s the castles, the rooks, etc. Etc. In chess. And what I want to point out very first and foremost is that 88, that notorious 88, what happens when you add those numbers up? What is 8 plus 8? 16.

And 16 is part of the golden ratio, 1.6:1. 16 is tied to the element sulfur on the periodic table, fire and brimstone. So could this be this? Could the Tower of Ra be the castles and rooks or the castles or brooks in chess? Well, I’m going to postulate the idea that that is the case, and I’m going to be a little bit vulnerable. I’m going to tell you a little bit about, you know, my lineage and history. I’ve already shown this in my prison Planet Part 2. Series Prison Planet Part 2 in the prison Planet series.

But I, I’m really pointing the. The raw energy here to the tens. And this is where you’re going to get, say 10, right? You’ll get the Satan the devil here. And the tens are the binary system, the 0 and the 1 which are tied to the golden ratio, the 1.6:1. And the castles in chess you can castle with the king. That’s a move you can do. But these are very powerful because they create the walls, right? They go vertically and horizontally. They’re very powerful car a very, very powerful pieces. And I’m going to suggest that the tension are the castles and rooks which are tied to Ra.

And when I said I wanted to get a little vulnerable. I will tell all of you that my parents, my mother was born on August 16 and she is the 10 of clubs. And my father, who was born on the same day as Matthew Groening of the Simpsons, February 15th, is the 10 of diamonds. So both my parents are tens. I’m an eight. My sister is a nine. That is it. I just have one sister. So is this a thing? Well, I mean, I could go into so much more personally about my history and lineage, but this is not what this decode’s about.

But I want to let all of you know you can do this with your parent. What are your parents cards? Maybe you have a parent or two parents that have tens just like me. But again, this is more of me. Why my reality is scripted. My mother is a devout JW, Jehovah’s Witness. She’s a 10 of clubs. This is tied to the word blood. This is the 23rd card in the deck. Tied to the word blood, tied to the word crown. There’s a crown right there tied to the word history. 10 of clubs. And then again, my dad is February 15th, same birthday as Matthew Groening who the Simpsons predict stuff now that doesn’t mean about my life, but this is what I’m tied to.

And then out pops me off of two tens. I’m born out of two tens. I’m born out of two castles. And I’m not saying this because of what I’m showing you here. I’m just saying this because this is what it connects to. And you notice that These have the four N positions. A1, A8, H8 and H1. Those are the spaces. So they, they literally form the square, the cube. And that’s a thing. This is Mercury’s magic square right here. An 8 by 8 grid. That’s Mercury’s Magic square. Yes, it is. So that’s a thing. Okay, but that’s what we’re going to start this thing off with.

And let’s now get into the topics of conversation. And again, ladies and gentlemen, this is groundbreaking material. I promise you this will blow your mind and it will be absolutely undeniable. And the undeniability here as a decoder is to support opinions. And I’m going to do that with these four topics right here. The very first topic I’m going to connect the deity Ra, the God of the Bible, the Yod, the deity Lucifer and the deity Jesus. We can even fit in Yaldaboth in here, Uhuru Mazda. There’s so many other ones that we could fit in here as well.

We could fit in Allah here. They’re all tied to this. It’s a Ponzi scheme. The second topic is 9 11. That’s because what happened on 9 11? The tower moment. Right. The third topic, Genesis. And then the final topic, 88. Okay, so let’s get into the very first topic now. And I’ve got in parentheses Ponzi scheme. Because these four titles, these four deity names to me are one and the same or they are working together as a unit, as a team. And I, I promise you folks, it’s going to blow your mind. So what I’m going to bring in here and I’m, what I’m going to suggest and now what I’m going to say is for me anyway, this is what I know.

It’s not a matter of what I believe anymore. I am telling you what the code says. And the code specifically will show you that the Yode Vahe is the Egyptian sun God Ra, without question. Okay? Without question. You know the Yode vahe’s numerology is 26. It’s right there in the isotope of radium. These elements on the periodic table, the elements, the Elohim, the L, it was a God, right? These have so much clue and magnificence to them. It’s just beyond words. And why I have the PI symbol here is because we live on the circle of PI that’s called Earth.

PI is the 16th letter in the modern Greek. The 16th card in the tarot is the tower. And if you take the protons of raw 88 and you add the neutrons and protons together, the 2, 2, 6 and the neutrons and the electrons, 226 plus 88, 314 and that is PI. And my last name is Payette. So I’m living a Scripted reality. I am the messenger. I am a catalyst. I am just here to channel this information to you. Whatever you want to do with it from here on out, not my. Not my thing. It’s you.

You got to deal with this. Okay, so when you start looking at the Egyptian sun God, Ra, and this is why I feel that the Bible and Judaism and Christianity are just a story told in a different way from the Egyptian book of the dead, the book of Life and book of the Dead. The Bible is a, is a, is a hand me down for. And I’m not disrespecting the Bible, but the Bible is from the precursor of the Egyptian pantheon. Without question. Raw being the sun God, you do it. You have Amen. Ra, there was these offshoots, Osiris, horses, where they all came from.

But it’s also Ray. See, when you look at what this says, this is well known, right? Ra, also given as Rey, is the sun God. And so how coincidental would it be that two elements on the periodic table, radium, raw 88 and rhenium, renium, radium, they both end with the Ium, renium, the Re. What would be the odds? And so I have the moon here and I have the sun because I feel that Ra is not just the sun. It’s a dualistic action. It’s the bride and the groom, it’s the sun and the moon, and then you get the celestials beyond that.

That’s for a different story. But what’s so fascinating about renium is that it’s tied to Lucifer big time. It’s not only the numerology of Lucifer in Isaiah 14, verses 12 being 75 matching the 75 protons. But Renium in Chaldean numerology is 28 matching Lucifer in the English spelling, because this is hell. Hey, Yod. Lamid. Lamid. They were going to say it’s halo, but Hell and the story of Lucifer being cast down to hell, could the sun and moon be this? The. The celestials that got casted down under the firmament. And above the firmament is where the heavenly realms reside in.

Lucifer gets casted down below the firmament. You know, Lucifer known as the bright and morning star. Well, I mean, that totally defines the sun and then the light bringer the moon. If you study the Egyptian stuff, the moon brings the sun back up in the morning time. So the moon is in here as well. So these are absolutely huge. I’m gonna probably have to do a part two on this because I want to go deeper into this, but I wanted to get this information out. And this is the most well known. So this is what we’re really going to talk about.

So now we have a connection to Lucifer, folks. And again, Lucifer is the light bringer. Does. Isn’t that what the sun and the moon are all about? The moon being the sun at night and then it brings the sun back out of the underworld, as talked about in the Egyptian pantheon. Raw coming out of the underworld. Well, the. The moon kind of is the. The director of that because then the moon goes away and then the sun comes up. So if this is. These two are doing an entanglement here. And then we also have Jesus in this.

Yeah, because Jesus and Lucifer are tied right together as Israel. You know, Jesus says in the Bible, I am the light of the world. Whoa. I mean, doesn’t that describe the sun? Of course it does. I walk on water. The sun walks on water, as does the moon. The moon was the sin God. And Jesus will take. I’ll take your sins away. So we have a connection from Jesus, from the sun and to the moon. And if you watch my my beast 2.0, you would have seen how valuable this, the. The magic squares of the moon and the sun were.

You know, when you say 80, 88. Raw. 88, you get 36. And that’s the numerology of the word raw in Hebrew. This is coming from Isaiah 45, verses 7, where it says, I make peace and create evil. Calamity. Evil is Ra. I, the Lord, do all these things. I, Yahweh, do all these things. You, Ra. So these connections to me are absolutely ironclad tight. And now we have a very strong distinction, I mean connection, excuse me, between Jesus and Lucifer. I’ve already done the Jesus Lucifer scandal. It’s out on the Patreon. Big shout out to all you Patreon members.

Thank you so very much for supporting this research. So we have very strong connections here. And then this one, this connection. And I’ve already done a decode on this. I hope all of you have watched it by now. It was a huge, huge hit as far as people, the popularity, getting a lot of feedback, comments, people emailing me about it. And you know, I got the wheel on here. The wheel of Samsara, the 10, the castle. The wheel. Right, the wheel. The wheel in the sky. Journey. You know that song. And during this decode, I showed that this is how I feel.

The Yode Vahe works through this story. And again, it’s a Ponzi scene. So this is Raw standing here looking through the firmament or looking through the glass, or however you want to look at it. And this is you and I. Now, if you take a television, and then we become this person, we become God. And now you see, why are we God? Because we hold the remote control. We get to choose what we watch, right? And the smallest letter in Hebrew is the Yod, or the Yod. And it looks a hell of a lot like what’s called an apostrophe, which means possession.

It means possession, folks. And this right here led me to breaking down the Egyptian hieroglyphs on the. The letters that Hebrew came from. And you can see here’s the number 10, here’s the yode. And it’s a. It’s an arm. It was an arm or a hand. So I created this graphic because this is what we do. We grab onto joysticks. We grab onto remote controls. We want to control the outcome. And we look through a screen. And what’s the screen? It’s the hay. The window. Yode with the arm looking through the window. The hay. The hay is the window.

And then we become the hook. We could become the wa. The. The Yode. Va. The wa. We get hooked. So this is what it looks like in the. The quad sequence. This is the Yod or Ra or Lucifer or Jesus or Ahuru Mazda or Yaldabaoth or Allah. And it’s looking through the window, the hay. And then we get. This is the hook. We get hooked by the. The Ra. And then we look out through our window, which is our eyes, and we have a hay. But these right here represent the basic fundamental and foundation of Ra.

And remember what it means. Possession. Mankind is being used. We are not in control of this reality. That is my final answer, which I have supported and hundreds and hundreds of decodes. Okay, So I just want to establish that. And now let’s get into the next topic. 9, 11. And I want. I want to go back and talk about this decode of just a few slides here. When I broke this astrological breakdown, September 11th, I showed this scripture right here, and this was really big. This was kind of the. The precursor to the whole decode. It was Isaiah 45, verses 7.

This is a huge. This is Old Testament now. And this is the Yode talking right there. It is Yahweh, the Yode Vahe. Right? And the numerology is 26 for the yode. And the 26 card in the deck is tied to September 11th. When I go to the boy, I don’t have my chart up. This is the card almost of you should have the card chart. Now, September 11th is the king clubs card, 26, tied to the element iron. But Isaiah 45, verses seven is talking about the yod, which is raw forming peace and evil. I form peace and evil.

I, the Lord, do all these things. And then you have the raw, which is the calamity part. This is tied to Shiva, right? Raw tied to Shiva. And the numerology from the origination of where it came from is 36. And this is the 36 card in the tarot, the knight of wands, which comes from the king of clubs. So there’s no question that the Yode is a dualistic, the demiurge. And it forms calamity and shalom. Peace, both chaos and order both. That’s what it does. And on top of that, ladies and gentlemen, the 457 is the 88th freaking prime number.

The 457 in mathematics is the 88th prime number. And bam, there it is. This is ironclad here, folks. This is undeniable that this is what it means. This is what this story is saying. Remember that Jesus Christ equals 36. 8, 8 in Chaldean numerology equals 36. So we have Jesus tied to this. We have Lucifer tied to this. Because Lucifer is the ray, the raw, the ray. Same thing, different letters, the A and the E. Okay, so that was the 9, 11. So there’s the yoga attachment. There’s the Christ and Lucifer, all the attachments. I’ve already gotten those.

But let’s now get into the groundbreaking material that you’ve never seen before. I’ve never seen this before, and I was sparked to look at it. So here we go. So I’m going to use the Torah and I’m going to use Judaism, which of course paved the way for Christianity. You cannot have Christianity without Judaism because then you would eliminate the Old Testament. The Old Testament and the New Testament go together. But of course, if you ask somebody who the God of the Bible is, it’s. They wouldn’t. They could. You could never say, well, it’s not the Yode, because the Yod is in the Old Testament.

And if you. If you are jw, Jehovah is the New age name. It’s all the way through the Old and the New Testament. And I’ve already shown the connections that it’s. This is a big Ponzi scheme. Jehovah is raw. Ra’s Jehovah, Lucifer’s Ra. Ra’s Lucifer, Ra’s Jesus, Ra, Zahuru Mazda. Ra is Yaldaboth. Raw is the demiurge. So I’m gonna. I’m gonna support this like crazy. Here we go. This is what we’re going to do. Step number one, I’m gonna find out what the 88th letter is in the book of Genesis. Starting from Genesis 1:1, I’m gonna count the total amount of letters.

This is the hidden code, man. But it ain’t hidden anymore. So the Genesis 1, verses 1 coming from Hebrew, there is. There are 28 total letters in the first chapter and verse. So I got to get to 88. I got 60 more to go. So we go into the second chapter. That’s got 52 total letters. Still not enough. So now when we add it up, this is what we get. Chapter one and chapter two. We have 80 letters. We need eight more to get to that 88. And what do you think the 88th letter is? Well, we go into Genesis one, verses three.

There it is. So now I have one of the letters for the Yod. Hey, remember the. The Yode? This is us. We have the hook. We’re hooked in, plugged in, and then we look out through the screen. This is the. The screen. This is us being hooked into the screen. So now what is the 88th letter? The. Hey, the fifth letter. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. The middle of your dial pad or calculator. Well, now what I’m going to do is I’m going to do the same thing to find out where the heck the 226th letter is.

So here are the first five chapters of first five verses of Genesis. We get 197. I’m still 200. I need. I’m 229 digits away from that 226. So I have to go into Genesis one, verses six. Do you remember one verses six, ladies and gentlemen? What is one and six? What is it? It’s this one. Six. Oh, yeah. This is a thing, folks. So what do you. What you. Some of you probably already know what that 226 letter is going to be. Some of you are already going to know what it is. So I just got to go to Genesis, chapter one, verses six, and there it is.

And I would encourage all of you, please go double check this. I’ve double checked it 10 times, and there it is, folks. The 226th letter in the Torah is the letter Yoda. And so this right here, folks, makes up the element on the periodic table raw. The isotope is the yode and the protons is the hay. So you have 10. This is 10, the castle, possession, and then the five. 10 and five. And what is 10 and five? 15. And what’s the 15th card in the tarot? The devil. I make peace and evil. The devil. So here it is, folks.

Now, again, I know you would say, well, what about these? Well, again, these are us through the context of the story. Yod. Hey, I control through the window. Carbon. This is carbon. And then we observe the reality through our windows, which are our eyes. So you only need to go this far. 2 and 2 is duality. I make peace and evil duality. Remember that. 88 plus 226. 314. Because PI represents the perfect circle, which is time. This is the 16th letter in the Modern. The Tower card is the 16th card. Okay, are you seeing this? And, you know, this right here, I mean, this letter, even though it’s got a separation there, well, you know, it is there.

And then the hay can. I’m sure it’ll fit in here in some way, some shape or form without. Right. Really trying to fit it there. Okay, so there. There’s the cat. This is the groundbreaking material. And again, this is right from the Torah, folks. This is like. This was jaw on the floor for me. I wasn’t surprised, but I was very satisfied because to me, there’s no denying this is the code that’s hidden in the Torah. But now it’s not hidden anymore. But let’s. Let’s keep going. So this, again, I want to remind you that the 226 letter, the 88th letter of the Torah is the yod and the hay.

Looking through and controlling the screen that it’s looking at. And then it’s hooked into this. And these are our two letters. Still not in control, because the origin is the raw character. Raw. Okay. The raw character. So let’s do some more calculations. I’m gonna. I’m going to show you the numerology now in Hebrew of all of those 226 letters for Genesis, chapter 1, verses 2, 3, 4, 5, and part of 6, ending at the hay at the bottom there. And the total amount is the 226 letters. It’s 59 words. You know what the 59 is, right? It’s tied to the prison prasiodymium.

The 141 tied to the binary. The. The square root of 2,59 is the rosary worn in Catholicism. You’re. They’re pledging to Ra. And the. And then the 2, 2, 3, 5 is the total numerology. And then we do it with the 88 letters. We back up we do Genesis 1 verses 2 and 3. Not the total amount of 1 and 3. We have to back up. And there’s the hay and it’s 23 words. Now remember, the 23rd card in the, in the cards of illumination is the 10 clubs card, which I’m going to go back, I’m going to show you because I like to do the visuals going back to that chessbo board.

This is the 23rd card tied to the castle. I feel these are the castles, the 10. Okay. Tied to the wheel of fortune, etc, etc, find my spot here. So 23 words, 88 letters. The total numerology is 942. So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to subtract the 2235 from all 226 letters and the 942 from the 88 letters. And what do we get? 1293. And this is what it’s tied to in mathematics. What is that number? It’s the freaking golden ratio. What is the golden ratio tied to? Gold. What is gold tied to? The sun? Do you see how massively beautiful this is? How, how so tight it is? The two two, three, five for all 226 letters.

The 942 for all 88 letters. And when you subtract the two, you get 1293. And I know some of you could, you could go and measure the letters in between the 80th letter and the 226th letter and you’ll get something. Absolutely. You could add them up, you can divide them. There’s going to be more mathematical equations in there that will blow your mind. But let’s keep going. How about this, which I showed in multiple decodes now, but peace and evil in Isaiah 45 verses 7, remember 4, 5, 7 is the 88th primary prime number. There’s the 88.

There’s raw and there’s shalom. 88. And there’s the 88. Folks, you, you can’t have one without the other in a dualistic reality, in this duality. And this is undeniable. So now you know. So here’s some more mathematical equations for you to take a look at. Now let’s look at the words 88 letters to get to that hay. And there were 23 total words. And then to get to the 226 to match the isotope 226, it was a total of 59 words. So we just do the calculation. We do the same way. What’s 59 minus 23, 36.

And what’s 36. Raw is 36. So ladies and gentlemen, this is so mathematically precise that you know this is, this is supernatural. So now you know how big raw hat. This has a night, this has a half life of 1600 years. Now you know why. The United States government in Washington D.C. the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They broke ground on the White House. They moved in on the the sign of Libra. 1600Amphitheater Way. That’s Google their headquarters. The largest collector of artificial intelligence. 1600Amphitheater Way. Tied to the half life of Radium 226. Why are these organizations, why are their addresses tied to Ra? Now you know why.

And this, this is tied to the 72 angels and demons. I already covered this in my raw 88, decoded exclusively out on Patreon. You can watch it over an hour filled of information showing the 72 angels and demons born from raw. Okay. Born from Raw. So let’s get into the final topic now. And I’m going to show you some real time events, some, some events that have happened in real life, what we would call real life. To show you we live in scripted reality and we don’t have the choices you think you have. First, I’m going to start with the man who is credited for inventing the piano.

He was born on May 4. Look at his name. He’s got Christ in his name. Christophori DeFrancesco. It’s got the Christ in his name. Not an accident. Now was this guy trying to mock you when I show you what I’m going to show you. He was born on May 4, the 124th day of the year. 1655 was not a leap year, common year. So guy, the guy invents the 88 key piano. And so I’m just going to simply go and look at what day the 88th day of the year is on the calendar. March 29th is.

And we’re just going to do simple math. What’s 124 minus 88? 36. And what’s 36 raw. So the guy who makes the piano of 88 keys, his birthday is 36 days away from Roz. 88. I mean, are you freaking kidding me? You think this guy had a choice? And the thing is folks, if you think people are actually doing this on purpose, what would be the point? Everybody that I’ve shown hundreds and hundreds of videos, they would all have to be in on the conspiracy. And I just don’t buy that. I think that’s ludicrous thinking. Let Me show you one more example.

How about this dude? You know this guy, Michael J. Fox, the great actor? Well, what. What is he tied to with the 88 notice? He was born on June 9th. June 9th. That’s the 69. That’s the yin yang. That’s peace and calamity. 88 miles an hour. Right? The DeLorean. Back to the future time travel. Well, let’s take his June 9th birthday. It’s the 160th day of the year. I bring it into the golden ratio, and look at where the 160 begins. The 880th digit. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I really, really, really would like to ask you what would be the odds that this man gets chosen to play Marty McFly in the back to the.

The classic Back to the Future movie? And he has a birthday on June 9, which is the 160th day of the year. And in the string of the golden ratio gold, the sun is the 880, I mean, and the 88 miles an hour. Now, did Robert Zemeckis and company know this information? And this is why they purposely casted Michael J. Fox to play Marty McFly. That’s the question you got to answer. Not up to me, but of course, I’ve shown so many times, so many times how we live in a scripted reality. And even though we become aware of it.

Well, you were. You were becoming aware of it. Now, I think this is where the Tower of Babel comes in, where it says God, you know, blew the tower down and confused everybody. I think that this is what happens. We get. We wake up and we realize, oh, my God, we’re being used. And we’re. We’re not in control of this reality. And we start to see the code, and then there’s a. There’s a wiping of the board and the confusion of the language. They’re getting amnesia again because you’re just getting too close. Is that what this is all about? Because, ladies and gentlemen, this right here to me is absolute support without any stretching anything that this man didn’t have a choice in playing Marty McFly and why he’s tied to it and Back to the Future, and then why the guy that created the piano is tied to Raw with his birthday.

These are humdingers that are undeniable. And just the 88 keys on the piano, just no way. So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, the Tower of Raw. I got my tower card and my tarot sitting right next to me. The 16th card in the deck. And I feel like that. These are the castles, the rooks. Maybe that’s what your card is. You know, the 10 of diamonds. Fortunate blessings, 10 of spades being tied to skull and bones. That’s the. That’s the card through numerology. But I would love to hear what you saw, ladies and gentlemen. Just keep your comments cordial.

But you know, there’s more code in the Bible, and to me, it’s a Ponzi scheme and all these deity names and all that stuff. It’s just all. It’s just. It’s all a big Ponzi scheme to get you to choose. Because we, like, have choices. Or at least we, like to feel like we have choices. Variety. But we’d love to hear what you saw. But that’s all I got for today, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Logan. 4D code your reality. Until next time. We will see you later.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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