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➡ This presentation discusses the Torah code, a concept that involves converting the Torah into numbers for analysis. The speaker, Logan, admires the work of Greg Braden, a researcher who has contributed significantly to this field. Logan believes that our reality is predestined and scripted, and he uses numerology and the Torah code to support his theory. He also suggests that the biblical God Yahweh is connected to the Egyptian god Ra, based on his interpretation of the Torah code.
➡ The text discusses the intricate connections between religious texts, numerology, and chemistry. It suggests that elements and numbers in religious texts like the Torah can be decoded to reveal deeper meanings. The author uses the example of the Hebrew letter ‘yode’, linking it to the element neon and the number 20, and suggests that our reality is mathematically precise. The text also explores the concept of ‘pi’ and the ‘golden ratio’, suggesting they are significant in understanding the universe.
➡ The text discusses the connection between letters in the Hebrew alphabet, their numerical values, and elements in the periodic table. It suggests that these connections could be a coded message, with references to DNA, the elements gadolinium and tungsten, and the numerology of certain phrases in Hebrew. The text also explores the symbolism of the tarot and the Chinese zodiac, and how they relate to the elements and numerology. Finally, it suggests that these connections could indicate a divine or supernatural influence in the creation of these systems.
➡ The text discusses the idea that our reality is predestined and scripted, drawing connections between elements like titanium, manganese, magnesium, and boron, and numerology. It suggests that everything happens for a reason because we’re living through a screenplay, not in control of our reality. The text also explores the concept of being ‘role played’ and the significance of numbers in our lives. It ends by encouraging respectful discussion and disagreement.


sa what you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths i’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider enabling you to come up with your own conclusions all right ladies and gentlemen fellow decoders around the world wherever you may be my name is logan i’m gonna be your tour guide for this presentation on the topic of torah code and i have the great greg braden featured for this presentation torah code with greg braden decoded i’m a fan of his research for sure man great mind here’s his channel i’m gonna leave his channel in the description of this video in case you don’t i mean if you don’t know who this person is what planet have you been on great author born on the same day as elon musk june twenty eighth nineteen fifty four we’re going to cover that and i hope he gets to watch this greg braden torah code and it was it was because of this video right here this biblical prophecy that triggered me to do this this presentation so let’s jump into this let me show you some scripted reality i hope he gets to see this because he’s all about the code and the computer scientist stuff and i would love to join forces with this guy i really would anyway he was born on june twenty eighth nineteen fifty four june twenty eighth is the one hundred seventy ninth day of the year and then you just go into mathematics and you know big prime numbers are right yeah one hundred and seventy nine he was born in the common year nineteen fifty four so one hundred seventy ninth day of the year was june twenty eighth it’s the forty first prime number which is the numerology of genesis one verses one man there wasn’t yahweh elohim it was the elohim that created the heavens and earth you know if you were yahweh wouldn’t you put your signature in the very beginning i would but nope it was elohim it was just elohim yahweh doesn’t come on the scene until the second book which is actually genesis two verses four very bizarre if you ask me but anyway there you go let us make man in our image genesis one verses twenty six yeah is greg braden in control of his life here’s my final answer absolutely not being used just like everybody else but i have the utmost respect when i say that so here’s the code man and i i hope like i said i hope he gets to see this because i hope he starts using this you could find tons of clues in the torah and what’s the one hundred seventy ninth digit of the torah well i have it highlighted there the arrow pointing at it well it’s the yode of course so on comes the first letter of the tenth letter and this to me is the apostrophe in english it means possession i’ve already covered the yodeh vahe decoded but how about that so he’s got his birthday being tied to the elohim genesis one one genesis one one has twenty eight letters there it is genesis one one has twenty eight letters total his birthday is on the twenty eighth yeah okay and he’s on the one hundred seventy ninth day of the year which is the letter yode no no coincidences there so there’s some code breaking for you and then we couldn’t leave this out of course a big proponent of the bible the vatican yeah all roads lead to rome already did the decode on that using the latin cipher the twenty three letters of their alphabet that’s a one hundred seventy nine which just so happens to lead to their latitude north of their location why is that well because we’re living in a simulated reality we’re living in a predestined scripted reality forty one plus twelve is fifty three and that’s tied to the numerology of yeshua in hebrew and it’s also the element iodine on the periodic table but it’s tied to the sons of god because of the elohim being tied to that forty one so there you go now you know and it’s all they’re all in bed together meaning that it’s all connected this the synchronicities of this so here’s where it gets super interesting like you want to talk about a scripted reality right this is how i support we’re not in control of our reality we’re just doing our jobs so he was born on the twenty eighth and here is his gregorian life path we have several life paths here’s his gregorian june being the sixth month on the gregorian calendar he was born on the twenty eighth nineteen fifty four and that’s a total of one hundred seven which is the twenty eighth prime number matching his birthday so this this this man is dialed in as you could say he’s dialed in the twenty eight is a magnificent number tied to the house of taurus and scorpio if you’re somebody who follows astrology venus and pluto mars okay so these are big humdiggers and you know i reverse engineered this because of the fact of why i wanted to do this presentation so i have the big arrow i have it zoomed in but here’s the screenshot of this topic he was talking about where they converted the torah into numbers so i’m going to get into that but i wanted to highlight and show you this time stamp this is how i know we’re not in control of our reality this time stamp was exactly at the moment where he brought on this right here and he talks about the computer scientists and how they converted the torah the five books and there’s a total of three hundred four eight hundred five numbers or letters if you will and he exactly at that time stamp is when he first splashed that on the screen and ladies and gentlemen one hundred seven twenty eight yeah right right there can’t miss it right but this is how scripted our reality is we’re just playing out our screenplays which i how long have not just myself how long have we been saying this years upon years that we’re living in a scripted reality so there it was so i’m going to extend upon this and show you how scripted this is how amazing this is so we’re going to do i guess you could say some some computer scientist stuff but you know i’m a code breaker so we’re going to break some code here and we’re going to talk about ra yahweh because that’s what the god of the bible is the yod is raw so hebrew gets predated by the egyptian mythologies i already covered this in the tower of ra i’m going to re show you that but as you can see we’re going to use this number here so supposedly three hundred and four eight hundred and five total letters in the torah five books right there meticulously counted now i’m just regurgitating this i don’t have absolute support of this i’m just going off of what greg braden has presented to the world okay but three zero four eight zero five that’s the number we’re going to use and what the first thing i’m going to do is just going to add them up as a numerologist this is one of the things that we do we simply take a group of numbers and we add them up so the zero has no value but the three four eight five does and that gives us the number twenty and what is the twentieth letter of the torah i mean this is obviously a big number three hundred four thousand eight hundred five what’s the twentieth letter well it’s rish course reese which is the head right so you go to the origins and it means the head the head honcho right the chief but see what it is in arabic it’s raw and just like that see these letters are very interesting that’s why i love hebrew because the letters they’re shapes and they have meanings beyond just the value especially when you do the numerology of them but you notice that when you spell out the word yod or yod it’s the tenth letter but when you spell it out phonetically you get the value of twenty so the rish which means the head which is the twentieth letter matches with the phonetic spelling of the yoder yod which they kind of look very similar matter of fact these letters in the torah they all kind of have the yard in them because it’s the smallest letter and this to me means possession okay possession that’s why genesis six verses three has god saying my spirit shall not reside in man forever but you can see how the value of resh or rish in the arabic which is raw is twenty one raw is twenty one in the chaldean the oldest numerology cipher that i know of and then there it is no one gets to the father except through me well now you have abba the father being the same values the one and the two and this is just going to be hydrogen and helium on the periodic table because that’s what the father is it’s the son psalms eighty four verses eleven we’re gonna get to that on a different decode but let’s break down the yode again shall we so we’re gonna go to genesis one verses one and we’re going to look to the twentieth letter this is what we’re going to do we’re just going to measure it we did this in the tower of raw i broke down the watchtower the jw organization they’re all worshiping raw it’s all the same thing that’s what the yode is but it’s the twentieth letter and it’s the tenth letter so the twentieth digit the twentieth letter in genesis one verses one in the torah which is the fifth word and the fifth letter is the yode i mean i could go on and on and then you just convert it into chemistry man because chemistry is where it’s at this is the golden means of how you decode chemistry man chemistry it’s all chemistry we’re made up of these elements they’re called elements l is god and the yode being the tenth letter gets these three elements because these are the three stable isotopes of neon notice the twenty one right there which is right here here here okay the twenty right there so this is the most abundant so i covered this in my my yod hey vahe decoded covered this but this is one of the slides and this is the value of chemistry we can take each element corresponding to each letter and add it up and we get values and pictures and why i have this image here is because this is how our reality works this would be the yode and the yod means the arm and it’s looking through the screen and it’s playing you and i we’re all we’re all god we’re all the divine that’s the beautiful thing about this kind of stuff here’s just some kind of simple connections here just to show you the ponzi scheme that we live in you notice that you know the new age name of the ode jehovah matches the word demiurge and the gnostics called the demiurge yaldaboth and the greek and we even have the mighty allah from the quran they’re all thirties you know and these all reduce down to the number three and three is going to give you a gimmel on the hebrew alphabet which is going to lead to pi and all that kind of stuff and then we can extend upon this but that’s what we’re dealing with we’re dealing with a ponzi scheme meaning that the origins all lead back to the source and the source owns everything right just kind of plays it all out so let’s extend upon this here and we’re going to talk about this twentieth letter being the letter of of yod or yod and the element that corresponds to that the most abundant isotope of neon neon means neos which means new right neon colors light i mean that’s because the yode’s tied to the sun and then neon you see comes from the word neos in greek so we go to the greek numerology cipher now the ancient greek not the modern and we get the fifty five so now what i want to do is what’s the fifty fifth letter of the torah well we got to go to genesis one verses two and we’re going twenty seven digits in because twenty seven plus twenty eight is fifty five and what is the fifty fifth letter well of course it’s going to be the hay so now we literally get the yod and the hay tied to neon and neos that’s this is how scripted our reality is this is how dialed in how mathematically precise this code is the numerology the elements on the periodic table the golden ratio the sine and cosine waves we could go on and on as code breakers and bring it all in here but you see this this this discovery was found in the tower of raw so i’m just going to recap two slides and to show you how the god of the bible is raw i’ve been so fascinated with the element radium and you know there’s ra right on it and this is where you’re going to get time travel eighty eight miles an hour back to the future etcetera etc but this element two hundred twenty six is the most stable isotope has a half life of sixteen hundred years so i’m like okay what’s the eighty eighth digit in the torah and it was the hay it was the second digit and then what’s the two hundred twenty six well you guessed it it’s the yod there it is so the yod hey literally ends up becoming raw the sun god and why i have pi here is because if you add up the neutrons protons and electrons of radium two hundred twenty six eighty eight plus eighty eight plus one hundred thirty eight you’re going to get three hundred fourteen and that’s because pi is the sine and cosine wave which is the monad in greek and that is the sun so the yodehe is the sun ladies and gentlemen that’s why psalms eighty four verses eleven says the lord god is a sun and shield the moon so there you have it right there okay raw being tied to the two hundred twenty sixth and the eighty eighth which is exactly what neos from neon and we started all from the tenth letter in the twentieth position so this is code breaking folks this is if you want to be a code breaker and you want to start studying theology and doesn’t matter what version you use you can use the greek kodaks and atticus can use the new world translation you can use the quran it really doesn’t matter i showed five different examples in the breakdown on the watchtower decoded but anyway let’s get into the second topic now yahweh pi and phi yeah the great mathematician ra is or the the yod so i’m going to go back to these numbers these six numbers the total amount of digits or total amount of letters in the torah and now we’re going to bring it into the string of the golden ratio and this is magic this is this is going to be magic now when you if you log on to this site sabidium dot com it will not include the one point so i had to adjust this just so you know but this is including the one point six one eight zero all the way up to three hundred four eight hundred five of what greg’s claiming to be the total amount of letters in the torah well it starts at the four hundred ninety nine thousand six hundred sixty ninth digit and again notice that it’s a three remember this that it’s this three just remember that it’s this three three three three just just remember that and three is three is what three is three point one four just remember that so he we’re doing three started off the cornerstone of that number but anyway here’s the magic when you take it and you put into numberempire dot com love that site no idea who owns it but i love you for it four hundred ninety nine six hundred sixty nine where this thing starts off in the golden ratio that is a prime number and it’s not just any prime number it is a permutation of one of the strings of pi how about that you see it three point one four one five yeah that’s called the permutation of pi which is right here this is ra which is the yod the sun god okay but it doesn’t stop there if you take this number and put it into number empire dot com you get another prime number another prime number and what is the prime number three point one four four pi this is the true meaning of pi and if you’re new to that we’ll just go to jane one hundred eight jane one hundred eight academy this man’s amazing he’ll explain to you that there are two pies and his position is that this is the correct pi the true value of pi i’ll leave that up to you he brings in the golden ratio here but that doesn’t mean that we can’t use that typical pie to measure from it’s an irregular pie according to him which is maybe why don’t say anything see those digits right there what do you see right there for the word satan three point one four one five yeah are you ready to have that conversation folks maybe i mean the word god is fourteen are you ready to have that conversation maybe you won’t because you think that they’re separate but anyway so we get two pies we get one pi here from the numbers of the total did total letters of the torah measured in mathematics we get one pi here and then we get another pie after we plop that number in we get the true value of pi according to jane one hundred eight how about that two pies man along with the golden ratio mathematically precise that’s what we’re dealing with so let’s get into the next topic now the yod’s signature this one’s big this one this one’s gonna give some truth bombs so i’m going to take the first chapter and verse of the torah right in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and i’m going to locate the yodeh vahe here here it is the yod fifth letter the hay twelfth letter the the wa or the vav twenty second letter and then the hay to repeat it twenty fifth letter is there anything about that that we can do yeah we can add them up of course this is all code right you code break with this so you just add them up twenty five plus twenty two plus twelve plus five gives us a value of sixty four how many squares on a chessboard sixty four the masons boy those sneaky masons huh those sneaky freemasons boy maybe they know a thing or two about something sixty four possible codons in our dna i’m just being funny folks don’t get mad at me for my dry humor sixty four possible codons of our dna yep but what can we connect to this from the periodic table catalinium catalinium man the average isotope according to the royal society of chemistry one hundred and fifty seven it’s got sixty four protons what do you see for the abbreviation there god yeah because if you go and study hebrew this is off of the shabbat dot org website it’s notorious to write it this way or just like that yeah i mean there’s reasons why right out of respect and why they use adonai instead of the they don’t want to mispronounce the name out of respect so i get it but there it is so is there any doubt so now there’s all the respect in the world because chemistry came through to support how they write it so the yode obviously is the gd here and this is the seventh letter and the fourth letter in the english alphabet and seventy four is the element tungsten and seventy four is going to equate to our dna i already covered that in the rna and the terrence howard decoded if you want to check that one out but you see this element right here the clues are in the icons so gadolinium has a television screen and that’s because supposedly they used to make television screens with gadolinium on them and you’re on television i mean what more can i say here you’re the you’re god and you’re on the television screen yeah right here now you want to see some scripted reality of course you do so how about the man who discovered it here he is john charles right there discovered gadolinium not just gadolinium but iterbyam element number seventy do you think he had control over his life do you think you have control over your life well i’m going to ask you what you think about this his full name numerology in the most reliable oldest numerology cipher that i know of is eighty four there’s his total which is very interesting because that’s exactly the numerology of i am that i am or i am who i am in hebrew i’m using the original hebrew now genesis exodus three verses fourteen this is the burning bush now why is it burning bush because it means the sun and the moon the sun is fire who should i tell the israelites who you are i am who i am i am that i am i will become what i will become however you want to do it but there’s the numerology right from hebrew eighty four yeah it’s the god man the gd see the connections so do you think this man had a choice or maybe the more logical answer is he was being used to discover these elements because his role in reality was he was a chemist and that’s what his job was that’s what the divine was using him for yeah i think the latter i think that one we have over six hundred videos now to support that this eighty four but it doesn’t stop here of course because we’re what about this this is the scripture that says i am who i am well that’s raw folks remember that eighty eight plus two two six is going to give you a total of three hundred fourteen and that’s pi man and pi is the sine wave that’s the sun it represents time pi is time that’s why it’s an infinite measures of infinite measure of digits and it’s a circle and that’s what the sun does it circles around the earth as does the moon the sun and the moon man that’s what makes up the god the raw or the re right but then we get into the chemistry now we’ll get into the yode chemistry and we’ll now just simplify it a little bit so since this is the yod hey right which would represent what’s using mankind the vahe is mankind that’s at least how i see it but what’s twelve and five seventeen so now we have oxygen oxygen which comes from oxygenes which means water forming okay it’s eight eight is the taurus field eight is the infinity symbol and o is the zero the mouth this is the fifteenth letter and the devil card in the tarot is the fifteen yeah because that is what that is and then you have us twenty five and twenty two forty seven yeah see we become the titans we are the titans the fallen ones through that story however that looks the titans twenty two are the protons twenty two is tied to the full card in the tarot this is tied to the strength card in the tarot okay forty seven and seventeen so there you go and you know ox in chinese it’s the ox and the ox in the hebrew alphabet is aleph it’s got the ox head on it ox and bet it’s alphabet the sun is alpha bet that’s where you get alphabet from but you can see when you do the numerology of titanium and oxygen you get twenty six and twenty six which is exactly the total numerology of the yodevahe not a coincidence these of course add up to the number fifty two which is tied to prison planet i have a whole series out i have five different prison planets and the words magnetic and electric because that’s what we live in we live in a magnet magnet we live in an electrical world we become electric this is going to be silver silver is the most electrical element on the periodic table and then we’re being ruled over by magnetism it’s magnetism and electricity and dielectricity and now you get into those layers of horror now you get into really the true essence of science physics and all that kind of stuff so let’s go back to the three zero four eight zero five now you know it’s tied to rod and pi in the golden ratio but we’re gonna we’re gonna plop that back into the golden ratio again right we’ve already done this the four four nine six six nine that’s going to be a prime number but you see this is six total digits here so here they are here are all six four nine nine six six nine four nine nine six seven zero all the way to four nine nine six seven four all in order so that is going to be four nine nine six seven four and i’m just going to simply throw them in the calculator and add them up forty three thirty five thirty six thirty seven thirty eight thirty nine what is the total two hundred and twenty eight go what is there an element on the periodic table that has an isotope of two hundred twenty eight i’m glad you asked because there is and it’s called radium two hundred twenty eight so we go right back to raw again you see so it just keeps raj just keeps coming up and keeps coming up and keeps coming up and keeps coming up and keeps coming up i got more to show you on that but if you need confirmation and again the precision of how the supernatural wrote this whatever wrote this the two hundred twenty eight is right here you see this the two hundred twenty eight found from this all six of these from the three hundred and four eight hundred and five from this mathematics then we just do simple addition and we put into chemistry and the two hundred twenty eight is right there and these elements make up the yod the seventeen and the vahe the forty seven see we’re talking about precision galore here man mankind could never code this we’re decoding it but coding it no not a chance but because we have the advancement of technology and computers it makes it a lot easier and the numerology just it makes it so much easier to decode from we have all the elements or at least up to one hundred eighteen so far okay but there’s the two hundred and twenty eight to confirm that what about if we break these down into individual elements more precision right so the yod gets boron the fifth letter fifth letter boron the hay being the twelfth letter gets magnesium it’s so interesting because magnesium is what you take for better sleep yeah so you stay asleep because we’re sleepwalkers and then the va or the wa is the twenty second letter and that’s titanium of course the titans and then another hay becomes manganese which is the word where the word magnet comes from so interesting when you look at the icons of all those and then you just add them up right you just add up and this is called the molar mass fifty five forty eight twenty four and eleven and you get one hundred and thirty eight if you’re a fan of jason beshears and his phoenix number you would know that one hundred and thirty eight is the phoenix number well what do you think creates the phoenix event well this is in this is obviously saying it’s the yodevahi but it’s the sun and the moon because that’s what the yode is ra actually the one hundred thirty eight and we could just go right back to chemistry and now you have barium barium one hundred and thirty eight it’s got fifty six protons and if if we just go to numerology i’ve done this a million times but you have lights camera action big shout out to roland big great decoder showed me this many years ago and it’s been such a huge game changer there you go we’re we’re playing out the the lights camera action we’re in a movie yeah we’re inside of a movie and you could even do this spirit into matter it’s fifty six yeah because it’s it’s the yode it’s light into matter which is the titans right the yod becoming human being an avatar and then it’s you know it’s the good and bad it’s it’s a tree of knowledge of good and evil right moving away from just the tree of life which is what i would imagine would be spirit right and this is the ba the raw and the ba i’ve covered that in the raw and the ba decoded and then we can simply just reduce those numbers down a lot of people like to do that what’s eight plus three plus one twelve and it reduces down to the number three but there’s the father twelve right because it’s going to be aleph and then bet which is why jesus in the book of john says this is the only time jesus ever mentioned the father and calls calls it a name abba o father abba you see the abba yeah the ba abba and you notice the numbers and this is hydrogen and helium because hydrogen is the first element and helium is the second one that’s the father the father is the sun yeah the sun which is raw so you have ra the ba and the ka and that’s old that’s all ancient egypt stuff man so it’s really fascinating and you know these all reduce down to the number three there’s the three right there we’ve already covered you know how big the three is pi three point one four that’s the sun makes the sine wave etcetera etc what about when we do the numerology of these four elements manganese titanium magnesium and boron we get the one one three three plus one plus four is five the fifth letter is the yod but the one hundred and thirteen is the big standout and why is that well because of this have you ever said this everything happens for a reason you may just have kicked it around yeah everything happens for a reason yeah it does because we’re living in a predestined scripted reality and we are puppets on strings you’re living through a screenplay you see and that’s why everything happens for a reason has the same value as these four elements not a coincidence not a coincidence one hundred thirteen is the thirtieth prime number and that’s role play so you were being role played and this element right here which i’ve gone over on my blood sun and bloodline decoded and many others this is our blood the eight known blood types adds up to two hundred and eighty six here they are right here the numerology of all eight blood types two hundred eighty six and what do you think this is on the the flag of japan they’re going to say it’s the sun of course because it’s the sun becoming but is that not a red blood cell it most certainly is yeah so we’re being role played that’s exactly what we’re what’s happening to us and that’s why everything happens for a reason because you’re not in control of your reality we’re non player characters it pisses people off they get so angry at that but there’s so much freedom when you can realize and you can surrender to that that you’re not in control of your reality so let’s kind of finish this decode up and now let’s just go to mathematics and let’s go to the prime numbers right so again the fifth letter the yodeh letter number five and the number eleven is the fifth prime number the hay is the twelfth letter and thirty seven is the twelfth prime number the wa or the vav is the twenty second letter and seventy nine is the twenty second prime number there’s the gold being harvested for our gold energy and then the hay is the twenty fifth letter and ninety seven is the twenty fifth prime number notice these are mirrors of one another and we just add them up ninety seven seventy nine thirty seven and eleven two hundred and twenty four guess what that two hundred and twenty four is yeah right back to that radium again there it is the two hundred twenty four so this is again a mathematically precise code that is undeniable unless you just want to completely say nah but i mean we don’t even have to look to theology we can study mainstream we can study you know anything you want study your life and you’re going to find that you’re scripted you’re playing out a scripted reality and then just the ridiculousness of this when you convert the letters you know this is yodhe and this is the fifth letter it was located at the fifth this is the twelfth you go to the english what’s the fifth and twelfth letters well it’s the letter e and l and what happens when you put e and l together well you get l baby yeah you get the word for god there so you converted it becomes l and l is the elohim which is why they’re it’s first mentioned in genesis one verses one yahweh doesn’t come on the scene till genesis two verses four it’s very very fascinating i i don’t know why that is but i have a i have a problem with that but anyway broke all that down the elohim decoded strictly on patreon big shout out to all you patreon members so there you go ladies and gentlemen torah code decoded featuring greg braden i again i hope he gets to watch this i’m a fan of his research i love his work i think he’s an amazing human being obviously doing what he’s supposed to be doing because he’s living through a predestined scripted reality so i’m a fan when i get to see people living out their passion and that’s what he does and he’s you know he’s a he’s a gentleman man so i hope to meet him one day i hope i get to break some code with him that would be really cool but anyway ladies and gentlemen complete we finished this one up if you have if you saw anything that that i didn’t pick up on you know drop a comment remember it’s all about loving here so if you’re going to leave any nasty comments they’ll be removed yeah no toxicity it’s all you don’t have to agree but you can get along it’s totally fine but anyway ladies and gentlemen that’s all i got for today my name is logan four decode your reality until next time we will see you

  •<a class="bp-suggestions-mention" href="" rel="nofollow">@DecodeYourReality</a>

    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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