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➡ Logan, a decoder, discusses the concept of ‘Two Faced Mitosis’. He explains how cells replicate and relates this to the concept of duality. He also connects this process to geometric sequences and the Fibonacci sequence, suggesting that these patterns are reflected in our DNA. He further links these ideas to religious and spiritual concepts, such as Jesus and Lucifer, suggesting that these sequences reveal deeper truths about the universe.
➡ The text discusses the connections between DNA, cell division, and various symbols and numbers. It suggests that everything, including scientific discoveries and personal details of scientists like Walter Fleming, who discovered mitosis, are part of a “scripted reality”. The text also introduces a new cipher, the progression cipher, and uses it to find more connections between words, numbers, and concepts. It ends by discussing the concept of mitosis and its symbolic representation.
➡ The text discusses the significance of the number eight in numerology and tarot, relating it to cell duplication and power. It also explores the connection between mitosis, brain hemispheres, and the element antimony. The text further delves into the symbolism of numbers and letters in various contexts, including their relation to the brain, blood, and the concept of ‘I am’. Lastly, it emphasizes the interconnectedness of these elements, suggesting that understanding these connections can make it easier to comprehend the world around us.
➡ The text discusses the concept of cell duplication and its symbolic representation in various contexts, including numerology, tarot, and video games. It suggests that life is a cycle of constant change, like a cell dividing into two, and this process is reflected in our daily experiences. The text also explores the idea of duality, represented by good and evil, and how it’s embodied in our lives. Lastly, it proposes that life is like a game, where we have the option to “play again” and start anew.
➡ The text discusses the significance of numbers and their connections to various concepts like mitosis, DNA, and duality. It highlights the importance of the number 55, which is linked to Walter Fleming, the discoverer of mitosis, and also to the concepts of Jesus and Lucifer. The text also explores the concept of cells and their replication, relating it to the number 21, which is associated with the world card in tarot and the words ‘enter’ and ‘love’. Lastly, it delves into the square root of two, connecting it to the concept of duality and the formation of two separate cells.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan, your tour guide. And this is decoder reality. And today we’re gonna be breaking down and decoding the topic. Two faced mitosis. Two faced mitosis. Decoded. And, you know, these decodes, they just keep getting just so much more intriguing and so deep. And this one will be another mind blower, I can tell you that. So put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world. Big shout out to all you Patreon members. Thank you so very much for all your support.

This one was inspired by a fellow decoder here by the name of John. That’s all I know. His name is John. So, John, thank you so very much for commenting. And I will be pointing out what triggered me to do this decode. But what do we see here in this image? We see a Vesica Pisces, do we not? This is what happens in the body. The cells, they replicate. And this is really what it’s all about. This right here is duality. This is the eye of Shalom ra. I mean, we’ve gone through all this stuff already now, right, where now you all have the eyes to see all of this.

We all have the eyes to see this now. And it’s so magnificent. So, let’s jump into this presentation here. So, at the very top, it says, mitosis is the origin of all multicellular life. Every human and every animal starts its existence as a single cell. So, we have law of one material. Everything belongs to the one, okay? That’s what it starts off with, but it quickly multiplies, okay? And you could see the infinity symbol here as it’s coming apart, creating the prison right at that unfolding point. Doesn’t stay this way, but the image is there. The image is there.

So, let’s get into the topics of this presentation, shall we? The very first topic will be called two face. Second topic, progression. I have a brand new cipher or ciphers to show you, so I’m excited to show you about that. Number three, midos or mitos. This is a greek word. Number four. Play again. And the final presentation topic, sell. So. So, let’s get into the very first one. Now, two face. This cell is two face. This is duality at its finest here. So this is the cell and its multiplication, right? It’s replication. So the pattern at the top there, it says the pattern one, two.

4816, 32, 64, 120. Etcetera is a geometric sequence where each term is multiplied by a constant factor to get the next term. So this is the actual Wikipedia. The geometric progression, the geometric sequence. And every. It’s just a matter of duplication, duplication, duplication. It’s very similar to the Fibonacci sequence. Duplication. And, you know, here it is right here. The one turns into the two, the two turns into the four, the four turns into the eight, the eight turns into the 16. Now we have the geometric sequence. So now let’s adjust to the calculator. And I’m going to show you some magic.

This is absolutely going to blow you away unless you’ve already seen this. So the one turns into the two, right? Turns into the two. So we go from one to two. The two goes to the four. The four plus four is eight. Eight plus eight is 16. You reduce it down. One plus six is 716, plus 16 is 32. Three plus two is five. And you reduce that down, you go back to the five and then 32 plus 32 gives us 64. And then six plus four is one. And we go back to the one. And now a pattern emerges.

What do you see there, ladies and gentlemen? See the DNA spiral? Oh, yeah, it’s there. The DNA spiral. Now what’s left is the keys to the universe. Using this methodology, the keys to the universe are left out of this geometric sequence. It’s just 124-8751 but then, now what we have is we can add these up. What is three plus six plus 918? And then what’s one plus two plus four plus eight plus seven plus five plus 128? And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, we have the makeup of Jesus and Lucifer. I mean, seriously, three plus 6918.

And now you get Lucifer as the double helix. 18 and 28 is 46. Double helix is 46. So you need the single strand which looks like this. You need the single strand, the rna, in order to get the DNA. And these are the five elements that make up rna and DNA. Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxidant, phosphorus. And of course, phosphorus is tied to Lucifer. Hydrogen tied to the sun. Tied to Jesus. So we literally have, using a calculator, using this geometric sequence, we have rna, the single strand and DNA right there. How about that? It’s so fascinating.

And just like that, we have Jesus, Lucifer. An 18 plus 28 is 46. Double helix equals 46. And chaldean numerology, is that an accident? No, because the DNA needs the rna. They become. Now you become a little devil down here. It’s so amazing, folks. 28 is the second perfect number in mathematics. The word architect equals 28. What do you think we all are? We’re being used to create as architects, but we’re architects okay? And then I mean even with you reduce this down you get nine and one and 91 is protactinium which means the first proto comes from the greek word proto which means 1st 91 being the full numerology of Thomas John Ellis Hooper the guy they cast to play Lucifer.

I could go on and on with all this kind of stuff with the RNA DNA. So we having fun yet? Well let’s keep going into this and this is where I want to give a big shout out to John. John posted this in the community page after I had done uh the previous decode on um this slide right here on the Jesus Lucifer scandal. So I’m going to come back to this but he had talked about the, the movie Batman and uh, who played Batman? Aaron Eckhart. And you could see here Harvey Dent was his name in Batman, Aaron Eckhart was his professional name.

And two face or two faced, it’s the 38. It’s so interesting. This is what kind of tipped me off. But of course this is what he had alluded to. This is what he connected it to was Jesus or Yeshua and Halo or hell being that 83 or 38 forming that partnership, having the connection to double Helix in the original greek etymology, right? These words. I’m not saying that double Helix comes from greek but I’m saying these, the double and then helix. These are greek etymology origins 38 of course 38 reduces down to the number 1111 is the number one staring at itself and then one plus one is two and now you have two pairs then you have the eight.

Right? All found from the Jesus Lucifer scandal. So big shout out to John. Thank you so very much for tipping me off. This is kind of a decode that was heavily invested by you. So thank you so very much. So let’s look at these two cards, right, the twos because again what is three plus eight? Reduce all the way down to two, two base pairs of our DNA, DNA from rna. Well now you know what it’s tied to. So we have the partnership here and this is the cell dividing. But the cell dividing still has a partnership to it and this is the Jesus Lucifer caught one of them forming a, forming a covenant.

So it goes from a single cell into a double cell and now you get your Vesica Pisces in there and all the other things that we found, right? So the covenant is made with the DNA and we could just go through the twos, right, this card as you know, card 52, the word prison planet equals 52. This card is me is being lukewarm. The blindfold you don’t see. You’re not in action with the swords. You’re sitting still by the water. This also forms. I’ve already covered this. You can see the subtleties and the swords forming that figure eight.

And the cell duplication. Okay. And the two of wands launching the plans. This is the card of the futurist. Well, why the futurist? Because the single cell turns into the double cell. And now you have the left and right hemispheres of your brain. Two arms, two legs, two nostrils that you breathe in, two ears. You listen to things on. You know what I mean? That’s just how this. All this stuff works. And then you have the two of diamonds, right? The final two in the tarot. And now you’re juggling the DNA. You’re juggling your little devil instincts.

You’re. You’re juggling your spiritual, animalistic endeavors. This is card number 66. The word Abba, as an Abba father, is 66. And this is the two of diamonds, which is card 28. And of course, remember what the 28 was? Where to come back up here. The 28 is Lucifer, found from adding up one, plus two, plus four, plus eight, plus seven, plus five, plus 128. So the DNA tied to Jesus and Lucifer, and this card right here turns into the two of diamonds, which is card number 28. So we have cell division here, folks. Now, you have the eyes to see these pentacles take on a whole different meaning.

You’re, like, looking at, like, these are cells. This person’s juggling cells. It’s God juggling cells. The universe juggling cells. So how about this guy right here, Walter Fleming? Who’s this guy? Well, he was known for discovering mitosis, so he’s got a big, big part in this. Really big part of this, and I thought was super fascinating, is. Is this stuff right here. Look at all these chromas. Chroma. Remember that? Christ is Creole, but it has the ChR in Greek. So it’s not just light or as Doctor Hillman says, these. It’s this drug, and it. No, it.

It means light. The CHR does. Because if I go to Walter Fleming’s page here, we click on chromosomes. DNA, right? Well, if we go to the periodic table, what is the element that has the chr? Chromium. And what does Christ start with? The Chr. What is Jesus in Greek? 24. 24 hours in a day. This comes from the greek word chroma, meaning colorization. Look at the melting point. 19. Seven degrees celsius. What’s 197 do you remember what 197 was? It’s cold. This is isotope 197. So this is gold. Gold is from the sun, and the sun is light.

And that instantly and automatically, you now have the creo in Greek, the verb that forms the word Christos. Creole. All found from studying chromosomes and the double helix and the DNA. Absolutely fascinating. So let’s talk about Walter Fleming, since he had a big code on the world stage known for mitosis. Chromosomes, chromatin, right cell nucleus. So there’s the mitosis, right? Here’s the page on mitosis. The cell cycle replication of chromosomes. Right spirited to matter. Well, when you take his name. I’ve done this many times where someone has an invention and you just take their name and you add the invention onto it and it spits out a code.

Well, what do we get for Walter Fleming and mitosis 82? 82 is lead, ladies and gentlemen. Lead to gold. Right? What is lead? DNA. You are lead. I am lead. And it’s not just this. That’s the big humdinger here. 421 is the 82nd prime number. Look at his birthday. He’s got those numbers, two one four there on the gregorian calendar. That’s it. They’re right there. So his, his. And his discovery of mitosis with his name becomes the 82, which is the 421 for the prime. And his birthday matches that. Coincidence? This is scripted reality, ladies and gentlemen.

Walter Fleming didn’t have a choice in discovering all this kind of stuff. So let’s keep going and show you how scripted this man’s code was. His name, straight up, is a 59, which matches right to the game of life. And remember, just reminding you how big this element is in the icon chosen to represent preseo dymium. Remember that 141 is the square root of two, right? We have a cell dividing into two. The square root of two. Think about what I’m connecting here and showing all of you. His name matches the game of life. The game of life has to do with rna and DNA.

The 59th element, proseodimium, the most abundant isotope is 141. The square root of two is 1.41. And this is a cell dividing into two. And you just. You have the Gemini symbol. Gemini. That castor. This is Castor and Pollux right here. It’s so mind blowing. And remember that you’re in that prison. Right? You’re in the prison. This guy had no idea that what this is what he was showing on top of. I’ll bet my life on it, he was a scientist. I doubt he was a decoder. Looking at levels like this, right, but we’ve talked about why the rosary has 59 beads, right? The 59th book of the protestant bible is king is James.

King James is the 6th. The King James Bible is 66 books. The 59th book is the book of James. I’ve shown this. The book of James is book 59. The game of life contract with God is 59. See? So if you don’t want to be under the contract anymore, if you don’t want to be here anymore, well, you can’t beat wearing these symbols and pledging to these symbols, because all these symbols and all these deities, and they’re all part of this construct, which is a prison. It’s a prison. So let’s. Let’s keep going. How about where he was born? Does that have any clues to it? Of course, he’s born in Sachenburg, Germany.

So look that up. Right? What is the coordinates? 53 degrees north, eleven degrees east. There’s the 53. 241 being the 53rd prime number. Remember, these numbers are the. Is the logo of Zeus. So Zeus is in here as well. We have iodine in here for the 53. 53 is the 16th prime number, and 16 is tied to the word hell and lightning. Just go on and on with this. But is his birthday. His birthday? Another. The big connection. 214241. All right, another one. Just. What is just with his coordinates of where he was born? Born on these ley lines designed to do with these things that he’s doing.

Okay. And then when you add them up, you get 64. And how many possible codons in our DNA? 64. 64th element is gadolinium. The g. The God element. The GD element. I mean, what more do we need to see for support here? That not only do we live in a scripted reality, but we. We have these DNA RNA examples, and it’s just. It’s just. It’s not even customary. It’s. It’s just there. Right? So let’s get into the next topic now called progression. Progression. And this is the. This is the cipher that was created. I’m not gonna say I created it because I can’t take credit for this because it’s the voice in my head.

And whatever that is, is using me to tell you, all of you, this. So, you know, get big shout out to John for tipping me off on the too face. And that just reminded me of the cells. And we’re off. So this is like, we’re all decoding ourselves home, like I’ve said before. But the progression cipher, which I will leave if you want to create this yourself. I’ll leave the. It’s just really easy. Just repeat the 124-8751 you just keep repeating it until you get to z. And I’ve done one with. I have the Greek and I have the Hebrew.

Right? You just take the same. You take the letters of each Alphabet and you do it the same way. Hebrews just has 22. So you would stop at the letter v, right. So you won’t go past the eight. But this is what I’ve created. And I mean, when you go here. Yeah. Right. I mean, let’s just show you how important this is. That the ribo and deoxyribo, which has a lot to do with the. The cell duplication, the replication. Right. It’s the ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid. So we could add on the nucleic acid, but these, this is the.

Are the precursors to that. And you can see 46, which is the same as Jesus, Lucifer. It’s not just the same as the 46, but it’s the 55 in the progression. So here is the progression cipher. You can see that Jesus and Lucifer is a 55, just like the words ribo and deoxyribo. Exactly the same in chaldean, 46 and exactly the same in this progression, 55. Now, remember, folks, that the word for sun in Hebrew is shamesh. And what is that in Hebrew, 55. Remember how big the ribonucleic acid is? The rna, the program, are tied to the sun, because we’re all the sun becoming.

Right. This is how big this is. So this is a lot of fun, this new cipher. I’ll leave these in the description of the video so you can use those. So let’s jump into and show you some examples of how powerful, how freaking powerful this cipher is. And I’m just going to plug in mitosis, because that’s what cell duplication is, right? One cell turning into two, we get 17. So we, of course, bolt on the tarot to the left. I made a fun, like, hindu cosmology influenced tarot. And we have Vishnu here, and we have the star.

Right? The star. And mitosis, when the cell duplicates from one into two. Now a human being emerges, because we can’t be a single cell. We have to be multiple or multicellular. But it starts with the two. The two starts it off. Remember, two is beta to his binary. And the 17th letter in the english Alphabet is the letter q. And I showed how big this was. This is the symbol for the power. When you press this button, this is. This releases the power. Right? So essentially, this cell is whole. And when you press that button, you break the cell and you open it up.

And now power shoots out. That’s why this is the power symbol. But when you. When you look at it from mitosis, the single cell, when you merge with another one, or I’m not merge with another one, break off into another one, it has to open up to form another one. And now you get two. And the 17, what does that reduce down to? The number eight. And now you have two cells. You see the two cells there? That’s what a number eight is. It’s two cells that have broken off from one. The law of one. Everything belongs to the one cell.

Well, the cell divides into two and then divides into four and divides into eight. And this happens in your body constantly. And now the picture for the tarot, for this presentation. It’s the strength card. What does this mean? Why is the lion there? And why is Vishnu peacefully sitting there holding this snarling lion? Because, ladies and gentlemen, the eight is called strength. Because the eight is a card of balance. Right? You got this. This a is. It’s right here. It’s the infinity symbol. See, this card represents controlling your animalistic endeavors, the eight. It’s a number of power because it’s a number attached to cell duplication.

And that’s power. Every time a cell duplicates, duplicates, duplicates, it gets bigger, bigger, creates more energy, creates more energy. And it just Cret, starts to become a powerhouse. That’s how amazing all this numerology is with tarot. So the aid is strength representing taming your animalistic endeavors to not play anymore. Most people can’t do it. They can’t resist their animalistic endeavors. Well, that’s because mitosis and the cell duplication, it wants to replicate. It wants to replicate. This reality is based on replication, replication, replication. All right, but let’s keep going, ladies and gentlemen, and let’s take a look at some other big words.

I’ve used this graphic before, but look how crazy this is. Mitosis to your left, thalamus to your right, and antimony in the middle. And how many times have we discussed antimony? Coming from the GreeK words not alone. And how antimony, the icon, is the all seeing eye. Now, you could say horus or ra, but remember, there are two sides to your brain, the right and left hemispheres. Thalamus has two sides to it as well. It’s the egg part of your brain. I know a lot of people focus on the pineal gland or the pineal gland because that controls the awake and sleep cycles.

But really the golden egg is the thalamus. Right. And it’s tied to the mitosis. And this is where it branches off and splits. And you have the right and left hemispheres of your brain and it’s tied right to antimony, which means not alone. So now you can see the implant being supported here as well. The voice in your head owning you. Essentially, the decisions you make are not the decisions you make. So the 17 is a big deal here. And when you do the right and left, when you type in right and left, when you reduce it down, you’re going to get the number six.

Six days of creation. But keep in mind, the reduction down tells a story. The five and the one. What’s the five and the one? The protons of antimony. So you can start to see, folks, this is. These are. Wow. Factors that mitosis and cell replication are tied to the brain and they’re tied to this element, antimony. They’re even tied to the great pyramid because the slope is 51 degrees. So you get sacred geometry in here as well, all this kind of tied together. But there’s the right and left hemispheres of the brain. And this ties into the I am.

You know, this adds up to the number six. I am adds up to the number six. And you can see that Ra is also six. It’s not just six tied to the right and left hemispheres, your brain, but it’s the five and the freaking one, which go right back to the protons of antimony. Proton meaning light. In this case, light coming into the brain through the eyes, through the corneas. The pineal gland is the. The master gland of controlling sleep and awake cycles. So if you take melatonin, it’s, you know, helps out with the. This sleep cycle here that you have.

I’ve covered this in pineal part two, big time. But how about that? Look at this raw right here. The five and the one tied to the left and right hemispheres of your brain. There’s the icon for that. And this eye is right there in your brain, folks. Doesn’t get any more clear than this. These are big humdingers, big time. How about the game of life being 51 in this progression cipher? I mean, these are big five one is gonna give you six tied right to the left and right hemispheres of your brain. 51 protons. Antimony, meaning not alone.

That’s right. Your voice in your head owns you. That’s what you listen to, ultimately. And then if I take the five in one, since it’s so big tied to mitosis. I take those and put it into the progression cipher. What’s the first letter number? One. And what’s the five? The letter e is the fifth letter. Seven. And what is one plus seven? Eight. And the one in the seven is right there. So the five and the one end up becoming the one in the seven. See how amazing and connected this is? It’s absolutely mind blowing here.

We even get the movie, folks. We even get the movie. Big shout out to Roland. Fellow decoder, turned me on to this long time ago. It’s been one of the big staples in my decoding career. Researcher and many, many of you. You can see the action is 17. The action is 17 tied to the thalamus. What is the action? Mitosis, cell replication, duplication. Right. That’s the action. That’s how amazing this is, that the action is the eight. It’s the infinity symbol. It’s the symbol of power. Two zeros coming together. We have the word master being 17 in the same cipher, just keeping it in this progression cipher, not deviating away.

So, let’s get into the next topic now. We having fun yet? Well, this is the greek word of where mitosis came from. It’s Midos, or middles. So we’re going to do this through the Greek. So I did the same thing with the Greek, right? Same thing with the Greek. Greek, having the 26, got the 27 at the end, with the dai gamma at the very end, 27, but that’s never really used in the Alphabet, so it’s really the same as the English. It’s just gonna have different placements for the letters. So here is the mitosis in Greek.

The Midos, or Middlese, it becomes the 23. We know that blood in Chaldean is 23, we know history is 23. So you now you know the cell duplication tied to history, because history is through time, and time is through replication, duplication. But now we connect it to the ten of clubs. And now you have the binary system here as well, turns into the ten of wands, which is card 32, and the origination of it. There it is. And what do we have on that card? As I showed, we have the infinity symbol here. So we go back to that eight again, and mitosis being 17 in the English.

There it is, the eight, right? It’s right there. The DNA. Right. Where did we. This is what this whole thing started with, was the geometric sequence tied into DNA and RNA, the deoxyribo and the riboz, tied to Jesus and Lucifer, tied to our blood. Good cop, bad cop, tied. Tied to the right and left hemispheres of our brain, right? So I have the angel and demon here, folks. This is how this whole reality works. It’s so fascinating, right? And then we can bring in the 23rd element on the periodic table called vanadium. And there’s that letter v.

Remember, the v is the 22nd letter. There are 22 letters in the hebrew Alphabet. The v is a very big deal. The letter itself. And what do you see, therefore, its weight? Vanadium, 51. And what’s 51 tied to? Antimony. It just goes back to antimony again, which means not alone. So we also have the letter v in the progressive cipher. That becomes the number eight. The v is the eight. Goes back to that eight again, that connecting .8 known blood types. 23 is tied to the word blood. And chaldean, see how it’s all. They’re all connected eventually, but once you have the foundation, it just gets easier to do all this.

It really, really gets easier. And how about the company 23 andme? Well, 23 andme is the number 42, which matches the I am. This becomes a six. So what do you think the I am is, folks? It’s you. You’re the I am your God. God is you. Using you. You could say it’s my higher self or my spirit guide or whatever you want to say, whatever you want to call it, that’s going to be completely up to you. But these outcomes here are, to me, they’re undeniable. Like, there’s nothing to go against this at this point.

It’s just so sound and so structured. The word mitosis in Chaldean is a 23 to match the word midos. Right? So, I mean, even the connecting point here, I told you we were blood is 23. The word history crown, it’s all about duplication, replication, and it’s all about the beta, the binary. And the chromosomes. Right, and chromosomes are tied to cell replication. Excuse me? Cell replication. How about mathematics? 83 being the 23rd prime number. 23 being tied to the origination of mitosis in the greek, through the greek progressive cipher. 23. 23. And what is the 83? Well, it’s tied to the Jesus and Lucifer right side to Jesus and Lucifer.

This is kind of where we got started with all this. But let’s go back here and on my scripted reality number eight of all scripted realities I showed, when you take the I am spelled out from the periodic table, you have 53 protons for iodine, 95 for americium. And look at where in the string of the golden ratio where the eight appears. And where the three appears, the eight appears at the 53rd digit. This is counting the one point and the three appears at the 95th digit. I mean, are you serious? Yeah, serious. So you have the im, remember what the im was tied to? The 42, 23, andme.

So that you are the Jesus Lucifer character. That’s what we are. This is a partnership. One day you’re angry, the next day you’re happy, one day you’re pissed off, the next day you’re happy. This is the constant Yin Yang going on in our lives here. And even when you take 53 and 95 and you add that up, you’re going to get 148. And there it is. God. And of course, the 13 is a big deal. This is PI and phi, the golden ratio. And PI, 1.613.14. And 13 is tied to death, right, the death card. And it’s tied to aluminium, which is tied to the sun.

The word soul, the spanish word for the sun is 13. In chaldean numerology, 13 reduces down to the number four. How many blood types do we have? A, B, O, Ab, four. There’s eight with the Rh factors, but there’s four. So this ties into the blood and the chromosomes. And you being the I am the I am using you, be using you as a player through cell duplication. It’s amazing, ladies and gentlemen, this decode completely blew me away. I got more to go, so let’s keep going. The next topic. Now play again. You know you’ve seen that.

Game over. Try again. That was exclusively on Patreon. Play again. Right, that’s the name for this next topic. Play again. So now we’re going to get into the hebrew Alphabet using the progression cipher. Now remember, Hebrew has 22, so remember we stop at eight, right? Here are the 22 letters, but we’re using the same sequence, 124-8751 but of course, this is a different language, so these numbers are going to come differently. Right, and what is this right here? This is Yeshua and Halo, or hell Lucifer. Right, there it is right there. And what do we have? We have.

We have a freaking direct match. They’re both 25s, completely different letters, both 20 fives. Coincidence? Like Bob Proctor says, not on your nelly. No way. It’s a 50 for its total. Right, so here. Here it is, folks. This is. This is what cell duplication is. This is the progression of cells breaking into two, then four, then eight and 16. But it starts with the one. The one has to break into two and it’s constantly goes on in the body. Two sides, of the brain. Two eyes, two nostrils, two ears. Now you know what they stand for? For it’s good cop, bad cop.

It’s good and evil. It’s peace and calamity, right? It’s haze, it’s. It’s, uh, Yeshua and halo, right? And the 50, bringing in the mainstream. And alchemy. It’s tin. But this is not the first time that this has been shown that the Tin man is looking for its heart. And it doesn’t. Not everybody incarnates to play the good character. So you have people looking for their heart, looking for their way in life, and they’re living through a screenplay. And some people, like you, get a serial killer. Not their choice. We don’t know what happened before we got here, but no choice, right? And then you have the good character, you have the superhero and the villainous through this aspect and the Tin man.

And 50 is the numerology of this in Hebrew, the progression of it, right? So this is a big deal. This is a big deal. And so these two both become the 25. How big is this 25? Well, if we go to the tarot and we go to the 25th card. Right here it is right here. The three of wands. This is the three of clubs. And if you remember an Alice in Borderland, they held up the card, which was the three of wands. So I’ve had the. The full scope of this. I had my own rendition drafted up to show you.

This is cell duplication. This is where you have a cell dividing into two. And now the one cells, like, I’m not playing the good character. You have the angel on one side and the demon on the other. Right? And it’s the 25th card in the deck, the three of wands right there. This is the game master card in Alice in Borderland. Well, now, you know, you have more eyes to see. You have a deeper understanding of this, right? It wants to launch its law. It’s now launching its plan. And on top of that, this, it’s yellow.

The background is yellow, indicating the sun, okay, the sun. So the 25, it matches up with Jesus or Yeshua, I should say, and Halo, right? And now they’re launching their plans in this 301. And now three, of course, is the trinity, you and then the angel and demon, right? The left and right hemispheres of your brain. Okay, then we get into the quarter here, right? And this is why this topics called play again. Now, if you’re somebody who is like me, I was born in 1973, so I was a huge fan of video games. And it was, you know, you put the quarter in the machine.

I mean, I remember playing asteroids, you know, no color and the ship and donkey Kong and Super Mario brothers and all the ones I grew up with. Galaga and Pac man. And you put the quarter in the machine at the arcade to play again. So this is no different. But it’s from a metaphysical position, right? You could see how these words in the progression from the english side are all 25s sources. 25. Duality is 25. Birthday is 25. Play again. And I’m talking about spirit wanting to play again with this quarter. The 25, putting the quarter in the machine.

The game’s over. Do you want to play again? This is spirit. This is. I mean, this is telling a story here that is theoretical, yes. But I know that all of you here, listening to this, watching this, you get it when I say that whatever’s using this reality, it’s similar to putting a quarter in the machine to play the video game against, like, oh, man, I almost beat the level. I almost got to the highest level. And then you press play again and start again, and. And there it just. You know. I mean, is that how this whole reality works? Well, I covered that.

And you can see how at the very top there. Game over. Try again. This topic is a 51. Amazing. And the 51 is antimony, which is tied to your brain. So the brain is the receiving station. It’s the supercomputer. Right? It stores all the memories, so we’re told. But it is your receiving station. And right now, something’s talking in your head. You may be repeating some of the things I say. Or you may be like. You may be enamored. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or you may say, oh, this is bullshit. This is stupid. Whatever you’re thinking, that’s not you thinking, like Werner Erhard said, that’s it thinking.

It’s using you. This is you. This energy is using you to play this game, to be in this movie as entertainment. Just like the same thing when you pick up a remote and you press play, and you want to play your Xbox, Sony PlayStation, or you want to put on that movie, or whatever you’re gonna do. It’s the same situation. I don’t think it could be any other way, folks. As above, so below. So there you go. Game over. Try again, 51. Not alone. Try again. Try again. You want to have the cells replicate? Do you want to come back again and incarnate and try it again? It’s just.

It’s there, folks. So what I decided to do was take all the letters of Hebrew, all 22. And use this cell progress. Use this progression cipher, the replication, and the total, you can see is 96. Which is what? Yin Yang. It’s. It’s good cop, bad cop. How about that? With the Hebrew with the 22 letters. 22 being tied to master builder. 22 is the beaver card in the medicine deck. The Beavers, the master builder in nature. Just go on and on. And if I do nine, six in the progression, using the english version, we go back to the 25.

These are. These are really big deals. Really, really big deals, ladies and gentlemen. So moving a little bit forward into this, going back to Walter Fleming. Walter Fleming. In the progression we did his name in Chaldean, it was 59. In the progression, it’s 55. He was known to discover mitosis, so I’m using the cipher that is dedicated to his discovery of mitosis, which is this pattern of duplication. And his 55 just so happens to coincidentally match Jesus Lucifer. Hmm. This is just a mere coincidence we should just shrug off and. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I know you hear.

You know how big this is? This is a big deal. His name in Chaldean is 59. That’s the game of life. But of course, the game of life is Jesus Lucifer. It’s good cop, bad copy. It’s this. This is the game of life. It’s the angel and the demon. This is why you have a lot of these ancient society saying, the angels and demons run this reality. It’s energy. It’s the force. So this guy who was known to discover the mitosis and chromosomes, which is tied to our DNA, his name is the same outcome as Jesus Lucifer, which is the angel and demon aspect here.

And card 55 is the five of swords. Remember, this is the card of walking away, not wanting to play anymore. The word shamesh in Hebrew is 55. What is Shemesh? It’s the sun. The sun walking away, not wanting to play anymore, don’t want to do the duality anymore. It’s a tall order, because the game of life is so fun, interesting, appealing, enamoring. But now you have the eyes to see. So let’s get into the final topic for this presentation of two face mitosis. Cell. That’s what we’re talking about, cell. So what is cell from its singular perspective? 21.

And what’s 21? The world card. The world card. And the world card is the singularity perspective. See this portal you have? This has to branch off, right? You got to go through the portal to come down into the game. But the cell itself, the single cell is the single cell before it replicates before it breaks off. The single cell in this example is the world card, the 21. Amazing. The last card in the major arcana as well. The word enter in chaldean numerology is 21, right? So you enter the cell and the cell then duplicates. It has to replicate through mitosis, and you have life.

This. This is life, essentially, right. This single cell is life, and then it branches off into two and then creates more life. Right. The word love in chaldean numerology equals 21. The word enter equals 21. Covered. This. This is this right here, folks. This was a big humdinger. So hang on to your seats for this one. So we’re gonna go to the square root of two, because this is the representation of the prison. We know the. See, the square root of two is two being duality. Two cells is the 1.41. Right. The prosiodamium, we already covered that.

But what it. What do you have here? We have the number eight. Yes, but when you break them apart and they become two separate cells, you literally have a double zero. Are you ready for this, folks? I hope you’re ready for this. So I plugged in the double zero and the square root of two, the string of the square root of two, and I had to go 416 digits to find four one six and four one seven. Of course, according to Manly P. Hall, 417 is the number of Lucifer, or the numbers of Lucifer. Right? So there’s another connection to Lucifer being tied to deoxyribonucleic acid, which you already showed this pattern about four one six and four one 7833 when you give them the total.

So this double zero, which is the cells breaking apart, forming a dualistic environment. In the square root of two, which is the prison, the total is 833. Are you ready for this, folks? What’s 833 in mathematics? The 153rd prime number. Remember what that 153 was? Vesica Pisces, folks. What do you see here? Two zeros. I mean, are you kidding me? Look at what I just showed you. Two cells breaking apartheid to form duality. They appear at four one six and four one seven. They add up to the 833. And 833 in mathematics is 153. And 153 is the measurement for the score for the square root of three here, for this Vesica Pisces, the directional across the fish story.

I mean, mind blown. Freaking mind blown. And these are two circles, two zeros. Two zeros here, folks. Amazing. How does it get this detailed? Well, again, you’re talking about this being part of the source code. Now, this is kind of rather new for me. The square. I wasn’t using the square root of two, but, of course, duh. To his duality. So this is a big deal. This is a really big deal cipher now to use. Absolutely. Probably the creme de la crema for this decode. Absolutely mind blowing. Absolutely mind blowing. And the last thing that I will leave for all of you great decoders.

And I’m just. I just had this up, and I didn’t go any further. But you can go and decode this yourself, this progressive progression. Progressive. Started in the 1950s. 1937. Remember the member, the 1937 40. 619. 37. But the foundation dates. Incredible. March 10. If you saw. If you watched my not Lucy decoded. But, uh, leave the world. But no. Was it leave the world behind? It was always the blue screen of death. If you watch my blue screen to death, I covered in there. Um, leave the world behind. And what triggered that was watching the movie Lucy with a friend of mine and Lucy’s passport.

She was born on March 10. Why March 10? Well, I’ll let all of you guys and gals discover what you want to discover here. But I can tell you this is connected, and it’s just so mind blowing. But anyway, ladies and gentlemen, whoo. That was one amazing presentation, and I don’t take credit for it. My mind is not my own, so I’m just being used. But it was a lot of fun, and I really appreciate each and every one of you here that watched it all the way to the end. End. Not all of you do.

So congratulations if you did. Even in the member, even in Patreon, the percentages are normally below 50% still, right. But that’s not saying anything negative. But want to get those numbers up. But I’m not about the numbers. But it would be nice to see more people get to the end. So, you know, if you did make it to the end, folks put in the comments, made it to the end. So I could just kind of get a bird’s eye view. But anyway, would love to hear your comments, so keep your comments coming. Anyway, that’s all I got for today.

My name is Logan. For decode your reality. Until next time, we will see you later.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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cells replicate duality DNA cell division connections DNA patterns universe truths Fibonacci sequence in DNA geometric sequences DNA patterns Logan decoder Two Faced Mitosis number number eight numerology significance progression cipher in DNA religious concepts in DNA sequences scientific discoveries scripted reality spiritual concepts in DNA sequences symbolic representation of mitosis Walter Fleming mitosis discovery


  1. Fantastic as usual, ground breaking, or cel breaking. Made it to the end and shared. 🙂 thanks to the voice in your head. 🙂

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