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➡ The text discusses various interpretations of religious symbols and names, particularly focusing on the term ‘YHVH’, recognized by the Vatican as the God of the Bible. The author suggests that ‘YHVH’ could be linked to ‘raw’, possibly referring to the star Sirius or the planet Jupiter. The author encourages respectful discussion on these topics and promises to continue exploring them in future.
There’s a lot of hidden code there, of course. As a code breaker decoder, we look to so many different things to try to break them down. And that’s what we’re going to do here. And this is going to be a very short presentation. And I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you for, you know, contributing, supporting to this great research. All of you Patreon members, thank you so very much. I greatly appreciate each and every one of you. So I want to start here, folks. I want to take a look at this image, which is amazing.
Vatican City, I’ve never been to. I really would like to go and visit there just to get to the historicity of it. You know, I like studying timelines and all that kind of stuff. But this image is taken from St. Peter’s Basilica and the Dome, Michelangelo’s Dome, if you will, on the cross overlooking this obelisk, which is said to come from Egypt. And, you know, it’s just really interesting because when they built St. Peter’s Basilica and the Dome and they built it supposedly over a pagan place, which was like all about the Roman gods and polytheism and all that, they they decided, you know, the Romans, the story goes is that they introduced Christianity to overthrow the paganism, but yet they bring a obelisk all the way over from Egypt.
And I can’t really find much information on the historicity of this thing. Like, why would you bring an artifact from ancient Egypt, which was all about polytheism? There was no monotheism at all. You had the Osiris and Horus and Set and Ra and Aton and Aten and it’s just something just doesn’t add up here. And this can be used as a sundial, of course. But what I want to talk about is the key, because we know we look at this overhead shot here and this is a keyhole for sure. This image right here is taken from the Dome right here.
That’s what we’re looking at right here. Looking outward and this is looking westward. So this runs east to west if you’re going this way down this street right here. This is west, supposedly. This is from east to west. And I’m interested now, ladies and gentlemen, is I didn’t see this. I just happened to look today, but this circle, this oval, you could see these shapes, these distinct shapes. So we’re going to measure them. There’s one, there’s two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. There’s eight right there. Absolutely. And then if we go in the center point of that, we have four.
See the four there? So we go from eight to four and then to the middle where the obelisk is to the one. One, four, and then eight of these. Are you seeing this? This is a big deal because this is where they relocated this obelisk. You know, they relocated it on purpose. Why would you put an Egyptian artifact in a Christian, Roman Catholic center? What is going on here? Well, we know what that obelisk is, but we have the eight, the four, and the one. That’s what we get. Or the one, the four, because obviously the biggest important piece is the obelisk sitting in the middle.
You know, it was a big undertaking to move the thing. So it’s the one, the four, and the eight. That’s how many shapes we have here. What is this 148 folks? It’s tied to the I am. You know how amazing chemistry once again is and comes through 53 protons, 95 protons, 53 and 95, 148. Now am I stretching things? Am I really trying to make this fit? Well, if you go all the way back here, like why would you purposely make these shapes? They’re done on purpose and they’re distinct. They’re absolutely distinct with the markers in the middle to separate.
So I don’t think this is a stretch at all. And knowing what we know about how this reality works and we’re breaking this code down, all of us here, how big is the I am? I am that I am. And the 53 and 95 adding up to the 148, we also can bring in the molar mass and we get into what supposedly, and there’s no evidence to say that absolute, but we just regurgitate this. But the three, the six and the nine, and that is the weight, the molar mass of the iodine and mericem.
Now iodine and a mericem, when you do the numerology of these, they give you the number 50. If you add up iodine and a mericem, you’re going to get 50 and ladies and gentlemen, 50 is tied to the element tin right here. Tin stanum. And tin is tied to Jupiter. I say Jupiter because that is how it was pronounced in Roma. Jupiter was a later text. It was Jupiter, which started with the letter I as in I am. So this is very interesting. This is a very, very interesting perspective to look at.
And how big did the Romans idolize Jupiter? Otherwise known as Jupiter, right? Jupiter is 27. And if I go back, you could see that a mericem is 27. I am, I am the 50. And we know 50 is the tin man, et cetera, et cetera. Just off of these two elements right here. Absolutely amazing. But then if we go, we look at the numerology through the Latin language, you know, the, the, the Latin Vulgate Bible was written in classical Latin. A 23 letter alphabet. They did not use the letter J just why the letter I was always, you know, Jesus was I, Jupiter is I first.
And this right here is the Latin spelling of one for eight. Unus one, verses seven from the original Hebrew text. So there is a connection here between the I am Jupiter and Jehovah. And we know that is the Yoda and we already know that the Yoda is raw. So could there be a connection between the Vatican, Jupiter and these placements right here? Is this a thing? Remember, this is the cross right here. And the dome sits in the very heart of the cross. And there are 16 panels to this, 16 of them. And when you go to numbers, 53 is the 16th prime number.
And ladies and gentlemen, just come back here. And there’s the 53. You see, with a very careful eye and mathematics in these tools, 16 panels. When you look at the the dome, 16 panels, folks, and the word even when you look at the word light, see, they have these windows in the in the dome, 16 windows, 16 panels with arch angels and and the light enters through the windows. So light is 16. We also have serious as 16. So this is another marker in here and why we can’t leave that out. But there is major reference to Yupator and the God of the Bible and even the all seeing eye of Shalom Ra from Isaiah 45 verses seven.
This is Isaiah 45 verses seven and this is the eye of Shalom Rafi been paying attention, right? This is the flower of life. And we take two intersecting circles. This is the radius of a circle right there. And the radius is a circle. And the matrix comes from the womb of the two of Essekopiscus is coming together. And this is where you’re going to get the fish bladder, you know, the ichthys, which was a big symbol in Christianity, the ichthys, the fish. That’s why Jesus and his apostles were fishers of men.
And when you take the 265 and the 153 and you add them up, you get 418, which the numbers are right there, folks. Are you seeing this? Like, there’s no way that this is not done on purpose. This is the I am. There is no doubt about it. This is this is what this is referencing and it’s the key. And it’s right there, folks. These numbers are there right there. When we divide them, you get the fish. This is the square root of three, 1.7. If you use the two numbers on each side of the decimal, it’s 1.7.
There’s the boat right there, the fish, the NFL football, the miter hat that the bishops and priests wear in the Catholic Church. It’s all raw reference, folks. What is raw? That’s the question. What is raw, folks? We’ve already made all these connections now. And then this big bomb right here. This is, to me, is a huge discovery. Again, I’m not, I didn’t discover it. I was shown this. I’m just channeling this information to you. But I don’t think there’s any doubt about it. That this key, this is the keyhole, the keys to the the key to the universe right there.
The key is the I am. And just what is that? And it’s so many things. But now we have all these connections tied to the eye of Shalom Ra, Isaiah 45 verses seven, which is right here. You know, the Vatican, if you go research the Vatican, folks, they recognize the YHVH as the God of the Bible. They will they recognize it. They just will say that from the referencing points I got, they say that they use Lord or God to to yield to the respect of the Jewish faith. Because they don’t use the YHVH because it’s a holy name.
So that’s why they used Adonai, El Shaddai, you know, so the Catholic Church does recognize the YHVH as the God of the Bible. But we know the YHVH is the raw. And could the raw character be the mighty star serious? Or is it just the largest planet in our solar system called Jupiter? Jupiter. Well, this is to be continued. I’d love your thoughts. Keep your comments coming. It’s all about loving here. Keep it cordial. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan for Decode Reality. Until next time, we will see you later.
Amazing presentation Logan, looking forward to a follow up on the revelations of I Am the Key to the Universe (369)
Great information but I feel this is way more important !
The Vatican St Peter’s Basilica.
Meaning The Royal abode of the Basilisk.
A Legendary Snake that kills people with its gaze.
The Vatican has a giant upside down cross & a massive keyhole on its back.
Representing St Peter being crucified upside down, but really showing that our angelic essence comes into this system & gets turned upside down & we are locked in.
The Vatican is literally a giant snake 🐍 birthing another snake out of its side, from an aerial view this is known as Parthenogenesis Virgin Genesis.
If you turn the image of Virgin Mary upside she becomes the image of a dead sheep’s head with its tongue sticking out.
So parthenogenesis is A sexual reproduction females getting pregnant without a male counterpart ! Happens with insects, snakes & some reptiles.
Inside the Vatican is a very large giant sheep alter made from little boy angels being beckoned by adult women. This is all depicted in gold. The nose of the sheep is actually a penis there is dove coming in the round window above representing The Holy Spirit.
So the dead sheep has little angels being turned into a golden liquid / semen around the penis ( it’s biblical of course through the waters I’ll be with you (waters means semen )
Turn the whole image of there giant sheep altar upside down & it’s the female reproductive system.
Lucifer created a Race Genesis 1
Elohim plural gods, angels , magistrates, judges of the supreme GOD
Lucifer Latin ( Hebrew Hal al )made a race.
The priests sing in front of the dead sheep 🐑 a song in Latin about Lucifer dawning his own creation. Using the male & female bodies
You know ( I will exalt ( breed worms
My thrones ( the flesh as canopy ) our bodies !
above the princes ( the stars / angels
of The Lord God.
Genesis 1 The first man was of the Earth, Earthy daemonic
Genesis 2 The Lord God formed his representative figure from the dust breathing into his nostril etc another race angelic
Jesus would eventually be born into this bloodline
To make straight that which Lucifer & the fallen had made crooked
The Flesh is an Idol, this is his Kingdom remember.
It’s The Lord Gods footstool !
Why do you think the elite celebrities / stars
worship Lucifer they know what this place is.
If you are in a body you took up the flesh.
A vain show a representative figure an Idol.
It is your angelic essence that The Lord God made.
All Glory to the Lord God EL The Self Existent Eternal Jehovah.
& his servant Johnathan Kleck who I learnt all of this & much more he’s on YouTube & his information incredible backed by the scripture & everything in this world attests to it.