➡ The text discusses the symbolic and numerological connections between the number 59, the Venus flytrap, and the concept of a “prison planet”. It suggests that life is a game with a divine contract, where we are both the star and the prisoner. The text also explores the significance of the number 4, relating it to blood types, seasons, and directions. It concludes by suggesting that we might escape this “prison” by avoiding polarization and embracing a “lukewarm” state.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic and numerological connections between various elements, such as the Venus flytrap, the numbers 44 and 29, and the concepts of love and time. It suggests that love can trap us in time, and to escape, we may need to give up love. The text also explores the symbolism of the female anatomy and the Venus flytrap, linking them to the concepts of life and death. Finally, it suggests that life is a game that requires players, and that entering this game, or becoming human, inevitably leads to death.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism in tarot cards and their connection to love, lust, and time. It suggests that love and lust trap us in time, symbolized by the Venus Saturn square. The text also explores the idea that our reality is scripted and we are not in control. It ends by discussing the symbolism in the movie “Little Shop of Horrors” and its connection to blood and DNA.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory linking various elements like numerology, tarot cards, and Greek mythology to suggest that life is a cycle of repetition, symbolized by the Venus flytrap. It suggests that love is the trap that keeps us in this cycle, and our lives are a constant process of being recycled and reborn. The text also mentions the number 9 as a symbol of endings and repetitions, and the number 22 as a symbol of the element titanium, which is tied to the myth of Prometheus creating humans from clay.
Just search through my catalog on my lives. Let’s talk about the love trap. Can this carnivorous plant have anything to do with the narration of our reality as human beings? Because if you follow nature, this thing eats whatever is good going inside of it. It doesn’t play favorites. And when this thing closes, whatever’s inside is going to be eaten by acid. And we have acid in our reality through oxidation and oxygen in the air that we breathe. See, ladies and gentlemen, what I’m going to suggest as we go through this presentation is that we all enter into a Venus flytrap, which is love.
We all got here by two pair. Two people coming together, humping, making you as a baby. And now you’re in Flytrap. And that’s what we’re going to talk about during this presentation. So I’m going to start off with some scripted reality as the intro. And I’m going to start off by showing you the man who, as it’s underlined in red there, it says, john Ellis was the first to have a published written description of the Venus Flytrap and its botanical name. Some of you have already picked up on and made the connection to this gentleman right here, who is a naturalist.
John Ellis. Does that name ring a bell? How about now? How about the man they casted to play Lucifer? His name is Thomas John Ellis. Coincidence? The whole story of Lucifer is the fall of man going down into the game of life chasing after the female, because in the Eve was the first one. But ladies and gentlemen, I’d like for those of you that are on the fence of a scripted reality or not, how else are we to describe what you’re seeing here? That the man who first published a written description of the Venus flytrap has the same name as this man right here who casted to play Lucifer? Lou, this is where you get the connection of Lucifer and Venus.
And Venus is love. And this is the desire and the love of everything. And the game of life. How else are we to describe what I’m showing you here? These are not coincidences. And it’s either some big group is out there trying to mock you or to get one past you, or to pull the woolly over your eyes, and they’re all in on it, except for you and I. Or that we live in a scripted reality, and that’s how all these things are connected. So that was the intro. Let’s now get into the topics of conversation for this presentation.
Four topics. Number one, the game of life. Number two, prison. Planethood. Number three, vagina. And number four, Audrey Junior. So let’s have at it now. Game of life. I’ve covered this. I have a decode out on it that I’ve done a long time ago. But let’s start right here, and let’s get into the actual scientific name of the Venus flytrap. Diana, musculpula or muscula. That’s a 59, ladies and gentlemen. 59. Now, just think about what I’m showing you here. The scientific name for the Venus flytrap, the Lucifer Flytrap, is a 59, which just, you know, again, coincidentally, using the same numerology cipher, not trying to use any other ones, has the same outcome, the 59.
How about that? And of course, the root is the five. Five plus nine is 14. One plus four is five. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. Five is the house of Leo. Leo’s ruled by the sun. The sun wants to play it’s spirit into matter. And when you bring the tarot in to get. To get the picture, well, there it is. It doesn’t get any more clearer than this that we’re in the nightmare. Life is beautiful. Yes, it is a dream. It has a lot of beautification to it, but it does have this keyword of nightmare to it.
Worry, anxiety, nightmare. Right? Maybe, just maybe, spirit knows that this is the inevitability. I mean, in theology, it says, if you eat from the tree of knowledge, which we know, the tree of knowledge now is the movie. If you go. If you go play that game, if you go into the movie, you will positively die right there. I mean, think about this. There’s the fly in there, right? A real fly. And this is a real image, right? What do you think? That flies, thinking it has no idea what’s coming. Imagine having to be sitting inside that prison and then acid come in, or whatever comes in there, and it just starts eating you alive.
A lot of insects get eaten, live pretty gnarly deaths compared to ours, but this is the game of life. Let’s keep going. So when you get into the human design and we get into the against, we get into a scripted reality, right? We get into being able to synchronize so many things, so many tools to show how all of this is connected. We get into gate number 59, which is called intimacy, right? We’re talking about Venus and love and screwing in sex and being trapped when that happens. You can see here it says there exists a fundamental biological drive associated with gate 59 urging for reproduction.
So if you have this gate activated in your human design chart or I. Well, it’s part of your screenplay, okay? It’s part of your screenplay and it’s set up that way. I bet a lot of you parents have this date activated, but you can see it’s also tied to contract with God. See, again, if you have kids, you’re supposed to have kids. If you don’t have kids, you’re not supposed to have kids. That’s my final answer. I have enough videos now to support that. We are living in a scripted reality. We’re not in control of our reality.
What you got is what you got figuring out and discovering what you got. That’s where the fun comes in, okay? And this gate 59, when you look at what gate it’s connected to, well, it’s connected to gate number six and you know it. What’s really interesting is if I go to numerology and type in the word baby, that’s the number six. Okay? So intimacy is tied to baby. And I can assure you that Rao Ra, who created the system back in the early 1980s, wasn’t sitting down with chaldean numerology and he knew that baby equaled the number six.
I promise you that is the case. It’s just that he’s intuitively using the voice in his head, which knows that baby equals the number six and decided to catch the 59 to the six. So you can see what it says here, the unique interplay between the sacrals procreation, which is this shape right there, paired with the emotions, generates a passion connection pulsating with intense energy. This channel boasts remarkable fertility potential, and if you possess it, others will gravitate towards you like moths to a flame. So again, if you’re a parent, I. You go look at your human design.
Do you have gate six and 59? Do you have these connecting channels? You can see how all this is connected, folks. The game of life needs players. How long I’ve been saying this well, this. This summarizes it nicely, and it really drives it home. Well, excuse me. When we keep going and we see that, you know, 59 is a very magical number in so many different arenas in our reality. You know, this is a slide that I’ve shown in many different decodes. There’s a reason why religion has the 59 attached to it. Christianity. Catholicism is Christianity.
They use a rosary, and there’s 59 beads. Did they know something we didn’t know? Why 50? What is the. I would love to be able to sit down with somebody who knows a thing or two about a thing or two in the Roman catholic church to ask them why 59. Maybe some of you that are Catholics, or maybe some of you that were previously Catholic, would have the answer to that. Maybe you could provide some kind of, you know, example of why 59 beads. But you see that it’s tied to this, which, you know, that’s why this symbol right here means procreation.
That’s why Jesus promises you to take you into eternal life. Yeah, eternal life is the Venus fly trap. So you have a connection for Jesus saying, you know, I am the bright morning star. I’m the offspring of David. The brighter morning star could be Venus. The offspring of David is the sun. I think the sun could have birthed Venus into existence. Maybe Venus was a previous sun in our reality. There is the connections there. But the 59 is not only tied to the contract with God and the game of life and this gate of intimacy and the scientific name of the Venus flytrap, but it’s also tied to the word prison, because this element, proseodymium, starts it all off.
And you could spell out this word prison. I’ve already covered this in multiple decodes. Now, proseodimium is got this symbol right here, the Gemini, the two twins, you know, your doppelganger, Gemini being the prison, because it’s. It’s Castor and Pollux, the masculine and feminine, the angel and demonization. And these are the prison bars. I’ve already covered this so many times. And when you look at this at a deeper level, through mathematics, you can see that 59 is the 17th prime number, and 17 in the tarot is the star card. The star is born. That’s you and I.
You’re born with a contract with God. You become the star of the show. You know, this right here is the script, square root of two, which is duality. It’s also one of the measurements of PI, the 3.141 PI, which is the prison, and PI in the Greek, the original Greek, the authentic Greek, going all the way back before the modern Greek, the 17th letter was PI. It’s now the 16th letter, but it used to be the 17th letter, and PI is the prison. It represents time. And keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, 59 is the 17th prime number.
I just go right back up here, and this man right here was born on the freaking 17th. Not a coincidence. They’re not a coincidence there. You can see how all this is scripted, folks. It’s so magical and beautiful. Rather than looking at it like, oh, it’s doom and gloom and what’s the point? And now that’s the negative wrong way to look at it in my eyes, the right way to look at it. The beautification to look at it, is that you have a whole world to discover beyond what I’m showing you based upon your code, through astrology, numerology, etcetera.
So when we take this number, 59, I covered this in my 59 decoded. We just follow the breadcrumbs through the primes. 59 is the 17th prime, 17 is the 7th prime, seven is the fourth prime. Then we finally land at a composite number. And that’s the number four. And the reason why I have the blood splatter there is because there are four blood types. You have O, A, B and Ab, and you’re going to be one of those. There are four seasons. There are four corners of the earth. There are north, southeast and west. The four is a very magical number.
It’s the square, but it’s a composite number, and its divisors are one, two and four. Okay? And this number four is the big highlight here because of the fact that when you say 1234, where I’m not going to go past the four, right, I’m going to do some. Some mining here. So because we stop at the number four, the reason why I have the five here, four equals five is because the root of 559 is five. Five plus nine is going to go all the way down to the number five. So 59 through, when we say it is five, so inevitably it leads down to the four.
The four is a composite number, so we do 1234. And you can see that’s 24, 24 hours in a day. But now we go to this element on the periodic table to get the bridge, to get the clue. And this is the element called chromium. Chromium has an isotope of 52. The reason why this image is on there, I feel it’s the skull and wings, because you’re destined to die as you come down and play the game of life. You’re. When you have a contract with God, you become the star. You have seven chakras. So I got the chakras here, and then we have the blood types, and that’s where you land that.
So we go, one, two, three. We don’t go past the four. Cuz four is a composite number that becomes chromium in the 52, and the 52 becomes death. The 52 becomes the prison planet. We get into our next topic now, prison planet. Now, is it a coincidence, again, that Venus flytrap is a 52? No, of course not. It’s not a. It’s not a. This is not an accident or coincidence. It matches right up with prison planet. These both have a root of seven. Remember that we have seven chakras. This is the prison right here. Your body, the microcosm prison.
And we now move back into chemistry, and we can see that it’s tellurium. And tellurium comes from the latin word called tellus, which means Earth. Very simple. Okay. This has an average of 127.60, but the most abundant is the 129. Okay, so this is very easy to see. Now, what. What’s the prison? Earth. Okay. It’s a fun prison, though, right? But eventually, you’re gonna face this. This is what we’re in, folks. Can’t get out until you die. We don’t know what happens after that. And it is an apex predator. Earth is considered an apex predator. This is an apex predator, if you will.
It’s definitely a predator, but Earth is an apex predator. Okay, let’s keep going. So let’s get into where the origination of Venus fly trap comes from. Obviously Venus, but you see, the scientific name, the genus name is Dione, which is daughter of Dion, which refers to the greek goddess Aphrodite. So here is the Dione, the scientific name. And in Greek, it’s the number 26. You see that right there? 26, 26. So this matches with prison planet, folks, which matches with the Venus flytrap being the prison planet. And Venus is the planet of love. And I have been saying this over and over, that it is all about the love trap.
All right? It’s all about the love trap. I mean, what does this look like on the human body? I mean, I don’t even need to go into specifics. Okay. I don’t even need to go into specifics. And we have the prison being tied to the infinity symbol. These all have roots of the number eight. The infinity is 26, which is an eight. It’s the infinity symbol. Do we ever get out? That’s the question, can you get out of this reality? Are we trapped in this reality? These are questions I postulate all the time, and maybe you do, too.
So is there a way out? Well, let’s talk about that. Let’s now get into this. The theology of revelation three, verses 16, where it’s Jesus talking to the church, telling them, if you’re not polarized, if you’re not hot or cold, I’m going to spit you out of my mouth. Now, ladies and gentlemen, when I discovered Venus’s magic square, I was completely blown away, because I realized that this right here is Venus’s magic square. And I know that up here in the crown line, it’s separated, as it should be, because it’s its own markings. But this box right here is a seven by seven grid, just like Venus’s magic square.
So this was very profound for me, since I’m a huge fan of the cards. And so I’m gonna go and I’m gonna grab spread number 52, because we have prison planet being 52. We have Venus flytrap being 52. Okay, so I’m gonna grab spread 52, and I’m gonna compare it against the unmovable spirit spread, as I often do. And I’m going to go to space number 29, because this is where you get what you want to be through the context of what I’ve been showing for many years now. You want to be lukewarm. You don’t want to be polarized, so you have the ability to escape the clutches of the Venus flytrap.
And what do we have in spread number 52 here? We have card number 26. And we just go back here, and we have. Where it’s connected in the original greek dion, which is the infinity symbol, which is the prison. Folks, are you seeing this? How is this here? Well, because you’re. This is how beautiful the cards are and how much of an oracle like Sharon says they are. And on top of that, ladies and gentlemen, over in the spirit spread that runs the solar spreads, this doesn’t. These cards don’t move their markers to compare against. There’s that eight of hearts, and that eight of hearts is.
That is the prison, right? What? It’s the eight right here. Eight. So we have the eight here because the king of clubs is card number 26. So we have the prison here in space number 29. And then we have the 26, that the two six root of that, which is eight right there. And to get the picture, there it is. It’s the eight of cups. It is walking away. This is card number 44 in the tarot. This card number eight in the cards of illumination, but it’s card number 44. And this right here, ladies and gentlemen, is tied to my stomatos.
Because if you go into Greek, the scriptures of the New Testament, they are written in Greek, they are created in Greek, and we can measure them through Greek. And my stomatos, this is Jesus talking now. So now you see that if you. If you don’t want to play anymore, you will get spit out of the mouth of Jesus. I’ve been saying this, that we are all having the Jesus Christ superstar experience. You’re all Jesus carrying your cross, which is your screenplay. And this signifies a huge marking in all of this room. This is the root of.
I mean, the root of that is eight. This is Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is 44. So we have the 44 here. We have the 44 here in space. Number 29, which is the word stamatos, which is the word lukewarm. Are you starting to see how all this is so beautifully connected? And there is no doubt about it anymore. There is absolutely no doubt about it now. With these connections, the prison is love, ladies and gentlemen. I know that may be a hard pill to swallow for some of you, and I’m not saying love is a bad thing. I’m just showing you what the code says.
So we have stamatos. We have the 29 in Venus’s magic square. We’re using this because we’re talking about Venus’s flytrap. We can even go to card number 52 in space. Number 52, it’s the king of spades. And that’s Saturn. And that’s time stuck in time. Time and love. Venus and Saturn, they do the tango with the seven of diamonds and nine of hearts. It is time and love. You’re stuck in time by way of love. You want to get spit out of time, you have to give up love. I haven’t figured that all that whole part out yet, but love is gonna make you polarized, okay? That’s what’s gonna happen.
So let’s get into the next topic now, the female anatomy, right? We’re gonna get into this topic. Vagina. Now, I mean, this is. Come on, folks. That’s. This is made after everything is all synchronistic. Okay? So when we get into the definitions now, you can see historically, the plant was also known by the slang tipti widget. Tippety widget. Man, I got a circle there. Widget. Okay. It’s derives from tippet and. And witch. It. Well, there’s the 28. Now, if I go to the tippet, we do it on the fly. You can see that it’s the 30.
And 30. Is this 30? Is this 30? Is this. Okay, so you have the demiurge and Lucifer tied together. Not by accident, because another reference. I mean, how many of my decodes have Lucifer’s name mentioned in it? Because you’re in that game, ladies and gentlemen, the game of Jesus. Lucifer. You’re in it. We could essentially say the demiurge, which, meaning dualistic, is Lucifer and Jesus. It’s good cop, bad cop. We could definitely postulate these notions. But these are huge humdingers, ladies and gentlemen, just from nature and the terminologies of nature. So let’s go to. Excuse me.
I apologize for coughing. Let me go to solar spread number 28, since this widget is a big name. And we’re gonna look to locate what is sitting in space number 28. And we have in solar spread 28, we have the six of swords, the six of spades. Six of spades is card number 45. I mean, Dwight, does it need to be even more clearer now, folks? Does it need to be clearer for you that this means Pandora’s box? And, you know, this right here is the sleeper, right, meaning death. The four of spades is the four swords.
And that can mean. I know a lot of people say, oh, it’s meditate can be meditation, but it. It can also mean death because there’s a person lying down and their. Their eyes are closed. So it can mean death. Well, when you enter into Pandora’s box, you’re guaranteed to lead towards that deathly state. Okay, let’s keep going. So I thought this was very interesting right here. And I didn’t know this, of course, till I started studying it. But the description of the Venus flytrap was by Arthur Dobbs. And when he gave the description of the plan, I have it underlined there.
It says that it grows in latitude 34, but not in 35. We have kind of a catch fly sensitive, which closes upon anything that touches it. It grows in latitude 34, but not in 35. Okay, this is where it is naturally grown, is 34. 34 is tied to the word tree in Hebrew, tree of life. These connections are uncanny. But let’s go to chemistry to get the picture. And bam, there it was. Sulfur. Sulfur has a few isotopes. One of them is 34, and there’s the 68 protons, and we connect it right to numerology. And come on, what are the odds that I can connect these things like this? And I’m not just connecting any random element on the periodic table, this is sulfur.
Sulfur and brimstone. Fire and brimstone. Hell. And we also have the 34 protons of selenium, which is the moon. The moon in a lot of these ancient texts is the portal to become a player on the world. Stage 80 is tied to the words tree of life in the origination of Hebrew. These are not coincidences, folks. Just by the latitude 34 that this plant naturally grows, it won’t grow in latitude 35. Just latitude 34. How about that? Just the 34. Very, very fascinating if you ask me. So let’s now look to this right here. I’m gonna go the scientific name Dionae Muscula.
And we see that it’s a root number five. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to take the life spread, the very beginning stages of the life spread. We can do it over here in the spirit spread, but I’m using the life spread because of the fact that this is not only the starting point of life itself. So this is the origination of life coming into the Venus flytrap, but it’s also the starting point of it all. And we have the, the fifth card, the five of hearts, which is the five of cups. And the five of cups is card number 40.
And 40, as you know, is zirconium. That means gold colored. That’s death and regeneration. Okay, well, you could connect these things until the cows come home. It’s just, it’s endless. It’s bottomless. And this five, which, you know, this card right here I have, I put the picture here because I don’t, I don’t look at the tarot card like I love using the rider weight deck. But I don’t necessarily agree with all the images. And one of the images I’m not really a fan of on the wider weight deck is this one. When you look at the origination of it, I’m not really a fan.
I don’t really resonate with this. Oh, wizard card 41. I had an error there, but I don’t really originate with the, the five of cups. I mean, because they, this really like being, being sad about what’s spilled over. But you have something behind you, right? That’s, that’s what they have, the right of way deck. But what, when you, when you go to. Whoops, where was I? Here we go. When you go to the five of cups in the playing cards, which they. These came first, the fives. Remember the hearts, ladies and gentlemen, means feel. It’s a, it’s a heart.
So it’s I feel all of you that have a heart for your birth card, you go through, navigate through your life by the way you feel your emotions. That will be the forefront of your reality is I feel. So it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s the rut. This is the restless heart. Sharon calls it the restless heart because it’s not satisfied. If you have this as your birth card, well, five is the busiest number as it is, but you’re not satisfied. You’ll have bits of satisfaction. And then the shiny new toy wears off, and you’re off looking for something new.
This is the falling in love card. This is how I have it pegged. I have an error. There should be 41. This is how I have this pegged. And since this is, you know, this is card 41, this is the word. Elohim is 41, okay? But the five of hearts is the restless heart. It’s tied to the root of the scientific name for Venus Flytrap, the restless heart. I’ve been saying this. This is what keeps the game going. The game needs players. The game of life needs people to have sex, to procreate, because eventually, each and every one of us go into the tomb and we die.
But this right here is Earth. This is Earth, ladies and gentlemen. The Venus Flytrap is a representation of Earth. And so if your spirit, you want to come down and play the game, you will die. That’s what theology says. That’s what this whole thing’s saying right here. If you become a human being, five fingers, five toes, five senses, if you have a restless heart, you come down, maybe there’s a star in this, in the canopy that’s tied to you, and that’s your doppelganger. That’s your. That’s your controller, your representative. And it wanted to come down here and play the game of life.
It wanted to fall in love, and that’s how we all got here, okay? Using the life spread. And if I come over to the spirit spread, well, there’s the 30th card in the deck. It’s card number 68 in the tarot. And this card is trapped. Four of diamonds, the four of disks. This would be goddesse, and you and I are trapped, okay? So this is tied to also tied to the elohim. And you can see what space it’s sitting in. It’s sitting in the space of Saturn horizontally, and Venus vertically. That is love stuck in time, okay? That’s what this whole thing means, folks.
You are trapped in by way of love and lust in time, and even this right here kind of says it and summarizes it up very nicely with the Venus magic square that these cards, the five of hearts and the four of diamonds, they sit in space number 44, which is where you’re going to get the word Satan from. Now, I will just digress. This 44 going all the way back up here. Right there. So this is referencing the devil. Satanis diabolos. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very strong connection to Jesus and Satan. I don’t know how any other way to describe it, because what this is saying here is if you don’t want to play anymore, you have to stop falling in love.
You have to stop loving. And that is a huge. That’s being polarized. That’s why Jesus says, you’re either with me or you’re against me. You’re either loving the dark side or you’re loving the light side. The 44 is right here. My stomatos right there, folks. These are huge connections. This is what you get tempted by. Sex, lust, humping, falling in love. I know a lot of you will refute what I’m saying because you think that love is the way to save this world. And it is. You’re absolutely correct that love always wins out over fear, because that’s what keeps the game going.
Because if the other side wonde, the human population would cease to exist. But, ladies and gentlemen, what this is saying right here is that you are trapped by the demiurge. This is the demiurge 30. This is Jack in the box card. You are trapped by way of love and you are stuck in time, Satan’s time box by way of Venus. This is the Venus Saturn square, and it’s the devil. And that’s why sex is promoted so heavily on the world stage. That’s why orgasms feel the way they do. That’s why you have a testosterone drive. That’s why those of you, the women you seduce in a way, and males chase the seduction, it’s testosterone and estrogen.
That’s what keeps this game going, folks, which is the Venus flytrap. So I think I have a few more slides left here. So we go to solar spread number five. Now, because the root of the scientific name for Venus fly shop is five, we go here and it’s sitting in the. What number? Space 21. That’s love. It doesn’t get any more clear, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not trying to stretch anything. I’m using these tools properly because we’re talking about Venus and this is what it means. And this, when the spirit side, what runs the solar spread side.
This is what will happen. This is what happens to the fly when it goes into the trap or the spider or the caterpillar, whatever goes inside of there. This is our trap. This is what will happen. You will die. That’s what this game guarantees. Death. It guarantees death. You have card number 42. You have the 42nd card. The three of spades turns into the 53rd cardinal in the deck, the three of swords. And, you know, if I. Whoops. And if I just go to number empire calm. And we type in 53, you’re gonna get the 16th prime number.
And 16, ladies and gentlemen, is tied to the word hell. Whoops. Right there. Are you seeing this now? See, I get it through the tarot. I’ll get it through the cards of illumination. This is card number 42. This is Douglas. Douglas Noel Adams. The 42. Life, the universe, everything. 42. Why is it 42? This is the 42nd card. Why 42? Because it’s tied to this. The lake of fire. It’s tied to re incarnation. Reincarnation leads to death. But when you reincarnate, you fall in love. This is how each and every one of us got here, by this environment right here.
Falling in love, ladies and gentlemen, love is the trap game of life. And we don’t have the choices. Maybe we have the choice of becoming aware of this and saying, you know what? I’m not going to do it anymore. There also may be the postulation where if you’re going to say, I’m not going to do it anymore, it was part of your screenplay to say, I’m not going to do it anymore. I don’t want to come back and play anymore. Well, I say that that’s part of your screenplay. There’s nothing wrong with this reality, folks. It’s per.
Imperfectly perfect. It’s imperfectly perfect, this reality contract with God, the prison. All right, let’s get into the final topic. Now, this one was a fun one, a very clarifying for me, and I hope it was very clarifying for you. So, Audrey Junior, the final topic. I only have flu. Few slides with this right here, and I’m going to go to the little shop of horrors. And I thank Donna, a fellow decoder on the Patreon, for posting this comment, because I. I didn’t even think to look here, but you had said this was one of your favorite movies, so I’m like, all right, let’s check it out.
And I’m so glad I did, because here’s more of scripted reality. Charles Byron Griffith, you think this guy had a choice by making this movie. Of course he didn’t. Of course he didn’t. So this is the dude that made the movie. They redid it with Rick Moranis, 1986. I’m going to cover that. There it is. Little shop of horrors. Notice that he also produced a movie called a Bucket of Blood. What’s with all the blood, man? Little shop of hearts. I want the blood. Little bucket of blood. 1959 prison planet, the game of life. But here’s his birth card, folks.
I mean, you want to talk about a scripted reality? Now, again, we could postulate, was Charles a fan of the card system? Was he a fan of chaldean numerology? I mean, you know, what goes into directing and producing movies so much, man, you’re so busy doing that. Like, everybody would have to be on the conspiracy. I just. I’ve shown it so many times now. Many of you great decoders. I just think that’s ludicrous. We live inside of a scripted reality. We’re not in control of this reality. We’re just along for the ride. And his September 23 birth card, born in the 23rd, ties to the word blood.
And that’s what this whole movie, little shop of horrors, was about. It was about the Venus flytrap, right? Here’s the character, and this thing starts talking. Feed me, feed me. And here’s him feeding it a hand, and it starts to grow. He cuts his fingers, and then he starts to drip the blood in there, and then it leads to, I want the human bodies, right? And it’s just so interesting that, you know, this ten of clubs, which sits in the Mars line, the Mars crown line, right? Mars is the. The drive to go play this game, to chase the female, the blood that wanting to go down to the.
Into the game of life, which is the Venus flytrap, you know, the ten of clubs. The 23rd card in the deck, which is tied to blood, is tied to the ten of wands in the tarot. Why I’m showing this is because this is tied to our DNA. What is our blood DNA. This card is tied right to DNA. The deoxyribonucleic acid. How is that so right there. Are you. Do you see it? It’s there. It’s our deoxyribonucleic acid. Now, I don’t know if Arthur Waite and company and Pamela Coleman, who designed these cards, did this on purpose, but it’s there.
And there is no doubt that this is the deoxyribonucleic acid, and it comes from the ten of clubs. Card, which is card number 23, which is tied to the word blood in chaldean numerology. And these are nothing. This is how dialed in this code is how this methodology works. It’s so beautiful. But this thing wanted DNA, and it got it. It got it. So when we look at Charles Byron Griffith, his numerology. His numerology is tied to the number 71. And the root of 71 is eight. There are eight known blood types. There is o, a, b, Ab, but you have the rh factor.
You either negative or positive. There are eight total. This guy wrote a movie on or produced a movie. A bucket of blood. Little shop or horrors was about feeding a plant that wanted blood. And 71 is tied to Lucifer. Straight up. How? By way of the periodic table. We go to the periodic table, and we go to the 71st element. And the word is Lou. Tiam. Lucifer Lou. See? Oh, this is not stretching anything, if you’ve been paying attention. 71 is the 20th prime number. 20 is duality. How does a guy have a numerology of 71 matching lutetium tied to Lucifer? Lucifer is tied to the Venus flytrap, as is Jesus’s.
His root number is the eight. There are eight known blood types with the rh factor. And his birth card is the 23rd card in the deck, which matches the word blood. Come on, man. You think this guy’s trying to get one past you? No, we live in a reality. His root is the eight. Venus flytraps comes from this greek word Dion. 26. Prison. Blood is the prison. Okay? Even the ten, that’s the binary system. That’s the binary system system. So we’re getting to the tail end of this now. And the topic was Audrey Junior because this was off of the 1986 remake of the little shop of horror, starring Rick Moranis.
And this is. Steve Martin was in there. Pretty big cast. This is Audrey Junior. And, you know, Audrey being 19, the word apex is 19. As an apex predator, Audrey Junior is a 22, just like recycle is 22, which is exactly what earth is all about. It’s a recycling power plant. And we can see that Venus is the queen. And there’s the queen. The 22. 22 is tied to the element titanium. Titanium is tied to Prometheus. Prometheus is said to have made men from clay. And that movie Prometheus, with the DNA being dropped into the waterfall.
All all this stuff is connected, ladies and gentlemen. All of it. And when you go to the tarot cards to get the picture, well, the most popular spread in the tarot, we have the fool at card zero, and it gets redone at the 22nd position in a lot of the decks, okay? The fool getting recycled, the fool being fed into the Venus flytrap. And. And the 22nd card in the cards of illumination, the nine of clubs and the nine of clubs to get the picture is the nine of wands. And the nine of wands is the wounded warrior.
This is what it would look like if you kept getting recycled over and over and over and over and over. It is a nine. So nine never ends. It always repeats. Nine is the great repeater number. You put in any number next to it, it’s going to repeat it. 99 reduces down to the 18 nine plus nine, which reduces down to the number 9999 gives you the nine. Nine is endings and completions and repeat. And the nine of wands is a card of being stuck in this game and never being able to get out and being recycled over and over.
This is the titan. This is the 22nd card in the deck. Ladies and gentlemen, when you go to the periodic table, the 22nd element is titanium. The sons of earth. The sons and daughters of earth, ladies and gentlemen, being recycled over and over and over by way of one thing, and that is love. So there you go. Venus flytrap decoded. This one was a lot of fun to decode. I’m sure this is gonna be some favorites for some of you. The information here is just so profound. It’s so in our face, and I just don’t think there’s any doubt about it.
Now that we live inside of the Venus flytrap, which is earth, and it’s the male chasing the female, the female seducing the male. It’s the pheromones. This is how we end up with the camp. This is what we say. Oh, my God. I have great chemistry with that person. Yeah, because you’re built that way with the pheromones and the attractedness, and. And then you’re just. You. You want to have sex with that person, you end up moving into lust and desire, and then you fall in love, and then now you can’t break free, and you become a slave to that person, and you end up dying.
Right. So love is the trap. That’s my final answer, but I would love to hear what you saw, so keep your comments coming. And that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. 4d culture reality. Until next time, we will see you.