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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ Logan, the speaker, discusses the concept of ‘decode’, focusing on the Yode and its connections to various celestial bodies and mythological figures. He suggests that the Yode, the smallest letter in Hebrew, represents possession and control, possibly by Zeus, the king of the Olympians. He also discusses the shift from the Piscean age, symbolized by fish and water, to the age of Uranus, associated with technology and growth. Logan ends by questioning whether this shift will lead to freedom from the supposed possession by celestial forces.
➡ The text discusses the concept of control and perspective, comparing it to playing an arcade game or watching TV. It suggests that we, like characters in a game or show, are controlled by a higher power. This idea is linked to religious and philosophical concepts, including the Hebrew term “Yode Vahe”. The text also discusses the symbolism of letters and numbers in different languages and their connection to these ideas.
➡ This text discusses a complex concept that likens life to a video game, where we are the characters being controlled. It suggests that we look at life through a ‘screen’ or ‘window’, and our actions provide feedback to the ‘origin’ or source. It also introduces the idea of a ‘quad four system’, which seems to be a framework for understanding this concept. The text also draws parallels between this idea and elements from the periodic table, suggesting that our reality is made up of these elements.
➡ This text discusses the idea of life as a simulation, comparing it to a video game or movie filled with drama and conflict. It suggests that we are characters controlled by a higher power, creating and participating in this game. The text also explores numerology and symbolism, linking them to our existence. It concludes by suggesting that we are both the players and the game, trapped in this simulation, experiencing emotions and conflicts, but also capable of creativity and innovation.
➡ This text discusses the concept of life, good and evil, and our connection to the universe through numerology and alchemy. It suggests that we are not in control of our thoughts and feelings, which are influenced by external forces. The text also connects the number 80 to the tree of life and the elements mercury and selenium, which represent our thinking and feelings respectively. It concludes by stating that our mind is the receiving station for our senses and feelings, and that our heart does not have feelings, contrary to popular belief.
➡ The text discusses the connections between numerology, astrology, and mythology, suggesting that our thoughts and feelings are influenced by celestial bodies like the moon and Mercury. It also explores the significance of the number 23, the number 51, and the element carbon, linking them to various concepts and entities. The text further delves into the idea of being ‘not alone’, suggesting that we are observed or influenced by external energies. Lastly, it touches on the transition into the Age of Aquarius and the potential for change in our perception and control of our lives.
➡ The text discusses the idea that our reality is like a video game or movie, where we are characters being controlled by a higher power, possibly a god or a computer system. It suggests that we are like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, searching for our hearts and trying to understand what it means to be human. The text also explores connections between various symbols, numbers, and elements, such as the number 64, the I Ching, chessboards, DNA, and the elements carbon and titanium. It concludes by suggesting that we are all incarnations of God, but that we may not have as much control over our lives as we think.
➡ The presentation discusses the possibility of getting a new boss and the role of Neptune in this context, referencing various mythologies. It mentions symbols like Zeus, Sagittarius, the samsara wheel, and a puppeteer, suggesting they might influence cosmic events like lightning bolts through the sun and moon. The presenter, Logan, encourages audience feedback and promises more content in the future.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan, your tour guide. And this is decode, your reality. And today we’re gonna be breaking down and decoding the Yode. The Yod, the yard. Hey, vaheh boy. This one, ladies and gentlemen, will put a lot of things into perspective. I’m gonna bring some new things to take into consideration for all of you and had to put this graphic together to give you a lot to think about. Over to the right hand side, you have the Archer, which I’m alluding to, the fact of that being Sagittarius.

Above that is the wheel of Samsara and the other characters. You know, these. These characters just may be the mighty Zeus, the king of the Olympians, the king of the gods, the largest planet in the canopy. Uh, the yode Vaihe is the yode vahe, the mighty Zeus. Well, I’m gonna show you that there’s some links to that, as well as the other celestials as well, because I feel like it’s all a big Ponzi scheme. But let’s jump into this and start off with some astrology and tarot and some numerology, just to give you an idea of what I’m gonna be talking about here.

And I’ve put this together here. This is based on vedic sidereal astrology, not tropical. I’ve already covered the tarot, the astro tarot with the tropical, which puts Aries in position number one. But I got to tell you right now, if you go type in March 21, the spring equinox, the sun on. On March 21 is going to be in Pisces. And this, the equinoxes, are, is what the tropical system is based on. But nonetheless, the sun specifically, is in the sign of Pisces. And then, of course, the fall equinox, or spring, for those of you down in the southern hemisphere, will be Virgo.

And the winter solstice, December 25, the day most people celebrate Christmas, is actually a Sagittarius day. And across the way is that prison of Gemini, the twins, castor and Pollux. So this is the kind of adjustment that I’ve made here. And I I’ve placed this here because the Yode vaheh, you know, the. The yode. The Yod starts with the very small, the smallest letter out of the 22 letters of the Hebrew. And. And I’m going to show you what this means. But it’s the number ten. And I’m gonna show you how these five are four letters represent possession and control and being on this wheel of some sorrow, which is what the zodiac wheel is.

So this obviously puts Zeus in the binary position, number ten, the all seeing eye. Keep in mind here that the star of Sirius sits at 20 degrees. Gemini. So the star of Sirius, the eye in the sky, is directly across from the only planet that has the eye, the great red spot of Zeus. And it’s really interesting because of these placements here. And we’re. I got the Astro tarot. If you’re watching this, after I’ve released the Astro Tarot sidereal edition, you’ve already seen the placements in the tarot cards and whatnot. But you can see that the number ten, which is the binary system, is the.

It reduces down through the chaldean reduction. It’s the five. This is gonna add up to 14. It’s gonna be the five. So we have the yode and then the hay, and it’s ten, five. So then we come down here. So we have Zeus to the moon. And the moon is the way you feel about things going on a honeymoon, emotions getting angry, getting sad. And it’s just this part of the process of what it means to be a human being. So, you know, you have the yode. Hey va. Hey. So, the sun and moon represent the three letters after the Yoda.

And we’re. I’m going to talk all about that as we get into this presentation. So I want to start off by talking a little bit about theology, and especially the biggest proponent of theology, the Roman catholic church, which is the leader of Christianity. And it’s very interesting. The. The headgear that they wear, the dresses that they wear, or the attire to get all this is, I guess, so much to go into a costume. It’s insane. Like, religion has become a costume party. And I feel like the catholic church and the christian church, it’s. It’s like a full time Halloween party because you’re constantly wearing all these funky hats and.

And jewels, and it’s just like, oh, my God. It’s just a lot. But anyway, these. This is called the mitre hat, and the mitre hat is tied to water fish. And I’m gonna go back here because you see all of us here listening to this were born, or it seemingly is, that we were born into the age of Pisces, the piscean age. And the piscean age is the fish, which is where you get the fish hats from. And keep in mind that Zeus is the brother of Poseidon. Zeus is the brother of Poseidon and his other brother is Pluto.

So Zeus got the heavens, Poseidon got the waters, and Pluto got the underworld, the dirt beneath your feet. These are the three, the ten, the nine, and the one. And you add that up, you get 20, and that’s duality. But that’s going a little bit deeper. All, you know, the only two that are not part of the olympian club, like Poseidon, all the way to Zeus. These are all. These are all Olympians. Okay. Apollo, Selena, this. Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares or Eris. These are all Olympians, but not Kronos. Kronos is actually the only Titan here. And then you have the primordial, because Uranus is not part of any of those.

And this is where we’re moving into, seemingly already have done that. And you’re getting a ruling of Uranus, which is electric, which is why you have a massive push in the advancement of technology, because Uranus is coming in, and Uranus needs a lot of space and there’s a lot of room for growth. And it is not anything like being part of the sea. When I went revelation 21, verses one, it says that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, but it says the sea will be no more the sea. Neptune, maybe. Are we going to get rid of this boss or sub boss? Is.

Is Zeus the main boss, using all the other ones? And he’s. He’s used his brother for the age of Pisces, you know, the parting of the Red Sea. Jesus making loaves of bread out of fish. You know, there’s so much Jesus being a fisher of men, so much Poseidon reference here, which is why I feel these fish hats came into play. Neptune, Poseidon. But Zeus being the king of the Olympians, the ruler of the heavens, it’s as above, so below. Okay, so it’s a team effort. This is the great beast. Anyway, so it’s very interesting that we’re moving into, or seemingly already have done that, into a primordial position of Uranus and Aquarius and the pouring out of information.

And this is why you’re gonna. We’re getting all these things coming out. They’re like, I can’t believe this is how it was. Yeah, well, because Uranus doesn’t follow any rules. He has its own set of rules, and it really is the father of everything. It’s the great. It’s the grandfather of Zeus, the father of Kronos. So this is the. The centerpiece here for this reading, even though the Yode vahe, you know, and it is Zeus. I really feel like, it’s Zeus. But nonetheless, I’m going to show you that with this presentation. So I’m going to start here.

And ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to suggest you, you know, put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world. Watch this a couple times. Take them note. Take some notes, because I’m going to blow your mind with this one. It blew my mind doing it, being shown this kind of stuff. So the smallest letter in Hebrew is the Yode. The yod, okay? And to me, it’s an apostrophe. And the apostrophe, it’s very similar. And it means possession. When you have an apostrophe s at the end of a word, it means the possession. Right. So does this mean that we’re possessed by the Yode, by perhaps Zeus and all the other ones? Well, I put this together here, and I had a.

I draw this, and I just wanted to get this established as a foundation as I go into this presentation. Because if this is the way this works, if my theory. I shouldn’t even say my theory. If the theory that I was shown is correct and mankind is being used under possession, are we. The question is, are we going to get relief from that? Will we be relieved of that? I mean, the matrix and the. The architect says they will be freed. Now, does that mean that because we’re with the sea will be no more and Neptune and Zeus, are we going to be free as we go into the rulership of Uranus? Well, that remains to be seen.

But I want to point out here that I want you to take into consideration that this is the God. This is God, whatever. Even if you. If you’re not somebody who believes in the Torah and Christianity in the Bible, just for this is about the Yode. So we’re talking about that. But imagine this is God. And you see, I think this is the way this works through the context of the story that I’m gonna break down. See, when you go to an arcade and you slide a quarter in the machine, you grab onto that joystick and you start pressing buttons, and you control what’s behind that screen.

You are the possessor of the character you’re playing. Now, that’s our soul below. If you’re standing in front of an arcade game, you’re the as above, and this room is. Becomes the soul below. And I’m gonna show you how all this works. I’m going to put it into context, but we’re starting out here. The possession. Okay? That’s number one. So now you see, this is how I feel it works is. And this chief decoded that you’ve probably already watched now, is. Is. It’s a tiered system. It’s a tiered system, but essentially it’s a Ponzi scheme. Because down here, where mankind is, you’re at the lowest tier.

It doesn’t mean you should just hang it up. No, finding out what your code is is where it’s at. But then you have the second tier, which just maybe, you know, the angels and demons, perspective, spirit between the yin yang, the force. And then you have the. The chief at the top. And it would look like this. The chief at the top. Okay, so there’s middlemen, just like there is in sales and, you know, cut out the middleman. Well, this, there’s these terminologies. They work in the same context when we’re looking at these specific philosophical positions to consider here.

Okay? So I want to get this really driven home to all of you. And I want you to consider that when you. Next time you are doing this, next time you’re standing in front of the tv and you grab the remote, you get to press the buttons, and seemingly, you are in control of whatever you decide you want to watch. But, of course, I’ve debunked that so many times. I mean, how many times have you had something that you watch just give you so many nuggets? It’s like, oh, my God, I was supposed to watch that? Yeah, because your life is scripted.

You’re not in control of it. Right? Something’s controlling us from the outside. Well, when we have a character on the screen, we move into that position. So it’s an as above, so so below position. So you’re. This is God watching you. And then when you. When you start to have the moment of being the go d, in a sense, you become the as above. And then in the screen that you’re looking at, cell phone, computer, you become the as above to the soul below. And this is all about possession, folks, okay? Being able to be possessive over what you watch, what you listen to, what you fill your mind with.

But again, your mind’s not your own. So there’s that context there, okay? So I want to now address your attention to how this reality works. And you’re gonna, I’m telling you, a lot of you, most of you should have bells going off when I show this to you. And you, you probably do right now. You see, this is the pope giving some kind of speech outside of the window. And, you know, you’ll see that there’s the divine triangle there. There’s always symbols on these buildings. I believe this is the eight pointed star. There’s always these symbols with the window here.

So the. The pope comes to the window, and now the pope is speaking to a group of people outside of the window. So essentially he becomes the as above and the people become the so below. And they’re like just listening, and they’re just so programmed to listen and believe that this guy is got the word of God and he’s telling you the word of God and all that kind of. I’m not saying he doesn’t. Right, but I don’t care. But I’m giving you the context because this is the way it works. You start to see the window and the screen are the same thing.

So he comes to the window and now he’s talking to the people, okay? And God comes to the window and now is looking through at the people on the screen here. And you’re not going to talk to the screen, although sometimes we do yell at movies and all that kind of stuff. But you’re looking. God’s looking through a window, okay? The pope’s looking through a window. He’s at the window. I’m telling you, this is what it symbolically means, that he’s doing this here, okay? This is what it symbolically means. And there’s even, you know, egyptian hieroglyphs that show the window.

And that’s what I’m going to talk about. So I want to really, I really want you to get this, this position because this is really big with the yode vahe. Okay? So what I’m now going to do is we’re going to go into language, we’re going to go into linguistics, and we’re going to look at hieroglyphs, and we’re going to look at the origins of these letters that make up this word yode vahe. Now, at the top here is the ten, five, six, five. And it gives you a total of 26, the yode vahe. And it links to these two elements right here on the periodic table, which I’ve already shown so many times.

Iron, which is in our blood, and 56 is its atomic weight, 55.93. It rounds up. This is isotope 56. And remember that. Lights, camera, action. The movie equals 56. Spirit into matter equals 56. Okay? The speed of light is 56, okay? That’s because God is playing the light game and you and I are the dark matter. And then you have the element aluminium, which this is 26, isotope 26. The abundant. The most abundant is 27. This sits right in the middle of the zodiac wheel. Like it’s a. It’s a death star, if you will. Well, it sits in the middle, and it represents the positioning of the energy that is being harvested and given to the earth.

Okay? As above, so below. So we’re going to start here with the Yode and the. The yoder. YoD is the 10th letter in the hebrew Alphabet, which you convert that simply to the English. It becomes the letter j. And J is in the symbolic position of a fish hook. Okay. It’s also the first letter of Jesus in the english translation. So you’re gonna see that what it ends up becoming, through the egyptian hieroglyphs, is an arm or a hand. You see that right there, folks? Let me just zoom in right there. It’s an arm or a hand.

Okay, now, I covered this in my pac man, decoded. Hopefully you’ve already watched that. But it becomes the arm or hand. So it walks into the arcade, it wants to play or grabs onto the remote control, wants to watch a movie, wants to watch your reality show. And the arm grabs onto the joystick, grabs onto the remote control. That’s the ten, and that’s the binary system. Now. Now we have to go to the yoda. And now you have to go to the hay. So now we’re gonna. Whoops. Why do I have this out of order? I don’t.

Now we’re gonna go to the hay. So we got the yod in the arm. Now we’re gonna go to the hay. This is the hay right here. Yoda. Hey. Because, hey, the five. And it represents a window, okay? It represents a window or a man, okay? And there’s the five right there. Yod. Hey. And you can see that the meaning for it is a window, okay? So the yode grabs onto the joystick, and now looks through the window, the screen, and just like he’s doing. And now it’s addressing the people and giving them a message. And then you add on the last piece, which is the wa.

The vav. Yod. Hey. Vav. Hey. So it has to go back to the five. And I’m going to explain why that is. Why is it a four letter word? So we have a ten, five, six, five. And I’m going to bring it into this perspective right here and show you how it looks. So this is the yo, the joystick, the remote control, the possession in possession of the control. And now it must look through the screen. And that. Look at this letter here. Okay? The fifth letter. Hey, it’s a window right here. It’s a window. Okay? And even with the egyptian hieroglyphs, which has got a question mark on that.

They got a person standing there. You’re looking through the video game screen, the television screen right here. And you’re staring at a character. You’re staring at earth. And from the hay, it goes to the vov letter number six. And that is you and I, we become the number six. The word baby equals the number six. Gaia equals the number six. In the original Greek, it’s God playing earth, watching earth through the screen. The. The yode. Hey. The hay is the screen. The hay is the window. And just like this guy, he’s looking through the hayden, he wants to be the yoda.

This is an as above, so below position. Okay? Same exact thing. Okay? And then we, after the final position, because there are four letters. We look through our hey yod. Hey vav. Hey. Which means that your eyes become a. So below you look through your lens. You look through your screen. And now you become part of the quad four system, which is this right here. This yode. Hey vav. So he gets to look through the screen and play the character. And then you get to look through the screen. And there’s no other letters beyond that. So it doesn’t say anything beyond that where you have control.

Okay? So everything that man’s creating goes all the way back in the context of this material. To the possession of the apostrophe and the yode with the remote control. The ten, the binary system. Okay. So this is what it looks like. The tendency. The five to the six to the five. So the hand to the window right here. The hand to the window to the hook. Because the wa is. It means a hook. We are hooked. This is a hook inside of you. The silver lining. And then we get to look through our lenses and we provide what’s called feedback to the origin.

Okay? We end up having a window. So this is exactly what this guy’s doing right here. He is becoming a hay as well. Because now the yode. Va hey. The hey. He’s looking through a window. And I’m telling you, folks, symbolically, this is what it means right here. The quad for system. Okay? The quad for system. So let’s bring some more context into this to support what I’m saying here. And I’m going to show you how crazy scripted this reality is just using this example. So let’s bring chemistry into this. Because our bodies are made up of these elements on the periodic table.

Some of them are central to our well being. And I’m telling you, the periodic table is where it’s at. These elements are in the crust of the earth. They make up our reality, the elements. So we have the yode here. We have the va. We have the hay, neon, boron, and then the vav, and then the hay. Okay? That’s what it looks like. So neon means. Comes from the greek word neoshemenhe. Neon is the colors of the rainbow. And you go to an arcade, it’s full of neon. And then boron is an essential element for all living things in the world.

And you can see that the numbers tell a lot about how this works because looking through the window, it’s looking at itself. The number eleven is a one looking back at itself. It’s a. The number one looking into the mirror. It’s God looking into the screen at the character. And it realizes, oh, my God, I. I’m the character. Because again, if those of you that play Xbox or you play video games you. You control the character. You are the character. You play football, basketball, you control the character. Just like the context of what this is saying.

That’s why the eleven is here at bull run. Five fingers, five toes, five senses through that screen. And then we become the player here, but not the roleplay. We become a non player character because this is the player, okay? That is the player there through this context. So this is what it looks like in its final glory here, if you will. The yode being the Neon 20 is duality, okay? This is where you get the neo from in the Matrix. And he looks through the screen. He’s looking back at itself because it now becomes the mirror of the one.

And that goes to the Vov, which is carbon. This is the 6th letter. The hook, the silver lining to you and whatever’s running you. Some people say, oh, it’s my spirit guide. Whatever, okay? It’s not you in control. And you become a bag of bones. And carbon is, you know, coal. And I’m gonna get into all that stuff. This is the hangman, okay? The hangman here. And six is the first perfect number of mathematics. It’s the fir. It’s the last day of creation in the context of this Judeo christian story. And I. So this is a big deal.

The word baby equals six. The word Gaia in original Greek equals six. And that’s what we’re wrong. We’re born from. We’re Titans. Born from the Gaia, okay? And then we start to look through our screen. Our. Hey. And we create characters and we create software programs and we create our own computer systems. And that’s what we’re living inside of, a computer system. But our soul below is through the lens of our eyes, and it just goes all the way back to the source here with this binary system with the ten. Okay, so here is the context of the yode vahe again.

And now we’re going to bring in the cards of illumination and the tarot to give you the crazy picture of this. I mean, insane. If this does not give you the summary in the most simplistic yet most outlandish and just, just amazing connections here, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know what else will, but let’s start off with how we’re going to get to these cards. Now, what I’m doing here is I’m adding up the protons, neutrons and electrons of neon. Neon’s average weight is 19 point dot, dot, dot. But it’s isotope 20. This is isotope 20 because it has ten protons and ten electrons or neutrons, and then it has ten electrons.

So we have 1010, and 1010 plus 20 is 30. And then we go to the card of illumination. That is the 30th card, and it’s the four of diamonds. Now, four is how many blood types we have. Four is how many seasons we have. Four is north, south, east and west. Four is a very big deal. That’s the box, the cube, the box, the square screen. There’s so many ways to look at this. And when you convert it into the tarot, we now can have a clear picture of what this possession means, because the Yoda, this is the apostrophe, which is possession.

This card right here, see the pentacles? That’s you and I. And. And the God becomes the character holding on to those pentacles. And sitting in front of a city. City, meaning to me, is the houses of astrology. That’s why in Luke, where Jesus says, follow me into the house with a man bearing a pitcher of water. The house is the city, and the city is the house. Okay, so we have possession here. And this is card number 67, 68. And 68 is a massive number to world wars, to Gematria, the killing name. I’ve covered 68 so many times, and it’s tied to the origin.

Okay, the peace and evil, but let’s keep going. That’s the yode standing and grabbing onto the joystick, controlling you. And then you go to the. Hey, the screen, the window, and it’s boron. And we take the five and we add the eleven, the neutrons protons and electron. A boron. 16th card in the deck. Three of clubs. The three of clubs. And this is. If you’ve watched Alice in Borderland, this is the card they held up and said, this is the game Mastercard. The screen. Because this is tied to Lucifer. Why is that? Because Lucifer is the light bringer, the light of the game.

When you. When you put a sl. When you slide a quarter in the game, what lights up the screen? The light bringer. Okay? That brings the light to your eyes so you can start to play the game, the game master, because you’re playing a game of light. We’re being played as a. As a. As a character in light, but you’re matter. Okay? And the three of clubs is card 16. And it converts into the 24th card in the deck, 25th card in the deck. It’s the three of wands. And this card is a car. It’s a mental card.

It’s a card of fire. So its origins and this card means launching long term plans. You’re setting out on a mission in life. You could see that your back is turned and you’re moving forward. You’re going on trips. If you have this as your birth card, I would probably bet that you’re somebody who likes to travel around, move around, get around and go on adventures. Try a lot of different things, because that’s what this card means. It’s launching your plans after the two of wands, which is already making the decision of having the world in the palm of your hands so very, very important that this is the screen.

You’re the care. Imagine that God is looking at the screen, and this is what it’s looking at. A character who’s got its back turned, and now it’s ready to move into format. It’s ready to move into the game and start to play. And it’s already got you captured. Okay, these are. Could. These could be quarters to slide in the machine. There’s so many ways to look at this, but now let’s get into the player, right? The. Who’s the player? The vav. The yode. What? Vav. Hey. Okay. It’s the 6th letter in Hebrew, the hook. And that’s because that’s.

That becomes you and I, and we become carbon. Carbon. And we become this. This is what our reality looks like through the context of this story. When you synchronize all these layers, it is so fascinating that we become the 18, we become the baby and six, we become the hangman. Twelve and six plus twelve neutrons, protons and electrons, the 18th card in the deck, and it’s the five of clubs. And now this is where you get the five fingers, five toes, five senses. And the five of clubs is a very. It’s another mental card. It’s another fire card.

It’s another air card. And it means to start to use your. Your. Your design to move around the tarot says it all best here. It’s fighting. It’s division, it’s controversy. It’s this card right here. Just to me, drama, it’s a soap opera, because you see the yode, slides a quarter in the machine, grabs onto the joystick, look through. Looks through the window, and now it has to start to play the game. And when it does, it runs into, you have your villains, you have your resistance, you have the things you got to move out of the way.

You have people that are going to tell you that you’re wrong. You have people that are going to try to fight with you. You have drama. So if this is not a video game, it would be a movie, and it turns the movie on. It chooses the movie through the window, and then the movie comes on, and it’s complete drama. Everything fits within the context of this card right here. Fighting, drama. This is the card of religion. This is the 27th card in the deck. The word religion equals 27. The word sports equals 27. The word vampire equals 27.

The word currency equals 27. Essentially, that’s what you’re giving, is you’re giving feedback and currency by your emotions to whatever’s controlling you. And in this context, the origin is the yode. Okay? Controlling the blood types. Four. Four is of the stable number because it’s the cube and ain’t going anywhere. And then once we start to play the game inside the machine, now we go and start to do the same thing the yode did. The yode slides into the machine, grabs onto the joystick, and now it wants to play the character and create missions, right? And look through.

It’s like, oh, what I want to play today. What character do I want to be today? And once you fought, once it finally decides what character it wants to be, which I believe it’s playing all of us, it. Now there’s drama starts to take place, and then what happens is, it’s the Yode Vav. And then we repeat the same activity as the yode. We then start to think of ideas of what we want to create. Oh, I think I’m going to create a new cell phone. I think I’m going to make a new software program. I think I’m going to launch a YouTube channel.

I think this is all launching long term plans. So then we move into that position at the same time of fighting and division and contrast and drama. And you can see that ridiculousness because this is our real. Our reality is right here. And what is these two cards right here? The three and the five and what is the 35 in numerology simulation. Okay. That’s how I’m telling you folks, where you’re. So now you know. Okay, you can. Now you’re getting a sense of what simulation means here. This is a dead giveaway that we are inside of a computer system and.

And we become the soul below of the. As above here, not wanting to let us go. This is. This fits the soul trap theory. And, you know, mankind being used, as I have been saying for a long time now. And we make up the simulation here by, you know, I can do it better. I can do it. This is competition. It can be friendly. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. It doesn’t have to be evil. It can be fun. It can be exhilarating. It can be. But it can cause a lot of conflict.

And when you have a lot of suffering in your code, this is where a lot of you say, I don’t. I don’t want to do this anymore. I just want peace in my life. Well, then you just want to get out. And these movies and shows like Tron telling you that they went down inside the game. It actually got to be able to go down in the game. And now it’s stuck here in the game. And are we just stuck here as human beings? And this card right here is the Yoda, and it doesn’t want to let you go.

So this definitely has some merit when it comes to soul trap theory and not being able to get out of this game. A lot of, you know, hotel California, you can check on anytime you like, but you can never leave again. We create a game and the characters stay in the game. If you play, like, mortal Kombat or whatever, those sub zero and Scorpion, they can’t get out of the Xbox. They have to. They stay inside that box until you charge it up and play it again. They get to play. Don’t know any different. Do they have any feelings? No.

Do we have any feelings? Yes. But do you think the God feels our feelings here? Maybe, maybe not. But I thought just this alone right here was absolutely freaking mind blowing. Like, mind bending mind blowing. But wait, there’s more. There’s a lot more. So I’m going to start this back over again. And I’m gonna go even deeper with this to give you another layer. If you weren’t really impressed with what I just showed you and the description and narration of that, maybe this one will get you to side with that. So let’s get into some numerology now by going with the yode.

Hey, vahe the ten first, we’re gonna start with the yoda. And again I’m gonna add up the neutrons, protons and electrons and we get 30. And this is where the comedy comes in. I think this is funny. I think this is absolutely funny because that’s exactly what I’ve been saying for so long. And now all these simplified methods, they surmise all of this and bring it all into context. And we’re being role played like you’re in a game and something’s controlling you by way of the joystick role play. 30 demiurge equals 30. Allah equals 30. Yaldabaoth in the original Greek equals 30.

There it’s a big ponzi scheme all tied to this, okay? All of it. And this ends up becoming the number three. And three is 3.14 year we’re stuck in pie. But that role play from the yode now moves into the window to looking through the screen. And now you have the yode. Hey, there’s the screen right there. And the screen boron is five. And 1116. Now you’re in hell and you’re playing out a game of light. You’re. You’re in the light game. What? Like I said, this machine, your television, your computer, whatever you watch your shows on, you have to turn the power on and you have to press a button in order for the movie to start.

What is the movie made up of? Light. You can. There’s no way to watch a movie in the dark, uni. And you can listen to it. Yeah, you’ll get the audio and. But you need the picture. And what is the picture from? Light. The light bringer, the movie picture. That’s why this is tied to Lucifer in a big way. Okay? Light, hell. Okay? You’re inside of it, man. That’s what this is alluding to. So the window that God’s looking through, light. And I’m telling you, the devil is, if there is such a thing, is, is light.

Okay? But then we go into the big one now, right? Us, the player, the hook being hooked into this game. And now we get the 18. And this is where I have said so many times, you are Jesus. Okay? You are your Jesus is Adam. Adam is a character, okay? Christ just means anointed, whatever. You can bolt on so many other different stories. All those stories, by the way, are allegorical. There’s no way to prove that they actually happen, but they’re true and real because the idea makes them real. Self fulfilling prophecy. But I don’t. I’m not really interested.

I’m interested in looking at what I can support here, and that’s what we’re doing here. So the six plus twelve, the neutrons, protons, this is the 666 element anyway, by the way, the devil. So what do you think that is the mark of the beast, the great beast below? It’s you and I, the 666. We become the yod hey va, the hook. We become the beast because we’re so far away from if this is pure source, right? And I say if, well, you get your two layers down so you’re cut off from source. So you become a little demon down here, a little devil.

And this right here, folks, is the word Adam, okay? That is a humdinger. Bam. That’s Adam. And you can see that Adam is PI, a permutation of PI. It’s got the 3.141 there, okay? Even though 3.144, I feel, is the real PI, it doesn’t matter, it’s code, okay? And we become the devil. Diabolos is nine. One plus eight is nine. We are the devil. The 666 carbon, that. Mankind is the devil below. And that just means that you become a sinner, right? You become an addict to life. So humping and screwing and recreational, this and smoking, that and doing it, it’s all the diabolos, okay? Which is what that’s tied to as well.

That’s for a different story. But anyway, that’s what it’s tied to be, the hook. That’s why they went fishing. And what do you need to catfish a hook. That’s what this, that’s what this letter means, the hook. And then we have the last one, right? Then we start to look through our eyes, which become the hay. A window. And now we start to play the game of light. Remember I told you you can’t sit in the dark and do things not to be constructive. You can definitely sit in the dark and do imagination, but then you have to do something with the imagination.

And you got to turn the lights on. And when you turn the lights on, the commotion happens and you may slip and fall, break your leg. Oh, I had a hell of a day. Hell of a day. Hell of a day. We just slipped these words into our vocabulary. Oh, my God, I had a hell of a day today. It was pure hell or may have been bliss because it’s heaven and hell down here, folks. It’s the yin yang in this reality, because if it was all hell, then people would just give up and take themselves out and there wouldn’t be any players down here.

So there has to be some beautification and bliss. And I, and there is, there is in my part of the world. Anyway, so this is what it looks like from a numerology perspective, the science of numbers and just connecting it to the four simple letters that make up the most powerful name in the entire holy Bible. Okay, that, that 66 slash 80 book, it’s a spell book too, by the way. It is an absolute spell book. So that’s what it looks like through the numerology. So now let’s get into some mathematics. And what we’re going to do now is we’re going to add up the neutrons, protons and electrons of all four of these elements.

And you could see with the trusty calculator, we get the number 80. So the full gamma of this, of God looking through the window, playing us as a character, and then we look through the window thinking word playing, something. No, it goes, there’s not, there’s nothing after that to suggest that you have any control where as you look through your window, okay, you’re just giving feedback to this right here through the context of this material. So what is up, what is up with this 80? Okay. It’s very interesting because you see, you can take all the letters, all the numbers and you write them out on a piece of paper.

The only two numbers that you can put your pen on or piece or pencil on a piece of paper and draw that number and never have to lift your pen or pencil up off the, off the paper is the number eight and the number zero. Go try it. Write up the number one, two, three. You have to lift your pen up off the paper to write it again. Eight and zero are the only two numbers that you do not have to pick your pen or pencil up off the paper. To continually make it without, you know, without picking it up, it’s amazing.

And what’s so important about this number 80? Well, it’s tied to the freaking tree of life. The numerology through the original context of where this idea came from, of where this yode vahe came from is a freaking 80, ladies and gentlemen. Now what do you think the odds would be that this connection would be this tight like this so what do you think’s running your tree of life, which is the same thing as the tree of knowledge of good and evil? They’re. They’re just one and the same. Just the yin yang. That’s all it is. Okay.

Number 80. And we connect it to alchemy, and you can see how it comes shining through again, because the 80th element is the trickster. It’s mercury. Mercury is the way you think. So how many times have I said you’re not in control? Your mind, this right here supports what I’ve been saying or what has been given me to tell you that mercury, the way you think, is tied to the yode vaheh. How about that? And there’s that 20 one. Okay, so there you go. The pope. You think the pope has control over the way it thinks or he thinks? Abso freaking lutely.

Not completely under the guise of the supernatural or whatever this looks like. That’s why he sit is. It’s all mercurial. And this is also Ra. It’s tied to rock. And this is, this is it right here. You know, you got to go all the way back as it. I’m using these as tools now, right? Because I normally don’t go all the way back and use the full hebrew gematria, which is using triple digits. This is the regular Hebrew Alphabet, double digits. I can reduce this down, but this is going to be the full gematria. And this, you know what this is? Ra.

And you know what Ra means? Evil. Ra means evil. So you see that mercury ends up tying to Radhe. And the way you think, the way you have these evil thoughts, you have these angry thoughts, you have these bitter thoughts. Where are they coming from? Not by. Not from, not for me, not from you. Through the context of these stories, if I reduce this all the way down, you get the number eight. And we have eight known blood types. Tree of life. Eight known blood types. You drop that zero, eight, o positive, o negative, a positive, a negative.

There are eight known blood types. You’re going to be one of them. There it is. Tree of life. You can’t get any more clearer than that. And the way you think is tied right to this. And you have ra is ra l. Okay? They don’t get a hall pass either. How about when you take the. When you take the 80 digits of the golden ratio? Showing this in my, my g, the light of the world decoded well here. Why? Because Jesus is 24. Jesus is 24. There it is. So this is digits 79 and 80. Okay.

And look at the number you get. So the tree of life found from the alchemology. Alchemy is taking numerology and bringing it into alchemy. So this is the alchemology of the Yode vaheh. And you’re made up of this because we’re here. Well, it’s the keys to the universe, huh? So you have the three, the six and the nine tied to the golden ratio, which is tied to light, which is tied to the yode vaheh, which is tied to the tree of life. Coincidence? No way. The 80th digit is the four. You have four letters here. This is the 80th digit, and there are four letters here.

Okay. Not by accident. Ladies know that I am in alchemology is three. So you could spell out I am. It’s gonna give you 369, shown this years ago. Okay, but let’s keep going. How about we bring in the way you feel about things? Because remember this, this adds up to 80. Well, this has 80 protons, this has an isotope 80. And it’s selenium. And selenium comes from the greek goddess Selene, which is another olympian. It’s the moon. So what you literally have here from the Yode Vaheh is it controls the way you think and it controls the way you feel, both.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not going to take away love and all that kind of stuff, but, folks, the heart doesn’t think. Your mind thinks, the heart does. You don’t get heartbroken. You get mind broken. The heart does not have feelings. That is a superstition. The mind is everything because the mind is the receiving station for impulses, for your senses, and for your feelings. But in the context of what this is showing, the moon is tied to your feelings. So the moon, which controls the water and the body, is made up of primarily water. This is where you’re gonna get your honeymoon from.

Oh, I went on my honeymoon. It was so amazing. Right? I’m so in love. How did, how do you know you’re in love? Because you got it. You got to think about that. So these go hand in hand. They’re one in the same, really. But mercury is the way you think. The moon is the way you feel using your five senses. Both of these, in numerology, by the way, are 23. The moon is 23 and mercury is 23. How about that? They’re both freaking 23. Okay? Which reduce down to the number five. And you get the screen looking through the screen.

So mercury, a lot of it has to do with giving feedback and being that liaison between the gods and humans, it can be the trickster. Okay? But remember that Christoph in the Truman show was sitting on the moon. Now, I know that’s a story, right? It’s a story. It’s a movie. But is there any truth to that of the way this works? Okay, remember the. The word tree in Hebrew is 34. It’s right here. See? Tree is 34. So the tree is tied to the moon, as is the Hermes. And again, these are two Olympians. Celine? Hermes, these are two Olympians that work for Zeus, okay? They work for Zeus.

And you got Poseidon in there, who’s the brother of Zeus, who ran the age of Pisces, okay? So remember that the. The Christ is also tied to this because of the fact that the moon is called the sin God. And I’ll take away your sins, get baptized. This is all water. This is all Neptune referencing, by the way, baptism. And this is all piscean water. Water. Okay? Poseidon running the age of Pisces, the old style, it would be Zeus. But once Poseidon was discovered, it took over, and now it makes a lot more sense. Poseidon being the God of the seas, Zeus got the heavens, okay? While the seas and the tides, they’re all tied to the moon, the way you feel about this situation.

So it’s a team effort when it comes to the astrological position. And then if we do the numerology of the original Greek of Hermes and Selene, this is Selene and Hermes, you get the number 51. 51 tied to the word parasitos in Greek. Parasite. Parasitos. Parasite is 51 in the modern Greek. I already covered this. 51 is antimony on the periodic table. I’m just going to go there and show you this so you can see. So, hermes, mercury and selene, the moon is 51, and they’re tied to this right here, which means not alone. The way you think and the way you feel is because you’re not alone.

Antimony, 51, the all seeing eye. You’re not alone. And this reduces all the way down to the number six. And what is the six here in the context of these four letters? It’s the hook. It’s you and me. This is the human being. This is Adam, this is Christ. This is Jesus. Jesus equals 18, just as Christ does. Adam is 18. Six and twelve is 18. This is the six six six element. This is the hook. Yod. Hey, vav. This is the vav. This is me and you, carbon. We are carbon, and we think and feel through the context of mercury in the moon and this is where you’re going to get.

Not alone from. Okay. Even the pyramid. The pyramid slope is 51 degrees. Of course, that’s tied into this ancient Egypt. Absolutely. This is not just, this did, just didn’t come on the scene five years ago, 20 years ago. Hundred years ago. Now, this is very, very old. This has a lot of antiquity to it. We’re just getting around to being able to decode because we didn’t have the computers to connect all these letters and words and stuff, and it wasn’t popular. It’s time to do that. Why? Because we’re moving into the age of Aquarius and Uranus is like, I’m not, I’m not doing any of that shit.

Like, this is why it says the, the kingdom that will be set up will never be brought to ruin. Well, that’s because the, the original gangster Uranus is coming in and it’s gonna, it’s, it seemingly is gonna push everything out so we may get our, the way we think back. I don’t know. I, I’m very hopeful in that situation if that’s the way this looks. So again, this is what the, the lineage is here, folks. The yode is the origin. The yode looks through the screen at you, at me. And when it looks at, through the screen, it now is like, I think I’ll take control of that character.

The va, carbon, the beast, the little devil. Okay. The Christ character. And then we say, oh, I think I’m gonna make something. Oh, my God, this world’s amazing. Not knowing that you’re being watched, you start to look through your eyes and your eyes become the screen. The hey. And that’s what it looks like. So what’s very fascinating about this third position here? Three. The third letter in this context, the 3.14. The PI is carbon. And carbon, because carbon in Greek is this. Anthricus. Anthracast or whatever. I probably butchered the hell out of that. You could see that the word is the number 22 in the Greek, right? When we do that with carbon, it’s carbo in Latin, carbon is 20 in English.

Remember that this is the ten in the 20. The ten ruling over the 2020 means graduation. So I think, you know, you become aware that you’re this character being controlled by energies outside this reality, and you start to maybe go, be able to go off script. I don’t, a lot of people been asking me, can you go off script? I don’t know. It doesn’t seem that way right now in my life. And I become so aware of this stuff. But where do we go with this 22 with this in Greek now, right? Where we go with this in 22? Well, we go to bear shit.

See, this is why it doesn’t matter if you are a fan of the. The greek scriptures, the Torah, an english translation, the King James, the new international version, folks, it’s all the same thing. It’s all a Ponzi scheme, because this word for coal, or carbon, is the 22, which is going to reduce down to the number four. And I four is the four blood types. But the 22, when you go all the way up to the full Greek, it becomes the 76. See? So this is the reduced version of it, the 22 22 letters in the hebrew Alphabet.

And then we go to the full Greek to the double digits. It’s exactly a match. Now, I want you to think about this, and you should probably laugh. Is that this word that stands for carbon is the same outcome as Genesis. This is in the beginning. This is bear shit. Same letters as Genesis has. The seed gets shit out, the quarter gets slid into the machine. God presses the on. God presses. Oh, I’m gonna select this movie, and then now you’re on the silver screen. I’m telling you, folks, this is God. This is whatever created this reality is a stand up comedian.

And these are humdingers, that this word for carbon in the Greek matches the word bearsha in Hebrew, cross referencing these languages, having this outcome like this, and these all reduced down to the number four. And four is your four blood types. So we become a human being with four blood types. You become a Christ character. You become a Jesus Christ superstar character, and now you’re carbon. This is the king of all elements right here, okay? That’s the king of all elements. So where can we go here with this 22? Okay, this greek word for carbon? Well, because it’s a 22, and I’m using the.

The archaic Greek. This is the modern Greek. This is the archaic Greek. And when I go and I convert it into. I’m so. I’m sorry. When I keep it in the original context of the archaic, this 22 is tied to this letter here called up sileon. Okay? And you see that in the modern, it’s the 20th, but in the archaic Greek, it’s the 22nd. So I’m just gonna come here to show you, okay? If I come to the Greek, there’s the letter right there in the archaic. It’s the up sileon is the 22nd letter, okay? So this backtracks it.

When they revised it and made the modern Greek, it moved to the 22nd letter, but I mean a 20th letter, but obsillian, meaning carbon, meaning the, the hook. Okay? You could see what it was derived from. It was derived from the yod. Hey, vahe. It was. This is what the Phoenician wa is. This is where the vav came from. Is from the Phoenician wa. So the origin in the archaic ends up connecting to the origination where it came from in Phoenician. And there’s your flux capacitor. Okay? There’s your time travel. The letter Y tied to the 25, which is tied to the father.

There’s so many connections here. The flux capacitor being a big one, tied to the Mercedes symbol. On cars, the y is tied to their x and Y chromosomes to become a human being, to become carbon. Okay? But then what we want to do is now we want to convert this, which is the archaic, into the modern. And the 22nd letter becomes chi. Think. What is chi? Chi. The Chinese talk about it is your chi flowing? What does it mean to be a human being? She. The I ching. 64 numbers in the I Ching. 64 letters, 64 squares in a chessboard, 64 possible codons in our DNA.

Chi. And you know what starts off? What word this letter starts off with? Christos. Christos, carbon, coal, Bearshita. Okay, this is how funny this reality is, that you, you become a character on the world stage and now you’re entertainment. This is, this can be the fool card. You become the fool. But I just thought that this is so fascinating that in the modern, from the archaic, it says the same thing. Christos. And there’s your x, there’s your X and SpaceX and Tesla. And the future of mankind is not what you think it’s going to be. But let’s get to the tail end of this, ladies and gentlemen, and show you the craziness now of the conversion from the archaic to the modern.

So again, this means coal, this means carbon, and this is the Vav yod. Hey, vav. We become the carbon. We become the Jesus Christ superstar experience. And the 22nd, the 22nd number becomes tied to this element right here called titanium. Titanium is tied to the Titans. So this, it links to the Titans, the sons and daughters of Earth. And their story goes, there were giants in those days. Well, yeah, that’s be. How big is Zeus? Maybe there was, maybe there was, who knows? But, you know, hey, the planets are big in the structure of what the definitions are.

But this tells the story. Titanium comes from Titan, which is one of Saturn’s moons. And titanium is the sons and daughters of Earth. And this has several isotopes. One of them is 50 50. Its most abundant is 48, but it has several isotopes. 50 is one of them. How big is that 50? The Tin man. And that’s what we’re going to talk about right here to get to the tail end of this. So the yode Vahe have broken it down to show you the ridiculousness and how scripted this reality is, to give you the context that we’re living inside of a video game, inside of a movie.

We’re not in control of this reality. Are we gonna get control? Maybe. But who’s the boss? Now, I’ve spelt it this way because of the apostrophe. Okay. I think actually, even if you do the h w h o s e, it’s not proper English, but who is the boss? Okay, I could have did is. But of course, this is the Yoda, the apostrophe, which means possession. Who is the boss of who is 50? Who is the boss? Tin. Titanium. See how they’re both ti. They disguise it here because Tin is called Stanham, but the elements name is Tin.

And the first two letters is the same. First two letters of this. And they both have the 50. No accident there. So who’s the boss? Well, you could say, well, I am. I’m a titan on the earth. No, that’s not what this says. We are subordinate to tin. And whose element is Tin? Zeus. Jupiter. Okay, and this is where you’re gonna get the Tin Mandev. And is this how we’re stuck inside of a computer? And the. The whole story of the wizard of Oz and the Tin man was that the Tin man was looking for its heart.

It was looking for love because it didn’t know what it feels like to be a human being. Is that what it is about Zeus? Is Zeus? Is it just a computer system? And it wants to come down to play this game and it can’t play the game without feeling need to. It wants to feel, but it can’t feel. When you watch a movie, you can feel the characters because you get emotionally involved with it. Is that the way that these. These gods, if there is. If this is the way this works, is that how they feel? When you start to play a game and you grab the joystick or remote control, you play the character.

Do you get emotionally involved with it? Well, you may get mad when you lose the game and you want to start over, you know, but do you fall in love with the character on the screen? Well, movies may do that for you. Right. But this this signifies that the boss is tin. There’s the one. One nine wrote the mirror of the 911. And the subordinate position is the titanium, the titans, which is why they were so big, because Zeus is the largest God. Okay, that would make a lot of sense. So bringing this home, ladies and gentlemen, to give you a really good perspective on.

For the consideration that the Yode is, is Zeus, okay? And Sagittarius and the wheel of fortune card, because, you know, in tropical, we have ten as Capricorn and Saturn. But right now, the first zodiac sign for the spring equinox is Pisces, not Aries. So that moves Capricorn into position number eleven. And I’m going to talk about that. But you can see that tin is a ten, which matches the protons of neon. Okay? And 20 is duality. And ten and 20 is 30. 30 is role play. Jupiter, only planet with the all seeing eye on it. And I feel like this through vedic astrology, is Sagittarius, cardinal, got the yode vaheh, right on the wheel here as well.

Okay, there’s the ten and sag is the Archer, the hunter, hunting you. This is where you’re gonna get the hunger games. This is where you get all that story of Jupiter ascending and all the referencing to Jupiter, Abraxas, the house of Abraxas, all that, okay, with the archer here, you got the arrow right on the wheel as well. Okay? And this is kind of what it looks like through the tarot, straight up. And then the planetary positions that rule them, which I, which I talked about earlier. So this is what it would look like. The yode gets sag, Sagittarius.

And keep in mind that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. And then you have the wheel of fortune. So you get on the wheel, you, you. When God grabs the joystick, it now puts you on that wheel, the wheel of fortune. And now it looks through the screen and it starts to feel through the moon, right? It starts to feel the character. You get a sense of how this character moves. You get it. You start to feel the way this character moves. You watch a movie, if this is a movie that we’re in, then whatever’s watching the movie, it starts to feel a certain way, the honeymoon about it with the senses.

And this is a cancerian energy here. Five, five fingers, five toes, five senses through the screen. And it becomes a guru. See, the Sagittarius energy. The Archer becomes a guru. Now it becomes a controller through the screen, through the window of the player, which is the VoV which is the hook. And this is so perfect, lined up like this. The 6th house of astrology in Vedic is Leo. Six is the first perfect number. Six is tied to baby. And the sun card through the major Arcana sits in this house. So it’s Leo the lion. And it’s.

Now you have an ego, because the lion represents the pride and the ego. And now you become an offspring. And there’s the son, right, of the Godhead. And then you start to become a guru. You. This is the pope. So when I do my readings, I tell people you’re. You become the pope. Forget that, dude. You become the. The ruler of your kingdom. But not at all, because the contradiction is. Is there’s nothing beyond that in the context of this to insinuate that you and I have any control. The control goes all the way retro back to here, that you’re on the wheel, being controlled.

Being controlled. And then you seemingly have control. But you just go back here, okay? And you’re essentially. You become the eyes of. For God. Like I portrayed when the pope was looking out the window. You become the eyes of God. God’s looking. This is like Alan Watts. I’m a huge fan. He’s got the same birth card as I do. He said. He said it so many times. We’re all incarnations of God for. So forget about the titles. Like, I’m using these to show you, because a lot of you want to see the astrological. Forget. But forget about the planetary positions.

You’re. You’re. God is everything. It’s all of us. And this system alludes to the fact that it has all the control, all the control here. So when we do the numerology of boron carbon, boron neon, you get 88. 88 is time travel. 88 is raw. So does this mean that Ra is Zeus? Maybe. It might be the law. One law. One is 56. Lights, camera, action is 56. I mean, even with the DNA, folks, you know, the DNA. Here’s our Vov, the yode. Hey, Vav. It’s. Carbon is one of the five elements right here that make this up.

And this is the hook, the player. Okay, you’re. You’re being played. I’ve covered all this stuff already, but there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. A long presentation. A very detailed presentation, very concise presentation. And are we. Are we gonna get a new boss? That’s the question, you know? And where does Neptune fit in here? Obviously he does because of the fact of the idea through the. The mythologies, which, you know, again, are they just stories or do they have any merit to them? Well, you’re seeing them written into the story. So, you know, we have Zeus here, Sagittarius with the arrow.

We have the wheel, the samsara wheel, and we have the puppeteer, you know, the marionettest, if you will. And if. If it wants to send lightning bolts, well, it’s able to do that through the context, I would imagine, of the sun and the moon and do having these, you know, cosmic events happen. But we’d love to hear your thoughts on this, ladies and gentlemen, so keep your comments coming, but that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. For decode your reality. Until next time, we will see you.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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