Spread the Truth




➡ The speaker, Logan, is presenting a complex theory that suggests humans are divine beings, controlled by a higher power. He uses various methods, including numerology and references to ancient symbols, to support his theory. He also discusses the importance of the mathematical constants PI and phi in understanding the divine nature of humans. The presentation is lengthy and requires deep thinking and understanding of various concepts.
➡ The text discusses the author’s deep analysis of religious texts, particularly the Torah, and their connection to numerology, astrology, and mythology. The author suggests that these texts, when decoded, reveal that all religions worship the same divine entity and that this divinity is also within us. The author uses various examples, such as the 88th and 226th letters in the Torah, to illustrate this point. The author also explores the significance of numbers and their connections to elements on the periodic table, suggesting that these connections reveal deeper truths about our existence and divinity.
➡ This text explores the idea that our thoughts and experiences are influenced by divine or supernatural forces. It discusses the concept of the Ark of the Covenant as a metaphor for the brain and delves into numerology, suggesting that numbers and elements on the periodic table have hidden meanings. The text also suggests that our reality might be like a game or show that we’re addicted to, and we might not have as much control over our lives as we think. Finally, it discusses the pineal gland’s role in regulating sleep and wake cycles, suggesting that it might have a deeper spiritual significance.
➡ The text discusses various connections between theology, mythology, numerology, and chemistry. It suggests that the number 54, related to the biblical character Yahweh, is significant in various cultures and religions. The text also explores the role of the pineal gland, which controls sleep and wakefulness, and its symbolic representation in different cultures. Lastly, it delves into the concept of control, suggesting that individuals may not be in control of their thoughts and actions as they believe.
➡ Light entering our eyes stops the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, signaling it’s time to wake up. This light is also necessary for us to read and gain knowledge. The text also discusses the significance of the number nine and its connections to various concepts and symbols. It concludes by linking the number 23 to the pineal gland, which controls our sleep and wake cycles, and to the concept of being a human.
➡ This text discusses the connection between the pineal gland, our thoughts, and our desires. It suggests that our thoughts are not solely our own, but are guided by a divine force. The pineal gland, which regulates our awake and sleep states, is linked to our constant desires and responsibilities. The text also explores the idea that our lives are influenced by fear-based energy, not love, and that we are all sleepwalkers living through burdens and desires.
➡ The text discusses the concept of life as a simulation, controlled by a higher power, and our role within it. It suggests that understanding our personal ‘code’ can help us navigate life better. The text also explores the significance of the pineal gland and melatonin in regulating our sleep-wake cycles, which it links to the concept of duality. Lastly, it delves into numerology, suggesting that numbers and their patterns hold deeper meanings about our existence.
➡ The speaker discusses the significance of numbers and their connections to various aspects of life, including personal details, biblical references, and even DNA structure. He emphasizes that we are all part of a larger divine plan, suggesting that we are not in control of our own lives, but are being used by a higher power for a greater purpose. He encourages us to focus on our own personal growth and creation, rather than getting caught up in external distractions.
➡ The text discusses the idea that each individual is a representation of God, using numerology and chemistry as evidence. It suggests that the numbers associated with the phrase “you are God” have significant meanings in numerology and are linked to elements in chemistry that symbolize the creation of man. The text also explores the concept of duality, such as light and darkness, peace and evil, and suggests that these dualities exist within each individual. Finally, it emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the eternal nature of life.
➡ The text discusses the pineal gland’s role in controlling sleep and wakefulness through the production and cessation of melatonin. It also explores the connections between numbers, elements in the periodic table, and our reality, suggesting a mathematical precision to our existence. The author encourages respectful discussion and thanks supporters for their contributions to his research.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, Here we go, a decode. Many of you missed the live. I just did. A few days ago. We had some technical difficulties, had to cut it short, didn’t show all of the material, and here we are doing it again. And I promised I would put this back out, and here we are. I’m actually glad that it got interrupted because I was able to go deeper.

More slides, more material, more critical thinking, more logic, more connecting of the dots. So here we are, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome out. My name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on the topic. You are God. You are the divine. Now, I will be very honest and I will say that I am not the first person to say this. I amongst. I am amongst so many, countless people. But what I will be showing you here today is material to support. You are God. I’m going to support it through the methodologies that I have used for many, many years now.

And it’s just the simplicity of connecting the dots with the tools that you have. And that’s what we’re going to do. So I want to start with the. The image here and notice that in the center is a male and female, the cosmic aspect of that. And then above you have the bearded God, the typical notion of, or a typical notion of the God. But on the right and the left are the important factors of this image. The big hand controlling these individuals. Masculine on the left, feminine on the right is the hand of God, the divine.

The orchestration of the divine controlling mankind. Which is why we continually show a scripted, predestined reality. And it’s on the square black and white checkerboard floor, which I will be very crystal clear, has nothing to do with masonry. Zero, zilcho, nothing. All it means is duality. That’s it. The dance floor that we walk upon every day. And let’s jump into this presentation, ladies and gentlemen. Put on a pair of headphones. Block out the outside world. I have probably the most slides I’ve ever done in a presentation or close to that. I have over a hundred slides that we’re going to go through.

So this is going to be a lengthy presentation. Put on your thinking caps. Here we go. Here are the seven topics, seven topics for this presentation. Number one, absolute. Number two, arc. Number three, pineal or pineal, however you want to pronounce. It Number four, I am you. Number five, non player character. Number six, you are God. The title of this decode. And the seventh topic, me and you. All right, so those are the topics, Away we go. The first topic, absolute. And I’m going to start here and give a big shout out to the official Morgue channel on YouTube.

And you can tell how old this is because this is showing like332,000 subscribers. I got this June 23rd of last year and now he’s, I think he’s doubled that. So I like his material, fan of his research and I wanted to just give, you know, tabs to him because I, this, I was looking at this presentation he put out. I didn’t even know this existed. So, you know, I’m thanking this guy for bringing it out on the world stage. And it’s from the United States army and it’s called the Gateway process. And this document is a declassified document from the CIA given to the CIA and it’s about the absolute.

So as you can see, you can read it here. It says in order to attain self consciousness, the consciousness of the absolute must project a hologram of itself and then perceive it. That hologram is a mirror image of the absolute in infinity, still exists out outside time and space, but is one step removed from the absolute and is the actual agent of all creation, all reality. You are God, decoded the divine right here. So we’re going to do some numerology. I’m going to use Chaldean numerology primarily throughout this entire presentation. I do have some Latin in here, I do have some Hebrew in here, but primarily the Chaldean.

How special this cipher is. You can see that the word absolute, the word that was chosen for this document, the absolute is a 31, which connects to you and me, which connects to Snakehead. The snakehead, the head of the snake, which we covered in the snakehead decoded. The 31 is the 5 of diamonds, which converts into the 5 of pentacles, which is the 69th card in the deck. And that’s duality. But we continue to go on with this here, ladies and gentlemen. And I’m not going to read this entire two paragraphs here. So what I’ll suggest you do is pause the video and read it yourself at your own speed so you can, you know how, because this, you know, this is how you learn.

But I would definitely suggest that you pause this and, and read this. But I, I will say that Lt. Col. McDonnell explores the concept of the absolute as the ultimate source and essence of all existence. It’s a unifying and infinite consciousness. So it says within this framework, the absolute is understood as God or divine energy express, expressing itself through individual human beings and the fabric of the universe. Mankind is being used. I didn’t even know this existed at the time as I was saying these things. But of course we’re all being used to tell these stories and people are catching on.

Okay, so this is very, very important information here. And what I’m going to talk about first and foremost, to back up that we live in a scripted reality and mankind is not in control of this reality at all, is the simplicity of the dates used for this document. I have two dates circled to the far right. 9 June 1983. This is when the document was originally created. And then the approved for release at the top, September 10, 2003. So I’m just going to simply look to these dates for clues and we just start, what are the days of the year for these days? That’s all we have to do is just simply go to look at the calendar and look at what days they are.

And 2003 and 1983 were common years. So September 10th is the 253rd day of the year. June 9th is the 160th day of the year. This is a big deal. When they created the document. Remember, this is June 9th as in 69, 69 or the 96 depending on you. Right here you would have the 96. But all you have to do is just add those two dates up and instantly and automatically we uncover a huge clue here. Because 413 is a permutation and that means a number. Anagram. Right? These numbers, you can jumble them, but 314 in the mirror is going to be 41 3.

The, the mirror of the 31 4, which is PI, folks. And this we’re going to get into is the pineal gland. PI 3.14. This is a thing here. Absolutely is a huge thing here. So the question is, ladies and gentlemen, what is the absolute? What could it be? Meaning it’s the divine right, God in consciousness. Well, when we measure that through mathematics and numerology and sining cosine waves and the periodic table and all these tools to get deeper and have a more, much more clear and concise abstract image of what this means, we, we go to these two big boys in the mathematical equation department, PI and phi.

And could it be that this is showing how important these two mathematical equations are dealing with the divine? Because these are embedded into the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is the latitude north and this is the longitude east or west. Longitude being Earth, latitude being from the heaven down to Earth. Light into matter, matter into light, spirit becoming matter. And there’s the three and the one. Could this be the connection to this 31? Well, again, you have to be the judge of what you’re seeing here when you put on your thinking cap. And the aspects of you being the divine.

We’re all made up of numbers. You can weigh yourself, you can measure yourself. Height, weight, size, circumference, it’s just all numbers in this reality. And it’s going to be 4.75, which is a big deal number. You add them all up, you get 79. That’s gold. But ladies and gentlemen, I mean, how about this right here? How about PI and phi adding up to the number 23? And the number 23 is also a connection to the word pineal. Now this is PI as in pineal. But now we’re left with the golden ratio we have in the Greek.

PI is the 17th letter in the ancient Greek. And then we have phi as 21, 17 and 21, folks. Just going to give you 38. And that is tied right to the I am, if you’ve been paying attention. Okay, this is this, ladies and gentlemen. This stuff is. This is big deal stuff here. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep going. So I want to just let all of you know, if you have not watched these decodes. I have pineal part 2 and pineal gland decoded part 1. If you have not watched these, I would highly suggest that you do.

I will hopefully remember to leave these in the description of the video so you can just easily click on them. Because I know some of you struggle with finding some of these videos. I don’t know why, but they get hidden. Some of the decodes, even if you put it in the search bar, they get hidden. And I don’t know why that is, but these have Prometheus, Epimetheus, Greek mythology in here, mythologies. And it has a lot of great stuff in these two. So check those out. Okay, Check those out. So I’m going to be presenting to you, ladies and gentlemen, in this presentation, more groundbreaking material as we go along.

And I want to go back to this decode right here, which is what I presented as groundbreaking material. And I’m just going to give you a quick review of this because I want to show you how I’ve gone deeper into looking at more layers using the same methodology. So if you remember, in the Tower of Ra, okay, What I did was I was looking for the 88th letter in the Torah, starting at Genesis 1 verses 1, I’m going to count all these letters. We have to go into Genesis 1 verses 2, into Genesis 1 verses 3, to finally get to that 88th letter, which ends up becoming the hay in Hebrew, which is the fifth letter.

And it’s one of the letters of the Yodhevahe. And then, of course, that was the 88 Protons for RAW. But now I want to find what is the 226th letter in the Torah. So that’s what I did here. Now, we had to go to Genesis 1 verses 6. We had to go to about almost two thirds of the way through, and there it was, it’s the Yode. So we had clarity here, ladies and gentlemen, that Raw is the Yode. There is no question now. And we did this with the Latin Vulgate, the Greek Codex, the Sinaiticus Bible.

We did this with the Latin Vulgate. So we did it with four or five different, different Bibles. We did it with the Quran. We showed how Allah was the Yodhe. We showed how Ra was the Yodhe. We showed that Islam is Hebrew and Judaism is Christianity. They’re all the same. They’re all worshiping the same God, yet they fight about it. The ridiculous. That’s just energy exchange. But the question is, what is Ra or Re? Well, we know through ancient Egypt it’s the Sun God. Could Ra be the voice in your head? Could you be raw spirit into matter? Well, let’s continue to take a deeper look.

So this is where, why I want to show you that, that little review because I started to go deeper into the Hebrew Bible and I. And I’m like, well, if the Yode is letter number 226 here, if this was the 226th letter and this is the 10th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, I’m going to go 10 letters now in the Torah. And you can see that the tenth letter is Aleph, which is the one. This is. We’re going to get L from Aleph. L. You just have to add the lamed after it and the Elohim. But the big takeaway, folks, was the total numerology for these 10 letters in the gematria, the full using the triple digits.

These are all clues and bridges to tell you that you are the divine and the divine is you. And you call it whatever you want to call it. So this 1, 1, 7, we’re gonna now move it into mathematics really bright wake you up. Well, it just so happens that this number is the 187th prime number. And these prime numbers are standalone numbers. See, they can only be devised by one and by the number itself. So it’s like kind of a standalone king or queen kind of number. And it just so happens that it’s the 187th prime number.

So I’m going to attach things to this 187 because I want to see something deeper because all of these things are connected. And so I went back to my beast decoded the beast decoded, and I showed this in my illumination decoded the very first time, where the 12 zodiac signs, including zodiac sign 13, can be brought out by looking at the alchemical elements that connect with these elements. And when you add them all up, all the protons, this would be called the molar mass. In science, you’re going to get the number 187, and it’s the 616 piece.

We normally think of it as the 666 piece, but of course, there are six on one side, six on the other, and one in the middle. This is the Last Supper, the 187. It’s right here. Six on the left, six on the right, one in the middle. The Last Supper is talking about the zodiac wheel above. And this is your eyeball, folks, which I already already brought out in the illumination decoded and several others. I’ve shown this. Okay, I, I said several others. And look at the numbers that are here. This not only the 616, but there’s that 1, 6, 0.

Do you remember what that 160 was? I go all the way back up here, and then 160 is the day of the year they came out with this, with this document. So June 9th being the Yin Yang, 69 is the 160th day of the year 161, which is the golden ratio, if you include the leap year for this document, telling you that you are the divine and the divine is you. And that number is found right there in the string of the golden ratio, where it’s tied to the number 880, which is raw, which ends up becoming the Christ character.

So just what is raw and why is all this reference? 1600 is in here. 1600, the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Google the headquarters, 1600Amphitheater Theater Parkway. What’s up with all these organizations tying themselves to the 1600, which is the half life of raw? Well, we’re going to go further with this, ladies and Gentlemen, we’re building up the foundation here to get into the real good stuff. So just bear with me here. The 187. The 187 that is found from that 11, 17, which was found from those 10 digits from the Torah, starting at bear. Genesis tied to the yod.

The 10 is tied to this element on the periodic table called osmium. It’s the wizard of osmium. The OS stands for operating system. What is the operating system? Could it be that this is part of the operating system? Abso freaking lutely. It is. Absolutely it is, folks. And the 76 Protons matches this word right here, which is the word for Genesis in Hebrew, which is in the beginning. So in the beginning in the Torah means the wizard of osmium, which attaches to the last Supper, which attaches to the 13 zodiac signs above in the canopy. How about that? There are no coincidences in this.

And we’re a makeup of all these energies, because if somebody says, what’s your zodiac sign? I’m all of them. You’re all of these all of them. You are all of them is the correct answer. And the wizard runs it, which is your mind, your. Your thoughts, your consciousness. Okay, so what is the osmium really linked to? Because we’re talking about you are God, and God is you. Well, here’s the Osmium187. And when we add up the 76 and 187, that’s adding up the neutrons, protons and electrons. Osmium187 has 111 neutrons. 187 plus 76 is 263. That is a prime number.

See, we just simply connect to as many things as we can with the tools that we have and mathematics. And prime numbers are bridges and clues, and we just go right back to numerology. And there it is. There it was for me. Operating system right there as the abbreviation. The acronym for osmium is operating system, which comes from the original first word in the Torah, which means the seed. The seed that emanates and ends up delivering offspring, which we become actors and actresses on the world stage. Remember that 56 is tied to this right here. Lights, camera, action.

56 is the operating system where it is spirit that wants to come into matter. We become the matter. You see that? The matter is 20. We become the matter. So the matter is 20. Where we are living in duality, where we live out a life and have a birthday, and we are in duality. Okay? That’s what matter means. Spirit into matter. 56, operating system 56. Okay. The divine using you as an instrument to experience its own reality through. Okay, through this and this, especially this. That’s why, if you were willing to look at your astrological chart, what you will see is a high degree of accuracy when you’re getting the correct interpretations of describing and narrating your life.

And numerology and the enneagram and the personality types and the tarot and the cards, all of these are part of the divine tools that define who we are as human beings, divine beings. People say, I’m. I’m a spiritual being having a human experience. Okay, great. Well, then it’s not your spirit. The voice in your head is not yours. Certainly you’re having the thoughts, but they’re not coming from you or I. They’re coming from the divine or supernatural or whatever you want to call that. So let’s move into. And slip into the second topic called Ark. And the Ark of the Covenant is your brain.

But we typically think of the Ark of the Covenant as something like this, right, which is layered with gold and something tangible put into the. The house of Jacob, King Solomon’s temple, whatever you want to talk about. But all I’m going to do, ladies and gentlemen, is I’m going to go back to these 10 letters in the Torah to connect to the 10th letter, which is the Yod, which we know is raw. And we got to figure out what raw, just what raw really is. But instead of getting the 11:17, I went to the original Hebrew, the double digits, and we get the 100.

And the 100 is tied to the words Ark of the Covenant in the original Hebrew language where it originally came from. And you’ll notice that these all add up to, I mean, reduced down to the number one, which is Aleph, which is the tenth letter here. Okay. These all reduce down the 11 17, reduces down to the number one. This reduces down to the number one. But the clues are keeping them in their authentic formats and looking to different layers and deeper layers. So because it’s the Ark of the Covenant that we typically know through this, what kind of esoteric layers can we take a look at? Well, how about when we bring it into mainstream? You ever see this show? I’ve.

I’ve brought this out so many times. I said, I’ve watched it three times. This show, it’s a long series, and it’s about these prisoners that get sent off an ark in space and they’re sent down to earth after a nuclear blast to ensure that the earth was inhabitable. The clearing of the board. These are Phoenix events. Like, if you’re a fan of Jason Beshears and his work, the. The big Phoenix events are the clearing of the board. That’s what I would think they would be. And then you have to have time for that. All that radiation to dissipate, and the Earth has to be made pure again.

This is what kind of what this story is all about. And the. The craziness, the crazy connections. That Ark of the Covenant, from the original Hebrew, in the original language, in the original numerology is a 100. And Cass Morgan and her books that came out in September 3rd, that’s an 8 of diamonds car or seven 8 of diamonds card, folks. It’s just so crazy. This is made to look like a number eight. The prison, they’re prisoners, okay? They’re prisoners. So now I’m going to go a hundred letters into the Torah since we got the 100. So I’m like, okay, let’s go deeper.

Where’s the hidden code here? Because there’s hidden code. It’s not hidden anymore. We’re looking at this. So now we go 100 letters. And look how many words we get from the hundred letters. 26. And what is 26? The yodeh. That’s what the 26 is. And we get a thousand 48 for the total numerology for this and that. Zero means infinite potential, which means that the one hundred and forty eight is subtly hidden in there. And the one hundred and forty eight, folks, is tied to these two elements on the periodic table, which I brought out many years ago on.

I think it was in my Dios decoded. I was decoding the Spanish word for God, Dios decoded. And a lot of people have shown this. Now with the addition of these mold, these isotopes, it’s iodine and americium. And the protons for These two elements, 53 and 95, is 148. It’s right there. So the 100 from the Ark of the Covenant, which is tied to the zodiac wheel, which is the. The Ring of Animals, is tied to the I am, which is tied to the Yode, which is tied to Ra. It’s also tied to Sirius, is in here as well.

Absolutely. It is. It. It certainly is here, ladies and gentlemen. So the question is, because some people think that we’re in a school, we’re in a prison, we’re trapped. Soul trap. But how would you be God if you’re trapped here? Maybe God just doesn’t want to leave. It’s kind of like getting addicted To a show or a game. You just don’t want to stop watching. Come on, let’s. You could call binge watching. Let’s just play again, play again, play again. You don’t want to stop. Come on, it’s time to go. Oh, just one more game. Could that be how this reality works, ladies and gentlemen? Well, let’s.

Let’s talk about this. I am A little bit deeper. Deeper. And the 148. And we’re now going to get into the third topic. Now, this is a big one. A big one. It’s the pineal. That’s how I pronounce it. Now, for those of you that are the pineal police, if you’re going to say, oh, it’s pineolar. That’s how you pronounce it. Pineal is how I pronounce it. Could be pronounced many different ways. All right, so let’s get into this. And I want to talk about just the. The fabric of this foundation and how big this gland is.

In the ancient text, you know, in the Vatican, we know there’s a big pine cone in. I think it’s in St. Peter’s Basilica or somewhere on the grounds that is well known, this little teeny gland. Now, you know, ladies and gentlemen, when you look at. Now, I know this is an artist’s rendition, but you see how it has this. It’s like a little P shape. But could. I mean, this is the smallest letter in the Hebrew language, and it just. It’s the number nine and it’s an apostrophe. And apostrophe means possession. Now, I know this is an artist’s rendition, but this really kind of resembles that.

Yod. And I want to talk about how important this whole topic is. This whole topic of the pineal. Read with me. It says the pineal gland produces and regulates hormones. Hormones, most notably melatonin, which influences sleep wake cycles, which are the circadian rhythms. It receives information about light and darkness from the retina and adjusts melatonin production accordingly. Increased melatonin levels promote sleep, while decreased levels help maintain the awake state. So I have them highlighted in this violet color here. Sleep and awake. And I’m just going to do the numerology of these. And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, we have an exact freaking match to pineal gland.

Which is why I go back and I say with absolute confidence that Chaldean numerology is the. The decipher to use, especially if you’re a beginner decoder, if you’re a code breaker, Chaldean numerology is the one to go with. Forget all the other ones, Chaldean numerology, until you get familiarized and then you can start branching off. But look at the connections here, folks. They’re both 39. And this is going to reduce down to the number three. Any number that nine is next to it will repeat it. So you don’t even have to add it up. You will know that this will be a root number of 3.

Three plus nine is 12. One plus two is three, and three is. What is the number of PI? 3.14. Could this be PI and the pineal gland? I mean, the numbers are. That’s what the numbers are saying. But let’s keep talking about this right here. So we’re going to go back and we’re going to look at some Hebrew text, and I’m going to go to this scripture in the old Testament, Genesis 32 verses 30, where it talks about Jacob calling the name of God or the face of God, the place of it, Peniel. Peniel. And you see that this right here, the first five letters, the first five letters of the Torah, they not only do they add up to the number 54 to match the numerology of where it originated from in Genesis 32 verses 30, but the fifth letter to end this thing off is the freaking Yod.

So I go back here and again, and I, I postulate is this. That apostrophe is the. Does this mean possession? Are you in control of your life when you’re awake? A lot of you think you do. And the question is, do you think you’re in control when you’re asleep? Well, the answer would be, of course not. Sure. Asleep, you’re out of it. But you think you’re in control when you’re awake. So only when I’m asleep, I’m not in control. But when I’m awake, I have full control over my life. See, I think that is a big illusion.

I think that is a superstition. I think that you’re under the guise of the domain of whatever’s controlling this reality at all times. And you are the divine. The divine’s using you as the instrument, and it’s using you to do its bidding. So we’re going to move into this and this. 54. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ve ever seen the movie they Live, it was News Station 54 broadcasting the hypnotic trance, okay? So don’t forget that. Please don’t forget that. But here is the scripture, the full one, and the numerology of It. And now I’m going to not only talk about theology, but mythology.

So here’s the full scripture. Genesis 32, verses 30. And here’s the face of God, the peniel, which. Which is the pineal. And if you’ve been following along the alchemology, which is numerology and chemistry together, the Yahweh character is that number 54. Huge humdinger here. But then we bring in something completely separate, and we bring in the great Greeks and their mythologies and the stories from Homer’s Iliad, et cetera, et cetera, and Ptolemies, constellations. Why the 88 cons? Why there 88 constellations? Why are there not 90 or 92? And why isn’t there 85? 88’s tied to RA is.

Could Zeus be the Yod? And could the Yod and Zeus be this all seeing eye right here? See, because the Greeks say that Zeus is the king of the world, but you go into a Christian culture and they’ll tell you, oh, that’s pagan. Now we have it right. Or we go with the Jewish faith. Oh, no, you’re wrong. You have to sell them. You have to do it this way. And you got to do this and that and. But why are these people wrong? Why are the Greeks wrong? And the Hebrews are right. The Jewish faith is right.

See, I think it’s a Ponzi scheme, folks. The whole thing is owned by one boss going by many different constructs through many different cultures. And the 54, of course, is going to reduce down to what number? The number nine. And remember, that number nine is. This looks like a number nine right there. Okay? The nine is the great repeater number, the great repeater number. How about this right here, which I’ve talked about many times in many different decodes. Roger Waters, Pink Floyd, Dark side of the Moon, March 1, 1973, song number nine. I do believe Roger Waters has in his lyrics and he sings in the song Brain Damage, there’s someone in my head, but it’s not me.

Yeah, that’s true for everybody. There is someone in your head. What is it? Who is it? It’s not you, certainly. You’re having the thoughts, of course, but it’s not you that is making the thoughts up. They’re coming to you. And it has a total numerology of the 131. And that is very interesting because the 54th element, called xenon has an isotope called 131. This is the average isotope. This is going to round up to 131. So we have the 130. The 130 encroaches into the 131. And Xenon, ladies and gentlemen, means stranger. So if we go to the periodic table, we take a look at xenon right here, you can see what it says.

It comes from the Greek word xenos, which means stranger. There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me. The stranger in your head, who could that be? And this, just for fun. Have you ever heard of this before? Possession is nine tenths of the law. Nine tenths. There’s the nine, the 130. Are these just all mere coincidences? Brain damage, folks, from the pineal gland. That’s the face of God tied to the yode, tied to Zeus, the largest planet in the canopy. The king of the gods in the Greek culture, Zeus. And I can tell you right now, folks, the Vatican is huge into Zeus.

They actually call it Jupiter, which starts with the letter I in the Latin language, which is the ninth letter in their Alphabet, which is the same letter that Jesus starts with. Starts with the letter I. And I’m going to be coming out with a decode on just the classical Latin and the Latin vulgate, and it will blow your mind. I promise more groundbreaking material to come. So now we’re just going to connect a little bit more to get deeper on this, to show you that you’re the divine and the divine is using you, the voice in your head.

And you can see. Again, just to remind you, the pineal gland’s main job is to control the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, okay? It secretes melatonin. So when you wake up and the light hits your eyes, melatonin stops being secreted. When you close your eyes and light is off, melatonin increases. This is why some of you take melatonin to improve your sleep, because it increases the melatonin, which puts you in a deeper sleep. Simple science. But you see, once we connect the tarot to this, oh, boy, does it provide such a big clue. The 54th card in the tarot is the Four of Swords.

And this card has many meanings. One of them is asleep. Asleep. What is this? Control the sleep cycles. So the 54 is tied to that Yoda, which is tied to Zeus, which is tied to the stranger and the voice in your head. And the sleeper, the 54th card, folk, this is going to tie to the four of spades, which is going to be tied to Hades, which is going to be tied to sleepwalker. This right here is tied to the four of spades, which is card number 43. So all I have to do is come back over to numerology and type in sleep walker.

43 is the four spades which paved the way for the four of swords. So ladies and gentlemen, you know, like I know, oh, I’m awake. But you’re sleepwalking. No, but I’m really awake. No, you’re sleepwalking. I know a lot of you. I’m completely awake. Those people are asleep. No, you’re still asleep. Meaning you’re not in control of your life. You’re a non player character. I have that topic coming up in just a little bit to support what I’m telling you here. Right. So you can see here, ladies and gentlemen, that the classical Latin, now this is what the Latin vogue, the official bible for the Vatican.

This, the official bible of the largest religion in the world, uses only 23 letters in their Alphabet. Pineal equals 23. And it has the same numerology as the Hebrew word for the face of God. This little teeny tiny gland in the back which regulates the hormones and the melatonin output for the asleep and wakeful states that we are in. Folks, are you seeing this? These are absolutely massive. And everybody has a pineal gland, which is why it is revered in so many cultures. Because it regulates when you’re awake and it regulates when you go to sleep.

And when you go to sleep, you have dreams. Those are the same things as having out of body experiences or near death experiences. You are not in control, you’re asleep. But when you wake up, the question is, are you in control? So look at this definition for the origination of the word pineal gland. It comes from the Latin language. Now you go back to Roma, all roads lead to Roma. And it’s called the glandula pinealis or pinealis. And it was supposed. Again, I’m just regurgitating this, that’s all I can do. But the anatomists back then during the Renaissance period, they studied the human brain.

I tried to go back to the Greek and the Greeks didn’t really have the format. It was during the Latin period, the Renaissance period. And they attribute it to the pine cone like shape, okay? The pine, pine cone like shape, which named this gland and we then paved the way for this shape or where it originated from ancient Egypt. That’s why in The Vatican, in St. Peter’s Basilica, what do they have? They have an obsolesce that sits right in the middle of St. Peter. That, right, that keyhole that is from Egypt. Okay, it’s from Egypt, which is where Ra is from, which is what is tied to the YOD, etc.

Etc. So we’re going to use the Latin. Now I’m going to go to what the Latin Vulgate Bible was written. The official Bible of the Vatican that has over one built the largest religion in the entire world was written. The Bible was written in classic Latin. And you can see that the original words used for pineal gland has a total numerology in their cipher of 129. So I said, okay, well let’s go to Genesis 1 versus 1 and 1 versus 2. Go, go. 129 digits to see, see what digit, what letter is going to be tied to the pineal gland.

And there it freaking was folks. It is the letter I. The all seeing I, ladies and gentlemen. I was like, are you freaking kidding me? And it wasn’t just 129 letters, it was 26 words. You remember what the 26 was tied to? It was tied to the Yoda. So you have a Jewish God deity named, now put into the Latin vulgate, coming out and connecting not just to the Judaism and Christianity, but also the numerology of more Greek mythology. It is the original spelling of Prometheus. Prometheus was the Titan that stole fire wisdom and gave it to the humans.

And Prometheus is tied to Lucifer, the light bringer. Well, what does light do when it enters your eyes? It stops the production of melatonin. The pineal gland stops secreting melatonin because the light is saying it’s time to wake up. And when you have the light, you see the knowledge. How do you read a book, folks? You can’t read a book in the dark. You need light for that. So the knowledge from Prometheus is tied to the light bringer and it’s tied to the eye, your eyes, my eyes, the black sun sons, which are called the pupils.

Pupil is 26 in Chaldean. I could go on and on and on with this. But what about the total numerology for these 129 letters tied to the pineal gland? From the Latin Vulgate Bible. Starting in Genesis 1, verses 1, it’s the 1, 2, 3, 4. So is this anything in mathematics? Absolutely it is. This number right here, 10,061 is the 1234th prime number. And what do you see here, ladies and gentlemen? Well, clearly when you’re a code breaker, you know that this is tied to the golden ratio, the spiral. And the number nine is in there.

The number Six is in there. That is the yin and the yang, which is the black and white chart, checkerboard floor. See, light goes spirals into the pupil, this black sun, which is a little. Your little devil. And it gets caught by the retina, which is the net on the back of the eye and it goes down the nerve, the optical nerve, and it gets transmuted into the brain which processes the images, etc. Etc. But the melatonin and the pineal gland is going to dictate whether or not you have the that event happen because it shuts the production of melatonin off.

So you can see it’s all connected here. And according to the Hebrew Bible and Jacob, the face of God is the pineal gland, ladies and gentlemen, which functions the sleep and wake cycles, which has to do with light. The golden ratio, the spiral, right from that numerology of the 129 letters which. The 129th letter is the letter I. The eye. The eye going into the eye. The light going into the eye. Folks, light is needed to see things. If you want to read a book, you can’t read a book in the dark. Pitch black, forget it, you won’t be able to read it.

You need light to read and consume knowledge. Your computer screen or your cell phone produces light on that screen. So you can watch this presentation. Otherwise you would just hear my voice. Okay? That’s how we learn, right? So this number nine is really big. In the classical Latin, it’s the. The I. I am. I am that I am. The Yode, I. Okay, this is going to be tied to wrong. This is tied to nature and cyclones and hurricanes. The nine in nature. Now it’s tied to these kinds of things. Okay, so we’re going to now take the number nine.

I’m going to do as I’ve often done so many times. I’m going to do the numerology of the number nine. I’m going to spell it out. And in the Latin it, we get the number 40. Now there are only 20, 23 letters here. So we can use the same rules that we do with the cards where we subtract the total amount of digits. Here there are only 23, we have 40 for a total. Here we just simply subtract the total letters in the classical Latin Alphabet, 23, and we get the number 17. So we just then go and look to what’s the 17th letter in the Latin Alphabet? The letter R as in raw, as in repeat, as in redo, as in reincarnate, etc.

Etc. Etc, and the 17 in the tarot, folks, is the star card. This is you and I. This is you and me and the divine. The divine wanting to be the star of the show in this reality. So it is incarnates into you as the vessel and uses you. And the voice in your head is what controls you. That is how it works for everybody here, without exception, because everybody here follows the voice in their head. You have thoughts right now you may be arguing against or like, oh, Logan’s full of. That’s your voice in your head.

And it causes resistance, which causes energy exchange. I’m not going to go into all that kind of stuff, but let’s talk about this letter R in the Latin Alphabet. And you can see that when you flip it, it has some similarities to the Yode. Absolutely has some similarities to the Yode. Okay. I just, just wanted to show that there. I know that, you know, it’s, it’s not like exact, but it does have some similarities to the Yodio, the Yodevahe. Ladies and gentlemen, in Chaldean numerology, if I go there and I type this in, you’re going to get 17 even if I do it with the VH17, you see, it’s right there, the star.

The divine is you. You are the divine. The divine is you. It’s using you as the star of the show in this reality. And you can start to see how these principles, how these connections in these patterns emerged to tell us how this story works. Now, in the Egyptian culture, you not only have Raw and Set and Osiris, but you have Horus, the son of Osiris. And this actually is this all seeing eye is the eye of Horus. This was used for protection majorly. And we could just simply connect using the same numerology now to Yahweh, which many people swear up and down and sideways, this is the creator God.

But then how you explain this. Well, you’d probably just dismiss it because although I don’t use numerology, it doesn’t mean it’s not true. And you could see that it connects right to the pineal gland. So you would. If I just eliminated the horse. If you’re somebody who thinks, thinks that Yahweh’s the, the creator God and it’s, it’s everything. And you would say, and I would remove the horse. And I would say, look at Yahweh’s the pineal. And you’d be like, yeah, see, it’s the pineal gland. But how about this? Well, you’re Just going to leave this out because you don’t, you know, you’re not into Egyptian mythologies.

This was a revered God in their culture, folks. And I have this card right here because the 10 of clubs. If you watched my tower of Raw and my Watchtower, Joe was witnesses decoded, I showed. These are the castles, the rooks, the ones that are on all four corners of the chessboard that can move a total of 16 spaces, which is tied to Raw and the tower card. And this 10 of clubs is tied to the 10 of wands. And the 10 of wands subtly has the DNA spiral right on it. It’s actually right here. The DNA spiral is right there on the card.

You can’t miss it. Okay. You can’t miss it. I’ll come back to that. It’s our DNA. I mean, this right here, one of these is, is the eyeball. This is the fish. But, you know, cast your nets over to the right side of boat, catch some fish. It’s this. The boat is in the shape of the eye. It’s in everybody’s brain. Ladies and gentlemen, there is not one person here that has a brain that doesn’t look like this. Everybody does. We all have a pineal gland. We all have a thalamus. We all have a cerebellum. Okay? You have a right and left hemisphere of your brain, which is duality.

That’s the so below arc of the Covenant. But look at this. When we say 23, tied to pineal gland, tied to Yahweh, tied to horus, you get 46, which is tied to the eye of what Eye of Providence, which is this. So now we just simply attach just by spelling out 23 in numerology. This is the luckiest number. This is considered. There is no such thing as that, but this is considered as the luckiest number. It’s called called the royal star of the lion tied to the pineal gland, folks. And the 23 is so big because it’s tied to these two big words.

See, everybody has blood pumping through their body and everybody is a player. You’re a non player, though. We’re players. One of the reasons why Michael Jordan WORE the number 23, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, why do you think they have not Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, why do you think they all WORE the number 23, folks? The Royal star of the lion tied to Yahweh, tied to Horus, tied to the pineal gland, which controls the sleep and wake cycles. And that’s what it means to be a human being. Is to go to sleep. I’m tired. Oh my God, I had amazing dreams last night.

Or I had a nightmare and then, oh, I’m awake now. I had a good day, I had a bad day. That’s how these cycles are controlled here. And this card means burdens. The word, the word woman. I don’t have it here. The word women equals 23. Women give offspring to blood to produce another player. There are four tens on the chessboard, four tens. There are four blood types, there are four nines, four eights, fours, four sevens, all everything’s in the four suit here. Okay, the DNA folks, this is the divine using you as duality. And you get the ribonucleic acid in there as well.

Let’s go into the card system now again, if you’re new here and you don’t, if you’ve never seen this, just do the best you can because this system is an oracle in itself. 52 cards matching the 52 weeks. 4 suits, 4 seasons. 13 cards pursue ace through king, 13 weeks per season. And around and around we go. So pineal gland is the big highlight here for this topic, right? And we get a 39. Now that straight up is the king of diamonds, the king of desire. But I’m gonna go to these two charts just for this part of the presentation.

I’m going to use the master spirit, spirit spread on the right, which is the never ending. All of these cards are part of our birthdays. This is the starting point. This is the divine’s chart. The spirit spread. The divine owns this part. And you have a spirit card in here. And then it’s paired with the master ego spread. The life spread. The ego spread. Okay, and this is what normally you’re going to look to, these two charts. So I’m going to take the two cards that completely match pineal gland, pineal 23, 10 of clubs, gland 16, 3 of clubs.

Notice they’re both clubs. The club suit is the thinking suit. If you have one of these as your birth card, as your primary birth card, you navigate through life, by the way, you think you’re a big thinker. That’s your primary drive in life is I think, what is the pineal, Glenn? Regulating when you’re awake? What do you do when you’re awake? You think? So there they are right there, both of them. They sit in the Mars Jupiter Venus line. And I’m going to, first I’m going to take them and move them into the tarot. To get the picture.

This means the pineal gland. Now pineal 10 of wands. It means responsibility. You now have a responsibility, hefty responsibilities, obligations. It’s carrying a heavy load. This is your DNA right here. DNA, your burdens. Your DNA is your responsibility. You’re now carrying around a bag of bones and you’re being used by the divine spirit. Spirit inside of you. And it wants to go on an adventure. Pineal gland, the three of wands. If you have this as your birth card, I know you’re somebody who likes to move around. You like to experience life in all its totality. You get bored quick.

You’re a shiny new toy. You like to travel. Three of wands. Because this is the card of launching your plans, wanting to go on adventures. So you’re going to have a lot of responsibility as you wake and go through your day. And you’re going to want to go on a lot of of adventures, even going to work. And punching in the clock is tied to the pineal gland and going on this adventure, going on this journey. But when we come over here to the master life spread and we locate those same two cards in the spot Mars, Jupiter, Venus line, we get the king of diamonds and the four spades.

And this is the card of the pineal gland, the king of the master of desire. So the pineal gland is a gland that is regulates the awake state and the sleep state. But when you’re awake, what do you do? You want to collect? I gotta have the new phone. I gotta need a new pair of shoes. I need a haircut. Oh, I don’t look good. I gotta go get some Botox in my face. Oh, I gotta go to the gym because I gotta lose 10 pounds. Oh, I need a new watch. I need a new car.

I gotta get four new tires. I gotta get a brake job. I gotta go do this job for someone. I gotta go make more money. It’s you. Non stop desire. That’s what your pineal gland is regulating because it’s regulating the awake and sleep state cycles. And it’s paired with the sleepwalker. Remember, this is card 54, which is tied to Zeus, which is tied to the Yoda, which is tied to Raw. It’s tied to the tower card. And when you take all four of these cards now, all of them to match just the simplicity of numerology into the cards 39, 43, 23 and 16.

All four of these, you get 121. What do I do with this 121? I’m going to measure it into chemistry against chemistry, the periodic table. And what do we have for the 121st element, antimony. The SB stands for stibnite. But antimony means not alone. It comes from the Greek words anti monos. If I go there, we take a look at this right there. Antimony means not alone. Well, if you just put on your thinking cap and use critical thinking, what would it mean? Since you are the divine and you’re having these thoughts that are coming from somewhere, not from you, that means that the thoughts you’re having, you’re not alone, folks.

You’re being guided and you’re being moved into positions by whatever’s controlling you. And look at what is the icon for this element? Antimony. It is the all seeing eye of Horus. So we not only get it here from the four playing cards, from the charts for this amazing oracle system from the numerology of pineal gland, but we get it from going all the way back up here and we get it from the numerology of Horus, which is the all seeing eye for us inside your brain, which is tied to the freaking pineal gland. So there is without doubt or question, unless you want to completely throw out all the information I’m throwing here to you, the uncanny connections that we are players being used by way of our blood.

We are put into burdening situations. We have to go on these adventures, some willingly, some not willingly. Like, ah, who wants to go to work? Do you want to go to work every day? No. But you have to because you got to pay your bills. Isn’t that torture for you? A lot of you it is absolutely torture. But you do it because you have to do it, because you have a responsibility. Do you use these layers of critical thinking? What is making you do this? Fear. I gotta pay my bills. If I don’t pay my bills, what will happen? I will get late notices.

I will get kicked out of the place that I live. I can’t go live on the streets. I won’t be able to afford my car. It’s going to get repoed. I got responsibilities. That is fear based energy, not love. Ladies and gentlemen, a lot of you are living through, we all do live. But some of you have a lot of burdens in your life. And you wouldn’t sign up for this if you had a choice. But because you’re a sleepwalker, you don’t have a choice. And all of us desire things in our lives, all of us.

Because the natural programming of the human being and being used is. I want the shiny new toy. I’m bored with that. I want the 5, 000 pairs of Jean, I don’t have that pair. I have 5, 000 pairs. I want 5001. I got a hundred pairs of shoes. I need a hundred and one pair of shoes. Never ex, never satisfied. That’s tied to your Rahu, the north node of the moon. This is a team effort, folks. This is a team effort. So I can measure this antimony here, which we know means not alone, which is tied to the eye of Horus, the all seeing eye inside your brain, which is tied to the thalamus, which is tied to the pineal gland.

And we can measure it through the original spelling of anti monos in the Greek. So now we go to the Greek language to measure it for where it originally came from to get the closest to the origin as we can. And we get the number 125. The 125, ladies and gentlemen, is a number that is too big for the ancient Greek Alphabet system. There is not 125 letters here. So we do the same rules as we did with the Latin. With the 40, we subtracted the total 23. This has 27 letters, including the Dygamma here. 27 letters in the total.

Ancient Greek, not the modern, the ancient Greek. So I’m going to take the 125. I’m going to subtract the 27 total digits. We got to do it four times to get to below 27, to get to 27 or below. And look at what we get. The same outcome as we got when we did it with the Latin spelling of the pineal gland and the number 9, 17, which is PI. Folks, the 17th letter in the ancient Greek Alphabet is the letter PI. And how coincidental, how coincidental is it that the word pineal gland starts with PI? Are you seeing this, ladies and gentlemen? What? Remember what that 17 was the star card because each and every one of you are the star of the show.

You’re in a reality show and you’re being used and watched and observed and harvested for your energy. And that is my final answer. And you just got to make peace with it and you got to do the best you can. And studying your code and how you’re coded is the one of the greatest things you could, probably the greatest thing you could ever do, because at least then you’ll know what your claim to fame is on this board called life. Okay, let’s, let’s keep going here. So we’re going to now go back to the pineal gland and the definition of it.

But now we’re going to look at the highlighted word here in Violet called melatonin. Melatonin again if you like. I love melatonin. If I want to sleep, I sleep amazing already. If I want to really turbocharge my sleep, I just pop one milligram of melatonin 30 minutes before bed. Man, I sleep so deep. Used. Your dreams are vivid and just like wow, what a deep restful sleep. But I’m not in control of my reality when I’m sleeping. So I enhance the the non control while I’m sleeping. Melatonin. So let me show you some scripted reality with this.

Notice that melatonin has the same numerology as simulation. Simulation’s root number is the number eight and eight is the prison. See, if I go to numerology and I type in the word prison, what is the numerology root of that? The number what? The number eight. Just like the word planet. Prison planet. It’s an eight. Okay. That’s exactly what this stuff looks like. So simulation has a root of the number 8. Melatonin has a root of the number 8. 35 just so happens to be the day of the year I was born on. And I’m showing you this presentation.

I was born on February 4, the 35th day of the year. No matter if it is a common or leap year. I’m showing you duality, folks. This melatonin regulates duality because when you’re awake, it shuts off the production. When you’re asleep, it increases the production of the pineal gland. Melatonin does that. That’s how big this is tied to the simulation because you’re living out a simulated reality. This is non control, folks. You’re in a simulation and we just look at the scripted reality here because a lot of you still are unsure. You’re unsure whether we live or in a mine control of my life or not.

Well, how many times have I done this? I’m gonna keep doing it because this is what I’m being shown to show you. This man right here, Aaron Bunsen Lerner, was the man that discovered melatonin. He was born on the 21st of September. He died on the 3rd of February. So I’m just going to go to the cards like I do so many times. Here’s his birth card, the three of clubs. Remember this was part of the pineal gland. This is tied to gland because Glenn is 16 and he passed away on February 3rd, which is the nine spades card.

Now I’m going from this chart right here, the boilerplate Chart for the cards of illumination. Just, just so you know, there’s February 3rd, the nine of spades. Okay. September 21st right there, the three of clubs. 21st right there. Just so you know. Okay, I’m not trying to get one past you. Well, what do you see on the cards, ladies and gentlemen? A three and a nine. Well, isn’t that the total numerology of pineal gland? Sure is. See, this man was supposed to discover melatonin and the clues that are left behind. The trail, the DNA fingerprint. The, the.

The quantum DNA fingerprint, if you will. Like we’re getting into forensics. We’re getting into quantum forensics. It’s not that he committed a crime, it’s he did a deed called the discovery of melatonin. And the fingerprint in the quantum realm, if you will, in the metaphysical realm is, are. Is in part of the cards of illumination tied to the Gregorian calendar, tied to numerology 21 and 3. What is 21 and 3, folks? 24. How many hours in a day? 24. What happens during a 24 hour period? What do we have? We have awake states and we have sleep states.

Scripted reality with this man. He didn’t have a choice, folks. Just like I don’t. Just like you don’t. You just got to figure out what you’re being coded for and what you’re supposed to be doing. And this is where you will find your glory. Okay, there’s so many other clues here to this that I could go on and on and on. This is Prometheus and the reduction of the Greek Prometheus, as you know, is tied to the 129 and the pineal gland in the Latin. These connections are so easy to see once you have all the tools.

Scripted reality. And you know, again folks, we’re talking about the sleep and wait cycles which are part of the simulation. This is where you get horse and set horse. The all seeing eye of horse is your brain. And then set, the sun sets. It’s a.m. and p.m. 281 and three is 24, 24 hours in a day. Daytime, nighttime. See, these cultures, they make up these stories, these characters to talk about nature. That’s all that we’re doing. We’re making movies out of nature. We’re making characters out of nature. That’s what we’re doing because that’s what we like to do.

We like to talk in stories and fables and all that kind of stuff. So these are undeniable scripted reality with Mr. Lerner there, and there’s so much more that you could go with him. Let’s get into the next topic now. I am you. If you have, if you’re not already convinced now, let’s keep going. I am you. And there’s the skeleton on the black and white checkerboard floor. Again, just representing duality. It’s the dance floor, it’s the dirt beneath your feet. It’s the land you stand on. It is the land of Yin Yang. It is duality.

We could bring Chinese culture in here. The I Ching, 64 squares on a chessboard comes from ancient India, which is cheap. Chaturanga, the game of chaturanga. It’s got the word raw in it. Chaturanga. That’s where chess came from. This chessboard has 64 squares. I mean I could go on and on with the connections. They’re just so easy to connect now. But I. This is God telling you I’m you. I am you. I’m you. And how is it, how do we know? It’s. It’s that we’re the divine. And how do we know that the divine is us? Because we’re made up of calcium.

What is our bones and teeth made up of? Calcium. 20. 20 and 20, remember is tied to the word duality where in duality you have what’s called a birthday. And you’re now a pawn on the chessboard. And you can even be one of these same thing. It’s a player and you are living a life of matter. See all 20 and you see the graduation. The judgment card in the tarot means graduation. The graduation is realizing that this is what the truth is. I am you. I’m you. Using you to experience my own reality through because I created it and I get to do what I want and you get to have fun along the way.

Not all the time, but calcium right there. And this is going to lead to zirconium, which means gold colored and we get the harvesting of energy, etc. Etc. So I’m going to take this 20 of IMU and I’m going to bring it into the string of PI. I’m using the 3.144 PI off of Jane 108’s Academy’s great research. I feel like the 3.144 towards the true PI. But you can use the 3.141 PI. You’ll get a different set of numbers but you’ll find the same positions. You’ll see find the same outcomes and we got to go 307 digits to get to that number 20 there it is 306, 307.

Look at the total. What is 134, folks? What numbers are used for the 134? How about 3, 1 4? What is PI, folks? The pineal gland. The all seeing eye of Horus inside your brain. Duality, matter, God, I am you. I’m going to use your eye to navigate through my reality that I created. That’s what this is talking about. This is tied to Barium 56. Barium has 56, 134. That’s lights, camera, action, spirit into matter. This is Barium, the 134. If I just go there just to show you, just show you the barium, right? Just so you can see how amazing this stuff is.

You just got to get these things memorized. You come down to the oxidation states and isotopes and there’s the 134 right there. Barium 134, right. Barium is what, 56? What do you remember what 56 is? Spirit into matter. Lights, camera, action. Thank you, Roland. Great decoder. Roland showed me that that’s what it looks like folks, for just from this. But it is a permutation of PI. And PI is the pineal gland, which is the all seeing eye of Horus, which is Yahweh, which is the Yod, which is Ra, which is Zeus. All the big daddies is, which is Allah, which is Lucifer, which is Jesus.

They’re all in here. They’re all in here. The colorful characters. So we’re going to add up now like I often do. We have the 1340 here for the total. But what digits are these? Digit 306 and 307. And we add that, we just simply add that up and we get 6, 1, 3. You know how big these numbers are, right? These are a permutation of 3, 316. Revelation 3, 1, 6. But I want to show you why. Again, I’m the one that’s supposed to be showing you this stuff. I’m, I’m a code breaker. This is my job.

It’s not me doing it. I take no credit for this. I’m just the messenger here. I’m just, I’m. I’m channeling this information for you and I’m going to show you how I’m connected to it. 613 is a prime number. It’s the 112 prime number which is exactly the latitude, longitude of where I was born. I was born in Putnam, Connecticut, the east coast, outside of Providence, outside of Boston, outside of Hartford. And my latitude longitude is 41 degrees north and 71. Degrees west 41 and 71 is 100 freaking 12. My last name is Payette. My last name is Payette, folks.

I didn’t choose this, my father’s last name. He didn’t choose it to give it to me because he knew I was going to do this. He doesn’t even know that I do this stuff. Undeniability here, folks. Again, the. I don’t like to, it’s not about me, but I want to show you how scripted my reality is, ladies and gentlemen. And this is off my prison planet too decoded, where I was a little bit vulnerable and I showed some of my, my family stuff and I, and I broke down and I talked about this scripture in Revelation 3, verses 16.

And this is Jesus talking, right? Jesus saying, hey, if you’re not going to play the game, meaning like he says, because you’re lukewarm, which, which means you’re not polarized, you’re not cold or hot, I’m going to spit you out of my game, my mouth. So it’s Jesus talking, saying, Jesus saying, it’s my game. And if you don’t want to play with me or against me, you, I have no use for you. Because you see in the game, a life man, you need a villain and a superhero. You need an antagonist and a protagonist. You need a God and a devil.

You need an ego and a spirit. If you don’t have one of those, there’s no use for you in this reality. And I have postulated this million times over. Now this is the way to get out of the game. If you don’t want to play, play anymore. You could see that this is off of the King James, the most popular Bible in the world. The total is PI. The total is PI. And my last name is Payette. The total numerology is 58. And that is my birth card in the tarot card. These are huge humdingers for me and my reality and being the presenter and the catalyst and, and channeling this information to all of.

Okay, that, that’s, that’s what my job is to tell you. I’m supposed to be telling you this stuff, that you’re the divine, I’m the divine. The divine is you. It’s using you. It’s using me. So 307 words, 63rd prime number. Okay, 307 total digits for that number 20, which talks about God saying, I am you. Okay, well, now that, that we have that established, okay, God, you’re me. Where do we go from there? Well, 307 is the 63rd prime number. Okay? So God’s saying, hey, I’m you, I am you, I am that I am, but I am you and you are me.

So the measurement here is 307 digits total and that’s the 63rd prime number. So where do we go from here? We go back to numerology and we go back to the, the, the New Testament now. So now if you somebody say, well, it’s not Yahweh in the New Testament. Okay, well great, we’ll just call it God then. First Corinthians 6 verses, 1963, numerology. Look what it says. Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own. It’s telling you you’re not in control.

63 non player character, flower of life. A lot of people, the Kabbalah system. 63, flower of life, which is the net. The flower of life is tied to your retina in the back of your eye, which is called a net. If you go study the etymology of it. The retina that catches the light, which is the complete game of life is the flower of life. And the flower life is also, I feel like the net over the earth tied to the all seeing eye of Shalom Ra. Okay, I mean where, where do we draw the line with this? Now again, you know, you don’t have to even accept this information, but the connections are so uncanny and so in your face.

And it’s not just this one. It’s Genesis 6, verses 3. There’s, there’s Proverbs, there’s one in Proverbs where it says, you know, you’re, you’re God is walking in your footsteps. So we’re going to get into this non player character because I know some of you don’t think you’re a non player character. You think you’re a player character. See, there’s no way you can prove that at all. You can’t even support it. So let’s measure this. Let’s measure the non player character. And I’m going to use the 307. So I, I took the pie and I went 307 digits.

And then I took the golden ratio and I went 307 digits. Okay? That’s what he did. And I got the 9 and the 0 there, the 90 which is tied to thorium, that’s going to give us the nine if you add it up. Okay? And the 307 being the 63rd prime number, being tied to non player character, ladies and gentlemen, comes out to this right here. We have the 63 digits, 63 digits, golden ratio PI. And we have 274 for the total here. And we have 303 for the total here. Remember, 63 digits of phi, 63 digits of PI, 63 for non player character, 63 for this.

You’re not your own. You’re not your own. We get 274 and 303. We add that up, we get 577. So remember, 63 digits of PI, 63 digits of phi. We get a total of 274 and a total of 303. Fact check these all you want. You’re going to get 577 for the total. And 577 is a prime number. It’s the 106 prime number. And where do we go with the 106? Right back to numerology. And what is the 106, folks? It is the two base pairs of our DNA. You see the two base pairs, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine.

The two base pairs that make up the DNA. The deoxyribonucleic acid, which equals 69 in numerology is 106 from the 577 from the total edition of PI and phi. And 63 total digits from non player character. Do you see how tight this code is? This is the code that writes the final product, the 106. This is going to reduce down, have a root of seven, seven chakras, seven colors of the rainbow, the menorah in Judaism, seven candles. Okay, so where can we go with this? What can I do to branch off with this to support what I’m showing you here? What’s the 106th day of the year on the calendar? Well, I’m going to look at the common and leap year.

So April 15th is the 106 day in leap years and April 16th is the 106 day in common years. And I just go, and I look, what are the cards? Five of diamonds for April 16th. Six of diamonds for April 15th. Card 32. Card 31. What’s, what’s 32 and 31, folks? What, what are, what do they add up to? Simple math. What’s 32 plus 31? 63. So I not only have the two base pairs from this methodology, and I not only have the two base pairs coming out to being 106, but then I go to the Gregorian calendar and I measured the 106th day of the year and it comes out to the two cards that add up to the number 63.

Do you see how mathematically precise all this methodology is? And it’s not just that, folks. It’s the 56, which is lights, camera, action. The 65 is tied to Son of the Morning, which is light. Light has to enter the eye to play the game, folks. If you’re not awake, you’re sleeping and then you’re dreaming. We’re non player characters, folks. Like it or not. You got to figure out what you’re being used for because you’re the. The greatest revelation here is you are the divine man. Man. It’s using you. It chose you to experience this reality through.

That’s pretty exciting news. If you stop with the external and you turn off the mainstream and you stop paying attention to this and stop debating people and stop arguing and stop trying to defend and do all that and you start paying attention to what you want to create, you cut off, you cut off all these cancers in your life. That’s what they are. They’re, they’re distractions. They’re distractions. So the, the next topic now is you are God. For the topic of this decode, you are God. And that’s a 36. 36 has what, what is its root number? 9.

Right. The number 36 is going to give you the number 9. And we know how big the 9 is. In last, the Latin it was the 40 which ties to the star 9. In the Latin is the letter I, which is the I I am. But you see, it says you are you. You can see that it says you. 14, God. 14. I mean in numerology, folks, that’s a direct match. 14 and 14. God. I am you, you are me. You are God. But it says you are, are God. And those numbers right there with the arrows next to them.

Now the 1, the 4 and the 8, these are some big numbers. Where can I go with these? I’m going to go to chemistry. And like I showed earlier in the presentation when I showed the Ark of the Covenant and the 1048 and the 148 and I showed that the iodine and the marisium, which are the two elements to spell out I am. You say this a lot. I am going to go do this. I, I am going to go do that. The protons for I am is 53 and 95, that is 148. See, you are the I am.

That’s what it’s saying here. You are the I am. I am going to go do this. I am going to Go do a presentation. I’m going to go cook some food for these people. I am going to go help some people at the soup kitchen. I am going to go do this, I am going to go do that. I am is the you are. You are the I am, which is God. You and God, God and you. That’s why we say the I am so much. So we’re getting to the tail end of this here. And you know, let’s measure this number nine.

How big the number nine is? Remember, in the Latin it’s the letter I. In the English A through Z, it’s the letter I. The ninth letter, which means repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Never ends. So I’m going to go back to PI and phi again. Remember, the absolute was 31 and PI and phi is 3 and 1. Remember the absolute at the very beginning, which is what started this whole presentation off. I’m gonna go nine digits now, nine digits into both mathematical equations. And what do we get? We get the eight and the one. Those are the ninth digits in.

In the PI and five from. You are God, right? You are God becomes number, number nine. And we want to measure it into the mathematical equations of PI and phi, which are connected to the absolute. And since it’s the number nine, well, that’s what we’re going to measure now. We’re going to take the 1 and the 8. And now we’re going to go into chemistry with it again to get an extension beyond what the eight means and what the eight is power. The one is leadership. Power and leadership. In numerology, that’s the. That’s what eight and one means.

Eight is power and one is leadership. Power through leadership, leadership through power. And it comes to these elements right here. Hydrogen and oxygen. This is right here, folks. This is the making of man. Adam. That God. God breathed into the nostrils of Adam. Right? The spirit of God. Hydrogen’s tied to the sun and it’s. It comes from hydrogenes, which means water forming. That’s why the sun has a lot to do with the water cycle because it evaporates, gives it over to the moon. The moon condenses it. And we have precipitation, the water cycle, hydro genes. But you see, then it has the number eight with it and oxygen oxidizes, so it becomes an acid producer.

It’s worse. Oxygen is essential for us to breathe and to be human beings. So you have the sun and man. I am. And it’s the ho, ho, ho, ho. It’s whole. Then we move into holmium. There’s so many connections with this, folks. But we continue on and we see that this 1 in 8 form, where the story of man in Judaism comes from, it is the Adam. Let us make man in our image. The Adam one and eight. The first man through that story. And what is one plus eight, folks? Nine. And what is the word Adam mean in science? Atom.

Atom, Adam. Adam atoms. You are God, folks. The first man. Think about what I’m showing you here. It starts with the letter A as an Aleph, right there. Remember, this is the tenth letter in the Torah in the fir. Genesis 1, verses 1. The tenth letter is Aleph, which is tied to the Yod, which is tied to Raw, which is tied to Allah, which is tied to Uhura Mazda, which is tied to all of them, Ra and Zeus and all of them. So I think we’re getting down to the last bear aspect of this. We have one more topic to go.

Then we move into the cards of illumination, the 8 and the 1. And we bring it into the cards and we bring it into the tarot. And look at how beautiful this is. I mean, this should give you kind of a spark, man. It should give you a spark to tell you how beautiful life really is. This, this is the divine wanting to play the game, man. It’s, it wants. This is the divine. This is God saying, you know what? I want to go play that game called life and I’m going to create human beings and then I’m going to just live through them.

And it’s eternal. So the first card in the cards of illumination, ace of hearts, which is. These are both love cards. The love for the game of life. And it’s eternal. The ace of hearts is the ace of cups. This is eternal, folks. The never ending cup. Always overflowing. It never ends ever. And the 8 is the Taurus field. The Taurus field is right there. The cups are the Taurus field. The diabolo is there. The devil is the cup. This is the devil right here. Because it has all of your desires. What do you desire in life? Everybody desires things.

That keeps the game going. Okay, so the third, the last and final thing is my last topic. Me and you. Me and you. And we’re just going to start with numerology. We’re going to go back to this pineal Glenn Graphic. And you can see how amazing this is. Is me and you. Just without the and me. You. God’s me, it’s me and it’s you. And that is 23, which is tied to pineal gland. The pineal gland regulates the asleep and the awake cycles. Me and you. Am, pm, Night and daytime. Hot, cold, left, right. It’s a simulation.

And these have a root of the. What, what is two plus three? Five. Five is 20. I am you. Me and you. I am you. You are me. You are God. I am you. Controlling you through the all seeing Eye of Horus. Through the ancient Egyptian culture. That’s where they have it coined as. Which is going to give you at the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Why do you think the Egyptian Ops. The Ops obsolete is in St. Peter’s Square. In the Vatican. Why do they have an ancient Egyptian artifact sitting in the middle of Saint Basilica? All seeing Eye of horus.

Horus is 23. Yahweh is 23. Okay, it doesn’t matter what you want to call it, folks. It has all the names, man. All. It’s like all the names. It’s a Ponzi scheme, the whole thing. So the interesting part about this, to kind of end this decode are the constructs of me and you and the numbers that come out with these two words. So this can be reversed of course, because you could say it’s me and it’s you, but in this case, me and you. 9. 14. So what I decided to do, channeling this information, I went to the theology again and I pulled out a slide for my peace and evil decoded.

And this is called Theo Numerology, which is where. And I’ve done this on the CIA decoded. I’ve done this in the Sons of God decoded. I’ve done it on the Fallen decoded the, the, the Matrix. I’ve done them all. This right here is called Theo Numerology. And what we do is. This is, is Isaiah 45 verses 7 where God says, I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. Okay, so there’s 45 chapters here. And all I’m going to do is just take all the verses of each of the chapters and add them up.

That’s all I’m going to do. And we get a total of 914. All 45 chapters and verses. 914. Me and you. What is me and you? You and God. I am you. I create peace and evil. Don’t you do both? Oh I. Except for some of you I know you don’t do any evil at all. You don’t do any bad deeds. You’re perfect. I forgot there’s going to be people out there. You have some exceptions, folks. This is the pineal gland. I form the light and create darkness. What do you think the pineal gland does? What do you think this does? It controls when you go to sleep by producing melatonin.

It controls when you awake by stopping the production of melatonin, which is the simulation. Just to remind you that melatonin, ladies and gentlemen, is a 35, which is tied to simulation, which is tied to this element right here in the periodic table. Gadola neum. What’s gadolinium? 35th element. What is it? Ladies and gentlemen, you should know this one. God. 64. How many squares on a chessboard? How many possible codons in our DNA? You’re on television. They used to put this in TVs. Folks, it’s God on television. You and I are on television and the voice in your head is using you, not the other way around.

So you got to figure out what you’re being used for. I mean, this is a no brainer. 457 is the 88th prime number. That’s tied to RAH. RAH is 88. So we’re going to do some more mathematics and we’re going to finish this presentation up. This is how mathematically precise this reality is. I’m going to take PI, right, because the pineal gland. And I’m gonna. And I. I’m like, okay, let’s locate the 14 and the number nine. Since it’s me and you. I got them color coded so you can’t miss it. So here it is. And I’m like, what do these add up to? Since it sits in between me and you? These digits, 4, 6, 0, 551-1-02, what do they add up to? 24.

How many hours in a day, folks? What? What controls light and darkness? What? What does this. How many hours in a day? What? Light and dark is what? How many hours? Come on, you can say it. 24. So in between me and you is a number of 20 freaking 4 here. And 24 is tied to night and day, just like this, which is this. So if it’s God saying, I make peace and create evil, that means that we. Because you say, oh, no, I did that. Not according to this. 24. Folks, it’s. This is the original Latin spelling for what AM.PM means.

Look at what it is, 89. 89 is what? Prime number 24. This is off my hell, decoded exclusively on Patreon. So, ladies and gentlemen, you now have the eyes to see this, and I would really love to know what you think about this. I will tell you this though, please leave cordial messages because I promise you if you’re just going to leave a nasty message, it won’t even make it. You don’t have to agree. I don’t want you to agree. But it’s all about loving here, man. You know, live and let live. So there’s no need to debate, no need to get angry and bitter and But I would love to hear what you saw.

So keep your comments coming. Big shout out to all you Patreon members. I really appreciate you donate the donating members supporting this research. Just going to keep pumping this content out folks. We have a lot of big things coming out. That’s all I got for today. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Logan for Decode your Reality. Until next time. We will see you.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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