➡ The text discusses the significance of the number 68 in various contexts, such as Hebrew numerology, chemistry, tarot cards, and historical events. It suggests that these connections are not coincidental and that they indicate a predestined, coded reality. The text also proposes that humans are not in control of their reality, but are instruments used by divine forces. It encourages studying astrology and numerology to better understand these codes.
➡ This text suggests that life experiences are predestined, influenced by cosmic elements like the 88 constellations and numerology. It argues that peace and evil are tied to these cosmic elements, and that we are essentially worshipping nature and the cosmos, not real people. The text also implies that the Bible is a book about astrology, and that our lives are like predestined movies controlled by the constellations and the zodiac. Lastly, it suggests that our desires and fears are not truly our own, but are influenced by these cosmic forces.
➡ The speaker is discussing the concept of life being a scripted reality, with references to numerology, astrology, and biblical texts. They suggest that everything is interconnected, like a movie, and we are all actors playing our parts. They also connect numbers and elements to zodiac signs and biblical verses, implying a divine mathematical precision in our reality.
➡ The text discusses the idea that our lives are influenced by astrology, numerology, and other spiritual systems. It suggests that we are ‘role played’ by these systems, meaning our actions and experiences are predetermined. The text also connects these ideas to religious texts and symbols, suggesting that they all point to the same truth. Finally, it encourages us to study these systems to better understand ourselves and our lives.
➡ The text discusses the idea that everything, including our actions and lives, are coded and predestined, similar to the stars and constellations. It suggests that understanding this code, which is linked to various elements like the zodiac wheel, numerology, and even religious figures, can help us live better lives. The author encourages us to get as close to our ‘code’ as possible for the best experiences. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of respectful discussion and understanding, even when we disagree.
I have to finish making them. Where. You know, I just thought of embracing the, the zodiac signs with the, the, the celestials and all that kind of stuff. So I just had a lot of fun with this. And this is kind of the image that I wanted to have, like a portrait of all this, the celestials in the zodiac. I still don’t know what the hell this little animal is right here, but I mean, it’s AI drawing this. I thought it did a fantastic job. And you know, the fun part about the zodiac, ladies and gentlemen, like realizing that, you know, what I’m going to show you here today is that you’re being used.
You’re not in control of your life. You are a non player character and you’re being used by the constellations, the stars, the celestials, the zodiac, the numerology, etc. Etc. That’s what I’m going to show you here today. I’m going to support that in a very big way. And then it will be up to you on what it is that you want to adopt as your truth. But if you’re willing to like, get a reading from a practitioner in astrology, if you’re willing to look at your astrological chart and numerology, you’re going to find that it is extremely accurate.
And because of its accuracy, well, then the next step is like, well, if it’s so accurate, well, then I must be able to kind of break down my life and figure out how I’m coded and how you don’t have a choice. And that’s exactly what my final answer is, is you don’t have choices like you think you do. But that pisses people off. It rubs them wrong the wrong way because I don’t have any choices. Of course, yes, I do. And they get angry about that. But ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to show you this presentation on the zodiac.
Let’s jump into this, put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world. This one’s going to be a really, a lot of fun. So this is kind of where I started with. This is. I thought this was much better, but this is, this was the beginning point of it and in the background. And I do want to give some credit to the great website called stellarium-web.org and, you know, I don’t get any royalties, like I’m not affiliated with them directly. But this website right here, stellarium-web.org I really, really, really appreciate this website where you can highlight constellations, the red lines, the ecliptic, and this is really an accurate rendition of the placement of the celestials.
This does not work on tropical astrology. It is a. The master system of sidereal. Okay. And I, I’m a huge fan of that. So I just wanted to, you know, give a big shout out to them. And I’m. Because I was using their graphics in the background here. So let’s start off with the topics of conversation for this presentation, shall we? The first topic, ladies and gentlemen, is called Zodiac Supper. The second topic, killing. The third topic, beast. The fourth topic, Greeks. And the fifth and final topic, Roma. So let’s jump into the first topic called Zodiac Supper.
And I’m going to start here. And you know, if you have not watched my the Beast decoded, I have The Beast Part 2 exclusively on the Patreon. Well, you should check both of those out if you can. This is from the beast part two. And here are the 13 people at the table for the painting of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. And you can see that I’m using the original Greek. And the numerology is boxed in red, which is a total of 374, which is very interesting considering that in Chaldean numerology, the word God is 374.
So this right here, folks, is going to be your 12 disciples. And you must include the 13, which is the Christ character. That’s why the 13 supersedes the number 12. It always will. That’s why a lot of hotels, they’ll skip the 13th floor. You have the 13 blood. Excuse me, bloodlines. 13 is PI and phi. So it has a lot of magical properties to it. It’s the sixth prime number. Six is carbon. So this 374 from the numerology of all 13 people sitting at that table that make up the zodiac wheel, having that supper is in the golden ratio.
Now we bring the 374 into mathematics. And we bridge the gap with the golden ratio string of mathematical equation here in the 1.6180339887. That string of frequency. Here we go all the way down and we locate the 374. And what does it add up to? What all these digits add up to? 457. And that is the 88th prime number. How many constellations do we have, ladies and gentlemen? 88. So am I stretching anything by doing the numer? See the value in connecting these layers? There is no stretching when you can connect to another layer to support the layer that you’re looking at and observing.
And even though Chaldean is not Greek, we can see how the God is tied to the zodiac. Okay. And now we bring it into the string of mathematics. And we not only have it being a prime number and there are 88 constellations, but we have it tied to Ra. And Ra was the Reverend God in the Egyptian pantheon. I mean it. The Bible is predated by the Egyptian book of the dead. That’s where the Bible came from. This is why people do the Passover when the sun is setting and it’s a first full moon. It has to be exactly that way because you’re playing tribute to the celestials in the sky.
This is the alphabetical order of the 88 constellations by the IAU. But that’s how closely linked this is and how scripted of a reality that we live in. Okay, it’s raw or ray. Okay. It’s a big deal. There’s a lot of clues in here a ton. Just simply connecting the dots by some of the numbers and letters that you know very fondly you. That you’re very fond of. Okay, but what about if we say 374 in the Greek? Of course. Since this is where the 13 people sitting at that table come from. Greek. The, the coin.
Greek is the New Testament. Well, here it is. It’s tria Epta Teresa or tessera. Excuse me? Like the tesseract. A tessera four, three tria seven and tessera four. That gives us 42. That’s going to reduce down to the number six. Remember, there are 13 people sitting at the table. And 13 is the sixth prime number. And four plus two is six and six is carbon. Six is the last day of creation. In Judeo Christianity, six is the first perfect number. In mathematics, six is virgo, the virgin who gave birth and did the immaculate conception. I could go on and on and on, but it leads to this right here.
This is why Jesus promises you eternal life because you’ll get reincarnated over and over and over. And that’s. I’m not being negative about it. I’m just giving you the narration and what the code says. I’m a code breaker. What you do with the information is up to you. The lake of fire is the eternal life. The flames never go out because when you reincarnate over and over and over, you have to become an avatar, which then the constellations use you for. That’s how all this stuff works. And that’s what the code is saying. Okay, but what about when we say 374 in the English and we go right to the Chaldean and how much value this cipher has when narrating our world, the world around us.
So 374 is the number 68. And boy, you’re gonna see how big this number is when it comes to the zodiac wheel. And let’s get into the next topic now called killing. Because the zodiac wheel is a killer. Absolutely. It is. The good, the bad and the ugly. It’s not all just roses and unicorns and fluffy marshmallow clouds and rainbow bridges. The killing. So here’s where it begins, folks, with the 68. And you see in Job, chapter 38, verses 32, the oldest book in the Bible, according to what I’ve researched. I’m just regurgitating that. Can’t support it by.
Other than just what I research. Job is the oldest, one of the oldest books. But nonetheless, there is the word Maseroth, which is the Hebrew word for the zodiac or constellations. You can see it goes on the Great Bear. That’s the Big Dipper. Right, but we’re gonna. I’m going to talk about that at the very end. But there’s the numerology. In the original language of Hebrew, there’s no way to. Like this. The, the, the, the great part about using Hebrew is that there’s only one way to observe the Scriptures. Like when you look at the Greek, there’s so many different translations in the English, so the numerologies can be all over the place.
But with the Hebrew, there’s only one text, so it makes it much easier and more concise. And maseroth is a 68 in the full Hebrew numerology. And all I have to do is connect that to the things that we have in our toolbox. One of them is chemistry, the periodic table. And we have erbium. Here, watch this. I have a tank there. Because 68 is tied to war and killing. I Mean, it’s kind of ironic in the, the comedy, which is not even funny, but you get sent to the ER room, right? Erbium. Erbium is 20 in numerology, that’s duality.
But there’s also the isotope 68 and zinc and the 30. And I’m going to talk about that. We can also connect the 68th card in the tarot, which is the four of disks, the four of pentacles. You see, what this card means in this context is that this character is God and it holds these pentagrams, which are you and I. And there’s four of them here. And we have four blood types and you’re going to be one of those. And we have four seasons and we have four elements, fire, air, water and earth. We have north, south, east and west.
You see, it doesn’t want to let you go. That’s why in the Gnostic traditions they’re going to say this is the demi urge, which causes peace and evil, which is part of the constellations, the stars, the celestials, etc. Etc. But this is a really big deal here, ladies and gentlemen, this Maseroth. So I’m going to branch off and I’m going to show you how coded and scripted this is. So if you’re like, if you want to know how to decode this is, take some notes because this is how you do it. So I’m just going to take this Strong’s Concordance.
Now we get into layers that I used to use a lot of. I don’t use it a lot of, but a lot of you use the Strongs. And I’m just going to show you how scripted the Strong’s Concordance is, which is kind of like a reviewer of the Bible. They’ve named and numbered all of the words in the concordance. It’s like an overview of the Bible. So they assigned it the number 4216. So there is a clue here now, right? So I’m going to take that 4216 and I’m going to bring it into mathematics. And what I’m looking for is whether or not it’s a prime number.
And clearly it’s not. It’s a composite number. And there are clues right here with all of these 16 divisors. There’s the 68. There’s a lot of clues just in the composite. But it gets complicated there. But let’s keep it simple. What I want to know is since 4216 from the Maserath, from Strong’s Concordance of What they relate link this number to in the, in the word too. Well, it’s not a prime number. What is the prime number? Next in line. And the, the boss of the 4216, the 4217. The 4217 is the boss of the 4216 and the 4215 and the 4214 till you get back down to the 4211.
But this is the 577th prime number. So where do I go from here? Well, I’m gonna bridge it into mathematics again. And I remembered this. This is off of my non player character decoded. This is Dungeons and Dragons, the board game. Well you see, I was decoding non player character, which I am telling all of you. My final answer is every single one of you is a non player character, meaning you’re not in control of your reality. So the 63 is the marker and I’m going to go into the string of PI and phi, light and matter, that’s what these two make up.
And I’m going to go 63 digits into both. And then I’m just going to simply add those up and using the trusty calculator. And there’s that 577 right there found from that 4216 found from the word Maseroth. And what Strong’s concordance connected it to. I don’t know why they picked this number, but they did and they’re right here. 577 is the 106 prime number. And what is this number tied to our DNA, ladies and gentlemen? The two base pairs of our DNA right there. This is why this says clearly from the code that we are non player characters, all of us, and we are being used by the divine as instruments, by the constellations, whatever else you want to attach to it by the Zodiac, etc.
Etc. Okay, so now let’s go back to this 68 and the Maseroth and the numerology of that, knowing that it bridges into chemistry. And we know that this word right here is also 68. And this is the book of Isaiah, the 23rd book in the Old Testament. This is where you’re going to get Isaiah 45 verses 7 where God’s saying, I make peace and create calamity or evil, I create light and darkness. Okay, what do you think the constellations do? What do you think the sun and moon do? What do you think the celestials do? They all have, it’s a team unit playing out here.
So 68 is Isaiah. 68 is Maseroth, which is constellation or zodiac. 68 is erbium and zinc. And 68 is the four of pentacles, which is God holding on to you as a pentagram, not wanting to let you go. This is easily attributed to the soul trap theory. The 68, ladies and gentlemen, just to confirm and support of what I’m saying here, is that World War I and World War II both have a numerology date of 68. July 28, 1914. World War I. That adds up to 68 and September 1, 1939. 68. Are these just mere coincidences? How are we able to connect? Is this just a coincidence that these are 68 and this is 68 and then this is 68 and why do I have her? What is.
So what’s the big deal about erbium right here? And zinc? What is the big deal about them? Ladies and gentlemen, you’re going to find out. But here is where I originally got this from. I can’t remember who had wrote this out, but when you take all three of these. 68 times three. The invasion of Ukraine had a numerology of 68. February 24th. When you add them all up, you get 2, 0, 4. You bring that into the string of the 3.141, PI, and there’s that notorious 374 tied to the God, tied to the 13 men sitting at the table, the disciples and the Christ.
So I. I already know, folks, that this is so tight, this code, that it’s undeniable that these realities that we live out are scripted and predestined. And mankind’s not in control of the wars, the good, the bad and the ugly. No, we’re just along for the. Right. So what should we do? Study our astrology charts? Study. Studying our numerology to see how we’re coded and go from there. Okay, let’s get into some Mainstream. Here’s another 68. 2008. All hope is Gone by the band Slipknot. This is a song they have on their album called Gamatria, the killing name.
And that’s a 68. So with. 68 is here with the numerology of their song. The 68 is here for both world wars. And 68 is tied to the word Maseroth, which is the zodiac or the constellations. 68 is the book of Isaiah, where God says, I make peace and create calamity. I mean, just. Are these just mere coincidences with all these crazy connections? That, to me, are absolutely undeniable. Well, here we Go deeper into the Isaiah aspect. Here we go into Isaiah 45, verses 7. And here is the full scripture, folks. Just to kind of put the nail in the Coffin, right? It’s 167 straight up from the Old Testament.
There’s the 167. This is one of the stable isotopes of erbium. And there is its protons. Isaiah. When. When I mean Maseroth, when you do the reduction of it, it gives you the 23, just like Isaiah being the 23rd book. 23 in a numerology is called the Royal star of the lion. 23 is going to. These all reduce down to the number five. You have five fingers, five toes, five senses. The fifth house of Astrol Leo, ruled by what, Helios? The sun. Okay, the sun has a big say in all of this, a very, very big say tied to, you know, this right here.
So again, Isaiah 45, verses 7. I make peace and calamity. 457 is the 88th prime number. There are 88 constellations, and the word phoenix in Greek is 88. So if you’re somebody who follows Bashir’s and his work, well, now you know what it’s tied to. It’s. We’re not. Mankind is not running this reality. We are just observers. We are here to give our emotions and reactions of love and fear to the experiences that have already been set, that have already been laid out for us. We’re just along for the ride. It’s a beautiful life. Once you finally figure that out and you could see the code, instead of trying to control everything, it becomes so much more easier.
Okay? So much more easier. So the 88 constellations, 88 keys on a piano, 88 miles an hour, back to the future. I mean, you could just go on and on with the 88, right? How about more 88. So here are. Here’s the numerology of Isaiah 45, verses 7. Here it is in Hebrew. Here it is, folks. This is shalom, which is peace and raw, which is evil or Calamity. Right there, 88 from the original Hebrew words. So now you know what peace and evil is tied to. It’s tied to the 88 constellations, it’s tied to the sun, it’s tied to the moon, it’s tied to the zodiac, folks.
That’s what makes peace and evil. It’s an instrument of the divine. Let’s do some more mathematics to keep supporting this. So again, Isaiah 45, verses 7, right there. I just have them all highlighted in yellow. So you can’t miss it. Well, lo and behold, if you go 101 digits into the string of the golden ratio, you’re going to get a total of 457 to match that right there and to match that right there. But you see, how. Why did I do that? Because I was looking for the 374 and there it is. It’s digit 99, digit 101.
374 is tied to the 13 people sitting at that table. Notice that there are 101 letters for all their names. There are 101 digits in that string of the golden ratio to get the total of 457 to locate that 374. Do you see how precise this is? So when we see this precision, we can really kind of look at this and say, well, yeah, predestination. That’s why, ladies and gentlemen, this wants your pledges, it wants your worship. That’s what you’re doing. You’re worshiping the stars. You’re not worshiping real people. You’re worshiping constellations and zodiac symbols. That’s what you’re worshiping.
You’re worshiping nature. Jesus. I am the light of the world, son Jesus. I walk on water, son Jesus. I’m resurrected. The sun gets resurrected every day when it comes up over the horizon or towards you, whatever you want to believe. This is so easy to see, ladies and gentlemen. You just got to start looking from a cosmic perspective instead of phys, instead of a physical perspective. So going Back to this 101, 101 digits gives us the 457 for the total. The 374 is what we’re looking at, tied to peace and evil, tied to the 13 men sitting at the table.
There are 101 letters in all of their names here. And the 101 when you say it. I’m sorry, when you say the 68 in the Hebrew, since it’s the Maserath, which are the constellations and the book of isaiah, where Isaiah 45 verses 7, I make peace and create evil. When you say 6 and 8, here it is in Hebrew you get the number 10 1. So you see how tight this is. 101 is a prime number in mathematics. It’s the 26 prime number. And I could just easily connect chemistry to it again. And now we have the element iron.
And what is in your blood, folks? What is essential for your blood? Iron. In Israel they have the iron dome. This is the Yodeh Vahe right here. See, this is the original four Letters of the tetragram Aton. And the tetragram aton comes from a 10, which is the sun deity in ancient Egypt. That’s why in Isaiah, that’s why in Psalms 80, 84, verses 11, it says the Lord God is a son and shield. See, we. We’re the divine and human form. That’s what iron is, our blood. We’re instruments for the constellations and the zodiac. That’s what the Bible’s trying to tell all of us.
It’s a book about astrology. See, the church didn’t want you to find that out, so they pushed a narrative that it was from the devil, that it was evil, and you shouldn’t be looking and doing all that kind of stuff. Don’t look at those signs and symbols. Okay? Basically hoarding it for themselves. Let’s get into some more Hebrew stuff. Now we go to the Torah. How many books of the Torah? The original from written by Moses, five books. What’s the numerology of it? There’s that 68 again. See, I’m coming back to the. Here’s the 68th tarot card, the four of discs.
So I have the God here. And again, these are the pentagram. That’s us. We’re stuck inside this reality and God is looking at the divine. This is the. Remember the architect in the Matrix had all those TV screens? Yeah. It’s looking at you on one of these TV screens is yours. And it gets to control you any way it wants. It’s already predestined. So the movies. Your movie’s playing, and that’s your life for your entire life. Each one of these represent our lives and they’re the movies. Doesn’t the movie is already playing? When you turn on a movie, are you controlling the movie? Are you telling the actors or actresses what to do? No, they already did all their lines.
You’re just playing the movie back. That’s what the divine’s doing here, folks. It’s playing back. It’s movies that it created for all of us. And it’s. It’s controlled. But the controller is the constellations and the zodiac. That’s. That’s what it is. So let’s move into the next topic. Now. This one’s a very interesting. This one’s a very interesting one. Now we’re going to get into the beast. The zodiac wheel is the great beast above. And I say that with all due respect because I’m a fan of astrology. I’m just calling it like it is. So let me start off with this ridiculousness.
You want to talk about scripted reality? Well, here’s a fine example of it. Stephen Harris, the. The founder and bassist for Iron Maiden. The amazing band Iron Maiden, they’re still going to this day. He’s the guy who wrote the song Number of the Beast. Well, look at the numerology of it. It matches his freaking birth name, folks. Now you gotta ask yourself, like, okay, how did he come up with this idea? Because the voice in his head gave it to him. And then he just acts it out like a pen writing on a piece of paper.
And in the Hebrew, the number of the beast is tied to the number 68 because it’s tied to day and night, which is the cycles that we go every 24 hours becomes light, it becomes dark, it becomes light, it becomes dark. This is tied to the pineal gland as well. Day and night tied to the number of the beast because the number of the beast tied to the sun and the moon and the zodiac and the constellations and all that stuff. So here’s a real good overview of this number of the beast. 68, 68th card in the tarot.
The four of discs. Again, this is the God not, not wanting to let you go, playing you as a character, as a pentagram. The five pointed star, five fingers, five toes, five senses. This card came from the four of diamonds playing card. The discs are the diamonds and the diamonds as I want. And this is what it means structured control through desired materialism. See, you have desires. I want this, I want that. I want to go experience. This. I want. I want to go experience. It’s not you doing it. Certainly you have the thoughts, but you’re not in control of the thoughts.
They are just continually going to pump into your life. And there are things that are going to happen to you and you’re going to act upon them. Because it’s the demiurge running the show here, which is. What is the demiurge? Day and night. That’s demi. That’s two. Okay. That’s what it is. 666 is tied to the sun and the moon. So this number 30 is tied to the great Quran. It’s Allah. It’s the Demiurge in the Gnostic tradition. It’s the new age name of the Yod, it’s Jehovah. And then it’s the Gnostic again in yaldaboth. They’re all 30s, all of them.
Why? Why are these all 30s? What’s up? It’s the 30th card because it’s the. It Owns them all, man. These aren’t separate entities. They’re all one in the same. Because, you see, it needs you to worship this energy. That’s a lot of you. You need a relationship. You have codependency. You can’t be alone. You’re afraid of this, you’re afraid of that. Whatever the case may be. You have your desires. Well, what do you think the God has? So it says in the Bible. God. Jealous God? Well, are you? Do you have jealousy aspects? Fear and anger and made in the likeness and image, right as above.
So below. You don’t want to let some of your stuff go. You’re deathly afraid to let some of your stuff go. Okay, so that’s how all this stuff works, man. Even the movie Free Guy, not so free. He’s authority. He was being role played. You’re being role played right now, as am I. What do you think’s channeling through me to present this information to you? I’m not doing it to you. I’m not showing you this because it’s, it’s. And I’m not in control of this stuff. I’m just the. The instrument to create all this stuff. There’s so many symbols in this show.
I broke this down exclusively out on Patreon. Big shout out to all you Patreon members. Thanks for all your support. So let me get into some more groundbreaking material. Now this. Because this is new stuff that I don’t. I’ve never seen before. And again, I’m not taking credit for it. I’m not bragging. I don’t care about any of that kind of stuff. I’m not looking for rewards, I’m not looking for likes. I’m not looking for followers. I’m just here to present you the material, folks just being really authentic. So when I say this, it’s not me giving it to you.
I’m just showing you because that’s what it is here. So here is the number of the beast. Revelation 13, verses 18. And it comes from the Greek, right? It comes from the coin Greek. The. The New Testament was written in. Supposedly written in Greek. So it’s 603score6. 666. There it is right there. So what I decided to do, or we decided to do, because it ain’t me doing it, is bring it into prime numbers. So here’s 600, there’s 60, and there’s six. Remember, there’s 13 guys sitting at that table. The last supper. So it’s 4409, 281, and 13.
So we know this is 666, but what about the numbers that are correlating it to the primes? Well, there it is right here using the trusty calculator. 4409 +281 +13, 4703. Do you remember what those numbers are, ladies and gentlemen? How about right there? You see them? You see those numbers, right? See the zero means infinite potential. See when you’re a code breaker, it doesn’t matter if these numbers are exactly in the same order. It’s irrelevant because the numbers are showing up and you’re observing the numbers, the three, the seven and the four. These are, these have personalities to them.
They’re archetypes. Numbers are archetypes. That’s why when you do your name numerology, I could tell you a little bit about how you behave in this reality because what the numbers have as their personality. So it’s, it’s right there, you can’t miss it. So the number of the beast tied to the zodiac wheel, tied to the last supper. So now you know what religion is and how it’s all tied to that, etc. Etc. And you know that it’s tied to the God. 14 is tied to the word time. It’s also tied to this word right here. Just want to be very crystal clear here.
It’s tied to this word right here. Just so you know, just so you can be aware of what this is. That’s why it wants you to do the drinking of the blood and eating of the body and cannibalism and all that stuff talked about in Matthew. Okay, I just telling you because it’s all worship and energy exchange. I’m not saying anything bad about it. I’m just telling you what the interpretation is. So this 4703, the 374, these are very big numbers. Well, you bring it into. Now go Back to Isaiah 45, verses 7. I’m going to show you how it’s connected to I make peace and create evil, which we already show it’s tied to the beast.
But you see, this is a technique called theo numerology. So since there are 45 chapters here, I’m going to add up all the verses. I couldn’t fit them all here, but if you add up all 45 verses, you’re going to get 914. And how is that connected to this? I’m just going to go into mathematics right there. And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, that 914 occupies digit 471472 and 470 freaking 3. Right there. You see it, folks, you just dropped the zero, man. If you’re a code breaker, you know the zero is. It means infinite potential.
And these are the numbers of Lucifer, by the way. 7, 4, 1. That’s according to Manly P. Hall. I know it pisses people off when you say that because of the programming, but now we take the 4703 from the beast, from these, from mathematics. God is a mathematician, man. How is it so precise? Because you’re talking about living. We’re living out the divines. Matrix 4703 appears at the 1087th decimal digit. What’s the 1087 tied to? Right back to the beast. See, this right here is something that I was shown through the voice in my head. I’m like, let’s just connect the zodiac signs with the periodic table.
So Aries, the first sign. Hydrogen. Taurus, the second sign. Helium, Gemini, the third sign, Lithium. And I just did that with all the. And I. The 13. You have to do the 13. And when you add up all 13 elements, it’s called astro alchemy is what I’ve named it. You get 1087. You see it right there, folks, Come on. How many more times do I need to show it? And why is it the 616? You know, the papyrus? There’s a. There’s a. There’s an alternate beast number which is 616, because you have six disciples on the left, six disciples on the right, Jesus in the middle, six, one, six.
But it’s tied to the 666 again. It’s the. Whatever’s running this reality. It’s a Ponzi scheme. So it doesn’t matter if it has multiple layers, it owns it all. But when you start to connect these layers here, I mean, this is so big with this. This is undeniable stuff right here, folks. Unless you want to refute the mathematics and you just don’t want to accept it, yeah, that’s totally fine. So the 187, what’s that tied to? Well, it’s tied to the Greeks. So now we get into the last. I know the second to last topic group, the Greeks.
Why the 187 here? Because in the Greeks, they called it the zodiacos Kicklos or Kyklos. Right here, the zodiac circle right there. It’s 187from the original Greek language of where it came from. Now, these elements, these elements, the majority of them weren’t even discovered back then. They weren’t even around Back then, here it is. There’s the connection. How. How is this possible? Because you’re looking at a scripted reality. Everything is. Can is interconnected. It’s all connected. They’re timelines, and everything is connected. So you just simply start connecting the dots, and it becomes very easy to see that 187.
And the 187, when we bring it into chemistry, it connects to this element called osmium. And osmium is the operating system. That’s what the OS is. The abbreviation of the acronym for osmium means operating system. The operating system is the zodiac wheel. And that is why it’s important to look at your zodiac wheel and to get a proper interpretation of it so you can get the confirmations you’re looking for and you can live out your best life. And that is scripted, by the way. So if you follow that path, that path was already scripted for you.
So how do we get operating system? Well, it’s 56. We’re just going to reverse engineer. Right? Operating system 56. 263 is the 56 prime number. And when you add up the neutrons, protons and electrons of osmium, you get 263. You see, the OS is operating system the wizard of osmium. Right? And it’s. It’s the movie. That’s why I have this image of all these characters being filmed, because we’re being filmed. You just don’t see the cameras. You’re. You’re an actress or actor on the world stage. I mean, how many different bands have sung about this? I mean, I’m not this.
I’m regurgitating stuff. But now there’s. This is the support to show you that. That that’s accurate. All the world’s a stage. We are merely players. Rush, living in the limelight. So many different musicians, so many different artists that were talking about this, and now this. This is the support that we’re inside of a movie. You’re being used by as an actor or actress. And when I say that, I say that with a positive attitude, not a negative one. Okay, so moving forward, we’re almost getting to the tail end of this. Now, here’s the word beast in Greek.
Revelation 13, verses 18. It was written in coin Greek, the modern Greek language. So here it is, Therion. It’s beast 76. I mean, there it is, folks. Okay, what. These are such big markers to support this, that this is the great beast. Okay? And on top of that, folks, we have a connection to the moon as well, because selenium, one of its stable isotopes is 76, and there’s the 34th element. And 34 is tied to the word tree in Hebrew, as in tree of life and the moon. Remember, Kristoff was on the moon in the Truman Show.
Is that a thing? Of course it is. There’s. Here’s the connection for it. See, the zodiac wheel is your eyeball, and you have two eyeballs. So you have your chart of when you were born, and then the chart that always moves every single second of every single day, that’s called the transit chart that you could overlay onto your other chart. And this connects to the net, which is called the retina on the back of your eye, which is light, and it goes down the optical nerve, and it transcends into the brain, and you get the pictures, the images.
So essentially, we become the beast, which is the number of a man. Yeah, it’s. We become the beast down below, being run by the as above through astrology, numerology, enneagram, personality types, human design cards, tarot, Mayan astrology. I could go on and on. Color personalities. There’s so many different layers to this. It’s just. It’s. It’s bottomless. Okay, so let’s take the 76 for the word beast and operating system and move it into the golden ratio again. And where does that 76 sit? It occupies digit 50 and 51. Simple math. What is 50 plus 51? 1, 01.
And we go right back to the word 6, 8 in Hebrew, which is tied to the word Maseroth, which means constellations or constellation or zodiac, which is tied to the book of Isaiah. And the book of Isaiah is I make peace and create evil, tied to the beast. Okay? 101 being the 26 prime number, 26 being tied to the Yode. And we know already that the Yode is Ra. There is no doubt about it. The Yodeh Vahe is the Egyptian sun God, Ra, whatever that is. If you go check out my tower of Raw and the Watchtower with the Jehovah’s Witness breakdown, they are worshiping Raw.
The Bible is the book from the Egyptian book of the dead. That’s what it is. So go back to the Torah. And here’s the humor, right? So there’s a joke in Judaism that I know of, and it’s a bear taking a. Because the. The first word in the Torah is bear. This is Genesis. This is in. This is where you get in the beginning. Notice it starts off with the letter bet, as in duality. It’s not Aleph. It’s bet that’s 2. That’s duality, and that’s 76 tied to this. The beast, the operating system, the zodiac wheel.
76. You ever go to the gas station? 76. Anyway, yeah, there’s a. This is another methodology you can do, and it’s just reducing things down. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew. This is 76. There’s not 76 letters. So you just simply take the 76 and you subtract the total amount of Hebrew letters until you get to 22 or below. And when you do that, you get to the number 10. And what is the number 10? The yode, of course, which is the raw character. And then for fun, it’s the wheel of Fortune. You see, in the beginning, you get thrown on the sums.
Now you can bring Vedic. This is the samsara wheel, the 10. And this means possession. The 10. This, and this is the 0 and the 1, which is what? The binary system, the golden ratio. The 1 and the 0, which make up the 1.6:1. So this is why I have the bear here. Because in some of the translations here, they calculate this word to be the Great Bear, which is tied to the Big Dipper and Polaris, right? This is Job saying, can you. Can you move the Maserat, the constellations, or the Great Bear? The bear right there.
Bear. In the beginning. The first word in the Torah. The very first one. Okay, the very, very first one. So we’re almost finished with this, ladies and gentlemen. I’m gonna now direct your attention to what’s circled here. And I’m going to go into the Septuagint, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. And you can see I have the word circle. There it is in Greek. And so here it is. So they have the word Maseroth in from the Greek right there. This is the translation of it. And look at what number it is.
So I just used. I. I know I got these numbers memorized. So 113 is the 30th prime number. You go right back to these words, folks. Demiurge and role play. See the maz. How many more. How many examples have I’ve given now that’s been provided to you that these zodiac signs and constellations and stars, they rule this reality, not the other way around. And it just may be, ladies and gentlemen, that maybe one of these stars is where you’re from. That’s the one that you’re from. That’s your representative. That may be how it works. Because when you look up at the night sky on a clear night, there’s countless stars.
I would even venture to say there’s more stars than people on the planet. But these connections just, they just keep coming and coming. And you know, even the blood. I’ve shown this how many times now in so many different decodes that here are the eight known blood types. I know there’s four, but when you add on the Rh negative or positive, you’re going to get eight. And eight is the prison. Notice that there are 74 letters, but the total numerology for all eight blood types is 286. We just attach chemistry to it. And there’s that 113.
See nihonium right there, it’s tied, right? So what’s creating the blood types, the stars is the constellations. 113, the 30th prime number. And see this element right here? Nihonium was, was discovered in Japan. And here is the flag for Japan. Well, they say this is the sun, but doesn’t that look like a red blood cell? Absolutely it does. There are the blood types. You see how Connected this is? 286. 286. 113. 113. How much more evidence do we need here, ladies and gentlemen, that we are being role played? We’re non player characters. This is why a lot of you have said this.
Yeah. Everything happens for. You’ve said this before. Everything happens for a reason. Yeah. Why does everything happen for a reason? Because it’s scripted already, that’s why. Because we’re being role played, that’s why. Everything happens for a reason. These connections, folks, I mean, how about this in the mainstream, this guy right here, I did a small short decode on. It’s called spell and it was the song called I put a spell on you by Credence Clearwater. But this is the man who originally wrote the song Screaming Jay Hawkins. I put a spell on you. And you can see that.
Look at the B side of it. Little demon. So of course, what’s the numerology of it? Well, it’s just the 113, of course. Boy, this is just a mere coincidence. So what is this saying? That we’re little devils down here, we’re sinners and we have a spell that’s been put on us by the constellations, by this. Are we ever going to be able to break free from that? That’s the question. If you want to break free from it. I don’t know. But we. I do know. My final answer is Until I see otherwise, till the code changes, we’re being role played.
And the best thing that anyone, any one of us can do is to study your astrological chart and to get a correct interpretation of it, to go as close as you can to the origins, the numerology and all the tarot and the cards and personality types to do all of it. Especially if you got kids, man. Don’t you want to raise your kids knowing how they’re coded? I would want to know that if I was a parent. Anyway, let’s go into the last and final topic now. Roma, which is the original word for Rome, from the Latin.
So we’re going to look up the Latin now. So we’re going to go into the Latin Vulgate. And we’re going to go into their translation of Job, 38 verses 32, which talks about the Maseroth. But there, look at the word they use. Luciferum. Oh, oh, boy. It’s the luciferium. Here is 38 verses 30, 32. There it is. This is what they end up doing for their translation, the Day Star. They’ve. They’ve replaced the Maserath. They put the Luciferum in there. But again, is it wrong? No. Because this group of or this organization is not in control.
They’re not in control. There’s the Pleiades, there’s Arcturus. This is all constellation stuff, all from the book of Job. So I’m going to decode it. Here it is from the original Latin. Latin had only 23 letters in their Alphabet, and the Luciferum is 63. So I’m like, what can I connect to that? I’m gonna. Here’s the. The Catholic Bible. It’s called The Latin Vulgate. 73 books. And what’s the 63rd book? I have it highlighted in red. Titus. So I went to the Book of Titus from the Latin Vulgate. And I’m like, okay, well, let’s, let’s. Let’s go to Titus, verses 1, verses 1 and 1, verses 2 and 1 verses 3.
And so I had to go all the way into 1 verses 5. I think it was 1 verses 4. And I found. What’s the 63rd word? Jesus. Jesus Christo Jesu which is Jesus, folks. So they have Luciferum connected to Jesus. And you see, the Catholic Church is not only the largest sect of Christianity, but you can tell that that group or organization are not changing the course of their actions. And you got to think that they know a thing or two about how this reality works. Probably more than you and I But they’re not changing the course of their action.
So if you’re somebody who thinks they’re so evil and they’re not changing the course of their action, and they got Jesus linked to Lucifer and they sing to Lucifer, well, there’s probably more layers to the story that you don’t know about and I don’t know about because I’m not Catholic and I’ve never been to the Vatican. But you see, this is the code that’s not hidden anymore because we’re code breakers. 360 letters, 360 degree circle. They are saying the Maseroth is the Luciferum, the constellations. They get it tied to Lucifer. They get. It’s tied to Jesus, folks.
There it is, right there. This is the 63rd word in the 63rd book. From the Latin vulgate. Okay? This is how the code breaking works. All right, so here’s the 63. And I can easily attach it to non player character. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Well, wait a minute. That’s in Chaldean and Luciferums in Latin. Okay, fair enough. But I can tell you right now that the flower of life is the zodiac wheel. There is, there is no question about. This is the zodiac wheel. I promise. This is why the numerologies match up to it.
Non player character, flower of life. This is where you’re going to get the Kabbalah system. It’s tied to the zodiac wheel. That’s why they have the, the Hasad and the yard and the Malkuth. And because all these layers are tied to the planets. So since I’m using Latin here and I found non player character here, but you want to keep it in the integrity of the Latin, Totally cool. So here it is in Latin. Non player character. 185. Go bridge it with chemistry. Ranium. And what’s rhenium tied to? Raw. It’s tied to Ra. Ra or Ray is the sun God of Egypt, which is tied to Lucifer, which is tied to Jesus.
Here’s the original numerology of it. Isaiah 14, verses 12. This is where they got it from. The. This is a Latin spelling of Halil, which is the shining one. The constellations are the shining ones, folks. That’s why they have it pegged as this. Are they wrong? Well, if you say so. I would beg to differ. I would beg to differ, folks. So Ra, Lucifer, Jesus here. I mean, the 63rd word. Come on. I mean, this is not stretching anything. This is so tight here. Very, very tight here. And the last slide I have ladies and Gentlemen, to connect to that185 for non player character from the Latin, as I go back to he, the original Hebrew and these two scriptures which just so happen to talk about the very first time Adam was created and Eve was created.
Created. And when you do the numerology of those two scriptures from the original Hebrew, you’re going to get 185 non player character. So if these people are non player characters, what does that make you? What does that make me? What does that make all of us? See, we’re doing the dance of the stars here, folks. And when you become a fan of astrology, when you look up astrology and you get a proper interpretation and you read about how you’re coded, you’re going to see that you live in a predestined world. And the name of the game is to get as close to your code as you can and not veer away from it.
Because the best experiences are when you’re on that trajectory. Okay? So I would love to hear what you saw, ladies and gentlemen. Keep your comments coming again. Just listen, keep them cordial. It’s all about loving here. You don’t have to agree with what I’m showing you here. That’s totally cool, but I promise you that a belligerent comment, it’s not going to make it. So you could just save your typing. So if you’re angry or you just whatever, just go get a hug or something, you might need a hug. That’s probably what I would suggest you do, but.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, what’d you see? Keep your comments coming. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. 4D. Code your reality until next time. We will see you later.