Spread the Truth




➡ Logan, a guide, discusses the harsh reality of drug abuse in places like Kensington, Pennsylvania, comparing it to a ‘zombieland’. He talks about a dangerous drug called ‘crocodile’ that is causing havoc in many cities worldwide. He uses various tools like numerology, tarot cards, and science to decode this situation, suggesting that humans are like experimental mice. He concludes by linking this situation to religious allegories, suggesting it’s a form of cleansing or ‘return of Christ’.
➡ The text discusses the concept of a ‘zombieland’, referring to people who are trapped in a cycle of addiction, particularly to a dangerous drug called xylazine, also known as ‘tranq’. The author suggests that this situation is part of a larger, predestined reality and encourages readers not to judge these individuals. The text also mentions the origins of the zombie concept, tracing it back to a 1929 book called ‘The Magic Island’. The author concludes by warning of the potential for a ‘zombie apocalypse’ as the situation worsens, particularly in big cities.
➡ The speaker discusses the decriminalization of drugs in Vancouver and its implications. They then delve into a complex analysis of the molar mass of a drug called xylazine, relating it to tarot cards and the concept of order out of chaos. The speaker also connects the drug to the biblical figure of Lucifer and the concept of destruction. They further link these ideas to popular culture, including the song “Zombie” by The Cranberries and the movie “Joker”. The speaker suggests that these elements are all part of a larger, scripted reality.
➡ The text discusses the connection between Kensington, Pennsylvania, known as Zombieland, and the concept of zombies in popular culture. It mentions a song from the 1950s called “Zombie Jamboree” and a local rapper who identifies with the ‘zombie’ lifestyle. The text also delves into numerology, suggesting that certain numbers and dates are significant and tied to the theme of zombies and the underworld. Lastly, it discusses the idea of a scripted reality, suggesting that people are playing roles assigned to them.
➡ The text discusses various concepts from numerology, theology, and mythology, connecting them to the idea that life is like a movie where everyone plays a role. It suggests that Lucifer represents ego, self-gratification, and materialism, and is associated with destruction and death. The text also links these ideas to the Kensington district in Pennsylvania, suggesting it’s undergoing significant changes. Finally, it connects these concepts to the idea of an underworld ruled by Hades, where death feeds the ecosystem.
➡ The text discusses various spiritual and philosophical concepts, including the balance between good and evil, the significance of certain numbers, and the transformation of lead into gold. It also mentions the idea of reincarnation and the role of various elements like plutonium and lead in these theories. The author encourages readers to reflect on these ideas and their implications for our understanding of reality.


Last time I came here, I did a video about Kensington, right? And there was like youtubers and also CNN that accused me of exploiting people in Kensington by calling it the city of zombies. How do you feel about people that are upset? No, that’s what it is. It’s zombieland. I’m a zombie too. You come in to interview a zombie too here. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is decode your reality. And today we’re gonna be breaking down and decoding a little bit of zombiness, that great song probably still playing in the background by the cranberries called zombie.

This is zombieland decoded. And this one’s gonna be a little graphic, folks. This is not for the faint of heart. This is a pretty heavy topic. This is a really heavy topic. I’ve been following this whole process of the world for many, many years. I don’t talk about it really. I don’t live in these areas and I’m grateful that I don’t. And folks, when you watch the videos, I’m gonna leave some of the, I’m gonna leave a video link in the description for all of you. People go here and they start filming and it’s. It should make you grateful that you don’t live in these areas.

This is where you get to be in a state of gratitude because these people here are literally living in hell. I mean, we’re all in hell. But like, this is, this is a gradient that is way below the level that you’re probably at. So when, just when you think, oh, my life is this and my life is that, huh. Well, how much higher on the totem pole are you when you compare yourself to these scenarios here? I’m going to be highlighting Kensington, Pennsylvania. You know, the great state of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The great city of Philadelphia. Right.

In Philadelphia, Kensington, right. That the kind of the hub of it all. And I started my journey back in the day with this here desomorphine and this drug, but it was literally being abused in Russia and it was called crocodile. Maybe you watch some videos and if you want to watch some videos on this stuff, you can find a ton on YouTube. And it’s so acidic, the stuff, it’s a zombie flesh eating drug because they’re taking the drug itself and they’re trying to make it in a lab like they do methamphetamine and other things as well.

And it literally starts to eat the skin. And this is what’s going on in many cities around the world, not just Kensington and Russia and London and New York, this is happening in these bigger cities. Right. So this is kind of where I got started with this, this crocodile. And people are just hooked and they can’t get off it. You know, when you look at the right, like a lot of people ask me, how come you’re just using English? Can you decode other languages? Yeah, Russian. You go to the russian cipher with crocodile, and, and you’ll see that not only in the full Russian, it’s the 10 two.

And what is that? 102 linked to? Pandora’s box. Right. And Pandora’s box is not just the beautification of our reality, it’s the nightmare as well. And it reduces down into the 39. And I’m going to show you what this 39 is linked to. This is tied to Abaddon and Apollyon, the destroyers in theology, if you’re a fan of that stuff. And Abaddon, the numerology of it is 39 or Apollyon, one of those two. I had it. And leave the world behind, part two. Big shout out to the Patreon members. Thank you for all your support. But the 39 is tied to the destroyer.

Right. The destroyer to come in. And that’s, that’s exactly what’s going on here. So let’s jump into this presentation, and I’m going to talk about those of you that are new here. As a decoder, I like to simplify things. Of course, I get all my tools gathered, right. So if you’re like a carpenter and you show up with a toolbox, you have your hammer, saw, chisel, screwdrivers. Well, this is what we use as decoders. These are the tools that I use. These are tools that we use as decoders. So this is in no particular order, but this is what we’re going to be using for this breakdown.

We’re going to use science. We’re going to use chemistry. Alchemy is what the word I like to use, and it has 20 protons and calcium. Calcium is in our bone, bones and teeth. I can tie that right into numerology of the science and numbers. What is this word? Well, the origin of zombie, going all the way back to the Congo and Africa. That’s as far as I could find it. This is the word that it came from. And it starts with that zombie. It’s the end on the beginning of that. And that ties to calcium. And a zombie is a lot of people when they look at zombie and, like, what does it mean while you’re soulless.

Well, you go watch some of these interviews. And these people, when they’re nothing messed up, they come. They snap back out of life, right? They snap back into life, I should say. But nonetheless, 20, being tied to the bones and teeth, the skeletal structure, which is what all human beings have. And then I can connect it to the playing cards. A deck of playing cards. 52 cards in a deck. Four suits. Force 52 weeks per season. 52 cards, four suits, four seasons. You know, the shebang with these. These are very accurate. The 20th card in the cards of illumination is what I call them, is the seven of clubs.

And then you convert that to get the picture. And we now get into the tarot. And this is card number 28. And now you have a card where you’re. And this. If you watch the interviews in Kensington and London and even in skid row in Los Angeles and all these big cities around the world, this is what. People don’t want help. They just. This is kind of their energy right here. They’re very standoffish, right? They’re very, very standoffish. This is kind of the way I interpret the tarot, when you connect all these dots and then bringing in the 52 cards of what are called the medicine cards, made by a.

Made by the native american traditions. They use animals, insects, and reptiles to do their expressions of what the numbers mean. And the mouse got the nod for the 20th card. So, again, mice are things that we, as human beings, experiment on. Countless mice get experimented on for the benefit of mankind with drugs, pharmaceutical stuff. For your benefit. For my benefit, they suffer. And this, to me, tells the story that we, as human beings, are the mice. We are being experimented on. And that’s why this mouse card is the 20th in the deck tied to. And so, essentially, are we zombies.

Now, I know a lot of you would say, no way, no, I’m not a zombie. Because a zombie, you’re gonna define it as someone who’s soulless. But, folks, zombies, if you go, go read the definition of what a zombie means. It means the dead, right? And, you know, there’s the straw man, which institutes someone who’s dead. A dead corporation, the straw man. So there is a layer here to say that human beings are zombies, and backing that up and supporting it with the straw man, backing it up with the maritime law, and all the things that are incorporated in black’s law dictionary.

Okay? And then we can bring mathematics into this. And 71 is the 20th prime number, and it connects to the mouse and the chat. And then what is 71? Where does that go? Well, that goes to Lucifer. This is one of Lucifer’s cards as well. See, Lucifer’s role is to clean up. It’s time to take everything out. The sword comes out. This is the part of where you separate Jesus and Lucifer. Two sides of the same coin, right? This is why Jesus says in Matthew, I’m not coming with peace. I’m coming with a sword. What do you think all this stuff is going on here? What do you think all this is? This is the sword to take people out.

Jesus ain’t coming back like a guy that some religious figure going to come in and like a shining star and come down and save you. No, it’s the savior is where it cleans up. It cleans up all the germs and bacteria. The germs and bacteria, meaning the. The riff raff of the world and the things that are not, you know, not that are not toxic anymore. That’s what it means, folks. It’s an allegorical statement. Theology is. And you’re seeing it firsthand. You’re seeing the return of Christ right here. This is it. This is part of the return of that story of the Christ, make no mistake about it.

And you got to have the grim reaper come in, do that. And that’s what Jesus was saying. And I’m coming with a sword. Yeah, this is the sword right here. You’re looking at it. And the zombieland is part of that. So we’re gonna talk about all these things, usually using these methodologies. And I’m gonna start here, you know, and I got started on this maybe a few nights, three, four nights ago, and I just haven’t stopped watching. Just, I’m so interested in human psychology, behavior, and then studying the world and seeing. Seeing it go through these cycles.

And, you know, these people are so far gone in their consciousness because they’re addicted to. They can’t get off of whatever reasons there are, and this becomes their world. And you see, I feel like when you want to refine yourself as a human being, you will not judge these people because many of you will go watch these, these. These interviews, and you’ll watch and you’ll judge. And that is not an area of refinement. And why I say that is is because, see, this is a predestined, scripted reality. This is a predestined reality. These people not having choices.

Now, if you want to get sad about something, it would be that. But of course, everybody plays a role. And just be grateful that you did not get this. Just be super grateful that you didn’t get this. All right, so, moving along, ladies and gentlemen, let’s jump into some of the scripted reality that we live in to break down the origins of our reality. And I’m gonna start here with this book title called the Magic island. As far as I could find, the research that I found, where the concept of zombie came from, where it was first popularized, was in this book from 1929 by William Seabrook called the Magic island.

Notice that it was published on January 3. And here it is circled down here. The January 3 card, ladies and gentlemen, is the jack of spades. This is one of the Jesus cards. So, now, you bring theology into this. I promise you, this is the way this works. And when you convert it into the tarot to get the picture, you have the Knight of swords. This is the card of revolution. What do you think? This whole. All this stuff is right here, all part of a revolution to change the environment. This is all part of the cleanup.

Like, when you get sick and you take medicine or you go on a detox, that now you’re talking about having a physical detox on the earth. And this is where Jesus says, I’m coming with a sword. Full battle gear. Right? So, again, theology is an allegorical book, and it is. You’re seeing it right now with all this stuff going on. Okay, now, the scripted part is. Is when we bring in the medicine cards. Here to the left, we have the alligator card, card number 50, which is the publishing date of this magic island book. And I is matched to the 50th card, called the alligator card.

And this connects to this next slide. See, this is where I started my research years ago. I just haven’t really brought it up. I thought it was really interesting, the horrific things that people go through. And it was in Russia, this started out, and it’s called crocodile. That’s what they called it. Crocodile. This is all I backed in 2012, 2010. This has been a long time coming. And it’s from desomorphine, which is, like, ten times as strong as regular morphine. So now you get into the opiate family, and this stuff is where you get the flesh eating bacteria from.

Okay? And it’s crocodile, folks. The alligator card. You see how all this is connected? Mankind did not sit down. These weren’t even created back then. And I promise you that Jamie Sams and company, who created these native american cards, did not place the alligator on the 50th card because they were a zombie fan, and they knew about haitian voodoo, and they knew about this book from 1929. No. No way. No way. And they created these decks long before this came out. And so, see, all these people would have to be in on this big conspiracy to try to get one past you.

That’s what some people think. Mankind, ladies and gentlemen, is not in control of this reality period. That is my final answer, and I back it up with hundreds and hundreds of videos. You’re at the tail end of it here with this age in process of moving in, replacing the pipe, the end of the Piscene age, moving into the aquarium age. So, anyway, let’s get into xylazine, because this is the skin rotting zombie drug that is on the streets of many cities. Not just Kensington, but Kensington, Pennsylvania, is the hub. It’s considered the hub. I’ve watched so many videos, and the people, the.

The videos that I’ve watched that it is the worst places that they’ve ever been to. Okay, though. And there, it’s not just the xylazine. It’s a tranquilize. A horse tranquilizer. I would imagine it’s in line with ketamine. You ever try ketamine? I have, way back in the day. It’s a horse tranquilizer, folks. Xylazine. And they’re mixing it with fentanyl, heroin, and whatever else they’re mixing it with. And these people are just literally falling asleep in the streets. Here’s an interview by morals over money, this YouTube channel I just chose because they interviewed this guy right here, and you could see how.

How horrible this is, how horrible this. It’s eating flesh, man. People are injecting it back in these sites. Their bones are showing. It is absolutely horrible what’s going on. And these people can’t get out. They can’t. They just. They either they don’t want to, or they cannot get out. And again, when you compare yourself to someone’s life like this, the instantaneous gratitude should fall into your mind that you didn’t get this code, because what a horrific life to live through the lens of this, you know, poor soul right here. Get in that code. I wouldn’t wish.

I wouldn’t wish it at all, obviously. Right, so we’re getting into the zombie apocalypse. This zombieland, it’s now coming. It’s here. And I wouldn’t want to be in any of these cities, I tell you that. Any of the big cities. I would never want to be living in any of those big city. Those of you that live in the big cities, you got a lot of courage because of the inevitability of the downfall of these cities, in my opinion, is, again, it’s inevitable. Right. So we have the zombie apocalypse here. And will it get to this level? I mean, there’s this, it brought to this, brought to mind this movie right here, World War Z.

And, you know, and, and is it gonna get, this is obviously so dramatic in Hollywood. But, folks, when you go watch the videos online of real people, like this guy in the streets and what they’re looking like hunched over, they fall asleep hunched over and, you know, remember that they’re just looking for their next fix so they don’t get sick. A lot of them are. They get heroin sick, dope sick, and they just don’t want to get sick. So they get addicted to just not getting sick. And I, right, so it’s a vicious circle. Well, you know, all the hyperinflation on the world stage and everything that every, everybody has to do right now, some of you has to do to adjust to this.

Well, what do you think they have to do? And this is coming to a head, right? We’re getting this. It’s all part of the process, the cleanup. This is all the changing of the guards. And it’s getting to this point. We even have the member, the movie Soylent Greenhouse, Charlton Heston. That fits into this right here. But, I mean, this is all coming to a head, and it’s just gonna get worse before it gets better. Right. And I’m just being a realist here, not to put any fear inside of you, but I mean, like I said, if you live in a city, I wish you.

I mean, you got a lot of courage. You got a lot of courage if you live in the city. That’s, that’s all I gotta say because of these things that are going on, and it’s all around you. And like I said, when hyperinflation continues to move, when the squeeze continues to move, this is when everybody gets forced out of these areas and they just brush out into the suburbs and et cetera, et cetera. So I’m going to, I’m going to break down this xylazine here, right, considering this is the big one, it’s called tranq on the streets of Kensington, mixed with whatever.

But this is the main proponent, and this is it. What it does is it robs the skin of oxygen. So when they’re injecting it, trying to get it in their vein, and they miss, they’ll inject it in the muscle tissue, and now it gets an abscess, and it robs the, the tissue of, of oxygen. And this is where you’re gonna get situation like this. And it can be anywhere on the body, man, I. The scenes that I have seen with this, the real life scenes are absolutely horrific. People getting their legs and arms amputated. I mean, this is what.

This is what’s going on, ladies and gentlemen. And it just. I mean, how’s it gonna get better? You know them, Dennis. But I started in Vancouver. Vancouver, they decriminalized the use of drugs. Well, I mean, in Kensington, they don’t really prosecute anymore. The rules have changed because it’s so far gone, you know? So, anyway, let’s get into the breakdown of this, and I’m going to show you what the. What the script says, right, the code that runs the final product, the screenplay of Earth. I’m going to show it to you. I’m going to use the methodologies that I talked about.

Now, I’ve done this with glyce, glyphosate. I’ve done it with Viagra, sildenafil, citrate. I’ve done it with many other ones. But you. What you do is we want to look to see what card is attached to this drug, and we get what’s called the molar mass, the compounds that make up sulfur and nitrogen. The compounds that make up this, xylazine. This was created a long time ago, by the way, too, but the molar mass is 220. And then the rules of the tarot in the mathematics is you take the total amount of cards in the tarot.

78 is the most popular, and you subtract until you get to 78 or below. You stop at 78. If you get 79, you got to go below that. So we have to do it twice. And the 220 becomes the 64. And this is the 64th card in the deck. And it’s the king of swords again. Another sword. Right? I’m coming with a sword. This is what it means, ladies and gentlemen. This is part of the sword, man. This is part of it right here. This is all part of the sword. The return of the christ, the second coming of Christ.

This is it. This is part of it. You’re seeing it firsthand. So we’re living in, you know, even though it’s horrible stuff, though, the. The greatest time to be a human being alive, you’re witnessing things that are probably. You’ll never. You know, it’s going to take a long time for other people to see that again, but nonetheless, look at the. Look at the. The key words for the king of swords. Now, the king of swords in the cards of illumination sits in the crown line, and it isn’t it is in Saturn’s line, Kronos’s line. And Kronos is father time, and it represents the judge.

This is the ultimate judge right here. And this king of swords, ladies and gentlemen, does not rule with any emotions. That is what messes everything up. Emotions. I know some of you will refute that. Go, well, you got to be loving. You got to be know, you got to be. You have a heart. And I get all that stuff as bars, being a human being. But I’m talking about what’s running this reality is a non emotional entity aspect. And it’s with these words. It rules with authority. It rules with morals, ethics. It’s impartial. It’s a regulator.

Right. So what does it mean? This is the tool that it has, one of the tools that it has. This is regulating mankind. Okay. I mean, right in your. In your body right now, this is what’s going on. You have massive amount of cells that are dying off. In a sense, this scenario is happening in each and every one of our bodies. Cells die, and then brand new ones get born. Essentially, your body is an ecosystem. Well, this is an ecosystem. This whole thing is an ecosystem outside of the body, and we become the soul below.

In the body. This is the as above. And then as above becomes ruling over the soul below, which is Earth. I’m telling you, folks, this is the card right here. And if you know what this king of swords is and you can kind of interpret it into the. This. I’m coming with a sword. I’m coming to clean up this reality. The changing of the guards, however you want to look at it through your lens of whatever you call to be spiritual or God or whatever. I’m telling you, ladies and gentlemen, this is part of the cleanup.

As nasty as it is, this is what’s coming down the pike. And this is the great judge that sits on the throne that does not have any emotions. It just rules by creating a regulation aspect and creating order. Order out of chaos. This is chaos. This. This is all chaos, folks. This is chaos, and it can’t go on forever. So it’s coming to a head. I don’t know how long. I’m not predicting anything. I’m not into that kind of stuff. But you can clearly see the screenplay playing out just with this, starting out with this xylazine, right? So let’s get some chemistry involved in here, and let’s see if we can get some deeper layers.

What has the 220 molar mass or the weight, I should say the isotope, not molar mass. Of the isotope radon. Ra don. See, I have it in parentheses here. It’s called radon. I call it ra don. Why do I call it ra dawn? Because this is another word for son of the morning. Dawn is the morning time. This is where you get the connection to Lucifer, who is known as the light bringer, the son of the morning Radhe dawn. And it is got a toxic symbol for it. Radon comes from radium. It’s a ra based energy.

Okay, so now you have Lucifer tied to that radon, and you could see how it’s tied to what’s doing this flesh eating zombie apocalypse, what has a big hand in it, mixing it with other things. But xylazine is the one that is eating the flesh. I’m telling you, this is where Lucifer comes in. And now Lucifer gets its. And Lucifer, Shiva. This is the side of Jesus. I’m telling you, Lucifer and Jesus, they’re just one of the two sides of the same coin. One does this, one does that. This is how this works. Part of this scripted reality.

Part of this scripted reality. You can see Lucifer also being tied to Pluto. And Pluto is the destroyer, right? The destroyer. And Pluto is tied to Shiva. Shiva is tied to hell. I’m gonna show you how all this is connected to the light bringer. And you know, the. The Joker, the Joker, Joaquin Phoenix. They chose him. He has the last name. Phoenix 2019. The Joker. Not an accident there, because that city burning is the same thing as this. They’re all been showing it, and it’s coming. That’s why, you know, if you’re in a big city, you got a lot of courage, man.

I wouldn’t want to be in one. But anyway, ladies and gentlemen, let’s keep going with this presentation. How about this song right here by the cranberries that I had playing in the beginning? How’s that connected? Well, part of the scripted reality zombie by the cranberries. And look at the day that it got released. The 19th, the 19 September in 1994. Look at the length of the song. 50 six, which is lights, camera, action. We’re in a movie. Okay, 94 is tied to plutonium, which is tied to Lucifer. Okay? And you can see that it’s death. Radon.

Radon. It’s taught. Look at. This is the death symbol, folks. It’s the death symbol. And of course, 19 tied to the sun as well. Light, bring our sun. Okay, they. It’s. It’s a team unit. The sun, Pluto, Mars, Venus. It’s a team unit. It’s not just one thing. It’s all of it. It’s like Voltron. You ever watched that cartoon as a kid? So here is the song itself, the 19 September. Here it is. It’s the five of clubs. I mean, do I need to say anymore? If you know the interpretation of this card, what it can mean? It means fighting, disillusion.

This card right here is tied to religion. It’s tied to sports. It’s tied to currency. There’s a lot of things in religion, in sports, that has a lot of fighting and disagreements and arguments and debating and. Yeah, that’s what’s part of this zombie. This is what’s going on. That is the five. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. Five is the house of Leo. Leo’s rule. Bye, Helios. The sun, the light bringer, the light of the world. Okay, and this woman right here, Dolores, who’s passed on, who wrote the song. She wrote that song. She was born on the 6 September.

And this is her card right here, the 69th. The yin yang 69th card in the deck. She sang the song Zombie wrote the. You know what this is, folks? This is the. The. The. The church offering you salvation of you being in the streets on drugs or being on crutches or, you know, ready to have a leg amputated because you’re. You’re shooting up xylazine and your flesh is being rotted away. Think about what I’m showing you here. This lady wasn’t right. He. She was writing the song zombie about another scenario. But it doesn’t matter, because these songs have multiple meanings.

She was born in 1971. The 71 is the 20th prime number. Already showed that. All right, here. It’s where the zombie came from. You see, 71 being the 20th prime number. She was born in 1971. There’s the word zombie from the conga in Africa, the 20. And you don’t. You mean to tell me you think this lady’s trying to get one past you? This woman right here, Dolores. Oh, she’s a songwriter singer. She’s. She was being used to be an artist to write about this stuff. It’s all connected. This is part of Zombieland, which is what Kensington, Pennsylvania, is known for.

Right? So here is the song that I found, right. The zombie was the most popular one, but Jumbie Jamboree, it’s a calypso song, 1950s. It’s also known as Zombie Jamboree. And it. This, when I looked and researched, this was, like the first song that ever came out about zombies, this one. So I decoded it and look at what I found I mean, seriously, folks, it’s got a match to Kensington, where it seems like it’s the hub in the US of zombieland, it is known as Zombielandhe people pride themselves on this. That’s where they live. That’s their code.

I’m not going to judge them for it. I see life for what it is. Ladies and gentlemen, again, I get great gratitude knowing that I don’t have to experience a day in Zombieland in these parts of the world. How about you? Right, and I’m going to show you more with that, but here are the coordinates, just so you can know that this place was set up for this a long time ago, all the way back to the 18 hundreds. It was destined to become known as Zombieland. Here are the coordinates, the latitude, longitude. I showed how important these are where your birth city is, where you reside right now.

Well, Kensington having 39 north, 75 degree west, looking down here, what is a match to that? Well, these words in Hebrew, what is this word right here? It’s called hell. You can add in other, you know, ways you want to speak it. It’s hell. It’s hey yod lamed lamid. Hell. That’s how I pronounce it. And that’s what this place is. Hell. You’re the urine and then you’re in your hell. It’s gradients. It’s a gradient, folks. Well, you know what? This is the conversion. A lot of people, it’s Lucifer. Okay, so you have the full Hebrew gematria 75, matching the west longitude, and then you have the reduction or the full Hebrew in the double digits, and you get the 39.

This is not a coincidence. Wait till I show you the connections to Lucifer already. I mean, we. I’ve already been showing them already, but let me show you some more. So really, I was watching the interview with this guy. This is the guy that’s called the King of Kensington Skrilla, which means money, I think. He practices centeria. His father sent area. And, like, I gotta be honest, when I watched some of the. When I listened to some of the music, it’s a. I mean, the production is amazing. If you like this kind of style of music.

I’m not really a fan of rap, but I got to tell you, it definitely has a lot of hooks in it. And when you listen to it, the. The music and the style, they did a really amazing, I thought, amazing job in production. But the lyrics and the. The scenes that they show, all zombie stuff, it’s all drug induced Percocet, whippets, you know, and he, he prides himself for being in zombieland. Here he is right here, and here’s this channel. And he, he, you know, when you go look at his videos and his album is called Underworld under world.

Think about that. Underworld, which is tied to Pluto and Hades and Lucifer and the sun under the world. So I’m just be cautious when you listen to this stuff, because, and just when you watch the videos, you’re to see a lot of drug and drug stuff and paraphernalia and. But that’s what this guy’s life is. This is how he grew up. So again, no judgment here, right? This is the way, this is the code he got. That’s the code he got, ladies and gentlemen. And he prides himself. And he’s called the king of Kensington. So here he is.

And this is the first video I watch. Brandon Buckingham, go check out his channel. I think it’s just hilarious. See, these people, they wear these symbols, whatever, teach their own. He’s obviously christian based. I mean, but he’s out on the street, and he’s doing here is Skrilla. And he’s got the. He. When you watch these videos, he’s carrying, you know what this is? It’s a bottle of whippets. And he’s constantly doing it, man. And you know what that stuff does to the brain. Prides himself on it. That’s why in the beginning of this video, he says, I’m a zombie.

I’m a zombie. And so he ends up doing whippets when he’s hanging around this environment. So the king of Kensington is Skrilla. And, you know, he’s a very talented rapper, despite what’s going on. I think so. But, I mean, not my style of music, but nonetheless, everybody loves him. And he’s the face of Kensington, but he prides himself. And he practices centeria. And you go study it. When I started studying that religion, I realized it’s all just a Ponzi scheme. It’s all part of the same thing. All these deity names, all these religions, all the same thing.

It doesn’t matter what religion you practice. It’s all the same. They all lead back to the same source. So nonetheless, you know me. I’m gonna look at as many things as I can, and one of them is his YouTube channel. I don’t know his birthday, but he joined on August 19. Now, was he consciously aware of joining on this day? Well, there’s the 19, right? Remember, death is 19. Radon, Lucifer’s, one of Lucifer’s element is 19. The word master equals nine. But death is 19. Well, August 19 is the 231st day of the common year. And then we just tie that into chemistry and we have this element called protactinium.

Protactinium means the first. And what this ideograph here, here is. It’s a. It’s a snake. It’s a serpent. Absolutely. Why I say that, and I’m gonna back that up, is I’m gonna jump over now to doctor Hillman’s YouTube channel. And I like his content, some of the stuff, but it’s all coming to a head, right? He’s doing his job. He’s not in control of his reality. Well, this man called Lady Babylon, bringing the Greek into the forefront, created his channel on the same exact day. And he just so happens to have a video that he did.

A really kind of. He made it fun with an interview with Lucifer. And you watch some of his videos, his live videos. He’s got a snake, pet snake. It’s crawling up his neck. It’s no secret, ladies and gentlemen. I know what this whole thing’s about. Do you? And if you can, if you don’t judge it, you know that it’s scripted. This man doesn’t have a choice. He’s doing his job, just like Scrilla is doing his job. Just like you’re doing your job. Just like I’m doing my job. Right, but there’s no accident that both of them have the August 19 day of when they started their channels.

And on top of that, what is this tied to protactinium? Well, it’s tied to Lucifer, of course. Why wouldn’t it be? You see, the big clue in the tip off was studying Thomas John Ellis, the actor, casted to play Lucifer. You see, the clue, the hidden gem, is in the mother’s maiden name. So if you look at this is his birth certificate name. Thomas John Ellis. But when you look his mother’s knee, name is called Hooper. And there’s the. The magic Hooper. Right? And you could see that his last name’s got the devil card here. This is tied to the eight of diamonds, which has got the loose first sigil right over it again, folks, Thomas Ellis.

Doesn’t have a choice. Didn’t have a choice. He’s from Cardiff. They have a dragon on their flag. This is where he was raised, folks. Doesn’t have a choice in the matter. He’s an actor. He got casted to play Lucifer. There’s the 91 protactinium, meaning the first, there’s all these clues and there’s the serpent. And here is his birth card. Born on November 17, 1978. Right there. Three of clubs. Now, if you’ve ever watched Alice in Borderland, right? If you’ve ever watched this right here, Alice in Borderland, the trailer right here. What they do is this guy says there’s a game master and they pop up the three of clubs in this show.

I’ve highlighted this many times. Was that a coincidence that. That Lucifer gets to be the game? Matt, the light bringer, which is the light show. You’re in a light game. You. You need light in this reality to experience it. You can’t sit in a dark room and do things. You need light. It’s the light game. And this guy has the three clubs. So does Jerry Bruckenheimer, the guy who produced Lucifer. Same birth card, three of clubs, right? So when you break it down into chemistry, you can see very, very clear indications of a scripted reality. His name, numerology, protactinium.

That 231 tied to the August 19, tied to Skrilla, tied to Lady Babylon. Doctor Hillman talking about the purple and Jesus and the Christ in the purple. And it’s all just a drug induced in phobia. And. Well, then he has the 16th card in the deck for his birth card. Thomas John super does. And that’s sulfur. Sulfur is fire. Hell. It’s hell. Right. 32 is tied to the word game master in chaldean numerology. Right? And when you add these two up, when you do the molar mass of sulfur and protactinium to match his name and his birth card, you get 263, which is the fifth 56 prime number, which is lights, camera, action.

The. The movie you see, you’re inside of a movie. Everybody’s marketing, everybody’s an influencer. Every time you shake someone’s hand, you say, hey, my name is Logan. You’re influencing them. Hey, tell me about yourself. And now you’re selling yourself. Oh, yeah, I’m good at this. I’m good at that. Oh, I can hire you to do this. This is all a movie, folks. You’re playing your role. Your screenplay right here. So let’s get into Lucifer a little bit, right? I thought this graphic came out amazing. This is the scripture in Isaiah 14, verses twelve. The only one known to mankind in theology, the Old Testament that people reference Lucifer to.

This is a latinized spelling. It’s actually called hell. So it says, how art thou fallen from heaven, o hell. That’s what it should say. How art thou fallen from heaven, o hell? Right. Heaven and hell. Yin, yang, contraction, expansion, sun of the morning, the ra, dawn. You see. Radon, ra, dawn. Okay? And what it says is that you weaken the nations. Yeah, well, you see, Lucifer is about ego, and it’s about self gratification. Absolutely. There’s all those things that play into the devil part. The devil inside of you, wanting this and wanting that. The materialism, this is all fool’s gold.

And the pyrite talked about that in the fool decoded the collecting of the materialism in this reality. Right? That’s what makes this reality so interesting. All the things that are bad for us taste the best, right? Everything that’s. That you love is. Takes you down. Well, that’s tied to Lucifer. This is the job of Lucifer here now, right? This is the job of this person, this character, this enter, this energy, I should say. Right? So here is the scripture right here from the original Hebrew. And the numerology in Hebrew is 478. 478 is the numerology. Now, I can’t really get.

That’s not. It’s a composite number, right? It’s a composite number. But what I want to do is I want to get down to tarot card. And what I do is I do the same rules as I did with the molar mass of xylazine, right? But in this case, this is the mathematical formulas you’re gonna do. You’re gonna take your 478, and you’re gonna divide it by 22, because there are 22 letters in the hebrew Alphabet, and you get 21.72. Then you just simply multiply 21 times 22 letters in the hebrew Alphabet, and you get 462. And then you just.

The third step is you take the 478, you subtract the 462. And so the scripture, the only scripture that seemingly is Lucifer. Hell becomes 16. And what is the 16th card in the tarot? The tower card, of course. So you see, Lucifer is the tower cardinal. This is the sword of Jesus. And it is Shiva, the destroyer, right there. Shiva is 16. The tower card is 16. We got that from Lucifer’s only scripture. Seemingly, the conversion of it of Isaiah 14, verses twelve, is. You see, Lucifer gets to be the destroyer. This is a third of God.

God is generate, operate, destroy that acronym, and Lucifer seemingly gets the destroy part. The horse is the pale horse, the death horse. All that apocalypse, all that stuff. Well, now you know what it’s tied to right here. See? How art thou fallen from heaven? Oh, hell. You’re in it. We are in hell, ladies and gentlemen. And this is what happens when you. This is going to eventually happen to your life, you’re going to face death. You’re gonna have tower moments throughout your life, right? This is Shiva in your life. The dance of Shiva and Shakti, if you follow the Hinduism, cosmology.

And it is Shiva, ladies and gentlemen. And Shiva is plutonium. I told you it’s connected to plutonium. I showed that in the first. And here’s a card that I had created of Kensington, right? And the tower card. And this is what’s going on, is that Kensington is having its moments. Part of the. The transition of the age and moving into the age of Aquarius, right? So here’s the Kensington district, more of scripted reality. Kensington district in Pennsylvania. You can see the origins of it. I mean, it. Does he get any more clear than this on being a scripted reality? Here is the history of it, Captain and Anthony Palmer was the merchant from Barbados who established the Kensington district.

Here’s the flag, ladies and gentlemen. What do you see on that flag in the very dead center? It’s the damn trident of Neptune. But Shiva has the trident as well. So now the connecting points are very clear. Very, very, very clear. Because, see, now we have to think that Anthony Palmer isn’t on this big conspiracy and putting Barbados there on purpose to mock. You know, folks, that’s absurd. See, we live inside of a screenplay, a movie, and it’s all connected once you start to have the eyes to see, right? So, Kensington, we’re gonna talk a little bit more about that.

Kensington being that number 40. We know it’s tied to the first zombie song jumbie jamboree. And. But now we attach chemistry to it and we get more very big insights on Kensington. Kensington being tied to the 40 protons of zirconium. This is a word from Arabic called zargon, which means gold colored. The image is a scarab beetle, which is death and regeneration. Notice the number 91 for the average isotope for zirconium. What was that 91 tied to? Protactinium. So you have sulfur fire. Hell. Thomas John Ellis Hooper, Lucifer. Protactinium in the serpent. And the 91 protons tied to the 91 isotope of zirconium, which has the 40 protons, which is tied to Kensington.

See how all this stuff’s tied together? And the clue here, it’s not just tying an element to it. It’s the damn death and regeneration beetle. The scarab beetle. That’s why, as on zirconium. And there’s the world war zt. See that? The World War Z, you can’t miss the subtleties. It’s there zirconium comes from the arabic words argon, or the persian word. I should say czar gun. There’s the World War Z. Okay, there you go. Zombieland. So, here’s the incorporation date of Kensington. March 6, 1820. March 6, 1820. Here is the March 6 card, the four of spades, the 43rd card in the deck.

And what does that look like? Getting a picture. It’s the four of swords, folks. You could just press pause and take a moment to really capture the environment that I’m showing here in the graphic with that four swords. And if you know what that four swords is about, and you correlate that to Zombieland, you know what this means? See, because these people, they’re going to reach a state of death. They’re going to reach a state of this and a lot of. And they. And this is zombie. You’re sleeping. This is what this card is indicating tied to Kensington, the incorporation date.

And if you go all the way back prior to the gregorian calendar, you go back prior to the julian calendar. Go back to the coptic counters. They have march as the first month. So this is. What would this be? One six, not 3616. And what is one six tied to how? Shiva the destroyer. See, this place is getting its shiva. This is hell. A gradient of it. This tells the story here, and you could see that we extend upon it even more. This is card 43. We get serpent in Hebrew. The word serpent in Hebrew is a 43.

And this is going to reduce down to the 583. And the 583 is going to reduce down to the number 16. Five plus eight, plus 316. Hell. That’s why the serpent is tied to hell. You’re in the belly of the beast. You’re in the belly of the beast. And then we can bring in Hades, the God of the underworld. So now we can connect. Lucid, refer to that. Oh, art thou fallen from heaven? Oh, hell. Oh, Hades. See, heaven is Zeus, right? Zeus is the brother of Hades. Hades got the underworld with his brother, Poseidon. Poseidon got the waters above Hades 43.

I mean, look at what this represents. For. For Hades, the God of the underworld, sleeping death rules death. Lucifer rules death. The sun below the sun is celestial, folks. Okay? The sun is celestial, and this is the war zone going on. And you see Hades. The food for Hades is death. It’s this. This feeds the underworld, because the. This is an ecosystem. All these things that are going to die and burn, turn to dust, and they go to the ground, and Hades gets it. The underworld gets it. So it thrives off of death, sleep, consciousness. No more.

And then you have the toggle between the angels and demons. That’s for a different story. Spirits that control mankind. Womankind, angel and demon, the good and bad. Good cop, bad cop, always with this. So this, this 43 becomes the 1644. Plus three is seven. One plus six is seven. Seven is the chariot, which is lib. Raw energy. It’s all in here, folks. Ra, the destruction, etc. Etc. I think this is my last few slides here. This is the scripture for hell. Isaiah 14, verses twelve. The numerology of it. There it is, 94. And what is 94? Pluto.

Plutonium, that’s why. And Plutus plutonium have, from the Royal Society of chemistry, Shiva, the dance of Shiva, nuclear explosion when they did the trinity test out in New Mexico. Pluto, plutonium, the ignition of that plutonium. And then the other 94 is the 42nd element called molecule, which is now getting into lead. Now you have lead to gold, because that’s what this reality thrives off of. The transition of lead to gold. That’s the harvesting of ambrosia, as the Greeks put it. And 42 is a big deal because it’s tied to the lake of fire. The word reincarnation equals 42.

The word crucifixion, which you’ll never see me do because it’s an act of reincarnation, is 42. This is. This is a partner of Lucifer, 1000%, folks. You’re seeing Jesus. This is Jesus right here. The sword coming out, wiping away through disease, through sick. What do you think? The big thing that happened over the past couple years on the world stage, what do you think that’s a part of Jesus coming with a sword, taking people out? This right here, molybdenum, 33, known isotopes. 33. There’s the 33, right? This is one of them. The yin yang, twice. But it does have this 94 as one of its stable isotopes tied to Lucifer.

Lucifer being lead led to gold. Lead being your lead. Down here, hell is lead. And then it goes to gold. Okay, it goes to gold. So there you go, ladies and gentlemen. Zombieland decoded. Try to get like Shiva in the background here. People hunched over. How bad is it gonna get? Well, you see, for me, I’m very grateful I don’t live in these areas. Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m safe and sound where I’m at. Nothing will ever happen to the place I’m at. But again, if you really are in these areas, well, and you start to watch some of these videos, are you just gonna be oblivious to what’s going on? Mm hmm.

Well, anyway, ladies, and gentlemen, you’re exactly where you need to be right now. The message that I just gave you, maybe that’s exactly what you needed to hear, but would love to hear your thoughts and comments. So keep them coming. Just keep cordial. You know, this is all about loving here. This is not fear based. I’m a tour guide. I’m here to show you the process of this screenplay playing out. This is part of it all that fits into this. Theology, syncretism. It’s all here in this zombieland. What is the inevitability of this? Well, who knows? But it’s.

I think we’re getting closer to the tip of the iceberg. So anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. For decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you later.

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