Designer Destruction: Hometown Hidden Horrors

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➡ The text describes a man’s concern about the increasing crime and drug use in his neighborhood, which he believes has become dangerous and unrecognizable. He mentions incidents of violence, drug deals, and graffiti, and expresses frustration about the lack of action from authorities. The man also discusses the impact of these issues on local businesses and the community’s quality of life. He believes that these problems are not isolated to his area, but are part of a larger, nationwide issue.
➡ The speaker, a long-time resident and business owner in Burlington, Vermont, expresses his concern about the city’s decline, particularly since the onset of COVID-19. He criticizes the local government and wealthy residents for not doing enough to help those struggling, despite the city being one of the richest college communities in the country. He also mentions issues with drug use and human trafficking, and suggests that the city’s problems are being ignored or mishandled by those in power. He calls for more effective solutions and for the city to start healing.
➡ A man named Mike Rupert claims he was asked to protect drug operations for an agency in the 70s. He tried to expose this but was shot at and forced out of his job. Another man, James Otis, is making a documentary about the CIA, interviewing former agents about their illegal activities. The text also includes a chaotic conversation about drug use, crime, and life in Burlington, with one person trying to document the situation.
➡ The speaker is a journalist who has been covering COVID lockdowns for five years. He uses his equipment to document the lives of homeless people and the issues they face, such as drug addiction and mental health problems. He also discusses the negative impact of homelessness on local businesses and suggests that politicians may be profiting from the situation. The speaker also shares a rumor about a secret underground system in downtown Los Angeles, used by celebrities to avoid traffic, complete with a hidden Starbucks.
➡ The speaker explores underground tunnels and bunkers, researching their connections and potential uses. They also delve into the history of Solomon, his power over the spiritual world, and how his actions led to the birth of witchcraft. The speaker encourages listeners to question what they know, explore deeper layers of existence, and carve their own path. They also mention a vast network of tunnels beneath Melbourne, described as a subterranean city.
➡ The text discusses a cave owned by the Freemasons, rumored to be a site for sinister activities, and a fake police department run by suspects claiming to be descendants of the Knights Templar. It also delves into the history and beliefs of the Freemasons, suggesting they are part of a larger, secretive organization controlling various aspects of society. The text ends with a disturbing account of child abuse allegedly perpetrated by Freemasons.
➡ This text discusses two main topics: the discovery of bones in Benjamin Franklin’s old house, suggesting he may have been involved in some strange activities, and the secretive Skull and Bone Society at Yale University, known for its influential members. It also mentions the involvement of British royalty in Freemasonry. The text ends with a poetic reflection on societal struggles and the need for resilience and empathy.


I’m leaving work now because I don’t want to be around here later on. It gets dangerous. You’re really worried about being down here right now in that parking garage. There were two kids that were assaulted and shot at. Okay? Right in there. If it was up to me right now. Yeah. I would pay to have the National Guard come here. Okay. You understand? I grew up in eastern New York. Brooklyn. You know where that is? Yeah, of course. East New York. You ever hear Goodfellas? Okay, that’s a true story about what kind of bad neighborhoods can get that thing that.

Oh, that’s where the stairs are. It’s called the tunnel. Okay. What’s that mean? That’s a word on the street that if you need drugs, you go to the tunnel and you go to each fight. Then you could buy all your drugs. I had a customer walk in and out. She got robbed out of a pocketbook the other day. She came in crying. There’s a gentleman in the paper today that approached the city with an ax, and he was arrested. He smashed me in the face in my alley. I never even called the cops. A young kid.

I’m not gonna start a fight. I’m 73 years old. Well, guess what? Six months later, he’s got an ax. Okay? He’s on the front page of the papers today chasing somebody. Okay? And look at. Look at all the graffiti you have now, like, on that building, you know? And no one really wants to talk about it. We have gangs. Why are so many people so scared to speak up? So the man that reached out to me or I got in contact with really wanted to tell this story. Can’t do it on camera. Security can’t do it on camera.

I guess from his boss. This is our library. All right, let’s. Let’s check it out. Are you okay? Oh, yeah. This is a seat. So what is that? What? Drug of choice. Don’t make yourselves look stupid. People are staring. They got the camera on. Okay. Right next to the beautiful library. Right next to the beautiful library. So their drug of choice is heroin Sometime. And meth and crack. Crack cocaine. Anthony is. He likes crack. So think of that. You’re this mother here, bringing your young daughters. These kids. Yeah. Your. Your son and your daughter. There’s no way I would let my kids sit on that bench.

What? Pee or something? Pee. Feces. Fentanyl. So this is allowed these days in Burlington? This is a lot, this situation. This is allowed. Little campground, set up. Drugs. You got Sam Saunders there. Stephen Saunders, who hunched over. It’s The. Oh, you just saw a drug deal right there. The drug deal. Yep. You literally just saw one. They just don’t care. They don’t care. Speaking of not caring, I decided to step it up a notch and go ahead and talk to them myself and see what the issue was and how we could fix it. Check this out.

Hey. Hey. This is about the bigger picture. This is not just Vermont, not just California, but I guarantee you, locally, near you, this is happening as well. Used to be my favorite pizza spot. Now people sleep. See this massage parlor? It’s open 24. 7:11pm you can come get a massage. Wonder what they’re doing up there, huh? Human trafficking and crime all throughout the usa. A systematic attack on our freedom and our sovereignty. Do you think if you just keep going to work, keeping your head down and grinding, that the bills are going to get cheaper and your wages will get better? The stress is going to increase? Do you think it’s a coincidence that this is happening all across the world? Do you think conspiracy is really a theory? Do you think the ones in charge seriously care about us when you can’t even go to the grocery store without buying poison? Let’s go.

I’ve been watching you for a while, seeing what you’re doing. Wait. I’m waiting for kkd. Well, dude, let’s go. Let’s do this interview to give me a tour. Yeah. What are you waiting for, huh? Why? So you can get up today? Well, you getting up today, so you’re getting up today. Why, though? Why waste money on. You got nothing else to do. Both of you motherfuckers shouldn’t even be out here in this. Both of you are better than that. Both of you should be balling dude with a house. Well, right? Everybody hustles. Right? Everybody hustle. I’m just waiting for you.

Well, I’m just saying, it’s all cool, hustling until you get popped. But there’s no police anyway, so it’s chaos. There’s. I guess there’s only 22 cops in that. I know, dude. That Asa girl. Well, you’re telling me. Dude, I’m just watching this video. Well, right when she says that, there I am crossing the road at one of the last I see, I’m like, wow. Like, I just messed up. Yeah, like that up. There’s a video on YouTube that this guy did his interview. He’s like. Because I was gonna come down here and snap pictures of people doing up, but no one’s really doing any up right now.

I’m. I Have a body camera on, too. And my burner in my pocket. I was gonna go, great deal. I don’t give a. Why would you care? They’re gonna cut you off. They want money. I don’t know about that, but it’s annoying people all over. Yeah, but imagine how people like me feel who want to come downtown and enjoy downtown. And it’s all up, right? So I guess we’re all annoying then, right? But you. You gotta do what you gotta do to get. Get what you gotta get. So if I’m gonna pay you to do an interview, at least you’re getting paid, right? I gotta go get my sandwich.

I should be ready. You know, the sad part is most of the world will never see how beautiful Burlington once was. Right? Just like most of the world will never see how beautiful your area once was, because I guarantee it’s suffering from similar side effects. What do you think causes these people to go on the street? Why do you think we all need to smoke so much weed? Why? Because all of these hollow solutions put out here by one’s in charge do absolutely nothing. And no one actually gets healed. And no problem actually gets solved. They just profit as we get deeper into turmoil.

So just try not to get confused when the victims turn to predators. How did the cops arrest him? They were looking for him. If you got a ball of teenagers and he goes, sweet, get out of here. How did they all this other. So. So What? There’s only 22 cops here. All of it. He just. I have all of it. It says 18k. I don’t think it’s real. Maybe it’s light. Yeah. Yeah. Dependent. Oh, I don’t. I don’t know. Yeah, it’s not real. Well, I mean, this chain. The chain might be. This is real. And it’s heavy.

No, that was. Yeah, this is heavier. He had it in his posse. I don’t. Maybe it’s not real because it’s light. I don’t think it’s probably hollow. Yeah, if it was solid, dog, that would be a crazy expensive change. Mine solid. All they found on it was mine solid. Oh, I thought you were saying. You were with me when I bought it. You just said it was hollow. No, that’s hollow. That one. So I don’t understand what. There’s only. There’s only a handful of cops out here. They were looking for them. Yeah, or they just saw it’s one or two.

One or two spotted them and then they radio it and they all, like, show up. Because there’s one. It’s at the Park 2. It’s Lance. They know he’s about drugs and community. Everybody’s there. So you know, we’re dealers out here. They know what’s one of the dealers. Right. But they can’t just pull you when you’re not doing it. Nobody had a warrant. Oh, okay. Got all his money. Yeah. Warrant is it? But I’m not like that. He’ll have all of it. It is what it is. This is more than a day. And that’s how it starts.

It’s all going to disappear. No, he probably does me as an er. You smoke weed? Oh, yeah. So that’s me. I like bathing weed. I’m. I just smoke non stop weed, so. Well, are you. Do you want to do an interview or not? Because get some good content, make a difference out here. May make it harder for you to hustle, but dude, you guys have to agree, growing up here, for me, it’s harder for me to hustle. That just blew my mind. Well, grow. You have to admit, growing up here, we grew up in Vermont. This is up.

This whole place is not necessarily the people, but the businesses are all closing down. Everything looks like people are scared to come down here. It’s like, dude, we’re if. If they don’t continue to get business, Church street’s gonna shut down. I’ve had people in my alleyway right here in Burlington oding dying in front of me. People bleeding. Okay. And then they’re walking to city hall and they’re walking around it. I can’t. I couldn’t go to work knowing there’s a guy on the ground. I’m a business owner in Burlington. I’ve been a resident of Vermont for 37 and a half years.

I came out of New York City. I had a drug problem. I came up here to change my life around and it worked out for me. So I’m fortunate. But the experiences in Burlington right now, that I’ve noticed since COVID we’ve really gone downhill. On a scale from 1 to 10, I looked at Burlington as too right now. And what’s unfortunate about it is that I don’t see any fix. I see people walking around the problem that are getting paid to help fix the problems. I don’t see them active doing anything other than relying on other people to put out the fire, put up money, put up housing.

There are plenty of rich people. This is one of the richest college communities in the country. And nobody is letting these people, they’re walking around on the street, pick them up, give them some Warmth. Put them in a camp on Cape Johnson like they did for Covid. I’m handing the state 51,000 to 60,000amonth. I’m collecting taxes for the state. Okay, but the municipality and a lot of people are getting these funds. Where are they going? We need to. I’d rather put my funds right into where I work, right around here, within a 500 foot radius. The 11 million dollar bridge that crosses 89 that they’re putting in to go to the gateway of south burlington.

Put the 11 billion back here. Are you trying to chase out the people to come down here? They’re trying to kill Burlington. I don’t see anything really getting done. They’re parading around the state looking for votes, but they’re not working down here. What you’ve got right around here are a lot of poverty pimps, okay? You got a lot of people here that have duplexes. Teachers, professionals, Airbnb in their apartments, out for two, 300 a day. Why aren’t they helping these people? One of them donate two, three houses, okay? They’re not donating nothing. They’re knocking that down over there to put up an 11 million dollar building that the city raised money for.

What are they going to do? Let the rest of the buildings deteriorate? They’re going to move. You’ve been to East New York, okay? You’ve been to projects, you understand? What do they want? To burn down the neighborhood? They took away the farmers market, that camaraderie and smorgasbord. They blamed it on the trees world. What, are you kidding me? You ruined the vibrance of the city. You see, every town has an uptown and a downtown, okay? Our downtown is all downtown. There’s no upbeat at all left. None. Burlington is now really, unfortunately a ghetto. All these buildings are empty.

Listen, we need help. If Church street shuts down, we get no tourists. If no tourists, dude, this whole place is going to be like the city. You know what I mean? That’s what happened. Yeah. So we got to do something. I mean, I understand you guys are flourishing in it. That’s cool. But I’m just saying, in my opinion, I’d like to use my journalism skills to fucking tell a story about what’s going on. Because nothing that you could, anybody can ever do. But people should know, like why, why, why you guys choose to do this? You know what I mean? Like.

Yeah, but it’s like, it’s like, you know, said a good point. It’s like the cops don’t care. You can get High on the street right and the cops don’t care. They’re doing this in every state around the United States. Well you know what is all the one coming from Billy? Well what’s the answer is is the answer to get a spot where everybody can go do drugs inside of like the using what are they called they’re making. Yeah yeah so is that the answer so what the enabling it so what the is the answer gonna happen no matter what it help well hawkit wasn’t happening before now it’s happening now injection place do wasn’t happening when we were growing up they stopped over heroin and all that wasn’t get here that’s when is when certain laws happen.

It needs to be easier for dealers to transport before they didn’t know the market up here was that big back in the day. Nowadays they know the market is huge so they’re taking advantage of it. Just like the port of Miami. If they were to reopen that all the cocaine from Cuba will come right back into anyone. You’d have no problem having kilos out here for $1,000 instead of paying 30 grand. No one’s ever going to stop the drugs and drug sales. That’s fine. I don’t care. That’s not what my goal is issue is growing business in the world is sex human T oh yeah not how is that here I don’t get involved well it’s here though I hear dude that lady in the video says I have friends that are really human trafficking.

I don’t get into pimping out women in that whole deal. That’s not me. But it’s here though. It is here. Oh yeah. My boy just said eight years for human well it sounds like there’s good money in it. So they’re kidnapping girls I don’t I won’t even a growing right away if they want I’m gonna treat them as a right I don’t I don’t get down like that. Yeah I’m not even someone who makes the first move. It just. It doesn’t feel right you know I want to be treated like a what look how excited he is get down like that at all.

I don’t know if anyone’s possible everyone does whatever no it’s dude again I’m not I’m not here to judge people and what they do. I just want Burlington to start healing. That’s all. This is the only place I I’m not leaving Vermont. This is the this is my city where I can go to relax and to say Hi to people. Now, what do you think causes this? Is it laziness? Is that what you think? Pain that’s never healed and wounds that don’t heal manifest in many ways. See, while you’re distracted, one in three kids are touched when they’re little and their abusers go and continue on touching.

So if you really want to make a difference, save the children. That’s half the fucking issue is the goddamn system eats people and spits them out. And that’s what contributes to fucking people not being able to get on their feet. And then they have to hustle. I’d still be if I didn’t find a way out. So I’m no be a drug trafficker dealer and run the f. Part of the government in their pocket is Pablo Esc. He’s the only one that ever does a hit. Well, that you see. You don’t think Bernie Sanders has anything to do with what’s going on? They all get paid from Black Lives Matter.

Right? But I don’t think you know what I mean. You never know. City councilors voted in favor of researching the opening and overdose prevention site. Here’s a good one, guys. The Burlington City Council feels laws, police, and jail is too harsh for drug addicts. They would rather enable them instead as their city crumbles. Here’s Joe. I ruined your fucking city. Maggie describing his diaper therapy war on drugs hasn’t worked. That arresting people, prosecuting them and putting them in prison, it does nothing to actually help people. No, Joe, give them a hot cup of coffee in a north face tent and tell them to go scare away shoppers on fucking Church street instead.

That shit’s working great, man. If you had this much compassion for business owners and the people that called Burlington home, this city would be thriving. This isn’t about policies. This is about a bunch of little kids having power in Burlington with authority complexes. I mean, what responsible lawmaker would ever let their city be the laughing stock of New England and look like a dumpster fire and refuse to fix a thing? At least if I go to jail for two weeks, I come out sober. That’s a hell of a lot more than you’re doing for these people.

Look, it’s the Burlington City Council coming back from lunch. They were brainstorming how to defund more police to fix the city’s problems. How’s that working out for you fellas? They are the world’s biggest drug cartel. I am a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective and I work South Central Los Angeles. And I will tell you Director Deutsch emphatically and not explain the case to the mic. Sir, these mics don’t seem to be. I will tell you, Director Deutsch, as a former Los Angeles Police narcotics detective, that the Agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.

All right, all right, all right. Obviously that is an answer for a lot of you. Now can you please. I refer. All right. Now can you please. I refer direct. Director Deutsch, I will refer you to three specific agency operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus and Watchtower. I have Watchtower documents heavily redacted by the Agency. I was personally exposed to CIA operations and recruited by CIA personnel who attempted to recruit me in the late 70s to become involved in protecting Agency drug operations in this country. I have been trying to get this out for 18 years and I have the evidence.

My question for you is very specific, sir. If in the course of the IG’s investigations and Fred Hitz’s work, you come across evidence of severely criminal activity. Let him speak. And it’s classified. Will you use that classification to hide the criminal activity or will you tell the American people the truth? If you have information about CIA illegal activity in drugs, you should immediately bring that information to wherever you want. But let me suggest three places. The Los Angeles Police Department. For the record, my name is Mike Rupert. R U P P E R T. I did bring this information out 18 years ago and I got shot at and forced out of LAPD because of this.

I’ve been on the record for 18 years, non stop. And I’ll be happy to give you, Congressman, anything that I have. The gentleman in the beige shirt back there in the back. My name is James Otis. I’m currently making a documentary on the CIA and we’re interviewing seven former agents. One was sent down to murder the head of Cuba, Fidel Castro. Another gentleman, Colonel Philip Brenninger, was sent down to Guatemala to overthrow the government of Guatemala in 1954. The third agent was actually a spy on Iowa State University campus where he spied on students, dark skinned students, foreigners and people from other countries.

He was then sent down to Cuba to poison the food supply in Havana. Poison the children of Cuba for whatever reason. So we all, I believe, already know this information. Mr. Deutsch, my question to you is if we know all of this stuff that the Agency has done historically, then why certainly should we believe you today when you say certainly this could never happen in Los Angeles when it’s happened all over the world? Why are you screaming? That means you’re a bad Motherfucker. Oh yeah, you’re a problem. To go find this guy and hunt it for years and years and years I’m.

Dude, that’s mind blowing. Well, that’s what happens when you’re here every day. Yeah. Are you staying out downtown more often? Nobody cares about you. And I think that was on me. What? So what he said he got to you before they got to you. Right. So as they were walking up, they don’t look into it, they don’t look inside. Why? Oh, it ended interest. So what is that? I probably have never seen it before. What is it? H. So what do you do with it? Just like you used to smoke pills. You just smoke it on the tinfoil like you used to smoke pills? No.

Ball of peanut. Wow, that was crazy. Listen, I’ve gotten the top thing. Look at my. My pants. Walking. Nothing in my property back my backpack. Opened it up. I had 20. I had a 40 gram ball. Now what do you think their goal is? They obviously can’t stop this, so why, what do you. All they do is try, do they just with people. Like what? Like the cops? Like not being cops, being human beings. I think it’s a probable interest thing they got that they found. Actually they didn’t really get the real deal that they were really looking for.

Was it those two cops walking down Church Street? I saw two cops walking down Church Street. I’m like, why is there two cops? Because listen, there’s only 22 on the force. Some of them are not working. Yeah. So there’s only a handful of. They walked down, they slotted in, they radioed in and we had a warrant. Burglary. You’re the only one I trust out of everybody out here to take my. He’s gonna be in jail for a minute. But then they found that burglary though. Yeah, he must have fryers. He probably doesn’t. Doesn’t have bail. So.

So it’s not breaking and entering, it’s taking from a store. So that burglary is taken from a store? Yeah. Okay, so they’re gonna. Okay, so that’s that BSC broken file. So B and E. Yeah, and he’s not being. And it’s only a misdemeanor. Breaking into someone’s house is only a misdemeanor. So I could break into anyone’s house, walk out and I got a misdemeanor? What now you owe your money? You owe your money or something? Well, at least you got something back here than a living. Really? You mean like in the world or here in In Burlington.

There’s people that desperate in Burlington. And of course, dude, that. Dude, don’t let Rya smell that. What does it taste like? Describe it. What. What does it taste like? Like a. Like a medicine. Like a. And as soon as you blow it out, do you feel it right away? Yes. What do you. What does it feel like? Euphoria. Better than sex. I never had it and I’m not going to. See, that’s the thing about this. That’s so expensive, dude. The wind. The wind. The wind could just blow the out of your hand, bro. Now what made you.

What made you, like, decide to just say it and just like, live this life compared to what you were at one point? What was the catalyst that just said, you know what? I’m done trying to. Trying to. Trying to do a. Traditionally, was it like you just. You just wanted to get high or you just said it, or you just got tired of what was. What. What was the thing for you that pushed you? Yeah. All my family face. Yeah. Mom, my dad, my grandfather, my grandmother, all four of my brothers, all of them been in prison for robbing men.

Everyone in my family is either a junkie or a drunk. There’s very few of us. They got the drunk. So what does that mean? That you have to participate in following that path? Like, my mom’s an alcoholic, my dad’s an alcoholic, and I’m done. Great. The great thing to not do any of this, and he just got pulled in. Yeah. Like, it’s magnetic, you know, it’s just warm around all the time. I see the money, I see everything that’s going. And then, you know, the. Who I’m around and people I know, I get offered. Hey, you know, I get offered a 10 mil for free.

This do. This eating sucks. Dig. I watched it. The drugs are so powerful. I’ve seen people turn gay. Get it to Dustin in New York. Yeah. That’s crazy. Yeah, it’s just. It just runs in my family. And I just didn’t get to, you know. Yeah. I’m an addict. I don’t never have a day in my life. Most people are molested. Yeah. Guys, come here. Look good. Again, about the only unity we get in the USA now today is between those who end up in prison together. Does that blow your mind? Where’s the love? I love how they just.

They’re just used to it. Well, that’s all they do is laugh it. It’s so funny. How did it get to this point? You know what I mean? Remember when we be scared to Smoke weed out in public. People are just ripping whatever the. How the did it get like. How the did it get like that, though? But is it, is it h. Or isn’t the police just not doing their job well, I’m just saying, like, what? Yeah, but people have always been in the drugs, so. Oh, my phone died. Dude, I need you to, to start lining up in your life to be on point because.

Yeah, so I’m a journalist. Yeah, I bet you are my guy. Do you not know who the I am? You’re not. You never heard. I don’t care. This is a body cam. Straight up. Police have no doubt. This is a body cam. Well, dude, listen. Yeah, yeah. Again, we’re. You have absolutely every right in your mind to be worried about it, but I’m not here for that. I’m here to bring back Burlington. So I’m trying to get everybody’s story I grew up with. And again, no, no, I’m not. And again, you know, I, I, I’m not hidden, miked up.

You know what I mean? That’s, that’s not what this is. I mean, look, dude, I got a camera hanging off me. Like, all I’m saying is, like, I’m gonna break it down. If you’re any gangster that’s come up, bro has to have the feds in their pocket like that. Right? Right. You need that protection. It’s either you stay in the middle and stay safe, or if you step out of that, you need to have one thing is if you go into a situation. Wrong one. Well, listen, look, look, look. Me neither. I’m out here. Listen, I’m out here just trying to get a story, all right? I’m out here just trying to get a story.

Did you grow up here? No, he’s my wizard. Well, first of all, this is, this is non lethal. First of all, did you grow up in Burlington? So I grew up here, too. And I don’t mind everybody doing their shit, but Burlington’s dying. And I just saw a video this morning of somebody going out who did, who just grew up here. He came back, and dude, in the video, they call out Steve. They’re like, oh, Steve Saunders is right here. I don’t even know who this fish is, but I want to come down there. I want your side of the story.

I want to know why the you guys are out here. Why? You know, everybody’s looking at everybody talking. So check this out. Like, because you don’t have to places me I with you if you ever need anything, like, somebody, like, there’s some good, bro. If you get a different situation, you better shoot somebody in the face of that. That’s just. Well, this is. This is a deterrent. You don’t want to play with burners because if somebody has a real gun, they’ll shoot you. Well, if someone has a real gun and you have this, you’re done. So two of them are plastic.

And then I have a pepper in there too. Yeah, yeah, the pepper are bad. There’s oc. It’s OC powder. This. This is in case, like, I’m talking to people and someone, like, gets crazy. How much is that? 115. And then the jacket, is that built in? No, no, this is a magnet. Yeah. So you. 30 bucks for this magnetic thing. So I’m. Dude, I’m a journalist. I’ve been fighting COVID lockdowns for five years. That’s why I have all this. So I go and I press police all the time. But this is a Nikon P1000. I can zoom into the moon.

I can see craters on the moon. It’s the highest zoom that you can get. This is day one, dude. Oh, really? Wow, That’s. Yeah, this is day one. I just take you into some hoods here, though. Like, you know, it’d be nice to show the world, like, what’s going on and like, here, get some shit. See? So, yeah, whatever we can block out and then. Whatever, dude. I’m down with whatever. I don’t. Even if I die. Not even about money, bro. It’s not even about money. I want to save Burlington because all of the store owners on here, like, it’s fine.

Everyone’s doing their thing but the store owners. You know, there’s like, you’re not sleeping in front of storefronts. You’re not in front of storefronts. Issue is people and pissing in front of storefronts and like that. It’s like we’re going to lose tourist business. And then that tax, that tax money that’s disappear is gonna make more money on us to pay more money than we really won’t be able to afford fucking rent. And then I’ll be on the fucking tree. So you know what I mean? I’m just gonna be putting homeless people in, like, a certain area and let them go wild because right.

Kind of doing that right now. They’re just moving them around. I just feel like they’re doing it on purpose and they’re making money from it. The politicians in Vermont are making money from them. Yeah. And that’s the only Reason why they’re letting it fucking get destroyed. The thing is, is, like, the perfect. The most, like, people are most vulnerable are the ones that are getting chill, you know, saying like, yeah, I do. No, I don’t. Yeah, I’ll give you a pack. Yeah, that’d be cool. Well, the issue is, you know, a lot of people start hearing voices after doing drugs, and then they’re stuck in their mental health, and they just stuck in this loop.

And I wouldn’t fully judge anybody if you’re locked up and you’re. And you do something. You know what I mean? I. I told you not to call me. I’m not even being rude right now. I told you not say gay. If you call me gay again, I’m either walk away or break your whole. So did I call you gay one more time after I told you? I don’t think I ever called you gay. I don’t think I ever called you gay. Yeah, you’re like. You even realize you’re gay. And I let it fly. I’m not even.

Oh, I can take a joke, though. I mean, as much as you could kick ass. Yeah. Yeah. I’m saying if you come at me and be like, yo, you’re a again, I’m. I don’t know. All right, so if you call me gay one more time, then that means you’re gay? No, that’s all. I’m just saying. I’m not gonna hurt you. But if you call me gay, that just means you’re gay, so. So if you call, well, then that means you’re gay. So don’t call yourself gay, because then you have to beat yourself up. That’s up. What kind of watch is that? No, I.

It. I appreciate it. Definitely gay. I’m happy. People aren’t bad. They’re actually some of the nicest people. It’s just if they cross the line and then you set a boundary. Oh, check this out. Great story, Jay. This was this last summer, and he’s like, brand new, four Runner white. And he’s like, hey, you look rough. You need to lose or anything. And I was like, I’m good. I’ll be done. Long story short, smoke a math out of blue sponge. He’s like, hey, I got a nice house if you want to take a shower. Didn’t seem gay at all.

And plus, I’m good. He’s got a dude there, and I’m gonna make this short. And I can tell he’s getting thrown at him in the VR and it’s not pouring on, so as soon as they did that, I’m like, hold on. Mess two dudes, porn. Nice house. Oh, like, I get where this is going anyways. They never cross the line. That’s why I go into Valley, just to get some staff there. Both these seriously dudes on the street trying to Them. Wow. Well, I knew. I could tell they were nervous and I was out of this weird vibe, but it was mad comfortable.

But I. I think they’re just trying to approach, like, see how desperate I was, you know what I mean? Like, for money. Because they obviously. Where did he go? Come on. He got all that going somewhere. Why do you guys do this every day? You don’t get sick of it? Why? Well, you could find one. So do you think that’s the big thing, is that, like, people are just lazy and that if you give them a way to be lazy, then they will be lazy? Is that what it is? No. Or is it really the addiction? So you think it’s just the detox, the whole process, everything you have to go through and then the same thing.

You can’t get bored if you. So you’re just. It’s basically a trap that when people get stuck in it, they’re stuck in this cycle. Yeah, I really enjoy it because I’m not like a rock bottom thing. But what is rock bottom on the street? Not having a place, having absolutely nothing. I usually have money in my pocket every day. Bro. What the. I have a place to say. Yeah. Is this a library or a church? What do you mean? To the Memorial Auditorium. Are you serious? So this church goes underground? This church goes underground and it connects to that building right over there.

The one across the street? Yeah. That’s connected, too. Yeah. Shut the up. So all three of these buildings. Hey, I got sketched out. I didn’t go that far. NDA is expired. And you could talk about this. You used to work at a secret Starbucks, is that right? Yeah, there is a Starbucks that is, like, above reserve. Like a Starbucks no one’s ever heard of or been to. All right. Have you ever wondered while driving in Los Angeles, how come you’ve never seen, like, Will Smith stuck in traffic on the 405? Yeah. I’ve never seen a 1 percenter just in their car stuck in traffic.

Why is that? That’s because there’s a series of intricate tunnels underneath Los Angeles known as the Actor Bond. I’m not kidding. Like, they get access points to move through the city without ever having to be in traffic. You can come up in lax, you can pop up At Dodger Stadium. Underneath there in those tunnels is Starbucks. Is set up at different locations to allow them to get coffees while they’re driving. All of them. Seinfeld. You’ve seen Seinfeld down there? I’ve seen Seinfeld down there, dude. Almond milk latte, two shots. Wow. Yeah. Is he a good tipper? They don’t have to pay.

So this has been underneath Los Angeles for a few years now. I mean, how long has this been there for? I mean, it predates me. If you. It seems like the city was built on top of it. So, I mean, I think this goes all the way back to the 20s. That this doesn’t seem real. Almost. This is crazy. I imagine how I sound saying it to people. So the Memorial auditorium is connected to this church underground, and then that building underground. And you’re gonna tell me that no other buildings are fucking connected? Are obviously, bro.

Downtown has a whole underground system. Can we get into it? I know where the entrances are, bro. If you can get me into it, and if you can find any other homeless person that knows more and can navigate, well, that’s worth a lot. I want to go into it. I want to go inside. You won’t be able to right now. Yeah, this is the entrance. The underground tunnel system. And then there’s. I don’t know if it connects to the bunker that’s there too. There’s an underground old bunker from the war. That was what I found. Gun barrels.

Do you understand how much that’s worth? Think about how high. Like, look at where the water is. Look at how much dirt that there is for them to dig. Yeah. How would you get in there, though? Burlington Electric. I don’t think it goes anywhere underneath. See, the scary thing about me is I bring theory to life. It’s no longer a joke. It’s no longer a game. Not only have I researched researched this, but I’ve been to some of the tunnels underground that are connecting some of the buildings, and I’ve recorded it with the same body camera that I have on right now.

This is real. Are they used for nefarious purposes? There is yet to be any evidence of that. But I will continue to research and discover new things and share them. Just remember, there are a lot of things in this world that we don’t know. I’ve made it my job to explore them. If you’d like to see my findings and you have an open mind, please check out know Solomon says that God answered his prayer and Sent an angel down with a ring to give him a ring. And that ring gave him power over the spiritual world.

And Solomon uses it in what seems to be an attempt to help humanity. He claims that he used the authority of the ring to summon all the principalities of the world, the nephilim that are these disembodied spirits going around causing all this illness and different things. And he does several things. He interviews them as to what they hate, what casts them out, and like what angel is over them that they, if that angel comes, they’ll flee. Michael or Raphael or whatever, right? He writes all this stuff down and this becomes witchcraft. For instance, one of the demons told him, I was in the land of Persia or whatever, but I left because someone was cooking fish.

A fish gallbladder burning over an open fire drives me nuts. It’s like putrid to me because I’m a water based demon. And something like, we don’t smell burning things underwater. And so he’s seeing it in the open air just makes me want to vomit. And so I left Solomon’s like, that’s interesting information. I’m going to write that down. So if you want to repel a water demon, burn the gallbladder of fish over an open fire in the month of June on a full moon or whatever. And those that became a spell, which is where witchcraft comes from.

Does that make sense? It does. The pentagram they use in their prayer circles is the, is the. An homage to the Ring of Solomon. Solomon called it a prayer circle. He used to use the names of God, Adonai and different powerful names of God to keep the demons from getting to him while he’s not playing these games with them, inter interviewing them. He would summon them, milk them for information, forcing them to comply with the ring and then basically saying, okay, you go over here. He would enslave them to build the temple of God. That’s why they think how they think all these rocks, the pyramids and stuff were built by these types of things.

So the masons come out of this as well. One of the highest ranking demons that Solomon enslaves to be a worker in the temple, he makes him a stonecutter and a mason, which is where the Masonic order seems to come with this demonic. Does that make sense? It’s like all tied together. So Solomon summons all these guys, writes down a list of everything they hate based on catastrophes, to categorize and map out the spiritual world for the sake of humanity being able to control them. Because at this point these things are Running around, tormenting the world.

Solomon’s trying to get it, get a hold of it. So he’s basically the sorcerer supreme, if you think of it like that. He realizes that you can enslave the entire spiritual world. If you get their bosses, they have to follow. And now you’ve cleared the world of demons. And guess what he trapped them in? What? A brass vessel. A lamp. This is where the legend of genies comes from. It’s also the idea of Pandora’s box. All the evil of the world trapped in one little bitty bitty vessel, right? He throws it into the lake, drowning them.

The world prospers, his kingdom prospers. Everything’s good. No evil, no wars, no nothing. Humanity hearing the legends of this, start trying to dive the sea to figure out how to get this lamp back up so they can release these things so that they can manifest. This is like literally manifestation. That’s why it’s so dark and deep. Very ancient roots to these things. They want stuff, these things have power. And while they were horrible and tormenting us, they also gave us what we wanted if we worship them, right? So they released the. They opened Pandora’s box. Solomon’s still in control because of the ring, but at this time.

And this is where Balaam comes back in. Guess what they did to trip up Solomon? They sent a woman to cause him to fornicate, who forced him as a. As a literal prerequisite to sleeping with him. You have to worship my, my foreign God. They always try to get God to punish us through our sin because they can’t curse us because of the authority we have in Christ. So they released Pandora’s box. Solomon’s still in control, but now he’s being tempted to. If you want to marry the queen, I think it was the Queen of Sheba, you have to worship Molech.

So he sacrifices to Molech. And he said, the second he did it, he said, I immediately felt the spirit of God depart from me. He said, as I continued to do it, I felt it completely abandoned me and I became the sport of the demons I once controlled. Spent the rest of his life tormented by demons and giving into all these different things. Now that God wasn’t protecting him, he became a master of witchcraft to try to force these things to not be able to. He. He tried to take it into his own. It’s like God’s abandoned me.

They’re going to kill me, they’re going to ruin my life. I have to figure. And so he comes up with all these spells. He wrote I remember so and so said he hates gallbladders. And so he started get me three gallbladders of this. And he basically became a sorcerer in order to ward off the demonic world which is now at his doorstep. And this is the birth of witchcraft. Solomon really perfected the art of the modern occult through his desperation to ward off the spiritual world after God left to abandon him. It just says ritual. Like, why is this here? Yeah, but I thought you said there’s tunnels in the Memorial Auditorium.

Can we get in there? A year ago, me and Kevin and all the police to go in there and they realized that and they just thought everyone was heights. Cleaned it out. What? They’re cutting open, dude, and all of a sudden there’s water flowing in every. What? The dude is crazy, bro. You got ma. You see what this is? Yeah. Look at the star. I bet you don’t know what the that is. That’s a mason star. Probably the ritual area. You’re right, bro. This is right above where the p. We got to get in there. It used to be a sign.

I know the you, cuz. I. That’s how I know it. Yeah, her feet are gonna not about enough. I got to get back to the car. A network of tunnels and secrets are being discovered beneath Melbourne in what’s been described as a subterranean city. The most elaborate tunnel network in the world, they say. Did you know there is actually a whole city, a whole network underground beneath our very feet that we weren’t actually allowed to show the secret entrance in the station because it’s so topsy. So as crazy as it is simple, a lot of you won’t have the time or the mind to stop and even fathom things like this.

Some people just won’t go this deep. And I completely understand. But my job is to do it for you. So if you want to take some time and stop watching Netflix, have an epiphany moment with me. Learn things. Expand your mind. Gain knowledge, gain power. Be in service to the world and make an actual difference and have a mission in your life. Understand that there are deeper layers to this existence. We only see a sliver. All of politics is a lie. Nothing is true and nothing is false. You must use percentages because the truth and false is always contained on both sides.

You must carve your own path. Cave. And it is the creepiest cave I’ve ever seen. It was owned by the Freemasons. As you can see their logo on top of the cave. It was supposedly used for annual meetings and get togethers for Members from all around the world and was being used since 1938, before the Freemasons took control of the cave. The local Native Americans would say that specifically cave was a passageway to the underworld. Coincidence? I think not. And supposedly is where they held demonic rituals. Knowledge of the cave started spreading in 2019. That’s when they decided to put the gate up, saying that they were afraid for people’s safety because they did have an underwater canal under the cave and didn’t want anybody to get hurt.

Or maybe they just didn’t want y’all to find anything because a blogger on YouTube who was exploring the cave found a pile of bones and children’s shoes. I think it’s an old shirt. See the bones? Now, an excuse from one of the members that was given was it was most likely either animals that brought the shoes and bones in, like small critters, or the underground canal flooded and brought them in. They also blamed the vandals who would break into the cave for their shoes and bones being there. But people believe something more sinister. I mean, why wouldn’t they? Over 500,000 kids go missing every year in the United States.

Suspects in California are accused of running a fake police department and put under arrest. One of the suspects even works for California Attorney General Kamar Harris. I’m 48 Hours Crimesider’s Michelle Sigona. The ruse began in January when the San Diego Sheriff’s Office says various police chiefs in Southern California began to receive letters from the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. The letter said specifically that David Henry was now the chief and he was requesting a meeting with each agency. According to a press release, Captain Roosevelt Johnson of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Office actually accepted a meeting with Henry, Tonette Hayes and Brandon Keel.

They showed up dressed in uniforms and said they were setting up shop in the area. All three were arrested and now charged with impersonating a peace officer. The group claims to have jurisdiction in 33 states and in Mexico. They allegedly believe they’re descendants of the Knights Templar and that their group was founded 3,000 years ago. But medieval scholars say their claims are incorrect and that the Knights Templar was founded during the 12th century Crusades in Jerusalem. Their mission was to protect pilgrims visiting the Holy City, and they answered to the Pope. Some historians speculate that they were tasked with finding precious religious relics during the wars.

The legend of the Knights has been featured in popular Hollywood films like the Da Vinci Code. The Knights Templar. But the Templars were created to protect the Holy Land. That was a cover. A National treasure. As for the suspects, police say after serving a search warrant, they uncovered an array of badges, weapons, uniforms and even police type cars and equipment at two different residences. A next door neighbor who referred to David Henry and Tonette Hayes as a couple, spoke out to kcbs. I always see them with their uniform, so I thought they were part of any chief department.

I didn’t know it was something fake. On the website, the group describes how they are different from police departments. The site says, quote, we are born into this organization. Our bloodlines go deeper than an application. This is more than a job, it’s an obligation. Investigators have not determined a purpose or motive for the organization. Authorities also believe others may be involved and they’re accepting your tips to lead them to other suspects. What’s the deal with the Freemasons? When did this start? This goes all the way back to deep, deep antiquity. We’re talking about 30,000 plus years ago.

There were these brick masons in ancient Kemet called the Shitu. There was a pyramid war. There were two pyramid wars. The second pyramid war in the table talks about the fact that the Shitu helped Amun Ra escape through a hidden passage in one of the pyramids. And before he left, he decreed that he would leave the kingdom to his Ra. Calm, calm translates into shield. Raw shield. Over time it became Rothschilds that are now running the planet. Be a Shriner, you got to be amazing. 40 you be a knight’s temple or you got to be amazing.

And you. The more you go up in that pyramid and the highest you could go is a rough child. Right. Then the highs are the highest. Yeah. Children of Satan. Moloch is the actual owl that they worship out in California. All these big shots and that’s what it make the presidents too. They make presidents this that to do with. Oh yeah, you have to be a Freemason to be there. All the presidents were Freemasons. Okay. A small portion weren’t but they were Jesuits. This is the same thing. Even the Pope. Yeah, it’s everything is controlled by the white and black Pope.

So black and white, which is white and black tiles is where we have our temple. Yeah, the yin yang, you know, the good versus evil. You got to have one of the advance. They know which prison they’re going to make. They make all this political stuff that’s just bf. The all seeing eye is the Lucifer. Right. Underneath them is the rough childs. Underneath them is the council of 13. Underneath them you got the council of 30. 3. Cruel aspects of mystic power are more fascinating or Buried more deeply in esoteric teachings and symbols. Thus it was accessible only to selected candidates who had gone through the fires of initiation and vows of secrecy.

Underneath them you got the Council Foreign Relations, and underneath them you got, you know, like six big companies. They own all the real estate and they own all, like, media. The Masons are the foot soldiers of the Illuminati. You understand the pyramid, right? Yes, yes. It’s shaped like a, like a triangle, Right? So we’re at the very bottom. Rough childs, they run all that from that house. They don’t. They don’t leave that house. Why is that? I mean, because that’s where the Devil dwells. The devil could only be in one. But what’s wrong with being a Freemason, right? Well, a lot of people see that a lot of elites at the top are all Freemasons.

And it ties into Skull and Bones, it ties into the Jewish Kabbalah, it ties into Satanism, it ties into a lot of things. And basically we see that a lot of low level Freemasons don’t see what’s going on until they’re in it. So long have built their brotherhood up so much that when they get told the truth, they will still stay in there. Right? So the truth at the end, when they realize is that they’re really worshiping Satan. 100%. There’s pentagrams. They do say they have the Freemason, the Masonic Bible, but I promise you they do not believe in Jesus as the focal point.

This man grills a 32nd degree Freemason asking him who his supreme authority is. There’s no way you believe in fraternity over truth as it. That’s why I joined to, to get the truth. Because everyone. Do you think you found it? That’s a. No, no, nothing. No, nothing. No. You went through 30s, 2 degrees, you haven’t found any 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd? You guys adhere to a supreme authority named Lucifer? On page 321 of Morals and Dogma. I’m pure and virtuous and wholesome and innocent. How can you say anything about it? About me? Sir, you need to be born again.

I am born again. Now, did you just say that you are Lucifer? I am Lucifer. Okay, define Lucifer for me. Pure, virtuous, wholesome, innocent individual that’s out to help people. Lucifer is. Yeah, say that again. Lucifer is a pure, holy, virtuous. Virtuous. Now see, the Lucifer that God created, that’s the same one. Oh man, this is great. I’m gonna put this on the Internet. Every mason answers this like in a bland way. What’s the significance of the apron? Well, it represents the purity. What is it covering? It’s covering the life force energy. The penis. Yeah. Why didn’t you say that? The significance is you’re hiding the generative prince.

The Egyptians did wear the apron still, even without G because they understood everything is built by that sexual. The will of the universe, the sexual essence. Yes. So would you say it’s a sex cult? What? It is a sex coat. All your secret powers are behind that apron. What’s behind the apron is the penis. When the flap goes up, the penis is getting erect. I was a young child. I was being raped by my father. My father is a freemason. As me as a kid. I was about 11, 12 years old at the time when these images were taken.

I was going to school every day. I had on the surface a normal life. But I was taken to a lot of rituals in the Grand Lodge or sometimes more locally in the local area where I live. What was the main way in which the Freemasons abused children and you specifically? The main way was rape. But the worst way were using your hand to kill another being. I saw a little boy being murdered. Check it out. It’s just a pile of shoes with some bones. There’s like bones. There’s bones, shoes and bones There like RS and stuff.

Right there. That’s a bone right there. Actually there’s quite a few bones. Ben Franklin, they found tons of bodies in his. Ben Franklin was a serial killer? No, he was like doing some weird. Was Ben Franklin’s basement filled with skeletons? Repairs on Franklin’s old London house turned up 1,200 pieces of bone from at least 50, 15 people for nearly two decades. By the way, this is from the Smithsonian. We’re nearly two decades leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin lived in London in a house on 36th Craven Street. In 1776, Franklin left his English home to come back to America.

More than 200 years later, 15 bodies were found in the basement. Buried in a secret windowless room beneath the garden garden from a 1 meter wide, 1 meter deep pit, over 1200 pieces of bone were retrieved. Remnants of more than a dozen bodies. Six were children. Forensic investigations showed that the bones dated to Franklin’s day. Holy. And this even getting under the skin of the Ivy League. Those eight old definitely distinguished colleges that are known for their ivy covered buildings and their sometimes superior attitudes to other colleges and universities which often gets under the skin of people who went elsewhere.

Yale University is 300 years old this year, and were you to visit its campus, you would see that it still has exotic clubhouses, which look like tombs, where Yale’s legendary secret societies meet. Their prestige and importance have largely evaporated, but the rituals are still a secret. And so when we heard that some enterprising characters had managed to spy on the famous Skull and Bone Society, we couldn’t resist. Here’s ABC’s Dan Harris. The videotape provides a grainy glimpse into what appear to be the initiation rituals of a secret society that’s been around since 1832, whose members have gone on to be leaders of Wall street and the White House, the Senate and the Supreme Court.

They’re sort of trying to scare the initiative, make them, you know, disorient them, frighten them. New York observer investigative reporter Ron Rosenbaum accompanied a team of Yale students who shot these pictures nine days ago. Rosenbaum’s curiosity about Skull and Bones was permanently peaked when, as a classmate of George W. Bush, he lived right next to the tomb, the group’s heavily fortified home. From their perch, Rosenbaum and his cohorts taped the tomb’s courtyard. What they captured, they say, was initiates known as neophytes, being forced to kiss a skull, then members performing a mock killing. It may look like your average fraternity nonsense, but Rosenbaum says it’s not.

Even though it may seem silly to us, it seems to mean something to them. And you can’t argue with the success of Skull and Bones. True, famous alums include Senators John Kerry and John Chaffee, to name two Cabinet secretaries such as Avril Harriman, and three presidents, William Taft, George Bush and George W. Bush, who’s been reluctant to talk about Skull and Bones. Does it still exist? The thing is so secret that I’m not even sure it still exists. Edward vii, Edward VIII, and George VI were all Freemason masons, as were 18 dukes and princes, including the Duke of Edinburgh.

This year, His Royal Highness, Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, celebrates his 50th year as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England. His Royal Highness was proposed into Freemasonry by the then Grand Master, the Earl of Scarborough. He was initiated into Royal Alpha Lodge number 16, an advocate for the craft all over the world, continuing three centuries of distinguished royal tradition at the very heart of English Freemasonry. Order, brethren, to receive the most worshipful the Grand Master. Break down my walls But I will rise again. Cause I stand tall in my environment. How could I ever Close my eyes and stay silent since they try to take me down Potentially hundreds of military employees and contractors who may have bought child pornography online just know this ain’t new.

A picture can be framed but every eye will see a different view. So when I hear the chants, when I hear the screams, when I see the horrible scenes, when I see the horrid things coming from human beings, I pray one day a new way will take over. It’s all about the children what it’s like to breathe life in a coma we’re so blind to the pain of the other we must see beyond me in the struggle Break down my walls but I will rise again Cause I stand tall in my environment how could I ever close my eyes and stay silent since they try to take me down with their violence Compassion, empathy, open heart I know it’s hard Some march on the boulevard Some build, some pull apart Some blame Some do their part Bring light when we’re in the dark Stuck between a rock and a hard place Scarface Burnt arms It’s alarming how can’t hold space Multiple truths, multiple cues Talk about vacuums Tucked into the social chat rooms Discuss and discuss but ain’t taking no action Thinking that you know but it’s only a fraction how you get the answers without asking the math ain’t math Break down my walls but I won’t rise again Cause I stand tall in my environment how could I ever close my eyes as they silence sins they try to take me down with their violence so many persons hurting but they still put the work in and you can’t try and chase things that are more uncertain than they’ve ever been Submersion to open seas look at all these vets with PTSD Zero discernment and decipher the codes Thinking you know easy to eat the apples in the servant Media servant Regurgitate these words for what purpose are you adding more fuel to the flames? Will this bring change? Will this sustain or will this be another stain that adds to the pain? Break down my walls but I will rise again Cause I stand tall in my environment how could I ever close my eyes and stay silent since they try to tear me down with their violence Break down my walls but I won’t rise again Cuz I stand tall in my environment how could I ever close my eyes and stay silencing? They try to tearing me down with their violence But I will rise.


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