DEWS AND DONTS: The Plan To Burn Down America

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➡ Deborah Tamaris warns about a dangerous plan by Rothschild and Rockefeller, involving Pacific Gas and Electric, to use satellite-based directed energy weapons in Northern California. She claims that Rothschild, who has significant influence over global weather modification, is behind this plan. The technology, which can manipulate weather and potentially cause destruction, is allegedly being used to burn up Northern California. Tamaris urges people to pay attention to this threat, as she believes it is real and imminent.
➡ The text discusses the use of advanced technology, including lasers and AI systems, for various purposes such as disaster recovery, monitoring wildlife, and infrastructure construction. It also mentions the deployment of cameras with a wide range and infrared capabilities for real-time monitoring of potential disasters like fires and earthquakes. The text also suggests that these technologies might be used for more sinister purposes, such as creating fake alien invasions or manipulating weather. The text ends by warning of increased weaponized weather assaults and the creation of climate refugees.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories surrounding wildfires in California and Hawaii, suggesting they may be intentionally caused for various reasons, such as creating a “smart city” or due to the influence of electromagnetic frequencies. It also mentions the impact of these fires on local communities, including lack of warning and difficulty in escaping. The text also suggests that the government is hindering local relief efforts. Lastly, it mentions the purchase of large amounts of land in Hawaii by billionaires, which is seen as disrespectful to local culture.
➡ In 2018, wildfires destroyed areas in Maui and Paradise, where the United Nations had plans to restrict human access. Hawaii’s Governor, Josh Green, has been prioritizing the World Economic Forum’s agenda over local interests, including plans for AI-run smart cities. Amidst the aftermath, there are concerns about benzene contamination in the soil and water, affecting housing and health. Meanwhile, there are discussions about using crystals for energy healing and protection against electromagnetic frequencies, and concerns about the increasing use of frequencies by companies like Verizon.
➡ The article discusses the unusual nature of recent forest fires, suggesting they may be caused by directed energy weapons. Forensic arborist Robert Bram, with over 40 years of experience, has been investigating these fires and found that trees and other materials are not burning as expected. The fires seem to target metallic materials and cause unusual melting of aluminum and glass. The article also mentions the potential role of smart meters in facilitating the fires.
➡ The text discusses the potential of weather modification through the use of high-powered lasers to induce rain and other weather phenomena. It also mentions the possible negative effects of these technologies, such as harm to wildlife and the environment. The text further explores the concept of primary water, which is water that surfaces from deep within the earth, and criticizes the creation of artificial water shortages for control and profit. Lastly, it mentions the Great Man Made River project in Libya, which provided free water to the Libyan people before it was destroyed.
➡ The text discusses a leader who provided free resources to his people and planned to back his currency with gold, but was removed from power. It also mentions the rise of Bitcoin and the shift towards digital currency, and predicts a future where personal data is tattooed on individuals. The text warns of increasing depression in children due to societal pressures and false scarcity narratives, and encourages self-sufficiency through growing your own food and community involvement. It ends with a prediction of a market collapse and the importance of self-reliance.


This is Deborah Tamaris. We’re picking up a horrific plan that is being furthered by Rothschild and Rockefeller. As I will explain during this conversation, I used to be a regular attendee here, but Pacific Gas and Electric was intercepted with a download of documents professing the fact that they were going to be using directed energy weapons satellite based on Simone county that has been up on YouTube with a plan to burn up Northern California. We discovered that Pacific Gas and Electric is operated by and large by Rothchild. Rothschild, owns Weather Central and also has a large hand in weather modification globally.

And I’m so sad to be here today because I have family members that lost homes and I live in a county that I call home that is being literally overrun by a power that has not yet been discussed. And I’m horrified and sad to be here right now. Very sad. But the plan to burn up Northern California was real. It was your first early warning. And they were emails that were sent to other government officials that knew about this. And I would ask you please to watch the YouTube, listen to it, because the second plan of burning up Northern California hasn’t yet happened.

But it will. The world’s first airborne directed energy weapon. The airborne laser, also known as the abl. Just mounting the ABL requires one of the most severe, sophisticated and elaborate modifications in history. The entire nose section is removed and retrofitted and the world’s largest titanium plate is installed to hold the enormous turret mounted laser in place. Scientists and researchers are looking at how to change the weather on purpose. That’s right. Lasers now could one day manipulate rain and lightning. CBS this Morning contributor Michio Kaku is a physics professor at City College of New York. Professor, nice to see you.

Well, instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts. This is potentially a game changer, but this is experimental. It’s experimental. However, in the laboratory, so far it works. The ABL system is designed to find, track and destroy an enemy target in the air and on the ground. It can loiter at 40,000ft for five hours, refuel in mid air, and destroy a target 60 miles away in less than a second. It will happen. So Pacific Gas and Electric is Rothschild.

Everybody listening can type in PG&E followed by Rothschild. You can also type in Edison International in Southern California, followed by Rothschild. You will in fact find out that Rothschild is behind all of the utilities nationwide. This is why our grid is not hardened up against an EMP Electromagnetic pulse. We are literally here as a country and a society and here in Northern California and elsewhere at the hands of something larger than what we realize. And I was quiet for two and a half years. That’s why I have been here. But I’m here now and I’m just telling you this.

You had an early warning, but you didn’t pay heed. It was too outrageous and too outlandish to believe that it was real, but it was so. This is a CNN report from 1985 on direct energy weapons. We all thought it was a little crazy, but we knew it’s probably true. But now this is proof. And imagine where they are now, almost 40 years later. Imagine where the technology is now. They even mention microwave cooking. People at 60 hertz. This is absolutely insane. It’s a quick clip from CNN, 1985, the Pure Truth before they were corrupt. Checked this out.

Imagine the implications of a weapon with no visible trace. A weapon that could knock out tanks, ships and planes as fast as the speed of light. The same technology, with modifications, could disorient and even tranquilize military personnel, rendering them virtually helpless in the battle zone. These are the new weapons of war we will examine in this series. For the past 40 years, the world has been riveted by the threat of nuclear war and more recently by the prospect of space defenses using lasers and other modern technologies. But while both sides at the Geneva summit will be focusing on these matters, progress is being made in even newer weapons that could render any arms agreement relatively useless.

Lightning is the most dramatic form of energy to be found in nature. Scientists have succeeded in creating limited types of artificial lightning, and some think that these could be the forerunners of a new type of directed energy weapon, part of a family of weapons which operate within the radio frequency segment of the electromagnetic spectrum and are thus referred to as radio frequency weap. Dr. James Frazier has researched electromagnetic effects for the Air force for over 10 years. And he, like a small but growing number of weapons experts, feels that radio frequency or RF weapons could be the wild card in the ongoing arms race.

You could have tremendous amounts of radiative power. And what you did with that power then is a matter of engineering design and what, what your goal was. Robert Bass, a physicist and PhD in mathematics, is working on US weapons research. He says that the Soviets seem to be ahead in a number of areas and especially in RF weapons. We are behind the Soviet Union in directed energy weapons based on 60 GHz microwave beams. Dr. Bass and others feel the most likely form of Soviet RF Weaponry would be high powered microwaves, similar to a focused ultra high intensity radar beam.

It would literally cook humans and knock out computers and electronics, surveillance and communications gear. An operational RF weapon, relatively cheap and reusable, could devastate sophisticated and expensive war machinery. The 20 million dollar F16 fighter, for example, is totally controlled through electronic sensors and computers. With no manual flight controls, the plane would literally fall out of the sky after being hit with a high intensity pulse of microwave radiation. Scientists say that microwaves and other types of RF pulses operating at specific frequencies, frequencies or windows, can be transmitted with little or no loss of power. Machines known as gyrotrons can produce the massive pulses needed to drive these devices.

And it’s believed that the Soviet Union has a three to five year lead in this technology. Over the past year, CNN has repeatedly asked the Department of Defense and the Air Force about radio frequency weapons. After much resistance, DoD finally said that the subject was too sensitive to discuss. In my next report, unexplained cloud like phenomena which may be evidence of a Soviet breakthrough in rf technology. Chuck DeCaro, CNN special assignments so Deborah, what what did you see today in being there for the first three hours of this full on meeting that includes a bunch of media? Board of SUPERVISORS female Right.

Okay. So I’m here today because we received an immediate advisory of this meeting held in Sonoma at the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. And it says they invite community members to attend, provide input to guide post fire recovery efforts at a workshop on infrastructure today, Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018. And there will be other local, state and federal officials will be taking part as well. So they talk about the topics that will be discussed to include and prepare for a resilient city. It’s all about resiliency, fire safety, utility infrastructure and strengthening and improving our community warning programs.

So I want to go over some of the things that I heard in this meeting. It’s very diabolical. All the perpetrators of this event are here. They’re building up from a planned disaster by the use of directed energy weapons, which you can hear that interview in full by googling the plan to burn up Northern California. This is on your site still, yes, and I of course, am Deborah Tavares and I do run the website where you can find that plan to burn up Northern California as well. But the agenda here today by the perpetrators here in Northern California was to again discuss the community warning program preparing for a more resilient county.

Now, for many of you, I’VE reported on resilient cities. I would recommend that you go to the YouTube kill see cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller to understand what resilient planning is all about in your town. This is happening here in Sonoma county, but it’s an extension of UN Agenda 21 policies and all the policies in your cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And they’re talking about fire safety, utility infrastructure, impact on fire infrastructure and a discussion. Now I was able to speak for two and a half minutes in the first session today and I told them their first early warning sign was from the emails that Pacific Gas Electric and PGE sent three years ago and that it had been out on the Internet and they didn’t attend to this.

There was no attention paid to this. It was too outlandish to have PG&E and Pacific Gas Electric talk about the use of satellite lasers on Northern California. Specifically they Sebastopol, which is of course in Northern California. Now unfortunately, a giant portable eye or death ray isn’t just something I can go and buy online. So I guess this means I have to build one myself. And militaries around the world are always getting rid of old laser hardware. That means there’s always going to be a constant supply of weapons grade laser parts in the surplus market. And here is the terrifying finished product.

I can’t see this light at all. It’s completely invisible to me. The only reason I know it’s on is from this indicator light I stuck on it. But that being said, I’m sure it looks like I’m holding a bolt of lightning. On the IR camera here I have a very high voltage DC power supply. When the electrodes are close enough, the spark easily jumps the gas. When they’re separated enough, the electric field is too weak for total breakdown. Instead, just a small amount of current finds its way through the cardboard. If I use the laser to light the matches in between the electrodes, the R can jump the gap again.

This works because the flame generates conductive ions that makes the perceived gap between the electrodes smaller. I’m sure there’s also an avalanche effect from the extreme field grabbing charged particles and smashing them into neutral molecules in the air to make even more ions. Is this how something survived the Maui fire? Is it a combo of the laser and microwave weapons, both direct energy weapons? Is this how they got the flames to go down while everything burned? Is this it? But there is a second plan on that discussion. The plan to burn up Northern California 2. And I advise them that that has not yet happened.

But it Will. So I would urge everybody to listen to the entire two hour presentation. It covers two radio shows on the Jeffrens radio network of which I was affiliated with at the time. But today’s meeting is diabolical. This is really like a deadly computer game going live. What do I mean by that? Well, they’re talking about deploying cameras throughout this. They say that it will take about 30 cameras, 20 to 30 cameras. They will have 150 mile range, they will have infrared so that you can observe in life in real time, 24 hours around the clock.

We need to have a talk. So this was released today. This is called Waldo3 and what it is is an AI system that you are able to install onto say something that could fly in the sky or probably just a regular camera system as well. And it’s called Waldo the whereabouts ascertainment for low lying detectable objects. And what it’s able to do is detect different objects like light, vehicles, persons, buildings, utility poles, boats, bikes, containers, trucks, gas tanks, diggers, solar panels, buses, probably more and probably more to come. But I just want to put this out here because this technology is available right now.

It has been available and this is just the latest version that was released today, 1-2-2025 and people are currently using it for. They have here listed disaster recovery, monitoring wildlife sanctuaries, occup, occupancy calculation, monitoring infrastructure construction site monitoring, traffic flow management, crowd counting, some fun AI art applications, drone safety, avoiding people slash cars on the ground and lots of other fun stuff. And they say that it will be a hardened network and it will be tied up and connected to Amazon in the cloud. And these cameras will be less expensive for Sonoma County, Napa and Lake counties to deploy which they said they need them because of fires and earthquakes.

These are going to be up in the air. These are going to be. They say that 30 cameras that will go 250 miles, 150 miles, 150 mile range. To do what? Yeah, yeah. To have be an early warning visual in real time on fires and or earthquakes, whatever type of destructive weaponized weather assault any of us get. These cameras will show them in real time. They say that the first responders will know in real time where to go. Hey everybody. 7:37pm Central Time on 2 June 2023. It’s Friday here in the United States. I’ve got some breaking news that’s pretty bad.

This is serious, real serious. Look up here in the upper right hand corner. Watch this. Throughout the day today, a giant outbreak of fires has taken place across a whole Canadian province all at once. Look up to the northeast, up here in Quebec. All of Quebec just caught on fire all at once. On a clear day, I would say this would be some kind of terrorism of some kind or an attack. Here it is. Here we are. I’m gonna let the images load. You can see this morning. It’s clear, just partly cloudy skies. Nothing really crazy going on there.

And then, well, there’s last night. Here’s today. All of southeast Quebec just caught on fire. Guys. All of it. Insane. Insane. Look at that. The whole thing, all at once today. This is on top of Nova Scotia, New Jersey, and the entire western side of Canada. Burning all of this up here is smoke. Okay, this is gonna sound crazy, but I don’t hate people. The government’s gonna create a fake alien invasion. I know that sounds crazy. What’s. What’s gonna do? It’s going to create a united front with the world. And we have technology already from decades ago that they’re going to implement in our society.

That’s what the Space Force was created for. To use this new technology and pretend like it’s brand new. But we’ve had it for decades. Decades. But we can’t tell the people that, because the technology we have is gravitational manipulation, which will create free energy, which will make gasoline, oil, electricity, all absolute. But our human race isn’t ready to adapt that yet. And it will drive the human race insane trying to adapt it. So what is one way to make it enforce this adaptation? Charlie warned us all. I mean, just think about it, okay? First, the stock market would go, then the economy, boom.

The dollar, boom. And then pandemonium in the streets. War, genocide. Boom, boom, boom. Nobody could keep that big a secret, Charlie. Somebody blow the whistle. And every once in a while, some poor little sucker tries. Well, like these guys. Boom, boom. Every one of these guys, dead, dead, dead. Whoa. That’s Professor Myers. He ran the Atlantis shuttle program. Why, did you know him? Yeah, he helped me out with research on my book. Oh, boy. That must have been before his accident. Myers is dead? Oh, yeah. Two months ago. He was one of my most avid listeners, and he had it all figured out.

Everything the government was doing, where and why. He even sent me a map. A map for what, Charlie? What’s the map for? They’re building spaceships, man. Pretty soon it’s gonna light up right in the center. I think they use plasma. But you tell me, if 10 of these things showed up over New York City, they wouldn’t think they were being and they were talking about how there has been no training in the social science of disasters. And one city council member said that we need to have a monthly training session with all the public here, much like they had in San Francisco years ago with a drop, tuck and cover.

So they want to have a neighborhood watch, they want to have a neighborhood education where people are training on a monthly basis for the doom of the weaponized weather assaults on all of us, which can also be used as see something, say something, turn around on us and spying on each other. Yeah, in fact, that is exactly what they’re saying, Jamie. They’re saying that this has got to go from top down into our neighborhoods. And that in Oakland they conscripted about 20,000 people to report from the ground after all of the major events that Oakland went through.

There has been FEMA here this morning. There has been, in the next session, which is coming, going to start here shortly, is going to be all about making Sonoma county resilient. So again, I asked all of you to type in 100 Resilient Cities and you’ll find out who’s behind that. It’s Rockefeller. You will understand that this is for climate refugees. This is what they are doing globally now and in the United States. They are creating climate refugees to herd us in to available housing after they have literally destroyed the housing, housing that is available to us.

And as we pointed out as we started this program already showing why some homes will not be able to be rebuilt because of the unearthing of relics, ancient artifacts. This is going to expand. We’re going to cover this locally. We’re boots on the ground. We’re coming live right now. Again, today is a very monumental day here in Sonoma County. We will be posting this entire meeting on so that you can watch it in segments. It is something extremely important. I realize that it is a long post, but there are segments in it that all of you need to take the time to watch and listen because this is headed to you.

And this is as a result of a weaponized weather assault. And that is now the new norm, increased weaponized weather assaults. We have been told that fire season in California will no longer be just a fire season as it had been in the past. It will be all year long. And we know certainly with the plan to burn up Northern California, how they’re doing that with killing the trees, with all the toxins from the chemtrailing, the drought that they keep us perpetually in, and we’re in a drought again right now. Greatest drought in the history of California last year was the greatest rains and snow, followed previously by the greatest droughts.

And this last summer was record temperatures. And then we got torched out. So we’re, we’re under attack here. Notice something a bit strange about these LA fires? Everyone’s been tagging me. The first weird thing that I noticed is that insurance companies dropped fire coverage three months before, before the fire started. And many people have reported electrical wires from the power grid causing these fires. And of course the water supply has been cut off. And don’t you think it’s a bit weird in this picture that all of the trees stay standing but the houses aren’t? Of course this is for educational purposes only and I’m not claiming anything.

And then we go to Google and type in 2028. Smart LA City. What a coincidence. They want to build a smart city in la. And of course it’s a lot easier to build a whole city if there’s no buildings there. Of course, this is just for educational purposes only and I hope everyone is safe over there. Thank you. Woman is currently going viral because of the necklace she was wearing when she was giving an update of the Los Angeles fires. She is currently wearing an upside down cross. She’s on the Board of Supervisors for Los Angeles county and she is the ex mayor of West Hollywood.

So you know that Roth’s child that just passed away in the mountains of California in a fire that it took them 33 minutes to put out. That seems very oddly specific. But were you aware that this happened in a place called Laurel Canyon? Are you familiar with Laurel Canyon? Maybe I can refresh your memory or tell you something new here today that you didn’t know. Laurel Canyon was the home of Wonderland Air Force Base. Wonderland Air Force Base had created an entire studio on their acres of property. This studio was not just for recording music, but it was also for making films.

This was the propaganda arm of our military. And it’s pretty fascinating stuff if you think about it, because not only did they infiltrate the music industry, but they also infiltrated the film industry. And this is pretty well known by most of us at this point, at least I hope so. But what’s super interesting is that each of the homes up there, many of them, if not all of them, have tunnels that connect to each other underground, not just to each other, but all the way down into town, all the way down into nightclubs, fun things like that.

There was a huge movement in the 60s when the war was starting out And a lot of the people at the time, similar to today, wanted nothing to do with it. The bill inserts in our monthly billing with Pacific Gas and Electric and also Southern California Edison. Any of you listening right now can just type in and look at your bill inserts online about the explanation of EMF electromagnetic frequencies. They describe electromagnetic frequencies as something that is common to our use of electricity and appliances, etc. They are saying that the health deficits of electromagnetic frequencies is inconclusive by international, national and California standards.

While they say there’s no known health effects or problems from the electromagnetic frequencies, they then negate what they say by saying, but it is inconclusive and consensus requires that they continue to review the subject. So what is happening in our bills is the admission from our electric companies and gas companies that they are saying that it in fact does cause health damage. So. And they’re not sure as to what effect it’s caused by or how much it’s causing. So they must put the disclaimer in the documentation. We get mailed every month. Correct. And they do. And what they say is that if we’re concerned about the amount of frequencies that we’re receiving, if we have sensitivity, many people are EMF electric sensitives.

They say that you can reduce your own frequencies in your homes by turning off your appliances, not using an electric razor, not using a hair blower, not using your flat screen television set, your cell phone, etc. Turning off your WI fi. Moving it away from your head, I think, yes. Moving it away from your head. In other words, they’re making it our responsibility to reduce the increased frequency that they’re killing us with. And they’ve warned us so legally, like all the rest of the drug companies with all the syndromes they. They say they’ve warned us. So it’s caveat, Emperor.

It’s our responsibility to take charge of our own lives and what’s happening to us. That’s absolutely correct. Survivors of the Maui fire say that they received no warning and that the flames appeared so quickly that escape was difficult. Everything was suddenly in flames and many found refuge in the ocean for hours while their homes burned to the ground and into the same powdery ash footprint we’ve seen in recent years. So far, it is estimated that nearly a thousand people have died. Locals are worried. This includes hundreds of children who were home due to school being canceled that day.

Several people are reporting that the government is not only doing little to help, but they are blocking local efforts to do so and are not allowing local donations through and that they are blocking life saving medicine because it isn’t federally approved. Denying people access to bring in supplies, just supplies for people to live. The government withholding every single one of our donations because we are not a part of FEMA and Red Cross. So none of this is eligible for giving out. Tell me why. I have no freaking clue. The people of Maui are on their own for now.

And aside from the federal government’s bureaucratic failure, they have good reason to be suspicious. Just like what we saw five years ago in Paradise, California. There was nothing normal about these fires within a day of burning. It was like a bomb went off. When you see the full the full extent of the destruction of Lahaina, it will shock you. It does appear like a bomb and fire went off. If I may. And all of those buildings virtually are going to have to be rebuilt. It will be a new Lahaina. Local residents have been reporting bright flashes of light.

One was captured by a home security camera. That appears to have been the start of the Olinda fire. Many people are saying that it was directed energy weapons. We know that most major governments already have them. And during the California fires, online weather maps recorded what looks like a laser from above striking an area just before it bursts into flames. In his research, Dennis Mills discovered that the incendiary aluminum and barium nanodust from chemtrails is most likely fueling the ferocity of today’s so called super wildfires. And on the day before the Maui fires broke out, locals were reporting a heavy overcast from chemtrailing that they’d never seen before.

Once you dig deep enough, you realize they actually used to use forest fire smoke to induce rain. Which makes a really weird coincidence of all of the Canadian wildfire smoke that just happened to randomly all start on fire at the same time, go over over to New York and Vermont area and then flood both of those areas soon after. Very strange. You need to see the new documentary Chem or Con. It’ll absolutely blow your mind. Watch this asap. Don’t forget about that whistleblower that came out on the Sean Ryan podcast saying that there’s an array in Alaska that is literally the largest array out.

A direct energy weapon. That’s multi platform weapon. It can do multi things. Whether it’s voice, the skull apparently or more. You need to absolutely check these things out. And like I said, you have to see the documentary Chem or Con. It’s very relevant. It absolutely beyond a reasonable doubt proves contrails are not chemtrails. And it proves chemtrails exist, stratospheric aerosol injections. Watch it. It all ties into this and it proves proves that wildfires can absolutely cause rain. And the direct energy weapons interface with those 100%. Go to Sai Also interesting to note that the Maui police chief was the incident commander for the Las Vegas mass shooting in 2017.

La Hyena is considered to be a historic and sacred land. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii before it was taken by the United States. It’s been occupied by native Hawaiians ever since who are defiantly opposed to the mainland outsiders who have been buying up land with no respect for local culture. Not just BlackRock and Vanguard, but billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, who owns more land on Kauai than what the government of Kauai owns. And Oprah Winfrey, who has bought over a thousand acres of land in Hawaii, including a new 870 acres in Maui she just bought this spring.

In 2018, the paradise wildfires broke out exactly where the United nations have plans to somehow make off limits to humans. And that same year, a report on wildfire prevention was published that was focused on the exact same areas in Maui where the fires just broke out. All the historic downtown, all of it is demolished and all the houses gone, but those commercial big box stores are still there. Hawaii Governor Josh Green has been putting the World Economic Forum’s great reset agenda ahead of Hawaiian interests. Just weeks before the fire, he unveiled an emergency proclamation on housing that eliminates the traditional land use commission, allowing the government more leeway to build as they see fit, such as building 15 minute smart cities run by artificial intelligence, just like they’ve been planning to do in Hawaii for years.

At some point, I will make a major donation after all of the smoke and ashes have settled here and we figure out what the rebuilding is going to look like. This is going to be a long and difficult process. You’re going to see a lot of Phoenix stories rising from the ashes here. Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese. It’s diabolical. This is. And there’s other meetings like the 5G going in here. As we chronicled before, there’s four meetings going on because there was a newspaper article about people protesting putting in the 5G and now they’re hosting four meetings as well.

These are happening one on top of the other very, very, very quickly as people are not allowed to move back in their homes yet and there’s benzene in the soil. So some of the escrows are being canceled as potential buyers and vulture capitalists are moving in. Well, Jamie, what is also very horrific is that at a water meeting that we attended just last week, they said that because of the 324 homes in a specific area in Fountain Grove, which is just above the Hilton Hotel, that burned here in October of 2017 during the US’s history, most costly fire.

And we’re still with body counts now, we still don’t know how many people were killed and or murdered as a result of this fire. But what they’re saying about these 224 homes, of which there were only a few homes left standing, the water started to taste bad and smell bad. So those few occupants that were still able to live in homes that were there reported the county has had lab tests, they found benzene in the water. They started taking water bottles up to these people. And of course that doesn’t minimize their showers, their sinks, their laundry.

They were also told not to water their landscaping because the benzene, which is of course cancer causing and other kinds of ailments before you die of cancer, they said, don’t water your plants because it will seep down into the groundwater table. So there are still people living up in Fountain Grove, which we now call Fountain Grave, drinking and being exposed to benzene. But what they also said at this meeting was that the city would issue building permits for rebuilds in that specific benzene contaminated area, but they would not be issuing occupancy permits because the benzene and the infrastructure of the water system would have to be replaced.

And they’re still working at getting to the bottom of this contamination, which they claim they don’t understand what the bottom of the contamination is. Just like they’re saying they don’t know what the reality of these fires are. And they still haven’t weighed in on that. Four months later. They still cannot tell us officially with all their experts and forensics, firefighters, forensics, and Captain or chief Ken Pimlott of Cal Fire, I called him out directly. Shame on him for not being able to even give us an idea of how over 60 fires started in the middle of the night and started out of nowhere when no storms were forecast.

You know, we talk a lot about dark and doom and gloom, but there are solutions of what we can do. And I saw that last week and got very encouraged and very empowered to see. We talked about activism and what was going, going on, but we had a solution based of how you can use zeolite, you can use thermaline, you can Use Shungite. I just went down after the talk and got some Shungite for my son. Crystals for energy healing as well and preventing the assaults of electromagnetic frequencies on our homes and to our bodies. Crystals are extremely important.

We’ll be talking more about that as we move through more solutions coming soon. And he’s extremely well known and he’s boxing up crystals and telling people how to position them in their homes and around their property, which does reduce the psychotronic weapon assaults onto our properties. He explained how crystals were our advantage in World War II as Quartz in radios. And that was very, very interesting. And of course, many people are unaware of the importance of crystals, so we really want to underscore the importance of crystals as we find our environment being further layered with frequencies that are happening.

What we’re also noticing is that the Verizon assault with putting in these additional frequencies throughout our communities is happening throughout the county. In fact, you will find that generally these types of agendas start going through the country. When we first discovered the deployment of the smart meters, it was not just here in Northern California or Southern California. We just happened to notice it when it was already 75% deployed upon us with smart meters. So what you need to do is you need to look and find out what your city is doing with engaging your utility companies or your wireless companies to deploy street lights, to deploy additional additives to all of your existing infrastructure to prevent dropped cell calls.

That’s how they’ll promote this and faster downloads of your videos. Blah, blah, blah. Yes, and of course, the frequencies are what is going to absolutely destroy our cellular makeup and cause massive genocide. We also have on a new document. It’s entitled Population Engineering and Climate Action. It’s at the top of the website. I would recommend that you all download this and understand how the psyops is being played out. My question is, why would you only pick one area out of an entire burnt area to set up some umbrellas and a, an area to eat? It just seems kind of like it’s a, a staged thing.

So here, check this out. Can’t read the street signs anymore. Papalao Front street. Now, yes, these are blue umbrellas, but if you look underneath them, there is brand new seating that is untouched. You have a brand new area. Okay. And it was really weird to me. It stuck out. Looked at what it looked like before it was destroyed and lo and behold, it was completely different. There was different umbrellas, they weren’t even blue. So it looks to me like they Staged this. Like why? It’s literally insane. This is the type of scops that they do. Small and subtle.

These things are out here to distract you, to confuse you, and to discredit you. 100. We need to wake up, people. Let’s not believe everything, okay? Like right here. A lot of videos going around. You see that right there? He’s just not pressing the trigger. Okay, I have a laser. Okay? Lasers will burn any color. It doesn’t matter. White, it doesn’t burn in as good. Black, it burns it the best. The darker it is, the more it. The more it’ll burn it. Okay? The more it absorbs the light. So long story short, all of these things you’re seeing with the Simpsons and with the, you know, the un.

With. With the blue hats and the. The blue person with the blue shirt and the video with the. The unburnt blue umbrellas and the blue car. Listen, if those things were so hot they’re melting and everything burnt down around it. It was not even about the laser anymore, okay? If the fire’s that hot, it’s going to burn the umbrella anyways. The umbrella is not fireproof. Guys, listen. This is a distraction so that normal people think we’re crazy. Stop feeding into the. We go too deep. All right, guys, we go way too deep sometimes, all right? I personally can’t believe I’m doing another video.

Get out. No holes. I could easily burn a hole through this. Okay? See the marks that weren’t there before? If I had a more powerful laser, it eat right through it. Okay, look up Styro Pyro. He’s got lasers that would mow this thing. Here’s another great example, all right? This has black. It’s got white. It’s got different colors of blue. Igniting it on fire, basically. And this is blue, okay? Do a whole line blue. Blue doesn’t matter. It’s everything to do with their technology that they have. Lasers are direct energy weapons, okay? But it’s not just lasers that are direct energy weapons.

They’re directing energy, okay? So all I’m saying to you is it wasn’t a laser. It was. That kept the blue objects alive, all right? It was not a laser. It was a direct energy weapon. How does that work? I. I can’t speculate because they have very. They have so many different versions of direct energy weapons, it’s not even funny. Blue is irrelevant to lasers. Blue may be relevant to direct energy weapons. But then you got to think when you have a house burning next, burning next to umbrellas, a Whole entire building burning next to umbrellas. How are they not melted? How come there’s no soot if you blow a cigarette? If you blow a cigarette smoke into a white shirt, you’re gonna have brown on it.

How were those not stained at all with smoke? I mean, I could go on all day. There’s a lot of psycho psychological operations built into what happened in Hawaii. But there is a truth. There is a truth and it is nefarious, I guarantee you. But this is proof that you need to stop believing the psychological operations they put out there for us. All right? Starting after the paradise fire of 2018, many with a memory started noticing things that didn’t seem normal. And the media told us climate change. With over 40 years of experience, forensic arborist Robert Bram has been investigating the damage from these suspicious fires since Paradise.

Based on his evidence, these fires are being caused by some sort of directed energy weapon. As many of us suspected, the trees in these recent forest fires are not burning as they should be. This is common for a horrific firestorm. This is what’s left. They all look like this. There’s nothing left. The twigs, the needles, the branches, even the trees will burn down, sometimes to a low stump or even a hole in the ground. Not like this one. This was the big coffee park fire in Santa Rosa, where 4, 700 homes were turned to white ash.

And look at the trees. Why aren’t they missing along with the houses? Many of these are pine family relatives. Eucalyptus. Against that road there, or whatever that is against the road. Those are eucalyptus back there, the round ones. Those are so flammable, a cigarette lighter in your hand can light those on fire. A green leaf, light them right on fire. The forest is primarily valley oak, blue oak and California bay, which is a very combustible leaf. I can light them on fire again with a cigarette lighter. They didn’t burn. There’s a bay tree right there. The bottoms will always be burned right at ground level.

No reason for that. Grass couldn’t do that. A lot of flames to do that. Now they’re being cooked right where they’re at. This was an entire bay forest and I couldn’t find one leaf burned and somehow the leaves turned black. You notice the bottoms of these little suckers here. They’re black. Almost every tree here is a bay. They didn’t burn, but the ground did. It’s only a grass fire here. You can tell this was just grass and it might even been kept up. I don’t see one burn tree. There’s ponderosa pine, black oak, White oak. There’s a deodar cedar to the left there a little bit.

That’s pine family from the Himalayas. And a digger pine on the left, the big multi branched one. Nothing wanted to burn that day. Just the house. Ponderosa pine forest, little short ones and everything. Where the flames are in the needles, they refuse to ignite. Here’s your eucalyptus. It’s down in the flames. Refuse to burn. Upper foothill or lower pine belt here. Very flammable areas. And no, they’re not burning. And look in the background. Chunks of metal everywhere. The physics of a natural fire does not explain the way aluminum and glass have been melting. The two fire captains told me in their combined 60 years, they’ve never, ever seen a window melt out.

Incidentally, every fire I’ve been to all these 120 trips, not one window has been intact. Every single one has melted out. No exceptions. There’s your aluminum. What’s melting it this far away? Well, let’s keep it flowing. These things will flow 20 or 30ft from a car when there’s nothing on the ground to keep them melting. That’s a high temperature, but they keep flowing right across the dirt. The fires are breaking out in the metallic materials. Here’s a fence line. They all look like this. Burned at the nails, burn at the ground. The only place they burn is at the ground and wherever the metals were.

What fire does that? A normal fire would burn the post from the bottom up. Not skip spots. No, they favor the metals, of course. This is a tall post, perhaps five or six feet high. And way up high, eye level. Just the nail area burned. Here’s this board. What really burned. The nails on that board. This little guardrail is a park guardrail. And actually, it’s all wood. There’s no metal here. The cross member, the long ones and the post are all wood. And each one was burned like this where the screws were. Is this how they got the flames to go down while everything burned? Is this it? And trees are burning from the inside out.

Many trees are cooking from the inside out. They’re burned on the inside. And there’s no hole to get a flame in there. This thing was about 4ft in diameter in a spring. Burned from the inside out, and not one leaf burned. When you look at the cuts, this is very important. These are 90% dead. They should not have that. Heartwood. The dark, dark areas, the heartwood. It shows me these things were cooked from the inside out. There are many anomalies to be found in these fires. Here’s A soil bag. It has still had soil in it.

That was there. The tennis shoe was there. And you see the black. There’s black everywhere. A cushion for your chair. I see this chainsaw in the back of this pickup truck. The window melted out at 2500 degrees. All the tires burned completely leaving the slinky like steel belts. That plastic should be gone completely down to the metals. Didn’t happen. There’s so much white ash in some of these photos. It looks like the. The heat would have been really intense. However it didn’t reach very far. Why is that? Why is everything reduced to white ash versus well, I’m going to have to say it’s because of the extreme heat.

It’s a different kind of flame to me. These are microwave based flames. Greg Reese reporting. Yes, you are talking about the wrong way. You let your exploiters talk at length here. They all want more staff and more money to take care of this problem which you are not addressing. This is melted aluminum. This is melted aluminum. I’ve got all kinds of it. I’ve got six foot long pieces at home that I collected. This is a metal pan that went through it. It didn’t melt. That’s because the heat of these explosions was right around 1400 degrees. This didn’t melt.

This did. These were explosions. They were not fires. You all talked about how extraordinary they were and the supervisor Gorman talked about it was like just like they were 50 years ago. We had the same fires coming down from Calistoga so forth in Santa Rosa. That took what two days. This took four hours. They weren’t the same at all. You’ve got to start facing reality here. You’re wasting a lot of time and money. And whether this thing’s going to happen again. It’ll only not happen again if you decide and cover up. Uncover who caused it. And I submitted this attack on this county so you wouldn’t listen to Mary and I and others hoping that you will hold Congress accountable for bankrupting this country under martial law of Mount 72473.

Thank you for listening. Thank you sir. Mr. Ellis and Pacific Gas and Electric commiserated with the California Public Utility Commission in that email exchange about the laser dew that was going to be used on Sebastopol in in so county. So I know that the same sounds crazy. It did to me at first too. But it came to our attention because PGE’s smart meter director tried to falsely integrate himself into a anti smart meter movement. So that’s how we came up with this email exchange. I Think it’s vitally important for you to check that out. I know that you have to work with now the perpetrator, as I see it, of this crime that happened to all of us.

But I also want to talk about the smart meters and how the smart meters may have influenced the additional burning of the fires. Because the smart meters have caused fires all over the world. And with the pulse frequencies that were occurring that night. Which is one of the reasons that that water station near Spring Lake went down. I was sitting at the water agency meeting about that. And they did have to move on over from PGE because of the pulse frequencies to their generator system. Just what was being said to you right now. But it was pulse frequencies, they were browning out.

And I know that many people in their homes were browning out too. So I think it’s very important to take into consideration how did the smart meters facilitate the fires as well, I believe. Curious to know what PGE knew. On the 16th floor of their weather room on the 16th floor of the PGE buildings they have a meteorologist and a weather station. I actually had the opportunity to tour that. So it is. It does exist. I’d be interested in knowing what PGE knew about the weather conditions themselves that night. Being certainly that Rothschild was involved in Weather Central.

Thank you for your comments, Mary Morrison. Really want to encourage everyone that’s listening right now. We have to engage. We must engage. We can no longer sit quiet. And we need to go forward with the love and hope for humanity because that’s where it is right now. We need to do all we can in creating awareness. That is our legacy. That is what we are here now for and what we are here now to do. So thank you so very much for listening and pass this information along far and wide. When you have water vapor and you have dust particles or ice crystals, you can precipitate rain.

It condenses around the seeds. These seeds can also be created by laser beams. By firing trillion watt lasers you rip apart the electrons creating what are called ions. And these ions act like seeds, like dust particles bringing down rain and even lightning. Go ahead. Well, this is fascinates me in part because too I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics. That the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds. I mean did those really work then? We have some of these capabilities now. Inconclus. Even in the 60s the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam War to wash out the Viet Cong.

Governments have been this thing alleged to alleged to, Right? Yeah. Now we realize that for decades now these governments have been alleged to have experimented with weather control, but nothing conclusive. This time we’re bringing in the laws of physics rather than simply waving our hands and uttering mumbo jumbo. We’re actually using trillion watt lasers now and in the laboratory, sure enough, they precipitate rain out of water vapor. Sure enough, you can actually bring down electricity down the, down the beam. So what does it mean for drought areas that need to have rain for crops and if they don’t have them, there’s the consequences of famine.

Well, the bad news is if it’s a clear blue sky, it’s not going to do anything at all because it only takes water vapor that’s already in the air and condenses it. However, for floods, for agriculture, farmers, for people planning wedding parties, football games, you name it, outdoor events and agriculture and flooding and even hurricanes, all of them could be subject to weather modification. What if you could fire a laser at the sky and make it rain? For the longest time people said it could not be done. Radio frequency could not be. What if you could pick up all this rain and move it where it’s needed? Texas or California? What if a laser could start the rain so you can almost use it to set it off? The US Naval labs admitted as of yesterday that they were able to generate a multiple kilometer wide plasma bubble and sustain it for over an hour.

In the near future, a push button storm starter could be a real thing. NEXRAD radar. My original observation was that high frequency pulses were being emitted from ground based radars which were having a weather effect, a heating effect around the area. There was a rain cloud that was going to pass over an area of drought and you could induce the rain and get the rain where it’s needed. Research labs have done it and they did it using the billion watt facility up at Hart. The next step is, is to get it to work in the sky.

Particles in the air are rubbing together forming static electricity and the conditions are now right and they just need to be triggered now. Now what we’re seeing here with radar, radar works at about 750,000 watts after it goes through the Klystron tubes. 750,000 peak watts. And so we’re looking at smaller versions of the same facility. Does this concern you that you may be messing with Mother Nature? Not too bad. It’s almost like an on off switch for a thunderstorm. That’s the idea behind it. Last night’s tornadoes amplified by nexrad charging up to atmosphere in preparation, spawning tornadoes side by side and back to back equal distant of each other.

These are clear signs of RF manipulation. And this is not rain, but a powerful wall of ionization to stop the storm. This is one of three NEXRAT towers located in Arizona preparing to go into precipitation mode. Texas next Red tower waving at the camera showing us its maximum range of about 300 miles. Ionospheric heater locations worldwide. SA Birds, flocks of birds. Thousands of birds falling out of the sky dead. And the mainstream media can’t seem to come up with any kind of answer that makes sense. Well, the answer that makes sense is that these satellite transmitters are superheating the water vapor in the air.

And if there’s a flock of birds that happen to be under that cone of microwave energy or laser, they’re going to be superheated. All the arteries and capillaries, the blood instantly heats and you have, you know, a stroke condition where the blood boils and the capillaries burst, the blood pressure drops and the birds fall out of the sky to all the contrail people. So get this, here’s a car that I just detailed it and got it ready for sale. They were spraying aerosol chemicals in the sky. So I’m using a clean new razor blade to scrape this dust up.

Look at that. It’s magnetic particles. See all this dirty filthiness everywhere? This happened after it rained just a couple days ago. And a lot of people like to tell me this is all just brake dust. Well, that’s a lot of brake dust for anyone thinking this is pollen, barium, strontium, a couple elements in climate engineering right there. More importantly, I will leave you with this. We have primary water. We do not have a water shortage. This is the Psyops now being played out in Cape Town in South Africa. They’ve just extended the zero day that they keep talking about.

No more water. We discovered the Psyops being played here in Northern California in a town called Mountain House. Mountain House about four years ago was being shown throughout the United States as running out of water in 10 days. When our research team called some realtors in Mountain House, we discovered that they did not even know that their town was being used as a psyops. So as we looked into it, we found that Mountain House was purchased by Sun Trust. In the mid-90s we researched SunTrust Richards Rothschild. Mountain House was built as a UN Agenda 21 smart city, fully self contained.

It runs by CCNRS. It has a very peculiar city setup and the Financing for buying homes is through the usda. And this was just really literally a town set up to create a psyops on limited water resources. They got busted. So you need to understand we don’t have a water shortage. When you hear water shortages being discussed, you need to go out and get the information out about primary water. So give me the elevator pitch on primary water. We drill down 300ft, we got all the water we want. Well, no, actually it surfaces. Primary Water explained is a YouTube again.

Primary water Explained will tell you about the depths of water. It always surfaces. It’s the process of hydrogen and oxygen. When that merges together, that creates vapor. It must surface as water form and it does here in California and where you live as well in hot and cold springs. Also geysers that spray up out of the ground endlessly where oasis appear in deserts sometimes where it very seldom if ever rains. Also at the very top of these volcanic mountain peaks in Hawaii where you see these beautiful cascading waterfalls continuing to flow endlessly. This is primary water.

And they blew up the primary water. Amazing 8th wonder of the world called the Great Man Made river project that Muammar Haddaffi created for his people in Libya that was blown off the map. You can type in the great Man Made Water project and you can watch it being built in Libya. It was an amazing feat. And the Libyan people were given 75% of their water from for free. Now keep in mind, this is pure, clean drinking water. We’ve only been taught about the secondary water cycle which is rain and snow melt. Rain and snow melt is actually the process of the evaporation of primary water.

So all of you need to know we are floating on water. We are the water planet. And oftentimes we don’t need to access deeply and sometimes we do so again, priority. Primary Water Explained is a good illustration on how and how you access water. So creating these false scarcities. We can make a scarcity and we can control prices just like we do with the oil now switching the batteries. When we’ve had free energy for over 100 years with Tesla and what I understand with the attacks on Libya, Gaddafi, there’s a wonderful Muammar Gaddafi’s manifesto. He had those people living in pleasure.

They had free water, free homes, free education, free education. And it was a model for the future. And that’s why they took him out. And he was just getting ready to back the dinar with gold. He wanted out of the Rothschild network, just like Lincoln was going to back the greenback and Kennedy was going to switch to the dollar. They will not allow that to happen. And to segue into Bitcoin. They’re allowing that to happen so they want it to happen. It’s not this rogue bunch of guys putting it out. They’re going to a cryptocurrency and getting rid of the dollar bills and then soon we’ll have tattoos with our old datas on us.

And the rest of this in the next segment we’re going to get into wetware. Yes. And I would urge all of you to go to Share this site far and wide. Our children are getting very depressed and I just was hearing this morning on the radio, Jamie, that they want 12 year olds now to take a survey because they’re seeing depression in children and they want to start medicating, medicating them and having them go to seek psychiatric intervention. And of course, why not? Our children are being taught that there’s just too many people using too much stuff.

And that’s not true. And we need to do all we can to raise our children up with the idea that the scarcity is not real. It’s an entire psyops building new markets up on top of false scientific realities. So we can do anything that’s positive. It’s to share the good news of water. Plentiful, pure, clean, fresh drinking water. So we’re going to be going back into this meeting shortly. We’ll have more to share as we roll into the afternoon here in what’s left of Northern California. And I just, I just wanted to add another thing with the water is grow your own food folks.

Teach your children how seeds work and where things come from. Get them as self sufficient and as self reliant. Because as they’re cutting down, we’re going to have the market collapse. And when the market collapses, there’s going to be a lot of poverty going on. They’re already cutting 30% off mental health, they’re kicking out the homeless again, cutting funding for everything. And this is while the Wall street markets are doing extremely regular group high. When the markets correct, which they’re starting to do now, all of this will collapse. You will become self sufficient, self reliant and join your community and join your name.


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