➡ The text discusses a confrontation between a man and a law enforcement officer over the man’s concealed carry license. The man felt unfairly treated and threatened, arguing that under Florida law, he didn’t need to present identification unless suspected of a crime. The conversation also touched on the Terry v. Ohio case, which allows police to stop and frisk based on reasonable suspicion. The man emphasized the importance of mutual respect and understanding of the law, while the officer suggested that concealed carry permit holders should identify themselves upfront to avoid misunderstandings.
➡ A man insists he doesn’t need to comply with law enforcement’s requests because he believes they have no authority over him. He refuses to exit his car or explain his passport, claiming his rights to travel and personal property are being violated. The situation escalates as the man resists the officers’ attempts to resolve the issue, leading to threats of forceful removal from the vehicle. The man suggests contacting a local sheriff who he believes understands his legal stance.
➡ A man argues with law enforcement, insisting they have no authority over him or his right to travel freely. He refuses to exit his vehicle and accuses them of threatening to damage his private property. Despite their attempts to discuss the situation, he remains adamant about his rights and dismisses their authority. Eventually, he is allowed to leave without any damage to his vehicle.
Okay. What kind of weapon are you carrying on you? Conceal. Carrying a pistol on my right hand. On you? Yes, I do. Where is it? It’s in my pouch. Okay. Can you pull it out slowly, please? Obtaining a license or permit to carry a weapon while claiming a right to bear arms can imply a lack of understanding because it suggests acceptance of government regulation over an inherent constit constitutional right under the Second Amendment. Requiring a permit imposes limits inconsistent with the fundamental right to keep and bear arms recognized in cases like District of Columbia vs. Heller, which affirmed individual gun ownership unconnected to militia service.
Have I committed a crime, sir? I’m asking you if you have a concealed carry. Yeah, I’m already told me. Now they’ve told me you have a firearm on your. Yes, but I’m also on your person. Yes, I do. So now you need to show me your concealed carry or we’re going to take it from you forcefully. Can I see your concealed carry permit, please? So you admitted to me that you. Okay, I hear. I hear. I hear what you’re saying. Concealed carry. Yes. Yes, I do. I told you. Show me your license, please. Are you aware of Florida penal codes? I am aware that 911.151 what you’ve just admitted to having.
You have to have a license on me if I’m suspected of a crime license. Your crime right now is that you have a concealed firearm on you. Okay? You understand what I’m telling you? So I’m gonna. I’m gonna show you my. I’m gonna show you my concealed weapons license. But just so you know, it’s under duress. Because you’re threatening me now. That’s all you want. But I want to see that concealed carry permit, okay? It’s a violation of my constitutional rights. No, that’s fine. Well aware of the law. I don’t want to see the license. Can you pull it out of your wallet, please? It’s kind of hard to pull out with gloves.
You can pull it out if you like. So I got to do all this extra stuff when I have not committed a crime, so just so you know. Oh, if you want to see the badge, it says conceal weapons license. Since you’re curious, I hear you talking about it, can you. Your license, please? Yeah. So you’re here. You say you’re a journalist? Yes, sir. Okay, as you see, my camera’s on. I’m recording, and I was narrating. Okay. I’m not concerned about cameras. You understand that when you’re walking up on an officer while we’re trying to do an investigation, you’re dressed the way you are, you have rifle magazines on.
Well, you understand? A reasonable person would be fine. That’s suspicious. Well, this is the thing in. In Florida, this is legal. This is legal. Okay? So the fact that it’s legal, it should not be considered suspicion. The Supreme Court ruled that legal activity cannot be suspicion to detain or identify. Okay, so an armed person walks up to a police officer, I’m gonna find that suspicious. Do you have common sense? I have a lot of common sense. If a person walks up behind you with a weapon, would you find that suspicious? Would you find that. Well, cops walk around all the time with weapons, and they walk behind people in front of people.
Cops walk around with a nigga. Yeah, but. But a badge. A badge doesn’t make you any less dangerous. I don’t. I don’t. I disagree with that wholeheartedly. But the fact of the. A person with common sense is going to be alarmed if an armed person is walking up behind him with rifle magazines. No identification whatsoever. I have. I have. I have identification. The only thing is, here’s what I’m going to do. Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to end this conversation. You’re free to stay in there all you wish, okay? As long as you don’t interrupt us while we’re conducting our.
I was. I was just narrating. Stand here, narrate all you wish, cover it all you wish. Okay? I’m asking you, don’t go any further than where you are right now. Okay? Well, when I do decide to leave, though, my car’s over there, so how would I. How. We own the sidewalk right now. We are conducting a crash investigation. Right? Okay? So when I. When I decide to leave, I gotta let you know. To walk around. Walk you around this, all right? That’s no problem. When I’m gonna leave, I’ll let you know. All right. And a quick question, sir.
What was your name and badge number? Sergeant K. 1277. 1277. I appreciate it, sir. Thank you. You’re very welcome. Oh, take it down. Enough. My name is Pete, by the way. How you doing? What’s your name? Drew. Drew. All right. Can you please. I understand that there’s. And I’m. You’re an NRA guy and all that. Not really, but I know about the nra, so I’m a concealed carry permit holder. I’m an NRA member. I believe wholeheartedly in the American right to keep and bear arms. Okay. I want to keep that right. The Constitution is designed to limit government powers, not to grant rights.
It acknowledges inalienable rights like those in the Second Amendment, which are considered pre existing and not granted by government, hence cannot be taken away. When an officer claims to preserve the right by maintaining a permit, it reflects a misunderstanding as rights described in the Constitution and believed to be God given are inherently retained by individuals, not contingent upon permits. This suggests the officer may not grasp that constitutional rights are meant to limit government, emphasizing their inalienability. I want to keep that right. All right? And if we have a. We simply respect each other and understand that we’re all out here trying to do a job.
And please understand that, you know, we don’t. We’re trying to be safe. We’re trying to go home at night and stuff like that. Yeah, of course. I know. I know that. Yeah. So I ask, not as if you don’t have any legal right or requirement to do it, but I’m asking to please just be courteous enough to, you know, understand that everyone here wants to go home at night. No, no, of course I know. That’s why. That’s why, like, you know, when you came out, I actually did. Who was it? The first two officers? I don’t know their names, but, you know, they were looking.
I was helping them see in the car because his flashlight wasn’t going all the way in. And, you know, I was shining in the grass because he said he was gonna go look. So I was like, well, let me light up the grass. Because he doesn’t know who’s going to jump out of that grass. Like, you know, I carry this for my own personal protection and because it’s my right to do it and to create public awareness. If you educate the public of their rights. Someone see me walking down the street like this, if I wanted to, maybe I felt unsafe and I needed it.
If I walk down the street like this, it’s not going to make them as nervous as some people will get. They might be alert, vigilant, but not, oh, my God, I need to waste taxpayer dollars and call a whole bunch of police over here to check this guy out or whatever, you know, so that. That’s what I do. And, you know, also I record things that I see interesting. And I’m here for everyone. You know, if someone was getting hurt or if you guys were getting hurt, I’d have y’all back. All right, I got you. And, but understand as well that a.
With what we have going on with shooters here and there, mass shootings going on, and when a call goes out, citizen driving down, LB McLeod says, hey, there’s a guy on the side of the road with a ballistic vest and rifle mags and wearing tack gloves. And. Okay, he’s got any kind of insignia on. No, no security police, no nothing. He’s wearing jeans and a shirt and attack vest. You are going to get a police response. I do know that. I do. Nothing going on. We don’t need it. I do know that, and I don’t mind if I get a police response because, hey, if someone calls that, I appreciate that.
To see my tax dollars going towards police actually responding to that call and being brave enough to go see what’s going on. The only thing that I don’t like is people’s rights being violated and stuff like that. Like when you asked me for my concealed weapons license, I would have more than happily have given it to you. The issue that I had when you approached me is you didn’t know who I am, but you treated me like a threat, like a criminal, and you threatened me with force in order to get me to comply. And under Florida Penal Code 901, 151, it says that unless I’m articulated over crime or you can suspect that I’m going to commit a crime, then I have to present identification.
And the possession of a firearm isn’t. You don’t have to provide ID Unless suspected of a crime. Right. The carrying of a concealed firearm is in and of itself a cr. Okay, now, so. And you know the laws. Okay. You understand what carrying concealed firearms. Yeah. You understand what Terry v. Ohio is, right? Yes. You understand that reasonable suspicion of individual arms requires that or gives us the legal ability to patch. No, you definitely have the right to investigate. Right. But no illegal searches or seizures. Okay, we’ll agree to disagree. Okay, that’s perfectly fine. Years As a law enforcement officer, and I have a degree in criminology, I studied the law pretty well.
I understand what Terry v. Ohio allows me to do. Okay. And I’ve been to court a number of times, and I’ve. I’m pretty confident in my understanding of Terry v. Ohio. Terry v. Ohio, 1968, is a key Supreme Court case that set the standard for stop and frisk. A Cleveland officer observed suspicious behavior, stopped and frisk three men finding weapons. On 2. The court ruled that police could conduct stops and frisks based on reasonable suspicious suspicion of criminal activity, a lower threshold than probable cause needed for arrest. Reasonable suspicion allows police stops based on specific articulable facts suggesting involvement in crime rather than hunches.
It’s less stringent than probable cause and requires evidence that an officer can explain, such as suspicious actions or presence in a high crime area. As an example of a limit, in Florida vs. JL 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that an anonymous tip about someone carrying a gun didn’t provide enough reasonable suspic to justify a stop and frisk. Okay? But what I want you to do and I. What I want all of us to do is so that we don’t have any misunderstandings and we don’t have any violent, unfortunate encounters, all right? Which is what happens when we have misunderstandings.
Is my car in the way of that guy? The black one? Yes. Should I just, like, pull it forward? No, it’s not. Let’s. You and I can walk over here. We’re probably in the way, not the car. Hey, do you mind if I grab a smoke off my car? I was waiting until you came back before I went and did. I was like, I want to walk over. What the. Oh, I got my smokes on. All right. So, that being said, my concern. I’m grabbing my smokes, by the way. My concern is going to be for my people.
Okay. I gotta look out for my soldiers. No, I. I complete. No, I’m not military. Say my father is, but not me. Is anybody. Where do you serve? Who’s Navy? All right, so he’s gonna tell you the same thing I’m telling you. Oh, yeah. My dad. My dad, he, you know, he. He supports what I do, but he’s not a hundred percent with it. But I just do it because if you. If you look like opd. I know all the agencies out here in Florida. OPD and Florida Highway Patrol, the ones I got the most respect for.
And. And believe it or not, when. When you approached me, that was the first time I’VE ever had an aggressive interaction. Yeah, to be honest and all, I get it. You don’t, you don’t know me and everything like that. What, what I try to do is educate people because in the end of the day, when you are very polite to a person, especially if you, if they weren’t doing anything wrong and you approach them in the right manner, you’ll get a better response. You know, like if you would have just been nice from the get go and talk to me, I would have gave you the.
I would have gave you the id. But when I, when I heard the tone, it’s so aggressive. That’s when I was like, all right, I’m gonna exercise my rights, you know, but that, that’s why I do it. I don’ here’s what I. And I appreciate that. I think we all, as American citizens should be educated further on the law. The officer said the word citizen. A citizen within the legal system has specific rights and duties outlined by the state. This status can come with perceived limitations, such as mandatory adherence to statutory laws, taxes and regulations that infringe on inherent rights.
Some individuals choose to identify as American state nationals, claiming allegiance to natural or common law, asserting that federal and state. State statutes are overreaching and unconstitutional. They argue these statutes undermine the law of the land, referring to foundational legal principles or divine intent for freedom and autonomy. The idea is that the legal system is Satan or Prime Evil, attempting to mimic the creator by making everyone a citizen by default at birth. This was done while knowing God or Prime Good endows humans at birth with dominion over the earth via rights. I think, and I try my best to educate all citizens on the law.
I want everyone to understand. Now, you’re the person in charge here, right? Yeah. All these guys. So you know all these people, These are the people who, they look to you. So the way you respond, that is what they’re gonna learn and that’s how they’re gonna treat other people. Right. And by them seeing something like that, they might get jumpy on someone and potentially somebody can get hurt over something that was nothing. That’s why, that’s why I’m very big on showing mutual respect. Right. All right, well, I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Okay. I want to come out and introduce myself.
Like I said, I’m sure I’ll see you. No problem. People, you know, people make mistakes. It’s good. But can you please respect us when we’re trying to work a scene? Oh, yeah, I wasn’t bothering at all. I Was actually. I saw the security guard here, and when I saw him by himself, I saw the car in the grass. I was like, hold up. This is fishy. So I jumped out. I was like, yo, you need. You need a hand? He was like, I don’t know. I can’t even see in the car. So I’m helping him look.
Then that’s when OPD showed up. All right? And also, in the future, what I suggest to old people, concealed carry permit holders, and that’s people who take the class and all that stuff. Identify yourself right off the bat. Hey, guys, just so you know, I have a firearm on my right hip. Here’s my concealed carry permit. No, that. You don’t have a legal obligation to do that. But it’s just. Yeah, yeah, no, of course. That’s why. That’s why I said I would. I would have definitely identified. When you asked me, it was just the manner of the approach.
Right. That’s why. That’s why I did what I did just to educate not. Not just my viewers and the public, but also to show other officers that if you approach someone with respect, you’re gonna get respect back, you know, we’re gonna clear this car out. Do you have anything further, or. We good? No, no, I just. I just wanted to record them yanking it out, and once the car’s out of here, I’m probably gonna get going. Can you do me a favor? Yeah, your car. Because when this thing comes out, the cable is tight and they get all antsy.
If a cable gets. Yeah. No, I don’t want a cable smacking my car, so if you would. Can I back it up in front of this cruiser? That’s fine. The Second Amendment states, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, which is absolute, suggesting any law restricting this, such as those disarming felons, is unconstitutional and void. All laws in conflict with constitutional rights have no effect unless amended explicitly and then can be challenged as rights go beyond the Constitution. Supreme Court cases like District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v.
Chicago, however, uphold the constitutionality of restricting felons from owning firearms. Heller acknowledges individual gun rights, but within limits, supporting prohibitions on felons as presumptively lawful. McDonald reinforces this, allowing reasonable regulations, like restricting felon access to guns. Despite these precedents, challenges could arise if a felon argues their plea or sentencing terms were not fully understood or infringed on constitutional rights, potentially invalidating firearm restrictions. This would require changes in legal interpretation and a revisited Balance of constitutional rights. Until such a challenge is attempted, current Supreme Court decisions remain authoritative. Let’s show an example of an American man asserting his rights, not backing down, and even threatening to use his firearm if his rights are not adhered to.
This is a rare find and a perfect example of the real power of the rights that were given to us all by God. Troll. How about bring the passport so I can read it to the sheriff? Could you be so kind? So, ankle, if you come out and explain to me your passport, I’ll hear your sighting. You’ve already heard my side. I’ve already told you my side. You can explain your passport. I don’t need to explain it. You should know this as a LEO shouldn’t your. I’ve never seen your passport. Well, then I don’t know what to tell you.
We’ll sit here all goddamn night, but I am not getting out of this goddamn private automobile to explain myself. That I’ve already done. I’m asserting my rights to travel. And I’m informing you that you have no jurisdiction or authority over me. And you’re not trying to accept it. Ask the guy to pull me over to get it. I’ll show it to you. It’s real simple. I’m not. This is real simple. You’re making it difficult. I don’t feel that I am. Well, I’m the one making it difficult right now. Right, Because I won’t do what you ask.
I don’t have to do what you ask. You have zero authority over me. I don’t contract with foreign corporations. No authority, no jurisdiction. There’s nothing in any law. How’s it a contract for you to get out of your vehicle and explain your passport to me? I don’t need to do any of that. I’m trying to explain to you. I don’t need to do any of that. I’m not saying go get the passport, Bud, and I will read it to you. I am asking you to go get my passport and I will read it to you. How about that? That makes all kinds of sense.
But you ain’t ready for that, are you? We’re in a. We’re in a bind now. It. Okay, I want you to get out and explain it to me. I’m not getting out of this private automobile. Not happening. Not happening. So ask them. Gentlemen, politely. Sirs, highway patrolman, may I please have my passport to read to the sheriff? They’re not. They’re not going to give it back to you until. They’re not going to give it back. To me. So you’re telling me the highway patrol in Wyoming have stole my private property. Is that what you guys are telling me? You can claim? No, it’s not a claim, sir.
That’s another matter of fact of law. Does that passport belong to any of you? Does that passport belong to any of you? The answer is no. And if you’re not giving that back to me, which is my said possession, what is that called? What’s that called? As LEOs, you should know what that’s. Let me know. That’s called theft. Okay? So, young man, may I have my passport, please, to read to the sheriff? Okay, the only way you’re getting your passport is once you step out of this vehicle. Why do you want me out of this vehicle so bad, you guys? Because there is state law.
Case law. Pennsylvania versus case law is not law. That’s where you’re wrong again. Case lying law. Okay? Not even close. What you guys need to do is understand that I am correct. You have no authority over me. None. I don’t have to get out of this private automobile. I don’t have to obey your corporate bylaw speed limits. Okay, let me just explain. You’re not leaving here until you step out of the vehicle, then. Well, I ain’t leaving. I am not going anywhere. And your threats don’t mean jack to me, bud. Well, it’s not a threat to hell if it ain’t.
You’re threatening me to get out of this vehicle so you can try and kidnap me. Meanwhile, you’ve stolen my property and you can’t even admit that it’s the property of the United States government. Actually, sir, no, it is not. Yes, sir. What is possession? What is possession, sir? I know you can’t argue with me because you don’t know the law. Possession is nine tenths of it. Correct? Well, I said was. Huh? Well, I said when I stopped you, I didn’t know you’re getting a ticket. I never said you’re getting a ticket. I just want you to step out so we can talk face to face.
We are talking face to face. Out of your vehicle. No, I’m not getting out of my private automobile. This ain’t a vehicle. Okay, what is it then? It’s a private automobile. Actually, Congress passed a law July 8th of this year that nobody in the United States needs a driver license unless they’re dealing in commerce. Have you all been informed of that one? Well, of course, because you guys are revenuers for a foreign corporation running under statutes and codes. None of you have ever studied the law. Okay, so just admit that you don’t have authority over me, hand me my passport, and say, I’m sorry for impeding your travel.
What do I need to give you to get you out of your vehicle? Not. You ain’t getting me out of this private automobile. Okay? Why would I. I haven’t committed a crime. I’m giving you a lawful peace officer to step out of your vehicle. You’re doing what now? We’ll be right back. Okay. Okay. You sparked us under a tree, huh? What’s that? Yeah. Parked us under a tree. Well, I had an old timer tell me once, they only sing for the rich. I ain’t had no problems from anybody for two years or more because they know I know.
I made contact with us since we. Years? Yep. I actually talked. I sat down, had talked with John, who’s the sheriff. Yeah, Sheriff Har. When did you go talk to him? A couple years ago, explaining the same stuff. Before he was sheriff, when he was lieutenant. He was actually just. I think that vote had just happened when I went in and had a conference with him. So he was like, I forget what they call undersheriff, maybe at the time, but. Okay, he’s here. Would you like to read that? That’s what you’re doing. 241. 242. And he read my passport and he didn’t let me go.
So we’re looking at 1.6 million on commercial lanes. I don’t want to do that to you. I don’t want to do it to anybody. Okay. All right, so what’s your last name? Baris. B E R R I S. B R R I S. Send the passport you stole. Okay, we didn’t steal your passport. Well, then may I have my passport back? What I need you to do. Okay, so I’m gonna tell you. Okay, so you drive without a driver’s license, you’re speeding, you don’t have plates on your vehicle. Okay, so what I’m gonna do, I need you to get out of the vehicle to chat with us.
Otherwise, I’m gonna ask you to get out of the car. So right now I’m asking you, will you please get out of the car and speak with us? No, I will not. Okay, I’m gonna tell you to get a car. You need to get out of car right now. You’re being recorded. Okay, and under what authority are you demanding an American state national to get out of this vehicle when I don’t have to prove any kind of. I am not in your corporate bylaws. I don’t need driver’s license. That’s fine. I. I respect your beliefs. It’s not a belief, you guys.
This ain’t beliefs. This. Next time I’m going to make you get out of the car, but that means I’m gonna break the window, unlock the vehicle and pull you out. Understand? Don’t do that. Don’t do that, okay? I’m telling you. I am telling you, if you do that, this is gonna go south quick. Okay, well, don’t be fucking breaking into my private property or stealing my private property. Okay, then help us out, sir. I am. I’ve already helped you. I’ve educated you about the law, but you’re not listening. You’re not accepting the facts, okay? Now I’m going to ask you one more time.
I would like my passport back. I would like to get on my way. I have critters with water, freezing. I really don’t have time for this. Okay, Sir, I’m telling you, we. If we have to, we will break the window, unlock the vehicle and pull you out. Do you want it to get to that? You want to come out and talk to us? Okay, so you’re threatening to break my private property? I’m telling you that you can’t get out of this vehicle if you do not comply with our orders. I don’t have to comply with your orders? No, I do not.
Yes, sir, I do not. Okay, so what are we gonna do here? We’re. We’re gonna have a gunfight on the side road is what we’re gonna have. Well, then. Then you better start listening to sense. You need to start listening. No, sir, I do not need to listen to an agent of a foreign corporation. Okay. Okay. I asked you guys to go back there and call somebody in town that actually knows the law. Who’s this person in town that knows? Apparently somebody. I would try with John Harlan as the sheriff. And ask Harlan. Okay. And ask him.
Okay, well, we have a representative of the sheriff’s office right here. And he was talking to you. I know, but that don’t mean he knows the actual law. Look, I’m not trying to get anybody riled up, and I apologize for doing that. What I’m trying to do is find a. Is an ending to this. That’s civil for both of us. Here’s the simple ending. You guys admit that you have no authority over me. We can’t do that, sir. Well, I’m sorry you can’t do that, okay? But I am not going to allow you to violate my Rights to travel.
I will not allow you to damage my private property. Okay? I’m telling you right now, I don’t want to damage your private property. I’m saying. Right? I don’t want to at all. Okay? All I want you to get out of the vehicle so we can talk. That’s it. That is it. And I won’t damage your private property. Nothing. Not happening. I don’t have to get out of this vehicle. Okay, so why. Why are we coming to this? Why are we butting heads there? Why don’t you. Because you guys are not listening to the matter of fact of law.
That’s why it’s called the matter of fact of law. The fact of that matter is you have zero authority over me, where I’m going to travel, how I’m going to do it, what I’m going to do it in, and what placards I place on said private automobile. Okay, just give me one second, okay? Why are you threatening to get your gun? Because I’m not going to allow them to violate my. Dude, I’m not allowing them to violate my right to travel freely and damage my private property because I won’t listen to a supposed authority that has none over me.
Really got to explain myself over and over. So if I got. If we got somebody on the phone, you talk to somebody. There ain’t nothing to talk about. You wouldn’t want to talk to anybody. There’s nobody to talk to about anything. What is there to talk to? You guys not admitting that you have no authority over me. Is that what it is? You said you wanted to talk to Sheriff Harland. I don’t want to talk to Sheriff. I’ve already talked to him. I’ve talked to all your judges, your state’s attorneys. State’s attorneys know I sent them.
Cease and desist, disappeared. Why? Because I know the law, okay? This is absolutely ludicrous. This is supposed to be America. Where’s my right to travel freely? You guys, where’s that at right now? Phone calls and see what we can do here, okay, well, common sense should prevail, and I’m counting on the sheriff’s department for that, okay? You know, three LEOs that don’t even know the law. The kid for the patrol just got out of his car with my passport. Handed it to, I guess his superior, highway patrolman. Sir, can I do for you? All right, sir, here’s your passport back.
Can you roll it down a little bit further? You told me to slide it in there. The slider in here. Okay. So this is. This is back. Jody, pull those out. Okay. Free to go for now. Okay. What’d you do to my car? You didn’t do anything to your car. Okay? I got it on film here, okay? There’s nothing sabotaged on my private vehicle. There’s nothing sabotaged on your vehicle. All right, so you guys have a nice day, okay? We’ll see you around. It’s time to awaken your divine potential with secret civics.com, where you’ll learn how to transcend state laws and even the Constitution, all in order to eradicate corruption using our rights bestowed by God, completely free, not even an email required.
It’ll only be available until they shut it down, so don’t wait. It’s time to realize your divine authority and fulfill your life’s mission. SecretCivics.com.