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5G Danger


➡ A man named Valentine believes that humanity is a virus causing the Earth to heat up, similar to a fever in a human body. He plans to reduce the population to save the planet, choosing who lives and dies. Meanwhile, mysterious attacks are causing people to experience strange symptoms like pressure in the head, nausea, and dizziness. These attacks are suspected to be from a microwave weapon, affecting even children, causing symptoms like loss of eyesight and nosebleeds.
➡ Since 2016, U.S. government officials and their families have been experiencing unexplained brain injuries with symptoms like confusion, memory loss, and vertigo. Investigations are ongoing to determine if these injuries are caused by an unseen weapon targeting Americans. Some of the affected individuals include senior national security officials who reported experiencing these symptoms in Washington and at the White House. The symptoms have been severe and persistent, leading to ongoing health issues and medical treatment.
➡ The article discusses a method called stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), which could help combat global warming by reflecting the sun’s heat back into space, similar to volcanic eruptions. However, it also highlights challenges such as the need for greenhouse gas reductions and potential geopolitical conflicts. The article also delves into weather modification and the use of chemicals and frequencies to alter weather patterns, raising concerns about potential health and environmental impacts. Lastly, it mentions past government experiments on the public, suggesting a need for transparency and accountability in such initiatives.
➡ The article discusses concerns about secret biological testing and the use of chemtrails, which are trails of chemicals left in the sky by aircraft. It mentions that the U.S. government has previously conducted secret testing on the public and that chemtrails, potentially harmful to human health, have been linked to such activities. The article also talks about cloud seeding, a process to increase rainfall using chemicals, which some believe is harmful. Lastly, it mentions a bill in Tennessee aiming to ban the intentional release of chemicals into the air.
➡ Kristen Edwards, a former bio-environmental engineer in the Air Force, shares her experience of discovering harmful chemicals being used in military operations. She noticed unusual amounts of barium, aluminum oxide, and strontium, which are not typically found in nature, being brought onto the base. After conducting her own tests, she found high levels of these chemicals in her community. Despite threats to her career and personal life, she chose to expose this issue, becoming a whistleblower and leaving the Air Force.
➡ John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel and a renowned meteorologist, passed away at 83. He was known for his skepticism about climate change, arguing that there is no significant man-made global warming. He believed that the science supporting global warming was influenced by political agendas and funding, and that the increase in CO2, often blamed for climate change, actually benefits plant life and the ecosystem. He also suggested that weather tampering techniques exist, which could potentially be used for control and manipulation.
➡ Southern California is facing severe weather conditions with heavy rain, flash floods, and mudslides, putting millions at risk. Meanwhile, there’s controversy over cloud seeding, a technique to increase rain, which some believe worsened the floods. There’s also concern about weather modification and potential health risks from substances used in the process. Lastly, there’s debate about global warming, with some arguing it’s a myth and others linking weather changes to solar activity.
➡ The article discusses a mysterious illness affecting people, which is believed to be caused by pulsed electromagnetic energy or focused microwave beams. These beams can cause serious brain injuries and are suspected to be a new form of weapon. The technology has been studied for over 50 years and is known to be developed in countries like the U.S., Russia, and China. The article also explains the electromagnetic spectrum, highlighting that radio frequency radiation, which includes devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi, can potentially harm humans.
➡ This text discusses the potential harmful effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation from devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and microwave ovens. It suggests that prolonged exposure to RF radiation can cause symptoms similar to radiation sickness and may even lead to cancer. The text also mentions a study that found evidence of tumors in rats exposed to cell phone radiation, but notes that the FDA disagrees with the findings. Lastly, it warns about the dangers of microwaving food, claiming it destroys nutritional value and turns food toxic.
➡ The text discusses the potential health risks associated with electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), particularly from 5G technology. It suggests that EMFs can cause a range of symptoms, from anxiety and depression to physical ailments like cancer. The text also highlights that EMFs may disrupt cell structures and cause long-term damage. Despite these potential risks, the text notes that research into the health effects of EMFs is being suppressed and that the rollout of 5G technology is continuing.
➡ There are growing concerns about the health risks of Wi-Fi and 5G technology, including potential damage to eyes, loss of insect populations, antibiotic resistance, and effects on the nervous and immune systems. Some believe that the radiation from these technologies could be as harmful as a known carcinogen, lead. There are calls for delayed deployment of 5G until more research can be done on its long-term effects. Additionally, there are concerns about the use of Wi-Fi in schools, with some suggesting that it could be causing symptoms like nosebleeds in children and calling for a halt to its use until its safety can be confirmed.
➡ The Department of Defense is investigating a phenomenon known as Havana Syndrome, where people hear voices in their heads, possibly due to technology manipulation. This manipulation could be similar to how smartphones and social media are designed to be addictive, a practice some call “brain hacking”. There are also concerns about the health effects of new technologies like 5G, with some claiming it can cause physical harm due to radio frequency exposure. Despite these concerns, there is currently little research being done to investigate these potential dangers.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the potential health risks of 5G technology. It suggests that the high-frequency waves used by 5G could cause cell damage, leading to health issues like tumors. The text also mentions that 5G technology will be more pervasive, with devices installed in many public and private spaces. However, it’s important to note that these claims are not universally accepted and require further scientific research.
➡ The text suggests that the global spread of 5G technology and its high-frequency radiation could be causing health issues, including the current pandemic. It argues that this is a major cover-up and that the radiation can cause various diseases, including cancer. The text also suggests that this radiation can suppress the immune system, making people more vulnerable to diseases. It ends by stating that there are ways to reduce exposure to this radiation, such as wearing silver-lined clothes.
➡ The text discusses the theory that directed energy weapons might be causing large-scale fires, such as the largest fire in Texas history. It suggests that these fires could be part of a larger plan by the United Nations to clear lands and move people into smart cities. The text also mentions the possibility of weather manipulation through technologies like HAARP and NEXRAD, which could potentially cause natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. Lastly, it touches on the idea of geoengineering as a potential solution to climate change, but warns of the possible negative side effects.


So you want to donate to my foundation? You are aware that I’ve wound things down in that area, right? Climate change is a threat which affects us all, Mister Valentine. And you’re one of the few powerful men who seems to share my concerns. I shut things down because I wasn’t getting anywhere. Every bit of research kept pointing to the same thing. The carbon emissions are a red herring. And we’re past the point of no return, no matter what remedial actions we take. Oh, you know your shit. Humankind is the only virus cursed to live with the horrifying knowledge of its host’s fragile mortality.

Well, want me to follow him? Nah, put a nano tracker, Dill and the wine. We’ll know his every move for the next 24 hours. Finally find out who he worked for. In other news, people all over the world continue to wait in line day and night to get their free sim cards by misses P. Get one. Yeah, yeah. I’ve been queuing up all day. This unprecedented giveaway by the philanthropist Richmond Valentine has already seen over a billion cards distributed. Have you had any chance to think further on my proposal? Most definitely. My people will be getting in touch with you very soon.

I guarantee it. You know what I love about pen and paper? Nobody can hack into this shit. Our world War two was a complete success. We have total coverall. If our test goes well at the church tomorrow, we are good to go. And I say to you, bear witness. Watch the news. Watch the news. Ain’t floods the blood of the innocent spill. And yet there are those who doubt this is the wrath of God. Our filthy government condones sodomy, divorce, abortion. And yet some still doubt. This is the work of the Antichrist. You sure we’re out of range? We’re over a thousand feet away.

What’s wrong? What if the calculations are wrong? You just have to trust me. Hey, what’s your problem? I’m a catholic whore, currently enjoying Congress out of wedlock with my black jewish boyfriend. Who works in a military abortion clinic. So hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon, madam. I’m 30. In the test now. Hoping never these freaks have out them. Collins. I can’t watch this. Jesus. Callahan, can you hear me? Harry. Harry. What the heck is going on? I didn’t expect it to be that effective. What kind of response are we talking? 100%. So everyone’s been affected, whether they have a sim card or nothing.

What did you do to me? I had no control. I killed all those people. I wanted to. In simple terms, it’s a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression and switches off inhibitors. Transmitted through your nasty free sim cards, I assume. You know what this is like. It’s like those old movies we both love. Now I’m gonna tell you my whole plan. When you get a virus, you get a fever. That’s the human body raising its core temperature to kill the virus. Planet Earth works the same way. Global warming is the fever. Mankind is the virus.

We’re making our planet thick. A coal is our only hope. If we don’t reduce our population ourselves. There’s only one of two ways this can go. The host kills the virus, or the virus kills the host. Either way, the result is the same. The virus dies. So Valentine’s gonna take care of the population problem himself. Well, if we don’t do something, nature will. Sometimes a culling is the only way to ensure that the species survives. And history. See Valentine as a man who saved humanity from extinction. And he gets to pick and choose who gets culled, does he? All his rich mates, they get to live.

And anyone he thinks is worth saving, he’s keeping them safe, whether they agree with him or not. And you? It’s okay, Lancelot. Put it down. It’s verified. Arthur’s phone’s receiving update texts about getting to safety. We don’t have a lot of time. What are you gonna do? Question is, what are we gonna do? God knows who’s in Valentine’s pocket and who’s not. We’ve no choice. We’re gonna have to deal with this ourselves. Follow me. Swedish prime minister requested permission to land. Just want to remind you that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death and focus on birth.

The birth of a new age. We mustn’t mourn those who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice. She got my number to call me back. And their role in saving the human race. We must put aside doubts and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story of Noah’s Ark, is Noah the bad guy? Is God the bad guy? How about the animal marching two by two? Of course not. Yeah, that’s it. Let’s turn those crown upside down. Drink. I will see you all in the new age. 10%. All those innocent people killed.

And for what? Passengers in flight 3598, your team member has been. Hi, dad. Hey. Hey, buddy. Are you coming home? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Soon. It’s terrorists, right? It’s gotta be terrorists. Don’t use yourself. If we’re gonna survive, people are gonna die. You okay? They act for the good of the group as a whole. They may be the next stage in human evolution. What’s happening now is more than temporary energy. It’s a start of a war. I want to wipe him out. It’s a suicide mission. You gotta die. I wanna see my son. Salah. You okay? Do not withhold your mercy from us, o Lord, for troubles without number surround us.

May your love and your truth protect us. For here lies the dead dust of the earth. Good always conquers evil. I believe that. Are you coming home? Are you coming home? I just want you to come home. Johnny’s voice no, it’s not. You know that is not your son. I just want you to come home. Clay, no. Well, fine. I’ve locked the door. What do you want me to do now? As I said, put your daughter in the bathroom and throw away the key the world is going to. Two senior CIA agents believe they were targeted with a sophisticated microwave weapon while they were visiting Australia late last year.

It’s been reported the pair may have been attacked as part of a global campaign. Both of the agents experienced sort of pressure on their head. They reported hearing a strange noise and a ringing in their ears. Both of them also became nauseous and dizzy. I don’t think any of them realized what a big deal it was until we started talking to people and telling them our stories. The night of my event, March 17, 2020, 2017, I was standing at the kitchen window. I was washing dishes. And in the midst of washing the dish, all of a sudden, I felt like I was being struck with something.

And it was an overwhelming sense of anxiety, pressure completely inexplicable, and then pain that I have never felt before for in my life. All of a sudden, I heard what one of the security officers had said to someone else just a couple of days before. Look, we don’t know what’s happening, but if you think something’s happening, get off the x. And I heard that in my head. Get off the x. And it was almost like I had been unplugged, and a spell was lifted, and I moved. What we can’t understand is why these people’s brainstor, when they have no history of anything, hitting them in the head.

Possible symptoms of the mysterious illness called first Havana syndrome. Mysterious neurological symptoms. Havana syndrome can cause dizziness, nausea, even brain damage. Overt sonic weapon. I know a lot of people still see this as kind of a science fiction novel plot, but it’s very, very real. As mind blowing as it sounds, 60 minutes is trying to tell you the truth. This is a huge deal. Just check this out. It affects every single person and everything in everyday life. This is exactly what is making everybody sick. And they’re telling you right here. One theory is that these officials have been hit with some kind of a microwave device, perhaps even a weapon that was designed to incapacitate them.

It involved their children. And some of what they have told us about what happened to their children is particularly disturbing. My daughter, who’s very athletic, went for a run. She lost all of her right side eyesight. She couldn’t see anything to her right. And she’s asking me if she’s going blind. Something woke me up. It was ten after three. I looked at the clock and I heard this noise, and it was loud, metallic, screeching noise. And at the end of it, it died out. It went. And as soon as it went below where I could hear it, I just thought I was going to throw up.

My daughter woke up in the middle of the night gushing blood. Not once, not twice, but three times from her nose. From her nose. There was a whole trail of blood. My oldest son had massive nosebleeds that came out of nowhere. My youngest son was passing out for no reason. Their illness is real, and we don’t want this to be what they’re associated with for the rest of their lives. Since 2016, us government officials and their families have reported sudden, unexplained brain injuries with symptoms of vertigo, confusion, and memory loss. The CIA, FBI, and State Department are investigating a theory that some of these officials were injured by an unseen weapon who might be targeting Americans, and why are unknown.

Our reporting has found senior national security officials who say they were stricken in Washington and on the grounds of the white house. The former officials you’re about to meet are revealing their experiences for the first time. They were responsible for helping to manage threats to national security at the White House. She worked in the 19th century Eisenhower executive office building beside the west wing. In the summer of 2019, she was descending these stairs toward the White House when she felt she had been physically struck. But it was like this piercing feeling on the side of my head.

It was like. I remember it was on the right side of my head. And I. I got, like, vertigo. I was unsteady. I was. I felt nauseous. It was almost like I couldn’t really process. It was like a paralyzing panic attack. I’ve never had that. I’ve never felt anything like that. And so I thought to myself, I mean, do I have a brain tumor? Out of the blue? Is this what happened? Am I having a stroke? Olivia Troi was inside the security perimeter, headed to her car. It happened a couple times walking to my car on the ellipse.

Tell me about those times. It was a similar sensation, but this time it was very much the feeling of vertigo and dizziness. And I felt like I couldn’t really walk. There was sort of a. It was like I had a depth perception issue where I couldn’t figure out where the ground was, and I would start walking, and I felt like I was just gonna fall right into the ground. Troy says she didn’t report the episodes because she didn’t want to believe she was seriously ill, and she worried what it would mean to her security clearance and career.

After this interview, she reported for the first time John Bolton, former national security advisor. They had disorientation and ringing and in their ears and just a general inability to function, Bolton told us. The officials said he couldn’t speak or think clearly. He was taken to an emergency room. The former official sent us this note saying that more than a year later, I’m still recovering and suffering from headaches and other symptoms and have been diagnosed with two other medical conditions that are believed to be the result of the attack. He’s still an outpatient at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Miles Taylor, Department of Homeland Security. Your job is to oversee the roughly 250,000 men and women of the department. It was sort of a chirping somewhere between what you would think is a cricket or sort of a digital sound. How did you feel the next day, you know, sick, next day, feeling off balance, feeling just out of it again. Those sort of concussion like symptoms you would have from, you know, getting knocked pretty hard struck me as being pretty good evidence of a deliberate attack. You believe it was an attack? I don’t think there’s any other hypothesis.

When you begin to look at the number and the pattern that we’ve experienced around, I believe, 02:00 a.m. with strange vibrations in our bodies and a sound which led Garfield to check on his children. In another room, I saw an extremely eerie scene where both were thrashing in their beds, asleep, but both kicking and moving pretty aggressively. And I went over to my daughter, and I put my head down next to her head, and I heard a very distinct sound just right there, sort of like water rushing. So I picked her up, took her in, put her with my wife, and came back.

And I checked my son, same sound, just right next to his head. So I picked him up, put him on my shoulder, walked over to my wife and I said, we’re getting out of here. Garfield reported this to the FBI today. His family is posted abroad, where they continue to work to improve balance, eyesight, and memory. I personally know the parents of, I believe, eight other children. I can tell you I’ve personally seen balance issues in children that have never had that trouble with finding their words, stuttering, and then continuing challenges around vision. One of the things that we have heard from some parents is that these are manifesting in the classroom in real, tangible ways.

The FBI is now investigating whether these Americans were attacked by a mysterious weapon that leaves no trace, causing impaired vision and memory loss, among other persistent symptoms. For me, it was November of 2017 when I started to feel lightheaded a lot. I was getting more headaches. My wife was getting headaches, too. Mark Lindsay is a state Department security officer who worked in the US consulate. He says that he and his wife began to suffer after hearing strange sounds in their apartment. Lindsay wears prescribed glasses because sensitivity to light is among his persistent symptoms. The symptoms were progressively getting worse with me.

My headaches were getting worse. The most concerning symptom for me was memory loss, especially short term memory loss. She’s a US Commerce department trade officer. I woke up in the middle of the night and I could feel the sound in my head. It was intense pressure on both of my temples at the same time. I heard this low humming sound, and it was oscillating. I started to get, um, hives all over my body. Woke up with headaches every day. Tired. The simplest things would just make me very, very tired. Were these symptoms growing worse over time? They were, yes.

My symptoms would get so bad that I would throw up or I would wake up with nosebleeds. She says even her dogs were throwing up blood. She didn’t know it at the time, but her symptoms were the same that american officials in Havana had suffered since 2016. The us embassy there is all but closed as a result. What sort of symptoms did your mother have? Headaches and ringing in our ears, difficulty recalling words. I would do anything in my power to prevent this from happening to somebody else. While Beck suffers from. From Parkinson’s, the recent patients are being treated for the same kind of symptoms that doctors would expect from a concussion.

So follow my fingers. Doctor Tina Shetty is Mark Lindsay’s neurologist. So Mark initially came to me reporting symptoms of headache, memory loss, sleep difficulties, emotionality, and irritability. And what did you make of that in the early days? I was very surprised. He did not have any history of any trauma or blow to his head. But he reported a constellation of neurologic symptoms which are characteristic of mild traumatic brain injury without any history of associated head trauma. I still notice it, but that has improved when I. Exactly how their brains were injured is the subject of a study at the University of Pennsylvania center for Brain Injury and Repair.

Presumption is that some something happened which caused a functional brain injury of widespread brain networks. Because he has symptoms to reflect a multitude of brain networks. What doctor Shetty describes mirrors the findings published so far by the University of Pennsylvania study. They have said that our symptoms are exactly what they thought. I do know that it was for months on end, I was sitting next to Robin, and something I felt like hit me from the left side. And at first it felt like an electric shock, and then it paralyzed me, so I was not able to move or speak.

It hit you so hard, you felt like you were in danger in the room? Yes. They say the children suffered blurred vision and loss of balance. They tried to deny it. They tried to cover it up. They tried to minimize it. Why would the State Department minimize this? Because it’s China. Because we have such a large trade relationship with them. But if microwaves were used, the technology is not rare. It could be more than one country is using it. Persistent neurological symptoms are not the only fight these Americans have faced. Some of their early reports were dismissed as psychosomatic or illnesses connected to an infection or exposure to pesticides.

Some were told that they were suffering the effects of old sports injuries. One theory had it that the sound these victims heard during the incidents was actually a particular species of cicada. And that night, all the dogs started kicking off in the neighborhood, barking, which is very unusual for them all to go and chorus. And then this just loud sound just absolutely filled my room. It felt like my head was slowly starting to get crushed. We agreed not to use his name. He is not allowed to say what federal agency he worked for. And then the ear.

Severe ear pain started. So I liken it to if you put a q tip too far and you bounce off your eardrum, well, imagine taking a sharp pencil and just kind of poking that. It was very jarring and painful, and eventually I started blacking out. An early FBI report speculated it was all mass hysteria. His brain injuries left him disabled, essentially retired at the age of 36. A weighted vest helps him balance. His service dog helps with walking and his loss of vision. Legally blind in one eye, correct? Yeah. What have the doctors told you? It’s not the eye.

It’s the wiring. What do you mean? That the eye function as itself is completely correct and appropriate. It’s the signal that comes out the back of the eye into the brain is where the problems are, and no one really knows how to fix that. He’s a professor of medicine at Stanford University. What we found was, we thought, clear evidence of an injury to the auditory and vestibular system of the brain. Everything starting with the inner ear, where humans perceive sound and sense balance, and then translate those perceptions into brain electrical signals with something that we had never heard of, we could not explain by known medical or environmental conditions, and to us deserved our special attention in an effort to understand what might be the plausible mechanism.

That mechanism, Doctor Rellman’s committees concluded, was most likely pulsed electromagnetic energy, in other words, a focused beam of microwaves fired from a distance. The implications of a mechanism like that, that suggest something different about the world now involving the loss of norms. Humans were affected in a serious fashion, and for that very reason alone, we have to understand this better. There is evidence the gates may have been breached by an invisible threat. Former national security adviser John Bolton fears there is a threat to the highest levels of government. What line is crossed if a hostile actor is doing this in Washington, DC? Oh, that.

That would be a pretty profound line to be crossed if in fact that were the case. If we were ever able to develop concrete evidence that that were the case, we’ll look at the kind of device capable of inflicting brain injury without a trace. I think the best explanation, most plausible, is that it’s a high power microwave weapon. James Benford is a physicist and leading authority on microwaves. He was not part of the government studies, but he co wrote the book on microwave transmission. These are portable microwave transmitters of the kind that could damage the tissues of the brain.

There are many kinds, and they can go anywhere in size, from a suitcase all the way up to a large tractor trailer unit. And the bigger the device, the longer the range. This would be able to transmit its microwave energy through the wall of a van, the wall of a home, something like that. Vans have windows. Microwaves go through glass, they go through brick, they go through practically everything. The technology Binford told us has been studied more than 50 years. It’s been developed widely in perhaps a dozen countries. The primary countries are the United States, Russia and China.

Microwaves can be a tool for spies. Some devices are capable of collecting data remotely from phones and computers. It was a weapon? Of course it was a weapon. An energy weapon? Absolutely. What sort of energy is this? That we’re talking about, I believe it’s rf. Radio frequency energy in the microwave range. The clue that supports that theory was revealed by the National Security Agency in 2014. This NSA statement describes such a weapon as a high powered microwave system, weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time without leaving evidence. The statement goes on to say, this weapon is designed to bay the target’s living quarters microwaves.

The NSA disclosed this in a workers compensation case filed by former NSA employee Mike Beck. But we do not have evidence of that at this point. If we were at war and an adversary could disable the president and his top advisors or commanders in the field, it could render us extraordinarily vulnerable. That’s the threat we’re facing. But I would much rather focus on finding out the answer now rather than finding out later when it may be too late. Someone is trying to send us a message that they can strike blows against us and we can’t strike back.

That line being crossed into the United States takes this in some ways just shy of the realm of warfare. Okay, so here are the facts of what they’re saying. They’re saying it’s radio frequency radiation blanketing living areas, causing these damages. Now, let’s break down what rf radio frequency radiation is in a simple way, alright? So starting at zero, you have static electricity, okay? And that’s 0. Then you go to 1 hz. What is 1 is one pulse per 1 second, 2 hz is two pulses per 1 second. Okay? That’s how that works. 10 hz is ten pulses per 1 second.

Thousand Hertz is a kilohertz, is kilohertz khz, and that’s a thousand pulses a second, okay? So what we have starting at zero is static electricity going up the spectrum. We have ELF, which is extremely low frequency, which is something like power lines, that’s around 300 hz. Okay? Then we go up to a welding device or something very powerful. You plug in, that’s going to be 100 khz, okay? And that’s again, 100,000 pulses per 1 second. That’s a welding device. All right? And then we get up to MHz. That’s megahertz. In the megahertz range. We have things like tvs and other things that you plug in your wall.

And then we get to the gigahertz or the GHz, okay? Radio frequency radiation on this spectrum is between 100 khz or kilohertz and 300 GHz or gigahertz. So radio frequency or rf, the frequency they were using to hurt these people, are between 100 khc and 300 ghc, okay? Within that spectrum, on the lower end, we have walkie talkies, radios, okay? Then we get up to second generation cell phone use, which is 2.4. Then we get up to the fourth generation cell phones, which were right around 2.66 GHz, okay? Now the demonized 5g, or fifth generation cell phone frequency will get up to 66 GHz.

But mostly 3.4 to 3.8 is what they will tell you. And then 6th generation cell phone or 6th generation technology is going to utilize 95 GHz even into the terahertz zone. And let’s not forget Wi Fi, that’s the 2.5. So when you see two g and five g on your Wi Fi, that literally means 2.5. When you see 5g with cell phone use, that stands for fifth generation. And when you hear Comcast say they have the new ten g speed, they’re meaning 10gb/second so this is on purpose to confuse you. I hope this now makes sense.

Getting out of gigahertz, we get into terahertz, or thz, that’s 1 trillion pulses per second. Then we get into phz or petahertz, and that’s 1 quadrillion /second pulses per second. Then we get into exahertz, which is a quintrillion pulses per second. And when you’re at quintrillion pulses per second, that is literally nuclear radiation. And that starts to really degrade your cells. Reversing back to terahertz, which is in between gigahertz and petahertz, we have the visible light spectrum. And I bet you will find it interesting that us humans, our cells, a healthy human cell, is the same frequency as our visible light spectrum, which would imply that we actually, literally are of light.

Now that you understand the whole spectrum, all the way on the left, we have zero being static electricity. And all the way on the right, we have what’s called nuclear radiation, which literally destroys you. So that is the entire electromagnetic wave spectrum. Okay? So before the 60 minutes documentary, they would have told you that non ionizing radiation cannot hurt you on the spectrum. And ionizing radiation on this spectrum can hurt you. Ionizing radiation is from 30 petahertz all the way over to 300 exahertz. And that’s anything from uv light to x rays, all the way over to nuclear bombs, okay? They say that’s ionizing radiation that can hurt you.

And they say anything from visible light all the way down to static cannot hurt you because it’s non ionized. Now, in this 60 minutes excerpt they are explaining that radio frequency radiation is being used to destroy human beings. That’s RF. Now remember, within the RF is your radio, okay, that you listen to every day. Also is your cell phone, walkie talkies, and most importantly, Wi Fi. Now, as I’ve stated over and over in the 60 minutes episode, they say that they were blanketing living areas of these people to hurt them with microwave radiation, okay? Blanketing their living areas with microwave radiation.

Blanketing their living areas with radio frequency microwave radiation, okay? Now the reason I say that is because your Wi Fi is literally rf, just like your microwave, and it’s emitting, literally emitting this radiation constant in your living area. It is the same thing as these weapons that are being used to hurt these high level government agents. If you need to see it for yourself, go ahead and get yourself a GQ EMF 390 RF radio frequency EMF meter, okay? And check your Wi Fi for yourself. Compare it to your microwave, do your own experiments. And once you know, you’ll start to notice certain things, certain sicknesses and symptoms are coming from these devices.

And don’t forget that means bluetooth, which means your apple Watch is injecting poison into your body. And your left and right apple earpods, those are literally cooking your brain. I have studies that literally explain that it’s burning the glucose rf frequency is burning the glucose out of people’s brains. The 60 minutes documentary shows these small portable EMF weapons that literally causes people to basically black out, okay? These are basically battery powered. Now, these big emitters that we have that are literally weapons to keep us, it’s literally prison cell bars are these cell phone towers that emit RF.

Usually the RF is emitted in a way that it would slowly hurt us over time. On purpose or not, it doesn’t matter. That’s a fact. This RF is hurting us every single day over time, nice and slow. Not saying it’s on purpose, doesn’t matter how I feel. These are the facts. Fact of the matter is, they can turn these cell phone towers up to even more than what they’re broadcasting now. According to the documents, they can turn these towers up to 66 GHz, okay? And I’ve talked to installers who’ve explained these things to me. Top section and the bottom section, because those are live.

Yep. Actually, I didn’t think T Mobile’s live yet. T Mobile’s on the bottom. I don’t think they’ve been integrated yet. They just came for us. So how can you tell it’s five g and four g, that they’ve all looked the same because I install it. But no, no, not you. I’m just saying somebody in general, they all look the same, all the hardware in there. But the radiation does induce coronavirus like symptoms. Radiation poisoning, maybe, but it does for sure. It is for a fact. There’s a Pentagon general who said that in the video of acute radiation sickness would be just exactly like a terrible flu.

A person would have a headache, they would feel very tired. They would have a little bit of a fever. They might have some vomiting. At higher doses, all of this would be more severe, and it would come on more rapidly, literally, just, you know, explaining what the different radiation is. But all over Vermont, all over New England. Oh, no shit. No shit. So, like, see how they’re all working behind the antennas? Yeah. Yeah. They’re not even on right now because it’s a brand new site build. Right. Those are directional, right? Right. But they go up 45 degrees.

If you go on to, like, a am radio tower. Like that. Shit has to be tuned down or omnidirectional. So is that any different? The 5g nodes that are. That are receiving, and so those are 360. Call me a weirdo, but ever since I learned this stuff, my mission has been to help people. And since I’ve done that, I created a business for this type of thing. And people who call me explain things like they have tinnitus ringing out of their ear. And I ask about their environment, and they say, to their right is a Wi Fi router, and that’s been in their office, and it’s right next to their head.

And they have literal proof that this stuff is hurting them. And we have no remedy to get this stuff taken down from the world because everybody thinks this is crazy. Now, the 60 minutes documentary says that symptoms can be headaches, anxiety, memory loss, vertigo, loss of balance, nausea, disorientation, can’t speak, can’t think clearly, ringing in the ears, which is tinnitus, which is what I just said. Concussion like symptoms, stuttering and worse. I’m not sure what the percentages are, but most people have. Microwave ovens cook a lot of food that way. What is that good? It’s the best way to kill yourself really, really fast.

You can’t even do a test. Microwave water, let it go cold. That you don’t think the heat did it. And you have your flower pots, two flower pots with the same flower bought at the same shop. In one, you water with regular water, and the other you water with microwave water. The one you water with microwave water is dead in three to seven days. The microwave is basically destroying every food value that’s in the food and turning it into a toxin. So everything out of the microwave is highly toxic and the food value is completely zero.

So it doesn’t really matter if you have a bowl of vegetable soup that you warm up in the microwave oven or if you eat cardboard, it makes no difference because the food value is not there anymore. And it also becomes toxic. We want to talk about cell phones because a lot of people are wondering what happens when you take out a cell phone and you use it and if there’s some kind of radiation that’s involved. And you actually, and you might want to do this yourself. If you go to your iPhone, for example, and you hit settings, and after you go to settings, you essentially can go to the settings in general and then go all the way down to a little thing that says legal.

So you go to settings, then you go to general, and then you go to legal, right? And when you go to legal, it actually, I didn’t know this. I just learned this. You can go on your cell phone. I don’t know if you can see it. You can see it on your cell phone. And there’s a setting right there at the bottom. I don’t know if you can see it. See, it says RF exposure. RF exposure. I had no idea. And when you go to your cell phone and you read this, you can find out how they do this test and where you’re actually supposed to carry your phone.

And they said that you’re not supposed to carry your phone so close to your body because when they do the test, they do it away from the body. Isn’t that fascinating? So we wanted to do, we wanted to know more about this, so we decided to look into the study. United States released the results of the world’s largest and most expensive study on the effects of cell phone radiation. Now, it’s based on tests on rats, of course, but what they found is clear evidence of cancer today. And this is why we wanted to look into this.

Food and Drug Administration, which called for the creation of the program in the first place, is now casting doubt on these findings. Here’s RT correspondent Dan Cohen with the story. Back in 1999, the Food and Drug Administration requested that the National Toxic Psychology program studied the effects of cell phone radiation on humans. The FDA’s original letter said, quote, a significant research effort, including well planned animal experiments, is needed to provide the basis to assess the risk to human health of wireless communication devices. 19 years later, the $25 million program has concluded the results clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats, some evidence of tumors in the brains of male rats, and some evidence of tumors in the adrenal glands of male rats.

The FDA released a statement saying it disagrees with the conclusion of clear evidence of cancer in rodents. They’re clearly just ignoring the evidence. I can’t believe they’re ignorant of the studies that have shown repeatedly in many countries that excessive cell phone uses increases the risk of glioblastoma, especially, and also swanomas of the auditory nerve. This is frosting on the cake in terms of that evidence, and I can’t understand how any legitimate scientists can ignore that evidence. The FDA added that conclusions on safety of cell phones on humans can’t be drawn because the studies were conducted on rats just as it had originally called for.

That’s absolute nonsense. The way we test for the toxicity of all chemicals is to start with study in rats and mice and animals, because the genetic composition of rats and mice are almost 100% identical to those of humans. Maybe 98%, something like that. But this is how we determine when things cause cancer in humans. And rarely will there be any substance that causes cancer in animals that doesn’t. Also in humans. Indeed, the same heart and brain cancers that the national toxicology program found in rats have also been found in humans. This result is totally consistent with what we know to occur in humans.

And now we have the proof that it also occurs in animals. Had the FDA accepted the results, it would then inform the Federal Communications Commission, which would update its regulations. But barring a reversal from the FDA, the standards set way back in 1996 will remain in place. Reporting in Washington, Dan Cohen, RT. What do you think Wi Fi is doing to us, since it’s everywhere experiencing, including you? I think it degrades your mitochondria and it, you know, opens your blood brain barrier. Damage the blood blood brain barrier. Radio frequency radiation exposure has been shown to affect the permeability of the blood brain barrier, as well as altering the expression of microrna within the brain, which researchers state could lead to adverse effects such as neurodegenerative disease.

Whoa. The findings were followed by suppression, misinformation, and a shutdown of government funded research in the United States. It’s the same. It’s the same play. We gotta get rid of Wi Fi. What the fuck, Jamie? All right, just a few more things to run this home. The ace two receptor cells are located in your lungs, among other places, and they’re responsible for lubricating the inside of your lungs. Covid-19 is said to affect those cells to overproduce mucus, which causes pneumonia, which is literally lungs full of fluid. Okay? Now, when you do the research, I came out in 2019 explaining this is something you can look up.

This EMF, specifically radiofrequency EMF causes these ace two cells to do the same thing that the supposable Covid-19 virus does. And when you compare this to the flu, it’s the same symptoms as the flu. They all do the same thing. And how coincidental that is more knowledge for you. How does EMF RF cause cancer? It causes something called free radicals in your blood. Free radicals are a cell that is missing an electron. So you. You have the nucleus in the middle, protons and electrons floating around the side. That’s an atom. One atom that’s missing an electron will then grab another atom’s electron.

So a free radical is an atom missing an electron. It’s unstable, so it’ll start clinging to other atoms. You have atoms clinging together, which is cells clumping together, which is tumor growth. Okay? That’s how EMF causes cancer, is through free radicals. And it’s not just normal free radicals. It’s called ros free radicals, and that’s reactive oxygen species free radicals, which literally not only clump to each other, but they take the oxygen out of your blood. You could be breathing, huffing and puffing, and having no oxygen in your blood because this stuff is literally removing it. These are scientific facts.

Here’s the link. Look it up for yourself and fall apart. We can behave differently. We could get sick. We could feel very stressed and not know why. Once in a while, when you have a power outage, most people can identify the fact that they have a release of tension. The minute the electricity goes out, they feel an inner relaxation, a tension release. And when the power goes back on, the tension returns. So this is something that most of us can feel. Everyone has a certain sensitivity to electromagnetic waves. It’s just that some people are more sensitive than others.

The symptoms that I discovered in my research caused by electromagnetic frequencies are anxiety, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, extreme fatigue, headaches, lightheadedness, mood swings, nausea, nighttime, increase in urination, pulse rate, a sudden increase, shortness of breath, tingling, prickling, feeling of the skin, vertigo, nosebleeds, blood pressure increase, and body tremors. You can also cause cancer. You can disrupt the genetic structure of our cells. You can cause long term damage in terms of mutagenic damage over generations, or you can cause very short term damage. And you can also. You can actually cause somebody to just have their cells fall apart and hemorrhage to death.

I found from people who were writing me and calling me from all over the country that they were suffering from either one or all of these same symptoms. And every single one of them lived next close by to a transmitter. You know this, from harp to Gwin to these towers. I’m not a scientist, but I am a grandfather. And I’m a grandfather who’s done his research on this 5g technology. You don’t have to spend much time at PubMed to see all of the evidence that there are health issues related to this 5g technology. Pubmed is where you find all of the scientific studies and articles related to anything related to health and wellness.

The findings came in after a 20 year federal investigation that spent over $7 million finding that all forms of cell phone radiation or microwave relays are causing massive cancer. Their answer is to seal the research and never do any more research. That’s just one of the articles. No more research on cell phone radiation and human health, government says, and then all of the other articles. Here’s the actual environmental health trust, federally funded, and what they announced, electromagnetic radiation safety. They said they did find it causes cancer, but they’re just gonna end the research. That’s it. Oh, my.

Goody goody gumdrops. And then children. Most at risk of brain damage from wireless radiation. But that’s okay. And it’s really important to understand that the scientists and the telecom industries are not on the same page with regard to these health issues. You know, the insurance industry will not underwrite companies building out the 5g infrastructure. 5g is deemed as an emerging risk as the biological effects of EMF in general, and 5g in particular are still being debated. Potential claims for health impairments may come with a long latency. That’s from Sonar’s 2019 Swiss Ray. Zurich, Switzerland reinsurance company report.

Final thing I’ll mention before I go. Ten k disclosure Crown Castle International out of Houston, Texas, is a publicly shared company. They have a ten k disclosure they have to give to shareholders. In that ten K disclosure. It reads, if frequency emissions from wireless handsets or equipment on our communications infrastructure are demonstrated to cause negative health effects, potential future claims could adversely affect our operations, costs, or revenues. We currently do not maintain any significant insurance with respect to these matters. They have to let their shareholders know. I thank you for your time, and I encourage you, please, to take into consideration that right now in the United States, there are 418,000 cell towers.

Over the next six years, that will go up another 800,000, a 300% increase. This is only just beginning. Mister Weaver, if you could leave the document. More than two thirds of Americans have cell phones. But there’s long been a question. Does heavy cell phone use hurt human health? Lindsey Davis reports on a major new study which for the first time shows cell phones do seem to have some mysterious effect on the brain. Some are calling the study a landmark event in our understanding of how cell phones affect the human body. 47 participants had cell phones placed on their left and right ears.

One cell phone was activated but muted. The other was turned off after 50 minutes. The researchers took PET scans of the subjects. Look at what they found. The image on the left shows what happened when the cell phone was turned on. The most active areas are in red. Notice the upper right part of the brain. That’s the area closest to the antenna. Compare that with this image on the of the same subject when they had their cell phones turned off. The researchers were hoping to determine if the radiation from the cell phones had any physiological impact at all.

I confess that after the findings, I changed my behavior. So now I use it on a speakerphone. I just put a wire on my earphone. For years, studies have tried to link cell phones and cancer, but they’ve been inconclusive. Experts say this new study offers perhaps the first real step in the search for an answer. This is a study that is interesting and will almost certainly provoke additional studies. We have a responsibility to investigate whether there are or there are not long lasting consequences from repeated stimulation after five or ten years of cell phone exposure. CTIA, the Wireless trade Association, told us the leading global health organizations have overwhelmingly indicated that wireless devices are not a public health risk.

Still, an editorial accompanying the study said that the findings warrant further investigations and it sure gets your attention. Thank you, Lindsay. Five g fifth generation technology promises faster download speeds and conveniences that most of us have never dreamed of, but will also be blanketed with a new type of radiation called millimeter waves. Health experts are warning about the rising risks with a 5g rollout. It’s not been made clear to the public that 5g won’t just be another number and letter on your cell phone. It requires an entirely new infrastructure of thousands of small cellular antennas to be erected throughout cities where it’s going to be installed.

What would 5g infrastructure look like? Small cell antennas could be placed as close as every third hydro pole. Scientists from 42 countries are now warning their governments about the emerging health problems associated with wireless radiation, and canadian doctors and scientists have added their voices. The most prevalent symptoms include headache, fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, tinnitus, irritability and insomnia. Impacts on the heart and the nervous system are also of great concern. Doctor Reena Bray has been working at the provincial environmental health clinic for 15 years and seen the number of people suffering adverse effects from electromagnetic exposure rising.

We are concerned that the upcoming introduction of 5g will significantly increase the proximity and extent of exposure to microwave radiation in Ontarians. We predict that the number of people who develop the symptoms I just mentioned will rise in the places where 5g is first installed. Doctor Magda Havas is internationally recognized for her research on the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution. She said that at high intensities, these waves cause intense heat and pain because sweat glands on the surface of our skin act like mini antennas at lower frequencies. Scientists are predicting damage to eyes, loss of insect populations, which are already declining, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and physiological effects on the nervous system and on the immune system.

Radiation from radio frequencies is classed in the same category of carcinogens as lead one, advisor to the World Health Organization, said, there’s enough evidence that if they were to reevaluate radiofrequency radiation, it would be placed in class one, that is, a human carcinogen, and governments could not possibly ignore that. Some say the scientific debate about the health effects of microwave radiation is over, but the question remains, can we afford to take this risk? Medical doctors are requesting delayed deployment until testing can be conducted on the long term biological effects of 5g technology. Thank you. From our last meeting regarding health concerns of Wi Fi exposure in our classrooms, I need to continue with some important information, and I thank the board for this opportunity.

First and foremost, I wanted to make clear again, because it wasn’t reported correctly, that non ionizing radiation is what the World Health Organization labeled the class iib carcinogenous. Not exclusively to only cell phone radiation. There is no difference between the radiation of Wi Fi and cell phones, only the usage differs with cell phones and towers being regulated at the federal level, Wi Fi is a is a completely intra state device and is not governed by FCC guidelines. Otherwise, the radiation spectrum is identical to cell phone radiation. Radiation here’s how the dangers of exposure are related. Wi Fi works as a two way transmission in tandem with wireless devices.

This two way Wi Fi transmission means that when the children have devices like iPads or other tablets on their laps or near their bodies, the device itself radiates its own signal back to the antenna. The same way a cell phone radiates its signals back to an antenna or a tower. But instead of Cumbria length radiation directed at their heads, children will have for 6 hours a day, five days a week, a constant source of pulsed radiation directed toward their bodies and the antenna their devices are radiating out toward is on their ceilings instead of a tower off in the distance.

This is why iPads and iPhone manuals are instructing people to hold their devices away from their bodies and heads, because the close exposure and proximity is dangerous and it proves there is a growing concern about liability during the last meeting that the FCC was re evaluating exposure limits to RF if the FCC is reassessing its RF safety guidelines due to evidence and international awareness that their safety, their current safety standards are obsolete or under question, does it not make sense to you all that schools stop the use of Wi Fi in the interim in case the FCC returns with guidelines showing the current levels of RF are unhealthy? We predict that they won’t, of course, because it’s important to understand that the FCC is not a health organization dedicated to the health of our children.

The FCC’s priorities are to ensure a framework for the unfolding of the communications revolution. That’s from their own website. I personally couldn’t think of a bigger conf, a bigger conflict of interest in getting our marching orders about what’s healthy for our children from a federal communications organization dedicated to serving a multi trillion dollar wireless telecommunications industry. In my child’s classroom, there have been nosebleeds from various children in close proximity to the ceiling mounted routers. These nosebleeds have alarmed their teacher. Nosebleeds are a common symptom of non ionizing radiation exposure. Nurses will be contacted throughout the district to address these symptoms as possibly result in from wireless routers.

In regards to the Princeton study you keep referring to, with all due respect, it is pointless not only in light of their links taking you to pro microwave magazine articles promoting electronic pills, but their studies revert back to the obsolete safety guidelines set forth by the FCC. The FCC never conducted safety tests for children, only for 200 pound men who were soldiers in the military. So the Princeton studies on Wi Fi will become relevant only when they can produce studies directly related to the health of children, not college age adults. They’ll never be able to do that because there is no recorded or researched safe level of microwave radiation exposure for children.

It doesn’t exist, and it is against the law to experiment on children without the consent of their parents. Therefore, a moratorium against Wi Fi needs to be instated and an injuncted removal enacted until otherwise verified. I’ve proven to you that you have plenty of information at your disposal demonstrating the need for precaution around non ionizing radiation emitting devices, such as Wi Fi routers and their transmitting tools. Lastly, I will be emailing you all statements of accountability to sign and return to me by our next meeting. If you actively deny the existence of possible harm from Wi Fi, that means you’re confident in Wi Fi safety.

So signing these statements is the least you can do if you continue to deny parents their right to make choices for their children’s safety while attending school. I’ve also provided documents for your record to assist you in this decision, some for the second time, including the newly submitted trial Lawyers association objections to the FCC about radiation exposure to children. Thank you. We got the wall charger plugged in there. Reading the power. The phone gear. Not reading any power on it. Plug it in. Oops. Got power running all through it. Turn your hand over. Hold on yet.

Let me see your hand. Turn it over. Okay, now hold her hand. Let go. Okay. Do it on your own. Touch her face. Hundreds of people in the valley say they are hearing voices in their heads. And I woke up in the middle of the night with an incredible case of vertigo. The room was spinning. I wanted to throw up an attack, which brain experts now say was likely the result of a microwave weapon. The voices feel like mind rape. It just feels like there’s somebody raping you. They’re inserting thoughts into your mind. You don’t want them there.

It’s basically the same as rape. But the thing is, I can’t call the cops. My guest, Nick, says he hears voices in his head all day, every day, but says he had bet a million dollars that he is not schizophrenic. Conversations for me are not the same as conversations for other people. So while you’re asking me questions and while I’m answering them, I’m also hearing voices telling me that I suck, that my answers are awful. Are any of the voices saying anything about us? A few minutes ago, started hearing your voice, like, from the inside? That voice is telling me we want to leave.

You’re taking up our time. You’re hearing my voice telling you in your head that your answers are bad? Yeah. Are you able to distinguish between the voice that sounds like me that’s in your head, and the voice that is me that’s asking you a question? I’m using a strategy. I’m looking at your mouth, and I’m watching and making sure that you’re not moving your lips that way. I’m able to kind of take that information and go back and realize that I’m hearing a your voice, but other people around me are not hearing your voice. Us officials say there are now 130 suspected victims, mostly CIA operatives and us diplomats, being treated for brain injuries, debilitating headaches, and vertigo.

The targets, they believe, of a directed energy microwave weapon. There’s a mysterious direct energy weaponization that is being used, and it is causing, in some cases, permanent traumatic brain injury. New indications suggest the incidents go as far back as 1996. Two individuals working on the NSC believe they were targeted in 2019 and in 2020, just after the election. One was near the White House and one was walking her dog. We have to get more information, and we got to tell the public what’s going on. The US Air Force and tech firm Epirus have developed a mobile, high energy microwave weapon to bring down drones.

Epirus is also working on a miniature variant of the weapon that can be easily transported on a pickup truck. This is the type of technology that might be targeting american diplomats. Voices are being transmitted by microwave or other methods. Well, several viewers asked us to investigate what. What they call electronic harassment, voice to skull technology. This is also in the foray of directed energy weapons. What is that? The ability to, let’s just say, throw your voice into your head or my voice into my head, or allowing algorithms that now they can blanket a whole geographical area and they can make everybody change their thoughts.

They can, I use the term intrusive thoughts. Back to that in the road analogy. If you find yourself where you have to make a decision about something, next thing you know, you catch yourself kind of having an argument in your head with your own voices. Well, the ability to add another one of your voices in there, but have it controlled by somebody else’s microphone, so to say, is a very powerful tool. And I think this is a weapon of war that we are seeing happen to everyone around us. The Department of Defense recently started initiating protocols for their employees, their agents, to discuss Havana syndrome.

Havana syndrome like symptoms. And on that list is that their agents are hearing voices in their head, and this is what they’re getting at. This is that technology that, you know, next thing you know, you’re trying to make a decision, but there’s another sean in your head that now is actually somebody else’s control. And through the manipulation of that voice, they can now push you just like we have. You know, the cell phones are weaponized now. The social media platforms and they can engage with an algorithm and they know that they can push you in a direction.

Have you ever wondered if all those people you see staring intently at their smartphones nearly everywhere and at all times are addicted to them? According to a former Google product manager, Silicon Valley, Valli is engineering your phone, apps and social media to get you hooked. Hes one of the few tech insiders to publicly acknowledge that the companies responsible for programming your phones are working hard to get you and your family to feel the need to check in constantly. Some programmers call it brain hacking, and the tech world would probably prefer you didnt hear about it by repetitive information being displayed in front of you, similar to the tachistoscope in grammar school, that they can learn your system and they can learn to manipulate it on a personalized level by just assessing you what the things are that you are interested in, what are your weak points? What’s the crack on the dam? What’s the angle of attack? And it’s through repetition and access.

These are simply electromagnetic impulses in your head. It’s not that they can’t be read, it’s not that they can’t be copied. And it’s not that they can’t be just replayed with somebody else’s control. I mean, I could get a voice changing thing and I could sound like you if I wanted to. I could call you on the phone, I could call your loved ones and I could pretend I’m Sean. They can do that for you in your own head. Kmir Six is Angela Monroe, joins us now with what she’s discovered. Angela. Electronic harassment, synthetic telepathy, voice to school technology.

Chances are you have I haven’t heard of these terms, but after searching the Internet, I found dozens of websites dedicated to the phenomenon and several valley residents who say they’re victims. How much more can you invade me than to go into my brain? It sounds like somebody else is reading the book. Only its thoughts. We’re not having a group hallucination. This is actually something that’s happening. These men all live in the area, didn’t know each other before the voices started, and say someone is playing mind games with them. Mostly it’s a lot of derogatory comments about whatever you’re thinking about.

Only time I ever had a whole sentence he said, this is not about you. Which just frosted me. If it’s not about me, what the hell am I going through all this for? Kevin Bond says he used to have a normal wife. I was living in the San Diego area. I was clerking for a federal judge. And I noticed that I was being followed by a whole bunch of people. According to the websites, what Bond is describing is called gang stalking. He moved to Palm Springs to escape. I started hearing, as you’ll hear, hearing voices and what they’ll call voice to skull or microwave hearing.

Bob Stansfield says his experience was similar and started a decade ago. They were and following me around here and I started hearing the voices a little bit after the vehicular stalking. Randall Ringer says the voices started when he was undergoing chemotherapy. The first thing that was said was Randall Ringer and I sat up straight and I went to the bath, into the bathroom, and I looked in the mirror, looked myself in the eyes and I. That. Did that really happen? Bond says he’s found more than 300 victims locally and is tracking others across the state through billboards.

In Johnson Valley, a Freedom house just opened to help people who believe they are being targeted. To many of you who find yourselves the object of COVID harassment, that there is hope and that you are not alone, and that we are striving to find legislation and we’re working towards freedom for all. Derek Robinson leads a national group called freedom from COVID harassment and surveillance. He says he knows who’s playing mind games, rogue government officials that are sponsoring this, also corrupt business officials and private citizens. And he also told us how most of it is delivered by microwave, and I believe it’s satellite delivered, whether someone is on a remote location using a laptop or next door using the desktop.

Bond says neurotransmitter chips that run off body electricity have been inserted into some people. In a wild futuristic innovation, Motorola unveiled a new pill that, when swallowed, interacts with human stomach acid and emits an 18 bit signal from your body, making an entire person an authentication device. Dubbed the authentication vitamin, the pill has already been by the FDA and could interact with cell phones and other devices, and they assign cell phone numbers to them. The cell phone numbers are then run through a computer, and a computer translates your thoughts. This crime has been available to the, to the military for 60 years.

I’ve been to a psychiatrist and they gave me anti schizophrenia medication, and it did absolutely nothing whatsoever. I worked with the government. I heard a lot of people coming in saying, I’m hearing voices through my tooth. Now I look back and I think, are they like I am now? And I just didn’t pay attention. For them, the voices are a waking nightmare. When did you first experience being stalked and targeted like this? The first time I experienced it is when I was walking down the road. People started to follow me because if you’re a ti, you’re in an assassination program.

It’s like a worse nightmare that, you know, you end up waking up from trying to explain this in a way that’s understandable. I’ve got moving implants attached to my skeleton enabling me to be controlled remotely beyond point one is unsafe. I’ve got stuff in my body because I’ve had beeps going off inside my head. Any normal person would go, are you all right? Jump in. Are you sure that you’re feeling all right? Because you’re talking crazy. Ladies and gentlemen, warning on 5g from your friendly neighborhood tower climber. They are not testing the biologic results and hazards of this new technology.

The effects on the populace are you immediate effects of this small cell technology being installed on our street corners and billboards and in the restaurants and office complexes where we work. The health effects are not being tested. I just watched a video this morning on the big tech giants testifying in front of the Senate. There’s no additional research going in. The reason nobody knows if this is dangerous or not is because they are not testing it. Here’s what we do know. Radio frequency is harmful to humans, especially at close range. The closer it gets, the more dangerous it gets.

Here’s something else we know. The SEC rulings on the safety levels of radio frequency off towers has not been changed since the mid nineties. Here’s something else we know. There is an FCC rule on the books that keeps them from putting this new technology that close to your home, and they are actively trying to change it. Ladies and gentlemen, now’s the time if we’re going to speak out, speak up and educate ourselves before this happens. Now is the time. And I’ve had calls to quit my job and protest, to leave this career that I love that does nobody any good.

Me educating myself and disseminating that information, that helps. And that’s what I’m going to continue to do. I’m going to continue to work on the e 911 system to let our first responders help people in need. I’m going to continue to climb these towers and bring the Internet to the remote countryside. I’m not going to install small cells in front of your homes. I am going to speak out. God bless you, and God bless America. Tower climber. I climb cell phone towers and install the cellular equipment that allows you to keep scrolling. And I’m currently in 5g training, and I was already concerned about this technology before getting in there and actually learning some of the science about it.

So let me give you some of the science about it. The radio frequency that our towers currently emit is non ionizing radiation with a long footprint over the ground. So it’s able to dissipate, spread out. It’s currently being broadcast anywhere from 1.5 to 2.52.8 MHz. Close. If you, if you, if you take radio frequency close, it superheats the water molecules in your brain, eyes and testicles. It’s a very real thing. You can render yourself sterile or with a splitting headache for days, or I cooked the top of my skull and left me useless for the rest of the day.

That’s a short range at a relatively low power. The way 5G is going to work is it is going to broadcast one in gigahertz, not megahertz. We’re talking about 30 plus gigahertz they’re estimating, which means 15,000 times stronger than what we’re pushing out right now. And it’s going to actually go at a much, much steeper peak. It’s going to almost be broadcast straight at the ground to hit more receivers that are then going to transmit it outwards. The plan is to install these small cells on the billboards, the street lights, sides of buildings in the corner of your office building or in the hallway of your apartment complex, so that they can get lightning fast speeds.

Well, here’s the thing. The RF that we’ve been broadcasting isn’t really damaging to you, though. They can’t tell the long term effects, but because it dissipates over distance and it’s not a concentrated thing, the radio frequency we’re broadcasting now has a really long wave trough. All right? So even if you’re getting hit with it, you’re not absorbing a lot. That’s why if I take it close range, I eat it. But you don’t feel it down off the tower. It’s not going to be that way with 5G. It’s going to be in the corner of your office.

They’re talking about putting a 38 band Mimo antenna in the back of every car, so they had can talk to each other in self drive. Now, the 5G, its waveform is much tighter where four g, three g and two g have fairly long wave troughs so that we can reach distances and have a greater footprint coming off the tower. It’s not necessary with, it’s going to be, it’s going to be broadcast in what’s called a millimeter wave, which is much more tightly focused with much closer wave troughs so when it does hit, you just get blasted.

And it’s not miles away, hundreds of feet up on a tower anymore. It’s in the corner of your office, which means that this millimeter wave is going to be able to directly affect the cellular membranes, the bonds that hold your cells together. It’s gonna be in your face, it’s gonna be behind the back seat where your car seats are. So, I mean, not to mention what it’s gonna do to your brain and your eyes and your testicles are overdeveloped just from the superheating. That radio frequency will do at a close range. But because it is so powerful, so compact and tightly beamed, it is literally going to be able to break down the bonds that hold your cells together.

That’s how you get tumors. The rub of it is, America, that you’re not going to know what I did to you for another 1520 years, and by then, it’s going to be too fucking late. I got kids to take care of. I got my own chemo treatments 30 years from now that I’m going to have to deal with. So, yeah, I’m going to install it, America. I’ll tell you what. I feel like I’m fixing to pull your feelings out for the gold before I put you in a gas chamber. America doesn’t care. They want faster phones you carry.

Vetchlin would be too late. God bless you. God bless America. I wish you the best. Feel free to name your tumor after me. I’m real sorry about what it’s fixing to be. Do the babies, little fetuses that are developing in utero surrounded by water, the consequences to the next generation are untold. I’m not even talking about what we’re fixing to do to our own vision, our own reproductive organs, our own cognitive abilities. I’m not talking about the breakdown of our cellular bonds that are going to lead to tumor growth. I’m talking about what it’s going to do to the little baby brains and eyes that are trying to develop in the womb.

What we’re fixing to do to toddlers and infants that are born that are still developing. Man. So the question of the day is, Ian, what do you think about 5g? I’m frightened of and saddened because I’m going to install this. I’m going to install it everywhere. And you are all going to feel the effects of what I’ve done. Type of fake news. I’m really saddened about it. And it’s as you say, there is absolutely no scientific evidence connecting 5g with coronavirus. And, I mean, we had some here in the UK as an example. Up until yesterday, we had 24 masks that has been burned down.

One of them was supporting the NHS Nightingale hospital in Birmingham. And it’s really terrible. The people that might want to be calling the loved ones, NHS workers that may want to talk to the family, they can’t do that. But some ignorant people have been doing these really bad terrorists. And we have had threats on our engineers, because we still have engineers going out and in some countries, then installing fixed broadband with consumers, with enterprise customers, we have engineers going up in repairing connectivity to hospitals, etcetera. And some of them have been attacked. And also really, really terrible when we’re trying to provide a great service so that people can communicate and then these people get attacked.

It’s really appalling. I’m really grateful for the support from the governments and the police, and we have seen Netherlands as an example. They treat this as a terrorist incident. I was the head of the largest business unit at Vodafone, their headquarters in Newbury, between 2013 through 2015. I was privy to a number of the new technologies that were coming down the pipe that was going to be implemented, namely the Internet of things, and secondly, the 5g technology. I knew a long time ago that 5g was dangerous, but I didn’t understand the correlation with the coronavirus, which I now do.

And I want to be able to explain that to you. So what is happening? There is a deliberate strategy to roll out 5g, which is the fifth generation Internet radio spectrum frequencies that enable mobile phones, smartphones and all devices to function on a much faster processing ability. And with the introduction of AI, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, where all devices will be connected. So whether it’s your car, whether it’s your phone, whether it’s your refrigerator, whether it’s your electricity in your house, it’s all going to be on a smart grid, effectively a type of matrix, unfortunately, sorry to use that term.

So what is happening is that this technology has to be rolled out globally. My company that I used to work for, and as they’re running their largest worldwide business unit, is Vodafone. Vodafone are in partnership with Huawei, or Huawei, whatever you call them, a chinese telecoms company, and they have been rolling out systematic 5g implementation in multiple locations. What’s the relevance, the frequency that they’re using? And I also ran a telecoms company back in 2010 through to 2013 to 2014. Some of you will be aware that specialized in radio spectrum that we this is the ability to take external signals from satellites into buildings.

And so that the frequency that you experience and power on your phone is the same in the building as it is outside of the building. When mobile networks were initially, they thought people would be on the road all the time, hence why they were called mobile phones. But actually what happened is people used their mobile phones in buildings, and the signal wasn’t strong enough to penetrate buildings. That’s called radio spectrum, and there are different megahertz frequencies, etcetera. So the 5g frequency is a very high frequency. Very, very, very high frequency is just below the classification of a weapon, and I’ll tell you why.

The frequency that they’re using, which is ten times faster than 4g, unfortunately, when it comes into connection with human bodies, causes cell poisoning. Cell poisoning. So our bodies try to fight the radiation that is in the form of cell poisoning because of this freak, it is effectively radiation. And what happens is our bodies pick out the toxicity or toxins with some proteins and some DNA rna from our cells in the form of a chemical which is called a virus. So most diseases are excretions from cells that we are trying to pull out of our body or push out of our body, and it will head towards orifices to be excreted or expunged out of our body.

So our noses or our mouths, you can understand the picture I’m painting. So what’s happening? Sorry for the detail, but this is going to take a bit of time. What is happening is that five g, the frequency and the power, which is ten times more powerful than 4g, is reacting adversely with human cells, causing cells in our bodies to be poisoned, toxic, and our natural defense mechanism is pushing out that toxicity in the form of a virus. So what you’re seeing is not coronavirus per se. You’re seeing cell poisoning manifesting with fluids, chemicals, viruses that the body is trying to dispose of because it’s harmful to its physical body.

All that’s occurring around the world. And I hear your mind thinking, well, how can that be, pastor? But I’ll explain in a moment. All that’s occurring in the world is a reaction to human bodies, to the electrification of the universe through 5g satellites, 5g towers, 5g cells that are being populated in major cities around the world. So this is what is causing this pandemic. So sorry to say. Second point. This is the largest global cover up in history for the impact on human beings based on technological advancements. I hope that makes sense. I don’t have time to quantify that I will give you further information in a moment.

Seven to 1.8 billion hz causing all sorts of different cancers and neurological implications. When fully rolled out, it’s going to be 30. That’s 30 billion to 300 billion hz. Now you’re telling me that that has nothing to do with this toxicology ignored. Everybody ignored the t component. There was what happened. Wuhan outgassing off the incinerators, causing massive, massive combustion of fossil fuel. People were inhaling this stuff. People were toxic. This went back to 2016. 2017 garnered international attention. And BBC and CNN covered that. How the Wuhan people were in outrage. And there were public demonstrations because the quality air was so bad.

These people were poisoned. And we’ve got chemtrails, we’ve got all these different things. We’ve all been look at. Look what’s happening with cigarettes, with DDT and all this stuff that’s been happening generationally and now recently glyphosate and all these other things. The opioid crisis that our systems have been polluted with all sorts of chemicals. So toxicity is the first component you gotta be aware of. So now we go. The third video is corrupted science. We’ve already talked about the Covid-19 how that was developed. The fourth video was immunity. Nobody said that causing Covid-19 but is suppressing your immune system.

It’s taking a person that’s vulnerable and making them more vulnerable. If it’s a healthy person, it’s decreasing their immune systems and making them more vulnerable. That’s what we’re saying. And whether it’s radio frequency, electromagnetic fields being generated from the. Whether it’s dirty energy from electromagnetic fields that’s been created, I don’t know. I’m not an expert in that area. I’m not an expert in anything. I know how to deal with a human body. We have had numerous people from all sorts of walks of life, from all sorts of different parts of the world come to us with serious, serious disease.

And I can tell you that if we can take care of that, this Covid-19 is not an issue. And it’s not an issue for many doctors. There are hundreds if not thousands of doctors that feel the exact same way I do. Why are thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide being censored? Learning a lot from all these doctors, and they seem to be telling a whole heck of a lot of truth. Doctor Carrie made. Doctor Carrie made a. Doctor Carrie made a. Doctor Carrie made a. Who has been speaking out for months. Oh. Detox. Detox. Detox. So I love detox bath.

Who’s the one doctor though? I want to get on and just shut down the Internet. It would have to be Doctor Carrie made. I’ve written a paper citing 21 period reviewed studies, including studies from NASA, CIA and other government entities proving that EMF electromagnetic frequencies, more specifically non ionizing radiation, is causing insane amounts of damage. This would imply that these government entities are committing treason by allowing the continued rollout of these technologies while they know about the damages it’s doing to us. The EMF spectrum ranging from 0 hz being static, 300 hz being power lines which is extremely low frequency to 100 khz which is intermediate frequency, that’s if being welding devices, and then the gigahertz range frequency which is RF, radio frequency which is cell phones.

5G Wi Fi eventually ending in ionizing radiation, being a nuclear bomb with different biological effects at each part of the spectrum. Knowing that Wi Fi and nukes both have radiation on the same scale but different spectrum, and that the high powered lasers that the navy uses to blow holes in ships is a form of radiation. RF radiation, the same radiation as Wi Fi, were two of the most alarming things that I learned before the rollout of Wi Fi in 1999 as insomnia and anxiety barely existed, let alone the rest of side effects it causes. The RF radiation has been proven to burn the glucose out of the brain, as well as cause oxygen eating free radicals known as Ros.

Free radicals to form throughout your body, depriving people of oxygen, making them tired and sometimes killing them. I’ve also read that the calcium channels your neurotransmitters use to transmit messages in the brain becomes overactive when constantly defending against these microwaves. It’s my theory that this could cause schizophrenia from too many messages, brain fog from not enough messages, confusion from messages being sent inaccurately. Do you agree that it would be possible that an overactive calcium channels could cause those symptoms? And do you have any other information or studies to add that we can all research on EMF radiation? There’s a ton of research.

There’s a really good graph that I like using that the US Navy declassified information in 1972 about the symptoms you can experience of having too much of this kind of frequency. So that’s back in 1972. But if you look at it, it’ll show you that it’ll off even the exact symptoms of what Covid syndrome is, even the severe form. So it can cause infertility, menstrual disorders. Pulling it right now, of course, you know, difficulty concentrating, depression, anxiety, memory loss, palpitations, arrhythmia chest pain, I mean, reproductive issues, stiff muscles and joints, pressure behind the eyes, cataracts, dry.

I mean, all these things. So it is well documented. It’s nothing that’s not documented. So it’s known. I believe this is one of the biggest. Besides water, the number two most powerful poison is the frequencies that are inundating us, that are suppressing our immune systems. So when I first moved back to the US from the Dominican Republic, my body went to shock because I was living in the middle of a jungle, barefoot, know, totally different lifestyle. And I wasn’t used to this many frequencies. So we can get used to. Our bodies are amazing. We can accommodate to a certain point.

I didn’t have time to do that. So I mean, I swelled, I had pain all over. I could, if I did an interview like this, I’d have to take a nap for 3 hours. I couldn’t do it. A plane ride was just exhaust. I couldn’t do it. I had rashes on my body. Sometimes my face would be beet redheen. This is not a watch. Don’t ever use a smart watch. Just burst it with a hammer. Subatomic chaos that happens from the frequencies because they are disrupting our DNA, they are disrupting how we vibrate. They’re creating an unhealthy state of being.

So with an unhealthy state of being, the communication network is like a ball of spaghetti. It’s so all over the place. How can anything really function? Well, so this is a way to calm that down so then the body can communicate. Because again, you have to know that we are still, we are electrical beings too. When your calcium, the calcium ion channel is disrupted, you cannot detox the poison. The poison will become incredibly high in your body. Read online how to bring down the amount of EMF that you’re getting exposed to, even if you don’t use a product.

Yeah, that’s super interesting because I bought like 300 $400 little devices. They’re like hologram stickers or hologram this, and I tested them and they didn’t really work, hopefully. I mean, obviously, if you’re using it, you say it works, it sounds amazing, but the reason why I know so much about this, none of those worked, right? Yeah, exactly. If you, if you can wear silver line clothes. I have studies from India about house that copper, silver, nickel, nickel is actually the best, but it oxidizes quick. So you want silver covered material. So do you agree that the calcium channels being overactive could cause things like schizophrenia, brain fog, or health or affect thinking, yeah.

And also the poison, and you cannot tolerate much poison. You are any kind of symptom of poison you can have, right? Because your body cannot process it anymore. It’s stuck in your body because of the, of the inability of the calcium ion channel to keep up. So that’s what I started realizing in some patients that they had a problem with their calcium in their body. So just realize that that’s definitely a real phenomenon going on. People need to realize that. The study was done by a group of Michigan, Italy and Russia, where they proved a specific frequency when directed at the human scale would, again, everything vibrates.

Frequency, vibration, energy. Right? So it vibrates the DNA, and the vibration is not harmonious, not good for life. And what happens is after a certain amount of vibration, your cells will have. It forms a corrupted message because it’s disrupting communication. So a corrupted message is produced, making a corrupted protein. And guess what? That corrupted protein looks identical to the SARS CoV two virus. So to me, a virus is only a corrupted code, which makes sense because a virus in the computer program is a corrupted code. And you can create the corrupted code because you’ve been poisoned or toxin, toxic, etcetera.

But it doesn’t mean it makes you sick. It just means you’ve taken in some bad communication, bad coating or poisons or toxins. This is what was expressed. Or again, a bad code can be injected into you, given to you in that way. And if you’re a weakened body, let’s say you don’t have your firewalls up your immune system, then that corrupted code can actually gain access into your body, and your body will accept it, and it doesn’t know it’s a corrupted code and start making it. So really we need to look at viruses just like they look at viruses on, you know, our computer operating systems.

They’re really the same thing. And that’s why the big tech people are involved. Read the studies, see the videos. I’ve only left the best of the best on my rabbit hole trail for you. And it’s been accumulated over the years. If you take the time to check it out, danger or danger, I would go to that one. It’ll lead you to the other one as well. If you check those out and you watch the videos, your entire life is going to change. Not only do I show you the truth, but I teach you ways to get remedies for yourself from this.

It’s not impossible just to tweak your lifestyle a little bit to counter these things that they’re doing to us. And at the same time, when you know, you can tell other people and we’ll all be on the same page. This information is coming out, has been coming out, and soon it won’t be demonized. Do your part in saving the world and make a difference simply by knowing this information and bringing it up in conversation. It’s that simple. I’m Gk with the disclosure hub. This is what I’m doing for the rest of my life. And I got your back forever.

If you like this type of information, please check out our rumble. And it goes deeper. dot. Stay safe out there. What the is that? Some are saying that directed energy weapons are being deployed to spark the largest fire in Texas history. And we know that these weapons exist. This newly released footage shows the dragonfire laser directed energy weapon system in action, and it could be in the hands of military personnel in five years time. It destroys targets with an intense beam of light and has pinpoint accuracy. It’s able to hit something the size of a one pound coin from a kilometer away.

Fires we have seen in recent years, including the fires in Texas, are very different from what we have seen in the past. They often selectively spare the trees while burning the infrastructure into a powdery ash footprint. I have witnessed and observed some extraordinary damage at our state. It could be caused by hurricanes or tornadoes. And frequently when you see the aftermath of that damage, there’s some semblance of a structure that is still there. When you look at the damages that have occurred here, it’s just gone, completely gone. Nothing left but ashes on the ground. After the Maui fires, many people believed that a blue roof was able to deflect these directed energy weapons and spare the home from destruction.

And Joe Biden recently alluded to this twice. You fly over these areas that are burned to the ground. You’ll see in the midst of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed. One home sitting there because they had the right roof on it. And anyway, by the way, if you notice, you fly over in the helicopter, those tension with good roofs, they didn’t do it. It’s the right material. Yeah, and got a change. Joe Biden is clearly not a reliable source of accurate information. But why would a roof save a house from burning? And while there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that suggests directed energy weapons are being used to start these recent fires, arsonists have been arrested starting them the old fashioned way.

And there is a clear motive. The United nations, who have been orchestrating the open border policy of America and several other countries, have openly announced plans to clear the lands of people and move them into smart cities, starting with agenda 21, a map which shows designated off limits to human areas lined up with the 2008 California fires. Nine years ago, planning was announced for smart cities to be built on Maui, but the most coveted property was owned by natives whose families have lived there for generations. Prior to Hawaii being annexed by the US in August of 2023, Maui was devastated by highly suspicious fires.

Roads were blocked off to keep residents from escaping, and the us government gave survivors a mere $700 per household. A conference in April of 2023 met in Vina del Mar, Chile, to provide the municipality with support in the transfer of knowledge about the theory and solutions of smart cities. A year later, Vina del Mar was ravaged by fires. It was blamed on climate change, but local officials claimed arson. And in 2022, Amarillo, Texas was reported to be the number one area under the radar for the Texas housing market under the United Nations Vision 2045. On February 26 of this year, the biggest fire of Texas broke out in this same area.

Vision 2045 is the latest iteration of the United nations plan to seize control of 90% of the land and limit people to 15 minutes. Cities. I like to think that change happens in manageable ways. It doesn’t happen like that. It happens in punctuated equilibria, where we have periods of stability and then periods of massive, radical, disruptive and transformative change. And that is where we are right now. This is the decisive decade in the history of humanity. We who are here now have a responsibility that no future generations be crowned. In 1972, the limits to growth was published by the Club of Rome.

The book suggested that swift human depopulation would save the planet. In 2018, the limits to growth co author Dennis Meadows explained how we need to murder billions of people. Overpopulation is a lie. With old school sustainable farming and the end of big government, there is enough room on this planet for several billion. And while the earth’s climate does change, most of what we are seeing is contrived. The fires breaking out all across the world are being blamed on climate change, even though hundreds of arsonists have been caught starting them. Most recently, 79 people were arrested for starting fires.

In Greece, direct energy weapons, or Dos, are able to start fires from above and can utilize microwave technology to burn homes from within. In 2013, the mainstream media reported that we were able to make rain and lightning, I mean lasers, really, to change the weather. By firing trillion watt lasers, you rip apart the electrons, creating what are called ions. And these ions act like seeds, like dust particles, bringing down rain and even lightning. This week in Michigan, residents reported a strange, strobe like lightning. The event was captured on weather radar, which showed a very unnatural looking spiral.

That’s some conspiracy theory shit right there. Making it rain has been possible for decades, and we have come a long way since then. With the high frequency active auroral research program, known as HAARP, we can now create hurricanes, and we can control their direction with next generation weather radar transmitters, known as NEXRAD. By building up an electromagnetic charge and dispersing it underground as direct current VLF waves, or very low frequency waves, the NeXRAd radar transmitters are able to trigger earthquakes. Earthquakes and explosives can trigger tsunamis. These are the technologies that we know of, and that only leaves volcanoes and tornadoes.

Funded by Peter Thiel, Ave Tech Energy Corporation began work in 2012 on a device to produce 130 foot tall tornado. And a former us intelligence officer recently told state of the nation that the US has already triggered a volcano. Climate change is not only a hoax, it’s a depopulation program, and our entire government is going along with it. So, being able to understand the weather, and to then be able to manipulate it in any way possible, was valuable all through human history. All the way before we get to the seeding of clouds part, do you think they had the ability to manipulate weather back then? My personal opinion is that we have to keep geoengineering on the table.

We have to look at it very carefully, because we might get desperate enough to want to use it. The danger, of course, with geoengineering, is one I was referring to a moment ago. We don’t understand the system well enough to predict its responses in detail. And that means there’s always a danger, if you try to engineer the system on a large scale, that you will do something that has side effects that are worse than the dimension of the problem you’re trying to cure with the geoengineering in the first place. There are a variety of schemes that have been discussed for geoengineering.

A classic example is injecting reflecting particles into earth orbitz that would deflect some of the sunlight that would otherwise be warming the earth, and in that way, try to produce a cooling effect to offset the heating effect of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or Saiyan, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive. The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly. As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SaI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SaI. Kind of unique. Last time we saw this on the radar was last winter. You remember we were talking about military chaff. Basically this canadian military doing some exercises, airplane exercises out here. And what they’re doing is they’re dropping chaff, which is basically like a mylar material that’s expected to fool missiles.

So just a military exercise. But it’s interesting to see that chaff on the radar. Last winter, I believe it was showing up in the west mountain region. Pretty cool to see that as well. It’s nice and quiet out there. These are the things you can talk about on the radar. It, of course, is not the only place dealing with wild weather. From Hurricane Sandy to the Alberta floods, we’re seeing more examples of extreme weather in the United States. Authorities have warned of epic amounts of rainfall as Florence, now a tropical depression, continues to cross the Carolinas.

The first portion of the radar cycle, fairly bland and typical. But then you see these bands of very distinct cloud cover moving into the region. That is not rain. That is not snow. Believe it or not, military aircraft flying through the region is dropping chaff to the growing danger. In the Philippines, authorities are now warning that active volcano could possibly erupt again. This was the deadliest tornado outbreak in the a 6.4 earthquake in multiple aftershocks. Small bits of aluminum. Sometimes it’s made of plastic or even metallicized, metallicized paper products, but it’s used as an anti radar issue.

And obviously they’re up there practicing. Now, they won’t confirm that, but I was in the Marine Corps for many years, and I’ll tell you right now, if that’s what it is, the real reason why we see this ripple effect happening in the sky is going to blow your mind. Now, this is what resonant frequencies look like when they are pitched into water. So different frequencies are being pitched into this water, and it creates different shapes and different patterns. Now, let’s take a look at what this frequency does to sand 4129. See, this pattern looks very similar to this pattern, now, doesn’t it? This pattern happens because they are beaming elf frequencies into the sky.

And this is exactly what they are using to do this. It is called harp, and it’s run by the military. Now, you can literally go outside and observe this yourself. They drop chemicals from planes. Then they use harp to disperse those chemicals and block out the sun. All you got to do is look into this stuff. They literally admit they’re spraying millions of tons of chemicals into the atmosphere to block out the sun. And you can go look up the hundreds of patents the US has on weather control and doing exactly what I’m telling you. This is what a normal sky looks like, guys.

And this is what weather modification looks like. This is why you don’t see skies like this in Mexico, because they ban weather modification. They put this shit right in your face of all of your favorite tv show. Now, the reason I make these videos is because the collective consciousness is shifting. We could be one person waking up a way that will shift the collective consciousness and in turn, take down our suppressors. They have been deceiving you your whole lives. And the real truth to everything is found within peace and love. Yeah. No, it would be amazing just to see what’s on the flight log and manifest on one of these things.

That way I can put it to rest. That’s the only thing that I found that I think will lead us to definitive answers. And one thing that, what these people keep saying, my cousin specifically, is that, you know, Bill Clinton came out in the 1990s and apologized for them experimenting on us. In the 1950s, thousands of government sponsored experiments did take place at hospitals, universities, and military bases around our nation. The goal was to understand the effects of radiation exposure on the human body. While most of the tests were ethical by any standards, some were unethical.

Not only by today’s standards, but by the standards of the time in which they were conducted. They failed both the test of our national values and the test of humanity. Informed consent means your doctor tells you the risk of the treatment you are about to undergo. In too many cases, informed consent was withheld. Americans were kept in the dark about the effects of what was being done to them. The deception extended beyond the test subjects themselves to encompass their families and the american people as a whole. For these experiments were kept secret, and they were shrouded, not for a compelling reason of national security, but for the simple fear of embarrassment.

And that was wrong. So today, on behalf of another generation of american leaders and another generation of american citizens, the United States of America offers a sincere apology to those of our citizens who were subjected to these experiments, to their families and to their communities. So in my eyes, you know, the experiments, different experiments could be happening, and they’ll apologize. You know, when I’m an elderly man, if that’s the case, I’m dissipating more quickly. I don’t understand all the science behind it, but I do know that there are those concerns, so I have to call them about that.

As jet fuel burns, it produces mostly water vapor. Picture my mouth like a jet engine. I know that sounds weird, but as I exhale, my breath contains a lot of water. So we’ll see something like a cloud. Sounds simple, right? Let’s get scientific. Jet fuel is mostly kerosene, a hydrocarbon. When planes burn jet fuel, they produce exhaust. That exhaust is mostly hot water vapor that also contains carbon dioxide, trace amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, microscopic metal particles, and carbon. The water vapor molecules latch onto the particles like carbon, allowing the water in its gas form to collect into floating bits of liquid.

Or because its so cold, tiny ice crystals thats condensation when water vapor becomes a liquid or ice. And so you get a cloud, especially when the humidity and air temperature are just right. Strange substance found by a southwest Arkansas man be part of a government test? Well, that’s the question at the heart of a phenomenon called kin trails, now getting widespread attention. Well, tonight, GSLA news twelve investigation reporter Jeff Farrell shows us the results of testing we had done about what’s in our skies. It seemed like some mornings it was just crisscrossing the whole sky. They were just, it was just like a giant checkerboard.

Bill Nichols snapped several photos of the strange clouds from his home in stamps, Arkansas. They begin as normal contrails from a jet engine, but do not fade away like a normal contrail. Soon after, he saw particles in the air, you know, because we’d see it dropped to the ground in a haze. Nichols then noticed the material collecting on the ground. This is water and stuff that I collected in. I had it set out in my backyard on my dad’s pickup truck. KSLA news twelve had the sample tested at a lab. The results, a high level of barium, 6.8 parts per million, more than three times the toxic level set by the EPA.

Armed with these lab results about the high levels of barium found in our sample, we decided to contact the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. They told us that, yes, these levels are very unusual, but at the same time, they added the caveat that proving the source is a whole other matter. Barium is a hallmark of other chemtrail testing, which even attracted attention from a Los Angeles tv station. There’s already no shortage of unclassified weather modification programs by the government. But those who fear chemtrails could be secret biological or chemical testing on the public point to the 1977 Senate hearings in particular, which confirmed 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969.

The 1994 Rockefeller report concluded hundreds of thousands of military personnel were also subjected to secret biological experiments over the last 60 years. But could secret testing be underway yet again? I’d rather it be something inert and benign. You know, something that’s, you know, not causing any damage, but I’d like to know what it is. KSLA News twelve discovered chemtrails are even mentioned by name in the initial draft of House Bill 29 77 back in 2001 under the Space Preservation act. But the military denies any such program exists. JEFf FerRElL, KSLA News twelve reporting, and you know, it turns out until nine years ago, the government had the right under us law to conduct secret testing on the american public under specific conditions.

Only. A public outcry repealed part of that law, with some exceptions. Jeff’s report mentioned high levels of barium linked to those alleged chemtrails. We wanted to find out exactly what effects barium has on the body. We spoke with Mark Ryan, the director of the poison Control Center. Ryan tells KSLE News twelve that short term exposure can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains. Long term exposure causes blood pressure problems. Brian addressed concerns by chemtrail researchers that barium could be meant to wear down a person’s immune system. Anything that causes ill effects in the body long term, chronically, is going to affect your ability, because it’s just.

It’s constantly working on the body. So from that aspect, yeah, that’s a bit potential. After all, our government doesn’t really have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth. Agent Orange, the Tuskegee syphilis, study the human plutonium injection experiments. I can go on and on. That’s. The government haven’t called about that before, but not as much about flights not going up on light aware or the other. But I know that those aren’t 100% perfect either. Right. And it’s pretty simple. If we want to solve this mystery of the chemtrails, it’s simple. All we have to do is get a plane that seems to be doing it, get their flight log, and get their manifest.

That’s all we need to do, and we can show them what they’re doing. It’s that easy. So if I can do that one time, which I’ve been trying to do, but they don’t show up, that, to me, supports them saying that. So I’m not doing more damage than good here. You know, weatherman is like, showing the radar and, like, this big, like, storm formation or whatever. He’s like, just so you know, this isn’t a storm. This is just military exercise. Popping up on the radar, looking like a storm. Yeah, did it again. But they were basically like, this is not a weather formation.

This is the military dropping chaff shreds of aluminum, fiberglass, and plastic used by the military to trick radars. What, so it’s basically a blanketing system. Yeah, to where the radars cannot penetrate through it. And they’ve been doing that all over the US. It’s just particles in the air. Wait, but that’s poison. Is that raining down on us? Yes. The thing that I showed you, this chick is talking about, like, snow and is now toxic, she takes a cup, scoops it up, melts it down, and then takes a magnet on the side, and it’s not dirt in the snow, it’s literally pulling to the magnet all the debris from the snow.

How do you understand if you’re dehydrated? I can tell you from processing 50,000 lab tests on people, 98% of the population is chronically dehydrated, including the pro athletes and the celebrity and the ones who drink all the water and all that. Just because I drink water and have water in my body doesn’t mean it’s going to the tissues. So the issue is not hydration, it’s mineralization. And before we even get to there, it’s. It’s right now, the entire world. They’re spraying barium, strontium, and aluminum in the skies so that barium depletes our silica. No silica. We’re 80.

We’re 25% silica. No, silica, we don’t absorb minerals properly. We don’t absorb minerals, we don’t hold water. To your point. We figured this out in 2016. We saw that there was something that was, that was really going wrong. We were doing physical medicine, we were trying to figure out why it was happening and then we were doing our hydration testing and we could see if people are dehydrated, but still doesn’t really tell you much. It just says dehydration is in all the different layers of tissue, all different layers of fascia, all the organs, the pathways, the brain, the nervous system, the lymphatic system all have to have hydration.

But each one of those hydration points is connected to a, a mineral. So that’s why we promote irish hemos, is because Irish Shimas is 92 minerals out of 100 for your body. So it’s official, mainstream and public parts of Southern California are admitting to doing cloud seeding in an effort to increase the region’s water supply by five to 15%. A four year pilot program was launched in November, and according to ABC Seven, it’s the Santa Ana Water Shed Project Authority, comprised of five districts in the Inland Empire and Orange county that are jointly involved in the project.

Despite admitting that theyre cloud seeding to try to make it rain more, the pathetic and embarrassing Los Angeles Times ran a headline saying the latest unfounded conspiracy theory, cloud seeding is to blame for Californias storms and flooding. Im glad that their company sucks so bad that theyve had to lay off lots of employees recently because the less people writing stupid headlines like this, the better it is for humanity in California. What are they spraying in the skies? According to the reports, it’s silver iodide. And since I don’t want to get fact checked by some loser at LA Times or some weirdo fake group that works with beta and Instagram or TikTok, why don’t you just Google the health effects of silver iodide yourself? Because you don’t even have to go to a quote unquote conspiracy website to find out that Google will tell you.

I’m not saying it’s causing all the storms or whatever that stupid headline said, but they absolutely are cloud seed seeding. And most people in these counties have no idea. And they’re using science in the process called cloud seeding, to increase the amount of rain in some areas and help boost regional water supplies. Our buddhist brother, Leticia Juarez explains, water is a precious resource and one completely dependent on the climate, which can vary from year to year. So water officials are turning their sites to cloud seeding, a way to squeeze more water out of passing storms. The idea is to use particles, in this case solar iodide, and have them generate or enhance more precipitation in clouds so it falls as snow and ends up augmenting our water supplies.

Josh Mosher is the general manager of the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, which includes five water districts in both the Inland Empire and Orange county. He says the project aims to increase precipitation by five to 15%. The four year pilot program involves using 15 ground based seeding generators located near the base of mountains. Those are the headwaters, if you will, for our water supply. So it falls as snow. It eventually melts and comes down existing rivers, such as the Santa Ana river, which runs through our watershed, and then that’s where we capture it, Moser says cloud seeding just produced 8% more precipitation.

It would provide enough water to serve 16,000 households for a year. Mike Gardner, who serves on the board of Western Municipal Water District, says local water agencies would be able to rely less on imported water. Western gets the majority of the water that we serve from the state water project, so it’s imported and it’s more expensive and a little less reliable. And we’re trying to get more and more local water. We’re up to about 40% local water. But seeding can only occur when a storm is approaching and when certain criteria is met. So we have suspension criteria in place.

Are there certain storms that are so large we would not cloud seed? Once the pilot program is over, water agencies will use the data collected to make a decision. They want to know what the benefits are, make sure this is cost effective, effective, and that they would make the decision whether we would continue this program in the future, a future that is looking thirstier for more water. At five, Tennessee lawmakers are trying to ban the intentional release of chemicals into the air. Chief Transportation correspondent and pilot Makay Bieler explains what’s in the anti chemtrails bill. Tennessee lawmakers passed SB 26 91 earlier this week.

If passed the legislation, legislation would ban chemtrails claims commercial aircraft release poison into the atmosphere intentionally. Believers say the white lines you may see coming from planes in the sky are not vapor clouds known as condensation or contrails, but instead chemicals being sprayed from jets. For a variety of reasons, the Tennessee bill claims the government may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally releasing chemicals in the atmosphere. If the legislation ends up becoming law, it would prohibit the release of the chemicals, which lawmakers claim affect the temperature, weather, and the intensity of the sunlight. In my previous identity, I’m known as Sergeant Kristen Edwards.

I rose my right hand in the constitution to defend and uphold. Throughout my career, I was stationed all over the nation, all over the world. My job was in bio environmental engineering. Air Force personnel work in a wide range of facilities and environments, from hospitals to flight lines, machine shops, to nuclear missile silos, to make sure that airmen are safe wherever they work, bio environmental engineering technicians evaluate workplace hazards ranging from noise to radiation exposure. They respond to and mitigate industrial and environmental threats to include chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazard exposure, called C Bernie. Our technical training is at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

At the Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, we have numerous courses in industrial hygiene, environmental health, radiation, and sea burning response, just to name a few. Our training and apprenticeship provides the skills we need to prevent illness and injury. It is our job to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control potential occupational and environmental health risks. Our job is promoting the health and well being of all airmen, keeping them safe, whether at home station or deployed at home station. We provide health risk assessments in both work and home environments. So my job was to ensure that everything that the Air Force was doing, that we were tracking the exposures for all military personnel as related to what was the Air Force doing, how did it relate to health? And what was the Air Force doing, and how did it relate to environmental impact? I spent almost ten years in the Air Force.

I love to say it was the best ten years of my life, but I’ll tell you about one day that changed my life. My second base was in Oklahoma City at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. How many of you have heard about geoengineering or chemtrails? Yeah. Yes. How many of you have heard it’s a crazy, lewd conspiracy theory? I had four stripes on my shoulder. I had medals like you couldn’t believe. I was the exemplary staff sergeant, United States Air Force. I actually was transferred from one base to another to do a special operation because of my stellar background.

When I was at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, I heard about geoengineering, and I thought, oh, those crazy conspiracy lose. It was around 2007 that I first heard about geoengineering, and I started to piece the puzzles together. Like a spouse who thinks served husband or wife is cheating, when all the dots start to connect, right. Well, part of my job in bioenvironment engineering was to improve hazardous materials that came on the base. So whether you were using a simple spray can of paint, or you were ordering an oil solvent to degrease airplanes. I sat at a computer and I approved those hazardous materials on base and tied them to a process and a building.

Now, there are certain things we all know in the military that are classified, right? Yeah. So even though I had a security clearance, it says a need to know basis. So when I started approving what is called an air force form 3952, the approval of hazardous materials, and I started seeing barium, aluminum oxide and strontium come on the base from a contractor whose name was not listed, which was not normal, I started to realize that those crazy tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists might not be so crazy. So, in 2008, amongst myself, I lived about less than a mile behind the flight line at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, in Oklahoma City.

And due to my background as an industrial hygienist and an environmental specialist, I conducted sol grid sampling and brain sampling. Those of you who may not be too privy to chemistry, you know that there’s natural elements occurring in earth. Aluminum is one of them. However, barium, radioactive and strontium are not. So I conducted those samples and saw limits in my community that would make your head spin. And I started to realize that those peers within my professional community that were trying to wake those of us in the military up were right. So, right when I decided I was on the fence, should I re enlist? I was pregnant.

Just so you know, with my now nine year old daughter, Nugget, you’ll see her walking around. And I thought, wow, this is my livelihood. Do I question this, or do I reenlist and move forward? Amongst my ignorance, I moved forward and I re enlisted again. While I was at Warner, Warner Robins Air Force Base. Let me mind you, I mentioned earlier that I got transferred from one base to another due to my professional background. Because I was such a stellar nco in the Air force, they transferred me from one depot maintenance base to the other one in the Air Force, Warner Robins.

While at Warner Robins Air Force Base, I thought it was defending my country on a home front, making sure that all those people that went out there frontline were safe and protected from carcinogens, radiation, inflation, drinking water, noise, all of it. My job was to protect them so they could be all they can be. In 2009, late 2009, I’ve stumbled upon something that changed my life. I ran across an operation at Warren Robbins Air Force Base, which was exposing thousands of civilians to carcinogens. Those of you that are familiar with OSHA in general industry and construction industry for different constituents known as hazardous materials.

OSHA sets levels for which certain employees can be exposed to what if I told you that these employees were exposed a hundred times, times over that occupational exposure limit? That should probably scare you. That’s an acute and an immediate hazard to carcinogens. People were getting sick. People were getting cancer. People had sores in their mouth from something called strontium chromate, or chrome six, a carcinogenic metal used in military operations. So after what I saw at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, and then when I saw at Warren Robbins Air Force Base, Georgia, everything that I knew, everything that I thought I knew, this great nation, we are heroes.

I had four stripes on my arm and eleven metals and ribbons on my chest. I thought I was protecting my homeland. When I brought to my commander, to his attention, that there were people exposed to these hazards, hazardous pollutants, and people were getting sick, I’ll give you the synopsis of the story. I took these air samples. I took the swipe samples. These people were actually dumb and ignorant enough to threaten me in writing. My threat was, mind you, I had a perfect history. Not one article of paperwork, not one article of 15, not one negative aspect on my record.

I was the poster child for what an air force MCO should be. I was told that if I told the employees, which is required by law, that they were exposed to these materials, that my commander had the authority to lock me up in a mental institution for up to 120 days without being questioned. At the time, my daughter was five years old. I was told, who will take care of your daughter? Because I was divorced. I was threatened to be locked up in a mental warden for trying to do my job. I was threatened to have my one child, who I love with all my life, taken away from me because I tried to do the one thing I was trained to do, protect the workforce.

So, folks, let me tell you, 2001 is when I entered the military. Four stripes on my arm, eleven medals and awards on my chest. But it only took one day to change my life. And that day was October 27, 2010. When I left the United States Air Force at almost ten years, halfway to retirement, I would have been stop free. I left as a whistleblower of the United States Air Force. I had my life threatened. I was followed. My phones were tapped. I had journalists at my front door. I had no job. I left the United States Air Force honorably, as I was supposed to.

Poor ballets that the United States Air Force taught me were completely just talking points. It made me sick to my stomach. Paul Harvey, news and comments brought to you by Monsanto genuine wear, dated carpet now. Paul Harvey, news. Good morning, Americans. It’s Friday. And with the willing complicity of headline hungry media, a recent crisis of the month had to do with global warming. An ozone hole is opening up over the United States, we were told, the effects of which were already measurable in an increase in skin cancer. A major objective of a recent shuttle mission was to determine the scope and scale of the so called ozone hole.

And the silence since has been deafening from those whose livelihood depends on creating crises. Recent data from the upper atmosphere research satellites affirms that any problem is less it’s not greater. Ozone levels fluctuate all of the time, partly because of volcanic activity and solar flares. But MIT’s technology review has made an exhaustive study of worldwide ocean temperatures since 1851. Has concluded that there appears to have been little or no global warming over the past century. In fact, the net rise in world surface temperature during the last century, which was about 1%, almost all occurred before 1940, and that was before aerosols.

And that has since been reversed. If we allow ourselves to be influenced by press release, we could spend a trillion dollars over the next decade destroying what’s left of the american economy. We have some sad news to report here. A giant in the weather world and the first weatherman at Good Morning America has died. Meteorologist John Coleman passed away at the age of 83. He founded the Weather Channel. Was also a longtime meteorologist here at KUSI. Thinks climate change is a hoax. His name is John Coleman. Before launching the Weather Channel in the early 1980s, he was the original weatherman on Gilmore in America.

And after launching the channel, he was also a local weatherman in New York, Chicago and San Diego. Resent you calling me a denier. That is a word meant to put me down. I’m a skeptic about climate change and I want to make it darn clear. Mister Kenny’s not a scientist. I am. He’s the CEO of the Weather channel. Now. I was the founder of the Weather Channel, not the co founder. And I’m glad you did because I am addicted to the Weather Channel. I watch a lot of talking. Now hold on just a minute. I’m not done.

And CNN has taken a very strong position on global warming. That is, that it is a consensus. Well, there is no consensus in science. Science isn’t a vote. Science is about facts. And if you get down to the hard, cold facts, there’s no question about it. Climate change is not happening. There is no significant man made global warming. Now there hasn’t been any in the past and there’s no reason to expect any in the future. There’s a whole lot of baloney. And yes, it is. It has become a big political point of the Democratic Party and part of their platform, and I regret it’s become political instead of scientific, but the science is on my side.

Two is a gas of life. When you have more CO2, the plant kingdom, the whole ecology, even the oceans, gonna have more, basically ability. More fish, more everything. More life. More life essentially. That’s why it’s called gas of life. And these people want to demonize it as some gas that can cause global warming, can cause hurricane to run faster or weaker. I don’t know what they want to have. More rain, more droughts and all these other nonsense that they claim. All of that. It just. Isn’t it true you have a science degree from Yale? Bachelor of arts degree.

Is it a political science degree? Yes, political science. So how do you get a bachelor of arts in a science? Well, it’s liberal arts education and degree. It’s a bachelor. Okay, so it’s not really science. So I think it’s somewhat appropriate that somebody with a pseudoscience degree is here pushing pseudoscience. Let me ask you this. What’s the consensus on parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere? About 406. 406 today. Okay, 406. Are you aware 350 being the level that scientists have said is dangerous? Okay. Are you aware 350 is dangerous? Wow. Are you aware that since mammals have walked the planet the average has been over a thousand parts per million? Yeah, but we weren’t walking the planet.

It’s. Let me just share with you that we now know that definitively, at no point during the least the past 800,000 years has atmospheric CO2 been as high as it is today. The reason you chose 800,000 years ago is because for 200 million years before that, it was greater than it is today. And I’m going to say for the record, yeah, but there weren’t human beings. I mean, there was a different world. We didn’t have 7 billion people. So how did it get to 2000 parts per million if we humans weren’t here? Because there were all kinds of geologic events happening on Earth which spewed.

Did geology stop when we got on the planet? Mister chairman, this is just not a serious conversation. Your testimony is not serious. I agree. Fast. What percent of our atmosphere is CO2? Take your best guess. You don’t have to be accurate. All the online. Repeat that question. What percent of our atmosphere is CO2? Carbon dioxide. Well, yes, it’s okay. Five. 5%, right? I’ll just follow you there. We’ll go suddenly, I’ll see there five and suggest that we know that transportation causes 49% of CO2. So that’s why we’re all working on energy transition. All right, so what number you think it is? Five.

Five about you. I didn’t hear you, mister. Seven. Seven. Do you have one, Mister Boyd. So we got a five seven. Price is right. Eight. I’ll hit the high end. All right, well, I appreciate that. And I don’t mean to. I put you on ice. I asked a lot of people that because all we hear is climate change, climate change, CO2, CO2. The answer is 0.04%. Not 1%, not a half of a percent. .04%. And it’s gone up from .03 over the last couple decades. This is what we’re being all contorted into doing, is this tiny change in CO2.

If we go, if we get below zero, two, plant life starts dying. Greatest respect, ma’am, it’s the greatest fraud that’s been perpetrated on mankind this century. The best scenario, vis a vis global warming is about 10ft, raising water. The worst scenario is about 100ft. If the water on the planet is rise up 10ft, that means the southern part of the United States is gone. England is gone, most of Europe is gone, most of Central America is gone. If that’s the case, let’s just take Florida, for example, which is one of the fastest growing beachfront condominiums on the planet.

In the prospectus, when you invest, there should be in the footnotes. If global warming is for real and water rises 10ft, this investment you made is fuck all. Not one single investment prospectus written this century has alluded to global warming. If it were really true, the banks wouldn’t invest. The banks wouldn’t finance not one motherfucking condominium. So the people that have the money, the banks of this world, know it’s not going to happen. You told the Associated Press that the american government has created weather tampering techniques so that the new world order will be able to starve millions of Americans and to control the rest.

Would you explain what you were trying to say? Well, what I was trying to say is exactly what I said. There is weather control techniques. We have a complete package on that which I did not bring, but I certainly will see to it that it is brought in for the record. Number one, the entire patents on the equipment. Number two, Senator Claiborne tells complete statement and story of his own that not only does it exist, but that we even utilize it as far back as the Vietnam war, you might want to touch base. I just want to repeat before turning.

So. Yes, but we do have all that information. You’re saying the government has created weather tampering techniques so that the, quote, new world order will be able to starve millions of Americans worldwide. Millions of Americans. And to control the rest? Yes, sir. And that’s my belief. As bizarre as that sounds, when if somebody had told me that that equipment even existed ten years ago, I would have thought they were nuts, sir. And at this point in time, we have all the documents to prove it. And if you think that 85 tornadoes takes place in the middle of our growing area by simultaneous accident.

I’m sorry. With the equipment that’s already set up internationally, and as bizarre as that is, it is proven and documented, we will supply you with documents. As bizarre as that is, I would say that weather wars, and this is quoting actually Senator Claiborne Pell himself, that they are the greatest weapon ever created. Hello, everybody. What I do know, global warming, what I do wonder is when you see the government, when you see NASA, when you see other institutions say that 97% of climate scientists agree, do you think they’re making it up? What I don’t understand is how you figure, and let me explain it to you.

The government puts out about two and a half billion dollars directly for climate research every year. It only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results that support the global warming hypothesis of the Democrat party position. So they don’t have any choice. If you’re going to get the money, you got to support their. Therefore, 97% of the scientific reports published support global warming. Why? Because those are the ones the government pays for and that’s where the money is. It’s real simple. But that doesn’t mean it’s right. That doesn’t make it true. That only makes it bought and paid for.

The money goes in circles. There are 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition that says it is not valid, that my position. And we’ll keep battling and we will prevail in time, but I don’t know if we’ll do it in my lifetime. Extremely dangerous situation unfolding in southern California with record breaking rain, major flash flooding and mudslides. This is new video of a dramatic rescue in San Bernardino. Several people were trapped in this car after raging floodwater swept it away and pinned it against a tree. A rescue team on the boat was able to save them.

Now, as we speak, more than 11 million people across California under high risk of serious life threatening flooding. This is the scene in the Hollywood hills where the National Weather Service is warning of potential landslides this morning. You can see piles of mud, rocks and debris in the streets. Forecasters have been warning this will be one of the most dramatic weather days in recent memory. For Los Angeles, torrential downpours have already dumped more than a month’s worth of residents in southern Tasmania are demanding to know why. Cloud seeding was conducted over the Derwent river catchment the day before the worst floods in 40 years.

Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase rain. Hydro Tasmania has confirmed it flew a cloud seeding flight despite the weather warnings. Farmers believe the technique could have made the flooding worse. Here’s where it’s also going to get controversial. Perhaps cloud seeding is something that I studied in school for meteorology, weather modification. Back when I went to school it was like, I’ve pooh poohed a little bit. It was too expensive, it’s not efficient enough. Well guess what? When you get desperate and then technology gets better, 20 years later, here we are. Cloud seeding is ramping up so big.

You see me there showing that flare on the plane. They send silver iodide into the clouds and then it makes it snow more. So they can’t make a cloud, right, but they’re taking storms that are already there and then giving it a little boost. So this is not, that part’s not new. What’s new is they have hundreds of these ground cloud cedars, so they’re actually puffing the silver iodide with a flare. And you see, I think I have a picture of the actual ground cloud seeder into the air. That thing sits all over the Rocky mountains, all over the american west.

Ten states are doing this and I wanted to tell the story because my friend Russell is the state climatologist of Colorado and he said you gotta see what’s happening with climate. With cloud seeding it is huge and it’s only getting bigger by next year. It’d be wild if they did, if that’s what caused the Sahara desert to emerge. Because all that shit used to be lush tropical rainforest, imagine if that’s humans fucking with cloud seeding. They just ruin it. Now Rogan and Kat also get into the weather modification and the rituals behind that. You absolutely need to check out my documentary on stratospheric aerosol injection.

Go to sai and check out the documentary. Connor, chem, you won’t regret it, and it’ll blow your mind. And what they’re saying is there’s aluminum and barium particles in there, and that’s been traced to cause things like Alzheimer’s and all terrible things. So I have an issue with what’s being sprayed above my head, and you guys are in control of that airspace that, my friend, I think, would lead to some sort of lawsuit. And I. Obviously, it’s nothing to do with you. That’s just your job. But my point is, this is a very serious matter, and I.

And I take this very seriously because I want to know what’s being sprayed above my head, if they’re spraying stuff. Now, I have a time lapse camera set up outside to pick this stuff up to show him, because I go all out. I’m like a myth buster, you could say. And I have everything set up, and I have captured contrails which do not land. They have a trail, and they do not linger. They dissipate right away. And then I’ve seen the other trails that stick, and they basically are like clouds that expand into a haze. And I’ve literally seen, above my house, them spraying in a snake pattern that isn’t going from point a to point b.

They are putting something above at least my house. And everybody all across the world talks about this. And I thought it was a crazy conspiracy theory for the longest time until I started digging into it. The former director of the CIA coined it as stratospheric aerosol injection. And there’s. There’s literally weather modification patents dating back to the 1950s. I’ve got 50 plus here from my research that I found. So I don’t know what they’re doing up there, but I just want to know what’s being sprayed above my head, because that’s that I’m concerned for my animals.

I’m concerned for my mother, my father, I’m concerned for my cousin, concerns for myself. And this is, in my eyes, this is very serious. And it’s way too hard to figure out what is being sprayed up there. It should be easy. If it’s fine and if it’s okay, transponder should be on. And this should be something that the american people know about. So. Absolutely, it’s probably going to lead to a Freedom of Information act request. Absolutely. But I’m just saying, if you put yourself in my shoes, I’m sure you have friends and family all around. They’re being subjected to this potential risk as well.

And it’s like, why isn’t anybody coming out. And speaking about this, it’s, it’s just, it’s, it’s perplexing to me. Yeah, yeah, no, that’s. I mean, like, I can appreciate your concern. Um, the, uh, do you understand the condensation trails? What the physics behind that is? Of course, yeah, yeah, no, I I’ve got, I’ve got pilots speaking to the congress about it. I’ve got literally archival stuff I dig, and then I saved, and that’s what I do. So I’ve got a whole chunk on this specific topic, and this is the last step. Are you real concerned about this global warming? I’m only concerned about the incredible frenzy and hype for something that’s a total myth.

That concerns me a lot because people are going hysterical about it. It’s amazing to me how upset so many people are and how many billions of dollars, apparently our governments are going to spend of our tax dollars to combat something that isn’t real. That has my attention. Believe me, as a scientist, I know that global warming doesn’t really exist at all in any sense of significance and that we have nothing to worry about. Now, are you saying that there hasn’t even been any warming? There’s absolutely natural climate fluctuations. We have little ice ages, we have warm ups.

Historically, the earth has vacillated through all of these. Solar cycles change dramatically, ocean currents change, and all of that has a significant impact on climate. Are you aware, and I’m sure some people seeing this are aware, that officials of both the canadian and russian government in the past six weeks have warned of a coming ISIS? It’s my understanding. And this other scientists have, well, been looking at this, pointing out the connection between our weather and the solar activity. Yeah, this has to do with what’s known as a modern minimum, where the sun goes into hibernation, as they describe it, where the number of solar flares diminishes to zero and the sun lays quiet.

And clearly, the sun is the source of all energy on earth. Nothing happens here without the sun. Without the sun, it’s all over. And so how bright the sun shines is key element. And you and I were taught in school of the solar constant, a figure that represented the energy arriving at earth from the sun as though it were a consistent light bulb burning. Well, it’s not that at all, of course. So, as goes the sun, so goes the earth. I think that’s pretty clear. It’s daddy.

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