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➡ The writer questions the authenticity of a recent attack on Trump, suggesting it might have been staged to manipulate public emotions. They urge Trump to uphold honesty and integrity, warning that deceit could tarnish his legacy. The writer also shares a video analysis, arguing that the lack of blood, strategic camera angles, and unusual reactions suggest the incident was choreographed. They encourage everyone to question their beliefs and demand truth from their leaders.
➡ This text suggests that there might have been a staged event involving former President Trump, where he appeared to be injured. The author questions the authenticity of the incident, pointing out inconsistencies in the blood on Trump’s ear and the behavior of the Secret Service and photographers. The author believes this could be an attempt to make Trump look like a hero, and criticizes those who accept the event without skepticism.
➡ The article discusses a controversial event where President Trump was allegedly shot in the ear. The author questions the authenticity of the incident, pointing out inconsistencies in the video footage and the behavior of the photographers and the crowd. They suggest that crucial parts of the event were deliberately omitted from the videos, and speculate that fake blood might have been used. The author also raises doubts about the Secret Service’s role in the incident, suggesting possible foreknowledge of the event.
➡ During a Trump rally, attendees noticed a man with a rifle on a nearby roof. Despite alerting the police and Secret Service, the man was able to fire shots before being killed by the Secret Service. The author questions the authenticity of the event, suggesting it may have been staged due to the seemingly perfect circumstances and the minor injury Trump supposedly sustained. The author compares the event to the 9/11 attacks, suggesting both were carefully orchestrated for maximum impact.
➡ The article suggests that the incident where Trump was reportedly shot in the ear might have been staged. The author questions the plausibility of the event, pointing out inconsistencies such as the lack of continuous bleeding, the absence of blood on Trump’s hand, and the strange blood pattern on his ear. The author also speculates that the Secret Service agents might have applied fake blood to Trump’s ear to create a dramatic image. The author concludes by expressing skepticism about the entire event, suggesting it could be a deceptive act designed to boost Trump’s popularity.
➡ The text suggests that there’s a push for stricter gun control laws, including better background checks and mental health assessments. The author believes this is a strategy to make right-wing individuals fear threats from transsexuals and leftists, and to prevent potential harm to Trump. The author invites readers to share their thoughts in the comments.


I think I speak for the majority when I say us patriots stand united by our unwavering dedication to freedom and morality and which are key principles of our great nation. First and foremost, I want to express my sincere relief that Trump is in good health following the unsettling events at his recent speech. Honestly, his bravery and enduring commitment to address the public in the face of danger is nothing short of commendable. However, it is our duty as ones with eyes to see and the guardians of our nation, sweet children, to approach such incidents with discernment and with a discerning eye.

The recent attempt on Trump’s life, though very dramatic, has raised significant questions that demand significant answers. We all need to know, was it a genuine threat or an orchestrated act meant to manipulate our emotions and our loyalty? Without a doubt, Mister Trump’s courage under fire, whether real or staged, must be acknowledged. Yet the authenticity of such threat should be beyond reapproach. As followers and defenders of justice, we must remember that the truth is our most potent weapon. If the events were indeed fabricated, then we face a deeper, more insidious form of deception that threatens to exploit our trust and undermine our integrity.

To President Trump, I offer this plea. Your leadership has guided us through challenging times and instilled in us a belief in a higher standard of perception, one that transcends theater and spectacle. Should there be a shadow of a doubt in the seriousness of the recent attack, I ask you not as a critic, but as a fellow patriot, to reconsider the path you tread. Manipulation, if it exists, is the enemy of progress and the adversary of genuine leadership. Our movement thrives on truth and transparency. It is in this spirit that I implore Trump to reaffirm his allegiance to honesty and integrity.

Should your motives be pure and your actions be true, you will continue to be celebrated and forever revered. However, if deception steers your course, you risk being remembered not as a hero, but as a villain in the annals of history, an enemy to the very people who place their trust in you. So to everybody who’s been blessed with the eyes to see, let us stand united, demanding nothing less than the truth from our leaders. Trump, join us in this noble quest. Relinquish any guise of deceit, and let the light of authenticity guide us forward. Only then can we ensure that our collective legacy is one of honor, truth and unwavering justice.

We must always challenge ourselves, and especially our leaders. It’s our responsibility, if not to ourselves, to the loved ones around us who do not have the eyes to see. So may the forever burning light that is the core, the essence of good. Shine and expose any deceit that is happening in our reality. And may you hearing this message aid this exposure in the form of challenging every belief you’ve ever had until the day you die. I staying true to always challenging everything. I came across these three videos, I tied them together. They’re from a former magician who revealed some things that I don’t think a lot of us have seen.

Check this out. And remember, your beliefs are your own. No one can take them from you. Take a look at that chart. Take a look at the arrow on the bottom. See the big red arrow, right? Hey, everybody. So my last video on this topic blew up, and I need you to make a follow up video. I want to make this very brief. There are a few things that make this very clearly staged, in my opinion, the first thing is that there’s no blood on Trump’s right hand. Can you imagine if you got shot in the ear while you were grandstanding at a political rally, and you’re telling me that Trump’s not going to grab his ear with his hand? We see him grab his ear in the initial moments, yet there’s no blood on his hand.

The second thing that tells me this is staged is how deliberately his right ear is blocked from view until he gets back up and shows the whole world his bloodied ear. I don’t find this plausible, but it makes a ton of sense when you think about camera angles, stage magic, and where he was supposed to have been shot. It would have been too hard to fake this on a live feed. His ear getting shot, all the movement involved, the blood involved. So the executive decision, it seems, was made to have that off camera. And also, as far as this misdirection goes, it seems like they very deliberately started all the clips in such a way that you can’t tell that he just directed the audience’s attention at this sign over at the right.

This is magician type misdirection, and it’s been carefully and deliberately scrubbed from the record. All the clips start with him just moments before he gets shot. No context at all saying, and if you want to see something really sad, which could have very well been the cue for the shots to fire off, you want to see something very sad. Somebody in the chat points out that’s neuro linguistic programming right there. You want to see something really sad? Think about how many people heard that before their favorite idol got the head wound. That’s what they believe anyway.

Now, his excuse is that he’s looking to his right and there’s a sign over there, and he’s indicating the sign over there to the crowd. But to me, this is the perfect cover so that they can buy some time until his ear can be bloodied up by directing everybody’s attention misdirection to the sign over at the right. Everybody who was filming the event turned their camera to the sign. The media cameras, which were looking straight ahead at Trump, watch very closely how he ducks and covers, very deliberately, trying to hide his right ear from the camera.

To me, this makes it obvious that this is choreographed ahead of time and that the point was to not have to fake anything on live video, to not have to fake anything from the front, because they would have to fake it moving, becoming bloody, etc, etcetera. So I think the plan was, Trump, you look to the right of shots are going to go off, grab your ear, and then fall to the ground. Make sure that your right ear stays blocked from the cameras. And before we shoot the shots, direct everybody’s attention, the classic magician’s misdirection, to this big chart that we’ll put up on the right side.

And then the building that the shooter was on will be to the right so that the angles can be explained away. It’s just happenstance that this was all off camera. They’ll say, chart. I don’t know if they can. Do you guys have access to that chart that I love so much? You don’t mind if I go off teleprompter, do you? Because these teleprompters are so damn boring. I try and explain that. Oh, there’s. Wow, you guys are doing it. They’re getting better with time, my guys. Take a look at that chart. Take a look at the arrow on the bottom.

See the big red arrow? Right? So that’s when I left office. That was the lowest point. And that comes right from the government services, comes right out of border patrol. Take a look at that. So that arrow is the lowest amount of illegal immigration ever in recorded history into our country. And then. And then the worst president in the history of our country took over, and look what happened to our country. Probably 20 million people. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened.

So no blood on the hands. The right ear, which is the ear that was ultimately shot, apparently was completely turned away from the main cameras. And everybody’s attention was drawn away to that chart, minimizing the chance of any amateur footage. The third thing is the lack of concern about first aid or security post shooting. There was no compression being done to his ear. He apparently didn’t even touch his ear with his hand. There was no attempt to do compression, there was no attempt to bandage it or anything. He just walks out and it’s a very stark contrast.

In the initial moments. In the initial moments, they went way out of their way to hide his right ear. Misdirection, turning to the side. Even when he’s falling to the ground, he’s turned to the side, making sure to hide that right ear. He doesn’t look around, he falls down, keeping that right ear hidden. I believe this was choreographed. Also. I believe if Trump was in live fire and had been shot in the head, he wouldn’t have acted like that. He would have made a beeline for the door, he would have ducked his head down. The Secret Service would not have acted the way that they did.

They would have shuffled him out of there. So the behavior after the shot doesn’t make any sense. But it was great for the photo ops and great for the ultimate operation here, which is to make Trump look like a hero. But again, I think that the bloodied ear really was the jump, the shark moment here. They wanted to sell this assassination as real so badly that they made the executive decision that he had to sustain damage to his head. To me, the angles here don’t make any sense. The motive is too clear. This isn’t even so much about Trump, who does stand to gain a lot from this.

This is about the world stage of which Trump is a key player. The last thing I want to bring up here is the damage sustained to his ear. I think this is the best shot of it. The moment he’s getting into the limo at the end. First of all, it’s not continuing to bleed. The bleeding apparently magically stopped as soon as he got up. Also, the blood doesn’t seem to act like real human blood. I think any of us who’ve been cut can look at this ear and see that blood doesn’t work like this. I think they had some liquid blood that they squirted, and you can see it dripping down in three directions.

One is down into the earth, the second is across his face, and the third is a little bit lower across his face. But the key trick here, as far as the blood goes, is the putty like goo blood that they put around the exterior of the top of his ear. I think the idea here was to make it look like a serious wound that was bleeding profusely. And if you just squirt a bunch of liquid blood, you run the risk of it coming off and showing that there’s no real wound there. I think this is another reason why Trump has no blood on his hand, because he didn’t want to mess up the fake blood movie magic.

You don’t want all the blood to come off and people to see that you weren’t actually shot. Also, I’m amazed at the level of sellouts in the so called alternative media who have no skepticism and just believe whatever they’re shown. Really pathetic. But it really doesn’t surprise me, given that they’ve been pushing poison on you for years and years and years and years. So thanks for watching. Feel free to download any of my videos, upload them on your channel. I can see that the average person in my audience is seeing through this and the agents are trying so desperately to gaslight you and tell you you’re crazy, you’re dumb, you’re stupid.

But the truth is, they’re afraid of your intelligence and that the cat’s going to get out of the bag. And they’re paid to keep that cat in the bag. Alright, I’ve got a huge bombshell for you today. We have behind the scenes footage catching the secret Service clearing the backstage behind Trump. As far as stage magic goes, these would be some of the key vantage points, the key angles, the key lines of sight, to see if something was applied to Trump’s ear, if any fake blood was applied, etcetera. And to see the moments after Trump falls to the ground.

Remember, his ear is turned to the right, I think deliberately so nobody in the front of the stage can see any blood until he stands up with his fist in the air and they move the photographers to the front of the stage knowing, I think, that Trump would stand up, fist in the air, bloodied ear, for the photos to be seen around the world. So it’s unclear exactly the role of the photographers in all of this. If they were waiting for the signal, or if they’re just oblivious and just pawns in the game, I’m not sure.

But let’s do a deep dive and analyze this crucial new piece of evidence. And now, note the timing here. This wasn’t after the shots ring out. This was right before the shots started. The Secret Service can be seen clearing the backstage, putting the photographers to the front, where they’d have to wait and wait and wait for Trump to stand up with his fist in the air so they can snap all these iconic photos. Why did the Secret Service usher these photographers to the front of the stage at this point in time, you can hear the shots ring out just after they’re cleared.

This evidence is a total game changer. Check this out. What happened to our country? Probably 20 million people. And, you know, that’s a little bit old. That chart that charts a couple months old. And if you want to really see something that’s sad, take a look at what happened. All right, check this out. There’s some really weird behavior from the Secret Service and the photographers. A couple of new vantage points, and I’ve synced them up with the vantage point that people have seen millions and millions and millions of times from the front. Right before the shots start ringing out, just moments before the shooting, this secret Service officer stands up out of nowhere, comes over to the photographers and gives them a cue.

He ushers them forward to the front of the stage to start taking photos. So I’ve watched this a number of times. It looks like he’s pushing them forward. He’s shooing them forward using the back of his hand and kind of shooing them forward. He’s also pointing, pushing them along. Right before the shots ring out, he’s clearing the back of the stage of photographers and or directing them to their position for the iconic photo capturing. Wow. And then seconds later, the shooting begins. These photographers can be seen running around frantically and fearlessly snapping photos of Trump when he’s on the ground and when he stands back up and is ushered off the stage.

I find the order of events here very peculiar. The Secret Service guy comes up, I wish I could read lips. If anybody can read lips, send me an email. Timtrue dominant. He ushers them forward to the front of the stage and they just go right away. Is this some sort of collusion between the photographers who snapped these iconic photos and the Secret Service? How did this interaction happen just moments before the shooting started? What does the Secret Service officer say to the photographers just moments before as he ushers them to the front of the stage for photos in what would become the most viewed photographs of their careers? I’m sure the number of people who’ve seen these photos, just back to back to back to back to back over the last two days is astounding.

Everywhere you scroll through Twitter, you see these photos dozens of times on every single thumbnail that you see on the social media sites, in every single news story. These were the photos that were seen around the world of Trump standing up with the fist in the air, with the american flag waving behind him. Such a photogenic event. What is going on in this interaction right before this all kicks off are the acts of the journalists in line with normal human behavior in an active shooting situation. What happened to our country? Probably 20 million people. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart.

That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that’s sad, take a look at what happened. Sit down, sit down. What happened to our country? Probably 20 million people. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. Move up. Move. Go up. Hawkeye, ready? Okay. We are watching live at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where former President Trump was speaking on the stage. There has been some kind of disturbance that clearly sets law enforcement and secret Service into motion, immediately jumping around the former president in a protective mode.

The crowd has been screaming. They are standing by. You can hear. Hear some voices there saying, are we ready to go or are we ready to go? We are looking at President Trump. This does not look good. I’m going to be honest with you. From what we can see right here, it looks like they are attempting to move him out, that he may have been injured. He is holding up his arm, he is pumping his fist, but clearly Secret Service wants to get him out of this situation. I can think of a couple possibilities here. The vantage point from behind exposes many lines of sight, many angles that would expose any operations, such as putting fake blood on Trump’s ear.

Now, granted, if such a thing happened, they would try to block as much of the visibility off with the Secret Service’s bodies as possible. So it’s possible the Secret Service is trying to get the cameras out of the area and don’t want these lines of sight photographed. The other possibility is that the cameramen are working in tandem with such an operation, in which case they could be confident that the photographers wouldn’t publish anything of the sort. It’s also very important to note here that these are some of the most iconic photos of the decade, if not multiple decades.

Pictures and photographs are extremely powerful propaganda tools, so it’s possible they were being ushered in to get in place for the key moment, or possibly some combination of these options. But the timing here cannot be overlooked. The Secret Service ushering to the front of the stage the photographers moments before the shooting rings out. How could anybody explain this? And this footage also shows us for the first time, the right side of Trump’s head at the moment of alleged impact. Now, after we’re done zooming in, there’s very little to be seen as far as it being very low resolution.

And also, I don’t see anything in this footage that screams, his ear was just shot by a bulletin, but it is very grainy. But I certainly don’t see any visible blood. And I also don’t see any movement in terms of his ear being moved around. Again, it’s very low resolution. But this is the first video from the side showing Trump’s right ear at the moment of alleged impact. Take a look at what happened. Alright, a note on this clip here. I found two versions of this. This one here is the highest definition version. I found it on YouTube and it has these captions on it.

And then I found this other version, which was on somebody’s TikTok. I found it somewhere else, though, but somebody downloaded it off of TikTok. You can tell because of the ending. And this one doesn’t have the caption on it. So I’m not sure where the original file is, but it has been edited. So if we line up to audio waves here, you can see the TikTok version has a few seconds left off the beginning, and then it has this little annoying TikTok sound at the end. But we’re going to examine the YouTube version here. What we see is at this key moment when the firing starts, the camera goes down into their lap and it doesn’t come back up until a long time later.

So they cut the entire part out where Trump’s on the ground and possibly his ear is being manipulated for the photos, and then they show him going off the stage. Now, if we align this, we can see how much time was taken out. We can see the duration is 1 minute and 16 seconds cut from that clip. I just wanted to make note of this. I think there’s a couple interesting things about this clip. The Secret Service indicating to the photographers to go out right before the shooting starts. And then also this minute and 16 2nd gap, which, by the way, is something we saw on 911 as well.

Very mysterious parts cut out of the clips before they were published. Like, the most crucial parts were, like the planes hit the buildings and stuff just mysteriously cut out. And of course, in this case, the key moment is when Trump’s on the ground. What happened with his ear? That’s the key question. Were they trying to apply first aid? If you think about it, the two theories here have a drastically different set of events that happen while Trump’s on the ground. Either they were nursing his ear to make it better, or they were dressing up his ear to make it look worse and to hoax the american people and people around the world.

And I, for one, find it fascinating that no footage exists of this. And now let’s analyze this other piece of footage that I superimposed on the left hand side. This is from Evan Vucci, the Associated Press’s chief photographer in Washington. He’s one of the photographers, if not the photographer, who snapped the famous photos that everybody’s sharing with Trump standing up, his ear bloodied, blood on his face, the american flag in the background. And there’s a new piece of footage that has emerged of him holding a camera. So I don’t know if he’s wearing a body camera or something, but I find it peculiar when they show us here, I find it peculiar what they choose to show us and what we don’t see.

And we can see from this left hand perspective, looking in at the podium and the stage, you can tell that the Secret Service have completely engulfed Trump. And it’s hard to make out what’s happening. And it’s important to note here that this clip doesn’t start until once they’re standing Trump up. So for whatever reason, they chose to start the footage right here, which would be long after any fake blood applied to his ear. So what this tells me is we see numerous times these photographers running around, going to the side of the stage, taking photos, going to the front of the stage, taking photos, and I haven’t seen any of those photos being published.

This is the first time I’m seeing a side angle shot of the stage. But the clip starts practically at the point where he stands up. So where’s all the other footage? Where are all the other photographs showing us this key time where Trump has fallen from the ground and his ear hasn’t been seen because it was initially turned to the right, and he fell in such a way that his ear stayed obstructed from view. And so I wonder if they put footage out like this to create the impression that, oh, look, we can see it from all these different angles.

Look, we have an angle from behind. Look, we have an angle from the side. But isn’t it interesting that these new vantage points don’t have the key moment in time where Trump’s ear is supposed to have been hit and when he’s on the ground? Later, when people like myself are speculating that it’s possible that they added blood to his ear, that’s my prevailing theory. At this point, we need some more skepticism, some more critical thought. So to conclude, I think it’s fascinating how fearless these photographers were. This in conjunction with the backstage being cleared out and the Secret Service signaling them that it’s time to go to the front of the stage, I think these combined indicate foreknowledge.

Now, many people have pointed out that the reactions of the crowd don’t make any sense. People aren’t scattering, people aren’t making a run for it, people are just sitting there. They have no idea how many shooters there are. If the shooter’s been taken out, etcetera, etcetera. One has to wonder if they’re just waiting there as the backdrop to all start celebrating when Trump stands up in a loud, thunderous, cheering round of applause. That makes a lot of sense if you’re preparing audio visuals for propaganda, to have a huge roaring crowd in the background to add the audio to the visuals.

Hopefully, everybody understands the power of audio visual in propaganda. So we’re told there’s all this loud back and forth crossfire, which should be very frightening to anybody who doesn’t know it’s staged, if it was staged. Yet these photographers are running around snapping photos, hardly even looking around at their surroundings. So why were they ushered to the front of the stage moments before the shots occurred? Does this indicate foreknowledge? Let me know what you think. Shout out to all the people out there with eyes to see and have a great rest of your day. They’re saying that Trump was around here in front of these three red buildings giving his speech.

There’s a sniper on the roof over here, looking directly ahead. They say that some deranged person climbs up on this roof with a gun. And, you know, that’s a little bit old. That chart, that chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. We hear that people are yelling at Secret Service and at the snipers, that there’s a gunman on the roof. There’s a gunman on the roof. And this is the closest roof to the stage. Presumably they disarmed all these Republicans at the Trump rally.

So as far as security goes, the top threat would be the roofs just off the property. But yet they’re saying that somebody climbed up on the roof with the rifle, being spotted by a bunch of people in the crowd. Yet the sniper on this roof, looking right at it, let them fire off shots or somehow missed the threat. And what’s really tempting here, and a lot of Republicans are going to do this for the political expediency is they’re going to say, oh, the Secret Service let this happen, or the secret Service were in league with the gunmen, but Trump was totally innocent and he was supposed to get killed, and the Secret Service was trying to let Trump get killed.

So that’s one theory that people are going to land on. That’s not my theory. I think Trump and the deep state establishment were as much in on this as anybody. And I don’t think Trump was shot in the ear. So I think that means that they had fake blood ready to go. And if that’s the case, this whole thing blows wide open. Someone who was here, you weren’t inside the event? Nope. But you were just outside. Tell us what you saw and what. So we had a party here all day. You can see behind us the Brinkels farm in Greenhouse here.

We had a party and we all decided, hey, you know, when we hear Trump up there, we’re gonna walk up through the field, stand by the trees up there under the shade and watch and listen to the rally, right? We couldn’t see him, but we could hear him. So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I’m estimating here, I have no idea, you know, but we noticed a guy crawling army, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50ft away from us. So we’re standing there, you know, we’re pointing, we’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof.

And he had a gun, right? He had a rifle. We can clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely. We’re pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like, hey, man, this guy on the roof with a rifle, and the police were like, huh, what? You know, like they didn’t know what was going on, you know, we’re like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him, he’s crawling, and next thing you know, I’m like, I’m thinking to myself, I’m like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I’m standing there pointing at him for, you know, two or three minutes.

Secret service is looking at us from the top of the barn, I’m pointing at that roof, just standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots ring out. You’re certain that the shots came from that guy? Hundred percent. Hundred percent. And he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three, four minutes. And you were telling. Yep. Least in the secret service, we were telling the police, we were pointing at him for the secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn.

They were looking at us the whole time. We stand about that tree. Binoculars. Probably not, because the roof, the way the slope went, he was behind where they could see. But, but why is there not secret service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place. Did you see, I mean, obviously everyone, when the shooting started, everyone was very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all? Oh, yeah, they blew his head off. Okay, sorry. Secret Service blew his head off. Okay. Just be careful because we don’t know quite who’s watching.

But you, you’re pretty sure they shot the guy? Absolutely. Hundred percent. Yep. You saw that happening? Yep. Yep. Okay. Yeah. And did you see them go up to, to him afterwards or they. Yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed out and make sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over. It’s incredibly shocking. The guy was on the roof right there. You can see the white roof right there. Did you get a look at him? Could you? I, no, other than he was in muted colors, tan type clothing.

We saw the rifle flinging around as he was trying to crawl. I mean, we saw the rifle 100%. I mean, do you know about guns? Do you know what kind of weapon it was? Oh, I absolutely know about guns. For sure. Yeah. I mean, there is a rifle of some sort. I wouldn’t know. You know, I wasn’t close enough to read the label on it was a rifle of some sort. Yeah, absolutely. So what do you, how do you process what you’ve just seen? I don’t know what to say, man. I’ll tell you is, you know, if I, if I walked up closer there with anything that can.

Secret Service considered a problem, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you right now. But I don’t know why a guy who we’re standing there pointing out to police in secret Service is crawling up the roof. So we have some diagrams that we can look at here. How perfect is this for his right ear being shot? The gunman to Trump’s right. Trump directs everybody’s attention over to the right. He’s looking to the right. He says, look at this chart, this illegal immigration chart. And he’s looking to his right. By the way, there are snipers up on this roof right here behind him.

And he’s looking over here and then this gunman on the roof, they’re saying, shoots at Trump and it grazes his right ear. Here’s another picture of the red building with the white roof that you can see in the background behind the stage with the snipers on top. And this is where they’re saying that the shooter was. And there is video of a person laying lifeless on the top of the roof, everyone saying that they were shot. I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody was killed on the top of that roof. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people in the audience who were shot and killed or seriously were injured.

But what surprises me, and I just cannot accept, is their claim that Trump was shot in the ear. It’s too perfect. It’s too perfect. And so if Trump was not shot in the ear and they had makeup ready to go, fake blood ready to go, and this was all choreographed to some extent, what does that mean? I don’t know about you, but I think that tells us a lot. Personally, I think that this was a staged. I don’t buy that Trump would have gotten hit in such a minor way. If this was real, I would imagine that the shooter would miss or that the shooter would hit him in the head.

I don’t think it’s plausible at all that you’d have such a photogenic moment with blood dripping all over his face and his fist up in the air. It’s just too perfect for the world stage theatrics. There are a couple of interesting things around this apparent shooting. For instance, there’s this sign to Trump’s right talking about immigration into the United States. And he says, look at this sign. And everyone turns and looks at the sign, and he’s looking to his right, obstructing his right ear from all the cameras. And then he’s talking. And then you hear some shots go off, and we have some different angles.

This is kind of the prevailing, quote, unquote, truth or orthodoxy at this point, is they’re circulating witness testimony, which I’ll show in a second, and video from the incident allegedly of secret service and the police being informed that there’s a shooter on the roof over there. And people are yelling, he’s got a gun. He’s got a gun, he’s on the roof. And then you hear the shots ring out. To me, it’s very reminiscent of 911. I’ve looked at so much footage of 911, and it took me a while to realize how peculiar it is the way that these buildings were hit.

We have the french brothers who were doing some documentary with New York fire Department and just happened to be on the street looking at some gas leak. And then overhead, this plane flies by, and they pan and watch the plane go right into the north tower. And that’s the only video we have of the north tower getting hit. And then all the cameras are on this big hole in the north tower, and then the south tower gets hit from the opposite side. And with the exception of a few videos showing the plane fusing into the side of the south tower without any resistance, without any crumpling up, most of the shots were from this view of the north tower, which had been hit.

And then we just see this big fireball. And the more I thought about it, I’m like, wow. I think this was storyboarded out to minimize the amount of CGI they would have to do to make it look like a plane hit the south tower. My point is, it was like a magic trick, a huge magic trick on the world stage. And it came down to angles in line of sight, as stage magic often does. So when I’m looking at this footage and the situation with Trump today, I’m thinking about the angles here. He’s looking to his right.

He’s pointing to the right. There’s a big sign to his right. His right ear is obstructed from all the camera angles. Then you hear some shots go off. He clutches his ear, and he falls to the ground. You see something that said, take a look at what happened. Then all of the secret service agents and or makeup artists rush in. Are we good shooters down? Are we good to move? And then you see him stand up with a bloody ear, blood dripping all over his face, and he puts his fist up in the air and says, fight.

Let me get my. Okay, watch your. Watch out. And note there’s no blood on his right hand that can be seen. He makes the mistake of opening his hand a couple of times and not just doing the fist in the air. And when you see his palm, there’s no blood. Even though he had put his hand up against his right ear to indicate that he had been hit visually before he falls to the ground and they get shuffled off to the hospital, they say, what are the odds that he’s looking to the right, that his right ear gets hit, that it’s so minor that it doesn’t actually cause any serious damage, but he does get hit.

The shooter does not miss Trump. Now, whenever you have stage magic, if it’s done right, most of the time, you will not be presented with enough evidence to be able to debunk the magician’s claims. That’s the whole point. That’s why that trick was selected. It was designed so you would not have enough evidence, you would not have the line of sight to be able to tell how it was done. But if I had to guess, I would imagine that the time he spent on the ground surrounded with all these secret Service agents was the time that his ear was made to look all bloody.

The perfect image to catapult his popularity. So let’s logically play this out. If they applied fake blood to Trump’s ear, what does that tell us about the rest of this event? Well, that means that this shooter is not what he seems. It would mean that somehow or another, the shooter, the Secret Service and Trump were working in tandem and this was choreographed. Now they’re saying that an attendant of the rally was killed and two more were critically injured. I’m not ruling that out. I’m not saying that they’re faking their injuries. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that this could be added to increase the perception of it being real.

But it’s also possible that people were just shot. I much more believe that the people in the audience were shot than that Trump’s ear was shot. His right ear as he’s looking to the right. I just find it very peculiar. And I can’t bring myself to think that Trump actually was shot in the ear here. I find that so unbelievable. His right ear, which was obstructed from view when it happened. Now, they say that the shooter was off to the right, so the angles are plausible. As far as, if you look at the diagram of where the building of the so called shooter was relative to the stage.

But, for example, when Trump turned to his right and he starts talking about this huge chart that he has up on the right of the stage, that could have been a cue. That could have been the cue. This whole thing could have been choreographed to have Trump look to the right and then have the side of his right ear grazed with a bullet, seemingly. This is such a huge profile, public stage incident, that it must be evaluated critically. If this was Joe Biden and they said that a right wing fanatic had shot the right side of his ear, all the same people who were saying that, no, this is real, Trump really did get shot, we need to rally behind Trump would be calling it a psyop, a false flag.

So I think that that is the Achilles heel of this possible psyop, that they’re saying his ear was actually struck with a bulletin, and he’s bleeding all over the place. I think that’s them jumping the shark. As far as the Psyop goes, I think that that’s them taking it too far. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it. I studied magic when I was a kid, and I just learned every single thing is deception, deception, deception. And before that, I believed everything I saw. So I know how people believe what they see, and people will probably disagree with me.

That’s fine. I just cannot believe that Trump had his ear grazed by a bullet this evening. I think it would have either missed him or been a more direct hit. And now, speaking of angles here, the Secret Service is making sure, it seems to me, to make a wall around Trump so that nobody can see what’s going on with Trump’s ear and or fake blood being applied. The lip of the stage is also blocking the visibility. And these media cameras are probably much higher than the audience themselves. We have this video from some of the front rows in the audience to show you what the audience could see, which is even less so if this was stage magic.

They certainly blocked off all the lines of sight, which is what you would need to do to ensure that no video gets out. No smoking gun proof of the fake blood being applied. Good. And a lot of people are having their attention drawn to this footage that I’ll show in a second of people yelling, there’s a shooter, he has a gun. He’s on the roof with a gun. And they’re saying, oh, the Secret Service should be fired. Elon Musk tweeted out this testimony that was on BBC where a guy was saying, we saw the guy on the roof.

He was climbing up on the roof with a gun, and we were pointing to secret service, and we were pointing to the roof, and we were pointing to this guy with the gun. And then there’s this other video where they’re yelling, he has a gun, he’s on the roof, he has a gun. And through all of that, we’re supposed to believe that this guy hit trump in the right ear as it was obstructed from all the camera angles. I don’t buy it. Another thing that I think is weird is we see him stand up, there’s blood on his ear, it’s dripping down over his face, but we don’t see any more blood once he stands up.

It’s the same amount of blood once he stands up. If you had a big wound in your ear that had already bled that much to that point, it’s dripping out over your face, etcetera. It would continue to drip more and more blood. That’s how open wounds work. It would continue to bleed. I don’t see any more blood from the first moment we see the wound, which is a data point that points at the very real possibility of fake blood being used. Also, why weren’t they doing any sort of a compression on the wound? It was like they’re more interested in getting these photos of the triumphant fist in the air with the blood all over the face than actually doing first aid.

And let’s also evaluate this last shot we see before he ducks into the secret service mobile. Look at all of this blood that you see on the perimeter of his ear. It looks very paste like. It looks like they have some blood colored goo they put on the perimeter of his ear. Why would all the blood be on the top right of his right ear like that? Where exactly are they saying he got hit? And how does this blood pattern make any sense? There’s a big blob right above his ear canal, and then there’s this blob of goo colored, like blood on the top right of his ear.

To me, this looks like a totally intact ear that’s covered with fake blood, all things considered here. So, just to be clear, they’re saying that Trump had his ear hit off camera and nobody can see any blood until all these secret Service agents and or makeup artists gather around him and block off all the visibility to the outside world. Then we can look at a close up of his ear where the blood pattern makes no sense. Where exactly are they saying he got hit? I can’t imagine a way for an ear to get hit that would cause it to bleed.

Like we’re seeing Trump’s ear bleed in the short period of time from when the shots rang out and he fell down to the time he gets into his Secret Service mobile. Also, there’s a considerable amount of blood that’s already shown on his ear. Yet they’re not doing any compressions, they’re not doing any sort of first aid. They really want the world to see his bloody ear and his fist in the air. Likewise, once he stands up, there’s no additional blood to be seen on his ear. I also don’t see any blood on his hand, his fingers, or his white shirt as he lifts his hand, which he had held up against his right ear right after the shot.

So he touches his ear as if he had been hit. And then if you look at his hand, which is visible on the camera, there’s no blood. Then once he stands up in the aftermath, he waves at the audience and he holds his hand up in the air. Also, no blood on his hand. Also, I went to this angle that’s like right in front of the stage and it suspiciously cuts off right before Trump opens up his hand and we see if there’s any blood on the inside. An interesting time to cut the video off. And again, we’ve been seeing a trend that I find very, very peculiar recently.

The shooters have been leftists, seemingly. They’ll have like a transsexual shooter, or now there’s this person who’s attempting to assassinate Trump, apparently. And remember, Trump was very much pro red flag laws. And to me it seems like they’re going after the right wing and trying to get them on board with anti second amendment gun confiscation. And the way they can get them on board is by making them think the transsexuals are out to get you, the leftists are out to get you. Trump’s gonna get assassinated unless we grab people’s guns, unless we have better background checks, unless we do mental health assessments.

That’s my opinion. But let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks for watching. Have a good rest of your day.


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attempt to make Trump a authenticity of Trump attack behavior of Secret Service blood on Trump's ear choreographed incident demand truth from leaders inconsistencies in incident manipulation of public emotions photographers behavior questioning beliefs staged event involving Trump staged public event strategic camera angles Trump's legacy uphold honesty and integrity video analysis of incident

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