➡ This text suggests that the Freemasons, a secret society, played a significant role in the formation of the United States. It claims that George Washington, a Freemason, was appointed by British royalty to manage the American colonists. The text also suggests that the Freemasons orchestrated events like the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution to manipulate public sentiment and establish control. It further alleges that the Freemasons continue to exert influence over the U.S. through the federal government, and that all U.S. presidents, except one, are related and descendants of a former English king.
➡ This text discusses the concept of jurisdictions and how they relate to laws and rights. It explains that there are three main jurisdictions: land, air, and sea, each with its own set of laws. The text also delves into the idea of birth certificates as a means of entering into a global system, and how this system is tied to various institutions like the Vatican and the British Crown. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of understanding these concepts to navigate the world effectively.
➡ The text discusses the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which states that federal law is the highest law in the country. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and applying this clause, using the Marbury vs. Madison case as an example. The text also argues that laws conflicting with the Constitution are invalid, using the right to bear arms as an example. It encourages people to learn about their constitutional rights and to challenge laws that infringe upon them.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding your rights and the law, using the example of a man who refused to pay land use fees for grazing his cattle on federal land. It emphasizes that challenging authority can be risky, but can also lead to positive outcomes if you have a strong argument and support from others. The text also explains that mandates, such as vaccination requirements, are only obligatory if you agree to them. Lastly, it suggests that making a big impact often requires having a group of supporters behind you.
➡ This text discusses the idea of declaring personal independence from societal systems. It suggests that one can do this by making a public declaration of independence, witnessed and published in a newspaper. However, this choice comes with consequences, such as losing access to societal benefits like social security and employment. The text also explores the concept of understanding and exercising one’s rights, and the potential for conflict when these rights are perceived to infringe upon the rights of others.
➡ The text discusses the concept of allodial title, a form of land ownership where the owner has complete control over their property without any obligations to a higher authority. It suggests that this form of ownership is not recognized in all US states, but some states like Nevada, Texas, and Utah uphold similar principles. The text also advises on how to establish proof of ownership, such as posting signs on your property and making it public record. It warns against participating in potentially illegal activities related to property ownership and emphasizes the importance of understanding your rights.
➡ This text explains the process of submitting paperwork to town hall to establish ownership of your property, which can help in situations like avoiding property taxes. It also discusses the concept of the U.S. dollar as a treasury note from the Federal Reserve, which is essentially an IOU from the government. The text further explains how the Federal Reserve creates money from nothing, loans it to the U.S., and charges interest on it, leading to a never-ending cycle of debt. Lastly, it warns about the potential destruction of the U.S. dollar due to a financial crisis and the rise of a global currency.
➡ The text discusses the complexities of taxation, particularly property and income taxes, and how they relate to federal and state laws. It suggests that the use of Federal Reserve notes (U.S. currency) for tax calculations may not be legal, based on interpretations of U.S. code and Supreme Court cases. The author encourages readers to research and understand these laws, and to consider challenging their tax obligations if they believe they’re unjust. The text also touches on the importance of understanding one’s constitutional rights at both the federal and state level.
➡ The text discusses the complexities of tax laws and how understanding them can help individuals avoid unnecessary taxation. It suggests that labor cannot be taxed and that understanding your rights can prevent you from being exploited. The text also criticizes the Federal Reserve and the income tax system, suggesting that they are fraudulent and manipulative. It encourages people to educate themselves about these systems to protect their wealth and time.
➡ A former IRS investigator questioned the legality of federal income tax after hearing claims that it only applies to Americans living abroad. He found evidence supporting this in the IRS’s own manual. A man was tried for not filing his taxes, but the court couldn’t provide the law requiring him to do so, leading to his acquittal. This sparked a debate about the existence of a law requiring Americans to file an income tax return.
➡ This text explains how to use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to get information from the government. It suggests that understanding and using this law can help you defend yourself or make a difference. The text also emphasizes the importance of keeping evidence and asking the right questions. It provides a detailed guide on how to make a FOIA request, including a template and tips on what to include in the request.
➡ The District of Columbia, Washington D.C., was designed with a unique diamond shape by Thomas Jefferson and marked by 40 boundary stones. This design was carefully planned by President George Washington and French architect Pierre Charles L’Enfant, who incorporated many geometric shapes and Masonic symbolism. Some believe that the Freemasons, including many founding fathers, encoded their symbols into the city’s design. However, there are also theories suggesting that the U.S. government and Freemasons have manipulated the country’s constitution and financial system for their own benefit.
➡ The text discusses a request for information, emphasizing the need for digital, readable data and transparency in any redactions. It also highlights the importance of understanding one’s rights, particularly in relation to privacy and interactions with law enforcement. The text further discusses the concept of ‘private’ or ‘common law’ jurisdiction, suggesting that individuals can take legal action against officers who violate their rights. Lastly, it mentions a case of individuals impersonating police officers, claiming to be part of an ancient organization, and the confusion this caused in their community.
➡ The text discusses the existence of gangs within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, with the author investigating 18 active police gangs. It also delves into the controversial initiation process, which allegedly involves killing a civilian. The text further explores the concept of Freemasonry within the army, suggesting that higher ranks are often Freemasons. Lastly, it explains the concept of Private Member Associations (PMAs), which are tax-exempt organizations that can be used as a form of business, and their potential use in creating safe spaces for activities like cannabis consumption.
➡ Private Member Associations (PMAs) are powerful tools that operate under common law and are protected by the state constitution, making them immune to certain commerce and state jurisdictions. They can be used to bypass certain regulations, but must be set up carefully to avoid potential weaknesses. The power of the press and the right to free speech can be used to investigate and challenge authorities. However, it’s important to understand the laws and rights at play, including the concept of jurisdiction and the use of bonds for elected officials, which can be claimed against if they fail to uphold their duties.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding our rights and the power structures in our society. They believe that we are being manipulated and controlled, and that we need to break free from this cycle by turning off our televisions and seeking knowledge. They also warn about the potential misuse of data collected from our smart devices. The speaker encourages us to research, remember, and practice our rights to protect ourselves.
➡ The text discusses a theory that the federal government operates as a corporation, using citizens as collateral by estimating their worth based on potential tax contributions. It suggests that this system is hidden from the public, with distractions like societal drama and entertainment keeping people unaware. The text also argues that important aspects of American history and law, such as the Declaration of Independence and the concept of common law, are being removed from education to further this scheme. Lastly, it introduces the concept of a ‘straw man’, a legal entity created at birth that represents the individual within this corporate system.
➡ The text discusses the concept of a ‘straw man’ or ‘legal personality’, which is a legal entity created by the government that shares your name. This entity is used in legal matters, and often, people unknowingly agree to contracts or obligations on behalf of this entity. The text also explains that when you register something, like a car or a birth, you’re essentially giving the government ownership. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of understanding your rights and the language used in legal situations to avoid unknowingly giving up your rights.
➡ The text discusses “legalese,” a complex legal language that most people don’t understand. It suggests that by using certain terms, we unknowingly give up our rights and jurisdiction. The text also explains that you can protect your rights by understanding this language and using specific phrases when signing legal documents. It encourages learning about the legal system and its language to navigate it effectively.
➡ This text discusses how legal and linguistic complexities can lead to misunderstandings and loss of personal rights. It suggests that when we apply for licenses or enter into legal agreements, we often unknowingly give up control. The text also explores the idea that language can be used as a tool for manipulation, including the use of backmasking in music and the changing of word definitions. Lastly, it advises that to protect our rights, we should communicate through mail and ask questions, rather than blindly accepting terms.
➡ This text discusses the importance of understanding legal jurisdiction and how to question it. It explains that by asking the right questions, you can challenge the authority of those who claim to have jurisdiction over you. This can be done through a tort contract agreement, which if not responded to, can lead to the dismissal of the case. The text also emphasizes the importance of understanding legal terms and procedures, and the role of conduct and behavior in court proceedings.
➡ John had a court case where he questioned the type of court he was in, but the judge denied all his suggestions. When he felt stuck, he demanded a speedy trial by jury. The judge agreed to a trial the next day, but John asked for a week. The prosecutor agreed to release John until the trial. However, the case was dismissed before the trial. The text also discusses the unfair practice of retired judges earning from traffic ticket convictions, and the use of tort law to fight against harmful cell towers. It emphasizes the importance of knowing and asserting your rights, and the power of individual state laws over federal laws.
➡ If you have a local issue, you should use the USA constitution and file it with your state’s court. If your issue is with something or someone outside your state, or involves politics or laws, you should use the US constitution. The US and USA court systems are parallel and mimic each other, with state courts, appeals courts, and supreme courts. If a supreme court makes a decision, it can only be overturned by another supreme court decision, and this decision sets a precedent for all similar cases in the future.
If you don’t know information, then don’t ever judge it not to be true, because you don’t know it way too quick to judge. This is a situation where an entire story and picture needs to be shown and told before you can comprehend. You may even need to watch this multiple times. In fact, I suggest you do. But before we get started, you need to pass a quick test. I’m going to show you what I usually look like online. And if you can handle it, if you can be open to it, if you cannot judge it, then you can proceed forward and watch the rest of this video in the series.
After you’re done this series, go on to thedisclosurehub.com law and take the free course. It’s this video cut up into each class, elaborating on each topic. It’s all free. We all need to understand this information if we’re going to make a difference in the world. And this applies to everybody in the world, somehow the system here applies everywhere. I won’t take any more of your time. Just remember, conspiracy theory was coined by the evil ones to make you not believe anybody who has any sort of theory on anything. I remember once upon a time, we weren’t demonized for researching and reading books.
If you’re still here, enjoy. This was a lot of work, and I promise, if you can comprehend it, if you can believe it, if you can be open to it, it will change your life. So if you’re here, you’re probably perceptive enough to notice that there seems to be some sort of universal law. For instance, with the vaccines that rolled out the COVID vaccines. If they were so nefarious, why didn’t they just trick us into taking them? Say it was a flu vaccine, a new flu vaccine, or put it in the food. And I believe it’s because.
And I believe you believe, and you’ll feel this, you’ll resonate with this. They must make us make the choice ourselves. Because there’s a universal, invisible law. That being said, if you want to understand how this works, we’re going to start from the very beginning. And it’s simple. The constitution stems from the Bible. Know, you put your hand on the Bible and you swear all of these rights stem from original God given rights to us when we were created. That’s what this whole concept is. So we have to begin there. So the constitution is not just simply a list of rights that we have.
They simply highlight the most important ones that our forefathers deemed were important. But really we have entire God given rights that are all encompassing. The only time you don’t have rights is when you’re violating somebody else’s right. That’s it. That’s all you really need to know. But we’re going to break that entire thing down and you’re going to fully understand how this applies to everything. So from here on out, look at the Bible and see it as a law book, a book of rules, which is really what it is. So the Constitution seems so intimidating. And simply what it was was a bunch of people got together, a handful of men, and they decided, hey, listen, we’re going to articulate some of these God given rights.
And this is where we’re going to draw a line in the sand and decide that if anybody violates our rights, we’re not going to take it. And if somebody does, then this is the procedure that we’re going to take to figure out what we’re going to do to you and how we’re going to remedy the situation. And that’s what was in existence before court. So now we have a jury in court. But before that we just had a jury, which was a group of people. Everybody would meet in the center of town. They’d pick a group of people randomly and they would be the ones who hear out the case, and then they would decide what would happen in the situation.
So we were the judge, we were the jury, we were the executioner. Well, at the same time, we were responsible if somebody didn’t show up to court as a whole town or society to find that person and out that person as a group, like a bunch of people with pitchforks. So the power, the mechanism that made it all work was us all working together. Because if somebody had your back, you would have their back. Now we have the government in the middle, and now it’s so overly complicated. Some of it’s needed because of how many people we have, but they’ve also overcomplicated it to confuse us and therefore we lose power and we don’t understand what goes on by design.
They removed it from the schools. But something very important in history happened. We reached a point where the country went broke due to the bankers exploiting them over war. So the bankers. The best way to understand bankers is think of the first banker ever in existence. Side note, money in this platform are the perfect platform for something being the devil. Some evil controlling and manipulating people, interestingly enough. So these bankers eventually built into a guild, just like all trades had a guild. And this guild became more and more rich, more and more powerful. And they had so much time on their hands and money to either pay people or think of ways to perfect their money schemes and make money for money.
They eventually went from exploiting people to then exploiting countries. And you could just picture the exponential growth. We all know all guilds, all groups have leaders, right? And these leaders are rich and they’re powerful, and they think completely different than you and I. And they experience things in their life completely different. Whether it’s material, spiritual, they experience things completely different than we do. One of their best techniques and methods to manipulate and explain people are to cause an issue and then profit from it. And then, while at the same time, draining them to the point where they need to come back to them for help.
And then they grab everything they have. Wash, rinse, repeat. So when people say bankers, they really mean heartless con men that are insanely rich and pass their money down to their entitled children. Great. So the bankers are rich, and they’re not good people. How did we get where we are today? So, I’m sure most of us know that the people who wrote the constitution were pissed off about something. And they. They wrote it for a reason you may or may not know in history. American colonists came over to the british territory. They decided that taxes went against their God given rights, against them having domain over this plain.
So they started grouping together. One of the groups, called the Sons of Liberty, dressed up as Mohawk Indians, boarded three british ships, and dumped out four tons of tea. This was known as the Boston Tea Party. Soon after, the Tea act of 1773 was the official opposition to the british parliament. So what I’m about to tell you next is my personal theory that you’ve probably never heard before. It’s based 100% on facts and research I’ve done over years on all secret societies in a cult. I’ve wanted to know what they’re about, how they work, if they’re evil.
They’ve fascinated me. So I’m going to combine that with our history and what I know for law, and I’m going to tell you a unique side of history that may or may not have happened. I think it did. You be the judge. So the first banker was probably royalty, because they’re the only ones who had money. So these bankers, which is probably the british parliament, which is the king, the queen, etcetera, they were probably the head of all of the guilds that were created now, the guild, within the guilds of all the people that were at the top of the guilds, they created their own, known as the Freemasons.
In this guild, the members, the group probably stems back way before all of this. All of the money and power had to stem from something somewhere. Let’s not go that deep. Here’s the first part of the fact. The british king and queen are the head of the Freemason. Edward VII, Edward VIII and George VI were all freemasons, as were 18 dukes and princes, including the Duke of Edinburgh. This year, his Royal Highness Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, celebrates his 50th year as Grandmaster of the United Grand Lodge of England. His Royal Highness was proposed into Freemasonry by the then grandmaster the Earl of Scarborough.
He was initiated into Royal Alpha Lodge number 16, an advocate for the craft all over the world, continuing three centuries of distinguished royal tradition at the very heart of English Freemasonry. Order brethren to receive the worshipful, the Grand Master, as permanent master of these three lodges. I now call on my deputy masters. Even still to this day, this is absolutely true. You can look it up. Another fact to look up. George Washington was a member of the Freemasons. Look that up. I believe he was appointed by the british king and queenden through the Freemasonry hidden guild to go and remedy the situation of the american colonists.
So just picture the king and queen going to their friends, the other elites in the area. Maybe they have sons and nephews that are tied in as well. And of course, this is a Freemason group that they’re all part of. Tied in. You can’t join unless you know someone venting, relaxing, and saying, oh, these new american colonists are going crazy. I don’t know what to do. One of the elites is like, hey, I got George here. He’s their blood. He looks just like them. He used to be one of them. And I think they came up with this plan.
I think they had George Washington, a freemason, get other Freemason members and create the Sons of Liberty. I think they had them go onto the ship and dump out the tea to get everybody riled up in order to rally them all together and then put them into a new mechanism of control that nobody would see coming because nobody thought like a banker, like they did. So after the Boston Tea Party, the sons of Liberty had enough street cred to gather everyone who is rebelling against taxes. And they went to those people and said, hey, listen, this is what we’re going to do.
We’re going to create this constitution which highlights our God given rights, which is absolutely true. They use the truth and they manipulate it. That’s the whole thing here. And they created this mechanism that would seem beautiful for a long time, but secretly be ran by the Freemasons behind the scenes. And they instilled within this system a cancer that slowly grew. Them being so good at what they do, they knew they needed an event to spark this momentous movement in their direction. They control that event was the wars that took place between George Washington and the british soldiers.
That was all a psychological operation. And I guarantee they protected George Washington. So people probably actually died of, but they were probably told not to kill George Washington because he was on their side. So they initiated their psyop with a Freemason. Paul Revere going down saying, the British are coming, the British are coming. Instigating this. After the fight went down, they knew the Americans would lose. Most of their troops, be close to defeat, and they could utilize their weakness and their desperateness and play off their ego by saying, oh, you guys wondez, you guys won. We’ll back off now, give you your new territory.
Now remember, these people use war to control people and exploit people. Later on, they would give loans out for weapons, for wars that they would create. The countries would give way too much money that they couldn’t afford because they were scared for their lives. And then after the war was done, the bankers or the royalty owned the entire area. So what they do is they use wars to weaken and then they exploit. They do this over and over and over. And we all remember from history the shot heard around the world. Paul Revere. All of these things are big psychological operations to make it look like our founding fathers are really good people.
In all reality, they were bad people doing good things, but with a big plan in the background that was bad. So 1789, the USA United States of America Constitution was signed by our forefathers, George Washington and his crew, the sons of Liberty. So after a period of relaxing and celebration, they moved on and said, hey, listen, you ever heard of a capital? We need something called a capital. So they created the capital for the United States of America, which was really a scheme in which we are under control of right now. And I’m going to break that down.
So, 1789, the constitution was created. 1790, the capitol was created. And then 1801, the Organic act, marked the first milestone for the significant increase in power that the capitol would have, which is really the heart of the Freemason control of the United States of America. So, with the Organic act of 1801, the county of Washington was created in honor of George Washington, of course, and justices of the peace. Eleven of them were appointed, and they would form the foundation of the council of control that would influence us so much today, both good and bad, of course, as always.
So for 60 years, they profited from this thing, while at the same time building pressure on both sides, left and the right. So instead of a flourishing, loving society where everybody unites, they create a divide until the pressure increases to the point of a war. So this manifested in 1861, where we had the civil war. We all know about where both sides of America, the free world, started to fight itself. Yes, the reasons were just, but they often are. It is a manipulation, truth mixed in with motives that you can’t see. The Freemasons coin it. The hidden hand, it’s one of the things that they do all the time.
It goes back to the roman circus where they’re doing one thing and they distract you with another. They show you one hand while the other hand is hidden, doing something else. And just remember, they always profit multiple ways from every action that they do. For instance, the 1861 civil war grew the federal government more legit and powerful than ever before, with the Freemasons at the head of it. So the new, large federal government was known as the Union, with Abraham Lincoln at the head of it versus the Confederates. The federal government won the union, of course they would win.
They’re the Freemasons. And they sparked the whole war to begin with. Some compelling facts to bring you and anchor this crazy theory to reality. Look these things up. All of the presidents are related. On the school watch tonight, the story of a 7th grader from Salinas who claims to have made a major discovery about President Obama. She and her grandfather said that President Obama is related to all but one us president. We get more tonight from action news from Peter Felix Cortez, who’s live in our Salinas newsroom. Well, Dan, the youngsters spent the summer, really all summer, tracing the family tree of our presidents.
Her conclusion? That all the presidents, with the exception of one, share the same grandfather. Well, first, we start off with George Washington at the top. And then it goes to John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. Eleven year old Bridge annotation says she’s made a first of its kind discovery, that President Obama and all the presidents before him, with the exception of one, are related and descendants of a former king of England. No, they are all cousins and they’re grandsons of John Lockwood. Davigno says she spent countless hours on the Internet over the summer researching the lineage of our presidents, a project that started with her trying to trace her own family tree.
But I’m the first historian to do all the presidents. I’m very glad I got this done and I think it will turn out to be a success. The Mona Vista Christian 7th grader has written President Obama to tell him the presidents before him are his cousins. She hopes to present this family tree chart personally to the president. But Bridge Ann has her skeptics, including this reporter. Her biggest supporter and firm believer that Obama is a descendant of a former king of England is no doubt her mother. If you have a child and they have a child and they have a child and they have a child and they have a child, all we’re saying, all she’s saying is this guy is the great, great, great.
25th, 27th, depending on what line it is, he created all this family. So do I believe it? Yes. It’s hard, but it’s true. Well, mom said it. Hard to believe, but you got to give the little girl an a plus for at least trying to do that and trying to accomplish that feat. And by the way, Bridget has concluded she’s the 11th cousin of President Obama. Dan. All right, very good. Thank you, Felix. So who is the one that President Barack Obama is not related to? According to the 7th grader, Martin Van Buren, 8th president of the United States, first US president.
Born in the US, Van Buren was a widowed farmer and tavern keeper from New York who helped form the democratic party. Served one term as president. His ancestry is Dutch. And according to the Salina 7th grader, all of the other presidents are of english ancestry. Alexandria, Virginia. Here on the bank of the Potomac river is a lighthouse that dates back to the 18th century. And hidden within the sea wall of the house is a rather curious monument. It’s a three foot tall stone block that was placed in this location to mark the southern boundary of the District of Columbia.
The boundary stone surrounding the district, those are still out there. You can find those boundary stones all over the area, in the middle of streets, in people’s backyards, in parking lots. They demarcate what is federal territory for the city and what is Virginia and Maryland? Thomas Jefferson actually was the one who said, let’s make the lines surrounding the city the shape of the diamond sitting on its point. So that was his contribution. That’s why we have the shape we do today. All told, there are 40 boundary stones surrounding Washington, DC. In 1791, each stone was carefully placed by a group of local freemasons in an elaborate ritual under the orders of then President George Washington.
They form an area that is precisely 10 miles long by 10 miles wide, defining the original borders of the District of Columbia. And there are those who believe that the careful geometry of America’s capital held deep significance for the founding fathers. There are some people who would equate the relationship between those boundary stones that surround the city, that diamond shape, with the masons having designed the square and compass their symbol into the pattern of the city. The geometry and the meaning behind numbers and symbols are part of what’s known as sacred geometry and was standard practice for artists and architects at the time.
So it’s a methodology and a technique. Is the diamond shape of the District of Columbia actually a freemason symbol hiding in plain sight? And if so, what purpose does such an unusual configuration serve? Perhaps the answer can be found by examining how the founding fathers oversaw the construction of the nation’s capital city that lies within the district. In March 1791, President Washington appointed french architect Pierre Charles Vinfan to design the city. Washington became deeply involved in approving L’enfant’s designs. He got the guy hired and was very, very interested in the design of the city. European capital cities were chaotic.
Their streets change names every 10ft and they followed strange paths and creeks. Well, Washington said, this new city won’t be that. It’ll be a utopian city, a planned city. And so it’s not surprising that when Lanfant was designing this very geometric, very balanced federal city, that there are many, many layers of masonic symbolism. There are very few cities in the world that are intentionally designed as fully as Washington. The interesting thing is that quite often the assumption is that there’s a gridded street system and then these avenues were laid on top to connect topography or significant points.
That’s just the opposite of what Lanfont actually did. He laid out the angled avenues first, and then the grid grew out of that. Washington and the founders and Pierre Lanfont wanted to physically embody the geometry in the pattern of the city itself. When you look at the city top down, you will see plenty of geometric shapes as a result of these interactions. So triangles, rectangles, circles, you name it. What’s the idea behind it? Geometry is a synonym of masonry. The universal symbol of freemasonry has the compasses, the square, and then you have the letter g. And the letter g is the initial of geometry, because we in Freemasonry refer to the deity as the grand architect of the universe, or the grand geometrician.
In other words, through symbols, deep thoughts are conveyed. Did the founding father encode Freemason symbols into the streets and buildings of Washington DC? And if so, what is the meaning of these messages that they left behind for future generations? There are those who believe that a clue can be found by closely examining the US Capitol building. The city of Washington is divided into four quadrants. At the intersection of the four quadrants, it’s called .0 is the United States Capitol. The US Capitol is elevated on a hill. And the idea here is that this is where the people and the states come together.
Not one person like a king. And it was to remind all future members of Congress, your mission is not about power. Your mission is to serve the people by promoting their happiness, their peace and their prosperity. All of them are Freemasons. Remember, to become a freemason, you have to be either close to the family or straight blood, or you’re not going to get high in the ranks and you’re not really going to know what’s going on, what the Freemasons really are. So why was Abe Lincoln killed? Who knows? Just remember, we have to leave some room for good.
You have to be born into this. And maybe some people choose free will and choose their own path, and if you do and you’re born into it, apparently that’s what happens. So the federal government side won the Union in 1865, and I guarantee you they took loans out from the bankers, which were the Freemasons, which was the british royalty for this war, so they could win it, obviously being part of the plan, funding our inevitable control structure. So not too long after the civil war, after all of America was beaten down, broken the federal government, which are also the Freemasons, which is also the military, which is also the british royalty, secretly behind the scenes through the secret meetings of the occult.
Freemasons, which is also Washington DC, which is also the capital. These are all the same words, basically. It’s all the same thing. So when you hear federal government, you hear capital, and that’s District of Columbia, that’s Washington. Federal government is Washington. It’s District Columbia, Washington DC, that is federal government. That’s what the federal government has always been, is the capital. The capital is where the evil ones reside. That’s the control mechanism of our country. That is evil, rotten. So after the evil ones, the feds, the government, put us in debt from the war. We then were at a place where we had no money and we had no direction.
So once again, the Freemasons from another angle came in, swooped in to save the day, and they said, if you make this facade and do this scheme, which was create a corporation, a constitution, over our existing constitution, that was so similar, no one would know the difference, and people would just slip into the new one just by forgetting about the old one. You had brought up the new constitution that was instated in the United States. So is the constitution that we know today in effect, or is there a different constitution? Unfortunately, we are being snookered by the Congress because every two years, they reintroduced a state of martial law.
And we are not under our first constitution. We are under the second, secret constitution. All right, so this is Karen Hughes, right? She worked for the World bank. Provide is that our tax dollars are going to pay interest to the Federal reserve. They’re not paying for any of the services that we need in our country. Instead, where are we getting the money? We’re getting it from the poppy fields in Afghanistan and the drug trade. That’s how we’re financing our country. This is a travesty. You remember that President Lincoln was assassinated by a jesuit. That was in order to prevent the greenback dollars that Lincoln had issued directly by the Treasury Department.
And so what happened was the bank of that day was then able to continue to earn interest on the currency of the United States. That was why he was assassinated. And the reason why we had that second constitution enacted in 1871 is that is when the revolutionary war debts fell due. As a matter of fact, one day I opened my mail and somebody mailed me the financing statement for those debts that, together with the unpaid interest, one, accrued to the trillions of dollars. It’s in favor of the banks. It’s certainly not in favor of the people.
What happens when you have a child is your child is given a Social Security number. They estimate how many taxes your child is going to pay over his or her lifetime. And they went, they take that birth certificate and they issue it on the capital markets and they earn money on it. The birth certificate itself creates a monetary value on the books with the Federal reserve. I’m saying something much worse. Actually, what I’m saying is that when every citizen goes into the court system, they are not seen there as themselves. A us citizen. They’re seen as the person who had their birth certificate pledged.
You’re there as a debtor. You’re not there as a citizen. Converted from human beings that are citizens of the Republic of the United States into chattel. Chattel, that is a legal term for something which is property. They knew in the long run, just like this whole time, they’ve been playing the long game. They knew in the long run that they would win simply by default, by people forgetting the truth, forgetting civics and your rights, by being so distracted to the point where you’re being born into a world that just doesn’t have that information readily available so soon after the civil war.
In 1871, we have the District of Columbia act that made the federal government now an incorporated entity with a veil that would mimic common law constitution as their hidden hand that they don’t tell anybody about. With the plan to have everybody forget about common law and just fall underneath their new laws that nobody has time to pay attention to. And the people who do pay attention, the politicians, they get paid off. And it’s a big corruption racket. Money wins, power wins, and this is their scheme. So now we’re at the point where nobody knows this is going on because they’ve removed civics from school and now it’s social studies.
They’ve removed this from society. Society. If you do constitution, law, you’re a nerd. It’s dry. It’s weird. Why are you doing that? So now, when you’re born into this, your parents don’t know any better. They register you to this corporation through a birth certificate, and you literally are registered as a british territorial United States citizen. And they do this so that there is two of you. There’s the actual you, the common law you, and then the veil, a view that they create under their corporation that we all fall into because that’s all we know and that’s by their design.
They do this because the fake you, the paper you, metaphorically, the straw you, the straw man, as they call it. They use the fake version of you as a form of collateral. They do this by estimating how much money you’re worth, by how much labor you’re going to produce, which is how much taxes are you going to pay on that labor. And based on that money amount, they come up with a value. And that value pays everybody. It pays everybody in their corporation. And at the head of their corporation, their payment center, is the International Monetary Fund, which is really the United nations, which is really the Freemasons, another arm of it.
So it all pays itself through this system that preys on our ability, our lack of ability to understand and perceive what’s going on because we’re too busy, too distracted by bills and entertainment and societal drama that they keep us caught up into. When you realize how easy it is, their power just melts away. And that’s what we’re going to get into next. So now the federal government, which is, like I said, actually the capital or Washington, DC, you should just refer to it as the District of Columbia, the federal government is now incorporated. So they’re participating in commerce as a corporation.
So their specific jurisdiction that they fall under when you fall under their jurisdiction is commerce. So if you don’t know your common law rights, you lose those rights due to a vocabulary word called latches, which we’re going to get into very soon. So their jurisdiction over you is by default, and their jurisdiction is commerce because they’re a corporation. So we have common law, which is the United States of America Constitution, and then we have commerce, which is the United States Constitution. There’s the United States corporation, and then the United States of America republic, which is the Constitution.
So when you hear the Republic of America, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. They took that out from the schools because it was the last highlight of the truth. They’re talking about the Constitution, and that’s why they took it out of schools, because it’s hinting to the truth. That was the final cherry, the final hint of truth of the Constitution and the truth they took out of the schools. Why does the public education system not teach the Declaration of Independence? They’ll talk about all kinds of other things, but they will not discuss the american declaration of independence because the american declaration of Independence very clearly says that it is the people’s duty to overthrow a tyrannical government.
The duty of the people to overthrow a tyrannical government. Therein lies the purpose of the second amendment. It’s not about anything else. Our second amendment is so that we can be well armed in the unlikely event that we ever have to 1776 again. Right? Our founding fathers had literally just fought a revolutionary war. They understood the value of the people being well armed. In fact, little history. Note the battles of Lexington and Concord that started the revolutionary war. Those were fought over munitions depots. Lexington and Concord are where the colonists had their guns. And the British understood that if the colonials were well armed, they had a problem on their hands.
So they tried in the middle of the night, they tried to go take the guns. That’s where the infamous the British are coming. The British are coming because they had a system set up, because they feared that the tyrants would come, try to take their guns. Well, does that sound a little familiar? Does that sound like something that, I don’t know, maybe we worry about today? I think the reason they don’t teach the Declaration of Independence to children is because if they did, it would red pill the crap out of a whole bunch of young people all across the country, because they would hear.
They would read the grievances of our founding fathers, and they would say, well, hang on. Wait a minute. Those are the exact same grievances that I have today. The history never changes itself. It’s cyclical. It just repeats over and over and over. And we’re not that far off from history repeating itself again. And I think that that’s the reason that they don’t talk about the Declaration of Independence in our schools. In fact, you know, another reason that they don’t discuss the Declaration of Independence in our schools is because the Declaration of Independence directly mentions the name of God almighty multiple times, right? It says that we understand that our rights are given to us by God and not government.
Well, that was a very revolutionary sentence in and of itself. It was a very, very big deal. Right? Whenever the founders. Whenever Thomas Jefferson wrote, we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. If that sentence alone was thoroughly understood by all of the young people in America, we would have a generational switch like you’ve never seen before. So the mechanism they used to capture the minds of all the people who could be smart enough to figure this out would be the career path of a lawyer.
When you become a lawyer, there are certain things you cannot do. These restrictions keep you from the common law, and they restrict you and make you commerce jurisdiction only when you are a lawyer, you’ve passed the bar exam, which is literally british. Accreditation, regency. Or at least that’s what some people say. They claim it’s the bar in the courtroom, but I don’t think so. It’s. It’s literally british. All of this goes back to British, which is freemasonry, which is royal bloodlines. It’s all connecting at the tip. And that’s why they say the pyramid. If a lawyer steps out of line at all, they lose their license.
So they can’t step out of their jurisdiction at all. They have to stay in commerce, but it’s never talked about. Then the next net. If you’re really good, if you’re a really good lawyer and they really don’t want you to figure it out, they give you the opportunity to become a judge. You have to be a lawyer for a super long time. Okay? And then the next layer from a judge, if they want to become a whistleblower or tell somebody about it, judges really know. They know all of this, by the way. But the next layer to keep them from speaking out is they can become a supreme Court justice.
And remember those eleven justices that were created as the Capitol rows. This all ties back in a final loop to the district of Columbia and their whole criminal racket scheme. And the second agents in this scheme are police because all of the laws we have are commerce jurisdiction, which means they aren’t laws, they’re what are called policies. And the people, the corporate enforcers, are the police who enforce the policies. When you understand these things, you tell the police, you have no jurisdiction over me. They don’t know what’s happening because they’re not used to it. But when you bring in a supervisor, they know maybe not everything, but they know enough to not fuck around because the judges will tell them, don’t fuck with this.
So instead of them admitting it or saying, you’re right, they just stop talking about it and go away. And I’m going to show you how to melt them. They go away. They melt away into puddle. Ah, the government. It loves you and wants to keep you safe and well, it even wants to make paying taxes, fines, and court costs easier for you. How? Well, you’ll need to meet your straw man. He was born the same day you were. He looks like you, has the same name, and lives in your house, but you never knew he existed.
You will have even paid his part. Tickets or taxes. The worst part? He’s been dead from day one. From every birth certificate, a legal personality or legal fiction is created with the same name to confuse little old you into thinking it’s you. So there is a human you and a pay per you, or as it’s commonly known, a straw man. So when it seems like government officials, court clerks, or the police are speaking English, they aren’t. They’re speaking legalese designed to make you agree to verbal and written contracts without even knowing about it. All spun from black’s law dictionary, for example, when the police say, do you understand? You’ll say, yes.
What they are really saying is, do you stand under our authority? Oopsie daisy. You just created a verbal contract with them. Oh, you clever government. Did you know that whenever you register something, you are handing over a title to the person you register it with. That’s right. Whenever you register something with the government, they assume it belongs to them. Registered your car. Super. Now you are the registered keeper of your vehicle and the government can crush it when you don’t pay your straw man’s taxes. Expecting a new bundle of joy? Well then you need to register your little darling with a birth certificate.
Then they can start the process all over again and create a new strawman for your little one. Isn’t that great? So when junior grows up, he’ll be able to generate revenue just like you have. When you notify on your baby by signing the birth certificate, your child becomes a ward of state. And if the government doesn’t like what you’re doing, they’ll assume it’s okay to take the child away or make new rules for things they don’t like. Not enough school, smacking your child, shouting too loudly. Then it’s off to social services for the little one. When you get a bill, it’s sent to you, but belongs to your straw man, not you.
That’s why bills, fines and and summons start with mister, misses or miss. Sometimes you’ll see your surname in capitals, just like on a greystone. That’s because your straw man is dead and just a silly piece of paper created before you could comprehend or even consent to it. When you go to court, you represent your straw man. So you, the human, take on any costs, fees, taxes and fines involved for the strawman, the human you doesn’t even need to pay them. But you made a contract with the court by appearing on behalf of your legal personality or strawman, just like the government knew you would.
Confused? Well, don’t worry, the government doesn’t want you to know anyway. If you knew, you’d stop paying things like council tax and parking tickets. Because when you go to court, you are represented representing your straw man. You are you alive and made of flesh and blood. Your straw man or legal personality is a piece of paper created from your birth certificate. And you think it’s you. What a silly billy. Would you like to know more? So, to recap, when the capital, also known as the District of Columbia or the federal government, all the same thing. When they were incorporated.
When it was incorporated by the District of Columbia act of 1871, the 100% voluntary veil was placed over the United States of America. And it only works only a Ydezenhe applies to you when you participate and over time, convincing the entire society of America that America was so great, we didn’t need the knowledge anymore. By simply us not knowing the knowledge and forgetting it, we fall under their new veil, their corporate veil, aka their corporate scheme or their jurisdiction, also known as their control. And that’s when the vocabulary word latches comes into play. Latches occurs when you don’t timely assert your rights.
And latches means you have no rights because you don’t know them. Now, the facts are simple. If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any rights. And that’s just the way it is. And if you certainly couldn’t exercise those rights timely, if you don’t know what they are, so what’s going to happen is they’re going to tell you what your rights are. And do you think they’re going to tell you in your favor? Certainly not. You must read the constitution and understand what physically is involved. You must know your rights and timely assert them. That is your burden.
If you do not, then a legal term called latches incurs. Laches is a specie of action wherein a party of reasonable intelligence and integrity having a right to take an action as is prescribed by law and having failed to timely do so, loses. All right to proceed. So what is actually happening out there, folks, is that latches is incurring because most people don’t read their constitution and know what’s involved. So then you are left to being told. Well, that’s what it means, okay? So you just got to do what you got to do and you’re told and they’re going to tell you in favor of them.
They’re not going to tell you in favor of you. They basically took the whole phenomenon of their laws being default, which are really policies, their policies being default law. When you don’t know any better, they call that something and they call it latches. It’s almost a joke in your face. It’s almost like a language they’re speaking to. To each other, like police code. You don’t know what they’re saying, but they know what they’re saying. So because they know that it’s a scheme and this whole thing works because it’s voluntary, right. The odds in the courts will forever be in your favor when you realize what’s going on and you fight against it.
That’s just the way it works. So when you operate in pro se, which is just saying, hey, I don’t have a lawyer, I’m representing myself, you open up a whole new door, they look at you and they’re almost. Some of them are excited some of them are intimidated, but they roll out the red carpet for you. They’re almost. In most cases, they’re going to be impressed. And just remember, you have favor because you have domain, but only when you know you have domain. So just keep in mind each push for control that they do, like the 1992 UN charter and now the push for the pandemic treaty, which would give all of our rights away.
Each push like this is just intimidation and further dirt on top of the coffin. But when you understand you’re in a coffin, when you understand the scheme that you’re in and you simply push back, it simply melts away like it was never even there. You can act as if all of these laws that were created on top of your rights are null and void. And I’ll explain to you through the Supreme Court and Supreme Court cases how that works and how you can argue that, but that’s later. So how do they have jurisdiction over you, and how do they know they have jurisdiction over you without asking you? Through vocabulary.
So when a police officer says something to you, like, do you understand what I’m saying to you? And you say, yes, of course I understand what you’re saying to me. Really? What you’re saying is, I stand under your jurisdiction. So through different vocabulary, you give up your rights. Only through things you say and actions you do can you ever give up a right or lack of action. They basically force you to figure out what you have to do and make you do it. Otherwise, you don’t have rights. And if you don’t do it right, you don’t have rights.
Try not to use the word family, because the word family means servants and slaves. We never was taught that in the fourth edition of the Blacks Law Dictionary. In spanish law, the word family means servants and slaves. I even got a case law on that mind blown. So here we are using their language to describe our loved ones. So we sophixiated Minister Brown with words that we can’t see ourselves outside of those words. Just like the word understand, we should never use the word understand. We think that the word understand has something to do with our comprehension, right? But the word understand, the word under means below.
Stand means status. When you look up the word stand, it means status. So you’re talking about being under some. Somebody’s authority. They say, do you understand? Do you understand? So when you hear that type of tensity of the word, we’re taking it as I understand, which means I’m supported. Remember that awake is a funeral party for the dead. Mourning is the state you’re in when you attend awake. And you would have to be in a week daze to earn the living. Since urns are for the ashes of the dead, we call our jobs undertakings. Job itself is a Hebrew word for persecuted.
And what we get at the end of this perverse bargain with life is the weak end of the deal as we become progressively weakened ourselves. And so Our most prevalent greeting to each other is hello. The reverse of which is, oh, hello. So they refer to all of us in this system as something called chattel, and that’s something that is legal property. They also refer to us as a person in their dictionary means company or corporation. It’s a legal fiction. Words like mister, misses and miss are all vocabulary terms that you don’t want to be using because you’re giving up your jurisdiction.
When you say things like you’re driving a motor vehicle, you’re using their terms and giving up jurisdiction. When you say you’re driving, you’re giving up your jurisdiction. You’re giving up your rights. You’re giving them jurisdiction and giving them your rights. You are the registered keeper of your cardinal. You’re not the owner. You’re the keeper in their eyes. Now, they’ll argue that point, and a lot of people will argue that point, but it’s quite easy to quell this argument and say, well, okay, if you don’t put tax on the car, then they’ll come and take your car.
Now, in the legal world, taking anything from someone without a legal mechanism to do so is theft. The legal system cannot deal with humans. It can only deal with pieces of paper. Only common law can deal with humans. So at your birth, they created a piece of paper with your name on it in capitals, just like any other corporation. This is done to dupe you later in life into thinking that you are the legal entity and not you. Then imaginary penalties and costs are imposed on the strawman and you thinking you are it, pay them. And it’s kind of like an overcoat, this legal fiction.
You know, as soon as you put it on, as soon as they invite you to put this overcoat on, and you do so now they can grab hold of the overcoat and throw it in jail with you in it. But until you put that overcoat on, they can’t do anything to you because you are not that name. You know, you think you are, you know, you’re taught you are, but you’re not. The deception is done through the manipulation of words and language. But that, to me, is legalese. It’s just jargon that no one really understands. And because no one really understands it, no one ever questions it.
We basically have a discussion that everybody is taught incorrect, but because everybody’s taught incorrect, they believe it’s correct. Legalese is a whole language of its own. It’s a complete legal jargon that’s not really designed for anybody to understand it other than those that are supposedly supposed to be enforcing it. And it’s something that’s so complicated that not even police officers understand what they’re saying. What is wonderful is that they create their own language called legalese. And it has a completely different interpretation from English. You know, we’re supposed to have, you know, this understanding that we were within the law and yet they don’t even, they’re not even using the same language as we are.
The easiest way to understand legalese is to realize that there are many english words that have more than one meaning, depending on whom you are talking to. If I were to ask you what a person was youd probably say a human being, but thats you or I. If you were talking to someone in the law society, that is a police officer, lawyer, judge, etcetera, they have a different dictionary to you or I. And person could mean company or corporation. That is the legal fiction. You know, if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes truth or certainly the perception of truth.
So legalese is jargon that nobody understands other than those who actually come up with a jargon that really, really deeply understand it. And even police officers don’t understand it, or magistrates or even judges for that matter. So when you give them your rights legally, it’s defined as waiving your rights. You may have heard that before when you register your car or if you get a license and you sign, you’re waiving your rights. You can also do something that you may have heard before, which is signing with your rights reserved or reserving your rights. An example of that.
If you go to sign your driver’s license, basically you’re saying, yes, I’m going to sign this because if I don’t, I’m going to be harassed by your policy officers, your police. So yes, I’m going to sign this, but I’m going to sign this under duress, which means you’re making me do this because your police officers have guns. So you sign your name and then after your name, you put UCC 1308. What that means is it’s referencing the UCC book, which is the uniform commercial code. That’s one of the books. They go off of it’s referencing that in their commercial book.
It may not mean anything to the person you’re giving that piece of paper to, but when it gets to the courts, all of this stuff matters. So you would sign UCC 1308, space UD, which stands for under duress. So all this is, is a game of do you know or do you not know? And their method of finding out is simply this. So when you know their game and you understand, it’s pretty simple. So for driving, if you sign your driver’s license under duress, UCC 1308, then when you get pulled over, you have a leg to stand on.
When you say, you have no jurisdiction over me, if you just signed your license and then you say, hey, you have no jurisdiction over me, but you have your license signed and they have a valid copy, then they’re going to give you crap. Or they can. But if you understand this whole system, which is really contractual agreements, verbal contractual agreements and physical contractual agreements, don’t let the complex words bother you. Contractual agreement simply means agreement and commerce. That’s all that that means. Commerce. Agreement is a contractual agreement. So contractual agreement is an agreement underneath their veil, their commerce jurisdiction.
You can also have contractual agreements that are constitutional. They literally duplicate the original constitution and have a whole veil that everything works underneath, unless you know better. So it’s a complicated mix of not leaving their system and working with the system that they have. But it’s always in your favor because the scheme is against everybody who doesn’t know and in everybody’s favor who does know, because that’s the way they made it. So it keeps the scheme alive for as long as possible. So we’re all waiving our rights whenever we participate in these contractual agreements, both verbally and on paper.
So when you sign your license, you’re signing on to their constitution. When you register your vehicle, you’re signing on to their constitution. They say it’s required, but that’s the fake intimidation technique. It’s hollow. Now, let’s say you signed all this stuff. How do you reverse it? It’s pretty simple. You can do a few things. Like I said, you can write them a letter and resend your driver’s license and just say, I do not give you jurisdiction over me anymore. Just letting you know that I opt out of your driving system. You can do that. You can also continue to register and have your license and just live life normally.
You can also live life normally, have your license, and if you get pulled over, you could say, you don’t have jurisdiction over me, even though I signed those papers. And you say, because in order for you to sign a contract, contractual agreement, you have to know all of the terms and conditions, and those were not presented to you. Therefore, that contractual agreement is not valid. If you know that argument, again, just by knowledge, their power melts away. So you can do it clean, you can do it dirty, you can come up with your own ways. And just remember, like I said, when you’re driving, you’re not actually driving, you’re traveling.
You don’t have to say traveling. You could say skipping, hopping, flooping, flopping. You can say whatever you want, come up with your own terms, just don’t use theirs, because when you do, you waive your rights. It’s that simple. Literally, it’s a word game. And just remember, this is so powerful that in the new digital realm, like for credit cards, they can’t get you for any of that stuff simply because they need a wet signature. It’s important that you use ink and you use your hand. This whole digital signature stuff is not valid. So if you’re creating a document online for a contractual agreement that you both sign, just keep in mind it’s not as heavy as one that has a wet signature.
And also, witnesses are super important as well. So now that you know the base of this, how do you really navigate this? Well, the missing piece is going to be, at this point, you just need to read their playbooks. There’s a few of the most important core playbooks, obviously, for driving, you’re going to want the UCc. What is that? Uniform commercial code. Grab that book. United States uniform commercial code. The next book is the jurisprudence series. That’s what the judges read. And then the next most important thing for vocabulary, you need to speak their language. That’s the silver bullet.
Once you speak their language, just by uttering the words that they speak, they’re intimidated. That’s black Slaw dictionary. The oldest black Slaw dictionaries are usually the best because they change the definitions as time goes on. To make this even more complicated, they love to change definitions and to change books. We all know they’ve done that with multiple important books throughout history. Roberts v. Roberts, United States Supreme Court decision, will tell you that when you go down and apply for a marriage license, the state becomes a third party to your marriage. And that, my friends, is why the state can come in and take your children, take your property, can adjudicate in the matters of your divorce in a bit that such a thing happens because you voluntarily signed your way, you got a license from Mendez.
Now, that doesn’t make any sense to me. Why would anybody in their right mind do anything like that? Everything’s got to have a license attached to it. That means every time you get a license, you lose a right. And you do it voluntarily. Unknowingly, maybe, but you do it voluntarily. So when you know their playbooks and you speak their language, not only will you understand better, but they’re going to melt it. Seriously, is that simple? When you don’t participate in their format, which means all cap letters, right? They even go down to the format of the lettering.
They have so many aspects where you give up control that are so simply reversed by just knowing, you can begin to see the system. Now, stepping back from all this for a moment, wrapping up vocabulary. Understand a few things about the english language and the vocabulary. Vocabulary is not concrete. I’ve actually got into arguments with important people over, literally the definition of certain words. We didn’t even know it was over the definition. So just keep in mind that everybody sees different vocabulary words and sees different definitions for them, even though there is a dictionary definition. So depending on what the word is and depending on the conversation, two people can be arguing over one word, over the meaning of one word, without even knowing that’s what they’re arguing over, but both having different meanings for that word.
So definitions of vocabulary are rarely ever concrete, and I think that’s by design. Stepping back even further, keep in mind if you’ve ever heard of back masking in music, it’s absolutely real, the Satanists believe, which is real. You can look it up. In the book Magic by Aleister Crowley, they explain that when you speak English backwards, it’s power. And all of the most famous people, including the Beatles, this is true. You can look it up, have been able to fluently speak backwards to the point where they can speak forward and also be speaking backwards, meaning two things at once, which seems impossible, but they actually not only do it, but they do it in music.
People don’t want to know what the truth is, because they could never, ever handle it. They would be too devastated. Take the sound of an ordinary symbol, for example. Have a listen to this. Now. Have you heard it backwards? Let him practice speaking backwards. Thus, for I am he. Let him say Alastair Crowley, the man who called himself the beast. 666, writer, philosopher, founder of Thelema, cult leader, freemason, and magician, wrote the book magic, in which he describes how to communicate on a subliminal level by speaking backwards in order to gain power over others. Let him learn to.
To write backwards with either hand. Let him learn to walk backwards. Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinemagraph films and listen to phonograph records reversed. The cryptic word games are the immediate extension of Lewis Carroll’s famous poem Jabberwocky, which shows that in word are very different meanings if one knows how to decode them. The secret code of Jabberwocky decided to write a secret or message the end of the record. I just think it’s basically magic. Life is an energy field we humans call magic. Something, something metaphysical, something, something very alchemic, something very magical. I was going to put little clues, but then hiding little sort of words, and it was going to be some sort of hidden message.
Star backwards is rats. There are a lot of. You do those things too. I find that I. When I go along the road in the car, I’m always doing the signpost backwards. More to kids than Jesus did live. Four or five magicians who spend their days casting wonderful spells. Yes, we did. Yes, we can. Thank you. God bless you. May God continue to bless the United States of America. The only way it’s been done in America for 221 years. It can’t happen without you. Without a new spirit of service. A new spirit, a sacrifice. Sacrifice. So let us summon a new spirit.
A new dawn of american leadership is at hand. A new sense of common purpose may say, and a democracy was saved. Told the people that we shall overcome through the of times and the darkest of hours. She knows how America can change. I’ve actually seen some people have really good skill for that. A natural skill that they were born with. A little further. There’s the theory that I have that we all once upon a time spoke telepathically through images, through each other’s minds. I think that our voice originally, like God, because we were made in his image, has the power to create a.
And this specific language we speak is so far off to the original language where we could create. If you look it up, the frequency is slightly off and all of the music that they may default. The frequency of the music, our music is in a 440. Where did that come from? It used to be 417. A 440 came in with the roman catholic church. They suppressed the frequencies. They lost somehow the 152 of the best gregorian chants, including the hymn to St. John the Baptist, which we’ve now recovered. That that particular hymn was what triggered Doctor polio’s investigation, looking for those frequencies of vibration by which the music was played.
It was known as the most uplifting hymn of all the ages, the most spiritually uplifting hymn him to Saint John Balance was played to six tones. These are those six tones. These are those six frequencies. A 440 is what now is the standard tuning. If you go a 439, you’re closer to one of the creator’s tones. If you go a 441, you’re closer to one of the creators original tones. That’s how precisely it has been manipulated. To do what? To shut down the 95% of your brain, particularly the right brain that operates the heart mind to the divine human community.
I believe our language is a prison, a prison system. All of this legalese ties into the layer of prison system of literally the words we have to communicate with each other. And then you can also get into text messages and how the new technology with read receipts are destroying relationships. All of this stuff in society with communication is literally shackles on us, touching base on what happens if you get pulled over. You try your techniques and they still say, here’s a ticket, I’ll see you in court. So first of all, as soon as you enter the courtroom, you’re giving them jurisdiction.
And the obvious question would be, if I don’t go to court, they’re going to put a warrant out for my arrest. So how do I get around that? What are you talking about? You have to fight it through the mail. Now, I’ve used basic terms here. Fighting it through the mail is called fighting it administratively. Right. So what could I reference to show you that this is real, that this is actually a thing in the legal world? Well, if you want to file a lawsuit, which we’ll get into a complaint, you have to exhaust all administrative options, all administrative remedy, which simply means you have to send them mail, or correspondents have to have proof of that, of you asking them to stop or asking them to give you what you’re owed.
And if they refuse, you submit that evidence with your other evidence and your complaint for your lawsuit. If you submit a lawsuit without that evidence of you trying to fix it outside of court, then they’ll just dismiss it right away. So you have to fight everything administratively. And that all ties back to the post office. The post office used to be a post in the ground where everybody went to the post. Everything that’s in law, all vocabulary, everything ties back to a source. And the truth in it all lies in the history of what it once was, which has been muddied.
And that’s how they have us also dulled down. Remember, the victors of all wars, write the history. So the key takeaway here is this. If you want any remedy and if you want to communicate and interact with this veil, with this corporation, it needs to be done through the mail. The mail is one of the original sources that this whole system operated on. That’s why you need to communicate through the mail. You don’t go into the court because then you waive your rights and they have jurisdiction over you. Sometimes you’ll have to, but that’s a different discussion.
So you communicate through the mail and you communicate in questions as a king or queen ask King questions. You ask questions as king questions like, can you please elaborate as to how you have jurisdiction over me? What is your jurisdiction that you operate under? So when you understand the system, you can ask questions that, if they answered, would incriminate them. And you put these questions in the form of a tortured contract. Sounds complicated, but it’s so simple. Example. Can you please elaborate how you have jurisdiction over me? Because I wasn’t driving a motor vehicle and you say, can you please respond to me within 30 days or I’m going to consider this matter dismissed.
When you say you have 30 days and then you give them, hey, if this doesn’t happen, or if I don’t hear from you, it’s dismissed. You’re giving them a reasonable time frame and you’re saying if they don’t respond, then this is dismissed. That’s called a tort contract agreement, which means if they don’t respond by default, they agree to your agreement. It’s insane, literally, right? But it’s true. It’s how they operate. So if you get a lawsuit, someone knocks on your door and you sign for a piece of paper, and it turns out a credit card company is suing you.
If you don’t say, I deny this, that tort law agreement and their commerce jurisdiction that you have no idea that you’re involved with, you automatically default and you’ll lose. So that’s a tort law agreement. Again, these are all agreements. The main ones are the tort. And contractual. Tort is contractual. It’s a type of contractual. But Tort and the overall contractual agreements, verbal and on paper, sounds complicated. But as I’ve explained, it’s so easy. They just use big words to make it intimidating. It’s all about intimidation, especially when you’re inside the courtroom. That’s why it’s really good not to go.
So a couple advanced pieces of information on this topic. Some people found out the hard way. That’s how we know to fight through the administratively. A lot of people went into court and fought and did it the hard way. And there are techniques you can do, like some people called the judges out on their oath, which are fake. It’s not an oath to the constitution. It’s an oath to the fake constitution. So you can call them out on that. He said, you don’t challenge jurisdiction. The challenge, that means you’re agreeing that exists. Test it. Because when you submit some challenge, you’re already within their system of whatever you’re submitting.
You know, when you test jurisdiction, you’re standing outside of it saying, yeah, but how did we end up here? How did we end up here? So you got to think not just outside the box, but you got it. Right? Right. So, so just to confirm that when you challenge jurisdiction, you’re admitting that the jurisdiction exists, that they have it on you. So you’re challenging and challenging. Wow. What it seems to be, if you submit a motion to the court, you just, you just acceded to the jurisdiction of that court. That’s what Cal says. Cal says he never shows up.
Yeah, because when you show up, you admit jurisdiction. And that’s what I was going to jump in and say when you first posed the question, from what I’ve, what I’ve learned, before you even get there, before you even get to, you know, you know, doing whatever in the court, there’s a lot of correspondence that seem to happen before you even arrive there. And a lot of the time, if you know what you’re talking about and you ask them the proper questions, from what I’ve learned, they don’t have the correct answers for it to get you there.
They can. So could you respond to some correspondence and say, yes, I can show up on that day if you can provide to me youre jurisdiction or something. Could you do something like that? I want to go in there and, and test the jurisdiction. But before I do, I serve on the prosecutor a demand for a bill of particulars. And all the questions are on there with those words and big fun across the screen. Demand for bill of particulars. Yeah, that’s the key. That’s one. Yeah. You’re asking the prosecutor to find the exact jurisdiction that he’s invoking.
Right. How do we get here? I knew a fellow, young, young man at the time was deer hunting, and he was with a buddy. They saw a coyote. They were on a back road. They saw a coyote out in the field. And this fellow had been hunting since he was a child, and he knew it. He knew what it was. So they pulled over and he stepped off the road, and he leaned up against a tree and touched on and he missed the coyote, ran off into the woods. And so, like, a day later, a game warden called him up and said, well, you know, we’ve had a complaint that you were shooting from the highway, which is.
That’s illegal. Okay, under the. Under that, you know, that statue. And so John had a little conversation with him, you know, and. And, no, I wasn’t. And so his father called me up and said, you know, can you help him a little bit with this? And I said, well, have him call me. And so John called me up. And the first thing I would tell people is if they had some kind of issue that they were going to. He wanted to go into court, you know, on his own. I said, well, buy a black. Back then, it was a black slot dictionary, six edition.
Once you. Once you have that, call me back. Because otherwise, I didn’t say this to him, but otherwise, if they don’t call me back, they weren’t that serious about it. So that’s serious business. Back then, it was like $60, you know. So he called me back. He had 30 days until the rain. So he called me back and, yep, I got it. So we’ll come on over and we’ll talk. We’ll talk, you know. And so we ended the Hyde park court that morning, and I. The judge called his case. So John and I stood up together, and we just walked to the railing.
I mean, why would you want to sit at the defendant’s table if jurisdiction hasn’t even been ascertained yet? You know, why would you have any reason to believe that you were a defendant? It’s kind of like an in person, tacit agreement kind of stuff. You know, you’re. By your behavior, you’re implying certain things, and that’s a lot of where the trickery seems to come in. I believe, by your conduct is how they’ll judge it. So anyway, we walked up to the railing. The bailiff came back to the railing. I was just standing there like, you know, he wanted to, like, drag us over.
Judge Meeker invited John to come sit at the defendant’s table. And John said, well, I know. I feel comfortable right where I am. And the judge said, well, you know, we need to record this. And John said, well, I have a very loud and clear voice, your honor. And I always tell people, be polite and do not interrupt. Very key in there. And so Meeker said, okay, fine. So we’re standing there. And so the judge turned to the prosecutor to start introducing the subject matter into the record. Okay, and I can get into this laying foundation.
Maybe later. So the prosecutor stood up. He said, this is a shooting from the highway. And John said, I object to your honor. And Meeker said that, well, what’s the basis of your objection? John said, well, I need to. I need to know who the witnesses are, and I need to know who my accuser is. Meeker said, well, the state’s attorney’s your accuser. John said, well, so I want to. I need him sworn in because I object to any unsworn declarations being placed into the record. So speaker said, we’re not going to do that today. So if he were to have sworn him in, he would have asked him over if he were to have been sworn in.
The prosecutor sworn in and then asked about what he had witnessed that day. He would have. What he witnessed would have personal knowledge. Nothing. Nothing. So, okay, so here we are. Now, the prosecutor never. So just to sum that up, if the prosecutor has no knowledge, he can’t be the person. Um, he can’t be the victim here. He can’t be the victim. Okay, now that makes sense. Can’t be the accuser. He’s not. He’s not a witness to a damage injury. The judge attempted to bend the rules by saying, we’re not doing that today. Right? Yeah. Okay.
Well, they. They will circumvent you if they can. You know, they’re tricky. And so anyway, so the prosecutor sat down. Judge asked John if he was prepared to plead. John said, well, I have some questions for you. And the judge said, fine, fire away. And so John said, well, I need to be able to determine what jurisdiction the court’s operating under. Is this operating under common law? And then Judge Meeker said, no. And he explained a little bit about the common law. You know, sat back in that big leather comfy chair, took his glasses off. He’s enjoying this.
And so then John said, well, this is a court of equity. And that judge said, no, it’s not a court of equity. And he explained a little bit about equity. And so then John said was a court of admiralty. And judge said, no, it’s not a court of admiralty. You know, I guess he said, court of admiralty has jurisdiction over anybody wanted to float along. So then John asked if it was a court of maritime jurisdiction. No, no, it’s not that. And then he said, well, is this a court of law martial or martial law? It’s just.
Oh, no, not that. So what I said to John before going in, you’re going to get to a point where you just can’t. You’re done. I said, when you get to that point, just demand your right to trial by jury. Speedy trial. Speedy trial by jury now. By jury. Now why, why would that, why would that be the route to go if you’re, if you can’t help this conversation? He had served, he had served on the prosecutor, a demand for bill of particulars. So he had that sentence. The prosecutor had that. And we didn’t have to go there.
And he had a witness, okay? He had a witness that could testify under ultimate. John did not fire his rifle from his traveled area of the road. So we knew that going in, and that’s what would have come out during, that’s what would have come out during pretrial hearing. An evidentiary hearing, would have been all over. We never got a trial. So we knew that. We’re comfortable with that. So the judge said, is tomorrow speedy enough for you? Well, your honor, that might be a little bit too speedy for me. So Meeker said, well, come on.
Come in a week. Come a week from tomorrow. Tuesday was Jerry picks a today. And so we’re done. And so we’re walking, walking out of the courtroom. And the judge said to the prosecutor, do you have anything to add to this? And the prosecutor said, well, the state would agree that the defendant could, should be released on his own recognizance. And we’re thinking what we’re not, and we’re not in state’s possession. We left. So I couldn’t, I couldn’t go. John, fictitious authority. John went to the jury picks. There was going to be jury picks. Sat there all day.
Nothing happened. The judge said, okay, that’s it for the day, and walked off the bench. And so John flagged the prosecutor down and said, hey, what’s going on? And the prosecutor said, oh, the judge threw it out. So he called me up. He’s all excited. And then the other example is traffic tickets. All of the judges, when they retire, get a percentage of the traffic tickets that they convict, which is completely against the constitution, against justice, because it gives them incentive for guilty verdicts on people. An example of using tort law. Where Cal Washington. He has amazing information.
He’s very credible. He’s fought the good fight, went to jail. He has all the information from the experience. Great guy. What he does with tort agreements. He contacts the 5g towers. He has all the studies like I have all the studies of all the damage that they’re doing. It’s not just 5g, it’s four g, three g. All the cell towers. He contacts them like Verizon, and he sends them tort agreements in the mail. Keep in mind, it’s very important to send them certified. Whenever you’re participating in any defense or offense in this arena, you have to keep track of all evidence and accumulate as much evidence as possible.
Ask questions, ask detailed questions, ask the right questions. Certify your mail so they sign for it when they get it. Like if you’re sending an email for a foIA, which we’ll get into what a foIa is, you’re going to want to send it in a way where you can get proof that they received it. These are all little pieces that will come into play where if something doesn’t go your way, you can use their system to get remedy, because that part is almost identical to the constitution part, and they don’t play games when it comes to you calling them out and then punishments happening.
So Cal contacts these different cell tower owners, and he says, basically, if you don’t take the cell tower down, then you owe me x amount of dollars every single day because this is hurting us. And they won’t respond because they don’t want to say it’s not true, because it is, and they don’t want to admit it’s true because then they’ll be incriminated, so they can’t respond. So by default, he has all these different places that are owing him money. He has these bills from these people that are basically, it’s like if you owe a credit card company, they buy that debt.
He basically has that form of debt that he’s accumulating on these people. And then he’s opening up a trust or a bank, and it gets real deep. But he’s trying to do his different ways through tort agreements to get underneath these people. And that’s one method that he came up with. There’s a bunch. So once you understand how this works, it’s simple, yet complicated, but it is simple. So in the last part, we covered the various ways that you accidentally give up during, both by default and by saying things you don’t know, you’re saying. We also covered, when you’re in court, the phrase is hear by agreement.
So by agreement, you step in and give them jurisdiction in the court. We went over different ways on how to not even step into the court and solve the situation. We also covered how everybody’s allowing the District of Columbia to be your motor vehicle and your child’s registered owner while you turn yourself into a registered keeper. We didn’t use those terms, but we explained how all that works. We also explained how you need to assert your rights, know your rights, assert them in a timely fashion, which simply means you have to know your rights and assert them right away.
Come on strong. With respect. That means sending letters right away, certified mail, pushing for jury trial right away. That also includes filing a complaint as soon as possible. How do you file a complaint? Another word for a complaint, as we said in the last part, is lawsuits. Let’s get into what a lawsuit is. And then Supreme Court and the Supreme Court cases, and then case law, it’s all the same thing. And it’s really easy. So when you have an issue, wherever you are, whatever region you’re in, there’s two different mechanisms that you can file a complaint with.
So you have an issue, you want to file a complaint. That’s what a lawsuit is. It’s the same thing. They even call it a complaint. Or when you’re filing a lawsuit, it’s called seeking remedy or making a complaint. It’s all the same thing. So first you have to understand or remember that the United States of America or the USA Constitution. United States of America constitution is all of these states that are united together. And the mechanism that unites them together, it allows them to be independent. So that means each state state has its own constitution and the framework of those constitutions.
There’s a general agreement for that framework, but each state has the ability to make its own rules. That’s the USA, that’s the republic, that’s the team. Okay? The United States of America, that’s the USA constitution. So we have over 50 different little constitutions. So picture the USA map. All those little bubbles for each state are each individual authorities and jurisdictions. Each state is its own specific jurisdiction and it has the most power out of any jurisdiction. So obviously the next entity you can file a complaint with is the corporation. So instead of the United States of all the Americas, it’s the United States corporation.
So you have us and then USA. So the United States complaint is not as powerful as the each individual states complaint because common law is more powerful than commerce. So common law, remember, is the USA and commerce jurisdiction is the US corporation. When you’re filing a complaint, who are you going to go to? Are you going to go to the us commerce jurisdiction? Are you going to go to the USA to your local state’s jurisdiction? So when your state makes a decision, it’s final, but it’s only for that state. But it does have strong impact in other states.
When you have a decision made at the top courts, of the federal corporation jurisdiction that sets precedent for the entire United States, but it’s not as potent as the common law, which is in your individual state. So a great example of your individual state’s potency federally. Marijuana is illegal. Cannabis has been illegal, but as you know, in the United States, states have legalized it against it being illegal federally. So what that means in this new context, the veil, commerce says it’s illegal, but each state that legalizes it says, no, it is legal. So that’s why you can’t bring it out of the state’s bubble, right? Because then the feds will be mad at you and they’ll be waiting for you out of the bubble and hopefully now that makes a lot more sense to you.
So which do you use, the US or the USA complaint system? So if you have an issue locally in your state, with somebody in your state, or maybe with your state itself, you’re going to want to go to the USA constitution, and that means you’re going to want to file it with your state’s court. If you have an issue with somebody that’s out of your state or that is with something with politics or laws or like with White House, because they literally are located in the district of Columbia, which is not the USA, it’s the US.
It’s not United States of America. It’s completely different. It’s us. United States is not the United States of America. United States is just the name of a company. It literally is not any states United. It’s one small territory that sits here and literally confuses everybody. And it’s so weak and frail after you know this. They have no power over you anymore. I think it’d be easier if you think about it like this. So if you have an issue, let’s say, with politics or the White House or Congress, you go and make a complaint, file a lawsuit.
You say, I want this change. You don’t have to ask for money, you can ask for an injunction, which is a change. If they say no, then you appeal it and you go to the Supreme Court. We’ll get into the layers of the courts in a minute. But if the Supreme Court says no, then you go back to your state and you go to their, either appeals or their supreme court and you basically say to your state, hey, listen, they’re saying no to this. Should we step up and ask the other states if they want to team up with us and actually literally, militia style, second amendment, make a change here.
We have the power to do that. They gave us the power within our constitution, the USA constitution, to remove power from the federal government, which is the US Constitution. We have that power, but we all have to understand what’s going on and comprehend this. So anyways, if you go to the us corporation and they don’t want to help you, you got to go to your state. And if they, if they want to step up, we bring in the other states and then we go. So that’s the mechanism. The most important thing to remember is this was built to have us all working together.
So when they’re cutting us up and being so divisive with all the societal things, they’re pushing, because they have control of the technology and all the algorithms, they’re cutting us up because then we literally cannot get together with this legal stuff and all agree, because that’s what needs to happen for us to make a push. So we have to begin by first teaching people this whole system. The next aspect to this is the framework of the court system. They mimic each other. The US and the USA, the federal, the common law, they are parallel to each other.
Exactly the same. Okay, so let’s begin with the state courts, which is the USA constitution, the USA common law jurisdiction, or the republic, all the same thing. Those are the state courts. So beginning with them, let’s begin at the tip of the pyramid. We have the state supreme court, and we have the people who run the Supreme Court. The justices are appointed by the people. They’re elected. Now, if we look at the Supreme Court, the Federal Supreme Court, which is also the US Supreme Court or the us jurisdiction, the Supreme Court justices, the people who run the Supreme Court there and make the decisions.
Instead of being elected by the people, the CEO of the corporation elects them. The CEO of the District of Columbia or the president of the United States. Now, who’s the president of the United States of America? That’s an entire different question. The president of the United States is the president of Walmart. Same thing. Not actually. So the president of Walmart is the president of a business called Walmart. President of the United States is the president of a business called the United States. It’s literally a name. Like the name brand for a pharmaceutical. Okay, now pausing and stepping back from what I told you in the beginning, the reason why it’s formatted like this is because each president is connected to their little club.
Each president is connected to their bloodline. Okay? That’s so the president can always choose who’s at the top of the corporation. So basically, the president is the CEO. The US Supreme Court is basically the board members of the corporation who all make the final decisions on stuff. So we have the nine supreme court justices for the federal corporation, the United States, the US Supreme Court. We have nine who make the decisions there for the USA Constitution, the United States of America, the non corporation. Each state has five to nine elected by the people. So again, this is the top of the court system.
This is where you end up when it didn’t work for you at the bottom, and then you made it through the appeals courts and then now you’re at the supreme Court. So below the supreme courts we have the courts of appeal. That’s where you go and you say, hey listen, they’re not helping me down here. I need the big guys. Each one has their own court. There’s a federal court of appeals and then a state court of appeals, okay? And then you go down to the bottom tier of the pyramid. There are multiple courts. There’s small claims courts for small petty things, no big deal.
Then there’s municipal courts that deals with basically the issues in that town, the issues in that state, in that district. And then you have the circuit court or superior court. And that’s where you go for contract law, major cases, if you get in trouble criminally. And those are the layers of the base courts. So if you have an issue with either one of those courts, you then go to the appeals courts and then you go to the supreme Court. That’s the pyramid structure of the court system and of the lawsuits. So just to recap, when you’re filing a lawsuit, you’re actually making a complaint.
And you’re making the complaint with either jurisdiction. Either you want the corporation or you want common law. If you’re going common law, then it’s going to be your local state. If you’re going corporation, which is federal, the feds for federal charges, federal crimes, or district of Columbia, or the capital, Washington DC, or the Freemasons. You choose which side you want to file it with. The local one more powerful, but only applies to your state. The larger one applies to everything, but is really only a veil. And if anybody knows the truth, they can pierce it. So it’s complex, but once you understand, you can begin to figure out which court would best suit your needs for your specific complaint if you’re going to attack it that way.
So the key here, the most important aspect is the last part. When a Supreme Court makes a decision, it can only be overturned by another Supreme Court decision, which is rare, very, very rare. And each decision that’s made by each supreme court on each level for that level. For instance, if it’s statewise, when a supreme court in that state makes a decision, there is no more contest below the supreme court level. So basically, if you cite that case, if you go to all of the Supreme Court cases and you find one that’s been decided and you say, hey, listen, it was decided here.
This is my argument. It will be a done deal. It’s done. Case law is what that would be. Case law is the most powerful way, quick way you can win any argument. So the state jurisdiction, the state Supreme Court case decisions make a precedent decision for the entire state. Same thing with the federal or the corporation, the US, which is corporation decisions in that Supreme Court for the entire US, really, it’s for the USA, because no one knows. But for the entire United States, those Supreme Court decisions apply to everybody. So case law is the most important and one of the most effective ways to fight them on their own level.
Whether you’re defending yourself, trying to get something that was yours, or if you’re trying to make a difference and expose the system, if you’re smart and you’re crafty, you can do things no one else has done before. And also two of the most important aspects that you need that can really help you when you’re trying to win a case, a lawsuit, or defending yourself. You can use things like the federalist papers, which is a book containing the federalist papers, which was something written by one of the forefathers who signed the Constitution. The significance of this book is it contains thoughts and writings from one of the people who founded this nation.
So you can use those writings to interpret what he meant for the constitution at that time, because things change as time goes on. So you can say, hey, things are changed here now. But this was the original agreement based on this excerpt from this work from this forefather. I think that that’s what this means. So you can actually use work from the forefathers to increase your argument. But at the end of the day, if you remember that you have domains and if you’re not hurting anybody else, you have the right of way, you have the favor.
And again, keep in mind it’s definitely enough to give you the perfect foundation. So you better be doing research on each topic that you’re writing down as you’re hearing it, because each one is its own little journey. This is giving you the whole concept, so it’s going to save you so much time. But definitely hone yourself on each topic. That way. You’re a ninja. This next part is super important, and it’s definitely something that we’re not going to get too deep into, and it’s definitely something that you should hone yourself and on for sure. So the jurisdictions we’ve been talking about, the ones that we can fall into, are all land jurisdictions, because we’re on land, we’re not floating and we’re not swimming.
So there are three overall large jurisdictions, okay? There are land, water and sea, law of the land, law of the air, law of the sea. I know about the law of the land, and I have a little bit of the law of the air and a little bit of the law of the sea. What I have on the law of the sea, basically, that’s called maritime law. And if you listen to a lot of the things about when we’re born, the birth canal has to do with the birth canal of a ship, apparently. We’re dead and out to sea.
We’re born and then registered to the corporation. The corporation gives us to the water jurisdiction and says, we’re gone and dead out to sea. They don’t know what happened to us. We’re in the water jurisdiction. Go talk to them. And obviously, we’re right here. They know we’re right here, so they’re not talking about us. They’re talking about the fake paper version they made of us that’s gone somewhere dead out to sea, just for technological reasons. That way they can get collateral on you, but they don’t know where you are, so they can’t come grab you as a slave.
It’s some weird loophole that nobody seems to be able to fully, completely be able to articulate. But you’ll see some little bubbles in this whole thing are hidden and are very hard to get to, to see what’s inside, to be able to explain. But we know enough of the mechanism to be able to know how to navigate it. That’s how that works. Good morning. I’m Sergeant Robert Horton, United States army special operations. I was a psychological operations specialist from 1999 to 2012, and I’m also a son of the American Revolution. You have to understand what’s going on planet Earth that you all need to be made aware of so you can understand what it is these guys are talking about.
Okay, so I’m going to go back to the beginning. This is a very old masonic system that’s operating here on planet Earth, and it is all based upon shipping and postal wars that have morphed into banking wars. Okay, so the three really work together hand in hand, but the banking warfare has really kicked off here as of late in relation to this whole thing. So when you’re born here in this planet or here on this planet, you are born of the water, right? Because this is a shipping war. You’re all captured in a shipping warfare that you’re unaware of, that you’ve been captured into.
So when you’re born, you’re born of your mother’s water. And you are docked as a vessel by a doctor who is a registered Harvard master by the port authorities and authorized by the Department of Transportation. And when you are docked by the doctor, you are then harbored in the harbor in a vessel and dry dock known as a hospital, which is considered to be a boat parked on the land, okay? But when you’re born and harbored by the harbor master in this vessel and dry dock, you are considered a ward of the state. So you are placed into a maternity ward.
Why are you a ward of the state? Because you have not yet been brought under the laws of this old school masonic system. Now how they get you into this old school masonic system is with the birth certificate. So you’re considered a ward of the state or an outlaw. Because you’re not yet under the laws of the old masonic system until your mother signs a birth certificate. This is a commercial instrument, okay? This is saying that you are now owned and under the laws of this masonic system. But you are owned. That you are nothing more than a piece of.
Of cargo or a vessel or a dead person that’s presumed to be missing, dead or lost at sea. Right? Once you’re legged into this massive corporate construct and it’s a global construct you are then subject to the laws of the state. State of affairs. Not state of California or state of Nevada. We’re talking global state of affairs. You’re legged into the state. Once that happens, you are then under the laws of this entire global construct. These are the pillars of the laws of this global construct. Admiralty and maritime and civil jurisdiction. Law of the sea, law of the land, law of the sea has always been held by the king of Great Britain, okay? That’s how he runs his entire country.
It’s considered a vessel, a great big boat. And all the people in that boat are considered to be missing, dead or presumed lost at sea with their birth certificate system. That’s how he runs his whole country. And that’s the same thing we’re doing here in the United States. Why? Because Great Britain has always been our postmaster general here in the colonies and the 50 states. Now let me explain what postmaster general of the world is the air jurisdiction. This is what I think I know, and it’s definitely a very, very good direction to start in. The air jurisdiction apparently is owned by the Vatican.
And this is the air jurisdiction of what flies in the air, the air itself and the ideas that float around in it. So apparently they actually control all of the patents and they’re in control of all of the potential free energy technology and all of the other technology that’s supposedly being suppressed. Also all of the texts, the books, and that would all stem from them being the church. Back in the day, everybody went to the church for their information, and then the churches would be the libraries and archives, and that’s why they are in charge of all of the archives, because originally the Vatican was the church for the area, if that all makes sense.
I hope it does in our courts, our courts, our whole court system, the american court system is very simple compared to theirs. Their system has all these many policies and procedures and codes and regulations and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But our courts are very simple. American common law courts are. A child can operate an american common law court, but they were designed to be simple. Now they over complicate things. So we get lost in the legalese, I’m assuming. Well, it’s a different jurisdiction, you know. See, jurisdiction is complicated. Lots of legalese, lots of jargon and inside jokes and all sorts of stuff.
They even use hand signals in their courts. Like, you know, it’s a big game. The land, air and water jurisdiction goes back so far, I’m assuming. I can understand that, the water and land thing. But why the air? Did they have. Did they create that when they didn’t even have planes? Why would they need to speak about the air? Because air is the jurisdiction of energy and ideas, really. Right. So air is where you find corporations, for example, legal systems. They’re creatures of the mind, right? Yes. And that’s where you find labor contracts, because the energy is being expended to perform labors.
That’s where you find labor contracts. Jurisdiction of the air is where you find patents, trademarks, copyrights, performance contracts of all kinds. That’s all jurisdiction of the air. So hopefully you can start to get an understanding of how the Vatican, the District of Columbia, the president, the british Crown Royal, all of these people, how they all are tied in together. It’s mostly through freemasonry, which is just an excuse to collude and try to take over the world because they’re evil, enrich. Yes, that’s true. So now that we know the law of the land, that brings us back to case law.
We have a specific formula or a specific argument of this case law that is a great example that Karl Miller brought up. And it basically proves that the constitution, the common law, the USA constitution, is the law of the land, and it is superior over the US Constitution or the corporation. Article six, paragraph two of the constitution. This is called the supremacy clause of the Constitution. It’s located at article six. Everybody see that? Paragraph two, which is going to start right here, and I’m going to read it to you. And basically what it says is this constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and the treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby.
Anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary are notwithstanding. When they say notwithstanding, that means notwithstanding in law. That means. That’s a legal definition. Notwithstanding means notwithstanding in law. A very important case, Marbury versus Madison, five us 137. It’s recorded at volume five right here. It’s an 1803 case, Marbury versus Madison. It’s recorded in volume five, page 137. And I’m telling you right now, if you want to use a case to cite for any purpose in court, you have to read the case. If you haven’t read the case, you haven’t read the case and formed a basis upon which a logical determination in your mind could have been reached to form an opinion as to why you should do what you’re going to do, then the judge will throw your case out.
So read your cases. Don’t just quote cases because you won’t win. If the judge ever pins you down and starts asking you some merit of of the case, and you can’t even understand what the case is about, nine times out of ten, he’s just going to throw your case in the can. So make sure you read the case. This is one of the leading cases. The opinion of the court was given by the honorable Judge John Marshall, chief justice of the Supreme Court. His opinion was, anything that is in conflict is null and void of law.
Clearly, he said that for a secondary law to come in conflict with the supreme law was illogical. For certainly the supreme law would prevail over all other law, and certainly our forefathers had intended that the supreme law would be the basis of all law, and for any law to come in conflict would be null and void of law. It would bear no power to enforce it, would bear no obligation to obey it would purport the settle as if it never existed for unconstitutionality, would date from the enactment of such a law, not from the date so branded in an open court of law.
No courts are bound to uphold it, and no citizens are bound to obey it. It operates as a mere nullity or a fiction of law, which means it doesn’t exist in law. Now, let me give you an example in today’s timing as to how effective this is. It nullifies the crime bill. It takes away the right of the people to keep in bear arms on these 19 weapons that turn into 159 weapons, you see, because they have no power to pass a law that’s in conflict with the United States Constitution. And it’s automatically no and void of law from its inception, not from the date you go to court and brand it as unconstitutional.
Now, I want to get that real clear. A lot of people think that they got to go to court and brand it unconstitutional. I’m here to tell you, if you know your arguments, and you can show your arguments, most of the time, you will win. Every now and then, you run into a hard nose. But I’ll show you how to deal with him, too. Okay? But for now, I want everybody that’s got a chance to go out to learn your constitution, your article six, paragraph two of your constitution. I want you to pay attention to what’s going on here.
Learn to read about this Marbury versus Madison case. So that video was Carl Miller going over a way to use the United States, the corporation’s own constitution, against them in their own supreme Court. So he got them to admit that their copy of our constitution, which is basically the same, that they’ve been adding layers of law on top of. He got them to admit that their original constitution supersedes all of their B’s laws on top of their B’s layer. So without even going to the common law, he went on to the commerce, the corporations jurisdiction, and said, hey, according to your Supreme Court case here in your corporation Supreme Court cases, Marbury versus Madison says that your constitution will trump any law that you put on top of your constitution.
So basically, this means when you’re using firearms as an example, they say that when you become a felon, when you have a felony crime, or you’ve been marked by the capitol, it basically means you’ve been marked by the District of Columbia. They’re saying you can no longer have certain weapons. This says that. No, that’s not true, because your own constitution says that we have the right to bear arms. So does the USA constitution, both of them do like I said, they copied them to make it really confusing. So, hey, your own constitution says that we have the right to bear arms.
Therefore, your law that says felons can’t have weapons is null and void. And they’re like, damn, you’re right. And that law is meant for the people who don’t understand the law. Because like we said through this whole thing, when you don’t know, you have no rights. Therefore, by default, you fall underneath their b’s. I know this is complicated. I hope it’s making sense though. So let’s take it a step further. Let’s just say, for instance, you have a felony because they pressured you and you took a charges just because you were scared, right? And now you’re a felon now.
Now it’s harder for you to get a job. Now you’re marked. Now you can only have certain weapons. Let’s say you wanted to go hunting or shooting with some friends, but you can’t participate. And if you get caught with a weapon, being a felon, you’re gonna do instant five years. They scare you, intimidate you. Let’s say, now you know this new information and you want to challenge it. So here are some challenges if you want to do this. So, number one, this is a very high profile thing to try to do. Because if you break through this, you will set the precedent for everybody.
And they’ll be able to do this as well. Which means a bunch of people that the Capitol knows at some point are going to be a problem from them, which will be violent or really good shooters or whatever will have the balls to stand up to them. They take this very seriously because they don’t want them to be able to have certain guns for when crunch time happens, for when they want to make their move, or if it ever happens. I win. Cheryl, it’s not a race. That’s what losers say. What is that? The truth. Every time a new baby is born, the Federal Reserve issues a secret birth certificate printed by a company called the American bank.
That way the government can use people as currency to back the debt they have with the World Economic Forum, which owns the central banks of every nation on earth. But the WEF is just a front for the Council on Foreign Relations, which masterminded the 911 attacks of pre tax to invade Iraq, take the oil, and install fast food chains to make people slow, fat, and easily abductable by the shape shifting reptilian aliens it works with. Now, back in the thirties, FDR made a deal with these reptilians who exchange people for technology. That was the basis of the new deal.
But ever since, they’ve been replacing all the world leaders to create a nuclear holocaust to make global warming real for their takeover. That’s how they made up the cold war, by sending Lyca to space to bite Neil Armstrong while Kubrick was faking the moon landing. Now they’re using satellite waves, contrails and measles. It’s mind controlled and fluoridating the water to keep people’s gold fillings intact so they can be sent back to, you guessed it, the Federal Reserve, where all the gold and birth certificates are stored by the real puppet master, the world monarch, who is himself only the servant of the all seeing eye who claims everything in the world.
The second amendment of our bill of rights is my concealed weapons permit. Period. That’s it? That’s it. So no limitations of any kind that you don’t see? None. That’s it. The limitation should be, instead of arresting people for molesting children 24 times, I would rather the dad walked into the room, found a person molesting that child and blew his brains out. I would rather that the lady in Massachusetts last month who was taking her daughter to soccer, who was carjacked by a recidivistic maggot who’d been in the prison system all his life, but was let out again because we feel sorry for him, maybe he had a bad childhood.
Instead of her being hijacked and murdered, I’d rather she just shot the bastard dead. But in Massachusetts, somebody decided she can’t do that, so she’s dead. I would rather she was alive and the carjacker was dead. I’m weird. I would rather that the guy who beat this lady to within an inch of her life in Waco, on parole, was he phenomenal. And beat her to within an inch of her life in front of her grandchildren with a whiskey bottle. I would rather she fell to the ground, pulled out a. 38 and shot him six times in the chest and killed him.
Am I weird? So the point is, you may be in the right if you challenge them on this. When you have a felony, you may have an argument. You may understand exactly what you need to do because it’s easy. But if you don’t have a following or a bunch of other people behind you, they may just do something like look left, look right, make sure no one’s looking, and lock you up. And then if you don’t have a following, there’s really no one that can come to your rescue, the only thing they’re afraid of is everybody getting to know what’s going on.
So if nobody knows you and you try to push it in that direction, it’s, it’s going to probably be in the negative result. There’s other directions you could go, though. It’s all a balance. For instance, cannabis, they don’t really care anymore. You could probably grow up to 50 plants and they wouldn’t care. But if you push it and you’re growing 500 plants and you’re like a kingpin selling more weed than the dispensaries for cheaper, then they have an issue. They need to make an example out of you. So pick and choose your battles. Make sure you have your argument before you’re ever attacked and you should be good to go.
Just make sure you know your rights. And what right are you asserting? The key term here is willful intent. When you bypass their b’s, they have to prove willful intent, which means they have to prove that you knew in your head that you were committing a crime and you did it anyway. Here’s the kicker. If you know it’s your right and you have dominion and you have this right and you can articulate it, there is no willful intent and you cannot be criminally punished. Look into that. Kara Miller gets into that deep. Running out of time for this section.
So just to sum up this whole section, you have these rights. When you understand the system here and you can articulate your argument, you can have a flawless transaction and you can have your freedom. This is proof that what they say you have to do are just merely mandates that only federal or capital employees need to follow. Okay, today we’re going to learn about the legal definition of the word mandate. We are in the black’s law dictionary, 11th edition. So today, California just mandated vaccinations for all school children ages twelve and older under roman and civil law.
This is what we’re working under right now, a written command given by a principal to an agent. So by like a governor, specifically a commission or a contract by which one person, like the governor, requests someone the mandatory, which is the public, to perform some service gratuitously, which means voluntarily, the commission becoming effective when the mandatory agrees. This means that a mandate only becomes mandatory when you follow through with what they want you to do, if you do not agree to it, if you do not do what they’re asking you to do, if you do not want to do what they’re asking you to do, because it’s a request, it’s gratuitously doing what they say, then you are not obligated under the mandate.
That’s the law. They don’t want you to know. That’s the law. They don’t want you to know. Just remember, when you hear federal or federal government, you’re hearing freemasons. And there are many ways you can subtly make a huge difference. We’re going to get into those next, but just keep in mind, if you’re going to make big waves, make sure you have people behind you. There’s been situations where that’s happened, where they’re more united. And it’s absolutely amazing. Gut wrenching, but amazing. The stories that are told and the things that happen. And it’s proof that we can do it.
Man who spent time in prison for the 2014 Bunkerville standoff is now suing the us government and found federal prosecutors Todd Engel seeking $100 million in damages in his civil rights and conspiracy complaint. Back in 2018. All charges were dropped against him and Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, a federal judge found to prosecute prosecutorial misconduct. Good evening from New York. I’m Chris Hayes. Hundreds of armed demonstrators faced off with the federal government in southern Nevada over the weekend and the federal government blinked. Just another reminder that whether or not the law is enforced depends on who you are and whether or not you have the right wing media on your side.
Battle of big government versus the rancher. It’s big government versus the rancher and Mister Bundy is not backing down. When push comes to shove, when it comes to the Constitution, folks aren’t going to back down. I’ll be honest. We saw what happened at Waco and the Branch Davidians. I’m concerned right now, the biggest story in the right wing media is the face off between federal agents and this man, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. America better wake up if we’re going to live in this country with any kind of freedom and liberty. Mister Bundy owns around 500 head of cattle.
They’ve grazed on this plot of land in southern Nevada for decades. But Bundy doesn’t own that land. The federal government does. And in order to graze cattle on federal land managed by the Bureau of Land Management, you have to pay land use fees. Bundy stopped paying those fees in 1993. He now owes the government over $1 million. You see, Bundy doesn’t think the federal government owns the land. In fact, he doesn’t recognize the federal government at all. I abide by all of Nevada state laws, but I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing. The courts disagree with Mister Bundy’s reading of the Constitution and have ordered him to pay for his use of the land like every other rancher does.
Last year, a federal district court ruled that the BLM was entitled to seize and remove Bundy’s cattle. He owes the american people $1 million because he has not obeyed the laws. Earlier this month, the BLM started rounding up some of Bundys cattle that illegally grazed on federal lands. On Wednesday, a confrontation between Bundy family members and supporters and federal rangers went viral. Don’t fly. Don’t fly. The fed say officers were assaulted and a police dog was kicked while Bundy family members allege they were thrown to the ground. And also, we have always said that we will do whatever it takes.
We’ve never defined that. And I think that’s one of the reasons they’re here with such force, is they’re scared of us. Within days, Bundy became a symbol of a fight against an out of control federal government. We need guns to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. Hundreds of states rights protesters flocked to Bunkerville, Nevada to support funding. Many of them are. I’m willing to lay my life down. The group shut down several lanes of a Nevada interstate and engaged intense negotiations with federal law enforcement. Protesters flooded this federal holding pen area, aiming to release Clive and Bundy’s cattle.
Question back up on the day. For right now, let me work with you and you, you two to come in with me. That’s it. The people or not, you guys need to leave so they can do his thing. Federal officers tried to bring the Bundys over the line to negotiate. Give you my honest word right here, I’m gonna walk you so you can negotiate with your father up top. Walking past armed BLM Rangers, the Bundy started talks about releasing the cattle and calming the crowds. But what I need you to do is to keep this crowd calm.
I will do. And below. After a days long standoff with federal authorities, Cliven Bundy won the day. I only want to talk to one person in each county across the United States. And here’s what I want to say. County Sheriff misarm us bureaucracy. This weekend, the BLM started to release Bundy’s cattle and suspended their operation, citing safety concerns. In the meantime, Bundy has been elevated to hero status by republican politicians. Out in Nevada today, federal agents are pointing rifles at american citizens in an escalation of a standoff over a man who for 20 years has grazed his cattle on some land that the state owns.
And, like, I think that the Bureau of Land Management played this correctly in backing down. Is there a dangerous precedent that basically says the law does not going to enforce if you can get several hundred people bearing guns to show up and stand in the way of the federal officials who would enforce that law? Right. But it wasn’t just those hundred people. It was the echo machine. It was a right wing noise machine. And it was the combination of those two that has now set this precedent. And if this precedent were flipped, and it was liberal activists or immigration activists.
So in the last part, we went over complaints how to file one the different aspects of the courts. We also went over law of the land versus the air versus the water, and we explained how you can use case law as a massive tool to send somebody correspondence, have them read it, and get the results you need. At this point, some of you may be thinking, all right, how do I leave this system? How do I get out from underneath this? And other people may be like, hey, I already know. If you don’t, that’s absolutely okay.
We’re gonna get a little deeper. And it’s still really easy, easy to comprehend. So first, we have to touch base on one of the biggest issues in the movement, which is people get wrong bad information and they get confidence behind it, because the people who are saying it are either CIA and they’re in the know, or they got it so mixed up or were taught by the CIA or taught by somebody and maybe they didn’t fully comprehend it, or the person who taught them didn’t comprehend it. Anyway, sometimes bad knowledge can be given to you, give you false that.
It can get you in a lot of trouble. So I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen here, and I’m going to explain this thoroughly to you. So, basically, if you wanted to leave the system hypothetically, what you would do is simply make statements declaring your independence. And you may have heard the Declaration of Independence. Yes. So you basically make your own declaration saying, hey, I am now independent, and you do this with witnesses and you make it public. So what you do is you look up what’s called a declaration form. You can make your own.
There is no format to this. You have free reign here. So basically you want to make a declaration, get a declaration form or make your own. Basically have it say everything you’re trying to say, everything you want. Then you put it in the newspaper, and you have two witnesses see that you sign it. At this point, you have to own land. You move to that land or move into the wilderness somehow. Don’t give them your address and don’t claim claimed to be a citizen. A sovereign citizen. Keep in mind the word sovereign citizen was created like the word conspiracy theory.
They made the word conspiracy theory to make people that were looking into things to make them look crazy. They created the word sovereign citizen to make people who didn’t really know what they’re doing really make that apparent. Sovereign means nothing can touch you. You’re a free being. Citizen means you hold allegiance to the corporation in this case. So you can’t hold allegiance to some something and claim you’re free. It’s an oxymoron. Don’t use any of those vocabularies. You’re now just a straight up human living being. You don’t even have to use the word human. Make up your own terminology because you want to be anything besides what they’re calling you.
At that point they’ll either leave you alone or they’re going to come and bother you and try to take you, try to stop you from doing what you’re doing and potentially use violent force. So you may have to stand on your own and use your second amendment right and defend yourself. It could get dicey. If you have a huge following, they may not mess with you, but if you keep poking them, they may have to mess with you. So anyways, if you go that direction, you don’t get the post office, you don’t get any Social Security, you can’t get a job, no insurance.
You basically leave society. It’s like if the mark of the beast were to be here and you refuse it. We all hear what would happen then. That’s basically what would happen if you just leave this system. Now some people say that you can stay in the system and become a state national. So instead of being a us corporation citizen, a us citizen citizen means you’re loyal to the corporation. You could become a state national, which means that you live in your state and you’re a national of your state and you fall underneath the common law jurisdiction in that state’s bubble.
You can absolutely do that. Pros and cons to all of it. I choose not to do that. I choose to surf and ride the wave of balance. And if anybody messes with me, they have a huge problem on their hands. And if I need to make anything happen, I know how to do it and I’ve already done it. I’ve been doing it with for instance the post office businesses who try to do me dirty. You instantly send them. Listen, this is what I need you to do, and if you don’t do it, then I’m going to bring you to court.
And they usually do it because I usually back that up with supreme court cases and they’re like, holy crap, who is this guy? It’s not hard to do. So to sum it up, how I ride the system and I have my balance, keep in mind everything is in your favor when you know what’s going on and you’re just playing the system, live your life, and if anything inconveniences you, like for me, I don’t want to register my car, I don’t want to pay for a license, I don’t want to deal with any of their traffic laws, something that I really want to do.
But some people may want to drink and drive, it’s their right to do so. But if they’re going to violate someone else’s right, then they’re gonna pay for that. So we’re all big boys and girls, we can make our own decisions. Just because there’s a law that says someone can’t drink and drive doesn’t mean they’re not going to. So anyways, it’s up to the person if they’re gonna take that risk. It doesn’t matter if the law is there or not. Now let’s say you’re like, well, I don’t think that’s right. I don’t want them to drink and drive around me because they could hit my kid or they could hit me.
That’s absolutely fine. If you know you’re right, if you can articulate your argument through your right, saying, hey, I have the right to life, liberty and happiness. And each time this person drives by me and I know he’s drunk, he’s going super fast, he scares me and he’s not allowing me to live how I need to live. And you file that complaint, that lawsuit, that’s the mechanism of the constitution, then you have your complaint remedied. Obviously, we’re used to calling the police and having them do it, but if he knew his rights, you could call the police on him.
And because he’s not operating in commerce, in the commerce jurisdiction, and if he knows his rights, then you can do anything to him. You can’t get him to stop. So when you know your rights, you trump everybody else around you because nobody else knows their rights. Really? So if people say, hey, listen, you’re crazy, that’s good, because you’ll be one of the people who could outdo them legally, maneuverily, you may say, well, this is just ridiculous. Someone could drink and drive and then someone could complain about it and get them to stop drinking and driving. This is the way the mechanism works.
When everybody is used to that system. Somebody wouldn’t make the choice to drink and drive because there’d be even worse consequences for that person. So if somebody was choosing to do something crazy like drinking and driving, they would probably be able to handle themselves to the extent where you would never know they’re doing it. And that’s the way it works. Because if somebody has the ability to do that, why shouldn’t they be able to drink and drive if they’re not affecting anybody else? Again, this is a crazy example on purpose to make you really think. There’s a bunch of other examples you could put all of these different variables in and make your own scenario.
Just remember, remember the beautiful thing about all of this. When you unlock everything by simply knowing this, it’s up to you how you interpret your rights, because they’re your rights and this is your domain. When you’re using a specific right that they mention, that’s here for you to mention, you’re just using their system because really you have unlimited rights. As long as you’re not violating somebody else’s rights, you have unlimited rights to do whatever you want. Seriously. The point is, you live your life until something inconvenient you and you decide, hey, do you want to use your knowledge here? Do you want to work your magic or do you want to just let it go? Is it worth the battle? And for someone like me, I love challenging the system.
So if you’re someone who wants to be nonchalant and still do things with your knowledge, I’m going to get into how you defeat the maze, how we can do things like that. Very easy things like a foia. Still haven’t got into it, but we’re going to get into that right after this, the next section. So just a final metaphor, summing it up, riding this system instead of leaving it is exactly like staying in a dream. Instead of waking up. Let’s say you’re in a nightmare. All of a sudden you realize you’re dreaming, you become lucid, you control the dream.
All of a sudden it’s fun. Because now all of these things that were scaring you are your play toys. And all of a sudden the nightmare creatures are like, oh no, they realize their power. Now this whole dream experience has been flipped on me. It’s exactly like that. Just remember, life is but a dream. So some people are like, well, I heard that I can access the money that they’re using me collateral for. I heard I can access that, and I heard I can put that in my own account. I heard I can do stuff with it.
So people claim that you can grab that money, a whole bunch, open a trust, some sort of trust or a bank. I haven’t gone down that route, and I’ll tell you why. They’ve done things like used it as insurance for an insurance policy for themselves. You can go down that route. The information exists. The reason why I don’t, I really feel like if you play with that money, you’re participating in their crime. And if anything goes down at the end of the day, or if the universal law really exists, you’re gonna be breaking that law as well, to a certain extent.
So you can play that game. I choose not to. No judgment. If you figure it out and it really works for you, because I heard that there’s something to it, again, you’re gonna find many different avenues you can explore as I give you the framework of this system. So touching base on something rather unique. But you may have heard of an allodial title. This is a title, a royalty title that you could get that gives you 100% ownership over your property. And if you don’t have one of these titles, you don’t actually own your property. Lodio title.
You can buy a car, you can buy a jet plate, you can buy a house. A lodio simply means nobody, including God or Jesus, can touch this property. You own it. Understand that if you’re a us citizen, you do not own anything. If you paid your house off, you don’t own it. You have an equitable interest in the property, but you don’t own it. Only way you can own anything in America actually own it, is with something called elodio title. A l l o d I a lithe allodial title. Allodial title means God cannot touch it.
No one, because it’s absolute owned by you. But if you don’t buy your car, your jet plane, your boat, your house, whatever it is, and have an allodial, allodial title, then you don’t own it. The authorities can come in and take your home anytime they want. Banks cannot touch anything that has a allodial title. Government cannot touch it. No one can touch anything that is bought under a lotial title. Queen of England. Everything she owns is an allodial title. Means God can’t touch. Do you know that allodial title refers to a type of land ownership where the owner has absolute and complete ownership of the land.
It’s like owning your home or property without any obligations or duties to a higher authority or landlord. With a lodial title, you are the true and sole owner of the land. You don’t have to pay rent or fees to anyone else else, and no one can take your land away from you as long as you follow the laws of the land. It’s like having complete control and sovereignty over your property without any external parties or government entities having a claim or say in how you use or manage it. Allodial title is considered the highest form of private land ownership, and it’s a concept that dates back to ancient times when land was held by individuals or families without any feudal obligations.
Allodial title is not recognized in all us states. This is because the states themselves claim an underlying sovereign authority over all lands within their boundaries. That said, a few states like Nevada, Texas, and Utah, have enacted laws or constitutional provisions that attempt to uphold something closer to allodial title principles for private property owners. So here’s another thing that’s just great in your face. A constitutional provision is when they make a law to have a clear avenue directly to the Constitution. So everything that’s not a quote unquote constitutional provision literally is a B’s law. They’re basically like, all right, all right, all right, we’ll give you a constitutional right.
Here’s a law. This law supports the constitutional right. And as you know, because we’re this far, that’s not the way it works. You don’t give us constitutional provision. There is no provision for the constitution. It’s just constitution. And everything you put on top of it is bullshit. I hope that makes sense. So I went down this whole rabbit hole. I personally will never buy a house with a loan or a mortgage. I will never do that. I’m all set. And that’s because you’ll never own it until it’s out of their system, out of their hands. If you, for instance, are shaking the system and you’re paying a mortgage, they could potentially contact your bank and have them violate that mortgage and they could just yank you out of the house and keep your money.
It’s not a place I personally can or want to be in. So the elodial title, you can get an elodial title in some states. It’s a misdirection. There’s a lot of misdirections out here, and here’s the misdirection they want to convince you. There’s this secret method, there’s always this method, method, method, it makes you think that everything’s really complicated and you need all these methods. That’s not the way this works. You have dominion. There is no specific method to anything. There’s no specific form to anything. You can make your own form. It’s like any job you’ve ever applied to you fill out their application.
You could have just made your own application. Like, if you were to go down the DMV and sign for your license, they make you go through this specific application, and if you don’t use their paperwork, then they won’t take it. But if you’re doing something like a complaint, they have a basic format they’d like it in. But at the end of the day, if you’re doing it pro se, you’re filing a lawsuit by yourself with no one helping you pro se, then the rights and the laws are in your favor. They will help you. They have to, because if they don’t, then they’re liable to be in big trouble.
And they don’t know how much, you know, put yourself in their shoes. If they see somebody in the system that wakes up, they don’t know how much of a threat they are, so they tread very carefully. And some of the judges and Supreme Court justices are looking for people like us because they’re sick of it. Some of them are just like, I’m stuck in the system. I already know too much. Now, this is my job. I’m not gonna say anything, but if I see anybody, I’ll do what I can to help them from the inside, those judges absolutely exist.
So let’s say that you inherited a house, or maybe you paid off your mortgage, and now the house is yours. You have some sort of title or a deed, and you’re like, well, I thought this thing was legit. It’s not. Here’s what you absolutely need to do right, right now, right away. Number one, go to the edges of your property and put postage signs. You want posted signs there. I think you can look into it, but I think up to three years. What you’re trying to do is when you have the posted signs there, you’re proving that you’ve lived there that long, and you’re saying, this is my private property.
My private property. Keyword private. Just remember, whenever you’re in the private, it’s impossible for the commerce to have jurisdiction over you. Whenever you’re in the private, impossible for the feds, it’s impossible for the district of Columbia. It’s impossible for the police. They’re all the same thing. To have jurisdiction over you while you’re in the private. Don’t ever forget that, because it’s very important and it applies to many things. This is my private property. I’ve lived here for this long. This is my witness. These are my posted signs. I’ve been doing this for this long. And then you want a day, go to the library, go to some archives, your town hall, look for the records of your property, and you want to see if you can get what deeds you can get, what paperwork you can get.
Basically what you’re trying to do with all this, you’re trying to accumulate proof and evidence that this is your property and it’s yours. You want all of this evidence, trust me. The other thing you want to do, just like before, you want to make it public record. So that’s doing things like putting it in the newspaper, having witnesses see you sign a declaration form, submitting a declaration form with town hall, submitting paperwork, archival paperwork with town hall. Again, you’re going to be looking for like, well, what paperwork do I submit? What? You can make up your own paperwork.
You can just write them a letter and say, hey, listen, I’m just letting you guys, you can talk in plain words if you want. You don’t have to use legalese. You say, listen, let the record be known that this is my house, I live here, and just be as detailed as possible. Again, I’m not going to give you this specific frameworks. You can look it up, you can do research, but you got to remember, at the end of the day, wing it. If you don’t wing it, it looks better and it’ll go smoother. But at the end of the day, you can absolutely wing it.
You can cut a new path for other people to follow. You can find your own methods, you can make your own forms. Freedom is the key thing to remember here. It’s not freedom. Within certain avenues, you just choose your battles. That’s the only choices. But the freedom 100% is yours. All you have to do is correspond and communicate with these people. When you send them letters and you get a certified copy, you send it with a signature. It’s all you got to do. Go to the post office, say you want to send a certified letter. It makes them sign for it.
When they sign for it, proves they received it. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if they respond or not. They received it. It’s now public record. You have record of it. That’s now your evidence. It’s done. When they respond to you, there’s some more evidence. So when you ask questions and you do certain things, you’re going to learn and you’re gonna acquire evidence and information. That’s what this whole thing is about. Each step you take, you lock it in. So the good news is they’re probably not gonna mess with you for no reason because they don’t want to risk people knowing that that can happen because people would start freaking out.
So they only do it on case by case basis or when they do it to everybody at the same time if they ever choose to do that. So why would you want to have this? Why would you want to submit this? Number one, if you submitted this, you’d be ready for the scenario if they tried to make that move. Number two, some people don’t want to pay property taxes anymore. So if you’re done with property taxes, number one, you have to own your house, because if you have a mortgage and you try to do this, they’re just going to destroy you because it’s not even yours yet.
If you own the house and you have a title, make sure you do what I just explained and you can prove that it’s yours. You live there, you, you own the land, you posted it, you have the whole history of the property that ties to you owning it. After you have that, the next part gets slightly complicated. And I’m going to show you a clip from Carl Miller explaining it. But he goes real quick, but before I play it, let me just break down what he’s about to say. One of the good things about his videos, it’s full of different legal arguments.
And the examples kind of show you the things you can do. The argument basically says it’s the federal government’s job to pay your taxes, right? And that’s how crazy. But this is how that works. The US code is basically the list of all of the laws that Congress passes. And all of the laws are b’s because they’re in the commerce jurisdiction. That’s why it’s called us code. It’s not law, it’s just code like policy. Anyways, this argument fights within their system and uses their own system against them. So using the US code, he brings up title 31, section 742.
That’s just a section within this, this code stating some of their policy. This code literally says that the dollar cannot be taxed because what the dollar really is, it’s a treasury note from the Federal Reserve. A treasury note. What the money in your pocket is, is from the federal. You got to look this up. The Federal Reserve just says, basically we owe you. So it’s a federal government, which is district of Columbia. It’s their iou to the entire world. Whoever has a dollar, obviously, everybody sees it is more than that, but for legal purposes, that’s all that it is, and it really matters in this situation.
So Carl comes in and he says, how to back that up, to say that that is the law of the land. That’s the end all say all. He gives a Supreme Court case, Memphis bank versus Riley, and he says, the conclusion of this case says that this argument, this title 31 in your own US code, it’s absolutely a fact, and you can’t say that it’s not. So, using case law, he locks this argument in because the Memphis bank versus Riley was a supreme Court case decision. Like I said, they use those decisions to then form another argument that is very, very powerful.
Then Carl goes in to explain using his own state’s laws. So wherever your state is, there will be a specific constitution, and it’ll have specific rules for your state. Everybody’s will be slightly different, but pretty close to the same. Basically, the argument says, the reason why that code is there, they always put these codes there to outline a constitutional right that they’re trying to block, but hide it in the best way they can, if that makes sense. So article one, section ten of all of the state’s constitutions, at least all of the state’s constitutions, should have this in there.
But basically it says that you can only pay your taxes with gold, instead, silver. That’s a rule from the beginning. And because this new dollar bill, which is really a treasury note, removed gold and silver, which is. They almost knew this would happen, it seems because it’s not gold and silver anymore, you literally can’t pay your taxes, or you would technically get in trouble for paying your taxes without gold and silver. And because each state added to their constitution, the federal note, the federal treasury note, the ability to use that to pay, because they did that, they’re basically like saying this.
IOU, which is labor, which the government owes me for, can be taxed and can be used to pay taxes. It’s fictional. That’s just not the case. Let’s say the United States needs money. Instead of issuing their own United States notes back by their own credit, they issue treasury bonds. They then sell these bonds to the Federal Reserve, which buys them with money they created out of thin air. The money that the Fed created then goes to the US. The US then pays interest on the money that the Fed lent to the treasury. So to clarify, the Fed creates money from nothing loans that money to the US and then charges interest on that money.
What this means is that there is never and will never be enough money in circulation or in existence to pay back that debt. We as a country, as well as private citizens, are forever enslaved by debt, with no way of ever paying it off. So just keep in mind, the Federal Reserve. It sounds like it’s federal, but it’s actually its own business. Just like us is United States, but has nothing to do with states being united. It’s a business name. So the Federal Reserve is its own entity, it’s part of their racket, their scheme. So this private entity sells these pieces of paper to the corporation that then gives it to us as money, and then everybody just thinks it’s money.
It’s a massive corporation scheme that we are so entrenched in thinking as a government from birth, it’s brainwashed. Let’s say the Federal Reserve buys a $1000 bond after putting away 10% into their reserves. They are then able to loan out 90% or $900. Since the original 1000 is still on deposit, the $900 in loan proceeds is more new money created out of nothing. A total of 1900 of new money is now available in the economy. Now the person that took the $900 loan spends that money. The payee then deposits the $900 into their bank account, and once again reserves and deposits increase.
This process goes on and on, until that original thousand dollar bond, which was created from nothing, becomes $10,000, making this one full fledged debt machine, while also devaluing the dollar. The more money that is out in the economy, the more the value decreases. There’s no wonder that since the implementation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the dollar has lost over 95% of its value. The US dollar will eventually be destroyed due to an overwhelming financial crisis, and a globalist run monetary authority will come along to save the day. And much like the Fed pretends that its goal is to prevent another great depression, the global currency will pledge to prevent another financial crisis, thus putting more power into the hands of a few and enslaving humanity that much more.
I know its kind of complicated, but long story short, because this money is an IOU from the government. At the end of the day, the government, the federal, the capital, the corporation is who actually owes the bill. He also mentions a book. Shepherd citations. Shepherd citations is another one of those books like Black’s law dictionary, or the UCC code, or the US code, something that you would want to get into, just to see what mechanisms you have to interface with these people in their own system. I know it’s complicated. It’s dry. Check out Carl Miller. He says it quick.
He says it best. Here he is. Title 31, United States code. And we’re going to quote it. Except as otherwise provided by law, all stocks, bonds, treasury notes, and other obligations of the United States government shall be exempt from state, municipal, and local authorities. This exemption extends to every form of taxation. It would require either the obligations or the interests thereon, or both be considered directly or indirectly in the computation of the tax. The Memphis bank versus state of Tennessee at El Garner. Notice this is Memphis bank versus state of Tennessee at El Garner. Everybody got that? That’s recorded at volume 459 US, page 392.
Okay, right here. You can see that. Okay, now, what this case is, is this is a supreme Court case that says that title 31, United States code, section 742, is the supreme law of land. Quoted. Right in here is exactly what I just quoted to you right here, except as otherwise provided by law. Notice it says, all stocks, funds, treasury notes, and other obligations in the United States shall be exempt from state taxation by or under state or municipal or local authority. Now, what does this mean? What are they talking about here? This exemption extends to every form of taxation that would require that either the obligations or the interest thereon, or both be considered, directly or indirectly, in the computation of the tax.
This is a unique tax argument. See, when the state spun off the article one, section ten, gold and silver standard, you can’t pay anyway because of Michigan compiled Laws Act 21.153. You cannot tender anything other than go the silver coin to an officer of the government without being a party to a felony. On top of that, how do they figure the tax? Let’s look at our property taxes. This is a big issue. A lot of people get involved with this. Property taxes are tired of being taxed right out of their home. This tax argument is specifically for you.
They come to your house, they set a value on your house. They tell you that, oh, your house is worth $100,000. So we’re going to tax it at a 50% interest, which would be $50,000 at the 50% amortization value. We’ll figure your house as a $50,000 bracket area, and then we’re going to go seven points on that 7%, or whatever the percentage is. Now, stop for a second here. How did they figure the value on your house? Well, I said $50,000. There is no dollars. What dollars? You got no dollars? You got dollars? I ain’t got no dollar.
Dollars of what? Dollars of coffee beans. I don’t think so. The bottom line is they stay talking Federal Reserve notes, and they’re putting the commodity item at the reserve notes. Now, what did they just do? Except it’s otherwise provided by law. Oh. Stocks, bonds, treasury notes. What is. What is the Federal Reserve note? The treasury notes and other obligations of the United States. What obligations? Title twelve, section 411 says the said note shall be deemed to be obligations of the United States government. Whoop. Now, wait a minute. Let’s see. Let’s look at this again. Except as otherwise provided by law, all stocks, bonds, treasury notes and other obligations of the United States shall be exempt from taxation.
Buyer under state or municipal or local authority. Does that mean they can’t figure a tax by using obligations of the United States government? You’re right. You’re absolutely right. This exemption extends to every form of taxation that would require either the obligations or the interest thereon, or both be considered, directly or indirectly, in the computation of the tax. Now, what are they doing when they figure this 50% amortization of value, and then they add so many points, percent, and they attack that on. And then they say, well, you owe us this much. Aren’t they using federal reserve notes indirectly? They are, aren’t they? And they’re forbidden from doing that.
The Supreme Court says this is the supreme law of land. Well, guess what, folks. This case was originally brought in the matter of people versus shepherd out of Lansing. And after that case, they went in all the law books and they pulled out title 31, section 742. That’s how scared they are of this title. And we went to shepherd citations, and we noted that in shepherd citations, there was no note that says annulled, repealed or otherwise transferred to some other law. There’s a hole there, folks. It starts at title 31, section 734, and then there’s a hole, and then it goes to 752.
What happened here? They went and all the law books and pulled this argument out. Why do you think they did that? Because every state in the union that went off the gold and silver standard under article one, section ten, was locked out of taxing the citizenry in any capacity by the use of obligations of the United States government. That’s the only thing you got in your hand, folks. So rather than play that game, they went in all law books and pulled it out. Then they went in shepherd citations, and instead of putting a note down there as to what happened, they just created a void.
What is that evidence of fraud? Does not fraud void the contract? Last time I checked, it did. Now, I want you to pay attention to this stuff and get locked in on this argument. And don’t try this until you’ve at least practiced a little bit. But anybody that’s getting jammed on their property taxes or any other taxes for the state, lock their heel is all I got to say. So just to sum it up, if you’re done paying property taxes, remove the booby traps, which is just their crappy title they give you. Get all the evidence you can that you own the property that it traces back to you.
And then you want to get your legal argument, start looking at Supreme Court case law. There’s a bunch of different directions to go. Kara Miller has a bunch of great case law and other arguments that really just provide great concepts. Then basically you would stop paying your taxes. And as soon as they go after you, you defend yourself with questions based on the information. You know, you say, this is my legal argument. Hopefully that makes sense. And just remember, you can rewatch all of this. It’s not going anywhere. So real quick, income taxes. If you work for someone else, this is kind of irrelevant because you can’t stop what they’re going to do to your paycheck.
You would have to educate them on this and then get them to take a stand. If you own your own business and you’re worried about paying income tax, I have a couple different things for you. So number one, can you pay your state income tax with a treasury note? I’m going to probably lean in the direction of no. So you could say to them, I’m sorry, I can’t pay your state income taxes because it would be a felony for me to pay with a federal note. You need gold or silver. Again, you would have to get into your state’s case law to see what supreme court decisions were made in your state.
And you’d have to check out your state’s laws. And the most important thing about this is this. When you’re working with your state’s laws, the hierarchy of the constitution, and then things that overlay it happen all over again. So you have constitutional rights within your state from that constitution. And the state always is going to keep adding laws on top of that. None of those laws matter because you have domain. So when you go back to your state’s raw constitution, if you can articulate an argument from those rights that bypasses any law, it’s easily doable. So if you said you had the right to life, liberty and happiness based on the Declaration of Independence that your forefathers signed for this country, if you have a right to life, liberty and happiness, you can work how you see fit because your happiness relies on what you do for a living.
So you could take that argument and say, no, I’m not going to pay income taxes. And if they say, well, yeah, you are, you say, no, I’m not. And you wait until either they bring you to court or you bring them to court, then you bring it to the Supreme Court. Then when it’s up there, I guarantee they’re going to be in your favor because you have a constitutional based argument. And I can guarantee you if you look at the case law, you’re going to find a bunch of golden cases that nobody even knows exists, that people already doing this to this day that you can reference and just be done with it.
There’s no waiting. It’s just done. And they’re like, yep, you’re right. The long process of a lawsuit only happens when you’re dealing in commerce and you don’t have anybody who knows their rights. When somebody knows their rights and knows case law, things can happen very quickly. Keep in mind, they absolutely cannot tax labor. So, for instance, if you’re providing a service for people and you think you have to pay taxes on that, like, for instance, if you’re doing construction and then you go and you buy a bunch of materials which you’re paying tax on when you buy them from the store, and the store is paying tax when they’re buying them in bulk, and then you give them to your customer, and then you have to pay taxes on the whole amount of money that you’re paid for those materials.
It’s all in how you word it and it’s all in how you proceed. And people don’t understand. They can’t see it, so they just don’t know. So basically, in a construction environment, what you would do is if you bought materials for your customer, you’d give those materials to them for free and you would just add those charges to your overall service charge or your labor charge. So in Vermont, where I live, they don’t charge tax on labor. And it’s built into the actual laws here. So that’s it when it comes to state. And again, you can come up with your own arguments and there’s a bunch of different ways to do this.
I’m just trying to teach you how to fish. Now let’s get into federal, the commerce, the corporation. Now we’re running out of time. So most of this I’m going to put in coursework, but I’m going to show you a quick clip of them slipping up and saying the truth. You’re going to see that in a minute, but just understand. And again, this will be in the coursework that Trump, you can’t see his taxes because he doesn’t pay taxes. And the reason why he doesn’t pay taxes is because he doesn’t file taxes. The reason why he doesn’t file taxes is because obviously you should know by now, if you file taxes or if you register your car, if you do any of these things, you’re giving up your rights.
When you know your rights and you assert them, they cannot touch you. You don’t have to participate. And of course, somebody with that much money would have this information. So that’s why you can’t see Trump’s tax records, is because they don’t exist. I think the president actually said it better. He said that the handling of those tax exempt applications in that process at the IR’s was outrageous and intolerable. No excuse. And as much as we know that the folks at IR’s have a thankless job because they have to go and tell their fellow Americans that they may be audited or they have to do this work understaffed, we have to maintain the confidence in the system.
Because it’s a voluntary system of payment of our taxes, agreed. Because it’s a voluntary system of payment of our taxes, agreed. And so you are right, it was a foolish mistake. But the president’s even more correct that it was outrageous and intolerable. And so what we find is a situation where inexcusable activity took place because it erodes the confidence of the american people in a system where they participate voluntarily. And if there’s a place in public service where you have to have the highest level of conduct and standards, it’s at the IR’s. And so, Mister Miller, I think it’s unfortunate for those who are in positions of authority, the buck has to stop somewhere.
And I think that’s exactly what we’re saying. That should not diminish the good work that has been done by anyone within the IR’s over the years. And so I hope you understand that you are here today talking to us, because we need to get to the bottom of this. We need to clean up and clear out so we can go back to the business of making sure that people respect the fact that we have a voluntary system of paying our taxes, making sure that people respect the fact that we have a voluntary system of paying our taxes, entire currency supply is nothing but a couple of bucks whipped up in this hocus pocus scam where the treasury and the Federal Reserve swap glorified ious and a bunch of numbers that the banks just type into their computers.
That’s it. That’s our entire currency supply. It’s nothing but a supply of numbers. Some of them printed, most of them typed, and there is nothing else. But if you thought that was crazy, get ready to enter the twilight zone of modern economics. We work for some of that currency supply. True wealth is your time. But we trade away moments of our lives, hour by hour, day by day, and year by year, for numbers that somebody printed on pieces of paper or just typed into a computer. Now, those numbers represent our blood, sweat, tears, labor, ideas, and talent.
Do a recap on this section, because this is where the system begins to rob you and I on a massive scale. Much of our taxes are not used for schools, roads, and public services, but to pay interest on bonds that the Federal Reserve bought with a check drawn on an account that has nothing in it. The Federal Reserve is committing fraud. But here’s one of the biggest secrets of them all. Before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, there was no need for personal income tax. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913, and that very same year, the Constitution was amended to allow income tax.
Do you really think this was just a coincidence? Ask yourself how much income tax you’ve paid over your lifetime. Much of it has been silently siphoned away into the hands of those who own the system. Now, in the coursework, you’ll also see multiple a handful of former IR’s agents who were special agents, high up, and they discovered what they were doing was actually illegal, and now they actually work to reverse what they were doing. And I’ve helped so many people get their money back, and that’s not a business pitch. It literally will blow your mind. Trust me, if there was more time in this series, I’d include it right now.
Anyways, I hope this all makes sense. We’re almost done. The big picture here, and then you’ll be off on your own to fill in the blanks. Let’s get explain something that. Damn it, let’s do it. I’m trying to explain to you. When they tell you get out of debt, that’s stupid, because the money is debt, and the only way money gets out of debt is via taxes. All the people who work for money, if you read rich dad, poor dad, what’s lesson number one? Rich people don’t work for money. Correct. Money is debt. I use debt as money, and everybody thinks getting in debt is bad.
Well, who told you that? I think the stock market is for losers. Why would you put money in the stock market when it’s manipulated? That’s what I think about some. Always watching the manipulation going on behind the scenes. That’s what my brain is focusing on all the time. And I don’t pay taxes. Question is, how is it I don’t pay taxes? I can tell you that’s an important question, because most people are so. Most Romanians and most people in the United States cheat on their taxes because they hate taxes so much. But you don’t have to cheat on taxes if you understood how money was working.
You think Donald Trump pays taxes? No. Nobody has seen his tax returns. Yeah, I know him. He’s my friend. We don’t pay taxes. That’s the question. How is it we do that? That’s an intelligent question. The reason you can’t ask me this question, because you don’t know how I do it. What led you on this investigation? To figure out whether or not paying income taxes was legitimate, was legal, was constitutional. And how did you have this, like, come to Jesus moment about federal taxes? My entire professional life revolved around the income tax. Earned a degree in accounting from San Jose State University back in the eighties, and earned my CPA certificate from the state of California, California.
And so I was hired in San Francisco, sworn in in November of 1993. But my, like, as I say, my entire professional life revolved around the income tax. I expected to spend a full 20 year career, law enforcement career, with the IR’s. I was having the time of my life living and working in the city that I grew up in, San Jose, and being a federal agent, a federal criminal investigator. So if any bias at all against the information that I came upon, it was that this stuff couldn’t possibly be true. And so I was listening to this talk show, and he had a guest on his show, and she started talking about the income tax and saying that it was voluntary, that there wasn’t a law passed by Congress and signed by the president that made most Americans required to pay the federal income tax.
And if you can imagine me driving around in my government car with my handcuffs and Sig Sauer nine millimeter, and, you know, saying, lady, this tax ain’t voluntary, right? Because of this talk show host and how truthful all of the previous guests had been and how truthful he was. He was like a colonel in the special forces of the army. Just a real trustworthy guy. So I thought, well, something’s wrong. Here. And so I just started to deploy my training to investigate these claims to see what’s this all about. At the time, they were called illegal tax protesters.
So the IR’s really had a, you know, a bad thing for them. And so I just began to gather facts and to cut, you know, give you the cash value after two, two and a half years was all through 1997 and 1998, going to the law library and really digging deep into these claims and using every skill that I could muster being a CPA. The IR’s trained me in Glencoe, Georgia, the federal law Enforcement Training center. Upstairs in this, we called it the gold building, believe it or not, where the IR’s was housed, because in San Jose, California, on Market street, it’s literally got gold windows.
Upstairs was the IR’s of law library. And so one of the claims was that the IR’s own internal manuals called the Internal Revenue Manual, or IRM as the acronym inside that manual, it would actually say that the IR’s criminal investigation division that I worked in, or the examination division, which is where the auditors are, or the collection division, where the guys that steal your. Or take money out of your bank account and put liens on your houses and those things. If you look at the Internal Revenue manual, you’ll see that it actually lays out that the jurisdiction, you know, the reach, the ability of these IR’s agents is limited to Americans who are living and working abroad outside the country, not inside the country where you’d expect, because that’s where we see them.
They’re on tv, they’re out there doing their audits and investigations. And I thought, well, that couldn’t possibly be true. So I went upstairs to the law library and flipped through the official internal revenue manual that the IR’s, you know, keeps for their own lawyers and accountants. And there it was. In fact, I’ve got that on my website. On the landing page, agentfortruth.com dot these copies of the Internal Revenue manual that I looked at and thought, wow, well, this isn’t a lie. This is exactly as these people that the IR’s called illegal tax protesters are saying, that the IR’s own admission in their own bible, you know, their own manual says that their reach, their jurisdiction, is limited to Americans living and working abroad.
He was being tried for four counts of not filing his income tax. And our question was, well, what is to decide? Either he did or he didn’t. It never occurred to us that he might actually be innocent, while at the same time not filing in the federal government it is not a felony not to file taxes. Finally they said, okay, if we’re gonna get this guy, we’re gonna have to put it in the state. They called up the IR’s agent. Agent Craner. Crane, yeah. Robert Kranner. This is Ken Dory, who’s also an investigator with the Department of request for a copy of the delegation and ability order.
Right. And I talked to my I about that. And he said that Mike badges that the last question that the defense asked him was, did you write any of this down? And Agent Krainer looked right at him and right at us. And he said, I never wrote anything down. And yet when we saw the video, there he was writing notes, you know. And so I’m thinking, okay, at this point, the judge is supposed to say, Agent Krainer, it is clear that you have committed perjury. It wasn’t even noticed. It finally came to the climax. Mister Harrel looked right at the prosecutor and he said, I will tell you the same thing I have told over and over again to government officials.
You show me the law that requires me to file a tax return, and I’ll be glad to do it. And you’re going to ask your requires requirement that you find. And the requirement under the regulations is. My question to you is, what particular act are we discussing here? That I am liable to do these things and I’m liable to. Your exact question would be, what is the section that what? But I guess I’m still not understanding your question, mister. Mister, you must be familiar, what you have the fixed powers to enforce. The prosecutor absolutely ignored him.
And he started slandering Mister Harrell, just started attacking his character. They’re calling us tax chiefs, they’re calling us fanatics, they’re calling us weirdos. I don’t care what you call me, but I have one question. Where is the law? They can’t let this turn into a rational debate, because if they do, they lose it. So they have to insult people and say it’s frivolous. We felt like that there was an overall arrogance. And that they were railroading Mister Harrell and wanting us to participate. Judge Coogan, he looked right at us and he said, I will instruct the jury according to the law.
We were sent to deliberation. The judge promised us that he would give us the law. And we looked and we looked, and it was not there. We wrote a note to the judge asking for a copy of the law. Ten minutes later, we get a note back. You have everything you need. But there was no law. And he had promised us. At that point, I thought, betrayed. I felt like this man promised us the law. And that’s what this whole thing is about. The law, we request it, and he still denies us the law. And the reason they didn’t do it was why? Because there is no law.
Remember, we’re talking about the Illinois state law here, okay? Which is a law in Illinois. So we got out that law and we read it several times. And I said, okay, wait, wait, wait. You know, because they kept saying, but this is a law in Illinois. And I said, look at the beginning of it. It says, anyone required to file a federal income tax return is required to file an Illinois tax return. I said, if it is true that he’s not required to file a federal return, then that nullifies the Illinois law. Two people that they kept saying, but he’s going to get by with it.
And I said, what is he getting by with but his rights? If there is no law, he’s not breaking a law. He’s just standing on his rights. Are we going to deny him that? That’s when this one juror is sat back and kind of rolled his eyes and he said, you mean we don’t have to pay taxes? All of a sudden, we realized that this trial was much bigger. And the ramifications of this trial were going to be so broad if it actually got out. I mean, it’s like, it’s like we had just discovered this great government secret.
And so when we came out for the delivering of the verdict, the judge was, I’m sure even at this point, I’m sure he still thought we would pass given guilty verdict. And the reason I say that is because of the look on his face when the first not guilty was read. His face just turned white. I mean, it’s like, I don’t believe this. The second time, you could hear people out in the audience, just in the courtroom, you know, just going, wow, you know, and the judge is just getting red in the face. And he was just livid.
And the judge got up and left. I sat there and I thought, this truly is a victory for the people. And I have never felt more patriotic. And I knew that we had done the right thing. I looked at that man, Mister Harrel, and I thought the system might not work all the time, but this time, for that man, it did. In November 2004, the government arrested former IR’s criminal investigator, Joe Bannister. They charged him with fraud for telling the american people the truth about the income tax laws. The jury obviously agreed with Joe? Well, it just showed Mister Bannister to be honest and straightforward and working within the law.
Vernus Cooglan, a Federal Express pilot, claimed there was no law requiring Americans to file an income tax. She also went in court, 24 people were criminally charged by the IR’s because they claimed there was no law requiring them to file an income tax return. The fact is, neither the judge nor the prosecutor nor the IR’s could bring that statute in there because it’s not in the books. The jury came back with an acquittal for everyone. So up till now, we taught you about the history and the origins of the powers, how they want us to forget our rights so we don’t have any.
We told you about the lawsuits, which is the system of complaints, the tort laws and contract agreements, right? The case law we got into, the taxes, the mortgages. So pretty much you should have a really good view of how their system works. Now, in this section, we’re going to get in and we’re going to explain to you all the mechanisms you could use to actually make yourself a warrior, to make a difference, or to just defend yourself. Now, the most important part about all this information isn’t to know it and then use it right away. It’s to listen to it multiple times, reach that saturation point.
Get fluent with the information so you remember it, and then get fluent with your arsenal so you know what you have access to. If anything comes your way, whether somebody’s trying to attack you, or if you decide you need to help somebody else, or if it’s time to just go after the big players. So your best weapon is probably the metaphor of your crown. You have to remember that you’re king, and you ask questions as if you were royalty. So that means you have to remember your rights, know that this is your domain, so have confidence.
That’s key. And then you ask questions that you know if they’ll answer it, it’ll incriminate them. Now, if they incriminate themselves by answering your question, you have to make sure you have evidence of that. So make sure you always keep notes. Keep evidence of everything, what time it happened, what date it happened. Send letters, certified. One other thing in your arsenal that’s very close to questions. It’s probably the amplification of questions would be the metaphor of the magnifying glass. This would represent the FOIA or the Freedom of Information act request. So, July 4, 1966, President Lyndon B.
Johnson enacted the Freedom of Information act request to obtain records specifically from the federal government agencies or the District of Columbia or the Freemasons. The reason why this was created was because all of society in the sixties and seventies basically scrutinizing the government because of the Vietnam War. Also the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, where President Nixon’s administration was involved in illegal services. Looks like the Freemasons got caught back in that year. Also, there was a massive civil rights movement where people were discovering these things that I’m trying to teach you here in the 1950s and sixties.
So based on all of these things, there is a massive desire for transparency. So they created the Freedom of Information act request, or the FOIA, which can literally get almost any information you want from these people. And this is really how you incriminate them. In one of the best ways ever. You can get a FOIA request from anything from a body camera on a police officer to security footage in a federal government building. A really good example is when Mike Pompeo, during COVID went onto the podium and said that we are in a live exercise. I still haven’t had anybody submit a FOIA requesting what that live exercise was.
That’s a very intriguing, very important piece of evidence that I think we can all get. I think that should be your first piece of homework. That should be your first FOIA request that you submit. So here’s a little clip about what I’m talking about, and then let’s just get in real quick on the format of a FOIA and the details. Excuse me. We’ll do it in a second. There’s been some discussion about China and what they knew and when they knew it, and I’ve been very critical. We need to know immediately. The world is entitled to know.
The chinese government was the first to know of this risk to the world, and that puts a special obligation to make sure that data, the data gets to our scientists, our professionals. This is not about retribution. This matters going forward. We’re in a. A live exercise here. We’re in a live exercise here. To get this right. We need to make sure that even today, the data sets that are available to every country, including data sets that are available to the Chinese Communist Party, are made available to the whole world. It’s a. It’s an imperative to keep people safe.
So, first of all, this is the way it works. You simply send them some correspondence asking them for information underneath a FOIA request, and they have to do it for you. So basically, you send them a letter saying, hey, my name is so and so. I’m submitting this for you request for this information. On this day, in this subject, in this format, make sure you give them as much details as possible so they don’t say, hey listen, this is going to take forever because you need this massive data or you need all of these pieces of paper mailed to you.
So it’s going to cost this much money. You got to keep all these things in mind. So a lot of the times you’re going to want to ask them to send it to you via email, digital style within a PDF. They will usually charge you, but only for pieces of paper or for expenses that they have. They’re not going to just charge you to charge you money. That’s not the way it works. And you can request it being done for free. So all these agencies do probably have FOIA emails. You can send direct foias to their direct department, but it’s always best to send it through the mail through a certified letter.
That way you have evidence that they received it in case they don’t work with you, which is very, very rare. Once they receive the request they have 20 days to fulfill the request. Sometimes it can be extended through certain circumstances, like if there needs to be some time for processing large amounts of data and records or if they need to consult with other agencies. If they don’t respond to the FOIA request in a limited time frame, you can then file a complaint or a lawsuit for injunctive relief to make them respond to you. Injunctive relief just means you make someone do something.
You can also complain to the Office of Government Information Services and there’s a bunch of other remedies, but let’s hope that you don’t get to that point. Obviously, all of this being said, one of the best resources for information when it comes to exposing these people are these databases that exist out here with all of the Freedom of Information act requests that have been returned that you can search. All of that juicy information that somebody took the time to request exists in certain places. This is one of the sites right here. Whatdoheyknow.com? now again, this may not be for your area, but you can do and maybe find one for your area or maybe even start to create your own database.
Maybe that’s why you were born to do that and you’re hearing this so you can make that happen for the world. Let’s go over the live exercise FOIA example that I have for you. So you can use this as a template. It’s pretty easy. So what we have on the top left, simple things. We need the date, who you’re sending it to in their address if they have an email. If you’re sending an email, you can also include their email. You can include any information identifying information to the agency you’re sending it to as possible. The reason for this is so they know.
And so if you’re ever using this as evidence, it’s very clear what this is, who it was to what it was about. Just keep in mind, going through all of this, we need to act as if we’re going to be going to court using this as evidence, even if you’re not. That’s just how you proceed in this domain. At the bottom, make sure you put your name, your return address, and your email contact information as well. Now, the body of it, you’re going to say to whom it may concern, and then you want to make an official declaration that this is in fact a Freedom of Information act request.
And then you say, I hereby request disclosure of these records, including the following information. Keep in mind this format was taken from a news agency. You’re pretty much going to want this format and everything but the specific details you can change. So in this case, we want a full, accurate and complete list of the original records held within your office and or under your authority. That’s key. Describing the live exercise, Mike Pompeo, who was the secretary of defense in 2020, was speaking about during his specific White House briefing on 320. More specifically, all records kept on all or any live exercises active or during the month of March that the United States secretary of state was involved with.
Now, breaking this down, all that it’s asking for is the most specific thing that you can ask for. So you pick exactly what you want, figure out who can get it to you, and then you ask them in the most detailed way as possible, making a firm declaration. So the rest of this FOIA template is something you want to include, and all it does is it covers all of their potential excuses that they usually pull when they don’t want to get you information. So let me read this for you. This request is for an electronic copy or extract of data in a standard machine readable data format that is easily imported by software.
So that’s just saying we want it digital, we want our computer to be able to read it, because they’ve probably given files before that were unreadable. If you regard any of the request of records as subject to exemption from requirements disclosure under the law, I hereby request that you exercise your discretion and disclose them nonetheless. So that’s just saying, hey, listen, if anything’s redacted if you can expose it, please expose it. If you decide to withhold any requested records, please do not deny them in their entirety. Do not deny the entire request and release the information available under law.
If you cannot fulfill certain parts of this request or certain portions, claim to be exempt, explain in writing the justification for the redacting record. Indicate the extent of any redaction. The portion of the record which is made available or published and were technically feasible indicate on the redacted portion itself the specific exemptions claim. So that’s just saying, if you’re going to give me a piece of paper that has a bunch of black lines through it, I’m going to need you to tell me why you put those there. And even on the paper, you’re going to go ahead and just give me an excuse while you put those there, because that’s ridiculous.
I make the request on behalf of my family, friends, and community, in which we all communicate often about certain issues in our area. The records disclosed will be shared and used around this community and made public accordingly. I request that you waive all fees in the public interest because the furnishings of information sought by this request will primarily benefit the public and is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government. If, however, you decline to waive all fees, I am prepared to pay any associated fees. Just please notify me.
So that’s just saying, hey, listen, if you’re going to charge me, I’ll pay, but please don’t charge me, because this isn’t really for me, this is for everybody else. And at the same time, this is letting them know that you’ve got some people backing you. So if they screw around, there are going to be consequences. And that’s pretty much it. I hope that makes sense. You could take this concept and apply it to any FOIA request. So the next important power is your armor. In this case, it represents the power of the private. So basically, your pockets, your vehicles, your house can’t enter or search certain things, of course, without their reasons and you giving them jurisdiction.
These things are all private. Your pockets are private, your backpacks, private, your house is private, your car is private. These are all private things. And they have to do certain things in order to have access to those private things. So while you’re in the private, you’re operating underneath a very, very thick shield of common law jurisdiction. Their commerce, B’s, Vail jurisdiction, cannot penetrate that private when you know your rights and you stick to them. So instead of saying private, you can just think of it as common law. You’re in your common law aura. So you may say, well, what if I didn’t give a police officer jurisdiction over me and he still searched me or still did something to me that I don’t like? At that point, that police officer is operating in an individual capacity.
They think they’re operating under the color of law, but they’re not. At that point, you would sue that specific person, not the police agency, but that person is now violating your rights. If everybody sued every officer that violated their rights, if they knew this information, it wouldn’t be happening anymore. The police don’t even know what they’re doing because they never have anybody to teach them. There’s never any consequences to show them that what they’re doing is wrong. If nobody holds them accountable, then they’re doing nothing wrong. It’s that simple. You have to remember what the police are.
They’re policy police. They police the policy for the corporation. It’s like if you had Walmart with security officers that went to your house and knocked on your door and asked you for information, you’d be like, Walmart, what are you doing? It’s the same thing. The us corporation is a business. They have their corporate officers everywhere. Once you realize what they are, not only are you not scared anymore, no more intimidation, but you’re pissed. You’re like, what are you doing? Do you even know what you’re doing? And they’re over here with a gun on their hip telling you you can’t have a gun.
A corporation is telling you that. Now there’s this man, David Lesser, straight, who’s been speaking on the constitution, telling you similar information that I’m telling you he’s got a lot of good information, but some of the things he says are things that you absolutely should not do. And I’ve already covered those and told you you shouldn’t do them. So if you do check out his information, just remember all the things I said. He’s one of the people who doesn’t fully have it. And when you look at the an interview, if you haven’t seen that yet, she gets into that a little bit because she’s the one who taught him.
Anyways, the point of why I bring him up, he says something amazing about what he actually experienced regarding the police in the United Nations. I don’t know how legitimate it is. I feel like it’s very true because it lines up with everything. I feel like it’s true to the extent where I got to show you right now. Check this out. Every city police force in the United States is United Nations. I built the dish. I built the city of Bend Police department building. And on the blueprints there were two locker rooms and both rooms were identified identical.
But when I built the city of Bend Police department building, I had to build two locker rooms. And I said, how come? Because this one’s filled with the duty uniforms and this one’s filled with their United nations uniforms. If you look at State House Department publication 6227, written in 1961, it’s an order from the United nations to tell the police departments to begin to find ways to confiscate our firearms. The foreign nation has to work through our state department so all the police get instructed from the state Department. We found this out in Houston, Texas when the floods happened a few years ago and the Houston city of Houston Police Department Department had to put on blue uniforms.
There’s warehouses all over this country with UN vehicles, ataks, assault vehicles in them, all over this country that the chief of police has access to. He can’t touch it until the United nations tells him he has to. Three suspects in California are accused of running a fake police department and put under arrest. One of the suspects even works for California Attorney General Kamar Harris. I’m 48 hours crimesiders. Michelle Segona. The ruse began in January when the San Diego sheriff’s office says various police chiefs in Southern California began to receive letters from the masonotic fraternal Police Department.
The letter said specifically that David Henry was now the chief and he was requesting a meeting with each agency. According to to a press release, Captain Roosevelt Johnson of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriffs office actually accepted a meeting with Henry, Tonnette Hayes and Brandon Kiel. They showed up dressed in uniforms and said they were setting up shop in the area. All three were arrested and now charged with impersonating a peace officer. The group claims to have jurisdiction in 33 states and in Mexico. They allegedly believe their descendant of the Knights Templar and that their group was founded 3000 years ago.
But medieval scholars say their claims are incorrect and that the Knights Templar was founded during the 12th century crusades in Jerusalem. Their mission was to protect pilgrims visiting the holy city, and they answered to the pope. Some historians speculate that they were tasked with finding precious religious relics during the wars. The Legend of the Knights has been featured in popular Hollywood films like the Da Vinci Code, the Knights Templar. But the Templars were created to protect the holy land. That was a cover, a national treasure. As for the suspects, police say after serving a search warrant they uncovered an array of badges, weapons, uniforms, and even police type cars and equipment at two different residences.
A next door neighbor who referred to David Henry and tonight Hayes as a couple, spoke out to KCB. I always see them with their uniform, so I thought they were part of any chief department. I didn’t know it was something fake or. On the website, the group describes how they are different from police departments. The site says, quote, we are born into this organization. Our bloodlines go deeper than an application. This is more than a job. It’s an obligation. Investigators have not determined a purpose or a motive for the organization. Authorities also believe others may be involved, and they’re accepting your tips to lead them to other suspects.
Keep tracking this bizarre case at our website and for 48 hours. Crime cider. I’m Michelle Segona. So I have made it my business to investigate the gangs that are proliferating inside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. I found 18 gangs that are currently functioning inside the sheriff’s department. Police gangs. Police gangs. We’ve got the executioners, the cavemen, the Vikings, tasmanian devils, cowboys pirates. There’s a ton. Man, that’s got to be a dangerous, dangerous job for you. They got to hate you. Oh, 100% they hate me. I mean, matter of fact, just on Monday night, the sheriff of Los Angeles county did an hour long radio show where he just spent an hour bashing me and threatening me.
That’s not the first time that happened. He actually threatened to post my home address on Garrett. Yes. An 18 year old by the name of Andres Guardado was killed by two alleged deputy gang members in the gang called the executioners. And it came out pretty quickly that the two deputies that shot him were alleged gang members trying to get into the gang. Because that’s how you get in. You get in by killing a civilian. So a cop gets into a gang. A cop gang, allegedly by killing a civilian. That’s correct. People already look at the police as a gang.
Can’t speak on other branches. But I was in the army for four years, so. I know about the army. All right. Yeah. You know, I. I got out as the e four. But what I know, there’s two sides of the army. There’s the enlisted side and the officer side, all right? And I was deployed with a staff sergeant, which is an e six. And I noticed him studying some Freemason shit, right. When we were in Afghanistan, during some downtime, he was reading a book with the. With the logo on the COVID and shit. The Freemason logo.
Right. And so I said, I don’t really ask him about freemasonry at that time. I didn’t really. My. That’s not really where my head was at. But asked him, I said, well, what’s up with that shit right there? What are you. What are you studying? You know what I mean? He’s trying to become a Freemason because he said you’ll learn about it as your army career progresses. But he didn’t call it a secret society. He called it a fraternity, all right? And he said, freemasons are basically your fraternity. And in order to get your e eight, which is a master sergeant or a first sergeant, in the army, you got to be part of the Freemasons.
On the enlisted side, e eight and e nine are the key leadership roles, all right? Like, I mean, you know, they try to tell you in the army, like, oh, NCO’s are the backbone of the army. And all those e five and e six s sergeants and staff sergeants that are out there with the soldiers or the backbone of the army, which may be true, but all they’re really doing is relaying orders from freemasons, all right? And the freemasons that are higher in the ranks of 31st, 32nd, 33 degree freemasons that are up there, you know, at the top of the pyramid, all right? Like, they don’t have good intentions for us.
And like JFK said in his secret society speech, you know, he gave a speech on this shit, and he said they’re gonna push their agenda by ways of infiltration instead of invasion, which is what they’re already doing. They have a vision for this world, and Satan has gotten into their souls and has led them to believe that they’re like the gatekeepers of humanity, and they got to eliminate all these people. You know, over my dead body. Is some shit like that going to happen. All right? Yeah. So do you know the difference between police and sheriffs? Sheriffs are police that are elected by the people, and that’s a constitutional policeman in all reality.
And police are literally the fed police, the fake police. Do you see the difference? Are you starting to see this now? So just remember, this is a corporation trying to muscle you around, and we’re born into it. So we’ve been thinking that it’s this government this whole time, and that if you mess with the government, big brother’s gonna get you. Yes, they will get you unless you know your rights and you find like minded people and group with them. Safety in numbers. So we’ve talked about the private, private property. They can’t touch it. Safety in numbers.
How do you combine those? Private member association. PMA, or private club, or what the freemasons are, or what all of the churches are, or what the Vatican is? Private member association. If you’ve got an Elks club or Elks lodge in your area where all the veterans go and drink, those are pmas as well. Let’s get in very slightly to the power of pmas, and then I’ll direct you to the coursework where you’ll see an interview with the master of pmas who’s actually fought in court to defend his pmas all throughout the United States, which honestly is so commendable and amazing.
Great guy. So the overall understanding of a PMA is all you need to do is have a contract that each member signs that stipulates the agreement between you and the other members. It can be very simple, and it can be as complicated as having bylaws, a constitution and member contracts. And even more than that, that outlines how your private club operates, different times you meet, etc. Etc. The more complicated you make it, the more legit of a case you have. If you ever go to court. So you can have a constitution, you can have bylaws, you can make it a whole private club.
It’s the same thing as like an elite social club. They all do this, they have this information. So if you don’t want to start an LLC underneath all of that B’s, then you would start a PMA, a private member association, and you only need you and maybe two other people. So it’s basically another way to create a business. The gentleman that I interviewed, he was running a grocery store, and I think he wanted it to be tax exempt, because pmas are tax exempt. If you’re getting paid yourself for your labor, it needs to be done a certain way.
Anyways, all he did was when a customer came in to check out, they’d sign a piece of paper. They’re then members, and then they check out and leave. There was no separation at the door. There was no bylaws, there was no other complication other than one piece of paper. So he did that very easy, no big deal. Now, if you’re going to do something that is more risky, or if you’re going to do something that is going to draw more attention, then you may want to have something more legit to intimidate them and to show the court that you know exactly what you’re doing.
So I’ll give you an example of something that I did. So my area legalized cannabis but didn’t give any of us a place to smoke it. And you can’t smoke it publicly. You can only smoke it in the private. So I developed a private member association with bylaws, a contract. I even invested lots of money into this, and it was perfect. And I even had my legal argument articulated in the member booklet that I’d give to everybody. And I taught everybody in the PMA, in the private club, how it worked. So that way everybody knew just in case they came after the club.
And if they were to put police out of when people were leaving, I would then have an argument ready to sue them for harassment. So I had everything articulated. That’s just the way I rolled, the reason why it didn’t work. I almost signed the lease in four different places, but each place had some sort of complication. One of the places, the owners all didn’t agree on what it was going to be used for. And then just weird coincidences stopped it from. From happening in other situations. And then I later realized, if you’re going to do something like that, if you’re going to press the envelope in your area, you’re going to want your own property.
Even though my state has statutes supporting the fact that you don’t need zoning laws, you can ignore the town board, select board, and city council, and anything they require. You don’t need zoning, you don’t need an alcohol license, don’t do this. But you could literally sell any drug and they can’t touch you as long as you’re selling the drug to your members. I was only going to offer a place for people to come and smoke instead of drinking because the new wave is not drinking alcohol. And if anybody’s going to have a vice, a lot of people like the smoke or vape.
So I was going to have a place where people came to be able to smoke, and I wasn’t going to need a weed license to sell weed. I wasn’t even going to do that. But you wouldn’t need a liquor license to sell alcohol or a marijuana license to sell weed because you’re operating under the private, two private members, and it takes you out of all of the commerce, and it keeps you in common law, and it ties you directly to the constitution of your state. When you’re in a private club, a private member association, you act like that whole area is the privacy of your house.
It’s basically like an island that the commerce jurisdiction cannot touch, and the state jurisdiction also cannot touch it because it’s protected by the Constitution. So you have to understand if you haven’t got the bigger picture. Now that we have the overall fake veil of the federal right of the capital, the fake veil of the US corporation that can be trumped by the fake veils constitution, right? All of the B’s laws on top of their fake veil can be trumped within their system by their constitution. All of that system of the fed and the US corporation can be trumped by each common law of each state, each constitution of each state, right? So within each state, we kind of have the whole thing happen all over again.
Within each state you have your constitution and then you have laws that they add on top of that over time. Okay. You can still use the original constitution of your state to argue against laws that are added within your state. These are multiple layers of a bigger organism. It is complex, but it’s easy at the same time. You just have to hear it the right way. I hope I’m telling you it the right way. So to wrap up private member associations, they’re very, very powerful. You just want to make sure you own your property, you’re not leasing and you don’t have a mortgage.
There were these people who opened up a cannabis smoke shop in New York and they did it constitutionally and they were protected. But in order to get to them, they got to their tobacco license. So even if you’re protected, they will try to exploit and find a weakness. Their tobacco license was connected to them and they said, if you keep messing with us, we’ll mess with this connection and there goes your tobacco shop. So they got scared and they closed down. So just keep in mind, whenever you do this, you’re going to want to be standing on all feet, not just 1ft.
So if you want to see an example of a PMA that I created, go to disclosureclub.com and you’ll see a bunch of things are underneath that specific member association. It’s disclosure club. Disclosure hub is a part of it and so is state Observers network, which is the press, which is what we’re going to get into next, the power of the press. So the press is a lot like a PMA, and it’s a lot like your power of your private. When you’re in your home, you’re taking the power of common law, the power of the original core constitution, the most powerful one of your state, and of their fake corporation set that we have a right to press.
So when you claim to be press again, you could be representing yourself. You could make a small organization that you just have a name in the back of your mind for you can have a website, it doesn’t really matter. You just need to know what you’re doing and know what your right is. You have the right to be press right. And all that is. It’s a constitution. Highlight of your God given right to be able to ask questions and inform the public. You also have the right to free speech. So within that right to free speech, you’re going to want to be going in and asking questions.
As I told you, with the crown and with the foia. The notebook under your arsenal represents press. You literally have the freedom to watch the us corporation police go and do anything they’re doing. You’ve got way more freedom than that. The freedom of the press gives you that overall shield of going in and being able to investigate what the scheme criminals are doing, if that makes sense. You used all of your rights in all of the tools in your arsenal here. You could use the power of the press to investigate what you should then figure out to FOIA, get your fOIA request, and then you have enough evidence to then file a complaint, which is file a lawsuit.
And then during that lawsuit you may even find more information. And by doing this over and over and over, you as one person could do the work of a whole squad of people who don’t have what I just told you here. This is the key. The last part of this is obviously militias. What is a militia? Militia, I like to think is basically a PMA, but a PMA where the members know that they may have to go and defend us at some point. Our forefathers and the Minutemen never were designed to attack. It’s never offense, it’s always defense.
So if you were to form a militia, it would just be a bunch of people who agree that they’re like minded and if anything happens, they’re there to lend a hand. So when you know all of these things, you can perform audits, like get pulled over, go through that, record it, get the videos out, you could do things to prove to yourself. Traffic tickets are a really good thing to try to challenge. If you get pulled over you, it’s a really good opportunity, if you get a ticket, to go and send them a letter in the mail and ask them how they have jurisdiction over you when you didn’t know that you signed the contract, you didn’t know the terms of the contract when you signed, and you just want to understand how they got the jurisdiction over you.
When you’re not driving a motor vehicle and operating under commerce again, you can ask these questions, anything you don’t understand from these courses, from these classes, you can go and you can ask these questions in a situation like a traffic ticket, like, hey, can you just help me understand, you know, with statutes and the constitution, how exactly you have jurisdiction over me, to influence me? Because if you don’t have jurisdiction over me, you’re trying to extort me for money. If you try to take my vehicle or my ability to drive, you’re trying to take away my ability to live life the way I need to live it.
And that’s not okay. So how exactly are you able to do that exactly? These are all the tools you can use. But the biggest thing here is it’s not about fishing. It’s about knowing how to fish. I am here at the post office because I’m about to send out several certified letters. I’ve got 13 certified letters requesting the bonds for each of the sheriffs in each of the counties of Arizona. And I also have two letters going out to obtain the governor’s bond in Arizona. Now, the governor’s bond in Arizona is a blanket bond. It’s unique to other states because technically, by federal law, each state is supposed to have every elected official carrying their own bond or liability or surety bond liability liability policy.
Okay, so it’s one of the other. It’s either they have to have to carry a bond or a surety bond liability policy. Now, in Arizona, they kind of manipulated the laws and they said that everybody could be covered under Ducey’s blanket bond. Ducey’s our governor, so I’ve got a request for that blanket bond. If I can get a hold of Ducey’s blanket bond, that means that we can go and file a letter of information to file a claim against their bond for every single superintendent in our entire state, every school superintendent, school district superintendent. Sorry, I have to be very specific.
So today what I’m doing is I’m requesting the bonds for each individual sheriff in our entire state. Then I’m requesting Ducey’s bond, and I’m sending that request to both Ducey and to the secretary, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs. Now, if Ducey and Katie Hobbs do not provide me with this blanket bond, which is required by law for them to provide me, then I will ask a sheriff to go and issue a warrant for their arrest because they are in direct violation of the law. And if the sheriff doesn’t issue the warrant, then I have their bonds.
Okay, so this is pretty intense, but I think that everyone should be doing this now because these people, they signed an oath to the constitution of the United States of America to uphold their duties. And if they do not uphold their duties, liable for a surety bond claim. And so I’m gonna go after these guys. I. All I need is one sheriff’s bond. If I can’t get Ducey’s bond, then I’m gonna go after the sheriff’s. So here we go, guys. Let’s get this. Let’s get this done. And in your state, most likely your individual elected official is bonded.
So let’s say you’re talking about the superintendent at your school district or the board of directors at your school district. Likely, they each carry their own bonds. But if they don’t provide those bonds to you, you can get the bond for your county sheriff. It is the responsibility of the sheriff to uphold the laws. Okay? If you have someone who’s abducted in a hospital, if you have someone that you feel is being a child that’s being harmed or hurt in any way, the sheriff’s responsibility is to uphold the laws in their county. They have complete jurisdiction over the police departments, the police precincts, the judges, everybody, everybody.
So if you have their bond, it is incredibly powerful. So keep re listening to this and always be looking for more information about all of this. Everything I’ve said to you is true. Everything you’re going to hear from everybody else may not be true, but as long as you remember this core of all of these things, you’re going to have the compass to be able to tell you if you’re going in the right direction. Your atm is safe, your banks are safe, there’s enough cash in the financial system, and there is an infinite amount of cash at the Federal Reserve.
An infinite amount of cash at the Federal Reserve. Infinite amount of cash at the Federal Reserve. You understand? It’s about human beings selling themselves out. The echelon attitude here, the needs of the few outweigh the needs of humanity. And sorry, that just isn’t right, you know, but it’s gonna have to be humanity that’s gonna rise up and take the stand. You’re just gonna have to turn off your televisions. They’re gonna have to get in their car. They’re gonna have to fire everybody around Washington, DC, that knows and does nothing, and they’re gonna have to do something.
You know, this apathy’s gotta end. Otherwise the way we live is gonna end, period. I mean, that’s the bottom line, you know? And I’m not coming from a fierce basis. I’m really quite angry about the apathy and the fact that, you know, when people give lectures and try to tell this, people want to stand up and fight with them. Look at what’s happening around us. The indications are everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. The truth is now an obscure thing. You know, the lie is the norm. There’s something wrong here. What’s wrong with this picture? This. None of this is right.
We would have never meant to live this way. Instead of raising the consciousness that we have, they would rather just destroy the United States or destroy our state so that we’re comparable to everybody else. So now everywhere is a third world nation. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. And they’re doing it for power, for greed. We’re selling out our own. And it pisses no, but nobody will tell the truth. Nobody will come out and say, hey, you know, we’ve really been sold out. But there are forces within our government like what Kennedy tried to do, that just flat out one, destroy the United States.
Because look at where we are. Look at us right now as a civilization, as a society, okay? The cities and the culture that we’re living in now is totally cut us off from the land, from what our real essence is, which is nature. And, you know, we’re starting to feed off each other. It’s like so bizarre. And I think enough of us, more of us, really need to start taking the perspective that what we’re doing here isn’t white. We need to get in touch with what’s out there, what makes me be here, you know, as opposed to going home after work, turning on tv, watching 3 hours of television, going to bed, getting up the next morning, going to work, and doing the same thing over and over and over and over again like robots.
Throw the televisions away. Just throw them away. If you’ve made it through the series and you comprehend it, congratulations. Welcome to the team. Get to work. If you haven’t been able to comprehend it, simply rewatch it a few times. It’s taken me three or four years of seeing the same thing over and over and over to even get to the point where I am, to see the overview work and explain it like the way I did. I did this and I did it for free, because it’s the only way we’re gonna make a difference. I need you to never forget what I told you.
Always research, always remember, and always practice it. Always get better at it. Because when they come to try to take our rights and take our guns, these are the God given rights that will protect us, and that will incriminate. Them. Just know soon they are going to try to take all of the data that’s being gathered as they listen to us with all of our smart devices. That’s a fact, and they’re going to use it against us in court. We’re already categorized via AI in different categories and most of us are probably labeled as terrorists. That’s why I wear a mask like this, so they can’t prove that it’s me.
My voice could be AI for all they know. If the majority of us know our rights, when push comes to shove, we’ll have a fighting chance. The only way we’re going to know our rights is if you share this video. If you appreciate the work I put into this for free, make a purchase at Green Mountain Greenery. Go directly to the shop@buygmg.com. check out the products or check out the products at greenmountaingreenery. Dot in fo this isn’t about money. Bills need to be paid. Enough said. I have left a ton of information and videos and content out of this work and I made it available for free online underneath the courses.
When you go to the coursework, it’s going to be all the videos that I left out and maybe some more. I don’t have a lot of time and I put a lot of things aside to make this video. So please take some time and check out the coursework because the time I put into that should be as good as the time I put into this. If you want to take a break and see more of my content, that’s mind blowing mind expanding, you need to go to occultcat.com and watch the cat in the Occult series. It’s based off cat Williams, but it goes way too deeper.
I’d say it’s about 5% cat Williams and 95% world mysteries. As I make these videos, I learn just as much as I’m sharing, and it’s an amazing process to be able to share with you. If you want to test out some of your abilities right now, you could write a FOIA to multiple locations about what the contents of the jet fuel is or maybe what the contents of the stratospheric aerosol in Jeth. If you want an archive to go down to see more rare archived law videos that I’ve accumulated, you can go to my telegram. Yes, I have disclosure hub, but about 15 other categories.
The vault constitutional awakening channel will have tons for you. If you don’t believe this information, you need to go to Google and type in cognitive dissonance. Do a lot of research on cognitive dissonance and then go in the bathroom and look in the mirror. One last final thought experiment to do with me. Now that you know what the Fed is and what the federal agency is, the capital, the us corporation, think about what the FBI is. Doesn’t that explain why it’s such a terrible organization? My name is GK, which stands for golden knowledge. I’m just here to help and I’ll do it until I’m dead.
I hope you check out all of my information that I’ve done over the past four or five years. Some of it’s hard to watch, but it’s all true. And I do this for you. With love, GK, with the disclosure hub.