Take Back Your Power! – Unforgettable Call from Eddie Craigs Radio Show

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➡ Andrew shared his experience of using legal knowledge to successfully dismiss a transportation code violation. After being found guilty in a municipal court, he appealed to a higher court where he argued that his rights were violated. He pointed out that the prosecution had not provided any proof that the officer who pulled him over was certified. This led to the dismissal of all charges, reinforcing the importance of understanding and exercising one’s rights.


I’ll be taking your calls. Andrew, what can we do for you? Well, I just wanted to call and share briefly an experience I had with using the rule of law material and your material to get some dismissal on transportation code violation. Well, cool. Let them know about it. Well, I had expired everything. You name it, it was expired. And, of course, I got pulled over, and this was prior to transforming myself and taking your classes. I had been briefly, briefly introduced to your stuff when this happened, and it prompted me to go ahead and come down to Austin and take your classes and buy your course.

And it has paid for itself several times already. But essentially, I had a case that was in a municipal court. The jury found me guilty because they can’t read English or understand it, apparently. And so I appealed to a higher court, which is the trial de novo, new trial. And in this county court of record, I was able to make my argument and present my motions for their denying me my right to do process for not Basically, if anyone’s familiar with the show or with your work, you call out every single violation that they have brought against you, and you point out that you are not engaged in transportation, and you maintain that argument.

And it typically doesn’t go as well as you would like because they don’t want to hear the law. They would rather say you’re wrong or dismiss any argument you like to make, but the point is to make the record. And it works, and I whittle them down. And one of the things in particular that I brought up in a motion got the judge’s attention out of everything I brought up. And that was a motion that mentioned that the state or the prosecution had not filed any documentation that the officer was a certified police officer or even a licensed peace officer, for that matter.

And with that on the table, they decided to dismiss all of the charges. And so I just wanted to give some people some positive reinforcement, let them know that, you know, it sucks, and you got to take time off work, and you got to go make a whole bunch of copies of documents, but it is worth it. It’s worth it. Just know the information. Let’s just exercise your right to travel and fight for it like you were talking about earlier. You do have to fight for every inch, but it feels amazing when you practice being a free person or not a person, but you know what I mean? And it’s a great feeling.

It’s a great thing to understand. It’s an all-around positive experience to go ahead and go through this process, even if it’s just for learning. Now, you do have to take a lot of time and learn the right way to do this would really help and make your life suck a lot less if you study and study and study. But yes, you have the right to travel, and when they say that you don’t, you prove otherwise, and it can go well. You just have to stay on it. And was there any questions or anything you wanted me to bring up to any of the audience or any information you’d like me to talk about? Well, just whatever you think is relevant to the situation as it transpired today.

Well, I will come down. I mean, I had to go to court half a dozen times. Each time I went, I brought up information that the prosecuting attorney could not argue against because she was apparently unfamiliar with the law, which really helped. Obviously, when you’re in front of a judge and he’s at least willing to look at some of the statutes and when the prosecution can’t get anything, they can’t. They have no ground to stand on or they can’t make any argument based on law, it starts to reveal that the court is now in a position where they’re either going to have to make this case go away, or there’s going to be a precedent set, or they’re going to have to railroad you beyond.

I mean, they’re going to basically have to staple your mouth shut because there’s really no other way to prevent you from making the record. Well, and tie your hands behind your back, unless you can ride with your feet. But just stay on it, people, and go to class, and listen to the code, and get with friends, and go over this information because what I found out the hard way is – well, not the hard way, but what I discovered is the best way to really get this information is to go over and over and over and over, out loud, talk to people about it, take on questions that prompt you to go do the research.

And you will learn it, and you’ll be able to sound like Eddie, probably not as cool or as confident, but you can get there and take some time, and it is well, well worth it. You know, I practice other things like open carrying and other free human activities, and they all feel great, and this is another one. And you feel like a bajillion tallfoot giant when you can walk into a room full of people who went to school and paid a whole bunch of money to steal other people’s money and tell them that they’re criminals and prove it.

It feels fantastic. So again, everyone, keep it up, and thank you, Eddie, for being patient enough to teach people because I know it can get frustrating. Oh, man, you don’t know the half of it. I don’t even want to know the half of it. I’ve been in that classroom. But yes, people go and get the material and participate because it’s probably, in my opinion, one of the most effective ways to take back some control in life because we cannot, we have very little opportunities to fix things at the high end, at the New World Order level, at the big boy level.

But when you start getting the local government around you cleaned up, you know, getting different officers to either relinquish their jobs or however you end up getting these different public servants to start paying attention and doing their actual job is effective. And that’s really one of the only ways that you can have a real effective means of preserving freedom. Well, let me do my Alex Jones for a second and interrupt you there, Andrew. Go for it. In regards to that, folks, the thing you need to understand is that everything at the New World Order level has to use the lower levels that Andrew’s talking about right now as their foundation upon which to stand.

If you weaken that or outright destroy it by getting rid of those that would support that upper level willingly or even unwillingly but want to be a dupe, you get rid of those people and that foundation crumbles. That foundation crumbles, the upper decks will fall. They don’t have a choice. They have nothing left to stand on. Exactly. And you almost say exactly the way I say it, but when I’m talking to people about this situation and describing how you go about doing this, the position I take and I think is pretty easy to take once you understand this is you have either a public servant that is willingly and knowingly violating the law and you’re right.

Or you have a public servant who doesn’t know the law. Either of those you don’t want as your public servant. It’s a bottom line, as simple as it gets. So take advantage of that opportunity to try and, like you said, break down that foundation around you of this system that’s been constructed around us to steal our money, to poison us, our minds and our body and start trying to fix it because it isn’t going to go away. And the less you arm yourself with knowledge and have the nuts to go out there and do it because it’s scary.

It’s very scary, trust me. It is, but it’s even less scary when you’re better prepared. Absolutely. And I learned that the first go around. The more you know, just like any situation, driving, excuse me, traveling or operating firearms or even just discussing a topic, the more you know, obviously the more confident you’re going to be and the easier it’s going to go. So train on all fronts. But yes, thank you, Eddie, again, and keep taking some calls and help some people out. All right. Well, thanks for calling in, Andrew. Yes, sir. I’ll talk to you later.

All right. Bye-bye. What can we do for you? I just wanted to let you know that recently I spoke with a person who has just recently completed the police academy in Memphis. And that person informed me that in the segment where the attorney explains to them how what the law is and how they achieve their authority to do what they do, the police training person, the attorney, admitted that everything they do to interface and entrap people is called contract law. It’s not what people think. So in other words, they make an offer and the people unwittingly accept the contract.

We can only delegate that, which we have the power to delegate, and therefore we have that power. The power to also say, I do not consent when an officer approaches you. I do not accept your offer. And am I being detained or am I free to go and leave it at that? Just those two. And if they wreck you, they wreck you, that hangs them up, they can’t entrap you any further. But the fact is that most times, if you’ve not done anything, they’re going to have to let you go. But they’re trying to fix. They’re trying to end putting yourself in jail.

Well, I’ve done this before myself. When you get them in the court, say, how did you determine the speed? They say radar. Okay. When did you ask calibrate? And the codebook requires that you calibrate every so often. But they’re trying to finish. They’re trying to end putting yourself in jail. Now, one of my pet peeves is when I hear folks talk about their constitutional rights or their civil rights. You need to understand that there is no such thing. When it comes to the American people, a constitutional right doesn’t exist. Our rights are unalienable, inherent at birth.

They’re given to us by our creator. They’re not given to us by the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution sets no limits, creates no authority, and presents no power to the people. We created that document to serve us, not the other way around. So we don’t have constitutional rights. We have inherent rights. There’s a big difference. A constitutional right by definition, when you give it that context, would be the rights and powers and authorities that we grant to government. The Constitution was created to limit their power and authority, not ours. And when they refused to operate within the boundaries of that authority, that’s where you and I have the inherent right to take them to task and hold them accountable for what they do.

Now, given that, the courts today have pretty much decided that any ruling they make will favor government over the people the majority of the time. And that also is something that we haven’t taken enough time and opportunity to be active in preventing. When we allow the courts to overrule the Constitution in favor of government, then the Constitution itself becomes worthless. Because now we’re being ruled by judicial opinion, not by law, and not by constitutional limitations of governmental authority. So we need to understand the contracts and difference in that. Now, along those lines, when Dow of Law launches, what we’re going to have is we’re going to have a lot of useful tools for the Patriot community.

The whole purpose of this is to organize us instead of letting everyone go after a pet peeve or project the way it’s being done right now. Everybody has their own little pet peeve. You have the trans Texas corridor. You have driver’s licensing. You have registration. You have gun registration. And everybody has their own little pet peeve, an area that they want to get to, which in and of itself is not bad. Don’t get me wrong. But the problem is, is we’re going after symptoms. We’re trying to cure the disease by tackling the individual symptoms. And that’s just never going to work.

It doesn’t work in medicine. It’s not going to work in law. So what we have to do is start going to the source, the people that we have put in place as lawmakers. When we get rid of a bad lawmaker, we cure a dozen of these symptoms right off the bat. The more of these lawmakers we get rid of to put in actual people that care about our rights and the constitutional limitations on government first, the better off we are. As Jefferson said, the best government we have is the government that governs least. And we can all think for ourselves, or at least we would hope so.

And I think we should be allowed once again to reassume that authority. And when I say allowed, I use that very loosely. We should take back the power that belonged to us and use it accordingly. It’s time to awaken your divine potential with SecretCivics.com, where you’ll learn how to transcend state laws and even the Constitution, all in order to eradicate corruption using our rights bestowed by God. Completely free, not even an email required. It’ll only be available until they shut it down, so don’t wait. It’s time to realize your divine authority and fulfill your life’s mission.



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