Tartary – Proof of Real Endless Power

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➡ The author shares his experiment of using atmospheric electricity to increase plant growth. He creates a three-pronged device, similar to a church steeple, and connects it to the ground to harness electricity from the air. He also builds an earth battery using zinc and copper. The author is excited to see the results of his experiment and encourages others to join his online platforms to learn more about his work with nature.
➡ The Tartars, a group that was significant in cultural and technological exchanges along the Silk Road, made many contributions including the Yam Postal System, legal reforms, and religious tolerance. They also had advanced urban planning and metallurgy skills. Additionally, they had knowledge of harnessing atmospheric energy, a concept that is being explored today through experiments with electrostatic motors. These motors, which can be built using instructions from various books, can potentially generate significant amounts of energy, demonstrating the advanced technological understanding of the Tartars.
➡ The article discusses the fascinating story of Roy J. Myers, a prisoner who invented an antenna for receiving atmospheric electricity in 1912. It also explores the potential of harnessing electricity from the atmosphere, as demonstrated by a man who flew a drone with a copper wire attached to it, and a coil that produced different voltages at different heights. The author encourages readers to experiment and learn, suggesting that this could lead to practical applications of these technologies.


So, often down the road from where I live, I drive by this Freemason building and I always have so many questions about it, but just keep driving. Two houses down is this specific church. It’s a congregational church, apparently, when it started and now it’s a Pentecostal church. But I noticed on top, I always look at all church steeples to see if they have any particular points just because I have atmospheric electricity in the back of my head. And this one had an insane three-pronged tip, which is almost exactly like the tip that I created for my electric horticulture setup, which is basically you can double or triple your yield by utilizing atmospheric electricity, by putting something high up in the air and running a cord into the ground.

So, you know those sticks with copper going around that everybody’s doing? I’ve always wondered if that worked. It’s called electroculture and I did the ultimate experiment. Just check this out. So, on the phone with a buddy, just telling him my day-to-day, just how I’m showing people all these crazy tricks and tips that I’ve got. And as a joke, he goes, you might as well just try that copper stick thing in your garden. I said, you know what? I’m going to do that right now. So, I dug into the books that somebody in disclosure club gave me, an amazing member.

I then realized this entire thing was about atmospheric electricity, aka the ether, and I just literally made a huge documentary, the Apex Azabus episode. We literally got into the ether and atmospheric electricity. So, the book describes a geomagnetifier in which this gentleman made a five-prong device that was 28 feet high and affected 60 feet radius of increasing your yield of 75% or more. So, I remembered in the atmospheric electricity episode, they said that it has to be very sharp, so I bought a grinder and sharpened all of these copper pieces of wire.

And then the book also said that it needs to be soldered together, so then I soldered them all together. And then I also took a dowel and made another one, and then I ran all of it down PVC conduit about 20 feet worth. I wanted to do 40 feet, but it wasn’t stable enough to go that high. We ended up having to anchor each side from up top to the ground with mason lawn. And to be extra thorough, I gave him 100 bucks, and he climbed up 100 feet in this tree.

My mine is still blown, and he tied this wire around, and now it’s sticking up up there, then we ran it back to the yard. Absolutely amazing, my mine is still blown. So, after we brought that wire back, I hammered in three copper pipes into the ground, one four feet down, another one three feet down, and another one around four or three feet. And then I soldered all of them together and connected them to that one that’s in the tree, so hopefully I get more than 60 feet all the way around my yard.

Let’s see what happens this year. The second device that the book describes is something called an earth battery, using zinc and copper on left and on the right, and then connecting them together with soldering a piece of wire. So, I was out low, I was freaking out trying to figure out where I’m going to get a piece of zinc, and I realized that all galvanized metal is literally coated in zinc, and that’s so it doesn’t rust. That’s literally what galvanation is. So, I got these, and I thought they were the perfect size for the planters that I bought.

I ended up spending around $700 total for this experiment, because I thought it was that important. So, you need special solder that solders multiple metals, and then you can solder the copper to the zinc, and vice versa, and that’s how those were set up. So, my experiments, I’ve got like three or four earth batteries, a big geomagnetifier, multiple, and then I have a couple control plants in the ground, and then obviously, we have the entire yard hooked up to this system. Apparently, plants love electricity, and I can’t wait to see what happens.

Stay tuned, join the Disclosure Hub, Green Mountain Greenery on Telegram and Instagram, or just go to iknownature.com. There’s a video where I teach you everything I know about growing. You have to check it out, and this video, when it’s done, will be updated there. This is what I do. I love experimenting with nature and other things. Check it out. It’s all free. With love, this has been GK. With Disclosure Hub and Green Mountain Greenery. I hope to see you at iknownature.com. Down the road, I actually know somebody who owns a church, and there is a strange artifact on top of one of his steeples.

Not as high, not as pronounced, and I did go up there, and I looked for old wires and such. Couldn’t find anything, any evidence of anything, so it’s not too particular to mention, but I did attempt to go up in that one. I went in the other church, it was locked. I wasn’t able to get up there. So, I got out, I took a couple high deaf pictures of this, and I went in the back of the area, and I saw the cemetery. It had Freemasons in it, and this is one of the only intact, steeple artifacts that I’ve seen with three sharp prongs, and if you look, you can follow the whole line, and it goes down into the ground, so it’s grounded.

Now, we can get into this. Let’s start in the mainstream. What they consider this, they consider this to be a lightning rod, and apparently, because these churches are so tall, it’s a perfect excuse, but because these churches are so tall, they need lightning rods, or they’re going to get struck by lightning, and it’s going to burn the church down. First of all, let’s start with an example of a church that has one of these that was burned down anyway. They claim it’s because it’s LGBTQ, who knows, but it’s a steeple. It was burned down because it was hit by lightning, and this apparently didn’t stop it, and then after that, we’re going to include some more mainstream clips about apparently the lightning rods, and then we’ll include the new information that people have discovered, aka the new theories.

Again, you can get into atmospheric electricity. That’s not a theory. That’s real. There’s also static generators. You can run motors off this electricity, but it’s very weak. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t potential there, and this is what Tesla was talking about, so here are some clips on lightning rods and the mainstream narrative on those. I don’t know if you can hear that. That means this tower is about to be struck by lightning, so pretty pretty. Time for me to get the fuck down. And Franklin, he was the world’s most famous scientist in his day.

He’s not remembered here as that. He’s remembered as a founding father. He invents the lightning rod in any city. What’s the tallest structure back then? The church is the tallest structure in any city. What is the most susceptible to a lightning strike? The tallest structure. Lightning would be taken out churches left and right, and if you were the other church that wasn’t taken out, you had good argument for saying, God was on you. You’re worshipping the wrong way. Ben Franklin then invents the lightning rod. If the lightning strikes, it then directs all the charges through a metal and not through your house, and so churches are now no longer destroyed by lightning even if they are hit.

Apparently it’s been admitted that the Tartarian era absolutely did exist and that it’s been covered up because of the apparent technological exchange. Apparently Russia has these things as well, and all of this was suppressed or omitted from history to suppress this technology. Who knows what the truth is, but check out these clips. Tartaria was this empire, highly advanced. Let us take the matter of history, which along with religion, language, and literature, core of a people’s cultural heritage. For example, on the 9th of August 1944, the Central Committee of the Communist Party issued a directive ordering the parties to proceed to the scientific revision of the history of Tartaria.

Tartar history was to be falsified in order to eliminate references to Great Russia aggressions and hide the fact of the real course of the Tartar-Russian relations. The relationship between the Tartars and Russians spans centuries, marked by conflict, coexistence, and cultural exchange. Initially, the Tartars, linked with the Mongols, played key roles during the Mongol invasions in the 13th century, establishing the Golden Horde, which dominated parts of Russia and enforced tribute payments, deeply impacting the Russian political structure. Cultural exchanges occurred during this time, enhancing trade and technology. As Tartar power declined, notably after Moscow’s rise in the late 15th century and the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, Russia began annexing Tartar regions in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible, reducing their autonomy while sometimes assimilating their distinct cultural identities.

Militarily, the Tartars were known for extensive conquests leveraging strategic mobility and psychological tactics. The Golden Horde’s military system was particularly advanced, and they were key to cultural and technological exchanges along the Silk Road. Tartars developed distinct identities in regions like Crimea and the Volga with Islam as a notable cultural aspect. With the decline of the Golden Horde in the 15th century and Moscow’s rise, Tartar influence waned, leading to integration and cultural blending. The Tartars contributed various technological and cultural advances, including the Yam Postal System, legal reforms under the Yassa Code, and religious tolerance, promoting diverse cultural practices.

Their urban planning reflected a fusion of styles, and they showcased advancements in metallurgy, crafts, and the dissemination of pivotal technological ideas like paper and gunpowder and much more. These could also harness atmospheric energy. These are also on top of all the old world buildings, and the Hershey Company has them on top of their chocolate company. You see what I’m saying? Somebody might know about some free stuff up there, and it was a chocolate company that has made money since. This book we were talking about was we’re going back in time, so we’re going back with the Hershey Company.

When they were first making chocolates, they had free energy, that’s what we’re going to go with, and they had these orbs up on top. Some of these old world buildings were designed to take in energy from the atmosphere. Where is the proof? Well, there are books on this subject, it’s called Atmospheric Electricity, and yes, they were investigating how to harness this energy far before that story that they tell us in school of Benjamin Franklin discovering the electrical nature of lightning. Like they really played us for a joke, he flew a kite with a key on it.

Guys, this is free Masonic symbolism, Benjamin Franklin was literally at the highest rank of masonry, and you can even see the compass integrated with this famous painting. These old world buildings had technologies that were capable of extracting electricity from the atmosphere. You can even see these at the top of steeples. This is typically seen to be just a compass, but they’re more than just that. There are videos of old temples with this technology still active. These electrical charging centers were then converted into physical worship centers. Okay, so this experiment’s going to demonstrate the capturing of atmospheric electricity, and this is a small electrostatic motor, and I came across this motor in the book Homemade Lightning, and it showed a motor design from 1924, a popular electrics, and it looked so simple, and I thought, could it really be that simple, folks? So I decided to do a test, and what I’ve got here is I’ve got this side will come over here to this 28 gauge copper wire.

I’m going to run that up in the air in the hexacopter, and this side over here is grounded, and I’ll provide links at laserhacker.com and in the description of this video so you can learn about this. Go to Wikipedia and read up on atmospheric electricity. There’s more to it than first meets the eye. It’s not just from the wind, creating a static effect on the wire. This is really quite the effect, and there’s been some patents in the past from Germans and others claiming, you know, up to a thousand watts of useful power, and I really want to get into researching some of this.

Now there’s obvious dangers involved in this kind of thing. Anytime you run up a copper wire into the sky, you’ve got a Benjamin Franklin type situation going on, so there’s obvious dangers, and all the precautions and proper training should be utilized in doing an experiment like this. Okay, so we’ve got the hexacopter up there in the air, and it’s only up in the air about 100 feet, and coming down here to the atmospheric electricity motor, you can see that it’s rotating. All right, so that’s the motor just as printed in popular electrics from 1924, and it said this contrivance would amuse the young electrician, and I’m telling you it’s doing its job, folks.

I am more than amused by this, and it actually is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, so. Very, very cool. So very simple. We’ve got one side grounded in the copper rod. We’ve got the little electrostatic motor, and this side going up about 100 feet to the hexacopter. Okay, I want to give a quick book review on three books that I picked up from Amazon. You can buy these three books in a set for $50. The first book is Electrostatic Motors by Oleg Jefimenko. Now, I’ve read some of this guy’s work scattered around the internet, but I went ahead and bought the book so I could get all of the work in one place.

I’m really glad I did. This is a treasure trove of information on electrostatic motors, as well as atmospheric electricity. You can see there’s a lot of cool diagrams, a lot of cool drawings, motors. This motor here generated 0.1 horsepower, which for an electrostatic motor is actually quite a lot of power, and he goes on to here to say that this motor operates from a 6,000 volt power supply, as well as from an earthfield antenna. On the next page, he shows this little motor here that they were able to operate from a 20-foot pole.

It said they tried to do it in front of the physics building, West Virginia University, and in front of the building it would not run there, but out in the parking lot it ran very well. So to run a motor like that on a 20-foot pole is really quite the accomplishment. Let me just go ahead and flip through some of this book. You can see that it’s just got pretty much every electrostatic motor ever created documented in this book, and toward the end, he goes into some more information on atmospheric electricity. You can see the antenna here, and the motor, and the ground.

Very interesting stuff. There’s even a section in the back on how to build your own motors here, and I think this is some excerpts out of a popular science or popular mechanics, but just really interesting information. I’ll just share a couple of things here from the very back. He has a section on the earth’s electric field, and he says here, the near ground, or the fair weather electric field, is on average 120 volts per meter. This means that if one erects a 10-meter high earthfield antenna, one attains a voltage of 1200 volts between the tip of the antenna and the ground.

Very fascinating stuff. So that’s the first book. Okay, so I just want to show you A.D. Moore’s electrostatics. This is the second book in this set. I’ve yet to read this book, but this book is a treasure trove of information. Very thorough, very well-documented, all in high voltage electrostatics. Now, the third one that I’ve been having a lot of fun going over is this book called Homemade Lightning by A.R.A. Ford. This book is full of cool stuff, and this book actually had the diagram that I wanted to build up on this very simple static motor with the aerial antenna that you just saw in the video.

But this book has a lot of interesting stuff, and I was really surprised to see that it has a section in it that possibly could have connections to the Capinanda’s devices and some stuff I’d like to try with the drilling or crossover circuit between grounding and picking up earth currents. So these three books make a treasure trove of information on electrostatics, high voltage, atmospheric electricity, etc. So just wanted to share that with you all. It’s a great resource for information. Now I want to show you where some of this information, some of this technology could go.

Okay, so if you’re wondering why I’m excited about this really small electrostatic motor, let me just show you that there could be a whole lot more to this aerial electricity than first meets the eye. This is a really cool website. It’s rexresearch.com, and I’ve done a lot of reading at this website over the years, and he’s got a lot of information compiled here on atmospheric electricity. And he’s broken down by different inventors and their work, etc. And just wanted to share that website. I’ll put links to this website and some of the relevant articles at laserhacker.com, so check this video description for links to all that stuff.

But here he’s got, just this one section is a great example of the quality information you can get here at his website. This is from Science and Invention February 1922, and it’s some information on what they were doing in Germany with aerial antennas and balloons. And the part that I just wanted to share here is where it says the amount of electrical power that resides in the atmosphere is outstanding. These guys went out and they sent up a single balloon to 300 yards, and they got a constant current, 400 volts at 1.8 amps.

Folks, that’s a lot of energy. It says by using two balloons in connection with a special condenser battery, the power obtained was 81 kilowatts in 24 hours. The actual current delivered was 6.8 amps at 500 volts. So we’re talking about some serious amounts of energy, and very, very fascinating. So I will just go and show a few other spots and a few other things from this website that are interesting. Okay, so if you do check out this website, be sure to read the story about Roy J. Myers. In 1912, this guy invented some antenna aerial atmospheric electricity receiving equipment.

And there’s, I read this a couple years ago, and I was just amazed. I’ve always wanted to try to replicate it and figure out what this guy was doing, but you got access here to all the patents and everything. So definitely check, check his work out. Very, very interesting. This guy was a prisoner, and he really invented all this stuff while he was in prison. So really interesting, fascinating story. Definitely check him out. Okay, there’s also this, and you can see here in the antenna that this is a bunch of thin wire spikes, and it’s probably to help the corona discharge.

But this one, it says the apparatus in the photo produced 300 watts with a collector two meters tall. So a lot of times folks, it’s good to go back, look at what’s been done before, and replicate that stuff. Because if I could get 300 watts with a two meter tall antenna, that would just be phenomenal. And whether or not I get there, it’s a lot of fun experimenting and learning. You sure learn a lot. So check out the links I’m going to include at laserhacker.com. I’ll put links to Rex research into the appropriate articles that you see here.

Very fascinating stuff. And of course, a lot of this stuff reminds us of probably the most well known in this field, and that would be Thomas Henry Morey. And he, of course, he’s got a lot of information here on that as well. So this could be more than just a small motor rotating in a plastic cup. I mean, this, we could maybe tap into some serious amounts of practical electricity here. And if you follow along in my videos, you know I’m very interested in how to make these things practical. How can these things actually make useful and put into use? So anyway, that’s what I’m up to in all this folks, just thought I’d share, and let’s all keep experimenting.

Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities. It can drive the roads machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other fuels. This new power for the driving of the roads machinery will be derived from the energy which separates the universe, the cosmic energy. So check out this video where a man attaches a copper wire and flies a drone up to about 115 meters and shows off the ether in action. All right, I’m gonna stop at 115 and hold steady. All right, it didn’t blow up yet. Oh, by the way, meet the aerial film crew.

I just thought this was a cool shot. Oh yeah, I’m getting shocked right now. This time I just used the electroscope as a quick voltage check. Now that’s a few thousand volts right there. All right, let’s see if there’s enough current to make this franklin bell work. Oh dude, freaking working buddy. Yeah, it’s a really cool process. The aerial wire places a positive charge on this can, which then influences the foil ball to deliver electrons from the grounded can, which is directly connected to earth. The clouds finally opened up, so I connected up the corona motor.

Like before, one side was connected to ground while the other was attached to the aerial wire. And after just a few seconds, hey, hey, she’s spinning. This is just remarkable. It never really spun that fast, but I just sat and enjoyed the miracle. I mean, I quite literally was siphoning energy straight from the atmosphere. This motor was operating off of several kilovolts, which you could actually hear if you stopped the motor and brought your finger near the aerial wire. That’s the sound of coronal discharge. Not long after the wind started picking up, so we packed up.

You want visible proof that energy is all around us? Check this out. So here I have a dodecagram coil, which I have promoted in my previous videos, which is going to be utilized as an electron harvester for my replication of the electric pyramid generator. Now to prove that energy is all around us, check out what happens when I move this coil. Right here, I get 0.15 millivolts. Now what happens as I get higher off the ground? So at about 5 feet, I’m at 200 millivolts. And when I take the coil to roughly 7 feet, watch how many millivolts I produce now.

Oh, hang on, I gotta reground it. And at roughly 7 feet, I get about a half a volt, a steady half a volt right here. And when I drop it back down, look, up, down, all the way down. Who really knows? At the end of the day, this is just an amazing thought experiment. You may have more evidence where you are. If you find this interesting, I highly suggest getting out local because you may have the puzzle piece that solves this for us all. I’m GK with the Disclosure Hub. Hope you enjoyed this video.


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