The U.S. Military is the Federal Government not the U.S.A. Republic

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➡ Over the past five years, police have noticed a worrying rise in teenage crimes linked to Satanism, including homicides, suicides, and animal sacrifices. The Church of Satan, founded 25 years ago, has become a constitutionally protected religion despite its teachings of evil and hate. Its high priestess, who took over from her father, defends the religion as a form of rational self-interest and ethical decision-making. However, concerns are growing as some high-ranking military officers have been found to be practicing Satanists, leading to fears about the influence of this religion.
➡ The text discusses allegations of Satanism, child abuse, and human trafficking within the United States military and government. It mentions a case where a satanic organization was active on a military base, and claims of ritualistic child abuse at a daycare center. The text also talks about a large number of military employees and contractors potentially involved in child pornography, with many not being prosecuted. Lastly, it mentions a senior Pentagon official being arrested for human trafficking, and suggests that high-value art is often used for money laundering.
➡ The text discusses a former military officer who was accused of child abuse but was never charged. He was also questioned about his satanic beliefs and how they align with his military duties. The text then shifts to discuss the influence of Freemasonry in the military and its impact on the U.S. constitution. It ends with a comparison between Freemasonry and witchcraft, suggesting similarities in their rituals and beliefs.
➡ The text discusses initiation rituals in Freemasonry and witchcraft, where candidates are blindfolded, bound, and led through a ceremony before taking an oath of secrecy. It also talks about trauma-based mind control, suggesting that many world leaders have been subjected to it. The text mentions the Odd Fellows, a secret society that allegedly distributed child orphans in the 1800s. Lastly, it discusses the influence of Freemasons in media and politics, and the establishment of the Federal Reserve and pharmaceutical industry, suggesting a long-term plan by powerful families.
➡ A secretive group, known as the cabal, has been manipulating the US economy, banking system, and government policies for their own benefit. They’ve created organizations like the CIA, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund to control global affairs and economies. This group has been involved in illegal activities, including drug trafficking and assassination attempts. Their ultimate goal is to establish a one-world government, and they’ve been using various tactics, including debt and psychological operations, to achieve this.
➡ The text discusses various incidents related to the military, including the use of black magic rituals by a German SS general, psychological warfare techniques, and allegations of human trafficking and sexual assault within US military bases. It also mentions investigations into these allegations, with some soldiers being found guilty and others acquitted. The text ends with a mass arrest of Marines for alleged involvement in human smuggling and drug offenses.
➡ A group of soldiers were sent home from Iraq due to misconduct, including allegations of sexual assault and breaking alcohol regulations. In a separate case, 24 Marines from Camp Pendleton are facing less than honorable discharges over accusations of human smuggling and drug trafficking. The journalist discusses the dark world of child trafficking, highlighting the high number of missing children and the connection to the foster care system. The journalist also explores the disturbing topic of blood sacrifices and rituals in secret societies, and the belief in the rejuvenating properties of young people’s blood.
➡ This text discusses allegations of high-ranking officials involved in child abuse and murder, and the misuse of personal data by the government. It also talks about the creation of fusion centers post 9/11, which gather and analyze information from various sources to prevent terrorism. However, there are concerns about these centers being used to target individuals domestically. The text also mentions Infragard, an organization that provides private sector businesses with insider information, and the potential misuse of biometric technology.


Police have had a serious problem with teenagers and Satanism over the past five years. The most disturbing, an increase in teenage homicides and suicides with ritualistic or satanic overtones. Animal sacrifices, birds, dogs, church desecrations and burglaries. Calluses stole it. They use them to drink the blood of their sacrifices. Do you still believe in Satan? Yeah. He can come into you and make you do wicked stuff and weird things like that. Like, for instance, hurt people, hurt your family. In the eighties, I felt compelled to defend Satanism primarily because you have to understand, growing up in this religion, I almost began to regard it as a kind of problem sibling.

It was like my brother. It was under attack when all of these horrendous accusations were happening. And I called my father and I asked him what his media strategy was to deal with it. And he confessed that he had no media strategy whatsoever. He didn’t care at that point. He was living in a complete, isolated bubble. My mother had left him. So I said, well, if you need anybody to answer questions or just to answer a phone call or something, I said, I can do it. From there, I became the high priestess of the church of Satan.

Forced underground by the religious hysteria of the Middle Ages, Satanism was resurrected first by an Englishman named Alistair Crouch in the early 20th century. It entered its modern era in this country just about 25 years ago. Under the theatrical guidance of Anton Lavey, California based high priest of present day devil worship, Lavey founded the Church of Satan. Now, despite its preachings of evil and hate, the church and its offshoots are constitutionally protected religions. I believe that hate is necessary in a controlled way just as much as love is necessary. Lavey penned the bestselling Satanic Bible. It’s the handbook of devil worshippers everywhere.

And for a time, he was considered chic enough to attract the attention of Hollywood. After working together on a film, Lavey made Sammy Davis Junior an honorary member, while the late Jane Mansfield was, for a time, among Lavey’s most passionate followers. Most of the people that are in my group are professional people, they’re business people, they’re people that are from very responsible walks of life. I do lecture on various occult subjects. It isn’t all satanism. I lecture on voodoo, west indian magic, african magic, norse magic, and also try to help people with various problems, enlighten them on these concepts of magic, folklore and offbeat religions.

This is how I got involved in this as a religion. I understand that. What are you doing? I’m giving a blessing to the. To the audience. I don’t think they appreciate it. They were throwing it back. Well, they thought it was a curse. Would you like me to show them how the sign of the curse works? Sign of. Completely different. How does it go? No, not at you. Not at you. People out there in the audience. But this is the difference. Aim it toward red shine, would you? This is the sign of the horn. A cursed sign.

The two fingers extended this way, spread apart for sort of shotgun blast. You know, I always figured if I ever met the devil, they’d have dirty fingernails. Go on. No, they’re not. Yes, they are. Where? Where? Dirty, dirty fingernails. Well, that’s because I’ve been fooling around with your equipment. Never mind. Don’t blame it on this, do you? Go on with it. All right, so that’s the sign of the horn, and then what happens? Is that it? Well, there are other ones too. Yeah? What are the other ones? The other ones. One of them is the pox sign.

That’s three fingers extended. Pox on you. The pox on you. During the middle ages, this was. But originally bad can. Well, you have to be bad to be good. Is it true that you teach people how to make voodoo dolls and stick pins in them to hurt people? That’s right. I believe that hate is necessary in a controlled way just as much as love is necessary. But could it really work? Of course it works. It’s been working in primitive societies for a long, long time. Then how come you don’t pick out the despots of the world, make dolls like that and stick pins in them so that.

Oh, you want them to win. You want the bad guys to win, right? Well, I don’t say they’re necessarily the bad guys or the good guys. It’s not up to me. Because the only people that I would cast a curse or a spell on would be people individually that would sort of get under my skin. Why are you staring at me like that? Because, after all, hate should be a personalized thing. Name, sir? Yes. My name is Jim Joltzman. You drop in for some devil’s food cake or what’s wrong? No, I. First of all, how do I address you? Well, you can call me mister, Reverend Anton by my first name.

Whatever. I’ll state the mister to begin with. First of all, I’ll say one thing. You have a lot of followers. And you’re right. Oh, yes, you’re right about the devil being a God. Because the Bible clearly states that the devil is the God of this world. And he’s also the prince of the power of the air. So I don’t dispute you on this matter at all. My only concern. Are we picking up a new recruit here? Listen, when your wife crawls over that line to say good morning to you, does she refer to you as Beelzebub or how does she address you? Depends on what mood she happens to be in.

Is she also a satanic type? Oh yes. She approves of all of this? Certainly. She wouldn’t be around if she didn’t. And how do you make your living? As a counselor, sorcerer, practicing wizard, shaman, warlock, whatever you wish to call it. You’re also a male witch. A warlock. Well, a male witch is considered a warlock. You claim to be a witch then? A male witch, certainly. But not a white witch. Not like some of these people that have been on various shows that bend over backwards trying to convince everyone how good they are. They never perform black magic, only white magic.

Once again, a warning about some tough language and descriptions in a report that we’ll have for you in just a moment. Let me introduce you. First those who her father, Anton Lavey, is I guess the founding father of Satanism in this country. He founding it about 25 years ago. Zena? Yeah, approximately 25 years ago. Can you tell us with any certainty how widespread the religion of Satanism is in this country or around the world? Well, the religion is worldwide. We have members throughout the world. So when people come up and tell dad that he’s the goat, that’s what they mean.

Not the devil? The devil? No, mum, not the devil. Well, goat a width. I know that, mom. I’m very honored to be able to receive this amazing award from the devil from. From the depths of my soul, my passion work. And it’s a legitimate religion, you know, perfectly within the. It’s legal. What is it? Doctor Aquino, the high priest of the Church of set. Temple of set. Temple of set. Also a colonel, interestingly enough, in the United States army. What is it, this Satanism? Well, originally the church of Satan, when it was founded, was composed not of people with a hatred for Christianity, but of people who by and large were agnostics and atheists because they felt that the institutions which had arisen around Christianity had failed in their moral commitment.

So Satanism itself became an emphasis on rational self interest and on taking responsibility for your own intellectual and ethical decisions. Rational self interest you call it? Yeah. One of the ugliest yet apparently most common rituals in devil worship is the sacrifice of animals, often involving the removal of organs and the draining of their blood in elaborate ceremonies. Well, a series of cattle mutilations on this Louisiana farm has sent a shiver of fear to this entire community. Show me the evidence that this was some kind of ritual. Oh, this hole right here. And the tail, they cut the tail off.

The same thing with the ears. They cut the ears off, right. So you two have no doubt but that your animals were using some kind of ritual, right? Yes. All the blood was gone out of them, too. Every one of them. The blood was drained? No blood, no insides, eyes pulled out, everything. I’m begging for something to be done. I’m scared. I believe in lord and I believe in you. But I’m still gonna carry my gun because I’m scared. In our investigation, we discovered that some of Satan’s soldiers are also high ranking officers in the United States military.

Here at San Francisco’s Presidio army base, for example, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino led a double life as a satanic high priest. The colonel’s cult is listed in the San Francisco telephone book and his phone answering machine. Both of his affiliations is the temple of. The temple is the only international satanic religious institution fully recognized by the United States government. Indeed, the army does officially recognize Satanism as a legitimate religion and supplies chaplains with this guide for ministering to the satanic soldier. Yet unofficially, thumb charged that army bases have become sanctuaries for devil worshippers. Joseph, we’ve agreed to conceal your identity, but you are an officer in the United States army? That’s correct.

And you were an officer in the United States army during the time you were a member of this satanic organization? Yes. Did the authorities at the Presidio know that a satanic organization was active on their base during the time that you were? They were very much aware of it, yes. The present base commander, Colonel Rafferty, says that today at least, I know of no satanic activities whatsoever in this area. Satanism may be a constitutionally protected religion, but similar to another recent case at the United States Military Academy at West Point, here charges surface connecting ritual child abuse at the Presidio daycare Center to the devil cult.

It was here parents and others allege that as many as 60 young children were ritualistically abused by soldiers of Satan. What actually was done to the kidde? Uh, oral copulation, sodomy, uh, defecation. They were urinated on. One of the biggest things that funds them continually is human trafficking. And Kat even mentions that by saying that literally everybody is a supplier. Dozen CIA employees have been involved in alleged sex crimes against children as young as two years old. And only one of them has been charged. Okay, so just in case anybody has any doubt that our governments, all governments, especially the United States, is infested with pedophiles, I know it sounds crazy, but we need some proof to back it up.

How about some mainstream proof? Potentially hundreds of military employees and contractors who may have bought child pornography online but haven’t been prosecuted or even in some cases investigated. That’s right, you heard me. Child pornography. As many as 1700 names according to a us senator on a list of 5200 from an Internet sting operation. Overlooked the first time around four years ago. Only now are they supposedly getting a second look. And only after pressure from investigative reporters and the us senator. You’re about to hear from Republican Charles Grassley. Pentagon porn story began in 2006 and immigration and Customs Enforcement child pornography sting operation called Project Flickr produced payment records of about 5200 people, many of whom provided army or fleet zip codes or military email addresses, according to DCIS documents revealed in a Freedom of Information act request.

Out of that, 3500 investigators uncovered 264 employees or contractors, including staffers for the secretary of defense and contractors at the NSA. Nine people had top security clearances, but only about 20% of those 264 people were completely investigated. Fewer still were prosecuted. And about eight months after about eight months, the entire probe was halted. It left about 1700 names totally unchecked. 1700 alleged kiddie porn customers, an unknown number of whom may still work in some capacity for the Defense Department. The Defense Department releasing brand new details into an investigation involving child pornography and dozens of its workers and contractors, some with top level security clearance.

Not only are these very serious accusations, but investigators say some of the people involved were handling the nation’s most sensitive secrets, potentially making this a matter of national security chief Fox report correspondent Jonathan Hunt with the news appalling story. Jonathan, do we know more about these people and their security clearances? Well, we don’t know their exact job titles, John, but what we do know is that they did appear to have been working, some of them at high levels across a range of government agencies. Take a look at this. For instance, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office and the very secretive defence Advanced Research Projects Agency worked on actual military installations, including Edwards Air Force Base in California and also the California based Naval Air Warfare Centre.

So they had access to military secrets in some cases and military hardware. Are all these suspects under arrest? They’re not all under arrest. We’ve got 94 pages of investigative material from the Defense Department today, including dozens of specific individuals. They have not all been arrested, though some have been tried some have been sentenced, but some have. The cases simply fell apart because of lack of evidence. And legal experts tell us it is always very difficult to prosecute child porn cases, not least because it’s difficult to prove who exactly was on any given computer. Listen, who has the password, who has the identification to get into that? Was it you who opened the computer? And I went on it? Those are very difficult aspects in prosecuting.

Then there’s finding the victims. Are they abused victims, are they underage? Do they appear overage? You know, there’s a lot of difficulties built right into child pornography cases. But Josh Handschaft also told me it is imperative that the government find a way to prosecute in these cases because they are so important and so disturbing. And this isn’t just about workers committing crime. No, it’s not. The big fear here is that there is a possibility that these people open themselves to blackmail by a foreign power that wants to get information about our military secrets or even terrorists.

So the Defense Department is very concerned. It says they are taking all of these cases very seriously indeed, John. I bet they are. Jonathan Hunt. All right. Despite the DoD taking steps to limit access to various websites, most notably child pornography, the Pentagon apparently has come under investigation for links to the proliferation of graphic material called Project Flickr. Some 5000 individuals have been identified as having subscriptions to child porn sites, including many DoD affiliated persons. So this ongoing national investigation has now prompted the house to introduce a bipartisan bill that would help the DoD stop the use of its network to, quote, possess, procure or produce child pornography.

May I say one little reported facet of my case is one of the federal agents involved in one of the operations against me said that they intended to plant child porn in my husband’s computer. This is the FBI trove of documents were declassified. More than 3600 pages of deeply disturbing material logging sex crimes against children committed by at least ten CIA employees and contractors against very young children. Had inappropriate sexual activity with an unidentified two year old girl. Admitted to having inappropriate sexual contact with the then six year old girl on two separate occasions. The Personnel Evaluation board voted unanimously to recommend termination and revocation of his clearances.

The Eastern District of Virginia US attorneys office declined prosecution of based on taint issues from the information and the lack of previously identified child pornography victims in his videos. This individual, whose identity was cloaked by a code name along with everybody else, was fired but never charged. According to the papers, another CIA employee was caught with thousands of inappropriate images of children on his work laptop. The CIA badge is a real life equivalent of a get out of jail free card. Even for the worst of crimes. All they have to do is say that they want to protect classified information.

There should have been whistleblowers at every step of the way. And the reason why it took so long for this news to finally see the light of day is because the the CIA fought it in court. Somebody help me understand why this isn’t headline news. Like why is this blasted all over everything that has a news channel or news anything? This is the senior Pentagon official who oversees the elementary school division being arrested for human trafficking. This is the real story that you need to hear today. Senior Pentagon official overseeing elementary school’s division arrested in a human trafficking sting.

For years, we have been mocked and ridiculed as conspiracy theorists whenever we observe that there are high ranking officials in the United States government that are involved in human trafficking. And every time there’s a big story like this one, something else is in the news to distract everyone. How many times does a story like this have to come out before people realize what’s actually happening? Human trafficking is one of the biggest problems going on in our world right now. And it’s terrifying how many people are. The most popular technique for laundering money is through high valued art.

This is because at the high end of the art world, anonymous buying is largely accommodated. Also, they don’t care how you pay for it. Once you’ve made the purchase, you can then get the art transferred to a free port, which is a highly secure free trade zone of an airport or shipping port. Goods in this area can be exported or imported without customs or import taxes, provided they are exported in their original form. You can then sell the art to a legitimate buyer without ever seeing the piece. Tell us three things you know when someone’s lying.

How can you tell? Everybody’s a little bit different in how they lie. Seven to twelve minutes to understand someone’s baseline. Then you’re looking for certain telltale signs. Some people are skilled liars so they can change what they look like. Signs of someone lying are rapid eye movement. Looking up is usually a sign of telling the truth. Looking down is usually a sign of fabrication. Because when you’re referencing your own cerebral cortex to look for the truth, you’re turning on your brain. When you look up, when you’re trying to be creative, you look down. The former chief juvenile investigator at the Presidio, Ed Abanofsky, is here.

He’s now a deputy sheriff in Santa Clara County. Colonel Liquino. We note, sir, for the record, that you were originally implicated in the dreadful charges of child abuse. We note also that no charges were ever brought against you and presumably you have been cleared. Would you like to comment on why those charges were brought against you? Well, the entire time that the so called child molestation scandal was occurring at the presidio, the time period when these terrible events were supposedly taking place, I was assigned to the National Defense University in Washington DC, and my wife was out there living with me.

But is it not a fact that a three and a half year old girl identified you as the alleged perpetrator of molestation? No. A matter of fact, it is not the case. An accusation was made by her stepfather, who was an army chaplain, speaking on behalf of this child. In her original interview with the FBI, she denied ever being molested. Well, I’ve seen the. You are innocent until proven guilty. You were never charged in this case. I don’t want to belabor the point. I have seen, however, the affidavits for the search warrant of your home and they indicate the child is speaking to the authorities, not her father.

Let’s say you are innocent of that. You are no longer at the presidio. You are now in St. Louis, but you are still a serving officer or colonel in the United States army. Do you feel it is inconsistent with a high ranking officer pledged sworn to uphold the constitution of the United States that you are also a practicing statement? Not in the least. The army is known of my religion. For the last 20 years, there has never been a problem with it any more than there is a problem with other members of minority religion. But let me read from the satanic Bible quote.

This is the number one, I guess, commandment. Death to the weakling. Wealth to the strong. How can you believe this and still uphold the constitution of the United States? Death to the weakling. This is Doctor Walter Grote. Would you stand, sir, whose daughter was allegedly abused at West Point, United States Military Academy. You were a captain in the United States army. Aside from what allegedly happened to your daughter, which I know you allege was part of a satanic cult and having nothing to do with this man, I state again for the record. What is your feeling, sir, on the fact that a serving officer in the United States army is also a professed satanist? A high ranking person.

Mister Aquino has identified himself as an antichrist. He preaches that as the leader of the temple said, I don’t think I’m misquoting him. I find it inconceivable that we can have candidate talking about one nation under God and having our children say that. Yet, by the same token, we can have somebody in our army as a colonel leading our troops in battle who are opposed to the very concept of God and whose whole purpose it is is to fight against God. We have to take a break right here. Next, more on the connection between Satanism and violence, including more charges of the sexual abuse of children.

If you have let your kids watch up until now, we urge you, ladies and gentlemen, we are not kidding. Get them away from the tv during our next report. We’ll be right back. What is going on there? That’s a random model fashion. We all know about that. Okay? Can we get a close up on that? Yeah. What is the profession? Yeah, which profession are we talking about? Just look at it. Is it a legal profession? Of course it’s legal. It’s a legal. My profession. I’m trying to read it, okay. It’s too many times. It’s too bright.

It’s too bright. Well, anyway, of course I know. Okay. The Freemasons and their grasp on the military. All right, well, at least the army can’t speak on other branches. But I was in the army for four years. But what I know there’s two sides of the army. There’s the enlisted side and the officer side, all right? And I was deployed with a staff sergeant, which is an E six. And I noticed him studying some Freemason shit, right? When we were in Afghanistan, during some downtime, he was reading a book with the. With the logo on the COVID and shit.

The Freemason logo, right? And so I said, I don’t really ask him about freemasonry at that time. I didn’t really. That’s not really where my head was at. But I asked him, I said, well, what’s up with that shit right there? What are you. What are you studying? You know what I mean? And he said he’s trying to become a freemason because he said, you’ll learn about it as your army career progresses. But basically, you know, he said that he didn’t call it a secret society. He called it a fraternity, all right? And he said, freemasons are basically a fraternity.

And in order to get your e eight, which is a master sergeant or a first sergeant, in the army, you got to be part of the Freemasons. And in the military, we have a thing. It’s almost like your resume from the military. It’s called an erb, which is a enlisted record brief. And there’s also a DD 214. When you get out, that’s your discharge paperwork. Both of those have an m on them if you’re a mason. Part of the army called s one, right? And I was like fucking around with this chick that worked for s one, which is like a paper pusher job in the army.

And I was kicking it with her one day and I just happened to glance at a couple erbs. I wanted to see what some of these first sergeants and the sergeant major in my unit, you know, what kind of credentials they had and shit. I was looking at their awards on there and stuff and I asked her what that shit was. I noticed the m on there and that’s what she told me. She said, oh, that means they’re masons. I don’t really know what it is, but it’s something that. It’s some kind of club that e eight, s and above are in.

On the enlisted side, e eight and e nine are the key leadership roles. All they’re really doing is relaying orders from Freemasons, the United States Army. I can’t speak on the air force or the marines or the navy because I wasn’t in those branches. But from what I know about how, how fluid the military runs, it’s probably the same in those branches, too. Okay? The United States army is ran by Freemasons, okay? All the people, all the top brass with rank and the army are Freemasons, whether they’ll admit to it or not. General Petraeus, he’s a freemason, all right? That’s why he was in charge of Iraq and Afghanistan for a while.

Yes, Freemasons run the army. I don’t care what anyone tells me. I did four years of that shit, 16 months in Afghanistan. I know it for a fact. All right? I became a master mason, a 32nd degree mason, a member of the Shriners. I was a member of two masonic lodges. I served as principal officer in one of those lodges. I was about to be elected worship master before I left. And I received a very rare credential called the proficiency card, which authorized me to instruct other Masons in masonic ritual. It literally requires a man to have committed to memory all of the rituals of Blue Lodge Freemasonry, all of the positions.

And that’s what I could do. So I know what Freemasonry teaches because I taught it myself. America was founded by Freemasons. And the ideology of freemasonry is enshrined in the us constitution. For example, the establishment clause, where the government won’t respect any religion. That’s a denial of the social kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The free exercise clause, which gives man a right to practice any religion. United States Supreme Court justices who created the doctrine of separation of church and state in the United states under presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower, all of whom were Freemasons. They appointed and collectively twelve Supreme Court justices, all of whom were Masons.

And from 1941 to 1971, Masons dominated the Supreme Court. And through those judicial decisions created the masonic doctrine of separation of church and state. The God of Freemasonry is the devil. First level witchcraft and perk level masonry initiation is identical. The only difference is that my wrist was cut and I signed a blood pact and that I was nude and they are clothed. That’s the only difference. The word, the axe, the time, the blindfold, the charge, everything, even the pledge of secrecy, is exactly the same. There’s no difference. And the 6th level initiation of witchcraft, blood sacrifice, is the same initiation to the highest level of masonry, the 35th, called the right of the warrior on the block.

36 degrees, 36 degree, which most of our politicians are. 35th degree Mason. In the initiation in Freemasonry, we had to be recommended by another mason. Well, in order to join witchcraft, you have to be first screened. You have to be recommended by somebody currently in witchcraft. Well, when I was initiated, I was blindfolded and bound by a rolled. And on your bare chest was thrust the point of a spear. In witchcraft, we were initiated through a very involved ritual initiation ceremony wherein the candidate was led blindfolded, bound by a rope to the edge of the magic circle.

And the rope is around your neck and your lean forward and up front and the eastern end of the building is a person who’s a worst of a master. And you kneel down before him as if he were a God. What is your problem? Just that, Sarah. I’m a Christian, sir. I’m pure and virtuous and wholesome and innocent. How can you say anything about it? About me, sir? You need to be born again. I am born again. Zach, did you just say that you were Lucifer? I am Lucifer. Okay. Define Lucifer for me. Pure, virtuous, wholesome, innocent individual that’s out to help people.

Lucifer is. Yeah, say that again. Lucifer is a pure, holy, virtuous. Virtuous. Now, see, the Lucifer that God created, that’s the same one. So they invented the term white witchcraft. White magic and black magic. Witches in their book, will tell you that it doesn’t exist as it was mentioned in Star wars. And yet when they’re trying to convert a christian, they will say they’re white witch and not a black witch. And yet they’ll tell you in their book that doesn’t exist. But they don’t say anything to convert you. But there is no such thing. The devil is evil and you can’t fight.

Worship him or anything he does. You were met by the high priest or high priestess at that time, usually with a sword to your chest. When I went to enter the lodge, a sharp object was put to my left breast, and I was warned that should I reveal any of the secrets of freemasonry, to know what to expect. When you’re presented before the high priest, a sword is held against your chest, and you actually take a blood oath promising to remain faithful to the secrets of witchcraft. When you are in the room, this blindfold is taken away from you.

And this is a time when they say that you’re coming from darkness into light. During the initiation ceremony, the initiate is led by the lieutenant of the high priest and is challenged at the edge of the circle by someone saying, who goes there? And the answer is one. From the world of darkness. In masonry, the prayers are ended with so motive me. Oh. And one of the other aspects of or distinctives of the craft was that we would always end any spell or ritual where we released the power. This is where the power was released, with the word so mode it be in the initiation.

In pre masonry, we had to be recommended by another mason. Well, in order to join witchcraft, you have to be first screened. You have to be recommended by somebody currently in witchcraft. Well, when I was initiated, I was blindfolded and bound by a rope. And on your bare chest was just the point of a spear. In witchcraft, we were initiated through a very involved ritual, initiation ceremony wherein the candidate was led blindfolded, bound by a rope to the edge of the magic circle. And the rope is around your neck and your lid forward and up front.

And the eastern end of the building is a person who’s a worsle master, and you kneel down before him as if he were a goddess. You were met by the high priest or high priestess at that time, usually with a sword to your chest. When I went to enter the lodge, a sharp object was put to my left breast. And I would warn that should I reveal any of the secrets of premasonry, to know what to expect. When you’re presented before the high priest, a sword is held against your chest, and you actually take a blood oath promising to remain faithful to the secrets of witchcraft.

When you are in the room, this blindfold is taken away from you, and this is a time when they say that you’re coming from darkness into light. During the initiation ceremony, the initiate is led by the lieutenant of the high priest and is challenged at the edge of the circle by someone saying, who goes there? Trauma based mind control. Most victims of the CIA’s trauma based mind control program, MkUltra, have come from families with a history of child abuse, because multigenerational child abuse makes a child more susceptible to mind control. And most of the characters we see as world leaders are not only actors on a stage, they are oblivious because they have suffered a lifetime of abuse and mind control.

The overwhelming majority of people on team evil are not all in on it. They simply do as they are told. They follow orders, and they don’t ask questions. These families see having children as a means of gaining power and wealth. They see their own children as property, as slaves to do the family’s bidding. But perhaps it’s more like a cult than a family. Nearly a million child orphans were distributed throughout America and the Commonwealth in the late 18 hundreds by an international secret society called the Odd Fellows, delivered primarily by train. Many of these orphans were born in private homes owned by the odd fellows and their offshoot, the daughters of Rebecca, an all female masonic organization that featured symbols of mass breeding and fertility.

Killers of the flower moon. Absolutely show straight up. The free Mason temple. And Leonardo gets spanked in this temple. Just check out these clips and just know that they’re always telling you the truth in order to desensitize you. So when you see the truth, you think it’s ridiculous, because subliminally, you’re not shocked, because you’ve already seen it, and you don’t know you’ve already seen it because it was in a movie. Most of our experiences in life and memories are from movies. They are powerful, and that’s how they control us. Check this out. Remove the book. I am a 32nd degree Mason.

I am imbued. Are you hearing me? Hmm? Yes. Leonardo’s character was going to testify against the person who spanked him from doing other things. And then he came into this room to meet with him. And all of these people were sitting here. You’ll see the sheriff, other people, and what you’re going to see is them basically all hear them trying to corrupt the law, and none of them care, not even the sheriff. Why? Because they’re all in the same club. They’re all Freemasons. Okay? It’s, it’s a. It’s a tip of the hat to any freemason that’s out there, and Freemasons know.

So this is literally advertisement and this strengthens their ranks. And it’s a, it’s, it’s a spit in your face, because you have no idea this is happening. But now you do. Check it out. Sheriff county. You know mister. Soloway. Soloway. Oy. Want to see your wife and kids? Yes, sir, I do. These government menta, they beat you and they tortured you. Well, no, but they did keep me up for days. Oh, they beat you? They beat you. Yes, they beat me. They beat me, sir. Thank you. Most of the us presidents during this time were Freemasons.

Four of them were odd fellows. And at last count, 34 us presidents are directly related to Charlemagne, king of the Franks. The older generation outlawed natural medicine, introduced petrochemical, pharmaceutical drugs, and polluted the environment. And now the younger generation is here to fix it with their totalitarian great reset. It’s a multi generational plan that works because of family loyalty and also because of the third reason why they keep it in the family now. They even get into the new world order in the Illuminati, they also get into pre crime. And in the video start of the mark, I get into that as well.

So a lot of these elites are literally born insanely rich. And when you can buy anything in the world, your life changes. And it goes from wanting material things to literal power. We could trace this conspiracy of tyrants all the way back to the 18th century. But we’ll begin with the year that gave birth to the Federal Reserve bank and big pharma. In 1910, the Carnegie foundation published the Flexner Report, which directly led to the shutting down of natural traditional medicine, and gave way for the Rockefellers to patent and monopolize the medicine industry. That same year, Rothschild banking dynasty’s Paul Warburg, along with high ranking members of us banking and government, met in secret to hatch a plan that would financially rob every single american citizen for generations to come.

Fractional reserve banking was considered a scam for centuries. This changed in 1913 with the Federal Reserve banking system. Fractional reserve banking became the norm. Regulated by the Fed, the Federal Reserve was also given the task of managing the us debt, otherwise known as inflation, the hidden tax, where the Fed gets to bail out members of their criminal cabal while everyone else suffers. Meanwhile, their families created their own interest free banks, utilizing what’s known as a whole life insurance policy and family trusts, keeping their own wealth safely out of the Federal Reserve system. A banking system that gave this cabal unlimited funds to wage war against all of humanity.

In 1921, after years of meeting in secret. The roundtable movement, a group that sought to reunify America with the crown and the Harvard Business School, merged factions to become the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank allowing bankers and industrialists the opportunity to engineer government policy and discreetly undermine american democracy. In 1942, the OSS was formed by the cabal as an intelligence agency to fight the war. OSS member Alan Dulles went on to help create the CIA in 1947, who immediately began seizing control of the worldwide illicit drug market, starting with the heroin trade in Sicily.

The CIA’s reputation speaks for itself. They are the world’s biggest drug cartel. I am a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective and I work south central Los Angeles. And I will tell you, director Deutsch, emphatically and not equip the kim to the mics. Sir, these mics don’t seem to be. I will tell you, director Deutsch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time. All right, all right, all right. Obviously, that is an answer for a lot of you. Now, can you please I refer.

All right, now, can you please I refer. Direct, Director Deutsch. I will refer you to three specific agency operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus and Watchtower. I have watchtower documents heavily redacted by the agency. I was personally exposed to CIA operations and recruited by CIA personnel who attempted to recruit me in the late seventies to become involved in protecting agency drug operations in this country. I have been trying to get this out for 18 years and I have the evidence. My question for you is very specific, sir. If in the course of the IG’s investigations and Fred Hitz’s work you come across evidence of severely criminal activity.

Let him speak. And it’s classified. Will you use that classification to hide the criminal activity or will you tell the american people the truth? If you have information about CIA illegal activity in drugs, you should immediately bring that information to wherever you want. But let me suggest three places. The Los Angeles Police Department. For the record, my name is Mike Rupert. R u P P E r T. I did bring this information out 18 years ago, and I got shot at and forced out of LAPD because of this. I’ve been on the record for 18 years, nonstop.

And I’ll be happy to give you, Congressman, anything that I have the gentleman in the bayou shirt back there in the back. My name is James Otis. I’m currently making a documentary on the CIA and we’re interviewing seven former agents. One was sent down to murder the head of Cuba, Fidel Castro. Another gentleman, Colonel Philip Bredinger, was sent down to Guatemala to overthrow the government of Guatemala in 1954. The third agent was actually a spy on Iowa State University campus where he spied on students, dark skinned students, foreigners and people from other countries. He was then sent down to Cuba to poison the food supply in Havana, poison the children of Cuba for whatever reason.

So we all, I believe, already know this information. Mister Deutsch, my question to you is if we know all of this stuff that the agency has done historically, then why certainly should we believe you today when you say certainly? This could never happen in Los Angeles when it’s happened all over the world. Overthrower of nations and purveyors of propaganda and mkultra, the globalist cabal has these intelligence groups in all of their nations with no oversight, using them as a secret army to carry out their agenda. In 1944, the World bank and the International Monetary Fund were created under the guise of fostering global growth, followed by the United nations in 1945.

What they actually did was work together to violently seize control of entire nations. The World bank trained people known as economic hitmen to make a simple offer to world leaders on their behalf. Either accept a massive loan designed to bankrupt their nation or be killed. And many were. The game is simple. Conquer by debt. The Federal Reserve banking system does it to every individual, and the World bank and IMF do it to every nation. Once indebted to these crooked institutions, they lose control over their own destiny. The only difference between the mafia and this globalist cabal is scale.

Starting in 1951, Henry Kissinger founded and directed the Harvard International Seminar, funded by Kissinger through grants from private foundations known to be fronts for the CIA. The Harvard International Seminar was yet another group of globalist leaders coming together to discuss the future of a one world government. The first documented meeting of the infamous Bilderberg group was in 1954. But it would take the public 50 years to become aware of them. In 1955, the Bilderberg group privately discussed plans for the European Union and the euro 38 years before their creation, slowly making their way into a one world government controlled by their own interests.

One world people exist because it’s a very powerful concept to have and far too lucrative and beneficial to not be attempted. Yeah, I mean. I mean, if I was gonna run some global power organization, I would try to co opt every single leader. Try to suck them in, offer support, bring them out to wherever the fuck I have my big ass meetings. Fly everybody in in private jets, talk about the climate crisis. All organizations have to follow the same rules. Yeah. Recruitment is an important facet of all. We have to get some young global leaders. The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.

And we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. After they assassinated JFK, the agenda went into overdrive. Destructive leftist programs under the guise of welfare were deployed, making more and more people dependent upon big government. In 1971, the UN votes to admit communist China and expel Taiwan, lighting a spark that leads to world war. UN ambassador George HW Bush accompanies Henry Kissinger to open up business with the CCP. That same year, a young Klaus Schwab, son of a nazi industrial and protege of Henry Kissinger, formed the World Economic Forum, replacing and expanding Kissinger’s international seminar.

The World Economic Forum is made up of a thousand corporate entities represented by a consensus of a hundred, the same exact entities that make up the Bilderberg group because they are one and the same. Joe makes a great point that pedos hang with pedos, you know, at the top. They’re all crazy. Crazy hangs out with crazy. That all stems from royalty and royal incest and royal hunting parties and sacrifices. From our point of view, it really makes no difference whether you pray to a father God or to a mother goddess or to an entire gaggle of gods and goddesses.

Michael Keno was a high level officer in the National Security Agency. He was and is, you’ll see him today, practicing satanist. He created the satanic temple of Set, which he still runs. He was a high level NSA officer. He’s a member of the association. I used to be in the association of former intelligence officers, Afio. He’s a member of that. He’s plugged in big time to the intelligence community. And he wrote a paper called Mind War. And mind war was about psychological operations against populations, including the american, the domestic population, using satanist techniques and tools. Aquino was first involved in nk ultra operations during the Vietnam War as part of the Phoenix program.

Well, first, I’ve been involved in intelligence and psychological operations for about 40 years in all levels of it and across the intelligence community. You are a lieutenant colonel in the United States army, correct? Now. And how does the army feel about you being head of the Temple of Set? The army is known about my religion for the entire span of my army career, which began in 1968, the army has paid very little attention to it, the same as it would to anybody who is, say, a follower of Hinduism or of Buddhism or any other slightly unusual religion.

Today he was occupied a position at the presidio, which was a training facility for the us government, and it was uncovered that he was running a pedophile ring. I think 50 kids came out and fingered him as the guy that had done sexual acts on them as children. It went to trial. He walked from the trial successfully because he had a good attorney, despite the fact that there were multiple witnesses that said Aquino, through satanic rituals, had abused them as children. There’s no question that he’s a practicing satanist. Just watch any one of his interviews. On this altar is one of a number of daggers which we may use in our rituals.

This one happened to belong to the commanding general of the most elite unit of Germany’s infamous SS, which was concerned with black magic and occultism research in general. Anything that it could find that had to do with the origins of the human race, destiny of humanity. A perverted view of the occult held by Heinrich Himmler was of an evil magic that could help create a new master race. Wewelsburg Castle is where he performed his ceremonies. I have been to the Wewelsburg, which still preserves Heinrich Himmler’s ritual chambers to this day, and have conducted a black magical ritual in the so called hall of the dead beneath the Bewolferg.

This particular dagger is inscribed, to our comrade in the Leibstandarta, Theodor vish, regarded Fuhrer, a major general in the Waffen ss. And on its blade it bears the inscription, mine era heist troy, or my honor shall be known by my faithfulness. Aquino’s thesis stated that enemy populations could be subdued by inflicting a state of psychological terror and feelings of imminent destruction. He discusses the use of psychotronic weapons and electromagnetic weapons that influence the mind by extremely low frequency signals piggybacked on broadcasted radio, tv or microwave communications in order to influence and manipulate the thoughts and feelings of the target population.

These ongoing MkUltra operations are functioning as a counterinsurgency and infiltration operation aimed at destabilizing the United States and other industrialized nations. Now to our NBC News investigation. Disturbing allegations that workers at some us military bases are the victims of human trafficking. Our report, produced in collaboration with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, the Washington Post, and arab reporters. For investigative journalism, news begins with breaking news. First at five, a marine who was found dead from a gunshot wound to his head. Camp Pendleton has been identified. The information just coming into our newsroom. Let’s go straight to ten.

News reporter Rachel Bianco with the breaking details. Rachel? Yeah. And Kimberly, the news is all over Twitter. Maureen found dead at Camp Pendleton identified his name is Lance Corporal Dominic Schraft of Missouri. He was found yesterday on a training range with a gunshot wound to the head, just 19 years old. The circumstances of the shooting still under investigation. Investigation we’ve learned a marine found dead in his barracks at Camp Pendleton will be laid to rest this weekend. Private First Class Christopher Hutchings was found on February 5. His death is now being investigated by armed forces medical examiner alongside the Naval Criminal Investigative Services, also known as NCIS.

Colonel accused of sexually assaulting minors appeared before a base judge today. Colonel Daniel Wilson is facing numerous charges of assault and conduct unbecoming of an officer. WNCT’s Elizabeth II was in the courtroom and has more on the proceedings. Colonel Daniel Wilson slowly walked from the brick to the courtroom with his lawyer, Philip Stackhouse, where he pled not guilty in front of a base judge. Wilson asked the judge on Friday for a trial before members rather than by a judge. He is charged with sexual assault, assault consummated by battery, and absence without leave stemming from a December incident.

He was already facing charges of three counts of sexually abusing a child and nine counts of conduct unbecoming of an officer stemming from an incident in June. Wilson was ultimately barred from base after sending threatening Facebook messages to an undisclosed recipient. But those messages aren’t related to the sexual assault charges. Well, guys, Colonel Daniel Wilson was convicted of several charges related to three separate incidents. But the most serious charge, that of sexual assault, was overturned on appeal due to insufficient evidence. A military court found Wilson guilty of inappropriately touching a six year old girl at his home while stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

A US Marine has been detained after a missing teenage girl was found in the barracks of a California military base. The girl is just 14 years old. She was found about two weeks after her grandmother reported her missing. Now, the girl who was reported missing went vanished on June 13, and she was found on the 28th inside the highly secured base in a building that houses marines. Those two facts have raised a lot of questions. How does a missing 14 year old girl get onto a secure military base? And how long was she in those dorm style barracks which are inspected daily? The aunt of the 14 year old girl found in the barracks at Camp Pendleton after being reported missing is sharing what she says happened to her niece.

She was found in the barracks by military police. She had been sold to a soldier for sex. The military is trying to cover it up. They’re trying to cover it up and place majority of the blame on her. According to the San Diego County Sheriff’s department, the girl was reported missing. Bye. Her grandmother. On June 13 after running away on the 9th. Explosive story out of Camp Pendleton where a missing 14 year old girl has finally been found and a marine has been taken into custody in connection with her disappearance. That girl’s family now alleging she was trafficked and sold to a marine for sex.

Our Leanne suiter joining us live in studio with the latest details, Leigh Ann, Michelle and Jori. Shocking details and allegations coming from the victim’s family who says that teen was sold for sex. Kemp Pendleton, authorities now investigating. Authorities confirming this picture posted on social media showing the moment the marine was arrested as authorities investigate a possible human trafficking case at Camp Pendleton after a missing 14 year old girl was found on base. Just trying to give an update. My family and I are doing okay. Would just like to start off by thanking everyone for boosting this video.

I appreciate everyone trying to bring awareness to this incident. The teen’s aunt taking to social media to talk about the case and concerns about possible retaliation from the military. The woman says her niece has learning disabilities and was allegedly sold for sex. A Camp Pendleton Marine accused of having sex with a 14 year old girl in his barracks was identified for the first time today during a preliminary hearing on base. Avery Robert Rosario walked into military court in handcuffs. I refused to allow this matter to be swept under the rope. She was raped by a Marine at Canton.

The girl claimed she had been sold by a pimp and sexually trafficked. On June 28, the teen was located inside the barracks at Camp Pendleton. Since the base is federal property, Naval Criminal Investigative Services is handling the investigation with the assistance of the sheriff’s department in San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force. I will not rest until the whole world knows and those responsible are held accountable. And justice, justice is served. Now to that stunning mass arrest of 16 US Marines at Camp Pendleton. They’re accused of drug related crimes and human smuggling. Our chief global affairs anchor Martha Rattis tracking the fallout in Washington.

Good morning, Martha. Good morning, George. This was a mass arrest that no one in that Marine Corps battalion at Camp Pendleton will forget. They were all lined up information when authorities swept in and one by one pulled out those 16 Marines with everyone watching. They were handcuffed and then taken into custody. The Marine Corps says this was for their alleged involvement in various illegal activities, including human smuggling. Earlier this month, two marines were charged with transporting migrants for financial gain. The charging documents say a contact in Mexico told the Marines where to pick up the migrants once they cross the border into the US.

This is an embarrassment for the Marine Corps, especially since other marines from Camp Pendleton have been tasked by the Pentagon to help secure the border. George, it certainly is an embarrassment. Okay, Martha, thanks very much. In southern California, more than a dozen us Marines are under arrest tonight on charges that include human smuggling. They’re based at Camp Pendleton. That’s about an hour drive from the mexican border. And David Martin has details of the arrest that was done as a public display for the entire unit to see. First there were two Marines accused of human smuggling. Now there are 16 more, all members of the same battalion arrested at Camp Pendleton, California, today during morning formation.

Video from July 2019 shows the moment where over a dozen Marines from First Marine Marine Division were arrested during a battalion formation at Camp Pendleton over suspicion of human smuggling and drug offenses. None of them were among the 6600 active duty and National Guard troops assigned to the southwest border. Eight more marines were questioned in an unrelated drug case. The first two Marines were arrested earlier this month when Border patrol agents caught them in the act of picking up three undocumented immigrants from Mexico. According to court documents, the three immigrants told investigators they were paying $8,000 to be smuggled to Los Angeles or New Jersey.

One of the marines said he was expecting to be paid $1,000 for his role. The other said he had made similar pickups before. That case prompted Border patrol agents to expand their investigation, resulting in today’s mass arrest. Officials say more arrests are expected. In a separate case, 22 Navy SEALs, an entire platoon, have been sent home from Iraq. Defense officials tell CB’s News they took part in a drunken July 4 party which not only violated regulations against consuming alcohol in Iraq, but resulted in allegations of sexual assault. A tweet from the special operations command said their commander lost confidence in the team’s ability to accomplish the mission.

Defense officials say the Seals were sent home because all of them invoked a code of silence and refused to talk about what had happened at the party, Nora. All right. David Martin at the Pentagon. Thank you. New developments in a case involving 24 Camp Pendleton Marines that have been less than honorably discharged over accusations of human smuggling and drug trafficking. And this coming after arrests were made on base in front of other Marines back in July. Marilyn Moore joining us now with the latest developments. That’s right. And really it was very dramatic how these arrests played out.

Initially, it all happened right in front of other marines during a battalion formation. And now this investigation, it has led to 24 discharges. Now 24 marines are facing less than honorable discharges from the military, a spokesperson for First Marine division told Fox five Saturday. The nine most appalling cases were sent to courts martial, where eight pleaded guilty. One Marine with a bad conduct discharge is still serving 18 months in the brig. Over the last week, authorities arrested the man they believe was the ringleader of the operation, Francisco Rojas. Prosecutors say he was the one who recruited Marines from Camp Pendleton and paid them to transport illegal immigrants through San Diego after they crossed the US Mexico border.

What I want to tell you is that it’s all about the children, right? And I said that because I am currently working on a four part series. When I relaunch my show, I’m working on a four part series on child trafficking. And when you start to go into this very dark world of trafficking, you learn about a lot of things that many people don’t want to accept and many people don’t want to face, and many people don’t want to believe is true. But my job as a journalist is to follow the facts regardless of where they take me.

I couldn’t care less about politics. I am not defined by Democrat or Republican or left or right. They try all the time to put me in a little box and it never sticks because it’s completely and utterly untrue. And what I care about is understanding, number one, what has happened to all of these missing children. How come hundreds of thousands of children go missing every year? How come they go missing in child protective services and in their custody? How come so many of the kids, 70, 80% of the kids that end up in sex trafficking have been through the foster care system? This is not okay.

And when you start to go and investigate this and you learn the details of it, they say the devil is in the details. And that true both literally and figuratively. I, for example, right now am working on investigative case where a guy has a six year old child in a cage, raping this child every day, a little boy, okay? And these are people, some of them are in law enforcement, some of them are working with people in child protective services. Some of them are protecting very elite people in our societies who are, and have been involved in these things for a very long time.

And this should not come as a surprise to anyone, because Jeffrey Epstein, Epstein is no secret, right? And people know that. Jeffrey Epstein, take a look at the, at the logs on his, of his airplane, and you see all the elite people in our society who have gone to Epstein island, and somehow we still don’t know what any of them have done. We’ve had Ghislaine Maxwell on trial. She’s been convicted. And it’s extraordinary because it’s a completely victimless crime. We don’t know who the victims are, and we don’t know who the perpetrators are because Ghazna and Maxwell was a middleman, right? She was willing for the people to be raped and.

And to be sexually exploited and abused. And yet we don’t know. We don’t know anything about it. How is that possible? And when it comes to what I was talking about, has a number of different aspects, right? Number one, you can read across the media, everyone from NBC to Politico to USA Today to everyone you can think of in mainstream media, they’re fine doing articles about how the blood of young people is the secret to anti aging, right? And you know that old saying, you know, I think that you will appreciate this. My mother was a person who really handed down for me the wisdom of generations, right? And much of that comes in the kind of sayings and the cliches and the things that we learn.

And why do they endure over time? Because they’re true. And isn’t there a saying that says, only the good die young? Why is it that only the good dying? Is it because they’re not interested in using the blood of young children? That if that’s the cost of reversing the effects of aging, they’re not prepared to pay it, but the evil people are, you know, and what we don’t do as journalists is we allow people to make these kind of statements and to write these articles, and they put in all the science and the data and they say, isn’t this amazing? Right? It’s the blood of young people.

But we don’t ask, how do you get the blood of young people? And how much blood of young people do you actually need? How much does one person need in order to stay young? And as you get older, do you need more and more of young people’s blood? And by the way, does it matter if the children are younger and younger and younger and what has to be in their blood? And, you know, you can talk to any doctor and they will tell you about the science of adrenaline, right? And how when adrenaline is released into the blood, it has effects.

I know because when I was in Iraq as a war correspondent and our hotel was shelled, I literally, I watched. I watched a building fall down in pieces around me, and I knew that the office had been hit, was the Reuters office. And I knew that I knew most of the people in there. And I literally felt, when I realized that my friends could be dead, I felt the adrenaline leave my body, and I have never felt anything like it. And when I was in Turia Square being gang raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death in Egypt, and I lost control of my security guy.

They ripped him off me. I will never forget the feeling of the adrenaline leaving my body. I will never forget it because it was the most defeating moment that I have ever experienced. And so we know, and doctors know that adrenaline in the blood creates certain chemical releases that empower human beings. And when you look back in history and you go back in time, what do you find in every society in the world, in the secret societies, in the noble societies, they talk about blood sacrifice and ritualized killings and so on and so. But we don’t want to talk about this today.

We’ll put it in our movies. We’ll put it in tv. Netflix right now has a series called the Watcher. And he went down to the living room, and there were all these old people standing in a circle in long red robes and chanting. In the middle of the circle, it was this little baby. He’d slit its throat. They were drinking its blood. Sorry. Why are they doing this again? To look younger. I looked it up. There are these cults, right? And there is something in the blood called adrenochromes. It’s excreted from the body by fear, and they fucking feed off of it.

I’ve heard of cases like that. Sure, with psych patients with schizophrenics think that drinking blood will make them live forever. Or members of a demonic cult who have bizarre rituals. Forget it. I just thought I’d ask. Might be good to talk to someone. Both of you. I could arrange a consult right here in Des Moines. They think that someone’s been stealing plasma, so she put in this new protocol in the watcher. The guy is talking about exactly this. His son witnessing a ritual sacrifice where children are being sacrificed. You know how crazy this is? A thousand years ago, because I’m 51 now, when I was 17 years old, actually was a little bit older because I’ve been a journalist for a few years.

I was probably about 2021 years old. I was working for Reuters, an international news agency, and I did a series on Satanism. And I can tell you, I watched. I looked at photographs of dead babies who had been skinned and used in ritual sacrifices in satanic cells in South Africa. I have listened to the interviews and the testimony of survivors of Satanism and to people who have received them. There’s testimony from medical doctors, there’s testimony from therapists who have tried to stitch these survivors back together. There’s a 60 minutes piece from years ago in Australia, from decades ago, where a survivor actually describes witnessing people being killed in these blood sacrifices.

It involves a secret network of the highest office holders in the land, past and current members of parliament, cabinet ministers, judges, diplomats, even one of the country’s top spies. These men are accused of some of the most sadistic child sexual abuse imaginable on hundreds of victims, some as young as eight more. Confronting still are claims that children were killed in order to protect this nepal of predators, including one boy whose father worked at the Australian High Commission in London for over 40 years. The evil child predators acted with complete impunity, hiding behind the facade of respectability.

They are literally selling all of our data so that the government can put us all in different categories, from extremists to terrorists to normal to sheep. And they’ll be able to more effectively control us all. And they’re buying this data from the tech providers, circumventing our right of privacy. Because all of this stuff is public and we don’t know any better. They could easily blackmail all of us. I guarantee they have videos in their archives of all of us doing personal things on our phones because the cameras are always snapping pictures and recording and listening. Let me get this straight.

For a legitimate presidential candidate, what’s more american than that? Yet she’s labeled threat. Something’s not right. I thought we had a constitution that protects against that. Well, fear Trump’s freedom every time. Well, it actually involves the Department of Homeland Security and these institutions that have been popping up all over the country called fusion centers. Have you heard of those? After 911, Homeland Security and Justice Department set them up in cities around the country. Command centers that gather and analyze information from government agencies, agencies, police departments and private sources supposedly prevent terrorism. So this video is super important.

This is basically the method that they’re going to use to try to take over, basically FEMA style, if you know what that means. Meantime, we’re following this question. Did the FBI use its counterterrorism division to target parents protesting Covid mandates at school boards? Well, two congressional republicans say they have evidence proving they did. It all happened after 911, where they created the Patriot act, where basically they said they can do whatever they want when it comes to terrorism, and they left the definition of terrorism really open. Since then, they’ve shifted more towards domestic terrorism, and they’re using something called fusion centers, where it’s all the agencies, all the law enforcement agencies together combined, basically utilizing information they grab from us.

They actually tap our phone calls, check our social media. It’s all done through AI algorithms. But the fusion centers is where all of that fuses together. We work very closely with the jewish federations throughout the country. Now, they knew that the leaders of society, the leaders of the normies, the people with decent sized companies, would be able to lead rebellion. So they knew they had to get them and flip them on their side so that their takeover would be fluent. So they created something called infragard. And this was back in 1998 or 1996 that this was created.

Infragard grabs all of the private sector businesses, which is just private businesses, and the heads of those, and puts them as part of this specific organization where they get information before we do. If there’s going to be a nuclear threat, they would get that information before you do. They also gave them permission to use deadly force when it comes to martial law. So they are basically prepping them all the insider information. It’s like a secret meeting. Almost exactly like the one that Doctor Carrie made a brought up in our interview. Check out this clip from that right here.

You said that you were invited to a vip business owners meeting, I’m assuming because you’ve owned your own medical clinic. You said this meeting was where they discussed their plans to conspire to destroy America. You clearly disagreed and voiced your thoughts and blew the whistle tongue the world about the meeting. What were the qualifying factors for somebody to get an invite to that meeting? And can you elaborate on what that was like for you? What kind of things were going through your mind when you realized what was really going on? I know that two different people had referred me.

You have to be referred into the group, and they do background check. All right? Now check this out. NEC is a company that’s partnered with Infragard, and they’re all the biometrics that they’re already rolling out in places like Hawaii, things like thermal temperature scanning in airport, facial recognition id. This is the company that’s going to do rolled out. You’re going to want to look into them. All right, so what you’re seeing here is the latest tweet from FEMA. It came out 915 2021. Check this out. We go to their site up here where they put their new plan.

We go down here. Look at this one right here. Look at this. This is the one. This is the juice right here. Incinerations for fusion centers. That’s the big deal.


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