Spread the Truth



➡ This text talks about various conspiracy theories, including the idea that major events are connected to astrological alignments and that the elite are planning for a fake alien invasion. It also discusses the recent outages on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and suggests that these events are part of a larger plan. The text also mentions the idea that smart cities are already in place and that the Rothschilds are connected to the rise of cryptocurrency. Lastly, it encourages listeners to question mainstream news and to share the video to break through algorithms.
➡ The video discusses various topics, including the impact of certain roof types on house survival in fires, the role of technology in mapping cities, and the potential misuse of cars. It also mentions the use of lasers in warfare and the existence of smart cities. The video further discusses the influence of social media on people’s behavior, the potential for major internet outages, and the use of mind-altering substances.
➡ This text talks about a theory that a new religion is being created, influenced by mind-altering chemicals and artificial intelligence. It suggests that this is connected to a decrease in human interaction and an increase in digital and social media use. The text also discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that famous figures and events are part of a larger plan to control society. It ends by suggesting that celebrities are used as tools to manipulate public opinion and behavior.
➡ This text talks about various celebrities and their connections to symbolism, particularly the checkerboard pattern and the sampaku eyes. It suggests that these symbols are used by the elites and can indicate future tragedies. The text also discusses the use of hand signs, like the 666 sign, and how they are becoming more subtle as people become more aware. Lastly, it touches on the stress levels in different states, the impact of the economy on mental health, and the importance of reducing stress.
➡ If you enjoy this channel, you can support it by joining for a small fee of $4.99, which is less than a bag of Skittles. After joining, you’ll be able to listen to all our cool and smart podcasts. Join today because we have special live shows coming up tomorrow and Thursday with a guest and Aniyasaru that you won’t want to miss.


Yo, what up? It’s doughnut and you tuning in to all your illuminati news. It’s going down. Strange events, massive outages happened this morning. I wasn’t aware of it because in the morning I take the first 4 hours to pray, meditate, and do work and read and research. So I had no idea this was going down, but that’s something I’ve been doing most lately. But this has been happening as we’ve been showing the predictive programming through priming through mountain Dew.

Yeah, mountain Dew. Yeah. It’s going to get crazy. I got some more finds on the mountain Dew as I saw this one right here. Somebody shared how there’s a solar flare actually happening right in it. And we just had that happening, the CME blasts. But what I’ve been looking out for is this devil comet. We’re going to be able to see the devil comet during the great american eclipse on April eigth.

When the satanist Alastair Crowley spoke to iwas on that exact date. Movies like Civil War being released the same time the Civil War actually took place and went down. And the history of that is also been fabricated as well. I mean, everything is just nuts now. Facebook and Instagram were both down, affecting users across the globe. This is all over the mainstream media. Facebook and Instagram outage, widespread disruption resolved.

Ever since they created things like the refrigerator or a laundry machine, life got pleasant. Things got a little better. And once they released all these new technologies of the cell phone or the web browsers or the dating apps, life seems to get more miserable. Less people are having sex and less people are happy. People are hopeless is very sad now that this took place on Super Tuesday. This is a voting day today, Super Tuesday.

Super. Put your ballots in for the left right paradigm. This went down. I mean, that’s very suspicious. Usually we get an October surprise. But today we got a thooper Tuesday thing happening. And it makes me think of people that orchestrate the color revolutions like George Soros funding these communist protests, socialist protests going down, purchasing the radio waves. Now the radios were working, people couldn’t get on the Internet to check their social media apps, which is nothing but manipulation of the mind to sell you a product, to hijack your amygdala and get you feeling certain emotions either being triggered or lustful.

So you will buy a product. Now put a one in the comment if you could hear me. Okay, we are streaming live. Looks like. Oh my goodness, we got 1000 people up in here. Make sure to smash that like button. I’m going to remind you all to smash that, like, button every time we pass through a thousand people. And also share this video out. This is how we break through the AI algorithms.

Now, let’s get right back into it. But please put a one in the comment if you could hear me. Oh, it looks like everyone could hear me. Shout out to Ohio. Hello, everybody. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. So let’s get back into it. George Soros purchasing these radio stations, the Obamas sitting presidents putting out films on Netflix, and Netflix being owned by people connected to Edward Bernays.

I mean, oh, my goodness, the propaganda bloodlines are right all over this place. But this is what that movie was about. Leave the world behind. And in this movie, they talked about the winter solstice rituals that the elite cabal do on the winter solstice. I’ve been saying that the elites do things on astrological alignments according connected to the moon and all this stuff. And even Obama is telling you the same thing.

So if you’re on the fence there, you even got Obama telling you that they doing the winter solstice rituals as we’re coming up on the spring equinox. If you’ve seen the movie, I just watched it. It’s by the hereditary, a 24. This is about the solstice. I can’t believe I forget that. Midsummer. It’s called midsummer. And that whole movie is about the elite doing the winter solstice, summer solstice rituals, spring equinox rituals.

And this is when we go into Easter. Ishtar, you got the Clintons calling them Easter worshippers as terrible tragedies go down during that time, because this is going back to the ancient days, these rituals. And I believe that these dates of these world events are lined up directly connected to the fake alien invasion. Yes. We’re going through an HG Wells, through radio stations and podcasts like the Joe Rogan podcast telling you the alien disclosures are here.

This is Project Bluebeam. We are living through Project Bluebeam as people are getting married to holograms. But on March 13, which is coming up, that’s when the Phoenix lights happened over Arizona, where I’m based out of. And this is the exact same day that the national emergency took place. This is when Trump declared a national emergency on the state. March 13, the same day the Phoenix lights happened.

So there’s one correlation to the UFO dates and big events that go down. Even storm Area 51, a Facebook event. This was a Facebook event, took place prior to the world changing forever due to some sort of alien situation. That went down. And I don’t know if you can hear that, but a big helicopter just flew by. Like a black helicopter right there inside Mark Zuckerberg’s massive bunker on schedule.

Hawaiian islands. The elites go to know Ellison, Bezos. All the elites are there. That’s where they’re going to build these bunkers, because they know something’s going on and happening. That’s where they’re all going. And let’s not forget what happened on eight. Eight in the eight area code, the 50th state, during the 50th year of hip hop, the Jubilee, it went up into flames. And people are talking about these smart cities.

Well, guess what? The smart cities are already in place. So they’re not building them, they’re already here. The entire city of, let’s say, arizona, where I’m at, built on a grid. It’s already in place. You got the way Mo machines driving the big towers everywhere. It’s already implemented, it’s already here. And I’ll be making a documentary about this and releasing it to the public. I think that’s going to be interesting because I’ll be able to film all that stuff happening.

Now. Isn’t it weird that this Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram outage happened? I heard that Twitter was fine, but that happened today. And like a week ago, you had the cell outage in the US of at and t 70,000 customers are hit nationwide. Communications blackout just took place just a week prior to this one. And even a Coinbase outage happened as well, most recently a Coinbase outage right here.

Some Coinbase users unable to trade, see zero balance due to an outage. Bitcoin soars. These are all rituals going down connected to the moon. Now here’s the Rothschild Economist magazine that was set up in 1988. This issue was released. Evelyn Day Rothschild died a day prior or after a full moon, just like young dolph who released the Illuminati paper route. And the most recent, Lord Rothschild passed away on a moon day on Monday, just a day after or two after the full moon on February 24.

All the moon rituals are straight connected to the Rothschilds, as crypto is mooning right now. And I’ll be doing a podcast on Thursday with Aniyasaru of the spiritual Shade room. And I got a special podcast coming up over onto Patreon tomorrow. You’re not going to want to miss out on it. It’s going to be absolutely wicked smart research that we’re going to get into. But it makes me think about the way the Rothschilds got rich of knowing about what was going to happen with the war as we might be told that the war stuff going on, that we lost the war or whatever.

He knew the information prior and manipulated the magazines as they ran the magazines. And the stock market crashed. It’s a stock market crash not a lot of people talk about. And then they bought up everything on pennies on the dollar as we see everything at its all time high which is not correlated to the economy whatsoever. People are broke, credit cards are up at a max and inflation is.

President Biden. President Biden talked about something. They’re saying that it’s false. But he did bring up the blue roofs. Now just look, truth isn’t static. So these websites are lying because truth changes. Remember when the lasers on the one two eight code, January 20 eigth were over Hawai? They were saying it was China, then it came out. No, we’re just mapping Hawai right before the fires happen with the lasers.

And these lasers just last week showed up in Florida. Yeah, I’ll play a clip of that here in a moment. But as you can see, news changes and you got obeyed talking about the lasers. And look, we just crashed through another thousand people. We had the 2000 mark. Make sure to smash that like button. I’m going to remind you all every time we pass through 1000 to smash that like button.

And please share this video out. This is the only way to break through the algorithm is by sharing this video out. And you can see the one two eight code right here on the leap year. But I’m going to play a clip of Obiden talking about the blue roofs. If you fly over these areas that are burned to the ground, you’ll see in the midst of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed.

One home sitting there because they had the right roof on it. And anyway, since I took office, females provided Texas alone. I wasn’t even listening to what he was saying. I can’t even understand what you say. But he was talking about the blue roofs over Hawaii that we covered on this channel extensively. We were one of the first people to break that story and a lot of big truth seekers, I don’t know what to call them, shared out our video and it went massively viral.

But as you can see, my channel, I got to remove my videos consistently just to keep this channel up. So I keep it sort of as a flash page. But you can see right here that moon is absolutely connected to this year with the economist magazine and Donald Trump being the eclipse. As we got this great american eclipse about to go down. Four fiber optic cables. Damage in the Red Sea.

Here’s what we know. So not only all this Internet stuff going out, but at the Red Sea where 97% of all Internet traffic happen are damaged. So just a lot of crazy stuff in the news. And before these fires take place, these green lasers be appearing. So here’s another clip of the green lasers happening in Florida a week ago. I’m not going to play it because I don’t want to get hit with any weird stuff, but check this out.

Look at them lasers over Florida. So look out for Florida. Another place I’m looking out for is Arizona and Paradise Valley. Those are the two places I’m looking out for, for the new smart city grids to go down. But yeah, absolutely nuts. And it goes into this fifth generation warfare. Look at this right here in first UK downs aerial drone with test shot from Dragonfire laser. So like this technology is there.

Look at that. Look at that image. I think that’s the thumbnail. So these lasers, what do you think is going on? Put your comments down below. Here is Waymo. So this is how the Google system smart cities is already set up. It’s not going to happen like in the future. It’s already here in Arizona. You’ll see these Waymo machines driving around everywhere. And what it is is cameras all over it.

So it’s pretty much just documenting everything on the roads. And these can take you straight to jail or they can block off the roads so there is a grid lock so you can’t get out of town. So a lot of different things can be utilized using the big metal object known as a car for a lot of nefarious purposes. And you can see the predictive programming in leave the world behind.

They’re saying it’s Tesla’s. But I mean, doesn’t it look just like the Waymo, which is Google mapping. And that’s what these lights are. These lights are mapping the cities. These cars are mapping every move you make out on the streets. Yes, absolutely nuts. And this image is in San Francisco where they set one on fire. So I’m going to bring up something on these mountain dews. Mountain Dew, we already talked about this one and the devil’s common, the solar flare.

But we brought this information here on this channel first. How Code Red Mountain Dew was released a few months prior to the tragic event that went down in New York City. And right after that, they released through Homeland Security the Code Red system. We broke that down here first on this channel. And I’m going to break another thing down, because we’re bringing you original content on this channel.

And sure, this is a flex, so I’m just going to flex right now because that’s what you’re getting here. So if you’re not subscribed, please hit that subscribe button and ring the bell so you get updated when we put out this information. Now, if you look at the Code Red Mountain Dew can, that happened right before 911. Look, priming. There’s a little airplane code red. Yes, this is what the hypnosis called priming, where many other people call it predictive programming.

But I believe I’m one of the first channels to ever start calling it priming instead of predictive programming. Now, if you go to the link down below where it says get wicked smart, that’s what we’re doing over on the Patreon is we’re getting wicked smart and it’s cheaper than a bag of Skittles. It’s only 499, limited time only, because I’m going to get rid of this one eventually at some point.

And you just get over 300 videos. It says 364 posts. But what we’ve been doing most recently is interviewing wicked smart people and asking them good questions. We just talked to Nick Bryant. He’s the guy who released the Epstein Black book first a long time ago, Christopher Knowles, Ole Demagard. We talked to him and we go deeply into the Mountain Dews and the fire rituals happening. This is a two hour podcast.

Christopher Knowles, the one on one podcast. And tomorrow we’re going to be going live over here on the Patreon with a special guest. And on Thursday with Saru over hypnosis and Illuminati vampires. You’re not going to want to miss it. Just go to the website, go to Patreon. You can join for free, but click one of these. I recommend going to the 499 one for now because this one’s not going to last much longer because of inflation.

You could thank Joe Biden for that hit join and join, and then you’ll access all these videos. And it supports the channel. Now what’s going on through the algorithms and programming, through the fashion industry. Look, you got France doing their fashion week. Maybe you guys can help me out. What is this? I don’t know what these are behind this in this fashion show, but if you go back in time to Alexander McQueen, you can see that they are showing us the new technologies through the Grammys and the music videos.

For example, bad Bunny was working with the Tesla bots prior to the release of the Tesla bots. So this is Alexander McQueen in the what they use now at Amazon to package your products. They’re showing you the technologies before they come out. So it’d be interesting to look into this. If you guys think you know what this is. I’m not sure. It looks a little bit like certain gods and goddesses maybe connected to the copper of the quantum computers.

Maybe. I’m not sure. I just pulled it up. Maybe we’ll research together because I learned so much from the audience and all y’all. And y’all, comments down below. Facebook Instagram messenger down meta platform Stunley stopped working in huge outage. And this is a big story because people are addicted to the dopamine spikes they get from posting pictures, posting whatever. They like it so much that people are having less sex today because the same dopamine spikes you get from posting something.

And this is research that is coming out in mainstream news. But I want to notate. This is old information. But if you’re new to this channel or to these ideas and concepts and looking into this information, that there was something called DARPa lifelog and it was the Facebook for the military. It ended badly and it ended the day that Facebook was created. So there’s absolutely a connection there.

Just like Cyber Polygon took place on July eigth and then they canceled it. And on that day in Canada, the Internet went out. Rogers communication outage the day cyber polygon was set to take place. Now this is what the WEF is telling everybody is going to be the next big event. And are they preparing us for this? Something I’ve noticed was things come out of left field, usually because everything that we’re watching is a movie script and there’s scribes writing out the storyline and they got the haptech technology of Google and Twitter.

All Twitter is, is gathering your information, the way you think, the way you feel, and they know how you feel at certain moments. So they can trigger a big event that will throw you off. It’s called s hits the fan in the movie industry, as I did film studies for a long time and all that. So it’s coming, it’s going down. Strange events are happening. Yes. And now we’re going to get into a lot more content.

Joe Rogan, the Joe Rogan podcast bringing up religion one time. I mean, most of the time they’re bringing up take the mind altering chemicals just like you got Russell brand putting out these polls and shout out to Jacob Israel for telling me about this. I want to know about this. But he told me about this. They’re doing polls, and this is just gathering your information. If you voted for this poll, well, guess what? Your information has been gathered.

And one of the things he’s promoting is the Ayahuasca. That’s what all these new truth ers are promoting, is mind altering chemicals. To have a religious experience while you’re on your AI machine, while they’re telling you about the alien invasion, because they’re creating a new religion. That’s why you got movies on Netflix about the Raylians and all the alien stuff being pushed. Oreos are abducting people and all that during the Super bowl.

This is all connected to a new religion being set into place. And you could trace a lot of it back to this Esalen institute where Charles Manson went to right before he did his ritualistic slayings. So this is where that whole drug counterculture stems from. A lot of it’s coming know Tavistock Eslin Institute, and Aldous Huxley’s the doors of perception, where he got this information from Alastair Crowley, too, in Alastair Crowley’s drug journal.

Where is that drug journal? Right here, the diary of a drug fiend. It goes into resetting the autonomic nervous system through these schizogenics, imitating schizophrenia, to reset your belief system so you can have a new religion. And that’s what it’s all about. Aldous Huxley, his brother, Julian Huxley, who was a eugenics at UNESCO, he built the UNESCO, that’s his creation, where these aliens are coming out of. You know those pictures they’re taking of the aliens at the mexican congress? That’s coming from the Huxley family.

And if you remember and leave the world behind, they showed the. Huxley’s house was abandoned. And he went to the Huxley’s house to get the satellite radio, and I believe that’s where the ocean was crashing into that house. But if you go even further back to the grandfather, it was the bulldog for Darwin. So, I mean, this agenda has been in the works for a very long time.

But he wrote a book, Aldous Huxley, brave New World. This was probably my first red pill when I was in elementary school. I read this book, and it changed my life forever. Highly recommend it. Wicked smart book. But it goes into how people are addicted to entertainment, and the dopamine they get from entertainment, and it was the soma. And right now there’s clear data. People are having less intercourse.

People are having less intercourse, and they’re connecting it straight to Huxley’s brave new world that when you post something and you get all the likes, it’s giving you the same dopamine spikes that it is when you are having intercourse. A failure to launch, why young people are having less intercourse. So you got these social media, social, everything’s antisocial in a sense, but all the social media apps, right, created by asexual humans who are malthusian.

And it all goes into this malthusian theory that population needs to be decreased as well. Georgia guidestones and even pronatalism or antinatalism, they’re very pro, I mean, anti life, right? With all the abortions and all that stuff. So it’s all playing into this agenda and everybody being triggered through the amygdala hijack, which this episode is going to be nuts right here. The system behind the system, where we’re getting into the hypnosis and the fifth generation warfare.

Fifth generation warfare is the social engineering and the cyber incidences and the misinformation. That’s what this is all about. And that’s what we’re learning over on the patreon, all this stuff. But it goes into Timothy, Larry, right? Timothy Leary came up with a concept called the 8th Circuit model of consciousness, but he took it from John C. Lilly, the Illuminati dolphin guy, right? You know how I always talk about them Illuminati dolphins? Well, that is John C.

Lilly’s work with it, who wrote a book called metaprogramming in the computer. Pretty much a human is a computer that you can hijack and download and upload all this different stuff. And then you have Robert Anton Wilson, who really simplified it very well in Prometheus rising. And then I even simplified it even more with imagery over on my website, donut. com, with a dash in it, and it’s right on the front page.

It’s called robot programming. I released this video, and we go over exactly that in a very easy way for you to understand. Absolutely nuts. Absolutely nuts. Now, before we get into the vampires, I’m going to go over to the comment section real quick and say hi to everybody. We got so many people up in here, Amanda. Hello again. Wicked smart, JG. Yes, we gain wicked smart over here.

Coin shortage and digital money, all for base ciphers align. Oh, interesting, Jeremiah. Now, the coin shortage happened, remember when we were all locked down and the first thing they put in the HR bill was the introduction of a digital currency. Now, crypto did a huge crash, and I’ve been watching the crypto markets for a long time, as I used to work for Christopher Green, bitcoin rich. So we’ve been going to these events and talking to people all over the world for a long time.

So I’ve been watching these markets for a very long time. And then we see through the mematic warfare of meme coins, right? Dogecoin. Dogecoin introduced crypto to the masses. Even my dad owns Dogecoin. Everybody owns some dogecoin, right? That has no idea what blockchain technologies are because of the power of the meme in the meme warfare, which Timothy Larry talked about, Terrence McKenna. And you can trace all these fools all the way back to the rockefellers.

Yes, you can trace the Eslan institute back to the Rockefellers and all these, you know, new agey stuff coming straight from bankers and people that want to control the world and control the military industrial complex, but they want you to be positive and be in the. Oh, hey, what’s up, Mars? Pop? He says, what’s up? Oh, my goodness. The one on one podcast. Happy birthday, donut. Thank you so much.

Juan the homoncologist himself, and Juan and I, we broke down the homunculus before everybody broke it down and then before Kat Williams broke it down. So we’re bringing you information over here first, and it’s original content. Wicked, smarta. I love being mooned. All right, can you do a quick recap? No, I can’t. I’m out of breath. I’m catching my breath right now. I go to the comments while catching my breath before we get into all your Illuminati news.

All right, Biden is a demon. Yes. Shout out to the truth mafia. Okay. Shout out, shout out, shout out. All right, here we go. We get back into it. So Edward Landsdale, I mean, he was born February 6. That’s the day that William, not William, Adam Weishop, founder of the Illuminati, was born as well. This is a ritualistic day. Usually rituals go down on this day. The Grammys happened last year, and there was that big earthquake in Turkey, but he came up with the idea of elimination by illumination.

Matt Eric talked about this shout out to the canadian patriot Matthew erit. And Edward Lansdale also came up with this idea of using the Philippines Oswong of a vampiric, cannibalistic entity that would suck the blood of humans. And they use this for the cows being sucked dry. So the whole cow thing brought to you by Eric Schmidt and the FBI, that whole theory stems from Edward Lansdale, who wanted to do another project Blue beam, where they would fake a messiah coming from the sky through the hologram technologies that were created around the same time the Manhattan projects were going down, a secret society of hundreds of thousands of people to create the new Prometheus rising, the new homunculus rising of the a bomb.

Now, Edward Landsdale wanted to put drugs, chemicals into cigars. So when Fidel Castro would smoke it, he would hallucinate. It goes into this whole resetting the autonomic nervous system and whatnot. And vapes. Think about how addicting vapes, like, what do they put in these vapes? Goes into this whole theory, too. So even if you’re not doing these hardcore schizogenics, what can be happening with these vapes? And there’s a vape fire that happened.

Somebody died. And rest in peace, whoever passed away. It’s very sad, but, I mean, that’s absolutely nutty right here. And if you remember during the Super Bowl, I said, this is going to be the fire rituals. That’s what they were preparing us for. Here’s usher and the fire. They’re showing us the fire rituals that go down. Beyonce, Texas hold them, released this video with the fire around here.

And then Texas caught into flames. Just like Elon tweeted Texas in the flames. And then it caught in the flames because they’re giving us clues. They’re giving us signals, because the psychopath needs to tell us what they’re going to do before they do it, or they’re just priming us and getting our subconscious ready for the rollout of whatever is going down. Now, here’s Cardi B. She is a political asset.

A lot of people talk about Taylor Swift as a psyop. Look, all these illuminati puppets are psyops. One thing that people don’t talk about is that kid rock is a psyop. Right? The right is quick to say Taylor Swift is a psyop, even though I’ve been saying that forever and I get no shout out. But they forget to mention that Kid Rock is a psyop, too. Here’s kid rock hanging out with the new world order, right? George Bush, Bill Clinton.

I mean, kid rock hanging out with the new world order, just like Beyonce, the bafflement and Jay Z hang out with the new world order. They are very connected. And look at her outfit, right? It’s the checkerboards. They’re getting smart. They’re getting wicked smart because they know they got to hide the symbolism a little more. So, not a lot of people pointed out how this is the checkerboards right.

Same outfit that cat Williams was wearing, too. He was wearing the checkerboards. Nobody pointed that out. But it’s the checkerboards. Just like jelly roll wearing the checkerboards. And then he was awarded with the uber contract for the Super bowl. And he has the sampaku eyes down here. So I think a tragedy is heading his way. I hope not, because I love jelly roll. Shout out to jelly roll.

Woo. Woo. But the elites use symbolism, and this is some of the original content that we do bring on this channel. I just want to notate this one more time and then I’m done. And then I’ll try to be humble again. But we’re breaking down original content of the sampaku eye symbolism that the elites use. The symbolism. I noticed watching Beavis and butthead last night, that all the music videos that they were showcasing in the 90s through Beavis and butthead, they had the crazy sampaku eyes over on the top of the head.

That indicates that you’re a psychopath or you have psychopathic tendencies. You can see it here with Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan has them a lot. Russell Brand has them a lot. But the upper is, the more they can be unstable. Now, a lot of people have this. When you’re feeling, like, wild. I get it. Know when I’m like, yo, oh, my God. But it is something to look out for.

So that’s some of the information that we’d be bringing over here on the channel. And, yeah, I’m kind of getting ahead of myself. But here’s Cardi B. She talks with Joe Biden, and she’s throwing up that six six six hand sign. But she did it at the very, very end because people are onto them. The information that Juan’s putting out, Tommy’s putting out, that I’m putting out, that ani’s putting out, that we putting out gets millions of.

So this is out there. I mean, Kat Williams talking about the homunculus. Where do you think he learned that from? He learned that from this underground network of truth seekers. But this symbol is very old, as they are pushing the debauchery of culture through the. Timothy, Larry, look. Timothy Larry doing that same hand symbol right there. Just like Cheech and Chong. They do the same hand symbol. You think it’s just, yo, we smoke into ganja, but no, does he have.

Look. Okay, so check it out. Look at a. This is on the fly research, but Chong has the sampaku eyes underneath. And what happened to Chong? He got arrested and got in a lot of trouble. So trouble was heading his way, and that’s exactly what happened. So that’s why I’m looking out for jelly roll, because he has the same paku underneath. This is all symbolism and rituals that Tupac was showing you with Puff daddy in the dress on his Illuminati album.

So actor Cat Williams makes wild claim of the baffomet. He was talking about the baffomet and Beyonce the baffomet. She doing that symbolism in her music video broke that down a while ago. We’re coming up on the ides of March, and we’re also approaching almost 3000 people live in here. Let’s see if we could get this at a record amount of people. Smash that, like, button once again and share this video out.

Let’s try to get a record amount of people up in here. I think the record was like 3000 and something. But we’re coming up on the ides of March, where Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times on March 15. Now, Caesar was the God. Caesar, meaning in contrast with God, they were the gods. And that’s what these celebrities are. They’re your false idols for you to worship. And people do worship them.

That’s why they’re very important to the psyops and whatnot. Lasers in Texas. If you could send me an article if there was, that’d be interesting to see if there was lasers in Texas as it went up in the flames. Now I’m going to the comments and we’ll get back into the show. I do this to catch my breath. I catch my. Hello. Whoa. Going through the comments. If you got any questions, put your comment in the live chat.

Skynet AI is taking over. Shout out to Sierra Vista, Arizona. All righty. All right. Map these nuts. You’re a beautiful baby boy. Dog nuts. Thank you, Vinny. That’s so sweet. Sweet of you to say. Shout to. No, Leo. Hey, shout out to Jessica. Jessica always up in here. What up, Jessica? We gain wicked smart with Jessica. Oh, wow. Rhonda’s first live. Getting wicked smart. Hey, donuts. Wicked smart.

Live show. Vampires are real. Yes, vampires are real. All right, let’s get back into the research. Let’s get back into research and I’ll go back to the comments. So this is interesting. When Hawai, the eight area code on eight, went up into flames, the Lionsgate portal. This 808 connection is also connected to fire and fury with Trump, as Trump was arrested on eight as well, August eigth. And that is his text code.

His text code has the eight, eight, 2022 and that’s when he was arrested. Now somebody is calling me right now, and I don’t know why people be calling me when I’ll be live streaming. But here’s the Oreo. I got to wait for it to stop ringing. Gosh, I should have silenced my phone. But here’s the Oreo invading that I was talking about in the beginning. Absolutely nuts. Now, this alien invasion through the magazines is happening for a long time, going back to Marilyn Monroe in Life magazine.

Now, the guy who created Life magazine, in this issue, there is a case for ufos right there at the top. You could see it right there. There is a case for interplanetary saucers with Marilyn Monroe. Oh, look at that date. April 7, right before the eclipse. April eigth. The guy who created this magazine was part of skull and bones. Yeah. So you always got a skull and bones connection.

And the way I think that they do this programming is through the lyrics. Here’s Pharrell Williams new song, real sicko. He is talking about being a doctor. It’s always going into some pharmacia stuff and the midnight medication, and it’s about having intercourse with the doctor. I need to rock you, baby, because rock and roll rock means intercourse. It all goes back to all that. That’s what they’re doing as people are having less intercourse through the malthusian agendas and whatever.

And here’s Mr. Beast six six. Mr. Beast in his new I survived seven days in an abandoned city. He brings up a six six six as well. During a commercial, somebody in the comments said that I’m not going to watch this video, but somewhere in there I want to notate it. Someone can watch that, but I’m not going to watch it. So I’m just taking your word for it.

But we’re coming up on another full moon, March 25, the worm moon happening. A 24 civil war movie provokes timing debate amid fear of an actual civil war. So this film is coming out. I can’t wait to break that thing down. Could be a cathartic experience. Residents of these ten states are the most stressed out in America. New York and California didn’t make the list. Probably because they’re all on some sort of drugs.

I don’t know. I don’t know why. But this is an interesting study of the places. Tennessee, the 36 parallels, the most stressed out state. And look, Arizona, number eight. Look, I’m always stressed out. So, I mean, I’m trying to lower my stress because it is actually the number one killer is stress right here. And what’s causing stress. The key indicators, they’re saying money, work, health, and family stress.

According to the Druid Hills, that’s where it’s located. This company is located at Druid Hills, which always thought was interesting because the druid means oak tree, but the tree of a holly branch is where the druids use the magic wand. And that’s why you got Hollywood doing the movie magic. But we got to figure out ways to lower stress. If you know how to lower stress, please let me know, because it’s the number one killer.

America’s hopelessness crisis may have less to do with the economy and more to do with Gen Z’s mental health. New survey shows there’s absolutely something going on with the correlation to all the new technologies, the cell phones, the web browsers, and all that. But the economy does play a role in it. The economy plays a role in, like, interest rates plays a role in suicide. When the interest rates goes up and down, it is correlated to people, often themselves.

So we’re looking out for this solar eclipse. Make sure to go to the Patreon. I’ll show you one more time how to do it. It supports this channel if you like what you’re seeing. It says join for free, but what you want to do is you want to go to the cheaper than a bag of Skittles 499. You click join, you put your information in, and then you’re going to access all these dope, wicked smart podcasts.

And I would absolutely do it right now. Do it today because we’re going live tomorrow with a special guest and Thursday with Aniyasaru. You’re not going to want to miss out on it. Anyway. It’s do not much love and God bless. .

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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