Are the Js Human? [DEBATE] w/Charles Moscowitz Dustin Nemos

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➡ The text is a conversation between Donut, Dustin Nemos, and Charles Moskowitz, discussing their backgrounds and beliefs. Charles is a Boston resident, author, and radio host who supports Donald Trump and is a pro-Zionist Jew. Dustin, a father and veteran, is a Christian who believes in fighting for truth and his people. The main topic of their debate is whether Jews are human, with Dustin suggesting that Jews are part of a non-human bloodline according to the Bible. He also discusses the existence of ancient giants and advanced architecture.
➡ The text discusses a theory that the Jewish people are not descendants of Abraham, but rather of a non-human hybrid bloodline. This theory is based on various types of evidence, including genetics, archaeology, and biblical descriptions. The text also suggests that the true Israelites are the Western Europeans. However, this theory is contested, with arguments that the Jewish people are indeed descendants of Jacob, not Esau, and that they received the Torah at Sinai, which separates them from other nations.
➡ The discussion involved various controversial topics, including accusations against Israel, genetic claims about Jewish people, and personal beliefs about God’s chosen people. The conversation was heated and intense, with participants sharing their views and challenging each other. Despite the tension, the host appreciated the dialogue and looked forward to a future discussion. The participants also promoted their works and shared where they could be found online.
➡ The text discusses the theory that Western nations could be the descendants of the lost ten tribes of Israel. It mentions biblical references and historical events to support this idea, including the exile of the tribes and their potential intermarriage with other nations. The text also debates the use of the term ‘Jew’, suggesting it’s a modern English term that doesn’t accurately represent the original Israelites. Lastly, it explores the prophecy in Leviticus, suggesting that the Israelites were promised a new land after their original land was taken.
➡ The text discusses the complex history and genetics of Jews, suggesting they are not Israelites but Edomites. It mentions various genetic studies and quotes from Jewish scientists, arguing that most Jews are not genetically related to Abraham. The text also discusses the interpretation of the word ‘Jew’ and ‘Yahweh’ in the Bible, and the historical influence of the Idumeans on Judea. Lastly, it suggests that the spirit of Jews and non-Jews go to different places after death.
➡ The text discusses a debate about the genetic and religious identity of Jews, with references to historical figures and events. It also delves into the topic of intermarriage within the Jewish community and the preservation of Jewish lineage. The text further explores the origins of Ashkenazi Jews, questioning whether they descended from the Khazars. The conversation ends with a discussion about the sacred name of God in Judaism, Yahweh, and its significance.
➡ The text discusses the debate around the use of the name ‘Yahweh’ in religious texts, with some arguing it should be replaced with ‘the Lord’. It also touches on the interpretation of the Talmud, a Jewish religious text, and the belief that it promotes supremacy and separation of Jews from non-Jews. The text also mentions the controversy around the use of the cross in religious practices. Lastly, it discusses the history of the Babylonian Talmud and its influence on religious beliefs and practices.
➡ The text discusses the significance of the Talmud, a central text in Judaism, and its influence on Jewish culture and practice. It also explores the debate about its interpretation and whether it contradicts or complements the Torah, the primary religious text in Judaism. The text also includes controversial interpretations and quotes from the Talmud, leading to a heated discussion about its content and its impact on Jewish and non-Jewish communities.
➡ The text discusses a debate about the interpretation of religious texts, specifically the Talmud, and the implications for Jewish and non-Jewish relations. It also touches on the topic of Zionism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with differing views on the legitimacy and ethics of Israel’s actions. The text encourages readers to do their own research and not rely on second-hand sources. It ends with a call for peace and understanding between different religious and ethnic groups.
➡ The text discusses the controversial topic of who rightfully owns Jerusalem. It suggests that the land was given to the European lost tribes of Israel, not the Edomite Jews. The text also argues that the current Jewish control of Jerusalem contradicts biblical prophecies and Jesus’ teachings. It further suggests that the true Israelites are the European peoples, specifically those from America and the UK.
➡ This text discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, with various viewpoints presented. Some argue that Israel is defending itself, while others claim it’s an aggressive force against Palestinians. The text also touches on controversial topics such as ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the role of various groups and individuals in the conflict. Lastly, it mentions the potential for peace if both sides choose it.


What up? It’s donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. And we are here with Dustin Nemos and Charles Moskowitz. Oh my goodness, I am so excited. We got a debate for a very, very spooky episode as we’re coming up on Halloween. Are the Jews human? That’s the big debate tonight and I’m just so grateful that you’re both here. Thank you. Charles, obviously shows before. Love your work, love your books. Tell us a little about about you, Charles, and then we’ll ask about Dustin before we start. Well, I mean, I’ve been doing off and on talk radio and recently making a comeback online, doing a live stream and a podcast.

Even with censorship starting in 2018, I’m still doing it and I’m having a good time, particularly on Rumble. I’ve authored many books on a broad range of subjects. I’m a, I’m an American. I’m a Boston resident. I honor our. I’m going to vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday. I, I honor our Puritan background in Boston. I think that’s the founding religious and political philosophy that makes America unique. I’m a Jew and I’m very pro Zionist. I believe in the mission of the Jewish people. And part of that mission is to establish a commonwealth in the land that God commanded us to establish it in, which is that small tiny speck of land between the Jordan river and the great sea.

And I don’t see contradictions to any of it. And thanks for having me on. Yeah, thank you. You, you totally set this up too. So thank you for having me on, I would say, but we go get wicked smart and we’re here with Dustin Nemos as well. Dustin, tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m no one. A nearly 40 father and veteran in the trenches of the information and seed wars infamous around our biblical earth. As a destroyer of fake news even before I began to so called name the Jew harder than anyone before. I’m sorry.

Since Jesus Christ himself far more censored than so called people like Alex. You know, I call him never Jew Jones at Infowars. Not really censored at all. Yet I am truly no one and I have been humbled. You can read my testimony to learn more. Zeal is often mistaken for pride and to accurately rebuke deception and deceivers is not ego. To boldly speak forbidden dangerous truths is not arrogant. It is not incorrect to say that I am an end times edgelord sage. It’s merely a summary because the full response to the question, what do you do? Is always too long and comes off as arrogant.

I wear many hats. I’m a Christian, a father, a reporter, a patriot, a pastor, a truther, a historian and a debater. But I’m also a worm and a sinner, redeemed by him, nothing more. I am no one, a voice in the wilderness naming truth and noticing those in power. I love my people and that’s why I fight everything for my people and all. Glory to Yahweh in Yeshua’s name. Okay, very good, very good. So we, we got a, A very spirit. Spiritual between both of you, both religious and me. I’m also, you know, I believe in God and, and whatnot.

But the big topic, the big question is, are the Jews human? Is this, is this the right title for the debate? Did I get that right? Yes. Yeah, I could have asked better. So, so what happened? What is this all about? Where did this start? What was it? I guess we. I will give everybody time to speak. So where should we start? So who wants to start first? Yeah, I would like equal time, but I don’t mind. Who goes first? Go right ahead. Dustin, why don’t you start first? Okay. Can I share screen? Yeah, just go down, hit the present.

Yep, There we go. Oh, it’s not going to let me again. This happens sometimes. Oh, it happens. Yeah. If you, you. I could pull up something or. Is the screen not showing up? Because sometimes if you turn your computer off and turn it back, it works. What happens with me is it. It. It shows me the screen share option and then it just won’t let me use it. It. It blinks in for a brief second. People can sometimes see it and then it’s gone. Oh, okay. Do you. I could always pull up something. Unless it was a PDF presentation or something.

Can you go. Are you gonna show? Because I want to see that. The head. Go to my website. Yeah, go to my website if you don’t mind. You got the head type stuff. It’s the Sarah Payam dot com. Okay. You’ll get a kick out of this. Okay, how do I spell that? It’s T H E and then S E R A P E U M dot com. P E U M dot com. Okay. Can you, can you drop it in the private chat? Yeah. It’s most unfortunate that I cannot screen share. It’s not your fault. It’s the, this program does it to me every time.

The stream yard thing. Okay. Yeah, if you could drop in the private chat. Thank you so much. I’ll pull it Up. It’s done. Yeah. This article is titled Genetics Biology of Demons. Okay, hold up, hold up. I wanted to make this actually my thumbnail because I think I saw you do a presentation on this and I thought it would be good for a thumbnail. Okay, here I am, here’s the website. Okay. A simple enough catchy title, not too far from what I believe to be the truth. Basically that is it. There are a noticeable number of differences between Jews and typical people.

Now first of all, I would remind people that according to the Bible there are something called the Nephilim. It starts in Genesis 3:15, when God predicted a war between the seed of the woman, that’s us humans, and the seed of the serpent, the nephilim. I would argue that’s you guys, the Jews, no offense. And that expressed itself first and foremost as giants. But then later all flesh was corrupted, people were mixing different species and there were all kinds of nephilim, or in a more modern term monster going around. GMO people, GMO animals, GMO food. Even as we see a pattern of in scripture, God in certain points tells them to even destroy the cattle and food and you know, leave nothing alive, etc.

So this is a biblical truth that there is a non human nephilim bloodline of Satan hybrid species out there. And the Bible says they didn’t die. The Bible says that they were in fact given a peace treaty and allowed to live. And in judges too, God predicts that they would be our deep state, saying that he would no longer drive out those tribes that Joshua failed to kill, the Canaanites, the demons in the post flood and he would use them to test us. So basically my whole theory and everything else is that the Bible, the evidences, the genetics or genetics, everything squares with this thesis that there is a seed war between Jews and mankind of all colors, Jews of all colors and mankind of all colors by the way.

And the seed war is expressing itself now in the end of times. We’re kind of in the book of Revelation as the Jew world order, not the prophecies of the people of Israel who were meant to be at the end time sort of persecuted, and the power of the holy people broken, etc. And we see that it’s the opposite with Jews. They are in fact in power in every single situation. There is organized evil today and throughout most if not all of human history. So with that we have evidences of these things existence in the ancient world, in the pre flood world, we have not just giant bones almost as common as dinosaur bones, although they do get disappeared by governments.

We have examples, we have genetic tests, etc. There are whole YouTube channels and sort of independent archaeologist types out there like Brian Forrester and others who, Steve Quell and others who go dig these things up and show them to you and do the genetic tests for you. So, you know, accepting that, hopefully you guys don’t challenge me on that. I can prove it if you like. There are things like the ancient alien show points out, megalithic, ancient structures, cyclopean masonry, stone buildings we can’t even lift a single stone off or recreate today. Things that are too perfect for Stone age technology.

Things that are basically like basalt molded into smooth fitting Tetris pieces. You can’t do that with copper and stone tools. It’s level nine, almost as hard as diamond. This is the kind of stuff we see all over the world. So in fact there was evidence of giants, a advanced architecture and building technique. Probably giants because they would have the muscles to do so. You also see they get smaller and more diluted. Plato talked about this as well. He lamented that the Atlanteans had mingled their divine blood, so called too often with quote unquote mortal admixture. And he was basically whining about it because they got weaker and diluted and the flood happened and afterwards they had to reestablish power and you know, they were still a problem, but not a world problem ever again until now.

So basically, I mean after Babel. So basically we see this bloodline expressed all the evidences, the, the biology, etc, so moving into some of the other biology things, we see the cone headed skulls throughout sort of the middle periods of history, the ancient periods of history, they, they were giants that had cone heads that got smaller. Famous example kind of recently is the knight who was exhumed under the Notre Dame Cathedral. When they burn it down. He was a little conehead much later, 6ft 7ft tall. Not a very big giant. But the fact is they were all over the place.

And these skulls are not human. They had different levels of suture lines, they had different sized eye sockets, different placement on the spine. The entire skull was different. In some cases older, bigger ones had 20, 30% more brain capacity. People worship them as gods to the point that in the Sumerian time, probably a majority of people, average citizens, were head binding their baby with boards, tying their babies heads to boards to mimic their gods in many cultures. So this happened around the world. People think these things are just headbound babies. But you can’t make the brain bigger and change the Suture lines with that, with the eye sockets, etc.

So there is in fact a non human hybrid bloodline. We can go into some of the genetic diseases that are prevalent with Jews, such as tay Sachs, schizophrenia, etc. We can go into the etymological evidences where, you know, even in their own texts they admit that they are of Edom, etc, the demonic bloodline, for example, multiple Judaica encyclopedias say that. And I’m just going for memory, I’m not able to share, but I can pull up stuff if I need to go into anything specific. So basically I would end with this. Not just some evidences, but all possible evidences that we have, including prophecy and biblical descriptions and the genetics and the archaeology, the etymology, the anthropology, the archaeogenetics, which is a new science, etc.

Even Jewish geneticists admit 97% of Jews are not of Abraham. So we’re at that point where all evidences prove the thesis that Jews are not of Judah or of Abraham, but are in fact something else. And although they like to say that the west or the whites or Rome or whatever baby they’re bombing at the time is Edom, the biblical description of Edom and the prophecies of Edom also have a match, and that is the Jewish people. So the true Israelites have a 100% equal match in all evidences, all categories, as being the lost tribes of Israel, including Judah, as being the Western peoples, the European peoples.

So all evidences point against Jews and point to them being Edom rather than Israel. And all evidences point to true Israel being some white people, not all white people, but the Western Europeans. Oh, wow. Wow, thank you. Right, well, yeah, Dustin, I respect your scholarship and I know, I believe that your heart’s in the right place. However, I think that you’re flipping the script in terms of the biblical concept. And I believe in the Bible, I, I believe in God. And I therefore do not dismiss what you’re saying out of hand with regard to the book of Genesis, which says that there was this, I guess, non human interaction with women and there was the birth of this hybrid race that’s half human and that somehow this race of giants or Nephilim or Anunnaki, which I think you’re quite right, has appeared around the world.

There is archaeological evidence of it. There’s, as you say, I believe there is bone evidence of it, that somehow they came through the flood, possibly in one, maybe one of the wives of Noah’s sons, the genetic piece, and that they therefore became the Canaanites. And this is talked about in the book of Genesis and in the book of Deuteronomy and in the Book of Judges that Joshua fought the Bashan, the king of Og. And they were giant people. We know that Goliath was a giant and that it does kind of justify something that’s always bothered me when I’ve studied the Bible, which is God’s command to completely and utterly annihilate the Canaanites and those nations.

I always. I was never comfortable with that. I believed in it because I believe God had his reasons. But this thesis of yours kind of explains it. It clicks it into place that these were not fully human people. They were engaged in a kind of an evil that we can’t even imagine, that’s impossible to comprehend. We can’t even know what they were doing, but that they had to be annihilated. And God commanded the children of Israel to do that. Where I think you kind of flipped the switch, though, is that you take the children of Israel and Judah Ben Israel, who was the son of Israel, and you turn him into Esau.

And I just don’t think that, you know, there’s satisfactory evidence of that. I mean, think that, you know, Abraham gave the birthright to Isaac, who gave the birthright to Jacob, who became known as Israel after he struggled with the angel. And the word Israel means witness to God. And that of course, then Israel or Jacob, the 12 tribes became his progenitors, and they carried on the birthright. And in the book of Deuteronomy, they divide up that tiny land that we call Israel today into those territories. And it’s very clear the borders are clearly delineated. I mean, at what point did this become Esau? They were Israelites.

They were the sons of Israel. And that Joshua was an Israelite. I think he was of the tribe of Benjamin. And in the period of the Judges, these were Israelites who were fighting against the Philistines, who came in from the sea and who apparently had some giant elements to them, and the Sidonians, whose history calls the Phoenicians. And they did fight against them. You’re right. They didn’t totally annihilate them. They didn’t completely defeat them. They didn’t completely wipe out Amalek, but they were not of that tribe. In fact, one of the things that delineated the Israelites from those peoples, both the pagans and also others, was that they had this birthright, that they believed in God, that they received the Torah at Sinai, which is the decalogue by which we basically order the universe in all of its moral and ethical aspects.

And that that’s what separated their nation from all other nations. So I don’t really get where you somehow transpose Edom, who was the descendants of Esau, who was Jacob’s evil brother and who married a Canaanite woman. And yeah, probably, you know, became of a mixed background with Jacob because, you know, the Jews are of Jacob. They’re the children of Judah, not the children of Esau. Esau is a separate nation. Okay, my turn please. Okay, so I want to bring up the link, if you don’t mind, to share it, don’t I? Yeah, it’s in the chat. So first of all, I’d like to point out Jerusalem and those lands were never were taken from Israel and never returned in Leviticus and in Leviticus 26:18 we see America 17:76 and the European nations.

Exactly. Per the math, such as the UK, 1886 based on the Assyrian conquering date of each tribe. So Manasseh and Ephraim are America and the uk the real Jews or Judah Heights as it originally said before they changed it 1400 years later to the word Jew. There was no J originally, it was the Yahoo. The real Yahudim are the Irish and Scottish people. So the while I agree with much of what you said about the Judah Heights Jews are not of Judah. They have no evidence for it. Genetics show against them and all other forms of evidence also show against them in terms of when it happened and how the switch happened.

I’ll use this image to kind of help to go over the topic a little bit. But basically right before the time of Jesus, there was a Judah height Yahudim, king of the bloodline of Judah, a European white guy, pre Irish man and he conquered the Edomite or in Greek Ajumaan peoples which were those mixed with Canaanites through Esau, their cousins. And he told them basically, if you’ll follow our laws and circumcise and be good people, we will let you be citizens. And then they killed his son and with Rome’s help they replaced him with Herod the Edomite Judean who killed all the babies to stop Jesus.

And they replaced Caiaphas the high priest with Caiaphas the Egypt slash Iguma in Greek Jew who killed Jesus with Roman hate speech laws, basically made up hate speech laws and Roman soldiers really so. And in the context of Jesus constantly calling them infiltrator demons of their father, the devil, seed of the serpent. Where I go you cannot follow Tares amidst the wheat, etc. So basically the switch happened with Rome’s help and the Judean Edomites became Jews, just like the Yahudim Judeans. So you have two types of Judeans or a multicultural region like America, and you have a bloodline of Yahudim.

And from that time on, the corruption, the shift had happened, but Jews have zero actual evidence to being of that bloodline. That is important to note. Okay, let me just go over a couple of things here. First of all, the theory that you present with regard to the. The Western nations being the last ten tribes of Israel. Isaiah 7.8 says, basically he predicts to Hezekiah, the king, this was after the collapse, before the collapse of the Israel kingdom in the north, that the king. That the king of Israel, and that what he referred to as Ephraim, which is another name for the 10 tribes of Israel, would be wiped out in 65 years.

And that was from the time of King Hezekiah. Let’s see, Chronicles 5, 2, 6 Kings 18:2 and 19:12 and Isaiah 37:12 put the lost ten tribes at the region around the Caspian Sea in terms of where they were taken into captivity, with the claim that some of them reunited with the Judeans or the Judahites, as you call them, after they had been sent into exile into Babylon. Now, after the division of the kingdom, after the death of Solomon and you know, who bankrupted the country, mainly you had the northern kingdom, which is the 10 tribes, and the southern kingdom of Judah, and the northern kingdom began to worship BAAL because they did not want their people to be making pilgrimages to Jerusalem and to worship God.

And for example, the king of the northern kingdom, Ahab, is a very evil figure. His wife Jezebel was a Phoenician, and they chased out the prophet Elijah. And there’s a great story around that. But the point is that the northern 10 tribes began to intermarry, if you will, with the pagan nations, with the Phoenicians. So these are the people that you’re talking about that would have established the, you know, the western countries. Now, I think it’s a very attractive idea because when you look at, you know, Germany and France and Britain, these are incredible societies. And it’s actually, you know, it’s not totally impossible that they very well may be descended from these lost 10 tribes, but it’s not exactly consonant with the biblical narrative, particularly the prophet Isaiah and the Book of Chronicles.

And as far as changing the name to Jews, this is a semantic issue that’s not True. The word Yahud is the name of the people of Israel. We are Yahudis. The Romans and the Greeks said Judean, which is simply a Romanized way to say Judah, and that we continue to be Yahudi. The word Jew is an American English word. It’s not. It’s like saying Germany. I mean, the Germans don’t call themselves Germans. They call themselves Deutsche. It’s Deutschland, not Germany. Germany is the English word for Deutschland. Well, the word Jew is just the English and American word for Yahood.

And the word hasn’t changed. That’s kind of a. There’s nothing about that that has changed at all. I mean, it remains the case. In fact, one of the primary Zionist movements of the late 19th and early 20th century was young Judea. So I just, I reject that premise. Anyway, let’s continue. Okay. I have a number of things that points to address, I guess on that. Will you share these in order? We’ll go through one at a time. These links, don’t I. You got it. Thank you. Yeah. First, I want to touch on the prophecy. I mentioned Leviticus in America.

Kind of show that connection for people because it’s not always readily apparent. Yeah. And where can we find both of you? I got both of your links down below. Everyone tuning in. Make sure to smash that like button. Share it out. We got this. The spookiest episode ever. Obviously not streaming on YouTube. Right? Or YouTube. You know, I’m just being funny. All right. But I got Justin’s link down below. Charles, link down below. Charles. I’m a big huge fan of all of his books. Make sure to go grab those books and very important work. And Dustin, I got your Twitter down below as well.

So for me. Yeah, yeah. Share this one when you’re ready. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. So here I’m pulling. Pulling. Yeah. Please share, everybody. For sure. Pulling up these links. We got about four different links. So give me a second. This first one deals with the prophecy in Leviticus. Basically the land of David, the land promised to the Israelites, the land of Canaan, etc Jerusalem was taken from the actual Israelites and never returned to them. They were promised a new land, a bigger land. This one. Yes, that one. Blow that image up, if you don’t mind. Sure.

That basically gives the. The mathematical proofs for what I’m talking about here. It’s Leviticus 26:18. They’re being punished again, which is seven times more punishment because they didn’t get the lesson the first time. It says, and if ye will not yet for all this, hearken unto me. Then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. Do the math. The based on the first punishment of 360 years. Time 7. That’s 25, 20 years. Manasseh was conquered first in 745 BC. Fast forward 2520 years. 1776, America. And in 721 BC, Ephraim was conquered by the Assyrians.

And Fast forward to 2520 years later again, 1801 AD when Great Britain was merged and founded. So this is the, the real Israelites coming back into their land after the prophesied exile period. A new land, not the original land. So we can move to the next image now. Okay, for sure, for sure. I want to go through the points that were brought here. No, no, not the same. The next link I gave you. Sorry, got it. This has a great image right there. That’s the one. Blow that one up, if you don’t mind. This is a very simplified image that represents basically where I’m going with this.

I had to modify it. I’m no artist, so I took someone else’s. No, it looks good. It looks good. But basically you can see the three sons of Noah represented it were really primarily two. But the bottom one there, the big red square at the bottom, a rectangle at the bottom pointing to the cone head, that’s Ham and his Canaanite offspring. All the, all the post flood giants, etc, basically those were the coneheads. Those are the ones God said, leave nothing alive, etc. That predicted the seed war, predicted the war with Amalek. Every generation Edom, the bad guys at the end of the Bible, all that stuff.

So they insert themselves as Canaanites through the actual bloodline, which was of Shem through Abraham. Yes, they are of Abraham, just like Jesus told them and admitted that they are of Abraham in John 8:33 to 4:4. But then at the end of that, he also tells them that their other father, the devil. And also during that, that sparring session with the Pharisees, who were the again the infiltrator class that Rome had put in place in power, which were Jews, who are not Judah Heights, but Jews, Edomite Jews. He was basically getting them to admit that they’re of Abraham but never enslaved in Egypt, therefore the other branch, Edom.

So they actually admit that they’re not Israelites right there. And he gets them to admit as he calls them out as infiltrators. So even Jesus is telling you what I’m telling you, that the Jews who say they’re Jews but are not and do lie, are in fact infiltrator Israelites with zero evidence of being of Yahudah or Judah the man. And this image kind of shows you where the genetics of Satan got into and then also started to change the Bible. This is with Rome’s help where we see Yahweh, God’s name removed from the Bible nearly 7,000 times in the so called Hebrew, really Jewish Masoretic editions which is most English today are based on.

And then also the word Jew was injected into the Bibles. Moving right into the third link, if you don’t mind there. And I want to point out you were talking about intermarriage. So before we move to that third link in the chat. Sorry, the. It’s the, it’s the Jew link. Yeah, that one. Okay, first. Yeah, go down a little bit more. This is the Jew or Judah article, please. A little bit, a little bit more. There’s a post right there. That one. It’s kind of left and right. Yeah, blow that one up if you don’t mind.

Before I break down the word Jew and I just want to mention you had mentioned race mixing. Intermarriage is forbidden in Israelite culture and anything that resulted from it was considered a mamser. Jews are the most mixed people on earth. They cannot by law be Israelites. They would all be Manzers. So in addition to that kind of the word Jew, 1400 years after Jesus, Jew pops up. But all the iterations of that word previous were basically merging America and Nemos into pew, a multicultural region with different backgrounds, Edomites and Judeans of the actual bloodline of Judah, Yahudims merged into a new word.

Whether that word is Iotis in Greek or however you pronounce it, or Jew in English. Whatever that word is, it can never be correct because it merged a bloodline and a multicultural region. It was a deception from its beginning, subtle. But now it has corrupted and destroyed the Bible. In the Old Testament, the incorrect word Jew never identifies a Jew. It always identifies an Israelite of the tribe or house of Judah. Jews are not Israelites. They are Edomites. In the New Testament. You must understand the context to understand who is Judah and who is Jew. Since the land of Judah and the land of Ijumea were merged into the land called Judea in the first century bc, a Judean could be an Israelite of the house of Judah or a demon Edomite Jew of the house of Esau from Ijumea predicted by God to be at war with them and to infiltrate them and destroy them in places like Judges 2, etc.

So this is a consistent pattern. And again I will go back to saying that Jews have no actual evidence of being of Judah. And I’ll just bring up a couple of quick genetic quotes, many of them from Jewish scientists. Let’s see, the genetics article has this. Some of the Jewish witnesses that testify about the Ashkenazi or Edomite people. Dr. Dan Grauer, a world famous Jewish geneticist who served on the faculty of Tel Aviv University for 22 years and was then at the University of Houston, smiles at the distress of the Zionists. Dr. E.L. hayek’s research is, he said, very honest.

Grauer is the recipient of the prestigious Humboldt Award given to the world’s top biological scientists. And in referencing Dr. El Hayek, we’ll get to it a little bit perhaps, but he basically was the one who I talked about earlier saying 97% of Jews are not of Abraham, genetically speaking. In 2001, genetics research by Dr. Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University in Tel Aviv produced basically the same results as Dr. E.L. hayek Oppenheimer’s. I’m sorry, Oppenheimer. Anyway, Oppenheim’s study also found that the Jews origins are in Khazaria, that they are of Turkic bloodline. She also reported that some Palestinians have had the chromosome have the chromosome in their blood indicating they are Kohanim and Israelite.

So they may be actually mixed with Europeans. In 1867, the great Jewish scholar Abraham Kharkevi said in the Jews and the Languages of the Slavs book that the Yiddish language came from the Khazars, not the Hebrews. We know it’s not the original Hebrew. I can keep going through Jewish geneticists to make my point, but I think you guys understand this is the genetics article with these posts. Okay, I mean, I just want to reiterate, I know it’s a semantic issue, but again, the word Jew is an English word for Yahudi. And the word Yahweh, which you use to describe God and you say it’s been omitted.

My understanding is that the word exists once in the the Torah. And that was when Moses approached the burning bush, the bush that was consumed but would not go away. And he heard this voice that. And he’s like, who are you? What is this? Who is this? And the voice essentially said, I am who I am. The yudke VAV k which you call Jehovah or in English or Yahweh is the word you use. And what that is, from my understanding, it’s. It’s an acronym for I am who I am. It’s not a word. In other words, it’s like saying that.

I mean, it’s like calling the IRS IRIS or the CIA SIA or the FBI fibi. These are not words. They are acronyms for four sentences. So the word Yahweh comes from the tetragrammaton Yud, kei, vav, K, which are abbreviation, which are the first letters of four words, which is I am what I am. And in Jewish tradition, we don’t mention the name of the king of the universe, the creator of the universe, because what to do. So would essentially be almost, you know, not idol worship, but it would anthropomorphize God, make God into like a human being, like a guy sitting in heaven with a big white beard, when in fact, God transcends anything that we can understand.

It’s a mystery. It goes beyond, you know, regular relationships. There’s the natural world and there’s the supernatural world. The God is the supernatural world that created the natural world. That’s the world we live in. And that to try to claim that we know the name of God is actually, it’s quite arrogant. And it’s one of the things that separated, again, the children of Israel from all the other nations in that we did not ascribe to God something that we could control, that it’s outside of the control of humanity. It’s essentially an order of the universe that we can accept and try to get close to, but we ultimately can’t know.

Now, I want to also talk about the Idumeans. This you. I’ve heard you say on other programs, and you’ve acknowledged that John Harkonnens was a Judahite or a Judean, right? John Harkonnens was a high priest. He was. John Hyrcanus the first was a king. That’s right. But he also was. He was a high priest. He was a Judahite, as you describe him. He was of the generation that basically created the second commonwealth of Judea, independent of the Antiochus. That’s what the Hanukkah story is all about. They kicked out Antiochus because of his corrupt practices and because they were corrupting the people and they were engaging in, you know, naked, you know, rituals and whatever the hell they were doing.

It was not good. It was not consistent with Judaic understanding. So they rebelled and they clear. They cleansed the temple and they created a new commonwealth. Now, John Harkonnens, as you say, and this is according to both Josephus and the Talmud, he did forcibly convert the so called Idumeans, whoever the hell they were, they were south of the border of Judea. And that the Talmud condemns him for that. Because what they point out, as you did, Dustin, and I kind of agree with you here, is that this forcible conversion of the Idumeans created what we might call what President Trump would call the deep state, the Herodians.

Because Herod was an Idumean. His father was one of those who was forcibly converted by Harkonnens. And he was one of the most evil people in history. I mean, he created, he was like savaging, killing babies and he was, he murdered his own family because his wife was one of the last of the Hasmonean princesses and he murdered all his own children. He was insane. He was like Stalin, you could say today, because Stalin, I think he murdered his entire family before he died. And the Herodians, I would argue, and this is a theory, were also as the deep state, they were completely in cahoots with the Romans, they were completely responsible for the execution of Jesus and that they were a very corrupting influence over Judea.

But to suggest that they intermarried with Judeans, that really is not historical and it’s not really consistent with the nature of the Judaism. That’s not what I said. I said that they took over like intermarried into the Judean body, which I would argue they probably, it may have happened, but it’s not likely. I mean, just to clarify, they basically, just to clarify, they basically do the same thing they do today in every single country in the world. They infiltrate and they subjugate and they enslave and they disproportionately represent themselves in power like Bolshevik 95% Jews and power levels and everybody else is going beneath them doesn’t mean that there’s interbreeding.

Again, Israelites not interbreed with them if they knew that they were Ijumaans, but they may not remember that they were demons because by that time they were human looking. No, I’m not disagreeing with you here. If you’re saying that the Idumeans, you’re describing Jewish behavior of Herod and that’s basically what we see. I’m describing Herod’s behavior and it was again, one of the most evil figures in history controlled Judea and he led to its ultimate destruction in terms of the destruction of the temple. But my point is that this was not the majority of the Judean people.

This was any more than the deep state that rules the world today is the majority of Americans or Jews. They were an evil cabal that I think has continued in every generation to, as you say. And look, you and I, I think, are at least somewhat on the same page here, that this is part of a. I don’t know if I would say they’re not human. I mean, I’m not sure I’d go that far. I don’t completely dismiss that idea. But, yeah, I mean, the Idumeans were an alien people who controlled and presided over Roman Judea.

Eventually, they would be kicked out at the time of the destruction of the Temple by the Pharisees, who were Judeans and who completely demolished their power after the destruction of the temple. But they’re still with us. And, yeah, they very well might be an element of them within the Judean or within the Jewish fold. I want to ask you a question more in today’s world, and it’s kind of a more practical question. Are you saying that I’m not human in the genetic capacity and in the biblical capacity? Your spirit does not go where mine goes. And as Jesus said to your people, where I go, you cannot follow.

What about in the genetic components? Am I not human genetically? No. Okay, well, let me just bear down on this a little bit because you have. I mean, look, first of all, I mean, I reject that because, I mean, I know I. I believe I’m human. My family is human. People that I know who are Jewish are human beings. That’s not to say that some of them may not be. Some of them possibly are pretty evil. I know a few of those in my synagogue, but for the most part, they’re human beings. And every generation has had Jews who have converted to Christianity, including some of the great Christian figures of history, such as St.

Teresa of Avila, whose parents were Jewish, and Bartolomeo de las Casas, who was a priest who converted Mexico to Christianity. He was. His parents were Jewish. Were they not human? I mean, could they. Can a Jew become. Can a Jew be saved? I mean, I suppose that using your paradigm, I guess not. He says, where I go, you cannot follow. And I asked, why did God kill all the babies? Why did God kill all the babies if they can be saved? Even the animals. King Saul, pagans. And again, I don’t think you make the link between the ancient pagans.

The only link that you seem to have come up with to make the case that the Jews actually are of Esau is the Hyrcanus’s forcible Conversion of some of the Idumeans. Well, that’s the switch. That’s where it happened. That’s not all the evidence I have. I mean, they admitted in their own Judaic encyclopedia and their own geneticists admit that they’re not of Abraham or Judah. So, I mean, I have all forms of that. I’m sure that there are people that may have said that, and then there are others who have not. And also, as far as genetics go, the most recent study, and I can’t really quote from it because I read it, I can’t remember the author, but it was published by the.

By the National Geographic, and it was a pretty broad survey of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. Genetic survey found that they are descended from the Middle east and from the region, as are many people who today call themselves Palestinians, that they do have that ancestry. I mean, in the case of Sephardic Jews, there’s some admixture with Spain, with Spaniards and with people from the country they lived. And in the case of the Ashkenazic Jews, there’s some admixture with the Slavic countries and in the Middle east with Arab countries. But for the most part, Jews have not been involved in intermarriage.

It’s something that’s a major part of the Jewish ethos. We really even. I mean, you can attest to this, Alex. Right. I mean, in my own life, I mean, the idea of marrying a non Jew is the ultimate anathema for a Jew. It’s like if you’re religious, you’re kicked out of Judaism. Which I suppose for you, Dustin, would mean that the seed of Satan went further into the Christian world. I guess. Yes, but the point is. Yeah, right. But the point is that it’s really not something that, you know, in a way, after 2000 years of diaspora, I think there’s probably been very little intermarriage.

Jews generally are, you know, I mean, back in the day, you didn’t have a choice to who you were marrying. The parents decided and, you know, it had to have the right pedigree. And if you were a Kohane or a Levi, which are direct descendants from Aaron, you had to marry very special people within that particular tribe. Or if you were like me, B’nai Israel, my wife is a Kohane, but I’m not. You generally were encouraged from a very early age to mate with a fellow Jew in order to perpetrate Judaism. So there wasn’t really a lot of intermarriage involved there.

One more thing. Before we Go on about the Khazars. The main source of information about the kingdom of the Khazars is a book called the Khusri, which was written by Rabbi Yehuda Halevi of Spain. He tried to go there. He was very excited by the idea that the king of the Khazars converted to Judaism, which I think is historic, but it was really not so much outside of his royal family. We’re talking about a nomadic people that were tangy and in terms of their religion. And the two pieces of evidence I would present to show that the Ashkenazis were not descended from the Gazas.

The first is linguistic. The language of Yiddish, which is their language, is a German Germanic language. It comes from early to middle German with some French words, a few Slavic words, maybe a handful of Turkic words, but for the most part it’s Germanic. So they came from Germany. That’s where the word Ashkenaz comes from. It’s the biblical name for Germany. Just like an American Jew is American. The German Jews were Ashkenaz. And the second piece is genetic. There’s very little evidence of Turkic background within Judaism. And that’s something that is not difficult to discern by geneticists.

So this is one of those. You mentioned Khosla’s book the thirteenth Tribe, which by the way, with all due respect, you did not read. I did not. I did not mention it at all. No, you mentioned it in the talk you gave yesterday with another host. I heard you bring it up. I read that book thoroughly and it did not say anything about the Khazars becoming Ashkenaz. That’s untrue. Now I’m not trying to say that you were being dishonest. I’m simply noting that your sources on that are second hand and that I would urge you to read the book.

It’s probably you could get it for free on Amazon. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but. Yeah, yeah, exactly. The book the thirteenth Tribe by Koswan. I don’t think I said that. I mean, you did say it. I heard you say it in another program. That’s okay. I just wanted to clarify that. That book does not make that claim. I read that book. He doesn’t say that at all. He simply gets into the history of the Khazars and he doesn’t speculate on whether or not somehow the Khazars became Russian Jews. That’s untrue. Okay, if I may, Please.

I will read. First. He. He wrote, quote, the large majority of Jews after World War II in the world were of Eastern origin and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. End quote. Who wrote that? Anyway, if I may, I’m going to continue through a couple of other points that you made. First of all, please pull up this post. God’s holy name is Yahweh. For me, Donut. And. And while we’re going through that, I want to point. We. We do know that Herod was a baby killer, just like today’s Edomites or Absolutely. To be Jews and dropping bombs on babies.

I regret that. And you agreed that Nephilim existed, but you and others refuse to admit what happened to them, which is strange even. And this is not just you. It’s even with the Nephilim experts. People refuse to touch what happened to them. I’m the only one that seems to be willing to talk about it. Herod and the Pharisee ruling Edomites were best friends and cousins. I don’t know why you think they were replaced by the Pharisees. Why did God kill all the babies again? Because they were demons. King Saul was replaced by King David. A man after his own heart, God’s own heart.

Because King Saul refused to kill all of the Amalekites. The primary branch of Jews today, probably the Rothschilds. Those Jews for Jesus, by the way, are all liars. Even Luther famously wrote a book about this. They cannot be converted. They always doctrine. I’ll give you an example. Briefly. Matthew Tower of Truth Tower podcast Jews for Jesus and then burn the Torah. It’s Lucifer. It’s just the same. It’s false doctrines every time. If you can bring up that post for me. I have. I was about to get into it. Sorry. I was going through my notes in response there.

So the God’s holy name is Yahweh post, please don’t. I. Is that this first one right here? Yeah. I want to just read through the top part there and go to the very top. There’s a little snippet quote. Yeah, yeah, there we go. Okay. Demon Jews are telling people Yahweh was not the Creator. They fear to speak his name and instead pray to Hashem or Asmodeus Ashima. The Unholy Church of Rome has forbidden the use of the name Yahweh. They sing prayers to Lucifer in Latin, which is Lucifer. Yet they banned his name from the Scripture, which means, behold the nail, behold the hand.

And one of its meanings in original, not Yiddish, Paleo Hebrew, Yahweh sent us Yeshua, his only begotten son. They won’t tell you Yahweh is written on every cell of every human body on earth. Unless edited via the GMO vaccines, the very sound of breathing even sounds kind of like Yahweh’s name. So basically, the way that they, the Jews treat the name of Yahweh is like a vampire treats a cross. They say it’s too holy to use, which doesn’t make any sense at all because he gave it to us. Scroll down a little bit more if you don’t mind.

And there’s a couple verses here that you can look to for, you know, clarity on this type of issue about the name trust in trust. And remember, they changed Yahweh to the Lord throughout the Bible. But it doesn’t always make sense. Like the KJV chooses the, the fake Jehovah, which is a. It’s Yahweh with the Jewish edited syllables in as God’s name because was too obvious that quote the Lord, the Lord, end quote, would have looked ridiculous and shown the lie. That’s what happened when you change Yahweh to the Lord. Now it says the Lord, the Lord, unless you put back to something else, not Yahweh.

And in the pre 150ad Septuagint, it said Yahweh again. And it shall in Hosea 2:16, a book that shows God’s compassion for us, even in the Old Testament, the same God who gave us his Son, it says, and it shall be at that day saith Yahweh, not the Lord, which is BAAL in English, by the way, that thou shall call me Ishi, which means husband, and thou shalt call me no more Bali, which means the Lord. He doesn’t even want us to call him the Lord. And he told us that in prophecy. And anyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved According to Romans 10:13, before they change things.

So I just want to keep pointing out this is important. And the vampires told us don’t use the cross cross, it’s too holy. Well, look, Dustin, we have a religious difference here. First of all, the word hashem just means the name. That’s all it means in, in Hebrew, the, the Shun, Yud and mem. It just means the name because we use euphemisms to talk about the creator of the universe. Again, because we can’t totally know God. I mean we can’t. To do so is almost, in Jewish rabbinic understanding is almost seen as somewhat of a blasphemy.

It’s not because they’re denying God. If anything, it’s because they’re glorifying God as something that is beyond the manipulation of the human hand. I’m not here to. I don’t want to get into, like, a religious debate because I respect the fact that Christians may seem to see it differently. I don’t know if Catholics do. I think that maybe your brand of Christianity does, and I respect that. I don’t have a problem with that. Excuse me. Yeah. No Catholics. The Catholic Church bans the use of Yahweh. They put out like. And the Catholic Church is more consistent with the Jewish understanding that the word there is no human beings and in the natural world do not know the name of God because God is bigger than a name.

It can’t be named, as they say. I forget the he. I should know the Hebrew for this. But God was. God is. God will be, and God is everything. You can’t put God into, like a label, like a name. That’s the Jewish understanding of it. He did fine. As I said, I respect your belief here. We have a different belief system with regard to this. That’s all this is. This is. We’re talking here. And I don’t want to be in a position where I’m going to try to tell someone else what to believe. I mean, that’s just what I’m only presenting the way.

The way we see this. Now, I want to go on to another subject, if I may. Sure. The last time you were on my program, you made some very disparaging comments about the Talmud. That it advocates killing babies and bloodletting and murdering non Jews, and they hate non Jews. And I had a chance to look into that. I’m not a Talmudic expert. What I’ll say before I go there is that the Talmud today is not secret. It’s accessible. There’s actually an app called Safaria. It’s free. You can go to it. And it gives a translation of both the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds and the Mishnah in English from the original Aramaic.

And that you draw that information from what’s called loxism. And when I say loxism, I’m not talking bagels and lox here. We’re talking about a philosophy that was developed by a Catholic priest by the name of Pranaeus, who wrote a book called the Talmud Unmasked. And he drew his information from a previous book that was called Judaism Unmasked. I forget the author, but this was Roebling, I think, which was 17th century. And prineas did not know Aramaic he did not understand the translation. In order to understand the Talmud, you have to study Aramaic and you have to actually go into the original language.

So it really is secondhand, third hand stuff. Now what I think is going on there is that there’s an imposition upon the Talmud of pagan practices, everything that Judaism stands against. And that the Talmud is basically nothing more than commentary on the Torah. It doesn’t supersede the Torah. It is less than the Torah. It’s the Torah that is at the center of every synagogue. It is the Torah that we read from every Shabbos, not the Talmud. The Talmud is just commentary, it’s addition and it basically helps the Jew live a Jewish life in the Diaspora. Once we lost our nation after the destruction of the Temple.

There’s nothing in the Talmud that says to kill anybody. Now, I will acknowledge, and I’m not again an expert, that the Talmud is a little bit strenuous in terms of supremacy. It is. There’s no denying that it does look at the Jew and you know, it kind of puts a hedge around the Jew and separates the Jew from the non Jew. Because they were trying to prepare Jews for a very long exile in that a Jew is not supposed to drink wine with a non Jew. There were all these intricate rules about the Jew not engaging with the non Jew.

But that doesn’t therefore mean that the Jew believes that they’re superior to the non Jew. It has more to do with simply a separation of the people and that it has every bit of respect for the idea that all men and all women are created in the image of God, as it says in the book of Genesis. And it does say women also, by the way, it says all men and women are created in his image. And that. Yeah, I mean, it does say, you know, the Jew has a little extra dose of spirit, a spirituality.

But I heard a rabbi explain that. I’ll give you what it says in a minute. Okay. He compares it to like a car with a gas tank that carries 5 gallons of gas. The Jew might have 5 gallons. The non Jew might have 3 gallon capacity. However, the non Jew could have the gas tank full and the Jew can have the gas tank empty. So it has more to do, and this is typical of Judaism with how much you’re willing to know God, how much you’re willing to witness to God, and how much you’re willing to live a life based upon the precepts of God.

It’s not something that you get automatically or you’re born with. It’s something that has to be achieved. Judaism in that way is very much a religion of works. Okay, if you will please share the most recent link that I shared. I think we can skip some of the genetic posts proving the genetic aspect and Khazari and such. And I will say that there are multiple sources on Khazaria, not just Arthur Koestler. They like to say that there’s only like one or two now. There’s a ton anyway, including Jewish geneticists, by the way. But this is a post I did called Babylon’s Most Unholy Book Antichrist Talmud send to win the Judaism textbook.

This is what rabbis are trained on. We’re going to prove that in just a second as well. I’ll give you a couple of quotes to just kind of set the stage. Geteen57 a quote. Jesus is in hell, is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled and dung. End quote. Zohar, the top rabbinical authority of all time, 1160 a QUOTE Jews must always try to deceive Christians. End quote. So continuing, I want to quote Eustace Mullins and I’ll give a couple of top rabbinical, scholarly and authority quotes. First. Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan, page 30 these mystery cults were formally combined into much of the text of the Babylonian Talmud, a book of religious precepts which had been formulated after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC.

Nebuchadnezzar took this people to Babylon as captives from 586 to 537 BC. After which Cyprus of Persia captured Babylon and authorized the return to Jerusalem. During the Babylon Babylonian captivity, there was a free admixture of the various Canaanite tribes. The Edomites intermarried with the Canaanite branch of the Judahites and shares. Edom means red. Ever since the captivity, red has meant a revolution and the Canaanite massacre of the innocents. The Rothschild Rothschilds or Rothschilds in German, chills means sign, red sign, not red shield, but you know, shield in English, whatever, not that kind of shield. The Rothschilds red signs, when they backed the formation of the Illuminati, changed their name from Bauer to to red shield or red sign Rothschild.

This intermixture of various strains caused a great deal of confusion among the offspring as to what their air, as to what air their customs should be. To resolve this difficulty, the captives began to compile a great book of religious teachings. Talmud means teaching in Hebrew. By the second century ad, the Talmud had been completed as oral law. The Mishnah or older part of the Gemara, or Commentary on the Law. It first appeared in print in 1520 when Daniel Bomberg published it in Venice. Jesus referred to it, by the way, as the tradition of the Elders. I’ll be happy to give you a couple of more quotes on it, but let’s look to a couple of authority figures from within rabbinical Judaism first.

So a couple of really good ones to start with. Mostly quotes from Talmudist, by the way, so not all, but mostly. Michael Rodkinson, in the preface of his Babylonian Talmud says the modern Jew is the product of the Talmud. Rabbi Aiden Steinsaltz. And forgive me if I say it wrong. No, that’s right. In many ways, the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the backbone of creativity and of national life. No other work has had a comparable influence on the theory and practice of Jewish life, shaping spiritual content and serving as a guide to conduct.

End quote. Rabbi Michael Stern says, quote, the Talmud is the lifeblood of the people. Most Judaism practiced today is not the five books of Moses. You would find it in the Talmud, end quote. Keep going. I’m sorry, Yeah, I don’t, I don’t disagree with any of that. I mean, but the Talmud is not cons. To. Doesn’t contradict the Torah. The Talmud enhances the Torah by bringing the ideas of the Torah into practical use, into the ability to function in the society that earlier, Judah the Prince, but earlier you had claimed that the Torah was the primary sort of.

It is the primary source. It’s the source. The Talmud is the commentary that does guide modern Judaism. It’s guided Judaism throughout the Diaspora. Absolutely. So just because you can’t say Torah and then do Talmud and then say that you claim Torah because most Judaism practice today is not the five books of Moses, quote. Rabbi MICHAEL what I’m saying is that the Talmud does not contradict the five books of Moses. Yes, it does. Comments on the five books of Moses and makes it into something that’s practical. I mean, I suppose in the same way that the Catholic Church has canonized laws that are added to the New Testament.

I mean, it’s not, you know, in a sense, I mean, it’s the way the Supreme Court interprets the U.S. constitution. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a constitution, but you have to kind of work through a society as on the ground. And what the Talmud does is it tries to bring us closer to God so that we can understand the Torah better. It’s all about Torah commentary. The Talmud is an inversion of Torah it undoes every single law that God creates. No, I reject that. And I think also, I think that what you just showed me, those 10 pieces, those are either false or they are gross misinterpretations of talented passages.

This is like what they do to Donald Trump, right? They take something that he said and they’ll isolate a few words out of it and magnify it and they’ll say, you see, they’ll tell us what it means. That is not what the Talmud really says. You have to understand Aramaic and you have to work with Talmudic experts to actually understand the Talmud in context. As you said, you’re not a Talmudic expert. I am. So if I make. No, you’re not a Talmudic expert. You know Aramaic. If I may please share the link and image. Please share the image and link that I just shared.

Okay. You don’t. So you’re going to basically give us pill Poland defend this. No, I’m going to ask if you know Aramaic. You have to know and I’m going to prove you wrong once again with a link to your own book. So continue please. This is showing you that they invert the Bible. Everything God says, it undoes. So the Judaism of the Talmud approves of sodomy in Sanhedrin 54B. Please don’t interrupt. If one committed sodomy with a child of less than nine years, no guilt is incurred. No, that’s wrong. You can prove it wrong by showing us the blank later.

Sanhedrin 64A approves of child sacrifice. Sanhedrin 66A cursing parents allowed. It allows enchanting bestiality, harlotry, blasphemy, not required to keep vows. They actually have a holiday about it. Kol Nidra, murder, condoned. Etc. Now in the Bible it prohibits all of these things and says that they are evil. So the Torah is the opposite of the Talmud. The Talmud is not the commentary on the Torah. It’s Satan’s children’s inversion of the Torah in order to lead people astray and say tora, tora Torah while doing Talmud, Talmud, Talmud, baby bombing and eating genocidal maniac type stuff. So these are ancient Bibles.

These are true statements from your own book. I understand your scholarship and that you’re relying on information here, but yeah, I suggest that those quotes are from secondhand sources and they are not the actual Aramaic. You need to understudy the Talmud directly. Those are English quotes from people in English, from your rabbi in English. But go to the Safari app and look up. This is what I did, by the way. You go and you actually look up what does Sanhedrin, whatever numbers say and you can actually see that this is false, however completely out of context, and that they are liable.

This is not actually changed. They changed it and they published a more sanitized version in the last years. And by the way, you may be right, by the way, if I may, about the Talmud having some derogatory information about Jesus. It’s Satan’s demonic anti Bible. There’s nothing redeemable about it. There’s everything good. But the point is, if I may, the comments about Jesus as you know, in a pile of dung boiling in hell and semen, that’s something that it’s disputed as to whether or not that was Jesus that the Talmud was talking about. But let’s for the sake of argument call him Yeshu, which means may his name be blotted out.

And let’s for the sake of argument say that it was Jesus, even though that was written by Ankylos, who was a Talmudic scholar, who was actually a Roman convert, brilliant man, but he had previously been a Roman priest and he was involved in some pagan things. And then why did you put him in your holy book? Because he became a very devout Jew, that’s why. And he put all the craziest people to the forefront and say, no, no, he was unusual. The vast majority of Talmudic rabbis were highly high level Jews. The point I’m making here is that that quote about Jesus, for the sake of argument, say that it was about Jesus.

There were some very nasty things said about Jesus in this book called Sefer Yeshu, the book of Jesus, which is not Talmud, that talked about Jesus’s birth. And it had some nasty things. There were some nasty things said at that time about Jews by people like St. John Chrysostom and St. Athanasius and others. If I may, this was an intra battle between two people in the first and second centuries of the common era. And that those quotes in the Talmud, whether or not they were about Jesus, the Pope in Rome demanded that the rabbis cut them out of the Talmud and they did.

This was well over a thousand years ago. The Pope in Rome was looked at as the highest religious authority by European Judaism. And when he said something, you did it. And so even if that was in the Talmud, and it was pretty nasty, even if that was about Jesus, which is disputed, it hasn’t been in the Talmud for over a thousand years. It was edited out of the Talmud. Okay, so first of all, thank you for admitting that. They did add it to Talmud and I would say they did again recently. However, Rome was always controlled opposition as early as Julius or Nero, before there even was a Catholicism.

They’ve always been at the behest of the Jews ruled by Satan’s children. And if you’ll please bring up that other image donut. I will continue to demolish this evil book that should never have been printed of Satan’s literal children for which there is no defense other than dissembling and pill pull logical, you know, twisting and distortion. It actually says you can’t defend anything in this book and therefore. So yeah, Ye says all non Jew children are animals. Sanhedrin 57A says when a Jew murders a non Jew, there will be no death penalty. Kathy Boss 11B says a man who is engaged in intercourse with a girl Less than 3 has done nothing.

Shabbat 116a says Jews must destroy the books of Christians. Baba Mazia 114b says the non Jews are not humans, they are beasts. Zohar, the top authority again told off. Noah says when the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 his slaves. Getin57a Again, Jesus is in hell being boiled in hot excrement. Baba comma 113A Jews may use lies subterfuge to circumvent the non Jews. So how can we trust anything that you say? Sanhedrin57a what a Jew steals from a non Jew, he may keep. Sanhedrin58b if a non Jew hits a Jew, he must be killed. Jakut Rabini Gadol the souls of non Jews from come from impure spirits and are called patients pigs.

So you guys teach this about us? I’m just saying that the act, the actual evidence of who the demons are is Jews. They say that we are Edom. I say they are er. All evidence comports with me. And their book is evil. And their rabbinical authorities say that we go to this book, not the torah. Anyway. So Yakut 245C says extermination of the Christians necessary sacrifice. I could just keep going and going. Yeah, but what I would argue again is that I’m glad I’ve seen this document. It does give the actual numbers of the Talmud. Therefore the listener can look those up in Safari, which is, excuse me, in Safaria, which is the published Talmud.

Talmuds are not secret. You can see them in most synagogues, not Reform synagogues, but most conservative and Orthodox synagogues. The perform rejects the. But the point is that these are chapters and Verses that could be looked up. And if you do look them up, you will see that either they’re completely false or it’s something that is yanked out of context. And we’re told what this means by people who do not mean the Talmud. Well, this is not the Talmud. Now look, you and I can go around on a merry go round on this. We’ll let our listeners decide by doing your own research.

Don’t rely on second and third hand sources. People who don’t know Aramaic and people who do not mean well for the Jewish people. And look at the Talmud itself. I’m not saying the Talmud’s perfect. It’s not the Torah. It does guide Judaism, but it’s not ultimately seen as the word of God, which is what the Torah is. But to say that these, the Talmud condones any of these things is completely false. I’m not saying you’re lying here, Dustin. I’m saying that your scholarship on this is dependent upon second and third hand sources. And in order to really understand the Talmud, you have to literally study the Talmud in with someone who knows Aramaic and who can actually give you the actual chapter and verse anyway.

You know, we could continue on this merry go round, but I don’t think we’ll have to let the listeners. Well, I think this is, I like, I love the topic of Talmud. Let’s continue. Me too. Yeah, it’s fun. You, this has been, this has been wonderful. We passed over the hour mark. I want to make sure to save every everybody’s time. Is there any other key topics, maybe something that y’all want to talk about before we close shop here? But I, I got everyone’s links down below. Check Charles Moskowitz links. Dustin Nemo’s links. Go subscribe to their Twitter.

Go smash that like button. Share this out. I mean this has been fun. I’ve learned so much. I, I, and obviously this is just an hour. This, it feels like we can go deep on this for real. Like there’s a, there’s a lot to it and I appreciate both of you, but yeah, is there any other topics maybe to talk about before for, I mean, I, I’ll just, you know, since we’re reaching the end of the hour, I’ll bring up one more topic. Why not throw another log in the fire, right? And that is the, the war between Israel and the, and its enemies.

Zionism is nothing more and nothing less than the national and religious aspirations of the Jewish people. There’s a lot of conspiracy around Zionism. Just like there’s a Lot of conspiracy around the concept of the Jews or the children of Israel being the chosen people as meaning, oh, that means they have to literally conquer the world. No, what they’re commanded to do is to worship God and to know God and to witness the existence of God to all of humanity and to serve God, not to conquer anybody. But as far as Israel goes, the Torah commands us to take possession of that tiny swath of land.

It is a modest and proper area that exists. It’s about the size of New Jersey. And that the Israelis are seeking to live peaceably with the Arabs. They’ve always handed out the olive branch of peace, but not the Arab on the street. Most Arabs on the street admire Israel. Maybe I’m speaking anecdotally here, but I worked in Israel at a spice factory on the Gaza border for a while, and I got to know the Arab employees. They admired Israel, but they wanted to have a sovereign state in Gaza. And I understood that. I agreed with it.

The problem is that their leadership seeks to completely wipe out Israel. They’re not willing to compromise. They are genocidal, as we found out on October 6th, and that Israel really is in a position where they’re defending the rights and the property and the lives of their own people. It is a nationalist movement that should be admired by nationalist movements around the world, including the Arab world. It is a religious movement in that it does advocate belief in God, whether or not individual Israelis do, or whether they’re atheists, as was side the point, they’re fulfilling the Torah just by being there.

And I’m not suggesting that their record is perfect, but I would argue that the Israeli military, the IDF generally, with some unfortunate exceptions, is very ethical in their attempt to literally only target those who are fighting them. The people who are trying to kill them. They’ll go in and target them, and innocent people are killed. The bigger question, the broader question is how do you stop the war? How do you bring about peace between these two people? Not whether or not, you know, not getting into atrocity propaganda on both sides. Anyway. Okay, I would. I want to share a couple things.

I think we’re. We’re probably getting close to closing and having coverage covered many topics, but first of all, please share. People loving it, too. People be loving it. We got a ton of people watching. We got over 800 or so people right now up in here, so make sure to smash the like button. We’re streaming on Rumble and Twitter, so make sure to subscribe as well. Continue. Sorry. So please share that first link. I just I just brought up on that new chunk of text there. This post is called Obadiah’s prophecy of Zionism and the end of Edom, the Jews.

So this is basically a. People can check this article out. I won’t go into it too much. It’s basically a very short prophetic book of the Zionist movement and Edom becoming what they are today. What we’re really seeing is that 1948 again fulfills no prophecy. 1776, America did, Europe did, Torah commands that that land, that specific land was taken from the real Israelites. What we’re actually seeing is the Canaanites are going back to the land of Canaan, not the Israelites going back to the land of Israel, which was a new land. And they’re going. The Canaanites are going back to conquer the land of Canaan in sync with prophecy in Obadiah and elsewhere and also over the bodies of tens of thousands of baby bomb victims and else things.

Horrible, horrible atrocities. Completely one sided tanks versus babies with rocks type stuff. I reject that. Soon I’ll show videos in a bit. This is the vision of Obadiah. This is what Yahweh says about Edom. We have heard a message from Yahweh. A messenger has been sent among the nations saying attack. Let’s go attack. Edom. Yahweh speaks to the Edomites and says, soon I will make you the smallest of nations. You will be greatly hated by everyone. We know who that is. And it’s not the multiple plural lost tribes of Israel that became Europe, but the one single hated tribe that is now doing the things that they’re doing in sync with all the Gog and Magog and Edom and amalek prophecies.

Zechariah 14:21 says, and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of Yahweh of hosts. So continuing, scroll down if you don’t mind, a little bit more. Okay. There’s no crazy images in here, is there? Oh no, it’s pretty. That one, I guess. I mean, no, like keep it legal. I mean it’s a show. It’s a very short post. Right there. Right, go back right there. So basically it talks about the end of what I would say is the prophecy of the end of all Jews. That what some people would call 110, or what’s really more like the 1031st eviction worldwide, but from 109 countries already.

So 110 is really the country number, not the eviction number. Anyway. Obadiah 18 says, in the house of Jacob shall be a fire in the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them and devour them. And there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for Yahweh has spoken it. Move to the next next link, if you don’t mind. Oh sure, sure. Thank you. Yeah, I want to cover why Jerusalem does not Belong to the the Jews. The spooky episode. Make sure the Halloween episode.

Yeah, this is again. This again scy. But this is a very short post. Also. Wait, which one is it? It’s this. It’s the why Jerusalem does not Belong to the Jews. It’s the second link in that last block of text. I got it. Second. Thank you for. Thank you for doing the sharing and stuff. I appreciate that. Oh yeah, that’s what I do. You know, that’s what I do. I go on the fly and I show the articles. Yeah, it’s like editing in real time. But you guys. Yeah, sorry. Okay, so start at the top real fast.

Isaiah Isaiah 66:12 for thus saith Yahweh, behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream. Then shall you suck ye shall be born upon her sides and be dandled upon her knees. I would say that we have not seen peace flow from that place like a river since they took over. Ezekiel 36. 5 says, Therefore thus saith Yahweh. God Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen and against all aijumea which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds to cast it out for of prey.

So continue down a little bit more. There’s not much to this post, but a couple points quickly from God’s own words with supporting non biblical evidence for skeptics. God gave the land to the European lost tribes of Israel, the actual Israelites, not the Edomite Jews who have zero evidence for their claim to be the Israelites. God took the land from them as punishment the actual Israelites and promised them a new land. And Jesus said Jerusalem would be trodden down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Also since the time of the Gentiles has not been fulfilled, which I think we’re actually getting pretty close now.

If in fact it really was true that Jews who controlled Jerusalem it was the true Jews who controlled Jerusalem that would Make Jesus wrong, which is not possible. It’s inconsistencies. Therefore they are fake Israelite imposters, just like Jesus told us. And the promise was made to King David. This land of milk and honey promise was made to King David when the Israelites were already established in Palestine, the promised land. And at a time when the kingdom did not indeed, did indeed already extend from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates and was at the peak of its power.

So when Yahweh says to David I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them. The appointed place or promised land cannot be Palestine. That’s where they were standing. It must be somewhere else. And it was the whole of Israel, not just the house of Judah, the fake Jews who were pretending to be the Irish Judah Heights. So Jesus told us, God told us that this land was not to be ours. The actual Israelites and it’s certainly not the Canaanites, but that’s what’s happening now. The Jewish world order, the Canaanites are taking back Canaan.

In Ukraine the the Khazarians are afflicting revenge upon the Rus people who kicked them out of Khazaria. Setting in emotion a chain of events which was actually also biblical prophecy. When a great tribe from the north would come down in great roaming bands and numbers and start to infiltrate the west including the land of unwalled villages which is America. No other land in the world that is unwalled villages basically as they’re all war, war torn etc here you didn’t even have to lock your doors until the 50s. So again the prophecies everything points to the true Israelites, the European peoples, America, the UK and Jesus was a pre Irish man, not a Jew.

How did the Judahites make make it to Ireland? A number of interesting and you know it’s a very long lost tribes of Israel wandering. I actually have that covered at the lineages of man and Nephilim post the Serapeum where the different tribes and their various enslavement and then did it happen after John Hos their d. Their diaspora. Sorry, what did it happen after Hos or. I see, so maybe during Roman times they made their way across the Mediterranean. For sure it was I don’t know Ireland in particular, but whatever. Look, I don’t dispute that. I mean I wouldn’t totally dispute there’s things like the declaration of our Broth and other things which prove that the Scottish and Irish are the actual lost tribes of Israel.

But again all etymological, anthropological, anthropological, genetic prophecy and biblical Descriptions, etc all point to the European peoples. Well, I don’t dismiss that. I mean I think that’s an interesting theory. I mean I don’t believe it. But you know, it’s a legitimate line of reasoning. But not with Judah, but with the ten tribes. I’m Judah. We know who they are. They’re revealed. They didn’t go lost. They’ve been. Sorry, go ahead. I mean they have continued every single day from the time of Adam up until today. There’s not a day that’s gone by where the sun hasn’t gone down.

But you have 10 circumcised bar mitzvah. Jewish men get together and have a minion that is a miracle and that’s something that has been consistent. Well, there’s no evidence in ancient times until today. There’s no evidence for it though. It’s a fake news story. There’s every evidence of it. It’s just. Why would it not be the case? I mean they. Jews have zero evidence for being of. Of Judah. They have zero evidence. Zero evidence. You and I are going to have a pissing match over this. There’s no sense of that. You have shown no evidence the entire time.

It says, as Jefferson said, it’s self evident. Okay, I have two more links. It’s not self evident because there’s zero evidence there was any. You could provide some. I got two more links I want to cover on that. So that third link, the last one of the big block of text, I want to. I want. This is actually a song I made that kind of. It has videos. I saw that you have a spot. Spotify. Yeah. And this is one that I made. I made this. It is, it’s made. It’s called Tears for Palestine. My poetry set to AI music.

So will you write the lyrics to it? Because you know me, I do hip. I’ve been into hip hop and all that. Oh, I did not know that. It’s very cool. Yeah, I have no music. I’ve worked with. I worked with a bunch of like underground hip hop artist. Nice. Well, that’s me. I’m Rebel. Grow up. Listening to everything. I have a lot of. I have eclectic tastes actually, but I chose rap and hip hop primarily because I want to reach the youth with my teachings and condense it for the impatient short of attention span. And I think I’ve done a decent job with that.

My stuff is all truth topics. What do you ever dive into Knights of Malta or anything like that? Yeah, I saw somebody mention that in the comments. I’ve got that covered at the Serapeum also including underground giants mentioned in history. The Hypogeum, very mysterious, the Knights Templar etc made it a stronghold. It’s always been known as a cult center. But anyway, off topic, I want to, I want to cover the Palestine thing before we move on too far because we talked about that briefly. I want to share, I would like to share part of that video but first I just want to give you a quick couple snippets of text.

Please share before that video share that last link. So the last link and then the next to last link if you don’t mind. Don’t I? You’re on there. Okay, good. I’m reading from it now. I approach this reporting from a historically neutral perspective. I condemn those who killed 174 Israelis and 8,526 Palestinians in 2017 on both sides. I condemn those who killed 130 Israelis in 2018 and 303,000, sorry, 30,001 31,558 holy Palestinians in 2018. I condemn those who killed 133 Israelis in 2019 and 16,000 almost Palestinians in 2019. I condemn the 16 Israelis murdered or properly killed in defense frankly in 2020 and the 2,781 Palestinians in 2020.

This is a repeat pattern by the way, all the way up from 1948 and before the Nakba, et cetera. They’ve been basically plotting this since the 1800s or more. I condemn the USA funding and killing of 2,300 plus babies. That’s actually way into the tens of thousands now. That’s an old number. I need to change it. I condemn the USA being the only country to veto a ceasefire. And I’m going to quote Israeli, Israeli’s first Prime Minister Ben Gurion, quote, if I was an Arab, I would never make peace with Israel. That is natural. We have taken their country, end quote.

Also Netanyahu quote, anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, end quote. And even U.S. president Truman talked about how they were going to help ethnically cleanse Palestinians. I have a video on that as well. We can go into it. But basically the Nakba, the catastrophe is where they’ve been killing all the Arabs babies and starting a Middle Eastern war for us to clean up with our tax dollars and our soldiers often helping for decades now. And it’s a completely one sided war, rocks on one side, one of the biggest militaries, tanks, airplanes, our missiles, et cetera.

On the other side. It’s their land by the way, that we have. The west has no claim to it and the Jews have no claim to it. And every day almost I have to watch some sort of a video of a baby hanging by, you know, parts of a baby hanging by what’s left of their scalp because, because really there’s not much left as we continue to see actual evidence of genocide and ethnic cleansing and the defense of it and the enjoyment of it. Like the IDF that you called moral, wearing T shirts of their local of their latest child victim that they assassinated in their mother’s arms and sharing it on their social media and stuff.

They love that stuff. Anyway, so basically it’s a completely one sided war of invasion, of occupation, of then ethnic cleansing of the rape and torture and, and, and degradation and humiliation of a people that did not deserve it, whether they be Christian or Muslim. The same thing is now happening in Lebanon. 40 Christian Lebanon. So the Nakba is real. And with that I would, I would just say to share my music video real quick because that kind of sums it up. Okay, well, well you know, if they do want to have peace, then there will be peace.

But otherwise Israel has nothing to apologize for in meeting them on the field of battle. Unfortunately they don’t want peace. As you just said, the only peace justified in continuing to fight Israel and as long as that’s going on, Israel’s going to fight back. It’s just that simple. Unfortunately it’s. It’s Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian people in their own country and it’s not them fighting back. Israel is. They can have a peaceful relationship with Israel if they choose to. Hamas is ran by Israel. Some of their leaders have been arrested, caught and actually turned out to be Jews.

They probably did influence to think that if I may. And then they say things like oh, beheaded babies, which was fake. Burnt baby, which Ben Shapiro famously. There’s a lot happened there that’s not even known. All of your Jewish propaganda for atrocity propaganda is absolutely fake. That’s all one sided happening. I know people have been involved in that and it was. Yeah, the evidence is entirely one sided. Not so. Yes it is. It’s a war of aggression against children. And Jews are demons, as I’ve proven through this debate. The Jews are defending their, their lives and their property against a country that was independent and that is Gaza, who chose to turn itself into a launching pad to they’re bombing children and women left and right.

Why would Gaza have invaded Israel? They could have created a Singapore Gaza didn’t invade Israel. Israel invaded Gaza. I, I suppose that South Korea invaded North Korea too. I don’t mean whatever. You just don’t know history. Apparently it’s called the naka and I have, I’ve, I’ve introduced people to the words of war against the state of Israel and Israel. What that means is the catastrophe where you’ve been killing the establishment of Israel. Look, there’s no defending it, Charles. This is absolute genocide. And all, all of your evidence is fake. I side with Israel. In fact, Charles, you’ve provided no evidence the entire time tonight.

You don’t know what you’re talking about and I have wrecked you on no evidence about what? On anything that you’ve actually brought up. Okay. You said I might be wrong. You said I might have said something. You said these might be taken out of context. No idea what you’re talking about, brother. You have no idea what you’re talking about, Charles. Oh, thank you. We’ll let our listeners decide whether or not you know whether I or you know what we’re talking about. I’m not going to get nasty. Check out my music video, Tears for Palestine. I’m not being nasty.

I’m pointing out that. Check out a lot of Jerusalem, city of gold. You can’t prove anything. You have no evidence. You have no actual citation. Evidence. Evidence. I’ve been there. I can witness to it. Dynamic, prosperous, multicultural society that I’m very proud of. Where Christians are spit on daily and you bomb babies every day by the 10 Christians treated by the way in the Muslim world. I wonder why that narrative isn’t discussed. Oh really? What about in Nigeria where they slaughtered 100 Christians in a. Muslims are not nearly the threat that is that Jews are. Muslims are.

There’s a slow motion holocaust against Christians in the Muslim world. I mean I had Kevin Barrett on my show blame the Jews for that. Somehow I don’t know how he figured that one out. Zionism is a point is you don’t hear talk about that because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the left and the anti Jewish Palestinian side that wants to only focus on Israel. I would point to those particular atrocities that have been going on since the Armenian genocide. You’re Christian. Have you ever commented on that? The Armenian genocide of Christians by Jews in Iraq.

Those were non med Turks. Were Jews. The Don Ma Turks behind the Armenian genocide were actually the Jews again. Yeah. Jews are responsible for everything in the that’s evil in the world. Every single time, Charles. Every single time. Test me you know, yeah, sure. I mean every, every atrocity in the world can be traced to the Jews. Every single time. Every single time throughout all of history, every single organized evil was. I’m disappointed that you would take such a bizarre. I’m in a debate with you. I want you to call me on it and go ahead and try to test.

I would argue that the Jews are not responsible for these things. You have no evidence for it. You have no evidence that they are. Test me. The Jews are responsible for the slaughter of 100 Christians in Nigeria. What evidence do you have for that? Who did it? Which incident are you talking about? It happened on Christmas Day of 2024. It didn’t make the news because that particular narrative doesn’t fit the left agenda of anti Israel. Does Islam occasionally call Christians? Yeah, they did, they did a lot of that. But Islam came from a red bearded Jew.

The whole Islamic edifice. Yes, Rome created Islam to continue killing Christians with a red bearded Jew named Muhammad. Arabs do not grow red beards. And by the way, how do you figure that Kamala Harris is Jewish? It’s multiple points of evidence, including her. Can you name those? Yes, I can. Let me pull it up. Although she’s not particularly important. She’s a figurehead. I mean, I don’t. And why would she. If she were Jewish, why would she deny it? I mean, there’s no problem. And also you’ve said that Vladimir Putin is Jewish. I mean, Vladimir Putin is Jewish involved in any kind of nefarious behavior.

It’s a very interesting kind of way to look at the world. It’s all. I will bring up proof by everybody. They all must be Jewish. Share this, please. Donut. It’s called the noticing. Who controls the world? Many of you out there in the chat, I think that the. In my opinion, it’s the Rhodes roundtable. We’re here for evidence. Foreign relations, which was extremely anti Semitic that really established the Anglo American control of the world back in the early part of the 20th century. But there are other people who have other theories. I mean, anyway, first off, where are we at with the question? Where are we at right now? Because I kind of got lost.

We’re on the noticing. I need you to share that. We’re getting into some real. You know, he thinks it’s not every single time the Jews behind every single organization. No, and I think that there are Jews involved. I will prove that it is. And in fact, he says there are Jews who are involved in all of these things, but most Jews are not. I mean, do you think I’m involved? I mean, Jews that I know you know, I will address that. 95 of Jews are not involved in any of these things. They are good God fairing people who value family, who value education.

They bomb. They’re not involved in these things. And they bomb families. Most of them are gay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So now you’re just. You’re devolving into just name call. No, I mean sodomites. I mean homosexuals, whatever word you prefer to choose. Sexuals are Jewish. Then it’s a cap. All right, you know, now you’re getting. This is getting ridiculous. I mean it’s. I mean the word for what it means. You don’t think they were in that race? I mean, I think where we’re at right now is that they’re raping their prisoners. Oh, I get it.

Yeah, sure. I don’t look, and the average Jew is protesting to allow them to do so. By the way, I’m sure that there were instances like that, but that’s not. Those are outliers. No, that was the. That was the people of Israel. Your. Your ethnic, you know, God’s chosen people. Fake, you know, not the actual chosen of Abraham doing the actions of the people of Abraham. Those people were raping their prisoners. You know, it’s interesting. Whenever you attack Israel, you find the worst. You’re just interrupting and you magnify it so that this is all the Israel this is.

This is actually viral news, Charles. Everybody’s heard about it. Sure it is. But that’s what I’m only making the point that it’s very typical that you will find the worst. Typical of Jews, worst example in anything. And then say this is all the Jews. It’s all Jews who showed up to protest. The soldiers, people who are not good, and hold them up and say no, no, no, you cannot. You cannot. At nearly disproportionate rates. 2%, 3%, maybe 5% of other races do psychopathic activity. 95% of Jews do it. It’s nowhere near the close. Where did you come up with the genetics? Prove it.

Mike. Mike Adams and others activities. Mike Adams and others. Go to my genetics article, 40 of Jews. I think I’m going to interview Mike Adams. I heard him, you on with him the other day. 40 of Jews are schizophrenic. 40% of user schizophrenic. Most suffer from Tay Sachs or paranoia, etc. No, it’s not. It’s Jewish geneticists that prove it. Go to my genetics post. I don’t know any schizophrenic. You do. You think you’re God’s chosen people and you have no evidence. Schizophrenic people I do know happen to not be Jewish. One of them is Chinese. I think you are, actually.

I think that you think you’re God’s chosen and you are not, and you have no evidence. Therefore, I think you are schizophrenic because I believe the Jews were chosen with the chosen people. Zero evidence whatsoever. Yes. Anyway, will you please not Sinai Donut. Well, I. I think that we. We did a great podcast and I think we should continue it. I think that we had a whole hour and 20, and this is such a crazy topic. It’s so. It’s hitting the autonomic nervous system in my research and what I do. I hope everybody go subscribe to my channel as well as Charles and Dustin.

I think you both did such a wonderful job on this top. I don’t got the word for it because I’m not wicked smart, but I’m working on. On it. Getting wicked, but it is. It’s a talk. It’s a very autonomic nervous system, belief system topic that we’re talking about. And I think you both did such an excellent job. I was like. I didn’t know what I was stepping into. And I appreciate being able to be the. The host of the spooky event before Halloween, but I like to leave everything on more of a positive note, you know, I think that we.

I think that this has been great. Did. Did y’all have fun? I thought it was very interesting. Yeah, it was very good. Thank you. I know you guys did out there. It’s been fun. And if you like this, if you want. And round two, right? Like, there’s a box boxing match. Round two. Put like a one in the comment or something. Or just type round two in. In in the Twitter. What can we look out for? Charles, I know you just released another new book. I don’t know if it’s a book or an essay, but congratulations on that.

On the shooter stuff, right? No, maybe I’m tripping. I. I know you released something new, though. The Anti Semitic Imagination was my latest book. Yes, I got that. Now I’m doing a book on sociology. My books are available. Thank you very much, Donut. My books are available at Amazon Books. You can just. I’ll put those links down below Charles’s books. I mean, absolutely amazing. The connections of stuff you won’t hear about this, like leftist socialism, camouflage as well, utilizing different Religions and the satanic conspiracy as well. Thank you. I am a huge fan because it just connects so many dots.

And Dustin as well, thank you so much. I. I want to dive in next time. More of the. The skull stuff. That. That was super interesting. What can we look out for you? And I know you’ve been making rounds on podcasts like Mike. Well, I’m spreading the word about the seed war. It is a profound topic. It shifts everything. And you can find all my I expect to be beheaded for the testimony of Christ soon by Trump when he gets in office and has promised to start persecuting or beheading or killing or deporting the noticers who he calls Jew haters or Hamas supporters or Hezbollah supporters or whatever else it is.

If you don’t like them dropping babies. Bombs on babies indiscriminately or blowing up cell phones indiscriminately. Just killing children and random people. No, it was not directed. It killed eight children at least. Anyway, there was no targeting. No, there was no targeting whatsoever. It was random civilians targeting like they do every single day. They target civilians every single day. They targeted the terrorists. Always. No, there’s. They targeted every single hospital, school, child’s music, everything. So they just say, terrorist. Terrorist. Charles, if I can just let me. Charles, stop the territory. It’s my ending. It’s my turn.

You had your turn. Balloons and there will be peace. You. You had your. You had your turn. Charles, they have rocks. You have. You have. You have Western funded. You have Western funded. Charles, shut the up, man. You’re so triggered. I’m making this point. You’re so triggered because you got crushed. Now please stop because my dogs are whining. Let’s pray for the Middle east, everybody. Let’s pray for the Middle east, everybody. Pray for all the babies being bombed by the Jews. I’m in this thing to present my positions and let the own mind. I know, I know you bragged about winning every argument.

That’s not my goal here. I’m simply here to make my points and let the viewers decide for themselves. And I hope that you, as if you’re listening to this program, you go deep and think about these things and I could be wrong about certain things and other things not. I’ve heard you brag often, Dustin, you have to win every argument. I noticed you never posted the programs you did with me, but put that aside. That’s not my goal here. I’m simply here to present my positions. I’m here to learn and I’m here to debate that’s all I think there’s been good show interrupt a lot filibuster a lot during my outro anyway where can we find the music on all this stuff as well Just look up Dustin emos at any of the playlist Spotify type places you’ll find the truth work I suggest Tears for Palestine especially after this debate I listened to it I listened to the AI that yeah check out the music video too I think you know even with it being heated towards the end I I think this has been fun I think it’s been good like I could I can’t believe we got this far without the heat in the beginning so I mean on fire for God.

Yeah that’s been good I appreciate both of you and God bless both of you and I can’t wait I can’t wait for round two so everybody smash that like button we we out of here Much love and God bless you bye bye thank you thank you.

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    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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