Doenut Factory
➡ The text discusses theories about tones and frequencies, their historical and symbolic significance, and their potential impact, including on human behavior and market events. It also suggests a connection between cryptocurrency, XRP and the Templars, and encourages viewers to share their thoughts and follow updates.
Breaking portals being activated. Cell phone alert, national test phone off. Computer off. Television off. Wi fi off. I’m turning everything off. This alert is going to happen all over America, nationwide. But before we get into that, I like to point out that this is October, and yesterday, October 3. I’ve been saying this since September, that the Mars aligns with Ketsu conjunction would bring a crash of a certain market.
And on that exact day, the Dow dropped 430 points yesterday to that 33 that we see with the $33 trillion debt clock. Everything is lining up for rituals with the CBDCs in the banking industry. Now, Russia just did their emergency public warning today on ten four, just like America is going to do their emergency alarm on ten four at 200 and 20:00 p. m. . This is all ritualistic, but I like to say hello to everybody before we start.
We got the UK in the house. What is up, the Netherlands? Hello, Netherlands. Hello everybody, ohio. What up, Ohio? Oh, my phone. Someone text me. If you’re going to text me, you got to text me now because I’m turned off. Hello, Bangladesh. Australia. Yeah, Netherlands. Good day to everybody. So I got a bunch of stuff to show you guys with this test. I’ve put out a few videos already and you can rewatch those.
This is seriously just some more information and just to get the message out there, because this will be a trending story today, but we’ve been covering this story for a long time now. Everybody’s phone will go off at 200 and 20:00 p. m. Eastern time. So 1120 my time. So if my mom’s watching at 1120, make sure your phone, television, WiFi, everything is turned off because this tone ping is going to hit everybody.
And I’m going to get into how that can be weird even though it says don’t panic, and all these different man, I lost so much respect for so many different channels, prepping channels and all this. Everybody making fun of the idea that there’s some zombie stuff, like going along with the Rolling Stones magazine. Where is that? Rolling Stones right here. Rolling Stones magazine saying making fun of people, saying it’s going to turn them into zombies and whatnot.
And all these so called truth or channel saying that that’s ridiculous. Look, keep an open mind. Everybody here got open mind, so I ain’t really worried about that. But there is stuff going on on another level, a ritualistic level and a scientific level. I mean, they can control memories via light bulbs called optogenetics, like in the movie Men in Black. All this Sci-Fi stuff is absolutely possible. And just because you don’t think that it’s real, you think that Chat GPT was just released now and that hasn’t been around for a long time.
You are mistaken. So shots fired to a lot of these channels that are making fun of this. And they’re like, oh, I don’t think anything crazy going to happen? Look, probably nothing going to happen, most likely. But that doesn’t mean that the technologies don’t exist. And it’s even that kind of thinking without using the imagination. That technology like this does exist is by using the imagination. It’s pretty late over here.
It’s 03:00 a. m. , but we get it into this. So this is going to be going off at 220. Interesting time. I even looked up the date for that date. And it’s a cult and it’s connected to XRP and Ripple. And this is going to happen from the cell towers. The cell towers are going to be putting out these tones and vibration in resonant frequencies for 30 minutes.
30 minutes, this frequency vibration will be happening nationwide. I mean, just think about how many people with cell phones, televisions, all the new towers that have been built on that whole WiFi level. We don’t see what’s going on, but there’s definitely something happened where they need this system in place. The MGM was having cyber incidents, and this is going to be the next big thing. It’s the cyber incidents.
September 29, we saw all the flooding in New York happening, strange weather happening, fires flooding, all this. And we all know about high frequencies called harp for a long time, where on their own, wikipedia talking about the radio frequencies that they use that some people theorize that it’s able to do weather manipulation using these frequencies, these sound frequencies. Now shout out to ANI Asaru at the spiritual Shade Room.
I’m subscribed to his patreon, and his last video was really good because he was connecting the proper party, which is XRP Ripple, which is about water and banking system. That party took place while New York was flooding the exact same day. And if you don’t know about banking, it’s all maritime law, it’s all water rituals. Here’s XRP, and the person on your currency is Rosa Rios, and she is part of XRP.
Rios is river, and they are the bridge currency. The bridge goes over the water. That’s why you got bridge water investments. And XRP is the X. We’re coming up on the eclipse, making the X over the four corners. And here’s Bitcoin is three, two, two. Satoshi becoming the 33rd richest man in the world during the lockdowns. Now the proper party, which was XRP in Gematria, it equals 201.
Huge illuminati number connected to the banking industry as the cash app founder was stabbed by a guy living in room 201. 201 episodes of the office in the nine seasons. Now, there’s a lot of cell phones in America. There’s over 380,000,000 cell phones. And I typed this number into Google and this color popped up. That’s weird, right? This color popped up, which looks just like the proper party color that’s going on.
When I type in how many cell phones are in America, that number, that’s what pops up. Coincidence, synchronicity, I don’t know, but could be connected, right there. Now the alarm is going to go off at 220, just like the time Hawaii emergency alert went off was at eight. Eight. And then on eight, Lahaina went up in the flames. So that’s not a stretch to look at the time and the dates.
So the time would be 220 in February. 220 is the 51st day of the year. 51. The Illuminati. The Illuminati. Area 51, May 1. That’s when the Illuminati was founded. Or it could be two. Two, because the zero never matters in numerology. So it could have been February 2, which is the 33rd day of the year, the 33. So two dates to look out for as well. Connected to this phone ritual for February.
And this is also connected to XRP because XRP was really released into the markets on February 20 right here, and February 2. I’ve seen stuff with that as well. Here’s the documents of that. So I’m going to check on the stream. We got 500 people in here. Thank you so much. Hello. Hawai up in here. I’m going to keep going. I got a lot of information, a lot of weird stuff.
Like, did you know one of the last emergency messages was playing Lady Gaga by accident? Yeah. Shout out to Quebec. Quebec. So the Rolling Stones put out this article making fun of people and lumping us into one category like conspiracy theory. Well, the Rolling Stones, there is document evidence that they work with the CIA and FEMA, who will be putting out this alert. Everything’s been going down in Region 950 Cent, shot five times.
I mean, shot nine times. You got the nine square districts in New Haven, skull and Bones. The nine is a big number with a tic TAC toe, which is the Octithorpe. And that’s what we’re in. We’re in October. The Octa thorpe. I don’t know where I put that. So the emergency alert system back in 2011, on November 9, 911, backwards played Lady Gaga. Did you know that? That’s kind of weird.
Here, I’ll play a little clip of that because this is nuts. This is super nuts. No audio. I love this. DirecTV cable viewers reported hearing Lady Gaga’s song Paparazzi play during the test, which is only slightly better than that usual monotonous tone sound. That’s crazy. That tone sound is a certain frequency. And they were playing Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi song, which was released on 76 when 50 Cent was born, when George Bush was born, when the Georgia Guidestones collapsed on 76.
And she was at the inauguration for the best president in the entire world, Joe Biden. She was at the inauguration dressed up in the Hunger Games attire. And the Hunger Games are about to be released the day before three two two date, November 18, the Illuminati date. And her mom is part of the United Nations, and that who she’s the goodwill ambassador who used to work for the Verizon telephone communication systems.
Just like Ariana Grande’s mom. That’s Ariana Grande, I believe, and her mom house, McCain, does the wireless communication systems for the military industrial complex. And you can see the smart city right here, the smart city. Everything will be activated through this Wi Fi type symbol signal these frequencies that you can’t see and what town was going to be the first smart grid. It was going to be Lahaina who went up in the Is.
We don’t see these frequencies in these hertz that are all over the place. So at a certain resonance it will break glass, for instance, or even drive someone to climax at these different tones. And here’s the tone frequency for each time you hit a certain keypad. And there’s twelve keypads because the twelve is ancient. You got twelve inches in a ruler. You got the twelve tribes of Israel, which I think is what the phone system is based off of going back to these ancient days.
And then the pound sign of the phone or the number sign or the hashtag the pound sign is the octothorpe right here, octothorpe for October, the October Surprise, which has the nine squares in it, just like in New Haven. And it’s the pound sign. The pound sign got its own frequency right here. All these different tones are different frequencies and the pound goes into money. The pound here’s the pound sign, the hashtag.
It’s the nine square district of New Haven skull and Bones, which will be celebrating its three two two year of Yale. And you can see the portal symbolism for October about to happen right here. I mean, this month is going to be crazy, crazy rituals. And we did definitely get this. October 3, the collapse of the market on the exact date. That’s crazy. And this is connected to the Templars.
The Templars were the original banking industry who got rounded up on Friday the 13th. And we’re going to have that Friday the 13th right here, right before the eclipse. The X over the four corners. Crypto downfall over the four corners. Here’s XRP. I’m the first one to break this down. I mean, I think I’m the first person too, just so I need to brag. I need to brag a little bit because who else is going to brag? Nobody going to brag for me, so I will brag for myself that we called the crash right here, October 3 on the markets, and XRP being water and maritime law.
I’ve been saying that for a minute and now I’m the first one to even connect this. This even goes deeper. XRP connected to the Templars in the five eightync sigil magic. They say that XRP will hit 580 in 529. Justinian shut down all the neoplatonic schools. So all this like occult esoteric mystery schools were shut down. And then in 1118 in the Knights Templars rose to power. They just popped up out of nowhere.
Now, if you minus the rise of when this was all shut down to the rise of the Templars. It’s five eightyes right there. So there’s a connection. There the x. You can see Dr. Dre. Yeah. So the sound frequency, the resonance of the Earth, you can ground yourself. This is all science. I don’t know, I think something’s up with it. Edgar Casey said if you learn music, you’ll learn most all there is to know.
And you can see Edgar Casey right here. And they live. They live is showing. I mean, I don’t really got much. I just wanted to warn everybody and tell everybody what I’m up to and show you a couple interesting articles. Even CERN is having an event. I don’t think they’re going to do anything, but thank you for listening. Share this video out. Go to the Patreon just released a new video with Juan.
X marks the spot. Juan goes into the four corners. And all that in this symbolism right here of the X, and I add on to it. What are your thoughts? Put your comments down below. I’m turning off all my equipment now and I’ll update you all later tonight. Much love and God bless you. Bye. .