Emergency Podcast: Trump Assassination Attempt

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➡ An assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump, but he is safe. The incident is being investigated, with some suggesting it could be a deep state event. The author urges caution in blaming political parties and encourages unity. The event took place in Pennsylvania, known as the Keystone state, which may have symbolic significance.
➡ An incident occurred at a rally for former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, where shots were fired, resulting in at least one death. The former president was unharmed and was quickly escorted off stage by the Secret Service. The shooter was reportedly on a roof and was killed. The incident has sparked various theories and discussions about its implications and potential symbolism.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including numerology, secret societies, and symbolism in popular culture. It also mentions the role of these theories in current events, such as the release of a new album by Eminem, the upcoming Summer Olympics, and political tensions. The author suggests that these events and symbols are interconnected and may predict future events.
➡ A shocking incident occurred where the Secret Service shot a guard on a roof. The witness questioned why there wasn’t more security in the area, given the few buildings around. A woman, described as patriotic, was also present during the incident. The witness suggests that this event could be part of a larger plan to cause division, urging unity instead.


Donald Trump. There was just an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Now, everybody’s going to be jumping to blaming the Democrats right off the bat, the left and right paradigm. Now, this could be much deeper than just that, so we got to be patient and see how the story unfolds. We’re going to be studying history and other assassination attempts that took place. For example, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated via a secret society called the Black Hand. So this, I don’t think, was just your Democrat next door. And this is, these movies are being released to civil War. Even Ray Dalio has been talking about a civil war to go down.

Now, this is probably a deep, deep, deep state type event that took place. So we got to see the information as it rolls out. And I will be doing a proper decode on this. As everybody knows, I have been talking about the Keystone state, Philadelphia, the Royal arch. The top of the Keystone is the Keystone state of Philadelphia, where Biden is from. We will do a proper decode on this. We’re going on the fly because this is information that is just breaking. So please, please support us by putting any information you find down below for that proper decode of what’s going on with this assassination attempt on Trump that just took place.

We’re going to be going live on the fly. Can you hear me? Okay, everybody, now let me make sure my microphone is good. Yeah, it looks like it’s good. Now please smash that, like, button. Really appreciate it if you would do that. And, yeah, let’s get right into it. And I will be going to your comments. Trump says he is fine. I mean, that’s great. And I already know people are gonna post that this was fake. Now, if it was fake, I mean, you got a hands. Hats off to him for pulling a stunt like that.

But I’m not going to get into that right now. That’ll be for later because this is some wild stuff. And if we could go back through history, there was the left and the right paradigm with the Green and Blue party. The Green and Blue party was created, and they kept the oligarchs, kept these two parties fighting with each other as the oligarchs became richer and richer and richer. So we must be careful not to start pointing fingers and blaming your neighbor, because united we stand, divided we fall. And we must pray for our country. Please pray for our country.

So I want to notate with that as we look into it. Trump is fine. Video shows him fires shots at the rally. Now, I was counting how many shots there were, and it sounded like eight or nine and yes, I’ll go through some illuminati symbolism that is going down. Maybe it’s connected. That’s later for the decode. I thought it was at three two two, the timestamp when this happened, but it was a little before that, about ten minutes before that, at 311 pacific time, 611 eastern time. So there’s a lot of eleven numerology taking place. This event, even behind him, it looks.

It says you’re fired and shots fired. So I don’t know if there’s something up with that. But today is 713. Seven plus one plus three equals eleven. It took place at 611. So a lot of eleven stuff, which goes into the two pillars symbolism that went on. And it seems like the CIA or secret Service, I mean, got him out safely and he just rose his fist at them. He was all like, so, I mean, we got to be grateful that they weren’t successful because that would be no good for the country as divided we are right now.

And I just like to notate. That’s the importance of this video that I’m saying is most people are gonna be like, oh, the lib tards. Right. Right off the bat now. I think that this could be a very, very deep state. Not even deep state. Even more deep state event to kick off the civil war. I mean, there’s that civil war movie that was just released as well, so we will see. Look, he pissed. He like, oh, hell no. Oh, hell no. Not my good ear. I also want to look into the right ear symbolism because he got clipped on his right ear from the left, right, left.

I don’t know. This is just stuff that I’m bringing up my first thoughts, and I would like everybody’s support on comments down below. It looks like y’all can hear me now. So my bad about that. I didn’t plan this. I, you know, nobody planned this, that this was going to happen. Although there was future forecasters predicting event to happen on a July 15 or the day centering upon that date. And they said something crazy was going to happen where they did remote viewing, and something crazy did happen. And I’ll show you that channel, future forecast. Now, there’s also astrologers who’ve been talking about al Gol, the Algol star system.

Something’s happening astrologically, which leads to bad events happening. And the thing is, what if this wasn’t the terrible event? What if this. Hopefully, it’s not. Hopefully, this is the worst event that is taking place because it seems like it. But if July 15 or whatever coming up is worse than this. I don’t know. We got a, we got to stand united, not divided, and that that will be pushed. You’ll see it happening. I don’t want to get too deep with all my thoughts right now. We’re going to let the story unravel a little bit and cover it.

It happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is the key stone state now. Everything is via symbolism. Symbolism tells a pretty weird story. When JFK was assassinated, for example, he was assassinated on a giant trident that you see right here. The two towers, for example, were built on giant tridents. So there’s a lot to look into with Pennsylvania being the Keystone state. We saw Francis Scott key Bridge collapse. And I believe this will be deep in the decode that I’m going to do as this is the 69. This is the cancer symbolism. We got to look throughout history, though, at the other assassinations, attempts that happened with JFK and also with Reagan, because Ronald Reagan and Trump are very similar to each other.

And there was the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan right here on March 30. Three, three. President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded and let’s go and see if there’s any updates right now. Oh, it looks like CNN lied. I just got a text message saying CNN lied. Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally. Can you believe that? CNN is saying that he fell, that he was, there wasn’t an assassination attempt on him. That’s crazy. Here, I’ll bring that up for y’all right now showing you this because we are on the fly right now.

This is, this is hot on the fly right now. CNN lied. CNN says Secret Service rushes Trump fall off stage. They probably scrubbed it by now. Yeah, my friend, he screenshot it. Oh, here it is. This is a CNN article, but Fox News posted it live updates. Oh, it says shooters dead. We’ll see. They changed it. They changed it. If I go back here, you’ll see it says it right here. Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rallye. Right there. So they were already jumping to conclusions and lying about it. And then you click it.

Shooter dead at rally. Attendee killed at Trump event. Let’s see some more updates of this story. Now, there’s a youtuber I really do like. His name’s Ken Wheeler because he comes with logic and reason. And I want to play, I haven’t listened to it yet, but I want to play his clip because I always do go to his videos just to get some sound information. And I’m going to play that right now seems like is acting up. Of course it’s acting up. It’s not. Let me play the video. Of course my computer be acting up. Can you believe that? Somebody wrote shots, sounded like blanks.

Thank you. Please put that in the comment. It happened at 311. It’s like three two. 2311 is an interesting number as well. It’s also KKK. You’re fired. Watch back to the future, part two. Pukey, will you please let us know more about that with the predictive programming? I mean, I’m getting some. Some messages from my friend right now. I’m going to read them to you. What he’s been saying. He brought up Elon Musk’s most liked tweets of all time. I was digging it up. I couldn’t find it. But if somebody could find that, what was Elon Musk tweet of all time, that might be a connection there with this.

Okay. Not confirmed, but this is reported who the shooter is. Okay. On the PBD podcast, they reported who the shooter was, but it’s not confirmed on dead guy on roof. So somebody from the. The roof. Let me look up the PBD podcast, which I stole their title, as you can see right here. I jacked that title. I’m not monetized. So I could put crazy titles on. They’re monetized. Let me see where the picture is. They. They should. They shared a picture of the guy. I don’t see it. So I’m gonna read some of these articles to y’all and go through.

The crowd did seem kind of relaxed. They. I mean, that. That’s the thing, is that everyone’s a tough guy. But when an event like this goes down, if you’re ever in a fight or some stuff pops off, people behave differently. So you might see, like, a tough guy, but then when. When things hit the fan, they’ll run away. There, you might see some. Some guys that look nice and sweet, but when. When s hits the fan, they’re there. So let’s see what’s going on. I’m gonna read some of these articles. Shots fired at MAGA rally Secret Service race stage two believed dead, including suspect crowd member believed to be dead after Trump rally shooting Donald Trump is safe after an assassination attempt in the Keystone state Pennsylvania rally where Biden’s from, where he was rushed offstage with blood coming from his ear.

Now, I wonder what’s up with the ear symbolism. It’s the right ear. And I did google that. And the right ear signifies good fortune, which is kind of interesting. I wonder if there’s something up to that symbolism. The former president raised his fist and shouted, fight. Fight. Which if, I mean, what shows you like that guy’s a fighter. The US Secret service said that former president is safe. In a new statement, one person believed to be dead with a second possible district attorney, Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldfinger. Oh, that’s interesting. Goldfinger, like double oh seven reportedly said one person is believed to be dead and possibly a second.

He said the person believed to be dead was someone in the crowd. Interesting. All right, let’s go to other article. He was discussing immigration immediately before shots rang out. Biden announced he wants to ban assault weapons just hours before, coincidentally, shooter dead was on roof. Okay, so this is the most recent one. At least one dead. One audience member and the gunman are dead after the shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania, according to Butler county district attorney. Okay, see, they’re just repeating the same stuff now. That’s how the mainstream media works and puts you in a trance is they all pair it off of each other.

I seen this working for AMTV when we would cover these topics that break just out of nowhere, they just break, like the Las Vegas event that took place. Everyone was saying there was two shooters, and then the story changes. So the media, the way the media works to get their message across is they all use the same vocabulary, the same spell. It’s grim wire, it’s grammar. It’s how they induce you into a deep state of consciousness. Even that word, deep state could be a trigger word to put you under a trance. That’s kind of what I think sometimes.

Um, yeah, let’s see. See what else is going on, see if there’s any better updates. And I’ll go to your comments as well. There may have been two shooters reported that one attendee dead, bullet hit attendee, then Trump. If it didn’t hit the attendee first, Trump would have been killed. He was just one inch away from an assassination. It was an assassination attempt and he was just one little inch away. And we got to remember that. Be grateful for every moment that we have, because when we’re driving in a car, it’s just one little inch could change your life.

And, you know, I, I’m sure everybody has, has known someone who’s died in a car accident or a motorcycle accident, and it’s very sad. So it’s very important to tell people what you think, how you feel about them, in a good way, not in a bad way, but compliment the people that you love the people that inspired you. A lot of negative news like this gets sent out to the airwaves quickly. Good news, people hold on to it and they don’t give that out quickly. So, you know, look at it like if there’s someone you love, family member that you’re grateful for, tell them.

Like, who cares? But my main message of this video is it’s not going to get across but for us is not to blame the Democrats and the leftists even how crazy they are because this could be an operation of secret societies that’s way deeper than the left right paradigm to kick off the civil war. You know what I mean? So that’s, that’s my main message, this video as well. So there’s this astrology, like astrologers have been predicting a bad event to happen today or tomorrow or on the 15th. And so did this YouTube channel, future forecasting group.

I’d like to talk to this guy, Dick Oligarch, I think his name is. He said a big event coming July 15. Now hopefully this was the big event because things could get much, much worse. So here’s the green versus the blues. For a long time it was thought that the two groups gradually evolved into what were essentially early political parties. The blues representing the ruling class and standing for religious orthodoxy and the greenshouse being the party of the people. The blues versus the Greens. But this was all fabricated by the oligarchs and this war between them both just made the oligarchs even richer.

So we got to study the history. But this is absolutely, could be used to galvanize which means to shock or excite. Let’s get wicked smart and learn a new word, galvanize. This could be used this event to galvanize the nation. We’re already divided. Man versus woman, left versus right, jew versus Arab or Muslim, white versus black. All that galvanize is to shock or excite someone into taking an action. This could be some deep state stuff and I don’t even like to use that, that term. It’s interesting. I wrote 47th president and Joe Biden pops up. What’s up with that? If you know about the symbolism, the masonic symbolism, the 47th president goes for the 47th degree compass in America was built by secret societies.

Okay, I got some new information coming in. And everybody shout out to my friend. He’s sending me some information on the fly. Great guy. Love him to death. All right, he says BBC redhead guy said he notified police. That guy was climbing to the roof with a rifle. The police did not stop the show. Interesting. So there was a BBC, a redheaded guy, and he notified the police that there was someone climbing to the roof with a rifle. And the police did not stop the show. That’s wild. I’m going to look that up real quick. BBC.

It’s hard to find these articles. BBC guy with rifle Trump roof live updates. Hmm. All right. All right. I gotta look for that. But a lot of interesting stuff, you know, that will be in the D code. This is not a proper decode if you’re just tuning in, but we do got over 2000 people watching right now. We’re streaming on x all over the place, YouTube, Facebook. Please smash that like button. It’ll get it into the algorithm. I think the message of this video is a positive one at the end of the day about united we we stand, divided we fall.

And I think that’s a good message to share out. We will be given the proper decode, though. Cheney, just project Cheney. Shout out to Project Cheney. She just said, you’re fired. That, which is crazy. It says that, like, right behind him, you’re fired. And then shots fired. The Secret Service blew his head off. The guy with the. With the rifle, three to four minutes. The redhead guy was yelling and no response. Very JFK vibes. I wish I could find this. The PBD podcast was showing his picture. Let me see if I could find that. So this is the guy right here, I believe the redhead guy.

He was screaming at them and he got no response. He was saying that there was a guy climbing on the roof with a rifle and no response. Very, very JFK vibes happening with this. Now, if you like, I’m going to remind everybody, please, whatever you do find, put it in the comment section. I’m going to go to the comments now. The guy in the clip left me. Okay. The guy in clip on left about that you’re fired sign is involved in some of the queue stuff. Interesting. I wonder which guy that is. The guy in clip on left about the.

Your fire. So I’ve. Okay, I understand what you’re saying. I wonder. Look, nobody’s scared. Everyone’s just like, yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know which guy that is that. That you’re talking about. But the interesting thing with the 128 code is that Q was created on 1028 128. If you look at Trump’s text number right here, 88022. This is when they rated Mar a Lago on 8822, the Lionsgate portal, which is coming up. It’s actually a negative day according to astrologers and then all these astrologers tell everybody to manifest that day. It’s all this new age stuff, but it’s interesting.

But this is also when Lahaina went up in the flames as well. And I think that is great to show the people how numerology does play a role. Numerology and gematria and all that different stuff. When we decode these events, there’s a lot more to the story than is being told. Like looking at everyone’s hats and what they’re wearing. Absolutely crazy times that we’re in. Nine shots fixed. Did anyone else get injured? I find out where. And you know what else is weird, is we’re coming up on. I think it’s July. If you just look up emoji calendar, it always happens on July 17 on the emoji calendar.

And I feel like that’s predictive programming. It always says July 17, like, preparing us for this date. So I think that’s weird. Just like, if you look up emoji gas pump, look what it says. 322322, scone bones on the gas pump. And let’s not forget that. Three, two, two. That secret society plays a huge role in the rituals. Joe Biden got his medicine at exactly three, two, two. Right when it hit three, he got his medicine. Ben Shapiro fired Candace Owens on three, two, two. There’s a lot of different three, two, two stuff all over the place.

And just. I mean, in the news now with Eminem, he just dropped this album, and he has had a beefe with Donald Trump. He was crying about Donald Trump. And at least that’s what I remember. I don’t know. It was very strange time, that is. But he just dropped his banger. This album slaps. This album go hard. You know, he brought back the real slim shady, even though it’s probably his clone. His clone dropped a fire album. But the thing about the album, I noticed it’s good. And then it goes into that abracadabra song, and then that’s an ear worm.

And then it kind of goes in. And I kind of listened to it because I could see that they were. It was changing. But look, he’s doing the Illuminati I, not just him doing the Illuminati I. And that was released today. So that will be in the d code for sure. But even Matthew McConaughey, he’s doing the Illuminati I, and he says, be swell. Now we know about the bee symbolism. Alex Soros just married some lady. I forget her name. I should know because it’s important. But she’s wearing the bees too, which goes into some Illuminati symbolism.

Mason symbolism. It goes into a lot of symbolism. Napoleon Bonaparte with all the bees on them and whatnot. So here’s just some slides I have that I’ve been working on. And let’s remember the Summer Olympics. The Olympics are coming up. The 33rd Summer Olympics are coming up. We got 33 hurricanes happening over in Florida. 33, 47, 201. These are all Illuminati numbers and they mean something. Now we’re in the year of the dragon. In the dragon year ends on one, two, eight. The Dow Jones is celebrating its one to eight birthday right now. One to 08:00 a.m.

is when the Francis Scott key bridge collapse. The Obama’s film leave the world behind, predictive programming was released on twelve 8128. The twin towers collapsed at 1028 in the morning when Joe Biden was visiting the infrastructure bill speech on 128, the bridge collapsed. So there’s this connection to 128 and whatever. But with the dragon year that we’re in, this Olympics took place, the satanic Olympics, that was a predictive programming type show of what was to come. Now, if you look at the Economist magazine in 2012, the dragon year, it shows the predictive programming of the two paragliders of what going on in the Middle east right now.

So I think that the Economist magazine predictive programming sometimes does it for the year ahead. The chinese zodiac year. Not just a year, the year of the dragon. And we’re in the year of the dragon now. And we’re about to come up on the Summer Olympics. JAcob Israel and I will be decoding the Summer Olympics because they would be doing a ceremony. And here’s just another thing that I found going into the whole satanic stuff, the Marina Brahmovic stuff where they cut the finger, you could you see down there at the bottom, it has the Twin Peaks, the aaeh.

That, that was interesting if you’re subscribed here. Oh, and these mainstream politics, like these mainstream pundits, Eminem disc Candace Owens wearing her orange. The orange is 33 orange man. Candace Owens wearing orange. They’re all neophytes to truther communities and religious communities pushing nothing but the vision and hatred. And a lot of these people that are pushing a very alt right agenda. I feel like a lot of them aren’t even for America. I feel like they were put here by foreign agencies to divide America for the civil war. This could be connected to the whole Trump thing.

I don’t know. That’s why it’s important. United we stand. Divided we fall. I’m going to keep on ringing that because it’s so true. And there’s just no room right now for rivalries. I can’t say the word because I got a speech impediment. Rivalries. Everyone trying to divide and conquer. The oldest trick in the book. What up? Nicholas hunt. Haka loogie. Hawk to a loogie. It should be. Says it was an ff. He says he’s fine. Sophia. The shot heard around the world. The deep state wants that collapse and civil war to bring martial law in FEMA campsite summer says this.

Well, I posted something and then this was popping up a lot. Like, like I said, if he faked that, you got hats off to him for pulling something like that. But I don’t think it was fake. But this is breaking news right now. I’ll give it a proper decode in a little bit. Yo, your birthday. Your mom’s birthday. So check this out right here. Happy birthday to swashbuckler’s mom. Happy birthday. There was this fight and it was on the checkerboard floor. That was interesting. Right here is a 666 for the wrestling. And there’s a storm, a weird anomaly that popped up in Mexico last week.

A doughnut popped up for like an hour over Mexico. Can you believe that? A donut anomaly. Strange weather, events happening. But yeah, this is very important that the symbolism. Richard Simmons died today, too. Yes. Rest in peace, Richard Simmons. Okay, I’m gonna. I’m going through the comments now. The see if y’all got some information on this project. Cheney text me. Oh, yeah. This is crazy stuff. We’re in some crazy times right now. Let’s get back to the news reports and see anything breaking right now. Nation praise. Oh, that’s good. Trump is safe after deadly shooting in Pennsylvania rally.

Let’s see if there’s any new news this crazy. You live in a crazy time. Okay, so this is the video. I’ll play it and I’ll put the microphone to my speaker. Hopefully you can hear it. Stand by the trees out there under the shade and watch the rain you want inside the event. Let me know if you can hear that and I’ll continue to play it. Let me know if you can hear that. Tell me in the comment. Just put a one in the comment if you can hear the that while I. While I play it.

So. So we had a party here all day. You can see behind us the brink of starling Greenhouse. Here we had a party and we all decided, hey, you know, when we hear Trump up there, we’re going to walk through the field, stand the trees out there under the shade and watch the. Listen to the route. Right? We couldn’t see them, but we could hear them. So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I’m escalating here. I have no idea, you know, but we noticed the guy crawling bear trolling up the roof of the building beside us, 50ft away from us.

So we’re standing there, you know, we’re pointing. We’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. And he had. We can clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely. We’re pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like, hey, man, just got on the roof and the police are like, they didn’t know what was going on. We’re like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him, he’s crawling. And next thing you know, I’m thinking to myself, I’m like, why is Trump still speaking? Why is they not pulling him off the stage? I’m standing there pointing at him for, you know, two or three minutes.

Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I’m pointing at that roof, just standing like this. And next thing you know, your son, the shots came from NATO and he. He was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three to four minutes. And you were telling police in the secret Service. We were telling the police, we were pointing out for the secret Service, they were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time.

We were standing by that tree. They had trinoculars. Did they see? Probably not, because the roof, the way that the slope went, he was behind where they could see. But why is there not secret service on all of these works here? I mean, this is not a big place. Did you see, I mean, obviously everyone, when the shooting started, everyone was very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all? Oh, yeah, they blew his head up. Okay, sorry. Secret Service blew his head up. Okay, just be careful because we don’t find out who’s watching.

But you’re pretty sure they shot the guard? Absolutely. Yep. You saw that happen? Yep. Yep. Okay. Yep. And did you see them go up to him afterwards or they. Yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed out and made sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over. It’s incredibly shocked. The guy was on the roof right there. Did you see the white roof? No. Other than he was in muted colors, hand type clothing. We saw the rifle flinging around as he was trying to troll. We saw the rifle 100%.

I mean, do you know about guns? Do you know what kind of for sure it was? Yeah, absolutely. So what are you out of your process? What you just see, man? How I’ll tell you is, you know, if I. If I walked up closer there with anything that can. Secret Server considered a problem, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you right now. But I don’t know why we’re standing there. Point. Now the police in secret service is crawling up the roof. Yes. Right there by the tree. We were outside student firm. But my question is, there’s only a few buildings around here.

Why would Secret Service not. On every building here, there’s a whole bunch of questions. I think there’s a whole bunch of questions. Yeah. Yes. She was right in front of me. She kept going back and forth right in front of me. Yes. Tell us about her. I mean, nice horse, nice lady running with a flag. Seemed very, you know, patriotic. But what was the inner venture there? Yeah. All right, well, listen, I’m sorry you had to ruin this. That was a terrible thing. And we should stay safe with your family. And thanks for your interesting. I’m reading all the comments as well.

Like I said, this is on the fly and I will be giving it a proper decode. Please put your comments down below because this just happened right now, so I haven’t had a chance to really look at it. We’re looking at on the fly. The message is here is don’t. It seems like this could be a very, very deeper than the deep state operation to launch off the civil war. To divide and united we stand, divided we fall. Hit that like button. Share the video out. I’ll keep you all updated. Much love and God bless you.


  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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