Spread the Truth



➡ The text discusses the concept of espionage and shadow governments, suggesting that they have more control over the world than elected officials. It also delves into the idea of dialectical philosophy, which involves the clash of opposing ideas, often used to manipulate public opinion. The text also mentions the strategy of flooding the internet with fake conspiracy theories to distract from real issues. Lastly, it talks about the work of John C. Lilly on programming the human mind, hinting at the potential for future transhumanist ideas.
➡ This text discusses a variety of topics, including the use of microchips in monkey brains, the controversial actions of certain scientists, and the influence of secret societies and espionage in society. It also touches on the role of intelligence agencies and the power they hold, often overshadowing elected officials. The text also mentions the use of blackmail and sexpionage as tools for control. Lastly, it brings up the topic of Carl Young’s involvement with Mkultra and his influence in psychological operations.
➡ The podcast discusses a movie that reminds the speaker of a real-life institute where famous psychologists did their research. They also talk about how some celebrities and intelligence agencies might use mysticism and occult symbols for power or manipulation. The speaker believes that spiritual realities can influence our actions and that these influences can be seen in the entertainment industry. They caution against seeing every symbol as evil, and suggest that there are many layers to these issues. The podcast ends with a promotion for an upcoming event featuring comedy and discussions on Hollywood conspiracies.
➡ The text discusses the idea of a technocratic society, where power is held by scientists and engineers. It mentions the works of HG Wells and Burton Russell, who believed in a world controlled by technology and science. The text also talks about the influence of powerful groups and individuals, like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, in shaping this vision. Lastly, it discusses the role of pleasure in controlling society, as suggested in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.
➡ This text discusses the research into electromagnetic frequencies and their potential use in psychological warfare. It mentions the work of Michael Aquino, a famous satanist and founder of the Temple of Set, who wrote about how these frequencies can be used in warfare. The text also talks about the Phoenix program, a CIA operation during the Vietnam War that some believe may have created serial killers. Lastly, it mentions the use of nanotechnology and the potential for a Skynet-like system in the future.


And the way the world actually operates is through espionage. And no one wants to look at it except for you. Why is this so overlooked? And how does this espionage sexpionage rule the world? We’re told that the elected officials make all the decisions. And when in fact, no, there’s actually a shadow government. It. Who are the real shock callers in power? Dialectical philosophy is very relevant for us or people in the conspiracy genre, because a lot of controlled opposition is operating on this kind of idea of.

In order to further the dialectic, you intentionally smash positions together. Operate here? Yeah, it’s just this paper that disrupt online alternative media and conspiracy theorizing is to basically just flood it with fake conspiracies. This is pure evil. So that’s the mindset of these mad scientists. Yo, what up? It’s doughnut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. We are here with apex researcher Jay Dyer. I really wanted to have you on, Jay, because I’m just trying to meet new people, try to do cool things, you know? All right.

You’re talking my language now, budy. Big fan of yours. Like I was saying earlier, I’m nervous to talk to you because I know how deep you’ve been researching for. You’ve had websites since 2007 going over esoteric Hollywood stuff that a lot of new people are looking into today. You’re way past that. You’ve picked up these heavy books, tragedy and hope. And I’m here to ask you a lot of questions.

Okay? It’s going to be fun show. Looking forward to it. Dude, you got, like, infinite windows open there. I’ve never seen anybody have that many windows open. That’s how we do it. That’s how we do it. I even got other windows open, too. Other windows of tabs. Of windows of tabs. Wow. But I wanted to start it off with the dialectics. This is kind of a new term for me.

I got Joseph Farrell’s book. Haven’t read it. You know what I mean? I know that you’ve read a lot of this information, but my question to you, Jay, is, can you explain dialectics for somebody like me and kind of like how the dialectics are used to control the way people think and the way people are? Yeah. So you’ll notice there that it gives two definitions. And this is typically the distinction that I make between the first one listed there, which is no problem at all.

Everybody engages in dialectic at a pedagogical teaching level. That’s just kind of discourse back and forth in terms of argumentation. And discussion. So everybody learns in this way. In the ancient world, they called it the ellinctic method, after alinctus. And so there’s nothing wrong with that. The typical way that most people are thinking of it in the problematic way, is in terms of the metaphysical contradictions and tensions in different positions and in different worldviews.

Number two, there is the sense that we’re usually referring to. When we’re thinking about conspiracy research, geopolitics, controlled opposition, hegelian dialectics. It’s referring to the second and not the first. So that’s our most relevant negative connotation. It doesn’t have to necessarily be negative. You could study dialectics in the sense of just studying principles that are in opposition, or believe to be in opposition. Male, female, day, night, black, white, good, evil.

A lot of eastern philosophy is basically predicated on the notion of dialectical metaphysical tension. So Hegel thinks that all of reality is in this dialectical process of everything that’s distinct is moving towards grand great unification at some future point in history. And Marxism, transhumanism, they all borrow from hegelian philosophy by saying, hey, he got that right. Everything in history is working toward, for Marx, the liberation of the workers and the withering way of the state and some kind of future utopia.

For transhumanists, it’s everything is moving towards everything being conscious and being some kind of unified transhumanist, supercomputer entity like you see in movies like transcendence or Lucy or something like that. So dialectical philosophy is very relevant for us or people in the conspiracy genre, because a lot of controlled opposition is operating on this kind of idea of dialectical opposition. That in order to further the dialectic, you intentionally smash positions together, right? So you’ll find a lot of marxist philosophers even write about this.

Lenin talks about it, and they’re getting that from Hegel, and Marx gets it from Hegel. So Hegel is getting it from older to. Yeah, agit prop could be an example of this, of agitating people to get the reaction that you want, because getting the reaction furthers your designs or your. I could see that big time. Just the trolls alone on certain topics that start to pop up whenever I get into, let’s say, Epstein.

For some reason, I get no trolls. But then I start getting trolls when I start talking about certain topics. And it seems to be some sort of cointelpro with that. But this was a new word for me, agiprop, that I never heard before. I heard it on your podcast, I think, like two days ago. Yeah, this was kind of plays that were done, street performances, performance art, intended to really ramp up people against the establishment, get them all agitated.

I mean, imagine like a bunch of, you know, putting on a play. They. They portrayed Donald Trump as a demon or something like this would be the modern day equivalent of the way that Bolsheviks did agit prop. But it was just a way to cause friction in know, think about Soros funded or Astroturf protests. Right. These would be similar types of ideas. You just did a podcast with Isaac Weishhop, who I’m a fan of and a friend, and you brought up Cass Sunstein.

This PDF. How did you already hear that? Are you a subscriber? Like, how’d you subscribe? You didn’t know me like 2 hours ago. How’d you already see it? You dropped it before you came on, and I listened. Are you spying on me? Get me nervous. Oh, no, I’m just a big fan. I’m joking. Yeah, no, I. Seriously, I didn’t know you guys recorded that today. That was like 3 hours ago.

It’s crazy. Okay, no. Shout out to Isaac Weishhop, but you brought up this Obama. This is a forgotten paper. Yeah, I never heard of this. Can you tell us a little bit about this? I’ve never read it. I just got it up right here. Yeah, it’s just this paper that I guess got him hired to positions in the government, the Obama administration, where he talks about how different ways to disrupt online alternative media and conspiracy theorizing is to basically just flood it with fake conspiracies.

Right. It’s just a bunch of fake nonsense, and that’s all over the place. Yeah. Obviously, it doesn’t identify which ones are the fake conspiracies. Yeah. The point here is to just. You don’t combat these ideas directly because that would give too much credence. And so the best way to combat is to really just flood it with disinformation, ridiculous conspiracies, get everybody debating idiot stuff, and then you’ve neutralized the actual effectiveness of any of the conspiracy theories, particularly movements like the 911 movement.

The main concern that the paper has as its example is 911 truth and the various ways to disrupt the effectiveness of 911 truth. And looking into all this research before 911, going into the Aldous Huxley’s and Timothy Leary’s, these certain agendas, like what we’re hearing about at the Miami Nephilim mall, aliens. It kind of is a great example of maybe something getting put on because all the news agencies were saying the Miami aliens and even that, I believe it was Lansdale who you’ve been talking about recently.

One of his operations where he wanted to do the elimination by illumination, the project Bluebeam esque situation. I think that was based out of Miami, too. Not saying that there’s a connection, but it sounds right because the concern was Castro and confusing Castro in riling up Catholics to oppose Castro by having the second coming that’s fake and staged, proclaim Castro as Antichrist. So it would definitely make sense that would be out of Miami.

I mean, that was where the CIA was really using a lot of those. The big deep dive I’ve been going down is this John C. Lilly Illuminati dolphins, I call it over here is metaprogramming. I didn’t know how important that was to the social engineers until most recently. Lily describes quite a bit in his programming and metaprogramming the human biocomputer about ways to program us at different levels in our psyche.

So basically, you kind of have these base programs that he thinks in his evolutionary model kind of come out of basic survival drives and those are the lowest levels. And then you kind of have stacked all the way up to your conscious waking brain other programs that your biological software is running on. And so he theorizes that different means and methods, it’s almost an unreadable book, but the parts that you can read and make out what he’s talking about definitely plays into the possibility of future transhumanist ideas.

He was a pioneer in microchips in the brain. They were doing tests with Lily’s technology and experimentation not just with dolphins, but also with monkeys implanting the microchip in the monkey’s brain. He was a big part of mean. He’s essentially one of these other lesser known mkultra figures. Yeah, this book is pretty wild because he thinks mean, he basically says, yeah, I’ve drugged children and mean, this is pure evil.

So that’s the mindset of these mad scientists. Mad scientists connected to the Esalen Institute, as I believe he was teaching there towards the end of his life. This hard to explain book, because I tried to read it, I couldn’t read. Know I’ll go back to it eventually. But I know that Timothy Leary got the 8th circuit model of consciousness, which means like basing off of this, I believe.

And then Robert Anton Wilson’s Prometheus rising made it into more simplified four. Yes, I’ve read that book. This book was nuts. It’s crazy. Yeah. And it actually deals with dialectics and controlling and understanding, basically posits that anytime you understand both sides of a conflict, you’re in this sort of illuminated position. And if you never choose a side, which is kind of silly, but if you never choose a side, then you remain the enlightened illuminist.

It reflects a lot of Crowley and philosophy in that book. But speaking of Crowley, let’s get into some seven stuff. I got to talk to Rick Spence most recently. Yes. And he wrote the Crowley agent, secret agent six. Six. Six. Carl Young was agent four. Eight. Eight. That’s nuts. It makes perfect sense, though, because at that time, the book that I’m reading and analyzing and dissecting right now is Aaron into the wilderness religion, the CIA.

And there’s several chapters that touch on figures like Joseph Campbell. And thus it would make sense that Carl Jung, in this exact same vein, would be tasked with helping to consult and write these various white papers and psychological operations, because their philosophy is very much a unifying philosophy of how to maybe even read all of religion under the guise of psychological archetypes. And the CIA, obviously, Oss. And then the CIA would find that very useful, very valuable, because they become key movers and shakers in the ecumenist one world religion movement.

Yeah. And I think that whole John C. Lilly research is to reset this autonomic nervous system by introducing all these schizogenics to the public while they’re on their AI phone giving them the alien disclosures and having some sort of shamanistic experience and whatnot. Yeah, I mean, that’s a good point. And if you’ve seen that movie with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson’s cell. Oh, love that. It’s about that idea.

Yeah. Even there was a guest appearance of the toxic avenger Lloyd Kaufman in that film. Not Toxy himself, but Lloyd Kaufman’s right in the beginning. And I noticed the cell with John Cusack. The cell where they walking around the towers at the end. Right. They turn to zombies and you’re saying Lloyd Kaufman, is that that scene or in the beginning of the movie? He’s in the beginning of the movie, which.

Okay, cool. Makes me think trauma was part of the whole blood gore part. Yeah. Of the filming. Because you did film studies, correct? I took some film classes, but my degree is in English and philosophy. Yeah, but you do understand film so well. Thank you. Yeah. I look at it from a literary perspective, so I’m not really technically studied in cinematography and cameras and all that kind of nerd stuff.

I look at it from the literary and symbolic perspective and getting into various stories of Hollywood history. And espionage and secret societies, how they all kind of interrelate. Yes. So they all interrelate. And seven, espionage, even the term I’ve never heard about, sex bionage. I got another question for you. I’m going to pull up the. Well, I made that up, I think, although I take that back. There’s a book called that, and then I just started saying that from the title of that book.

So technically, no, I didn’t make it up. Well, I learned it from you. And the question I got for you, I wrote it down, came prepared. Let me see. Why isn’t it pulling up? Oh, here it is. This is a really good interview because usually people don’t ask these kinds of questions and they don’t have slides ready to go. So this is a lot more fun than the usual sort of, you got to have fun.

You know what I’m saying? Yo, if you enjoying this content, make sure to smash that, like, button and go support Jay Dyer. Go subscribe to his YouTube channel over here, links down below. And he got an event coming up on the eyes of March. March 15, Hollywood conspiracy and comedy with Jamie Kennedy, Malibu Tay, Jamie Kennedy J. Dyer and his wife, Jamie Hanshaw. Make sure to go to that event and learn a lot.

Get wicked smart. And if you like this content, go over to the Patreon. Get interviews early, like the one that we did with Jay. Live shows, hundreds and hundreds of videos with wicked smart researchers. All you got to do is go over to this 499, cheaper than a bag of skittles. Click this button, the information will pop up, and you just fill it out. And then you can access all these videos.

Bash that, like, button. Let’s get back into the video. Yes, I think the timing is good because Whitney Webb has put out her two volume book on know this one, which is that, and then the Epstein volume. So those are good. And then I just happened upon this old school 1990s book that I found somewhere. It’s actually not sex, Fiona. So I guess I did make that up.

It’s sex. Anyway, I thought the title of that book was actually sexpionage. Yeah, just did a podcast with Nick Bryant, and I know you were on his show, too. Everything is kind of curated for this podcast for you as well. And the question I have, espionage sexpionage. You talk about the swallow and the raven. And in the truth or community, people talk about numerology, secret societies, and the way the world actually operates is through espionage.

And no one wants to look at it except for you. Why is this so overlooked? And how does this espionage sexpionage rule the world? It’s a good question. I think most people just aren’t aware of this element of the power structure in our society. People think of power residing in entities like the government, even though technically spying is, I guess, part of the government, but it might not always be.

There are private entities that do it too. So I think people think of it like power is Joe Biden and rich people, but they don’t realize that. Yeah, but that power is exerted and ends are accomplished by people who are the worker bees that go out and engage in the activities that aid the power elite. And that principally is people who work in intelligence work. So they serve a key role.

Spying is like what the second oldest profession, supposedly after prostitutions? Or is prostitution the second oldest? Forget what it is. But the point is that this is the oldest thing that governments and militaries do is get intel and spies. So you would think it would be more well known for whatever reason. It’s not. I think because people are dumbed down, we don’t know how the system works. We’re told that the elected officials make all the decisions and run the show, when in fact, no, there’s actually a shadow government, a group of people that are represented by the national security establishment who are the real shock callers and power exerters that most likely can trump, pun intended, politicians.

Right? They can go around above and beyond politicians. And in fact, as probably many people know about, mean they can get rid of politicians if they need be. So the thesis here is basically this. That inner secret power structure really calls the shots. It’s not Joe Biden. And they work for more powerful, wealthy steering committees. Bilderberg, these kinds of things are the top up there. And people on those boards, your brzezinskis, your kissingers, they’re calling the shots and telling them, the spies and the NGOs, the intelligence agencies, what to do and what to enact.

That’s the real power structure versus the facade frontis piece that everybody thinks runs things. Right? And one of the key weapons in that arsenal, the key tools in that toolkit, is blackmail, compromise and sex spionage. And that has come out in many recent cases. So, Savile in the UK, Franklin, cover up. Epstein. Right? And Puff Daddy too. Yeah, we did a podcast, what, three weeks ago? And we thought, we were speculating that he might be sort of the rap.

You know, what’s coming out allegedly is kind of pointing in that direction. Bad boy for life. Oh, man. So I don’t know if you ever saw the band Tupac, cover of the Dawn Kaluminati album before he was assassinated. But he had puff Daddy up on there in a dress. This is what I thought was interesting, is that agent four eight eight. Carl Young, he was writing to Mkultra.

Ellen Doles Young was also at a famous institution. The name of it’s escaping me. But we’ve dug this up on one of our podcasts when we covered cure for wellness, because the cure for wellness setting for the movie. Know something about this reminds me of like, it’s like a Freud young mix type of character. And turns out the place, the institution in the movie, which is kind of an M.

Kulture type of movie, looks really similar to this institute where Carl Jung actually did a lot of his research and talks. And lo and behold, another prominent person that came and studied and did experimentation. There was at least two or three other MkUltra doctors, including you and Cameron. That’s it. Bergoltzi. And if you scroll down, it’ll say all the different people that worked at Bergoldzi, and it’s several.

Let’s see, there’s Carl Young mentioned up there. Manfred Bueller. Young, yes. You and Cameron at the bottom. You and Cameron Mkultra. Wow. Yeah. And this kind of reminds me, know, the Esalen Institute, Tavistock Institute, that’s sort of the same kind of camp, right, with mind control, I think. Yeah. There’s overlap because aldous actually went and spoke at Esalen, but Esalen is more like a think tank for the new age and 60s counterculture movement.

And this is like a legit psychiatric institute where they’re like analyzing crazy people like Brad Pitt and twelve monkeys type of thing. Right. Yeah. It’s so interesting because I really like to go into what you cover and your wife, the pop culture, because I was so socially engineered throughout my life. Yeah, we all are. Yeah. And it’s fascinating to live through something like that and whatnot. I guess that kind of will bring me to some more of a spiritual aspect because I lived through this whole counterculture and got into all the different pharmaceuticals that were pushed.

And the only way that I got away from that was through God and praying and whatnot. The topic of angels and demons. I swear I had this question written out to you before your show on Infowars, where you actually titled it angels and Demons. Right here. Angels and demons and the intelligence agencies. I kind of wanted to get a bird’s eye view from somebody who is well read as yourself, which is very rare to find someone to ask these questions about angels and demons, spirit possession.

We know these things are real, but the only thing that we get is these like Wicca TikTok, five second clips of something, or the celebrities doing some sacrifice ritual, or the symbology of Satan all over the place. Can you tell us what is going on? What’s your thoughts on all this going on spiritually? Well, I think that spiritual realities affect us in the here and the now all the time.

We don’t see all of that, but we see it manifested through the imagery, the symbolism, and the actions of various people, whether they be influenced by good spirits or influenced by evil spirits. So that manifests on our plane of existence through people intentionally, let’s say, doing evil actions or people intentionally doing good. So the people, I think in a lot of these circles of Hollywood, entertainment, music industry, I think a lot of them probably do take that seriously.

Not everybody, obviously, there’s a lot of atheists there, but the ones that do take it seriously, I think they think that they really are getting power, projecting power, attracting attention. And a lot of the occult writers talk about mean, even Anton Levet talks about kind of becoming your own little God symbol that draws the attention and energy of masses of people, and that actually empowers you and makes you a God, even if you’re not, for all intents and purposes, a God.

If you can be seen as a God, then you are pretty much a God. So you have a lot of that discussed in those people. And then obviously, a lot of the Hollywood crowd actually does, like Crowley, and they do like Anton Lavey and various occult philosophers and techniques, kabbalah, on and on and on. So I think a lot of that mysticism appeals not just to know celebrity types, but it also can appeal to intelligence agency types, which can utilize those occult worldviews to manipulate people.

And from the intelligence power perspective of the establishment, they don’t really care about which religion is true or false. They’re concerned with how does this or that religion or cult give us the ability to socially engineer, experiment, mind control people, steer them in various directions and use them to our benefit? And that’s not just weird cults. I mean, that would apply to using the Catholic Church, trying to use Muslims, trying to use all kinds of religious philosophy, Christianity, for the purpose of projecting how, that’s how the system sees religion as one of the tools in its toolkit.

So I do think there are real spiritual entities out there, but I think we can also go overboard in the other direction by thinking that all the symbols are illuminati, all the symbols are satanic. This is really kind of a silly, kind of evangelical, ridiculous, superstitious view of thinking that every time you see this symbol, it means this or that. So there’s a lot going on in your question.

It’s a very deep, difficult question, but I think all of these layers and levels are the case. So you’ve got humans acting under various influences, you’ve got power elites acting under influences, and then you’ve got a spiritual reality that affects all those. Yeah. It’s kind of funny because you’re going to be in California, and I was recently out there filming stuff, and the Scientology stuff is like all over California.

And I looked up from listening to you and Isaac’s show, I looked up the bohemian grove that was trending, that story. It’s funny because there’s an ad for Scientology to watch something. I don’t know what it is, but Scientology had a Super bowl ad. So Scientology apparently had a Super bowl ad. That’s interesting. Okay. Yeah. So you’re going to be out in Malibu, Tay. Not really in Malibu Tay, but California.

On the ides of March with Jamie Kennedy, who I grew up. Jamie Kennedy has been in my family’s living room. Wicked smart prankster, family friendly, which is so difficult to be a comedian and impress my dad, who doesn’t like any cuss words or anything. You’re going to be with him and your wife. Hollywood conspiracies and comedy on the ides of March. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, it’s going to be fun.

I mean, we had an event with him out there eight months ago. It was a lot of fun. This was his idea. He said, yeah, let’s do another one. I was like, okay, sure. So now we’re working on trying to get people to come out to this event. It’s fun. Our events are very unique because we do 5 hours of stuff. So I do kind of a 1020 minutes silly impression, stand up type of thing.

And then we have Jamie, my wife, doing a lecture on Hollywood symbolism, film symbolism. I do a lecture. Last time I did philosophy. This time I’ll be doing more sexpionage, geopolitics type of a talk. And then Jamie does his 20 minutes stand up set. A lot of fun. And we do book signings and all that. So, yeah, it’s going to be a fun event. And March 15 in LA.

Yeah, make sure everybody click the links down below. I got Jay Dyers, all of his YouTube links, and I don’t want you to go. I’m just doing the pitch. You know what I mean, click the links down. Got you got to go to this show. I’m most likely going to be there, but I’m in Arizona, so I’ve been talking to my dad about it. Yeah. Who doesn’t want to meet v rad? I mean, you can come meet traffic.

Traffic looking for my to. I want to be you and your wife and get them autographs on these books. You both do fantastic research. Make sure to go subscribe to Jay Dyer’s YouTube and go get your event tickets right now. What are you waiting for? Go out there and get. Yes, yes. And on your website, I want to order some books. Would they be autographed, too? Yeah, everything from the website is autographed.

You go to the shop at the top left there. Okay. Yeah. Everything comes to Jamie’s. My wife as well. Everything’s signed. So that’s the advantage of getting it from. Is it link network or something? Yeah. There’s my two Hollywood books, her two Hollywood books, and then my two philosophy books, and a couple other things. All signed. They’re all signed, yeah. Okay. I’m going to order these tonight because I need to get that autograph.

And you got the tragedy and hope book right there. Well, that’s my lecture series, so some people don’t want to be subscribers to the website, so they have the option of just buying my tragedy and hope lectures. Okay, so now I got some questions to ask you about the lectures. First, with Plato, I guess it’s not about the lectures, but Plato’s republic. One of the questions I had written down is, you’ve read the global elite texts and the Guardian class, the Rhodes scholars, the elite, and their idea in Plato’s republic, within their moral framework, it’s okay to have a noble lie for their utopian smart cities.

I guess I could tie it into today. Can you tell us what is on the minds of HG Wells? Burton Russell’s creating a scientific technocracy. New world order. Why do they want that? And what are these people all about? Priests of power. Mad science. I think they’re all about projecting their worldview by any means possible and achieving it by any means possible. So, merchant Russell says very clearly that the model for the coming new world order, technocratic dictatorship, is Plato’s republic.

He says it explicitly in impact of science on society. A lot of the same stuff repeated in his other famous book, Scientific Outlook, which also talks extensively about the future technocratic world government. Even though you’ll see things like, oh, but he criticized Stalinism. Yeah, but again, he believes in. In fact, in other books, he praises the Bolsheviks and the Bolshevik revolution. So this is not somebody who’s an illegitimate liberal, unless you understand liberalism to be like fabian socialism and depopulation.

So basically, all these people are Malthusians. They all want total technocratic control. CBDCs tracking, tracing, everything managed by centralized computers and technocrats quickly has the same thing in the middle chapter of tragedy and Hope. So that’s what they want, and that’s what they’re about. And the middle chapter. Thank you for sharing that. The middle chapter of tragedy and hope, because you write so heavy. Oh, my goodness. Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton’s advisor or mentor.

How dare you talk about Carol that way. I love that Manhattan. I’m not talking about Bill. I’m not talking about about him. How dare you. I wasn’t talking about about him, Bill. But in the middle of this book, this is what took me to really dive deep into Jay Dyer’s apex research, is that you just pointed out in the middle of this big ass book, he breaks down the left right paradigm.

Is that what’s going on? No, the middle of the book is the chapter about the coming future managerial society run by technocrats and big giant computers. Later, I mean, he may talk about the controlled opposition. I don’t remember, but if you get towards the end of the book, around page 901,000, he starts talking about the establishment funding the liberal side of things as well as the conservative side of things.

So, yeah, he explicitly says, and he identifies the entities that you heard me mention, like trilateral commission, CFR. Well, he didn’t mention trilateral because when that book came out, trilateral didn’t exist yet. But those are the types of entities that he’s talking about, and by extension, the intelligence agencies. Wow. And he also brought up anglo american establishment in his other book. I know I’m asking you so many questions.

I want to get wicked smart over here. That’s what I want. In ways, that book is even more revelatory than tragic. They’re both necessary and they complement one another. But here he’s just talking about more. So the power structure itself, how it functions, and its origins. And it comes out of the Rhodes Milner Rothschild roundtable groups, the Milner Society, the society, the elect secret society that Cecil Rhodes came up with that he put into his last will and testament.

People like John Ruskin, Toynbee, H. G. Wells, all of these people are reflecting this paradigm in the book and how it’s structured. Coming out of Cambridge, Oxford, Eaton, London School of Economics, eventually, which is a fabian institution. And then the alliances that they made with the eastern seaboard establishment in America, particularly the ignoble universities, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, which is where we get the OSS and CIA, that’s typically called the eastern seaboard elite.

And those entities, combined with Wall street and the banking sector, make up and the industrialists like the Rockefellers, the Morgan’s, Vanderbilts, and so forth, that’s the anglo american establishment. All those entities. And you could argue, by extension, and the way that they rule is the roundtable groups, which are mirrored on the English Royal Institute for International affairs. So the RIA is the roundtable group. That is the model for the american establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations.

So they’re mirrored, and that is the eastern seaboard. Atlanticist establishment has nothing to do with Atlantis, just the atlanticist establishment. That’s the power block. And of course, nowadays, obviously, Israel, which actually was created by modern Israel, is created by these people. There’s a whole chapter that I covered recently in tragic hope on the establishment of the modern nation state of Israel. It’s all the same people. So you could say the anglo american israeli power.

Right, right. That’s a whole deep dive right there. The Balfour declaration with the. Correct. Also the little mustache man connections, too, are very. Yeah, there’s two important chapters, appeasement and then the funding of Hitler and tragic and hope. Those two chapters are really important because it’s $2 billion from the bank of England and France to support tiny mustache man. That’s so wild. That’s so wild. And you can learn all this over on your website, on these lectures right here.

Yeah, subscribers get access to all that. But then sometimes people just want the tragedy and hope talk, so you can get that. Or they just want to talk on Plato’s republic, so you can buy that lecture series as well. But, yeah, I tend to, obviously, produce a lot more of these. There’s a lot of books I want to get to. I haven’t gotten to yet. There’s never ending writings of the global elite to go through.

So, yeah, brave new World. That’s a classic one. That’s an old one there. I think there’s a better, updated Brave new world that we’ve done where, quite frankly, and I went through four or five podcasts that covers the entire brave new world. So that’s an old 2018 analysis, which is still relevant. But Frank and I just went so deep that I would actually recommend people listen to all four of the Frank podcasts because there’s actually so much in Brave new World that when I did that podcast years ago, there’s things I missed and so redoing Brave New World last year, so many things I noticed that I totally missed.

I remember reading this in elementary school, and it was like the first red Pill. I really enjoyed that book. And it’s Altus Huxley, right, who wrote, I mean, then he says later on this, know, in Braventow World revisited, this is an actual plan that people have. It’s not a pure fiction novel. There was an article that came out yesterday, and it was about the decline of people having intercourse.

I don’t know the right way to bring up a weird topic like this. And they quotated the brave new world kind of connecting it. And I thought it was interesting saying that Huxley’s brave new world was right. Our addiction to amusement is what will lead the decline of civilization. So, like talking about the dopamine we get from this, people don’t want to mate. Yeah. The difference there being that between 1984, where you have this heavy handed, miserable scenario of a dystopia, Huxley said, no, it’ll be much better to control people if you give them pleasure for their enslavement.

So if you’re pleasurably enslaved, you’re a much better slave than people who just have the iron hammer brought down on them. So, yeah, I think that that is an apt point to make and critique to make that Orwell got that part wrong. But there’s other places that 1984 gets totally correct that Huxley doesn’t get correct. So both books complement one another. I think in the end, Orwell is, they ended up being a better human being than Huxley.

Huxley, I think, was pretty much part of this whole system and thought ultimately that it’s just what’s necessary, because he promotes all the stuff that the dystopia is about. He believes in know, in the royal society circles. He believes in depopulation. He promotes everybody, you know, getting some kind of new psychedelic experience as the replacement for religious sacraments. So he literally says that, just go trip acid, do ayahuasca, don’t go to church.

I mean, it’s just promoting all the basic ideas, the establishment. But people think, normies think, oh, he’s so counter establishment. Dr. Spence theorizes that diary of a drug fiend actually influences Huxley, which influences then mkultra. Yeah, I fell for it. I fell for it. You fell for what? Like psychedelics and the whole stuff? Is that what you mean? Or what do you mean? You fell for it? Yeah, for just the whole gangster culture of smoking weed, smoking blunts, drinking.

And what I was actually searching for was God. And that’s what Carl Jung said about alcoholism. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but that’s, my experience, is praying to get over addiction is what worked. And Carl Jung was talking about that, too. Okay. Yeah. So there’s a couple more things I want to bring up before the top of the hour. I don’t know if they’re really questions, just more of what I thought was so interesting, because I did get to talk to Nick Bryant, and I watched your show with him, and you brought up something that I never heard about.

And I’ve been looking into all these topics, and Michael Aquino wrote this from Psyop to mind war, and you kind of talked about it just a little bit, but talking about frequencies, the elf waves, I thought that was interesting. A lot of the research into electromagnetics and Tesla stuff, and naval research into microwaves and lasers. I mean, that’s all pretty public and easy to verify, but what’s going on? And even John C.

Lilly that we mentioned earlier, he was studying a lot of brainwaves and how this works in terms of not just human brainwaves, but electricity and all of that, because they’re trying to find ways know, like Jose Delgado did, put chips in heads and control them. So that famous essay about psychological warfare on the part of the army that Michael Aquino wrote, who was a famous satanist and founder of the Temple of Set.

Yeah. When you get to the end of that paper, he starts talking about how frequencies resonate and what they disrupt, what they can do to be applied to psychological warfare. And fifth generational warfare, I guess, is eventually what it ends up being mean. It’s all real. The same types of things are mentioned in the recent NATO cognitive warfare documents. In fact, ran Corporation has a document that there’s so many of these, there’s always a new one.

There’s a rand one that I just found today from Maria Z that was, like, cyborgs, transhumanism, and something. Rand Corporation all talking about the same stuff. So, yeah, so I think that the reality is that this stuff is real. Unfortunately, kind of like what we talk about with the cast unseen stuff is when you start talking about this, then it turns into this ridiculous thing of the targeted individuals, and it’s all about the government’s microwaving me from space.

And all of which is probably not true. I don’t think the government’s that concerned with random homeless people that live in a van down by the river. But they do care about studying this stuff to implement it through Nanotech, maybe, or through the eventual Skynet system that they want to put into place. So Klaus talks about that in the last third of his 2018 4th industrial revolution book.

So, yeah, all of this is real. And when you read the actual literature, you start to realize that not every targeted individual is correct, because a lot of those people, unfortunately, have mental problems and they have a lot of schizophrenia in that domain. But there are electromagnetic energy, directed energy weapons, and they do study that to try to perfect it, I think, on a large scale. So I don’t think they’re primarily concerned with individuals with that.

I guess one last topic I want to bring up is just not a question, but just something that I thought was interesting as the Phoenix program. I’ve never even heard about the Phoenix program, and you and I believe Nick Bryant were talking about it and how it was pretty much creating. I think it was him that said it pretty much creating serial killers. I don’t know if you ever went down some of them rabbit holes with serial killers going back to Jack the Ripper.

Yeah, I have multiple podcasts on serial killers and the Phoenix program and all of that. So I did, I think, two years ago, an episode on Douglas Valentine’s book, Phoenix program. He’s sort of the one that first wrote kind of a big fat book about it. Other people have talked about it in their literature, in their books. Dave McGowan, program to kill, talks about it, and it’s one of the things that McGowan cites as part of his thesis as to how some of these serial killers of the might have been vets from the Phoenix program, at least a couple of them we know were stationed in Vietnam.

So that’s a theory about serial killers. It seems plausible, at least in some cases. Not every serial killer is a mind controlled Phoenix program operative, but it does seem plausible in some cases, as far as I can tell. But, yeah, I’ve got multiple podcasts on the main serial killers that you could think of. Phoenix program is not just like the serial. It’s a lot of operations that were going on to terrorize the Viet Cong.

And in terms of what Landsdale was doing in the Philippines with the chupacabra, vampire, whatever, cryptids, you get the same kind of stuff that I think. Yeah, that thing. I think he took that because he went to Vietnam, and it looks like he was probably involved in the Phoenix program. So I think he took some of those techniques and they applied that. For example, in the Philippines, he had the idea to drain corpses of all their blood.

And you’ll find when the Phoenix program assassins are trained, they’re told to do very similar types of things, to use the eye of God psyop technique. So, yeah, I went pretty. But the thing about Vietnam that you have to remember is that it’s not just Phoenix program stuff like, I mean, the CIA was doing all kinds of experimentation. Ran corporation was doing research and development. A lot of the Vietnam war was run out of Michigan.

CIA was using Michigan State University. If I recall, there’s a whole chapter on that in Valentine’s book. So they were doing a lot of experimentation and research there. So some of the research dealt with how to reorganize and move large populations. Some of the research helped to create homeland security coming out of Vietnam. Some of the studies about training militants in guerrilla warfare is then translated to the school of the Americas, Nicaragua.

CIA operations to train contras. And so. So. And it ends up being kind of the pattern Valentine argues for the war on terror and the ideas of how CIA trained mujahideen and al Qaeda would operate. Phoenix program is kind of a loose thing that kind of morphs perhaps into the programs used with these sort of wild muslim radicals. Wow. Well, we are here with apex researcher Jay Dyer.

Got all your links down below? Go subscribe to his YouTube channel. Get wicked smart. Go to the event on the ides of March. March 15, Jamie Kennedy. Jamie Hanshaw. Jay Dyer. Get your autograph. Much love, everybody. Anything else you like, dad? You remind me of a young b real from Cypress Hill. Have you ever been told that? Yeah, that’s my. It’s not. It’s not. That’s. Have you ever been told that? Yeah.

That’s the long running joke. Yeah. So what? I wear the glasses. Thank you. Be real. Exactly. But he’s also pretty. Great interview. A lot of fun. Yeah. We’ll have to do another one. Yes. All right, everybody. Much love and God bless you. Thanks, dude. Thank you. .

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