I Found Something STRANGE in the Economy Doenut Factory

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Doenut Factory



➡ The speaker has discovered a pattern linking lunar standstills, which occur every 18.6 years, to significant financial events like recessions and market crashes. They suggest that this pattern, which aligns with notable years such as 2006, 1987, 1968, and others, might be used by elites for astrological purposes. The speaker also mentions observing symbols, numerology, and etymology, and encourages viewers to subscribe for more content and join their newsletter.


Yo, what up? I found something weird. We haven’t seen anything like this since 2006. This just happened. The moon is broken lunar standstill after the summer solstice. 2006, the Great Recession beginning with the subprime mortgage crisis. Now the elites do everything on astrological alignments and I just never heard of this before. A lunar standstill. 2006 on 322, which is a secret society March 22nd. The major lunar standstill happens over an 18.6 year cycle. So I did a little bit of math and I found something interesting. Mine is 18.6 from 2006, the Great Recession. It brings us to 1987, which was the stock market crash of 1987.

Black Monday. And Monday is moon day. So I mean it’s correlated with the moon. When prices skyrocket it’s mooning to the moon. And Moneta. Juno Moneta. Money Moneta. Monero. Solana. Sol. Sol Invictus. Sol. The sun god of ancient Rome. Now 1987 I minus that 18.6. It leads us to 1968. The bear market that began December 1968. The forgotten economic crisis of 68 because of Vietnam and inflation. Minus that again 1968 minus 18.6 leads us to 1950.2. I mean right there 1949 was the recession. Which lasted 11 months. I minus that again 1950.2 minus 18.6 1931. I mean that is just like a little bit after 1929.

So 1929 to 1931. And then the mid 1931 was the Great Depression. So I minus that again. And it leads us to 1913. Which the Panic of 1907 led to the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Minus that again leads us to 1894.4. I mean that’s right there with the Panic of 1893. That ended in 1897. 1893. So it’s right around then. Did it again. 1875 it leads us to. And then you got the Panic of 1873. Which lasted throughout 1875. 1873 to 1877. There’s something up with this lunar standstill in these 18.6 year cycles.

That just kicked off and we just had one for 2024. The fear and greed index is the royal arch. I’m not a financial guy at all. I just look at symbols and this is the symbol of the summer solstice royal arch that we just went through right here. Which is the 69. We saw Bitcoin hit 69 and then go down. We saw Bitcoin hit 72 and then Chamatria Bitcoin 72. And I believe it was on the 72nd day that it hit 72,000. So I’ll just be looking at symbols. Make sure to subscribe for more content. We always looking out for dates, symbols, numerology, etymology and all that.

But yeah, what do you think? I mean, I just stumbled up on this last night and I thought that was interesting. Put your thoughts down below. It’s donut. Hit that subscribe button and join the newsletter. We got a newsletter for updates. Much love and God bless you. [tr:trw].

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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