Is Music Alchemically Transmuting Society? Doenut Factory

➡ The text discusses various symbols and signs related to celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, and Doja Cat, as well as their link to the occult and Illuminati. Associated symbols are discussed regarding events and dates such as November 18 and February 6, connecting to the illuminati foundation, and several conspiracy theories illuminated through pop culture signs.
➡ A limited edition VHS box packed with various content will be released, with Patreon subscribers given first access. An emphasis on health secrets is being added to the content, featuring tongue scraping presentations. Mentions of popular culture phenomena with claimed Masonic and occultist symbolism, such as the Simpsons, Disney-owned properties, and specific celebrities. Also discusses personal interactions with important figures and an upcoming full moon event.
➡ The text references various symbolic and cultural connections tied to the color orange and the number 33, mentioning TV shows, singers, and a variety of cultural moments. The text also captures interactive conversations with a live audience, addressing their comments, acknowledging users, and mentioning diverse geographical locations.
Sam Ram. Yo, what up? It’s donut and you tuning in to all your Illuminati news. And there’s just so many things that people have never heard and do not know that are so important to understand. That’s pretty good, but try it like this. Donut. Yo, what up? It’s Dow diet. You tuning into all your Illuminati news? We got did you miss me? First off, did you miss me? We going into the alchemical symbols in music.
We got a big show for you today. Shout out to everybody. We did archive all videos over on the rumble so you could go check it out there. But because we did that, all of my watch hours have been gone so the video won’t be getting out to as many people. I’ve done this. I’ve been a video manager for YouTube channels for decades now, for a decade or whatever with AMTV.
And we did that, what we did here over there, and then all the views just will drop. So give this video a like, smash that like button. It does mean a lot, especially right now, more than ever because of the archiving of all the videos over on the rumble now we’re going to get into a topic of images and symbols. These are images and symbols that we’re looking at at these concerts, mainstream concerts.
And you know me, I like digging up the symbols and what do they mean? But an image is also a symbol. We covered this very deeply over on the Patreon. So shout out to all the Patreon subscribers. We got a bunch of stuff up there we’ve been posting all month. So if you missed the content, go check that out. Go sign up. It supports this channel plus you get a ton of information.
But we were covering images in the similacrum. Right here is a picture of occultist and also a President Reagan with his image consultant. Dever is his name. And the occultist president’s wife Nancy said that he was able to make images of the background of the president to get into the minds of the masses. It’s pretty deep. I totally just didn’t say it. Absolutely perfect, but I’ll play a clip of that Patreon video of this guy.
We have branding image consultants like Michael DEver infused into the political process with Hollywood actor and occultist President Reagan. According to Nancy Reagan, Dever’s greatest skill was in arranging what were known as good visuals. Every background you see in politics, films or social media posts are carefully chosen. Photographs have authority over the imagination. Images Permit leaders to harness the irrational energy of the masses, provoking public passions, while at the same time masking the meaning of what was actually said.
This is the physics of perception, the relation between the ways people see and the physical world they inhabit. We all have a perception problem. Changing our perception changes our lives. Instead of harboring resentments, looking at people as child of God shapes our reality. Instead of wanting more things, being grateful for what you have switches your perception and alters your life. So we got a perception problem that was on Patreon about images and how powerful images are.
You can see how powerful the mainstream media images are. You look at an image, it brings out a certain emotion and mostly negative emotions. These are a little positive emotions, but they can bring up certain things. Now, the Hunger Games attire was during the elections. And during all of this, you got a lot of Hunger game symbolism, as the Hunger Games will be releasing their new movie November 17, just in a couple of days before November 18, the three two two day of the year.
But you can see how images are so powerful. And the images that we’re going to start off is this. Doja Cat, Beyonce and Taylor Swift. These three women, mainstream media conglomerate corporations performing on world tours for the Similacrum, sold out events. This is the mystics of today, controlling the minds of the masses. And each stage is an alchemical pria. What’s it called? Tria Prima. You’re hearing it first.
This is groundbreaking information. How these three ladies combining together are making the Tria prima an alchemical symbol for transmutation. As the artist transMute, the Alchemist Transmutes society in a certain way. First, you got the three, which is like the Trinity and whatnot. Very interesting. This symbol here, I’m going to get into it. We’re going to dive deep. How do you all like my new microphone? Got an upgrade.
Look at that. It ain’t yellow anymore. I got that platinum, that platinum microphone. Smash that, like, button for the platinum microphone. All right, so let’s get into this 100% proof of alchemical transmutation here. Here the three artists performing, making the tria prima. Each one of these symbols of the tria prima equals sulfur, mercury, and salt. So Beyonce would be salt. Interesting enough, she canceled her concert in Salt Lake City.
Doja Cat would be sulfur, which is the soul. And a lot of people are saying that she sold her soul this year. And then Mercury would be the Taylor Swift. Now, Taylor Swift and Beyonce were both wearing silver. Quick silver. This goes into these elements in sulfur. The soul. She’s wearing the red. I mean, the more I look into this, it gets deep. So sulfur, mercury, salt. The body.
The body is made out of salt. They even got the twelve cell salts, right? There’s twelve different salts, and it’s just, wow, twelve different months. This stuff is wild. But this is called the three primes of these three alchemical symbols that these mainstream artists are using. Altogether, it’s irrefutable that these are the symbols of their stage right here. Groundbreaking information. You’re hearing it first here on the donut factory, and we’re going to get into it.
And look how important this is to these secret societies, like the Order of the Golden Dawn. You got the Tria Prima up here, right here, right here. These symbols are very important to the secret societies. So they’re absolutely using this alchemical process to transmute society. What are they transmuting it for? So mercury is the silver, it’s known as the Quicksilver. These alchemical symbols, and these are the most important, these three.
And then you got earth, air, fire and water. And then those four plus these three make seven, making the seven days of the week, and then you got the seven planets. But this is the transmutation. This is the symbol for it as well. The Auroboros, they call it the. And it’s the same symbol the Fed now is using, the Oroboros, the snake eating its tail, because I believe that this is going into the alchemy of the Fiats, turning into the CBDC of blockchain currency.
We’ve been covering this all year, the seven stages of alchemy. And what I think it is, I’m going to look even more deeper. But you got these three artists, but you need seven, so you got the three girls, and I’m trying to figure out who the four guys would be. It would be 50 cent, Ed Sharon, and maybe Metallica. I don’t know. I’m going to dive deeper into that.
But this audio, these scales, right? You got scales in music? We covered this over, it was on YouTube, but I took them all down and archived them. All but the sacred vowels, these certain frequencies, these earworms. You hear a doja cat song and it just can’t leave your head because of the earworms going into your ear. So there’s something with this frequency vibration of sound. And when you bring it into an alchemical process, a mystical process, charging the container of the people that are in the concert actually changes their cellular structure of their human body and their physical, mental plane.
I’m going to play a clip of that real quick to explain it some more. Look at the casinos. Casinos are built like chapels, and the music that they play keeps you brainwashed to stay in there. And the floors, the pattering. When I was a kid growing up in Vegas, it was told that so people couldn’t find the quarters on the ground. But this is much more complex if you look at this.
Because what is in the container? Like a chapel or a casino or a grocery store or a concert hall, that would be the container. And when the musical element hits the container, the vibration of the symbology and patterns in the room turn the person physically vibrating them into that sort of frequency on the physical plane, and even in their mental plane, in their thoughts. Yeah. So that explains it, right? That explains it.
So here’s the Roslyn Chapel, right? The Roslyn, like the Rose line, like in the Da Vinci Code. And this was in the Da Vinci Code, where there’s this musical composition within this chapel. And it was decoded. This was decoded. We hear a lot about decoders, right? This isn’t a new phenomena. This has been going on forever through steganography and hidden occult symbols. That’s what we’re looking at. We’re looking into the hidden world over here at the donut factory.
And they published an article, actually on CNN, mainstream. And it’s gone. But the Wayback machine brought it back and they posted it on an interesting day. Da Vinci Church reveals secret code because they got these secret codes in this Roslyn chapel, and they posted it on May 1. And that is a special day because that’s when the Illuminatis was founded on 51. So here is Taylor Swift concert.
She starts it off wearing silver. Important to know, because she’s mercury, and the mercury is the silver, and she’s on the cube. This is how she starts off her performance on the cube right there. And she’s the symbol for Mercury, Silver. She’s wearing silver on the cube. And Taylor Swift fans who experience post concert amnesia may have better luck purchasing a ticket for her movie, as people were forgetting they even went to the concert.
But look, you can see the silver now. Beyonce. She also was wearing the silver right when she started. We’ve been decoding this one, but this alchemical process of the silver is quite interesting. And here’s Doja Cat in the red right there. Who’s the soul? The soul fur. And there’s that symbol right there. And everybody in the news was saying Doja Cat. Her fans are saying that she sell that.
I think. I think we’re onto something over here on the donut factory. And we’re coming up on a quite important date for November, November 18. Coincidentally enough, Doja Cat won’t be performing on this day. Beyonce, Taylor Swift, none of them are performing on this day. There’s the silver wonder what kind of meeting they’re going to have, because November 18 is the three two two day of the year as three two two.
Skull and Bones just celebrated their three two two anniversary of Yale. And you got Bieber, who went into the Metaverse on November 18. And right here, he’s on that same cube. This is symbolism. Even Biden did his six six six speech. Six minutes, six days, six weeks on October 1. Well, six days and six weeks from October 1 lands on November 18. Very interesting. Very interesting. It’s the day the Illuminati founder passed away.
Adam Wisehop as well. And it leaves 43 days until the end of the year as the beginning of the year. Gangsta boo passed away at the 43 age. Aaron Carter, 34. The reflection. So we’re looking into all of this now, the Grammys took place February 5, right at sunset. So in Bavaria, where the Illuminatis was founded, would be Adam Wisehop’s birthday, February 6. Right here. February 6 is when the Grammys was going on, where Beyonce won her 32nd Grammy.
This all goes into mysticism of the occult. And you guys probably remember that iconic satanic Grammys. That was kind of blatant satanic imagery right there. But during that, there was an earthquake in Turkey. And just interesting, the symbols of the earthquake zone in Turkey being the Eye of Horus. And set gouged out the eye of Horus in a month before there was a weird cloud in the sky.
I’m not even going to name it, but it’s a weird cloud that was in the sky right before it. Quite interesting. So before I get into some more, can you hear me? Okay? I think you all can hear me. Okay. I got allergies today. My allergies are wild today. So let’s get into the 69. I know you all like the 69 because we’ve been talking about it all year.
Elon Musk likes 69. Bitcoin hits 69. 69 is the day the queen passed away. And then the other queen was 96, just like Tony Bennett. This year was at 96. This 69 is karma, right? Karma is like 69. You get what you give. And it’s also an egg. And this was at the Heidi Klum or Bloom’s Halloween party. There was an egg, there was a worm last year where Elon was wearing the bafflement on his chest.
But there was an egg. And Lom right here, this alien Doja cat was imitating. We broke that here first on the donut factory because we’re looking at symbols. Images are symbols as well. And it’s an egg head. This is an egg. It’s the Orphic egg. The beginning of the year started off with egg rituals, and 69 is connected to the egg of Crowley, Alastair Crowley’s work, who came up with this image where we get the whole gray alien head and all that from Crowley.
Very important to the occult. Now, Taylor Swift and her new boyfriend. Their birthdays are 69 days apart. The summer solstice has the 69 on top, and that was the beginning of the year. Gangsta Boo has the 69 album. Very interesting. Lot of connections there. A lot of connections with Taylor Swift being Venus I spice. Just so much symbolism. Venus is the five. It’s the pentagram because of the rose Petal Venus makes in the sky.
Yeah, but all these award shows, like I’ve been saying for a while, these symbols and images are preparing us for the new technology. Here’s the Grammys. They were showing the quantum computers and whatnot. Another thing that happened with November 18, it’s Mickey Mouse’s birthday. Disney decided to make November 18 where they have the Bavaria castle that was based off of. The Disney Castle is based off of the Bavarian Castle, and the Illuminatis was founded in Bavaria.
And even BMW, right? Just things that you see, these symbols when you see a BMW, it’s the Bavarian flag, and the B stands for Bavaria. So, I mean, it’s just these symbols are everywhere that we see on a daily basis, but we don’t know what they mean. So we’re learning what do these symbols mean? Because they mean something. And images, they’re just so powerful. It’s how the similacrum is being controlled.
This is very important research that we looking into over here. But November 18 is Mickey Mouse’s birthday. Mickey Mouse of Disney. And Dave Smith is the one who archived this. He’s the one who gave Mickey Mouse the three, two two birthday. Why? What’s his connection? What’s Dave Smith who labeled Mickey Mouse’s birthday November 18? Well, he was part of some secret societies at Yale as well, called the Manuscript Society.
Manuscript Society at Yale. And they had a huge role in 1991 with skull and bones, making them allow them to have women be part of it. So right there, you got this connection to Skull and Bones yell and these secret societies there, this new movie, killers on the Flower Moon. I really, really enjoyed this film, they were showing some wild stuff in here. It’s based off a true story.
And Marn Scorsese is the one who directed it. And Leonardo DiCaprio gets spanked by Robert De Niro, who’s a 32nd degree mason. And then he gets arrested by a 33rd degree Mason, who was J. Edgar Hoover. And I believe this was an occult message to initiates only. But you can see the checkerboard floor, the bricks right here in Elm Street. Right here. Elm Street. With the 15. There’s 15 members of Skull and Bones.
This is all symbolism. And Elm street is where this guy’s secret society is at. Right here. Elm Street. The Manuscript Society is on Elm Street. Elm Street. Nightmare on Elm street goes into November 22, where JFK was taken out on a giant Trident on Elm street on November 22. So that’s another date to look out for November 22 as we’re in November. November is nine, Novem Novum. But it’s eleven today.
So eleven plus 22 is 33. We’ll see a lot of 33s in here. Here’s another thing with me. I did my Juggalo decode, but the great Malinko is owned by Disney. It’s ICP, but it’s owned by Hollywood Records, which is Disney, and they released it. Disney decided to release it on June 24. Interesting Day. It’s National UFO Day. JohN the Baptist Day is. John the Baptist is important to the Knights Templars.
But June 24 is also. There was a connection to June 24, and I forget what it was. Let me see. Oh, check this out. This secret society, the Manuscript Society. Look who’s part of it. Anderson Cooper. You got some big names that are part of this society. Never heard of it. Have you heard of it? I mean, the donut factory. We breaking groundbreaking information. We breaking that information into the occult.
Somebody says, s. Lee says the 5 November. There was a lot of stuff with that, too. I think we covered that, though, before I took down all the channels. And if you’re just tuning in, if you’re just catching this live right now, we archived all videos over on the Rumble. You can check out them all there. I decided to take them all down. Now, when that happens, I’ve been managing other YouTube channels for a long time.
We did this with AMTV and Christopher’s channel. And what happens is you’ll lose all of your watch time. So my videos won’t be in the algorithm anymore. So it’s very important right now, if you like this channel, to smash that, like, button, please and thank you. Very important to get us back into the algorithm and also going over to the Patreon. We’ve been posting over there quite a bit and I’ll be releasing a new addition to the VHS boxes.
I don’t know if you know about them VHS boxes. You had to be around last year. Once a year we be dropping some limited edition VHS boxes that are packed with goodies. And people over on the Patreon get first access to it as they’re limited. So you get perks like that over there too, plus a bunch of content. So make sure to go subscribe over there. And we just did this podcast with intrinsic on health, so he’s going to keep coming on and giving us some health secrets.
I’m going to play a clip that we did over there. Even people in the health world aren’t really adamant about this, but tongue scraping is like, for me, it’s like such an important thing to do. Twice a day you just get a corrugated tongue scraper or a copper tongue scraper and you start scraping the film off of your tongue and so your tongue is pink and it looks nice and that’s going to get rid of all.
There we go. All of the nasty bacteria that’s just hanging out in your tongue. Your breath is going to start to feel fresher. When I see people and they open their mouths and they got these white, scaly tongue, it’s just such a turn off. Scrape your tongue. Brushing your tongue doesn’t do anything and you’ll see what comes out of it and it is disgusting and you’re going to thank the Lord above that it no longer is something you’re going to live with.
So a tongue scraper is very cheap, maybe even free. If you have a dentist appointment, just ask for one. Nine times out of ten, your dentist will have tongue scraper. So that’s like number one. Very easy. So we got the boy. It was not really a boy, but my good friend intrinsic over there on the Patreon, he’s the guy who did that intro song that everybody knows here.
I’ll play a clip of it. If you remember, if you go way back to a few years ago when I was brand new to this remember beats. So y’all. Y’all already know it. Y’all already know it. Somebody said that Dead Poet Society in the comment, which is a great movie with Robin Williams, was about the manuscript society and I didn’t know that. That’s interesting. Thank you for bringing that up because I watched that movie and that’s what motivated me or inspired me to call Jordan Maxwell.
And I just emailed him, and he got back to me on a phone call, and I had a conversation with him. And then we did two podcasts together. But it was because of that movie, because their motto in the movie is like, seize the day or something like that. And I was like, I’m going to seize the day, and I’m going to do something scary, and I’m going to message Jordan Maxwell.
You can hear my allergies. My allergies are wild today. So, yeah, the great Malenko is named after Boris Malinko. I didn’t know that. That’s kind of interesting there. But Disney owns everything. They even own an ICP album. They own the Simpsons. They own Star Wars. What does the Simpsons not own? Now, a lot of people don’t bring this up, but like the Simpsons, it’s just hidden in plain sight.
I’ve never noticed anybody bring this up that the Simpsons household is the checkerboard floor. Am I just tripping or has nobody brought that up yet? But that is wild. The Simpsons household is the checkerboard floor. But it goes even deeper. Everybody. And yeah, Disney has the Club 33, as well as their new Marvel movie. Marvel’s owned by Disney. Marvel new film is number 33 as well. And the new season of the Simpsons gets into the Illuminatis and a bunch of stuff.
It’s wild on the first episode, but right here, I’m going to break down some of the symbolism in the symptoms right here. First, you got the checkerboard floor, right? But then you got the pentagram of the Order of the Eastern Star, which Rosa Parks was even a part of. I thought that was wild. I didn’t know that. And you can see there’s the five points to that star, and there’s the five family members.
But alchemy is all about the seven. And if you add all the family members together with their dogs and cat, you got the seven family members in the household. I don’t think the grandpa lived with them. But there’s even more Masonic symbolism. All throughout this, even the color coding, are all Masonic colors. The blue, red, black, green, all this is symbolism in the purple goes into cryptic Masonry symbolism.
So right there, you got the Simpsons with the checkout boa at floor. And the Disney owns Marvel and owns everything. And they just released their 33rd film of the Marvel Universe that they own, and they also own Star Wars. And that cube that we were talking about in the beginning where Taylor Swift standing on and Bieber. Well, this goes into the black Rock, the 33 miles black rock.
The cube can also be Saturn. But we’re talking about alchemy today. And these alchemical things are connected to the planets as well. But here’s Club 33. Got the checkerboard. This is all old news. Everybody knows about it, but something that no one’s ever talked about yet. Groundbreaking information for you all with Darth Vader being. Which is Darth Vader? DA is the hidden Sephiroth in the Tree of Life.
And that’s the throat. And what is Darth Vader known for is all throat stuff. Right? He talks with his throat machine and then he chokes people with the throat as well. So, I mean, this gets deep. This isn’t really too much. The rise of Mickey Mouse. You just saw him pop up Steamboat Willie was because of a movie called Gang War. Not a lot of people know that.
I didn’t know that. Just researching. I like to find funny new things. Look at this. Gangsters, all this gang stuff. This is the movie that showcased Mickey Mouse with that November 18 birthday. Quite fascinating. And look, it looks like it makes a pyramid. And Marge is a bunny rabbit. You take this off. She’s a bunny rabbit as the bunnies are all in hell. And the guy who created this, Matt Groening, was a high level Freemason.
And this is the new episode of the Simpsons. And if you zoom in to these boxes, it will say something quite interesting that we should notate. Illuminati strength. Do you see? Oh, that’s what the first episode is all about, is the Illuminati strength. Something I’m going to have to dive into. But images are what is important. Here’s Michael Dever. He was the assistant for the occultist Reagan doing all these images.
Images are super important to the symilachrum and the symbols. So if you check out this girl shirt, it says shamrocks, but there’s the two X’s on it, which is the double cross, which goes into the Cross of Lorraine. And this is from a TV show called Something 49. But the three, somebody pointed out that even the new Diablo prime evil, there’s the three demons in it as well.
Could that be something with all this three Tria Prima going on? Oh, right. Here is when I was supposed to push my Patreon. Go subscribe to the Patreon. That’s what that’s all about. Get the wicked Mafia dummies over in Maui. There was a pink thing showing up. This is just some strange news. Beaver Moon. A full moon will be happening NovembER 27 right here. November 27 on a moon day, and the moon is silver.
So maybe there might be some ritual with Beyonce or Taylor Swift as they’re the silver. You know what? I’m going to look into their concerts to see if they got a November 27 concert. Because the rituals that have been going down happened the day before or after or on a full moon. That’s just pattern recognition. Kell was hospitalized from Keenan and Kell. And it made me think of in 2006, there was a death hoax when a rumor was spread around MySpace that he passed away, which I thought was interesting because I thought I lived in the Mandela effect because I thought he passed away.
But he’s in the news as he was hospitalized right before the new good Burger movie was about to come out, is about to come out about the AI takeover. And he just disappeared from the scene and got ultra religious, became a preacher and stopped talking to Keenan, I guess, because he became too Hollywood or something like that. And he released this movie, Dance Foo, which was probably one of the worst movies ever made.
Absolutely trash. But I believe there was like a cathartic experience for him to make. Just. I just need a good movie. But they got that symbolism up in it, and then he just disappeared from the scene. And Keenan, most recently on Saturday Night Live, is talking about how he made a deal with the devil. You can see that. You just Google it. It’s all over the place. I’m not going to play the clip, but you got that going on with Pete Davidson, who could be Dr.
Peter Davidson, who wrote the Chaldean, transcribed it, this occultist. And then Ice Spice, who’s ISIS, that’s her name. And she symbolizes that. And let’s not forget, Coolio did the intro song on the Orange Couch, something with the orange. Coolio, he passed away just a month or so after he was talking about certain topics. But the orange in Gematria equals 33. So a lot of people connect Orange to the 33rd degree.
And then you got the nick at night couch. You got the Kenan and Kel Couch. You got the Friends couch in front of the Fontaine, the fountain, which is Knights Templar symbolism, and the orange couch. And this was also the set for Hocus pocus. So you got some witchcraft stuff going on there as well. And then the orange soda. Who loves that orange? You know, there’s something up with that there.
There’s something up with that there. Here’s a clip of Doja Cat performing with that Illuminati eyeball. It’s pretty wild. Pretty wild stuff. Pretty wild stuff. So I’m going to go. That was the presentation. Bada bing, bada boom. We’re going to go into the comments now. What is going on? Chat room. Hello, everybody. Make sure to smash that, like, button, please and thank you. I don’t know how far I got to go.
I’m going to just start right here. Shalom from Florida. What up, Florida? Hello, Carpy. That’s a lot of info, bro. Thank you. Thank you, buffering. Buffering says, this was a great show. Thank you. Homer Simpson loves. Right. That’s right. Thank you, Roy. Los Camaritarios is Spanish for Donut is a freemason. Nope, I’m not. Kristen says, what up, donut? What up? I love Kale, too. Kale was the best.
Donut is initiating, people. The Orange Man. Yeah. Good. Yeah, I forgot about that November 18 ritual. Maybe on the 17th, too, because that’s when young Dolph passed away. I got allergies, so I’m going to turn off my camera for a minute. Nickelodeon was like the programming for the kids for me. What’s up, dog? Who doesn’t love Donuts and Mandarin oranges? Thank you, Sabrina. Oh, really? November 18 is the shutdown extension deadline.
That’s interesting. Let me screenshot that so I don’t forget to look that up. Thank you, S. Lee. Have I heard of idea and abilities? Donut? Claudia, are you talking about the wrapper? If so, yes. Orange order, fraternal order. Woo woop. Steph. Woo woo. Hello, Elkhart. Shout out to Elkhart. Shout out to Bloomington, Indiana. Indiana. Hello, Indiana. All over the place. What up, Marissa? Okay, I’ll repeat again what happened to my channel? For an entire week, I’ve been saying that I’m going to remove all the videos for, like, every video for the whole week before I did it.
People, I guess, just didn’t watch that one part. But I took them all down and archived them over on Rumble. You could go check them all out over there. And because I did that, all my watch hours are gone. So my videos aren’t going to be in the algorithm as much now. So it’s up to you all if you want to support the channel. Smash the like button, please.
And thank you, because it’s going to be another uphill battle just to get back into the algorithm so you can get all that content over on the rumble. Shout out to Tommy and Juan. It is a great sandwich. Yes, Rhonda. Thank you. Shout out to Flint, Michigan, South Jersey, Ohio, Iowa. What up, John J? Dreams live. Every night has been fire. I think you must be part of his street team, because you’ve posted that a lot of times.
But yes, shout out to J Dreams, Ohio. Communist Canada. Shout out to Communist Canada. Interesting. Dang. San Diego. Oklahoma. Melbourne. Indianapolis. Ottawa. Hello. Frankfurt. Venice, California. Shalom. Shalom. Los Angeles. New York City, Pa, Texas. Las Vegas, Spain. Shout out to Spain. So over on the Patreon, I got the new health and wellness one video up with intrinsic with that tongue scraper. Plus, Tommy and I have been decoding this one to eight event, the Omega event, and we go live like every week, once a week, usually on Thursday, which is tomorrow.
So we should be going live tomorrow over on the Patreon for our members, the VIP members. But also, check out this new video I did on image. It’s pretty darn good. Plus, when I release the VHS boxes, probably on Black Friday, the new edition, they get the first early access to the limited edition stuff, so there’s a bunch of perks. Shout out to the new microphone. Shout out to all y’all.
Thank you so much for all your support. Shout out to Scientologist Grant Cardone. Much love and God bless y’all. .