Spread the Truth





➡ The text is a rambling discourse on hidden meanings and symbolism in media from donut, a YouTuber who interprets popular culture through a conspiracy theory lens, attributing events to predictive programming and hidden, occult messages.
➡ The text articulates conspiracy theories involving predictive programming in films, biophoton energy, Beamrider techonology, and ‘cyber incidences’. It suggests that public figures and various forms of entertainment subtly predict future events, such as technological malfunctions and geopolitical conflicts. It also theorizes about connections between various symbols, numbers, and events, implied to be orchestrated by a powerful elite.
➡ Cyber Polygon, a simulated training event for a cyber incident, was cancelled on the same day Canada’s Rogers Communications experienced an outage. The speaker suggests these simulations could hint towards real events, illustrated by the mention of several movies and societal phenomena that hint towards an apocalyptic future riddled with AI control, especially in terms of traffic and road usage. Meanwhile, certain cultural symbols, songs, and numbers are suggested to be associated with Illuminati or controlling powers. The speaker predicts a high-profile assassination in the near future and draws numerous connections between historic events, pop culture and societal control.


Yo, what up? It’s donut and you tuning in to all your Illuminati news. Make sure you smash that like button. And we about to get into it. Leave the world behind. Hopefully. This is the last video on the topic, but is a very important topic and we got a lot of new subscribers here on the channel. If you’re new, make sure you subscribe. We’re going to break on the occult, simply meaning hidden of the predictive programming of this film.

And my cat’s at the door, I think so. I might have to step out for a second, but we got more symbols to show you now. I’m going to get into it. I’m going to let the cat in because he’s scratching at the door. I’m going to put the intro on. So get ready for the show. It’s going to be a great show tonight. All right, we back, we back.

I had to let the cat in. The cat. You know how cats are. You let them outside, they want to come in right when you start the show or you just start the show and then the cat just starts to poop in the litter box. That’s what they do. I don’t get it, but put a one in the comment if you could hear me. Okay, we’re going to get right into it.

This movie has a lot more symbolism within the show. Just like at the very end, if you flip the screen around, it says, die, six six nine. You just see the symbolism everywhere. And it even points to a certain date, the date being 917, which is Passover, passovering into springtime. So looking out for next year for around that time, maybe something to go down. Because this is all predictive programming and we’ve been talking about this movie for a while.

Here’s a decode I did going over this one two eight code. I mean, it’s everywhere. The Titanic sunk at 218. I mean, you’ll see this one two eight all over the place with this film. As this film came out on December eigth, which is one two eight. It looks like everybody can hear me. Okay. Hope everybody’s doing good. Dean, Linda, jungle J. Kevin. Hello, everybody. I wear my sunglasses at night.

Yeah, these are those blue light blockers. Because that blue light, you got to be careful of the blue light and protect your house with the blue roofs. Jay dreams. I did a podcast with him on this. Over on the rumble links down below, he was showing that the painting in the background that keeps changing in the show resembles the Schumann resonance, which is very fascinating. Check that out.

The Schumann resonance of the painting in the background that keeps changing. Check that. That’s, that’s very interesting. Be. It could be. And any Asaru. Here’s his channel. He did a video, polar physics going over this movie, and he brought up something called Sprite Lightning. Go check out that video as well. I should be podcasting with him tomorrow. So look out for that show. It’s going to be a wicked smart show.

But he was breaking down this movie and he was bringing up Sprite lightning. I’ve never heard of this before, but I’ve been researching the plasma and we’re going to go over the plasma in this movie tomorrow. But this shows up before the lightning strikes. Now, Obama made the movie. In Obama, Barack means lightning. So there’s this connection there that’s quite interesting as it’s called sprite lightning. And sprite meaning spirit or vampire.

Yes. Elf. Elf means vampire. Sprite also means a succubus, which is kind of interesting. Check this out on the sprite folklore. Sprite right here. Let’s go to the etymology of it. As you can see, it comes from Alp. It’s where we get elf. And elf is an evil spirit. Maybe I’m all over the place with that one, but. Yeah. Isn’t that funny? Yeah. So beliefs in sprites, they’re believed to be elves.

And then if you go to the etymology of an elf, it means an evil spirit coming from the german Alp, because that’s the way the elites in the Illuminati control the world is, through etymology. Breaking down. Where do these symbols come from? Like Tesla. I’ll break down that Tesla symbol. But the predictive programming is happening already. This movie shows all the Tesla cars crashing. Right. Clogging up the freeways.

And the freeways are a defense system. It was built by the military. That’s why all the freeways go into places that aren’t habitable. I mean, it’s very deep, strategically planned out over the years, and it’s connected to the one two eight code as well. The freeways. Very interesting. We’re going to go over it. But they showed the Tesla cars self driving, crashing into places. And now they’re just recalling the Tesla cars right now.

And the kid gets bit by a tick. And now they’re saying that there’s this crazy tick disease out there. But let me show you this connection to Barack Obama that Aniyasaru brought up. Look out for that video tomorrow. It’s going to be good. And if you think that this is just silly, bringing up sprite. This is spirit because the way that the media manipulators get you to consume is through your own spirituality of searching for God.

It’s also your discontents as well. Searching for sex, searching for violence. Yes. But a big thing is searching for God or spirituality. And the corporations know this, that you are searching for something like that to fill that hole, right? That God hole in your soul. And they show you this. Just watch the new Mountain Dew commercial with the Reptilians. The new Mountain Dew commercial with the Reptilians. It says, feed your soul because they understand this programming.

This is how they get you to buy something. You see the sexual symbolism in the product, rather, that is the wet Mountain Dew bottle with the water splashing all over it. Yeah. This is all here to brainwash you to purchase products. Now, Mountain Dew do direct energy. Do with the blue roofs and the blue Hawai. And in this film, they had the blue roofs and the blue cars and the blue umbrellas.

I mean, it was everywhere. And they filmed this way before Lahaina went up into flames. Now, Mount Nadu had its, you know, but they also had their predictive programming with Code Red. First one to break it here on this channel at the donut factory. That code red was released right before code red of Homeland security was released right here before that terrible tragedy happened in New York, where we had the code red.

This was set up right after they made code red. Mountain Dew. And Mountain Dew is based out of Tennessee. The 36 parallel, all the rituals going on the last few years are connected to this 36 parallel. We’ve been breaking it down. But these, look, I’m telling you, my cat is now pooping in the litter box right over there because I don’t know what it is with cats. Whenever you want to do something, they just come in and they got to put their control and domination in the room.

It’s just awful. Just awful. So here is FEMA. We’re talking about FEMA. We’re talking about Homeland talking about all this. Remember we got that emergency text on October 4 where everyone got that national text alert? The last time they did this was on the helical rising, an occult date. It was supposed to be at 02:20 p. m. But they were a little early at 218, which has that one two eight in it.

Watch the previous videos. We’ve been breaking this down for the last month or two, this code. And I got the slides up here to show you how we’ve been breaking down that there’s something connected with this date. And this number, the Titanic, I believe, split in half at 218, which has the one two eight. The twin towers fell down at 1028. Matthew Perry died on 1028. Julia Roberts birthday on 1028.

And this elf text, that’s what I called it. An electronic low frequency or what we just talked about. An AlF, an ELP, a demonic spirit, an evil entity. And look, in 2018, the one two eight there was. If you think this is just. What are you talking about? This is stretching. Well, let’s look at pattern recognition. Hawai had a fake missile alert test in 2018 at 08:00 a.

m. . Right? And then on eight, the Lionsgate portal in the eight eight area code, Lahaina went up into flames. So for the text alert for America to be on this two one eight day, I’m looking out for anything with 218-12-8218 anything with these three numbers in it, which equals eleven, I’m looking out for, because it’s pattern recognition. Now, Barack Obama, let’s get back to the sprite. How there is this sprite lightning.

Let’s get back to the sprite lightning because we be covering the plasma and how plasma, they call it plasma because it resembles life. It is so familiar to life when they put an electric charge into it, the filaments of the plasma let off these little strings that are very similar to human life, as human life. Right here you can take pictures of the plasma that radiates off of us through this.

I think this is called Curlian photography, bioenergetics. These are biophotons, radiant off of any living thing. It’s plasma. And so we are in a container, in a sense, with this bioenergetic stuff. It’s quite interesting. But this happens before lightning happens. And lightning is plasma, and it’s called sprite lightning. And this just happened. They just took pictures of this. Now, Barack Obama, we’re going to connect him to lightning, because Barack means lightning.

If you go back to BRQ, Hebrew Arabic meaning lightning, which is plasma, shout out to Saru. He pointed this out in that video. Highly recommend checking it out as Barack Obama made this movie to warn everybody of what’s to come. Now, remember, on Barack birthday at the White House, a lightning strike killed three, a banker and other people. I mean, just a strange thing. And it’s also connected to the sephiroths as well.

And even one of the songs in the show, leave the world behind, winter. The lyrics, let the lightning strike me down. It also says a lot of other crazy stuff of maybe blackouts. That’s completely dark. Now, this movie was very well thought out with the music, with the imagery, with the scenes and this scene right here with all the Teslas crashing. Well, what just happened in the news today? Tesla recalls nearly all vehicles sold in the US to fix system that monitors drivers using autopilot self driving.

It’s that same white Tesla right here. Now, there’s predictive programming of the Tesla bots during the Grammys. You watch the Grammys, you’ll see the Tesla bots twerking with bad bunny, and then boom, they release the Tesla bots. So it’s not only this movie that does the predictive programming, but it is also the Grammys. The music videos, the fashion shows, all that share your screen donut. Was I not sharing my screen? Okay, somebody wrote 218.

JFK Jr. I’m going to have to look that up. Was his birthday. Please, Rosemary, what’s the connection with 218 and John F. K. Jr. Please let us know in the comment section below. 218 1717. London’s first freemasonic lodge. Interesting. Very interesting. Yeah, so this stuff is popping up everywhere, this code. As you can see, we were talking about it for a while right here when they did that national emergency alert test.

Not only that, but the whole war stuff with Oppenheimer and Barbie, Barbieheimer being released. I mean, this is all warming us up for something, but this isn’t the only thing that predicted. We covered the cyber incidences that are happening quite a bit already. But there’s even ticks. There’s a bunch of stuff in this film that’s already starting to happen. Here’s Tesla, which looks to me like an axe, the symbol of netter in the etymology of the word God.

Netter, meaning axe. Looks like an axe to me. God axe. If I watch another YouTube video breaking down this movie, because I’ve watched every single one, and then the next time I hear that 1619 connection to the white lion ship right here, I’m going to go crazy. Because every single video that I watch, it’s always the same information. But what I think is happening too, with the predictive programming, that didn’t happen yet.

And you’re hearing it first on the donut factory. You could date today being the 14 December that look out for the straighta hormoose. I read the Economist magazine of last year or the year before. I forget which year. The year that they left out the whole Trident war. They didn’t put any of that in the paper, but they brought up the Strait of Hormoose. They brought up the ufos.

They brought up the Strait of Hormoose. So it’s something to look out for, especially with the oil tanker, because look at that oil tanker. And here’s the straighta hormoose. Look at that oil tanker, the world’s most important oily artery, something to look out for. And you’re hearing it first here on the donut factory. If something cracks in the straight of hormoose or Venezuela as well, those are the two places I’m keeping an eye in.

Ear out. So I think it was interesting that Obama, when they showed his husband and his name up there, they were showing the cell phone. Now the cell phones go out, but also, Obama’s known for the Obama phone. So, I mean, I just feel like, why do they want everyone to have a phone? Because they want you to be tracked. Why do they want everyone to have a tv? Because they want you to be programmed.

And even in the Joey badass revenge song that’s in the beginning of it, where you see this, the intro, he’s on his phone. It looks like a phone, at least before the power goes out right here. It’s not exactly a phone, but it resembles a phone. It’s like a detonator. And then the power goes out. And that’s what they used for the intro, the intro to this. Hello, donut.

Clint says hello, Clint. Linda. Hello, Linda. August. Yo, hit that, like, button. Yeah. Make sure you smash that, like, button. We are streaming late. I mean, this is a late night stream, but it’s going to get into the algorithm when you smash that, like, button. So when people wake up, they’re going to get this decode. They’re going to know what’s up. They’re going to know what’s up because I’ve been talking about this movie for months now because the commercial had the cyber incident happening.

And I learned this from Marfugal News, actually. Marfugal fam. Shout out to the Marfugal fam. And right here, there’s a secret QR code I wasn’t aware about, but a lot of people have been talking about the QR code hidden in it. And if you go to that QR code, it brings you to an abandoned amusement park. We’ll bring on Ani to break this down more. But it goes into tragedies that happened with the Native Americans, with a guy named Clay.

And Clay is the guy who is the star of this movie. Yes, leave the world behind. But today is December 14. Let’s talk about a couple other movies, a couple of other predictive program films, the propaganda pr. Gain your mind already for what’s to come. And that is this new Civil War movie. Right. We’re going to go over that a little bit. But also let’s go back in time to I am legend.

I am Legend was released today, 1214. It’s about people who take some certain medicine. And then once they take the medicine, they turn into a zombies. And it’s an apocalyptic world, just like all these other apocalyptic movies. Like the Civil War movie that’s about to come out, which was made by the guy who made 28 days later. Now, December 14 is an interesting date because that’s the first day on the 36th parallel in North Carolina that people were getting medicated.

I’m going to skip this real quick, but you can see it. You got Elvis Presley from the 36th parallel. He got medicated on the 20 eigth, the one two eight day 1028. The same day, Bill Gates’s birthday. 1028, the one two eight code. It’s all over the place. Looking out for North Carolina. It sits on the 36th parallel. Right here, this 36 lay line. This is another way.

The Illuminati and the people that control the planet. Going back to the templars, they called it dragon lines. Even where the Giza pyramid is set up in the meridian of the center of the earth. Just stuff to look out for. This is stuff we look into. This is what’s really happening. And shout out to real BP Earthwatch. He posted a video today that’s interesting. There’s this website called Threat Map, and it shows you the cyber incidences happening in real time via the AI technology.

Isn’t that crazy? Look how all this stuff going on right now. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. This is called fourth generation warfare. I think that’s what it’s called. Fourth generation warfare, which also goes into mind control and propaganda through movies and narratives like that and whatnot. So that’s an interesting website that I’m going to start looking out for. I just think it looks cool. Well done. Well done website.

And it’s made by Russia. And is anybody who’s been following geopolitics sees this coming from miles and miles away. But we are getting close to a big event to reset the dead clock. Because if you go back in time, like you got Russia disconnecting from the Internet to test it out, because everybody’s aware of this. Who’s been studying geopolitics. Even Napolitano warned about this. Newt Greengridge warned about this.

And the Pentagon is seeking new EMP weapons to eliminate drone swarms. And here’s that trademark right here, because if you read the LeMay papers right here, the electromagnetic defense task report, I’m not going to show it too long because that video got took and down had over a half a million views, and it got removed. It goes into all this. And Christopher Green and I, we did a report on it back in 2018.

And I called Christopher. I said, look, we need to get that information out there. I want to repackage that video and put it out there because I think it’s so important right now. Now, let me show you, if you’re new here, you’re new to this research about cyber Polygon. Cyber Polygon is a training event, like event 201. You’re going to see this 201 Illuminati number pop up a lot.

But Cyber Polygon was like event 201. Event 201 took place. It was a simulation. And then right after the simulation, the world was locked down. Cyber Polygon is a simulation for a cyber incident. And they canceled it. And it was supposed to take place on July eigth, but they canceled it. And then what happened on that exact day, July eigth, Canada. Rogers communication outage on the exact day, because this was a simulation, in my opinion, just like Burning man was assimilation, where it was a concert, that the power went out, a tragedy like at Burning man concert.

And then what happened right after that, a month later, another tragedy. So America online went down for 19 hours. If we go back to 1996, the 19, you probably are sick of hearing the 19 number, but 19 is AI, and we all remember the 19. And this production company, higher ground, it’s got the 19 steps. There’s just so much symbolism in this film that it just goes crazy.

And now there’s another movie coming out. America’s on the brink of its first trailer for Alex’s civil war with Kirsten Dunst. I miss Kirsten Dunst so much, and I’m so happy she’s back. Smash the like button for Kirsten Dunst, because where has she been? She did that kiss. She just disappeared. But she was in this one film that I used to love as a kid. It was so funny.

It was a mockumentary by Christopher Guest, probably. I’m not sure if he did it, but the guy who did best in show and spinal tap. But she plays like this hillbilly pageant. Oh, man, I forget what it was, but I thought it was so funny as a kid. Then I watched it as an adult, and I thought it was so stupid. Have you ever done that? Have you ever watched a movie you loved as a kid and did watch it as an adult, and you’re like, this sucks.

That’s like the worst. So shout out to Kirsten Dunst. But, yeah, so this movie right here, it’s another apocalyptic movie. Looks like so much predictive programming with the highway system. The highway system is designed to get clogged up. So the whole way that this whole highway defense system is set up is for control and power and these AI vehicles, like, they got these self driving cars out here in Arizona right now.

You drive by, you’re pulling up. You pull up to a car, you look over, nobody’s in it. The self driving cars are all over the place here in California, in Arizona. I’m not sure if they’re out there where you’re at, but they’re out here. Nobody in the cars. They just driving around. It’s freaky. And I just know that at any moment, they can just block the roads. They can just have those cars go, like, remote controls and block all the intersections and grid lock the grid.

Because I live in a big grid. Arizona is just one big grid. Yeah. So, I don’t know. I’m just seeing all this symbolism and imagery of the highway system. I mean, even today, like, you have some kids blocking a highway and the police allowing it to happen, that all can just be an assimilation, AI algorithm to see what would happen. And I was looking at this trailer, and all I can see is it says monarch going against the monarchs and all that.

But this blackout event, you even see it in the zombie movie, the last of us. The last of us. Post apocalyptic movies. The last of us. When you’re lost in the darkness, look for the. Yeah, yeah. So much weird stuff. So much crazy stuff. Matthew Perry. Obama. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. So, okay, check this out. In this movie, the kid gets bit by a tick. And seriously, now they’re coming out? Yes.

A couple of days ago, saying this is warning of a deadly tick illness. Right after this movie comes out, where the guy gets bitten by a tick, and they’re blaming the Havana syndrome, where his teeth falls out on the tick. And now in the news, they’re saying that the tick is out, a deadly tick killing. And that’s why his teeth fell out. Come on. Come on. And you want to hear something scary? If you look into the Havana, like, this movie is very pg.

When this event does go down, 90% of the population will vanquish. It’s very scary. And if the Havana syndrome hits you, your teeth fall out. You think he’s okay if this is really Havana syndrome. No, he’s gone. He’s gone. He won’t be around for season two for that long. No, I’m saying. So all the music in this film we’ve been looking into, and I haven’t brought up these last four songs, and I want to bring them up now with the Illuminati connections to too close.

This is all about shakes. Let me just read how the song starts. I wonder if she could tell I’m hard right now. That’s the way the song starts off and that’s what they dance into. She’s like, oh, I’m married. I’m married. And then the daughter’s like, oh, he wants to do stuff to me. And then the Flamingos pop up in the pool, which is a sign for swingers.

There was a lot of weird Illuminati eyes wide shut party stuff going on that was left out. But this album cover, she holds the record up and shows the album cover and he’s doing the Illuminati shush. Now, I’ve been breaking down the Illuminati shush. You’ll see a lot of people with this tattoo. Shush. Four letters, three dots, making seven. Secrecy. Illuminati ruling by secrecy. Here’s Rihanna doing it.

You got all the different actors doing it. And I say that it’s connected to the four powers of the sphinx, of Elephant Levi, who created the baphomet that everyone knows. It’s more ancient. But that symbol of the baphomet, elephant Levi drew in one of his books. He says, the four powers of the sphinx, as there’s four letters to the shush, is to know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent.

To keep silent. You’ll see a lot of Illuminati celebrities keeping silent, because that’s how they control, is through the secrecy. Now, here’s all the shush. They even made a statue of the shush. Look at that. This is old information, old slides that I had. But this slide, I think is important because it’s all about the climate. At the end of the day, that’s what it is. And look, if you look at the climate, it’s the eyeball, the Illuminati eye with the skull.

Skull and bones. Or right here, the black hand. That’s that secret society which kicked off World War I, France, Ferdinand, assassination. And that’s what I think is about to happen. I think that there’s going to be a high, big profile figure to be whacked. I think that’s going to happen in a month or two. That’s why I think. That’s what I think. Now, the next song in this movie is the paradigm.

It’s Lil Yachty, Lil boat cold like Minnesota. And it’s not a typical rap song. There’s not a lot of lyrics to it. But it does say, doubling down, devil’s in town. It’s tricking down. Not a lot of lyrics in it. But Lil Yachty plays a big role in the Timothy Larry psychedelic taking the drugs. Here’s his new album cover. You got the politicians all like. He just took some sort of schizogenic created by mkultra laboratories, or the heron, or the purple, the hydrocodone on the hands free phone.

And the walk, taking the walk to Poland. This is all that programming. Now, in this one scene is interesting because they have the tanny farms, and that was a part of the battle of Gettysburg. So you got all this historic stuff and landmarks and names really summoning the stuff from the past. Now here’s the highway being clogged. In the film, the highways are clogged. And if you go look up a highway system, look at what it’s actually called.

An interstate highway system or a defense highway. So Dwight D. Eisenhower created the defense highway. They just changed it to interstate highway. But it’s the defense highway. It’s the bloodline of this map. And this is all for control, because it brings you to places that you can’t just get off and survive in survivable lands. That’s all. It’s all built. And there’s the Route 128. This movie came out on twelve 8128.

America’s first high tech region goes into. That was the first Silicon Valley and the North Carolina highway. One two eight. Looking out for that? I’m looking out for anything with one two eight or two one eight squid games. The main character, two one eight. Modern warfare, came out 1028. I mean, this code is all over the place. This code is all over the place. Indona is all over your face.

So make sure you smash that, like, button, and God bless you all. See. .

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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Spread the Truth


  1. Avatar Of Phino Lium
    Phino Lium says:

    I was just reading this post, and right after, I went to see the bible 128 : 128 Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.

    2 For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.

    3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.

    4 Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord.

    5 The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.

    6 Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s children, and peace upon Israel.

    The weird thing is that right after I read this today on 12-15-2023 at 16:08 hrs, there was a glitch with all communications for about 7 minutes. My heart rate increased upon hearing those airplanes while experiencing this, and I couldn’t stop thinking, ‘WTF if…?’

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