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These rituals go into fertility rites fertility rituals as we have an egg shortage. These egg shortage rituals it’s very occult in symbolic. A big massive shortage of eggs nationwide. It’s a nationwide egg shortage. Rituals of the Rihanna Super Bowl how it was a bunch of orphic egg symbolism. Egg is 666 in the occult when you have it spiraling downwards according to Alistair Crowley who spoke of the moon children the moon child. So there’s a connection to moon money the Super Bowl the superb owl fertility rites rituals. What goes down at the Super Bowl is a ritual for the masses.
More people watch the Super Bowl than any other event in world history. More eyeballs are on the halftime ritual. That’s where all the eyeballs the Louche festival charging the sigil of the advertisement agencies and the ritual to Anana and we even see the 666 spiraling down the 666 just like CERN and what the egg shortages and Kendrick Lamar hitting the owl the Super Bowl owl and at CERN who has the 666. Not only it’s weird I looked up CERN and eggs pop up even though it has nothing to do with eggs but this is the image that pops up today.
I mean they’re really preparing us for the Super Bowl ritual. We saw the ritual go down with the guy who created the big saum particle or whatever thought of it or invented it. He died on the eclipse and we got a full moon coming up a snow moon and I’m in Japan right now as you can see the I mean I’m up in Japan and it’s snowing outside. It’s quite beautiful and I’ll be doing a private presentation turning it into a mini documentary for YouTube on the hagakuri the way of the samurai the way the samurai is found in death.
Get ready for the Super Bowl ritual party we’re going to be broadcasting that out in Hawaii is going to be sick. We do it every year. These rituals are dedicated to the goddess Anana or Ishtar. This is why Kendrick Lamar in the last Super Bowl in 2022 he did the Star of Ishtar which is like a gateway portal and coincidentally enough he actually did it in the gateway city of Compton. Right here making the Star of Ishtar just like Janet Jackson did the same thing with Ishtar on her breast. She exposed the breast and had the Star of Ishtar very well known that Ishtar fertility rituals are connected to the superbowl ritual bowl.
I mean that’s pretty evident there but they’re charging up LA Kendrick Lamar. LA Kendrick Lamar is Dr. Dre’s clone pretty much. He was created in the Dre’s lab just like Eminem who performs at the Super Bowl and they were performing at the Olympics and right here is the A128 the 128 code in the Olympics with Billie Eilish. It’s all just charging everybody. She’s wearing the LA hat and it says moon on her hat because it’s all connected to the moon rituals and then she’s got the Star of Ishtar right there. The Union Jack the double cross is also the Star of Ishtar as she wears the 32 just like the 32 spokes in the Jesuit Sun logo.
32 is connected to the rose compass and even Kabbalah pathways and up here at the Grammys there’s the 32 lights Beyonce got her 32 awards and just broke her 33 awards equaling 35 but you see the 32 right there. Kendrick Lamar’s like they’re not like us. He’s one of the people. No you’re at the Grammys. If you’re up on this stage you are with the Beatles. It’s social engineering and he announces that he will join with SZA at the Super Bowl and they highlight the 32. The 32 is super important. You could see Kendrick Lamar on the Kabbalah tree.
The hopscotch is the Kabbalah tree as well with the 32 paths of wisdom and here’s Jesuit spokes. So these symbols and numbers mean something to the occult. The deadliest plane crash in history you got the 322 right there for the mainstream articles showing the skull and bones. It’s all over the place but these rituals for the Super Bowl are the charge for the spring time. We’re coming up on the spring equinox. We got to get ready. That’s why the eggs are in shortage. Everyone’s scared. Oh my god there’s no eggs. There’s no fertility and during the lockdowns where no one was allowed to touch each other.
You had to stay six feet apart but you were allowed to touch yourself. Right here behind the weekend there’s a bunch of graves, robot sperms. They’re wearing white with red eyes like terminator and it says touch yours alone. It’s long enough. It says that there because it was a same-sex attracted ritual which doesn’t bring birth with an egg and the egg rituals we’ve uncovered during multiple Super Bowls that it is connected because these are the fertility rites for the fertility cults. Nothing new under the sun. These are fertility rituals. Is Kendrick Lamar laying an egg right here? I don’t know.
Maybe he’s laying an egg. I don’t know. It looks like it but we have these nationwide egg shortages happening and we showed how this was the placenta last year. So it’s like an egg and the blood and the placenta going into the geopolitical man of Salvador. Dali is the yoke is the sun symbolism. Man being born out of the egg out of America. I mean you see the blood drip right there. Very symbolic and Salvador Dali he did the Rothschild surrealist ball the Illuminati party that Eyes Wide Shut was based off of a little bit.
We got a lot to look out for with these rituals of Anana Ishtar for the superb owl ritual. So I’ll keep y’all posted. I might post a new discord group for Patreon members. Not really sure how we’re going to do it this year but we will have our Super Bowl live stream party. So look out for that. Thank you. Thank you so much for all your support. Much love and God bless you. [tr:trw].