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➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, focusing on symbolism, doomsday cults, and the Illuminati. They mention a hurricane named Milton and its potential connection to a doomsday cult, as well as the symbolism in a Mountain Dew drink. They also discuss the potential influence of celebrities and the media in promoting these theories. Lastly, they mention the use of Venmo for donations and the success of their first received donation.
➡ The text discusses a live show where the host thanks viewers for their support and chats about various topics. These include the prediction of a busy hurricane season, the significance of the number 33, and the influence of symbolism in popular culture. The host also mentions several cyber incidents, including a hack on America’s largest water utility and the Internet Archive. The text ends with the host expressing frustration about people’s lack of critical thinking regarding symbolism in the media.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including Patreon content, symbolism in pop culture, and conspiracy theories. They mention Katy Perry’s connection to certain symbols and discuss the significance of hurricanes and storms. They also touch on secret societies, the influence of music, and long-term plans of powerful groups. The speaker encourages listeners to think critically about these topics and to support their work.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, symbols, and secret societies, including the Red Cross, the Knights Templar, and the Rothschilds. It also mentions the Federal Reserve and the Bank of International Settlements. The author talks about the symbolism used by different groups, such as the KKK and the Illuminati. The text also touches on personal experiences, like quitting nicotine, and promotes a website called illuminati comic.com.
➡ The speaker discusses various events and people associated with the number 322, suggesting a connection to secret societies. They also mention theories about hurricanes, UFOs, and comets being linked to end-of-world scenarios. The speaker encourages viewers to observe these patterns and symbols, and ends by thanking viewers for their support.



Yo, what up? Is donut? And you tune it in to all your illuminati news. The storm of the century on Yale. Three, two, two. Skull and bones anniversary. We got a lot of symbolism to break down, a lot of the doomsday cults to be exposed, a lot of symbolism happening worldwide. Occult rituals happening worldwide. But before we start, please smash that, like, button. Put a one in the comment if you could hear me. Okay. And we gonna get this party started. You know what I mean? We go get this party started. Yo, what up? It’s doughnut and you tuning in to all your illuminati news, and there’s just so many things that people have never heard of and do not know that are so important to understand.

That’s pretty good, but try it like this. Yo, what up? Thank you. Dark knight. Cowboy said there’s no super chat button. There’s never been a super chat button over here on this channel. So thank you for all your support over on Patreon. But today, I actually put a venmo in the corner where we can test out the super chats, see if this works. You could scan the venmo and send a super chat, and we’ll see if that works. You know what I mean? So, testing out something new. So all you do is just scan this. I guess they do it at the barber shop I go to.

So I was just like, you know what? I’m just gonna try to do something like that. Let me add it up there. But how’s everybody doing? We got this big hurricane. The mainstream media has been scaring the crap out of. Everybody’s scared of crap out of me. I’m so scared of these weather events and all the doomsday cults that. That push the weather events. This is, like, seriously, like this. What freaks me out. I don’t. I’m out in Arizona, and I guess we did have a hurricane out here ten years ago. The day I found chan.

The day chan found me. There was a hurricane actually in Arizona, but there’s all these tornadoes happening. But we’re gonna get into the symbolism. Hopefully, everybody is safe out there. All of my friends are out there. Paranoid American, the one on one podcast, all my floor Riddians. Is that what you guys are called? Floridian, y’all? Out there in the holy land of Florida? So let’s, uh. I think. I think everybody gonna be okay. I don’t know. I don’t know anything about it, but I’m gonna go into the symbolism and the predictive programming and all this all this crazy stuff with this storm.

First I gotta cover this mountain Dew. Because mountain Dew be predicting events. I was covering the Maui blue event. I was one of the first. The jump on that story. Connections with Mountain Dew, with the Maui burst. And here is the newest mountain Dew, the voodoo, which you can see, it looks like a grim reaper. The Grim Reaper is the sign of Kronos. It’s Saturn. It’s the six God, right? You know, Drake calls himself the six God, portraying a God of Saturn. And Kendrick Lamar portrays that. He’s Christ. Just like Jehovah, or, I mean, Jay Zova, Jehovah.

They’re all portraying different gods. To get into your mind, to mind control you, put you under a spell. So this voodoo Mountain Dew. They got the six. Now the mainstream news has been calling this. Milton was going to turn into a category six. They were talking about this. It’s all over. Here’s all the screenshots. Milton reaching Max limits leads to a call for a new category six designation. Do category six hurricanes exist? This is all in the news. I even got an article from the mainstream that says, get out. Get the f. Out of Florida. So this mountain Dew has the six on the hand.

It also, I guess, has some spinning stuff going on with it as well. But could Milton become a category six? Now? This is the big thing. This is part of the doomsday cult of the big cc. I’m not even gonna put the words together very closely. Because it’s a topic that YouTube doesn’t want to talk about. But it has something to do with the weather. And it has something to do with it. Transforming, changing. You like how I did that? Weather transforming, not climate, in the other word, this. You know what? I feel like you could smell what I’m stepping in.

Do you smell what I’m stepping in? Do you feel me with this? Because this is a big issue. If you just watch normal tv, you’ll see a lot of commercials that the weather is bad. Because you’re a bad human and your breath is terrible. We’re gonna have to put a window tax on you because the carbon and all that. You’ve seen the commercials. You’ve seen the greta leftist Thunberg promoting this whole activity. People throwing the orange paint saying the world’s gonna end in one to eight days. With Alexandria Cortez, all these radical left part of the United nations.

Connected with musical artists like Billie Eilish and Leonardo DiCaprio. All pushing this a one to eight agenda. That the world’s gonna end. This doomsday cult. That’s a what they’re doing to scare you. It’s doomsday cult stuff. It’s activating something in your autonomic nervous system to freak the f out. And it freaks me out every time I see it. This is just a topic I don’t cover. Like the sunspots, hidden and whatnot. Stuff freaks me out. South Florida sees a hundred tornadoes. I guess this is rare. I don’t think Florida sees 100 tornadoes in, like, a day or two.

And we had the movie twister be re released as all these new tornadoes are being released. But these doomsday cults get everybody scared. Now, I’m gonna tie this into the skull and bones. Three, two, two. Skull and bones. Three, two, two. Birthday. Today. Yells birthday. Where did I put that? I don’t know where I put that, but it’s. It’s a yells birthday today right here. October 9. October 9 is Yale University’s birthday. We’re school. And Bones is. You can see the Knights Templar symbol right there, the red shield. Now, they do play pranks on people. They call it crooking.

So this whole freaking everybody out could have been a prank, like a crooking, maybe. Who knows? But you did have the Thomas Matthew crooks. And this hurricane is called Milton. And I want to give a shout out to call me Kinfolk. Call me Kinfolk. Put the. Put these dots together. I was watching his show earlier, and I thought it was fabulous. Breakdown of Milton the monster was released today, October 9, in 1965, while the Milton hurricane is hitting on October 9. Milton the monster. Can you believe that? And it’s the same day that skull and bones.

Three, two, 2. October 9 was founded at Yale. Not the skull and bones, but Yale University. And October 9 today leaves 83 days until the end of the year. Well, Milton in Gematria is 83. Now, is that a coincidence? Sure. Sure, that’s a coincidence. So I thought that was a dope breakdown, but it nearly missed Tampa Bay, which is the skull and bones logo. Skull and bones. This goes to the equinox. I did a private report over on the Patreon. You got to go check out the Patreon. I got them links down below. You could support this channel if you don’t do the screenshot on the Venmo right there in the corner.

At least one person, like, donate a dollar, do a super chat just to see if it. If it works. That would be cool, because I’ve never been monetized over here. And we’ve put out the Keystone ritual. My latest video. We got an extra 20 minutes on this private video. We did a live stream with Guy Tao straight out of Israel, did one with him and get the private autumn equinox report. Very important stuff. Very, very important stuff. But I don’t know where I was getting. I was getting into the doomsday cult and how it’s the three, two, two.

I’ll get back to that. Let’s get into some of this weather stuff because that’s what’s trending today. Stephen King wrote a book called the storm of the Century, got the Illuminati eye on the movie cover, and Stephen King did the cell movie as well. So there’s a lot of predictive programming, not only in movies, but in literature, and literature turns into films. But we can go back to the predictive programming in other books as well, like the last president that predicted Trump as the last president. The first president is George Washington in the Omega logo, and the omega is the last.

And Trump lives in a big omega. It looks like we did get our first super chat. Wow. Okay. So it did work. Thank you so much. Now I got the notification and I’m gonna try to read it from Hope. Thank you, hope champion. Let’s see if they wrote anything. I don’t think they wrote anything in there. In there. But they did send a super chat for $18. Thank you so much. So it does go through the cash flow. Do go through. Let me see. So that’s good. It’s working. Okay. Alex also sent the super chat for a dollar.

I don’t think they wrote anything, though. Oh, he wrote testing. Okay. I could see it. Thank you, everybody, for being patient with me. We’re testing out the super chat Venmo and seeing just how it works on the fly. And that’s what it’s all about. It’s all about going on the fly and doing stuff. And we just crashed through. Oh, my goodness. 1200 people watching life. Please smash that, like, button. Share the video out. I’m gonna remind y’all every time we pass through a thousand people to share out the video. So hope, she said, love your show.

Thank you. Oh, thank you, Hope. So I am seeing a, seeing that. That’s very nice. Patrick Olson. He says, I don’t think he said anything, but thank you, Patrick. Awesome. So it’s working. So I’m gonna continue the show. That is wonderful. Thank you for the support and the super chats. Very, very good. I’m happy that is working. Very good. So Hurricane Milton, the storm of the century. Joe Biden calls it. Joe Biden calling this. The storm of the century. And that’s what this book’s called, storm of the century. Just like Elon Musk was predicted in a Werner von Braun book.

He was a Nazi working with Hitler. Then he moved over through Operation Paperclip to work with the Disney corporation. He wrote about a group named Elon, the Colonized Mars. And now Elon’s going to colonize Mars. But no, this is not. We’re not living in a movie on television, right? Okay, sure. Forecast group predicts busiest hurricane season on record with 33 storms. We got the 33 storms hitting us, and look how far back this goes. I mean, when I was watching, hey, Arnold, I didn’t even notice the dude was wearing a 33 the whole time. And this is price only sonic handshake that they’re doing.

You know, I mean, a. Arnold’s doing the masonic handshake with the 33, just like the 33 was on the boat with the Knights Templar logo, and the stray kids were performing with the 33s. Look at all the 33s. They’re all wearing the know, we’re kind of old over here on the donut channel. We’re more millennials, but the younger generation. This is, like, what it’s all about. And they’re this band, even though you’ve probably never heard of them and I’ve never heard of them, they’re very important to the Illuminati, because when the power went out, there was predictive programming in their music video.

On the 201 day of the year, when we had the blue screen of death, the largest power outage in history, their music video was trending number one with the blue screen of death. Power outage. Now, come on. Right there. This is called priming. This is priming psychologically. Hypnosis. It’s hypnotic. They’re showing you events that happen in your subconscious mind before they happen, so you’ll accept it, and you won’t freak out as bad, and you just watch the show. They do this in films. This is filmmaking 101. I suggest everyone take a film class, because when you dissect the film, they’ll be like, oh, there’s a murderer on the loose.

And then the next scene, they’ll cut to the murderer, and they won’t tell you that’s the murderer yet, but they’re priming you for that information in your head for the movie screen. So that band having the 33s trending like number one is definitely important. Just, like, leave the world behind. Showed us the blue screen of death. Predictive programming. The boat crashing, predictive programming. And we are being hit with cyber incidences left and right. America’s largest water utility got hit by a cyber incident. Did you hear anything about this? I think this is kind of important. This is more important than food is water.

You could survive a little bit without food, but you can only survive a couple days without water. And America’s largest water utility was hit by a cyber incident. Going back to the whole leave the world behind and the cyber incidences, Verizon had a huge 33 deal before their massive hack or outage or whatever happened. Verizon had a huge outage twice, and it was during the day they did their 3.3 million transaction. Vertical bridge. The bridges are collapsing. Now, Verizon, we’ve got some new symbolism as well, which we broke down on the patreon. Make sure to go subscribe to the patreon.

But this is the symbol of the akat. This is the sun rising over the mountain. That, rest in peace, Jordan Maxwell broke down. He broke down that the symbol of world communism is the sunrise rising over the mountain, which is the Obama logo. And you can see that here with the new Verizon logo. Oh, that’s a stretch. That’s not a sun. Well, it is a sun. Even the word verizon means horizon, which is horus, which is the sun. And it’s the aquette, as you see here. Bill Gates uses it. I shouldn’t even said that word. Dang it.

It’s crazy. You can’t say certain words. But if I keep continuing, maybe it will clog the system. And I just keep saying words for a second. Words, words, words, words, words. But this is the aquette. And I feel like I’m very happy I’m the only one breaking down this symbolism. It makes me very proud. And as you can see, these are the twin peaks and the sun rising over the mountain. Not a very popular topic, but that’s what this is from the side. So we’re looking at the mountain, the twin peaks from the side, and here’s the sun going over the mountain.

That’s what Verizon means. Verizon is a combination of truth and horizon. Verizon. There was even another cyber incident in the way back machine hacker defaces Internet archive on the way back machine. Someone just hacked this. This is why it’s important to download stuff, put it on hard drives and whatnot, because things get erased. So it’s good to download some PDF’s and whatnot. Go download the donut Illuminati PDF over on the Patreon. You know, grab this stuff, Anna. I might even put together like a, like a, some sort of like, hard drive usb folder file or something for the public.

Wicked smart. Maria says wicked smart. The trumpinator up in here. It’s the trumpinator up in here says donut. Woo woo. Thank you. Thank you so much, Pat. And thank you, everybody who sent out the super chats. Very, very kind. I’m happy that, that, that be working this way back machine of them hacking it. They can change reality as well and gaslight us. And I think that’s what’s happening with this Mandela effect and all these different podcasters in the news reports. Like, people just be gaslighting, manipulating us. It make me mad. Here’s Milton. As you can see, the hurricane symbol and the hurricane symbol.

Oh, hurricane. On the Illuminati card. Weather satellites. The hurricane symbol started off with cat Williams in the beginning of the year. People are calling him a prophet. No, he’s part of the Illuminati. This is a script. He even told you he’s part of the 201 comedians. He’s part of the Illuminati, part of the script. And look at this symbol that he’s using. It’s the six nine plus it’s the two lightning bolts of the SS, of the Nazis that Joe Rogan uses as well. This is how I look at the world is through symbols, because symbols will tell you a whole different story.

But the six nine is the keystone. But this hurricane as well is that symbol that they started off the year with, with the comedians. Because when a comedian tells you something, it lowers your defense system. This is why you got Colbert report or whatever. Comedy Central, all the comedians, they have nothing. They, Trevor Noah, they don’t talk about anything funny. They’re not funny. But their comedians, Jimmy Kimmel, who does his out of the masonic temple, they’re not funny. But they’re the ones giving you the political news because they think that they’re funny. So Kat Williams is just another comedian to sell some sort of agenda, just like Jimmy Kimmel selling you an agenda.

And it’s the six nine. I know y’all watched that last video. I won’t talk too much about it. I covered it very deeply. Here’s Katy Perry at the Super bowl, the superb owl where Kendrick Lamar will be performing. He’s an occultist as well. He does the star of Ishtar at the last Super bowl. And here’s Katy Perry, who was dating Russell Brand, who has the 33 on his arm. I mean, come on. I can’t believe how many people fall for the shit of the celebrities that are not part of the club? It’s absolutely ridiculous. And maybe people deserve what they’re gonna get.

I mean, if you can’t critical think, if you don’t see the symbolism. And where did that come from? Everyone says symbolism will be their downfall over on the right. But once you point out some of the symbolism happening in the alt right, then they get mad. No, we don’t use the symbolism, weirdo. What we, the white hats, we go not use simulation. This is crazy. The crowd is crazy. And that’s why I haven’t really been posting a lot. If y’all don’t know, I’ve been posting over on the Patreon. And please go over to the Patreon, please support your boy and get the extra content we’re researching over there.

We’re putting out videos, and then we come over here and then we tell you what we learned over there. So you’re getting the information early and you’re getting. I talk about more topics as well that I don’t talk about publicly over on the Patreon. Or just click the like button. Yes. Jay Steele. So, Katy Perry, shout out to Ani Asaru at the spiritual shade room. I’m subscribed to his patreon and I hope he doesn’t get upset about this. But he was talking about Katy Perry, the 143. And look, it’s like a swirl. And we just saw her swirl.

This is her Katy Perry thing right here. And the category fours, there’s been 143 hurricanes that are catapult, Corey fours. And this was a category for hurricane. I believe this, Milton. And she released this because she’s very connected to this simulacrum and hiding stuff like her album prism. Prism came out during the homeland security prism and thing. And here’s the storm, right? Everybody knows about the storm and, you know, it’s connected to politics with the storm and the people. The. I got some more symbolism of the storm. Let me see. I hope everybody’s okay over there.

Let me see if I could find it real quick. The symbolism of the storm, which goes into, like, the queue. Yes, here it is. Sorry. I’m jumping around everywhere. Dang it. I’m jumping around everywhere. But. Oh, gosh, I’ll just go in order. But I. The queue first post of Q was on 1028, 128. And we’ll get into that symbolism once I find it. I didn’t mean to go through so many different articles. I’m gonna go to the comments real quick. We’re almost at 2000 people watching what’s going on. Oh, good. I’m so grateful. Thank you, Skrilla, for unfollowing.

A lot of people unfollow when I talk about Elon Musk. So I’m very happy you unsubscribe. Very happy about that. Good. Oh, we got three eyes up in here. Shout out to three eyes. That’s cool name, too. I see you over at the secret society. A good guys. I see you, dude. This is not the Sabbath day. The Sabbath sub, Sabbath Shabbat. That means rest and the rest day. Today is not the rest day. Remember the tv show V about the reptilians? Yes. So Jordan Maxwell said that the pharaoh talked about that v was a UFO and it gave him the message of the world.

Communism being the sun going over the mountainous. And that’s the Verizon logo. It’s the v. And remember Trump? He had the blood of the v on his face. And on top of that, the storm that they were showing right here. Look at his tie. What’s his tie doing? It’s making a v. Look, Time magazine. See, this is how stupid people be, though, for real. I’ll be breaking down the symbols on Time magazine with Trump on the COVID and they’ll think it’s an attack on Trump when it’s attack on Time magazine. Time magazine hates trump. And I’m breaking down what is Time magazine showing? But people just are emotional and dumbed down because they watching movies like Civil War.

But you could see his tie had the v on it. So, yeah, that. That’s like huge in the research. Dang it. With the hurricanes. That’s what’s exactly happening. Rhonda says CERN. I saw an article about CERN and cats, so I was trying to read it, but you had to pay to read it. So I just screenshotted it. Maybe I’ll go back to it. Pepperidge farms remembers dark matter. Cern. Oh, okay. Yes, Rhonda. Yep, yep. Shout out to poop. We got poop in the building. So hopefully everybody’s okay up in Florida. But this being the Yale anniversary, which has been in existence longer than 1776, longer than America, they created the secret society called skull and bones.

But there’s a bunch of other secret societies as well. But it’s very powerful secret society. George Bush and his father were part of it. They recruited everyone from the CIA, really, through the skull and bone secret society and skull and bones connection with the knights of Malta as well. I mean, these are just topics that the red pill movement won’t tell you about. They’ll blame it all on jewish people. But they won’t get into the camouflage of all the other institutions that are part of this mafia criminal organization, all working together to divide all of us.

And here’s the purge election. And this takes place on three, two, two. We’re coming up on the election. The l leets with El lawn or even in the ceRn. Stranger things. L eleven. L eleven. L whose birthday? The kids birthdays. On three, two, two as well. Why do they all pick this date? And why do they all have the name l? Because it’s a cult. Because it’s symbolic, because it’s etymology and it’s just what works. Why fit? Why? If it’s not broken, don’t fix it or whatever. You can fool me once, but you can’t fool me a second time or whatever George Bush said.

And we saw this predictive programming in this Dean Koons book, in this project Mars book with Elon. And then if I’ll point out, and I’m in that one guy, I’m a little resentful. That one guy says, I’m unsubscribing because I’m stretching. Have you not seen any of my other videos? I’m stretch Armstrong. I could stretch farther in the imagination than most can. So obviously that person was an idiot. And this is a pyramid. How can you not see that it’s not a pyramid? The pyramid with the pyramidion. The chief cornerstone at the top that’s not placed there yet.

They’re going to place it after the election. That’s why the RNC. This took place right after the 713 event. The 713 is part of the masonic magical square of the masonic compass. Just like the masonic compass is a 47 degree for the 47th president. This is very symbolic for the new currency system. This goes. This is deeper than the left and right paradigm. This is way deeper. Like you think the Illuminati is just thinking about I wonder who gets in this election. You think that they care about. Do you think they’re thinking what’s going to happen in a month from now? They’re thinking how are their children going to control the world in a hundred years from now? Their goals are century long goals.

Most people’s mindset is so limited. It’s such a short attention span of the plans of the Illuminati, how their goals are generational. Why do you think you got massive amounts of influencers teaching kids to be more racist and divisive? What do you think they’re doing to the, like, the 14 year olds for four years from now. My generation was where when I graduate, graduate or whatever, they pumped us up to go into war, into Afghanistan, through the music. The music, the gangster, this stuff like that was very aggressive. And so they’re always manipulating people through stuff like this.

That’s what I believe, and I don’t think I’m wrong there. And there’s so much proof that that’s how the world operates. It’s a micro macrocosm. If you go into a casino, they’re going to be playing certain type of music to make you feel a certain type of way. So you’ll stay a little bit longer and gamble. You don’t think they’re doing the same type of psychological tricks to put you into battle. You don’t think they have the number one artist worldwide, Kanye west attack jewish people on the 281 day of the year, the 128 code. And then exactly a year after that, on the 281 day of the year, in leap years, the Israel event happens.

You think that’s all organic? You don’t think there’s a longer agenda at play? It’s. This is why long form content is very good in. This Instagram shit is terrible. TikTok, Twitter. Long form content is much, much better for your brain than little clips. They’re entertaining, but it’s not really anything at all. I’m being negative as fuck. Sorry about the negativity. Mmm. Go read lyrics to Neil Diamond. I was just venting. Thank you for just listening. I was just dumping on. Oh, yeah, my apologies. I’m trying to be more chill. Thank you, Jeremiah shepherd, for the super chat.

We got the super chats in the bottom right hand corner. Thank you so much. I’m trying to look to see if you said anything or you just sent the super chat. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Okay, I’m getting the hang of this. How this works. That’s really cool. Thank you for the super chat. And it looks like we’re crashing through 2000 people, almost 2000 people viewing live. I’m going to remind you all to smash that, like, button. Share this video out so when the hurricanes over with, all the Floridians can watch it once the power gets back out.

Oh, we got space Arc tv up in here. Shout out to space arctv. As you can see, he’s over on Twitter. We’re streaming on Twitter. Yeah. And that. You’re right. Andrea says the hurricane symbol looks like the PDF symbol. It does, doesn’t it? I was thinking that too. I’m happy you said that. The 33 hurricanes. Can you believe that? So let’s get into some more of this symbolism. Homeland security, for example, with Mountain Dew, when they released the code red Mountain Dew, then they released the code red system for Homeland Security. They got the DEF con right here.

Just like Kanye to defcon three. And then he got banned with three, two followers. Because he’s part of the cult, he’s part of the Red Cross. The last hurricane with Kanye, he was promoting the Red Cross. What is the Red Cross? This is the Knights Templar. When the world was locked down, we had two of these boats on the right and the left side of America taking over America. We just saw that Dolly ship crash at 128 with the Templar logo on it. And that’s what the Red Cross is. Even Alex Jones did a video saying that the Red Cross was responsible for 911.

He did. He did. So. And people who think that the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a baby compared to the bank of international settlements. And look, you got that same symbolism, and that’s in Switzerland, which is the same symbolism, just like the KKK uses that same symbolism. And it’s the red shield, just like the Rothschilds, right? The Rothschilds are part of the red shield, a jewish banking family. They say, no, this is all camouflage. And here’s their magazine. In their magazine, does the predictive programming of the hurricane. As you can see right here, the hurricane was predicted.

Jacob Israel showed us the cat five. He posted this a while ago. We did a show covering this magazine and its importance of the eclipse right here. And I’ve showed how this is the Kabbalah tree of life. No one else broke that down, but I did. But other people find other stuff. Like, this is the Mexico president, and that’s Trump’s ear, his right ear. And here’s the shipping containers and the strike that just happened. And the bridge collapse, because we are in a new year. So happy new year. But people, you know, can’t get gas. You need to get out.

That’s what they were saying. Get out and get the gas. But there’s no gas because the gas emoji is 3220. My goodness. Because there’s a huge. The three two two. Secret society is very, very powerful. There’s multiple different secret societies. There’s not just one secret societies. They’re arms. They’re like an octopus. And sometimes they go to war with each other, but most of the time they’re in agreement with each other. And oh, my goodness. Make sure to go to illuminati, comic.com. illuminati comic.com. we’re about to launch it. I’m gonna pull that website up real quick because we’re getting close to the launch date and I’m chewing the.

These cough drops. I got over two months off nicotine. Can you believe that? So shout out to all y’all support with me getting off nicotine, off drugs and alcohol. Nine years and now I’m off nicotine for two months. And getting off nicotine is way harder than getting off drugs and alcohol. And you just take it one day at a time. If you’re going to quit nicotine, just take a whole month. Just know that whole entire month and a half is going to suck and you’re going to get into beefs. I got into a couple beefs on Twitter with some really strong people.

I just was triggered and angry and just prepare yourself. When you get off nicotine, you’re going to be mad. I would suggest if you can stay off the Internet and just eat a lot of candy, I guess. I don’t know. But these cough drops help because they’re mentholated. Makes you feel like they’re mentholated or whatever. But here’s the Illuminati comic calm. We are about to launch this. And paranoid American is in the hurricane right now. So he probably is not even watching this. He’s probably bunkered up protecting his family. And I think it would be really cool if we can all go over to illuminati comic.com dot, I got the link down below and right here, this.

Notify me on launch. Sign up for it right here. You put the email in and we’ll get this baby up. We’re at over 319. If he wakes up and there’s 400 if just I don’t know how much 400 is. 80 of y’all signed up. He’ll be so excited. He’ll think that I’m cool. And maybe he’ll do a Illuminati comic part two with me, which would be cool. So I would really appreciate it if y’all go over to that launch that I’ll make him excited. We’ve worked on this for over a year. We go through the entire history of the Illuminatus factual evidence and the swag if you want to know about it, you just read through this little thing.

It’s entertaining. And you’ll be wicked smart. You’ll be wicked smart. So I got, I got those links down below now let me, uh, I think I got one of my comments pinned. Let me take off that pin comment real quick. We got 2000 people up in here. Not on YouTube, though. YouTube, we got thousands. Let me see. Remove. Okay, I removed it because we streaming all over the place. Let me check on the rumble, see how many people watching over a rumble, and then we’ll get back into the news. We got 256 on rumble. I wonder if Facebook’s doing good.

I’m trying to figure out where the other thousand views are coming from. Okay, we got 500 people over on Twitter. Damn. Twitter be going. Twitter be going viral. That’s wild. Um, please like that video. Or maybe it’s Facebook too. Let me look. Oh, there. Hmm. Yeah, we got 200 people on Facebook. Facebook sucks because I’m just shadow banned, so it, like, limits me at 200. Oh, also down below, I got USA survival link. If you want to prepare for the apocalypse, go to USA survival. I got that link. Down below I got food storage, bug out bags, and I the Patreon.

So let’s get into these doomsday cults I was telling you about. The three, two two and the doomsday cults. These doomsday cults get activated and promoted with the end of the world stuff because it activates something in your genetics, because the human race has gone through tons of tragic apocalyptic cycles, and people use this to take advantage of other people, especially the whole climate stuff, the whole Greta Thunberg kind of thing. That cult is definitely using it. Uh, the United nations cult. But here’s heaven Gate, and their master, who has the sound paku eyes. This cult leader with the crazy sound paku at the top, consistently told everyone to commit ascension.

Go up into heaven on three, two, two. We told everyone to end their existence on three, two, two. During an astrological alignment. Look at them. Some paku eyes, just like Waltz has the sanpaku eyes or all the crate. See, these are the ones you got to look out for is the whites all around the top ones. Like, everyone gets these. Like, I get them when I’m feeling crazy. But there’s a reason why every thumbnail. People use these in thumbnails. Like Russell brand, for example. He. He’s trying to portray Jesus through the symbolism. It’s evidence of that.

The long hair. But most likely, he’s not. He’s most likely portraying Charles Manson, if anything. And just like Drake is portraying Saturn, right? So there’s different gods that symbolically, people use. Jay Z portrays, tries to portray Jesus. Jehovah, Jay Z, Jehovah. Kendrick Lamar, same thing. He wears the crowns on his head. And Joe Rogan, the most mainstream podcast. Look up on Google. What’s the most popular podcast in the world? It’s Joe Rogan. So it’s the most mainstream podcast in the world. If you watch Joe Rogan, you are part of the mainstream consciousness collective. You are a collectivist.

You are part of the group, and the group is always wrong. And the group is being promoted with some paku eyes at the top. This is symbolic. Your third eye is some pack ood. And, you know, here at the donut factory, we brought you the Sompaku information first. Just like most of the information that you hear, we’d be bringing this information to you first. Soundgarden. The end is near, right? It’s the doomsday sound garden. It’s the doomsday cult for the nineties with the son park who eyes. This is my generation. I grew up in the nineties.

Born in the eighties. Eighties, baby. Soon she wheezy f. Baby 80. Baby crack. I’m a crack baby. And if you go back and watch music videos like on Beavis and Butthead, who. You know, they’re. They’re at home. Three, two, two. That’s their address. Coincidence, though. Just a coincidence. You watch all the music videos. They all got the sound paku eyes because they’re trying to turn the generations crazier and crazier. That’s why Joe Rogan or Russell Brown look at every Russell brand thumbnail. Most of them are the son Parker eyes being promoted. It’s a symbolism to activate some sort of thing.

Even Jonestown with the Kool Aid man Jim Jones. That happened on November 18, the three two two day of the year. The day the Illuminati founder died. Just a coincidence. Death has the shadow. The first family Guy episode, the Kool Aid man appearance. So the Skolan. Bones is very powerful. Still, it’s not the only society. There’s multiple secret societies, and I think the secret societies that are really in power. Not that school bones isn’t in power. Look, Joe Biden got medicated at three, two, two. Elon’s rocket blew up at three two, two. Oprah Winfrey stayed home for three, two, two days.

It’s obviously probably one of the most powerful arms of the control system. Twitter. First post was on three, two, two. Kanye was suspended with three two two followers. Ben Shapiro fired Candace Owens on three, two, two. Just like Candace Owens got baptized at three, two, two. Hmm. No, these are all coincidences. Now, what do you think’s happening over there with the hurricane? Do you think it’s a land grab? I don’t know. I’m pretty stupid. I am so stupid when it comes to hurricanes. But I’ll talk all day about etymology, like Hurricane Kirk’s happening hit in France.

Kirk. What is Captain Kirk? Well, Captain Kirk, he’s a three two two birthday as well, from Star Trek. Captain Kirk, which means church. Did you know Kirk? So, Captain. So this hurricane church, this is Hurricane Church. A lot of people don’t know that, but Captain Kirk, that’s church. His birthday is on three two, two. And he’s part of the space Force, right? The space Force took the Star Trek logo. Piers Morgan apologizes. Piers Morgan is probably part of the three two two as well. He’s apologizing to his masters, Jay Z and Beyonce, the queen bee, who be sacrificing cats and stuff like that.

Pentagon secret UFO data retrieval program. Immaculate constellation revealed for first time a new whistleblower report. And so this climate stuff of the end of the world, if that doesn’t work, there’s been tons of books written by the power elites that they’ll bring in the alien stuff as well. We did the video with Charles Moskowitz, and he went over that and this whole UFO technology on the world stage. This is just setting you up for the new religion. Look at the hand symbol. I mean, this is just ridiculous. The. The once you. Once you know, the symbols, isn’t it ridiculous? I’m just happy I’m not alone anymore, because back in, like, 2006, 2004, it was super lonely.

And now I could talk to all y’all about the symbolism, but I’ve been looking at this stuff for a long, long time and not documenting it, not looking at it. Just a fan. Just fanboying over all the greats out there that brought this research forward. And I just would watch tv and see the symbols and just felt all alone. Now I’m gonna check my venmo, see if we got any more super chats, because I guess it doesn’t make noise. If I do get a super chat, I want to just make sure. Maybe it does. I just want to be on point with that.

It takes a while for my phone to load. Okay. I don’t think we got any new super chats, so I’m gonna continue. But I’m happy that’s working. If you want to also just donate to the show, hook up your boy do. You can go scan this code. That’s the super chat code for my venmo. And we have just crashed through the 2000, so I’m happy about that. Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. We crashed through the 2000. A shout out to Willie North Pole, which y’all know about Willie North Pole. Shout out to Willie. I think it’ll be fun to do a video with Willie North Pole out here in Phoenix, and I’ll ask him if he can give me buff or something.

But we got a comet coming by that doesn’t happen. It only happens every 80,000 years. Please don’t miss your chance to view the comet that hasn’t been here since the neanderthals. And as you can see, I’m a neanderthal. The girls who date me, I tell them, you must be into neanderthals because I straight up look like a neanderthal in real life. I’m like you. You must be into neanderthals. So my ancestors, my Neanderthalians, saw this comet. Now, this is what I’m trying to break down, though. Is that the symbolism of these comets in the end of the world? This is what the doomsday cults be activating.

And I think there’s a lot of this predictive programming happening with the it, which should be happening, I think, tomorrow, tomorrow or in the next couple of days. Just like you see the devil’s comment. Remember they were talking about that and on the mountain dew, pitch black, they had an actual devil hand comet. A devil’s comment. So their comet symbolism, or is very important so that I’ll keep an eye out on that. I’m gonna keep an eye out on that. Here’s the bucks. Have you heard that in Wyoming there’s all these big fires happening and all the images that have been shown on the media are these.

I don’t know what these are. They look like elk or bucks or something, but they leave the world behind. In Tampa Bay’s the buccaneers. Like I said, I thought this whole buck thing was the end of the currency, the box, the end of the world as we know it. But I feel fine. Anyway, thank you all for tuning in. Go support your boy donut. Go to the Patreon. Smash that like, button. Share the video out. Much love and God bless.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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