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It looks like Donald Trump pairs in St. Kyle’s. I think Conan O’Brien’s dad was like a famous microbiologist. Interesting. Which is a very dangerous field to be in. I forgot what it was, the late nineties, early two thousands, like all the top microbiologists in the world started driving off of cliffs and like falling down stairs. Is Conan O’Brien, is he a weird alum? There is a whole other group. The Skull and Bones is the only one that gets talked about, but I think he was part of the theater troupe. And if you look up the other people that are in this kind of secret society, it was its whole own curious rabbit hole.
The whole thing. He had his own office at Harvard and the microbiology where I think the craziest thing about Epstein, even crazier than the honeypot, the facade of it all is this guy wanted to use his, to see the human race. That’s exactly what I was going to say. Yeah. I think it’s all connected to the Gene Hackman, the biggest ritual on the planet next to this one. And this is him with the Knights of Malta watch the Harvard and seeing having his own room. Curious. And Goldie Hawn is still alive.
Yes. Church of the Goldie Hawn. Let me give him a little mustache is going to be, does that look okay? You’re in control of the church of Goldie Hawn or Golden Dawn, whatever it may be. I’ll take Goldie Hawn over Golden Dawn. She claims to have been, to have an alien encounter when she was 20. Shout out to DJ DJ up in here. Oh, in the golden age too. Totally. Goldie and gold. Time of peace, prosperity, and cultural achievement, which is like that, the three. They’re really holding those talk statues very tightly. What do you guys know about Volvo? I know they’re the safest cars, but that was like a total smart city commercial.
Well, I mean, I would say it’s that we’re getting that like, isn’t Volvo a German car? I’m not sure. I know that the Volkswagen was the people’s car for the Nazi party. And like now Volkswagen is the blue van that like live the California filers for the smart city. Oh my gosh, you guys look at this image. What is it? It’s Conan pointing at a map looking like a dictator with a pipe in his mouth. It just feels like he’s like, and here we will conquer here. Like they’re just trying to set this narrative.
That’s crazy. Are they also trying to mock Trump with it? Yeah, they, everyone wants to be anti for sure. Trump in the, the whole leftist brigade of socialists. There’s a death thing right there in the Illuminati hands. And now they’re having Conan speak in all these languages. Has anyone gone deep into like the Holly call that could be a good throw by the Holly C. Well, it’s funny cause this movie with the Pope and everything. Conclave is like one of the big movies of the year. It’s just like we’re under this whole new Papal.
The Pope is dead or dying or whatever date they’re holding them for the ritual. But then this whole huge thing with Conclave is the big movie here. And they release loose the new like animated mascot created by the like ever a fee guy on 1028. The same day that the Vinci code came out about CERN and the Vatican and the Illuminati with Tom Hanks 1028. It’s the one to eight code. And today is the three to date of it all. There’s the two ball cane Ariana Grande thing too is she’s a Dan Schneider survivor Nickelodeon.
It’s like we were just talking about Disney kids. Well, don’t forget about Nickelodeon kids and Ariana Grande is one of those. So this is numerology. I think it says three to two on the Jersey. This is the three to two. Oh, look at that. I didn’t, I saw the front of their Jersey. I didn’t even see that good eye. Those, the doors, Pope, Pope, we’re getting the doors again. And what happened with the Pope, he opened those doors, the portals. Oh, you just said this donut. This is the big push. It’s for the smart city.
This is going to be it’s the same thing with the National Socialist Party. Volkswagen was the affordable people’s car for the people. And that’s what if you go to the WEF website, it’s Volkswagen is going to be the affordable car for the people. You see the California fire thing at the bottom. Yeah. Scan this QR code to save California. Yeah, it’s all connected to the smart city. What’s the meaning of the word volks? Volks literally means the people, the people’s wagon. Yeah. The nation’s wagon. Thank you. I didn’t know that. That’s cool.
The crowd. It’s the crowd that dresses fire, but it’s also a big mirror. Shattered mirror. Yes, which is bad luck. And that shattered mirror, isn’t that MK ultra personalities? Yep. Yeah. A hundred percent might like, like the split cover. But yeah, this is one of those concepts that every one of those shards represent the different personality. Morse code. Yep. More numbers for you at the speed and the digits on the back. And we’re getting this huge British empire push right now where it’s like you got the royals again, and we’ve, you know, been talking about MI6.
They’re not getting like enough MI6. It’s like, we can’t have them talk about just Mossad and CIA here. Remember James Bond, you guys. And the James Bond is connected to the ball and Kane, John D. 007. Yeah. 007. But like throughout it, you get like double crosses and it’s like a bunch of occult symbols in the background. And also Jaws in it is who Kanye’s playing. Was it Robert Maxwell and Onassis separately, both played different bond villains, like we’re built on them as characters. We’re getting another portal symbolism right in the center of it with the James Bond.
See that opening Saturn six rotating like a hurricane in the scarlet woman. Ooh, woman lady in red, the matrix. Jay Dyer is going to have a blast with this one. Oh my gosh, you guys. Let’s be on the nose with it. Yeah. We can’t mess around with this ritual. They just said something about the Sackler family was like help helping work. Yeah, look at that. Conan Bryant in partnership. The Sackler fan, that’s the opioid epidemic. That’s the Sackler family and the kidding. So, uh, cinema streams, Conan O’Brien, along with the opioid crisis and Saudi Kings.
This sounds like the worst people ever. And I just think something about these words together over and over again, Conclave, wicked, Conclave, wicked, like all the same words. It’s just very interesting. That people again, her tears right now are telling me she already knows she won. I’m going to order a grande cappuccino. Look at you guys. I mean, you guys, I called the whole act on this. You should be like, like putting a little bit of money on this on the side. Is that a cat biting it around her neck? So it would be black cat symbolism again, or a snake.
Like a cat or a boros. Very black cat, though. You just keep getting this cat symbolism over and over again, along with the green. Like that’s super like Ides of March or St. Patrick or cloverie or whatever. It seems to be there both in unison. It’s the or Boris, like you said to the tea, how this is big and then see how it gets a little. Like a snake town. Well, I noticed that this guy right here has the or Boris too. I just want to thank everyone, the Academy, everyone that made it possible.
Donut Chaney. What was the next secret society? A good guy show every Friday night at midnight. Maybe I can hop on the next one. Yeah. Come hang out. Whatever’s going on in the world. We’ll pretty much talk about whatever. There’s no place you can’t go with the secret society of good guys. Let’s get weird. Oh yeah. I’m going to hop on the show. Like follow the white rabbit, you hopping onto the show. So stupid. That was more entertaining than the entire Oscar. That’s going to be my new like when I go over like, you know, that’s going to be my new thing.
Hop on over to the Patreon. Well, thank you both so much. Love you guys. You guys are awesome. I love spending time with you. Same. Same. I love you both. Much love, God bless. [tr:trw].