Something Strange is Approaching Worldwide 2024

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➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories and symbolism related to the Illuminati, Freemasons, and the U.S. presidency. They suggest that President Trump and President Biden are part of these secret societies, pointing out supposed hidden symbols in their actions and words. The speaker also mentions a theory that Vice President Kamala Harris will take over the presidency from Biden due to some event. They encourage listeners to look for these symbols and question the official narratives.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and symbolism, particularly related to the Illuminati. It mentions the Chucky series, the MKUltra assassins, and the symbolism in the names of famous figures. It also talks about a comic called Illuminati and a Kickstarter project related to it. The text further delves into sexual symbolism in commerce and architecture, and ends with a discussion about Kamala Harris raising money and a Netflix movie.
➡ The speaker discusses their thoughts on how popular culture influences migration patterns, potentially changing the political landscape of a region. They also share their personal experiences living in various places, including Nashville, Portland, and Scottsdale, and their desire to move to a small town. They express their concerns about the changing environment and the importance of being surrounded by like-minded people. The conversation also touches on the impact of lockdowns on mental health and the rise of ASMR as a form of human interaction.
➡ The text discusses the importance of being prepared for emergencies, such as having survival supplies like water and food. It emphasizes that being prepared can reduce stress and increase survival chances during crises. The text also mentions various online platforms and projects, encouraging people to subscribe and participate. Lastly, it touches on issues of censorship on certain topics across various platforms.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the release of a new movie, the funding of Kamala Harris’s campaign, and the significance of certain dates and events in relation to astrology and ancient cults. They also mention the prediction of Bitcoin’s value and the symbolism found in the Titanic and the Olympics. The speaker suggests that these events and symbols are part of a larger, coded narrative orchestrated by the elite.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and their potential meanings, including the milkshake, Isis, and the Olympic torch. It also mentions the Illuminati’s connection to the French Revolution and the symbolism in the Olympics. The text ends with a discussion about fire rituals and their historical significance, particularly in Rome.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and symbolic interpretations of events and products, such as Burger King’s fiery menu, sharks in the news, and the symbolism on the dollar bill. It also mentions potential predictive programming in media and the possible implications of these symbols. The author suggests that these symbols might be hinting at future events or changes, such as a religious war or a financial reset. The text ends with a prediction of chaos in 2025 based on these interpretations.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations about current events, including the UFC’s color palette, the significance of Hunter Biden’s back tattoo, and the authenticity of Joe Biden’s public appearances. It also explores the idea of a ‘hive mind’ created by constant cell phone use, the fear of being alone (autophobia), and the impact of AI on our ability to perform basic tasks like writing. The text suggests that the digital world can distract us from reality and that stepping away from it can lead to personal growth and understanding.
➡ The text discusses the use of memes to bypass computer algorithms and spread information. It also mentions the creation of a comic, the exploration of Masonic and Illuminati symbolism, and the analysis of the band Blink 182’s connections to various conspiracy theories. The text ends with a discussion about the political landscape, specifically the potential use of the 25th amendment on President Joe Biden.
➡ The text discusses various political theories and predictions, including the idea that a presidential candidate can’t run with a vice president from the same state due to potential loss of electoral votes. It also mentions the influence of celebrities like Oprah and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in politics. The text further delves into conspiracy theories about underground tunnels and secret societies. Lastly, it talks about the strange calmness of people during violent events, suggesting the possibility of frequency manipulation.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations about events and people, including UFOs, stock market manipulations, and political maneuvers. It also touches on cultural phenomena like Fight Club and Burning Man, suggesting they have hidden meanings or agendas. The conversation ends with a critique of the Matrix franchise and its creators.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including Elon Musk’s influence, his plans for SpaceX, and the future of technology like Neuralink. It also touches on the impact of popular figures like Mr. Beast and Kanye West, and speculates about future events like the 2030 space mission and potential changes in technology and society. The text also delves into conspiracy theories and connections between various elements of pop culture, technology, and ancient history.


Up. It’s donut. And you tuning into all your Illuminati news. Yes, we gonna get into some illuminati symbolism that be crack a lacking right now. How’s everybody doing? We started ten minutes early because being early is being on time. So shout out to everybody here early. Hello, butterfly server. Bot. Bot says the Economist article, which I actually brought up. Great find. Wonderful find. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I got it right here. This article that he’s talking about. He says the economist’s article, unprecedent, uncharted, not unthinkable, contains steganographic information related to Trump.

Mister Trump. That’s what they always call him. They call him Mister Trump. They won’t say President Trump because they don’t like him. The Rothschilds don’t like him. Mister Trump’s predictable problem. Security, Pennsylvania to delay time. So check this out. Great, fine. I got to pull it up right here. And the reason I say the Rothschilds don’t like him is because this is a Rothschild magazine and they say Trump’s the biggest threat. Now that could just be a whole wrestling show as well. But that’s why I said that, because we are reading the Rothschild magazine, which predicts the future, and you got Trump as the moon.

He’s the eclipse. We’re coming up on a solar eclipse. We’re going to get through it. But in this article, right in the beginning, this is what it says, bearing unforeseen illness or death of one of the presidents. Illness or death. And we had both of those things crack a lacking and cancer and the symbol of cancer. But we are going into Leo. We are actually in Leo now with the fire rituals. I mean, there’s more predictive programming right there in that magazine. But we’re going to get over into a lot of symbolism, mostly sexual symbolism. Yes, because Biden pulled out that pull out game week.

Biden pulled out. And it was one of my most engaging posts I’ve ever did. I didn’t understand that. A lot of people don’t realize that most of the symbolism goes back to sexual symbolism. So we’re going to get into it. It’s absolutely wild, just like this thumbnail. What’s trending right now is people are shocked. They’re absolutely shocked that Trump funded only $5,000, not a lot, $5,000 to Kamala in 2011. People are shocked by this. It doesn’t shock me because Trump had everyone in their pocket. He funded the Clintons. Trump funded the Clintons. That’s why the Clintons were at all of his weddings because he had them in his pocket.

Not my words. That’s his words. And one of his greatest books called the art of the comeback. Because the dude does business, right? He’s the president of businesses, and America is a corporation. That’s why I say God bless America, not the United States of America, because those are two different entities. America is what the Constitution was built on. But then a change to a corporation and a change to the United States of America corporation. Jordan Maxwell uncovered all this, and we’re going to build upon his research tonight with the sexual shimbalism. In one of his books, he helped co author called Sex Stars and something else.

I don’t know, I’ll bring it up. But. But Trump had everybody in his pocket, so this doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me, though, is the date. The date says 913. Nine is seven. I know that sounds weird, but nine is September. And September is for the 7th month, Sep is for seven. So that would be 713. And that’s the assassination attempt date. Plus it’s number 48. I believe he will be the 48th president because Joe Biden, some kind of event will happen where Kamala will step in. As you can see, it’s all in the symbolism.

Here is Biden walking out in Kamala, stepping in. Here’s her doing the same masonic walk on the black checkerboards. Her feet are on the black square. This is why a pope was assassinated as he entered the square. It’s all symbolism. And we’re gonna go into that symbolism because this presidential election is very important symbolically to the founding of the country with masons. It was a conspiracy of freemasons that started this country. So absolutely it’s important. The symbolic masonic symbolism for America. It’s absolutely important for the 47th degree compass for the 47th president. As you can see right here, the 47 degree of this compass, which John Dee, who coined the term british empire, was holding and his birthday was the same day that the assassination attempt took place on the 137.

As you can see, this is the 47th compass for the 47th president. And this is the 90 degree angle right here. You plus them together, it’s one, three, seven. The 13th of the 7th month is when the Trump assassination attempt happened. So we can see through the symbolism that it’s masonic ritual, king kill. 33 rituals that are taking place now. I got a lot of Trump’s book, and this is from my favorite book of his, the art of the comeback. And I’m looking at him shaking Reagan’s hand. Reagan also went through the similar assassination attempt that Trump did.

And Reagan was a Bohemian Grove member. He was very connected with manly P. Hall the time of his. When he got elected governor or whatever, he did it as a ritual. There’s tons of articles on it. So I’m looking at the handshake. His thumb seems to be on the middle finger, just like Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Their handshake seems to be the exact same with her thumb on the middle finger. Now, I’m not 100% sure. I’m just looking into the masonic symbolism of that handshake, which goes into the real grip of the fellow craft, jochine. Like you got Boaz and Jahin.

So this is symbolism as well. I’m not 100% sure. This cannot be correct. I’m just looking at the symbols because that’s what we do over here. We look over the Illuminati symbolism, and we go over the Illuminati news, and we got over a thousand people up in here. Oh, my goodness. Please smash that, like, button. Share this video out. We’re streaming all over the place. We’re back on YouTube. After I was removed for a week for covering what happened to Trump. Seems like most people, their videos are still up, but for some reason, I keep getting in trouble.

So go over to the Twitter in the rumble in the newsletter. I got those links down below the Twitter and the rumble, I’m posting there all the time. I just posted brand new videos up there. I just keep posting videos. I just posted the war of the Illuminati roses video over on Twitter and Rumble. Make sure to go check that out. Absolutely fascinating. Going back to where is the illuminati in the secret societies stemming from? And we’ll get into it a little bit on here, but get that early access. Get that early access over on Patreon.

Get that early access over on those websites. So that would be the handshake for Boaz and Jahin. The two pillars, the black, the white, kind of like that square that Kamala is stepping on right here. The black, the white, which goes back to the Knights Templars. It’s Knights Templar symbolism. It’s the Knights Templar symbolism. But Knights Templar symbolism doesn’t trend as much as masonic symbolism. I mean, the White House is based off of a Templar house, so. But that the truth. People don’t like to hear the truth. They. They want the. The basic stuff. But we get weakest mod over here.

We’re not going through the basic stuff. We going through the. The deep research. Thank you, Jessica. Jessica, Williams, up in here. Smash that like button. Thank you, Rhonda. Up in here. God bless you, Rhonda. Thank you for being here. Server bot replied, the key to decipher is the two question squares from the COVID If you overlay the COVID Oh, wow. Well, you know, server bot, he’s talking about steganography, and I’m going to screenshot this so I can do it for the next show. But steganography is these hidden symbols, these occult symbols hiding in the paintings. Hiding in the.

In the paintings. But where’s Joe Biden at? Joe Biden is missing. You got to put him up on that milk carton, because. Where is he? Where is he? The flagpole is at half mass, but I don’t think it was for Biden. It probably is, though. Who knows? But it was for the other lady who passed away. But we’ll get into it. We’ll get into it because there’s a lot of strange stuff happening. Where. Where is Biden? We got Kamala Harris given the speech. Absolutely strange. She says that she’s talking to Biden on a recording, and then she stops and she says, oh, no, on the call.

Let’s go to that clip real quick. It is so good to hear our president’s voice. Joe, I know you’re still on the. On the call. See? She says, on the recording. On the call. I’ll play that again. Still on the call. That’s voice, Joe, I know you’re still on the call. And we’ve been talking every day. You probably. You guys heard it from Doug’s voice. We love Joe and Jill. We really do. They truly are like family to us, and we do. Everybody who does, it’s mutual. I knew you were still there. You’re not going anywhere, Joe.

I’m watching you kids. I’m watching you kids. I love you. I love you, Joe. So they probably faking it in that new Chucky series. I don’t know if anyone saw the Chucky series, but they faked it as well. They did a huge sacrifice to Dumbala at the White House to make sure Chucky, Charles Lee Rayde doesn’t pass away. And Charles Lee Ray is who Chucky is. And that’s the three names. Charles Lee Ray, the three first names, like Thomas Matthew Crooks, goes into the MkUltra with Kennedy and JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth. It’s the three names of the MkUltra assassins.

And we’ll get into that. But I think that the more I look into it, it seems like a scripted reality my first reaction was, it wasn’t. But the looking at it, the more I’m like, oh, my goodness, this exceeds like, we live it in a scripted television show. Hmm. So there was an article in the new european saying the bullet hit Trump but killed Joe Biden. That’s what they said. I even said that word. I wish I didn’t say that. But it seems like more predictive programming as they know what is going down. But we gonna get into the shakes, shimbalism, the naughty, the illuminati symbolism, and shout out to paranoid american, he made a comic actually called Illuminati, a very talented guy.

He made this one for the one on one podcast. You got prime time, the pimp on the blimp. I got the foil edition. And we’ve been working on a project for over a year now. The links are down below. Make sure to go check out that link. We got a Kickstarter happening. You’re going to want to make sure that you go to the. Notify me on the launch. You got to click this button and sign up to the Kickstarter because the 44 people that are signed up, they’re going to get first access not only to the dope comic, but we got memorabilia and certain cool stuff, like a donut toy.

Oh, my goodness. What a donut toy. In the creation, the homunculus got his own toy. So I’m looking forward to the donut toy. So going to that website down below. Going to the. Notify me on the launch. I got the links down below that you’ll get first access to. We’re going to have these EMF protector doughnuts that are just super sick. But let’s get into the, the shacks. Symbolism, this is gonna blow. No pun intended. Your mind, we about to blow your mind with all that Illuminati news. So Joe Biden pulled out that pull out game week.

And the truth is stranger and fiction. The truth is stranger than fiction. Right here, Al Jazeera mainstream news. Joe Biden pulls out. He interviews Cardi B, who pull out game week. Right here, the Drudge report, one of the most mainstream democratic newspapers. Biden pulls out the hardest decision. And right here, I got the Washington monument, which is a phallic. It’s male genitalia. That’s what that symbolizes. We’re going to get into it because it is funny. I got a lot of emails saying this is, I don’t know if you’re being funny or joking, which I am being funny and joking, but it’s also true.

What does Ladd and Congress mean? To come together or sexual intercourse? When you look into etymology, this is how the world actually operates, is through etymology and symbols and ley lines and bloodlines that the old dictionaries, not the new ones, the old ones, will tell you that Congress means sexual intercourse. And that’s what be happening over here at Congress. You got the phallic, the male genitalia right there inside the female genitalia, the yoni, the Vesica Pisces. So it is a phallic inside of a yoni. That is sexual symbolism. So it’s absolutely everywhere. It’s in commerce as well.

So your credit card, mastercard. It’s the same yoni symbolism and commerce. Right here, the dictionary, in the Collins Dictionary of Commerce. Just go down and see. What does commerce mean right here, sexual intercourse. Commerce also means sexual intercourse, because that’s what it all goes back to in the language, the Oregon energy. You got the. The phallic in the Vesica Pisces. But this is the oval office, which is the. The female in the masculine, the masculine and the female. So it’s definitely illuminati symbolism happening. Here’s Congress. What does Congress mean? Let’s go down. Oh, the meeting of the sexes in sexual commerce.

That’s what Congress means. American dictionary of the english language. So, yes, it is funny. It is a funny tweet, and I was being humorous, but it’s also true. And we’re going to expand on Jordan Maxwell’s research as well, of the Vesica Pisces. You can see right here, which is the yoni symbol, which is used in religions of the ICtis. And we break down the ichthys over with James Tunney. If you all like that James Tunney interview, we broke down the symbol right here, and you would be mind blown. What he has. I’ll make that public eventually.

I just been very, very busy. But we go into how this goes into the neural links and the brain chips and how they’re trying to cut you off from God. He breaks it down, is fascinating. You can only access that now. Right now over on the patreon, only cheaper than a bag of skittles. You just click here, the official Patreon. You join it. Join all of our members. We do Zoom calls. We just did a Zoom call five days ago, and we’re going to be doing another Zoom call either probably in this weekend. This weekend we’ll probably be doing a Zoom call.

So come hang out with us and get early access to these videos and videos that I’ve never released. Like, I got a child of the actual Illuminati speaks out video. I got a ton of good stuff up there, so make sure to go. Go over there. Go get wicked smart. But let’s get more into this naughty symbolism with the big bang and other stuff. So Joe Biden pulls out. Here’s sky news. Biden pulls out. Yes. Biden pulls out. The hardest decision. Yes. Yes. And here’s some old symbols of the phallic and other. Here’s to net. This is where actually paranoid American, his research.

He breaks down how this symbol of tanette is where we get the illuminati eye. And you could totally see it. You could totally see how it’s the pyramid with the eyeball, and she was married to ball, and you can see, like, how ball has his hands up, which is, like, where soccer post or the football post comes from. So the symbology is super interesting, learning it. And once you see the symbols, you could kind of see there’s another story being told, and there’s just so many different symbols within symbols. So, like, right, there’s tenet. You got a ton of different symbols there.

But even this crescent moon, the horns, goes into Moses story and astrology stories, and even these two pillars, I mean, the symbols have so many meanings, and it’s my most fascinated topic in my mind. And this is coming from the book symbol sex and the stars, where I’m getting these images from. Jordan Maxwell helped write this as well, but you can even see it at the Super bowl with Ishtar, with Janet Jackson. Or the big bang. They tell us the universe is created through a big bang, right? Banging. The big bang. This explosion of energy. Big bang.

Well, let’s look at the symbols of the big bang. Right here is the big bang right there. Big bang. Bada bing, bada boom, boom, boom. Bang. Bang that, boom, boom, pow. Them chickens like my style, they try to jack my research. I’m on that next year now. So it’s a big bang, and then it turns into this symbol. Look at this symbol, and it’s interesting. Notate that this is the supernova. So the big bang. Supernova. Remember what happened in the Middle east at the supernova festival? So here’s the big bang symbol. Now, here in. In the Middle east, in Israel, this is where they hold the Dead Sea scrolls.

And you can see there’s the phallic in. In the yoni. It’s. It’s sexual symbolism. And look at that. What does that look like? It looks just like this just upside down. It’s the big bang symbol, the create. This is the dead Sea scrolls. This is the scriptures. This is the beginning, and that is the big Bang. Now, look at this. We can add upon, we’re adding upon Jordan’s research right now of this symbol. What does that look like? It looks like a condom. Am I just being too Illuminati right now, or is there something here? Is there something going on with the symbolism? Because the symbolism is there.

So we’re going to get into the movies, the scripted reality. Kamala HArris is raising all this money, over 200 million, which is exactly how much money you need to actually fund a film. If you want a titanic movie production, it’s going to cost around $200 million. Netflix’s biggest movie is called the Red Notice with the Rock, who I think will be. He could be the element of surprise. The run against Trump, with the wrestling with Hulk Hogan and all that. That sounds crazy, but the scripted reality. So we gonna get into the descriptive reality a little bit.

Hello, everybody. We got above average up in here. Joe says, whoo, whoo, whoo. We can wicked smart. Hello. Nicholas Hunt. Good to see you, necklace. Ozzy girl in here. Appreciate you too. Aussie girl. Coffee girl. Cynthia Alchemy, Atlanta in the house. Hello, everybody. Hello, everybody. Shout out to Alfred. What up, Marissa? Up in here. We did a podcast with Marissa going over just topics I can’t talk about on YouTube. I gotta edit that and put it on the rumble on the twitter. Hello, everybody. Hmm. Let’s go. All right, I’m gonna get back into it with this movie script, the Illuminati movie script.

So we got some movies being released. I’m looking out for this movie. The trap releasing on eight to Biden and Kamala raised eight one. So it looks like they’re pointing to the date eight one, but this movie gets released on eight two. And when these movies are trending, that’s when these events happen. We just saw that with the blue screen of death and. And the assassination attempt that on YouTube, you had music videos and movies trending about that exact topic. So this movie by M. Night Shyamalan that’s coming out is about concerts. We’ve been covering these satanic alchemical concerts with Taylor Swift, where people are getting amnesia going through a sort of project artichoke.

And this movie, it looks really good. So I’m excited to see this film. But it is interesting that it goes into the strange events that happen at concerts that we cover with Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, and whatnot. So Kamala raised 81 million is appointing to that eight. One day, in 24 hours. They’re being backed by Hollywood. Hollywood power brokers are funding it. So right there, it’s a Hollywood movie script being funded. They’re about to roll out a Hollywood film for America surrounding Kamala. It’s like a Borat movie, as you can see. She raised about 200 million.

Now, I think it’s like 250 million. And that’s the budget that you need for a film. It’s 200 million. That’s how much this, the rock film cost. And even the Titanic with Leo. As we’re entering Leo, we’ve entered Leo. I’m looking out for Leonardo DiCaprio to pop up in rituals in the world stage because he’s a Hollywood actor. He was in Titanic. Titanic cost 200 million. But everything connects to the astrological alignments for the elite, for the different solstices, the spring equinoxes, the summer solstice. This one, you know, bohemian Grove go down at certain times. These rituals happen at certain times of the year.

So Leo season’s kicking off. In Leo season ends after cancer. We had all these events happen on the egg, the six nine and the 96. Kobe Bryant’s father passed away in cancer at 69 years old. It’s right here. It’s the astrology arch that you see in Mithra symbolism, which is connected to the Olympics this year and these ancient cults that are underground, the Mithra and Sabel cults. So right here’s cancer. And then we’re going into August. And I think that’s what Elon Musk was hinting at by this royal arch. So the royal arch at the top is six nine, and then it goes down.

So I thought in looking at this, I was like, I wonder if he’s notating that bitcoin is going to hit 68,000 at the top, then start to go down and look at this. Just like clockwork. Bitcoin. I did get that correct. Bitcoin hit the all time high right here for that month at 68,000. And then it started to go down. Now it’s at 65,068. 65. So I did predict that correctly. Applause for me, everybody. Applause for me. But you can see here’s another astrological chart in that book of sex symbols and the stars, where this is the cancer, six nine.

Then it goes into Leo. So that’s the top of the arch. And. And then we’re going into Leo. That’s why I’m looking out for Leo. Even, like skull and bones, which goes back to a Mithra cult. Their symbolism connects them to Mithra. Skull and bones is the three two two right here. And it’s for the equinoxes and the ellipticals or whatever. So right here you can see they start counting in the ancient calendars on March 22 on three, two, two. So it’s all connected to the equator and the astrology and these rituals right here. In most ancient calendars, the year began at the time of the vernal equinox, March 22.

And that’s this. That’s what the crossbones are, are the vernal equinox. Plus it’s a male and female bone as well. Ani covered that. So we getting that wicked smart information over here, the donut factory. So please make sure to smash that like button for the wicked smart research that we doing over here. We can. Wicked smart. What up, Mike? Jace Ventura. My, we got a ton of people up in here. We almost passed that 2000 because people up in here, that’s dope. That’s dope. I appreciate it. So let’s get back into some more slides. The Titanic, which was this JP Morgan Federal Reserve ritual, was a king kill 33 ritual of a ship, and all ships are females.

It’s the Titan, the Titans. The Titanic sinks, and they made the film with Leo, and it cost $200 million. How much Kamala raised? Because we are going to see a movie played out. We’re watching a movie script played out funded by Hollywood. And if you look at the timeline of the Titanic at 218, this is the text code. This is the date after the Olympics, 812, the helical rising. The bridge collapsed at 01:28 a.m. this code is absolutely nuts. So the Titanic, the lights went out at 218. That’s the same text number that Biden sent out right here at 218.

They’re speaking in code to the elite. We’re not supposed to know this, but we decoding it. And look, this first FEMA text right here, August 11 on the helical rising. I’ve been covering this for years because it’s one of the most important days. One of the most important rituals is August 10 in the day, centering upon it. That’s why Jack Dorsey tweeted on August 10 saying, day zero. And I’ll show you some more stuff connected to this new Olympics. The phrygian cap Mithra and all that. The french revolution and its connections to August 10 for the helical rising.

These are when these rituals go down. That’s when Kamala, around that time, was selected for vice president. So the lights on the Titanic go out at 218. So maybe that’s what gonna happen. The lights might go out in America or somewhere. The. We just saw the. The biggest outage happen on the three. The 201 date. And we’re coming up on this Olympics, the 2024 Olympics. And Paris is interesting in the France. The french connection to masonry in the mafia is interesting as well. And ISIS is warning of a lone Wolfen drone attack on the Eiffel Tower in one of their memes, where they showed this.

Now, Paris in IsIS, there’s a connection to both of them. So Paris is similar to Isis. It’s par Isis. Paris. Par Isis Paris. Now, I’m not a historian. I can’t totally fact check this, because I’m nothing archaeologist, historian. I just look at symbols. But this was an interesting website I found going over the connections of Paris and Isis Parisis. And right here is IsiS squirting out the milk, the milkshake into the cup. So everybody very happy in Paris for the Isis milkshake, the milk coming out, going into the sexual symbolism. We’re going to continue that. And then you also got this pyramid and the rose lines, the algo lines right down here.

Let’s get into a clip of what I have over on the rose lines and the connections to the Illuminati. Let’s go to that clip. The war of the Illuminati roses. The Illuminati roots of the rose can be traced back to the order of psion and the Knights Templars. The elites understand the power of symbols to the psyche soul and utilize them for mind control. The symbols are not evil, but powerful. Carl Jung has shown that the rose is a symbol lying deep in the collective unconscious, which represents the maternal womb and perfection achieved by balance. The rose was the main symbol at the Met gala.

Rihanna and bad bunny portraying the rose and the majority of everyone else in the black and white attire representing the masonic duality checkerboards of balance. The Met Gala was portraying the exact symbolism Carl Jung spoke about with what the rose represents to our unconscious. The celebrity met Gala ritual and the bank collapse of First Republic happened on the same day, May 1. Five one. The Illuminati founding day, the Knights Templars, was the OG banking cartel. So this ritual fits in perfectly as we move into the new banking system of CBDCs. Drake named his son. So now I gotta go on and on about it.

So that video is over on Rumble on Twitter. Go subscribe to the Rumble on Twitter. But the extended version of that video is on Patreon. And we dropped that, like, a year ago or maybe even two years ago. So you get early access to the wicked smart information over there. And these are the rose lines, the algo lines, the ley lines, and here’s the royal arch right here. So this olympics is very important, but let’s get into the milkshake, bringing all the boys to the yard. You got ice spice. Look, her name is Isis, and she is doing a milkshake ad right now.

The ice spice. She’s grabbing the breasts. And I was showing how her album cover, her name being Isis, is the symbol of Isis. So this is the symbol of IsiS. And this is ice spice being promoted at the Super bowl doing, like, that satanic hand sign with Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is promoting her as well. But this can be a stretch. But I’m going to stretch right now because we going over the illuminate. So the milkshake, right? We were showing the milk and the symbolism right up here. The milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard.

I think that there’s something up with that symbolism, for sure, with the milkshake and Isis and the milk. Remember that song, milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. I believe this goes into some symbolism, even for Venus. The symbol of Venus is the tiptoe. So you’ll see Barbie on her tiptoes because it’s a symbol of Venus. So this symbol was erected. Isn’t that a funny word? They erected the monument in Paris on the helical rising on August 10. It’s called the Fontaine de la regeneration, and it’s the fountain, the Fontaine. You got a knights Templar named Fontaine.

And they cloned Tyrone. The guy’s name was Fontaine, because the Fontaine is the fountain symbolism, because one of the original knights Templars, his name was Fontaine. So very interesting there, going back in history. And this is the insurrection of August 10, 1792, the French Revolution. The Illuminati was created in 1776. At least it was an idea. And there was a lot of connections to the French Revolution and the Illuminati and the Jacobins. And look, that day, August 10, the helical rising. It was a revolution. It was a rising revolution where they decapitated. And you see the Mithra hats right there? That’s the symbol for the Olympics going back to Sabel in Mithra.

Uh, so, yeah, in the fire of the minds of men, revolutionary faith, revolution, spirit. The religion of the Illuminati and the secret societies is revolution. That’s their religion. So I thought that was an interesting painting an interesting date, bringing all the boys to the yard for the milkshake of IsiS. Now, it’s not just in that religion, as we’re breaking down all the sexual symbolism and religion. You even got it with a lot of Knights Templar symbolism in other religions. We covered this with. I believe he was a Knights Templar. We covered this symbolism of the milkshake with Matt.

Eric, check out that live stream. It’s still up on YouTube as well. He knows more about this than I do. But here’s the phrygian cap going back to Mithra and Sabel and the french revolution. And that is the symbol for the Olympics. They got the mascot with the fridging cap, so it does seem very, very ancient. And the passing of the torch, that’s what they were saying in the mainstream news. Joe Biden passes the torch and transforms the race for the presidency. Passing the torch, the Illuminati torch to Kamala. Now, Paris was called Lucy, which meant swamp or marsh.

Marsh or swamp. And Vance just got put in. And Vance also means swamp or marsh. Shout out to Jacob Israel and prayers out to Jacob Israel as well. He pointed that out because it’s all about draining the swamp. And that is not a new term. The people have been saying drain the swamp since the 18 hundreds. So there’s a long history of, uh, these terminologies and terms. But passing the torch is connected to the Third Reich. The dark history of the Olympic torch relay. This was Adolf’s idea. The national socialist idea of the nazi party was to bring the torch.

And the world loved it so much. They continue it today because in ancient Greece, there was no torch. Right here. The Olympic torch flame was inaugurated in 1928. The ancient Olympic games. The torch relays, in ancient greek, they didn’t include that. Isn’t that scary? I’m scared, but now I feel calm because Snoop Dogg will be carrying the Olympic torch ahead of the ceremony. I mean, come on, man. That’s funny because we live in, like, a idiocracy. Look at that. Look up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plan. I the big dog. Y’all messing with the insane.

Get down. Represent the town. You only go halfway down on the pound. I feel like I got the snoop Dogg energy whenever I’m at. Like, if I go somewhere where they’re playing music and snoop Dogg comes on, for some reason, everybody want dance with me. I just carried that. That snoop Dogg energy. Look up in the sky, the bird is the plane sipping on that gin and juice. Lay back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind. Yeah. So this Olympic ceremony, I’ll be covering it quite heavily. Me and Jacob Israel, we’re going to do a decode on this.

So that’s going to be very exciting because we’re in the dragon year. In the last dragon year of 2012, they showed the predictive programming in the satanic ritual of that Olympics. So I wonder what this Olympics is going to be all about for 2024. It’s probably going to be crazy. It’s probably going to be crazy. Now, I want to give a shout out now. Let’s go to our sponsor, USA survival. Stay prepared in any emergency. Get yourself some food storage. Get your dopocalypse bucket in the bug out bag. These are the two that I’ve had for over ten years.

God bless my new sponsor, USA survival. Be prepared in any emergency. Believe in these products. So go over there, let them know that donut sent you. I got the links down below. This video is sponsored by USA survival. And go get your food. They got other stuff as well. These are the two products that I’ve used for over ten years. I have them and I believe in them. The food storage and the bug out bags, you can grab it and go in any emergency. So shout out to my sponsor, USA survival. So I’m gonna go back to some more comments.

I got those links down below. Make sure to. To go to those links down below before we continue with the fire rituals and everything going on. See where everybody signed. I thought steganographer was someone who wrote shorthand in the courtroom. Probably steganography is the term I was saying. Shazane, I ain’t bothered if people hack my phone, laptop. Jessica, Pisces and everybody please smash that like button and share the video out before we get into the fire rituals because there’s a lot of programming, predictive programming of the fires happening right now. Dre, Snoop and Eminem performed at the.

At the superb owl, the Super Bowl. A lot of people up in here. A lot of people up on the YouTube. Let me check my YouTube, see how YouTube doing. Seeing how Twitter doing. Looks like Twitter. We got 300 people up it here. And Twitter and our rumble. I’m trying to build my rumble on my Twitter. We got almost 300 people up on the rumble. And the YouTube we got. I’m just checking on everybody. We got 1300 people up on YouTube. YouTube’s my biggest platform. So everybody on YouTube, make sure to go subscribe to my Twitter and rumble.

And then I’m also on Facebook. But my Facebook is pretty much shadow banned and worthless. Is Project Cheney up in here? Project Cheney up in here? Yeah. You can’t tip on YouTube because I’m demonetized. So I’ve been demonetized, like, this whole YouTube career of mine. So supporting, that’s why I’m so grateful for the sponsor and also Patreon members as well. And Cheney, if you want to hop up on here, you feel free to. I’ll send you the link right now. If you want to hop up on here. I’ll send it to you over on Twitter. If you want to come on and say hello to everybody because we love Project Cheney.

I got a meat Project Cheney. We both did a podcast with Sam Tripoli on stage. You could check that out. It’s, it’s, it’s on the Internet at places. I got it as well over on the Patreon. Let me send this over to Project Cheney, and then we’ll get into the fire rituals. So I’m sending it to Cheney on Twitter. If she wants to join, you’re welcome to join. So let’s get into the fire rituals. I said on July 17 because China caught up on fire. I said the fire rituals are going to begin because it was July 18 in China and the history of firefighters and the rituals that go down with firefighters in Rome and the fire brigades.

There was the six days of hell where Rome caught on fire for six days starting on July 18. And you can see on this menu the fiery menu of Burger King nationwide limited time, July 18. This goes into the fire rituals of the great fire of Rome. And these fire rituals are land grabs. That’s what they were used for back in the day, and I believe they’re still used today. So the whole world is on fire with the fiery menu. Now, this is how the simulacrum works. They use the same terminology in all the news articles.

Biden pulls out. Biden pulled out. Pulled out. Pull out. To get it into your mind, into your soul. Look, they even got me on there. I’m hiding in the corner. They know I know what’s up. They know I’m watching. But it’s called the fiery menu. Burger King’s not the only one spelling it this way. Fiery. You even got subway with the fiery subs and doritos with the fiery mango. I’m sure they’re probably all owned by the same corporation, but this is how they get it into the mind and the programming. And even the shark on there is interesting because I’ve been noticing sharks all over the news.

The mainstream has been talking about sharks quite a bit. Even an iPad goat. They got the shark. Here’s George Bush and the shark. And then he turns to Obama in the dragon year, the dragon with the shark and the house on fire. So I believe that there’s something going on with sharks. I don’t know what it is, but it pops up in the symbolism, and it’s all pointing to some, like, religious war. So even in ipe goat, it was. Had a religious undertone. And then you got Trump being saved by God, and then you got the holy war in the Middle east going down right now.

So it just seems very religious. Seems very religious. This is a new Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew does all their predictive programming with code red, maui burst, pitch black. And this is their new purple thunder. And it looks like Arizona. And I’ve been saying, I think Paradise Valley, they’re gonna do a fire ritual land grab because of the paradise connection. And here’s some purple lightning and going into some plasma stuff. Elon updated his profile picture, and I just finished watching the boys season four. Highly recommend watching the boys season four. It’s. It’s good. It’s crazy, but tons of predictive programming.

And I believe it was released, I don’t know when it was released. In 2019, maybe that was the first season, but the. The authoritarian dictator has these eyeballs. So Elon’s got the eyeballs, and he’s wearing this bafflement outfit, which is interesting. And he tweeted this about the dollar that we are here. We’re almost in Zimbabwe. So this is the Zimbabwe hyperinflation scenario that took place. And this is the dollar after it got off the gold standard on May 1, the Illuminati founding day, we got off the gold standard, and it’s all the bucks. The buck stops here.

Leave the world behind, and the buck, the alpha and the omega. The first president in the omega. We’re in the omega year. The Olympic symbol looks like an omega logo. So I feel like this is just some more predictive programming of what’s to come. Here’s Trump’s Mar a Lago. He has the omega. Elon’s endorsing Trump. And I believe this is going into the reset of the new CBDCs, which could be bitcoin. Here’s Trump with Steven Spielberg. But on the back of the dollar, the tetricate symbol right here, this is the chief cornerstone, which is a symbol for the messiah or the mashiach.

A lot of people think it’s an evil symbol, so they’ll cross it out. But once you learn about what the chief cornerstone means, this is like the symbology for it going back to ancient Egypt. But the bricks is the 72 bricks and bitcoin in Gematria, just like how this in Gematria is 72. If you put the tetragrammaton name of God Adonoi right here, the four letter word of God, it equals 72 when you added up into a tetraket, this pyramid, and that’s what this dollar is. That’s why there’s 72 bricks on it. And bitcoin equals 72.

So it was definitely deep in occult the creation of it. And the guy who created this term, Novus order, sir Clorum, the pretty much meaning the new world order, the new order of the ages that Elon wears on his shirt what was created by one of the founding fathers, Clarence Thomas, who made the great seal of America and added the Novus order Secularum. So since the beginning of this nation, this symbolism was all implemented into it. So of course bitcoin would have that symbolism implemented into it. So there’s a big story going on that we’re not aware of.

The alpha and the Omega Rosarios right here. She’s part of XRP. The bridge collapses and all that. And here’s August 2 on eight two. This is when that movie is coming out on eight two. And Joe Biden will be speaking tomorrow at 08:00 p.m. he’s going to address the nation. I wonder what the heck he’s going to say. It’s probably going to be an AI of him, probably going to be a deep fake. But this was put out in 1788, August 2. And it shows you the two towers collapsing. And this is the return of the Saturn age, the Saturn neon age.

So I’ve been just looking out at so many things, the whole Lincoln Kennedy connections. The coincidences are crazy. There’s just a ton of coincidences. Lincoln and Kennedy have seven letters. Both assassin, John Wilkes Booth, Lee RV Oswald, they both have 15 letters. But it’s the three first names. Like Thomas Crook, the secretary for President Kennedy was named Lincoln. That’s kind of weird. And Kennedy was riding in a car called Lincoln. It was a Ford. And Lincoln got assassinated at Ford’s theater. So I mean, it’s very interesting. And John Wilkes Booth’s grandfather was part of the Hell’s fire club.

So this guy having the three first names, he doesn’t have the 15 letters though. So I don’t think I. That Donald Trump was supposed to be taken out by the deep state, maybe it was supposed to go down the way it went down, because they. Both, Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated on a Friday, and this took place on a Saturday. So the connections don’t have connecting the decode of this being the event, looking into it like that. But it’s definitely sketchy, stealthily strange. Here’s the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, and he was assassinated while he was entering the square, just like you see Kamala on the square.

Here is Joe Biden. His footprint is on the square, and leaving the square, it’s very symbolic, like the rebbes. The rebbes. You can see the square right here. You see the three and the four, how the four is entering the square and. Or leaving the square and same with the three. So this symbol of him right here, even this is symbolic of where their feet are planted. As you can see, 43 is entering the square and out of the square, somebody was sharing how the biggest Planned Parenthood building is like a pyramid, and they sacrifice, you know, people hearts on top of the pyramid.

And then, like, I thought that was an interesting connection. Here’s the boys. Here’s some more symbolism. The. The blue and pink symbolism right here goes into Mister beast, and it’s pat. And Mister Beast is in the news right now. One of. I’m not even get into it, but it’s. He’s up in the news, and people are drinking these products with this color coding. This is like the number one UFC drink. They were promoting this color coding at UFC. And I believe the UFC is super connected to all this disinformation. Here’s some more of the symbolism, the Illuminati symbolism, where they get that it activates your survival instinct, and the only way you’ll be fulfilled is by buying the products.

It’s very deep in psychology. I’ve always been looking out for Venezuela. I’ve been talking about Venezuela for the last three, four years. On the channel, you see Trump’s mouth is on South America. Venezuela is, like, right here, I think, which is a proxy for the Brics, and they’re the closest to America. But, yeah, so his mouth being here, I said, look out for South America. And then the whole Argentina election happened, like, right after I said that. So it’s all in the symbolism of the moon, in the solar eclipses. As you can see right here, you got the moon and the solar eclipses, the sun and the moon.

We’re coming up on a solar eclipse, and the eclipse makes the. The c word around the ring. The crown. The crown around the ring. And we’re coming up on a solar eclipse on October 2. So another thing that I’m looking out for astrologically as well, which brings that, I guess there’s going to be chaos. It looks like Project Cheney’s here. It looks like there’s going to be chaos for 2025. I’m going to bring Project Cheney up. Thank you. Project Cheney. Project Cheney. We got to talk about project 2025. Looks like project 2025 could be a cover up, because when you google 2025, this used to not pop up, but what popped up was Armageddon, the end of the world.

Like, you looked up 2025, it showed you nothing but the end of the world. And now it’s showing Project 2025. So that could be a way that they bury the information. What is going on? We just crashed through 2000. People watching. Hit the like and subscribe. Roger Chaney, how are you? I. You said so much good stuff. I’m doing fantastic. You said that the UFC, with their color palette and how they’ve changed it, and they have the monster logo in the middle. They also have the prime on all the corners. UFC is the Ari Emanuel. I always tell people to look into Ari Emanuel because this is Rahm Emanuel’s brother, and he is the, like, pretty much the sole owner of TKO Entertainment.

So that is the Wwe with the UFC banner. So that sports entertainment mix, it’s pretty much just Vegas letting you know they can balance the coffers anytime they want to. Yeah. And it’s the. I think this is the octagon. And there’s been an old theory of the octagon connections in Switzerland and, like, the octopus controlling everything. And then, like, if you look up bohemian Grove, I’m spelling it wrong, but you look up Bohemian Grove. Of course, it doesn’t work this time when I do it, but Ryan Garcia pops up when you look it up. But this time it didn’t, of course.

Oh, right there. There he is right there. But it used to pop up, like, all over the place. Sometimes I wonder if that’s how they get in front of the zeitgeist. So there is something going around today where it’s like, hey, are we paying attention to the wrong thing with Joe Biden? And they’re showing pictures of Joe Biden where it looks like he has a tattoo. But if you just do a little bit of, like, low level, you’re like, oh, that’s not a real picture. That’s CGI. But they, that is how they bury. So we don’t look up Hunter Biden’s back tattoo.

Oh, sometimes. What’s on his back tattoo? He has the finger lakes from New York put in Hunter Biden’s back tattoo. Oh, my gosh. He has the finger lakes that goes into the office because Jim Carrey says people end up missing in the finger lakes. Vance, you got Bob Vance of the office. Okay. So I love that it hit the office. I love it, like, immediately because Scranton is where the office takes place with the 201 episodes, and that’s where Biden’s from. Hunter Biden back tattoo. Yeah. So it’s the finger lakes in New York. And if you look up all these finger lakes, there’s all these trailheads, there’s all these underground tunnels, there’s all this other creepy shit that goes on.

It’s not too far away from where the NXIVM cult is. And so I just think sometimes they put things out there to bury it. So everybody’s like, oh, the Biden tattoo, that’s fake. But it’s because that’s the wrong Biden tattoo. Zachary, for show great connection. Yeah. So that. So they’re covering up this finger Lakes connection with the Biden tattoo meme. Uh huh. So they’re, like, all putting out that we are all, like, everyone right now is like, oh, my gosh. Is Biden dead? Is Biden real? Is Biden dead? Is Biden real? You mean everything we’ve all been saying for the entirety of his presidency? So everybody is now asking if this guy is real or not.

Is he wearing a mask? Is he alive? Was he, you know, did he really talk to Kamala on, or was that fake? Well, yeah, I think it was absolutely fake. He was talking to her. They said, here he is with the recording, and I guess he’s gonna speak tomorrow at 08:00 p.m. so interesting. Like, Biden and I don’t. It’s like we’re watching all the factions unfold and everything from the secret service to the CIA to the, you know, whatever the three letter agency you pick. But then I think a funny part that the cabal has done right is all the craziest.

Like, liberals are saying what we’re saying. Yeah. And it’s like. Like, Kamala, she’s not going to go to Congress. She’s like, to win. Netanyahu’s talking, and I’m like, what? It’s like each one of the factions is splitting off into their own faction. And we’re like, somehow attached. Even if you didn’t want to be attached to politics somewhere, your conspiracy view if you thought about aliens, if you thought about, you know, even the Bible is political. Like, everything is political now. Yeah, it’s definitely strange, the, like, everything going on. That’s why I titled there’s something strange is approaching worldwide.

And I used to get flack for it, and nobody’s mad at it anymore because something strange is going on. It is. I can’t even. I used to be, like, one of those people with, I’m like, clickbait, but I’m like, y’all, something’s going on. All the people that have even been paying attention forever are like, I don’t really know what’s going on right now. Like, this is so crazy that how much is in our face just on the regular news? And then you wonder what they’d, what narrative they’d run on if we all didn’t always have our cameras.

Yeah. Now what I think is going on with all our cell phones, I think that being on a cell phone is your were tapped into the hive mind even if you’re awake. This is, like, my new theory in my head right now, because I’ll go on my phone and I’ll be talking to a friend who’s on his phone all the time, and he’ll be like, I’m going to get ice cream. And then it’s ice cream day, and Joe Biden eating the ice cream, and he’s like, stepping down and just like, little things like that. It happens all the time.

I was thinking about, like, recovery, and I woke up this morning and I opened up my twitter, and it has topics on recovery. And I’m just like, there’s something going on, either individually, but I think it’s like a hive mind thing. And I think that being able to not be on these black mirrors of the cell phone, it gives you an advantage because, like, we’re all on it. We’re all stuck on it. And, like, if I put down the phone, if I put down the stuff, then I’m all alone, right? I’m not connected to the digital world now.

I got to deal with the autophobia of the fear of being alone. And the world, when it was locked down, the autophobia kicked in where people were scared to be alone because people haven’t been alone in a while. They had their phones, but they were socially hugging people, being around people, going to the bars, but then they weren’t allowed to be with people, and they had to be with themselves. And that’s why we saw so much abuse happening. A lot of these truthers that are now in the public sphere. Look at their history during the lockdowns.

They weren’t like really speaking out. They were abusing their family members and stuff like that. I’ve been reading articles and studying stuff. It’s very interesting and very weird. But now that the lockdowns are over, we’re all hanging out with people. But Twitter is so addictive, social media is so addictive that if I put that down. Turn this off. Put it down. Now I’m alone again, so it forces me that I got to go out and meet people. Do you think even that inspiration or invention or song, you know how sometimes you have to sit alone to hear those things? And it’s been a long time since anyone sat alone, and that’s why we have a regurgitation of everything.

Yes. Yes. I like being alone, but I definitely am addicted to consuming content and audiobooks. And I try to pick up a book last night, and it just takes so much effort and energy because we get so addicted to listening to the podcast or an audiobook that picking up a book and reading it is hard, like, so the AI taking over, it’s very good to not use the AI and rely on it. Using it, implementing it is fine, but also being able to write for yourself, being able to do things for yourself as well, because in the next ten years, people aren’t going to be able to write sentences.

They are. Well, that’s why cursive, they don’t want you to do it because the computer can’t see it. Really? Yeah. That’s the number one reason. The first thing when we me magic, you know, you talk about it and it’s very real in the voodoo doll aspect, anything that you put intention in, like that creates a kind of flow. But another way that the, even the terminology meme magic is made is that anything you create, that the computer can’t see, that you’re relaying information to other humans. And so certain things like writing in cursive and then just taking a picture of that, the computer can’t see it, so the algorithm can’t see it.

And so when we were trying to get out information about things that we can’t say on so many channels, whether it’s different health information or different political information or different whatever, you would lose accounts by putting this stuff out because the computer would see it and flag it. So if we could beat the computer’s eye, that was meme magic to us and the iPhones and stuff. One of the things they do now is search by word. So if you can search your memes by word. Then the computer can see them, too. So they’ve even given us tools to see if I can search my own memes by the words in them so that all that stuff of, like, Epstein didn’t kill himself.

The way we got that out is because we figured out how to beat the computer’s vision. And so that was another way of me magic was like, oh, my God, we just beat the computer. It’s so quantum, it’s so unbeatable. We should be so scared of it. But we beat it all the time and we can do it. But that’s why it doesn’t want us writing cursive is because it can’t see attached letters. And here’s your website. I dropped the link in the comment. Everybody make sure to go subscribe to Project cheney. I go up on there all the time, and we podcast.

And it’s a lot of fun. It’s my favorite show to go on and so much fun. And hit the rumble. I really, because even they took down a great episode I did with paranoid American for season two, and they’ve already gone through my season one that’s audio only, and started playing, plugging it down. So I am going to try to upload everything to rumble. And really, the episode I did with Thomas, I won’t say the word on what it’s on because it might, but I was just so proud of it. And I was just like, oh, I feel like people that listen to me, I’m giving them real information that they can take that’s not conspiratorial.

It’s all from real educated. It was like something that I felt like hadn’t been done. And Thomas is the one that’s doing that kind of thing that he doesn’t get credit for, I think, enough, and I think anyone that calls those kind of words conspiracy haven’t looked into them like Thomas has. So, um, yeah, it’s. He is so smart. And we’ve been working on our own comic. We spent a whole year on it. And, uh, that’s paranoid american, you guys. Just FYI, shout out to paranoid american. Yes, yes. So what’s going on? What’s your thoughts on, uh, everything? I know I’ve been connecting a lot of the masonic symbolism.

We were going over the Illuminati symbolism. I was showing what I found with the big bang and how this is the big bang, right? The symbol for it. And over in Israel, this is where the dead sea scrolls are, and it’s the. The phallic and the yoni. And that’s like the. The building. And it looks just like the big bang, which created the world. And then even the. The condom looks just like it. Uh, it’s the big bang. So, we going. We were going over the illuminati symbolism, and I thought that was dope finds that I found last night.

That’s pretty crazy. I was thinking about how, and I’m sure you’ve said it a million times with your 182, or, you know, one, two, eight. I can’t believe blink 182. I just noticed them having this number combination in their name. And then blink is essentially letting us know it’s one eye symbolism. Right? What blinks? And I. And so, yeah. And so we have Tom Delonge goes on Joe Rogan, however long ago, and he tells. He shows us pictures of UFO’s that they’re the Pentagon. You know, how probably 128 days later, releases those pictures of the UFO’s that Tom Delonge goes on Rogan and shares with us first.

And then we’re. I feel like they keep trying to convince us that we’re rolling in to the UFO conspiracy, but for some reason, the public doesn’t buy it. And so it also feels like they’re having to make a hard left and go take all the UFO alien and make it demon. Oh. Like, it seems like both these things are happening at the same time. Yeah. So the whole nephilim connections to the alien was connected to Aleister Crowley’s, uh, cult that he was part of the Darby cult. Uh, that’s where that information first was leaked. And the whole idea of the gray headed alien Islam, who Alastair Crowley was summoning.

And that’s where we get the gray headed alien. And blink 182, the 182 code national UFO days on July 2, leaving 182 days left until the end of the year. Blink 182, they got the Knights Templar double cross on the double x, and even the bunny. They came out and talked about this in the year of the bunny, and that’s, like, connected to the moon. But their bunny logo right here is a swastika. It’s the ear being tilted there, which is all connected to Operation paperclip and to the Stars Academy, which Tom DeLonge is a part of, which is releasing the CIA files of the aliens.

That’s run bye. Harold put off, who is a top level scientologist, and he’s also connected in Scientology. He’s like a UFO based cult as well. But Harold, put off also was involved with giving this poor guy this radio, and he thought the aliens were talking to him. They put him under mind control, and it’s very sad story. Oh, look at this. Eight two. That’s the day I’m looking out for. I don’t know. That’s about. Oh, and introduce. So they were founded in eight two. That’s the date coming up. I’m looking out for it. Yeah. And they must have done something right in all their rituals, because one of them actually gets a Kardashian.

Yeah. After he gets in a plane crash, he gets a Kardashian. And Adam or DJ am was in that plane crash, too, and he didn’t die in it. That’s a Mandela effect for a lot of people, really? Is that DJ am died in a plane crash. And he’s got the skull and bone symbol right there. Yeah. I covered blink 182 a lot. I’m so bored of them. I do think they’re so interesting, though, because they were. The guy with the submarine was at a blink 182 concert when they told us about that Titan sub, that whole psyop lie.

And they had to make sure that the blink 182, that they let us know he was at that concert. They had to be brought into the zeitgeist that way. Yeah. And the Travis Barker. And that took place during the, uh, can’t. The cancer astrology. And we’re going into August right now. But remember Travis Barker, he went to the hospital, um, and he was performing before he went on a large checkerboard floor. Uh, let me see if I could pull that up. But he went to the hospital, and he was performing with MGK, who was also awarded with another celebrity.

I don’t know where. I can’t pull it up on the fly. It’s hard to find. I know. You have a lot of tabs. I’m impressed. Yeah. Oh, I did find one of the images. I don’t know if this is the image. Yes, this is the image. I found it. I found it. I’ll share it. 1 second. Just to show people the symbology, that there’s a lot going on in the occult world. Travis Barker gives first life performance since his LA hospitalization. And that concert. They’re on the checkerboard floor. And look, he’s got the eyeball. I mean, it’s pretty ridiculous, the symbolism.

Scroll down a little. I don’t. I can’t see it. You can’t see it? It says, travis Barker gives first live performance since last night. My bad. So right there is the checkerboard floor. Okay. And there’s the Illuminati. I. And then, like, Avril Lavigne is Avril, and that’s her album cover as well. So what have you got planned? Project Cheney? I don’t have any plans yet. I’m kind of just watching all this unfold like everyone else, and I’m wondering what part of the movie’s for me because I don’t need to be taught that the, there’s patsies involved.

I don’t need to be taught that there’s, you know, the three letter agencies are all corrupt. So it’s like some parts I’m trying to just sit back and legitimately enjoy. Like, this is not this part of the movie. You know how, like on Westworld where it’s like, this part of the maze isn’t for you, Dolores? That’s how I feel sometimes, like I already know this part of the movie. I’ve seen it. Film Westworld, the movie in the seventies. I never watched the old one. The old one, I think is even better than the tv show. But I do think the Kamala thing’s been set up for a long time.

Donald Trump said in 2021 at the wall, he said, they aren’t going to use the 25th on me. I’m not even worried about it. They’re going to use it on Joe. Like, he said it more than once. And so it’s almost like it’s always been set up because Kamala was never popular enough to get it. So they had to wait to the last minutes. But here’s another super interesting thing I find. A candidate cannot run from the same state as its vice, as their vice president unless they’ll lose the electoral college, the electoral votes from that state.

So Newsom can’t run with her because they’ll lose the electoral votes from California. And the Democrats can’t steal an election without California. So it’s whoever she picks as her vice president will not be from the state of California because that’s where she, her residence is. It’s probably going to be the rock. That’s what I think. I think the rock’s going to be involved somehow. I really believe that. They tried to make their play with the rock, with the whole Maui fires. They didn’t anticipate that everybody was going to see through that. So Oprah usually picks the president.

That’s how they always do it for the Democrats. No one even gave a shit about Obama. Their whole side was pro Hillary. She even was winning the popular vote. Until Oprah comes out and she’s like, hey, here’s a non american. Don’t worry about it. You can have him as your president. And then although the white women in America were like, yay, I’m not racist, let’s vote for Obama. Hope and change. Hope and change. And so I think Blackrock, I mean, the rock, Dwayne Johnson, which I always think is funny that they like their blackrock symbolism. Dwayne Johnson, that was the mocking that the RNC did by putting Hulk Hogan on the stage is you can’t you look foolish talking about the rock now politically because we just showed you what a wrestler does.

And so some things I’m like, oop. That was thwarted by more theater of the absurd. Yeah. Like Jesse Ventura, he was a real governor and he was as close to a conspiracy theorist as you. I mean, he had a show called Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory. I remember, yeah. Have you seen southland tales? I have. This is always one of my favorite breakdowns that you do. Yeah, it just seems cuz it’s connected to Donald Trump with the Donnie Dark. Go. Right. That movie, it’s the same guy that made that film and it’s like the second edition of Donnie Darko.

So that’s why I always think, and I don’t know, we’ll see what happens. It’s gonna be interesting then John McAfee say something strange that you pointed out. I covered it in the last show I, that we, you won’t expect who it’s going to be. Oh, yeah. John McAfee back when I think if it’s not on my twitter, it’s definitely on my instagram. But he put a post out before he died and he was like a russian time traveler just got back. And here’s everything they predict. And it’s from far enough ago that they’re like, Joe Biden won’t be president in September.

Somebody else will step in. Come on, isn’t that crazy that we’re all here? But that’s where I think it’s kind of funny now is because on X everybody’s just like, flag this, this is going to happen. Flag this, this is going to happen. Flag this, this is going to happen. And the suck part is, is some people have legitimate predictions because they’ve been following all the breadcrumbs. They’ve been paying attention. They’re like, I feel like I’m ready to make a prediction on this movie. And other people are legitimately just going through their page and they’re like, this person’s going to get shot.

That building’s going to fall. This weather anomaly is going to happen. And then delete everything and if one of them sticks, then they’re like, flag this. Well, one of the things with the movie script and talented writers is there’s the element of surprise when s hits the fan. Where we did, we couldn’t predict that happening. And it’s happened so many times. Like, well, I couldn’t predict it happening. But then once it happens and you look back, you’re like, how did I not see that? I was at Trump’s rally in Doral a couple of days before the rally in Pennsylvania.

Yes, you were there. And so it is just very wild when people are like, I can’t believe that Vincent Fuska, he always seems to be there. I’ve seen Vincent Busca at so many rallies, if I always wore the same outfit, I might look like a character of myself at a Trump rally. So I just, and I have friends that they go to Trump rallies and they wear tricorns and I have friends that go and they dress in all patriotic gear from head to toe. I have friends that just wear, like, back when it was okay to have a Budweiser can, they would just wear like a can of Budweiser as a tight Bud light.

Bud light. But I think all of that stuff, it’s kind of funny because people do tend to dress like characters at these rallies. It’s what they’re up to. It’s like they’re going, it’s like how you wear your 4 July stuff on 4 July. Right now, over on my Patreon, a lot of my Patreon members were bringing up because we, we started doing these Zoom calls over there and everybody makes sure to go to the Patreon. Maybe you can join us, Janie, this weekend. But people were bringing up how that at that Trump event, nobody was freaking out.

Even Donald Trump notated that it was odd at the RNC that nobody ran away. So like this, people were getting hit with bullets and they didn’t move, they just didn’t stand there. So somebody brought up, is this fifth generation warfare where they’re shooting frequencies to calm everyone down because they have riot gear that can calm people down through the frequencies or make them agitated. So I don’t know if you looked into that at all because it was definitely strange. Even Trump said it was strange that nobody dipped out and they could just all be badasses, though.

Um, but it’s definitely weird. That’s where I’m like, dang, Pennsylvania isn’t like Florida because if we hear pop, pop, everybody hits the deck. It, it could just, it’s almost like that Ronald Reagan speech, where he’s just giving the speech and the balloon pops in the background. He’s like, you miss me? And he just keeps going on. It’s absolutely terrifying, like going to a gun range. And then all the loud and pop pops. It’s like. It’s like your ear phones on. Like, you’re like, oh, yeah, this is good for. Even with the earphones on, like, somebody with, like a big, like, boom, boom.

It’s. It’s like, freaks you out how loud is. And even people that are in the military and trained to this. I had a friend who was at the Las Vegas event, and he said he was underneath a bunch of bodies, and he said he was there with his friend or his girlfriend at the time, and she was in the military. And, like, right when it started, she dipped out because she knew, like, the sounds like it’s loud, it’s overwhelming. So everyone being just chill is strange. Yeah, I agree. I think it’s also, like an obvious patsy.

An obvious patsy and maybe another shooter. There does seem to be, in all the videos that I watched, legitimate carnage in the background, legitimate people that were shot. And it looks like the first bullet, wherever it came from, and it doesn’t seem like it comes from the same angle. It does look like it goes through two people and hits a rail. Well, you can see two people fall. It’s like some of the things that happened even you see some people duck, buy something. You know what we’re going to do, continue. What we’re going to do right now is I’m going to end the YouTube stream, but continue on the Twitter and rumble.

So everybody go subscribe to the Twitter and rumble. I got those links down below to hear more because we’re going to get into some stuff that we can’t talk about. Okay, perfect. Bye, YouTube. Xoxo. Remove. Okay, so I just removed it from YouTube, but we should still be streaming. So maybe people will come on over here, but continue. Now you can see whatever, whatever the heck you want. But you’re talking about the second shooters. There’s three shooters. I think there is more than one shooter. Every single place that I look up where these kind of crazy events happen, there always seems to be an old underground that everybody forgets about, whether it’s a sewer system, whether it’s a subway system, whether it’s old tunnels and old turnpike.

And I’m like, hmm, I wonder if there’s an old tunnel system. NPA sure is. And so the same as the Kennedy assassination. I think the shooter came from the gutter. I think a lot of the times it’s. We always think up, and it’s sometimes under down. It’s sometimes underground. And so that’s where kind of the follow of the white rabbit with me is. A lot of the times I always go to the underground. Like, I do think pizza gate is real. I do think there’s tunnels under all those places. I do think there’s tunnels under the Getty.

I do think there’s, you know, Epstein island tunnels. I do think Rachel Chandler took pictures of them, put them on her instagram. So everything that happens when I look it up, it doesn’t. Even if it’s in Israel, even if it’s in Saudi Arabia, even if it’s in Gaza, even if it’s. It doesn’t matter. Whatever the news tells me about, I always just am like, is there ancient water aqueducts here? Is there an ancient city underground? Sure. Even in Vegas, the shooting. Do you know how much city is under Vegas? Right. So I just think it’s so easy to kind of bury the lead if you have everybody always looking at surface level and up high.

Yes, yes. I’m happy that people are hopping over on the rumble now on the twitter. So that was kind of cool. That’s so rad. You know what? This goes along with what you’re saying, because what’s coming out, which I think is disinformation, is they’re saying that there was a UFO that stopped it. Right. Same story that happened with the nuclear things. If nukes are real or fake, they say that the aliens came down and stopped the nukes. I’m not going to rule it out or anything, but I. I’m looking, though. I’m pretty. It’s angel and is an airwaves.

They have us. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re hoping for a celestial, like a miracle or a scientific miracle, which would just be aliens. Right. And they’re saying that there was aliens in the UFO. I’m going to see if I could bring up that photo, because I got the photo. But they’re saying the UFO’s stopped it. Which goes into your theory of looking up. Right. So don’t look down in the ground. Look up the UFO stopped it. Which goes into that whole narrative where people are looking up. There’s something else interesting. Since we’re on rumble now, there was a huge stock short that, you know, Blackrock, they’re always behind all these things.

And they shorted Trump’s social networks. They shorted it $12 million. And they said that they meant to only short it 12,000. And so they’re letting them amend this. But the same people who shorted the Trump stock also all shorted the rumble stock the same day right before the assassination or, like, within the 48 hours. And some people were coming out and saying, that’s not true. That’s not true. But I have other people on the back end that have all been like, no, that’s true. Right, right. They shorted the stock right before it happened. Isn’t that crazy? That’s very telling.

And then the kids in the Blackrock commercial and right after it happened, like they knew it was him, and they deleted that video. And JD Vance owns Rumble. That’s what I was saying. He’s a big owner of Rumble, which is interesting there, too. And did you see RFK say that Trump made the nod to the CIA by putting Vance as his vp? Yes. That’s weird as well. What do you think that means? I mean, keep your speaker. I think it’s super curious that I believe the CIA took a hit on Trump the day before he picked his vp.

And then Trump was in Miami. And I told everybody that was with me. I was like, he is teasing Rubio right now. Like he’s mocking Rubio. But you have to know the whole script. He’s even mocking him because he always calls Rubio thirsty mark in drinking water. And he brought this up a few times and everybody was like, is Trump going to pick Rubio as his vp? Now? Knowing what we know, Trump would never pick Rubio as his vp because that would not allow him to have all the Florida delegates because they’re, they reside in the same state.

So even him doing that whole Doral dance at his country club, that was impromptu to f up the deep state a little bit. And then right afterward, you have this Pennsylvania rally. It’s just a little fish. Yes. And the symbolism is absolutely nuts with Pennsylvania being the Keystone State. That’s the top of the Keystone. And then we’re moving into August. Leo, I’m looking out for the helical rising. The helical rising is super important. That’s, like, what I’m obsessed with. Did you see all the NYPD officers being sworn in today? No. I’ll google it. This is something in your fire thing that I think is hella interesting.

So all these NYPD officers are being sworn in, hundreds of them. And if you look at it, almost sounds like they’re being sworn in because something is going to take place in DC this weekend, and they’re going to help whatever the corralling is, whatever the event is. I’m like, is Kamala going to be sworn in? People won’t protest that. It is what it is. Even like maga kit, they’re like just waiting for their election. So I’m like, what do they think is going to happen? Is it Netanyahu being in town? What, what’s going on? Why is Netanyahu here? Is it in New York? Yeah, all the NYPD.

Let me see. I’ll send it to you on x real quick. Yeah, send it to me because I want to bring that up. That is interesting because they were also holding a large earthquake drill as well. Earthquake drill line. I forget where. Yeah. Like, that’s how they, they get it prepared. Like they have everything prepared before napkins. All right. Here. St. Louis prepares for earthquake with drills. And when they run these drills, like during 911, there was a drill being ran, a simulation, or when they were running the simulation of cyber polygon on July 8, they said they canceled it.

And then the Internet went out in Canada because it was a simulation. And I think even at Black Rock. Right. Black Rock owns Burning Mandev. I think that Burning man was assimilation for the Israel concert that went down. Blackrock owns Burning man and the Cacophony Society. Who does Burning man? The guy who, the co founder is also the writer of the Fight club movie. Yeah. So you see all the symbolism of, like, movie or the, the book. Chuck, Paula knots. Oh, I don’t know. But that’s where they get. Yeah. Black Rock City, burning Man. Google runs this.

Yeah. And so even the way you let go of all of your possessions to go there, that’s, it’s everything. Fight club with going into the house. I heard that Fight Club was created to turn guys into not liking women anymore but getting them more into men instead. Because the author, he was gay. Nothing wrong with that, obviously. But the, it gets the whole red pill movement. The whole red pill movement is like, let’s step away from women. Let’s go our own direction. We don’t need women anymore. And it goes into the whole divide. So it is an interesting theory that that movie came out to divide the, the men and women and the guy who made it doesn’t like women.

You know what I mean? Like these same sex attracted. So. And there’s all the things that he is, all the characters inside, like even the girl, the, you know, the main girl. That’s really him. It’s. Oh, really? Yeah. That’s like one of the theories is that he is Tyler and her. Like, there’s no. It’s all different characters of him and his split personality. So even when he’s standing at the end with holding her hand, it’s just him standing there. Wow, I. That’s. That’s wild. And then it shows the two towers collapse. I love that movie. It shows the two towers.

I’ll tell you, I. You know, I was at the insurrection and stuff, and there was this time I was losing all my accounts, and all this stuff was happening. And when I looked back now, certain things. I also owned a soap company for, like, seven years, and I didn’t ever make the connection of the two of being, like, a patriot and having all of these chemicals. Like, I never saw the two. So there was a time when, um, my wife’s little bougie soap company was being shadow banned and stuff. And I was like, this is so bizarre.

And then I’m like, oh, it’s because Fight club, we could create anything we want out of these chemicals, and that’s why they get nervous about soap makers. And also. Yeah, I liked your soap. You gave me some of the soap, and I used it, so thank you. I never got a thank you. Yeah, but that company doesn’t exist anymore. It’s Biden’s America. It was too expensive. Well, chuck, the author of Fight Club, he also wrote a book called Choke. I read all these books in elementary school. I think at least choke I did. I read brave new world in elementary school.

That was pretty huge as well. I think that was probably one of my first red pills was. But it’s, like, written by insiders, which is crazy, don’t you think? The matrix, too, or the matrix as well, is. It’s like we have these two tranny dudes that are trying to convince us of the spell of saying, break the matrix. Break the matrix. Break the matrix. When the Matrix is just the mother. And that’s exactly what these transgender dudes are up to with the trans agenda is trying to get us to walk to a computer womb instead of the only thing that is, you can only be divine if you’re wombed by a woman.

Like, everything else is maddening. And that’s where, like, I think Elon, so interesting right now, giving his speeches about his trans kid, and it’s like, so the guy who vaccinated himself has a trans kid and voted for Biden, but he’s the smartest man on the earth. The military industrial complex just lets this guy shoot off rockets from their launch pads anytime he wants, and he just got the. For 2030. He just got the contract to shoot the dragon rocket at the space station and bring it down. Bring. They’re gonna shoot the rocket? Yeah, they’re gonna bring down the iss with a dragon rocket.

So you could probably put in a dragon dragon. They’re not going to do it till 2030. So it makes me wonder if it’s another year of the dragon then. Well, I think it’s every twelve years. So it would be twelve years from 2024. So I think the dragon here, is that what it is? 2036? No, they’re going to do it in 2030, I think, is when they said, and the whole world will be able to see it. It’ll be like falling stars, but they won’t land. That’s because we’re going to be connected to the neuralink. So, um, we’ll be connected to, like, the Oculus and whatnot.

So we’ll be able. And it won’t look like an Oculus. It’ll look like contact lenses or maybe a surgery. You know how they do the laser surgery on the eyes? It’s probably like a laser surgery where it’ll be much more helpful. Like, everybody will do it. Everybody’s doing that. Even Elon, his character in this is still so interesting to me. Yeah. Like, his. The Kanye west character is still very interesting to me. Right. Like, there’s a couple of people that I’m just like, how did they end up? And that’s where. Where you’re bringing up Mister Beast, where did he come from? Like, and everything about the Mister beast, it’s like, so CIA, they always tell us what the pop songs are.

It’s like the Paul brothers. Yeah, yeah. Mister Beast, the mark of the beast system. Yeah, it’s. And he’s promoting the neuralink to the kids because kids watch him. I guess adults watch him, too, but I think it’s popular with the children, and. And he’s telling them all to get the neuralink. So these goals aren’t for us. Like, these goals are for, like, the 2030 kids, the kids that are born in 2030, or they’re like 14 at that time. That’s. It’s for them. That’s what’s so interesting about Elon and his everything app. We’re going to be on Twitter on the everything app, and all the kids are going to be on some weird new platform.

But, yeah, tell us about the everything app, because you breaking that down connected all the dots for me. It connected everything. Now, I understand this election, understand the new conservative movement. Connected with the blockchain. It makes me understand the neuralink. So tell us about the everything app. What does that mean? Because you breaking that down on one of your podcasts is really how I. It just connected all the dots for me. I think PayPal is the word Pabil. And so Pabble is where you pay something to the pope. And so PayPal was the very first app that was ever going to charge us $2,500 during lockdowns.

If we said anything wrong, if we said HCQ, PayPal would charge us $2,500 because it linked directly to our bank. And so, Elon, before he bought Twitter, he was the pusher of this, of being PayPal, of being papal. And this is also Peter Thiel, and Peter Thiel is all linked up to Vance. So this is another reason that I think Elon Musk is pushing for Donald Trump all of a sudden, after he picked his vp, is because this is the techno guy. This is the guy that, like, walks us into this technocracy a little bit. I’ve heard rumors that JD Vance is also involved in ambrosia, which is that weird where, like, the dad and the grandfather are taking the son’s blood, where they’re like, you know, and I don’t know if that’s true or not, that I have no gravy on that.

I feel like a couple of people have sent me things, but nothing that I feel like is very solid. But there’s too many connections with this guy’s wife, the law firms that he used to work for. And I can even be unbiased enough to say he worked for a huge enough law firm that it could just be a huge law firm. But I just think he has too many connections. And RFk junior saying that Trump makes a nod to the CIA by putting him there. I just don’t know if it will be the last person we see in this spot.

But I don’t know if we’re going to get to the elections this year. You’re not just you, a lot of wicked, wicked smart, like, people are saying that same thing, that we won’t have an election. And here’s paypal logo, which is also connected to the Vesica Pisces, similar to it, and Paypal palantir, Paypal inter, or mithral capital, connected to Mithra. So it’s like these ancient cults. And that is interesting. Paypal, pap pal, papel, and also dogecoin. I’ve been connecting to. You go back to the roots of Venice, uh, in the doge of Venice right here. Dogecoin.

Doge of Venice. So there’s definitely, um, connections to the Venetians and the phone as well. These, uh. That goes super deep. I’m. I. I got to read the books on it. I got the books. I just got to read them. I know. I just think bitcoin is even the name. Bitcoin. Like, that would be how you used to bite to tell if metal was real or not. And so the idea that they’re going to call their currency bitcoin, and it’s you. Nothing you ever hold in your hand is wild. This is the anglo venetian roots of the deep state.

Look how Matt. Massive. Massive. It’s a big boy book. I want to go. I want to go to Venice. It’s me too. It looks like the only. I really want to go there. It’s not expensive to go there. I looked at the Airbnbs and the trip. You can go do a trip there probably for, like, two, $3,000 or so for, like, two weeks or something, which is a lot of money. But, I mean, you go to LA for two weeks or a month, that’s going to be like ten grand or something, and you’d make great content out of it.

Yeah. And it’s so ancient. It’s. It’s so ancient. Sometimes I wonder what of our ancient things they’ve buried over here to make us convinced that we’re the new world. If you look at, like, the ancient. Not even that ancient, just like Renaissance times. The buildings, they have no idea how they built these buildings. And all the buildings that we have today, they’re all basic. They’re just, like, boring. There’s no character. There’s no beauty. There’s no brutality. Yeah. That’s the actual type of architecture that we live under now. Brutality. Brutality. That’s like the name of it. The name of it all blocks and squares.

That’s called brutality. It is brutal. Yeah. It’s so crazy that the. How energetically. There used to be a rule in architecture that you would only build something that made better than what was there. And some people used to feel this about speaking. You would only speak if what you had to say was better than the vacant noise. But somewhere, buildings lost this or architects lost this. But it’s because if there were beautiful buildings around, built in harmonics with the landscape, it would be so great for us. And they don’t want that. Yes. This is how they put you in the mind control.

And that’s. It’s unnatural. That’s why we all feel crazy and got anxiety. It’s because this is plays a big role in it and it’s called brutal. That’s crazy. I always think if you can go outside your house and feed your family, then anxiety probably, or it probably doesn’t exist for you. The same way anxiety also like the food. When I cut back on processed foods, my anxiety goes away. Pain too. I know a lot of people that lived in chronic pain and then they just started to eat like healthy, clean, raw foods and caveman foods, whatever, whatever kind of diet name you want to put on it.

But then their body is a lot happier. Yeah. I live in a smart city right now in Scottsdale, Arizona. Arizona is we got these cell, like, people don’t drive their cars, they’re driverless cars that drive around and we got the 5G towers. We got all that. Like, we live. I live in a smart city and people just don’t know. It’s weird if you’re in a big area. We already live in the smart cities that everyone’s scared of. That’s why I think they’re going to do a land grab fire ritual in Arizona because it’s already set up as a smart city.

But you got these very ancient, like, not ancient, but you got people that live here for a long time because this is like the new Beverly Hills, sort of like Nashville. And that’s why I think they come out with shows like Nashville because they want people to go there. Remember, Nashville came out in 2012 and no one really cared about Nashville. And now that’s, I hear it’s like, grow, grow. I fully believe this. I think they did the same thing with Portlandia and then all of a sudden everyone went to Portland and then that’s like that.

If you can do that with one town, then you can change the voting dynamic of a whole state. And so you can have one liberal shithole city with a bunch of transients and they can dictate everything that your family might have been there for 200 years. Yeah, and also that’s what I mean, they’ve done this throughout history. That’s why Iceland is where you want to live. And Greenland, you can’t live there. It’s like unhabitable because it’s so icy. So Iceland, they called it that, so no one would go there and they called it Greenland. So people would migrate there and be like, oh, we can’t live here.

It’s like frozen. So they’ve been doing it forever. So why wouldn’t they be doing it with like shows like that? And they always bring up Scottsdale. It’s always in shows. They always like, oh, my. My sister is in Scottsdale. Like, in the office. They say it. It is popular. Scottsdale. I hear it a lot. Yeah. It’s not cool. I live here. It’s boring, is f. It’s. It’s so boring. I do not like it. I’ve been here way too long. I think I’ve been here for, like, 17 years or so. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a long time.

Yeah. I lived in Vegas for 17 years, and I lived here for 17 years. What will be next? I would like to go to a small town if anyone got any recommendations where they aren’t going to. I love my small town. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe Florida, the holy land, you know, do my aaliyah and go to Florida. I do think if you’re not ready to live off grid, then it’s important that you are around people that have a similar ideals as you, just in case. Because, I mean, what can we trust out there so you can at least trust your neighbors.

So when I came out to Florida and hung out with you, was that far away from where you live? I live on the Atlantic seaboard, so where we were is kind of, like, in the center of the state a little around Orlando. I live on the Atlantic Ocean. I live where the tropics begin. Is there hurricanes where you live? Yes. That’s why even our building standards are so different than the rest of the world’s. Like, when I go see my friends and they show me some little cute shack they build on their property or their man cave that they hang out in, I’m like, oh, this would get blown down in one tropical storm.

Wow. Yeah. I don’t know. I’m looking at, like, where to live. It seems like it’d be cool to, like, travel to, like, Japan or Asia. Um, but, like, also just my cat. I have a cat, and I’m not going to leave my cat. So I think it’d be better to move somewhere with my cat where I could stay put before it is cool. Yeah, I like it here. All right. I’m going to take a trip in August, too, the Pacific Northwest. I haven’t been out there since lockdowns and everything like that. So I am hearing I’m going to go to Portland.

Oh, okay. I’ve been to Portland. I went to a small town, which I think I would actually really like living at, but the hipsters, I’d be in probably fistbites 24/7 because they’re so lame. I went to. What’s the place called? I stayed at a vineyard. It was in Portland, but not Portland, whatever that place was called. Seattle. What’s it called? Seattlemok. Portland, Eugene. These are all at Oregon places, but Seattle too. It’s all up there in the neck of the woods. I feel like from San Francisco all the way to British Columbia, I don’t know what the residents are, like, the frequencies, or what they’re putting in the water or.

But I feel like if there’s a devil’s butthole, it’s from San Francisco to British Columbia on, in that quadrant of the, like, whatever they’re doing. I even think Eugene, Oregon, is eugenics. Oregon. I think, like Bill Gates and all of that stuff. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Even when they’re like, oh, the guy in Portland, he just lost a tail, you know, a flip, a coin flip. That’s why it got a called Portland. It was going to be called Boston. And I’m like, no, it was Portland. Because I feel like everywhere there was port cities, they shanghaied human beings, they stole people.

And so we were talking about tunnels earlier, Portland, places you can find a bunch of tunnels. Cottonwood. I used to. The mad jugalos up in Cottonwood. I used to hang out in Cottonwood a lot. Cottonwood up to no good. Yeah. So Cottonwood is interesting because it’s like really basic Arizona desert. Just basic, you know? But you drive like 15 minutes, it changes from Arizona desert into green Flagstaff, Sedona Hills. So it’s like you’re not even in Arizona. Prescott. So it’s just weird. And when you drive through it from Cottonwood to Sedona, you can feel an energy shift.

A lot of people will start crying. I drove up there with people so many times, and there’s this vortex energy. They call it a vortex. And I. There’s something to it. It’s interesting. I believe in those weird spots. There’s one in Oregon and Medford where they say, like, the natives to the land said the bees and bugs wouldn’t fly there, or the birds wouldn’t fly as well. And it’s like where all of these ley lines on the planet all intersect. And so you can actually, some of it, they say, is like, like a visual. What is that? Like, where it’s fake, like optical illusion, but other part, like, I’ve been there.

I seen it with my eyeballs. I’ve taken. I participated in certain parts of it, you know, where it’s just like, something’s weird about the area. It is weird. And I’m so grateful that we got to continue and build up the. The rumble and the twitter, hopefully. Everybody go subscribe over here. We’re here with Project Cheney and here’s her YouTube. Make sure to go to her rumble, though, and subscribe there. I don’t have all those up. You go stream every Friday nights. What I like to listen to on my Friday nights, I just love everybody part of it.

I love all of y’all. And I. What can we look out for from you for the next secret society of good guys? Yeah, we’ll have the next secret Society of Friday. Haven’t even been naming them or anything. Cause it’s like the news breaks like the day of. So I try to do something. Yeah, some of my podcasts, I’ve sat down with some really rad people and gone over a whole bunch of theories and then a lot of it in my rants. You’ll just hear me through lockdowns, losing my mind and talking about tyranny and being like a lone person in the world for a while, that I was like the only maskless person I knew and refused to put one on.

And so it’s like some of that journey. And this is the one with me. Yeah, a ton of, you know, the whole world’s a conspiracy. I got the popular ones, the fourth, the top four rows, and we go in your podcast. You guys dive in. You guys. You guys get a little naughty over there. Yeah, we get a little naughty sometimes. There really isn’t any topic that’s off the table because we really do believe there’s a conspiracy in everything. Like, you were even talking about, like, everyone being lonely and being in lockdowns. I have a theory that that’s why ASMR, or whatever that shit is where people want to hear someone chew and breathe.

That’s because human beings are used to being by each other, and they have a so segregated now from each other that even that addiction is just like a desperate cry for a human interaction. Yes, that’s because the devil is really loud in the head, so our heads will get overwhelmed with anxiety from the devil who just wants us to feel like we’re nothing. So we have to be quiet because God is so close to us that he’s not going to yell at us. We have to be so quiet to hear him. That was my ASMR spirituality.

You can catch my spirituality ASMr over on Spotify. And also, I like to give a shout out to. I got my first sponsor, USA survival. Get your bug out bags, get your food storage. What’s your thoughts on this with her? I’m going to do you a bomb commercial. Every single person out there, if it’s your hurricane, if it’s your earthquake kit, if it’s just to alleviate some kind of stress, and you’re not a person that you’re well equipped to kind of go out and get water and get mres and get this kind of stuff, these kind of things, even though they seem like so, you know, somebody like, oh, they put together a survival bucket.

Somebody else did the work for you so you don’t have to. And even if you never have to use it, you’re lucky as anything if you never have to use it. But I promise, as a person who’s gone without power for two and three weeks at a time in a hurricane, we’ve lived on mres. We’ve needed bottles of water, if not just for us, our animals, children, neighbors. And so having something like this is so great to, even if you never use it, just stays in your laundry room and you just know, just in case we have three weeks of food, having three weeks of preparation for you and your family is everything.

I heard something once of life after people that it says, you will have to out survive 20 other people. You will have to out survive 20 other human beings. So if you have three children, you have to out survive 80 other people to keep those kids alive. And it seems like, oh, okay, this isn’t a big deal. This is just fear and panic. It isn’t panic if you’re prepared. Once you’re prepared, it alleviates all stress. So if you’re not a person that can grow all your own vegetables, at least have a gun and some mres. Yeah, I’m happy we went on the good.

We left the Google algorithm. Thank you for pitching that. Yeah, I believe in it as well. I’ve had the buckets and the bags for over ten years. And yeah, it’s good. So thank you for helping with that pitch. I got those links down below, USA survival, it got a newsletter as well. Go to the newsletter. Got that link down below. My YouTube was striked for an entire week, but I was able to contact people on here. And if you think you already signed up to it, I had to delete pretty much. I think I had it out of like 50,000 emails.

I had to delete 30,000 to keep it. That’s what Wix did. I don’t know why that’s what they. So I lost all my emails. So go subscribe there to keep updated. Go to the and go to the notify me on launch to get the dope gear as well. That’s going to be released right here. You have to back this, you guys. If you haven’t been a part of a paranoid american project yet, it’s always top notch. And so I’m excited to see with donut added to it, how what it’s going to turn out to be.

But I just. It’ll make you excited. And there’s even stuff that Thomas has that it can show your kids about chem trails. Like, there’s all sorts of things that Thomas has going on. And so I think I’m so excited you guys are doing this. And these will be memorabilia, collectibles, limited edition. So by going to the notify me on launch, you’ll be able to grab probably drop even a vhs box on there. And those sell out depending on how many there are. Like, if I drop 100 of them, they sell out within like 8 hours. So if you go to the notify me on launch, you’ll be able to get it first access.

So go do that and also join the wicked smart community over on the Patreon. We’ll be doing a zoom call probably this weekend, so make sure to tune in for that. But mostly go subscribe to Project Cheney’s YouTube and rumble and all that. I love you, Project Cheney. I love you back. I’m excited that we came to rumble. Yeah, hit the rumble. I do think I’m short lived on YouTube because we do talk about everything. And, like, adrenochrome. That’s the word. We can’t say so much. Adrenochrome, thrill, oxide. We can’t talk about vaccines. We can’t talk about hydroxychloroquine.

You can’t talk about unity either. No. I can’t even show a picture of Abby working out because they flag it for nudity. Yeah. Can’t show my dolphins. No. Doing dolphin research. I can’t put up big dick energy with Michelle Obama. They flag me for hate speech and I’m like, a lesbian should be allowed to talk about Big Mike. If I can’t, what has the world become? I’m jewish and I was removed off of Vimeo for being anti that. Crazy. Absolutely nuts. This is the world we’re in, though. I think it’s really up to, like, the gay to be the shill against the gay tyranny.

Yeah. Like, the LGBTQ trans agenda. It’s up to the gay to be like, nah, this is bullshit. And everyone would be like, oh, thank you. I’m so glad you said that. This, because I think it’s bullshit too. So maybe it’s sometimes up to the jew to be like, hey, that other stuff seems wild, for sure. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in. Smash that, like, button. Burn, burn, burn. Love you, love you, love you. I’ll see y’all soon. Much love and God bless you. Yay. You took the wave.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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