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5G Danger


➡ The speaker discusses a strange event in Oak, Pennsylvania where people fainted at a rally. They suggest this could be due to frequencies used in social engineering and propaganda, similar to those used at music concerts. They also mention a phenomenon called Havana syndrome, a mysterious illness causing similar symptoms. The speaker believes these events are connected and part of a larger conspiracy involving the mainstream media and powerful organizations.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, touching on topics like symbolism in popular culture, elite power structures, and secret societies. They express skepticism towards mainstream media and encourage their audience to be critical of the information they consume. They also promote their Patreon and an upcoming comic they’ve been working on. Lastly, they discuss their belief that influential figures like Epstein and Hitler didn’t actually die but were placed in witness protection.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the popularity of their posts on Twitter, the influence of mainstream media, and various conspiracy theories. They mention the significance of purple lights and their connection to a broader narrative. They also touch on the impact of technology on children, the symbolism in popular culture, and their personal experiences. The speaker encourages their audience to question mainstream narratives and explore alternative viewpoints.
➡ The author discusses their interest in conspiracy theories and their emotional involvement in them. They mention their struggles with addiction and their reactions to online criticism. They also speculate about political events, suggesting that Kamala Harris might become president as part of an ‘October surprise’. They believe this is hinted at in various media, including the color purple in various contexts. They also discuss their personal life and interact with their audience.
➡ The speaker discusses a book by an Oxford scholar that suggests the Great Pyramid was a bioacoustic bioweapon using frequencies and sound as a weapon. The speaker also explores the idea that certain plasmas, which are often purple, might be a form of intelligent life. The speaker then connects these ideas to the appearance of purple lights across America, suggesting they could be used for mind control by holding the most data.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the connection between alien movies and the 2030 agenda, the influence of Ariana Grande’s music video, and the significance of Francis Bacon’s philosophical work, Novum Organum. They also mention the impact of Jordan Maxwell’s work and the importance of wisdom over knowledge. The speaker also touches on the influence of mainstream media and the potential manipulation of public opinion.
➡ The speaker discusses their struggle with being labeled as “broke” and not working hard enough, despite having multiple jobs and working constantly. They also touch on their journey of self-education and discovery through various authors and thinkers, and their struggle with quitting smoking. The speaker expresses frustration with societal expectations and the manipulation of public opinion, while also acknowledging the importance of personal growth and self-improvement.
➡ The speaker discusses their journey of recovery and sobriety, emphasizing the importance of spiritual principles and actions. They also share their struggles with quitting smoking and the methods they used to cope. The speaker then delves into various topics, including their thoughts on different cultures, their sobriety, and their views on politics. Lastly, they discuss the potential impact of AI and technology, like Tesla bots, on society, including changes in social dynamics and human interaction.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the impact of technology on social interactions and dating, the potential future popularity of sex robots, and the predicted population collapse due to fertility issues. They also touch on the influence of survival mode on different racial and cultural groups, and the manipulation of these groups through their autonomic nervous systems. The speaker criticizes the spread of hate speech and division online, and the lack of accountability due to anonymity. They conclude by expressing concern over the lack of humor and intelligence in online discourse, and the potential real-world consequences of this behavior.
➡ The social media influencer appreciates the support from his followers and encourages them to like and share his content. He mentions that the best way to support his independent channel is through Patreon, which may increase its prices soon. He also promotes his upcoming comic book, “Illuminati Comic,” and encourages people to sign up for early access. Lastly, he highlights the exclusive content available on his Patreon, including documentaries, research videos, and banned content.


Is this strange event that took place in Oak, Pennsylvania, the Keystone state. Right, Pennsylvania. And Oak is. Okay, we’re going to get into how deep that symbolism is, but people started fainting at this rally. And we’ve been covering the different frequencies, the mountain dews and the energy. Fifth generation warfare that be happening with social engineering through propaganda, through TikTok. Like your, like your little Russell brand tick tock celebrities that go viral by the mainstream media, that’s a weapon. And also these frequencies, these do’s. We covered it over here on the channel. We got a ton of new people over on TikTok.

Let me see. One of my good friends just texted me. Oh, and also, if you like to support this show, we do not. We’ve never been monetized over here, so we got this super chat right here. It’s the Venmo. You scan it, send in a super chat. Much appreciated. But let’s see who’s up here this late. Why are you so wicked handsome? Thank you. I’m actually beautiful, but thank you, because there’s some new research coming out. You gotta watch my last video that I am actually a female, because Doe is female. Uh, so handsome is nice, but it’s actually beautiful.

Uh, what up, what up, yo, yo, we gonna get wicked smart tonight on the graveyard shift. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you heard of, uh. Actually, I’ll get to that in a little bit. Um, but look at this. All these people are fainting. At Trump’s event, which was a musical event, where we cover these musical events, kind of like Taylor Swift musical event. Trump says he hated Taylor Swift. Well, at Taylor Swift’s concert. And she’s known to wear the purple, by the way, at her erase concert, her eras concert, all the girls that went to this, their brains were being erased.

They don’t remember it. Kind of like that new movie that’s out called blink twice. And it goes into the purple optogenetics and these light frequencies of these different activation systems through the optogenetics and the led light and so on the color spectrum, we’ve been covering the purple, and it’s been going absolutely viral. Insane. And then just what you get here at the donut factory, you get stuff. First, we’re not new researchers. We’ve been doing this for a minute, and we’ve been talking about a lot of these topics that are now being talked about. And the mainstream media, like the Drudge report, which is a super leftist organization.

Most organizations and people and influencers who say they’re part of the alt right, are actually super leftist. It’s pretty funny. Like, so at this bizarre music session, that’s what they’re calling it, because they were just playing music and kicking it and people were fainting. And I believe there was some frequencies going on, just like at the Taylor Swift concert. And there’s a lot of evidence to back this up, back this claim up. Look at all the purple, the purple rain that’s happening now because we first saw it at Taylor Swift concert, where the music frequencies were making people forget their memory.

Just like in the movie that was funded by the Vatican. Actually, the men in black two, but even the men in black one, which wasn’t funded by the Vatican, shows you the optogenetics of the lights flashing and erasing your memory. That’s actually a real thing. Uh, like, remember the movie men in black? I’m sure you do. Well, the Travis Scott concert, we covered that here. Half a million views. But we delete it. We delete it all the time because the channels keep getting removed over here and never being monetized. So we appreciate all the super chats.

And I like to give a shout out to someone who did send a super chat on that memo down below. And me give a shout out real quick before I forget. Shout out, shout out. Shout, shout, shout out. The super chat. You know where he’s at. Damn, my phone. Slow, Jacqueline. Thank you, Jacqueline, for the five dollar super chat. Whoo. We saw it happen at Travis Scott at that concert, and we just saw it happen with a mysterious illness out here in Arizona in the aZ. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m out here in Arizona. Come see, come see me out in the Phoenix sun.

What? But over here in Arizona, people were getting hit by some Havana syndrome. Mysterious illness just striking people. Right, right. And that is just what Havana syndrome is, what leave the world behind is all about, remember? And leave the world behind. That kid got hit with the frequency, and then he got really sick and his teeth started falling out. So, I mean, just look at this. And this is just another example how this channel just keeps getting screwed over. Once this event happened, my channel was removed for a week or two. Other influencers were able to talk, and we’re going to get into them, we’re going to expose them a little bit.

But nobody ran. And shout out to a loyal Patreon subscriber. We do Zoom calls over on the Patreon, and she brought up that nobody ran, and it was odd. So that’s where I got this from. So shout out to you if you’re watching. Look there’s people getting blasted and this guy’s just kicking it and sitting there. People are just chilling because they’re getting hit with some frequencies. And the frequencies either make them chill, make them wild, make them angry, make them sick, make them emotional. There’s so much happening on a scientific level that is just mind blowing.

Like AI. You think that’s new? If you think chat. GPT just came out. There’s a lot of catching up to do. What up? What up? We got Aaron up in the building. What up? Aaron donut is too real. I’m B real. B real’s my dad. So shout out to my dad, be real. Insane in the membrane. Yo, yo, we streaming? Where is your Venmo link? You can’t scan it when you’re listening on the phone. I know. Isn’t that b’s? You can’t scan it when you’re listening on the phone. I got a PayPal link, but I don’t know if the Venmo link works.

If. If some. Somebody could put that in, it would be cool. Look, we got. We got so many people up in here. Shout out to everybody, Shalom. Shalom. Let’s. Let’s get back. Let’s get back into these frequency weapons because there’s so much to cover. Oh, my goodness. With the purple and the sacrifice, that’s going to happen either today to the 17th, probably on the 17th, or three days after. And here’s Matt Perry under the full moon. His last photo. And it’s purple and his last photo in the jacuzzi. We covered this as well. So if you’re new to the channel, we cover a lot of the videos that you’ve already seen, if you haven’t subscribed.

And it’s also Eminem’s birthday on this full moon. And his first album covers purple. Look, a sacrifice in the trunk and the full moon. He’s be rabbit. And there’s the rabbit on the moon in all ancient cultures. So this is all Ivana syndrome and whatnot. But let’s talk about the. Okay. Symbolism. We see the Illuminati hand sign. And look, this right here, this article. I’m not bashing Trump. This is the mainstream media bashing trump. And they put this symbol here in oak, right? That’s the a. Okay, look how you spell oak. Oak. A. Okay? Oak. Remember that? Because this, okay.

Illuminati hand sign is for the oak. The oak tree. We broke that down. We’re the only channel that has broken that down, by the way. So he was performing in Oaks Pennsylvania. The. Okay, Pennsylvania, where all these people started fainting when the music was playing. And Harris, Kamala Harris even responded and said, I hope he’s okay in oaks. And they’re posting the okay hand symbol in oaks. And the mainstream media says Trump’s with people fainting at the event from heat. They’re gonna tell you it’s from heat, but it’s not because this oak. Okay, this is all little nudging.

So all these people up on the mainstream getting interviewed by the mainstream media and saying, the mainstream media, they’re not. They’re not bad. That’s the cool thing about Christopher Green at AMTV, when I worked for him, the mainstream media, he hit him up before, like. Like, I don’t know which channel. Like CNN, CNNBC. It was a big opportunity for him. And I was all excited for him. And he’s like, no, I turned it down. I told him I don’t speak with fake news. And I was like, damn, that’s pretty, pretty tight. They said that nobody knows that story, only I do.

But now y’all. Y’all know. So, like, the mainstream media, it is a network. You got the power brokers working both sides of the equation. There’s been a lot of exposure of this that we will show you over the coming months. We’ll really break that down because you can’t get all the knowledge all in one day. It takes a while, the slow process. Yo, Christina says, yo, dough dut. Great to see your face and hear your voice. You’re such a diamond. Thank you. Thank you. Look at these grays. Look at them grays in my hair. Thank you.

Happy birthday to me. Woo. Woo. And the okay is the oak tree. Here’s queen Elizabeth oak tree. It’s very important to the elite, not the people who blame the jayshe. They don’t know a damn thing. There’s an elite power structure that goes back to the hammurabi code, and they camouflage. And look, Elon. What’s Elon’s name mean? It means oak tree. It’s the symbol for Jupiter. And that’s where the damn spaceship’s going is, to Jupiter’s moon called Europa, which goes into a whole fascist apparatus as well. We can get into, symbolically, with the crusader swords and whatnot.

And a okay, that’s the a. Okay hand symbol. Well, that’s an anagram for oak. That’s how you spell oak. A okay. So, I mean, I know I’m correct with that symbolism representing the oak tree. And we are streaming hella late tonight so much respect to everybody up in here. Donut TD’s is real. Be careful. Don’t get brainwashed by MSM mainstream Media. All right, we’ll keep it going. We keep pushing. But if you do like this content, please go over to the patreon. We do these Zoom calls and you get to hang out with us. And we post a bunch of videos.

We just did a live stream today with a special guest on there going over the purple. And also go to illuminati right here. Illuminati go sign up to the. Notify me on launch. We are almost at 400. I would love to see it hit 400. You just put your information in right there. Sign up. And we going to be dropping this illuminati comic on y’all. I mean, is, we’ve been working over a year on it. It’s coming out really, really good. Paranoid American and myself been covering it. But yeah. What do you think’s going on with, uh, that? I think these are fifth generation warfare frequencies, making people faint, making people faint, making people forget their damn memory.

And here is a new movie that came out, which is fabulous. I bought it and I watched it two, three times already. And it’s not for, like, there’s some traumatic stuff in it, so it’s not for everybody because it, it’s exposing, in my opinion, a lot of these elite orgy parties that be going on with the tech elite and with Silicon Valley, with Kanye west, puff daddy and all them, how they orchestrate these eyes wide shut rituals doing sex magic. And, I mean, this goes back to the ancient days, then nothing new under the sun. I was speaking with my friend, and he was all, like, telling me about how when they set up new systems out of order, like, new governments, and people are different today.

And I was like, people are not different. We have not evolved one bit since the medieval days. Like, we’re all sick. And you can just see it from what people like to watch and how people act and behave. You know what I mean? But anyway, this movie was pretty good, and it was exposing a lot of what was going on at these parties. Like, everyone’s wearing white, just like the white parties, and everyone gets these red bags, like the red shoes. And all this stuff’s breaking about the p. Diddy case. But the p. Diddy case is a distraction.

It’s a celebrity distraction from. What about the, the list? What about the Epstein list? And it’s interesting. You look up Epstein Google, the only thing will pop up is Donald Trump. Like, they do not like Donald Trump. And I’m not, like, picking a side or nothing, but it’s. It’s pretty obvious that Trump kicked Epstein out. But this is the thing, is that I heard that Trump and Elon were both on the list, you know, so it’s. It’s kind of like one of those things where I’m just watching the show, watching it all play out, and we’ll see what happens.

We are devolving, not evolving. Eating the donuts. No diddy. And all these mother efforts are part of secret society. And so that’s what we cover here. We’re covering the symbolism. Wearing the white is symbolism. A lot of. Yeah, the KKK wear a white robe, for example. Why is that? So these parties that get thrown, like, here’s Kanye west, he just had his new wife, this girl who speaks as a teacher at the University of Malta, which is where the cult center is close by in Capri. So I wouldn’t be surprised. Like, you got a bunch of different cult centers.

You got big Sur, California, you got the Amalfi coast. And Bianca sensory was orchestrating, coordinating these eyes wide shut orgies for Kanye, you know. Oh, but he’s a. You know, he’s a good guy, though. He’s a good guy, though. According to. According to the masses. The masses are absolutely always wrong and always on the wrong side of history. Cash app founder Bob Lee, he was stabbed by a guy who was living in room 201. This was a ritual. I mean, even, like, right here, the three steps could be considered masonic. Uh, you could just look at stuff, what they show us in the mainstream, and seed stuff.

But he was going to these underground sex drug parties, what, the tech elite. And then you got the Jimmy Saville’s or whatever. And that’s what this movie was about. I won’t give away too much of it, but I liked how it was done, and maybe I’ll do a breakdown of it later. The fourth time I watched the movie, so, like, even the Sex Pistol guy was talking about Jimmy Savelle, but the Sex Pistol guy, he was part of the club as well. Like, why do you think he knew about Jimmy Savelle? And so, like, when you see these influencers, these TikTok influencers, these mainstream influencers who get in trouble and whatnot, look, the Sex Pistols, their music was banned, and it became a top billboard hit because it was banned.

And it was about God save the queen or whatever. So when you see, like, an Andrew Tate, it’s just a psychological operation. The most banned person in the world as the Google algorithms only pushed you. Come on, that’s bullshit. And look at these tick tock influencers. These tick tock influencers. You’re scrolling through the phone like this, and your hand starts hurting. You even get an imprint on your pinky. Your pinkies indented. At least mine is, because I’m addicted. I’m scrolling through it, I’m hooked on. Oh, my goodness. What? But it’s the same influencers everybody’s getting. And they’re giving you little clip bits of information of what they want you to believe, like, information they want you to believe.

And that is more powerful than the mainstream media. You go into the supermarket, you go shop in there. Why do they have the magazines? It’s just brainwashing into your priming subconscious mind, hypnotically. And what do you think is happening on the phone? The phone is the most hypnotic brainwashing device out there. And these are short clips. This isn’t long form content. You’re watching long form content right now. But most people are not most people. You can see with the views, and that’s where they’re forming their opinions and politically or whatever. So beware, because I’ve been banned off tick tock, and so has everybody else for just putting out videos that aren’t even bad.

Because if you were exposing what’s going down when it was important in 2019, 2020, you’re put on a list like myself, where you’re just screwed financially and all that. And so you’re going to get these new artists like Russell Brands, in a sense, who put on this character, right? The Charles Manson character, or even he’s Eve, or even Jesus. They’re even portraying Jesus. Can you believe that? Such blasphemy. That’s what this symbol is. When you see a lot of the halo symbolism, you might not know this. Oh, and then you see the 33 on his hand, but you can see that look.

There’s a certain look, certain look in the eyes. He did that video with P. Diddy that was showing you that P. Diddy was doing these things that was priming everyone. P. Diddy is not in prison. They’re saying that Epstein didn’t hang him, Hogan. Like, people believe Epstein’s actually dead. People like Hitler, people like Epstein, they don’t die, they don’t shoot themselves. That’s the story for you, for the dumb shit masses, what’s really happening is they’re gained, put in witness protection, moving over into Brazil or whatever like that. Putting witness protection. That’s what’s going on. That’s where did he is.

And I think that they’re gonna have like some sort of event it priority happened where they moved him into another location. But this is not for the masses. Our videos here don’t get views. Like, sure, it’s a big, it seems pretty, like, wow, that’s impressive. Hundred thousand subscribers. It is a lot of work and it is impressive and hard work, but 100,000 subscribers averaging maybe 20,000 views in how many people are watching other stuff? Like, it’s such a small fraction percentage of society that that watches it. If it was getting a lot of views, then I’d be in, like, danger.

I couldn’t talk about all the stuff that we’re talking about. That’s what Jordan Maxwell said. He says that you’re not a problem as long as no one’s listening. When people start listening, then it’s an issue. But we’ve been covering all these topics. It’s really not a mainstream thing that we talk about here. The. So whatever. But we keep on being on point and sometimes it leaks into the mainstream, like this tweet, I won’t even say leaked into the mainstream, but over on Twitter, this thing got half a million views. I just wrote, wait until you find out about the purple lights.

Half a million views. People don’t even know about the damn purple lights yet. We’ve been talking about the purple lights for like, three, four years now. So now the, the mainstream kind of seeping in there. But you get the information here first. Like Candace Owen, she calling Rabbi Shmuley, like Frankish Sabbatian, who called him that first, this jewish guy way before her. So that goes into the mainstream. So you’re just learning stuff here first. And I’m sure that’s my ego popping in there. But it’s the truth. It’s the truth. And we just crashed through almost a thousand people tuning in.

We’re streaming all over the place. I’d like to remind everybody every time we pass through a thousand people to please smash that, like, button, share the video out. It goes a long way. It really, really does. And I really appreciate it. So the octopus alien Elon Musk tweeted, if they discovered the bacterial life on Europa, it will be the best and most important mission ever. And we’ve been primed about the octopus aliens on Jupiter’s moon, and they’re going to tell us, yes, we found it around 20203, 020-292-0203 because it’s part of the United nations agenda right here.

It’s part of the United nations agenda for world communism, the UN. That’s what they’re set up to do. They’re a theosophy society, just like Hitler. They’re all just. It’s as a nazi corporation when you see it for world communism. And who put on Europa Clipper is JLP. Jet propulsion laboratory. Created on devil’s night or dark matter day, uh, where they were doing sex magic and, you know, summoning the whore Babylon with Hubbard and Jack Parson and, you know, doing orgy stuff, you know, that was exposed in this stuff in the desert, creating little homunculuses. This is where look like Operation Paperclip.

Chaos magic. Ouster Crowley, rocket science. The world is stranger than you could imagine. And this is the occult, as you can see right here. The occult history. That’s the hidden history. That’s the stuff that you’re not going to learn in the mainstream, not gonna learn it on Fox News. So even the Roku on the tv’s got the purple activation. I’m gonna kind of pass through that just because there’s some stuff I can’t show on YouTube, but it is connected to the masks. The mask off. Mask on. You remember back in the day about. In 2019? Well, there’s a song called Mask off.

As you can see, he’s doing the Illuminati I, and it was released April 18, 2017. And on that same day, just a few years later, on April 18, 2022, you can take your mask off. So the song mask off and mask off, there’s a connection. And he’s releasing his new album, look, he’s wearing the purple suit, and the album’s the purple lights. Oh, my goodness. The purple lights. The three steps for the first three steps of masonry. That’s why you got three strikes, three outs in baseball. 33. The three. The first three degrees, three steps, the red, blue.

Mix them together, you get purple, purple Lodge, and you can even say, that’s a pyramid. But he’s got the purple going on with the purple activation happening worldwide. As we were covering this because of this purple street lights. Oh, no. What happened? We were covering this because the purple street lights, but these purple portal physics, the Ani calls it believe. It was like if you’re a millennial, you were programmed with the purple dinosaur, right? About love. And then for some reason, this purple dinosaur who sang about love actually became a tantric sex love teacher. And now the children are getting pushed with not dinosaurs.

It was even on the Olympics. They were saying that, no more dinosaurs. No more dinosaurs. I don’t want a dinosaur. I want the shark backpack. Because these little kids are growing up with the iPad in their face, watching their shows of sharks, and they’re becoming sharks. Sharks. If you take away their iPad, you take away the light. You take away. Whoa. You take away the light, you’re going to get attacked like a shark. It’s not, I love you. You love me anymore. It’s a baby shark. Do do do, go, bam, give me my mother effing bam.

Give me it. Give me my iPad, give me my phone. And I feel. I feel they pain because I’m like that, too. I’m up on this phone, like, oh, I’m addicted to it. The blue light. I don’t even know where my blue light filter glasses are. I don’t know where my blue light filter glasses are. Dang it. I gotta find who took my blue light filter glasses. The blue frequency is a 666. And look, the purple sun. Somebody sent this over on Twitter that the sun turned purple because of the fires. So this strange anomalies happening is so interesting to me.

I love looking into all this stuff and. Oh, my goodness. Bath and body works. We’re talking about Diddy. You can’t talk about Diddy without talking about Epstein and Bath and body works. And think about the oils at Bath and body works and all the poison back in the day. My. I’m not even gonna get into it. I’m gonna leave that. I’m gonna leave that one out for the patreon, but. Oh, my. Okay. I’ll tell you. Okay, my friend, he passed away. Rest in peace. When we were kids, like, young kids, and he. We’d go to the mall because that’s what you do when you were a kid before phones, and he would just go up in there and he would just steal all the stuff out of bath and body works and stuff like that.

You know, I. That. That’s what happened. That’s what. We were little kids. We were little, little kids. So rest in peace to my best friend. One of my best friends. That was a long time ago, but at bath and body works, they released this KKK, and the Masons created the K. Albert pike and that. They created the Ku Klux Klan and they released their Ku Klux Klan candle. You got all the KKK members on their candle and that. You even got the KKK symbol right here. If you look up the flag of the KKK, it’s this color coding of the red and white with the symbol.

I mean, it’s absolutely the KKK. And Bath and body works is part of Epstein’s ties. It’s tied to Epstein Bath and body works. Just like Victoria’s Secret and Abercrombie and Fitche and the baby oil. You’re hearing about all this baby oil that p. Diddy was getting caught with? Well, they were mixing GBH and different chemicals and drugs into the oil, just like they were doing in this movie. Blink twice. Blink twice. They were mixing that chemical into the oils in this film. It’s a pretty good film. I really. I mean, the more I think about it, like, I didn’t even put that connection until now.

It was a really good film by Abercrombie and Fitch. Like, these are catalogs for people. I’m not going to get too deep into the words, but daf, I mean, that’s masonic symbolism as well. Jimi Hendrix. Purple Haze is actually Jesus saves, but they changed the lyrics, so. Purple haze, Jesus saves. That. That was the lyrics. And he was obsessed with the number 69. So, like, 69 purple haze, Jesus saves LSD, Lucy in the sky with diamonds is Polaris. It’s a UFO ship that his son drew. Like, there’s a lot of stuff that gets pushed onto the mainstream culture, but there’s a lot of meaning to it for the initiates only.

And you’re not going to know what this shit means unless you know about the symbolism, the etymology and a bunch of other stuff to bloodlines and all that. But, uh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m gonna go to comments real quick. Smash that. Like, but in Keystone light, purple haze was the vapor canopy. And that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to break pattern and go live stream tonight, you know, breaking pattern. Yo, from the dungeon programming. Evening, donut. Evening to you. Blue moon sains rain. So I’m going to talk about a little sensitive topic because we don’t get sensitive over here.

It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but now other truthers are talking about it, messaging me about it, and it’s getting kind of shared out. I don’t want to do it because I’m emotionally entangled sometimes in my research. So I want to come at a place of neutrality. If I’m going to be covering topics because I get angry at all the anti semitism, it gets me pissed off. And I just watch it for years and years and longer than that because I’m. That’s what I cover. I read books about illuminati, conspiracy, all that. So, like, I’m always seeing stuff like that and there’s just a strange operation happening.

That’s not organic. It is all orchestrated through the Kanye west and all this. And so I get emotionally entangled in it, into the crowd and there’s nothing I can do about the damn crowd. Like, people are gonna believe what they want and they have the right to believe what they want and they’re gonna post what they want and they have the right to post what they want. And that’s when you actually get wisdom, is when you have that serenity of knowing the difference between the two. Because I am in recovery and in addiction. So I was all pissed off at some of these nazi accounts and I just started like talking shit.

And it kind of, I was in the wrong, though. I wasn’t. I was in the wrong because I was reacting. I wasn’t responding, I was reacting. But a certain influencer responded to some of my comments that I made when I was getting off of nicotine. And I was just, I was just out of it. I was having panic attacks. I was freaking out, you know, because I’m just a dude in my apartment with my cat. Hopefully I could pay the damn rent this month. You know, that’s my life for a long, long time. And this one influencer wrote that I’m COInTelPRo on a comment.

And I was like, ouch, that, that hurts. And I just let it go. I was like, look, I made a mistake because I was talking all the, and so that’s what I get. And so I let it go. But now people are starting to see that this dude might not be who he says he is. And look, we’re, before I get into that, we’re gonna get into that. But look, this Cthulhu right here is Zuckerberg. The purple stuff. The October surprise coming up. What is the October surprise, America? I think the October surprises that this purple kamala gonna get in right here.

Just like Lisa Simpson was wearing the purple. I think Kamala is gonna get into office for the October surprise. I think Joe Biden go slip or something and they’re gonna put her in and make her the 47th masonic president. It’s all in the script because what you’re watching is a movie script. Like, okay, House of cards, the president passes away and then the first female president becomes the 47th president. House of cards in the show, veep, the same thing. The 47th president is a female. And I bet you if I look up veep, she probably wearing purple.

Hold up. And then the Kamala, oprah, Kamala, oprah. I bet you there’s some purple there too. Um. Oh my goodness. I just look up Kamala, Oprah. And there is the purple. Yo, look at that. Kamala wearing the purple. She wearing the purple. Um, but it was a poster. Poster from upload right here. Okay, so I don’t think it’s purple, but there’s all this predictive programming of the 47th president being a female, because what you’re watching is a movie. And so they’re just using archetypes in movie characters. For example, they did this with books. Elon Musk was written about by a Nazi called Wernher von Braun.

A group called Elon Colonized Mars. And now Elon’s gonna go colonize Mars. Just remember that, because I’m not done with the. With the connections of the dot connecting. So I think that’s going to be the October surprise right here. We can see there’s even an illuminati card of the screaming meme in purple and the plague of demons. The demon is purple in Trump. I heard somebody wrote to me saying that Trump, during that fainting event, said, they’re purple like a demon or something like that. Can you believe that? I’m trying to find that clip, but my prediction is for the 1017 ritual.

I’m still looking at Eminem and his affiliates. As you can see, the cancer is the six nine. It is the top of the royal arch, and it’s the moon shot for biden. And look, it’s the purple d twelve Purple Hills. The comet that’s happening is called Purple Mountain. Right here’s the moon. You see all the purple. Eminem’s first album of the moon and the Purple and the sacrifice and jelly roll, who was just on. Joe Rogan was the moon. So I’m definitely looking out for him. Joe Rogan doing a podcast, the 218. And you know what? I don’t even know.

I don’t even know if I want to go into the guy who was talking crap about me. I think I might. I might not do it. Yeah, I might not. I might not, because I don’t want to stir up no beef with. But I think that one of these tick tock influencers is definitely an agent. I’m gonna go to comments instead. Yo, what up? What up? Happy birthday. Take. Take the high road donut. Whoo. Beef. Come on. Yeah. No, I want. I want. I want that beef. Yo, I want that beef. Man versus women. They. Yeah, Sneko and Aiden.

That was pretty cool stream. Uh, I like that. That sneako and Aiden’s dropping. I thought that was really cool of Aiden, uh, to do Steven Spielberg is next to join the diddler. We love you. I love you, Sandy. Great decision, donut. Oh, okay, cool. So people are okay, cool people are with it. That’s tight. Like, I just had a feeling, like, right before I was gonna go into it, I just had this feeling. A nah. Boys in Brazil is the movie where they do the cloning of Adolf Hitler, aesop, rocky, purple swag. Oh, you got crypto for me? I would love some crypto.

Send it my way. You like? That’s my jewish whoo. So net crypto. Have you looked into Candace Owens father in law? I have. I have. It’s weird how many foreign countries, like, are, like, so, like, in american politics, you know, so many, like, bloodlines of people that don’t live in America, up in America. But I don’t know. I don’t know. Why can. Candace needs an interview and talk to Charles Moskowitz and myself. They close some schools here in California. For October 17, International Shakeout Day. What? Let me google that. Hold up. International Shakeout Day. Get the fudge out of here.

That’s crazy. Check this out. International. Get ready to shake out. It’s like an earthquake drill. I lived in California. I’ve been into a couple earthquakes. I do not like them. So that’s happening on the 17th. Interesting. At 10:17 a.m. see, that’s weird, right? See, that’s symbolic right there at 10:17 a.m. on 1017. And, like, Taylor Swift, they have the whole crowd jump up in the air, and they create an earthquake. Like, damn. Thank you for sharing that. Like, a six nine seismic event that happened on October 17. And that six nine. Is that okay? The schizo.

The schizo in my brain is going off right now. We gonna pull this up real quick. There was a big 1989. Oh, I was alive. Oh, okay, so this earthquake. Me and my sister were in this earthquake in California. Well, I think so. Maybe not. I don’t know. I don’t remember a little kid, I don’t think. But. But why don’t they have a wiki page? Here it is. 1017 1989. At 1017 on 1017. I wonder what the astrology was that date, if it was a full moon. Let me look. Let me check this out. Because these earthquakes are rituals.

The fires, these weather events, they’re rituals. October 17 moon. It was. I don’t think it was a full moon. It was a waning, gibbous moon. It was almost a full moon, but it wasn’t a full moon. Thank you for sharing that. Spirit miracle. I appreciate that. And if you got something you want me to read, I also got the venmo. Just letting y’all know, you know, down below, portrait geist girl was a tragedy. What was your favorite mall and store to go to? What? I was the Meadows Mall. Yo, I’m from Las Vegas. If you from Vegas in the nineties, you know about the metals mall because I lived like walking distance of the Meadows mall growing up.

International Shakeout Day donut. I hope whoever that was watching this podcast that can help you out with the rent money. Yeah, Candace has been exposing Kamala’s lineage. Yes. Full moon, full moon. Full moon shakeout. You know what? I could pull up some, some purple information. Do y’all want to see some purple light information? J, what were the medical emergency? Love the music. Tuck and roll. Tuck and roll. Gucci, man. His record labels. 1017 and his record label has a curse of people who die. And Ariana Grande’s concert, there was a tragic event where 1017 people were injured.

What’s up, Suko? This year, Ridge collapse on underpass. A bridge collapsed on an underpass. Let me look this up. Google Bridge collapse memory lane. Do do do do do do do. Alright, so what I’m gonna do is I wanna play a couple purple info. We want some more purple info. Y’all want to know about that purple, purple lights, purple, purple lights, purple tights. Hold up a second. Let me pull it up. Let me pull up some of this stuff. I really want to go in on this cat too, though. Like, so, like I’m fighting, fighting with it.

Purple lights, controlling the matrix. Purple. Oh, what? Look at that handsome young donut. Look at that handsome young donut. I used to look so handsome and I did this research and then it’s just not, not the same, not the same donut anymore. Again, like from that, how much weight did I gain? I must have gained hella pounds. Hella lbs. Look at. But I was younger because this was like four years ago. This was back in like them, 2019, 2020. And we’re almost in 2025. So it’s like four or five years ago, man. So let me see.

I’m going to play a little bit from this Oxford scholar book has nothing to really do with purple, but it does go into some sort of frequencies in a sense, because the, the COVID of his book called the Demon and the Ekker, it was purple and it was very attractive. The book, I was like, I got to read this. The demon and the ekker, which means the demon in the mountain or the demon in the pyramid. As you can see, I have the pyramids there at the bottom, because the pyramid. The hypothesis of the book was that it was a bioacoustic bio weapon, which is crazy.

It was an oscillator. So it was pretty much doing this fifth generation warfare using frequency. So the great Pyramid was using harmonics, using frequencies and sound and music as a sort of bioweapon, which is crazy, right? Like what? Uh, so I read this book, and then she was showing all these different slides of how just pretty far away in summer, you got hieroglyphs of the smooth sided pyramids, which weren’t there. They were the step pyramids. And it was one of the most spiritual books I’ve read. The dude, Oxford scholar. And, uh, I’m gonna play a little clip of that.

You can see it on my patreon, though. The full. The full episode. Let’s go to that. The demon in the. The strangest book of high speculation, Oxford scholar Joseph P. Farrell. The demon and the Ekker. Ekker is a complex akkadian term meaning pyramid, mountain, or planet. The book meaning the demon in the pyramid. He relates two things which are so unlike each other that there is no apparent basis for comparison. One, the great pyramid being a weapon of mass destruction. Two, certain plasmas, the most abundant form of matter, might be a form of inorganic, intelligent life.

This notion stems from Zacharias stitching. Look, that’s my boy right there. Jordan Maxwell. Shout out to Jordan Maxwell. He’s the guy on the right. That’s where I learned about all this symbolism was from him. But they going into angels and frequencies and I’ll just let it play. I’ll just let it play to plasma. All throughout human history, there have been traditions of bodiless, invisible intelligences. That is, good or evil, they can heal or cause destruction. An overwhelming consensus among these traditions are scattered all over the world. It is widely agreed that angels and thoughts were formed before the formation of man.

The strange characteristics of angels outlined by St. John of Damascus and other writers on this subject agree that all these angelic characteristics of non locality. An angelic uncertainty principle. One cannot measure the place of an electron and its momentum at the same time. The micro macrocosm is all around us. Man is a microcosm all the way. I will keep it fast forwarded. Look at this. You can watch this whole video over on the Patreon. I got a bunch of little documentaries like that. But we were going into the lights, right? Talking about lights and purple lights.

So this is connected to it all, but it’s the plasma going over the demon in the ekker. A deep dive on the question. Are certain plasmas intelligent body less life, which can cause massive destruction. And you see that plasma, that plasma is purple. And that’s what like the northern lights is like some plasma stuff. Dionysi stem areopagite as the holy scriptures, has nine different names for the heavenly essences arranged into a neoplatonic ennead. There are also an egyptian ennead, a group of nine deities. The nine enneagram types revolution nine deep space, nine. Nine numbers on a telephone.

And also the nine gates of hell. Dante vision of the devil being frozen in hell at the center of a cone of nine rings, like an inverted pyramid, the image of demons in pyramids. But you see that the inverted pyramid, that’s what they be throwing up are all. It’s the yoni sign. But I mean, has anybody connected that yet? That maybe it’s not the. The Mudra, maybe it’s the nine circles of hell. Demons in pyramids are all over. Even the way plasma reacts to electric probes, it encloses itself, like trapping a demon in a pyramid. What if these ancient texts are not metaphorical to explain certain battles that took place in the heavens? But what if these are actual real events that happened? What if angels and demons are a form of inorganic plasma life? And what if the Giza pyramid is some sort of electro acoustic bio weapon? The war of gods and men in ancient texts from Greco.

There’s me. Let me see. So like light. We’re talking about them purple lights, right? That’s why this, this, this is a good video to play because it’s just expanding more than just the optogenetics that we were showing here of the purple lights that were popping up everywhere. This is just going even deeper into some light stuff as well. Look, she wearing purple. That’s pretty funny. So let’s get back into that video. Sis turns this metaphor on its head. They become the intentional acts of destruction by an intelligent, powerful being. It is no longer like these. The light, the plasma is actual intelligent life form.

That’s what I’m saying. Metaphorical, but now very real. War in heaven. Thus a war between good plasmas and bad plasmas, the thunderbolts of the gods, starts to make sense in this book. It makes clear only some plasmas would be intelligent life, not all. And wrote as if this hypothesis was true. So we don’t limit our imagination. Don’t want to limit that imagination. See, where else I get into with this. I’m gonna fast forward a little bit, see if there’s any more, some more light stuff. Okay. This, I think, is pretty good right here. The oscillator. So we’re talking about the bioenergetic frequencies of the lights making people faint at the Trump rapid or making people forget their memories or making people sick and whatnot.

This kind of weaponry been used back in the mansion days, so I’m gonna play that real quick. According to these ley lines and whatnot, quasi colto, the ley lines that the Great Pyramid is built on is shown in Piazzi’s Smith’s diagram that the alignment of Giza is the primary meridian at the epicenter of Earth. The Great Pyramid is positioned as a harmonious oscillator, resonating with the planets. And these planets are stars of plasma. The teachings of St. John of Damascus speaks of guardian angels and demons echoing through specific planets and regions. They’re guardian angels of certain regions or planets.

Occult sigils and symbols of planets show, on the lower left, symbols that resemble antennas or electrical circuitry. Even the motherboard of a computer looks very similar to the way these ancient megaliths and pyramids are built. So go subscribe to the Patreon to watch that video. It’s pretty good. And you can also watch this video that we did. So we put together them, documentaries and stuff. Get wicked smart over there, and then we come out here and bring the information, some sort of discreet sign for law enforcement, the arts, the CC movies, but they play. Gonna go over mind control via the led lights.

We’re seeing purple lights pop up all over the country in America right now, as I am in Arizona. So shout out to North Carolina, who is hosting this event. What’s fascinating about these purple lights that they’re calling a defect, and it’s not a conspiracy or aliens or the government doing this. The news station is actually saying this. Why would they even say that? Some thought it was some sort of discreet sign for law enforcement, the government, or aliens. No conspiracy theory behind the lights. No conspiracy. Exactly. No conspiracy. The word conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA to make anybody who talks about the JFK assassination and an alternative outlook on it look like a nutcase that needs tin foil on their head.

But these purple lights showing up all over the place. The interesting thing about purple lights in blue violet is that it can hold the most data, the most data for mind control. There’s scientific experiments with led lights, as we see the led lights being rolled out all over the world, not only for the Internet, of things. But these led lights, they’re scientific experiments proving that they can place false memories into people’s brains. So that’s what happened at the Taylor Swift concert. They. They put false memory. They made. They erased their memory. Like in the. The movie men in black.

And men in black. Remember that movie where they have the flashing light? So all these alien movies are connected to the 2030 agenda and religious institutions as well. It’s pretty crazy. So that’s a real thing. We thought of what wasn’t real when we were watching it. We’re like, well, that’s cool. Uh, but we just showed you that it’s possible. Anything that you do to a rat, you can do to a human. That’s why Ariana Grande, in her last music video, she’s connected to the United nations and the military industrial complex, talked about eliminating the rats because there’s a correlation.

Oh, my goodness. We just got a super chat. Super chat. Super chat. Woo woo. Thank you so much. Shout out. So, aura, let’s see if they had. Thank you. She says, thank you for being awesome. Thank you, Aura. That’s so sweet to you. Have I read the new arganon? I’ll check that out. Thank you so much, Aura. That means so much for the $5 super chat. Woo woo. Let me check that out. We’re gonna pull it up and see if I have checked it out, but I don’t think I have. I’ve never heard of that. The new Arganon.

The new Argonaut. Google the new Arganon. Hmm. I’m looking for it. Oh, I spelt it wrong. The new or been on. Okay, I found it. Francis Bacon. Okay. Okay. I’ll smell what you stepping in. The Novum organum. You see how it says Novum? That’s laden for, like, Novum order. Sir Clark. Sir Clorum, the new order of the ages. Hmm. So I haven’t checked it out, but I do know about Francis Bacon and his secret society of the order of the helmet, which they worship Minerva, which is the owl that they worship, a bohemian grove. He had his hand playing into a lot of things.

I think he, like, helped write or edit. I mean, the Bible or something like that. Uh, Francis Bacon and Francis Bay. Francis Bacon also was doing, uh, soul transferring as well. Uh, this is. This is something that, uh, the one on one podcast. And he’s probably read this. I have it, but I’m gonna check it out. The great instoration philosophical work of Francis Bacon. Written in Latin in the 16 hundreds. The title references Aristotle’s work the Arganon on his treaty of logic. In novum organum, Bacon details a new system of logic he believes to be superior than the old ways.

Wow. Yeah. This looks very good to read. Thank you. I’m gonna check that out. I’m gonna check that out. We gonna get wicked smarteen. Oh, yeah. Francis Bacon is Shakespeare. TJ says, I’m not a real jew because I’m white. It’s, it was funny, cuz, uh, Jay Dyer said something hella funny, I thought, because everybody in the comments, everyone says the exact same thing. Nobody has a thought of their own and they’re like, you’re not Jew, you’re Jewish. And not even knowing what the word is means. Like, that’s a whole nother rabbit hole you can go down of what does ish mean? You know, but nobody knows that.

They all just repeat the same thing that they’re, they’re the Kanye says or whatever. But Jay was like, oh, if it’s they’re just jewish, then I guess they’re just arms and not Amish or something like that. That shit was funny. Hmm. You will say, you kind of act like Massad. That’s weird. It’s a weird comment. I’m american ish. I’m full on America. Trump’s, Trump’s anti, it’s pertaining to. Mm hmm. The issue goes way deep. Jordan Maxwell talked about and even the whole, like, the semi thing that everyone’s saying, oh, the Semite, the semi thing, like, oh, you, I’m a some item.

Jordan Maxwell that they’re all stealing his shit and saying it like it’s their own. They don’t even know where it’s coming from. Who brought that out? So I’ve known all the stuff that people are saying now. Everybody in the truth or community has known about this since 20 06 20 05 20 04 even or whenever YouTube’s been out, like, there’s been researchers out there. So all the new researchers, like 30 years later, coming out with information and just questioning stuff now is super weird. It’s super sketchy. And I think what it is is that these new truthers who just appeared this year or whatever, that are more mainstream, working with Elon Musk, working with Alex, I’m going to say his last name because it get me in trouble.

I, and they’re also working for mainstream news channels. I think what it is, it’s the mainstream news channel trying to figure out how can we, our programming is not working. Somebody with a cell phone like donut can influence people. So we got to figure out how to do this. So it’s all a psychological operation. And it started with. I mean, Andrew Tate was one of the biggest operations where it was like, oh, I got my cell phone. And then, I mean, it goes back even further, but there’s just a lot of studies on it. People have been on the Internet.

They are. I’m babbling now. I got Keith. We’ll go back to the. Go back to the comments. I don’t even know what the heck I’m talking about. Maxwell, the high level Freemason. Jordan Maxwell, freakish. George Washington was high level Freemason as well. Just messing with you, bro. Playing with your emotions. We know the agent is Zach, okay? Maxwell has even said himself that he approached by dumb people. And so I’ve listened to every single Jordan Maxwell video hundreds of times. Like, I’ve been listening to him forever. So I know every, like, big Daddy said. And, you know, I mean, I think that anyone in this chat talking shit about donut has to be an agent of some sort.

The real truth is that father of donut aren’t tech. Yeah. I don’t even see anyone talking crap, but I guess they might be. It’s funny because I go hang out with people and they’d be like, yo, I know what people be saying about you. And I’m like, what the fuck? What are people saying about me? They’re like, I know what they saying about you. You know, that you would jew and all that. I’m like, I am. I am jewish. That’s what they got. The new thing is that I’m a female. So when you hear people say, I’m a female, I’m not a female.

I’m a strong, independent woman, okay? That’s what I am. I’m strong, independent woman. And I don’t need no man. YouTube channel Chiron video. Maxwell was an agent, Craig. I don’t think. I don’t think Maxwell was an agent. Like, he died broke, pretty much alone out here in Arizona, like, during the lockdown. Like, I. I just don’t. I don’t see that his work has been just like, people just stepped on it, stole it. No one gives him shout out. People stole stuff, sold it. I don’t know. It just doesn’t make sense. Even if he was masonic or whatever, if he was or wasn’t, I don’t know.

But. But it’s like the. He wasn’t up there with the elites, in my opinion. Uh, but 100. No, he was, bro. He was, bro. He was. Okay, all right, all right. Okay, you got us all, Brett. Big fella. Big fella. It’s good to be able to question, like, your own belief system as well. You know what I mean? They want the gay, the goy. Oh, okay, I see. Big fellas want to dumb. They want the goy to know the truth. Question is why? Okay, I see. I already know where his mindset is. Whether he was or wasn’t, his work remains damn good.

Yeah, I mean, the dude’s so smart, he broke down to stuff. Oh. Oh, thank you, Sandy. I need more wisdom. I need more wisdom. That’s. That’s it. People can get a lot of knowledge and read and learn everything. You’ll meet these smart people, but they have zero wisdom at all. They have no wisdom. And that’s all I really want, is wisdom. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, bro. Okay, big fellow with, what’s up, big fella? Let’s see what else you got to say, bro. Wow. The gray by Channel called the blue. You’re like, okay, I’ll go check it out.

Let me screenshot it. We need that concrete evidence, son. Yeah. So, yeah, I found Jordan Maxwell, then I found Tessarion after I found Professor Griff. So, like, for me, it was Jordan Maxwell because that movie Zeitgeist was released and that broke everybody’s brain. But I feel like that was a controlled operation Psyop. So these psy ops that are happening now, I think Zeitgeist was part. Part of that to make you start questioning religion or your belief system. And it was during this certain time, right before the collapse of the world economy and the astrological alignments that were going on around this time was the same astrological alignments that are happening now.

So the secret, the movie the secret was released and the economy collapsed. And we were robbed by the big banks like JP Morgan and whatnot. They stole our money. And then we told that we lost everything because we weren’t positive. Oprah Winfrey said, we’re not positive. That’s why you’re brokey. We’re hearing the same thing today with the brokey stuff. So you get Andrew Tate’s. You look at Andrew Tate’s logo, it’s a psychological operation for the military. It’s the same symbolism. And it just get pushed to the culture that the reason you’re broke, it’s not because of inflation and.

And that hidden tax that happened. It’s because you’re a brokey and you don’t hustle hard enough when it’s absolutely bullshit. Because millennials, we have, like, two, three jobs and we hustle hard. I don’t do anything but work. It’s the only thing I do. So this astrological alignment that happened when Zeitgeist was released, that is a shift in our consciousness, rather than a lot of the baby boomer generation. So, like, my parents generation, they didn’t really watch that when they were young, in their formative kind of young mind before the brain fully develops at 25. Right? Because I watched that movie when I was, like, 17 or 917 or something, and I was triggered when I first heard Jordan Maxwell.

I was to turn this off, and then something was like, I gotta go listen to that again. That was weird. I got it. And then I did. I was like, damn it. And then my mind was blown. Then, you know, I learned about David, and then I read all of his books and watched all of his stuff. And then I was listening to Professor Griff, and Professor Griff said Tessarion. And then I was like, I gotta check out Tessarion. Did Maxwell ever talk about Rudolph Steiner? Steiner is blowing my mind. Yeah, I don’t. I don’t know if he did, but, I mean, Steiner was absolutely important.

I got one of his books, the philosophy of freedom. Have never read it, but I. But I haven’t. Sometimes I just buy books. Let me see. Philosophy of freedom. Philosophy of freedom. So a lot of people have been watching this stuff for a long time. So all these new talking heads that are telling us the truth, like, they don’t give shout out to the greats and who the fuck are they? I’m sorry that I cussed a lot on this show. I’m going to cut back on the cussing. Okay, so, big fellas, is the gray is a thousand times more jaw dropping.

The Zygos. Okay, I’ll check that out. Let me just screenshot it. Thank you very much, big fella. Thanks a lot, bub. Uh, uh, uh. Hit that, like, real quick. Hit it. I’ll have to Google Taylor Swift concert. Alex was invited to the bohemian and he didn’t sneak in. We. I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve never been invited on a show. But a lot of these new truthers have been promoted on a show to push anti semitism, which is weird, but he did. I don’t know. We’ll see. I don’t know why. I don’t know why. He’s played by videos.

People go on his show beautiful. And I don’t need him to bring me on the show. I. I’m successful without him. I don’t need him. But I would like to go on the show. He was a huge influence in my life in the movie endgame, and I was listening to him in 2012, but then I had, like, a vision or like, whatever. Like, I just had. I don’t know what you call it, but I just stopped listening to him. I got Zach’s book. I’ve read a little bit of it. I did a podcast with him in Kinfolk and gave him a shout out.

I was like, I got you a book. And I was all nice. And then he made a video calling me a beta male. So I don’t know what that’s all about, but he makes fun of a lot of people. So it’s just. I think that he’s just like. It’s just engaging Bill Cooper kind of style. Bill Cooper would be like, black, you know, because we’re all personalities and egotistical. And I like if, you know, it’s. If we saw each other face to face, I know he would like me, you know, so we’d probably get along. But, you know, everybody’s running a business and, you know, saying Maxwell is a 33.

Mason is saying, like, madonna is a virgin. So we going through the comments right now. Maxwell got murked. Controlled opposition. Helligan dialect. Yes. People are offended because we’re all sensitive. I did see that odd tv video about Phil Hicks teeth and Alex Jones. It was a good video. I liked it. Those old. That was a long time ago. Oh, you like it when me and Christopher Green do the videos together? Okay, I’ll bring them back on. He’s wicked smart. He knows what’s up, too, because he’s old school. Like, he. Like all the people that have been doing online content for a long time, talking about the.

The truth or stuff. And, like, they. It just. It’s easier to see sketchy stuff and I. And fake growth rather than real hard work. It’s kind of easy. I don’t know what happened with the odd tv, but I don’t know him. I don’t. Never met them or him. I mean, Alex Jones got smoker voice. Yeah, because he smokes a lot. He smokes mad cigarettes. And I haven’t smoked cigarettes in two and a half months. But when I was a kid, I would smoke hella because I was insecure about my voice, because I have a weird kind of speech impediment voice and all that.

So I used to just smoke all day when I was a little kid, so I would be deeper, and it never worked. Don’t do that. What the world is ending. Let’s wrap it up. I don’t think the world is ending, but who knows? It probably is. I don’t know. I don’t think it is. It doesn’t feel like it. It feels like there’s, like, looking into the whole reset stuff is crazy because it seems like there’s just, like, resets over and over again. We don’t know how they built the pyramids. Like, come on. Like, there’s, like, sophisticated, uh, intelligence throughout time.

Like, it just doesn’t make sense, the history. I did stop smoking, but just for right now, I’m gonna probably smoke tomorrow, so I ain’t quitting. I haven’t smoked in two months. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The first month, it was the hardest thing ever. And if you want to know how to stop, I was thinking maybe to do a, like, recovery podcast or something. I just never done it, but I think about it. Tobacco is wacko. I think it’s weird. If you read the propaganda book by Edward Bernays, it’s all about how to sell tobacco to the public.

And the way to do it is they wanted women to smoke, but women didn’t smoke, so they got celebrities, they got social media influencers to start smoking, so women would start smoking. Now, what’s happening with the conservative movement? All the whole conservative movement is pushing and the red pill movement that doing the tobacco is healthy for you. That’s what they say up in the. In the. In the comments. Nicotine is not bad for you. It’s not. I’m like, y’all, you’ve never been addicted to it because there’s not fun to get off of it. It’s not addicting.

Okay. Like, you obviously have a smoke. I I quit smoking because I told the audience, I said, if we get this video to 40,000 views, I’ll quit smoking. It hits 40,000 views. So it’s because of y’all. I did it. So thank you. All our food is contaminated. Yeah. I went down to, like, you go to other countries, like Mexico. The food tastes good. Um, the way I stopped, it was so hard, dude. Like, I just bought a bunch of candy, and I was angry, and I was punching stuff. I even did a live stream, and my.

My finger was so swollen because I just punching stuff. I was angry was the worst experience of my life. Then I went on the Internet, and. And I started yelling at people, uh, on the Internet. I was totally out of character. Um, it sucks. It’s not fun. And you just do it one day. At a time. It was awful. Seriously, the worst thing that I’ve ever went through. Yeah, I wouldn’t do it. Just. I don’t. Don’t stop. Just continue doing it, because unless you could take a good month and a half, two months off, or you don’t have to take a two months off.

I don’t know. People do it. People do it. It’s possible. Like, I’m just one day at a time. And, like, seriously, I went to the store to buy cigarettes because I relapsed on the cigarettes in my head. I was like, okay, I’m done with this. I’m so miserable. I’m going to. And I went into the store. So I already made up my mind. So I already relapsed in my mind. I go to the counter, say, I want the cigarettes, and the lady said no, and she won’t sell it to me. I started freaking tearing up, and then I was like, I.

And I got cough drops. And I told her I loved her and thank you. And if it wasn’t for her, I would have been smoking again. So that’s where I believe in Goddesse. That’s where recovery comes in. That I couldn’t set that up. That was not me setting it up. My will was to go smoke. But God had a different plan for me that day today, you know? So when you get into recovery, you start getting into spiritual, God and stuff like that, which is totally different. Like, as I got sober, I applied spiritual principles through action.

Because faith without works is dead. You got to take action, but also rely upon God and how faith. Faith without works is dead, though. So you have to take action and do something. And once you start doing, like, little things that are spiritual, like nothing, fucking people over or not. Like me, I wanted to start a fight with someone on the Internet today, and I didn’t. So now I don’t have to apologize to the guy. So that’s gonna keep me sober. So doing these little spiritual things, you start having spiritual experiences. That’s pretty interesting. We got more.

My friend Marissa’s calling me. I’m gonna say, please text me if Marissa is in the. Was that you? Call me, Marissa. God is good. Christina says, keep up all the good work. You have an awesome soul, man. I wish I could quit smoking. It is hard. It is hard. Like, the same receptors of cigarette nicotine. It’s the same receptors as water. So when you quit smoking or you quit nicotine or whatever it is, it’s the same thing in your brain, the same neurons telling you, you need a water. So if you don’t have water, you die.

So you in your head, if you don’t have the cigarette, you honestly, your body and your psych, your head says you’re gonna die if you don’t have a cigarette. It’s that, like, addicting and deep. It’s crazy. So just knowing that kind of helps weak men create hard times. Well said. Yeah, I was doing the nicotine gum. Like, I used to get complaints because I always had gum in my mouth. And right now I got, I just eat cough drops all day with menthol in them. Just halt, which I think she means halt, which is a KLT.

I learned that in anger management. Like, I’m all like, yo, what up? But when I was younger, I wasn’t like, yo, what up? I was breaking shed and setting fires and all that. And I went to anger management and they taught me halt, which is hungry, angry, lonely, tired. You come to a halt and you take care of those things. I think I was, like, 14 at the time for people trying to quit. Have you tried the patch? I never liked the patch. I think it’s because I have an oral fixation, and I don’t have, like, a, I just never did the patch.

But I’ve I’ve I’ve done it, like, once or twice, and I didn’t like it. Everybody’s saying, hello, Darryl. Yeah, the patch gives me nightmares, too. The nicotine and the nanobots. I think people saying that is part of, like, a big tobacco company. Oral fixation? No diddy. Oh, damn. East Vegas. Tapping in I lived in West Vegas for a while, um, for a long time as well. My thoughts on Jews is I love Jews. I’m jewish, and I also love Arabs and Hindus, but I love Jews. Shout out to them. Jews, y’all. Mr. Mosaic’s mom’s antifa. I’m sorry.

That must suck. You gotta forgive her. Where do you live? Fat thor. That’s a funny name. Fat or that’s hilarious. Purple weed. That’s what I used to smoke. I used to smoke the perp. I think it was because it was indica, which means in the couch. Indica in the couch. It makes you want to, like, chill in the sativa is, like, for the head and gets you upper and high and awake and, and that’s what’s cool about words. Words be like, some stuff. But I’m sober. Nine years sober. I don’t do any of that, that shit.

I don’t do that shit. Aloha. Uh, somebody says perp is weak. Though. And expensive. Well, you gotta understand, I was smoking perp 20 years ago, so, like, it was a lot different time then. Like, that was the fire back then. This is not a politics stream, but I can tell you politics is, Pauly. That’s why you got police. Police. Because police protect the policies for the politicians. We cover etymology, symbolism and stuff like that. It’s not really political, even though we do talk politics, but, like, the, this audience is eclectic, so we be talking shit about everything and, and saying good job on everything as well.

My cat’s allergic the lavender, so I never have lavender. Oh, yeah, baby shark. They played at Kamala’s thing. Let me see this. Look and see. Look how much weight I gained because I quit, so I gained weight. Chubby donut. Yo. Uh, Kamala. Baby shark. Let me look this up. Uh, uh, news shark tank. Mark Cuban promotes Kamala. Kamala. I wanna be a kamala. Oh, I should redo that song. Wouldn’t that be funny? I wanna be a mala God. Think it’s not funny for that? I want to be a Kamala shot caller. 20 years blaze on the impala.

I mean, I could just have pictures of her dancing because she always danced. I can make a whole music video out of that. Oh, really? Do you have a song in your head? You do the, uh. Uh. I do that. Is that, like, does everybody do it? But I did. I had the I want to be a baller shack collar, 20 inch blaze on the impala. Holler get laid tonight. Got the swisher road. I think I I’ve been told I am sound depth. Deaf toned. Deafenhe. I’m tone deaf. Everyone trusts Elon. Like, it’s just you’re watching a television show.

Like, you like what? Okay, Tom Hanks, right? You watch a Tom Hanks movie, it’s like, okay, look at him. He’s the Da Vinci Code dude. That’s pretty tight. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. He’s the Davinci code dude. Then you go watch an interview of him. It’s a different person because it’s a director, first off. Like, all the people on the world stage, they’re AI most of them, but they’re also trained by Ashton Kutcher and stuff like that. Like Brad Garlinghouse. The reason people like him, they think he’s so pimp and swag is because he was trained by Ashton Kutcher, in my opinion.

And you can just see it by just looking at Ashton Kutcher’s connections to XRP and stuff like that. So, like, you like these people on the world stage because they’re charismatic and, like, of course you’re gonna like them there. It’s acting. It’s. It’s. It’s actors, but it’s just like, the brain gets broken. He’s the most elite person in the entire planet, and them. Tesla bots. Yeah. Did y’all see the Tesla bots? I’ll bring that up real quick. Is so funny. And I have a bunch of theories about the Tesla bots. Tesla bots, yeah, here it is.

And it’s, like, being super promoted in the algorithm, the. These Tesla bots. So they copied it off of the irobot meme, and they started sharing that, and so I grabbed that exact meme that’s been flooded on the Internet intentionally, because that’s how the algorithm works. You’ve probably seen the meme, the AI meme of this comparison to the irobot. And so I took it because they’re using that as an algorithm, and I hijacked the algorithm. Worked, like a half a million views on the purple light thing, because they want you to see this, and it is cool to watch and see, but you got to understand that these things can turn on the human race and just start whacking people eventually.

But it won’t happen automatically, as you can see. Like, there’s them with the family, and it’s just pretty much will be their slave to do whatever you want to do. And people are going to be banging these things. So this is really going to be like. And this is a conversation people don’t want to have, but this is where it’s going to head. Is that the Tesla bots, they’ll get your groceries, they’ll cook for you. They’ll do this and all that stuff, but people will be banging them. So they’ll have their glasses on, which won’t even be the big VR goggles.

They would just be, like, normal glasses like this. They. They hit the button or whatever, and it’ll be the most incredible sexual experience of most people’s life. And then it’s going to really change a lot of the social dynamics. And I wonder how that’s going to change the social dynamics from, first you want a date, you have to go up to somebody, like, remember girls used to, like, write, like, love notes, and, like, they would, like, give you a love note. I don’t know if you remember that, but now things have done change, like, where there’s social media and dating apps and Facebook, where it’s not so much of what you can write in a letter, a love letter, or having the confidence to go up to somebody, look them in, eyes, shake the hand, be, you know, just human interaction.

Now it’s all about aesthetics of your profile. What is your profile picture? What are your friends, how many likes do you get? What is your social hierarchy, influence within the community of whatever that is. So things have changed from the love letter to profiles and whatnot, which is super interesting. And once people start banging these robots, it’s gonna also change the dating market once again. And because girls would be banging on and guys will be banging on you, everybody gonna be banging these robots before they put everybody into prison camps, probably like, I don’t know, it could go any way.

You know what I mean? Like they, they program, but that’s where it’s going. And I know it’s a conversation for, it’s a deep conversation, a deep thinking. So what are your thoughts about that? I like to know? Like, I think I said, enough of that. Where was I going with that? It’s late, it’s late. We doing the late night show? This is late night dota show. Elon got twelve kids right now. Yeah, he’s probably got more. Because what we’re going to hear in the future is about the depopulation collapse. I brought on the most wicked smart people, Malcolm and Simonetzen.

You got to go check out their video over on my YouTube where they go and break down the population collapse. They’re the elite dating breeding couple and they’re so cool. I love them. And I think there’s just, they’re super based, like they say, the most wild stuff, and entertaining. But I brought them on the channel to talk about the fertility collapse, because in a couple generations from now, it’s going to happen really quickly. The population is going to be gone due to the fertility collapse that’s happening right now. And it’s very, very difficult to stop. So I wanted to introduce my audience to things first.

So you hearing stuff first over here. So I wanted to introduce you all to pronatalism because it’s going to be a word you’re going to hear in the next two years. It’s going to be very, very popular. And so you’ll already be wicked smarteenen. Cause that’s what we do on the channels. We get wicked smart and we think, we thinking ahead, we think in the head, but the population’s gonna collapse just like how it is over in some towns in Japan where men don’t leave their house and their parents bring them food because they’re addicted to the television screen, and they don’t leave.

They just sit there and watch the television screen or play video game. That’s where we’re going now in South Korea, I believe they’re paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to bang, and nobody’s gonna. Nobody’s doing it. It’s not working. So, like, even with all the incentives, the population is collapsing, but through the urban monoculture of this crazy leftist society that, like, the Greta Thunbergs and whatnot out there, like that. This crazy urban monoculture with the blue hair kind of stuff, like, you know what I’m talking about? Like, that. That that’s just like a meme or an image of what I’m talking about.

But they have to go take their ideal, like, push it to other cultures that come come into, I don’t know. I’m getting too deep. You got to watch the video. I’m. Let’s get back into the sex robots. That’s what we really want to talk about. That’s what I want to talk about. I don’t think a lot of people want to talk about that. I think it’s just me that was talking about it. Oh, shout out to Sweden. I always wanted to go to Sweden. How sexy is your avatar? Okay. This guy keeps on writing jewish comments.

So, Rita. Yeah, I’ve seen a few. I’ll do my jewish voice. Yeah, I’ve seen a few. Very small number of Jews that generally. Have. You’ve seen a small idea of hold up. Yeah, I’ve seen a. I’ve seen a few. Very small number of Jews that genuinely have no idea about what the tombow teaches. They still recognize their jewish identity as distinct from wives, though. I don’t know. They’re having a conversation with each other. I could tell you, like, the. All that stuff has been debunked a bunch of times. And right now what’s going on is there’s a war going on against the autonomic nervous system to divide and conquer everybody.

That that’s what’s gonna happen. And it ends into these bloodshed rituals. It’s much deeper. So my perspective on it is different. Everybody’s in survival mode. So the whites are in survival mode. They’re like, oh, shit, we’re screwed. So they’re activating that survival mode. And then you got the influencers reminding them, the very, very famous influencers, reminding them that they’re screwed. Then you got the Jews like me could see on the Internet the loose festival that’s happened in the last two years. Like, crazy. We’re in survival mode. The Arabs are in survival mode right now. The blacks are in survival.

I don’t know how. Yeah, they’re in survival mode. They’re, you know, everybody’s in a survival mode right now through the autonomic nervous system and the elite power structure. Known this for years, for thousands and thousands of thousands and thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of years. How to control people through the. Through this nervous system. It is like the matrix. It’s easy to manipulate people through race, religion, and culture and whatnot. I keep on. I don’t know why y’all listen to me. I keep on babbling about. I don’t even know what I’m babbling about. Freak offs.

Yeah. Let’s get back into the nobody. Does anyone have any comments on the. I want to see Optimus. Some of these comments are crazy. The religious stuff is crazy. And these are, like, people I’ve never seen in my comment section before, because we don’t get into that kind of stuff here. But it’s a mainstream topic, and if you talk, like, negative about other people’s religions, you’ll be monetized. You actually make a lot of money doing it. Pushing hatred, pushing division, dehumanizing other people. You make a lot of money off of it. So that’s why it’s pushed into the algorithms.

And whatever’s popular is untrue. I’m gonna start banning people if you keep on saying some crazy stuff, because a lot of these comments I’ve never seen before. I’ve never seen some of these people up in. Up in here that I’m reading right now. Oh, thank you, hope. Travel girl. Good to see you up in here. Yeah. Back to the sex box. Let’s talk about them. Sex box. Okay. This guy. I can’t. It’s kind of. Oh, okay. I see what going on. Yo, yo. Yeah, see the. I can’t. I can’t talk about the sex box. The sex month.

I don’t think that’s a topic of discussion just yet. For everybody. I agree with you. Oh, thank you, Rick Brown. Rick Brown’s long time listener, first time commenter. Thank you. Damn, donut. There’s another doughnut up in here. Eating a doughnut for breakfast. That’s tight. It’s breakfast time. Where are you located? This picture is at the Trump event that just took place, where people just started fainting all over the place. They just started freaking fainting. And at all these Trump events, strange phenomenon is happening. When people were getting blasted at, no one was running. They’re just kicking it.

Like, what? And even Trump said, this is very strange. This is odd. Why is no one running? People are getting sick going to his things. 20, over 20 people out here in Arizona. Mysterious illness, Havana syndrome type illnesses going into these frequencies. And the. Because this show has been about frequencies. Color purple and all this peace, yo, peace. They say shalom. If y’all can’t read Hebrew that says shalom, I can rehab you. So peace to you. Yeah, Pepsi. I was talking to my friend about, oh, my God, he wrote the f word. They’re also. This is another agenda.

Like, I don’t understand. I grew up not politically correct. I’ve always been talking crap, like the stuff that, like, people are tweeting now. Like, they’re cutting edge, saying the f word and, and cussing and, and saying, like, racy, dicey stuff. Anyone who’s my age grew up doing that. Like, it’s not a big deal. Like, we grew up on South park like that. Why is it so cutting edge to say stuff like that? Is freaking weird how it’s being pushed, but it’s not being pushed in a humorous, funny, teasing way that connects people. It’s getting pushed in a violent sense, not in a fun, comedic way.

Like, there’s nothing funny about a lot of this filth that’s being pushed. It’s not humorous. It’s not, it’s not intelligent. It’s not funny. It’s just pure racist. And it’s not funny. Like, and I think it’s being pushed for a reason. Be so people will start saying this in real life. And once you start saying some of these things that people say on the Internet behind, like, this guy, I’m not dissing you or anything. I’m just showing for an example, there’s not a face to this person. Not a face to this person. Not a face to this person.

Not a face. And that’s not this or nothing. I’m just kind of showing an example that, like, I got a face. Like, you know, so if I say something mean to another social media influencers when he sees me, I treat it like it’s real life. Like, I’m not gonna go and talk crap because I know what happens in real life when you talk crap. So I feel like they’re just pushing people to start saying stuff, to go outside and say stuff. And. And then once they say some of the things they’re saying online to somebody, like, it, it’s gonna be bad.

It’s gonna be bad news. It’s gonna be bad news. There’s. I’m babbling again. Maybe I should end the stream. We’re almost at that two hour mark, and we got like 1500 people in here. Please smash that, like, button. I appreciate they share this video out, and that would be much appreciated. And if you do like the content that we do over here on the channel, we’re 100% independent. The best way to support us is the Patreon. I believe next month their prices are gonna go up. Not even my choice. I think it’s a Patreon thing. But if you’re already subscribed to it, I believe you’re locked in to the good price of the 499 or whatnot.

But going here, you can watch the new video we just put out documentaries, Zoom calls, where we get a chat and hang out. That’s a great way to support the channel. Or you can send a donation to the Venmo by scanning the app or the PayPal link down below. And I got this comic book coming out called the Illuminati comic. And this is about to get released. And we’re trying to get people to sign up. I’m trying to get 400 people because we were about to post it where you can order it. And it comes with a bunch of goodies and gifts.

So go here, illuminati go to the. Notify me on launch. You put your email in, you’ll get first access to it. Like that one dude, what’s his name? Russell Brand. He’s like trying to sell some sort of amulethem. We’re making some dope amulet. We got a custom guy making like a doughnut EMF protector, like with sprinkles and stuff. It’s gonna be funny and cool, but there’s only gonna be limited amount. So by signing up there, you’ll be able to grab the stuff. And I’m gonna also be dropping the vhs box. Oh, my camera. What happened to my camera? Oh, no.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. You know who I’m pretending I’m being? Oh, no. It’s Mister Bill. Oh, no. Oh, no. Well, it’s been fun. Let me see. Let me see. What’s up? What’s up with that was. That was up. Oh, my God. It’s been fun. It’s been good. It’s been nice. It’s been very nice. It’s been very good. I appreciate you coming to the channel. Please smash that, like, button. Thank you. And go to the illuminati comic. Let me think if there’s anything else they forgot to say thank you, leah. Goodnight, y’all. Good night. Good night.

Smash. Like f’s. Hmm. Shalom. Shalom. Illuminati comic. Yeah, I appreciate all y’all. I’ll keep y’all posted. We got more content coming your way. Just know about that and make sure to go to the patreon to support that. Support the channel. Support our supporter channel. Anyway, dope nut. Much love and God bless you. Illuminati comic. Yes, illuminati comic. You know you want it. Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, alombrados, Jesuits romance, rosicrucians, freemasons and more from the 18th century to modern day. We expose it all. That’s right. It’s the Illuminati comic from donut and paranoid american.

Get yours now at illuminati yo, what up? It’s donut. And you gotta subscribe to our Patreon. Our Patreon got ton of exclusive content. Get access to amazing interviews, unreleased content, early access to presentations we have not yet released. You can also watch me as I do the research. We release research before I make the big YouTube videos out to the public. So you can kind of see videos being put together before the big video gets put out. We got documentaries, early release on documentaries like the occult, Santa Claus and where Santa Claus actually comes from.

We got deprogram your mind. Deprogram your mind. All this negativity everywhere. This little positive stuff we can’t even talk about. We got the Vril alien documentary about the Vril aliens. A private video set as well, with banned content. I got crypto videos up there. Documentaries on illuminati celebrities that have not released documentaries on MK ultra mind control, Illuminati. Hand signed documentaries, new age cult presentations. How this new age cult, where does it come from? And how it comes from bankers and magicians who were evil people. How to thrive during the dopocalypse. Just a bunch of cool stuff.

It’s a great way to support the channel. Keeps us going. Oh, we got this sick video right here. The be order. Because that’s where Illuminati comes from, is the be order. That’s a good one, too. We got a lot of good stuff up there. That’s it. Thank you so much. That was a. That last video was that patriot I made a while ago when I first started the channel. Thank you so much, pace.

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    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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