➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, suggesting that symbols on Oreo cookies and in the music industry are connected to the Knights Templar and Masonic orders. It also implies that celebrities are hired by secret societies to push certain agendas, including a supposed alien conspiracy. The text further suggests that the media and drugs are being used to manipulate people’s belief systems. Lastly, it mentions various celebrities and events, hinting at their involvement in these conspiracies.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the symbolism in Eminem’s performances and his political activism. It also mentions a podcast suggesting the use of ayahuasca and shrooms, and the rise of Jelly Roll in the hip-hop world. The text also touches on economic collapse fears and the author’s personal experiences, including quitting smoking. Lastly, it discusses the presence of Insane Clown Posse at the VMA’s and their symbolism.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including a past interview with Jelly Roll, Eminem’s feud with ICP, and Kid Rock’s controversial reputation. They also delve into conspiracy theories involving symbolism in Eminem’s music videos, political affiliations in the music industry, and the potential implications of Joe Biden’s actions. The speaker also mentions the popularity of football and suggests it could indicate a societal readiness for conflict.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including conspiracy theories, sports, and the role of comments in shaping public opinion. They express frustration with anti-Semitism and the negative impact it has on their follower count. They also mention plans to remove all videos from their YouTube channel and encourage followers to join their Patreon for exclusive content. Lastly, they criticize the promotion of nicotine and drugs, suggesting it’s a form of mind control by big companies.
➡ The speaker discusses their personal struggles with nicotine addiction and the importance of honesty. They also delve into various conspiracy theories, including the symbolism of the pyramid and its connection to human reproduction, the interpretation of Hebrew in German, and the concept of U.S. citizens being employees of a corporation. They end by encouraging listeners to stay tuned for more discussions on these topics.
➡ Prepare for emergencies by having a food storage and a bug out bag ready. This way, you can leave quickly if needed, even with your cat. Also, check out the Patreon link below for more information. Stay safe and blessed.
That’s where it comes from. And it gets into different religious orders. And it just an interesting, fascinating mafiosa story we’re going to get into today. Full of symbolism, full of priming, as you see there at the top of the thumbnail. The word priming. Oh, snap. I was supposed to upload one other video, but it’s fine. What is happening when you keep seeing these images show up? The people call predictive program, I used to call it pre predictive program because I’m not too smart. But we can get wicked smart is that we keep seeing these images of, let’s say, these towers falling down or zombies eating everybody.
Right? Oh, we’re going to get into the VMA’s today as well. Look, the VMA’s. I should have started it off with this imagery of the girl in the alien doing the fellatio. I mean, oh, my goodness. How do I get off of that screen? This is going to be a fascinating show because we on point over here. The, the memes are going viral. We told y’all before it was mainstream how it was memetic magic happening with the frogs. And now we’re seeing even more AI memes of cats. Paris flood, social media blood. Everything’s water based as well.
We’ll get into that. We’ll get into that. But shout out to all the little kitty cats and all the insects and all the frogs and all the dogs and all the ducks. Can y’all hear me? Okay, put a one in the comment. The dog eating b’s with Trump. Again, crazy to memento we go. We live everywhere right now. We live on YouTube, Twitter. But something I saw, I heard it. I was watching the debates very closely, and I heard a weird noise, like some sort of weird sounding noise. I’m going to go to that clip. Let me know what you think it is, because it sounds like something.
It sounds like a hidden message. Check out this weird noise. Who will be moderating the first and likely only debate before the November election? The November election. What was that? It sounded satanic. Weird mumbling. Who will be moderating the first and likely only debate before the November election? It sounds like he’s saying something about total control. The only debate before the November election. The election for control. It’s something weird subliminal programming happening with that debate, but we’ll get into the symbolism of that as well. They’re also using the memes of the dogs. Never forget, Haitians are eating people’s.
See, this is where it leads to. They lose the jewish people for two years now they’re going to lose the haitian people. And that’s what it is. Every single culture is going to be attacked. Every single culture will be attacked and divided. But it does go into eating people, eating stuff, just like this priming that you see here. We also got the same priming with the zombies. So people eating each other. When the grid goes down and you don’t have your food storage at USA survival, I’m going to go into that commercial. Shout out to our sponsor, USA survival.
They’ve been predict, pre predicting people. So if you don’t want to eat people, go click the link down below and support this channel with USA survival. Make sure to stay prepared. I like to give a shout out to my sponsor, USA survival. Be prepared in any emergency. Get your food storage, get your bug out bags. Got those links down below. When these events happen, these fires or whatever, it’s going to have a bug out bag. I got this stuff. I’ve been rocking with this stuff for over ten years. I’ve had food storage for over ten years.
Bug out bags. They’re good gifts. Costco selling these apocalypse buckets. There’s a reason Costco knows what goes down before things go down. They’re in the know. They know that food will run out during some sort of event. Please go to USA survival. Let them know I sent you. Be prepared in any emergency for the dog days coming ahead. Get your food storage, your bug out bags and other supplies as well. Yes, go get it before you know it supports the channel. And also go support us over on Patreon. Got those links down below. We’ll be doing our next Zoom call this month.
So cheaper than a bag of skittles. 499. I mean, it is cheaper than a bag of skittles. I was a joke before four years ago when I started saying that, but, like now, my laundry went up like a quarter. I mean, things is getting bad out here. Things are getting bad out here. So the predictive programming of all the zombie movies is absolutely going down. It’s absolutely crazy. But it’s not the only thing that collapsed on 911. Even Hillary, eight years ago or so on, 911 also collapsed when she was getting into her van. And. And, yes, and yesterday and today, that’s what they’re calling trot.
They’re saying, this is Trump’s 911 today. I’ll get into that. So everybody gets some sort of symbolic 911 collapse ritual. It’s crazy. Even Kamala had an earpiece. Here’s maverick approach. He did a video that went super viral showing the earpiece that Kamala was wearing. It’s called this nova. And that’s crazy. And then, right. Yeah, right here, right after it, Taylor Swift promoted Kamala because these celebrities, like Taylor Swift or Kanye are illuminati celebrities to promote the politicians they want or the political activist they want. Look, the Illuminati picked out different artists and celebrities to control and newspapers to get the influence of the cult.
That’s what going on right now. That is what going on right now. Hmm. Here’s Alex Jones in detail. This happened a little bit ago, a couple months ago, about three, four months ago or so after he shared his Knights Templar post for the solution for the Middle east would be the Knights Templar takeover was a meme that he shared. And he did this show saying that he was going to eat his neighbors and feed, feed his neighbors to his kids. Eat thy neighbor. Isn’t that the motto? Eat thy neighbor? And I was kind of pissed at him on my last show because just some of the anti semitic rhetoric he shares on Twitter got me emotional and triggered me, just like how every culture will be triggered through their autonomic nervous system right here.
This is part of the, this is part of the whole deal, is you’re all going to get triggered eventually. But he shared something interesting. He actually has been sharing about what I’ve been talking to all y’all about on this channel, the ancient cults of the Knights Templars, the hospitalars and the Knights of Malta. He actually did a video about the Red Cross, as you see here, the Red Cross. And he was saying how the Red Cross was responsible for the collapse of the two towers and building seven on 911. 911 is connected to the Red Cross, which are the Templars, the hospital, ours, the hospitals, the Red Cross.
I mean, it goes even more ancient, the cult of the medics. But the symbolism of the Templars is right there. And so what he tweeted back to him, just trying to get on his radar. That we do have Friday the 13th coming up. Oh, that’s why I named this video. Something strange is happening in two days is because Friday the 13th is coming up. And you can go to my Twitter and subscribe. I got that link down below. The first Twitter post was on three, two, two. Uh, let me get here. Um, and, yeah, so I’m just kind of educating his audience with, uh, some stuff.
With some stuff about how when the world was locked down, we had the two Knights Templar ships take over America on the left and the right side of the world, because that’s what we cover here on this channel. If you’re new to the channel, we cover symbolism. We covered that symbol lesion. And this is all the knights Templar symbolism that I’ve been looking at for years. Back in 2020, when the red pill movement, like Andrew Tate and all of them were into putting naughty videos onto websites, I was exposing what was happening and interviewing the greats like Jordan Maxwell.
I’m gonna go to a clip of Jordan Maxwell from, I think this was 2020 or 2021 during the lockdowns. And J. Nabisco, yes, is own a company owned. Nabisco is owned by the Knights Templars. It is a masonic order that owns Nabisco. And that was really interesting when I found that out, because you will see on Oreo cookies. On the Oreo cookies, you will see the Knights Templar cross around. All the way around the cookie. The Iron Cross. That’s right. It’s the Iron Cross of Nazism, of the nazi party, the Knights of Malta Cross. So that’s a Knights of Malta Cross as well.
Yes. Knights of multicrosses on the Oreo cookie. And it doesn’t surprise me that Lady Gaga, who opened up for the inauguration of the communist Joe Biden, yeah, she came out with her own Oreo Cookie, and she’s the same one with the dawn of Chromatica album. And she comes out with her own Oreo cookie that has these Knights Templar crosses on it. And, yeah, Jay Zhdemenhe, he, like, he’s the biggest rapper, like, in hip hop, sort of his alcohol brand, you know, keep the masses drunk and high. Say he’s selling alcohol and that’s his logo for the alcohol.
I mean, like, I just see it everywhere. And that shows you that we are being taken over by the Knights Templars, the Knights of masonic order. It’s a well organized, well financed organization to communize the whole world. We’re going to find out very soon what’s been going on all of our life. Kanye west, he did this ceremony. Kanye west is connected with the Kardashians. He’s good friends with Elon, but he did this ceremony where all these people were walking around in a circle and it just reminded me of Saturn then was walking on the Knights Templar cross right after that.
And here’s Greta Thunberg. You don’t know if you’ve seen this. So, yeah, that was Jordan, rest in peace, Jordan Maxwell. They tried to kill him on three, two, two. But he died on three, two, three. So that’s kind of cool. But that was a cool interview. You can check that out over on Rumble. Because what I got to do is I got to delete all my content every year. So all my content, I go put up on rumble. So you got to go over there to get the older content. And that’s what I, that’s what I’ve been doing.
You know, I’ve been demonetized since day one. So thank you for your support over on the Patreon or grabbing and supporting our sponsors on this channel. But the music industry is very connected to the Templars and it’s cool that Alex finally started talking a little bit about it. But the predictive programming of the zombie apocalypse is coming. We all know that. That’s very evident. I don’t really gotta go into that. Just like the two towers falling is very evident. It’s symbolism. And even here, the federal edifice, like how, how far back does this go? The two towers collapsing? We could take it back to the 1718 hundreds right here, the federal edifice.
I’ll show you that here in a second. Let me go through all of them though. But as you can see, it’s the BJ, the boaz and jockeying the two pillars, Hillary Clinton collapses, 911. This 911 was Trump’s collapse, Trump’s worst performance. Here’s Afghanistan with that 911 and Guy Tao out in Israel showed us how this was a fake plane, a cardboard plane. The windows, look at the windows. We’re going to bring guy Tao back up on here. And then here’s what Jordan Maxwell shared. He showed this from the 1718 hundreds in a magazine. It was making fun of something right here, the federal pillars, 1788.
And this version was kind of making fun of it about this saturnian regen, like it’s about Saturn and you got the two pillars falling down. The federal edifice, the saturnian age so very goes into a lot of symbolism, astrology, symbolism and whatnot. Even George Bush, who was in control during 911, his daddy did his 911 speech on 911 and coined the term the new world order. Oh, I shouldn’t have said that. Now that I’m probably gonna get one of them stupid things at the bottom of my video. But on 911, he coined that term novus orders, or chlorum, I should say the novus or dorsar chlorum.
Look, there’s Adam Wythop. This is interesting, looking at all the pictures that Wikipedia put up there. Wikipedia is CIA operated, but they were both part of the secret society called skull and bones, which is a Mithra cult. They worship the cult of Mithra. And it’s very astrological. So these secret societies, what actually operates the world, and they hire celebrities. And this 911, which is nothing but damage control for Kamala. Kamala just did such a terrible job that they put on the MTV music awards to brainwash the youth because they really. They really want the youth to like Kamala.
And you can see right here, it’s the twin Peaks. You see the. The v in the a, the Venus and the Adonis. This is the twin Peaks. The two pillars. The twin peaks, the September. The 911 awards. Just like annual AA, right? The a in the a is the twin Peaks endorsed Trump with amber Rose. He’s wearing the palm tree. The palm trees. Part of the Knights Templars. Well, here’s his illuminati song with a little pump. Lil pump and aa. And they’re on the twin Peaks. This is a cult symbolism. They’re all in the occult and they all do weird stuff and they’re all pushing us into this UFO psyop.
You might remember on AA Airlines, Alistair Crowley’s got his own magical, mystical order called the AA. And on this airline, on seven two, just like there’s 72 bricks right here on the Tetraket pyramid, which is the pyramid for the volcano. It’s all sex. It’s the explosion of the volcano. It’s the orgasm. We’re gonna get into it. Sex, drugs, a rocket roll. That’s who is like. It gets famous, right? Lil pump. Lil Pump is the guy who brought you with Kanye, who says he’s religious. He drops a religious album and then he drops the song that plays in every club called you’re such an effing prostitute.
That’s Kanye West. A little pump song. The a. But anyway, on seven two, this is when they showed us the lady who saw the alien on the plane. The demon faces on the plane. Because this is a big. A big thing. The fake alienhouse project blue beam is already activated. And what is happening with the weaponized shrooms in the weaponized marijuana is to reset that autonomic nervous system. It’s the Concord prison experiment that Timothy Leary did with psilocybin. So all these prisoners like you, you were locked down like a prisoner, just like these prisoners when they got out in society, they wanted to change that autonomic nervous system through that spinal cord and psilocybin.
All these different drugs help with that to restructure the belief system now to restructure the belief system of the abrahamic religions, to start believing in new aliens and whatnot. I mean, think about it. Why is religious institutions like Vatican funding men in black too? I mean, we’ve been pushed with so much of the alien stuff with the X Files, the believe and whatnot. And that’s what it’s all about. It’s all about this new religion. You see all this kissing stuff. Well, first, come on, you know what that symbolizes? I can move on from that. But it’s, remember there’s two of them and this dude be making out with all them or no, the chick is the chick be.
The chick be getting down with both of them, right? Making out with that alien. Because this is that ritual that goes down every year at the award shows. The kiss ritual. We saw it with Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina. And they’re wearing the black white checkerboard, right? They’re passing the energy. They’re loosing it. So she’s loosing the energy from these two. Just like Madonna, I guess, was doing the same thing, the black and white checkerboard. Same thing here, right? The black white checkerboard because they’re all masonic puppets pushing an agenda for some sort of ritual that.
Who knows what it is that there’s. Who’s this? This is bad bunny and I think. I don’t know, I don’t know. I think they’re connected somehow. Annual A and bad bunny. But here’s Lil Nas X doing the same thing at the BET Awards, funded by, by Viacom. So you can see pattern recognition. Look at this. Pattern recognition. Let me, let me move these together. Is this a coincidence or is this a symbolic ritual? I think it’s a symbolic ritual. And we just crashed through a thousand people. We are streaming so late. 01:00 a.m. oh my goodness.
01:00 a.m. please smash that like, button. Share this video out. So when people wake up tomorrow, they’re hit with this crazy video. The craziest video ever. Absolutely crazy. Absolutely nuts. So this VMA’s took place in New York, in Elmont, New York on 911 in New York. Right. New York’s where 911, heaven. And New York is the new version of York, which was the headquarters for Rome. All roads lead to Rome. The Roman Empire. That’s why it’s the Empire State. That’s why you got a show called Empire with the brainwashing man on Joe Rogan all getting y’all ready to reset that autonomic nervous system with the drugs.
I mean, this is the number one podcast promoting drug use. And he’s wearing the white robe. I already broke down the white robe. Darth Vader just died. He wears the black robe. That’s the Saturn robe. And here’s the UFO symbols control the world. I wonder what’s up on his head. What is that line? But Alex, Jenna, he’s been talking about the weaponized weed lately, which is good. So I’ve been just writing on Twitter back to him long paragraphs of what we’ve been just talking about here on this channel for a while. I mean, they’re pushing Lex Friedmande biggest podcast ever is telling a president of the United States to get Congress that take ayahuasca and micro dose on shrooms.
I’m very vindicated on that. And ayahuasca is ayahuas. Well, Alistair Crowley, summon Alistair Crowley. Summon the Iowas. It’s all about drug, sex and rock and roll. Eminem was at this VMA, and everybody knows Eminem, the white America. Very political activist. Very, very political. I mean, if you want politics, you gotta go to Eminem for. He’s connected to the order of the Golden dawn. Oh, my God, look, the 128 code right there. Two one eight. What? Let me screenshot that. That is the time. Look, I could. This is probably. I’m Schizo, but here’s the two one eight.
That’s the Joe Biden text code. And Eminem hates Trump. And look at the checkerboard floor underneath. I mean, the symbolism is just always the same. I’ve never seen this video. I’m sure I’ve seen it when I was a kid or something. I’m gonna have to go through this video. But before we do that, let me just show you some. Some symbolism of the M and M. Here’s Eminem performing. And there’s a. Just. The 33 is just huge right there. 33. You got jelly roll. Who’s the moon? This is on 911, remember? And I believe jelly roll.
I’ve been pretty on point since the beginning of the year. I said jelly roll is going to have a come up. He’s being awarded. And look, he’s performing with Eminem at the VMA’s. There’s no higher position than that in the hip hop world. So jelly roll has been positioned at a very, very, extremely high level in the hip hop world. Shout out to jelly roll. Woo woo. And his wife. I hope they watch this. And here’s the moon. He’s the moon. So this is symbolic. Remember how symbolic. As we’re coming into eclipse season, the moon is Donald Trump born on a full moon.
I believe RFK was born on a full moon. And the moon child. Eminem and the moon child. There’s so many connections there. He’s be rabbit. The rabbit is the bunny on the moon. We’ve covered this in a lot. But look at this. I mean, look at the charging energy rise to power for jelly roll. So shout out to jelly roll. And it makes so much sense because who made jelly roll famous? It was three six mafia. Three three six mafia is who made Terrence Howard famous. Hard out here for a pimp. And gangsta boo was sacrificed in the beginning of the year in 2023.
So here’s Terrence Howard. You can see that there’s this three six mafia network type connection to all of this. So this is very symbolic. So look out jelly roll for a ritual. He do got them some paku eyes. Now, the market, the inverted yield curve hit a position that it did during the 19 event when the world got locked down, as you see right here during the crash, the mortgage subprime mortgage crash of 2008, during the.com bus. And we’re at that again. So we’re gonna have an economic collapse, which scares me as a jewish man, because that’s why everybody want to be blamed.
Everybody want to blame the Jews, uh, for everything. So that’s going on. It’s absolutely crazy. So let me go to this video. This video is kind of nuts. Let me. How’s everybody doing tonight? We’re doing a late night stream. Inverted donuts. They changed the frequency of music. Now the music sucks. My ex keeps playing him. My ex is an NPC. Oh, deuce. Damn. Shots fired. Final anal magic. That could be a name of a red hot Charlie Peppers album. Abb. So what’s your point? Spit it out or just zip it. Oh, you know what? I’m going backwards in the.
In the comments. And shout out to hope travel. Girl, I still haven’t smoked, so shout out to everybody. I know a lot of people also quit smoking as well, and it’s just uncomfortable, like, this whole entire live stream. I am so freaking uncomfortable in my skin. I ate all these cough drops, and we eat this one next. I’m so extreme, but the cough drops have, like, a menthol vibe. Hello, Jenia. Thank you, Alana, for the big hugs. You seem less uncomfortable tonight than previous. Oh, thank you, Des, for sure. That means a lot. I wish I could talk to Jamie Kennedy.
He’s been a household name in my house my whole life, since I was a kid. That’s when my dad watched was Jamie Kennedy. I smoke newports. I smoked dirt on the floor. I’m a sort of a garbage truck. Anything that will affect me from the neck up and change my altered consciousness, I would do. That’s why I don’t do anything. That’s why I’m sober. What’s the dealio with Candace? I know Candace. Come on. You got to leave that loser you’re dating or you’re married to. Why? I don’t never. Don’t do that. I’m just joking. I was gonna make a funny joke and hit on her, but she has a kid.
She has kids. She’s three kids in the family. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Try sweetest snush. Candace is, like, so sad. She got demonetized. I’m like, you’ve been. You’re still monetized after, like, four years ago. I was demon. If you have. If you weren’t demonetized four years ago, shame on you. For real donut. From one juggler to another, what was up with von and J outfit at the VMA’s tonight? Von and j was at the VMA’s? Hold up. I saw him at mom’s. Spaghetti violin J went to mom spaghetti violent J BMa’s. But you spelled violin j wrong.
Um, I don’t think he was out the audit. Oh, I think you’re right. He was. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This is crazy. Illuminati juggler rituals. I am so on point. Thank you so much. Damn. Someone else says ICP was invited at the VMA’s. That’s crazy. It would be so dope if I see pee and Eminem did a song together. I mean, that would be history for sure, but let’s see. I gotta see what’s up with this, because I’ve been. Y’all know me. Y’all know I’ll be covering the juggle o stuff. Okay, so we got Taylor Swift, and I think the only reason they’re trying to get in with the juggalos, which they’ve been doing for a long time is the whole George Soros antifa hijack kind of thing.
Hijack the movement. It’s political. It’s a political thing. Eminem is very political. He’s very anti Trump, very much. Taylor Swift is very anti Trump. Kanye west, um, and Jay Z. We got two sides of the coin controlling both parties. And I said it was a selection in the beginning, but when I’m talking about the parties, I’m also talking about the. The consciousness of the followings of each party or whatever. So here’s Taylor Swift. She came out and did this whole thing right after the debate. She posted this kitty cat, and then we’re hearing about all the kitty cats, and then she did this 911 speech.
So it’s all symbolism and the simulacrum, but this is some crazy stuff. I can’t believe ICP was there. Let’s go check this out. Let’s check this out. I mean, good for them. Let’s see. Okay, look at this. Let’s break down the symbolism. Let’s break down the symbolism. We got Shaggy Tudo and violent J. Now, when I see the butterfly, I don’t go into the monarch butterfly, because that’s a big part of their whole mythology of the dark carnival, is the butterfly, because violin J killed a butterfly. But it. I mean, it could be. It could be.
So that’s interesting. Shaggy to dope dropped a song. The illuminati don’t want me. They want my dead body. Right after he dropped that, he was in a pretty much almost fatal car accident. Seriously, like, the day after. And violin J, ICP, they had this huge divide in the juggalo world with twisted. So they’re kind of. I don’t know. I’ve done videos on, and I don’t think I need to break it down in this video, but thank you so much for pointing that out. I’ll be doing, like, my own video on that. Just, I think solo. I think that would be solo.
But that’s some crazy, crazy stuff. And I bet you they were invited by jelly Roll, because jelly rolls, a juggalo. When I was in Vegas at the shows, I. Jelly roll and his wife would be at the shows in the crowd with me and my sister. We must have been, like, little 1213 year olds up in the crowd, me and my sister, you know what I mean? And they. I don’t know how old they were, but they’re like, that’s crazy. And jelly roll always, like, mess with big in the juggler world. I even did an interview, uh, with jelly Roll.
I edited one. It wasn’t me talking to him. I just behind the scenes video editing it. Let’s break down this video. And I want to go back into the chat room because y’all be finding some cool stuff. Can’t stand T’s Taylor Swift. Didn’t ICP do a diss on Eminem? Yeah, they had this big beef. Eminem went on stage during the chronic tour and. But, you know, I’m gonna save all that for its own episode, because it’s. It’s such a heavy topic. It’s, like, a lot that goes into it. I did a video with a guy who talks about the nephilim clowns.
Yep. It’s pretty true. It’s pretty crazy. Like, that connection. Yeah. Slim anus was that song. Let me go to this Eminem video, though, because this is the white America video. Going back in time and watching, like, here’s the illuminati eye pyramid right there. I’ve never seen this before, but you’ll just see how you can just catch the symbolism and read symbolism once you know, the symbols. And they usually use the same symbols over and over again. It’s always the same. Now, okay, so this. This is why it makes sense. You see the 33 here. But let me tell you why it makes sense.
Why I. ICP would be promoted right now, in my opinion, politically, is they do not like Kid rock because Kid rock is a racist and a piece of garbage. And they know that from knowing him. They did albums together. I mean, records. They did records together, a record together. So they know the guy personally, and they know he’s pieces of trash. He’s a bohemian grove member as well. Now, Eminem probably does not like kid rock either. They’re all from Detroit, in the same little detroit d town. And if kid rock likes Trump so much that he’s performing on the stage with him, eminem’s got that sickness in his head, the Trump Derangement syndrome, which is a big problem.
People suffer from it. So if I see, it’s kind of like, yo, if you don’t like my enemy or my friend kind of thing. So it looks like Eminem will be like, yo, we can. Let’s make up, and we can use that for this election, you know? I don’t know. It’d be. I would. I would think that it would be smarter if they came after Kamala as well. But we’ll see. It’s just very confusing. It’s because Elton John is, like, pro Trump now. So that’s like Eminem’s handler. So it’s definitely wild. And right now, I’m just talking out my ass right now.
I’m just, I’m just saying whatever on my. What I’m thinking kind of just. I’m not saying that’s 100% what. I’m just on the fly with y’all, just trying to figure out what’s going on, asking questions. But this was what’s crazy. It has the 218. This is the number that Joe Biden texted out. So we got to look out for this date. 218, that’s when the year ends. That’s the dragon year. Something about this number. It’s the 128 code to look out for. See what else. See if there’s anything else. I wrote to Alex Jones. I said, dear Alex, I wrote, but you still ain’t calling.
So let’s see. Here is the debate. And it looks like they’re both the pillars, they’re 6ft apart. Trump wonde right off the bat right when she walked in, but they’re saying that he didn’t win, which is, of course they’re going to say that the newspapers, because that’s what they always do. This is what they said. Hillary’s chance of winning was 91%. This was in 2016. And I believed it. I was like, oh, yeah, Hillary gonna win, because, like, look at the, the propaganda. But, oh, I also pointed this out and went pretty viral on Twitter. I shared it on my YouTube.
But the stage was a smiley face. And I’m sure it goes deeper. I don’t know what it is, but it also reminds me of the two towers in building seven. Symbolically, Jacob Israel did a video. We’re going to bring Jacob Israel on to break down his video because he says it goes into the lesser keys of Solomon, insidual magic and chaos magic. So this is like the smiley face. So we’re going to bring him on this weekend to go over that. Joe Biden also says he’s going to do 911. Yesterday he says, I’m going to do 911.
I think I got that clip. Let me see, let me see if I can upload it. I downloaded it, but I guess it didn’t download. So that’s what he said. He says he’s going to do 911, but I think it was just a picture. He just old. So he’s like, I’m going to do 911, but he’s like, he’s gonna go take the picture with everyone in 911. Is the trident true? It was built upon tridents that you see here. The symbol of a trident. And here is the SEAL team six, where they kill bin Laden. And it was the Trident team.
You got the trident in there and the patch. They say they killed bin laden on the day the Illuminati was founded on May 1. Five one. Uh, they change it, though, all the time. But there’s, like, patches. You can buy that, have that on there. I mean, there’s so many different dates of the bin Laden death and the Saddam Hussein death. They’ve reported that they died tons of different times. And also bin Laden, they killed him, but they didn’t save his body. They didn’t take a picture of it. They just killed him and then threw him in the ocean.
Like, come on, really? Y’all believe that? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. But here’s that trident. True symbolism as well. This is where JFK was assassinated on Elm street. That’s where you got nightmare on Elm street on the Trident. So it’s very symbolic. When these rituals go down and we’re in the 23rd year of September 11, there’s the 23 enigma. They made a whole movie on it. And I didn’t even bring up the serious star connection. The dog serious, and the dog days that were in as well. And here’s Jason, right? Going into the dog days and Jason and Friday the 13th.
On Friday, this Friday, in a couple days, in two days, or in one day, compared wherever you’re located at, is going to be Friday the 13th. No one is safe. Trump’s telling you all. No one is safe. And if you look, here’s the masonic tracing board. You got the two pillars of Boaz and Joaquin, but you also got another pillar that’s connected to the seven stars. And I believe that’s building seven, and that’s the two pillars. You see? She won’t say. It’s all symbolism. It’s all symbolism. Now, this stuff is like, the secret was released in 2007 during the collapse.
And now we have this guy, Andrew Tate, all these weirdos telling us to do drugs. Look at this picture. Isn’t this crazy? Come on, Mandy. Uh, I screenshot that. Perfect, huh? Like, she’s just singing and it’s not. But come on, it’s crazy. The crazy stuff. And remember that 33 year old jumped into the 911 pool? We just had that rich homie Kwan die at 33. Darth Vader. In the 33rd century of Star wars, the black Saturn robe dies at 93, which is the Aleister Crowley. Oh. Oh, yeah. I guess what else is, like, I’m kind of freaked out about the world.
And then I, then I telling my really close friend, my good friend, I was like, man, I’m freaked out about all the anti semitism and whatnot. And I’m like, man, this shit scares me. And then I started thinking about it and I’m just all like, I don’t know if I should be freaked out because everybody’s just obsessed with football. And then he told me, he was like, no, everybody’s not obsessed with football. But me and him. We don’t watch football, so we don’t know. And then this is what’s trending right now is how obsessed people are with football.
Football is the best NFL week in four years, which is kind of scary, though, because that’s a sign for people are ready to go to war. I’ve been breaking down to Super bowl rituals and the war rituals. Oh, my goodness. So what I think is going to happen, just looking at this, because I don’t know anything about sports, but I look at symbols and psychology that everybody is ready for war because that’s what sports is, is just an imitation of war. Like, here’s the aliens kissing and the squid games. I mean, everyone’s ready to purge each other.
The more you stay online, the more you’re going to want to purge your neighbor. Eat thy neighbor, right, is what Alex was talking about. But I’ve been looking out for them dolphins for a while because they got the 32 spokes and the Illuminati Dolphins, and that’s in the news. Average 21 million viewers per game opening week. So, yeah, if you’re one of them, like sports people, you want to start a channel, talk about sports, you’re gonna get a lot of fans and followers because it’s escaping. People want to escape, so they’ll escape through the fake alien story that the government is working on for communism for you.
Or you’re gonna watch your idols in sports go after each other. The great researchers, Jordan Maxwell, William Cooper, they both talked about this. They talked about this, how that’s what sports were used for. Now let me go over to them comment sections. Go over to the comment section because we got them. We got them. I can’t believe ICP’s there. I feel like. I feel like I played a role in that by playing this song right here. Drag them in the house, throw them in the oven last week, still got the fingernail caught in my cheek, my teeth before.
Before you start yelling and cursing my name. Insane. And my mother’s like, alien race born with a hatchet and a juggle yeah, let’s go to the comments. The Jewish don’t want to be called out synagogue say, then I don’t know what that’s all about. Like, if you’ve been in this conspiracy world, like, that’s just like one of the biggest conspiracies of all time. So I don’t know what you talking about. There’s a psyop going on. That’s what I talk about. So everybody’s just trying to blame jewish people. People. And it’s not the truth. They’re not interested in the truth.
They’re interested on hating jewish people. That’s what it is. And every time I bring up I’m jewish, I lose so many follow, like, fat, like, not fans or followers, I lose subscribers. So it’s good. Like, I’m trying to get rid of all of them. Uh, nazi scum. Get out of here. Get out of here. Yo, get out of here. Woo, woo. And they’re gonna go, yeah, right. They’re gonna come after the Haitians next year, y’all next, y’all next. Just like they go, go for the blacks, black lives matter, the cops and all that. Or the Asians.
Like, everybody, every targeted groups gonna be is. That’s what’s going on. Everybody’s gonna be separated. Divide and conquer. Bada bing, bada boom. So anybody pushing division, I don’t want to be a part of it. I’m all about, there’s just too much of that. There’s just too much of that in the world. So I don’t, I ain’t part of that. Oh, my gosh, I forgot. I wanted to bring up a funny meme of the cats being Eden. I think I got to download it. It’s worth it. Give me 1 second. Then I’m going to go to everybody’s comments.
Yes, here it is. Yeah, so we’re going to bring on Jacob Israel this weekend. And I think we need to get Christopher Green back up on here as well, MTV to tell us about AI. Look at that. Don’t snack on me. Isn’t that great? It’s not don’t tread on me. It’s don’t snack on me. That’s hilarious. Hello, Danny, you are a Jew, not Jewish. Now I hear that a lot, too. And shout out to Eve, but Jay Dyer really broke it down good. If, like, if it was ish, it does. Ish is a different word in Hebrew too, as well.
That goes deep. Jordan Maxwell broke that down. But, uh, does that mean the Amish aren’t really, they’re just arms. They’re just a little. They’re armed, but a little ish. Like Amish Jewish. Like, I thought that was a good breakdown, but shout out to Eve. I appreciate you. God bless you. Yeah, the haitian leaders barbecue with the masonic chain. We. We covered that in all the voodoo and stuff like that, which is connected to the Mason stuff. Like, I don’t know if you’ve seen those videos. It’s over on my rumble. And highly recommend everybody go subscribe to my rumble because I’m gonna be removing every video off of this YouTube channel here sometime this year.
I do it every year, but they’re all uploaded on here, all the older videos. So this is kind of where they’re stored at. So you can watch them or you can go to the Patreon and get the zoom calls. We’re going to be doing a Zoom call over on Patreon. All you got to do is click here, or you can join for free as well. And I might even be doing some sort of Zoom call or post for anyone who joins for free, maybe. But go here to the official Patreon and join. And you click this.
And then you just sign up here and put your info in and then access all these videos. Get my last 45 minutes edited video. Here’s the last one we did. It was a Zoom meeting, so we’re going to do our next Zoom meeting. Maybe we do it tomorrow because we did it last month on the 12th. Maybe we just keep doing that. Um, but early access. And it supports this channel. Got those links down below what I keep selling. All y’all, thank you for listening to my sales pitch. I told y’all I was Jewish. I told y’all I was Jewish.
So what do y’all expect? Don’t snack on me. Cats. The U’s cats. Do I live in Ohio. It clearly holds some odd significance. Hence those only in Ohio memes or whatever. I can think of weirder places. So why is that? I heard Ohio. What’s the one meme where Ohio doesn’t exist? Yeah. In English. Yeah. English, huh? Are y’all ings. I don’t know. Let me read this because I think this is cool. Just like English is not Anglo Saxon, but mixed with Norman, so not Anglo, but Anglo ish English. Nice. Well, maybe you’re right and I’m wrong.
Who is a jew but one inwardly? Circumcision of the heart. Pets buffet. We wished you a merry Christmas. That’s hilarious. They said the Haitians were collecting them in a van in Ohio and eating them that’s so wild. It’s gonna get worse than doubt. Like. Like, if you think that’s bad, wait till the power grid goes out. You can’t get food at the supermarket. It takes two days. People start cannibalizing one another. They start with their pets, too. Yeah. For show. And, like, me and Chan. Like, chan. I could eat chan for about a good week, but I would not do that because I got the food storage.
I got the bug out bags of, you know. So I’m good up here. So go support USA survival. I’ll pull that up, too, while I go to comments. Because, like, unlike Candace Owens, I’m not married into the Lord family. She was making, I think, a hundred grand a month or something for her whole time. Like, for all the whole time. Like, 100 grand a month. Holy crap. That’s crazy. So your support here is what keeps this platform going. It’s a hundred percent funded by y’all. So thank you. All right, let’s see. Thank you. Shalom, kitsie, and happy birthday to me.
It’s a religion. It hasn’t been an issue before. It’s weird. It’s because of what’s happening in Israel. It’s. Yeah, the Middle east is a big reason why. It’s big news. But this hat antisemitism phenomenon is old. It’s a phenomenon that’s thousand year old phenomenon that happens. This guy. I’m gonna ban this guy. I’m just trying to get rid of all the nazis, like, off this channel, which is good. Like. Like, detox. Like, I’m detoxing off nicotine. Detoxing off bad people. Detoxing off all that, you know? Like, I put this one dude up on video. I hooked them up.
I hooked people up. And, like, they’re usually anti semitic. And I’m like, okay, it’s a conspiracy where we’re in conspiracy world. Okay, what? Like, that’s what we gonna look into that stuff. So I’m very aware of, like, all the different things, and I just could totally see that there’s a huge psyop happening right now. And all these guys that I hooked up, they be messaging me, like, the most racist stuff ever. It’s crazy. It’s like, you hook people up, and then they just. It’s crazy. But I’m trying to get back with goddess. Like, this is all good.
God be working in my life. It’s good. I. These comments are crazy, too. I don’t know, man. All the pro nicotine comments, I swear, y’all probably bought and paid for by the big nicotine companies. Like, think about propaganda. You ever read the book propaganda, Edward Bernays? Like, for real. Read that. Learn about propaganda. Learn about mind control. Now all these conservatives that are like Tucker Carlson eating the Zen pushing, say the nanos are going to go away with the nicotine. Look at the research. Look at the doctor’s research. The damn doctors were telling y’all these cigarettes are better.
It’s like, straight coming from. It feels like to me, from the big smoking companies, the big nicotine companies. And look who’s invested in these big nicotine companies. It’s these big red pillars. They all own tobacco farms in different countries, probably all not organic and all of that. So, like, yeah, yeah, it’s. It’s all mind control, bro. Like, the same people that will be in the comments if I say, yo, don’t take them shrooms, don’t take drugs. Stay away from it. I’ll get all these messages. Oh, my God. Thank you for this person. They tag them, oh, go check out their product and stuff like that.
Man, that shit is stupid. That. She is stupid. Thank you for listening, listening to me. I know I feel like I’ve been unhinged, unhinged the last month. But I just like to be real with all y’all where I’m Athena in life, because I think. I think that’s the truth. A lot of people say they’re looking for the truth, but they’re not. If you’re not looking for the truth in your own life, like, for real. Like, honesty is so important, and that’s being honest with oneself. Like, for me, like, I gotta be honest. Like, yo, I’m addicted to nicotine.
I’m eating like, a whole pack is in a day or smoking two packs of cigarette, one pack of cigarette a day. Like, that’s not. I’m addicted to it. And I got to be honest about that. I can’t be like, yeah, you know, no, I ain’t got no denial. Is not a river in Egypt, you know, or like, being honest with my emotions. Yo, this is how I’m feeling right now. I can’t believe y’all listen to me. I sound like a crazy person. Okay, good. Jennifer says we are all unhinged. That’s true. We are all unhinged. All right.
That makes me feel better. And I didn’t quit smoking. I just haven’t had any nicotine in a month. I guess I can go play a couple more clips of this Jordan Maxwell video with y’all and kick it, because I thought that was cool, because this was so long ago when Kanye was dating Kim Kardashian. And, okay, so we’re hearing about all the illegal aliens, right? He’s gonna break down what that actually means and how this president. The reason why you have a president is because it’s a corporation. I mean, the dude. Oh, look, here’s the v.
Remember, the v was on Trump’s face, the blood splatter. We’ll play that, too. But let me go to the alien part. Yeah, it’s German accepted in Judaism. In German, the symbols the Naya had. That’s right. You see, Rabbi, in the. Okay, where the. Trying to find it. I think it’s right. Okay, it’s right here. I. Yeah. So what is that circling the eyes that. The illuminati eye. The capstone. Yeah, that’s the capstone in the pyramid. It’s on the american $1 bill. On the back is a pyramid. And the word pyramid, people do not understand. It’s not pyramid.
It’s pyramid. P y r a, like a pyromaniac or polytechnics. It’s so. It’s a form of explosion. And so that’s why it was called a pyramid. Mid med. Mid means middle. And so therefore, the fire of male sexuality is in the middle of the human body. It’s a pyramid. And therefore, the pyramid represents mankind’s reproduction of humans on the earth, a fire in the minds of men. And it’s a very obvious symbol. Once you see. Once you begin to see all of the symbols, you begin to figure out what they are all trying to tell you.
And so I’m doing a show I do already. All right, that was cool. You. I was talking about that in the beginning. That’s why the Olympics started on the volcano. That’s why Kanye did the volcano recording of his religious album, because it goes back to the sanctioned volcano cults. That’s what the pyramid is on the dollar bill. The pyramid. He was saying, that’s why Kim Kardashian and Kanye named their dog pyramid. All the stuff that you talk about, like Elohim, like, I understand those words, so it really helps. And shamash, there’s this, and I know that that can lead back.
Okay, that’s me just being nervous. I mean, I was so nervous. It was my first podcast, too. My first ever podcast. So I got. I think I do. Pretty cool. And the german word is, what is it called in Hebrew when the Germans are using the Hebrew language is called what? Yiddish. Yiddish, yeah, Germans will speak Yiddish, and it’s a german interpretation of the Hebrew. Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah, it’s German. This is why people like Henry Kissinger are Germans. They call themselves Jewish and they get all bent out of shape if you talk about Jewish.
But they’re not jewish. They are Germans. Henry Kissinger was in eastern Germany when Rockefeller found him. He was an east german official and the Communist Party of Germany speaking Yiddish, which is a hebrew interpretation in German. Wow. So, yeah, he’s a warmonger. Yeah. He’s all for wars and violence. For you to go into war is good for business. You should invest your son. Yeah, but they’re not going to do it for their song. And so that’s why we say Henry Kissinger is Jew. No, he’s not jewish. He’s a gentile German. Your last podcast you did, he’s a gentile German.
He was so hard. If you’re religious, you probably wouldn’t like listening to Jordan. You’ll be very triggering. You’d be talking crap about all the different religions. So I can’t find where the alien thing is. It’s a. Let me see. I thought it was, like, right here. I know it’s right here. I just know it. Shamash. Oh, I know it’s right there. Let me see. Let me see if I can find something else. And if you got any comments, I’m looking at the comment section as well. Okay, let’s get into this V, because I was talking about Trump.
He had that V on his face or the tetragram at all. Yeah, tetragram, auton. I mean, that’s wild. And this V show, I only got to catch a couple 2030 minutes of it. And it was awesome. Like, that is a cool show so far. Like, but it starts off with a silver disc of the UFO. It’s same silver, and it’s all over the world. They’re called the people in the UFO are called the visitors. And did you see the. So you see Trump right here? He’s got the V on his face. The V. Just before we go into that clip, just look at that.
The symbology presentation I did in Laughlin, Nevada. Mm hmm. Yeah, I did see it. The UFO conference. I need to watch it again. I need to. You know, that’s what I like about your videos, is that each video I take something mind blowing away because you have so many different ones. And they’re not short videos, they’re full length, like, hour, two hour, three hour presentations. And, I mean, you’ve just been doing this for so long, and it’s. I mean, it’s just so cool. You know, I’ve been doing it for 60 years. 60 years. I’m 81 now.
And believe me, you don’t want to be 81 years old. No, it sucks. No, but I was 81 and I’ve been doing it for 60 years. I started back in 1959 and talking about all the symbols and emblems of the secret societies and all the secret things going on in government. And I wanted to be able to tell the world all this information that I have been able to collect over the years and be able to put it out into public forum. But I am told, I am told by my lawyer friends that if you’re going to talk about.
Okay, let’s see if I go fast. Oh, I think this is it. I found it. So we’re going to talk about all the illegal aliens coming in here and why it’s called that, how it’s connected to corporation that you are. Oops. Oh my God. I was playing the video. All right, here we go. You’re not an american. Americans are in America. Those has a lot of material on how it is come to America from around the world. They want to be free to own their own land and to do what they want to do. That’s why Americans today are not free.
Because you’re not an american. You are called a us citizen. You’re not an american. Americans are free and they live in the land of the free, of the home of the brave. They’re not free. Free or brave. Now you are a citizen of a company, a corporation called the United States Corporation. And therefore you are an employee of a foreign corporation. It’s foreign to the states. It’s founded in Washington DC. It’s home offices in Washington DC. It’s not all the states, but it covers all the states. And so it’s a major, major corporation. And we are working for a corporation.
And if you come across the border from Mexico illegally, it’s like breaking into a corporation. You breaking into Ford Motor Company or any other big corporation. And therefore you can be arrested for breaking in without having a key to get in. And therefore you are breaking into a corporation. And that’s why they will put a lien on you. It’s called mechanics lien. Because you’ve broken into a corporation, they can put a lien on your property. You become known as an alien because they have put a lien on you. You are the alien. Wild. You are the alien.
You hear that? You are the alien. So thank you everybody for tuning into the late night stream. It’s doughnut. We don’t keep y’all posted. We don’t keep you posted on all the Illuminati news. Just hit that subscribe button and go support this channel. Go visit our sponsor. Get them food storage. So you don’t have to eat your cat. So you don’t have to eat your neighbor. You can eat the food storage. Go get that. Get the bug out bag so you can dip out. You crap. You get that bug out, Baghdad. My goodness. You dip out, you know, I mean, you dip out with the kitty cat.
Peace. Peace. So much love. And go to the Patreon. I got autumn links below. Y’all know what it is. Oh, my goodness. I love y’all. Much love. God bless.