Spread the Truth



– Donut: Get ready for a wild, wild show. Everybody make sure give me a one in the comment if you can hear me. Donut dam sam sad.
– Donut: This is the worst economic disaster and physical disaster that we’ve arguably ever seen outside of Pearl Harbor. Lahaina is completely gone. There’s nothing left. The real issue in my opinion is a lack of communication. Donut: All of our prepping has paid off.
– I want people to think about worst case scenarios with a preparedness mindset The Island Project is going to help provide resources and support for the community in need. The main focus should just be human life safety. Information is key.
– Donut: I do believe God put us here for a reason, to help with relief efforts, charity, food, water, energy, anything that is needed. He encourages people around the world tuning into your platform. The community really does need the support.
– The only way to get out of Lahaina in the last 24, 48 hours has been going north. I would say the casualty counts definitely over 100. It is important to note, though, that and I’m not underestimating the damage at all.
– October 4 is the day that leaves 88 days left into the end of the year. Miley Cyrus uses it for her hippie cult. I believe it’s an alien cult because she’s missing. I’ll do a video tomorrow because tomorrow is the helico rising.


Site: : full summary text presention: something-strange-is-happening-worldwide

Yo, what up? It’s Donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. Make sure you smash that like button and get ready for a wild, wild show. That’s pretty good, but try it like this. Donut dam sam sad. Thank you so much. Everybody make sure give me a one in the comment if you can hear me. Okay, we got another. Something strange is happening. The most triggering title of all. It makes very lot of people upset when I write. Something strange going to happen. It looks like a lot of ones. Okay, you can hear me. Okay.
Now that intro was super fire. We got a great audience in here. We’re going to go over the fires in Maui. Rest in peace and prayers go out to everybody over there. I was just out there about a couple months ago with Christopher Green of AMTV in Lahaina. So that whole place that got burned down, I was there walking around and I got footage of the whole place and now it’s gone. The old historic building. And I’ve been diving deep into Hawaii and mean what? What the heck? I was praying last night to God and I’m like, why did God have me go to the exact spot where it got burnt down? And it happened through this astrological alignment of lunasa. This is the Economist Magazine. Rothschild Economist magazine for 2022 or 21, I believe. And it’s the occult calendar, will and we just had the Lion Gate Portal 88, which is an unlucky day. And I put out a video. You must watch the old video I did right before this. Watch before August twelveTH to get caught up on why it’s an unlucky day. And look what’s happening. We got the fire on this day. And that day doesn’t even really matter, but it sort of does because the date that matters is August 10, the Capitol building here in America. America is built off of the dog star Sirius. And there’s a new sickness going around which is also connected to that, which is crazy. I’m going to show you all that here in a second.
But if you look at Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, the 33rd Degree Mason, he dedicated his temple, the Masonic Temple, to the date August 10 and the Helicarising and the day centering upon it. And we got a lot of evidence to show you that the times that we’re in exactly right now is wicked, occult and freaky. So we almost got 1000 people up in here. Shabbat shalom. Happy Friday. And make sure you smash that like button. We about get wicked smart. Much love, everybody. I mean, this is getting crazy. This is getting crazy. Look at everybody. Yeah, we go and talk about the dues as well, which is a direct energy which can cause crazy stuff. We’re going to get into that. But I think it’s very weird how I was just there. I mean, walking around here’s some footage of me right here. That place is burnt to a crisp now. That whole place right there where I’m driving, right there, gone. Why did God have me go there? And I see it and I don’t ever. I’m not the only person. A lot of people go there. That is the capital of Hawaii. It used to be. Not anymore, but it’s very ancient. It was the capital to Hawaii. We’re going to get into some freemasonic symbolism as well as there’s secret society presence in Hawaii and a lot of strange mythologies as well, which goes into the Rock, who’s going to run for president eventually. It’s all predictive programming to push people out. I mean, in my opinion. I invited Christopher Green on. He’s dealing with a lot, but he is safe. But a lot of people aren’t. So let’s pray for everybody who is not safe out there. So let’s get right into it. Something strange is happening and I’m going to go.
Started off with a video clip that I had on my Patreon when I was out there in Hawaii going over the astrology occult symbols of Hawaii and Lanai. Let’s start that off right now. Yo, what up? It’s Donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. I’m out here in Hawaii searching for the Illuminati dolphins. You can see all these Illuminati dolphins. While I was looking for the Illuminati dolphins, I stumbled across an Illuminati dolphin playing card. Wow. Probably my most favorite Illuminati card in the deck. But I found some more interesting stuff in Hawaii. This island called Lanai, which is owned by tech billionaire Larry Ellison. And no one really knows what he does, but Bill Gates got married on the island and it’s connected to some deep state intelligence. Yeah, so that was just the intro just to get things starting. That was the intro for an old Patreon video that I did in Hawaii out there. And then they removed my YouTube. So we’re on this big YouTube, but my backup channel removed. No warning whatsoever. So I’m out there and right across the way from where this fire happened is Lanai and it’s owned by Larry Ellison. These billionaires Zuckerberg up there in Kauai, buying all the acreage, all the land, all the sugar mountains, all the sugar. And what does zuckerberg mean? It means sugar mountain. Weird. Oprah Winfrey stayed in her home for three, two, two days at her house in Hawaii. Most likely because she owns all this real estate in Hawaii. Bezos out in Maui. You got all these tech elite out there and they’re pushing out people. When I was there, everyone was upset. They had to move. They had to move because they’re getting pushed out from the rising rent. And this place that got burnt down is an elite town. This is like where vacation people go. Very rich, wealthy people live in this property, so people have to move. And it was interesting because when I was out there walking around there, walking all around there, asking the locals, asking a ton of questions about the history, about any occult stuff I can find. And a lot of them told me that Hawaii, most people want to move to Las Vegas. And I thought that was interesting because I’m from Las Vegas. So people in Las Vegas want to go to Hawai to vacation, but people in Hawaii want to go to Las Vegas to vacation. So I thought that was very funny and interesting as I’m from Las Vegas.
So something strange is happening. We got a big show. Make sure you smash that like button. But what’s important is this Helical rising that’s taken place. It is the Sirius star system. This is what the Egyptian calendar was based off of. The ancient Egyptian calendar because of the dog. Star the Dog Day. Sirius America is built off of this. And when the Helical rising happened, the Nile flooded. And this don’t be in denial. The Nile flooded and this is what they based the whole thing off of. This is the significance. And this even happened in Mississippi in 1993. In Mississippi, it killed 32 people. This 32 is all over the place. And their capital is at location 201. The 201 is all over the place. It happened around the same time during the Dog Days, which brings bad luck. So all the people that were following the mainstream media saying to do this manifestation for the lionsgate portal was so you would manifest bad luck in entities. Alastair Crowley communicated with entities on this day going into, like the occult and going into the witchcraft. And on this Liongate portal, trump mar Lago was rated with the 33 boxes, just like the 33rd. Mason talked about this day, 33 boxes and then he called out Obama for the 51 boxes. The Illuminati founding date. The fires happen on 88 as well. So we told you the lionsgate portal brought bad luck and the day centering upon it. August 10 is super important to the elite. Epstein hung himself supposedly August 10. August 10 is what? This Masonic Temple with homeboy morals and dogma order out of chaos. What kind of chaos they just brought? What kind of order are they going to bring? A lot of people in the comments are saying the 15 minutes cities. Another interesting thing is that I learned this from the comments, that the Son of Sam killings happened during the Dog Days. And the Son of Sam was talking to a dog to commit these acts. That was the story. Although it was just a satanic cult doing all this ritualistic killings. And the cult is something that’s being pushed right now with TV shows on Netflix, hulu, Miley Cyrus, other famous actors promotingCults. They’re putting this into the similacrum for the minds of the masses, just like they put serial killers in the minds of the masses last year with Dahmer and then we had the two serial killers this year. So the Helical Rising is about to happen tomorrow, August twelveTH. This is the day of communication with entities with Alastair Crowley. And I found it interesting.

That Hawaii. This is the Drudge report. The mainstream media called it Hawaii hell fires ripped through Maui. Three six dead. This is what they started off with, which there’s probably thousand dead, but they started off with the three six. The three six mafia gangsta boo started off the New Year with the egg rituals, with Rihanna and all that gangsta boo dying. And the 36 parallel. The 36 parallel has been going through massive rituals and that’s a 6663 sixes. Something to look out and think about. The 36 parallel. You can watch my older video on that that we did in the beginning of the year. Now, I screenshotted this because they’re now saying there’s 55 deaths. 55. But the governor or mayor or whoever is saying no, there’s probably thousands, but they’re now saying 55. But I screenshotted this yesterday because it said 56 for a while and I thought that wow, that’s an interesting number. What’s going on with the 56? And this doesn’t exist anymore on here. They’d be changing stuff, but it says Lahaina killing at least 56 people. Well, the film about Maui with The Rock is the 56th Disney animated feature film with The Rock, and that’s about Maui and that’s the 56th feature film. So I thought that was interesting, maybe a connection there. And I think there is a connection there and we’re going to get into that here shortly with The Rock. The Rock running for president, just like Oprah wanted to run for president and Donald Trump wanted her to be the vice president. So there’s something happening in the Similacra right now with a storyline as The Rock in predictive programming with Donnie Darko about the portals and the bunnies were in The Year of the Bunny. Donnie Darko and Trump. There’s a connection to that movie and him and the guy who made that movie made another movie called Southland Tales where The Rock becomes president. And there’s a lot of Dystopic stuff with there seems like a lot of predictive programming.

So this fire happened on the lionsgate portal. We’ll see a lot of things happen on the lionsgate portal. And right here, bro, it’s all gone. And I was there not too long ago, right here. I was was I was all over there.

Now let’s go into something else for a minute. We’re going to get into this Barbie movie. Even Barbie talked about going through the portals and it went into some magical witchcraft as well, where whatever happens in Barbie land, whatever happens in reality land happens in Barbie land. And it’s the Polarity, it’s the Masonic, checkerboards the Knights Templar, checkerboards, the duality, the black and white barbie heimer is a perfect example of that. Barbie dreamland, right? Oppenheimer reality land, sad a bomb. They’re making these nuclear boom booms, which was put on by the Bohemian Grove. The Grove played a huge part in that, just like the thing that sunk the submersible. The guy was part of the Grove, and his dad was the President of the Grove. The Bohemian Grove.

So check this out. This is crazy. Seriously, give me a like, because we’re going to get into this Barbie. Weird Barbie. This gets wild. This is super. I mean, I feel like I’m uncovering something huge here with symbolism. So you could see she got the illuminati eye. Whatever this is being pushed by Mattel. My friend pointed out that this looks like the Masonic compass right here. And it just seems like a normal picture. A lot went into this picture. This is the picture they highlighted. Weird Barbie makes Mattel debut as doll. That’s been played with just a little too much with the three 6 million followers. Just notate that the three six. Whoops. So this is the image that they used. And a lot went into this. And it goes into steganography as I mirrored the image. And there’s a lot of occult stuff in it. And we’re going to break down that occult stuff as we just saw that with the new X, Elon’s X Company. If you mirror it, it makes the Masonic compass, the 47 degrees, the Masonic compass right here by mirroring it. So I mirrored this image of the Barbie, and look how crazy this is. Make sure you smash the like button because this is nuts. Hopefully you could see it. Okay. But there is a serpent right here. And there’s the mouth. Those are probably the fangs. But there’s the serpent. And then there’s this demon thing right in front of it, and that looks like the Earth. So there’s a lot of occult stuff in this. And not only that, I don’t know if you see it, but those are the eyes. There’s the nose. Those are the fangs. There’s a serpent hidden in this. When you do the reflection and look, there’s a guy right here, a little demon guy right here. Those are the eyes. And then it goes down. I mean, there’s a lot to it, but if you even go to the top right here, there’s a little alien person right here with the pyramid on the top. So I even went even deeper, but I thought that was crazy. I don’t know if you can see it, but then I even layered it even more, and it just kept on getting crazier and crazier. I see a lot of stuff in it, and that’s all coming from just mirroring this image. So let me know if you see it. I see it. It’s a serpent right there. I think that’s freaking crazy. And I see it right here with the Masonic compass with the new X logo for Twitter. Right here. You mirror this. It’s the X in this Twitter channel. Mr. Blockhead pointed out that Elon tweeted the X and the X in Gladiator, which could be like the G. Very interesting stuff.

So what do you think about that? I mean, we almost got over 2000 people up in here right now, streaming all over the place. We definitely got more than 2000 people because I forgot we were also on Rumble. And we’ve been doing these live shows on Rumble every Thursday with Tommy. We did one with Tommy and Juan yesterday. On Thursday. Go check it out there where we can be more unfiltered. But we are here live on Friday. We got a ton of people in here and it’s amazing. I think we just broke a record of how many people are viewing a live video. So shout out to the audience. A lot of this stuff I am learning from the comment section. You know what, before we go into the next one, I’m going to play another video clip on Hawai and Lanai because it gets into the astrology aspect, it gets into Strange, Hawaii astrology, and Lanai. Let’s get into that.

Now. The state seal of Hawaii has a ton of symbolism in it. But what I really noticed was the Mithraium hats. It’s called a Frygian cap or a Liberty cap. They were very popular during the French Revolution, which was orchestrated by the Illuminati. It’s also used as the Doge of Venice. Not Dogecoin, but the Doge of Venice wore the hat, which goes all the way back to the cult of Mithra wearing that hat. And this is who Skolen Bones actually worship. They are a Mithra cult. You can see the Smurfs also has the hat in the book Fire in the Minds of Men the Origins of Revolutionary Faith, how revolution is also a religion to the Illuminati and secret societies. And this all ties into the zodiac alignments that we’re at today with Pluto going into Aquarius as the elites do things according to the stars. And in the stars were also in the Year of the Rabbit, which is connected to the UFOs. And in Hawaii a few years ago, I’m hearing some weird stories about mysterious UFOs appearing over Hawaii. And they weren’t starlink satellites, but they were coming from this island of Lanai. Lanai also had goblins and ghouls and flesh-eating spirits like zombies. It’s pretty interesting. Somebody even pointed out multiple people that there’s a bunny also in there. And Maui is connected to the bunny. So here is the occult calendar, will Lunasa. We’re in this August 1 on so when Halloween happened, you see big rituals take place on eachSure! Here is the reformatted text with natural paragraphs:

Away. He was exposing illuminati. Then he passed away. And Shaggy, too. Dope of ICP just made a song. A record. Illuminati don’t want me. They want my cold body. They’re about to perform at a Masonic Temple. And after he released that song, he ended up in a car crash that could have been fatal. So we’re going to be doing the ICPD code pretty soon because it gets deeper than you know.

So, as you can see, we can just go through all these celebrities. There’s the Super Bowl, the superb owl ritual. And here’s the Google the 50 years. So this is a video on its own that needs to be recorded. But here’s Mark Zuckerberg buying the Sugar Mountains. Zuckerberg actually means Sugar Mountain, just like Elon means oak tree. And the oak tree here’s the banyan tree.

Hollywood is from the druids Hollywood. The wood from a holly tree for the magical wand. And the Hollywood movie magic with even druid means oak. And I believe that the oak K sign, the OK sign that the Illuminati does like. Okay. I believe that is for oak as well in my research, because if you look at the Eulog, it looks very similar with the three candles, which would be the three fingers in the circle, which would be the Eulog, which represented a penis. A penis.

I’ll show you. Just like 4 July, the Washington Monument is a penis, too, for the dog. Serious. This is some serious stuff. Who are we getting into? Oh, Tommy Truffle in the house. Everybody shout to Tommy Trufo. Donut look at the blog I did on the dogstar. I wrote in detail blog on the video me and Lil Juan did last night. Shout. To the Juan Juan podcast I think you’ll really appreciate. Brother it’s up on Truth right now. We’re going to go to that. We are going to go to that. Shout out to the truth mafia Shout out to Tommy Truthful. Shout out to New Zealand.

Okay, let me share my second screen. So you just saw all those tabs that we did, right? Give me a like for the two hour broadcast so far with all those tabs. Smash that like button, because you all know that I don’t go for this long usually, but it is a special night tonight, and we got more tabs. Look at that. Look at that tab. Look at how many tabs are in this one. So make sure you smash that like button for all the tabs up there, because this is a whole new browser with all new tabs. Really appreciate it. This presentation right here was already released on the Patreon. So quick plug before I get into this, go to the Patreon. Go subscribe. It’s the only way to support us here, because you can’t do a cash whatever they’re called. Super chat. Super chat. You can’t do that here, but you can go to the Patreon cheaper than a bag of Skittles and get a bunch of content. So everything I’m about to present, a lot of it, I already talked about on the Patreon. But we got new information. So if you already watched it, we got more information. Truth isn’t stagnant. That’s why a fact checker should be illegal, because truth isn’t stagnant. You can’t fact check something, really, because things continuously change and move and all that. If you paint a painting of you wake up and I’m going to paint a painting outside and you do it every day, it’s going to be a totally different image every day because things keep on changing and we fixing to get wicked smart. Yes. So go over there right now or when this video is done, and support us.

So the helical rising. The Liongate portal ritual. You got Barbie, Oppenheimer, Travis Scott, all them releasing on this day, july 21, july 20. No, I mean, yeah, July 21. July 20 is the 201 day. But all them are saying that this date, 88 is a lucky day for you to manifest. And what happened on this date? That Hawaii fire, the king of the hill, the conspiracy theorist of king of the hill passed away, all that. Yeah, it’s a good luck day, right? Sure. Just like Friday the 13th. They say that’s a bad luck day, right? But that goes back to the Knights Templars. That’s a Knights Templar day where a few of them were rounded up and burnt out the stake. Did somebody say steak? So the Sirius star, this Helical rising is the flooding of the Nile. The flooding of the Nile happened because of this star, Sirius. And the Egyptian ancient Egyptian calendar was built upon this date. That happens tomorrow. It’s actually that day today in Egypt. And in about four minutes, we will be in the Helical Rising, sort of on the East Coast, but we in the West Coast over here. And rest in peace. To Dale and Hank Trill. Bob, it Tommy Truthful says it’s all connected to Taylor Swift in that 1989 album. And I did read that article. It is very good. We’ll be bringing that up because it gets into the 69 and the earthquake. Very good article. And some. Tanya says love you, tommy truthful. Miss your walks and talks. And I’ve been hearing that from a lot of people because I didn’t know you went on walks and talks and rode a bike and talked. But a lot of people are telling me that you need to bring that back. So put a one in the comment if Tommy Truthful should bring his walks and bicycle rides back. Put a one in the comment if he should do that. So here’s the Nile River, which represents the Mississippi River as well. It is identical. It is identical because America is the new Egypt. That’s why you got the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. And the Pyromid, the Pyro pyramid, fire gods, sacrificing to the volcano. You can see it’s like the same thing. And the Helical Rising is when this happened. And it also happened in the Great Flood of 1993. The Great Flood of 1993 took the lives of the 32 people right there. You see that 32 number that we cover over and over again on this channel, 23 in reverse. And this happened around that time of the Dog days. This time always brings this crazy stuff. And if you even go to the Mississippi or Missouri, if you go to the Capitol, it’s at location 201. So what happens is, on 72 that they call National UFO Day, there’s 72 demons in the Arkosia, there’s 72 names of God, and there’s 72 bricks on the back of the pyramid on the dollar bill. July 2 was the founding of America July 2, which is 72. But Benjamin Franklin changed it to July 4 because of Sirius in the Helical rising. So a day to manifest, if you’re into that stuff, would have been July 6 and fifth. But they told you to do it on the Lionsgate ritual portal, according to astrologers. That’s what I’ve heard. So America was built because the Sirius Star did a sun conjunction. So you see right here, the Sirius sun conjunction, a moment when your soul shines, July 6. And what that means is that Sirius Star and the sun are together. So they’re conjuncted. They’re like, together. And when they do that, it was on July 4 when this phallic, the penis, it equals out perfectly. So this was built for Sirius as well, just like America was built off of this Sirius Star. I find it so fascinating they don’t teach you this in school. So America is the modern day Egypt. There’s the capital dome, the five pointed star. The new sickness has the five in it. And then the Phallic and the Masonic tracing board, you can see east at the top because the sun rises east. So they’re always looking for the sun rises and the helical rising. The Sirius, you’ll be able to see it because the sun will go down and then you’ll see the star. And that’s happening tomorrow. The dog star. Serious. Why so serious? And the new sickness is called eris. And the Masonic blazing star, that’s what this is. That’s Sirius. That’s the dog star, the five pointed star right there. Right here. It’s resembled for Sirius and rest in peace. Sean P yo, what up, Donut? And you tune into all your illuminati news. Someone says the new sickness what? There’s a new sickness and it’s called E-G-E is five. So technically it’s 5G. That’s what it’s called. I shouldn’t even be saying that. So Barbie Heimer came out these two polarity films, and they came out as aDouble feature, and it made 33 million. Barbieheimer one’s imaginative, one’s real life. So two polar opposites. Just like the duality checkerboards of the Knights Templars or the Masons, the freemasonic checkerboards, the black and the white. You got these two movies coming out Barbieheimer, just like you see the checkerboard floors right here.

And people were on bad behavior at Barbieheimer. People were acting nutty. Kai Sennett. The YouTube streamer started a riot in New York during the dog days. These days is when people get crazy. When the heat gets hot, people turn wild. And there was even bad behavior at Barbeheimer. Reflects a whirring trend here’s.

Kai Senate the riots that were happening out there during the Dog days. And that movie brought in $33 million. The double feature, 33 million.

He got the 33 there this chick comes out, she’s super rich, has a $2 million home, and she’s a marketing executive. The girl on the plane, this was all staged. And she was doing the Bafflemet on American Airlines, which is the AA, the eleven, the two pillars. And she was talking about the aliens on the plane, that she was seeing people that aren’t real, like an alien right on 72, on National UFO Day. That happened on 72 National UFO Day.

So the 88 is a hateful symbol as well. Miley Cyrus uses it for her hippie cult. Her hippie happy, hippie HHD 88, and she’s in a cult. This is coming out in the news, that Miley Cyrus is part of a cult. Well, duh. Here’s her music video with the three two two in it right there. And I believe it’s an alien cult that is going on right now.

I believe it’s an alien cult because she’s missing. No one knows where she is. She released this album with the three two two, and her album is called Endless Summer or something. And she’s gone and she’s not posting. And the only tweet she really keeps up is only a few. And this is one of them. It’s the alien stuff. Just like Kanye tweeted about the alien cult with three two, two subscribers. And then he was removed. The three two two in the miley video. You can see it right here in the Timestamp.

I think I’ve been pushing it a little too hard. I’m talking about the 88. October 4 is the day that leaves 88 days left into the end of the year. Look, I’ve been pushing it. I’ve been pushing it hard. I was going to go through all this stuff, but 2 hours, man. What? That was wild. I’m going to have to come back up on here and do it again when I’m more fresh.

I really appreciate everybody. I think this is a great show. I’m just tired. I ain’t got the juice. So make sure you smash the like button, go subscribe to the patreon or just give the video a like. I think this was a really good video. I’ll do a video tomorrow because tomorrow is the helico rising, and I’ll go even more deep into all this.

I appreciate everybody’s support. Prayers out to everybody out in Hawaii. Hana, anapanapono. And God bless you. You can look that up. That’s like a prayer in Hawaii. Much love and God bless you all. Bye.One of these days. This occult calendar, Will, that you see right here, it’s the same thing on the Economist magazine. And it’s all connected with the sun as well. The sun rituals like Miley Cyrus. Cyrus is the sun god, the Cyrus’s. So everything happens with these occult dates, these rituals, and it goes into the egg. The Memphis right? I mean, the kniff the kniff goes into a bunch of egg stuff and Rihanna just had her baby.

So this Lionsgate portal, Trump’s home was raided with the 33 boxes on August eigth, just like the fires happen. August 10 is when Epstein suicided himself as well. And August 10 is another interesting occult day. It. It’s the day that Jack Dorsey of Twitter wrote.

Day zero, August 10, august 11 during the helical rising. In 2021, they did the FEMA FCC national alert test. Now, if you forgot, in Hawaii, they did a National Alert Test by accident, that there was going to be an ICBM and everyone went underground and freaked out. Some people kept on surfing, but this took place on this Helical Rising on the two two three day, three two backwards, the same day that Harp was patent. So here’s the 36th parallel.

Let’s see if I got any more think that’s good. And if you don’t know how important these days are and you’re like, I need more information, go watch the last video. Watch before August twelveTH. Tomorrow’s, August twelveTH. The Helical rising. And the day centering upon that day is interesting. So oprah Winfrey donations and Hope residents overwhelming hawai. What a wonderful person. She’s going to help everybody. Wow, she’s 69, too. That 69 goes into rituals happening today. Look out for that 69 number. Goes into the egg rituals. Alastair. Crowley’s, Psalm 69. Suck seeds and suck eggs. That’s what he said. Salvador Dolly hand on America. There’s a lot that goes into it. Make sure you watch this video, too, that we put out in the beginning of the year as Egg spiraling down. Undercase is a six six six, and Egg is 19 in Numerology. And we started the year off with the egg ritual. And the Memphis right is the egg, the Kneff, the top of the royal arch during the summer solstice with the 69. We talk about this quite a bit. And this was the beginning of the year with the egg rituals and Miley Under, the 69 gangsta boo from the 36th Parallel dying with the album 69, all the symbology the elites use to communicate.

I didn’t know Oprah was 69, but she did stay in her home for the three, two, two days, not three two, one days, not three three three days. For three two, two days. I didn’t leave home for three, two, two days. So come on, if that’s not enough evidence there for you, I don’t know what to tell you. And think about that song. Robin laid an egg jingle bells, Batman smells and that Robin laden egg batman was part of Skull and Bones. There’s a big Batman connection to all that. Shout out to my broke he broke all that down ball. Don’t me I got this book goes into how much Batman is part of Skull and Bones.

So that song. Jingle bells, Batman smells robin laid an egg we’re going into the egg ritual stuff. Well, Rihanna, her name is Robin, first off, robin laid an egg with her baby. That baby was just born, supposedly. I said her baby would be born on 72 or June 24, national UFO Day, but her baby was just born and her name is Robin. Robin laid an egg. So I mean, I just wanted to add that on top of everything, as she is an ambassador for Barbados and the oldest establishment in Barbados is Freemasonry. Their logo colors of the blue and yellow is also the freemasonic colors with the trident. So, I mean, there’s a lot of connections there. But this is how I connect to Illuminati celebrities, is their affiliation with politics. And it doesn’t matter if you’re on the left or the right, you got these Illuminati celebrities. So you got the Rockefellers as we’re celebrating hip hop’s 50th year. That’s what they’re calling it, hip hop’s 50th year on Google, celebrating hip hop and its influence on the culture. Well, you got Rockefeller, Jay Z and Beyonce with the Clintons, and then you got Trump and Kanye over there, but they’re all under the umbrella of the Rockefellers, just like Rihanna. And they all throw up that Illuminati triangle pyramid that you see happen with this helical rising right here, this triangle that Juan was breaking down last night. And also her last name is Fenty’s Fenty. And it just sounds like Fentanyl to me. fentany Fentanyl. And when she opened up the Super Bowl on February twelveTH, leaving three two, two days left until the end of the year, just like the Super Bowl last year, the score had three two two in it. And then you had Eminem, we’re talking about the egg and the knife. He has Ken Kniff in his skits, right? Paying homage to his grandfather, samuel mathers of the order of the golden dawn. They’re all part of a secret network, an occult network. And the symbolisms show it, the symbology shows it. But there was the UFOs over the Super Bowl and the balloons. Well, the UFOs were also over Hawaii as well. Let’s not forget that. Let’s not forget about the US. Tracking the mysterious balloons over Hawaii. And I was out there when this happened. And look, this report is on the Illuminati day right here, may 1. That’s when they posted this one. And this day, May 1, is when the aliens invaded in Las Vegas just recently. They’re pushing this agenda. There’s the 36 36. So Maui, maui Wawi, who’s smoking on to Maui wowie, the Maui mythology is so interesting. And somebody brought this up on the Rumble yesterday’s stream. And the mean, it gets weird. It goes into the Maui entered the V Gina, intent on living through their mouth while she slept. However, he was crushed by the teeth in her vagina, which were made of obsidian. And this is Polynesian mythology. So Maui is in a lot of different mythologies. And what got burnt at Lahaina. Was the Hawaiian kingdom capital, the global trade hub. 1823, Hawaii, Maui mythology.

Oh, where is this? This goes into the bunny and the moon. So here’s Disney. They made the movie Mona with the demigod, maui, that’s Maui, that’s the rock. Now check out this dude on their whoopsie. This is the Barbie image of the tattoos. The Barbie image as well. So you see here’s the eyes. I mean, this is crazy. I’m going to zoom out. There’s a connection to this too. It’s weird. This is super weird. Dang it. Where did I put that? Wikipedia. Oh, it’s right there. Okay, so there’s the eyes, there’s that head. And then the person bowing down right there. You’ll see that same thing right here in this Barbie image. Right here, the head, the person bowing down in this image. So it’s the same thing, the serpent right here, the serpent eyes. Right there, this figure. Here’s the shoulders and the head. Here’s the face, which would be that. Then underneath this person in this earth. And then you see this person bowing down in this earth. It looks the same. I just think that’s synchronicity. I think that’s interesting. So this is Maui, the Disney film, which was the 56 Disney animated film. And on Wikipedia they said there was 56 people killed in this Lahaina. Fire. They changed it to 55 and it’s probably changed by now. It’s the 56th Disney Film. And that’s Maui. And the rock has been being promoted right now, right, with these announcements of him moving to Maui with his kids, moving to Hawaii with his kids, announcing that they’re going to make an actual film of this. So, I mean, what great commercials for the similacrum in a sense that gets you sensitive and feelings for maybe something that’s being pushed on by corporations. So like right across the street is Lanai from where this took place, where they have the farms for drones and stuff. I mean, it’s crazy, it’s crazy. And shout out to Christopher, hopefully he could join us. But I was there. That’s me driving around a couple of months ago. That whole place behind me burnt to the ground, burnt to a crisp. And that image we just showed you, this is an example of steganography where they hide occult meanings in this image. So the image has an occult hidden message in it. Here’s an example. Steganography in occult symbols and hidden.Symbols are a way of communication, even in John D’s painting. There are hidden symbols within it, such as the ring of skulls in a painting of John D, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth. So there are always occult messages within what we see. Smash that like button, as we are currently at a record-breaking number of viewers. Make sure you hit the like button to help with the algorithm. Most people are at the bar right now getting drunk, but you are here with me. The Rock is going to be the president eventually, but right now he is focused on fatherhood. He is awesome and has been hyped up to be the future president since I was a kid. There is a connection between Trump and The Rock in the movie Southland Tales, directed by the same person who did Donnie Darko. The upcoming 47th presidency has connections to Masonry and the dedication of America to the Helical Rising and the Sirius star system. There have been significant events on November 5 throughout history, including when Astralworld happened and when Bill Cooper was taken out. This date also has connections to the famous banyan tree in Lanai, which had 47 trunks. I was recently in Lahaina, Hawaii, where the tree burnt down, and I don’t know why I was there. There have been reports of X flares happening, and today, August 11, marks the end of the dog days and the beginning of the Helical Rising. The Son of Sam killings and Travis Scott’s Astroworld happened during this time. A cult is being exposed, and there have been recent deaths and sacrifices related to TV shows and their creators. The chicken sacrifice is prevalent in different shows and connects to the symbolism of eggs and occult practices. Memphis is also a hub for secret societies and rituals, with ties to Alastair Crowley. Elvis Presley and Lisa Presley are also associated with occult practices. Hawaii is filled with roosters and chickens, and the sun symbolizes the yolk. This story will continue to get wilder as we gain more knowledge. Don’t forget to smash the like button and check out our Patreon for exclusive content.Already discussed it over on the Patreon. So you get early access to the information before we go live. A lot of the times, early access to movies, documentaries. We got a bunch of stuff. We just did one with Cyclops. It was his second podcast ever. And I’ll be editing that and putting it out as well to the public. But this is the only way to support us. As you can see that there’s no button for super chat because this channel is demonetized. Demonetized. So let’s get back into some more crazy stuff.

Now, I got to be very careful with the language right now because we are streaming. We are streaming on Facebook and YouTube. Oh, look at that. Eg. That looks like egg, right? We’re talking about eggs. So this is the new sickness happening. It’s called E G. And you can look it up yourself. I’m not going to get into it, but that literally means 5G. So you can look that up. I feel like that is just crazy right there. But it also has a five. So there’s three letters and a five, and it’s called Eris, which is an anagram for siri or Sirius. Right? Siri Sirius. This is the new thing that’s making people stay home for three, two, two days. And it’s called five. G-E-G five. And there’s the symbol for Sirius. That’s what America is built on, with the five pointed star on the flag. And it’s also an anagram for rise or iris. Iris. Sirius. Helical rising. So there’s a connection there. And hopefully, I said everything right, but these direct energy, the dews here’s the scientific reports on it. So this does exist. Lasers. Freaking lasers. You know, the dolphins have lasers attached to their freaking heads. Not just the sharks. They do experiments with dolphins. And it’s the do. Should be more like do what thy will. That’s probably what they wanted to call it, the do. But their direct energy, that could cause fires. This is all real stuff. Science. US. Government office science. Dues. And let’s not forget that China flashed a mysterious green laser over Hawaii this year, right after the UFO balloon went over there. That’s an interesting thing. On January 28. Thornia fires. You’ll see some similarities to the California fires as well. How some houses study of 2018 campfire looks like wildfires. Burn some homes and spare others. So when you look at this imagery, look, all these trees are fine around it. And it looks like it was selected. It looks like, oh, this neighborhood is selected to disappear. Or right here. These homes are selected, but these will keep. And even Shane Dawson did a video about that, and he’s definitely illuminati. Confirmed. And this is on the Truth website, the US patent for Harp, which goes into this whole direct energy weather manipulation, like the storm that just happened. They’re blaming it on the storm, this Hurricane Dora. It wasn’t that one fish named Dora in Finding Nemo. The patent is today, August 11, the Helical rising. And just like that chicken. And that rooster is connected to Janice, the god Janice. This is another interesting thing. There’s the doorway god Janice, the double headed for January. Janice. A lot of these rituals, like Janice joplin, these doorway rituals, these portals into different dimensions, in a sense, into whatever. But when you connect these two images of Zuckerberg right here, his ex company, and not Zuckerberg, elon’s ex company right here, and meta Zuckerberg, they’re both going to fight. It makes the symbol of Janice. I thought that was a very good find right there. So you could see the X right there. And then right here, the face is the orb, Boris Whoopsie. And they’re both going to fight each other, supposedly. Here’s Miley Cyrus, part of a cult that’s coming out in the news on Netflix. They’re teaching you how to be a cult leader that’s out there. And then they got that cult show on Hulu. They’re warming us up for a cult. I’m going to take a breather real quick. Take a breather, go to some comments, and then we’re going to continue because we got a crazy show tonight. This gets deep as we’re preparing for the helical rising that’s about to take place tomorrow. It’s happening. And the way that I understand what a helical rising is, and I’ll explain it for everybody what a helical rising is, but it is super important to the occult. So Sirius, the dog star be hiding. And there’s a sun conjunction. So the sun conjuncts here. Looks like Christopher Green just joined us. I am so excited, everybody. We got the man, the myth, the legend. We got Christopher. What is up? Great to see your face, Donut. Thanks for having me on. Thank you so much. It’s so good to see you. How are you doing? Well, a little disheveled, honestly. I mean, it’s been a heck of a couple of know power outages that was cut first. No communication with the outside world, no cell towers, nothing. Complete darkness. So as you know, I had you out. You’ve been out to Maui a couple of times. I mean, Lahaina is completely gone. It’s like a nuclear bomb went off. There’s nothing left. There’s been billions of dollars worth of very, very sad, obviously. I mean, that’s an emotional thing for myself and even the people that live there with the businesses and the local population and the state of Hawaii in general, this is the worst, I would say economic disaster and physical disaster that we’ve arguably ever seen outside of Pearl Harbor. This was the 911 of Maui. On the positive side, there’s been great activity in terms of providing resources, food, water that people need. Number one priority, of course, is human life, human safety. But, yeah, it’s tough to take in. I’ve been very tired, haven’t slept in a couple of days, so I’m trying to get my bearings. I shot a video earlier today to the best of my ability just to update people. And we’ve had a great outpouring of support with prayers and well wishes of people wishing us well. And I really appreciate that. It’s very difficult to thank everybody. Miraculously island project is, well intact. It’s been unscathed. But like I said, I have a lot of friends and part of our ohana that have lost everything. And so we’re kind of in this moment where Donut, all of our prepping has paid off. So by the mean, it was hugely beneficial and critical because we’re so prepared not just for my family, but for the community during all this going on. I mean satellite radios, backup power, food, water, pretty much anything that we needed. The little communication that I did have actually came from my bug out bags. People have been saying for years, christopher, when are you ever going to need a bug out bag? Well, we’re giving out hundreds right now. They’ve been absolutely essential. But the big thing has been that just like we already know this in the preparedness community, there was no guidance from local officials or government authorities at all. So even at this very minute, many people in West Maui do not know that they can evacuate. Within the first 24 to 48 hours there was fires encroaching from all directions. So I made the executive decision, obviously in charge of my own family and friends, that we would stay put. It was the safest place to be, god willing, all glory to him. And it proved to be case in point. But we tried to rally and exit from multiple areas and were turned around by officials, police officers that I think probably had good intentions but didn’t know. So the real issue in my opinion is a lack of communication. Having been on the ground, there were no warnings, no siren systems that went on before the flames began to engulf the town. And what’s really concerning about it, and I’m not even getting into the conspiracy theories right now and I’m not even going to talk about them because I just think that at this point that’s not even worthwhile. Although I’m sure that there’s a lot of people discussing it, it’s very convenient that the whole town of Lahaina was wiped out with a clean slate and now it appears that there’s just imminent domain for like a planned redevelopment and that’s what I’ll say about it. I’m very concerned about that and I’m concerned about the sanctity of life, the people, the Hawaiian culture, the Hawaiian lands and it was Lahaina where all the focus was. But I’ve got friends all over the island, there’s still fires raging, they’ve been contained 70, 80%. So the worst of itThe recent devastation on Maui is still fresh in everyone’s minds. Areas such as Upcountry, Coola, Kihei, and Lahaina have been severely affected. There is speculation about the use of direct energy weapons, but I won’t share my opinion on that just yet. Regardless, what’s done is done, and there’s no going back. It will be interesting to see what the future holds. Some estimate that it will take two to three weeks to restore power to the properties on the west side, but I believe it may take closer to a month. The rebuilding process will be slow, and it may take at least a decade to fully recover. However, I am concerned about the corporate interests that will now be involved in the reconstruction. Wall Street’s Blackrocks and other entities may prioritize profits over preserving the charm, history, beauty, and quaintness of places like Lahaina and Front Street. I’ve been warning about the gentrification of Maui for a long time, and this may only further exacerbate the issue.

But amidst this crisis, I believe that my team, along with people like yourself and my father, John Green, have been positioned well in advance through our Island Project. Soon, I will be announcing major initiatives to help provide more resources for the locals who are not receiving adequate government assistance. The situation on the ground is dire, with a shortage of gas and people stranded on the side of the roads, including infants. It’s disheartening to think that there are still individuals who are unaware of the extent of the disaster, as communication has been severely disrupted. Even local law enforcement is struggling to navigate the chaos. It’s a chaotic and unsettling situation.

I am grateful that you are safe, as I received messages from friends like Christopher who worked with AMTV and captured footage of the destruction firsthand. It’s heartbreaking to see places that were once vibrant and thriving reduced to ashes. Last night, I prayed and wondered what will become of these areas that were so dear to me. Being a local, an investor, and in the real estate business, I fear that the rebuilding process will be exploited and lead to the loss of the island’s charm and character. However, it’s our responsibility, alongside others who care, to spread awareness through media and make a positive impact.

Beyond financial aid promised by President Biden, I want to emphasize the importance of private communities and enterprises in providing support during such disasters. When critical infrastructure fails and government services fall short, it’s these private efforts that can make a difference. Currently, there are boats delivering generators and various fundraising campaigns underway. Soon, I will be announcing additional initiatives by the Island Project to provide crucial resources and support for the affected community.

In light of these events, the focus should be on prioritizing human life and safety. Assessing the damage and planning for redevelopment can wait. We must think about worst-case scenarios and adopt a preparedness mindset. This localized national disaster highlights the vulnerabilities we face, especially if major US cities were simultaneously affected. In such situations, private initiatives would be essential as government officials may struggle to provide assistance. The recent events on Maui have further solidified the need for individuals and communities to be self-reliant and ready to face challenges.

As a prepper, it’s clear to me that preparedness is crucial. Having ample supplies, including food, water, backup power, and radios, proved invaluable during this crisis. When facing a highly uncertain situation like this, information is key. It allows us to assess risks and make informed decisions. For instance, during the initial stages of the disaster, we had to evaluate the options of staying or fleeing amidst the power outage and encroaching fires. It’s a constant process of risk management, similar to a game of chess. Each course of action presents its own set of risks, and it’s essential to analyze the situation carefully. In this case, society quickly deteriorated, and without intervention, riots and panic could easily ensue. Communication remains a critical issue, as there is still a lack of gas, power, and information available to the affected population. It’s disheartening to see the government’s inadequate response, with no authorities ensuring the safe evacuation and communication of people. Even now, as I speak, the situation remains dire.

I have learned a lot from this experience and previous situations I’ve encountered around the world. Being prepared is not just for my family, but for multiple families and communities if needed. Having a preparedness plan and gathering relevant information allows for more effective decision-making in times of crisis. Every moment presents new challenges, and being well-prepared and informed significantly improves our chances of navigating through them successfully.Next, we were quick to action on all the preparatory things that would be needed to be done. Filling up bathtubs, filling up water, understanding that the water supply is going to be cut off and they’re now saying only drink bottled water because again, everything’s dependent on electric. How about those Teslas? How’d you like to own those electric cars which I keep bitching about. They don’t work, dude. Okay. My gasoline guzzler Jeep was the only thing to drive the Ohana to safety. So again proving the point that all these lies and BS that were sold when it came down to it, when the grid fails, it comes down to the basics. And so I think from a preparatory mindset you really want to just think common sense. You want to think how to protect your family in the crisis and then risk management down the line as you’re building yourself out to safety.

But again, this is a huge tragedy. Donut it’s catastrophic on so many levels. I am very hopeful and I see that there’s going to be and there already is a great effort of support, family and friends and a rebuilding process that’s going to take place. But yeah, it’s going to change things permanently now, whether people like it or not. And it’s again, convenient, the conspiracy theorist of me will come out. How is it that this entire piece of real estate has been cleared? Like, there’s barely nothing left outside of a banyan tree, which was given as a gift to the Hawaiian kingdom. I think in the 18 hundreds, a Catholic church and like another building or two, everything is leveled. So the people that live there are now basically faced with no options. And it’s just super convenient that corporate America gets to roll in with their billions of dollars in biden aid and government grants and 0% interest rate loans and now they’re just going to take over the whole place. So again, I stress it’s important that private enterprises like the island project and the community has a say and a voice in this process moving forward. Because we were barely out of the crisis point and they’re already telling us they’rebuilding like, literally fires are still raging. And I’m hearing once we got out to cellular tower that they’re already working on the rebuilding effort. Like, did you guys already draft development plans before the whole town burned down? That’ll be a topic of discussion I’m sure I’ll talk about in the coming days, weeks and months. But this is a multi decade now rebuilding process and it’s sad to see, thankfully, I couldn’t have done this. But God willing, island projects in a position of strength. I do believe God put us here for a reason, to help with relief efforts, charity, food, water, energy, anything that is needed. And I just encourage people around the world tuning into your platform.

Donut, you’ve got 100,000 plus millions of people around the world tuning in from all over, whether or not it’s YouTube, Facebook, I know you’re huge on Rumble now, Twitter, et cetera, right. The community really does need the support, so especially if you’re local, but if you’re tuning in from around the world or here in the United States of America or anywhere for that matter, people actually really do legitimately need help. And so that your effort and relief effort does make a difference. And it makes a difference now down to the second. Yeah, I mean, I was just up there with Christopher. Make sure you go subscribe to his channel. You can see videos of us up there. Like, I was just it’s surreal sort of to be out here. I’m very grateful that you’re alive and well and so is your family. And it’s just this I did this every day. I went down here, I walked around this tree, I went to these places and it’s gone. What you’re looking at right there? Sorry to interrupt, but you’ve got the harbor down there all the boats essentially destroyed. All the restaurants gone. The yacht club, which they do a lot of great sailing opportunities for kids, gone, wiped out. Dude, I didn’t even think about this, but I love art as I know you do, but we’re talking like some of the most expensive art in the world was destroyed. Right. I have a good friend of mine right here who we text message. I mean, everything’s gone. Dude, that’s sad. Yeah. Even from an artistic, cultural standpoint, it’s wiped out. It even brings more to the know, these paintings of Lahaina and what it used to look like. It’ll never be the same. Like it is a death of Lahaina in the west side of Maui. And I guess we pray and I know God’s in charge there will be a rebirth. But this affects the whole area, especially on the west side. And what’s weird about it, you go to the south side. I didn’t know if it was going to be just as bad over there, but then everything’s working. I didn’t know we would have gas. We’d be able to be able to fill up the tanks. We were caravanning over to the south side with weeks worth of equipment, essentially. We didn’t know if we’d be camped out on the sides of roads with power lines down and fire. We had no idea what’s going on. So South Maui is operating. West side is a zombie apocalypse. It’s insane. And it’s only a one road. So the people out there, I remember I was out there, if there’s a car accident, there’s pretty much one major road that goes around the entire island. But I think it’s important for anybody who is out there because I got friends out there on different islands. Maybe they were visiting or whatever. First prayers out to all you all. There’s other ways out.

Maybe you can bring that up quickly just one more time for anybody just tuning in now. Yeah. So I have heard that they’re going to open up southbound through Lahaina at some point soon. But the only way to get out in the last 24, 48 hours has been going north. So you have to go north past Copalua and it’s kind of a no brainer, but it does get a little treacherous on a one lane road. So you want to be careful because you have to stop at certain points and let cars pass or you pass. But the only way out of the north side is headed north. So they weren’t letting you through yesterday about this time, going southbound now. Probably good reason for it. However, I do know that they were allowing the tourist buses to go that direction. So somebody in charge made a decision to let the buses go that direction. While I’ll be honest, punishing the locals even further and putting them in more danger, I would argue by not allowing them to traverse where they were allowing, like. Giant buses to traverse to exit out of Lahaina. So I’m not saying that there was bad intentions, but it kind of felt like that. And even speaking with local police and authorities, it was very much a no one knows what’s going on type of situation, or if they do, they’re not telling know I was out there. I learned a lot from you. I was sort of speaking about all the billionaires that live there. Oprah Winfrey, Zuckerberg lives on the other island, Kauai. You got Bezos there, you got Ellison or what was his name? Something? Ellison. Yeah. Larry Ellison in Lanai. Yeah. I was showing a couple clips from what I learned from you that was just on my patreon. I mean, I didn’t think that something crazy was going to know there.

Yeah, I really feel otherworldly I mean, it’s very strange. I mean, I’m still kind of like assessing just the damage. It is important to note, though, that and I’m not underestimating the damage at all. Go ahead. No, just that they’re reporting they started off with 36 people killed through this, and then they changed it to 56. Then they changed it to 55. But the governor, whose name is Green, but it’s spelled differently, is saying that it’s thousands. What’s your feelings on that? Is it much worse than that? It seems pretty bad. Is it much worse? Well, I would say the casualty counts definitely over 100. That would be my guess. I mean, there was bodies in the streets and people swimming out past the sea wall. If you were in downtown Lahaina, you were basically caught, so it was not easy to get out of there. So very bad. I would say thousands are obviously affected. The smoke inhalation, I’vebeen strangely in some fire emergencies before. I mean, that’s actually the worst of it. It’s the smoke, so the direct flames aren’t typically what kills most. It’s the smoke inhalation. So there was a lot of treating for that and treatment for that. But you’re in a situation now where, I mean, there was no emergency services on the west side. So you need to think about if you’re old and you have a heart attack or you have some other pre existing condition or you’re disabled and you can’t walk. It’s not as if normally just put all this aside. If you have any had an issue, you can’t just call 911 and get help. There’s no one to help you. So all the emergency services are focused on the disaster. So you have a real critical situation where that’s worrisome I mean, pray there’s not another hurricane that rolls through. The whole place will be just ten x decimated if that happens, and I hope it doesn’t, but I’m just saying that because the critical infrastructure is down, it’s very easy to analyze and understand what’s next.

So as we were evacuating yesterday and we’re in a safe location now, I was able to get my bearings and get some little rest. Not much. You know, what’s next is water that gets shut off because again the water comes through electric and the pumps that’s contaminated, there’s chemicals in the water supply. So the whole thing is a disaster. Everything runs on electric again. So before all the goody tushus want to go full blown electric, your Teslas basically are burnt to a crisp and even if they survived you can’t use them. So it just proves the point. Again, I’m not against new energy or anything like that but like totally useless. So maybe I am, I guess I am against all these things that people think are the conveniences don’t work in the crisis. So it just proves that point. That common sense. And you also start to realize how much smarter Americans and people in general are when they have to do everything for their daily survival. Like we have so many conveniences now with media and our cell phones and air conditioning and all of these things. When you’re put in a situation where that goes away, you actually spend most of your day in survival mode thinking, okay, food, water, shelter, safety, sustainability, energy. It’s kind of interesting in a way. It’s almost kind of beautiful where it’s a lot more work but you’re focused on what actually needs to be done and you’re actually put to work in a positive way.

So I guess my conclusion to the event is, and it’s still unfolding, is that people use it for good and also think about not only the rebuilding process as we move that direction at some point, but give this some candid thought for the future because this isn’t over and that’s what people need to understand. I’ve been saying this for years. With the crisis that we experienced the last couple of years, you’ve seen nothing yet. This is coming everywhere. Imagine for a minute that a couple American cities go down in major metropolitan areas. You think you’re going to get help, you’re not getting any help. So being prepared and privately aware and building communities like Island Project and others are essential for survival and prosperity of the future. And as I did a video earlier, it’s the whole point of what we’re doing. So that’s where my focus is going to be. As we get our bearings, I get more strength because I’m pretty beat up. But we’ll be focused on providing relief efforts, any kind of charitable work that needs to be done, making sure people are number one, safe and have what they need with food, water and basic essentials and then we can kind of look from there what needs to be done next.

But yeah, I’m very afraid of what large corporations are now going to do to West Side Maui. I think it’s obvious we already know what they’re going to do. Yeah, talking to the locals when I was out there, I am asking them questions and they said they’re all being pushed out because they can’t afford to be there anymore. So everyone’s getting pushed out. And this just to me, it just seems like more of that as well on just an evil level or never let a good crisis go to waste level. And Hawaii goes through a lot of strange things. When I was out there with you, they had the UFO balloon go over weird. And we’re in the Helical rising tomorrow. This is an astrological alignment. Christopher with the dog days. The dog days brings the flooding of the Nile, right. Going back to ancient Egypt. The whole calendar system was based off of tomorrow. The Helical Rising America was based off of this star called Sirius. The entire America, the hieroglyph of Sirius is what America is based off of. Even July 4 was the conjunction of the sun and Sirius, as all the founding fathers knew the importance of these days as America is like the new Egypt with the Mississippi River, the Nile River out in Egypt. So the days that we’re in the mainstream media will say, it’s a data manifest on 88, the Lionsgate portal. You probably saw I heard all this BS out there because they wanted people to manifest evil. Most likely probably because the ancient astronomers knew that this brought bad times. The dog days. This is when Trump Mar a Lago was rated on 88. The fire happened on eight. Eight. It goes super deep into stuff, and I’m very happy that you’re okay.

Now, this isn’t the only thing that’s weird with the balloons and this fire, but there was that emergency alert. Well, that emergency alert for the nationwide was set for the Helical Rising as well today in 2021, and they’re going to do it again October 4. But they had that fake one, the false one, where everyone ran to the shelter in Hawaii as well. And then you had the green lights from China shining down. And I even heard that a couple of days ago there was submarines. And I know you’ve seen weird submarines. Your you’re really good with gut feelings if you guys don’t know. Christopher he came up to me before the whole world changed forever and got locked down. He said, Alex, this is going to be the biggest story in the world ever. And then it was. So you’re really good at your gut feelings. You called Bitcoin. You’re like, get some Bitcoin when everyone was laughing at it. And who’s laughing now? They ain’t even bringing that up. What’s your gut feeling on all this weird emergency accidental button being pushed? It just seems weird. It’s just started. It’s not a coincidence. I’ve been personally very frustrated with this. My audience, they’re the best in the world, just like yours are. Donut they get it? They understand. But I’ve been telling people the worst is yet to come. That what you experienced the last couple of years with Lockdowns and all that topic which we’re not discussing, that was just an appetizer. So what’s frustrating in addition to that’s, why prepping and organizing is so important, but we’ve barely seen anything yet and so people need to be super activated, super intelligent right now, working together, forming communities and yeah, it’s very scary. Like I said, I think that there’s going to be, if I’m just giving my humble opinion, asymmetric events happening in the future, it won’t be isolated. I mean, this is very scary stuff that we’re seeing. Yes. I can probably say more, but I hope I’m giving the idea that this is kind of what we expected. Like we’ve known this is going to come. People need to stop being asleep and wake up and understand that this is the yep. It’s wild. I’m so happy that you’re here, Christopher, and I’m so happy that you’re okay. All our friends in Arizona, everyone was calling, know, my family and all that. So we’re happy you’re okay. Everybody make sure to go subscribe to AMTV. I don’t got his links down below, but it’s very simple. It’s AMTV. And he lives in Lahaina. He builds real estate portfolios called the island project. Very interesting. Look, we talked to billionaires. If people don’t know, look, this is the guy from Litecoin right here. If you like crypto, we talked to the guy who created Litecoin, John Bolton. You called this guy out. If people don’t know who you are and tens of thousands of videos as you know that you helped me produce and have been a star as well.Donut, that are just gone down the memory hole, know, oblivion. You called out John McCain too. That was funny. That was a good one.
Well, man, I love you. God bless you. Thanks for reaching out privately, too, as know, I did get your text message once I had cell service. Thanks for having me on. I’ll keep you updated and hope to see you soon. Don’t, it all right. God bless you. Love you. Have a good one. You too.

Okay. That was Christopher Green. What a special guest. Like, I went out to Hawai with him. He lives out there. And this is it right here. This is the footage I got that I was trying to talk about that tree and all that. That’s right here where it’s leveled. That doesn’t exist. Mean that’s a guy that actually lives there. So you just heard it here. The dude is a prepper. He knows prepping. He knows all that. And it was just crazy. The whole place is leveled. Look at this. I was there for an entire month. That’s the tree. I walked around here, I went to these these little bars and art places. And right here he was talking about the art that was destroyed. Jim Carrey had a painting right here. And Jim Carrey is like the 23 guy. A lot of people say Jim Carrey is illuminati and whatnot, but the 23 number. Caesar stabbed 23 times. When 911 happened in 2001, you always remove the zeros equals 23. Cash out guy just was took it out at 23:00 a.m. Miley Cyrus 23. We’re in the year 2023, which is three two two backwards. My opinion, I mean, I’m not out there, so I know that he is super affected. His friends are out there, his family is out there. But it reeks of nefarious stuff. And we’re going to get back into what I think from what I’ve been researching. And it gets into some secret society stuff. It gets deep into the secret society stuff.

As here’s the lasers that were happening. Now, California, that happened to remember everything was missing. But let’s talk a little bit about Freemasonry in Hawaii. Yeah, Freemasonry in Hawaii has been around for a while. So you got this secret society element there that it’s been there just like Rihanna Barbados has been there for a while, so you got that element there. And I remember asking about the flag, right? The British Empire. The Freemasons are an arm of the Knights Templars, but also an arm of the British Empire. So maybe people that I was asking a lot of questions because I’ve been studying Carol Quigley and the Anglo American establishment. And just that flag, that color, I was just like, why is I’m ignorant? I didn’t know. I’m like, what is going on? Why is the British flag there? Because I went to the schooling systems in America, so I’m dumb. So we trying to get wicked smart here. And I’m asking the locals about why is the Britain flag there? I don’t understand. And they were telling me what was going on. And I’ve been researching the Anglo American establishment. Carol Quigley, who talked about the real power players, that was Bill Clinton’s mentor that were in control and just with the British establishment in the Freemasonry, this chick wrote a phenomenal book, which is very boring, but she broke down the history of how the British Empire. Freemasonry is an arm of the British Empire and it goes into this builders of an empire. So it’s a topic that I’m still researching. It’s quite deep, so I can’t claim that I know everything on that topic, but maybe it’s something that you all know about. But talking about that 23 with Jim Carrey is his art paintings were burnt down out there in Lahaina. You had the movie the number 23, taylor Swift fans, they did an earthquake and the earthquake was a 23 magnitude earthquake recently. They were super excited and jumping up and down and caused a 2.3 that 23 number earthquake right here on 723. Look at that. I didn’t even know that look on 723. It happened. Maybe that’s what happened. I don’t know. I haven’t really read this either. But come on, that’s kind of crazy right there because all these artists, taylor Swift, I Spice. We’re talking about the Helical rising the serious star and the importance to it. I Spice is 23 right now. She’s 23 years old and she’s ISIS, and her symbol is ISIS, and she was performing with Taylor Swift. She’s born on Janice Day, January 1, which is eleven, which is AA like American Airlines AA. Which goes into the Alastair Crowley AA society there. But Ice Spice is ISIS. And the serious star for the Helical Rising was also called the Star of ISIS. In masonry, you’ll see their symbol, the blazing star, and that is the serious star. This is serious. Why so serious? And just to add, on top of that, she’s 23 and Travis Scott’s, 32. So you got that duality there where the queen died at 96 and the other queen died at 69. That duality, but she is being awarded right now and she has songs and collaboration with Gangsta Boo. She’s the new gangster Boo, in a sense. And we saw during the New Year opening gangsta Boo dying in the royal arch. We were showing you that connection there with 36 parallel from the Egg rituals. Where is that? I don’t know where it is.

So, terrible stuff in the news. US has hit an all time high last year. People are depressed. This is why it’s important to have a connection with your own idea of God, whatever religion you are or whatever way you believe. I believe die is strength, as they say. The kingdom of heaven is within. I really like that saying. I like the Serenity Prayer. I believe that these artists are portraying different gods. So Drake is the 6th God, which is Saturn. And I, Spice is ISIS. That says right here ISIS. They’re portraying different gods. And Jupiter is X, and Elon is portraying Jupiter, which is Zeus. And it goes into the 24 as X is the 24th letter in the Omega event that I think is going to go down Omega. That sign is the 24th letter in the Greek alphabet. And we just showed you that new sickness and its connection to Sirius, and it’s called five E-G-I mean, that’s just like crazy right there. So, right here, it’s good to bring this up. My audience already knows this. This is old news. But the 23rd letter, which we’re in right now, that 23 number in 2023 is so important, is the Trident. And what do you got going on? You got all this trident stuff happening. But Jupiter the 24th letter, x is Omega. And the Olympics, the Olympics in 2024 is the symbol of Jupiter. It’s the 24, as you can see. That’s a two and a four, and it’s the Omega logo here. And this takes place during the Helical Rising. It happens during the dog days and ends at the Helical Rising. And this logo right here was helped by the 88 guy, which is the Hile H guy. He helped design all this stuff right there. So there’s a lot of occult stuff happening.

What else do we got for you? What else? The banyan tree. That’s that tree that caught on fire. And in Vietnamese mythology, this goes into the mid autumn festival. As I was talking about, the occult calendar will so the occult calendar will each day, a sacrifice happens through these astrological alignments. This is all real. This is all real stuff. Reading into the occult, secret society stuff. This plays an important role these certain days. And we’re in the Year of the Rabbit. And there’s the rabbit on the moon, right, right here, the Jade rabbit. You can see right here the rabbit on the moon. And in Vietnamese mythology, the Mid Autumn Festival is connected to this bion tree that burnt with the 47 branches. It’s the dark parts on the moon is the bion tree. I’m probably saying that wrong. Banyan tree. And it’s for the mid autumn festival. This is when I think some more alien disclosures are going to happen, as the Harvard scientist is saying that he’s going to do his own alien disclosures next month in October. Year of the Bunny. The bunny on the moon. Bugs Bunny. It’s the first abduction of the Moon Cake Festival. Anything connected to the moon this year is connected to aliens. So I’m looking out for Mid autumn festival, the moon cake Festival, and it’s connected to the banyan tree. I’m sure there’s a connection there.Look at all this. The Gulf of Tonkin also happened during the helical rising, in a sense, during the Dog Days, August 10. And if you don’t know what the Gulf of Tonkin is, this is the Vietnamese maybe. I don’t even know what it is. I’m not wicked smart. This is the Gulf and Tonkin resolution enacted August 10, 1964. It was a false flag event that happened by the singer of The Doors father. The singer of The Doors, Jim Morrison, his father was a part of this false flag operation. And you can see Beyonce, her new concert flashes mind control and then flashes a doors. Janice the doorway. Whoever controls the media controls the mind. This is his dad. It’s called the Doors from Aldous Huxley’s, the Doors of Perception, which goes into LSD mind altering substances for the alien invasion.

And another thing to notate is that when Pearl Harbor happened, our government knew it was going to happen, and they wanted it to happen so they can go into World War II. And the report was the 1500 dead, just like the Titanic news report was the 1500 dead. This 15 is important because it is 51, the Illuminati number. And even Skull and Bones has 15 members. Every year they got the 15 members. So crazy stuff.

As hip hop is celebrating its 50th anniversary, and I can see I am talking a lot, so I’m going to take a little breather. I’m going to go to the comments right now, and then I’m going to get into some more wild stuff. I mean, we got a wild show. Thank you. Everybody listening. We have that two hour mark almost. So I’d be going hard, but straight out of compton came out on lionsgate portal as well. 88. So, yeah, this is going to get crazy right now. We’re going to get into some crazy stuff. And this had a connection to the CIA. Wow. And hip hop celebrating its 50th anniversary right now. So let me go to some questions real quick. So I could take a woof. I should have had a drink. Should have had a drink right here. Ready for me to go. And I didn’t. Thank you, honey. This is an amazing live. She says, is beyonce a man? How’d she have twins? Interesting. Yeah. This is going to get crazy. But I do need to take a breather and get a cup of water. So this is where we’re going to go into the intermission and we’re going to come back with some more wild, wild stuff. Intermission. Do the chat. Do the chat. We’ll be right back in a moment.

You. Danger, danger, danger, danger, danger, danger close. Yo, yo, yo. Thank you tod to recharge my batteries because I’m an introvert and introverts, they need to recharge a battery. I’m back. I’m back. The real fans stay. The real fans, they stay here. The real people with the information, with the information, they stayed here. We’re going to get into a lot more to talk about. This is going to get wild. This is going to get crazy. I mean, we just had christopher green on of AMTV giving us the real I mean, this is better than the news right here. He lives the how. How’s everybody doing up in the comment section? Comment alex is donut? Yes, that’s me. How many homies from Texas are watching? If you’re from Texas, put a one in the comment and then we’ll find out right now. If you’re from Texas, put a one in the comment. Dang. Dang. Shout to. Wow. If I do a meetup, maybe I should go to Texas to do it. All right, let’s get back into it. So I shouldn’t have done that. I look like some satanic symbol. I was just trying to comb my eyebrows, trying to look cool and I look stupid. Okay.

The lionsgate portal, this eight eight. The eight eight is the HH like miley cyrus had and the fires went down is all connected to the helical rising which is happening tomorrow. The serious dog star days that brings nothing but flooding and crazy stuff. Yeah. Illuminati confirmed this fire happened. The flooding, right. The hurricane. A hurricane actually happened here in Arizona ten years ago. It was one of these dry hurricanes or something. And that’s when I met chan because chan was a little street kidding and he jumped in my apartment and that day he did a hurricane happened here. And I brought him inside because he was a little kitty, and it was a hurricane. I’m like, what a hurricane? What?

Lionsgate portal 88. This is when the fire happened. This is when NWA released Straight Out of Compton as we’re celebrating the 50th hip hop anniversary. And hip hop plays a huge role in the Illuminati. All the celebrities, all the hip hop artists, tupac dropped the Illuminati right album. Tons of rituals happening in hip hop. All this and this album. An ex CIA agent came out and said that there was the CIA hands in this album to make people more violent. Now, I grew up on this and have dissident or discord or whatever, dissident for the police. They had to F the police. F the police coming straight from the underground got it bad because I’m brown that song policeman they got the authority to kill minority f that s because I ain’t the one for a punk mother effort with a badge. And a gun to get being on and thrown in jail. We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell. Effing with me because I’m a teenager with a little bit of gold in a page, searching my car, looking for the product. I’m a hip hop historian. Okay? So now we get into the hip hop history. Hip hop historian, news and Ice Cubes in the news now on Tucker Carlson. And there’s that CIA connection there with Tucker’s dad. Tucker wanted to be in the CIA, and he didn’t join the CIA. He’s interviewing Ice Cube. And Ice Cube has the six six six hat. And shout out to the Don Mega. Look, I’m a big fan, and this album was released on eight eight eight Lionsgate Portal when this fire happened. And today they’re celebrating the world, the 50th year. Google celebrating it, by the way. Google. And here’s the mainstream media, 50 essential hip hop songs to celebrate. And I think they did a fantastic job, but they’re showing the mainstream and every single artist I can point to some Illuminati symbolism or occult rituals, but they didn’t show rest in peace, Sean P. They didn’t show Sean P. You know what I mean? So it’s not super essential, but I think they did a good track list. They did. The two live crew. Misohony. Two live crew played a huge role, though, in Freedom of Speech. I even tried to party with Two Life crew. I think it was fresh kid. Ice or China Man? I forget. Who? But we went to the club, and they were performing with ICP. And me, I’d be hanging out in the back trying to meet the celebrities, and they went to the club, and I followed them to the club. I couldn’t get in because I was 17 or something. So shout out to two live crew. There’s Eminem. My name is 1999. So, I mean, right there pushing Vicodin. I think they did a good job on this lottie. Dottie, I need some coffee. I don’t want to hurt anybody, just want to potty. Man, I messed that one up. You got me. Goes that sacrifice that just went down with Lil Uzi Vert, Lucifer, Bad and Bougie my chick is bad and Drop Top Raindrop. Public Enemy. They got the album. What are you going to do when the grid goes down? They’re showing the four portal symbolism over the four corners. The eclipse that are going to go down. We just had Christopher talking about the four power outages in Hawaii. The power went out and then the fires happen. And what are you going to do when your Tesla don’t work? And in this album, they’re showing the four corners, which we’re going to have that eclipse happen right after Friday the 13th, right after Yale celebrates its three two two year. You got three six mafia up on here. Three six gangster boo, three six. So all the people that I’d be bringing up, if you’re not a fan of hip hop, trust me, I’m bringing up the good stuff. I’m showing you all the real stuff. Was that coolio? Coolio was a juggalo with a hatching man on his with his arm. And he talked about the Illuminati right before he passed.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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