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5G Danger


➡ The text discusses predictions of a potential global crisis, including the collapse of the Eiffel Tower and a worldwide financial market crash. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared for emergencies, suggesting food storage and bug out bags as essential items. The text also mentions the possibility of World War III and the collapse of Western civilization, urging people to invest in physical assets like gold, silver, and real estate. Lastly, it questions the current political leadership and encourages people to think for themselves and prepare for the worst.
➡ The article discusses a predicted major financial crisis, with many wealthy individuals selling their stocks and assets. The author suggests that this could lead to a significant wealth transfer and a reset of the financial system. They warn that this could result in severe losses for the average American and suggest investing in tangible assets like food, water, and real estate. The author also mentions potential geopolitical tensions and conflicts, hinting at a possible war.
➡ The speaker discusses their successful international business,, which operates outside of traditional banking systems and stock markets. They’ve built a $33.5 million portfolio and are tokenizing their assets on the blockchain. The speaker also shares their observations on the economic collapse, job losses, and the lack of Tesla cars in the countries they’ve visited. They express their concerns about the political system in the U.S., predicting that survival essentials like food, water, and physical assets will become more important than who the president is.
➡ The speaker discusses the power of individuals and communities, emphasizing that people have the ability to make good investments and change their lives. They criticize large corporations and the political system for taking advantage of the average person. The speaker encourages listeners to be aware of the negative influences in the media and to focus on promoting positivity. They also express concern about the current economic system and suggest that people should consider moving their investments and possibly even relocating if they are unhappy with the situation in the United States.
➡ The text discusses the influence of mainstream media and the perceived manipulation of public opinion. It suggests that society is losing its creativity and freedom due to censorship and control. The author criticizes the lack of real solutions to these issues and encourages people to fight back peacefully and strive for prosperity. The text also includes predictions about future events and the potential collapse of markets.
➡ The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of America, criticizing the lack of morals and family values. They admire other cultures for their class and honor, and feel that America has lost its grit. They also criticize the elites and Wall Street for not supporting the average American, and express concern over the future of the financial system, particularly with the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The speaker encourages listeners to stay prepared for potential disasters and to resist letting a select few rule over them.
➡ The speaker discusses their struggle with quitting nicotine and the need to replace the habit with something positive. They also delve into conspiracy theories about Kamala Harris, suggesting her name has satanic and anti-Israel connotations. They express distrust in mainstream media figures, claiming they work for intelligence agencies, and emphasize their independence. The speaker predicts World War III will start in 2024, involving an invasion in Taiwan and attacks on Israel, and advises listeners to prepare by stocking up on food. They also discuss American interference in foreign affairs, particularly in Venezuela, and suggest it’s part of a larger agenda.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, touching on topics like ancient cults, the stock market, and potential global events. They warn of an impending economic collapse and advise listeners to prepare by gathering supplies and improving their skills. The speaker also shares their personal struggle with quitting nicotine and encourages others to do the same. They end by discussing various symbols and codes they believe are connected to these theories.
➡ The text discusses various events and their connections to specific numbers and dates, such as the 47th president, the siege of Paris, and the construction of the Eiffel Tower. It also mentions the Notre Dame fire and its link to the number 182. The text further connects these events to the ‘dragon year’ and the ‘squid games’. The author suggests that these connections could predict significant future events, urging readers to prepare for potential disasters.


I got some predictions for the week ahead in August that we might see Eiffel Tower collapse. There’s been tons of predictive programming of this event to happen. Call of Duty turned six, six weeks old on the date August 12, the day I’ve been looking out for the ritual to go down. The helical rising. On August 12 last year, the Eiffel Tower briefly was evacuated over a threat and the one to eight. Code 812 for the date. Make sure to stay prepared. USA survival, be prepared in any emergency. Get your food storage. Get your bug out bags.

Got those links down below. When these events happen, these fires or whatever, it’s good to have a bug out bag. I got this stuff. I’ve been rocking with this stuff for over ten years. I’ve had food storage for over ten years. Bug out bags, they’re good gifts. Costco selling these apocalypse buckets. There’s a reason Costco knows what goes down before things go down. They’re in the know. They know that food will run out during some sort of event. Please go to USA survival. Let them know I sent you. Be prepared in any emergency for the dog days coming ahead.

Get your food storage, your bug out bags and other supplies as well. Yo, yo, yo, what up? It’s donut. And you tuning into all your Illuminati news. We got General Green with us today. And I mean, we out in Japan, but no, where are you in Asia? Yes, so we are in Southeast Asia. Left Japan or in Thailand? Buy up. Very important timing too. Perfect timing because the japanese yen carry trade just imploded. Financial markets are collapsing worldwide. Just as predicted. Donuthenne. I mean, so important you’re telling your audience to get food and water right now.

It’s really what they need. They should have at least six months, twelve months. Food, water. Entire westernized civilization is collapsing before your eyes. So we’ve seen the japanese Nikkei crash 13%. They had to institute circuit breakers earlier today. It’s the worst stock market event since 1987. Black Monday. Us stocks pre markets are down over 1000 points. It appears that all this debt and the bailouts and everything, all this financial engineering is finally coming to roost. Americans are going to pay the piper. This is why I’m telling people to get out of the banks. It’s just so important that people are prepared.

Please get food, please get water. Love what you’re doing, donut. It’s an honor to be on the show. Thank you so much. Get food, get water. Got those links down below. Make sure to go to our sponsor got those links down below. And it’s very important to stay prepared if people don’t know the history of general Green and myself. But we’ve been working together for over decades talking about all these events that are happening today. And this was a book that you recommended to your audience about ten or so years ago called 1 second after. And it was about the grid going down.

And I just quit smoking and taking nicotine. And I’m on day five, everybody. So shout out to every, all your support, but I am Jones in and I am so uncomfortable. And in this book, do you remember how valuable a pack of cigarettes were in a grid? Oh, yeah. So cigarettes are currency. Absolutely. Bullets are currency. Food is currency. Gold is currency. Water is currency. Skills are currency. Doughnuts. So, you know, the wealthiest man during grid down is going to be the handyman, the plumber. Oh, yeah. People that know basic, you know, old school man’s man type, quality survival skills, that’s going to be number one, self defense, second amendment.

Bottom line is, and the good thing about America is we’ve got so many of those individuals, so many amazing people across the United States of America that are ready for this, have prepared for this. God bless them. I mean, it’s such an honor to know. I know you know, so many of these people as well, but we’re getting to that stage. So the grid is going down. Stock market is absolutely imploding. This is going to be a 10,000 point day, I think, today. So I believe World War three will be declared I on August 6, 2024.

I’ve got spiritual confirmation of this. I posted a video earlier on my channel. I’m a day ahead of you guys. I believe World War three is now here. It’s the official economic stock market crash I’ve been warning about. All a part of the plan again, they’ve got to create a crisis to reset the system and then offer that solution. This is the final shakeout of America. We saw what happened several years ago in 2020. This is all a part of basically the financial engineering and the reset. It’s so sad. People need to fight back. You need to get prepared, get food, get water, go to the basics.

Right now, you want to be in physical assets. You want to be in precious metals, gold, silver, real estate. These are all the things I’ve been preaching for a very long time, as you know. Right. And we could see this in the markets right now. And I also was talking about this. If everybody go look at the video I posted one month ago, I said, it’s right here, looming economic crash. I said it is going to happen because the Dow Jones is in its one to eight year right now. Now it’s not just the Dow Jones that is collapsing, but, like, all these different countries and places are collapsing.

I thought Joe Biden would collapse today right here. Well, where is Joe Biden? That’s the question that I have for the United States of America and Americans. Where is he? You know, kamala has, like, replaced him, which we’ve talked about, predicted. Again, not a surprise, not even a difficult prediction. But, like, where is this guy? I mean, is he still, he’s obviously not running the United States of America. So again, proving the point that the political system is just totally, I can’t even say the words, but the people in charge aren’t who you think they are.

So donut, if it was a conspiracy, you wouldn’t need to be prepped. If it was a conspiracy, you wouldn’t need food and water. If it was a conspiracy, you would not need to get your money out of the banks. Look, none of this is conspiracy as you cover so eloquently on a daily basis. You’re the best in the world at what you do. But, like, look, you’re giving people real information, tangible advice on how to get prepared. I commend you. We need more honest, true Americans like you telling people what’s happening, getting information out so people can think for themselves and get ready.

It’s going to be bad, I’m telling you. Worst financial market collapse that we’ve ever seen. Worse than 2809, worse than 1929. I’m expecting 10,000 point Dow bank rents in the United States. That’s what I’m expecting. Right. And we just see this happening all over the place with the stock market collapse, all these different things. And here’s some other things I was showing last month on top of everything. So I still think Joe Biden will collapse today and they’ll put in Kamala with these economic collapses. Tell me about that for a minute. I know you predicted that, but explain that prediction to me.

Bring me into that for a minute. Sure. So there’s two predictions that I put together last month, and one was the moon cycles for the economy. So in the economy, these moon cycles that happen every 18.6 years, if you just do the math, every 18.6 years from, let’s say, the great recession of 2006 brings us to the 1987 Black Monday. And we are in the black Monday today. Wow, wow, wow. You really covered that. That’s amazing. Yes. And I kept doing the math. So I -19 80 718.6 brought us to 1968. There was a bear market.

It was an economic crisis of 68 that people kind of forgot about. And this just keeps happening if you just keep rewinding it. And also the one to eight code, we saw Joe Biden leaving center stage right here today, August 5, which is 218 in leap years. He sent out that text code at 218. And this is the number connected to collapsing so that the stock markets collapsing today is very. Right there. I mean, you could see it in. Yeah, it’s crazy because, you know, I’m even having you repeat that because I think I saw you put that information out several weeks ago.

It’s like in my brain and my subconscious, which is why I wanted you to restate that. That’s incredible. I mean, think about it right now. So we’ve had, we have complete collapse in Japan. I was just in Tokyo. I’ve got some Tokyo investments, things we’re looking at right now, the us stock market. Dow futures are down over 1200 points. Like, Alex, literally, circuit breakers are breaking. Americans are going to lose everything. 401 ks, retirement accounts, it’s all over. Like, I’m sorry, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news here, but we’ve talked about this for a very long time.

Like, people will lose everything. This is the biggest draconian wealth transfer pre planned, pre engineered. Just like every major event. This is how they’re going to reset the system. It’s the final shakeout of America. I’m just really impressed, too, because I know you talked about this and, man, incredible, like, it’s going to be bad today. Yeah, it’s going to be interesting to see how much us stocks tumble. Yeah. You know, they’re gonna keep tumbling. And Christopher Green, I got all his links down below. You’ve been covering these financial markets for so long, working back in 2006.

You know, you wicked smart, you, you understand finances. I, and I’ve worked, I’ve worked for you for over ten years. We went to all the different conferences, spoke to billionaires, Jim Rogers and whatnot. And if anybody feels like I’d be a little sporadic right now, I don’t know, I’m so. Yeah, they’re selling too, by the way. So you’re, you’re bringing up good information. All these people are, have been selling? Every single one of them. Yeah. Bill Gates. It’s all, it’s all gone. It’s all, it’s all the dust. It’s all the dust. So Warren Buffett bet against America, sold 50% of its apple stock doughnut.

It’s all gone. I think that it’ll come out in later announcements. He sold 100%. He has his largest multi hundred billion dollar stockpile of cash that he’s ever had. This is incredible. He’s selling everything. Apple bank of America. The list goes on and on. Tim cook is out. Jeff Bezos is out. Larry Ellison is out. Peter till is out. Bill Gates is out. I mean he even retired out of Microsoft. Got out several years ago. All of these people are running for the hills. The only people in the us stock market, honestly, it’s not any of the financial elites or the oligarchs.

It’s the american people, which this is what breaks my heart so much is that people thought 2809 was tough. Like you’ve seen nothing. You will lose everything. I’m telling you, there’s going to be bank runs, capital controls. It’s going to be the worst thing you’ve ever seen. Americans will lose everything. They need to get out by food, water, immediately. They need to get into real assets is it’s not too complicated. We can see it from what these people are doing. So. And we just see too, like we are a war right now. Like we’re. There’s going to be an attack in the next 24 hours.

I don’t know. Tell me about it. Tell us, tell us about it. But before you do, we just crashed through over a thousand people. Please smash that like button. Share this video out. Get this information out there. We streaming early over here, so share video out. I’m withdrawing off nicotine. So we got Christopher Green here. What’s going on with the war stuff? Yeah, world War three. So August 6 will be the official declaration of world War three. Israel’s bracing for iranian attacks. Proxies in the westernized world. I pray against it. Hope I’m wrong. I don’t think I’m wrong, but I’m just straight up telling everybody right now, like the mainstream media is going live and operational, not just with the stock market collapse, collapse of Japan, collapse of the United States, multi thousand point drop circuit breakers breaking worldwide right now as we speak.

This is all live. And at the same time the mainstream media tells us, oh, there’s going to be another attack. It’s going to happen now. You’re at war. Now it turns out that as a result of everything going on, which is tragic, things are going to escalate. So it’s just playing into the narrative. It’s very easy to understand where they’re all leading us again. Crisis, emergency, then reset. It’s the final shakeout. So bottom line, what they’re doing is they’re just shaking out people’s net worth. They’re going to bring people down to the ground, Buffett. Others are there to buy the blood.

They’re going to buy on the cheap, just like 2800, 919, 29. But I think it’s not over yet, though. No, here’s the problem. It’s just started, right? 1929, man. It took over a decade to break even on your investments. Americans are far too cocky. They’re like, oh, no, just buy the dip all the time. And, oh, yeah, you know, the plunge protection team’s coming in to save us. No, they’re not, dude. You are a weak generation. Weak generations of weak men will bring in tyranny and you will bring in destruction and wealth destruction. And this is what’s happening now.

So this is not over. Dude, it could take two decades to repair the losses that are coming to Wall street. You might be done for an entire generation. You’re 20 years old. It might take you till you’re 55 to break even from what’s currently happening. They have printed enormous debt, $35 trillion of worthless debt each American when they’re born. Each child is $100,000 worth of in debt. Right now, as you’re putting up on the screen, it’s over. Alex, I hate to say it. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. We’ve been telling everybody, get out of the banks, buy food and water, get into physical assets, buy gold, buy silver, buy real estate, organize with like minds.

We’ve been telling the same message now for a very long time. We are now in the collapse. We are now in that moment, convenient timing during the selection, during the right left paradigm, Republican, Democrat, Biden, Trump. I mean, look, dude, we’ve already had two major falsies flags in recent months. We saw what happened to Trump. We saw Biden removed, Kamala replaced. That was the appetizer aperture for what’s coming to the United States. It’s going to be total chaos. I hate to say it. I wish I was wrong, but we’re not wrong. Again. This is all part of the plan.

Yeah. A couple of my predictions was that today Biden would collapse. Right? So we still got all day for that to happen. You know, where is he? Like you said, but it could just be the stock market collapse. As the stock market, the Dow Jones, is in its one to eight year. But I’m looking out for the helical rising, what we see trending right now is Mister Beast, and it’s all about nuclear fallout, nuclear bunkers, other people putting videos about nuke. This is how you get into the psyche of the masses, the soul of the masses.

Here’s another one that’s trending today. Yesterday, I stayed in Mister Beast nuclear bunker, just like we saw when Donald Trump, he had the attempt on his life. Assassination attempt on his life. This was trending on Google algorithms. Number one, Captain America. About an assassination attempt on a president, uh, right there. So when I see this trending nuclear bunkers on YouTube, there’s a correlation to the movie script that’s being played out. And I think that the Eiffel Tower will collapse on the. The 12th, maybe. You know, it’s kind of a crazy say, but that’s what all this coding has bringing me to, because this is the hugest ritual, is the helical rising, which is supposed to take place August 12, which is eight one, two.

It’s that number. It will be turning. Uh, yeah. So I know I’m kind of mister. Mister Beast. Your beast. Yeah. Again, it’s not. It’s not a coincidence that the most popular guy on social media is called the Beast. Beast. He’s literally the beast. He’s Mister beast. So, again, like, this stuff is honestly getting so dumb at this point. Oh, it’s so easy to predict. Go ahead. You know what’s coming, and you put your investments into hard, tangible assets. Can you tell us a little bit about island project, which is super dope? And the more you talk about it on your live streams, the more I’m like, damn it, Christopher is right.

There’s ways out of becoming, you know, a CBDC kind of where we need it, where we’re debt slaves. And, yeah, yeah, you’re just so smart. Like, I’ve been thinking and watching your videos, everybody. I got Christopher’s link down below. But tell us a little bit about island project, because what you’re doing is you’re putting people’s money. Like, I. Like you. I came up on crypto. I made a bunch of money on crypto because I was with you, like, you know, doing. Learning all about this ten years ago or so, and. But now it’s like, yo. Putting it into hard, tangible assets, like real estate.

It’s pretty much what Blackrock is doing. Yeah, so we’re the anti blackrock, and it’s very simple. You know, early bitcoin investor, cryptocurrency investor, social media, e commerce, and we’ve built a true alternative. We have a $33.5 million, no bank debt portfolio. That’s outside of the collapsing banks, outside of the stock market, outside of all the debt. Again, we don’t have any debt at all. We own the best real estate in the world. And Maui, Oahu. We just bought a new ski lodge in Park City, Utah. $5.95 million, no bank debt asset. Best in the world. In Deer Valley, the place really close to my heart.

When my brother was alive, we used to ski there. Beautiful place. All glory to God. So we put together this amazing project. We own ten to twelve properties now worldwide. I was in Japan a few weeks ago. I’m in Thailand now. I was broadcasting all kinds of videos from our yacht dot. We built a true ecosystem that’s outside of the banks. No bank debt. People earn cash flows, so they get paid. Annual income is a part of our portfolio. It’s professionally managed by myself, my team, my father, John Green. He’s vice president. Any capital gains, our members keep.

What’s brilliant about it is in addition to all that, we’re tokenizing the asset class. So we’re taking it to the blockchain. Our founders round is going to trade as a public entity in the future, and it’s going to be massive. So we’ve just been hard at work the last two years. July 4, 2022. We declared our independence, 1776. To build this international asset outside of the banking system and outside of the stock market before the collapse. Now I’m sitting here at my computer screen, it’s August 5, two years later. Not only have we built a $33.5 million portfolio, but gold is hitting new record highs.

All physical assets are skyrocketing. People need food and water. The Dow is collapsing over 1000 points. It’s going to go down 10,000 points, I think very, very soon. We see major bellwether stocks collapsing. Intel fired 15% of its employees, was down nearly 30% over the last couple of days. Tesla is dumping, by the way, I’ve noticed that all the countries I’m visiting, there’s no Teslas. I didn’t see a single Tesla in Japan. I haven’t seen a single Tesla. And Thailand, just to give you an example, like, it’s lies, like, this product is not saturated worldwide at all.

Okay? It’s dust. It’s thin air, honestly. And so we’re just, we’re seeing a collapse of debt. We’re seeing a collapse of greed in the United States. We’re seeing a collapse of corruption. This, the political system can’t be trusted we see what’s going on with the two party system. Trump, Biden. It’s a disgrace. It’s a disaster. I tweeted, it went viral. I said earlier in the week, I said, you will not care who the president of the United States is. Things will get so bad in the United States and the westernized world, the presidency is going to be the last of your concerns.

Food, water, survival, gold, silver, real estate, cash flows. And what’s brilliant about what we’re doing with, comma, it’s the best physical asset because it actually generates cash flows for all of our members. So we have this vibrant community of thousands of people from twelve different nation states as a part of our portfolio that are really, truly fighting back. God first. It’s amazing. All glory to God. I give it all to him. But we’ve been massively successful in recent years. And of course, I made a lot of money in bitcoin and some other areas throughout my lifetime, which I’m super appreciative of that we could do.

Thank you for asking. I appreciate that. Yeah, for sure. I got. If you want to learn more about that, everybody go click Amtv link down below. I got his YouTube channel. And that will get you to all that. I’ve been rocking with Christopher for a long time. Back when I was smoking, I would edit videos and smoke. So right now, everybody, if I’m not like, on point, is because of the withdrawals, it’s. So we’re getting you off the nicotine donut. This is good, man. Day five. It’s day five, everybody. So I said, if my video hits 40,000, I’m going to quit.

And I didn’t think it was going to hit 40,000, and it did. And so I quit. It’s been tough. It’s been tough. But like, like what we were talking about in the beginning to prep, and I do got the food stuff. I’m happy you were talking about the food. I got my first sponsor, USA survival. Make sure to click that link down below. And that’s a way to support this channel. I’ve never been monetized, so thank God for this company and it’s a product I believe in. I got the food, I got the bug out bags, but just withdrawing off the nicotine.

Christopher, if a grid down scenario happens, or when it does happen and people don’t have vapes because vapes weren’t existent when this book came out. Everybody’s on a vape. All the young kids, they’re all doing it. They’re all juuling. They’re all geek barring. They’re all on the vapes. And I was as well. The, the pain that I, like am in physically, mentally, that’s a good thing, probably to buy as well. Like, yeah. So you’ll have to come visit. Great topic of discussion. You’re going to have to come visit, obviously, here in Southeast Asia while we’re here.

One thing I’ve noticed, and my whole family has noticed, it’s not even coming from me, the general here. But, like, all my friends, all my family, my wife, my kids, my dad, everyone’s like, oh, my gosh, I can’t believe the food is so healthy. It’s cleaner, it’s cheaper. They feel better. So no joke, man. When we’re in Japan, we’re eating wagyu every single night. We’re eating fresh sushi every meal, you know, pulled right out of the water. $30. $30 feeding the entire family. You feel good, you feel great, you’re completely healthy. It’s not expensive. Like, this is what you’ll notice once you get outside of the United States.

The United States is overpriced. It’s overrated. It’s corrupt. It’s poisoned. Honestly, like, I hate to say it, I love America, but, like, I grew up in, in a previous generation from you, I’m telling you, the best days are over and we can return to greatness, though. That’s what people need to understand. I’m not giving up on America. I’m just telling you that, like, go overseas and you’ll see. I had tiger prawns the other night. $10 massive lobsters, you butter on top, totally fresh, full course meal. Lemon cello at the end of the night. I mean, five stars, like $60 to feed ten people.

America is overpriced. It’s overrated. It’s in debt. It’s poisonous. The food is terrible. It sucks. The service sucks. People are unhappy. People are fat and unhealthy. You’ve been on Singapore Airlines with me when we flew to Singapore last time, keynote speech five years ago or whatnot. Telling people to buy bitcoin when it was like at 5000. Every stewardess you’ll notice on Singapore airlines, beautiful, pretty smile, happy, in shape. Captains are amazing. Everyone wants to be there. Compare that to the United States. I left all my camera gear on the plane, forgot it, and they all rushed out.

The captain, the, all the people on the plane, they rushed down the aisles. Here’s your. And that would not happen in America. Nobody’s gonna rush down the aisle. So when these collapse happen, like the purge or whatever, we could see the discontent happening everywhere. You would talk about on your channel that you gotta worry about them soccer moms, because you see how they be driving in Arizona or the kids that don’t have the vape, like, oh, yeah, moms. And then the vapor withdrawal. Vapor doll withdrawal will be concerned about no. Case on point. We were in Japan.

My wife accidentally lost her credit card. She put it in a kimono because we were doing, like, kind of like a japanese traditional experience or whatnot. Having a private dinner. She left it with, like, hundreds of other people. I made a call, and I’m like, hey, you know, sorry. My wife lost her credit card, and they found it the next day and gave it right back to her and returned it. That would never happen in the United States. Remember when you had to go and punk that dude? Yeah, man. So, like, America is unsafe. It’s. It’s corrupt.

There’s drug addicts everywhere. The cities are disgusting. When I was in, Tokyo was beautiful. It was completely normal. Nice, clean. Everything’s, like, amazing. I don’t understand, like. But here’s the point, though. Why. Why is that? That. Why are we comparing this stuff? It’s because those in power have intentionally destroyed the United States. This is design. This is what they want. They’re intentionally poisoning America. They’re shaking everybody out. They want everyone bankrupt and miserable. They do not care about the United States. They want us broke. They want to ruin everything. 2006, they targeted everybody and took away their wealth, took away the middle class.

Same thing with the lockdowns. Like, the mainstream news does not want our best interest at all. They. They don’t. So that’s why it’s crazy seeing, like, you have a YouTube channel. I know you personally. You know you very larger than life to the public. But me and you, we got a close relationship. We’re very, very close. So it’s. So what I’m. What I’m trying to get at is that back in the day, like, if I wanted to invest in, like, a group, like, a family fund of groups of. Just, like, I got a friend who’s really rich out here, and he does.

I don’t know. He does. He, like, investing stuff, but he’s like, yeah, I gather all these people. We get a bunch of money together. I know when to buy the stock. It’s like. It’s like a fun thing, but you’d have to be rich, and you’d have to be on this top level stuff to even have the steak dinners with these guys. You’re on YouTube, and it’s like you’re meeting someone on YouTube where it’s like, yo, this dude is going to be investing in all these properties, like, those opportunities. It’s wild how the Internet’s totally different. Social media is a great business.

You can’t count on monetization for that business, mostly, like, if you do our content. But social media is a great business, and you were early to that. You were early to crypto, and now the big. You’re, you’re usually ten years early. You’re way too early. Yeah, well, you’re touching on it. I can see what you’re getting to. But, like, people have power. Donut, you know this. Look at your platform. Look at your amazing community that has been built with all these valuable, beautiful people that tune into donut factory every single day. So this is what the elites don’t want you to know.

They don’t want you to know that you have power. They don’t want you to know that you can organize. You know, what we’re doing and other people are doing is we’re helping people actually make good investments. We’re helping people buy the assets that they don’t want you to own. Blackrock’s buying all of real estate in America. They’re taking the middle class american out Wall street, screwing the average person. We see what’s going on in the political system. So what if people were able to organize for themselves in a meaningful way? And that’s all we’ve done. It’s really simple.

And if people wake up to that in a bigger way, which I’ve seen in recent years, we change the world. Everything changes. Your life changes, people’s lives, changes. We can do powerful things together with a common mission statement to just be good people and lead with God and be honest and have integrity. And most people want the same things. I mean, that’s what’s so great about America and american values is we mostly just want to be happy and free and live a good life and have a family and have children and help them grow up and give them a good education.

Your parents are wonderful people. I’ve met them. They just want the best for you. Just like my parents, just like my dad, just like my mom. So again, the division and the hate that we see in the media, that’s all orchestrated by the controllers to divide all of us, right? All of that’s organized. Division. What’s going on in the Olympics, that’s all organized. That’s intentional. That’s planned. That’s what they’re trying to create. They’re not. Yeah, everybody. Yeah. Prosperity or greatness or hope or freedom or anything. They’re doing the opposite. They’re detracting. So I would just urge your viewership, who tunes into you on a daily basis, just to be concerned about that and look at who’s promoting something positive, who’s getting information that’s real.

Like, I think your slogan should be, you know, if it was a conspiracy, you wouldn’t need to tune in to donut. If it was a conspiracy, you wouldn’t need food storage because you’d be fine. But you do. Why? That’s the question. Why? Why are people demanding change? Why do they need something different? Why should they be growing their own food? Why should they be eating their investments out of the bank? Because the current system has failed by design. It’s all about control. And I know you study and read a lot of books, as do I, but, like, nothing is new under the sun.

This is just all a part of the system that was created to essentially enslave people. And, you know, what do I stand for? What do you stand for? Freedom, prosperity, hope, joy, love, greatness, all these things. I mean, we even see it in the political sphere. Right. If you’re buying into all of it, like, make America great again. Well, that sounds really good. Yes. Let’s do that. Are we doing it? Can we do it? You know, you know, that’s another question. But people are powerful and local, organized community, infrastructure in an impactful way. Can’t. Can. And is changing the ballgame.

And people are going to panic, honestly, into this. Yeah. And everything too. Yeah. Everything collapsing, everything just being wrecked. This isn’t the blood in the streets. And everyone says, by, when there’s blood in the streets, right. The Rothschild quote, famous. That’s not the full quote, though. The full quote is buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if it’s your own blood. And that’s what I did with XRP. Like, I was like, because it crashed, the SEC sued it, and people were freaking out. And people aren’t that freaking out. Like, so when your stock guy, who loves stocks, who is 100% in, is saying, oh, this is bad, then it might be bloody.

The streets, you know? Yeah, I don’t think we’re in the blood industry. No, we’re not there yet. You’re shakeout for a long. It could be a 30 year shakeout. Yeah. Hopefully it’s not that long, but, like, you’re, you’re on point though, what’s going on again, like, if people take anything from this broadcast today, this is the final shakeout. So what’s the goal? The goal is they’re going to shake America out, create a crisis, create an emergency, and when everything’s depressed, then reset the system. This is the final shakeout of blackrock with bitcoin. They want cheaper bitcoin.

So they’re going to shake America out to panic, sell. Buffett wants cheaper stock prices. That’s why he’s selling everything. If he thought prices were going up, he wouldn’t sell. He’s selling bank of America. He’s selling Apple stock because he’s planning to buy the dip. And it’s all about patience with Warren Buffett. This is the thing that America, me included, everybody, we don’t have patience. And the Illuminati, for example, they have patience even further back than the Illuminati. That’s very recent. These ancient hammurabi code bloodlines, they have patience because they’re thinking hundreds to thousands of years in advance.

China, how old’s that? Like dynasty? Like 4000 years old. I’m no historian or anything, but we’re only a couple hundred, maybe almost 300 years old through 4000. So with our very small thinking, like, things are planned out, you know, Warren Buffett says it’s all about patience and so, like, definitely shaking everybody out. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It’s multi generational. And Warren Buffett won’t be around. Like, bitcoin’s going to trade over one hundred k, a million plus dollars. He’s not even going to be here with us. I mean, just like Charlie Munger. So nothing against those people, but, like, they’re not even going to be around.

Like, oh, yeah. One thing I’ve noticed, too, we’ve been talking about within my family as we’ve visited multiple, multiple countries recently, is that because America’s lost, like, capitalism and that really kind of, like, is going away, it makes socialist countries actually look pretty good. Like, Japan is a lot more socialist in the United States. But one thing that I think is attractive about it, even though it’s got deep connections with the USA, is that, like, I mean, honestly, everything’s so much cheaper. The lifestyle is better. Like, you have a normal job. America, they want to turn America.

And we were already Japan. You can be a normal person with a normal job, make like $20 an hour, and, like, you live a really good life. Like, you have good food, like a family, a housing, healthcare. Like, the United States sucks. This is what I don’t understand. Like, why are people participating in the american system? I was born in America. I love America, but it fricking sucks. Like, seriously, like, in Thailand, I had a massage a couple hours ago. It was like, $20. That would cost me, like, $500. In the United States, we have, like, personal chefs, private security, and yachts.

Here in Thailand, it’s like pennies on the dollar compared to the United States. Like, I don’t understand why Americans are putting up with the tyranny in the United States. Like, it used to be in Rome when they started clipping the coins in the denarii and Rome started collapsing. Like, people actually revolted here in the United States. They’re like, well, I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like anything we can do. Like, they don’t even do anything. Like, you’re literally being destroyed by hyperinflation. Like, I’m blunt about it, donut. I’m rich. I don’t understand how people can survive.

Well, that’s without making, like, a million dollars a year right now in the United States. Like, how are you guys making it? Why are you complying? You should not comply. If things suck in the United States, leave. Take your money elsewhere. Like, what is wrong with people? It’s why are you complying to the suckiness of life? I don’t get it. It’s the loving your servitude. So people love their servitude. The socialists have taken over America a long time ago, around Operation Paperclip time that, like, just brainwashed. Love deservitude. Love war. War is peace. You know, entertainment, Taylor Swift.

There’s this correlation to the mind control with the new algorithms. Like, I think that we used to go to a movie theater and watch a movie, but now we get entertainers on our cell phone. Like Andrew Tate, for example. I think Andrew Tate was the first psychological operation, movie product as a movie, because we’d go watch a movie. But now we’re watching his movie that all the mainstream media has pushed. So he’s on every talk show. So you’re watching a story, which is an ancient story going back to secret societies, the Knights Templars, the Assassin order.

Very ancient story. So that is like the story that we’re watching. And then the galvanizing of triggering people, getting them angry, like the Olympics with the satanic imagery. The reason they did that was because they wanted that reaction. And so we’re just seeing a total of movie. It’s. It’s all over the place. World, as I see on the screen in 1984, were documentaries. Right. You know, they were not fictions, and they’re doing the same thing now. Like, you talk about it all the time. This is a satanic cabal takeover. Like, we’re literally living in end times.

Like, I think people are awake to this, or hopefully they are. Maybe they’re not. But, like, this is very powerful darkness attempting to overthrow what is good and holy and pure and truth. So I’m not saying fixate on the negative. I’m just saying recognize what’s going on and actually fight back peacefully. Please do it. I mean, Donut, you just predicted basically what’s going on right now. Oh, yeah. Joe Biden. How could you do that? You can do that because you’re tapped in. You understand what’s going on in, like, this milieu of, you know, public opinion and what’s going on with the propaganda and the news cycle.

Like, the mainstream media is the most powerful entity on earth. That’s a quote from Malcolm X. I use it all the time. We all know that. That’s why they’re. That’s why they spend so much money to control your minds. That’s why they’ve censored the entire Internet. That’s why they do everything that they do, because they control perception. They control reality. They control perception. They control money, all of it. Like, again, why are Americans complying? If things are crappier in the United States, start voting the other way. Like, you have options. If there’s not just one country in the world, if they can’t get their crap together and no one’s going to do anything, then leave.

Build your own country. Build a new America. Just like the founding fathers. They left, sailed across on ships. They conquered the west. Like, all these concepts are just regular people fighting back peacefully and looking towards prosperity and hope and all the amazing qualities that we love about America. We’re losing everything that’s beautiful. Art creation, invention. Oh, yeah. Things are being lost in the west, man. You can’t paint the way that you want to be here. Yeah, we can’t even say what we want to say. There’s, like, no spirit or soul in the art. And I in the bank, you go to a bank, you can feel that it’s soulless.

There’s no vitality in the architect’s architecture of society. Like, everything is built so basic and dumbed down. There’s no, like, there’s no inspiration. It’s empty. We’re not even allowed to create. You create something on accident that the powers that be don’t agree with. They cancel you. You’re not even allowed to make a mistake. You couldn’t invent the light bulb anymore. You would be canceled. You would accidentally start electricity, and they’d cancel your butt. Like, you’re not even allowed to create or invent in the United States anymore. Like, they literally hate everything that is good and holy and amazing.

This is the point. You can’t paint. Like, it’s. It sucks. It literally sucks. But the problem is, America is such a great country. We really are the most free country in the world. Even still with all the problems. And this is going to be a problem as the world implodes and things get much worse. Where are people going to turn to? What is your option when things get bad? When another cough comes to the world? That’s coming, by the way, the cough is coming. There’s going to be a big, big cough coming very, very soon. All engineered just to put the warning out there.

It’ll be worse than before, by the way, they’ve all had this plan for a very long time, so it’s going to be bad. This seems like it’s the story today, is this collapse of the markets. I like to do a couple more predictions. As I said today, I think Biden will collapse, but we’re seeing the stock market collapse August 12, which is the 128 code, the helical rising. I think that there will be a major event connected to the Eiffel Tower collapsing. And also, August 14 is a day. This is an astrological date of the Jupiter and Mars.

Mars is the God of war. Jupiter makes things even bigger. The last time this happened was during 911. The last time this happened was during the 2006 market collapse. You know, so it’s not just me. A lot of people are saying somewhere in the middle of the month, even if the dates aren’t exact, somewhere in the middle of the month, something gonna pop off. It could be a cough. It could be some war stuff. And I found this interesting. This is just weird. August 14, this date to look out for as well. There’s a show called August 14.

Like, out of all the dates, that day in the first episode is called the Day of Darkness, which is weird right there. So I try to watch it. It was kind of lame. But people, you know, put things into these scripts. This is another day to eight to one because it’s got that, that one two eight thing. And Joe Rogan just did his Netflix event. You know, this is okay. Sure. He is the most mainstream podcast, the most popular podcast. He’s a billionaire. Sure. Sure. He’s on Netflix. The propaganda arm, sure. But he’s independent, and he’s telling us the truth about the mushrooms and all that.

Sure, whatever that is. Like, it’s crazy how people can’t just look at reality and the truth of things. And this is called burn the boats. This was just aired on the propaganda machine. And now I think that burning the boats is connected to the boats that we saw here at the Seine river in Paris. Over the bridge. The bridge. Currencies like XRP were entering into a new maritime law type system. We’re entering the cbdcs. So all the stuff on water with bridges, this is all maritime law. Burn the boats. Right. The boat, the Titanic went out.

The lights out at 218. That’s the date, the time, the text number, that 128 code I’m looking at. So burn the boats, to me, kind of, like, brings up the idea of, you know, generals, when they were, like, invading a foreign land, would actually deploy their troops and then burn the boats so that their troops know there was nothing to go back to, that they had to conquer the enemy. Like, you’re not going to get back on the ship. So, like, burn the boats is leave everything behind. There’s even a great christian song. I’m trying to think of the band, but I listen to them all the time, and it’s like, burn the ships.

Like, basically, you burn the ships when you’re creating something new. God bless Joe Rogan and bringing truth to the american people. But my question for Joe would be, how is he saving America again? What, are we just supposed to buy a ticket and grab a little popcorn? Like, your comedy show doesn’t save America? Comedy is genius. It’s the highest form of art. So I hope that he’s getting out the message in a powerful way. But I haven’t really seen a lot of very difficult questions asked by Joe Rogan. He seems more like a mouthpiece, honestly, of the deep state to me.

I mean, he’s had, like, Jack Dorsey and others on his podcast for years. Like, he doesn’t ask any tough questions at all. He just kind of beats around the bush and signs his next Netflix deal. Like, I don’t know. I think the only person Joe Rogan saving is himself, to be honest. Like, I’m sorry to be so hardcore there, but burn the ships with a new Netflix show? I don’t know. Like, it just doesn’t sound real to me, to be honest. I think that’s the problem. Americans aren’t activating, and I’m not hating on Joe Rogan. Like, God bless the guy, I hope he’s massively continued to be successful.

I’m just saying that, like, where’s the real solution? Because the things that I care about are a real solution. Like, I don’t care about entertainment. I don’t care about how many likes I get on a video anymore. I used to, honestly, when I was building my platform. I just care about changing the world, protecting people, saving Americans, making them super wealthy during collapse, exiting the banking system and empowering them. That’s what I actually care about. So I don’t believe there’s any political solution. I don’t think a comedy show is going to do anything for America. I think America is a comedy.

I think it’s an idiocracy. I think it sucks because of it. I think there’s no morals. I don’t think there’s any family values anymore. I think it’s all lost. I think America is disgusting. I go overseas honestly, and I see other cultures. I hold them in higher regard. They have class and honor. I don’t see that anymore in the United States of America. I don’t. I don’t. I hate to be so hard, but I. I don’t see it. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist. I’m just saying that, like, at least what’s being portrayed. This ain’t good, donut.

This ain’t good. We need to change things, so rebuild America. That’s what I’m saying. Well, when I went to Mexico, the one thing that I really enjoyed is that when I said hello to someone, they said hello back or hola back. You know, there was more of humanity there. Here, people don’t look at you, people don’t wave. People are in their digital silos, which I believe you coined that term, of their phones. There’s no soul. There’s emptiness. I’m trying to find somewhere in Arizona. Not Arizona, but in America. Because the cool thing about America, even though we talking a lot of crap, is that we got the grit.

We got the true grit. We rough and rugged, and we don’t play. We don’t play. You know, out here in America, we got the second amendment. So and so that the asshole vibes that we do get here, there’s a reason for that, because that’s why 1776 happened. But that’s gone now that, you know, we live in a la la land. To believe that it’s the same thing, like, it’s not. But there is, like, little hopes and stuff. Yeah, no, absolutely. There’s wonderful people in America, but the problem is they’re all being marginalized. They’re all being taken over.

Like marginalized. Like, basically, like, the elites are destroying them. Like, not giving them a voice. You know, the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world are working on PR campaigns because now he’s affiliated with the UFC, trying to be cool. Like, they’re not helping anything. Warren Buffett. Wall street doesn’t help the average American with true grit. It’s a scam. It’s an absolute deep state scam. They’re screwing you. Your politicians are doing nothing to help you. They’re not helping middle America. They’re not helping the average person. They’re not helping our veterans. They screwed our veterans. They send them to wars and then they withdraw from them.

They’ve screwed America over and over again. So, like, you’re right, America is super strong. People like you, people like me, the audience tuning in, you’re badasses. We freaking love you. Organized is what I’m saying. Stop allowing the select few people to rule over you that are screwing you. They’re not even smart. They’re on the spectrum. They’re semi, you know, I can’t even use the word. And you’re allowing these people to dictate policy in the collapsing system. You’re allowing Jamie Dimon, who bankrupted his entire company in 2008, and zero nine dictate economic monetary policy in the United States.

I would be fired from my companies if I ever bankrupted anyone. One of them. These people have bankrupted America, destroyed the United States of America, destroyed humanity, destroyed the middle class. They have no family values. They’re not, they’re not even God first. And then we give them, then we give them money, then we give them money, then we give them bailouts. So like, yeah, like, Jamie diamond became a billionaire. He robbed us, JP Morgan robbed us, and then we gave him more money. It robbed us even more, and he became a billionaire. Like, it’s absolutely nuts.

The Titanic, when that sunk down. Like, everything is a ritual right now for the CBDCs. That’s what it’s all about. Like war, all this. All wars are banker wars. I think that’s a famous quote. Like, it’s absolutely nuts. Yeah. So just on that commentary there, good point. Donut is when the CBDC is instituted in the United States, they’re not going to call it a CBDC. So they have a new name for it. I don’t know what it’s going to be, but it’s going to be like Patriot coin or independence coin or freedom coin and Trump or whoever president is saying, I’ll never allow a CBDC.

No, they won’t use the name CBDC. But it’s all coming. They’re declaring cBDCs worldwide. This is a global, integrated financial system. And the whole goal is to collapse the west. It’s in operation right now. I mean, look, these people told you bitcoin was a scam, as you know, and now they’re getting all into it, right? Trump is advocating for bitcoin right now. He said it was a scam several years ago. How can you trust what people are saying when they flip flop flop on all their ideas? I’ve never flip flopped. People don’t like, they don’t want us to succeed.

Like, 2008 screwed my entire family, right? Boom, millions wiped out, whatever, right? Move on. And then you build something, then lockdowns happen. Bailout, Kanye west, everybody like this becomes even richer. Robert De Niro, all these celebrities, some more taxpayer money to these billionaires already. And then right now, the cbdcs, we were, you were telling people to buy bitcoin when it was so cheap. And I remember you got all these, you got so many new truthers out here today, you know, but you’ve been, you were like, your channel now is very financial, geopolitics or whatever, but I would say ten years ago, it was like my channel.

Like, it was very conspiratorial, questioning the narrative. And when you told people to buy bitcoin, you had these famous influencers that are, like, promoted in the whole, all. The whole red pill sphere. That’s a network. It’s a psychological operation network that is working with the elites, and they want to destroy everybody. They want to destroy people financially because they’re working with it. They’re working with this octopus stuff because, I mean, I’ve been looking at this stuff with you for so long, I could see it, that they’re telling you, no, bitcoin. This. The same people that everyone’s worshipping now on the right, the alternate, the red pill movement, nobody was there saying, christopher was right.

They were. They were clowning on me and you for telling people what to do and no apologies. Now they’re pushing it, but they’re pushing it while it’s all time highs and things collapse. Like, it’s absolutely ridiculous. And this could be my nicotine withdrawals. Look, everybody, when you’re going through nicotine withdrawals, it is, it is. It is. S h I t T y. It’s like the worst. It is so difficult. You’re doing. You’re doing good, man. You’ll have that nicotine done for very soon, man. And if anybody wants to give up nicotine or any addiction, it’s seriously one day at a time or just a moment at a time.

So like for 15 minutes of the stream, I’m like, oh, man, I want a cigarette. And I just take it fifth. Look, I’m just gonna. 15 minutes. I’m just gonna do that. The serenity prayer which you always tell me the serenity prayer for sure, I gotta do. Thank you. Yeah, I got that. I got the serenity prayer. It’s hanging up in like two sections of my room. So I could always see that, that prayer to. But we crush it through 2000 people up in here right now. We here with the general green. Christopher Green. Smash that like, button.

Share this video out. We’re going over the stock market collapse. We’re going over all the crazy stuff, all the shenanigans going down. And I like to give a shout out again to my sponsor for this video, my first sponsor, USA survival. I got them links down below all these topics that we’re talking about. Stay prepared, stay, get the food, get the bug out bags because we got hurricanes coming, we got 103 earthquakes in Texas, volcanoes exploding, survived the dopocalypse. And not only are you going to survive the dopocalypse with your boy donut and Christopher Green, General Green, but you are helping this channel out as well.

This video is sponsored by USA survival. Let them know donut sent you. Go grab that food. Have you tried the coffee yet by chance? I actually tried it. It’s awesome. I just ordered some, but, uh, I have not. Yeah, check out that coffee, man. I. That, uh, the solar units pretty good, too. I got that. I use that for like all my cell phone chargers. And when the fires hit in Maui, right. That solar unit was invaluable, dude. Powered my laptop, uh, powered every device that I’ve got. Like really the power of the sun, baby. You’re gonna need it, America, because things are getting bad, man.

Oh, well, we were both in Hawaii, in Lahaina, and when these fires break out, which are just land grabs, you got these events that go down. I think Paradise Valley is gonna be next. I think they’re gonna land grab Arizona, Paradise Valley, because you got some wealthy people there that aren’t going to give up their land, you know what I mean? And that’s what I think because Arizona is a smart grid. And when these tragic events happen, like, you can’t go like the grid down. I don’t know. I believe in getting food and all that. Get nicotine vapes as well, because I’m telling you, like, it is so uncomfortable.

Like, uh, the getting off nicotine. It’s so it’s. It’s like your whole body’s on fire and it’s grabbing you, and you get, like, I’m already over the hard part. Now I gotta relearn how to podcast. Relearn how to got a replay. You got to replace the, uh, desire with something else positive. So what? So figure out how to transition it. Donut and something. I will. I will. Why? You know, I got this, man. Yeah, I’ll do. I’m doing it. I’m gonna do it. So Kamala wanted to talk about this. So doesn’t it look like it’s a witch right here, you know, Kamal.

Kamala or kamala, isn’t it a hindu God? Like, you’ve probably researched this more than me, but, like, this is, like, prophecy, dude. Like, this is like Satan and the devil basically being replaced, replacing Joe Biden before the ushering into the Antichrist. Like, I don’t know if you’ve got more information on this, but I’ve been trying to dig into Kamala myself. Like, this is, like, not an accident or a coincidence. Come. Kamala, ancient name for a deity, and it goes into Satan. And then in Hebrew, Kamala backwards in Hebrew is amalek, which is the enemy of Israel.

So right there, you just got a ton with Kamala. This is for today, and it looks like it says which, because it does. It says wit ch. Which when? Which. This is today, August 5. I still think, wow, Biden is going to collapse. You got. Aidan Ross is going to be talking to Donald Trump. And, yeah, I I’m starting to like Aidan Ross. I used to clown on him because I’m like, he’s a beta male. But then I started watching him, and I’m like, damn, he’s pretty talented, though, the way he streams, but he’s going to actually off to check it out.

He’s the number one streamer, him and, like, Kaisen that. It’s, like, younger people stuff. Like, not millennial. Yeah, we’re millennials, so we’re not cool anymore. Is he still monetized? Because if he is, he’s obviously not real. Oh, yeah. He’s definitely working with intelligence agencies. All these people are there, all the big people, even if you’re not monetized, they’re all working. Just look up their history. CIA, Homeland security, they’re all feds. People explain this. People always argue with me. All the time. But like, none of my family members work for the feds. But like Andrew Tate’s dad works for the CIA or did.

Yeah, you know, like all these people work for the feds and the FBI and the CIA. Like, I don’t know, like you guys just trust that. Like, I don’t know what you guys think tuning in, but like, I don’t know, guys. I’ve never worked for a three letter intelligence agency, but it’s like everyone you are tuning into does. Yeah, like, even Tucker Carlson, he’s a Fox News host. Did he work for the mainstream media? You think he’s suddenly alternative? Yeah, he’s fighting the system out of 20, after 20 years of making tens of millions of dollars with Fox and Rupert Murdoch, and now he’s fighting the deep state.

Like, are people really this dumb? Like, I’m sorry, but like, these are not the freedom fighters. The freedom fighters are the people you’re tuning into right now. We don’t work for the CIA. We don’t work for the FBI. We don’t work for intelligence agencies. Only these other people do. We don’t have contracts with Spotify that own us for a hundred million dollars a year like Joe Rogan. We are independent. There’s independent? Hundred percent independent. I like being independent. You’re independent. That’s why I like working with you and working with independent people, independent contractors, because of like what you were talking about in your last video.

You’re talking about these major corporations. You’re working for intel. This guy, you might like the guy, your boss at intel, but he has a boss. And when that guy tells you to fire 15% of your employees out here in Arizona, they will, you know, and so I’ve always been family business, you know, that’s why I’ve only worked for, for you. You know what I mean? For like the, over a decade it did. Before that, I’ve taken jobs or whatever. I’m a dishwasher, you know, so if this YouTube thing don’t. You’re a baller, dude, you’re a husband, you’re a thousand acts.

So that’s how you, that’s how you become great. Yeah. Short, you know, people are afraid of hard work and grit. Like you said. Donut. Yes. Yeah, it’s, we’re in trying times right now. It’s, it’s going to be really bad. So my advice to people tuning in is keep watching what’s going on in the stock market, watch what’s going on overseas. And I’ll tell you right now, you’re hearing here first. I already posted a video an hour or two ago, but World War three will be declared August 6, 2024. So World War three is now erupting. This will include an invasion in Taiwan.

It’ll include, God forbid, pray against it. Praying for our friends in Israel. Attacks on Israel. Proxies will be launched in the west. It’s going to be really, really bad. What’s planning on all this? Because it’s an emergency to reset the system after the collapse into the capital. Again, guys, we predicted all this. So just get ready, please, for the love of God, get food. Get food. Listen to donut. Buy some food storage. Get it today. Like, even if you just go to your grocery store and buy a couple more cans of food or whatever it is, rice, beans, like, get it, get it.

But the great thing about food storage, which I’ve always, you know, talked about is that, you know, you got 2030 year shelf life. It’s easy to store. You don’t have to do anything. It’s there as an insurance policy. So have insurance. When you don’t know what’s going to happen next, it’s just obvious that it’s a critical action people should take. It’s basic. Thank you. And I got those links down below. And also when we were covering the geopolitics of Venezuela, right? Remember we were talking about all this stuff. That’s why I’m wicked smart is because I’ve been studying geopolitics with General Green for over ten years.

And when Maduro was put into, well, it wasn’t put in place. He was in place. And then Obama staged a coup takeover of Maduro, but the army stuck with him. So we actually, all the people who say, like, the army’s behind Trump. No, like, you should have seen what happened in Venezuela. But there’s been predictive programming through Hollywood films, through the media, the economist magazine pointing to Venezuela because they’re our proxy, they’re right on the border. And Trump saying in his speeches the day before, he was what? Like assassination attempt. He was saying, Venezuela, they’re sending all the criminals.

That’s why they’re safe there now, because they sent them all over here. So that rhetoric is in politics. It’s in Jack Clancy or whatever, the Jack Ryan. Jack Ryan. They talk about it. I feel like from working with you and the research that we’ve done is that you got sleeper cells in Venezuela that’s already here in America, all around America. So when the event goes down, these sleeper cells will be activated. What’s your thoughts on. Yeah, they’re already in the west. We’re already seeing it in the UK and in Europe, even today. I mean, if you go over x right now, you’ll see, like, major events going on in the streets.

To me, Venezuela, I just think it’s a part of the military industrial complex’s radar. Anytime you’ve got everyone talking about it, Elon Musk and everybody promoting, you know, their views tell. Tells me, you know, the antennas go up. Hey, what’s the agenda? Why are they talking about it again? I’m an average American. I don’t care what’s going on in Venezuela. I could care less about their politics. Why is Elon Musk telling me about it? Why is CNN and CNBC telling me the election was rigged? Like, again, that’s election interference. Why? Why are we participating in a country’s election that has nothing to do with us? Because America is good at overthrowing countries.

They have a self interest in interfering with other countries foreign affairs. We have, you know, 300 military bases worldwide. We invaded Iraq, invaded Afghanistan, overthrew Ukraine with a silent coup, took out Victor Yanukovych. That’s why you’re at war in Ukraine. Now. Again, America is just trying to influence its imposture, its power in a place it shouldn’t have its nose, in my opinion. I’m not saying the America is bad, like, you know, they shouldn’t have any geopolitical interests anywhere. I’m just pointing out it’s all a part of propaganda. And whatever the current agenda is by the establishment, that’s it.

So I could care less about Maduro, what goes on in Venezuela, and the only reason they’re bringing it to our attention, because they have some kind of agenda there. Maybe they just want to, I don’t know, sell a bunch of teslas over there or something. Like I said, I haven’t seen any of them in Japan, any of them in Thailand. Probably because there’s tariffs and prohibition of bringing that into these different countries. I don’t know. I’m not an expert in every country I travel to, but I’m just pointing out that, like, something’s fishy and Americans need to wake, wake up to that.

Don’t trust what you’re hearing from the news or the media just because it’s popular. We saw the golden bull at the Olympics and everyone’s like, what is the golden bull? You know, because it goes back to slaying the bull. It goes back to these ancient cults of Mithra. And I feel like maybe this was a symbol, because what do you got on Wall street is you got that bull, you know, the bull market, and that’s what Mithra slayed. Mithra slayed the bull. And that was a huge homage of the Olympics. Like Paris. It’s all connected to ISIS, Mithra, the assassins, the Knights Templars, the baphomethead.

It is super ancient. And I know I’m all over the place. Christopher. No, no, you’re all great points. I will. And I’ve got two minutes here because I’ve got a run donut. But I will leave. Leave the audience here with the fact today is that there’s a misconception that when the central bank and the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates, that somehow that’s going to save the market. I actually beg to differ. The reason stock markets are collapsing worldwide is they’re expecting an interest rate cut. So when the Fed starts cutting rates, expect more of a precipitous collapse.

And I’ve said this for a while now. There’s no way out. America is bankrupt. Americans are living off of debt, credit cards, they have no real wealth. There is hyperinflation in the United States. It sucks in the United States of America. Go anywhere else that’s cheaper, in a better quality of life. Like, again, I love America. I’m just telling you the truth. So it’s not going to get better. What you have is an economic collapse that is hitting now, and it’s going to be the worst thing you’ve ever seen. They’re going to reset the system and then give you tyranny.

Ubis coming universal basic income socialism, a weaker United States world war. And that’ll be the biggest story of 2024 is world War three will be official. I’ve said this for years, and it’s my honestly final prediction, and it’s happening now. So please, for the love of God, get prepared. We love you. Donut loves you. We’re telling you to get food, telling you to get water, get your money out of the banks, make smart investments, increase your skillset, go to church, love God, get off a nicotine, don’t, you know, get super healthy. We’re telling people to do the positives, and nobody’s perfect.

But, like, you have a tremendous power tuning in. So just don’t listen to the noise, take aggressive action and fight back peacefully in a powerful way for you and your families and communities. So I love you, donut. So good seeing you, man. It’s late night, Thailand. Booyah, baby. It’s late, everybody. I got Christopher’s link down below. Go subscribe to his YouTube channel. Learn how to get wicked smart over with Christopher. He is so smart. So I wouldn’t be where I’m at without Christopher. So God bless you, Christopher. And I must stay on here for a little bit.

I’m going to just do a little more decoding and just thank you so much and say hello to the. Thanks for having me. Yeah, God bless, man. I love you, brother. Thank you. God bless you. I’ll see you soon. Okay. Take care. Take care. That was the homeboy, General Green, Christopher Green. I got his links down below. Go subscribe to his YouTube channel. If you want to learn about finances, crypto, stock market, all that geopolitics, go over there. And he’s got that island project right here. Does big things. He’s a, he’s a entrepreneur. And I think that is dope.

Entrepreneurs dope. So what I’m looking out for is the Eiffel Tower to collapse on August 12 or some sort of ISIS attack to happen. It’s just all over that 128 code. In the 128 codes connected to collapsing just like 1 second after was about the collapse. Look, you could see the eclipse here because it’s all about astrological events and my, oh my goodness. Like me getting off the cigarettes. Thank you, everybody, for supporting and all your encouraging words. Everyone said is not fun to get off nicotine, especially when you’ve been smoking and taking smoking blunts or whatever.

At 14, that’s still nicotine all the way up to your 22 years later smoke of cigarettes or chewing tobacco. Getting off of it is so freaking hard and difficult. So all y’all, one of the things that has been helping me is taking it 1 minute at a time because I’m sober. I’ve already gotten over addictions to mind altering chemicals like weed and whatnot. So that was easy. It wasn’t easy, no. But I have the tools of taking a one day at a time. So that’s what I’ve been doing. And it’s very uncomfortable podcasting today. So you probably notice I’m.

It’s hard to get words out of whatever, so. But we doing it. We doing it. So thank you. I appreciate all the encouragement. But get. Buy some cigarettes in vapes for a grid down scenario. Because the way that I feel, how everybody’s hooked on vapes, I mean, it’s not gonna be good, especially if they don’t got the spiritual tools to get through it. I mean, absolutely nuts. And that’s why I’m grateful I got the sponsor that I do with USA survival in that food storage. And I got those links down below. So we predicted this stock market collapse.

We said this last month that was gonna happen. Got that video. It’s still up on the Internet. I found something strange in the economy. I never really talked about economy stuff, and I did last month because we were in the one two eight year of the Dow Jones. The Dow Jones is celebrating its one to eight year, and that’s all connected to collapsing. And I think the Eiffel Tower will collapse on August 12 because it’s connected to the 128 code. August 12. The Eiffel Tower was evacuated last year. Interesting that that’s the day that they picked Time magazine.

August 5, which is today, is the 218 day and leap year. That’s why I thought Biden would collapse, and he still can, but it’s the markets that are collapsing with the 128 code on August 5. 218. This is the presidential tax number, 218. If you look at it backwards. Eight one two. This is also the helical rising. And with all this nuclear war stuff happening, with this trending with Mister Beast, everything’s about nuclear war. As world War three is amping up. That’s how they do the predictive programming. Kamala Harris speaking today with the witch church. Aiden Ross is supposed to be talking with Donald Trump today as well.

I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but both of them picking today as we’re entering the dog days. The dog days are connected to the helical rising. The dog days were historically the period following the helical rising of the star system, Sirius, known as the dog star. And here is Valhalla, Assassin’s Creed, the siege of Paris. Interesting. That was what it was all about. The Olympics was all about the assassin. The Assassin Creed character carried the torch for the Olympics and the siege of Paris. Assassin’s Creed was released on August 12. The one two eight code, the helical rising.

So this is why there’s so much connections there. My dad just texted me. He said, what a dog. What up, little donut? I gotta message him back. Hold up. What? Um, but, yeah, we got the predictive program. And I’ve talked about this already a lot in my other videos. And I was watching the da Vinci code last night, the inferno, because it was released on the 128 code, 1028, and it came out in 2016, and it was about a plague. And then seriously, like, right after that, we got a plague that happened. And I think they said the plague.

How it would work is in 90 days, 47% of the world would pass away. That’s what they said in here, because it’s the 47th degree masonic compass in the 90 degree angle, which is connected to the trump assassination attempt. As you can see, the Illuminati cards that predicted that they even have the Illuminati card assassin because the assassins are connected to the Illuminati. This is something I’ve been talking about and showing everybody how this is all connected with the Hashashan order and the knights Templars who worship the baphomet. And here’s Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate tweeted his meme magic of him being a Knights Templar and an assassin hashashin.

So there you go, more symbolism of the assassin order because the Templars and the assassin, according to this book, I’m not finished with it, but the militia of heaven work together. And that’s why we see all this galvanizing happening, because this is super deep Illuminati stuff going on. And this one to eight code, the construction of the Eiffel Tower was constructed on January 28, 128, 137 years ago. Remember 13 seven, that was the Trump assassination attempt. 13 seven, the 13th day of the 7th month. Well, the 47th degree masonic compass plus the 90 degree angle equals 137.

As we’re coming up on this 47th president. Even in real life, the siege of Paris, not just this version of it. For the video game the siege of Paris, which was released on the helical rising, August 12, the real siege of Paris ended on the one to eight on January 28. One to eight, that’s the day the Eiffel Tower was constructed, beginning right here. So the Eiffel Tower collapsing seems to be on the table just because of this code. Even the Notre Dame fire in Paris that took place, the scene river, you see that river that the Olympic ritual was going down on? They put out this fire of this church with the scene river water.

And it happened at 182, the one two eight code right there. 182. So I mean, it’s just, it pops up all over the place, connected to collapsing. And we’re in the dragon year, which ends on 1280. My goodness. The twin towers collapsed at 1028. 128. Yeah, we hurricanes and all that. And looks like we got 2100 people up in here. We streaming early, too. Thank you. Team America shows the predictive programming and it’s connected to the squid games as well. So we got these Hurricanes happening that the 33 storms, we got Lil Debbie Hurricane happening today.

So prayers out to Florida. But this was the 33rd Olympics, just like the 33rd squid games. And the squid games will be being released this year for the dragon year. And the main character of the 33rd squid games was 128, was 218. The main character is the text code and the date we’re looking out for. This is the damn text code Biden sent out. It’s this 812, which could be the helical rising. This was the 33rd squid games, the 33rd Olympics, the 33 Hurricanes happening, and here’s that damn tax code right here. So to win the squid games, guess how much money you win? If you win the squid games? You win $33 million in us dollar.

You win $33 million. And the day the squid games was released to the new release happening this year is three years and three months. So you got 33 right there. And look at this. This just. That’s the squid games logo. This goes into Royal Arch Masonry. So on your PlayStation and whatnot. This is royal arch masonry symbolism that you see on the squid games, because the squid games is connected to all of this. And here’s France Illuminati card. Got the three and the five as we just hit the 35 national debt while the Olympics were going on.

Whoo. Intel firing everybody. And remember, I was saying this, too, how we were right here, the royal archite, and it was going to collapse after cancer. We go into August and it collapsed. So the symbolism is all over. We could even dive deeper into all the symbolism, but we’ve done enough videos, I think, covering all that. So today, look out for Biden collapse August 12. Look out for Eiffel Tower collapse August 14. Look out for probably a big cyber event to go down. Something huge to go down and be prepared before that all happens. Click the link below.

For USA survival. Get your food, get your bug out bag, get all that stuff. Get prepared. It’s doughnut. I’ll keep everybody updated on all the stuff. What’s to come. Smash that, like, button. Share the video out. Much love and God bless you.

  • Doenut Factory

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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