Spread the Truth




➡ Elon Musk recently tweeted a Latin phrase, “Novus Order Seclarum,” which translates to “New Order of the Ages.” This phrase, also found on the back of the dollar bill, sparked a discussion about its potential meanings, including a possible reference to new blockchain technology or a symbolic restart for America. The discussion also touched on various conspiracy theories, symbolism, and the potential for a new wave of American ingenuity.
➡ The creators of an upcoming Illuminati comic are encouraging people to support their Kickstarter campaign. The comic aims to educate readers about various symbols and their meanings, such as the unfinished pyramid and the phrase “Novus Ordo Seclorum” found on the U.S. dollar bill. They discuss the symbolism of these elements, suggesting they represent an ongoing process or work that is never truly finished. The creators also touch on other topics, including Elon Musk and his influence, and the use of people as “building blocks” in society.
➡ The text discusses the process of how election results become official, typically when major news outlets announce the winner and there’s no dispute. It also mentions a speech by Leticia James, who talks about continuing the fight despite the election results. The text also includes a discussion about a comedy video, a conspiracy theory about Canada, and the promotion of an upcoming Illuminati comic.
➡ The text discusses the authors’ extensive research into the Bavarian Illuminati, including creating visual representations of concepts that have never been illustrated before. They also mention their excitement about reaching 600 sign-ups for their project and their plans to sell internationally. The authors also discuss their upcoming campaign, which includes a full-color pamphlet with over 100 unique illustrations. They end by discussing current events, including a hurricane in Cuba and fires in Ventura County, and analyzing a picture of the Kardashian family with Elon Musk.
➡ The discussion revolves around various conspiracy theories, including mysterious noises heard by astronauts, UFO sightings in Spain, and the significance of the number 72 in relation to Bitcoin and the dollar bill. The speakers also discuss Elon Musk’s tweets, the Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages) phrase on the U.S. dollar bill, and its creator, Charles Thomson. They further delve into the concept of the Ages of Man from Virgil’s poem, which includes the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and numbers found on the dollar bill, suggesting they have hidden meanings related to Freemasonry and the Illuminati. The number 13 is frequently found, and the eagle’s feathers supposedly represent degrees of Scottish Rite. The text also mentions the possibility of the dollar bill indicating a shift towards digital currency. Lastly, it highlights the importance of understanding symbolism as a hidden language.
➡ The text discusses the complexity of understanding, likening it to four stages: ignorance, opinion, reason, and intelligence. It emphasizes the challenge of reaching the final stage, intelligence, which involves deep understanding. The text also promotes an upcoming Illuminati comic release and encourages viewers to subscribe and tune into their live streams for a chance to win rewards.


It’s donut and you. Tuning into audio. Illuminati news. Something strange was just announced on Elon Musk’s Twitter account. He wrote something in Latin, Novice order Seclarum. If you don’t know what this means, we’re going to break it down for you. We’re going to dive deep in today’s episode. Oh, I got. I keep having audio play, but we are here with Paranoid American. Oh, my goodness. What’s going on? Paranoid. It’s a new world order. It’s. Or I guess more accurately, it’s a. It’s a New Order of the ages. It’s a New Order of the ages. That’s when people talk about that word.

That’s where it’s coming from. And we’re gonna dive deep on this. We’re going live every single night at 11:11 Eastern Time, because we’re about to drop the illuminati comic on 1111. I got those. The links down below. So make sure to subscribe to Illuminati right here. We almost have 600. Oh, my God. We just got a new subscriber. Oh, wow. We’re less than 10 away. We can. We can get that in this show alone. We just need eight more people. Let’s crash through the 600. But we doing these streams every single night. We got those links down below.

I’ll start. I’ll pin that. But tell us what you think. Elon Musk just tweeted this. Novus Order, Sir Clarum. I’ve been telling everybody. Look at his jacket he wore at the Met gala. It says Novus Order, Sir Clarum, the New Order of the Ages. What we have on the back of the dollar bill. Why do we have an Egyptian pyramid on the back of the dollar bill that says the New Order of the Aegis Novus Order Circle. Part of the financial reset. In my opinion, they’re building the new blockchain technology, the one world currency right here.

Elon tweeted this. Kind of where they tweeted it. And I’m not even showing everything in the tweet. The whole tweet has even more meaning behind it. And we’re gonna get into all of this tonight. What’s your first thoughts when you saw this? I mean, he’s bringing masonry back into the mainstream is what I gather. Or. Why is that? Or he’s just an expert at Internet memes, and he knows that conspiracy is all the rage right now. Like, it’s gonna. It’s gonna be more and more trendy as time goes on for good and bad reasons. But I think this kind of feeds into it.

But it also. Even if let’s separate all the conspiracy from it, it’s literally him kind of redeclaring like they just refounded America. Like America is going to do its own reset right now. Like not a global reset, but American reset. That’s sort of the, the intention behind even saying that. Because this refers to a new cycle starting. Like we went, we went. Already went through the entire old cycle. The old cycle brings in Saturn, right? Cronus baby biting Biden and that we pass through that. So now at the end of that cycle you kind of start back over again.

This is something you can see on that. The, the page for Novus Orus of Corn. But it rightfully mentions the Kian prophecy. And the K prophecy are basically what the ancients like the pre Christians sort of described as this ever cycle of time, like Medieval age, I believe calls it Wheel of Fortune. And it’s just this revolving series of events that keep happening over and over again. So him tweeting that is saying that this is America’s version of restarting that cycle. Oh, interesting. And Cuman Cebel is that Saella Sael, the main Sybil. And this is a wild story.

So she goes, she shows up in town and she has these nine books and she goes to the king and she tells the king some crazy number that I don’t think was recorded. She tells him like, hey, I’ll give you these nine books for, you know, $10 million. And he’s like, get lost. You don’t even know who you are. You came here without any one knowing who you are and you just show up with these nine ancient books of wisdom. So she goes and she buries three of the books and she comes back and now she just has six.

And she’s like, okay, six but for the same 10 million. Like the price didn’t go down, you just lost three. And he tells her to get lost again. So then she goes and she burns three of the books and then she goes back with the three left and she’s like, this is your last chance. 10 million. And now you only get three. And he finally pays up and he just only gets these three books of knowledge from her. This is like, in my opinion, is an incredibly deep story with a lot of symbolism. This could also be referred to as like the three knocks.

Like she knocked three times but he didn’t answer until the third knock. So I mean all this different symbolism works itself and it’s all encoded in this one message. Novus Ordus, a quorum. Like all of these different symbols and the King and the nine books. And this, the poem from Virgil, which this came from, all of that is. Is heavily baked into this. It’s like an NLP trigger word for me. Wow. What Novus orders or clear them is because it has so many different meanings. Yeah. Because it links you to the founding of America. And the reason that they picked it from the founding of America was from the poem by Virgil.

And Virgil’s poem was about those Kan prophecies and the cycles of the ages. So him stating that, I mean, maybe it’s just like an off the cuff Masonic thing, or maybe he just read it off the back of a dollar bill. But regardless that this has kind of been pitched as what it’s supposed to be. And I’m not even going to say if I believe that or not, but that’s the reason that you would evoke that phrase. It would be like, we just founded a new version of America. So I don’t know. We’ll see. Is. Is RFK gonna take the floor out of the water? They gonna end the public education system and the fda? Well, I guess we’ll see.

If any of that happens or even starts to happen, it almost warrants throwing that phrase out. But again, like, Elon loves the likes and the reshares and the tweets, which is funny. Like, he bought the platform, but he loves getting love on his own platform. So he, like, makes himself trend constantly by doing this stuff. Well, he is the richest man on the planet. He is the elite, and he’s the Elon. And here’s him at Mar a Lago. I know it’s Mar a Lago because of symbolism. Not just that Trump’s there, but you can even see the coat of arms right there.

So I’m guessing that’s Mar a Lago, because you look up the Mar a Lago coat of arms, it. That looks like that’s what it. It is. Well, he’s got mad love for Florida right now too. Who? Trump does. Trump has incredible love for his home state of Florida now that it’s no longer necessarily a battleground state. And he’s been snubbed over and over by his actual home state, which used to be New York. Oh, okay. Yeah. The Roman Empire. New York. It’s the York. It’s the Roman Empire. And this is interesting because his talking about the emblems and the Masonic connections, his golf course, his emblem for his golf course has the Double Headed Eagle.

That’s on morals and dogma right there. And there was another tweet that you sent me that they shared out. Elon, he tweeted this out too. Today or yesterday, November 5th. America is a nation of builders. Soon you will be free to build. What does that even mean? I mean, on a surface, if he’s in charge at all of advising the President for economic or business matters, maybe this will be some of the assistance to cut some of the red tape. Who knows? I mean, I’m. I’m the most skeptical and cynical when it comes to politics. So I’m trying to be as objective as I can without getting dark on it.

But yeah, I feel like at its best, this is him saying that there might be a reason for a new wave of American ingenuity. But if you want to read into it even more, I mean, who are the builders? Like who are the stone cutters, right? Who are the ones that are also usually associated with the Novus Ordos? So I mean, America is a nation of builders, which is true. Founded by builders. And soon you will be free to build. Almost seems like there’s going to be some restrictions or something that was previously holding these Masons back and now they’re going to be free to.

To be Mason again. America is a nation of builders. Soon you will be free to build. Free builders. Free masons. Free Mason. Free builders. Wow. And it’s the 47th president. Very important. And if you crazy, look at the light, look at the like or the comments. 47. 47. Just out of coincidence. Oh yeah, that’s the organic scene code. That’s that organic sync code. Well, you know this symbolism that we’re talking in, and I gotta tell everybody, we just crashed through over a thousand people. We got over 1300 people in here. I like to remind everybody every single time we pass through a thousand people.

Please share this video out like the video as well. And if you like this information, click the link below that’s pinned illuminati paranoid American and myself, we are dropping this on 11 11. So we got five days, almost four days. Let’s see if we can get it up to past 600. We’re almost there. Signing up to this Kickstarter because we about drop this Illuminati comic where you get to learn about all these symbols. Kickstarter’s being weird. It’s not loading as. Yeah, they just, just went through maintenance like a half hour ago. But it’s back up now.

So please go support us and go to the Notify me on launch. So you can get wicked smart when we drop the story of The Illuminati on 1111 in five days, you know, because it plays a role in this Novus Order. Sir Clorum. That’s crazy. That’s crazy. Tons of stuff going on. And this is one of those things that almost everyone’s entry point into occultism in America that didn’t arrive there through, like, biblical or. Or like some weird witchcraft album or something. But they’ll be like, what is this weird pyramid? Why is there Egyptian pyramid on the back of every dollar that’s ever been in my pocket? And maybe since the dollar is not worth much anymore, maybe people don’t notice it as much because who the hell is even carrying around dollar bills? But yeah, this.

Struggling with it. The unfinished pyramid, which is probably the most Masonic aspect of that whole thing. The unfinished. It’s an unfinished pyramid. It’s a pyramidion. It is the pyramid on top of the pyramid. And if you look at Butler, where the 713 assassination attempt happened on Donald Trump’s life, it is the symbol. It’s the symbol of the unfinished pyramid. I’m gonna pull that up, but continue. Well, the. The whole point being is that I think we. I mentioned this maybe on a previous episode too, but even the broken pillar and the unfinished pyramid, they’re both these references to a great work that isn’t done, and most of the time it can’t be done.

Like, it’s something that will never be done. So it implies this ongoing process and it’s just a nod to like, hey, this. This great work has not yet done yet, so you need to keep working at it. It’s sort of like a nod to, like, recruit. Do more. It’s a nod to the human dilemma of no matter how far you get, you’re never gonna be happy. Well, 100. Yeah, if you want to get all like, Jungian on it and like psychoanalysis. But yeah, it’s basically that there is no true human perfection in the material world. And that’s.

That’s whether you’re Christian or religious or deist or anything that. That the aspect of perfection can’t really exist in. In the realm that we’re in. So that will never be done. The period will middle. Never be built. The. The pillars will always be halfway broken somewhere in the chain. But I. I think that once you understand all that symbolism baked into it, again, that’s what these symbols are for. So that some people might look at this and just go, weird. Egyptian pyramid. With an eye, it’s glowing. That’s crazy. And that’s it. And then they, you might remember the nova’s Oris of Clorum.

And maybe someone’s like, oh, that’s Freemasons. So now you see the symbol and you just think Freemasons and then it ends there. But if you learn about what all the different phrases mean, what the symbolism means and why there’s how many bricks and certain. And I guess point out the letters too, right? If you draw like lines through some of the letters, it spells out Mason, I believe. Yes, it does. So if you look right here, if you make a full star of David or a hexagon, a six pointed star, each tip spells out Mason. So it’s an invisible triangle as above.

So below you put another one here, each tip will spell out Mason. So you see this tip right here is on the M. This tip of the other triangle would be here and so it spells out Mason. So where all the tips hit, I mean, yeah, someone mentioned in the comments, but if you’ve seen National Treasure, you maybe you know some of the deeper connections to all this. And again that’s what makes this particular Great Seal so interesting. Is that like any good symbol, it’s got paragraphs and like books worth the information that it can conjure up that are all encoded into it.

Like we just met. Like look at all the different things we just pointed out with the eye and the unfinished pyramid and the phrase Novus Ordus a chlorum and the fact that you’ve got the letters. If you draw a star, if you know all those things, then it conjures all those up into memory for you. It’s, it’s like getting an instant data download which that’s what symbols are there for. Well, Elon Musk in Butler they put up these billboards in Musk We Trust, right? Going into what is on the dollar bill and God We Trust and it’s in Musk We Trust.

And so this is what they put up there. So it’s very symbolic for the last president. Did he put that up for himself? He put his own. Or does he have like his own campaign group? Who knows who did that? I feel like he would, that’s something that he might do for himself. It’s, Yeah, I, I, I don’t know. I don’t know. But another thing, I’m still looking for the keystone and what I wanted to show. I just got so many different slides that I’m going through like a hundred thousand different slides of this finished Keystone how it’s not finished and how important it is to finish it, because I thought I was on point talking about it.

So give me a second to. To find it. But you’re talking about the keystone is in the Keystone State. So I was so. That too. That. The Royal Arch. That too. But it’s. When he was there, throwing his hands up in the sky, there was a pyramid. And it wasn’t a finished pyramid. It was an unfinished pyramid. And it was. It was during, like, the most important moment. It was during this fight, fight, fight moment. Behind them is this huge, unfinished pyramid. Here it is. Well, here’s one of them. So you see how he just has his hands up like that? This is symbolism.

But this is the pyramid behind him. What are those? Actually, I can’t tell. They’re cranes holding up this American flag. Okay. Yeah. But if you get a wide angle of it, it’s clearly a pyramid. Missing the pyramid. I love that. And you know what? The people in the background kind of look like the bricks that are composing this unfinished pyramid. Let me see. So may. Maybe. Maybe this is the new order of the ages is that builders are no longer stonemasons. Like, they’re. They’re just using people now and just building with people, which actually kind of relates to.

I mean, I hate to bring up the. The Peanuts owner guy and. And the human pillar that he had on his arm, but that’s another really deep symbolism of the human pillar, which maybe we’ll get into that another night. It’s a little dark that I want to get into tonight. But the human pillar is essentially using actual human spirit in order to build real things, and maybe not always in the best interest of the person that ends up having to be the pillar. Yeah, I wish I could find these slides quicker on the fly. I just have.

Nothing’s organized over here. I. I got so many images of different symbols. It’s just. It takes forever to he. I mean, Elon’s not completely oblivious. He did say publicly that he’s autistic. When he was on snl, he did, like, a monologue, and he basically outed himself as being autistic, as if no one already knew that. But I don’t think that he’s dumb. Clearly, he might not have invented every single thing in all the companies he’s got. And I’m not advocating for, like, blind trust in them. I’m just saying that he’s smart enough to know that when he’s leaning into some of these conspiratorial memes and themes Just like he retweeted one of my good friends, Top Lobster that you know from Nephilim Death Squad.

And he had this. Yeah, shout out to Nephilim Death Squad Top and Raven. But he had. Elon had retweeted something that Top put out about Mel Gibson and, and which way Western man. And I had a very conspiratorial reference I won’t even bring up right now. But he retweeted that. Even so I, I feel that’s weird, bro. And when, and when people pick apart the X symbol looking like a Masonic square, encompass and all that guarantee you that he’s seen that at some point. So yeah, why like he is obviously leaning into all of these things.

That’s super scary. Someone’s asking in the comments, when are the results official? I mean, to be honest, the results are typically official once one or more major mainstream news companies announces that they’re calling it and if no one refutes it and there’s not like dispute among other media companies, that kind of is how it works out, I think about the election, the elect, the presidential election. Yeah. So even if there’s not like an official big stamp from the government at some point, typically when the media calls it that hard, aside from I think Dewey beats Truman or something like really historic versions, if it’s not disputed within that day, then I think like a hundred times out of a hundred it goes to who the media called it for, regardless of who actually got it.

Like that’s kind of how it works. Interesting. Someone asked me about Leteta James. New York says we are ready to fight back in dumb and bizarre presser with Gov Hachul Dang. I mean that’s hard to read. Can you read that? New York at G. Leticia. Leticia James says we’re prepared to fight back in dumb and bizarre presser with government Hochul after Trump wins presidency. Yes. I mean I watched the concession speech earlier today too and. Oh, okay. Yeah, tell us about it. Yeah, we can play it. I gotta pull it up right here. Oh, perfect. And I mean it’s, it was like a 20 minute video, but she only really talks in it for, I mean, shy of 10 minutes, I think.

And she’s essentially saying that yeah, this is what we wanted, this is what we worked for, but the fight doesn’t end now. I mean it’s, it’s all the same sort of rhetoric that you would expect from any concession speech that’s a little bit contentious as well, you know what I mean? Right. So no need to even Watch it. Oh, you can watch. It’s. It’s a little bit long and slow and boring. And to be honest, Kamala Harris is not a master of rhetoric. She doesn’t really have that trait anyways. So if you’ve already heard her kind of banter on and cackle before in any other speech, you can just sort of assume, like, guess what she said and apply that to this.

I don’t. I didn’t. It didn’t come across as historic in any way or motivating to anyone. It was sort of just like a fizzling out that I think she. Well deserved, really. Wow. Word salad queen. Yeah. Good way of putting it. Well, I’ll definitely just play, like, a little clip of it. Go for it. Yeah. See, like, the tonality and, like, how. How it went. Because I. I haven’t even, like, listened to it or. Or watched it, so I’m sure, like, everyone else, probably, we just want to hear maybe just like, a little second clip of what she said.

So let me upload that. I just downloaded it. So let me upload it. And I think that she. She did this at one of the historical black colleges. Howard. I think it was Howard University. Okay. Okay, so I got it. I think it’s downloaded here. I’m gonna. She’s. She’s still riding that Persona all the way to the end. Like, she’s not given up with that. Hello, Americans. We all knew this day was coming. As difficult as it is to accept that I’m one of the most unpopular candidates in history, even with the entire mainstream media machine backing me and working to get me elected, it appears I have lost the race.

Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Fox, and everyone else that wasn’t on Team Joy. You. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn’t know that she was angry about that. That’s wild. Wow. Yeah. I guess we don’t have to watch the whole thing, but you can watch that over on Alternative Press at CNN and all that. That was actually a comedy video from Danny. I don’t know if you’ve seen Danny’s work. He’s got. When he’s in Canada. By showing that right now. Yeah. He’s not gonna be longer allowed in Canada. He’s not going to be able to go back the.

Canada. Canada doesn’t actually exist. I knew that. There’s a website called Canada Isn’t Real. It looks like it went down earlier this year. Like, it’s still up, but all the content was taken off. Well, it’s. It’s a mythology. Like, it exists like it’s there but it’s a mythology. The best argument I heard, and I’m saying this tongue in cheek for any Canadian British Empire. We’re not non personing any of you Canadians. But there was a compelling argument that even the Canadian accent seems like it was created in a laboratory to form the perfect foreign accent without actually having roots anywhere else.

So like the, the whole aspect of Canada seems to be lab created. It’s like a homunculus of a, of a country. I was just like, that was a joke by a Canadian. I’m a big fan of Matt Eric’s work and he, he said that he’s the Canadian Patriot. Like that’s his website. Canadian Patriot. Oh, there’s a bunch of Canadians. I don’t, I don’t mean it. I mean it versus you. I know we’re bringing on Ryan Goslin here on Sunday and this is going to be absolutely an incredible podcast. I already got one where we cover Mithraism on the channel.

So make sure to watch that. But before we do, but we just crashed through over 2,000 people up here on this novice order circle stream. So please, please, please, every time we pass through a thousand people, please smash that like button. It helps us get into the algorithm, share this video out. It means so much to us. And Paranoid and I are doing these live streams every single day for the 11:11 release of the Illuminati comic. So please go click the link down below. We got it pinned as well. Let’s get all the sign ups as we can.

We got 592. Try to get this past 600. Oh, look at that. 597. So we just need three more people. It just three people watching right now can sign up for this and get us to 600. Yeah. Out of the 2, 000 people, just three people go sign do the notify me on launch. Then we can hit our goal of 600. Because when we drop this comic on 1111 five days left, you’re gonna want to grab it because it is. You know you want it. You know you want it. I’ll play a clip of it real quick and then we’ll come back to the stream.

Is that, does that sound good? Paranoid and come back to this. I always like seeing this. Yeah, it’s awesome. I mean the song is so dope. So we’re gonna play this clip. It’s only 51 seconds long. Boom, boom. Sign up. Then we go back to the show. That should have been 47 seconds. This guy. No, 51 seconds. The Illuminati was. Yeah, actually, you’re right. Yeah. 100. Yeah. Yeah. Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishau, Columbrados, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and more, from the 18th century to modern day. We expose it all. That’s right.

It’s the Illuminati comic from Donut and Paranoid American. Get your now at Illuminati comic. Calm. So, yeah, go. Go get yours now. Go to the. Notify me on launch, because when we launch it, we would appreciate your support on the launch date because, I mean, this is absolutely incredible. So we got. This is the content that we need more of out in the world. And the main reason this even exists is because we were looking for something like it, and it didn’t exist. Me and Donut have basically amassed every major Illuminati book written from, what, like the late 1800s.

And after we. We got physical copies of damn near every single one that’s been written. And they all do a good job at forming, like, a. A story if you also have time to read, like, 4,000 pages and keep it all in mind. But me and Donut, if you’ve been watching either of us, especially Donut, you know that he’s been amassing this information for over half a decade at this point. I’ve been doing this since the late 90s. Half a decade. No way longer. All right, you got me. All right. All right. How. How old are you, bro? I thought you were like, 17.

18. I’m 36. But when I was. Remember when Zeitgeist came out with Jordan Maxwell? 2004. Ish. Yeah. So like, that introduced me to Jordan. So that was. Okay, so you got 20 year. You got two decades out on the streets before that in topics, Tupac had the. The Illuminati. So I’ve always been interested in the. These. Did it come through rap? Is that. Is that where you heard about Illuminati? The first time was through rap song. Oh, it was through Tupac. And then if you kind of go back further, even the punk movement, they’re questioning authority or rage against the machine, but then you turn out they’re actually raging for the machine big time.

And is Mercedes amg? Yeah, just like the Sex Pistols, you know, they’re all raging against the queen, but then they go home in their Mercedes. And so this is. I mean, then collectively, this is well over four decades worth of independent research from the two of us combined put into. I mean, I think mostly it’s not like we spent the last year researching. We spent the last year refining all of the most important and the most interesting names and dates and events and rituals and figuring out exactly which ones will be worth illustrating in full detail.

Which ones have never been illustrated in full detail anywhere. Even in all the books we’ve come across, a lot of them will have descriptions. So we spent a lot of time putting together visual representations of some concepts specific to the Bavarian Illuminati that as far as we know, have never been illustrated in any other format ever in history. Oh, look at that. We passed through the 600. Thank you. Thank you so much. That means so much to us. Thank you very, very much. That’s incredible. 600. 600. All right, can we get the 700 now, everybody? Let’s get to 700.

But, but for real though, there, there’s going to be different levels of cool stuff. Like I’m. I dropped my VHS box every year and they’re limited. Like I only make a hundred or two hundred last year. They sell out instantly. And the biggest complaint I get is that they don’t ship internationally. I fixed it. I took care of that for everybody. So now they’re going to be international. He fixed it. So we’re going to be able to sell these internationally, which means that they’re going to sell out even faster. So having this notify me, signing up to the notify me, you’ll get notified, you know what I mean? So you could grab it quicker and it helps us out fund the project and get it viral.

And I think maybe, maybe tomorrow we’ll start showing the actual items that will be in the campaign. Because right now I don’t even know if we’ve really even revealed too much yet. So I think it will be time to start teasing a little bit of that out. But it’s going to be a full pamphlet that’ll be like the classic black and white chick track version. I gotta let my cat inside. We’re go that chant out. We’re gonna have a black and white version that’s like the classic chick tracks. This is kind of where this format was inspired from.

But this will also be the first, maybe only, but the first one that’s ever been done in full color too. So as soon as maybe even tomorrow we’ll start showing all the color assets on this has got over 50 pages, got over 100 different unique illustrations. And in addition to the, the pamphlets, we got a whole bunch of other tier. The VH box is going to be in there. We’ll Have a bunch of private videos talking about some of these concepts in way more detail. And we got an Illuminati Yacht Club tier which. Oh, bro, the Illuminati Yacht Club dies for the ballers.

That’s the baller level support. Not everybody’s gonna be a member of the Illuminati Yacht Club, you know. It comes with a Suge Knight 5G donut charm. Protect you from all the crazy stuff. Handmade too. Completely handmade. From our friend at Oregonite that’s making all these into a donut shaped shungite charm with organite in it. It’s got the, like the copper and the slacks solos too. Well. Yeah, we’ll have to leak it out slowly. Yeah, I think we teased them enough about it and I’m very excited that we got all them sign ups as well. But there’s something weird going on with Cardi B.

And I think this is more important because Cardi no, continue. By far. No, you can continue. Is there anything else? No, I know. I think we’ve teased enough, man. We’ve. We’ve got plenty to go. We’ve. This will be launching in five days from now. I mean, if you ask me again, in eight minutes, it’ll be in four days from now. So Cardi B quickly deletes a video of her saying, election outcomes are why some of y’all states begin in hurricanes. Isn’t that a weird thing to say? As Cuba’s getting hit with a hurricane right now. They got their second nationwide blackout.

They shouldn’t have voted for Trump. They should have thought about that. If Cardi B had told them before, maybe they could have saved themselves. Cardi B does not like Cubans. Huh? I mean, I don’t know if Cardi B likes herself. If we’re going to get real deep about it. Cardi B be like curse. And Q, she’d be like Cardi B saying, why y’all states getting hurricanes? Like, did they get the hurricane? Sad. I mean, if, if you just look at the shape of Florida and Cuba and you also consider that this has been the main route of travel for people to get there for hundreds of years, for centuries.

Right. Look, M. It’s, it’s not a surprise that hurricanes have always been here, even when there weren’t necessarily people here. Or maybe you believe in Tartarian, there were people here, but either way, it’s like a refugee from Cuba. Well, they, they’ve always been happening out here. So I guess this is just like a damned side of the world. This looks like Something some little kid drew. How many years does that say? How many years of hurricanes that represents? No, this is the hurricane right now happening. Oh, this is the prediction. Okay. This is. They call it a spaghetti model.

That’s the spaghetti model. That looks like some BS right there. Weather nerds. I mean, I, I study these things constantly because I’ve lived in Florida for over two decades too. So, I mean, we go through this every year, multiple times a year. Every single one of those different colored lines is somebody else’s projection model, which is silly because if you zoom out far enough, it’s just like, oh, it’s gonna hit everything everywhere all at once. And even more often, it’ll take a course that doesn’t necessarily fit into any of these projections because, I mean, people predicting nature is sort of a time as old as a tale, as old as time itself.

Right. And very rarely do they get it right. Even with all of what we consider to be this advanced technology and Elon Musk satellites and everything, it still just kind of does what it does. I mean, the last one was supposed to be a category six that was going to take out all of Florida. I mean, that people were prepared to lose power for weeks or months. And it. As soon as it came up against the western coast of Florida, it split in half. And not a single model predicted anything like that. It was sort of uncharacteristic.

Only if you think you can predict nature. Certified freak seven days a week. That’s why. That’s why we be getting hurricanes wet. Aroused. Jed tell you make that pull out game week. You don’t know that song? Thankfully, no. That’s like, that’s Cardi B, bro. I. I mean, I don’t, I don’t know. I’ve got some money, my models trained on her voice, but I don’t know if I’ve actually intentionally listened to a Cardi B song before. There’s also fires happening in Ventura county on the other side of the planet. Not really. Whoa. Ventura county was created on 3, 2, 2.

What? Is that true? Created on March 22, 1872. We need to have a little like synchronicity counter for when we do this now so we can keep track of how many sings pops up. Yeah. Oh, here’s another interesting picture of the Kardashian plan. You know, Caitlyn with Elon and all. I don’t know how old this picture is. I feel like it’s definitely pre election season, but I don’t know. Let’s look. Got that, that limited edition white Looking at the earth. That joke didn’t land, but yeah, that white. So these MAGA hats and shoes, they’re the colors of alchemy.

Who is. Who is this? What’s going on here? Dana White in the middle, is it not? I can’t. I can’t see as well right now. What are these chicks doing? What are they doing? Let’s study this image. This is like a big image. Someone’s saw someone posted that Trump is the Apollo God. Elon’s the dragon God, and he is the viper God or something, bro. That. That. Honestly, that brings us right back to the Novus Orus ofum. Because that entire basically ver. That whole passage from Virgil, where that was originally brought from, it ends with, and now Apollo reigns.

So that. That whole aspect of, like, now that the new order of the ages has come, Apollo is back into his. His throne again. It’s supposed to be the time of Saturn, but Apollo defeats all that. See, I like to study everything. Like, where’s wado? I’d be looking. Okay. The first lady sitting right here. You know what kind of utensils they using? What. Who’s drinking what over here? Like, who’s drinking this? You know, I like to study the image and work my way up and like, they’re. What are they doing, though? For real, though, right here? There’s something going on.

Lesbian. Yeah. You ever hear Jesse Lee Peterson say lesbian? That’s amazing. Lesbian health concerns for these NASA astronauts. This is part of the blue beam agenda, I think. I think these are the astronauts that are lost in space and they’re hearing mysterious noises. The same thing in the movie script with Adam Sandler and the big spider. Right. But while they’re sharing all this stuff, there’s also an eerie moment where UFOs have appeared in Spain over a double rainbow before the deadly flash floods hit. Did you hear about this? I didn’t know. And it’s. It’s wild to see a son reporting on this.

They’re getting us ready. So those look like the. The orbs. This is all fake. It’s probably. They probably just add that in there. I don’t think those were real plasma balls, but, I mean. But UFO still accurately represents exactly what we’re looking at, right? Yeah. If that’s even there and not edited in and post for sure, then it would be an unidentified flying object, right? Double rainbow. I mean, I think the aliens should be allowed to enjoy a double rainbow. Yeah. But then they flooded Spain. Yeah. What were they doing with the double rainbow? Charging with the Light bulb.

They’re like, where’s the look? I don’t know, man. I heard that they got the gold, but the whole thing with crypto and all this going back to the novice order Sir Clorum, it goes into the money and the reset of this financial system. I’m going to see if I could pull up a. A video. I gotta find it. That I did. I play it all the time, though. It’s on my patreon. But it’s like the secrets of the dollar. Have you read that book? It’s been a while. I’ve absolutely read it a few times. And that.

And that’s another thing, I think, that comes up in the documentary I’d mentioned on another show, Riddles in Stone, where they talk about the blueprints. Riddles in Stone. Okay, should we bring that video up? It’s a lot. Yeah, maybe we should save that. I can take some screenshots or something because I think it’s like a three and a half hour documentary. So Bitcoin hits $72,000 on the 72 day of the year. And you look up Bitcoin and gematria, it equals 72. This new novice orders, or chloro, got 72 bricks on the back of this pyramid on the dollar bill.

So there’s a connection to 72 with 72 names of God, 72 pathways. The 72 is very occult as well, and spiritual and religious. And right there on the dollar, 72 bricks on the pyramid. According to Manley P. Hall, that’s what he said in his book. So bitcoin, crypto, just blockchain technologies and all that. With Elon tweeting, this novice order circle is all connected. He tweeted it at 5. So I wonder if he tweeted it. Where did he tweet it from? Because if it was two hours ahead, it would have been 7:2. But I’m. This is where I’m located at.

So he might have tweeted this. Well, if it was Mar Lago. If he was at Mar A Lago by any chance, then Eastern. So it would have been plus two. Right. So it would have been 702. So at 72. Exactly. And Las Vegas is the 702. That’s where I’m from. But you don’t. You remove the zero numerology. So it’d be interesting. You should look it up and see what it says on yours. Because you’re in Florida and I’m in two hours behind you. They’re saying, guys, be careful. Musk never tweeted Novus. Yeah, absolutely. Did. We got the.

The tweet right now. I mean, we can. We can play. This is the tweet on his. On his page right now. You can see it three hours ago. Yeah, no, I didn’t believe it either. And he also said right after that, America is a nation of builders. Soon you’ll be free to build. Both of those things he. He posted today. They’re still up. He didn’t remove them. Well, this one was yesterday. Oh, yeah, that one was yesterday. The November 5th one, and this one was today. Oh, continue, continue. I gotta let my cat back out. My cat’s going crazy.

Another. Another interesting note about the Novus Order Seclorum is that the guy that basically pitched that, he was a guy named Charles Thompson, and he kind of wasn’t without controversy himself, that when after he pitched this and he was presenting the Great Seal, he got into a cane fight on the floor of Congress with another, a friend of John Adams, and that both of them ended up with scars on their cheeks because they were hitting each other with these canes so brutally. And because of that fight and a few others that Thompson ended up getting into, he kind of got himself blackballed out of being part of Congress.

Like no one wanted him as part of the government, but that this is the guy that was in charge of creating the original seal and hand selecting that phrase Novice Order Seclorum, that he got from the Virgil poem. So it’s kind of interesting that even despite all of, like, the controversy around that today, even at the time, he wasn’t necessarily popular for bringing any of this to the table. I wonder what the motto of Mar Lago is. They gotta have a motto if they’ve got a crest. Okay, let me look it up. Motto of Mar A Lago, Motto of Mar A Lago and New and New Order of the Ages.

I know it gets linked to New World Order, but it’s not necessarily New World Order. I mean, how you wanted to transliterate it and everything, but the. The New Order of the Ages is that aspect of the. The Virgil poem, because it was literally called the. The Ages of Man. Like, that was the. I mean, they didn’t have English, but it refers to the phrase Ages of Man. So it’s. The New Order of the Ages of Man is sort of like the dot, dot dot in there. And the Ages of Man. This is that sort of social reincarnation story that I mentioned earlier.

And this is where the term Golden Age even comes from. Gold Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, These originate from this particular concept of age as a man. What’s going on here? That’s amazing. Amazing. Yeah. These paintings are wild. And this. This painting is of a Golden age, which is supposed to be a time without any warfare, like all people. Definitely racist. It’s definitely racist. Golden Age. I hope my jokes are landed tonight. Whoa, look at this guy. This is crazy. This doesn’t look golden at all. No. Well, no, that one’s not Golden Age. Oh, okay.

Look at this guy. This guy. Oh, gosh, look at that. It looks weird. This is Silver Age, and they. They describe Silver Age as basically the fall in Saturn. So Saturn and Zeus. And this is where there’s going to be a whole bunch of fighting. People grow into adults, and they basically spend their time in strife. So this is immediately following a Gold Age. Okay, for sure. I thought that was. Gold Age is basically like, that’s Garden of Eden. That’s the original state where everyone is in perfect harmony. And then it starts descending farther and farther until you get to Iron Age, which was that last one in black and white.

And that’s when everyone’s strapped. That’s why everyone’s getting poke. Poked by swords and daggers in this one. That looks fun. Maybe if you’re. If you’re the poker and not the pokey. Well, you gotta look at the bright side of life, you know, look at. Look at the buildings. Look at the structure. That’s not a bright side. That’s actually the light gleaming off the blade coming at you right now. Oh, no. Yeah. I’m just trying to be optimistic. They say optimistic people live longer, but this is. This is Novus or Clorum. Is that you? We’ve made it through the.

The Iron Age, Essentially. The reference would be that the last four years were the Iron Age, I guess. So we’re gonna enter this. I mean, that’s what the phrase would say. I don’t know if Elon Musk is like our new oracle that’s, you know, prophesizing the. The new changing of the times. In my opinion, a true iron age in 2024 would basically be like a WW3. And then after that’s over, if everyone collectively was like, whoa, let’s not do that again, then that maybe is the potential to be directly into the Golden Age. And then you can announce Novus Orum, but it’s a little premature.

He’s like. He’s kind of shooting. Shooting it out a little bit quick with this. Wow, that. That is nuts. That’s wild. I’m gonna go over to the Rumble to see if we got any super chats because we got over 200 people over on the Rumble and Streamyard doesn’t let us know if we get a super chat. Doesn’t look like it. But we could also read some comments as well. If anyone has any questions, put your links down below. Your questions down below. I’m going to see if I could find this private Patreon video I did on the the dollar, because it’s super interesting.

All the different symbols on the dollar, not just the novus order circle, but a lot of the 13. 13 is like all over, right? 13 stars, the 13 arrows. And I think that there’s 32 feathers on one side and 33 on the other. There’s a whole bunch of different symbols. Wow, I didn’t know that you never heard the 32 and 30. I hope I’m not misquoting that, but I think that I’ve heard that reference is like a Scottish right thing, which I don’t know lines up because the Scottish right didn’t really with the 32 and 33 degrees.

I think came after the, the seal and the eagle was made. But I don’t know, I’m, I’m kind of free balling right now. Yeah, I made this video October 10, 2022. It was a while ago. I’m gonna download it real quick, but it was over on my Patreon. So yeah, I think it’s interesting. I think it’s an interesting video. I gotta, gotta figure out how to download it real, real quick. You know me, Bob. I’m struggling with it. Another thing too, I guess if anyone’s interested in all the different symbolism on the dollar bill, one of the best references I’ve ever come across, at least pre Internet, was Manly Palmer Hall’s secret teaching of all ages.

And I believe he’s got a whole breakdown of all the numbers and all the symbolism and like some of the cool aspects too, which maybe are not like crazy secret society occult, but just more examples of how symbols have all this different information embedded in them. You notice that the eagle’s head is facing towards the olive branch and not towards the arrows. And that’s supposed to imply like basically peaceful, like this is supposed to be peacetime. And if you were to ever see that logo changed and now the eagle is facing its arrows or the phoenix or whatever you want to be, then that’s a straight up signal that we are now like a warring culture.

So the fact that the eagle is facing the olive branch is supposed to imply that we’re sort of a peaceful society, whether or not you believe that. But that’s what the. The symbolism is meant to imply. That’s incredible. I’ll play the video clip real quick and show all y’all these secret symbols of the novice order. Sir Clarum Dollar. What up? It’s donut and you tuning into all ya Illuminati news. This is the secret magic of the dollar bill. The dollar bill has a ton of occult symbolism in it, from symbols to sacred numbers. Was George Washington killed and replaced by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati? What do you think about that? I don’t think so.

I don’t think so either, but it’s interesting. It could be though. It could. It’s possible, but I don’t think so either. But they do look similar. Was that the style? The powdered wig? Yeah, it kind of was the style. It was almost. I mean, they still mandate that in, I think, Canadian court system, if Canada even exists. Anyone that’s been to through the Canadian court system, can you verify this? But I think that that was absolutely the style back then. That still continues now for who knows what reason. That it survived for like 300 years. Nice.

The Illuminati was founded the same year America was founded. George Washington, a Freemason, wrote letters about the Illuminati. This picture of George Washington resembles the famous picture of Adam Weishop as he’s. This old video, as I showed you, you don’t got to qualify it, but I was going over the Omega symbol, the Alpha and the Omega. The Omegas were in the 24th year. And it kind of goes into what we’re talking about that’s happening now with this dollar reset, I’m sure. Let me see. Could it be something to do? Yep. No, go ahead, keep playing it.

Okay, let’s see. B. Could it be something to do with the dollar? Could it be something to do with the dollar? Crashing. And the rise of the Phoenix of a digital currency. Even on the back of the dollar you have a eagle, which was supposed to be a phoenix. Annuit copetis. It means he favors our undertaking. From the writing of Virgil, where there was a prayer to Jupiter, now Jupiter is known for the 24, just like the omega is the 24th letter of the Greek Alphabet. Ben Franklin. So there’s an old video, some of the things I went through.

And it was the same kind of what you were saying, the Virgil thing. Well, yeah, that’s where the. All of those phrases came from. From that seal and there’s the Mason thing. I was saying where you make the Star David in all the points. I mean, if, if we’re talking Masonry, then technically it would be the Seal of Solomon. Oh, okay, so that’s the Seal of Solomon. I think the star, the Star David was like legendary even in David’s time, theoretically. And that they inherited it from even more ancient sources. Yeah. And then I just. So this video goes into like the 222, just all the different symbols on the dollar bill.

Well, I, I got some other Masonic background on that dollar bill too, with all the numbers. This, this came from a article from the Masonic trowel, which is like a Masonic publication. And maybe, I don’t know, maybe I’ll break some other secrets down tomorrow or something because I got some, some like papers that the Scottish right sends me every once in a while. But, but this is what the Masonic trial is saying, that the right wing of the, on the back of the dollar bill has 32 feathers which are supposed to correspond to the 32 degree or 32 feathers, the 32 degrees of Scottish right.

And the left wing has the 33 feathers. Oh, wow. And if you add both of those up, and this is, I mean this is directly from a Masonic source that if you add the 32 and the 33, you end up with 65. And they actually apply gematria to this, which translates to a Hebrew phase phrase that I’m not going to try and pronounce, but it means together in unity. Oh, and this is something that came out of, out of one of the psalms. What is it? Together in unity. It’s a, it’s. I want to butcher it.

It’s yam yauchad. Yam yow yowchad the ch is. Yeah, yeah. Yam yachad. Oh, damn. That was it right there, bro. Y see? But, but that’s the both of the wings added together. But then if you look at the tail feathers, they have nine which correspond to the nine degrees of the York. Right. And then the, if you look at the glory that’s in the middle of them, it’s divided into 24 equal parts with the rays glowing inwards, which is a reference to the 24 inch gavel in the entered apprentice degree in freemasonry. It’s. And it keep, it keeps going deeper and deeper and deeper.

The star that is arranged above the head, when you actually trace that out, it creates a five point or one of the five pointed stars that’s in there. It’s a seal of Solomon above That’s supposed to be the five points of fellowship. Could also be a link to the. The Eastern star and then even the eastern star. The tips of those stars refer to the five heroic women of the Bible. So there’s, again, great symbols where you just look at it, and it can conjure up, like, 20 different aspects that you can go deep into each one of those things worthy of, like, hours long, you know, documentary.

Damn, that is dope. I had no idea. I had no idea. And that’s why it’s super important to study the symbolism. It’s a whole language that is being spoken in front of everyone’s face, but only people who know the symbols. And it goes so, so much deeper. Well, and if. And even if someone’s like, oh, that’s. You know, your guys are just reading into all that. Here’s. Here’s the full list of the number 13 that’s just on the back of the dollar bill. The 13 stars in the crest, the 13 stripes on the shield, the 13 olive leaves, the 13 olives, the 13 arrows, the 13 feathers on each arrow, the 13 letters in E.

Pluribus unum. The 13 letters in an equus, the 13 elements of the pyramid, which includes eight edges and five surfaces. And then the pyramid itself has 13 different levels. Let’s split up those 72. So, I mean, how many coincidences does it take until you think that there’s an intentional pattern in there? So that was. Was that 13 inches of 13? No, I don’t think it was quite. I think it was, like 12. 12 different 13s. Maybe there’s a 13th one that we just haven’t found yet. Dang. Well, so check this out. So talking about the bridge, our last video we did, we were going over the bridge currency.

If you look at this artograph in the bottom right, bottom left, it says Rosa Rios. She autographed it. She’s now the head of a bridge currency corporation, and her name’s Rosa Rios. And Rios’s river, it’s all connected to the cash flow and the water and the maritime law, in my opinion. So going in from this old money into this new money is. Is wild. I mean, that was dope, dude. That was sick. Okay, this is. This is the. One of the most approachable entry points in American occultism that anyone’s got, because everyone’s handled a dollar before, and almost everyone’s probably stared at it and thought, like, wow, there’s a lot of stuff going on here.

But if you don’t know, then you’re sort of like, there’s, there’s these kind of four stages of knowing. And you’re stuck in the first stage, which is his ignorance. Ignorance is just like not knowing anything’s happening. And, and then the second step is having an opinion on something, because anyone can have an opinion once you acknowledge something exists. But having an opinion doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve got any information behind it. So then you get to a reason, which means that now you’ve got some sort of background and context, you’ve read about it, but you still don’t necessarily know anything.

And that’s the most difficult part. The fourth stage of intelligence. That’s where you take. That’s where you’ve gone way beyond ignorance. You’ve gone beyond just opinion. You’ve figured out the reasoning and then you’re trying to deduce what it all actually means. And I would almost argue that that last step of, of knowing your intelligence, that also is this unfinished pyramid. Like you might never actually get to that fourth step, but it’s, it’s the representation of always working to get to that fourth step. Damn. Damn. And look, everybody, we just crashed through the hour. Mark the top of the hour.

We’re doing these live streams every single night until we fully complete the Illuminati comic that we’re dropping in five days on 1111. We’re dropping the Illuminati comic. Go click the link down below and go to the. Notify me on launch so you’re notified right away when we drop it on 11 11. Paranoid American, is there anything else we want to bring up on this topic? I think we did a pretty damn good job today. We are. We already did another two plus hour stream earlier today if anyone missed it. That’s all the reason that you should be subscribed to.

Dona and me go on and find Paranoid American on YouTube and on Twitter so that you can find it. And then I think that once we actually launch in four days now, we’re gonna end up on every one of these live streams. We’ll probably throw out some sort of special link that only like, I don’t know, one person, maybe like three people can click and get some kind of special reward. I’ll be sending out some sticker packs and sticker sheets and stuff, even if you’re international, even if you’re clicking it from Australia or whatever. Also we’ll figure out a way to send you one of these little freebies, but you got to be in the live chat in order to snatch it.

So all the more reason to come and hang out with us every single night at 11pm Eastern for the next month. Yeah, it’s gonna. It’s gonna be dope. We’re gonna have a lot of fun. But make sure right now, go subscribe to Paranoid American, his website down below, his YouTube down below, the links down below. And go here to Illuminati comic and click this. Notify me on launch. It only takes a minute. This is how you’ll be notified right when we launch it. Because right when we launch it, that is how we get into this algorithm and how you get these dope goodies before.

Anyway, thank you so much for tuning in. It’s Donut and Paranoid. Much love and God bless.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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