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➡ The text discusses the idea of a future where technology and humanity merge, creating a global brain or collective intelligence. This concept, often referred to as the “singularity”, is predicted to occur around 2045 according to various sources. The text also mentions the use of bots and paid operations to control information, and the potential for technology to manipulate human biology. It ends with a discussion on the use of certain words and phrases, like “co-create”, as a form of hypnosis or persuasion.
➡ The text discusses the use of an app for meditation and relaxation, and its potential misuse for creating global coherence. It also delves into the topic of Marxism and the National Socialists, highlighting the misconception that they are right-wing. The text further explores the popularity of mushrooms in various aspects of life, from fashion to furniture. Lastly, it introduces the concept of Game B, a social operating system for civilization that started in 2011, and its connection to the Emancipation Party and trans political movements.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about the school choice movement, arguing that it’s a disguise for making all schools public and government-controlled. They also discuss the influence of Alice Bailey and Robert Mueller on education, suggesting their ideas have led to a global citizen agenda. The speaker is also researching emerging technologies and their potential impact on society, including the concept of Game B and the fifth Industrial Revolution. They mention the idea of donut economics, which they describe as a circular, integrated system of redistribution.
➡ The text discusses regenerative economics, which is compared to communism, where resources are taken from some to give to others. It also talks about the idea of a token society and the use of technology to manipulate emotions and brainwave states. The text also mentions the concept of heart math, which is about the electromagnetic field of the heart, and the use of biofeedback technology. Lastly, it discusses MK Ultra, a mind control program, and interviews with survivors of satanic rituals.
➡ The discussion revolves around the concept of intergenerational trauma, particularly in Jewish communities, and its potential link to mind control projects like Project Monarch. The speaker also mentions the use of data analytics in tracking different groups and the rise of biometric data collection. They also discuss the launch of a new all-natural skincare product, Glow with Tallow, and encourage listeners to support their work by subscribing to their substack.
➡ The article discusses the shift towards a new social operating system, network states, and the rise of decentralized cryptocurrencies. It highlights concerns about the potential for individuals to be excluded from these digital communities, leading to a dystopian future. The article also mentions a personal anecdote about the author’s interest in Japan and Pokemon. The author concludes by expressing gratitude to the readers.
So I’ll give you kind of a really quick overview of how I got into this. I. I always say that I was very late to the party. You know, it was like I was scrambling trying to find the train station and I found the high speed rail and I was super excited, but I’m still scrambling to catch up. But. So that’s kind of how it’s felt over the past four years. So. But for those who don’t know my story, I was born with kind of a unique set of circumstances. I’m visually impaired, I’m hearing impaired. Like, I had heart surgery.
I was a year old. My growth was stunted. I had fine graphic motor impairment, all sorts of challenges. They literally told my mom the best she could hope was find a nice institution for me to spend my life. Fortunately, I, you know, exceeded their expectations. Very, very grateful for that. But in 2020, I found myself really struggling. I didn’t realize that I learned how to speak by reading lips and I didn’t get hearing aids. I was almost six years old. So I was mostly depending on nonverbal communication, you know, in order to communicate. I think it was December of 2020.
A friend of mine had sent me this video of Dr. John Coleman doing his Committee of 300 speech. And he said, have you ever heard of him? Have you ever seen this? And I said, no. And he said, okay, watch this and call me back. So I did. And we were on the phone till 5am and it was. It sent me down the rabbit hole. I started looking into all of his books and. And I found that the Tavistock book that he wrote, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Shaping the Moral, Social, Political Decline of the United States, although it used to be, and Great Britain, that seems to have been truncated from the title.
But when I first looked it up, I didn’t know that. Yeah, When I first. Very interesting. When I first looked it up on Amazon, it was retailing for almost $4,000, and that was a bit out of my price range. Yeah, it’s there right on that bottom right corner. So I read it online. I know that, you know, we shouldn’t pirate books, but I don’t have $4,000 to spend on a book, so that’s what I did. And I read it three times in a week. I was just riveted. And now they’re selling it for, I think, $25 plus shipping.
And they have changed the title. I don’t know if they’ve changed anything in it. I did buy the. The book, now that it’s an affordable price, since this is something I’ve referenced so often now. Now I’ve read a lot more on Tavistock. I’ve done quite a deep dive on that research. But most of the stuff that I read about Tavistock is really from the psychologists themselves. It’s from Tavistock members directly. That makes sense. That makes sense because I read the one Tavistock book called the Tavistock Institute. I don’t know who wrote it, but it seemed to be.
It’s this one right here. That’s Daniel Estelin. Okay. It was Coleman quite a bit. They work together. No, but he cites Coleman a lot in that book. I. I think that was a large basis for his research, was Coleman’s work. I remember reading this, and it was all, like, awesome and solid. And then at the very end, it said something. I was like, what the heck? How? They were like, Vladimir Putin unplugged from the brain chip, which he got the USB drive for, so his whole soldiers were, like, unplugged from it. I was like, that’s ridiculous.
And then learning about the seventh, eighth, ninth Industrial Revolution that you’ve covered, I’m like, maybe that did happen. You know, hijacking auras and all that, you know, wild stuff. So. Oh, yeah, the. The Soul Catcher. Technology. Technology. Yeah. You just posted about that on Twitter. Yes. So that’s. That’s been very interesting. So I. So more recently. So, yeah, so Tavistock was like kind of a big. A light bulb moment for me. And I did do a lot of my early research was really centered around that. And it was just a kind of a convergence of so many things I was immersed in.
You know, I had a lot. A strong academic background in both psychology, philosophy, and then I was in the entertainment acting industry. Yeah. So Tavistock kind of like, I realized how much it impacted all of those areas. So it’s really fascinating to me. Yeah. I mean, even philosophy psychology is deep into the way that films are made, even if they’re creative or if they’re propaganda pieces. And I think that’s so cool. And I think you got such a solid foundation with having like the real wicked smart research, I like to call it, and then entering into in 2020 the committee of 300 because you go over like, really, really deep work that’s not easy to stumble across.
So that’s definitely awesome. And your story of the body language is really cool. I was in therapy for a while. Holistically, that body language is also like 80, 90% of communication too. So I, I, that’s a, I didn’t know that about you. That’s really cool. Thank you. Yeah. So more recently I’ve been diving into as you saw this game be stuff and that kind of led me into this technocracy stuff, which is super scary. And you know, it’s all, it’s also fascinating, but, but it is terrifying. And that led me into some of this, you know, biodigital convergence stuff.
And I have to say, yeah, I started posting some of it on Twitter and there is a group that is into this research and they are some of the most vicious. I think the only conclusion I can draw is they must be an opinion designed to gatekeep the information because I don’t know why else, like, I would be a bridge because they’re already in their echo chamber and they’re already really deep into this research. Right. They know this stuff. So I would think they’d want to bridge the gap to people who are not as versed with it.
And that’s what I would be doing. But they have done nothing but like, attack me, criticize me, harass me. I think they found the soul catcher post. It might have been another post. And they just jumped on and I’m like, okay, so after, you know, this incessant barrage and it’s a swarm and that’s also really strange behavior. So I like, okay, I think this is an om and I think it’s designed to discredit and gatekeep. I do think the technology is real, not all of it. So I think some of it is still in theoretical phases and I think some of it is further along than we know.
What is it? So, well, it’s, it’s, it’s a lot of things, but the, via this. So this soul capturing, this soul catcher thing is that they think they can capture your soul and I don’t know if they really can capture your soul. This is. Makes it a little bit vague, this. This particular article, but this is that where they’re saying they can essentially. We know they can photograph your aura, so I think they’re essentially saying they can photograph, like, your, you know, like the various. Yeah, that’s the auras. But in this one, they’re talking about, like, you know, the.
The electromagnetic biofield. And I’m sure that there are some aspects of that that they can capture, you know, that they can quantify to some degree, but that’s not quite the same thing as saying that they can really, you know, capture your soul. I’m not really sure that that’s 100% accurate, but I think they want us to think that. I’m trying to look it up right now. Sure, sure. And, yeah, I know what you’re talking about, too, but with the pushback, it could be a control thing, because I only get pushback when I talk about certain topics.
I’m. Everyone loves me until I bring up a certain topic and then I get a flood of people. Like, recently in my last video, I was showing how I showed, like, the symbols, hand gestures, and they were completely accurate, or I just get a bunch of people just, oh, donuts, fake donuts this, donuts that. And I’m just like, what is going on here? But I thank you for sharing that because it really makes me like, oh, okay. Yeah, these are just. I don’t know if they’re called engagement farms or bot farms, but it could just be a combination.
I think some of them are bots. You know, I can kind of tell from the. The language, like, the syntax isn’t quite normal, and it doesn’t sound like somebody who speaks another language trying to write in English. It’s like the syntax is off. So I think some of them are bots, and then I think some of them are paid ops. Like, they’re. They’re literal ops designed to gatekeep. To discredit. Yeah. And to harass those who might be able to bridge the gap with this information. But, yeah, so the soul catcher stuff, I think is, you know, at the end of the article, they talk about reincarnation.
We don’t have. I mean, this is no disrespect to people who believe in it, but we don’t have any, like, quantifiable evidence on that. So they’re kind of alluding to it. But there are other technologies that they definitely do have. You know, this whole stuff with the Internet of nano things is very real, and there are Several universities where they’re training college students and higher level education in this field of Internet bio. I kind of. Yeah, this one is really creepy because I think this is exactly where they’re going. And when I look at game B and the network state, this makes perfect sense that you would have these.
You know, essentially the cryptocurrency tied to this. Right, right. Especially with all the new Stargate. This is where it’s heading or whatever from the WEF says it’s planning for the 2050 singularity. I finished Matt Ehret’s book that Cynthia Chung was on as well. And they were pointing out like the Malthusian point of crisis. Yep, this. And it’s the exact same as the singularity. So it’s like this is an old plan going back to Malthus and as you pointed out probably way before, but it’s just like the same graph in that point of crisis will be this, where they’re aiming for 2050 of that WF Hervalt Navari or whatever name is.
But you were pointing out that the 2045, they had the UN vision. So it’s like all leading to this. Yeah, there’s a couple of 2045. So right there’s the AI World Society. This is the UN 100. So this is a project in conjunction with the Boston Global Forum and the centennial of the UN their vision for 2045. And that would be 100 year centennial of the UN and Boston Global Forum with Michael Dukakis is helming this. He was the former governor of Massachusetts. He wrote a book called Remaking the World towards the Age of Global Enlightenment.
Very much a New Age kind of nod. And it is this vision for an artificial world society. And they say that 2045 will be the year when this, this emerges. And they actually have, on their website, they have this letter, I, I put it in many of my podcast where because they, because they are theosophists and they believe that they channel ascended masters. So they have somebody come from the future in 2075 and they say that it’s the year 2045 and they talk about how grateful they are that they brought this, you know, this AI world society and why we need this technology.
And. But then there’s also so in Game B on A, in a journey to Game B that Jim Rutt, who’s kind of the, the grandfather of Game B, he writes this medium article and it’s like a blueprint for, you know, Game B, Journey to Game B. And it’s kind of like blueprint and in it he says 2045 will be like the pre Game B. That’s like when it really emerges. So that’s interesting. And then we also have Ray Kurzweil and his new book the Singularity is Nearer. And he says the singularity will be in 2045. So there seems to be a lot of, a lot invested in this year, 2045 being the singularity.
And all of these things really do point to this notion. It is a Malthusian worldview that lays the presuppositions for it. But it’s very, very much in the vein of Tear Des Chardain’s noosphere. Right. It’s this idea of they have different terms. Game B calls it collective intelligence. Of course, Jung called it collective unconscious. But it’s this idea that the world brain. Exactly, H.G. wells world brain. But it’s this idea that we will have, you know, this collective global brain. And they really do envision that technology is what’s going to create this global brain. Bruce Lipton, who’s an, he’s an evolutionary leader and I, I’ve shown this diagram, it’s from one of his speeches in a bunch of my podcasts as well, where he has the Hegelian dialectical spiral and he talks about how, you know, we started out with amoeba and amoeba were these single cell organisms and they collect their intelligence from their membrane and then we evolve and you know, when we get to humans, they’re these complex multicellular organisms but the reason they’re so int is because they have so much surface area of membrane.
And he says now we have the option to co create and then we can make the choice to evolve and into the super organism of humanity. We’ll be a superorganism of humanity, otherwise we’re going to go extinct. But if we choose to evolve into a superorganism of humanity, he says, what will be the membrane then? Why of course, it’s the Internet. So when you look at all of these things that they’re talking about, it’s one thing when you envision the Internet. Now this is part of what sent me down the Bible, Biodigital convergence. Rabbit hole. They don’t like when I use the term rabbit hole.
They tell me that means I’m an off because it was coined by the Freemason. And I’m like, okay, but it’s really pretty common vernacular, you know, this is like colloquial language at this point. I don’t think everybody who uses that term, everybody’s such a tyrant. Like I know everything. Yeah. I’m like, I don’t think most people even know that the Freemasons coined that term. And I don’t think yeah, that’s wow. And I don’t think most people using it are offs. But it sent me down that trail. It sent me looking in that direction. Because when you start looking it’s one thing when you look at the Internet now, I mean it’s pretty advanced.
We already do have a sense of shared intelligence to some degree. People consult the Oracle quote unquote, Google and now we have the various learning language models, the LLMs and like ChatGPT and now deep Seek. Right. And so we already have a degree of that. But when we get to web3 now things get a little bit, a little bit murky in terms of what they envision because they really do envision that it’s going to involve hacking humans as you all know, Harari would say. And I think there’s a lot of evidence to indicate they’ve already done this to some extent.
I think they’ve done it in much more testing arenas. I don’t know that this is full scale yet. I don’t see any evidence for that. But they, I do think that it is in testing phases. It wouldn’t be in universities as a curriculum if they were warrant past, you know, the theoretical model. And there is, there are a lot of white papers showing that they have already done, you know, experiments and the technology is very much viable. But web 3 they talk a lot about using the biofield. They talk about, they talk about six technology which will be powered by humans.
And this is a very easily accessible article from a scientific journal from University of Amherst Massachusetts where they talk about humans powering and that in the AI world society they talk about using that for the Internet things. So yeah, things get interesting. Wow. Yeah, it’s just like in the, the movie the Matrix which I think Matt was pointing out how it was like just the GN religion belief but like how they’re, they’re in the, the womb and the womb actually means matrix. And like a lot of these cults go back into like the womb into the ground going back to like the, these Gaia cults and the words they’re like it’s hypnosis like with marketing you show the Coca Cola commercial even though everyone knows what Coca Cola is over and over again and they seem to use these certain words you, you brought up like Bruce Lipton that we co create.
You were kind of touching on that. How you just hear this word over co create. Co create. Man co create with me. Oh, it’s, it’s like a hypnosis technique too. It is, yeah. That week. And I mean that the co create. I, I think one of the, you know, she didn’t create the term, but she very much, I think codified and popularized it would be Barbara Marx Hubbard. Yeah. And when you speak of meditation. Right. She’s behind heart math, which is largely used for meditation. And they, they talk about creating global coherence through this heart math technology using the heart resonance.
And now they’re talking about doing heart brain coherence, global coherence. And that’s a little disturbing to me because it’s one thing for you to use this app to help like meditate, you know, relax and you know, I think it has some fairly benign usages. But when they start talking about creating global coherence through, you know, heart, brain coherence. And when you, when you look at the, the emerging technologies, they have the capacity to do that sort of thing. And some of it is, you know, consensual and some of it really isn’t like having Marks in it.
We see this woke. Right agenda pushing Marxism. I’ve been pointing that out for a while because of the great researchers and I’m so happy that it’s like catching on how like the National Socialists are socialists. Like, it’s all like go heading. It’s like all going down the same. Get rid of the, the idea that they’re even on the right. Like I, I remember when I first started the podcast, I, I did a bunch of podcasts on this because remember Antifa. Exactly. It’s the same thing. They’re not right wing. If that’s just. They’re not on the right.
Yeah, no, for sure. Yeah. And my friend, he went to one of these antifa protests and they were protesting him and they’re like, oh, he’s a fas. Fascist. And also like you. Oh no, he’s. He’s like a Nazi. And I was like, you do know that the Nazis were socialists. Like it was like National Socialist Workers Party. Yeah, that one. And which all stems from like some theosophy Thule Aria and Barbara Marks Hubbard. I’m happy you brought her up because you’re actually, I think the first person to, to talk about her. I’ve been looking into her for a while because the name Hubbard, you got L.
Ron Hubbard Marks in there. And she was brought up in looking into like the Esalen Institute and John C. Lilly’s who I’m really obsessed with for a while. I don’t know if you ever heard of him, but he did the. The dolphin research with drugs and going down into the tanks and communicating with the dolphins, funded by the government. And he wrote this book called the Biocomputer, that the human is a computer through the autonomic nervous system. And that’s what I think’s happening with the mushrooms. Like, why is everybody pushing mushrooms right now? The Wall Street Journal.
But they did this on Life magazine, which is happening on children’s clothing. I mean. Good point. And furniture. I’m sorry, when did mushrooms become, like, aesthetically pleasing? Like, this is how, you know it’s an op. I mean, why is it on? Why is it a fashion statement? Why is it even furniture? It’s. I. I see these lamps that are mushrooms. I see tables, like coffee tables. It’s everywhere. They’re pushing this, like, in your face. Yeah, yeah. And Life magazine, like, brought it in first. And that’s also Henry Loose, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones. Like, all these JP Morgan, like, all pushing everybody.
So I think it’s all connected, for sure. Can you tell me a little bit more and us about Game B? Because I thought it was so fascinating. I never heard of this term. Why haven’t we heard of this term Game B? So this is really interesting because it’s not new, right? So it started in around 2011, and Jim Rutt held. What would he call the Stanton meeting. Stanton in Stanton, Virginia. And this is the Game B wiki that you have up on there. And yes, An Invitation to Game B is what he called the film. And the film is actually pretty recent.
I think it was 2022 where they did this movie An Invitation to Game B. And here he’s talking about it. But in 2011, he tried to start something called the Emancipation Party. And he. He got a group of a lot of evolutionary biologists together, you know, various kind of systems theory people. He’s a chairman. He was chairman of Santa Fe Institute, which is kind of like the Midwest Esalen, in a way. And he’s. They. They study complexity theory, systems theory. So it’s kind of in that cybernetics type realm. And he’s also a tech investor. So one of his big companies was Network Solutions, so like domain names and that sort of thing.
And he starts this. He’s trying to launch this Emancipation party back in 2011. And he had some big names who were not well known at the time, but one of them I know will be very familiar. His name is Brett Weinstein, and he was at the Stanton meetings with Jim Rudd. And the platform for this party was very much in the Bertie Sam Sanders vein. It was they wanted a ubi, they wanted universal health care, they wanted some sort of a, like a reform tax program. It was very like socialist agenda, but they had a really hard time launching it.
So Jim Rut explains that the Boomers were all on board, but that you can’t really feasibly launch a political movement with the boomer. So he tried to get Gen X on board and he said they, they were. He thought that they could be corralled, but they weren’t quite all in. But he really had difficulty with the millennials. He said the millennials were ironically the most in favor of the platform. So he actually posted, even really recently, a few weeks ago on Twitter, he posted the link for the reforms that the Emancipation Party was trying to bring forth.
And he said that the Millennials love the agenda, but that they were such anarchists that the idea of a political party was in that much of them. And so he couldn’t get it off the ground. And there was someone named Thor Miller Mueller, sorry. Who was part of this group at the Stanton meeting and told him they were mulling around this concept of a social operating system for civilization called Game D. And he said that they should keep Game B for branding purposes and keep going with Game B. So they kind of abandoned this Emancipation Party idea, but they kept going with Game B.
And this was back in 2011. The way Jim Rudd explains it, he. He’s done. He has his own podcast and he’s done countless podcasts with these Game B thought leaders. And he’s talked quite a bit about it and shared the stories and he talks about how some of them were a little bit more. He uses the term like more spiritually minded, I guess, more woo woo. And he’s a hard scientist, although I would argue maybe scientific dictatorship. I don’t know about hard science, but this is kind of like utopian techno fascism. It’s kind of what it’s like.
But he said so that was kind of the schism in the group. And you see that a little bit as they start emerging. But I guess a few years, it was really during 2020 where they started. And I’ve noticed that with a lot of these things, actually there’s a lot of what they call trans political movements. And the Emancipation Party, I would argue, is one of these trans political movements. But there’s like the one people, One Nation, there’s Christopher Life’s United Independent Party. And these are all claiming to be outside of the two party paradigm. And you know, not to say that there aren’t flaws with the two party paradigm, even that George Washington warned us against it and you know, warned that it would be a loophole for foreign entanglement.
And you know, he didn’t use the term Hegelian dialectical weaponization, but that’s essentially what he alluded to. And I think we see that today. So it’s not that I disagree with that premise, but this trans political movement really does seem to be a utopian socialist movement and we see a lot of it. And it’s interesting because in the independent sphere, I call it the indie sphere, you know, it’s kind of different from like the independent. And I do differentiate between the two of those. But in the indie sphere we see a lot of these people who claim to be outside that two party duopoly.
And a lot of them are promoting something that looks like these transnational trans political kind of movements that are much more socialist leaning. And a lot of them do actually come from the left. So even though they say they’re, they don’t support the right or the left, they attack the right more, much more than they attack the left. And most of them come from the left. So I just think that’s interesting when you’re like, they’re born into like really like high end political families and of socialists too. I’ve noticed like, it’s really strange stuff. A lot of the influencers and all that, yo.
Yes, exactly. Yeah, it’s wild. And here’s your website, everybody. I would like to remind everybody to smash that like button and go over to Courtney’s channel. I got those links down below. Go get the Twitter. If you want to get smart, you go to that Twitter, you go to that rumble, go to that link tree, get all, all this. And right now you, you just posted so many different topics. Because I don’t know where your like mind is at because I, I cover them, the Knights of Malta, the Templar symbolism. This game B is just like blowing me away.
And I wanted to hear a lot about it. But what are you, yeah, where’s your mind at right now? What are you diving into? So I’m still doing more research. I have been involved in the school choice. Of course they rammed it through and now Trump is, you know, supporting it nationally. I’m beyond disgusted with this. And they laid out this plan and they said it would be the conservatives and the right wing movement that would usher it in and that is exactly what’s happening. And it just, it makes me sick that these so called conservatives, they call themselves conservatives and they’re championing the UN agenda, literally that that whole thing is just beyond disturbing and disgusting to me.
They’re being paid off to do it and it’s, it’s really, really sickening. What is it? Yeah. Oh, school choice. So it’s, so it’s this idea that you, they use the term choice to make it sound like it really appeals to, you know, freedom minded people. But it’s really about making all schools public schools because they’re giving vouchers and we know whatever the government funds it runs. So you’re now going to get government strings attached even to homeschoolers. And when you read the plans of Alice Bailey, who inspired Robert Mueller, who worked for the UN for 40 years and wrote the World Core Curriculum based on Alice Bailey’s externalization of the hierarchy and her book on education.
And this is an occultist who literally created Lucifer Publishing, which became Lucius Trust, which is a consultancy for the UN currently and they were the premier publishing company for the un and she’s a disciple of Madame Blavatsky who had Lucifer magazine. So they’re not really hiding where they stand on these sort of things and what their belief systems are. But Robert Mueller created the World Core Curriculum which in the United States became Common Core. And they talk about how the goal is to put every child into a computer and to create global citizens. And unfortunately, because people don’t understand the history and they’re duped by, you know, Coke money being thrown into organizations like Heritage and afp, they think, oh, this must be conservative.
We get choice. No, you already have choice. You have a God given right to educate your children as you see fit. There’s actually nothing constitutional about even compulsory education laws. There’s nothing in the Constitution that stipulates that there should be any mandatory education. There’s only their state laws that say that they will provide education. That’s what public education is supposed to do if you want a public education. But there should be nothing in there to mandate any education and certainly not to force homeschoolers to be subjected to government strings being attached. So yeah, it’s a really.
John Taylor Godo’s work, the curriculum, the. And Charlotte is a beat. Yes. Yeah, the whistle on this back in the 80s and here we are, they’re ramming it through. It’s really sad to watch. I, I found this very hard because I’ve been kind of screaming at the rooftop for a long time about this. And I’ve actually gone, not just. Just, you know, in my podcast work and in, you know, online, I. I’ve actually gone to my state capitol. I was told that I wasn’t welcome back. They called me the woman in the black fur, because it was winter, it was cold, and they said I wasn’t allowed back because I was using big words and they didn’t understand me and they didn’t like that.
So that, that was fun. But I went back. They obviously can’t tell me I can’t come back because I use big words. That’s a little, you know, silly. So I actually confronted them, though I did call them. I. I called them on the phone to confront them about that. They tried denying it. No, no, no. We. We loved having you come talk to us. We. It was a little over our head, but that, that. No, it’s okay. You can come back. I’m like, yeah, that’s not what I heard. But I did go back and I. This really recently, and I watched them pass it, which was very, very frustrating.
But now. Yeah. So I, So I have been. That’s kind of been, you know, research I’ve been doing. But right now I’m really of this Game B stuff, and now I’m trying to learn about these emerging technologies because that’s where it’s going to go. So with Game B, as I mentioned, when it was 2011, it’s kind of this political theoretical idea. It wasn’t really. It’s just people with some idea. Right. But now that the technology is kind of catching up to what they want to do, and you have this blueprint for network states. Right. This is Bijal Srinivasan’s Network State State concept.
And this is being championed by people like Peter Thiel. And it’s very interesting because I really thought that’s where Game B was going to go. And I actually looked up the Network State’s website, and they have all these companies listed as Network States. And of course, like Prospera and Vitalia, these are Peter Thiel’s companies. You’d expect that they would be accepted to this Network State, you know, umbrella. But Game B is actually pending approval. And when you look, it does say that Srinivasan is reviewing it. So I. So my theory that that’s where they were trying to go seems to be on target.
But when you look at the Network State and then it’s just looking at all these different things and how they converge. So you have brought up my Episode on the fifth Industrial Revolution. Most people are really familiar with the fourth Industrial Revolution that was popularized by the World Economic Forum. Of course Klaus Schwab wrote his book on it. I think Elon Musk has been pretty integral to fomen every aspect of it with all of his various companies. But they actually claim that we’re already in the fifth Industrial Revolution. And when you think about the implications of what that really means with AI and now we’re seeing Stargate and Deep Seek.
So I actually did we have to re upload it. It’s on my sub stack now. But we made the others platforms private because the audio wasn’t great. But I do still have it on my sub stack and I will re upload it onto my other platform. But I did do discussion. It was a live stream about Deep Seek and Stargate project. Stargate and China has been using like AI precision medicine for a while. They have AI hospitals, they have AI towns. And so when you start looking at what like in the fifth Industrial Revolution, they keep saying how it’s human centered.
What does human centered means? It means that we’re feeding and programming the artificial intelligence. When they talk about general artificial intelligence, you know, somebody has to program that in order for it to achieve generalized artificial intelligence. It doesn’t just happen on its own. I, some of these research they claim that there’s sentience and I, that I have not seen any evidence for that I think is just a claim, at least at this point. And if it’s not then I just, I’m not privy to that information. But I don’t really think they have sentience. But I do think that they can convince us they have sentience and I think they can get pretty advanced especially if the more input that is put in.
And so that’s really I’m trying to figure out because with Game B a lot of it is about these, these emerging technologies on web 3 using blockchain and then hollow chains. They talk about hollow chains. That’s a big concept for Game B. There’s actually a company, it was called nomap and it’s spelled N O O P map. And now it’s called S7. Yeah. And they literally say inhabiting the noosphere. That’s what it was modeled, that’s what it was named after. Noosphere. So they, they now call themselves S7. They’ve merged with the S7 Foundation. The S7 is like the seven S’s and a lot of this is predicated on Barbara Marks Hubbard’s vision of synteny and synchronicity and synergizing, you know, all of these cosmoerotic human terms.
Wow. I mean this is also where the economy is going. And you brought up something in your other podcast. I know, I’m jumping all around. Yeah, yeah. Since I’m donut. The aura as well is a toroidal field, which is a donut as well. The heart, which I want to hear just a little bit more about too. But you brought up something called donut economic. How does that play into all of this? Because I just, I’ve never heard that term before. So it goes by many terms. Donut economics is of course, this is Kate Roberts you know, explanation of it, but there’s.
It’s really all kind of the same thing. Circular economics, post capitalism. In game B they call it a gift economy. But yeah, the, the UN talks about it as well. They, they call it degrowth is another concept. But the UN does call it donut economics. And it’s this idea that everything is integrated. It’s the well being economy, they call it that as well. And it is circular. So it’s this, it’s redistribution is probably the most accurate. Some of them call it regenerative economics. So but I guess that if you want to just sum it up, this is basically communism where we extract from some to give to others and that there.
And it’s predicated on this Malthusian concept that there’s limited amount of resources and it’s finite and therefore we have to commodify as much as we possibly can and then redistribute everything to, you know, amongst the masses. But of course, somehow these elites just seem to be exempt from that always. I don’t know where they sit on this circle because somehow they, they don’t have to play by the same rules which. They’re the sun. Yeah, they’re this thing. They’re the, they’re the sun. I feel like. Yeah, right, exactly. That’s the center point. But just like, okay, maybe I’ll give here and there, but the rest is all for me.
Rules for thee and not for me. That seems to be the name of the game. But yeah, that’s essentially what it is. And we. And it gets very concerning when you start looking at how they want to gamify the economy and create a token society. And this is where it’s just mind blowing to me because I, you know, there’s a reason estate lawyers exist. Like you would like to think that with. Amongst family they could share and you know, it’s all Warm, fuzzy and loving. And they would love to share assets. But unfortunately that’s why we have estate lawyers, because it doesn’t always work out quite like that.
So now you’re going to say that like a community of virtually strangers who just happen to be connected by some theme in a network state, that they’re going to have fractal ownership of assets and this is all going to be just hunky dory. I, I can’t even wrap my head around how that’s going to end up. Yeah, that’s where it’s all heading to. I was able to go to a lot of different crypto events like 10 years ago and you can see Peter Thiel heavily invested, pretty probably created like Bitcoin and Elon and now Elon’s gonna have the one app with payments and even just posted an article about that as well.
And another thing I would like the, my audience to hear about because I found this really captured the imagination with the, the heart, how it pulses and like this is like real science science, like, like where like you can capture like the, the, the electromagnetic field. Yeah, yeah. Can you tell us a little about that and how. I just thought it was so cool the way you explained it. It sparked my creative that that like it can get hijacked or in a sense. I, I, we might have already talked about it a little bit, but yeah, so I mean the heart does have an electromagnetic field.
So this is what a lot of the concept behind heart math is. And when they say people are magnetic, they actually literally mean it. Like some people are actually more magnetic than others. They, some people have a stronger electromagnetic field resonance with their heart. And some people’s is longer and shorter, but on average they say it’s about 12ft. And so we know that that is true and that is quantifiable. We, we have metrics and heuristics to quantify the electromagnetic fields, particularly from the heart, but from the humans, from humans in general. So, but now they want to the.
So for heart math. That’s part of what they use in order to do a lot of this like biofeedback type of technology they have. But now they’re saying heart brain. So they have the neurofeedback also neurobiofeedback. And they have the biofeedbacks. Some of it’s based off of heart resonance, some of it is based on brainwave states. But yeah, so they can, they have technology, like the technology really ranges and I’m really learning all about this. So I’m Pretty new into a lot of this. But from what I can see there, some of the stuff that has been around for a really long time, I mean decades is like optogenetics.
So they can use light and sound frequency to, you know, manipulate emotions and brainwave states. And so this is a way that is totally non invasive that they do have kind of like remote kind of an interface with humans. And we know they’ve done several experiments on this and that’s a very, that’s not new technology at all. They are also, I mean the biosensor stuff is a, looks like it’s a little bit newer and that does look like they have to, that’s technology stuff and they, that they can do remote kind of interface with. That’s a lot of, so there’s, there’s a lot, there’s, MIT is doing a lot of work on that.
As you saw Purdue University, that’s where I think the crypto stuff is kind of going. It’s headed in that direction. They’re also mit and then who’s the other one? Cambridge is doing a lot of work on this biogeal stuff as well. That goes back to the Royal Society, I believe. Yes. And Canada. So Canada is where a lot of the stuff. And MK Ultra had a big Canadian branch as well. McGill University did a lot of MK Ultra studies. But they, they have Policy Horizons and this is kind of like the, that’s where like the, one of the big white papers on biodigital convergence comes from.
Policy Horizons out of Canada. And yeah, so I mean it’s, it’s multifaceted. It’s not like there’s one technology. But when they talk about this biofield stuff, they are, There was one that I saw was super creepy where they were talking about the quantum field and they were talking about like using Lucifer software. I was like, what is this? Yeah, I think I, I heard of that. Yeah. Lucifer control software. And it’s a, a partnership with Smithsonian and NASA. Oh, that’s scary. I know. Like, yeah, with those players involved and a name like that. But yeah, and then they have the telescope too.
I think it’s called Lucifer. Yeah, they do, yes, yes. It’s like each, it’s an acronym. Like each letter stands for something and I don’t know what it stands for, but yeah, and I, I, I know I’m jumping all around, but I want to get much information jam packed in here because we’re coming up on the top of the hour. You’ve also done a pretty cool podcast with this guy. Who brought up like the Rothschilds and the butterflies and the monarch butterflies. But you also interviewed some people that were under mind control or MK Ultra or something like that.
Yes, I, I’ve interviewed several. You know, my friend Kathy O’Brien is probably the most well known. She was an MK Ultra survivor. But I’ve interviewed several satanic ritual survivors as well. And, you know, I’m not like the, the premier resident on this. I mean, there are people whose, like whole channels are devoted to this study. But I, I’m very fascinated by MK Ultra because I really don’t believe that it ended and I, I don’t think it began with MK Ultra either. I think a lot of my research indicates that Tavistock laid the groundwork for MK Ultra.
I don’t think that without this Tavistock Clinic that MK Ultra could have actually existed. So. And I think that a lot of the techniques really do come out of the ancient mystery cults, and I think a lot of Matt and Cynthia’s work do substantiate that theory. So, yeah, the, that, that whole theory about, that whole story about the Rothschilds and the butterfly was fascinating. I didn’t know any of that previously. That was very, very cool. But with the satanic ritual of survivors, it’s, it’s interesting because they all do. It’s like your tendency to want to discredit it because it’s just so dark, but they all have a similar story.
So it’s, you know, it’s really hard to ignore when so many people are saying the same thing over and over again. And a lot of these people, I’ve been very perspicacious about who I’ve agreed to interview. There have actually been people who, you know, not that I don’t believe them or don’t wish them all the best, but because I could tell they were still in their healing journey. Not that any of us are ever. I mean, I think, you know, as humans, we’re always on that journey. Right? We, we’ve all experienced trauma. Yeah, yeah. I, I think if you’re alive, you’ve experienced trauma of some sort and you’re working through it, hopefully to the best of your ability.
But I, I think some of them are, you know, further behind on that journey and when they relay their story, it’s not cohesive enough off to do a service to them or for the mission. So there are people who I’ve told, I didn’t think it was a good idea for that reason. And it’s because I respect the, I really respect what they’re they’ve been through and I want to see attention drawn to it so that you know, not that I think I’m going to be the one to stop it, but at least to raise the awareness so that there is a potential.
But I think, you know, I don’t want to do anything that does a disservice stuff, so. Right. And the trauma is interesting and I, I probably will leave this out. I’m just throwing out stuff I was thinking about. But how you were going. You. I believe you. It was a podcast you’re in going. And I believe you said something about this, about trauma going back to families and stuff like that. That that’s like you can kind of see that. And I’m Jewish so like, like I feel like the. There’s a trauma like there and especially like what was activated I would say with Kanye because he’s like famous celebrity.
And then a year to the date, like the day that he’s like did his like famous like anti Semitic tweet. Yeah. A year to that date was October 7th. 7th. It was a leap year so the date was right. But it was still the 281 day. I’m all in the numbers and stuff but the Gematria district of Montreal, numerology and all that. Yeah, yeah. Well, go ahead. Oh, I was just gonna say actually a lot of studies on intergenerational trauma were done on Jews and it is because of. There’s so many quantifiable like mass scale traumatic events.
You know, I mean the most prevalent one that people. That comes to people’s minds would be the Holocaust. But there were many instances of, you know, mass scale persecution. And so they, they’ve done a lot of studies on intergenerational trauma with Jews and does seem very, it does seem very evident. It seems like a very real thing. And I think it’s with families. It’s because it’s so intimate. You know one of my best friends would always say that her mom used to say that she installed the buttons so she knows when to push them. It’s true.
You know and that’s a, it’s kind of a funny like you know, light hearted attack like addressing something that’s actually pretty profound. And so I think that with trauma based mind control when you’re. I think it’s, it’s more effective when you’re dealing with families. And I think that’s part of why you know the whole project Monarch is obviously something that’s less documented. So it’s harder to provide very, you know, definitive evidence on it. But there, there’s a lot of preponderance of evidence. Right. So. And I’ve definitely talked to people who have experienced it and Kathy is one of them and her daughter as well.
And she’s talked quite extensively and writt quite extensively. She’s done a tremendous job. So yeah, it’s. But I think that a lot of it is they do use families intentionally. They’re they. What I’ve read about Project Monarch is that they were recruiting for very specific things. And the three things that they were looking for were an IQ over 120 because you’re more likely to dissociate. Yeah. Dissociative personality is a coping mechanism to. It’s a protective coping mechanism against trauma. But it apparently like over 120 is more likely to dissociate than under and it. But it is a neuroprotective mechanism.
And then in utero trauma. So there were some instances that I’ve read where they induced in utero trauma. But if they could find in utero trauma that was desirable. And then of course inter generational trauma was one of the other. Those were like the top three things they were looking for for Project Monarch. And again I know it’s not the most documented so people question like did it even exist? Is it real? I think, I think we obviously, you know, it’s, we’d like to have hard documentation for everything that’s not always, that’s just not always viable.
So you know, you collect the information that you have and I think sometimes when all data points to the same direction, you kind of have to, you know, guess that that might be where it’s going. Yeah. And that’s why I like to go into all different like fields of study from creative to logical. And over the last few years I’ve been really going into the the logical because I’m like already like so out of the box. Like creative like oh that that’s what’s going on. But you could just see that there is MK Ultra like going on.
And it. And I think it’s. They target different groups over the last few years, Jewish groups. But then you had Black Lives Matter and then you had the ICE stuff with the Mexicans and then you have a whole worldwide one with a lockdown and. And now they have all this data analytics. It’s like all documented on Twitter. Kind of like with the phones. Our heart race, it sees our face if we’re like. And now with everybody wearing the wearables. Right. Like they have all this biometric data on it. But that’s another thing too. So they do it in a lot of research.
Launching, very interesting. And they were launching a lot of things during that 2020 time period. But they had like this Project Salas thing going on where they were in the hospitals doing these wireless body area networks. So you didn’t even have to have like a wearable or an injected sensor. If you were in this area, then they were, you were wirelessly connected. It was. And this was like real experiments that they were doing. So I, I imagine four years later, this is much more advanced technology. But, and see, I’m all into symbols. And so I see like the, the red cross right there, which is like templar or the red shield, which.
You just see this in all the big events just pop up. You do. I mean, even their little like, like fake computerized diagram that they made with all the spikes, I mean, that has so much imagery in it too. I mean it’s obviously like a computer graphic image. Like that’s not, there’s no human that looks like that, right? Yeah. I was looking, I remember I was looking into that. Just trauma, just kind of looking, looking at the, and like how they had that screen too, like the whole time, like the, oh my gosh, it’s getting worse.
And like I kept looking at it. I was like, oh, my goodness. Well, courts, nay, I’m so grateful for this podcast. Thank you for spending the time with all of us. What can we look out for from you and where would you like people to go? I got all of Courtney’s links down below. Make sure to go subscribe to her substack. For sure. I got those links. Go, go. And the Twitter, I mean that Twitter is amazing. I, I, I tell everybody to go subscribe because it’s absolutely incredible. Well, thank you so much. Yeah, definitely. CourtneyTurner.com is a great place where you can find all of the various platforms that I’m on, all of my social media.
I am really trying to encourage people to head on over to my substack. I’m going to make the substack videos. They’re the first access, so you’ll get my podcast first. And that means if we have technical difficulties, like we did with that live stream, we did clean it up. We got it up on substack. We have not had time to get it everywhere else, so it’s been a little bit. But my substack viewers definitely can have it and they will be ad free. And if we are going to be putting it behind a Paywall. I believe it’s $8 a month and there’s a founding member, a subscription for 240 for the year which is a bit more.
But I’m really just trying to figure out how I’m going to, you know, keep this thing going because unfortunately we don’t have, I don’t want a ubi, you know, and we don’t have one. So I need to figure out how to pay bills and I, you know, if people want to support the work that would be greatly appreciated. Head on over to the subset, become a paid member. We are also going to be launching a product. It’s a skincare product. I’ve already said the name on the union of the unwanted so I’ll just share it here as well.
We don’t have the website up because we’re still in beta sample testing phase. But it’s going to be Glow with Tallow and this is an all natural product. This is, I’m thinking that the Maha crowd, not that I support everything they’re doing but I really support the messaging. I love the idea of making America healthy again. I love the idea of you know, going, getting all the poisons out of our food and out of our skin care. So this is a tallow product with, we have a couple of variations. We have medicinal grade manuka honey with 20 UMF plus and it is truly raw, like never been processed, never been heated or treated.
That’s going to be Glow with Tallow. And we also have a castor oil one and a black seed oil one. So I, I personally love it and I’m about skincare products because I have very like combination skin so it’s tricky to find the right thing. But this stuff is amazing and it’s all natural. So I hope that this is going to be, you know, that people will enjoy it and that’ll help support the work that we’re doing. And as far as the research, I’m going to continue to dive into this technocracy game B type overlap which is the new social operating system for society, the network states.
And a lot of this, you know, emerging technology is just trying to understand how, what is. Because I think that what we’re seeing is Trump banned the CBDCs which is great. I predicted that that would happen though. We’ve had a lot of awareness, a lot of pushback. People do not want a top down centralized control grid currency. But I think that the alternative that’s going to be presented is these decentralized, they call it defi type of cryptocurrencies and they are going to be fiat currenc from what I can see in some regards. You know, Trump’s coin started out with a certain number and then, like, ballooned.
Right. Which is, like, essentially fiat currency. But even more than that, you know, people think that you can’t be locked out of a community. You absolutely can. You need a digital id, you need a smart contract. You have your own currency within that community. What happens when you get locked out of your. Your communitarian world or your network state? I think that’s going to be a very dystopian vision for a lot of. Of people if their whole world is locked in the metaverse. Yeah. Isn’t this cool? Like, the sun’s coming up now. That’s super cool. Yeah, that’s nice.
Are you in, like, a high rise or. Yeah, it’s a high rise. And this is Japan. It’s Tokyo. Tokyo. I’ve never been. I’ve always wanted to. When I was in third grade, I tried to teach myself Japanese, and I wrote to the embassy telling them that I thought I should be Japanese. Yeah, well, I grew up on Pokemon, so, like, I’m ready to go to the Pokemon and Nintendo, so I’m, like, super excited. This shot was cool. Yeah. Well, thank you so much, Courtenay. Very grateful for you. Thank you so much for watching. It’s Donut. Much love and God bless you.